Powerful rituals for good luck. Golden candle - a talisman against financial failures

We have all heard about this mythical bird more than once. Not everyone caught it! But our lives wouldn’t be the same without her. Someone, as they say, was already born with her feather in his bosom, and in front of someone she only waves her tail... But don’t be discouraged, you need to make a little effort and tame the bird - Luck, and maybe even catch it. And effective rituals and spells for good luck and luck, tested by us personally, will help you with this. We have long been convinced that magic quite often becomes with a magic wand, which changes our lives for the better.

To reach effective result, choose the ritual or conspiracy that suits you and follow all directions exactly .

Remember: all rituals and conspiracies to attract anything are done only on a new moon or a waxing moon.

Be sure, at the end of the ritual or conspiracy, always thank God, the Almighty, for the help, Higher powers, Angels or someone else, this is at your discretion, but you must thank them from the heart. Your gratitude is like payment for help and the more sincere it is, the faster you will receive this help.

Ritual for successful business progress

Going somewhere important matter: getting a job, concluding a profitable deal, signing an important contract, be sure to perform this simple ritual action and your business will be crowned with success.

Take wool thread red, about a meter long, and tie three knots on it. Place this thread along the threshold, on the apartment side. Read this plot three times:

Just as these three knots are tied tightly - tightly, so my task, the servant of God (name), will be resolved soon, successfully and safely. Amen.

After pronouncing the plot, step over the thread and the threshold with your left foot and go about your business. The ritual can be performed in within three days, then the thread is necessarily burned. You can repeat it no more than once a month.

Golden candle - a talisman against financial failures

I have been using this spell myself for many years. On Wednesday, for the new moon, buy a golden-colored candle. Lubricate it with sandalwood oil. At nine o’clock in the evening, light this candle and say the spell nine times (you have to learn it, you can’t read it from a piece of paper):

Perfume: Lathus, Avrael, Gabriel, Vathal, Mutaal, Veriel, Koasal, Mathir! Help me! Protect me and give me good luck!

Thank the spirits for their help. Put out (do not blow out) the candle, wrap it in cloth (made from natural fibers) green). Keep the candle as a talisman at home, away from prying eyes, it will protect you from financial failures. If financial difficulties arise in life again, take out the candle and repeat the ritual.

Engagement with luck

In the first three days of the waxing moon, you need to tune in to good luck, thinking about how it will look in your case: a money job will come your way, a wealthy handsome man, a mink coat, a profitable deal, a promotion at work or something else that has long been expected and desired. On the fourth day, you need to string multi-colored beads on the wire in one row, repeating for each bead you put on:

As (name, surname) was walking along the road, she met Luck, and said to her (name, surname): Goy you are, Luck! Look at me (name, surname), see me, give me gifts. Luck immediately cried out: I see you clearly (name, surname), and attacked me. Now we walk hand in hand with luck, inseparable, like lovers.

Tie beads on wire into a circle and wear them on ring finger right hand. The number of beads for each person is individual, depending on the size of the finger.

The ritual may seem a little strange, but it works effectively. With his help, I bought an apartment at a very good price. By 30 percent of its real value. The friends were only surprised: You’re lucky, so lucky. She must have magicalized something.

How a pensioner magnetized her luck

This good luck spell was told to me by a client to whom I performed a Reiki session. Thanks to this conspiracy, Valentina is now a wealthy pensioner.

“I retired and had a lot of free time. Just not enough money. This is where my passion for beadwork came in handy. I wove it slowly and sold it to a souvenir shop. But the fingers are no longer so flexible and my hands began to ache. I went to the doctor, and near the clinic there was a stall with various magnetic things - rings and medicinal bracelets. I began to consult with the saleswoman about what was best for me to buy. She says:

“The magnet, of course, is a magical stone, but it’s better for you to have your hands treated by doctors - procedures, and use ointments. And I’d better tell you how to magnetize luck. Don’t look at beautiful magnets; it’s better to buy a piece of unprocessed green magnetic stone. Sew it into a beautiful fabric and attach it to a bracelet, on right hand. Hide this bracelet under your sleeve so that it is not visible to others. It is important that when you go on business, he is always with you. If you put your work up for sale, run a magnet across the counter unnoticeably. When you receive money, don’t take it from your hands, ask to put it on the table and first touch it with a magnet . Every time you need luck, run a magnet over things, money, documents. And at the same time, say to yourself, slanderous words:

Green grass grows in an open field, bright color blooms, feeds God's creatures. The green magnet-stone guides my hands, attracts good luck, and will not leave me. I won’t take someone else’s, I’ll attract my own.

