Meal schedule for fasting Ramadan. What to do if your fast is broken

In 2018, Ramadan begins on May 16 and will last until June 14. Unlike Christians, Muslims do not eat food at all for a month. Drinking is also prohibited. Among all Muslim holidays, Bayram is one of the most important.

Its other name, common among believers, is Eid al-Fitr. It is celebrated for three whole days a month, called Shawwal in Arabic, and marks the end of the Ramadan fast. That is why it is also called Ramadan Bayram. We will talk more about this holiday below.

Ramadan is a month of obligatory Muslim fasting. This is one of the 5 pillars on which Islam rests (along with the testimony that there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet, donations, five times prayer and pilgrimage to Mecca). In 2018, Ramadan begins on May 16 and will last until June 14. Unlike Christians, Muslims do not eat food at all for a month. Drinking is also prohibited. And also have fun, smoke, make love and even think about all this. But during the day, Muslims pray fervently, and before prayer they must show intention (Niyat) - a sincere desire to observe the fast without breaking it either physically or mentally. After sunset, life for the faithful returns to normal.

Overall, nothing extraordinary. During Ramadan, as at any other time, people work, raise children, and study. Although, in some places, on this occasion, local authorities introduce a shortened day.

End of post

The holiday of breaking the fast (in Arabic, Eid al-Fitr, and in Turkic, Eid al-Fitr) for a religious Muslim is much more anticipated than his own birthday. He, like the ringing of a bell, announces that a person has overcome the most difficult test in the name of God. Uraza is the second most important Muslim celebration after Kurban Bayram, the festival of sacrifice, which coincides with the last day of the pilgrimage to Mecca.

They begin to prepare in advance for the end of Ramadan: a thorough cleaning of the house and yard is carried out, people prepare festive dishes and the best outfits. Giving alms is considered an obligatory ritual. This compensates for mistakes that a person may have made during fasting. In this case, they sacrifice either money or food.

Establishment of a holiday

According to Islamic traditions, the holiday of Ramadan Bayram was established by the founder of Islam himself, the Prophet Muhammad. This happened in 624. Since then, the Ummah, that is, the worldwide community of believers, has celebrated this day annually, as required by their religion.

Celebration image

In Christianity, during Easter, believers greet each other with the words “Christ is risen!” A similar exclamation for Ramadan Bayram among Muslims is the phrase in Arabic “Eid Mubarak!” It is translated as follows: “Blessed holiday!” Days of celebration in most traditionally Muslim countries are considered holidays at the state level, which means that at this time almost everyone has days off and no one works. The day begins with ablution, which is ritual in nature. Then it is obligatory to visit the mosque, where public prayer is held with the reading of a special text - Eid prayer. This is a special prayer book in Arabic dedicated to this holiday, and therefore it is read only once a year.

Features of Eid prayer

This ceremony begins at dawn and continues until lunch time. At its core, it is a form of prayer. It is best to do it in the mosque together with other believers, but if circumstances prevent this, then namaz can be performed at home alone, but also no later than the lunch azan. In addition to prayer, on this day you need to give zakat - obligatory alms, which is one of the pillars of Islam. Moreover, this should be done before the holiday prayer begins. Ramadan Bayram should be celebrated by all Muslims; on these days one is not supposed to mourn, and therefore zakat alms are most often given to the poor so that they can buy for themselves new clothes and eat well.

What do you do on holiday?

Like any celebration, Bayram is a holiday on which tables are set and food is served. Believers go to visit each other and invite each other to share a friendly meal. It is also very important to visit your parents and other relatives. If this cannot be done in person, then at least you need to send a card or otherwise convey your congratulations. Ramadan Bayram also demands that all the sick, lonely and poor are not forgotten. Therefore, religion prescribes to pay attention to such people and participate in their lives with a gift, a visit and a treat. Children, as a rule, also receive gifts from their parents and spend time in games and fun. Also, deceased relatives are not forgotten on Bayram. The holiday involves believers visiting the graves of their dead and performing funeral prayers for them. As for enemies, the traditions of this day require a person to reconcile with everyone with whom he was in a quarrel and make peace.

There is also a special tradition of praying the night before the holiday. According to Islamic traditions, prayers offered at night on the eve of the Bayram holiday have special power - the ear of Allah is especially attentive to them, and if a person pronounces them sincerely, then they are credited to the person. The only thing is that it is recommended not to overuse vigils on the holiday night, so as not to oversleep the most important prayer in the mosque in the morning.

The meaning of the holiday

In general, in Islam there are only two dates of Muslim holidays, the significance of which is so great. In addition to the Bayram described above, this is Eid-ul-Adha - the day dedicated to the end of the pilgrimage (hajj) to Mecca to the Kaaba. Bayram, as mentioned above, is the result of the Ramadan fast, in which every believer is prescribed to abstain from food, drink, entertainment and intimacy until sunset. This is done in order to strengthen willpower, free up time for spiritual exercises, engage in good deeds, pacify desires and extinguish one’s passions. Both Hajj and fasting are self-efforts made in order to advance along the path proposed by Islam. It is the completion of successful spiritual work that is celebrated in these great holidays. At the same time existing standards morality requires Muslims to maintain within themselves the level of perfection that was achieved during these pious exercises. That is, the end of the holy fast of Ramadan does not mean that you can now return to all your previous sins and bad habits. Quite the contrary, having left once, they must be left forever, and thus the time of fasting becomes a time of internal transformation. This is necessary to gain Allah's pleasure and approval.

What kind of holiday is Ramadan?

The Muslim calendar, which is based on the lunar year, usually has a few holidays that have great value for all Muslims. However, a holiday like Ramadan is given special preference.

Ramadan, also known as Ramadan, is the ninth month of the Muslim lunar calendar. Ramadan is considered the month strict fasting. According to Muslim custom, in this month the first spiritual revelation was delivered to the Prophet Muhammad through the messenger Jibril. All this happened in 610, when Muhammad was in the Hira cave, which is located near Mecca, where he quite often retired for religious services. This and subsequent revelations that were sent to the prophet constituted the sacred book of Islam, called the Koran.

Fasting during the month of Ramadan is one of the main obligations for all Muslims. It is prescribed in order to increase the awareness and appreciation of Muslims' own actions and the accurate execution of Allah's orders. Throughout the day, it is strictly forbidden to eat, drink, indulge in various amusements and enjoy pleasures. Muslims must devote daytime to prayers, reading the Koran, charity, work, as well as religious thoughts and actions. In addition to the standard 5 prayers, every day, when night falls, an additional prayer-namaz is read, which is called tarawih. As a rule, taraweeh is read after the fifth prayer. In the last ten days of the month of Ramadan, a more active righteous life is led, including the commemoration of the night of the Prophet Muhammad receiving his first revelation. During this month, you can drink and eat food only after sunset and until the time it rises. Only children, sick people, and also soldiers who take part in hostilities are exempt from fasting, but still, unfulfilled fasting must necessarily be compensated at another time. According to the mullah, during Ramadan, Allah rewards the godly for every mercy he performs.

The end of fasting and the holiday of Ramadan is the second most important among all Muslim holidays - Eid al-Fitr, which is considered the holiday of breaking the fast. It begins to be celebrated at sunset on the last day of Ramadan and is celebrated on the 1st and 2nd of the month of Shawwal following Ramadan. At this time, all Muslims should reflect on the spiritual values ​​they acquired during the celebration of Ramadan. Muslims consider this holiday a day of salvation, forgiveness, reward and reconciliation.

The celebration of the holiday begins with a special prayer in the mosque. After finishing the prayer, the Islamic priest asks Allah for his acceptance of fasting and forgiveness. After all this, the believers, fingering their tasbih beads, begin to recite zikr in the whole crowd - these are the words of ritual remembrance of Allah. Zikr is carried out according to a special formula and in a certain way, out loud or silently, accompanying all this with certain body movements.

After prayer in the mosque they cover festive table and give alms to the poor. Saadaka is collected from every adult on the day of the end of the fast during Ramadan. It is collected only from wealthy Muslims. It is listed as a voluntary donation.

In almost all Muslim countries, on the days of Eid al-Fitr, one is supposed to visit the graves of deceased relatives. On the second day of Eid al-Fitr, the fast of the month of Shawwal begins, which lasts 6 days.

Month of Ramadan 2017: the essence of fasting, schedule, calendar, what is prohibited in Ramadan

The month of Ramadan 2017 (Muslim fast) begins on the evening of May 25th with the onset of evening after the moon is visible in the sky and these data are so far according to preliminary calculations.

As for the exact start date of the month of Ramadan, depending on the countries of the world, it can begin 1 day in advance or later according to the decision of the highest religious officials. As the month of Ramadan approaches, the exact date for the beginning of the fast will be determined individually by the leaders of the religious clergy of each country in Islamic countries.

The beginning of fasting in 2017, within the framework of the holy month of Ramadan, is considered to be on the morning of May 26 and it lasts 30 days (± 1 day) depending on the lunar calendar in different countries of the world according to the decision of the ulama councils.

The Essence of Ramadan

The month of Ramadan is a month of cleansing from sins and fasting during this month is considered one of the 5 pillars in the Islamic religion. The month of Ramadan (Ramadan) begins after the end of the month of Sha'ban and after Ramadan the month of Shawal begins. It was in the month of Ramadan that the holy book “Koran” was revealed to the peoples of the world, in which it is clearly written about this month that righteous Muslims need certain days in the month of Ramadan to categorically abstain from prohibited acts (gunas) and on daytime refuse to eat or drink.

Month of Ramadan 2017

In fact, this month is also called “Ramadan” by many peoples. It is the ninth in the Muslim calendar. If you use Gregorian calendar, then the beginning of the month will change annually. This holiday is the most important and most revered for all Muslims. This holiday month falls on May 26th this year. The end of the holiday month will take place on June 25. This year the duration of Ramadan is 30 days.

Each new month in the Islamic lunar calendar begins immediately after the new moon. It is worth considering that the lunar calendar tends to be shorter than the Gregorian calendar, for this reason the shift in the start date of fasting occurs by approximately 11 days in relation to the modern calendar. It is also worth remembering that in countries with a Muslim population, the beginning of Ramadan is determined using astronomical calculations, and in all others, thanks to direct observation of the moon. You can also use authoritative statements of famous Muslims, which can determine the beginning of the holiday. For this reason, the definition of the beginning of fasting differs depending on the location of the state in which the faithful live.

