Modern icons of the Mother of God. On Saturday of the fifth week of Lent, the Orthodox Church performs non-seated singing of the image of the Most Holy Theotokos

There are icons not only in churches, but also in homes. The image of the Mother of God is considered one of the most powerful, but it is important to know what each image is intended for.

People turn to the icon of the Mother of God for help, protection and consolation. They pray in front of her image to save themselves and their loved ones from all troubles. That is why there is such a variety of images of the Virgin Mary.

Those who want to save their home keep an icon Mother of God. It is known that those who pray to her are protected spiritually and physically from any evil. Since ancient times, people have hung an image above the entrance and asked for its protection. There are more than 800 names of images. Those with a child in their arms relieve ailments and help the soul to see the light. Prayer only reaches if it comes from the heart and with good intentions.


Total exists four types of icons Mother of God:

1 Sign. The Mother of God prays on these icons. They write it up to the waist or in full height. On her chest is an image of the unborn Christ. This icon symbolizes the Immaculate Conception;

2 Hodegetria. Occurs most often. The main idea is that the Mother of God leads to faith. Depicted in full height, waist-deep or shoulder-deep. She has a baby in her arms. She points to him with one. Jesus blesses the mother and the believers;

3 Eleusa. On icons of this type, the Mother of God is always depicted holding a child in her arms. Symbol of the unity of mother and son;

4 Akathist. On them the Virgin Mary is depicted without a child. It is considered a collective image of mothers who worry about their children.


The first image of the Virgin Mary was found in the second century AD in the catacombs.

Her images were applied to vessels for incense. In the 5th century Mary was granted the right to be called the Mother of God. In the images that have survived, she holds a child in her arms and sits on a throne. Her images were mosaiced in old temples, for example in the church Santa Maggiore and in church Panagia Angeloktista. Images of Mary were created in Byzantium. One of the icons was brought to Russia. Was later named Vladimirskaya and began to be considered the standard of icon painting. A copy Byzantine icons is Novgorodskaya icon.

How to pray

Icons of the Mother of God are considered truly miraculous and believers turn to them for help. The Mother of God protects. If you approach her with pure intentions, she will fulfill the request. Simply reading prayers does not work; only sincere faith will help. You can pray at home or in church after the service. The most common:

  • From hunger. The harvest increases, income increases;
  • For ailments. More often they ask about vision;
  • From drunkenness. The drunkard will become a teetotaler forever;
  • From grief. The soul calms down;
  • To protect your home. Ill-wishers will not pass.


Many images are considered miraculous. From Moscow:

  • Gracious. Located in the Conception Convent. She grants motherhood to women;
  • Tikhvinskaya. Gives protection. It is interesting that under communism the church with this icon was not closed;
  • Vladimirskaya from the Church of St. Nicholas. There is a legend that she saved Rus' from enemies three times. This icon is venerated in June-July and September.
  • Kazan Mother of God. The first miracle was her rescue from the fire - she remained intact. Heals and protects.

Nobody knows why icons stream myrrh. This usually happens before tragic events. It is interesting that this phenomenon appears only on icons made on wood. The icons streamed myrrh before the events in Georgia, Beslan and Ukraine. The seven-shot icon has been streaming myrrh for 20 years.


Icons of the Mother of God symbolize the unity of God and man.

Her image is collective– a mother who forgives her child, understands and protects him. Therefore, there are many icons and holidays dedicated to this image. The clergy instruct that there is no greater pain than the death of your own child. The Mother of God went through these torments and teaches humility to believers. She lived in patience, orphaned. The Mother of God married a widower; his children did not love her.

Reading prayers without faith and indifferent visits to the temple will bring nothing. Our Lady teaches people to remain virtuous, to be humble in difficult moments of their lives and to know that everything can turn out for the better.


It is customary to draw the throne in Greece and Italy. The Virgin Mary on it or in full growth in Russia was usually depicted on frescoes or iconostases - on large-scale canvases. Icon painters mostly painted it up to the waist or shoulders. She is an intercessor and protects those who ask.

In the Russian tradition, the icon is satellite. They took it with them, prayed before it and passed it on to their descendants. It is believed that what more years image, the more powerful it is. In Russia It's common to have more than one house icons, and also in temples there are countless of them. Many images of the Mother of God are considered miraculous.


In Orthodox iconography, the following are used to depict the Mother of God: details:

  • Blue tunic;
  • Blue cap;
  • Maforius;

Every element on the icon has a meaning.

The stars on maforia signify the stages of life: conception, birth and death. Border– glorification. Handkerchief symbolizes motherhood, divine belonging. Blue- a symbol of virginity, purity. Sometimes tradition is broken to emphasize a particular detail. Our Lady without mafori I am also considered a departure from church canons. In Orthodoxy, the crown is written on top of the scarf. The image of the crown itself came from the west. In early icons the Mother of God was only in maforia.


More than two hundred images are recorded in the religious calendar.

One of the important holidays is Protection of the Virgin Mary. It is named after the icon of the same name. On it the Mother of God is depicted in full height. In her hands she holds a cloth with the image of Jesus, sometimes she is depicted without it. One of the most revered icons - Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


This image is distinguished from others by a detail: it is pierced by 7 arrows, sometimes with swords in their place.

What does this mean? Typically near the right shoulder three arrows, and the left one has four. There is an image with symmetry - three on each side and one below.


When, on the fortieth day of Jesus’ life, they brought him to the Jerusalem temple, the sage Simeon blessed him and told the Mother of God that “a weapon will pierce the soul.” He predicted the suffering of a mother about her son. It is believed that seven arrows are a symbol of sins. In addition, the number seven means completeness, in this case the completeness of maternal grief. The date of its origin is unknown. Some believe that it is five centuries old, others believe that it is more. According to legend, the image was found in the first half of the 19th century on an ordinary wooden board.

The Mother of God turns to her son to intercede for those who sincerely ask. However, she sees the sins of each of those praying and this pierces her like arrows.


This image is one of the most powerful. Prayers at this icon help those who have evil people around them: envious people and ill-wishers. It helps to soften hearts, awaken compassion and a desire to do good in people. Anyone who is sick will receive the help of the Mother of God.

Miracles have been witnessed:

  • The lame man who found the icon on the stairs of the bell tower was cured;
  • Deliverance of the Vologda province from the cholera epidemic.

It is believed that if you place an icon of the Mother of God at home, then it will be protected from bad influences, and the residents will find physical and spiritual harmony.

Who does it help:

  • To those who fight. She protects their lives;
  • For those who have envious people or enemies;
  • Sick of any illness.

Those who hang this icon at home or in their office do not have to worry about safety, since it wards off evil and protects from conflicts. You can hang a small image above the door of your home or on your desk.

Where to buy

Many people ask: where to buy an icon? This image is quite common, so it is easy to find. You can buy in the church shop. They are available in almost any shopping center. However, before placing it in your home, you need to consecrate it in the church. Some sellers may claim that nothing is counterfeited and the products are sanctified, but it is better not to take risks.

Why is it preferable to buy icons in a temple:

  • All icons are consecrated;
  • No fakes;
  • By purchasing from a temple, you are supporting it and allowing it to grow.

Some people who are fond of needlework embroider icons threads or beads, and also paint.

Where to hang

Owners of this icon say that household members become softer in character and calmer.

The house itself becomes more prosperous, so all believers want to buy it. It is best to place the icon there, where it will be convenient to pray.

Icons are not decoration, so there are some useful tips:

  • There should be no items such as cosmetics, figurines, jewelry and other non-religious attributes near the icons;
  • It is not allowed to place icons together with non-iconographic images and non-canonical attributes: paintings based on biblical subjects, calendars, books;
  • You should not place images of modern idols near the icon: fan posters of various contents or photographs;
  • Icons are usually hung on the eastern side so that positive energy. Make sure there is free space in front of her;
  • It is allowed to keep religious literature, candles and other religious attributes next to the icon;
  • To make an iconostasis at home, it is appropriate to use a shelf, a special structure or an icon case. They are usually not hung on nails;
  • If several faces are placed, then you need to follow the hierarchy: in the center there are two older faces, and on the left and right there are younger ones next to each other;
  • Often hung above the door;
  • The place where the icon stands is kept clean.

How to pray

The clergy say that if a person does not know prayers, but believes, then he can pray to the Mother of God, and she will accept his requests.

It is worth praying every day, especially before leaving home. Thoughts must be the most sincere, otherwise she will not hear those asking for help. Requests for healing, for an end to quarrels and conflicts - something that can help Semistrelnaya.

Celebration days

The icons are different, but since they belong to the same type, they decided to honor them on the same days. This happens:

  • August 13;
  • After Easter on the 9th Sunday;
  • The first Sunday after the Holy Trinity.

Notable lists

In Moscow there are two icons that stream myrrh. One is located in the Church of the Archangel Michael, and the other in the village of Bachurino.

It was made to order, but when the owner noticed that the icon was streaming myrrh, I immediately gave it to the church. After this, the icon was recognized as miraculous and it was taken abroad and shown in Russian cities. Another icon is located in the Church of St. Lazarus, which is located in Vologda. It was brought after the war. Pilgrims come to her twice a year.

Another icon is in the Venetian chapel. She was found by Italian soldiers during Second World War. The icon was found in a destroyed house and given to the priest. The Italian forces were defeated, but the priest escaped. Then in Venice built a chapel for the icon. They say that before the war this icon belonged to a monastery.


It is believed that Our Lady of Kazan protects from enemies and heals ailments.

Those who are in trouble can ask her for help and protection. This icon can be placed at home or given as a gift. This image belongs to the “Hodegetria” type, that is, its goal is guide a person to the true path.


In the 16th century there was a fire in Kazan. The holy face was discovered by the merchant's little daughter Matrona. In a dream, the Mother of God appeared to her and told her to get the icon from the fire. Surprisingly the image was not damaged and looked new. At the site where the icon was found, a convent. The icon was given to the Assumption Cathedral for storage. However, in the 20th century the icon was stolen and then destroyed. Only copies of the image have survived. After the founding of the temple, Matrona and her mother became abbess.

Celebration dates

In honor of this face, it is customary to celebrate twice a year:

  • June 21. On this day, the girl saw a vision of the Virgin Mary. Celebrated since the 16th century;
  • November 4. Moscow was liberated by Minin and Pozharsky in the fall of 1612.

Before the decisive battle, people prayed and asked for intercession. After the revolution November 4 ceased to be a holiday, in 2005 it became Day of National Unity. The same service is held on these days.

Icon location

In its early years it was located in Tretyakov Gallery. A copy of it is kept in the home church of the Moscow Patriarch. This copy is gift to the Roman Catholic Church in honor of the end of the rivalry between the churches. The closest copy to the original is stored in Prince Vladimir Cathedral, which is in St. Petersburg.


The Kazan Mother of God helps people realize and find their true path through life.

They prayed to her during the Time of Troubles, and thanks to her protection, troops recaptured Moscow from the Polish invaders. Peter I prayed to her before the Battle of Poltava. During the Patriotic War of 1812, she helped soldiers win several victories. Kutuzov prayed to the Mother of God before heading into the army.

Miracles that happened during religious processions are associated with it:

  • The unknown pilgrim was cured of his illness;
  • The daughter-in-law of a noble man got rid of a leg disease;
  • The newborn received his sight;
  • Demons came out of several women.

After this, all the sufferers hurried to the icon.

Not only military or political figures, but also ordinary people can rely on the protection of the Kazan Mother of God. If you ask from the bottom of your heart, then she grants her protection to everyone who asks.

How does it help?

Kazan Mother of God helps everyone who believes and asks for help:

  • They ask the Kazan Mother of God to bless the marriage of the young;
  • Married couples turn to her with a request to find harmony in their relationships and get rid of misfortunes
  • Most of all, she is supportive of children: she protects them from misfortune, evil people and helps along the path of life;
  • They pray to her to help the soldiers and protect their native land;
  • She helps to find right decision and avoid failure. Witnesses say that she came to them in their dreams and told them what to do and how to do it, and what to give up. Thus, a person avoids trouble;
  • They pray to her in difficult times when there is not enough strength to fight. In sorrow, she will comfort the one who asks and give him instructions;
  • It helps with weakening faith in the soul and cures ailments. They ask her to get her sight back. Helps to see spiritually.
  • The original icon was small in size - approximately 26x22 centimeters;
  • There were two vestments - for the holidays and for everyday use. The festive one was made of gold, and on top was a frame with precious stones. Casual made of pearls;
  • Most often they ask her for relief from eye ailments, attacks, or help in difficult times;
  • In honor of the Kazan Mother of God, the Kazan Cathedral was erected at the expense of Pozharsky;
  • In the 17th century, the icon became a state-level shrine;
  • The first set of jewelry was ordered to be made by Empress Anna Ioannovna. She ordered to build a church and move the icon there;
  • A cathedral was built in her honor in St. Petersburg;
  • During the terrorist attack in the Winter Palace, the icon was not damaged, although the room where it was located was completely destroyed;
  • The icon is credited with helping to win the Great Patriotic War. They say that Zhukov himself took her to the front;
  • The most famous Kazan icons are: the Moscow/St. Petersburg lists and the revealed icon. However, the Moscow list and the revealed icon were lost;
  • At the beginning of the 20th century, the revealed icon was stolen, later burnt icons were found in the thief’s oven, presumably it was also destroyed;
  • There is a legend that the abbess of the monastery changed the icon for an exact copy before going to bed in order to protect the shrine from thieves. Therefore, it is believed that the real icon was not stolen;
  • The list of Moscow was stolen at the beginning of the last century, where it is now is unknown;
  • The St. Petersburg list survived because the abbot told the Bolsheviks that the list had no value;
  • One of the lists was taken out of Russia to save it from the Bolsheviks. Kept by the Pope, many years later the list returned to Kazan;
  • This icon is considered a wedding icon;
  • The list of icons went to the ISS in 2011;
  • Monasteries and churches are dedicated to her not only in Russia, but also in Belarus, Finland and Cuba.
  • VIDEO: Intercessor. Kazan Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    Intercessor / Kazan Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    In the center of the plot of the picture is the Vatican list of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God - the main Orthodox shrine of Kazan.


    The icon received its name from the monastery in which it is located. He stands on sacred mountain Athos. People call her the Gatekeeper.

    Basically, it helps in getting rid of diseases and protecting the home from unwanted guests. The monks said that she warns about negative events that will happen in the world soon.

    Where is it stored?

    First mentioned in the 9th century. During that period, images of saints were mocked and were subject to destruction. According to legend, the image was saved by a widow, but they found out about it. The soldiers burst into the woman's house and pierced the image, it bled. The woman prayed to the Mother of God and went to the water. When the icon touched the water, it floated vertically. The rumor about this reached Mount Athos. The widow's son became a monk on the mountain.

    Not far from her, hundreds of years ago, a ship with Mary moored. In the 5th century a monastery was created. One day the monks saw a column of fire from the water. They tried to approach the image, but it floated away as they approached. The monks prayed to God to give them the icon. After some time, the Mother of God appeared to the elder and said: that he will give them the icon. But for this he must come to her by sea.