I listened to her and wove myself a bracelet of incomparable beauty and inserted a magnetic stone into it. When I turn in work, receive money, or simply buy something, I place my hand with a magnet on it for a few seconds. And money loves me very much now. And now I really like retirement.”

Luck is something intangible and inexplicable, but many people would like to attract it into their lives. Students shout out the window before an exam, some before important event they put 5 kopecks under the left heel, and someone puts on clothes of a certain color. There are many other rituals that allow you to “catch” luck by the tail.

The main rule when performing rituals for good luck is faith in their effectiveness. Without this “foundation” it is useless to even begin the ritual. But luck is so possible! So why not try your luck?

Good luck rituals from the distant past

Not only modern people there is a desire to attract luck into your life. And our ancestors had rites and rituals that helped us gain wealth, happiness and the fulfillment of our cherished desires.

Often people turned to natural forces - water, wind, sun, forest and other phenomena and objects. One of the most popular rituals to attract good luck was carried out with the “attraction” of the sun and water. The ritual is performed quite simply. A person needs to get up at dawn, wash his face three times cold water and ask the “water” owner to wash away all sins, unfinished business and give new energy and strength. Then you need to turn to the morning sun:

“Sun, bless me to bloom like a flower, become clear and rejoice. And may my conspiracy be strong, strong and ardent. So it will be.”

Carrying out a ritual on the new moon also comes from the past. The new moon was perceived as the beginning of something new. So why not start a new lucky period in life? The ritual is performed at midnight, on the new moon. It is necessary to take old clothes and linens and throw them away with the words “let the old go and the new come.” After this, new opportunities, people and achievements will appear in life.

Coins were also used for good luck in business. To carry out the ritual, you need to sew a bag of green fabric (by yourself), put in 1 pinch of basil and salt, 5 pinches of mint, 3 copper and one silver coin (now you can take 10 kopecks and 1 ruble). The following words are read on this bag:

“Business is behind, business is ahead, profit is in the middle.”

The bag must be placed where it is carried out working hours(for example, in a desk drawer). Every Monday you need to re-say the cherished words and knead the bag.

Such simple rituals will make a person much luckier.

Simple ways to become luckier

Some people are hesitant to perform any ritual because of the complexity and time involved. In fact, there are many simple rituals that don't require much effort.

"Piece of Fortune"

There is an opinion that luck can be “contagious”. For this reason, unmarried friends happily catch the bride's bouquet and are sure that they will be the next to get married. You can borrow a pencil or pen from a more successful colleague.

Good luck talisman

It is necessary to take multi-colored threads that will symbolize good luck in certain areas of life (green - wealth, blue - fulfillment of desires, yellow - health, red - love). Weave a simple bracelet from the desired color of thread and wear it without taking it off.


You need to take 3 tablespoons of salt and rice and pour them in a heap on a saucer. Then take a safety pin and stick it into the slide. The ritual must be done in the evening, and in the morning the pin is removed and pinned to the clothes.

"Sweet Ritual"

A product such as honey will help you attract good luck. You need to eat honey more often, because... Honey is believed to attract not only bees and bears, but also good luck. Each time you take this product, you should say “may luck stick to me like bees to honey.”

Ritual with red thread

You need to take a red wool thread (about 20 centimeters) and a candle. The thread is set on fire over the candle. While it is burning, you must say the following words:

“As this thread burns, so will all troubles and misfortunes burn” (pronounced 9 times).

Then you need to throw the remaining thread out the window, saying:

“fly, fly, don’t come back.”

This ritual must be performed 3 times before bedtime.

"Orange Candle"

One of the simple and effective rituals for good luck. You need to take an orange candle, light it and place it in the center of the altar, saying:

“In the name of Fortune, I conjure, I call on luck and joy to myself.”

The words are pronounced 3 times. The candle can be left to burn out.

Giving alms

It is believed that luck smiles on generous and selfless people. When passing by someone in need or asking, you should give him a small alms. At the same time, it is necessary to say “let the hand of the giver not fail.” Such a simple ritual will help you not only get rich, but also become a happy, successful person.