Features of Ramadan holiday

Contemporaries include this holiday on the list of obligatory holidays for all Muslims. This month marks fasting, also called saum. He is one of the pillars of modern Islam. Throughout the month, devout Muslims are prohibited from eating during the daytime. They are also not allowed to drink, smoke or make love throughout the holiday, the purpose of which is to atone for all their sins. In other words, fasting is a test of willpower, after which a person’s spirit will be able to triumph over his carnal desires. The faithful can concentrate their attention on the inner world. This will make it possible to identify or destroy sinful tendencies, as well as repent of sins already committed. A person gets a chance to overcome his own pride and come to terms with the will of the Creator. The duration of this fast usually ranges from 29-30 days, which is explained by the peculiarities of the lunar calendar. The fast begins at dawn and ends only with sunset or the evening adhan.

Intention for fasting Ramadan

Before starting the fast, the faithful need to say their intentions, the form of which will be something like this: “I wish to fast Ramadan today, for the sake of Allah.” Muslims should finish their morning meal 30 minutes before dawn and begin breaking their fast. This meal is called suhoor, and breaking the fast is called iftar. You should break your fast with water, milk or dates, as well as other foods. Every day after the end of evening prayer, the faithful perform a collective Tarawih prayer, which includes from 8 to 20 rakats. The final stage of the month is associated with the onset of the night of al-Qadr. On the first day of Shawwal, timed to coincide with the end of Ramadan, breaking the fast is held. At this moment, Muslims perform early morning Eid prayer. Also, the faithful must pay obligatory alms, which is called zakat al-fitr. This festival is the second most important for the Muslim community around the world.

Giving up needs to strengthen the human spirit

Thanks to complete refusal from the simplest human needs during hot days, allows the faithful to prove how strong their faith is. During this period, Muslims try to cope with their passions and instincts. In addition to external cleanliness, it is also necessary to maintain internal cleanliness during this period of time. This means that a Muslim must free himself from various thoughts that can defile a person. The fast of a believer who was unable to achieve purity of his thoughts and actions cannot be considered valid, since “Allah does not need abstaining from food and drink from someone who has not abandoned lies.” Muslims are of the opinion that spiritual and physical fasting of Ramadan can significantly improve a person’s state of mind.

Ramadan and Koran

This post only applies to a certain amount days. If a person is sick or traveling, he can postpone the fast to another time. Those who are able to fast while doing deeds must atone for their deed by giving alms to the poor. If someone did a good deed out of personal convictions, then this will be counted towards him. It was in this month that the faithful received the Koran. This book is a true guide for a person. Any Muslim who finds himself in this month must fast. But here is an excerpt from the Koran that directly speaks about Ramadan and its influence on Muslims - “Allah desires ease for you and does not desire difficulty for you. He wants you to complete a certain number of days and glorify Allah for guiding you to the straight path. Perhaps you will be grateful."

At this time, Muslims need to perform their prayers with maximum responsibility than at other times. A month should be devoted to studying the Quran and performing good deeds. Muslims must also give voluntary (sadaqah) and obligatory (zakat) alms. Many Muslims who various reasons do not perform namaz, usually during this period they again begin to observe this rule of Islam. For this reason, the faithful are so enthusiastically awaiting the arrival of Ramadan.

What is prohibited in Ramadan?

During fasting, several actions are prohibited. It is worth considering that fasting will be considered a violation if it is committed during the daylight hours. We are talking about:

An unspoken desire to fast;
Intentional eating and drinking;
Sexual intercourse (it does not matter whether there was ejaculation or not), masturbation and ejaculation caused by stimulation;
Rectal and vaginal use of medications;
Swallowing liquid that gets into the mouth.
What is allowed in the month of Ramadan
At the same time, the law does not prohibit the following:

Unintentional ingestion of food and drink;
By administering the medicine through injections;
Donate blood;
Swim, but only if water does not enter your mouth;
Kissing if your partner's saliva is not swallowed;
Enjoy caresses that do not cause ejaculation;
Swallow saliva and phlegm that does not belong to another person;
Brush your teeth, but make sure that the paste does not penetrate into the throat;
Do not perform prayers.
Persons exempt from fasting
Those who are not Muslims have the right not to follow the rules. Also children under the age of majority and people with mental disorders. Old people and people who suffer from serious illnesses that do not allow them to cope with fasting may not observe Ramadan. To atone for this they must feed the poor. Pregnant women also don’t have to fast if they are worried about their health or that of their baby. They should follow Ramadan after the causes of disturbance have passed. As stated earlier, travelers can break their fast at any time. physical condition or the complexity of the chosen route. If a person does not observe Ramadan, then he should not show eating or smoking to other Muslims. Also, in countries where the population is predominantly Muslim, it is prohibited to eat, smoke or use chewing gum during Ramadan.

Mandatory requirements
It is very important for those who are fasting to communicate their intention. The intention must be expressed with the heart. To do this, you can use any language that will be understandable to those who are fasting. If we translate this phrase into Russian, it should look something like this - “I intend to fast tomorrow (today) for the month of Ramadan, for the sake of Allah.” You need to say this phrase every day for the entire month. The phrase is repeated between night and morning prayers. An intention that was pronounced once a month for all subsequent days is not considered valid in any Sunni madhhab. The only exception is the Maliki madhhab.

What to do if your fast is broken

If the fast is broken, and there are no good reasons for this, then this offense will be classified as a sin. In case of unintentional breaking of the fast due to serious illness, the Muslim should fulfill the missed fast with 1 day of fasting. It is also fashionable to pay the poor person certain funds, which are equal to 1 grain of wheat. Other products purchased for an equivalent amount may also be used. If the fast was missed for another valid reason, then the faithful must observe it at any time. convenient time before the next Ramadan comes. Sexual intercourse that was committed during daylight hours must be made up for by 60 days of constant fasting or feeding 60 poor people. If the fast is not observed for a reason provided for in Sharia, it is necessary to engage in repentance.

Good deeds
Based on hadiths and the Koran, doing good deeds during this period is considered very important for Muslims. If you follow the words of the prophet, Allah can increase the significance of each such act seven hundredfold, and the shaitan will be in chains during this period, so doing good during this period will be easier than at other times of the year. Devout Muslims should spend more time studying the Koran this month. They should not forget about alms and do other positive deeds.

Breakfast (Suhoor) at dawn
Suhoor is a breakfast taken at dawn throughout Ramadan. Food should be taken before morning prayer is to be read. Suhur and Iftar make it possible to replace the usual meals during this month for all believers. Muslims must perform suhur before the first sign of dawn. In this case, the reward for the faithful will be much greater. If the fasting person is not satisfied before dawn, then his fast will be maintained, but he will be deprived of a certain part of the reward, since he will not fulfill one of the requirements of the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad.

Evening meal (Iftar)

Iftar is the breaking of the fast or meal in the evening every day throughout Ramadan. One should eat after the evening prayer has been performed. Iftar can only begin at sunset. You should not delay this meal for any longer. late period evenings. To break your fast according to the Sunnah, you should use dates or water. When Iftar is completed, it is necessary to say a special prayer called dua. It may sound something like this: “O Lord, for the sake of Your pleasure with me, I fasted, believed in You, relied on You and broke my fast, using Your gifts. Forgive me, O One whose mercy is limitless. Praise be to the Almighty, Who helped me fast and fed me when I broke my fast.”

Tarawih in the month of Ramadan

Tarawih can be translated as respite. This name is given to a special voluntary prayer that should be performed after night prayer. It continues until the sun appears at dawn. Tarawih can be performed independently or in a group. The prayer received this name because after every fourth rak'ah, worshipers have the opportunity to rest while sitting, bringing praise to the Lord.

During the life of the prophet, tarawih consisted of 8-20 rakats. Modern prayer includes 20 rak'ahs. It was approved by Caliph Umar, to which the Sahaba agreed. Today prayer is represented by 10 prayers, each of which consists of two rak'ahs. It must be performed daily throughout Ramadan. Prayer should begin after completing the night prayer.

Completion of Ramadan

During the last ten days of Ramadan, Muslims should be especially diligent in their prayers. During this period, it is best to visit mosques, as did the Prophet Muhammad, who retired to the mosque for this entire period. In the last year of his life, he spent 20 days in the mosque during the month of Ramadan. During solitude, do not forget about the need to pronounce your intentions. They need to mention that you have decided to spend solitude in Itikaf. After the believer leaves the mosque, one must return to the usual form of intentions. During this period, you should expect the night of al-Qadr.

Al-Qadr Night in 2017

This night is also called the Night of Power. It is generally accepted that the 27th night of this month coincides with the period when Surah “Inna Anzalnagu” was revealed to Muhammad.

This happened in the seventh century in a cave on Mount Jabal an-Nur. It was at this time, as confirmed by Islamic sources, that the praying Muhammad met with the archangel Gabriel, who pointed the prophet to the scroll and ordered him to read it. Muslims celebrate this night at the end of Ramadan. It is on the Night of Power that the faithful get the opportunity to ask forgiveness from the Creator for own sins. This period should also be devoted to reading the Koran.

The holiday of breaking the fast of Eid al-Adha

At the end of Ramadan, a festival of breaking the fast is held, which is called Eid al-Fitr or Eid al-Fitr in Turkic. In 2017, Ramadan is celebrated on June 25th. During this period, Muslims can perform a special prayer and also pay alms. Zakat al-fitr is alms that must be paid to the poor. Performing this act is obligatory for all believers. The head of the family must pay a certain amount of money for the entire family he cares for. If the child was born at night on the last day of Ramadan, then there is no need to pay alms for him.

Alms payment
You can pay zakat al-fitr in the mosque to a person who is authorized to accept it. You can also distribute food directly to those who need it. Alms are equal to one saa of bulk substances. For example, in European countries it is customary to pay alms in the equivalent of wheat or barley, in Asia they use rice for this, and in the countries of the Middle East dates. It is best to pay Zakat al-Fitr in food, as was customary to do during the time of the Prophet. Paying alms in money is only possible in the Hanafi madhhab. This obligatory charity allows one to atone (kafarra) for all kinds of mistakes that were made during Ramadan. It is also intended to provide assistance to the poor and those who need funds to celebrate Eid al-Adha.

Congratulations on Ramadan

Lent continues to be the most joyful holiday for believers on the entire planet. Muslims can congratulate their friends and loved ones on his arrival thanks to the words of Ramazani Kareem, which are the wishes of the generous Ramadan. Traditionally, at this time, one can wish Muslims - “May Allah please your eyes in Ramadan with sweet evenings and the friendship of the chosen ones, the mercy of the All-Forgiving and the paradise of the pious!”