    The brothers positioned themselves on the shore and began to pray while the elder walked on the water. After receiving it, she was kept in the chapel and prayed for three days. After that, she was moved to the temple, and a source appeared in the place where she was. Then it appeared above the gate, it was removed and returned to its place, but the image again appeared above the gate.

    The Mother of God again appeared to the elder and said that there was no need to protect her, she herself would be the guardian of the monastery. The monks built a church above the gate and the image is still there. She is honored on Tuesday of Bright Week. Then it happens religious procession to the place where the elder received the shrine.

    Orthodox icons, their names and meanings - important aspect studying Christian Science. It is very difficult to imagine any Christian home without a variety of different icons, each of which has its own meaning. As the history of religion says, many of them became known to believers many centuries ago. People’s religious beliefs have been formed for a very long time, but this does not make icons lose their special cultural and historical significance for parishioners of many churches and temples. Orthodox icons, photos and names play with them important role in healing the human soul and bringing it closer to the Lord.

    It is believed that every saint can invisibly provide help even in the most seemingly hopeless situation. It is worth turning to some of the saints for help in any serious life situation. The names of Orthodox icons and their meanings will be presented in this article. In addition to descriptions and stories about the wonderful properties of each image, photographs of the most revered of them will also be given.

    This material will tell you about the meaning of each icon presented, as well as the rules of prayer and the miracles that a specific holy face can perform. It also happens that the names of icons from photos already contain information about what troubles this image can protect from. Each icon described will be given a special place in the section. The icon of the Mother of God, painted and kept for a long time in the walls of churches in the city of Kazan, has the greatest authority among believers both in Russia and throughout the world. This majestic and large-scale icon is considered the main protector of the inhabitants of our country. Any significant holiday in the life of a Russian person cannot do without a ritual of worship of this image, be it baptism or the sacred ceremony of wedding of loving hearts.

    Below we will describe the revered icons of the Mother of God. The photo and name, and their meaning will also be revealed.

    It is known that the icon of Our Lady of Kazan helps single believers soon find family happiness, and long-established couples overcome discord in their relationships and begin to live happier lives. Since it protects families, it is customary to hang it in any home near the crib so that the baby is under the protection and protection of the Lord.

    In order to quickly figure out which image of the Mother of God to pray to in a given situation, it is better to learn the icons of the Mother of God with their names in advance. Speaking about the icon of Our Lady of Vladimir, it is worth noting that it is considered no less revered among many believing citizens. There is information that this icon was awarded to the most influential kings in the Russian Empire during their coronation. You can pray to this icon to become kinder, to find a family and to be healed from serious illnesses, as well as to make peace with those with whom there was a serious conflict. Also, this image invisibly protects mothers and young children who are in difficult life situations from misfortunes and sorrows. On top of that, this icon helps with infertility and other disorders of the reproductive organs, as well as pregnant women and nursing mothers. These are the most popular icons of the Virgin Mary. Photos and names of other images will also be presented in this article.

    As has already become clear even from the description of these two icons, the power of the Mother of God is almost omnipotent, however, like many other icons of the Orthodox Church. That is why it is so important for every believer to know the icons of the Most Holy Theotokos with their names. Every Christian needs to know at least some facts about the meaning of certain images, as well as some information about the life of one or another Orthodox saint.

    As you know, the Lord hears those people who follow Him, observing all church and spiritual laws. Believe in God and be happy. Below are the most revered icons of the Mother of God, the names and meaning of each of them.

    Icon of the Mother of God “Blessed Sky”

    This miraculous icon is offered prayers to take the right path, as well as for the dead people to have peace and well in the next world. They praise this icon on March 6 in the old style, and on March 19 in the new style.

    Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Desperate One Hope”

    Some names of icons can rarely be heard in church use, but this does not deprive them of their power. Despite the fact that indicates little fame this image, in the Orthodox Church there is even an akathist for her. Prayers in front of this icon can heal despondency, spiritual decline and sorrow. Those believers who are disappointed and have lost their divine spirit pray to the Almighty to perk up, forgive their offenders and reconcile with their enemies. In addition, they pray to the icon for deliverance from envy and reconciliation of warring people, including neighbors.

    Modern addictions (gambling addiction, drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking, computer addiction) can be healed by turning to this image of the Mother of God.

    Bogolyubskaya Icon of the Mother of God

    This icon helps in healing plague, cholera, pestilence and other serious diseases. The Mother of God is venerated in this image either on June 18 or June 1.

    Icon of the Mother of God “Seeking the Lost”

    They pray to this famous icon for cures for toothache and headaches, vision problems, fever and epilepsy, for well-being in marriage, for the return of faith in the Lord to the heart, as well as for very serious, almost incurable childhood illnesses. In addition, people turn to the same icon with a request to cure addiction to alcohol. The date of the day of praise is February 18 or 5.

    Icon of Our Lady of Vladimir

    This icon is known primarily for the fact that during the times of ancient Rus' the most noble gentlemen and kings were crowned with it. It is also known that with the participation of this image the elections of high priests were held. People pray to this icon to become kinder, to be healed from serious illnesses, about expelling demons from the body. Mothers and their little children can fully rely on the patronage of the Mother of God in this image, and for those who are just waiting for the baby to appear, this image will grant an easy birth and health to the newborn baby. Infertile women can turn to the icon with a request to grant long-awaited children.

    The Vladimir and Kazan Mother of God are the most beloved icons of the Mother of God. Photos and names of these shrines can be found in the homes of even not very devout people.

    Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow”

    Sometimes the names of icons speak for themselves. This icon is popular among people who have suffered severe offense, suffering, severe seizures and respiratory diseases, and tuberculosis patients. In addition, here you can pray for the healing of the hands of a sick person. The icon's name day is celebrated on October 6 or 24.

    Icon "The Queen of All"

    There are quite rare ones, but very strong icons Mother of God, photos with names will be presented below.

    The Icon of the Mother of God “Vsetsaritsa” helps those people who suffer from oncological diseases and undergo a number of courses of chemotherapy and radiation.

    They offer their prayers to this icon during epidemics of plague, fever, ulcers, blindness, and hearing impairment. The name day of the holy image is celebrated on August 6 or 22.

    They pray to this icon for the normalization of relations in the country, for justice, for finding joy in the heart, for the absence of hypocrisy in love. The day of this icon is celebrated on March 15 or 2.

    This image of the holy Mother of God is prayed to in the presence of severe defects of the soul and body, as well as after any important work has ended. The name day of this icon is celebrated on June 11 or 23.

    Those who are currently suffering from serious illnesses of soul and body, as well as those who are overcome by infirmity, offer their prayers to this image. True believers, when turning to this wonderful icon, receive complete healing for an indefinite period. The name day of the Life-Giving Spring icon is celebrated on the day of Bright Week.

    Prayers are addressed to this holy image against cholera, visual impairment and other similar ailments. The name day of this icon is usually celebrated on September 8 or 21.

    Name days are celebrated on Tuesday Holy Week, and it helps with severe fires, as well as with various problems and when there is a need for consolation in spiritual adversity. Memorial Day is February 12 or 25.

    It is customary for Orthodox citizens to direct their prayers to this icon in the event of a mass death livestock, with plague, with cholera, as well as in the presence of blindness and problems of the musculoskeletal system. Treatment in a huge number of cases guarantees complete recovery.

    This icon, endowed with miraculous properties, is prayed to in case of pronounced paralysis, in case of infection with smallpox, in case of leg diseases, in case of suspected attacks by “evil spirits”, and also to protect against sudden death. The days of memory of the icon are celebrated on March 16 or 29.

    They pray to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in cases where there is a danger of invasion by foreigners, as well as for the return of sight to blind people and successful entry into God’s union loving friend friend to people. In addition, such prayer helps to survive cataclysms. The icon celebrates its name day on June 8th and 21st and in October on the 4th and 22nd.

    Those who suffer from significant hearing impairments, as well as other similar ailments, bow and pray to this image. This icon celebrates its name day on September 2 and 15.

    "Kozelshchanskaya" Icon of the Mother of God

    A prayerful appeal to this wonderful, life-giving icon is useful for any injuries to the limbs, serious injuries and upcoming serious surgical interventions. This icon of the Mother of God celebrates the name day on February 6 and 21.

    Icon of the Mother of God "Mammal"

    This divine face is worshiped as usual by women in labor, pregnant and nursing mothers. This icon celebrates Memorial Day on January 12 and 25.

    Before this majestic icon they pray in the name of piety, the triumph of truth, for the revival of mercy and compassion in human hearts, for the acquisition of healthy physical body and reason, about preserving the Christian faith throughout the country. The praise of this icon and its name day takes place on April 12 and 25.

    This icon of the Most Holy Theotokos is called upon to deliver people who sincerely pray to Her from fires, floods and other damage to property. Remembrance Day is celebrated on September 4 and 17 each year.

    The icon helps not to go astray from the right path in life, to preserve a righteous way of life, and helps lonely believers find true love. By sincerely praying before this image and asking for help and advice, you can solve any, even the most difficult problems in family life and relationships between spouses. In addition, the icon helps seriously ill believers to heal as quickly as possible. Remembrance Day is celebrated on April 3 and 16.

    There are usually queues of deaf and hard of hearing people waiting for this icon. The icon's name day is December 9 and 22.

    All sinful people pray to this icon, and the relatives of gambling addicts, drug addicts and alcoholics also turn with hope. This icon calls for the cultivation of mercy and kindness, as well as for a feeling of joy from every day. The saying on the image reads: “To all who ask by faith it will be given!”

    Those who want to be healed of the most serious illnesses offer their prayers to this icon. Name days are celebrated on January 21 or 3.

    Since time immemorial, in moments of severe suffering during the birth of children, when death is so close, women have resorted with especially fervent prayer to the Savior and His Most Pure Mother. In pious families even in our time you can see the icon of the Mother of God, called “Help in Childbirth.” This wonderful and unusual blessed icon All pregnant women who want to give birth to healthy children without problems pray to Our Lady.

    They pray to this truly miraculous icon for the prevention of wars and schisms, for protection from various heresies, for protection from the invasion of foreigners and strangers, for protection from spiritual and physical blindness. Days of respect are July 23 and 5.

    This image of the Mother of God is intended to protect believers from cholera and complete loss of vision. The name day of this wonderful image of the Virgin Mary is celebrated on September 16 or 29.

    This icon better than any another can protect against the evil eye, damage and unkind thoughts of passing people. It is customary to place this icon in the left corner of the hallway so that every person passing into the house is clearly visible. This icon feels envy and curses like no other, therefore, where this image exists, envious people do not take root. The best location for such an icon is opposite the front door.

    Sailors who have suffered a shipwreck pray before this image, as well as those who have blindness, weak legs, deafness, problems with their hands, as well as those who have unwittingly become hostages of terrorists. The day of veneration of the icon is celebrated on November 9 or 22.

    This icon is prayed to in case of suspected fetal pathology so that the birth is successful and the child is born healthy. The icon's name day is celebrated on March 9 and 22.

    This icon is prayed to by those who work in professions that involve immersion in water. Orthodox Christians celebrate the name day of the icon on December 20 or 2.

    It is customary to offer prayers to this icon in the name of deliverance from drought, disease and general hunger. The name day of this Holy Image is celebrated on October 15 and 28.

    This uplifting icon is prayed to in cases of terrible despondency, sorrow and powerlessness. Also, the reason for praying to this icon will be a darkened state of spirit. The name day of this icon is celebrated on March 7 and 20.

    "Passionate" icon of the Mother of God

    This icon can give a miracle of healing from cholera, vision problems, muscle weakness, and protect from the impending “big fire”. Name days are celebrated on August 13 and 26.

    This icon is worshiped when healing the blind and those possessed by demons, with epilepsy, with muscle weakness, with the healing of small children, with paralysis of the lower and lower extremities. upper limbs. You can also pray to this icon when attacking foreigners. This icon celebrates its name day on June 26 and 9.

    Believing parishioners pray to this image to eliminate drought and cravings for vices, including atheism. The memorial day is celebrated on August 8 and 21.

    They pray to this icon for the return of lost or stolen valuables, for the acquittal of the obviously innocent and for the release of hostages from captivity. The day of this icon is celebrated on December 26 or 8.

    This icon belongs to Saint Seraphim of Sarov and gives seriously ill people quick relief from suffering and strengthening their faith in the Lord. The name day of this masterpiece of icon painting is celebrated on July 28 and 10, as well as on July 19 and 1.

    They pray to this icon to moderate the ardor of sinful passions, to interrupt the series of harmful addictions. Orthodox believers celebrate a memorable day for the icon on January 25 and 7.

    Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God

    This icon has been held in high regard by believers for a very long time because it protects happy families and the health of young children. On top of that, this icon can help with long and difficult childbirth. This image of the Mother of God is kept in Epiphany Cathedral the city of Kostroma, and it appeared in 1613 and fell into the possession of the Tsar of the Russian State, Mikhail Fedorovich.

    Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary “Healer”

    This icon speaks for itself. Usually seriously ill Christians turn to her for help. The icon celebrates its birthday on September 18 or 1.

    Chernigov Icon of the Mother of God

    Those possessed by demons, as well as blind or visually impaired people come to pray to this icon. Name days are celebrated on September 1 and 14.

    This icon can very easily heal diseases of the hands and feet, as well as severe mental and spiritual suffering. The date for celebrating the name day of the icon is June 28 or 11.

    Above were the most revered icons of the Mother of God. Photos with names will help you quickly find this or that image and find out its meaning.

    Icon "Holy Trinity"

    The most famous version of the image of the Holy Trinity icon belongs to the brush of the famous master of icon painting Andrei Rublev. There are also images painted by the hands of other equally famous icon painters. The icon shows the faces of the members of the Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) floating in the heavens. This icon must be present in every home, since its effect is universal. At the moment, the main copy is located within the walls of the Trinity Church in the city of Kaluga.

    Also in the Orthodox Church, other holy icons are venerated. Their name and meaning should certainly be known.

    Icon of the name of the Holy Great Martyr Pantileimon

    The image of the Great Martyr is known for its miraculous healing properties. Parishioners who place candles next to this icon and ask for healing receive real Grace from the Lord. At the moment, the most important copy of the Pantileimon icon is in the Church of John the Baptist.

    Holy Blessed Matrona of Moscow

    This saint is one of the most revered in the world of religion. The main monastery, where her relics remain to this day, is located in the capital of our homeland on Taganskoye Highway. The monastery in which the relics of Matrona rest is purely female. Every day, crowds of believers come to the monastery to turn to Matronushka with a prayer for help or with gratitude. In the vicinity of Moscow, namely in Kaluga, there is also an icon of Matrona, and it is located in the Church of the Myrrh-Bearing Women.

    Peter and Fevronia

    In the same temple there is an icon of the Holy couple Peter and Fevronia, to whom people turn for help in love and family life.

    Unfortunately, all the icons are Orthodox; their photos and names cannot be described in one article, because there are a huge number of them. But nevertheless, the main shrines were still consecrated.