Modern rituals to attract good luck

Some people consider rituals and ceremonies a relic of the past, but new rituals are appearing that keep up with the times. They use modern objects and devices.

For example, one simple ritual that a person can perform daily is a traffic light ritual. When crossing the road or driving through a green traffic light, you need to think to yourself: “ May I always and everywhere have green light ».

It is considered an effective and efficient ritual to attract good luck using a marker or felt-tip pen. You need to purchase a marker that writes in silver or gold, and every day, before leaving the house, write your last name, first name and patronymic. While writing, you should think about the approach of success and good luck in business. This ritual is a kind of self-hypnosis, and the color helps to tune in to wealth.

Unusual rituals for good luck

Some rituals that help you find success in business may surprise you with their extravagance. For example, a ritual with a bunch of bananas.

  1. You need to purchase palm oil, red thread, paper and a pen with red paste.
  2. The ritual takes place on Friday.
  3. The desire to “become lucky” is written down on paper.
  4. The sheet is folded in three.
  5. Then the bananas are greased with oil, and a note with a wish is placed between them.
  6. The bundle is rewound with red thread so that the note is not visible.
  7. The bananas are then hung outside the door.

As soon as the ligament turns black, the wish will certainly come true.

In this article:

Luck is one of the most important components of any person’s life.

Without luck it is impossible to conduct business, it is impossible to achieve good results work and business, no matter how much effort is put into this matter. A rite or magical ritual for good luck is a great opportunity to win over your fortune and achieve good results in any business.

Exists large number magical techniques, allowing the performer to attract good luck. Among them there are both universal rituals that guarantee good fortune in all areas of life, as well as highly specialized rituals to attract good luck, for example, in business, in sales, in relationships with the opposite sex, etc.

A ritual to attract good luck in any endeavor

Given magical ritual belongs to the category of universal rituals. Get up early in the morning, go to the window, look at the morning sun and read the words of the conspiracy:

“I, the servant of God (name), will become blessed and go, crossing myself. I'll go from door to door towards the east. On the eastern side there is an ancient, holy church. In that church there is a throne, and on the throne Holy Mother of God. I tell you Blessed Virgin, I pray, I, the servant of God (name), will submit to you. Help me, Mother of God, from every misfortune, deliver me from all adversity, find my money and add more to my pockets. Protect my family, Mother of God, from illness and misfortune. My words will be strong, stronger than stone, sharper than a knife, truer than books. Amen. Amen. Amen".

That's enough strong ritual, the effectiveness of which can be further increased if you read the words of the conspiracy while standing in front of the entrance to Orthodox church. Your personal religiosity plays enough important role, but a much greater impact on end result the ritual is exerted by the force to which you will directly turn. In Russia, the Christian egregor has enormous power, therefore, if you can use this energy for your own purposes, then all your desires will become material.


If you pronounce the words of the conspiracy near the temple, then after that you need to walk around the holy building three times clockwise, and on the way home leave alms to those in need. Even if you don’t meet any beggars, you need to leave the payment; you can simply throw a few coins on the ground and say the words:

“Money is falling to the ground, for which the Lord God will reward me, the servant of God (name), a hundredfold. Amen".

Daily ritual for good luck

By performing this simple magical ritual every day, you can guarantee yourself constant success in any endeavor. To do this, you need to read the words of the conspiracy every morning before washing your face:

“Wednesday, you, Middle, you go ahead and say the word. I, the servant of God (name), will be baptized by Jesus Christ, covered with my faith, protected from any troubles by a guardian angel. My angel, heavenly guardian, have mercy on me, sit on my right shoulder, watch over me from early morning to late evening. Protect me, angel, from the fierce wolf, from the enchanted needle, from evil people, from forest animals. Take care of me, the servant of God (name), guardian angel, avert the court, cancel the reprisal, protect me from the knife and poison, cover me from the thorns of the witch. May what has been said come true. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Ritual for good luck in business

This magical ritual can be classified as universal, but best of all it helps, if necessary, to attract good luck in trade and business.

The ritual can only be performed in daytime, before sunset. Prepare a bucket in advance clean water, can be from a spring or from another source, as well as three church candles and a handful of earth in any container. This ritual uses the power of different elements, which is why it is considered very effective, despite its apparent simplicity.