Uraza calendar 2017: the holiday of breaking the fast, which marks the end of fasting in the holy month of Ramadan

Every nation has its own faith, and although significant holy holidays are also not very different from each other, they always fall on different days, for example, in 2017, Ramadan (or Eid) begins at sunrise on May 26 and ends after sunset on June 24.

Eid is the obligatory observance of saum (fasting) for Muslims for 30 years. calendar days, which consists of the five pillars (foundations) of Islam. During these 30 days, believers of Islam must give up drinking, intimacy, smoking and even eating. The beginning of Saum comes with the morning adhan and ends after the evening adhan after thirty days.

Before starting the saum, Muslims read the niyat: “Today I will perform the saum of the month of Eid, for the sake of Allah.” Before the morning azan, believers must finish eating (they call it suhur) and immediately break their fast; they are allowed to take milk, dates and water at iftar.

Every night, believers perform the ritual of isha (night prayer), followed by a collective prayer of tarawih, which consists of 8 to 20 rakats. The mighty night of al-Qadar comes ten days before the end of Saum.

Eid al-Adha is celebrated on the first day of Shawwal, which comes after the end of Ramadan. Muslims perform Eid prayer (holiday prayer) and pay zakat al-fitr (alms).

Uraza calendar 2017: Uraza is a time of fun and joy

Eid al-Fitr is the second most important holiday in the Islamic calendar after Kurban Bayram. On the eve of the holiday, Muslims buy gifts for each other, prepare treats, and decorate their homes.

Four days before the holiday, women spend general cleaning houses, court premises, barns, clean livestock. After finishing the cleaning, all family members must bathe, put on clean linen and clean themselves up.

In the evening the housewives cook traditional dishes oriental cuisine. Children deliver them to relatives, and there is a mutual exchange of treats.

You cannot work on Eid al-Fitr, so in most Islamic countries this day is a day off. The republics of the North Caucasus, Bashkortostan and Tatarstan will also have holidays in Russia.

On the holiday itself, it is customary to get up early and put on festive clothes. Muslims greet each other in a special way: “May Allah send His mercy to you and to us!”, “May Allah accept our and your prayers!”

An hour before sunrise in mosques after the sermon they read a holiday prayer - Gayet-namaz. Mostly only men attend prayers. At this time, women prepare treats at home.

After the men arrive from the mosque, the housewives set the table. In every house they wait for the arrival of guests, they also visit their neighbors and relatives and bring them sweets.

Before the start of the holiday, alms (fitr-sadaka) is obligatory - the distribution of property and money to those in need on the holiday. This year its minimum amount is 50 rubles.

In addition, on the holiday of Eid al-Fitr, it is customary to visit parents, do good deeds, give gifts, visit cemeteries and remember deceased relatives.

Uraza calendar 2017: These days, giving alms is not just a possible solution for a Muslim, but an obligatory action

The holiday of Eid al-Adha, sacred to all Muslims, in 2017 will begin on June 25 and last until June 28. This date can be found using the lunar calendar, which correlates with the Islamic calendar.

Now we need to find the month of Shawwal, which immediately follows Ramadan. This is the end of the search, because the holiday of Eid al-Adha falls on the first three days of the month of Shawwal. There are quite a few lesser-known but important rules. For example, it is important to take food with your right hand.

If you use cutlery, it should also be in right hand. It is very important to show special attention and hospitality to guests, even if they are your old friends: you need to leave the best food, choose for guests best places and let them feel at home, without hinting that they are still a guest.

What is customary to prepare for the holiday table?

The main product from which most festive dishes are prepared for Eid al-Adha is lamb. It is used to make rich soups, roasts, snacks, and meat salads.

The festive table depends on folk traditions. If in Tatarstan they bake pancakes in the morning and put pies on the table, then in the Central Asian republics pilaf is an integral attribute.

The beginning of the Muslim fast - the month of Ramadan in Russia and some countries falls in the evening May 5 in 2019 (in Tajikistan from the evening of May 6th). When the new moon appears in the sky, Ramadan 2019 can be considered to begin on the next day. Lent URAZA acts as a period when it is so important to withstand all prohibitions, because this allows Muslims of all countries to have the opportunity to atone for their own sins.

You need to understand that the date of May 5 in 2019 is approximate. The beginning of the month can only be determined in more detail depending on the state. Therefore, in some regions, Ramadan may begin a day later or earlier.

It is also mandatory to comply established solutions, which are carried out by the religious ulema of the country. As the fasting period approaches, the exact start date will be determined more correctly for each country, and the ulema - spiritual scholars - can make their decision individually for a particular state.

This year, the beginning of Ramadan is the morning of May 16, and the duration of fasting for Muslims will be 30 days (+-1 day), which depends on the features of the calendar in different countries, as well as decisions of the Ulema Council.

The essence of Ramadan

The post acts as special period in the Muslim community, when the faithful have the opportunity to get rid of the burden of various sins. It is the month of purification, so observing the fasts during this period is considered to be one of the most important pillars of Islam. The beginning of the fast coincides with the end of the month of Shaban, and when Ramadan (Ramazon) is completed, Shawal begins. In Ramadan, people received the holy book - the Koran. It clearly indicates that all righteous adherents of Islam must observe certain restrictions included in the list of prohibitions. These prohibited actions are called gunah. Muslims should also abstain from eating or copulating during the day.

Month of Ramadan 2019

It is worth noting that today it is not uncommon for true believers to call given month Ramadan. This is the ninth month of the lunar calendar. If we use chronology according to modern tradition, then each year the beginning of the month falls at a different time. The celebration continues to be the most respected among the faithful, and its importance for Islam is difficult to overestimate. In the new year 2018, Ramadan will occur from May 16th. The duration is 30 days, taking into account the average value.

Features of the Islamic calendar and the beginning of fasting

It is necessary to clearly understand how the lunar calendar works. In it, the beginning of a new month falls on the period immediately after the new moon. It is not difficult to guess that such a calendar is shorter in comparison with the Gregorian or Julian, so the shift in the beginning of Lent is about 11 days when compared with the secular calendar. It should also be pointed out that states where Muslims are the predominant religion use astronomical research to determine the beginning of Ramadan, while in other states moon observations are used for this purpose.

It is worth paying attention to the statements made by authoritative believers who have the right to determine the beginning of Muslim fasting. Therefore, the exact date varies depending on the latitude of the state in which the followers of Islam live.

How is Ramadan celebrated?

Modern Muslims are accustomed to classifying this fast as the most important and obligatory. The month is a holiday, which is also called Sawm in Islam. He continues to remain one of the pillars of faith today. Before the celebration is over, supporters of Islam must observe several prohibitions that are listed in the Koran. First of all, we are talking about the ban on eating food while the sun is shining. It is also forbidden to indulge in carnal pleasures or smoke during the entire celebration, which allows the faithful to be cleansed of all kinds of sins.

In fact, this post is a kind of test that allows you to understand whether a person can prove his adherence to the laws of Islam. This is a test not only for the body, but also for the spirit, as well as the faith of all those who decide to fast during Ramadan. A person must have power over his desires and control his passions, and the month of fasting is excellent for testing willpower and self-control.

A person can not only discover any inclinations that are sinful during fasting, but also get rid of them. Repentance during this period is also natural, as well as prayers for forgiveness of sins committed. Muslims have the opportunity to pay attention to their own inner world for 30 days, rather than scattering attention to worldly problems and adversities. The manifestation of virtues is very important. Of course, you need to do good and not have pride throughout the year, but in Ramadan this is especially important. During this period it is also necessary to fully realize the will of the Creator and not resist it. The length of a month is usually 30 days, which is a reflection of the features of the lunar calendar. The fast begins at dawn, and ends only when the sun sets, falling on adhan.

Intention for fasting Ramadan

It is very important to understand that fasting is a serious undertaking that must always be completed to the end, no matter how strong the temptation. Muslims are obliged to indicate their own intentions even before fasting. There is a special form for this, which looks like this: “I wish to fast Ramadan today, for the sake of Allah.”

It should be understood that the faithful must eat food during the fasting period strictly before dawn. It is not allowed to eat any food while the sun is shining. Only after he has set can you have dinner. Throughout the day, Muslims break their fast. The morning reception before sunrise is called suhur, and breaking the fast is called iftar. You can use water, milk or dates to break your fast. Evening prayer serves as the end of the day's fast. It is collective (tarawih) and consists of 8-20 rakats.

How do Muslims end their fast? At the final stage of the holiday comes al-Qadr. This is the last night of fasting. When Ramadan ends and Shawwal begins, Muslims must break their fast. This solemn moment marks the beginning of such an event as morning prayer. Muslims are also required to pay alms, which is called zakat al-fitr. You need to understand that the holiday of Ramadan is the second most important holiday in modern Muslim communities of the world, therefore fasting is the responsibility of all believers.

Giving up needs will strengthen willpower

An important point in the fasting process is compliance with established prohibitions. Their list was not prepared by chance. All the restrictions that Ramadan imposes make it possible to abandon the simplest needs during the hot season, and the faithful get a chance to prove that their faith remains strong and unshakable. A follower of Islam must be free from thoughts that, simply by their presence, bring defilement to a person. Fasting makes it possible to achieve purity not only spiritual, but material. After all, not only thoughts must be pure, but also the actions that are performed must not have a trace of evil intent or self-interest.

What does the Koran say about Ramadan?

You should start with the fact that you need to fast for the entire specified period of time. But there are certain reservations that allow even those who are on the road or suffering from illness to fast. In this case, it is permissible for them to celebrate Ramadan at a later, appropriate time. You can also fast and still do business. In this case, it is important to pay alms to those in need to make up for your violation.

Good deeds are especially important during this period. Thus, those who have done good to their neighbor out of their own convictions will certainly receive reward in the future. In the month of Ramadan, Muslims received the holy scripture - the Koran. This book is the best adviser and guide on how each person should act. Muslims who adhere to the faith must necessarily fast. It is worth noting that Ramadan directly refers to this month and how specifically it affects the faithful. The Creator, as stated in the Koran, wants to make life easier and does not seek to create difficulties. He strives to ensure that for a certain number of days the faithful thank and reward the Creator, who constantly points them to the right path. Therefore, observing fasting from the point of view of Islam is regarded as proof of a person’s faith, as well as his adherence to the traditions of Muslims, established many centuries ago and unquestioningly revered today.