    Orthodox iconography of the Virgin Mary

    Icon “The Crucifixion and Passion of the Lord with 142 images of the Virgin Mary.” Con. XVIII - beginning XIX century (Epiphany Cathedral in Elokhov, Moscow) See also: Catholic iconography of the Virgin Mary

    Orthodox iconography of the Mother of God- a set of types of images of the Virgin Mary in icon painting and a system for studying them.

    The appearance of the Mother of God, in addition to the most ancient images, is known from descriptions of church historians, for example, Nikephoros Callistus, monk Epiphanius, etc. The Mother of God is traditionally depicted in certain clothes: a purple maforia (veil married woman, covering the head and shoulders), and a tunic (long dress) of blue color. Maforium is decorated with three stars - on the head and shoulders. The inscription on the icon is given according to tradition in the Greek abbreviation ΜΗΡ ΘΥ or ΜΡ ΘΥ (Mother of God).

    Icons of the Mother of God are designed to reveal the entire Mother of God dogmatics of Christianity. Tradition attributes the first icons of the Mother of God to the Evangelist Luke. The oldest surviving images of the Virgin Mary were found in Roman catacombs and date back to the 2nd and 3rd centuries. Mary is most often represented seated with the Christ Child in her arms (usually in scenes worship of the Magi), or in a pose Orants.

    The image of the Mother of God sitting on a throne with the Child in her arms is often found in Byzantium; in Russian iconography it is known from the ancient Svenskaya (Pechersk) icon, attributed to the first Russian icon painter Alypius, and the new Derzhavnaya, which appeared in 1917. It is to the iconography of the Mother of God on the throne that some researchers trace one of the most common types of images - Hodegetria.

    Icons of the Mother of God of another common iconographic type - Eleusy (Tenderness), - probably do not appear before the 10th century, but become especially popular in late Byzantine and Old Russian icon painting. The scheme of Our Lady of Oranta was developed in the system of painting the temple, and in icon painting it is known in independent icons under the name Sign or in complex multi-figure compositions.

    Along with the Hodegetria, a similar type of icon of the Mother of God is distinguished Panahranta, which means “All-Merciful.” This type is characterized by the image of the Mother of God on the throne with the Child of God on her knees. The throne symbolizes the royal majesty of the Mother of God.

    Another type of image of the Virgin Mary is independently used even less often: this is the so-called “ Deesis"an icon representing the Mother of God without the Child in a prayerful pose and included in the Deesis compositions. Single icons of the Virgin Mary of this type(like the type itself among some researchers) is called Agiosoritissa. In addition, there are many compositions based on liturgical texts and chants, sometimes combined under the general name “akathist icons.” In addition to the icons of the Mother of God, Her iconography includes icons of the Mother of God feasts.

    The calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church mentions about 260 revered and miraculous icons of the Mother of God; in general, more than 860 names of Her icons can be counted. For most icons, separate days of celebration are established; prayers, troparia, kontakions, and sometimes akathists are written for them.

    Venerated icons of the Virgin Mary

    Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” Icon of the Virgin Mary “Burning Bush” Icon of the Mother of God “Three-Handed” Icon of the Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts” « Praise to Our Lady with Akathist»
    (icon, XIV century) Blachernae icon
    1. Abalakskaya (Abalatskaya, “The Sign” Abalatskaya)
    2. Augustovskaya
    3. Agiosoritissa
    4. Azovskaya
    5. Akathist Zografskaya
    6. Akathist Hilandarskaya
    7. Albazinskaya (The Word became flesh), Albazinskaya (“The Sign”)
    8. Alexandria
    9. Altar girl (Ktitorskaya, Vimatarissa)
    10. Andronikovskaya
    11. Arapetskaya (Arabian)
    12. Armatiyskaya
    13. Akhtyrskaya
    14. Atskurskaya
    15. Balykinskaya
    16. Barlovskaya (Blessed Womb)
    17. Barskaya
    18. Bugabashskaya
    19. Bakhchisarai
    20. Belynichiskaya
    21. Besednaya
    22. Annunciation (Kyiv)
    23. Annunciation (Moscow)
    24. Annunciation (Ustyug)
    25. Blessed Sky
    26. Bogolyubskaya
    27. Bogorodsko-Ufa
    28. Borkolabovskaya
    29. In sorrows and sorrows Consolation
    30. Valaamskaya
    31. Valanasskaya
    32. Vatopedi
    33. Vertograd prisoner
    34. Leap of the Baby
    35. Recovery of the dead
    36. Byzantine
    37. Vilenskaya
    38. Vladimirskaya
    39. Blachernae (Vlahernetissa)
    40. Volokolamsk
    41. The one who brought the ecclesiarch to reason
    42. Joy to all who mourn
    43. Joy with pennies to all who mourn
    44. All-Tsaritsa
    45. Vutivanskaya
    46. Galichskaya
    47. Gerbovetskaya
    48. Gerontissa
    49. Mount Nerukosechnaya
    50. Grebnevskaya
    51. Greek Andronikova
    52. Georgian
    53. Damascus
    54. Degtyarevskaya
    55. Dalmatian
    56. Sovereign
    57. Dolinskaya
    58. Donskaya
    59. Worthy to eat
    60. Dubenskaya Krasnogorskaya
    61. Yeletskaya
    62. Eleusa
    63. Life-Giving Spring
    64. Zhirovitskaya
    65. Intercessor
    66. Sign
    67. Iverskaya
    68. Igorevskaya
    69. Jerusalem
    70. Deliverance from the troubles of those suffering
    71. Kazanskaya
    72. Kaluzhskaya
    73. Kasperovskaya
    74. Kozelshchanskaya
    75. Kolochskaya
    76. Konevskaya
    77. Korsunskaya
    78. Kupyatitskaya
    79. Kursk-Korennaya
    80. Lydda
    81. Maksimovskaya
    82. Gracious
    83. Mammal
    84. Moldavian
    85. Moldavian
    86. Monevmasian
    87. Molchenskaya
    88. Montreal Iverskaya
    89. Muromskaya
    90. Burning bush
    91. Unbreakable Wall
    92. Everlasting Color (Fragrant Color)
    93. Inexhaustible Chalice
    94. Continuous Help
    95. Unexpected Joy
    96. Nikopea
    97. He rejoices in You
    98. Ognevidnaya
    99. Hodegetria
    100. Ozeryanskaya
    101. Oranta
    102. Ostrobramskaya
    103. Paraclesis
    104. Peschanskaya
    105. Petrovskaya
    106. Pecherskaya-Svenskaya
    107. Pimenovskaya
    108. Pisidian (Pisian)
    109. Podkubenskaya
    110. Childbirth assistance
    111. Port Arthur
    112. Pochaevskaya
    113. Adding intelligence
    114. Look to humility
    115. Psychosostria (Psychosostra)
    116. Ravensbruck
    117. Saydanayskaya
    118. Svenskaya
    119. Svyatogorskaya
    120. Holy Cross
    121. Svyatorachitsa
    122. Sedmiezernaya
    123. Quick to Hear
    124. Smolenskaya
    125. Breadmaker
    126. Helper of sinners
    127. Starorusskaya
    128. Passionate
    129. Tabynskaya
    130. Tervenicheskaya
    131. Tikhvinskaya
    132. Tolgskaya
    133. Toropetskaya
    134. Three-handed
    135. Fat Mountain
    136. Tenderness
    137. “Tenderness” Pskov-Pecherskaya
    138. Softening Evil Hearts
    139. Ural
    140. "Assumption" Kiev-Pecherskaya
    141. “Assumption” Pskov-Pecherskaya
    142. "Assuage My Sorrows"
    143. Feodorovskaya
    144. Filermskaya
    145. Halkopratiyskaya
    146. Kholmskaya
    147. Healer
    148. Częstochowa
    149. Chirskaya (Pskovskaya)
    150. Economissa
    151. Yaroslavskaya
    152. Yaroslavskaya (Pecherskaya)
    153. Yakhromskaya


    Main types of icons of the Mother of God in Orthodoxy Theotokos Events Persons Places and objects Iconography Dogmas
    and holidays of prayer
    Conception of the Virgin Mary Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Presentation into the Temple Annunciation Meeting of Mary and Elizabeth Nativity of Christ Flight into Egypt Marriage in Cana of Galilee Crucifixion of Jesus Christ Ascension of the Lord Pentecost Dormition Ascension Coronation
    Saint Joachim and Saint Anna the Righteous Elizabeth Joseph the Betrothed Jesus Christ John the Theologian
    Jerusalem House of Joachim and Anna (Orthodox, Catholic) Second Temple Nazareth House of the Virgin Mary in Loreto City of Judah Source of the Virgin Mary Bethlehem Cave of the Nativity Milk Cave Mataria El Minya Cana Galilee Zion Upper House House of the Virgin Mary in Ephesus House of John the Theologian Tomb of the Virgin Mary Robe of the Virgin Mary Belt of the Blessed Virgin Mary The Lot Mother of God
    Orthodox Catholic Iconography of the Life of the Virgin Mary
    Feasts of the Virgin Mary Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary Holy Virgin Mary, Queen of Poland
    Ave Maria Hymn to the Most Holy Theotokos Theotokos antiphons It is worthy to eat The Rosary rejoices in You Litany of the Most Holy Virgin Mary Agni Parthena

    Icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Miraculous icons

    What measure of grief and suffering can an earthly woman endure? Early orphanhood, life at the temple, suspicions of a spouse about treason - this is the beginning of the life path of the Most Holy Theotokos. The Virgin Mary endured a lot of grief and suffering... The crowd’s mockery of the Son, his martyrdom and long years of life without Him testify to the suffering of the Mother. Her sacrificial love and endless patience helped her rise to the highest spiritual level.

    The icons of the Most Holy Theotokos seem radiant and humble. Her experiences, hardships, and sufferings were replaced by Heavenly glory and the joy of the reunion of the Mother and the Son. The miraculous icons of the Mother of God are revered in many cities and countries. They ease grief and bring faith, heal illnesses and reward forgiveness. Prayers at the image of the Mother of God help soldiers on the battlefields and deliver them from enemies. At the same time, they provide simple family joys and consolation in troubles.

    Four types of icons of the Virgin Mary

    In the Orthodox calendar, many days are marked by the veneration of the miraculous icons of the Mother of God. Through her face she does good deeds, changes the destinies of people, and saves the fallen. The icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary differ from each other. There are 4 main types of such icons.

    Hodegetria (translated from Greek - Guide). In the icon of this type, the Mother of God holds the Child Christ, pointing at him with her hand. Everything is reflected in her eyes life path Christian. Most famous images This type is the Smolensk, Georgian and Kazan icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

    Eleusa (translated from Greek - Merciful). Here the Mother of God clung to the Baby, they hug each other. This image is a symbol of the love of Mother and Son, their unity. The most famous icons Eleusa - Vladimir, Don Mother of God.

    Oranta (translated from Greek - Sign). In the iconography of this view, the Mother of God raised her hands to the sky in an outburst of prayer. The baby has not yet been born, but is already present on the medallion, symbolizing the divine and human principles. The most famous icons are “The Inexhaustible Chalice”, “Yaroslavl Oranta”.

    The akathist view of the icon is a collective image. It is created in iconography under the impression of the Gospel texts. This is more like an illustration of the actions of the Mother of God, her participation in the fate of the Son. Bright icons of this type are “Unexpected Joy”, “The Burning Bush”, “All creation rejoices over you.”

    Patronage of icons

    Icons of the Mother of God in Rus' had the widest distribution. This explains such an abundance of images of the Mother of God. Her face is loved and revered by the people. She is considered a protector, comforter and intercessor. The image of the Mother of God carries within itself love and forgiveness for all sinners and those who have repented.

    People turn to the Holy Image in sorrow and illness, asking for protection from enemies and ill-wishers. Prayers before the icons of the Most Holy Theotokos help women during pregnancy, grant easy childbirth and health to children. Men come for protection and consolation. Each of the miraculous icons of the Mother of God can help after sincere prayer.

    Before the image of “Recovery of the Lost” they pray for headaches, toothaches, for dying children, a grace-filled marriage, and for aversion from alcohol addiction.

    In front of the icon of the Feodorovskaya Mother of God they ask for relief from difficult childbirth. Our Lady of Ostrabram will protect marriage from evil forces and make it prosperous. The “Burning Bush” will protect the house from fires. The “Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary” icon protects from national troubles, protects from danger, helps mothers, and gives happiness to their children.

    The image of the Vladimir Mother of God brought victory to Russian troops over Tamerlane in 1395. They say that the miraculous icon frightened the enemy, and the khan’s hordes simply fled.

    The image of the Don Mother of God helped on the day of the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380. And in 1558, Ivan the Terrible prayed for a long time before going to Kazan. The icon granted victory to the Russian troops and the capture of the city.

    How to pray in front of the icon of the Virgin Mary

    There are many ready-made prayers that are read before the face of the Mother of God. These are requests for help, glorification of the Mother during church holidays, Akathists. They are so simple that with constant reading they can be easily learned by heart.

    There are prayers:

    • when hungry;
    • in sorrow and illness;
    • in case of danger of drowning;
    • for injuries and pain;
    • for eye diseases and blindness;
    • when protecting a house from fire;
    • for hearing diseases and deafness;
    • for cancer;
    • about the disease of drunkenness;
    • about the gift of patience;
    • about getting rid of thoughts of suicide.

    This is only a small part of the prayers with which people turn to the image. It is not without reason that icons of the Most Holy Theotokos are considered miraculous. There are known facts when the image helped in curing serious illnesses, gave faith and patience.

    The Mother of God is a protector and intercessor. If you approach the image with a pure heart and bright thoughts, then the reward will not be long in coming. Prayers can be read at home, in front of the home iconostasis. Or in church, after the service. Formal pronunciation of the words of the text does not grant a miracle. Only sincere faith in the power of God will help the request be fulfilled.

    The clergy assure that if the text of the prayer is difficult to learn, then it can be read in written form. Or state your request in your own words. We should not forget that after fulfilling a wish, you must come to the icon and thank it.

    Miraculous icons

    The icon represents the connection between God and man. This is an opportunity to join and receive Grace. This is a belief in a happy deliverance from torment and sinfulness. This is the understanding that only suffering can cleanse the soul, bring peace to the heart, and teach patience and forgiveness.

    The miraculous icon is a concentration of Divine power. Not all images have survived to this day. And not all icons, being miraculous, were recognized by the church administration. There must be indisputable evidence of healing, evidence of power, for the image to be officially recognized. Only after this does the icon receive miraculous status. Basically, such testimonies tell about healing during an epidemic, about saving the state from enemies, or about healing from various diseases.

    Miraculous icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary can be found in different cities and countries around the world. People come to them with requests, prayers, hopes. What unites them is the power of an image that is capable of bringing a miracle into ordinary human life.