Place a bucket of water on a table covered with a clean tablecloth and bend over it so that your breath reaches the water. Now clear your mind of all extraneous thoughts and say the words of the conspiracy clearly and loudly:

“Water, you, pure water, cleanse me, the servant of God (name), from head to toe, remove all unnecessary thoughts from me, all the burden from my soul. Just as water washes away dirt from stones, just as it cleanses blackness on everything, so it will wash away everything unnecessary from me, take away from me all the grief and pain, all losses and misfortunes. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen".

After pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, go into the bath with a bucket of water and pour this liquid over yourself from head to toe. This part of the ritual, as can be seen from the words of the conspiracy, is aimed at cleansing from all accumulated negativity. Now you can move on to the next stage - charging with energy to accomplish new things.

Water, earth, fire - the ideal combination for performing the ritual and obtaining the desired result

Place the prepared candles in your bedroom so that they form a triangle around you. Sit on your knees, close your eyes and read the words of the spell for good luck:

“Holy fiery flame, you have endowed me, the servant of God (name), with your strength, your undying energy, which has been burning next to people for centuries. So be it. Amen".

Get up from your knees and stand quietly for several minutes. Try to feel the energy of the fire. Only after this you can leave the triangle, but leave the candles to burn out. At the last stage, you will need to perform a ritual with the earth to attract luck. To do this, you will need a container with soil and your personal item. Take this container under any tree that produces edible fruit. Dig a small hole there and pour the soil with your item into it. After that, go home without looking back.

Christmas ritual

A ritual for good luck at Christmas is a powerful magical remedy that allows you to enlist the support of fortune for the whole year. This ritual is based on the use of a religious egregor, therefore it is suitable only for those who believe in this holiday or are able to tune in to the energy of this holy time.

To perform this ritual you will need a special magic bag, which you must make with your own hands. There is no need to be lazy, because this magical attribute is done very simply. Buy a small piece of green fabric and sew it into a bag.

Inside the bag, place ten pinches of basil, three pinches of coarse salt, five pinches of mint, grated peel of three ripe apples, three copper coins and one silver coin (can be replaced with a coin made of any white metal). When all the items are collected in the bag, take it with both hands, bring it to your lips and whisper the words of the plot:

“My affairs, servants of God (name), are behind, my affairs are ahead, and the profit from my affairs is in the middle. Exactly".

After this, the bag will need to be hung in the place where you usually conduct your business, for example, in your own office at work. With the help of this ritual, you will create an effective talisman to attract good luck, but remember that for it to work, you need periodic contact with you; for this you need to take the bag in your hands every few days, knead its contents with your fingers and repeat the words of the spell.

Every person can bring luck into life. You can become lucky with the help of sincere belief in success and effective methods achieving well-being.

Lucky people happier, quickly achieve success and avoid troubles. Among the many ways to attract good luck, you can choose your own. Website experts recommend leaving doubts and attracting success to yourself every day with the power of thought. Remember that success in business awaits those who are able to think positively, not give in to difficulties and go towards their goal without a shadow of doubt.

Whispers for good luck

The effectiveness of whispers for good luck has been proven by more than one generation of people. They help us believe that everyone can achieve well-being. The right attitude and the desire to work for your success is already half of the path you have taken to personal happiness.

Whispers for good luck can be said at any time when needed: at work, at home, when communicating with clients or lovers. If you need luck, use proven whispers that will help you cope with any difficulty.

  • I open the doors to luck and let you into my heart.
  • The matter is going well, my hands are burning. It will come true as planned.
  • I go towards my happiness, attract good luck, nothing else.
  • I leave, I change, I come, I bring happiness with me.
  • Where I go, so does luck. He wakes up with me, spends his day, leads me to success.
  • Everything will work out the way I want. My luck and success are with me.
  • I see failures out of life and close the door behind them.
  • For good luck, I’ll smile at the sun in the morning and bow to him at the waist. As the matter is conceived, so it will come true.

Spells to attract good luck

Effective conspiracies will not require much of your time. Believe in your strength and don’t tell anyone what you’re up to, so as not to scare away your luck.

1. Get up at sunrise, go outside and say:

“The sun is rising from behind the forest, illuminating my path. Wherever the rays fall, that’s where I’ll go, and I’ll find my luck. Everything that is planned will come true, my life will be filled with happiness.”