With the onset of this period, the faithful need to carefully and responsibly fulfill each prayer, with even greater zeal than usual. A month is usually dedicated to reading the Book, as well as performing all kinds of good deeds. Zakat is also prescribed for Muslims. The first is voluntary, and the second is obligatory almsgiving, which must be done during fasting. Today, many believers who are firm in their faith do not have the opportunity to perform prayer, so Ramadan is an excellent period to observe this important rule for Muslims. Due to this feature, many Muslims enthusiastically anticipate the arrival of the holiday fast.

Requirements during Ramadan

It must be pointed out that there are a number of specific rules and regulations that must be followed during this holiday. Among them, it is especially worth noting:

  • Entry into Islam. Observance of Ramadan can be considered voluntary for blasphemers and renegades as long as they continue to ignore the faith. If they observe the holiday, then in the eyes of the creator it is meaningless until they begin to prove their faith. You need to understand that such people will definitely receive punishment for their failure to fulfill their covenants.
  • Coming of age. You need to understand that for each nation, the period when a man or woman becomes an adult occurs at different times, which is determined by climatic conditions and other indicators. An adult believer in Islam is a man who has experienced a wet dream, as well as women who have experienced their first discharge. If such signs are not observed, then the child has the opportunity not to observe Ramadan. According to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), devoted to Abu Dawud, those who sleep until they wake up, teenagers until they reach puberty, as well as the insane until they regain sobriety of thoughts have the right not to fast.
  • Health of mind. The holiday must be observed by those who can understand its significance and are responsible for the actions they have committed. If a person has certain disorders or insanity, for example, an acute form of schizophrenia, as well as people who are unable to control their own actions, will not receive punishment for not observing the holiday.
  • Physical health for Ramadan. The holiday is a real test for the human spirit. For this reason, only those who are in sufficiently strong physical shape should follow it, which will allow them to comply with all the requirements. If a person is older or suffers from various diseases, then they should fast only with permission from a truthful healer. It should be noted that this requirement also applies to situations where a person, due to his old age or physical infirmity, can expose his own health to a serious risk to life. The Creator indicates that the human soul should bear only those burdens that are possible for it, as stated in the second sura of the Koran in verse 286.

Prohibitions imposed by Ramadan

Muslims must treat this holiday responsibly, which is very strict in the methods of its implementation. It must be taken into account that offenses during fasting are taken into account during daylight hours. Among the most important prohibitions it is worth pointing out:

  • Not expressing intentions to perform Ramadan;
  • Eating intentionally;
  • Smoking while fasting;
  • Sexual intercourse and other carnal pleasures (both with intercourse, ejaculation, and without them);
  • Rectal or vaginal administration of medications:
  • Drinking liquid that has entered the oral cavity.

What is permissible during fasting?

If the faithful observe the holiday, then they are allowed:

  • Unintentional consumption of food;
  • Enter medicines with the help of medical injections;
  • Donate blood;
  • Take a bath or shower, but ensure that no liquid gets into your mouth;
  • Kiss, provided you do not swallow your partner’s saliva;
  • Receive pleasure, unless it leads to;
  • Swallow saliva if it does not belong to another person;
  • Ensure hygiene oral cavity, provided that the paste does not penetrate the throat;
  • Do not perform namaz.

Islam allows some Muslims to be exempt from observing Ramadan. First of all, this category of adherents includes those who suffer from the severity of illnesses. A truthful healer in this case can come to a conclusion according to which the person will be exempt from observing the holiday. This is allowed if Ramadan can be harmful to health or have a detrimental effect on the treatment of the disease. Also, fasting should not be in opposition to established treatment for the disease. If a person experiences severe suffering while observing Ramadan, then it is also possible not to observe it, but only if prescribed by a good doctor.

The exemption also applies to those on the move. It doesn’t matter here whether a person moves on his own or uses transport. The traveler must independently decide whether he is able to celebrate the holiday or does not have such an opportunity. Naturally, compliance with the instructions is preferable. But there are a number of conditions under which a person can be freed from the need to fulfill the holiday of Ramadan:

  • Very long journey time, exceeding 83 kilometers;
  • If the duration of the journey takes more than one fasting day;
  • If the journey is sinless, has received approval from the Shariah and is carried out with good intentions;
  • If the start of the journey occurred before the fast began.

A person who is in poor physical condition can be released from keeping covenants. This could be an old man, or a very large or emaciated person. The posts that such a person missed must be made up for. For this purpose, they usually feed the poor; for each missed day, one meal should be made for the needy.

Women who are pregnant or those who are breastfeeding may not observe the holiday in cases where it could harm them or the health of the child.

Mandatory regulations

Believers must observe fasting, as it is one of the most important pillars of religion. At the same time, they are required to indicate their own intention. It is necessary to pronounce your wishes with sincerity and diligence. All languages ​​can be used for this purpose, as long as they are understandable to those with whom you are fasting. If we translate the phrase, the form of which is most suitable for this purpose, then in Russian it will sound - “I intend to fast tomorrow for the month of Ramadan, for the sake of Allah.”

It is very important that you talk about your intentions every day for as long as the holiday lasts. The phrase is required to be repeated during prayers. Your intentions, which are pronounced once a month, will not be recognized as effective, regardless of the madhhab. An exception is the Maliki madhhab, but it does not belong to Sunnism.

What leads to breaking the Ramadan fast?

It is worth noting that practice shows the presence of certain offenses, due to which further fasting will not be considered correct in the eyes of the Creator:

  • If a true believer has consciously accepted something that is prohibited. Here we are talking not only about taking it through the mouth, but also through the ears, nose or even private parts. To give an example, just look at food. It should not be taken in any way until the sun disappears below the horizon. Features such as injections or coitus, as well as washing of internal organs or smoking are also excluded. Some respected believers believe that injections given during the holiday also invalidate the fast. Naturally, certain embarrassments may occur. Thus, a person who celebrates Ramadan may accidentally accept food as a sign of treat or forgetting that he is fasting. But he must stop immediately when he remembers his obligations. If he can stop, he will have the right to continue the celebration.
  • You can also interrupt the holiday in case of vomiting, which a person causes deliberately. Even if you are sure that all the masses will be excreted from the body and will not enter the intestines. The exception is cases when the urge to vomit is not intentional or expected and the person is unable to prevent the ejection of masses and his body. At the same time, even if part of the substance is returned to the body, this is not considered a violation of the ban and the holiday can continue.
  • The faithful should observe all the rules very carefully if they wish to prove their faith. For this reason, it is better to avoid physical intimacy during the day. After all, whether ejaculation occurred or not, this will lead to a violation of prohibitions, since any encouragement to it is also considered. The exception is in a situation where a person, due to his oversight, completely forgets about his vows and stops on time, so in this situation the fast can be continued.
  • The interruption will take place in any case if ejaculation occurs, regardless of what exactly led to its origin. We can talk about caresses or looking at pornographic pictures. The celebration can be continued only if such a violation occurs without fault or human participation, for example, with wet dreams. Any activities during the day that cause stimulation of the penis should be excluded.
  • The importance of fasting in a state of complete mental health has already been indicated. Therefore, a person who is faced with insanity, even short-term, is considered to have broken the fast.
  • Ramadan lasts until menstruation or other vaginal discharge occurs. They are taken into account until the solar disk disappears below the horizon. When the onset of menstruation is detected, the woman has the right to stop the holiday until she can completely cleanse herself. Naturally, after completing this process, it will be necessary to make up for lost time by extending the fast for the number of days while the woman was purified.
  • It must be remembered that compliance with all regulations is primarily associated with proof of one’s own faith. Therefore, a person who has renounced Islam, both in word and in deed, must stop fasting. For this reason, any positive deeds that a person performs in the future will no longer be considered good and they will not be counted towards him before the Creator. This will continue until the person realizes his wrongdoing and returns to faith.
  • A violation is a situation when a person loses consciousness and remains in this state throughout the entire fasting day. We are talking about the period from the beginning of the day until its end.
  • There is also a situation that results in an interruption caused by behavior that is considered inappropriate. In this case, you need to understand that only certain theologians adhere to this point of view. Given this requirement, it is very important for the faithful to avoid a situation in which he may show lust, slander or gossip.
  • The consumption of food, as well as the introduction of drugs into the voids of the body, must be reimbursed before moving into the new month. To do this, you need to deal with retribution, which may include feeding the poor, which will be described in more detail in the following sections.

What to do if the fast was broken?

Observance of the holiday is one of the important symbols of faith for a devout person. Therefore, it is so important to take into account the instructions and follow every letter of them, so as not to accidentally break your fast. But it must be pointed out that there are two types of violations - unintentional and intentional. In the first case, the Creator assumes a certain leniency for the offender who realized the offense in time and repented of it. But those who consciously engage in sexual intercourse or violate any other prohibition commit an act comparable to the most serious sin. In this case, only atonement through action can correct the situation.

As a similar act, it used to be customary to release slaves, but today they are not, so the analogy was to extend the fast to 60 days in a row, as well as daily compliance with the requirements without the possibility of even the slightest omission. If a believer agreed to this atonement for his own offense and at the same time violated the prohibition again, even if only once, he must begin Ramadan anew and observe it for 60 days from the first day from the moment of violation. If a person has a really good reason for not following the instructions during the period of indemnity, then in return he must make every effort to care for the poor. So he can provide lunch to the disadvantaged of 60 people in the form of food in the amount of at least 600 grams per person.

Please note that there are certain concessions for women. So such atonement does not extend to the fair sex. If the believer does not have the opportunity to atone for his wrongdoing using the methods outlined above, then he needs to deal with retribution in the way he can. Each day when fasting is interrupted by sin must necessarily receive its own separate atonement. For example, if a person had physical intimacy 4 times during the holiday, then before the next fast he must pay for his sins. Each day of intimacy requires a separate atonement. Exceptions occur only in the following cases:

  • During physical intercourse, when a true believer forgets about the holiday;
  • If the faithful were not aware of the prohibition that he violated before the start of the holiday;
  • During physical intercourse, which occurs in the process of wanderings that have received approval from the Sharia;
  • If a person performs sexual intercourse while being in the desired fast;
  • When the holiday is interrupted before physical intercourse has been completed.

Obligatory fasting and compensation during it

If a person missed a fast due to his own illness or while traveling, then he needs to compensate for the damage before the time comes for a new fast. In the case when compensation does not occur, the person will certainly receive a serious sin. For every absence during the festival, a requirement is imposed on the person to provide food for the destitute person. If a true believer was unable to compensate for his transgression in a timely manner, then in the future it will increase, taking into account all the years that have passed from the moment of the sin until the minute when it is atoned for. So in the first year the reward consists of feeding one poor person, then in the next year he will have to feed 3 disadvantaged people, in the third year 6, and so on.

