Remains of the placenta after childbirth causes. Causes and treatment of blood clots in the uterus after childbirth

    pochta7 07/23/2008 at 17:39:44

    manual examination of the uterus, a piece of the placenta remained - are there complications after this?

    something seems to me that this is not very good

    • Liera 07/23/2008 at 23:30:59

      You can't joke about this

      They barely saved my mother, severe bleeding began... They barely stopped... The bastards, didn’t they notice...

      vnm 07/24/2008 at 17:19:51

      when was the birth?

      How did you find out about the placenta?

      Natasha and Temka (28.08.04)

      If 20-year-olds are extremely polite to you, then you are older than you think

      Education is an educational process, at the beginning of which the child is taught to speak, and at the end to remain silent.

      • Arina8 07/24/2008 at 21:54:25

        I had it right after giving birth

        and bleeding started, but I have twins, and with such births this often happens

    • Lyulyam 07/23/2008 at 18:01:13

      My godfather had this, really.

      5 years ago she gave birth. They didn’t notice right away, a month after giving birth, her health began to deteriorate - weakness appeared, the temperature often began to rise, milk began to disappear. But with a month-old baby, she had no time for doctors. So she endured it for a month - the milk completely disappeared, I switched the baby to formula, but she became even worse, she began to lose consciousness, and began bleeding. Finally, she went to the doctor, but it turned out that they had not noticed a piece of the placenta, but it had already begun to calcify, a little more and the outcome could have been completely sad. They did a cleansing. This was during the fact that she gave birth for 200 euros, and 5.5 years ago it was quite a lot, like with a very cool doctor-manager (this doctor now works in a antenatal clinic - she was demoted).
      So this is a serious matter, and after giving birth you should definitely do an ultrasound to check such nuances so that there are no problems.

      Friendly family: mother Julia, father Misha and children Bodik (07/09/2002) and Olesenka (01/09/2008)

      • creme 07/23/2008 at 19:46:47

        I had this too

        on the day of discharge. The doctor came in this morning and said that I could go home, but before that they should look at me in the chair to see if everything was fine there. She went to the chair and the doctor said that she didn’t like something. She sent me for an ultrasound, they also looked at the ultrasound twice and said that there was still something left there. :(I am upset and return to the room, where my husband and mother are already waiting for me to go home, and then the doctor comes in and says that even if they clean me today, I will have to stay for another 2 days. :(I am in tears and I say that I don’t intend to stay here any longer. Let them clean me and let me go home :) In the end, they cleaned me up, I lay there for 15 minutes and went home :)

        They also paid a lot of money for childbirth, so is it really impossible to do everything normally from the beginning? Can't they see that there's something left there?
        It was in October 2007

        • rost_v 07/24/2008 at 11:23:57

          the same

          also in October 2006, but I always had the feeling that I didn’t give birth to a placenta at all. It is clear that the day of birth is in my memory as if in a fog - everything is very vague, but even in the first weeks I thought about it and could not remember that I gave birth to the placenta! and during the cleaning they pulled out such a lump! maybe it was her!:) Now... I did cauterization of erosion once in the fall, it was very good, now I’m going to do the procedure to eliminate erosion again - cryodestruction!

      Kat_rinkA 07/25/2008 at 23:47:35

      I beg you very much - run to the doctor!

      listen, you are a woman who gave birth! how can you be so careless?!

      you have a piece of bloody tissue inside - what do you think will happen to it if it is there?

      La_isla 07/25/2008 at 14:28:31

      I developed a polyp from this soil :(

      started 10 months after birth uterine bleeding, cleaned :(

      Katyona 07/23/2008 at 20:35:31

      it was like this..

      due to reasons (polyhydramnios, poor uterine contractions). Because of this, I spent 5 days in the maternity hospital. The doctor kept hoping that she wouldn’t have to clean it. But I still had to do some cleaning.
      So I can say that this is not good at all... and it’s not worth leaving it like that

Childbirth - complex process for the body. The woman experiences a lot of stress, which can lead to complications. Which uterine discharge is normal and which should you be wary of? What symptoms should cause concern and go to the hospital?

Blood clots in the uterus after childbirth

During pregnancy and childbirth, the uterus is subjected to the greatest test and stress. It is with the help of this organ that the child matures, the process of its birth, after which it pushes out the placenta (the membrane of the fetus, the umbilical cord that connected the baby to the mother and the placenta). But despite the fact that most of the remains (lochia) come out immediately after the birth process is completed, some still remain in the uterus. Therefore, if a clot comes out of the uterus after childbirth, then you should not panic. The remainder of the placenta comes out gradually. The process can take up to six to eight weeks.