    Icon "Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary"

    Evidence of the Dormition (bodily relocation) of the Virgin Mary can be found in various sources. However, in Holy Scripture nothing is said about this. The only known facts are that during the VI Ecumenical Council a decision was made to open the tomb. They saw only funeral clothes and a holy belt in it. The latter can still be found on the holy Mount Athos (Greece) in the monastery of Vatopedi.

    Before her death, Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Mother of God with the news that her life’s journey would end in 3 days. Afterwards the Lord will take her to himself. The funeral of the Mother of God took place in the Garden of Gethsemane. The sick, touching her bed, were healed. And 3 days after the funeral, the apostles did not find her body in the cave; only funeral clothes remained there.

    On August 28, the celebration of the image of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary takes place. The icon is exhibited in churches in Moscow and Kyiv.

    The image helps to cope with the fear of death. You can ask for strengthening of faith and humility. The “Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos” also grants relief from illnesses. The icon, among other things, helps to comprehend one’s actions, strengthen oneself in virtues, and walk one’s path in life with dignity.

    "The Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary"

    This name of the image is associated with the events of 1170. The troops besieged Veliky Novgorod. The townspeople constantly prayed for salvation. The Archbishop of Novgorod, while asking for help, heard the command of the Mother of God that her icon be raised to the city walls. The face was taken to the wall and turned towards the enemy troops. One of the arrows hit the image. The miraculous icon turned away from the attackers, depriving them of light and Grace. She turned to the besieged, granting them a miracle of salvation. At the same moment, confusion occurred in the enemy’s camp, fear seized them, and the enemies were defeated.

    • Veliky Novgorod;
    • Moscow;
    • Saint Petersburg;
    • Barnaul;
    • Moore;
    • Belgorod;
    • Severodvinsk;
    • Nizhny Tagil;
    • Kursk

    The miraculous icon “The Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary” protects soldiers and the population in military conflicts. Helps travelers, reconciles warring parties. Saves from diseases during epidemics, heals eye diseases, blindness.

    Icon "Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary"

    The Annunciation is good news. Archangel Gabriel informs the Virgin Mary that Grace has visited her. She will give birth to the Son of God and name him Jesus. The day of celebration of this miraculous icon falls on April 7th.

    There is a legend according to which the icon of the Annunciation appeared on the wall of one of the Kremlin towers during the reign of Ivan the Terrible. It was in this tower that the unjustly accused governor was imprisoned. He prayed and asked for a miracle. In confirmation of his innocence, there was the appearance of the face of the Mother of God.

    The icon of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary survived the fire in 1737. Then the Annunciation Church and the Tsar Bell burned down. But the icon remained untouched by the flame. It can be found in the temples of the following cities:

    • Moscow;
    • Saint Petersburg;
    • Pereslavl-Zalessky;
    • Nizhny Novgorod;
    • Kazan.

    They pray to the miraculous icon for deliverance from imprisonment and unjust attacks, for the healing of spiritual and physical illnesses, for sorrows and temptations.

    Iveron Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary “Goalkeeper”

    According to legend, this image was painted by the Apostle Luke. Allegedly, during the life of the Mother of God, with her blessing, Luke created from 3 to 70 faces of the Mother.

    The Virgin Mary had four inheritances - Iveria (Georgia), Athos, Kievan Rus, Diveyevo monastery. There she was supposed to carry the word of God and sermons. The Mother of God did not have time to visit everywhere during her lifetime. But even after death, she participated in the spread of the Christian faith with signs and visions.

    The Iveron Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Goalkeeper” is a symbol of the protection of all true believers. She appears as an intercessor, guardian, and comforter in all troubles and misfortunes.

    The Iveron Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos is located in churches in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Rostov-on-Don, and Orel. It also exists in churches in the Novgorod, Kursk, Pskov, and Tambov regions. The days of celebration fall on February 25, October 26 and Tuesday of Holy Week.

    There are many written and oral testimonies of healing after prayer. The icon helps to find the strength for repentance and cleansing. Sinners come to her in search of a righteous path, asking for protection and consolation. The icon relieves physical and mental illnesses. In front of it you can pray for the preservation of the house from fires, floods and other disasters.

    The icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Goalkeeper” leaves mysteries to this day. In 1981, a Greek monk created an image copied from the original. The icon turned out to be myrrh-streaming. It was brought to Montreal (Canada) in 1982 by Joseph Muñoz Cortes. After akathists and prayers before the image, severe, incurable diseases (leukemia, paralysis) were healed. The icon returned people to spiritual life and liberated them from unbelief. In 1997, the keeper of the image of Cortes was killed. The icon has disappeared.

    "Tenderness of the Blessed Virgin Mary"

    There are several famous miraculous “Tenderness” icons. Many lists have been made from them that do not lose their beneficial power.

    The Smolensk Icon of the Tenderness of the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared in 1103. Polish invaders besieged the city. For 20 months, with the help of a miraculous image, the Smolensk troops held Smolensk and did not surrender it to the enemies.

    The Pskov-Pechora Icon is famous for its miraculous healings. Evidence dating back to 1524 has been preserved in the chronicles of Pskov and Veliky Novgorod.

    Seraphim-Diveyevo Icon“The Tenderness of the Most Holy Theotokos” was kept in the cell of the holy elder Seraphim of Sarov until his death. Afterwards, several lists were made, which later also turned out to be miraculous. The Elder of Sarov anointed the sick with oil from the lamp that burned in front of the icon, and they were healed.

    The Novgorod icon “Tenderness” in 1337 hovered in the air above the church doors. Tears fell from her eyes. Later that same year, a pestilence began in the city. The townspeople prayed to the holy image to intercede for them. Soon the disease subsided.

    Prayer in front of the icon helps in troubles and misfortunes. Eliminates temptations, saves marriage. Grants pregnancy and easy childbirth. This image is considered feminine and helps in many illnesses and sorrows. Relieves eye diseases and blindness. Almost all miraculous images of the Virgin are capable of healing physical and mental illnesses after prayers and Akathists.

    "Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary"

    Prophecies about the birth of the Virgin, who will become the mother of the Messiah, are already heard in the Old Testament. She came from an ancient family that included many high priests, patriarchs, and kings. Jokaim and Anna, the parents of the Mother of God, did not have children for a long time. They fervently prayed for a child to appear in the family. After 50 years of marriage, they were given the happy news of the conception and birth of the Queen of Heaven.

    The icon “Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary” tells about a joyful event. The birth and entire subsequent life of Mary is imbued with faith, calmness, and patience. It is not for nothing that she is considered an intercessor, a comforter of all Christians and lost souls. The day of celebration is September 21st.

    Often the icon of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary gave to desperate parents long-awaited child. Any prayer in front of the image can calm and heal the soul from insults and injustice. Particularly effective are requests for lost souls, the return of faith, cleansing from sins, and the granting of spiritual and moral foundations. Prayers for children, family reunification, elimination of grievances and quarrels between spouses will also be heard.

    Meaning of the icon

    Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos personify the unity of God and man. As a simple woman, she gave birth to the Savior, as the Holy Virgin Mary stood next to him in Heaven. This is a combination of higher spirituality and understanding of human weaknesses. The image of the Mother of God is a collective image of a mother who knows how to forgive her children, intercede for them, and understand them. That is why there are so many icons, prayers, holidays, and memorable dates dedicated to the Mother of God.

    The priests teach that there is no greater suffering on earth than standing nearby and seeing the death of your own child. The Most Holy Theotokos passed through the pangs of sacrifice to spiritual transformation. The icon, the meaning of which lies not in external splendor, but in internal virtues, teaches the laity much...

    The Mother of God spent her entire life in humility and patience. I lost my parents early. She married a widower whose sons did not love her and did not believe in Divine Grace. Her meekness and suffering became an amazing combination of earthly spirituality and heavenly holiness.

    Formal reading of prayers and indifferent attendance at church will not grant the favor of the Mother of God. Only through repentance, a pure heart, and sincere love can one achieve the intercession of the Virgin.

    The miraculous icons of the Most Holy Theotokos teach humanity and the ability to remain virtuous in any life situations. To endure difficulties and trials with humility and to know that even in sin you can repent and regain Grace.

    Icons of the Mother of God. Icon of the "Tenderness" of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Miraculous icons

    The image of the Mother of God is the most revered among Christians. But they especially love it in Rus'. In the 12th century, a new church holiday was established - the Intercession of the Virgin Mary. An icon with her image became the main shrine of many temples. The Blessed Virgin began to be considered the patroness and protector of Russia. The Novgorod icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness" is a copy of a Byzantine image, painted at the end of this century.

    In the 14th century, Moscow finally became the center of Orthodoxy in Rus', and the Assumption Cathedral at this time received the name “House of the Virgin”.

    Origins of iconography

    Historians date the first images of the Mother of God to the beginning of our era. In the catacombs of Priscilla, scenes with images of the Virgin Mary were found, which date back to the 2nd century. At the dawn of Christianity, images of the Blessed Virgin were applied to vessels for incense. Such ampoules, decorated with biblical scenes, were presented around 600 to the Lombard queen Theodelinda.

    The first executions of the Blessed Virgin

    In 431, the Council of Ephesus confirmed Mary's eternal right to be called the Mother of God. After this significant event, the Icons of the Mother of God appeared in the form familiar to us. Several images from this period have survived. On them, the Virgin Mary most often appears sitting on a throne with a baby in her arms.

    Images of the Mother of God are also found in early mosaics that decorate old churches. These include:

      the Roman Church of Santa Maggiore (dating from the 5th century);

      7th century church of Panagia Angeloktista, located in Cyprus.

    But painters from Constantinople were able to give this image a special harmony. The Church of Hagia Sophia is famous for its mosaics of the 9th-12th centuries, in which different types of iconography of the Virgin Mary are found. Byzantium is the birthplace of wonderful images of the Blessed Virgin. One of these icons was brought to Russia. Later it was named Vladimirskaya and became the standard of Russian Orthodox icon painting. The Novgorod icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” is, as already mentioned, a copy of a Byzantine image.

    Types of Theotokos Icons

    In iconography, there are 4 main groups of images of the Blessed Virgin according to the main idea:

      “The Sign” (the truncated version was called “Oranta”). This iconographic type is considered the most rich in theological content. Main topic here is the Incarnation.

      "Hodegetria", which translated from Greek means "Guide".

      “Tenderness” is a name from the Greek “eleus” (“merciful”).

      The fourth type is conventionally called Akathist. The main idea of ​​such icons is the glorification of the Mother of God. These images are very diverse.

    Iconographic type “Sign”

    In the illustrations of this group, the Holy Mother of God is depicted praying. Depicted in full height or waist-length. On the chest of the Mother of Christ there is a medallion with the image of the unborn Savior. The icon of the praying Mother of God symbolizes the immaculate conception of Christ, the unity of the mother and the Holy Child. This type includes the Yaroslavl Oranta, the Kursk Root, the Novgorod “Znamenie”. Oranta is a simpler version of the icons, on which the Mother of God is represented without a baby and is a symbol of the church.

    Iconography "Hodegetria"

    A very common type of Mother of God images. Such icons of the Virgin and Child embody the idea that the Mother of God directs us to faith, to Christ. The Mother of God is depicted frontally shoulder-length or waist-length, sometimes in full height. She holds a baby in one hand and points to Jesus with the other. This gesture has deep meaning. The Mother of God seems to show the true path - to God, to faith.

    With one hand Christ blesses the Mother, and with her all believers. In the other he holds a book, an unfolded or rolled up scroll. Less often - an orb and a scepter. The most famous icons of the Mother of God of this type are: Smolenskaya, Iverskaya, Tikhvinskaya, Petrovskaya, Kazanskaya.

    Iconography of the Mother of God "Tenderness"

    Such images are the most lyrical of those depicting the Mother of God and the baby hugging her neck. Images of mother and child are symbols of Christ and the Church of Christ.

    A variation of this type is “Leaping”. Here the baby is painted in a freer pose, with one hand touching the face of the Virgin Mary.

    In such images, the Most Holy Mary is a symbol not only of motherhood, but of a soul close to God. The mutual touch of two faces is Christ and the Church of Christ, the unity of earthly and heavenly.

    There is another variety of this type - “Mammal”. In these icons, the Mother of God breastfeeds a baby. This is how the spiritual nutrition of believers is symbolically depicted.

    The Volokolamsk, Vladimir, and Yaroslavl icons of the Mother of God belong to this type of image of the holy image.

    "Akathist" icons of the Virgin Mary

    Images of this type most often carry the features of one of the main ones, but have additional details and details. In iconography these include such icons as the “Burning Bush”, the Mother of God - “Life-Giving Spring”, the Mother of God - “Mountain Not Hand-cut”.

    Ostrabramskaya-Vilenskaya, “Softening Evil Hearts” - rare icons The Virgin Mary, in which she is depicted without a baby. Usually they are also classified as “Akathist”. One of them, the Seraphim-Diveyevo Icon of the “Tenderness” of the Most Holy Theotokos, was the favorite image of Seraphim of Sarov, who was canonized after his death. The priest himself called it “The Joy of All Joys” and used it to heal those who came to him for help. And later, before this face, he passed into another world.

    Canons of iconography of the Mother of God, meaning of symbols

    By Orthodox tradition, to depict the clothes of the Virgin Mary, the following elements are used: a blue tunic, a blue cap and a cherry head scarf, otherwise called “maforium”. Every detail has its own meaning. Three gold stars on maforia - triple symbol immaculate conception, birth and death, the border on it is a sign of glorification. The cloth itself represents motherhood, belonging to God, and the blue color of the clothes represents virginity.

    There are known cases of violation of traditions. Icon painters use this to highlight certain features. For example, to emphasize the purity, the Virginity of the Mother of God, she is depicted in a blue robe. Our Lady of Akhtyrskaya is just such an option.

    Writing the Most Pure Virgin without maforium is also considered a violation of church canons.

    By Orthodox rules, even a crown, a sign of the kingdom, is usually depicted on top of the board. This is how the Novodvorskaya and Kholmovskaya icons were written. The crown on the head of the Virgin Mary came to the eastern Christian iconography from Western Europe, in early images the head of the Mother of God was covered only by maforia.

    Russian traditions in the iconography of the Mother of God

    The image of the Blessed Virgin on the throne is more common among Italo-Greek images. The painting of the Queen of Heaven, sitting on a throne or in full growth, in Russia was mainly used in large-scale compositions: in frescoes or on iconostases.

    Icon painters fell in love more with the half-length or shoulder-length image of the Queen of Heaven. This is how conclusions were created that were more understandable and close to the heart. This can largely be explained by the special role of the icon in Rus': it was a life partner, a shrine, a prayer image, and a family value passed down from generation to generation. It is not for nothing that the people perceived the Mother of God as an intercessor who was able to soften the anger of the Terrible Judge. Moreover, the older the image and the more “prayerful” it is, the more power it has.

    A large number of icons in the houses of believers and churches - distinguishing feature Russian land. Many images of the Mother of God are considered miraculous here, which is confirmed by numerous testimonies.