In order to feed those in need, it is necessary to use products that are most often consumed, and their quantity must be equal to or exceed 600g. In a situation where a person suffered from a disease throughout the entire period while the holiday was taking place, then he should be reimbursed immediately after full recovery. Please note that in this case there is no need to pay a fine, which is assessed due to late retribution for the offense. In a situation where a sick person cannot recover and dies, he does not suffer for the sin associated with not observing the holiday. His relatives have the opportunity to compensate for the misconduct of a loved one if they so desire.

If the friends or relatives of the deceased could not or did not want to compensate for his absence, then funds must be collected from his property that will make it possible to compensate for the offense committed. The situation is when the deceased does not have an inheritance that he passes on to his descendants, then anyone who wishes to do so has the opportunity to reimburse the fine.

If a person cannot comply with the requirements of fasting due to his own weakness (old age), then he is supposed to give alms in the prescribed amount - more than 600 grams of food. He must distribute this amount to all those who need food. A similar payment must occur each time a person does not comply with the established regulations.

The female gender has the following responsibilities for retribution for missing a holiday:

If she cannot adhere to the established requirements, because there is fear for her health, she will have to provide retribution before the next fast;

If she is afraid of harming her baby, whom she is feeding or carrying, she must pay alms or feed the disadvantaged in the amount of 600 grams of food, which is often used, for each day of fasting missed for the specified reasons.

Good deeds

Today, compliance with the requirements established by Islam is an important evidence of the faith of the adherents of this religion. Therefore, Ramadan remains one of the main fasts that is obligatory. During this month, it is very important to perform various actions that are positive from the point of view of the Qur'an. You need to understand that after a person has performed even a positive action that is insignificant from his point of view, the Creator will increase its value by 7 times. Shaitan will be shackled at this time, so it will be even easier to perform positive deeds during the fasting period than during any other period of the year. It is very important for the faithful to study the Holy Book as much and diligently as possible during this period. But alms play an important role, as well as any other deeds useful to others.


  • Muslims must break their fast at a strictly designated time. It is best if a person has the opportunity to have a snack and drink water immediately after sunset. After this, the faithful need to do evening prayers. When the prayer is completed, the person can take other food of plant origin.
  • Eating food before the day's fast, when sunrise occurs, is the most correct decision for those who will observe the fast. It is worth noting that this requirement was specified by the Prophet himself.
  • It is important that the breaking of the fast begins with reciting the name of the Creator, as well as a prayer that the efforts of the faithful on the holiday will be accepted.
  • Among the positive actions, it is worth noting that, if possible, one should break the fast together with other members of the community. Since a Muslim who feeds his loved ones receives a reward for this, which is commensurate with fasting for the fed one. This point of view is confirmed by the words of the Prophet.
  • During the holiday, attention should also be paid to various good deeds, including the distribution of alms. The more a believer gives alms, the more positive deeds will be credited to him. Also at this time, it would not be a bad idea to invite friends and relatives to visit you to break the fast, or to organize alms for people who are in dire need of it.

Breakfast at dawn

Eating must necessarily be carried out within the framework of those instructions that are prescribed by the Koran and indicated by revered theologians. So Suhur and Iftar are the most important receptions during the holiday. The first is breakfast, which should be consumed daily until the end of the fast. It involves waking up early, since it is important to saturate the body before the sun rises. After a person has eaten, he needs to perform namaz. The food available during breakfast and dinner is enough to complete the holiday. It is very important that the meal does not begin at sunrise, but ends before the first signs of dawn. If these requirements are met, then a person will be able not only to strengthen his willpower, but also ultimately receive a more significant reward for his own efforts. If a person fails to saturate his body before the day comes, then the fast will be maintained, then he will not be able to receive a fairly significant part of the requirements prescribed in the Sunnah.

Breakfast should be minimum portion to saturate the body. This requirement is most important if a person must continue working after eating. You may not be able to rest during the day, so restore own strength It is unlikely that it will be possible to observe the holiday.

If we consider what breakfast should consist of, it is worth noting that it should include products that include complex carbohydrates. This could be porridge, vegetable salads or dates. Why choose complex carbohydrates? Their peculiarity is that the digestion of such substances in the stomach takes a long time, which means that the body will be provided with a charge of energy for at least 8 hours. Here you can add foods such as milk or meat, which are rich in proteins. Protein also has the property of long-term absorption, and also allows you to provide the necessary strength for physical labor. But don't forget about moderation. If protein food will be the absolute maximum, this will cause excessive stress on the liver, which is already subject to an increased rhythm of work during the fasting period.

Breakfast allows you to provide a person with the energy that he will need during the first part of the daylight hours. For this reason, in the afternoon, the breakdown of carbohydrates begins, in which protein structures remain in their original form. At the same time, no one forbids food to be both healthy and tasty. Suhur can be composed of dishes from various cuisines, and familiar foods can always be diversified with the help of fruits, increasing their taste qualities And energy value. As a result, the faithful receive different dishes every day, which are distinguished by their benefits and high taste characteristics.

You just need to point out that fast food dishes or sandwiches, which are not uncommon today, are not suitable for breakfast. But a person can be smart and improve them. For example, replacing butter with olive oil, and sausage with baked meat, as well as sweet pepper to taste. Such sandwiches can be safely used during suhoor.

If it is customary for a Muslim to start his day by drinking coffee, then during the period of fasting it is better to temporarily suspend this tradition or strictly ration coffee intake. It is better to drink green tea instead of black. The healthiest dairy product will be the one to which herbs and salts are added. The advantage of drinking this way is that thirst occurs much later, and it will be easier to tolerate.

Of course, each community has its own traditional dishes that are used during the holiday. In most cases, such food fully corresponds to the characteristics of the area in which it is used, because over the centuries, the culture has absorbed only what is optimal for local residents. We must not forget that these recommendations should be used only by people who do not experience acute health problems. If before the start of the holiday it is discovered serious illness, then you must definitely use the help of an honest doctor who will help you draw up suitable diet for this period.

Evening meal

Iftar is dinner in the usual sense. It must be taken and broken throughout the holiday. One should eat only after performing namaz. Iftar can be safely taken after the sun disappears below the horizon. At the same time, there is no need to delay eating evening meals until later. If you decide to fully observe the Sunnah, then you should use only water with dates for Vespers. After the believers have had their fill, they must make dua.

Theologians recommend that before evening prayer a person should take small quantity food. But you need to sit down at a table set more richly with various dishes only after the prayer is completed. Modern doctors they claim that dates can quickly fill the body with energy, and the water used during iftar helps fill the stomach so that the feeling of hunger causes less discomfort.

The evening meal during Lent can be called a great holiday that comes to the home of a true believer every day. To do this, you can use a wide variety of foods, from baked goods to fruits. But it is very important that Muslims remain restrained in their efforts. Food should be nourishing and appetizing, but it should be in moderation. You should also be sure to reduce the amount of fatty foods, as well as fried foods. You should also not take foods that contain large quantities of sugar. Remember that fried food is very harmful to humans. It can cause various digestive problems and also lead to weight gain.

Many consider the use of meat and vegetable dishes to be the optimal choice. They will also provide benefits to the body fresh vegetables, various dishes that contain cereals. As noted above, you can use sweets, but you must always adhere to certain restrictions and not overdo it in your desires. Dishes that are suitable for dinner are quite varied, so everyone can find a specific solution. It is only important that the chosen diet has a balance, as well as a sufficient amount of meat, milk and vegetables.

Before going to bed, you need to drink as much juice and liquid as possible. This will ensure the maintenance of water balance. If we talk about drinks, then in this case the optimal choice would be compote, juice or fruit drink. Just drinking a glass of water is a great solution.

It is better to exclude a variety of foods that are classified as semi-finished products from the diet during the holiday. This category includes any “packaged food,” from mashed potatoes to noodles. It is also better to avoid sausage. You need to understand that this category food is characterized by the presence of carbohydrates and proteins that have an inferior composition, so the body absorbs them very quickly. Within a few hours you will feel hungry, which will be much stronger than before you consumed the food.

Also, such semi-finished products are distinguished by the presence large quantities salts and others food additives, which only increase the desire to eat something. Salts, in turn, lead to the desire to saturate the body with water. The table during this period should be as varied as possible, but at the same time useful.

If a person can follow all the instructions, he will achieve spiritual and physical purification. Such fasting also has a positive effect on the body in that it strengthens it and improves immunity. During the rest of the year, we pay little attention to providing the necessary level of proper nutrition. Therefore, during the holiday, the body literally takes a break from the overloads it faced before. Our body goes through the process of getting rid of everything unnecessary, and is also renewed. As the Prophet himself said, through fasting a person can become healthier.

Tarawih in Ramadan

This concept can be translated as “breathing space.” The name was given to a special prayer that follows the night prayer. Its duration is such as to meet the dawn and only complete the rakahs with it. The prayer was named after one of the rakats, and during its performance the faithful have the opportunity to relax and give thanks to the Creator.

During the time of the Prophet, this prayer consisted of 20 rakats. Today the prayer is comparable to ancient traditions, because it was approved by Umar, and the Sahabah agreed with its features. In total, tarawih includes 10 prayers of two rak'ahs each. It is very important that it is repeated every day throughout the holiday.

End of the month of Ramadan

When the final stage of the celebration, consisting of 10 days, begins, the faithful must be as open and sincere as possible, both in actions and in prayers. This time is ideal for visiting mosques, as the Prophet did in his time, who remained in the mosque most of the time. Let us remember that in the year of his death he was in the mosque for 20 days during the holiday. Solitude should not prevent a Muslim from performing prayers, in which he will also indicate his intentions. It is during this period that al-Qadr falls.

Al-Qadr Night in 2018

The name of this night can be translated as “Night of Power”. It is believed that it was at this time that the Prophet received the famous surah “Inna anzalnagu”. The famous meeting of the Prophet and Gabriel falls on the 27th night of fasting. The latter pointed to the scroll, which he ordered to begin reading. The faithful usually celebrate this event at the end of Lent. This period is ideal for turning to the Creator and asking him to forgive all those sins that were committed earlier. We should also not forget about the need to read the Quran at this time with all due diligence.

Eid al-Fitr or

When the holiday ends, but the period begins when all devout Muslims must break their fast. This period begins on June 25th. This is a great time to offer special prayers. A person must also pay attention to his spirituality. Therefore, giving alms or feeding the poor becomes obligatory. Zakat al-fitr acts as a good deed in the form of payment to the disadvantaged. This act should be performed by all those who consider themselves true believers and are firm in the faith. The person who heads the family must ensure that a sum is paid as alms for all members of the family under his care. If a child’s birthday coincides with a holiday, then he is exempt from obligatory alms.