The discharge of lochia is similar to clots after childbirth in the uterus. The first days they are quite abundant and have a bright scarlet color. Over time they become lighter. As a result, the lochia are released in an almost transparent color.

Several periods of increased discharge can be noted:

  • Breastfeeding. At this moment, an active contraction of the muscles of the reproductive organ occurs, which helps cleanse it of unnecessary elements.
  • When suddenly rising from bed. It is even possible to experience nagging pain.

The release of lochia decreases gradually over several months. The process is most intense in the first week, then gradually becomes less noticeable. As a rule, after two months, the reproductive organ stops secreting clots after birth in the uterus, which indicates that complete cleansing has occurred.

The process of cleansing the uterine cavity may be accompanied by pulling painful sensations, which gradually disappear. The reason for this is contractions of the reproductive organ. The pain will stop when the uterus returns to its original size and shape.

This normal phenomenon for a woman. During the period when lochia is especially abundant, the woman in labor is under the supervision of a doctor and medical personnel.

Woman's behavior

The first few days after the long-awaited process of childbirth, the discharge is especially abundant. At this time, you need to carefully monitor hygiene and use special medical pads. After the discharge becomes moderate, you can switch to using regular pads, and then daily ones. Don't forget to change your hygiene products regularly.

Discharge from the maternity hospital

Before sending the woman in labor home, an ultrasound examination is performed. It examines the uterine cavity for the presence of large lochia. If you have not had an ultrasound examination, please contact the clinic at your place of registration or residence. The procedure can protect you from complications.

If any deviations are detected, the statement is postponed to a later date. late date. There should be no clots left in the uterus at all. Otherwise, the woman may be prescribed a procedure such as cleaning after childbirth. If clots are detected in the first two or three days after the long-awaited moment, when the walls of the uterus have not yet contracted, then the procedure for cleansing the reproductive organ will be less unpleasant, because there will be no need to expand the walls.

Scraping after childbirth

The procedure is an operation that is performed in a hospital. Cleaning after childbirth is sometimes easy necessary procedure. During it, the doctor removes all remnants of the placenta that remain in the uterus. This allows you to avoid pain and inflammation in the future. The process itself is performed under anesthesia, so the woman does not feel pain.

Causes of placenta remnant

If clots remain in the uterus after childbirth, then possible reasons this could be:

  • Low activity of the uterine walls, which leads to ineffective contractions. The cause of the problem is usually a decrease in the level of such female hormone, like prolactin. It is he who contributes uterine contractions and removal amniotic membranes.
  • The presence of a bend in the isthmus of the uterus. It could be congenital feature body. During the period of active discharge, blockage of the passage may occur, which will lead to an inflammatory reaction. Availability similar feature established by conducting ultrasound examination. In its absence, the woman herself will be able to recognize the danger by the main symptom of the bend - a sudden stop of discharge.

When should you seek help from a doctor?

If blood clots come out, your doctor will be able to tell you exactly what they are. Even after the doctor confirms that everything is fine and goes home, the woman should pay special attention to their secretions. As soon as any strange symptoms appear, you should not delay your visit to the doctor.

The reasons to contact a gynecologist should be:

  • If blood clots in the uterus after childbirth are bright scarlet in color and are accompanied by painful sensations.
  • Very heavy bleeding.
  • If the discharge continues after two months.
  • If lochia has an odor and is accompanied by itching.
  • Increase in body temperature and cessation of lochia secretion.
  • If there are pauses in the discharge for several days.


Compliance simple rules will help avoid complications and pathologies.

  • Maintain personal hygiene. Wash your genitals several times a day. This helps reduce the risk of an inflammatory reaction.
  • Refrain from active loads and lifting heavy weights.
  • Pay close attention to your stool. There should be no delays or constipation.
  • Lie on your back once or twice a day. This position stimulates the release of lochia.
  • After childbirth, it is recommended to apply ice to the abdomen. This helps reduce blood loss.

Possible complications

If you find yourself alarming symptoms, then you should not delay your visit to the gynecologist. Otherwise, this can lead to complications such as:

  • The development of endometriosis is the process of inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus.
  • The beginning of subinvolution - stop muscle contractions uterus.
  • Blockage of the uterus, which will lead to an inflammatory reaction.
  • Development inflammatory process due to increasing infection.

After the examination, the gynecologist sends the woman for an ultrasound examination to determine the exact cause of the pathology, after which, as a rule, he cleanses the uterus. In some situations it is possible to limit drug treatment. In this case, the woman is prescribed antibiotics. When breastfeeding, the doctor selects a drug that can be used during this period. In any case, it is recommended not to neglect precautions. So, it is better to feed the baby before taking medicinal product. Give your baby lacto- and bifidobacteria throughout the treatment period. They will help avoid problems with the still unformed intestines.