    The Mother of God is a witness and participant in Russian history

    For many centuries, the history of Russia has been accompanied by icons of the Mother of God, the importance of which cannot be overestimated. One small example is the Feodorovskaya icon:

      In 1239, in this image, Prince Yaroslav blessed his son Alexander to marry Princess Paraskevna. This icon accompanied Alexander on all his military campaigns. Later, it was in front of this face of the Mother of God that Saint Alexander became a monk.

      In 1613, in front of this image, Mikhail Romanov, called to the throne Zemsky Sobor, accepted the Russian throne. The Theodore Mother of God became a witness to the vows of allegiance to Russia, its people and the Orthodox Church.

      In the 18th century, all members royal family they always came to Kostroma to pay homage to the miraculous work, with which the history of the Romanov royal dynasty began.

    Particular mention should be made of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, donated to Russia by the Patriarch of Constantinople, Luke Chrysovergos, in the 12th century. According to legend, prayers in front of this image more than once saved Moscow from conquerors.

    The miraculous power of the Mother of God icons

    Many images of the Blessed Virgin Mary are considered miraculous. They are inseparable from the life of Christians. They live with the people and help in their sorrows.

    Some Moscow miraculous icons of the Mother of God:

      Vladimirskaya, kept in the Church of St. Nicholas. It is believed that she defended Rus' from enemies three times. Therefore, Orthodox Christians honor this icon 3 times a year: in June, July and September.

      Tikhvin Icon "Tenderness" of the Blessed Virgin Mary, decorating the temple of the same name in Moscow. In 1941, a plane with this image flew over the capital three times, after which the Nazi offensive on the city was stopped. It is curious that this church did not close even during Soviet times.

      Icon of the Mother of God “Merciful”, a shrine of the Conception Convent, which gave many women the happiness of motherhood.

    “Seeking the Lost,” the Iveron Mother of God, “Assuage My Sorrows” are only part of the miraculous Moscow images of the Queen of Heaven. It is impossible to even count how many there are on the vast territory of Russia.

    Miracles of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

    This image deserves special attention. The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God showed a miracle already with its appearance in 1579 after a big fire in the city, when it was found among the ashes absolutely undamaged by the fire.

    Numerous healings of the sick and help in business were given by this account to believers. But the most significant miracles of this icon are associated by Russian Christians with the defense of the fatherland from foreign invaders.

    Already in the middle of the 17th century, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich ordered the establishment of a nationwide holiday in her honor. This happened after the successful birth of the heir to the Russian throne during the all-night service in honor of the Kazan Mother of God. This icon began to be considered the patroness of the royal dynasty.

    Commander Kutuzov, going to the battlefields of the Patriotic War of 1812, knelt before this shrine and asked for her intercession. After the victory over Napoleon, he donated to the Kazan Cathedral all the silver taken from the French.

    Myrrh-streaming prayer images of the Mother of God

    This is one of the greatest miracles associated with icons. An explanation for why icons stream myrrh has not yet been found. But this always happens on the eve of tragic events as a reminder of human sinfulness and the need for repentance. What kind of phenomenon is this? A fragrant liquid appears on the images, reminiscent of myrrh. Its consistency and color can be different - from transparent dew to viscous dark resin. It is curious that it is not only images written on wood that give off myrrh. This happens with frescoes, photographs, metal icons and even photocopies.

    And similar miracles are happening now. Several dozen Tiraspol icons began to stream myrrh between 2004 and 2008. This was God's warning about the bloody events of Beslan, Georgia, and the Orange Revolution in Ukraine.

    One of these images, the icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows” (another name is “Softening Evil Hearts”), began to flow myrrh in May 1998. This miracle continues to this day.

    Protecting the house - Holy Mother of God

    An icon of the Mother of God must be in the home of a believer who cares about the safety of his home.

    It is believed that prayers in front of her face protect everyone living in the house physically and spiritually. Since ancient times, it has been customary to place an icon of the Mother of God above the entrance door to the hut and ask her for protection and support. The most favorite versions of the Mother of God: Iverskaya, Semistrelnaya, “The Unbreakable Wall”, “The Burning Bush” and some others. In total there are more than 860 icons of the Mother of God. It is impossible to remember them all, and it is not necessary. When choosing a prayer image, it is important to listen to your soul and follow its advice.

    Not only ordinary believers, but also royalty revered the icons of the Mother of God. A photo taken in Tsar Alexander's bedroom confirms this.

    Icons of the Virgin and Child provide consolation in sorrow, deliverance from illness, and spiritual insight only to those whose prayers are sincere and whose faith is unshakable. The main thing is that the appeal to the Blessed Virgin comes from a pure heart, and the intentions are good.

    Glorification of Our Lady

    The universal love of the Orthodox for this holy image is reflected in a large number of church holidays in her honor. In almost every month of the year there is such a day, and sometimes several. About 260 miraculous images of the Mother of God are mentioned in the Russian Orthodox calendar.

    A significant Orthodox holiday - the Intercession of the Virgin Mary - became the theme of the icons of the same name. On these depictions the Blessed Virgin is depicted in full height. In her hands in front of her she holds a veil with or without the image of Christ. Discovered at the end of the 20th century, the Port Arthur Icon “The Triumph of the Blessed Virgin Mary” became a symbol of the revival of the spirituality of Russia and a reminder of the significance of this image in the history of the country. She is increasingly ranked among the most revered Russian icons.

    Orthodox icons and their meaning

    Orthodox icons The icon is a completely unique phenomenon in medieval culture. There are hundreds of them in churches, try to figure out which one you need. This is where the questions arise: which icons should we pray to? Who should I pray to? Which saint? Let's try to figure out which icon is for what. Kazanskaya. Vladimirskaya Desperate one hope Pochaevskaya
    VIRGIN OF KAZAN- the most revered icon in Rus', for several centuries she has been revered as the Patroness and Intercessor of the Russian land and the Russian people. All the main events in life take place with her, starting with baptism. The icon gives a blessing for marriage, and it is also an assistant in work. It is used to bless young people who are getting married; they ask the icon for family well-being and happiness; in addition, the icon is hung near children’s cribs. An icon that stops fire and helps those with vision problems. The image of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God helps in various troubles, misfortunes, and illnesses
    MOTHER OF GOD OF VLADIMIR- one of the most revered, since it was used to crown kings and elect high priests. Before her they pray for the softening of evil hearts, the healing of infirmity, the humility of those at war, the healing of the possessed. She especially protects mothers and their children, gives pregnant women easy childbirth and healthy babies, relieves infertility and diseases of the reproductive organs. The image of a mother as an intercessor in all troubles and sorrows.
    Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary of DESPERATE ONE HOPE-Despite the fact that this icon is little known, one of the believers (and this is not prohibited by the church) composed an akathist for it. They pray before the icon in various sorrows and when a person is despondent. Those whose faith has weakened ask the Mother of God to return to their former state of mind and bestow spiritual vigor. They pray to the icon for deliverance from enemies, for the admonition of quarreling people (especially neighbors), for the eradication of envy. She is an assistant in the treatment of modern diseases - alcoholism, smoking, gaming and computer addiction.
    VIRGIN OF POCHAYEV- The Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God is one of the most revered shrines of the Russian Church. When turning to the Mother of God "Pochaevskaya" they pray for protection from internecine enmity, from enemy invasion, for healing from blindness, both physical and spiritual, for liberation from captivity, they pray for the granting of health and miracles of help in need. Quick to Hear Iverskaya Everlasting Color Recovery of the dead
    QUICK TO HEAR- pray when you need quick and urgent Care, about the healing of mental and physical ailments, including paralysis, blindness, cancer diseases, and also ask for the birth of healthy children and the release of prisoners.
    Iverskaya MOTHER OF GOD- Keeper of the home. She is considered the patroness of all women, their helper and intercessor before the Lord. An icon used to remove the “crown of celibacy” from both men and women. In front of the icon they also pray for the healing of physical and mental illnesses, for consolation in illness.
    ENDLESS COLOR-When turning to the icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Color,” they pray for the preservation of a righteous life and the resolution of family troubles. Prayers to this icon help not to make a mistake in choosing a spouse. The flower in the hands of the Mother of God affirms the purity of the Mother of God and symbolizes the unfading of virginity.
    Icon of the Mother of God SEEKING THE LOST- seriously ill patients and their relatives make requests. It helps to get rid of vices and alcohol addiction. Repentant sinners who have turned away from God go to these icons. Women ask for a happy marriage and healthy children, helps with eye diseases, fever, headaches. You can address the Blessed Mother with simple, sincere words that come from the heart. Soothe my sorrows Merciful Feodorovskaya Jerusalem Icon of the Mother of God QUEEN MY SORROWS- pray for deliverance from various illnesses, both physical and mental.
    Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos merciful- or “It is worthy to eat”, they pray during mental and physical illnesses, at the end of any business, during epidemics, for happiness in marriage, during accidents..
    Feodorovskaya icon of the Mother of God- has long been revered by believers not only as miraculous, but also as especially protective of family well-being, the birth and upbringing of children, and helping in difficult childbirths. Tradition connects her with the calling of the founder of the dynasty, Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, to the kingdom in 1613. Kept in the Epiphany Cathedral in the city of Kostroma.
    JERUSALEM Icon of the Mother of God- they pray in grief, sadness and despondency, for healing from blindness, eye diseases and paralysis, during a cholera epidemic, for deliverance from the death of livestock, from fire, during relaxation, and also during an attack by enemies.. Tikhvinskaya Pochaevskaya Kozelshanskaya Three-handed TIKHVINSKAYA- The icon is considered a child’s icon; it is also called a “guidebook.” She helps children in illness, calms the restless and disobedient, helps them choose friends, and protects them from the bad influence of the street. It is believed that it strengthens the bond between parents and children, that is, children do not abandon their parents in old age. Helps women during childbirth and pregnancy.
    Our Lady of Pochaevskaya- they pray for protection from internecine hostility, from enemy invasion, for healing from blindness, both physical and spiritual, for liberation from captivity., they pray for the granting of health and miracles of help in need.
    KOZELSHANSKAYA icon of the Mother of God - they pray for the healing of orthopedic diseases, especially helping girls who came running to her with a prayer to arrange family happiness.
    THREE HANDLE- in front of the miraculous image of the Mother of God, they pray for healing from pain in the hands and feet or their injuries, from fire, as well as from illness, grief and sadness. . Look to humility blessed sky Softening Evil Hearts Tenderness Icon of the Mother of God LOOK AT HUMILITY- they pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for the granting of humility and repentance both for themselves and for sinners who do not want to repent, for easing the afterlife fate of the deceased, for protection from false and evil teachings. Prayers before the icon also help in solving housing issues.
    Icon of the Mother of God GRACEFUL SKY- helps women get married, find happiness in marriage and motherhood. They pray to the icon for deliverance from drunkenness and other addictions. If you have a cherished desire, pray in front of the “Blessed Heaven” icon, and it will come true. It is believed that the icon provides patronage to paratroopers (Airborne Forces) and helps them in their service.
    Icon of the Mother of God SOFTENING EVIL HEARTS- in front of the icon they ask for a family truce or that there is no hostility between neighbors, as well as for peace between entire states. In our culture, the image of the Mother of God, whose chest is pierced by arrows, is one of the most emotional and expressive in icon painting. It makes it possible to feel mercy and compassion. Before her, they pray to soften the hearts of those who come to you with evil thoughts.
    Our Lady of Tenderness- the icon is an intercessor both in national disasters and in life ordinary people. Mothers pray for the successful marriage of their daughters, for happiness and prosperity. Smolenskaya Barskaya Zhirovitskaya Affectionate mother Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary of SMOLENSK- called “Hodegetria-Smolensk” has been known in Rus' since ancient times. "Hodegetria" translated from Greek means "Guide". The icon for all Orthodox Christians is a guide to eternal salvation; the Mother of God of Smolensk helps everyone who turns to her with prayers for healing from incurable diseases, in search of family peace and in other difficult and insoluble situations, as the first intercessor for us before God.
    BARSKIY icon of the Mother of God- pray for good relations in the family, for children and health, she shows miracles of healing and God’s mercy to all those who suffer, who resort to her in their sorrows and prayers.
    Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos ZHIROVITSKAYA- they pray in case of persecution of Orthodoxy, in case of doubts, for deliverance from fires, in case of any bodily weakness, they also pray for the arrangement of a girl’s destiny, for a happy marriage.
    Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary TENDER MOTHER- pray for children, so that children will be a support in life. Unexpected joy Three joys Holy Trinity SEMISTRELLNAYA
    UNEXPECTED JOY- they pray for the conversion of the lost, for the health and well-being of children, for the healing of deafness and ear diseases, for the preservation of marriage in love and harmony, they pray for the granting of spiritual insight.
    Icon of the Mother of God of the THREE JOYS- They pray for the return of what was lost, for salvation from enemies, for release from captivity, for healing and for the successful resolution of any matter. People who came to the icon noticed that after fervent prayer, joy came to their house threefold, for which the icon received its modern name.
    HOLY TRINITY- The symbol of the “Trinity” is God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, or wisdom, reason, love. One of three main icons that should be in every home. In front of the icon they pray for forgiveness of sins. It is considered confessional.
    SEMISTRELLNAYA- This is the strongest icon in protecting the house and any premises, as well as the person on whom it is located, from evil, envious people, from the evil eye, damage and curses. She reconciles warring parties, brings peace and harmony, and is also hired for important matters. At home, she should be in front of the front door so that she can see the eyes of the person entering.
    Healer. Inexhaustible Chalice Unbreakable Wall Mother of God of the Intercession HEALER- they pray for healing of the soul and body, it protects from various misfortunes, troubles, sorrow, eternal condemnation, and takes care of liberation from imprisonment. Childbirth assistant.
    INEXHAIBLE CHALICE- they pray for all sinners, the icon calls for an inexhaustible source of spiritual joy and consolation, proclaims that an inexhaustible cup of heavenly help and mercy is prepared for those who ask with faith. It brings prosperity to the home and also helps to heal bad habits, drunkenness, drug addiction, gambling.
    UNBREAKABLE WALL- In front of the icon for every need: healing for the sick, consolation for the grieving, admonition for the lost, protect babies, educate and teach the young, encourage and instruct husbands and wives, support and warm the old, deliver from all misfortunes. For more than ten centuries, this miraculous icon remained intact. That's probably why it's called that
    Our Lady of Intercession- they pray for deliverance from troubles, for the protection of the country from enemies... Blessed Matron. Nicholas the Wonderworker St. Panteleimon Sergei Radonezhsky BLESSED MATRONA- A very strong saint of our time. People turn to her for any difficult issue. She is our “first helper” and intercessor, intercessor for us before the Lord. The relics are located in the Intercession Monastery on Taganka, where every day countless people come and turn to her for help.
    NICHOLAY THE PLEASER THE WONDERWORKER- This is the most revered saint in the world. He protects from poverty and need: when his icon is in the house, he makes sure that there is prosperity in the house, protects from need for anything, patronizes women, children, the poor, innocently convicted people and animals. In addition, he is the patron saint of all travelers, drivers, sailors, pilots and just people on the road.
    HOLY GREAT MARTYR PANTELEMON- they pray for healing from serious illnesses, he is the patron saint of warriors, since warriors, who receive wounds more often than others, are the ones in greatest need of a doctor-healer.
    SERGY OF RADONEZH- Founder of the Sergievo-Trinity Lavra in the 14th century. He is the patron saint of all students. They take the icon with them when taking exams and tests. It is very good for the icon to always be in the pocket of your purse or briefcase every day when the child goes to school. Seraphim of Sarov. Guardian Angel Savior Almighty Savior Not Made by Hands SERAPHIM OF SAROV- they pray in sadness, with diseases of the internal organs, with diseases of the legs. He devoted his entire life to serving our Lord, founded the Diveyevo Convent in Nizhny Novgorod province. Prayer to Holy Father Seraphim of Sarov helps very well with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, spine, and joints.
    GUARDIAN ANGEL- pray: for help with headaches; about your protection, from insomnia, in grief, about happiness in marriage, about driving away evil spirits, about getting rid of harm from wizards and sorcerers. About the intercession of widows and orphans in despair, about deliverance from sudden or sudden death, about the expulsion of demons. Those going to bed pray to him for deliverance from prodigal dreams. The task of the guardian angel is to contribute to the salvation of the ward, intercede for them during their earthly life, pray to God for them, do not abandon them, finally, after death and take the souls of those who have ended earthly life into eternity.
    SAVIOR PANTOCRANT- often simply “Savior” or “Savior” is the central image in the iconography of Christ, representing Him as the Heavenly King. “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end,” says the Lord, “Who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” Chief Physician souls and bodies, who knows about everything, and to whom our prayer appeal should first of all be directed. According to the rules, this icon is placed at the head of the iconostasis.
    SAVIOR NOT MADE BY HANDS- they pray for guidance on the true path, for the salvation of the soul, deliverance from bad thoughts and healing. According to church tradition, the first icon was the image of the Savior - the Savior Not Made by Hands.
    An icon is not a portrait or a genre painting, but a prototype of ideal humanity. Therefore, the icon provides only a symbolic image of him. Physical movement on the icon is reduced to a minimum or completely absent. But the movement of the spirit is conveyed by special means - the pose of the figure, hands, folds of clothing, color and most importantly - the eyes. All the power of moral achievement, all the power of the spirit and its power over the body are concentrated there.
    Clothing on icons is not a means to cover bodily nudity, clothing is a symbol. She is a fabric from the deeds of a saint. One of the important details is folds. The nature of the arrangement of folds on the clothes of the saints indicates the time of painting of the icon. In the 8th – 14th centuries, folds were drawn frequently and small. They talk about strong spiritual experiences and a lack of spiritual peace. In the 15th – 16th centuries, folds were drawn straight, long, and sparse. All the elasticity of spiritual energy seems to break through them. They convey the fullness of ordered spiritual forces.
    Around the head of the Savior, the Mother of God and the holy saints of God, the icons depict a radiance in the shape of a circle, which is called a halo. A halo is an image of the radiance of light and Divine glory, which transforms a person who has united with God.
    There are no shadows on the icons. This is also due to the peculiarities of the worldview and the tasks that faced the icon painter. The heavenly world is the kingdom of spirit, light, it is incorporeal, there are no shadows there. The icon shows things created and produced by Light, and not illuminated by Light.
    Symbolism of gestures
    HAND pressed to the chest - heartfelt empathy.
    A HAND raised up is a call to repentance.
    A HAND extended forward with an open palm is a sign of obedience and submission.
    TWO HANDS raised up - a prayer for peace.
    HANDS raised forward - a prayer for help, a gesture of request.
    HANDS pressed to the cheeks - a sign of sadness, grief.