2. Speak for good luck to the threads that will serve you as a talisman. Take wool of green, yellow and red colors. Weave them into a braid, saying:

“I intertwine threads and attract good luck. I weave prosperity and happiness into my life. Luck will return to me with the early rays of the sun; attracted by the moonlight, it will remain with me. With the first rain, adversity will be erased and will not return to me.”

3. Place three coins of different denominations under the threshold of your house. Say the words of the spell for good luck:

“I put in the first coin, I close the house against failure. I use the second coin to attract happiness. The third coin will serve me, it will attract wealth, it will call for monetary luck from all over the world.”

4. Speak magic bag which will attract good luck to your home. To do this, sew a small handbag from linen or cotton with your own hands. Put your favorites in it aromatic herbs, for example, mint or lemon balm. Add a few grains of rice, three coins, dried citrus peel (orange, tangerine or grapefruit). Say:

“I hang a bag of happiness over the door, say goodbye to adversity, and attract happiness. As many grains as there are in it, so much good luck in the house.”

5. In the morning, wash your face with cold water and, without drying yourself with a towel, say:

“Drop by drop I wash away failure, I erase troubles. How many drops fall from my face, so much luck will come into my life.”

Rituals and rituals for good luck

You can attract good luck with the help of an effective ritual that our ancestors used. To do this, you need to get up at dawn, change into simple clothes light colors that will not hinder movements. IN summer time you need to collect flowers or plant branches and weave a wreath from them, saying:

“I call on the power of all the elements to help, I attract good luck into life. I will ask the earth to pave a path to happiness, the Sun to illuminate the path, key water to wash away resentment and adversity, I will ask the wind to bring abundance from all over the world.”

IN winter time take the snow, bring it home and wait for it to melt. Pour melted water into a glass and say:

“Failures have no place in the home or in life. I’ll wash the floors and open the way for luck. I’ll pour the rest of the water over the threshold so that luck will find me and bring spring, so that my life will blossom.”

Wash the floors with the addition of melt water, and then carefully pour the water away from the threshold.

In spring and fall, use last year's leaves. Light a small fire and say:

“I put each leaf into the purifying fire and say goodbye to adversity. As the fire burns out, so will luck come to me.”

Throw the leaves into the fire one at a time and say what you would like to get rid of in life.

You can attract good luck with a simple daily ritual. Every morning before washing your face, look in the mirror and say:

“Don’t drink water from your face, don’t plow the earth with your face. A smile will turn into a weapon, it will destroy grief and misfortune. I wash myself, I am reborn, I attract good luck to myself, to my home and to my loved ones.”

You can time rituals for good luck and fortune to coincide with the phases of the moon. The energy of the night luminary will help you get rid of adversity, protect yourself and loved ones from failures, and bring prosperity into your life. We wish you all the best and don't forget to press the buttons and

When a protracted black streak comes in life, the end of which is not in sight,
A magical ritual for good luck will help you ward off troubles.
Using a spell you can improve personal life, succeed in your career, get rid of the insecurities that prevent you from being successful, and even win the lottery - you just need to want and believe!

Rituals for good luck and fortune: types

The variety of miraculous ways to attract happiness and good luck into destiny can plunge any average person ignorant of magic into confusion.
Initially, it is necessary to set priorities and determine which one
the sphere of your life needs to be improved, and then choose the appropriate one
spell among the suggested categories:

For well-being in life. These rituals to attract happiness are used to make a person successful in general; they have little power and can be used in tandem with more powerful spells for better effect.

For success in the financial sector. When your financial situation is poor, things are not going well, a conspiracy will help solve the problem, the action of which is aimed at:

  • for career growth;
  • a long-awaited but unfairly delayed salary increase by management;

To cleanse the future from troubles. This type of sacrament is used when failures literally haunt a person, problems begin seemingly out of the blue. Magic helps to cleanse the biofield of possible negativity and corrects a karmic program that has failed due to the influence of others.

Ritual for good luck and luck in life

When you wake up in the morning, tune in to the sacrament. Before you go wash, say the following:

“Wednesday-Wednesday, you go to the water with your speeches.
I am baptized in the name of Christ.
I will enlist the support of the Guardian Angel.
Angel have mercy, I pray, take all sorrows away from me,
Send great luck and immeasurable happiness to me soon.
Sit on my right shoulder, keep guard over me alone (alone).
From envious and evil people, from animals and forest birds, from filthy tongues!
From reprisals and judgment, from witches’ poisonous potions and slander!
Lord God, save my life from suffering and add to my life!