Thus, clots after childbirth in the uterus and their release are normal physiological process. Knowing the symptoms of complications and inflammation, a woman should not be afraid.

Bloody discharge from the genital tract in postpartum period in women are the norm. The amount and nature of discharge after childbirth is carefully monitored by doctors in maternity hospital. This is no coincidence, because it is precisely by these indicators that we can early stage diagnose development postpartum complications. Many women are frightened by blood clots that come out of the uterus during this period. Is this discharge normal, and what to do if you notice clots on the pad after childbirth.

Causes of bleeding

In progress labor activity a woman's uterus is subjected to severe stress. After the fruit and its shell come out, damage remains on the walls. Over time inner fabrics heal, and residual tissue and clots come out along with the blood.

This discharge during the postpartum period is called lochia. Normally, lochia can be secreted for 6–8 weeks after birth, gradually becoming less abundant and saturated. By the end of the second month after the birth of the baby, the lochia should stop; if this does not happen, you need to consult a doctor.

In order to exclude the presence of postpartum complications, specialists maternity hospital carefully control the intensity of discharge. Before the mother and baby are discharged home, the woman should undergo an ultrasound examination. Nowadays, this analysis has become mandatory and in all maternity hospitals in the country, doctors are required to conduct an examination. If you were not given the opportunity to be examined before discharge, be sure to visit antenatal clinic for the purpose of performing an ultrasound.

Nature of bleeding

In the first days after childbirth, bleeding from the uterus is strong, profuse and saturated in color. Clots are the norm these days. They have dark color and slimy consistency, similar to pieces of liver. The discharge is especially intense in the first days after labor. Further, the intensity of the discharge decreases and the lochia become more and more transparent.

Curettage of the uterus (curettage) after childbirth is a gynecological procedure in which remnants of amniotic membranes and large blood clots are mechanically removed from the uterus.

In what cases is it necessary to carry out a cleaning procedure after childbirth?

After the baby is born, the placenta (afterbirth) must leave the woman’s body, namely the uterus.

Sometimes, for some reason, for example, due to a tight attachment, the placenta does not come out and remains inside the organ. Also, when the placenta is expelled, parts of it or remnants of other amniotic membranes and tissues may remain in the uterus.

Normally, all this, together with blood clots formed during postpartum healing of the uterus, should pass away in the form of lochia - postpartum discharge.

But if the placenta does not come out, tissue particles remain in the uterus or large blood clots, blocking the discharge of lochia, there is a threat of infection. The remains of the placenta and amniotic membranes will begin to decompose, which will become a favorable area for the development of bacteria and lead to inflammation and purulent processes.

To prevent this from happening, a curettage procedure is performed.

By the way, after caesarean section The placenta always has to be removed mechanically.

How is the uterine cleansing procedure performed?

Curettage of the uterus is performed on a gynecological chair. In this case, the woman is under general anesthesia.

If the placenta does not pass immediately after birth, the doctor performs manual curettage: while the cervix is ​​still sufficiently dilated, it allows you to remove excess tissue and blood clots manually.

If the need for cleaning was discovered later during an ultrasound, they are used for curettage. special tools, which “scrape off” the endometrial mucosa.

Before the procedure, the genitals are treated with iodine solution and alcohol solution. Sterility plays big role in cleaning, because inner surface The uterus at this time is a large wound prone to infection.

Postoperative period. How to behave and what not to do?

After the scraping procedure, the woman should pay attention to hygiene and treat the genitals with an antiseptic.

At this time, it is prohibited to use tampons and douching. You can't take it either hot bath, visit the baths - during recovery you will have to limit yourself to a shower.

Sexual intercourse is also prohibited until the recovery period is completed.

After curettage, antibiotics, antispasmodics and drugs that promote the process of uterine contraction may be prescribed. While taking medications breastfeeding is usually prohibited, so milk will have to be expressed so as not to disrupt the lactation process.

For two weeks after cleansing, you should not lift heavy objects or expose your body to physical activity.

Complications after cleaning

If an infection is introduced during curettage, this can lead to endometritis - an inflammatory process.

When bleeding, a hematomera may develop - an accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity, which appears due to problems with its outflow. If a woman has problems with blood clotting, then on the contrary, heavy bleeding and loss of large volumes of blood.

Normal after the procedure bleeding there are, but they are small and gradually decreasing. If you have no discharge or a lot of bright red blood, consult a doctor.