    Series of messages "Religion":
    Part 1 - Who to pray to? Which saint?
    Part 2 - Orthodox Encyclopedia
    Part 20 - Orthodox. virtual 3D chapel with chants.
    Part 21 - Orthodox church holidays and fasts in 2015
    Part 22 - Orthodox icons and their meaning
    Part 23 - How to behave as an Orthodox Christian IN THE TEMPLE OF GOD
    Part 24 - Intercessor icon by date of birth and Guardian Angels.
    Part 28 - The Ten Commandments of God - Eternal Law
    Part 29 - Popular virtual chapels
    Part 30 - Orthodox Encyclopedia

    Healing icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    Quote from Elena_Verde's message Read in full In your quotation book or community!

    Mother of God, save us!
    Healing icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    Of the many icons of the Mother of God revered in the Russian Orthodox Church, not one is distributed in as many lists as the Kazan icon.
    Kazan Icon of the Mother of God
    The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is a miraculous icon of the Mother of God that appeared in Kazan in 1579.
    People most often turn their attention to her in troubles, illnesses and hardships: “O zealous intercessor, Mother of the Lord Most High, pray for all Thy Son Christ our God... grant to all what is useful and save all, O Virgin Mother of God: for Thou art the Divine protection of Thy servant.” .
    The holy image overshadowed Russian soldiers marching to liberate Russia from foreign invaders.
    Usually, it is this icon that is used to bless young people for their crown; it is the one that is hung near children’s cribs, so that the gentle face of the Mother of God looks with love at young Christians. They pray to her for the healing of eye diseases.

    New style celebrations:
    July 21 and November 4./Which corresponds to the old style:
    July 8 and October 22.
    Associated with the name of an adherent of the veneration of icons of St. John of Damascus, who was slandered before the caliph in Damascus and punished by cutting off his hand. But John begged the Mother of God for the severed hand and, in gratitude for this miracle, added an image of a silver hand to Her icon. This icon was in the 13th century. brought to Serbia by St. Savva, and then was on Athos. In Russia, a list of it appeared in 1661 and was placed in the Resurrection Monastery ( New Jerusalem). An exact list of it also appeared in the men's Beloberezh Desert in the Oryol province. The miraculous image is celebrated twice: June 28 and July 12.

    Before the icon of the Mother of God “THREE-HANDED” - they pray for diseases of the hands, feet, mental unrest, and in case of fire.
    Memorial Days: June 28 (11) (July 12 (25)
    Holy Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow”
    The holy icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” has become known since 1688, when a miraculous healing took place from it during the reign of Tsars Ivan Alekseevich and Peter Alekseevich sister Patriarch Job, Euphemia, who lived in Moscow on Ordynka, and suffered for a long time from an incurable disease.

    How much comfort is contained in the very name of this icon - awakening, strengthening people’s faith in the Mother of God as a wondrous intercessor, Who hurries wherever the groan of human suffering is heard, wipes away the tears of those who cry and in the very grief gives moments of consolation and heavenly joy. They pray to her for general illnesses and painful conditions. Rejoice forever, O Heavenly Joy of the Sorrowful!
    Celebration October 24/November 6
    Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God
    One of the most revered shrines in Rus'. It is believed that this image was created by the holy evangelist Luke during the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Until the 14th century, the icon was in Constantinople, until in 1383 it unexpectedly disappeared from the Blachernae Church. According to a legend compiled on the basis of local tradition at the end of the 15th century, the icon miraculously appeared in the northern Russian lands, stopping “in the air” above the Tikhvinka River in the Novgorod region, where the Church of the Assumption was built for it. The year of the appearance of the icon, according to legend, is 1383.

    They especially resort to this Icon when children are ill.
    The celebration takes place on June 26 (old style) / July 9 (new style)
    Icon of the Mother of God “Support of Sinners”
    The icon became famous for its miracles in 1843 in the St. Nicholas Odrina Monastery. The first to receive healing was a paralyzed boy, whose mother fervently prayed in front of the icon.
    In front of the icon of the Mother of God “Helper of Sinners” they pray for deliverance from the epidemic of cholera and plague, paralysis, and seizures.
    Celebration (March 7/20; May 29/June 11).
    Icon of the Mother of God "Inexhaustible Chalice"
    The miraculous appearance of the holy image of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” occurred in 1878. A peasant from the Efremov district of the Tula province, an honored retired soldier, was obsessed with the passion of drunkenness. He reached a beggarly state, lost his health - his legs were paralyzed. One day he dreamed of a holy old man and said: “Go to the city of Serpukhov, to the monastery of the Lady Theotokos. There is an icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice”; serve a prayer service before it and you will be healthy in soul and body.”

    Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Inexhaustible Chalice” they pray for the healing of those possessed by the disease of the passion of drunkenness and binge drinking, drug addiction and tobacco smoking.
    Celebration(5/18 May).
    Quick to Hear" miraculous icon of the Mother of God - a shrine of the Dokhiar Monastery on Mount Athos. According to Athonite legend, in 1664 the Mother of God punished a monk who showed neglect of Her image written on the wall, and then, after his repentance and prayer, miraculously healed him and ordered him to call this image “Quick to Hear.”

    Through Her holy icon, the Mother of God performed and continues to perform many healings: she gives sight to the blind, restores the paralytic, and especially helps with epilepsy and demonic possession. She saved many believers from shipwrecks and freed them from captivity. In front of the image of the “Quick to Hear”, they especially pray for spiritual insight, in confusion and bewilderment, when they do not know how best to act and what to ask for, for children, in a request to give birth to healthy children, as well as those who need quick and emergency help with cancer diseases.
    Celebration 9/22 November
    Icon of the Mother of God, called "Healer"
    The history of painting the icon of the Mother of God the Healer is connected with a miraculous event that occurred in Moscow at the end of the 18th century. One of the clergy, Vikenty Bulveninsky, had the pious habit of kneeling before the image of the Most Holy Theotokos when entering and leaving the church and saying a short prayer: “Rejoice, full of grace! The Lord is with you! Blessed is the womb that bore Christ, and the breasts that nourished the Lord God, our Savior!” And then one day Vincent became seriously ill. Once, having recovered from another attack of pain, he read his usual prayer to the Mother of God and immediately saw an angel at his head , who together with him began to offer prayers to the Mother of God, asking Her to heal the sick man. At the end of the angel’s prayer, the Mother of God herself appeared in an unusual light and healed the sick man.

    People pray in front of this icon for various bodily ailments, as well as for the birth of healthy children.
    Celebration of September 18/October 1
    Icon of the Mother of God "The Word became flesh"
    Albazin Icon of the Mother of God “The Word became Flesh” – great shrine Priamurye, received its name from the Russian fortress Albazin (now the village of Albazino) on the Amur, founded in 1650 by the famous Russian explorer Ataman Erofey Khabarov on the site of the town of the Daurian prince Albazy.

    The miraculous image is reverently revered throughout the Amur region. Women expecting a child usually pray before him. The miraculous image of the Mother of God depicts the womb of the Divine Child, so the custom of praying before him for mothers during their pregnancy and birth illnesses has taken root. There are known cases of the gracious power of the icon “The Word became flesh” in the grave throes of remission from pregnancy.
    Celebration (9/22 March).
    Icon of the Mother of God “MAMMAL”
    This ancient icon is one of the best examples of the Byzantine school and has a rich history. It is associated with the name of Saint Sava the Sanctified - the founder of the monastery, once located 18 miles from Jerusalem. Saint Sava departed to the Lord in 532, prophetically bequeathing the icon to a noble pilgrim from Serbia also named Sava. Six centuries later, the monks waited for another Saint Sava - the Archbishop of Serbia. He transferred the “Mammal” to the Hilendar monastery on Mount Athos, to the founding of which he was directly related. In Russia, the “Mammal” is a very rare icon, although in 1860 a copy of it from Mount Athos was sent to the Kursk province and soon acquired miraculous power.

    First of all, nursing mothers turn to the icon for help. But this icon is a great support for all of us. Just as the Divine Infant was nourished by the Mother of God with her milk, so all of us, Orthodox Christians, who seek help and consolation from the Lord, are nourished by the Heavenly Queen with grace, help, and intercession and helps us to enter the Kingdom of God without stumbling, to save our souls in joy Lord and Mother of God.
    Celebration (January 12/25).
    Icon of the Mother of God “Addition of Mind” (“Giver of Mind”)
    This icon owes its origin to the deep belief of the Orthodox in the Blessed Virgin as an Intercessor before God and His Son for the granting of spiritual and material benefits to people, among which the illumination of the mind and heart with the Divine Truth occupies the main place.

    They pray to the Icon of the Mother of God “Adding Mind” for successful learning, for enlightenment of the mind in learning. This icon is addressed when “adding mind” is needed to help students and schoolchildren study, as well as for sclerosis, atherosclerosis, lack of intelligence, poor mental development . In addition, you can turn to this icon with a prayer for help (increasing intelligence or admonition) during scientific work, working on any project, etc.
    Celebration (15/28 August)
    Icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy”
    The Icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy” is named in memory of the healing of a certain sinner through the holy icon through the prayers of the Most Pure Mother of God.
    The legend of the miracle described by Saint Demetrius of Rostov tells how a certain sinner, spending his life in sins, however, had the habit of bowing before the icon of the Mother of God and bringing her the Archangel greeting: “Rejoice, O Blessed One!” The Mother of God did not reject his prayers. She began to pray to God for mercy on the sinner. And the Lord granted him repentance.

    The icon is so called because many who with faith resort to the help of the Most Holy Theotokos receive through this icon unexpected joy forgiveness of sins and grace-filled consolation.
    They pray to the holy icon when there are difficult problems in life.
    Celebration (1/14 May; 9/22 December)
    Icon of the Mother of God “Burning Bush”
    In church hymns, the Mother of God is often compared to the burning bush (unburnt thorn bush), which Moses saw on Mount Horeb (Exodus, chapter 3, verse 2). The similarity between the burning bush and the Mother of God lies in the fact that just as the Old Testament bush remained unharmed during the fire that engulfed it, so the Most Holy Virgin Mary, who gave birth to Jesus Christ, remained a Virgin before and after Christmas.

    In front of the icon they pray for deliverance from fires and death in fire.
    Celebration (4/17 September)
    Vladimir icon Mother of God
    The Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God (icon of the Mother of God) is considered miraculous and, according to legend, was written by the Evangelist Luke on a board from the table at which the Holy Family ate.
    The icon was brought to Russia from Byzantium at the beginning of the 12th century, as a gift to Yuri Dolgoruky from the Patriarch of Constantinople Luke Chrysoverkh. While passing Vladimir, the horses carrying the miraculous icon stood up and could not move. Replacing the horses with new ones also did not help. The prince saw in this the desire of the Mother of God to remain in Vladimir, where in two years the Church of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary was built.

    Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Vladimir” they pray for deliverance from violence, enmity between relatives, for deliverance from the invasion of foreigners, for instruction in the Orthodox faith, for preservation from heresies and schisms, for the pacification of those at war, for the preservation of Russia.
    Celebration (May 21/June 3; June 23/July 6; August 26/September 8)
    Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God, called “Hodegetria”
    One of the three most revered icons in Russia (along with Vladimir and Kazan). According to legend, it became famous as great protector even during Batu's invasion.

    in front of the icon they pray for the granting of a safe road. The Mother of God, through Her holy image, intercedes and strengthens us, guiding us to salvation, and we cry out to Her: “You are the All-Blessed Hodegetria to the faithful people, You are the Praise of Smolensk and all the Russian lands are the affirmation! Rejoice, Hodegetria, salvation for Christians!"
    Celebration (July 28/August 10)
    Icon of the Mother of God, called “Quench My Sorrows”
    The icon of the Mother of God, called “Quench My Sorrows,” was brought to Moscow by the Cossacks in 1640 and placed in the Church of St. Nicholas on Pupyshi in Zamoskvorechye. Due to repeated reconstructions of the temple, the icon ended up in the bell tower. The veneration of the icon as miraculous began after the healing of a paralytic woman from it. The patient, who lived far from Moscow, suffered from a serious illness for many years: all members of her body ached, especially her legs, so that she could not walk.
    One day, when the patient was unconscious, she saw the icon of the Mother of God and heard a voice from her: “Tell me to take you to Moscow. There in Pupyshev, in the Church of St. Nicholas, there is an image “Quench my sorrows”; pray before him and you will receive healing.”
    In Moscow, the patient examined all the icons in the church in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, but did not find the one that appeared to her in a vision. Then the priest asked to bring the old icons that were there from the bell tower. When the icon “Quench My Sorrows” was brought in, the patient suddenly cried out: “She! She!" - and crossed herself. After the prayer service, she venerated the icon and rose from her bed completely healthy.

    In this icon the Mother of God is depicted holding right hand The Infant Christ, in whose hands a scroll is unfolded with the words: “Judge righteous judgment, do mercy and generosity to everyone who is sincere; Do not force a widow or an orphan, and do not create malice in your brother’s heart.” The Mother of God placed her left hand on Her head, slightly tilted to one side, as if she were listening to the prayers of all those who turn to Her in sorrows and sorrows.
    Celebration (January 25/February 7)
    According to the faith of the Russian Orthodox Church, the icons of the Most Pure Mother of God, in a gracious overshadowing, settled across the face of our Fatherland, forming its protection and Heavenly cover. The image of the Vladimir Mother of God protects and blesses our northern borders. The Smolensk and Pochaev icons protect the west, and to the east, to the ends of the earth, the influence of the miraculous Kazan image of the Most Pure Mother of God extends.
    We magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, God-chosen Youth, and honor Your holy image, through which you bring healing to all who come with faith.

    Mother of God, save us!

    Healing icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    Of the many icons of the Mother of God revered in the Russian Orthodox Church, not one is distributed in as many lists as the Kazan icon.

    Kazan Icon of the Mother of God
    The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is a miraculous icon of the Mother of God that appeared in Kazan in 1579.
    People most often turn their attention to her in troubles, illnesses and hardships: “O zealous intercessor, Mother of the Lord Most High, pray for all Thy Son Christ our God... grant to all what is useful and save all, O Virgin Mother of God: for Thou art the Divine protection of Thy servant.” .
    The holy image overshadowed Russian soldiers marching to liberate Russia from foreign invaders.
    Usually, it is this icon that is used to bless young people for their crown; it is the one that is hung near children’s cribs, so that the gentle face of the Mother of God looks with love at young Christians. They pray to her for the healing of eye diseases.

    New style celebrations:
    July 21 and November 4./Which corresponds to the old style:
    July 8 and October 22.

    Associated with the name of an adherent of the veneration of icons of St. John of Damascus, who was slandered before the caliph in Damascus and punished by cutting off his hand. But John begged the Mother of God for the severed hand and, in gratitude for this miracle, added an image of a silver hand to Her icon. This icon was in the 13th century. brought to Serbia by St. Savva, and then was on Athos. In Russia, her list appeared in 1661 and was placed in the Resurrection Monastery (New Jerusalem). An exact list of it also appeared in the men's Beloberezh Desert in the Oryol province. The miraculous image is celebrated twice: June 28 and July 12.

    Before the icon of the Mother of God “THREE-HANDED” - they pray for diseases of the hands, feet, mental unrest, and in case of fire.
    Memorial Days: June 28 (11) (July 12 (25)

    Holy Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow”
    The holy icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” has become known since 1688, when during the reign of Tsars Ivan Alekseevich and Peter Alekseevich it miraculously healed the sister of Patriarch Job, Euphemia, who lived in Moscow on Ordynka, and who had suffered for a long time from an incurable disease.

    How much comfort is contained in the very name of this icon - awakening, strengthening people’s faith in the Mother of God as a wondrous intercessor, Who hurries wherever the groan of human suffering is heard, wipes away the tears of those who cry and in the very grief gives moments of consolation and heavenly joy. They pray to her for general illnesses and painful conditions. Rejoice forever, O Heavenly Joy of the Sorrowful!
    Celebration October 24/November 6

    Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God
    One of the most revered shrines in Rus'. It is believed that this image was created by the holy evangelist Luke during the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Until the 14th century, the icon was in Constantinople, until in 1383 it unexpectedly disappeared from the Blachernae Church. According to a legend compiled on the basis of local tradition at the end of the 15th century, the icon miraculously appeared in the northern Russian lands, stopping “in the air” above the Tikhvinka River in the Novgorod region, where the Church of the Assumption was built for it. The year of the appearance of the icon, according to legend, is 1383.

    They especially resort to this Icon when children are ill.
    The celebration takes place on June 26 (old style) / July 9 (new style)

    Icon of the Mother of God “Support of Sinners”
    The icon became famous for its miracles in 1843 in the St. Nicholas Odrina Monastery. The first to receive healing was a paralyzed boy, whose mother fervently prayed in front of the icon.
    In front of the icon of the Mother of God “Helper of Sinners” they pray for deliverance from the epidemic of cholera and plague, paralysis, and seizures.
    Celebration (March 7/20; May 29/June 11).

    Icon of the Mother of God "Inexhaustible Chalice"
    The miraculous appearance of the holy image of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” occurred in 1878. A peasant from the Efremov district of the Tula province, an honored retired soldier, was obsessed with the passion of drunkenness. He reached a beggarly state, lost his health - his legs were paralyzed. One day he dreamed of a holy old man and said: “Go to the city of Serpukhov, to the monastery of the Lady Theotokos. There is an icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice”; serve a prayer service before it and you will be healthy in soul and body.”

    Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Inexhaustible Chalice” they pray for the healing of those possessed by the disease of the passion of drunkenness and binge drinking, drug addiction and tobacco smoking.
    Celebration(5/18 May).

    Quick to Hear" miraculous icon of the Mother of God - a shrine of the Dokhiar Monastery on Mount Athos. According to Athonite legend, in 1664 the Mother of God punished a monk who showed neglect of Her image written on the wall, and then, after his repentance and prayer, miraculously healed him and ordered him to call this image “Quick to Hear.”

    Through Her holy icon, the Mother of God performed and continues to perform many healings: she gives sight to the blind, restores the paralytic, and especially helps with epilepsy and demonic possession. She saved many believers from shipwrecks and freed them from captivity. In front of the image of the “Quick to Hear”, they especially pray for spiritual insight, in confusion and bewilderment, when they do not know how best to act and what to ask for, for children, in a request to give birth to healthy children, as well as those who need quick and emergency help with cancer diseases.
    Celebration 9/22 November

    Icon of the Mother of God, called "Healer"
    The history of painting the icon of the Mother of God the Healer is connected with a miraculous event that occurred in Moscow at the end of the 18th century. One of the clergy, Vikenty Bulveninsky, had the pious habit of kneeling before the image of the Most Holy Theotokos when entering and leaving the church and saying a short prayer: “Rejoice, full of grace! The Lord is with you! Blessed is the womb that bore Christ, and the breasts that nourished the Lord God, our Savior!” And then one day Vincent became seriously ill. Once, having recovered from another attack of pain, he read his usual prayer to the Mother of God and immediately saw an angel at his head , who together with him began to offer prayers to the Mother of God, asking Her to heal the sick man. At the end of the angel’s prayer, the Mother of God herself appeared in an unusual light and healed the sick man.

    People pray in front of this icon for various bodily ailments, as well as for the birth of healthy children.
    Celebration of September 18/October 1

    Icon of the Mother of God "The Word became flesh"
    The Albazin Icon of the Mother of God “The Word became Flesh” is a great shrine of the Amur region, it received its name from the Russian fortress Albazin (now the village of Albazino) on the Amur, founded in 1650 by the famous Russian explorer Ataman Erofey Khabarov on the site of the town of the Daurian prince Albazy.

    The miraculous image is reverently revered throughout the Amur region. Women expecting a child usually pray before him. The miraculous image of the Mother of God depicts the womb of the Divine Child, so the custom of praying before him for mothers during their pregnancy and birth illnesses has taken root. There are known cases of the gracious power of the icon “The Word became flesh” in the grave throes of remission from pregnancy.
    Celebration (9/22 March).

    Icon of the Mother of God “MAMMAL”
    This ancient icon is one of the best examples of the Byzantine school and has a rich history. It is associated with the name of Saint Sava the Sanctified - the founder of the monastery, once located 18 miles from Jerusalem. Saint Sava departed to the Lord in 532, prophetically bequeathing the icon to a noble pilgrim from Serbia also named Sava. Six centuries later, the monks waited for another Saint Sava - the Archbishop of Serbia. He transferred the “Mammal” to the Hilendar monastery on Mount Athos, to the founding of which he was directly related. In Russia, the “Mammal” is a very rare icon, although in 1860 a copy of it from Mount Athos was sent to the Kursk province and soon acquired miraculous power.

    First of all, nursing mothers turn to the icon for help. But this icon is a great support for all of us. Just as the Divine Infant was nourished by the Mother of God with her milk, so all of us, Orthodox Christians, who seek help and consolation from the Lord, are nourished by the Heavenly Queen with grace, help, and intercession and helps us to enter the Kingdom of God without stumbling, to save our souls in joy Lord and Mother of God.
    Celebration (January 12/25).

    Icon of the Mother of God “Addition of Mind” (“Giver of Mind”)
    This icon owes its origin to the deep belief of the Orthodox in the Blessed Virgin as an Intercessor before God and His Son for the granting of spiritual and material benefits to people, among which the illumination of the mind and heart with the Divine Truth occupies the main place.

    They pray to the Icon of the Mother of God “Adding Mind” for successful learning, for enlightenment of the mind in learning. This icon is addressed when “adding mind” is needed to help students and schoolchildren study, as well as for sclerosis, atherosclerosis, lack of intelligence, poor mental development . In addition, you can turn to this icon with a prayer for help (increasing intelligence or admonition) during scientific work, working on any project, etc.
    Celebration (15/28 August)

    Icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy”
    The Icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy” is named in memory of the healing of a certain sinner through the holy icon through the prayers of the Most Pure Mother of God.

    The legend of the miracle described by Saint Demetrius of Rostov tells how a certain sinner, spending his life in sins, however, had the habit of bowing before the icon of the Mother of God and bringing her the Archangel greeting: “Rejoice, O Blessed One!” The Mother of God did not reject his prayers. She began to pray to God for mercy on the sinner. And the Lord granted him repentance.

    The icon is so called because many who with faith resort to the help of the Most Holy Theotokos receive through this icon the unexpected joy of forgiveness of sins and grace-filled consolation.
    They pray to the holy icon when there are difficult problems in life.
    Celebration (1/14 May; 9/22 December)

    Icon of the Mother of God “Burning Bush”
    In church hymns, the Mother of God is often compared to the burning bush (unburnt thorn bush), which Moses saw on Mount Horeb (Exodus, chapter 3, verse 2). The similarity between the burning bush and the Mother of God lies in the fact that just as the Old Testament bush remained unharmed during the fire that engulfed it, so the Most Holy Virgin Mary, who gave birth to Jesus Christ, remained a Virgin before and after Christmas.

    In front of the icon they pray for deliverance from fires and death in fire.
    Celebration (4/17 September)

    Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God
    The Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God (icon of the Mother of God) is considered miraculous and, according to legend, was written by the Evangelist Luke on a board from the table at which the Holy Family ate.
    The icon was brought to Russia from Byzantium at the beginning of the 12th century, as a gift to Yuri Dolgoruky from the Patriarch of Constantinople Luke Chrysoverkh. While passing Vladimir, the horses carrying the miraculous icon stood up and could not move. Replacing the horses with new ones also did not help. The prince saw in this the desire of the Mother of God to remain in Vladimir, where in two years the Church of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary was built.

    Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Vladimir” they pray for deliverance from violence, enmity between relatives, for deliverance from the invasion of foreigners, for instruction in the Orthodox faith, for preservation from heresies and schisms, for the pacification of those at war, for the preservation of Russia.
    Celebration (May 21/June 3; June 23/July 6; August 26/September 8)

    Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God, called “Hodegetria”
    One of the three most revered icons in Russia (along with Vladimir and Kazan). According to legend, she became famous as a great protector during Batu’s invasion.

    in front of the icon they pray for the granting of a safe road. The Mother of God, through Her holy image, intercedes and strengthens us, guiding us to salvation, and we cry out to Her: “You are the All-Blessed Hodegetria to the faithful people, You are the Praise of Smolensk and all the Russian lands are the affirmation! Rejoice, Hodegetria, salvation for Christians!"
    Celebration (July 28/August 10)

    Icon of the Mother of God, called “Quench My Sorrows”
    The icon of the Mother of God, called “Quench My Sorrows,” was brought to Moscow by the Cossacks in 1640 and placed in the Church of St. Nicholas on Pupyshi in Zamoskvorechye. Due to repeated reconstructions of the temple, the icon ended up in the bell tower. The veneration of the icon as miraculous began after the healing of a paralytic woman from it. The patient, who lived far from Moscow, suffered from a serious illness for many years: all members of her body ached, especially her legs, so that she could not walk.
    One day, when the patient was unconscious, she saw the icon of the Mother of God and heard a voice from her: “Tell me to take you to Moscow. There in Pupyshev, in the Church of St. Nicholas, there is an image “Quench my sorrows”; pray before him and you will receive healing.”

    In Moscow, the patient examined all the icons in the church in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, but did not find the one that appeared to her in a vision. Then the priest asked to bring the old icons that were there from the bell tower. When the icon “Quench My Sorrows” was brought in, the patient suddenly cried out: “She! She!" - and crossed herself. After the prayer service, she venerated the icon and rose from her bed completely healthy.

    On this icon, the Mother of God is depicted with her right hand holding the Infant Christ, in Whose hands a scroll is unfolded with the words: “Judge righteous judgment, do mercy and generosity to each of your sincere ones; Do not force a widow or an orphan, and do not create malice in your brother’s heart.” The Mother of God placed her left hand on Her head, slightly tilted to one side, as if she were listening to the prayers of all those who turn to Her in sorrows and sorrows.
    Celebration (January 25/February 7)

    According to the faith of the Russian Orthodox Church, the icons of the Most Pure Mother of God, in a gracious overshadowing, settled across the face of our Fatherland, forming its protection and Heavenly cover. The image of the Vladimir Mother of God protects and blesses our northern borders. The Smolensk and Pochaev icons protect the west, and to the east, to the ends of the earth, the influence of the miraculous Kazan image of the Most Pure Mother of God extends.