Alms payment

The distribution of alms to the disadvantaged, which occurs after the end of the holiday, acts as a mandatory act that every person must perform. In this case, his age category or gender will not play a role. What is the significance of giving alms? It is a cleansing gift that allows you to rid your soul and body of any sins and their burden that burdens a person. To give alms, you must meet several key requirements:

  • Continue in faith. People who give alms must be Muslims. Only for them such an act will have weight.
  • The distribution of alms must be carried out after the sun's disk disappears below the horizon at the end of the month of fasting. Some respected Muslims are also confident that it is necessary to start alms on the occasion of this event only after dawn on the holiday.

It is very important that older relatives ensure the collection and monitor the execution of alms by those family members who have less experience. Alms can be paid with certain intentions, that is, when paying, you will need to have the desire to carry out this right action. The payment should be made only by the person who makes it, or on behalf of those faithful who are under the care of the head of the family. You can give alms every day throughout the holiday, but on the last day it is a mandatory event in the life of a Muslim.

A holiday is best suited for this purpose. Throughout the entire time from dawn to prayer, dedicated to the holiday, you can help the poor. It is very important that alms go to the benefit of those who really need it. We are primarily talking about orphans and the needy, that is, about all the people who have suffered a difficult fate.

It is also prohibited to move to another region until there are people in the previous place who need alms. Anyone who is unlucky enough to distribute funds important reason, can do this later, but at the first opportunity to make amends. It is forbidden to delay payment until the end of the fast. Also, you cannot use products that are of low quality for this. Some respected Muslims are of the opinion that you can pay alms with money, but only if the disadvantaged person agrees with your decision.

Congratulations during Ramadan

It is difficult to imagine a happier and more joyful holiday, which is revered by all true believers, than fasting. After all, after a person makes an effort on himself and measures his passions, he will have the opportunity to get rid of all his sins and cleanse his conscience and soul. The attitude towards relatives and friends plays a very important role during this period. To greet them, it is necessary to use a special form of Ramazani Kareem, which speaks of wishing all the best and happiness during the holiday.

How to work during Ramadan?

It is quite difficult for a modern person to comply with all the requirements of the holiday. In particular, this especially applies to the situation with the distribution of the day during fasting. Ramadan prescribes maximum dedication of time to study the Qur'an and expand one's own inner world. At the same time, you can’t just pick up work and study and abandon it for this month. You need to understand that fasting requires a person not only to spend quite a lot of time, but also on a special schedule, which is often simply impossible to correlate with one’s work schedule. IN similar situation the problem requires a particularly careful solution.

If you have the opportunity, take care of the holiday before it even arrives. We are talking about taking a vacation during the period of fasting. This will provide believers with the opportunity to pay due attention to this holiday, during which it is so important to rethink their own actions and actions, as well as decide on the main values ​​in own life. Of course, not every person has such an opportunity. If you are given a vacation, or it is not possible to take it right now, then proper timing comes into play. A person will need time for work and holiday, but with due diligence, combining these two areas of applying one’s own efforts can be combined. Simple tips will help you fast even during work or study:

  • Initially, you should cope with such work as drawing up a daily routine. You should highlight various rituals that cannot be postponed, and also determine exactly the time you need to work. If you approach the issue competently and responsibly, then the faithful will definitely be able to cope with the assigned tasks without giving up on observing any important elements of the ritual.
  • An important requirement for Muslims is to observe suhur. Getting up before sunrise can be quite difficult, but only if you're not used to it. When you repeat the procedure several times, you will be able to get into a similar rhythm. The fact is that breakfast during fasting is the most important meal of the day. This is especially important in the summer, when hot weather can lead to dehydration. Therefore, breakfast should be combined with plenty of drinking. But it is better to avoid coffee, as this drink only makes you thirsty. Before taking morning food, it is necessary to perform namaz and read at least a few rak'ahs.
  • Evaluate your free time and use it with maximum efficiency. As soon as you have the opportunity, take time for the Creator and self-knowledge. You don’t need to think that other Muslims have a more imposing schedule than yours. Each person can set aside a few minutes for the Quran and dhikr. As a result, the faithful will comply with the requirements and will not be distracted by what is prohibited.
  • Eating during the day is prohibited during the holiday, but this does not mean that you should skip lunch. This time can always be used for relaxation. And if there is a mosque nearby, then you can always perform a prayer, which will help you continue your work with more energy.
  • After the end of the day, it is time for Vespers. Don't wait too long to eat, but make sure everyone is ready and rested beforehand and that the sun has already set.
  • You should definitely think through the menu in advance, which will allow you to have a supply of ingredients for the whole week and make the food varied and healthy.
  • You always need to maintain peace of mind and resistance to temptations. Do not forget that observing Ramadan is your choice, so you should not smoke or eat during lunch, because resisting these temptations for the sake of faith is not difficult.

Burj Khalifa is one of the tallest and most famous skyscrapers in the UAE. Its inhabitants are distinguished by the fact that they begin and end prayers and eat food at different times. It all depends on what altitude they live at.

As researchers have found, fasting even affects the economy. For example, when the fast is shortened, economic indicators increase, and when it is extended, they slow down. Over the next 16 years, there will be a reduction in the duration of fasting.

Often the faithful use the lightest dishes for their meals, which allows them to exclude illnesses during fasting, which could force a person to refuse to continue it.

Giving alms is one of the important elements of fasting. For this reason, this period marks the peak of donations that are distributed over the entire 12 month period.

Today, certain myths remain that are associated with the Muslim holiday. In particular, it is generally accepted that if all prayers are not performed, a person’s efforts will not be counted. This is not true.

Reimbursement for days when it was not possible to continue fasting for various reasons can occur on any day before the next holiday. You can make up for lost days in a row or in any order, the main thing is to do this before the next celebration.

Gifts accepted from Muslims

When Ramadan comes to an end, many believers perceive it as a holiday suitable for giving gifts. They can be quite different, but in most cases they relate to a religious aspect. So these could be different Islamic clothes, the Koran or accessories necessary for performing namaz. Children are usually given various books and sweets.

The ninth month of the Muslim calendar, Ramadan is one of the four holy months of the year. At this time, men and women keep a strict fast of Uraz, which is one of the main pillars of Islam. The main specificity of this fast is that the quantitative composition of food is not regulated - everything is allowed to eat, and only the timing of meals plays an important role. Let's figure out how a woman needs to keep the Uraza correctly so that long-term abstinence will benefit the body. Indeed, in addition to spiritual cleansing, Muslims fast to improve the health of the body.

Why keep Uraza in the month of Ramadan?

Fasting on Uraza helps atone for sins that were committed during the year. Ramadan is 30 or 29 days (depending on lunar month) strict fasting. During this period, Muslims should set aside time for donations, alms, reflection, contemplation and all kinds of good deeds. However, the main task of every believer is not to drink water or eat food from dawn to dusk. Unlike Orthodox fasting(Uspensky or Great), during which it is forbidden to eat meat, fish, eggs and dairy products, during Uraza it is allowed to eat any food in moderation.

The main activity of Muslims during Ramadan is prayer. Before sunrise, each believer makes a niyat (intention) to observe the Uraz, and then eats food 30 minutes before dawn and prays. Prayers during the holy month are held in mosques, where Muslims come with their children or at home with relatives and neighbors. If a believer is in other latitudes during the month of Ramadan, then, according to the Hanafi madhhab (teaching), he reads the obligatory morning prayer according to Meccan time.

How to keep a cheer for a woman

During Uraza, Muslim women, like men, are prohibited intimate life during daylight hours, and some especially believers prefer complete abstinence from sexual contact throughout the thirty-day fast. Traditionally, after sunset, believers gather in large families to eat food after a day of fasting. Women prepare food during the day, so they are allowed to taste the food as it cooks. This is strictly prohibited for men.

How to eat properly

In the first days of Ramadan, you have to fast for about 20 hours, so imams (Muslim priests) advise eating foods with a lot of fiber: oats, millet, barley, lentils, brown rice, wholemeal flour, millet, legumes. The morning menu of a Muslim woman must necessarily consist of fruits, berries, vegetables, meat, fish, bread and dairy products.

It is better not to complicate your menu with culinary delights during Ramadan, but to give preference to light salads seasoned with yogurt or vegetable oil. Such food does not irritate the stomach, improving digestion. To make it easier to fast, broths made from lean beef, chicken, lean fish or vegetables. During Ramadan, women should refrain from fried foods, completely replacing them with steamed or stewed foods. In the process of preparing food, you need to dose the following products that stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid, which irritates the walls of the stomach:

  • spices;
  • garlic;
  • caraway;
  • cilantro;
  • mustard.

For dinner, Muslims are advised to cook low-calorie dishes and not get too carried away with meat. During the day during Uraza it is forbidden to drink water, but after sunset it is advisable to drink 2 to 3 liters of water to replenish the water balance. Nutritionists, while observing Uraza, call for the exclusion of carbonated drinks, replacing them with natural juices, mineral water, herbal teas.


The obligatory prayer for all Muslims who observe Uraza is Tarawih prayer. Her time begins after the night Isha prayer and ends shortly before dawn. It is better to read Namaz Tarawih together with other believers, but if this is not possible, then it is permissible to read the prayer individually. In general, Islam is a religion that welcomes attendance at collective prayers, and the mosque promotes communication when joint prayers are performed that praise Allah and the Prophet Muhammad while reading the Koran.

What not to do - prohibitions

Prohibitions during the Uraza period are divided into strict and undesirable. Strict prohibitions refer to actions that violate fasting and require mandatory compensation for one day of Ramadan for 60 days of continuous fasting at any other time. These include: deliberate eating, vomiting and sexual intercourse. Also, during Uraza you cannot take medicines, capsules, tablets, give injections, drink alcohol or smoke. Undesirable actions in Ramadan that require only replenishment (1 day of fasting per violation) include:

  1. Eating out of forgetfulness.
  2. Involuntary vomiting.
  3. Swallowing anything that is not medicine or food.
  4. Touching the husband, kissing that does not lead to sexual intercourse.

At what age do girls start fasting?

A girl begins to fast from the age of majority. A Muslim child reaches puberty when he reaches 15 years of age. Girls are allowed to fast earlier if they are menstruating or have their own desire. If all of the above signs are absent, then according to Muslim customs the girl should not fast.

It is now difficult to overestimate the importance of a 30-day fast for human health. Even science has proven that by fasting, the human body is cleansed of excess weight, salts, bile, under-oxidized metabolic products, and breathing is normalized. The experience of centuries shows that Uraza is the most effective method get rid of various chronic diseases: allergies, gallstones, osteochondrosis and migraines. During fasting, defense mechanisms increase, stimulation immune system, the aging process is delayed.

Beginners need to know that during this month all sorts of excesses are excluded, and for the intake of food and liquids there are special rules. Immediately after sunset the fasting person eats only light food, and a couple of hours before dawn - a hearty meal. Such food is considered godly, and therefore serves for the forgiveness of sins. At the evening meal, it is advisable that a mullah or a person who knows the Koran well be present; he will read surahs and talk about the deeds of God. Small talk is not prohibited during the evening breaking of the fast.

Is it possible for pregnant and lactating women to fast?

Women in the postpartum period or during menstruation do not observe Uraza - this is confirmed by the corresponding Sunnahs. As for pregnant and lactating mothers, they can completely or selectively refuse fasting at their discretion, especially if they are afraid for their or their child’s health. As for making up for a missed post, the woman makes this decision on her own.

Without complete ablution

Sometimes, for some independent reason, a woman does not have a complete ablution, and fasting has already begun. For example, menstruation ended at night, or marital intimacy took place, or the spouses overslept the morning meal. This should not bother a woman in any way, because complete ablution and observance of Uraza are in no way interconnected with each other. Ritual purity is needed only for performing namaz.

When do you get your period?

According to the rules of Islam, during menstruation, Uraza must be interrupted in any case, regardless of marital status and age. Prayers and namaz are not performed, since the woman does not have ritual purity. According to the rules, the missed days of fasting at the end of Ramadan must be made up one to one in a row or in a breakdown at the discretion of the Muslim woman. But the woman does not make up for missed prayers.

What to do if it’s hard to keep Uraza in the heat

When does the month of Ramadan fall on summer heat, it is very difficult for Muslims to keep Uraza, because on hot days thirst increases, and refusal of water can negatively affect human health. Moreover, during a 30-day fast, it is forbidden not only to drink, but even to rinse your mouth, because drops of water can get into the stomach. In this case, Islam gives some concessions for pregnant women, children, travelers, the elderly and seriously ill people.

Fast one day or with breaks every other day

If a Muslim woman has serious illnesses, for example, diabetes, pancreatitis and others, then she can keep Uraza not every day, but every other day. Fasting is not so much abstinence from food and water, but progress spiritual growth, purification of thoughts. But if a woman can keep Uraz with such diseases, then she should eat fresh raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, do not overeat, do not throw yourself on food during the holiday of breaking the fast of Eid al-Fitr, when Ramadan ends.


When a woman holds Uraza for the first time, long before the onset of Ramadan she needs to prepare herself for the fact that this is not a hunger strike, but a great joyful holiday, so that there is a feeling of a cheerful event. It should be remembered that the fasting person receives a reward, which during Ramadan multiplies all the good deeds of a person. And for violating Uraza without a good reason, a Muslim woman will have to pay the needy a certain amount and make up for the missed day with any day of fasting. Watch the video for advice for women starting to keep the Uraz:

Fasting for Muslim women and men in 2019

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim calendar, the date of which changes annually. In 2019, Muslims begin to hold it on May 16, and on June 15, Muslim men and women around the world celebrate the greatest holiday of Eid al-Fitr. On this day they give alms, remember relatives and friends, and visit the graves of deceased relatives.


The pre-dawn meal (Suhur) ends 10 minutes before the morning prayer (Fajr). At the end of the evening prayer (Maghrib), you should break your fast, preferably with water and dates, after making an appeal to Allah. Night prayer is Isha, after which 20 rakats (cycles) of Tarawih prayer are performed for men, followed by Witr prayer.

The holy month of Ramadan is a month of good deeds, reading the Koran, night and additional prayers, manifestations of high moral qualities and performing blessings. At this time, our souls are cleansed and filled with the light of faith in Allah.


One of the special features of the month of Ramadan is fasting (Uraza, Oraza, March) – الصوم, which is obligatory for every Muslim and lasts 29 or 30 days. At this time, the faithful abstain from food, drink, foul language, from dawn (Fajr) to sunset (Maghrib). bad habits, marital intimacy and devote themselves to prayers and doing good deeds. Muslims know that all deeds are judged by their intentions. That is why, before starting a fast, it is necessary to make an intention - niyat.

“I intend to fast this month of Ramadan for the sake of Allah,” Muslims around the world say in different languages, and then fast from the first glimmer of dawn until sunset.

In order for the fast not to be broken, it is necessary to very carefully follow all the rules of Islam and remember that Ramadan is not just a refusal to eat and drink. This is spiritual cleansing, abstinence from bad deeds and bad thoughts - the education of one’s spirit (nafs) and complete worship of the Creator. The fasting person continues to lead his usual way of life: goes to work, study, performs his duties. social responsibilities, but, first of all, devotes more time to reading the Koran and dua (prayers).

It is a mistake to believe that during fasting you can rest during the day and eat at night. Of course, it is wise to reduce physical activity as much as possible. For example, refuse to go to the gym or play sports. But, in general, fasting does not mean passivity; rather, on the contrary, a Muslim strives to do as many good deeds as possible during this holy month: help those in need, feed those fasting, visit the sick, take part in charitable events or organize them. That is why Ramadan is a period when you need to do as many good deeds as possible. to leave little time for sleep.


Suhur is the morning meal before the fast itself in the pre-dawn time. Suhur must be performed before morning prayer (Fajr, Irte prayer). Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him) called for performing suhur: “Take food before dawn [on fasting days]! Truly, in suhoor is God’s grace (barakat)!”

Meal times are specified in the Holy Quran:

“...Eat and drink until you can distinguish the white thread of dawn from the black one, and then fast until nightfall.”

On suhoor you need to say: “Navaitu an asuma sawma fard minal-fajri ilal-maghribi khalisan lil-lyahi ta’ala.” Translation: “I intend to fast the month of Ramadan from dawn to sunset sincerely for the sake of Allah.” A prerequisite is the intention or niyat in the heart of the determination to keep the fast.


Iftar - evening reception food or breaking the fast. Iftar time is evening prayer (maghrib, akhsham prayer), when the sun has set below the horizon, i.e. it begins immediately after sunset.

Dua for Iftar in Arabic:

ذَهَـبَ الظَّمَـأُ، وَابْتَلَّـتِ العُـروق، وَثَبَـتَ الأجْـرُ إِنْ شـاءَ الله .

3ahaba-z-zama"u, wa-btalyati-l-"uruku wa sabata-l-ajru, in sha"a-Llahu.

The thirst has gone, and the veins have filled with moisture, and the reward is already waiting, if Allah wills.

There is also another dua: “Allaahumma lakya sumtu wa ‘alaya rizkykya aftartu wa ‘alaikya tavakkyaltu wa bikya aamant.” Ya vaasi'al-fadli-gfir liy. Al-hamdu lil-lyahil-lyazi e’aanani fa sumtu wa razakani fa aftart.”

Translation: “O Lord, I fasted for You (for Your pleasure with me) and, using Your benefits, I broke my fast. I hope in You and believe in You. Forgive me, O One whose mercy is limitless. Praise be to the Almighty, Who helped me fast and fed me when I broke my fast.”

What breaks the fast?

1. Food and drink in any form (or anything that can replace food, such as energy shots). Also smoking.

2. The release of blood through bloodletting.

3. Intentionally induced vomiting.

4. Sexual intercourse or intentional ejaculation. Also kissing, hugging or looking at women.

5. Leakage of blood due to menstruation or postpartum bleeding.

Cases that do not break the fast

1. Eating or drinking or smoking out of forgetfulness.
2. Involuntary ejaculation.
3. Bleeding or donating blood for testing or as a donor.
4. Rinsing the mouth, rinsing the nose, taking a bath, showering, swimming.
5. Injections for medical reasons.
6. Tasting food without swallowing (for example, when cooking).

Who may not fast?

1. Travelers. A traveler may not fast during the entire journey. A journey is considered to be a distance of 80 km (according to the Hanafi madhhab).
2. Sick.
3. Pregnant and breastfeeding.
4. If there is danger, such as the threat of death or physical complications.

Tips for proper nutrition

1. Avoid overeating or filling your stomach completely with food.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

“The worst vessel that can be filled by the son of Adam (man) is his stomach. It is enough for a person to eat as much as necessary to maintain strength. To say more, a third (of the stomach) is for food, a third is for drinking and a third is for breathing.”

2. Proper selection of food during Iftar. Avoid fatty, fried and sweet food. It is advisable to start the meal with liquid food; soup, ayran and milk are ideal. Afterwards you should take a short break.

3. Include fruits, vegetables, and nuts in your diet. And also foods rich in fiber and minerals, as they are very important for the body.

4. Take more water. Just plain water, and not juices or other liquid products, since water is a nutrient source for cells. Do not forget that the body consists of 2/3 water, 90% blood, 75% muscle.

Fasting (Uraza, Oraza, Marh) الصوم is abstaining from eating during the daytime (from dawn to dusk).

“O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, just as it was prescribed for your predecessors, so perhaps you will be afraid.”
Surah Al-Baqarah (The Cow), verse 183.

Types of posts:

  1. Fasting in the month of Ramadan is obligatory (fard).
  2. Fasting on the Day of Arafah- optional. In a hadith from Ibn Majah and Nasai, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Fasting on the Day of Arafah serves as atonement for sins committed in the past and future years» .
  3. Fasting on the day of Ashura- optional. This is a fast in the forbidden month of Muharram, which erases the sins of the year. In a hadith from Muslim, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) said: “Fasting on the day of Ashura serves as atonement for the sins of the past year.”
  4. Fasting on the first nine days of the month of Dhul-Hijjah- optional. In a hadith from Ibn Majah, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Fasting in the first days of the month of Dhul-Hijjah is equivalent to one year of fasting.”
  5. Fasting in the month of Muharram- optional. In a hadith from Muslim, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “After Ramadan, the best month for fasting is the month of Muharram.”
  6. Fasting in the month of Shaban- optional. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) fasted during this month and advised others.
  7. Six-day fast in the month of Shawwal- optional. In a hadith from Muslim, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “If someone completes the fast in Ramadan and adds six days of fasting in the month of Shawwal, he will receive the same reward as if he had fasted the whole year.”
  8. Fast of Prophet Daoud. This is a post every other day - optional. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) said that this is the most beloved fast for Allah.
  9. Post in ordinary days according to the sunnah- optional . These are three days in the middle of each month (13th, 14th, 15th, hadith from Tirmidhi) and every Monday and Thursday. In a hadith from Tirmidhi, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The affairs of people are presented to Allah on Monday and Thursday. And I want my affairs to be presented while I am fasting.”