    We magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, God-chosen Youth, and honor Your holy image, through which you bring healing to all who come with faith.

    This icon is very strong. She helps in various, often very complex matters. It is advisable to have an icon of All Saints, photos and their meaning in every home in order to read various prayers in front of it. But, if it is not possible to purchase a large and high-quality icon, . This is where the saints depicted on the icon help.

    Who and when to pray

    There is a . He is considered the most important above all angels, so you need to pray to him if you want your own guardian angel to become stronger and stronger. Also, Archangel Michael is the guardian of paradise, not allowing anyone into it who could harm human soul. It is believed that at the Last Judgment he will be one of God’s main helpers, dividing people into good and fallen. Therefore, those who want to go to heaven should pray to him. It is believed that Archangel Michael helps to overcome passions that prevent the soul from getting to heaven, be it drunkenness, drug addiction, or the destructive passion of a woman for a man who takes advantage of her.

    Also on the icon of All Saints is. This saint helps with various women's diseases, promotes a happy family life. Her days are celebrated on November 22 and May 2. During her lifetime, she possessed a prophetic gift and could predict events without physical vision. People turn to her in prayers to shed light on some life situation, to get married successfully, as well as for the well-being of children. Saint Matrona helps with illnesses and solving various everyday issues.

    Also on the icon there is the face of the venerable John the Baptist. This saint is considered one of the most powerful, as he baptized Jesus Christ himself. He is the patron of the water element, helps with mental and physical ailments, and cures drunkenness and passions. Its day is celebrated on July 7th. It is also called the day of John Kupala. It is believed that after this holiday the opening of the swimming season begins. They pray to John the Baptist in difficult situations, mental illness and about getting rid of drunkenness or drug addiction, various emotional experiences.

    The saint is considered the patron saint of peasants and agriculture, as well as a protector from wars and various conflicts. It is customary to pray to him against the invasion of enemies, for a good harvest, and also for good luck in traveling overland. The days of celebrating the memory of this saint are September 12 and December 6. You can pray to him in various difficult situations related to agriculture and military service.

    If you suffer from overeating, drinking and cannot get rid of greed and various forms material dependence, it is worth praying to the holy martyr Boniface. His day is January 1, just after the New Year. This saint helps many in getting rid of the sin of drunkenness, as well as overeating, gluttony, dependence on material goods and greed, and gambling.

    If you look at the icon of All Saints, in the photo and their meaning, then you can find the saint there Anastasia the Pattern Maker, which is prayed against the danger of imprisonment or for those who are currently there. The church celebrates her memory on January 4. During her life, she helped Christians who were imprisoned, for which she herself was brutally executed. However, she is considered the patroness of people who are facing trial, prison and who are sitting there, even for just sins.

    If you need victory in an exam, in court, in various circumstances, you should turn to the icon St. George the Victorious. His face is also on the icon of All Saints. George defeated a dangerous adder, which terrified various people. The name of this saint is very famous. It is believed that it helps in various unfavorable circumstances, illnesses, victories not only in the race for survival, but also over one’s own passions and vices. The church celebrates his memory on November 23 and April 6. The saint promotes victories in various areas of life. Soldiers prayed to him both before being sent to hot spots and ordinary people before exams, court proceedings and in many other situations.

    If you want peace in the family, good relationships without quarrels and scandals, it is best to pray Guria, Samon And Avawu. These martyrs are depicted in the icon and they help in various difficult situations. Their memorial day falls on November 28th. They are believed to help with various everyday needs and also contribute to family well-being in the home.

    Considered one of the most revered Russian saints. His holiday is usually celebrated on June 14 and January 2. During his life, he helped in various problems, had the gift of foresight, saw the future and received many letters, to which he gave advice and answers that would help each recipient in life. Therefore, they pray to him for various ailments and illnesses in the family. The saint also helps in solving everyday issues and can tell you what the right decision is to make. You can pray to him on any issue, and he always helps, even if not right away.

    In case of love failures, when adultery and various troubles occur on the personal front, it is worth turning to the image Ksenia of Petersburg, whose memorial days fall on February 6 and June 6. She helps in various matters that relate to family life, children's well-being and much more. It also helps to get rid of alcoholism, drug addiction and love addiction.

    He is considered one of the most beloved saints among the people. His memorial days fall on December 19 and May 6. There is Nikolai Veshny and Winter. The prototype of the American Santa Claus was this saint, who is equally revered by both the Orthodox and catholic church. Travelers, those who serve in the army, are at sea, on an airplane, as well as during various everyday difficulties, financial failures and debts, should pray to Nicholas. It is believed that this saint gives people joy and helps everyone who sincerely asks him in various matters and endeavors.

    Also depicted on the icon of All Saints is the feast day of which the church celebrates on July 18. This saint helps children in learning, adults in acquiring life knowledge, worldly wisdom, as well as in various issues. They pray to him in court proceedings, also in family conflicts, situations when someone behaves very arrogantly and proudly.

    August 9 begins to celebrate the day Panteleimon the Healer- it helps from various diseases, contributes to the acquisition of physical and mental health. His face is also on the icon of All Saints.

    August 2 – Memorial Day Elijah the Prophet. It helps against floods, natural disasters and various water-related problems. However, on this day it is no longer advisable to swim, as there is a danger of catching a cold. Elijah the Prophet also helps in solving difficult life situations, conflicts and quarrels, and also if it is difficult to find a way out.

    The icon also contains images Seraphim of Sarov, Martyr Varvara, Spiridon of Trimifuntsky who helps in solving financial issues and business. The day of celebration of Seraphim of Sarov falls on August 1. It helps in solving many life issues and healing diseases. Barbara's Day is celebrated on December 17, and the Feast of Spyridon is celebrated on December 25. These days it is customary to pray to him in order to attract financial luck and make the right decision.

    Well, the day of the icon of All Saints is celebrated on July 12. On this day, a person with any baptismal name can ask for anything in front of the icon. True, there are restrictions on this too.

    What not to pray for

    The icon of All Saints, photos and their meaning help in various matters - from an unpleasant everyday situation to the cure of a serious illness. However, remember that you should not make a request that is contrary to Christian laws and principles. For example, beat off someone else's husband, remove a person from a position, break up a couple, wish someone harm. All this harms the human soul and can lead you to trouble. Also, the icon may not help if he is destined to go through some kind of crisis. Or so that he will eventually take the bright path.

    Since ancient times in Rus' they were very revered Holy Mother of God. We offer daily prayers to the Mother of God, asking Her for help and salvation. The Church places the Queen of Heaven above all saints and all angels, because the closest to God is His Mother.

    With acceptance Orthodox faith From Byzantium, the Russian people accepted faith in the Mother of God and Her speedy intercession. The holy image of the Mother of God has always been and, of course, remains in a special place among the Russian people. Our Lady is the protector and patroness of the Russian land.

    Yu. P. Pontyukhin. "Dmitry Donskoy and Sergius of Radonezh"

    It is read at services large number prayers addressed to the Queen of Heaven, temples are dedicated to Her, and veneration of Her numerous icons is widespread.

    The calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church mentions about 260 revered and miraculous icons of the Mother of God, in general they can be counted more 860 . For most icons, days of celebration have been established, prayers and akathists are written for them.

    The history of the first icons of the Mother of God

    There is a legend that he painted the very first icon Apostle Luke. Historians have doubts about this, but Tradition did not arise out of nowhere. From the New Testament we know that the Apostle Luke was a doctor and very educated person of his time, but the fact that he was an artist is not said in Scripture. However, it is in the Gospel of Luke that most of all is said about the Mother of God, and it was the Apostle Luke who created and described for us the image of the Mother of God. The Gospel was sometimes called a verbal icon, and we can call the Apostle-Evangelist Luke the first icon painter, although, most likely, he “wrote” not with paints on canvas, but with words.

    V.L. Borovikovsky. "Evangelist Luke"

    There is another legend about the first image: when the saints apostles Peter and John the Theologian preached in Lydda(near Jerusalem), a temple was built there for converts. The apostles asked the Mother of God to consecrate and bless the temple with Her presence. The Most Pure Virgin replied that she would be there with them. Arriving at the temple, the apostles saw on one of the supporting pillars of the temple a miraculous image of the Most Holy Theotokos. The list from this image, called Lydda Icon of the Mother of God , is still revered to this day.

    Lydda Icon of the Mother of God

    In the scientific community, the earliest images of the Virgin Mary are considered to be genre subjects from the painting of the catacombs. These are the scenes Annunciation(catacombs of Priscila II century) and scenes Nativity of Christ(catacombs of St. Sebestian III - IV centuries).

    Catacombs of Priscilla in Rome

    But all these are rather proto-icons; the first icons in the literal sense of the word appear only after Ephesus Cathedral 431 years, where the veneration of the Virgin Mary as the Mother of God was established.

    Third Ecumenical Council in Ephesus

    Elements of the iconography of the Virgin Mary

    The appearance of the Mother of God is known not only from ancient images, but also from descriptions of church historians (Nicephorus Callistus, monk Epiphanius).

    The Virgin Mary is traditionally depicted in maforia(a traditional veil for a married Jewish woman to cover her head and shoulders), and tunic(long dress). Maforius is usually written in red (a symbol of royal origin, but also of suffering). Undergarments are usually written blue-blue (a sign of heavenly purity).

    Maforium is decorated three stars- on the head and shoulders (a symbol of the purity of the Ever-Virgin “before Christmas, at Christmas and after Christmas”, as well as a symbol of the Holy Trinity). The inscription on the icon is given according to tradition in Greek abbreviation ΜΡ ΘΥ (Mother of God).

    The Mother of God in Russian icons is always somewhat sad, this sadness is sometimes mournful, sometimes bright. However, the image of the Mother of God is always full of wisdom and spiritual strength. The Most Holy Virgin can solemnly “reveal” the Child to the world, can tenderly press the Son to Herself or easily support Him - She is always full of reverence, worships her Divine Child and meekly resigns herself to the inevitability of sacrifice.

    Types of Orthodox iconography of the Mother of God

    Of course, initially there were no types of icons of the Mother of God, and only later, for classification and detailed study, they were identified based on the nature of the writing.

    In Orthodox iconography it is customary to highlight 5 types of images of the Blessed Virgin Mary:

    1. "Oranta" (Greek: “Praying”) and “Sign”

    2."Hodegetria" (Greek: "Guidebook")

    3. "Eleusa" (Greek: “Tenderness”)

    4."Panahranta" (Greek: “All-blameless”)

    5.“ Agiosoritissa" (Greek: from the name of the chapel “Agia Soros” in Constantinople).

    “Oranta” (“Praying”), “The Sign”

    This is one of the main types of images of the Mother of God, representing Her from the front, with her hands raised to the level of her head, palms open outward, that is, in the traditional gesture of intercessory prayer. In Orthodox churches, images of this type are sometimes placed at the top of the altar.

    The first image of the Virgin Mary "Orants" (Greek “Praying”) without the Child are found already in the Roman catacombs (II - IV centuries).

    Sometimes on the bosom of the Virgin Mary, against the background of a round sphere, is depicted Spas Emmanuel(Heb. “God is with us”). The medallion symbolizes both heaven, as the abode of God, and the womb of the Mother of God, in which the Savior is embodied. Some icons of this type are called "Panagia" (Greek: “All-Holy”).

    In the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv (11th century) there is one of the most famous mosaic images of Oranta (the height of the figure is 5 m 45 cm). One of the epithets assigned to this image is "The Unbreakable Wall" . In icon painting, independent images of the Mother of God Oranta without the Child are used extremely rarely.

    Icon "Unbreakable Wall"

    The half-length image of the Mother of God-Oranta received the name "Sign" , and that's how it happened. November 27, 1169, during the assault on Veliky Novgorod by the Suzdalites, residents of the besieged city brought an icon of the Mother of God to the wall. One of the arrows pierced the image, and the Mother of God turned her face to the city, shedding tears. Inspired by this SIGN, the Novgorodians repelled the Suzdal regiments...

    Of the icons of this type, the most famous are.

    "Hodegetria" ("Guide")

    On icons of this type we see the Mother of God, who points to the Infant Christ seated on Her hand.

    The Mother of God seems to be telling the entire human race that the true path is the path to Christ. On these icons She appears as a guide to God and eternal salvation. Here the center of the composition is Christ, who blesses with his right hand and holds a rolled up scroll in his left hand - a symbol of the Gospel. Christ said about himself: "I am the way and the truth and the life"(John 14:6), and the Mother of God is the one who helps us walk along this path - she is our intercessor. This is also one of the oldest types of images of the Virgin Mary.

    Of the icons of this type, the most famous are: , .

    "Eleusa" ("Tenderness")

    On icons like "Tenderness" we see the Child Christ resting his cheek against the cheek of the Mother of God. The head of the Virgin Mary is bowed towards the Son, and He puts his hand around the Mother’s neck. The images convey the tender communication of Mother and Son. Love unites the heavenly and earthly, the divine and the human in the icon: this connection is expressed by the contact of faces and the pairing of halos.

    This touching composition contains a deep theological idea: here the Mother of God is presented not only as a Mother caressing her Son, but also as a symbol of a soul in close communion, in love with God.

    The Mother of God thought, hugging her Son to Her: She, foreseeing the way of the cross, knows what suffering awaits Him.

    The type of image of the Mother of God “Tenderness” found a special response in the hearts Orthodox people, the idea of ​​sacrificial service to one’s people is close and understandable, and the grief of the Mother of God, bringing her son into a world of cruelty and suffering, is in tune with the feelings of all Orthodox Christians. Therefore, there are a lot of icons of this type.

    Of the icons of this type in Russia, the most famous are the Derzhavnaya and.

    "Agiosoritissa" (as in Agia-soros), "Intercessor"

    "Agia Soros"(which means “Holy Cancer”) is the name of the chapel in Constantinople, where there is an icon of the Virgin Mary facing Christ in prayer. The name of the chapel gave its name to this iconographic type.

    On icons of this type, the Mother of God is depicted in full growth, without the Child, facing the Savior, sometimes with a scroll in her hand.

    Similar icons are included in Deesis series iconostasis (that is, a row of icons where the Savior is depicted in the center, and on the right and left hand- icons of the Mother of God and John the Baptist praying).

    In Russia, this type of icons is also called "Intercessor" .

    Why are there so many icons of the Mother of God?

    How could so many similar, and yet very different icons arise? After all, each, while maintaining all the features of its type, has individuality.

    From the first icons, lists were made, which were distributed throughout the world and acquired their own characteristic features. Through the prayers of believers, miracles and healings occurred in front of these icons, which is what subsequent icon painters tried to capture by making new copies. Each creator wanted to make an icon tied to their locality, and also tell real story the presence of this particular icon on their land.

    That is why there are so many different icons of the Mother of God. Each of them found a response in the hearts and souls of those praying, and throughout the Orthodox world prayers are offered to them.