Fasting in Ramadan

Fasting during Ramadan is obligatory (fard) for Muslims. Ramadan is a time of fasting, reflection, charity, generosity and worship for Muslims around the world.

All adults, healthy and mentally competent people are required to fast. Sick and elderly people, women in special periods, children and those who are traveling. However, if they wish, they can fast and perform other good deeds.

The post is violated eating and drinking, marital intimacy, intentionally induced vomiting, smoking (although this is prohibited for Muslims outside of fasting), and, most importantly, foul language. In all these cases, the broken days must be made up, and if the fast was broken intentionally, then atonement must be brought in the form of continuous fasting for 60 days or the payment of cleansing alms.

Ramadan by its nature is a time of self-sacrifice. Personal self-sacrifice, which is the basis of fasting, has many meanings for a Muslim:

  • The fasting person experiences hunger and thirst and imbued with sympathy to those who cannot eat every day and do not have enough clean drinking water.
  • Through increased worship, Muslims feel closer to their Creator and realize that everything they are gifted with in life is a blessing from the Almighty.
  • By giving alms, people develop feelings of generosity and empathy. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Alms will never reduce wealth.”
  • Thanks to self-control, a person practices good manners, good speech and good habits . By protecting your tongue and ears from lies, gossip, slander and foul language, your eyes from looking at what is unlawful, your stomach from illicit food and drink, your legs from visiting evil places, a person becomes cleaner, more restrained and receives a great reward from the Almighty.
  • By changing their daily habits, Muslims are moving towards healthy image life, including healthy nutrition and giving up bad habits. When you abstain from smoking and eating sweets during the day, your body will gradually get used to doing without them until the habit disappears without a trace.
  • At the gatherings, Muslims strengthen the bonds of brotherhood in their community.

Ramadan is a special time for Muslims, but the lessons learned from it can have an impact throughout the year. The Almighty ordered people to fast so that they could learn self-restraint (Quran 2: 183). For fasting, a Muslim receives a reward from the Almighty, which cannot be described in human language. An authentic hadith cited by Bukhari and Muslim says: “Whoever fasts during Ramadan with faith and hope for the reward of the Almighty will have all his previous sins forgiven.”

Self-control and sincere worship are especially important during Ramadan, but it is advisable that Muslims maintain these values ​​throughout the year, not just during the holy month. This is the true purpose and test of Ramadan.


Suhur is the morning meal before the fast itself in the pre-dawn time. Suhur must be performed before morning prayer (Fajr, Irte prayer). Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him) called for performing suhur: “Take food before dawn [on fasting days]! Truly, in suhoor is God’s grace (barakat)!”

Meal times are specified in the Holy Quran:

“...Eat and drink until you can distinguish the white thread of dawn from the black one, and then fast until nightfall.”

On suhoor you need to say: “Navaitu an asuma sawma fard minal-fajri ilal-maghribi khalisan lil-lyahi ta’ala.” Translation: “I intend to fast the month of Ramadan from dawn to sunset sincerely for the sake of Allah.” A prerequisite is the intention or niyat in the heart of the determination to keep the fast.


Iftar is an evening meal or breaking the fast. Iftar time is evening prayer (maghrib, akhsham prayer), when the sun has set below the horizon, i.e. it begins immediately after sunset.

Dua for Iftar in Arabic: ْـرُ إِنْ شـاءَ الله .

Transcription: 3ahaba-z-zama"u, wa-btallyati-l-"uruku wa sabata-l-ajru, in sha"a-Llahu.

Translation: Thirst has gone, and the veins are filled with moisture, and the reward is already waiting, if Allah wills.

There is also another dua: “Allaahumma lakya sumtu wa ‘alaya rizkykya aftartu wa ‘alaikya tavakkyaltu wa bikya aamant.” Ya vaasi'al-fadli-gfir liy. Al-hamdu lil-lyahil-lyazi e’aanani fa sumtu wa razakani fa aftart.”

Translation: “O Lord, I fasted for You (for Your pleasure with me) and, using Your benefits, I broke my fast. I hope in You and believe in You. Forgive me, O One whose mercy is limitless. Praise be to the Almighty, Who helped me fast and fed me when I broke my fast.”

What breaks the fast?

1. Food and drink in any form (or anything that can replace food, such as energy shots). Also smoking.

2. The release of blood through bloodletting.

3. Intentionally induced vomiting.

4. Sexual intercourse or intentional ejaculation. Also kissing, hugging or looking at women.

5. Leakage of blood due to menstruation or postpartum bleeding.

Cases that do not break the fast

1. Eating or drinking or smoking out of forgetfulness.
2. Involuntary ejaculation.
3. Bleeding or donating blood for testing or as a donor.
4. Rinsing the mouth, rinsing the nose, taking a bath, showering, swimming.
5. Injections for medical reasons.
6. Tasting food without swallowing (for example, when cooking).

Who may not fast?

1. Travelers. A traveler may not fast during the entire journey. A journey is considered to be a distance of 80 km (according to the Hanafi madhhab).
2. Sick.
3. Pregnant and breastfeeding.
4. If there is danger, such as the threat of death or physical complications.

1. Avoid overeating or filling your stomach completely with food.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

“The worst vessel that can be filled by the son of Adam (man) is his stomach. It is enough for a person to eat as much as necessary to maintain strength. To say more, a third (of the stomach) is for food, a third is for drinking and a third is for breathing.”

2. Proper selection of food during Iftar. Avoid fatty, fried and sweet foods. It is advisable to start the meal with liquid food; soup, ayran and milk are ideal. Afterwards you should take a short break.

3. Include fruits, vegetables, and nuts in your diet. And also foods rich in fiber and minerals, as they are very important for the body.

4. Take more water. Just plain water, and not juices or other liquid products, since water is a nutrient source for cells. Do not forget that the body consists of 2/3 water, 90% blood, 75% muscle.

Benefits of fasting

And finally, let's not forget that this month works real miracles with our body and thinking. Here are just seven of the many benefits that a fasting person receives in this world:

  1. You are getting better.
    By controlling your thoughts and actions during fasting, and beingware of gossip, you get used to thinking and speaking positively. By giving alms and doing good deeds, a person becomes more merciful and attentive to the needs of the people around him. Clear thoughts and the opportunity to be useful make a person happy.
  1. You are getting stronger.
    The test of thirst and hunger, in which everyone who fasts shows patience, reveals simple truths to us: we are more resilient than we think, both in body and spirit.
  1. You become grateful.
    Thanks to the Almighty for the sweetness of the first sip of water after a day's fast, a person realizes what enormous riches the Creator has endowed him with. But just a couple of months ago, many people no longer thought about it. Ramadan is a reminder of how great the mercy of Allah is towards His creatures.
  1. Your fat reserves are burned.
    The conventional calorie counting method focuses on burning the calories consumed per day to see results. With daily fasting, fat burning goes beyond the calories consumed. For at least eight hours, the sugar and carbohydrates consumed that day are completely burned, after which the body turns to fat reserves for energy. However, it is important to remember that the meals you eat should contain a healthy combination of proteins, fats and slow-release carbohydrates to fuel muscle function.
  1. Brain activity increases.
    Fasting puts the body in a state mild stress, causing the production of a protein called brain-derived neurotrophic factor. This protein helps in rejuvenation and regeneration of brain stem cells, and also strengthens memory and motor function. Likewise, a decrease in the amount of the hormonal cortisol produced by the adrenal glands means that stress levels are significantly reduced during Ramadan.
  1. Cholesterol and insulin sensitivity are reduced.
    It has been proven that fasting lowers blood pressure, regulates bad cholesterol and eliminates insulin sensitivity. These are all risk factors for heart disease, which are one common reasons premature death. Fasting helps regulate sugar and insulin levels and reduces the risk of diabetes.
  1. Prevention of diseases.
    Oxidative stress can lead to many age-related diseases. These include chronic diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, arthritis, stroke, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease. Chronic inflammatory processes in the body cause effects such as Crohn's disease, arthritis, obesity, asthma and cancer. Fasting significantly helps reduce the risk of disease by detoxifying and producing anti-inflammatory compounds.

Fasting in Ramadan brings unimaginable benefits to the body if observed correctly. There is no need to fill your stomach with food, gorge yourself on fast food and sweets, waste time on useless conversations and activities, and the reward for fasting will return to you many times over both in this worldly and in the hereafter.

How to fast correctly from Shamil Alyautdinov

We would like to show you videos about how to fast correctly from the lips of a real expert Shamil Alyautdinov - not only an imam and righteous man, but also a healthy nutrition activist.

Video source - tvumma channel.

Iftar schedule for Ramadan 2018 for Moscow

Suhoor time- before Fajr (morning prayer), i.e. When it is time for morning prayer, you cannot eat.
Iftar- you can eat. Advances into the Maghreb.

Number Day Fajr Shuruk Zuhr Asr Maghreb Isha
May 16 Wed 2:28 4:16 12:27 16:46 20:37 22:24
May 17 Thu 2:27 4:14 12:27 16:47 20:39 22:25
May 18 Fri 2:26 4:13 12:27 16:47 20:40 22:26
May 19 Sat 2:25 4:11 12:27 16:48 20:42 22:27
May 20 Sun 2:24 4:09 12:27 16:49 20:44 22:28
May 21 Mon 2:23 4:08 12:27 16:49 20:46 22:29
May 22 W 2:22 4:06 12:27 16:50 20:47 22:30
May 23 Wed 2:21 4:05 12:28 16:51 20:49 22:31
May 24 Thu 2:20 4:03 12:28 16:51 20:51 22:32
May 25 Fri 2:19 4:02 12:28 16:52 20:52 22:33
May 26 Sat 2:18 4:00 12:28 16:52 20:54 22:34
May 27 Sun 2:17 3:59 12:28 16:53 20:55 22:35
May 28 Mon 2:16 3:58 12:28 16:54 20:57 22:36
May 29 W 2:15 3:56 12:28 16:54 20:58 22:37
May 30 Wed 2:14 3:55 12:28 16:55 21:00 22:38
May 31 Thu 2:13 3:54 12:28 16:55 21:01 22:41