Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary signs rites. A simple love ritual with viburnum

Signs for the Assumption Holy Mother of God: customs beliefs rites

Signs for the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Customs. Beliefs. Date of celebration. Holiday rituals. What not to do. Signs for healing and personal happiness.

Signs for the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary: customs, beliefs, rituals of the holiday

One of the most important holidays of the Christian people is August 28th. Large quantity The believing people are waiting for the coming of this day. As described in biblical beliefs, on one of the last days of summer a miracle happened: the Holy Mother of God, leaving her soul with her body, met the Son of God. From that moment on Orthodox world there is a great prayer book and the main intercessor of Heaven, and a number of customs and beliefs have appeared among believers.

Signs dedicated to the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The church calendar in August of each year has a specially designated holiday - the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This day has long been famous for the fact that by observing the behavior of the weather and the natural environment it is possible to understand what the weather will be like in autumn and winter.

In our article you will learn a number of the most interesting signs on the great feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, get acquainted with the folk traditions that came to us from ancient Orthodox times, and also receive information about what should not be done on this Holy Day. To begin with, let us reveal the essence of the celebration of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. At first glance, the main paradox is the contradiction of sadness on this holiday.

Dormition of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos.

In the last days of summer, August 28 according to the new calendar, and August 15 according to the old calendar style, the traditions of the Russian Orthodox Church celebrate a celebration that, in its full name, sounds like the Dormition of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary. The Dormition of the Virgin Mary is a celebration dedicated to a phenomenon not described in biblical stories, but came to us according to church tradition. The literal translation of the word “dormition” is “death.” The Most Holy Mother of God, after Jesus ascended into heaven, began to live with the Apostle John the Theologian, under his care. Subsequently, Christian persecution by King Herod, John and the Virgin Mary settled in Ephesus, in the house of his parents. At this place She often read prayers, begging the Lord to take her to her. One day, during prayer, at the place where Christ Ascended into Heaven, the Spirit of Archangel Gabriel came to the Mother of God and notified Her that, at the end of the next 3 days, Her existence on earth would end, and She would come to the Lord.

The only request of the Blessed Virgin Mary before the end of her life was the desire to meet with all the apostles. But at that time they were in different places preaching Christian beliefs. By the forces of the Holy Spirit, the desire of the Mother of God was fulfilled. All the apostles immediately appeared at the chambers where the Most Holy Theotokos was, where She was reading a prayer, awaiting the end. The Most High Himself, in the presence of the Lambs, appeared to Her in order to take Her soul to Himself. The request to the Lord of the Most Holy Theotokos was a prayer of gift, with which She begged for the blessing of those who honored Her memory.

She showed great humility. Having received holiness, which is incomparable with absolutely any person, the most honest Cherub and the most glorious without any comparison Seraphim, carried prayers to her Son, for the protection of Her soul from the dark satanic forces and the ordeal that every soul has to endure. Having seen each of the apostles, the joyful Mother of God gave her soul into the palm of the Lord and at that very moment angelic singing began to sound.

When her death occurred, the body of the Most Pure Virgin was placed in a coffin, which was then taken to a cave located in Gethsemane. After the burial, the entrance to the cave was blocked with stones. For 3 days, the apostles were next to the cave, where they read prayers. One of the apostles, Thomas, being late for the burial process, was very excited and upset that he did not bother to pay homage to the remains of the Blessed Virgin. Taking pity, the apostles allowed the entrance to the grave to be opened so that Thomas could bow to the ashes. Having opened the coffin and seeing that the body of the Most Pure Virgin had disappeared, those present froze, convinced that she had miraculously ascended to heaven. For evening reception food of the same day, the Spirit of the Mother of God appeared to them, saying “Rejoice! I am with you all the days!”

The church speaks of the death of the Mother of God as about the Dormition, but not about death. The explanation for this is the difference in death compared to human death. This means returning the body to the earth and the spirit to heaven, which does not fall under the description of a dowry.

The Most Pure Virgin only fell asleep to awaken, having received eternally blessed life, and after waiting 3 days in her incorruptible body, she moved into the walls of the heavenly incorruptible dwelling. Difficult wakefulness, Her many sorrowful life turned into a sweet dream for Her. Having become the “Mother of Life” among believers, the Most Pure Virgin, with the help of her prayers and forgiveness, leading many earthly souls away from death, began to instill in them, by Her Dormition, faith in eternal life.

Orthodox traditions for the holiday

IN Christian traditions, the approach of this holiday is the beginning of a 2-week fast. A long time ago, this time ceased to refer to strict and difficult fasting, due to the fact that in August vegetables, fruits, nuts and other gifts of nature, which are allowed to be consumed during fasting, have greater yields.

The day of the holiday itself is named “The First Most Pure One,” and has the meaning of a real holiday and a significant event, which has a number of its own beliefs and signs. On the eve of this holiday, the harvest comes to an end, which brings with it joy, creating a majestic and special atmosphere that has been established and consolidated over time.

It is necessary to pay significant attention to preparation on the eve of this day:

The house must be tidy and clean.

It is necessary to resolve all conflicts, resolve differences and be puzzled by reconciliation with relatives.

The dining table should be decorated with generous and varied treats.

The atmosphere at home throughout the holiday should be calm and friendly.

Bans for an important day.

Many customs associated with the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary have a direct connection with the spirit of the celebration, and also reflect features associated with the season and time of year.

This day on the calendar has long been sufficient quantity prohibited actions, compliance with which is mandatory.

The use of piercing and cutting objects is a big ban. In this case, using a fork or knife at dinner will be insignificant. Basically, food should already be prepared before the holiday, in order to avoid violating an important prohibition.

On the holiday, barefoot walking on the grass is prohibited. This condition has two explanations: according to believers, drops of dew on the holiday are referred to as tears that dropped Holy Virgin, in grief, leaving the earth, and losing the opportunity to help people. The second interpretation is the cooled earth, walking on which barefoot could carry hypothermia and illness.

Particular attention should be paid to ensure that your feet are not chafed by shoes that may be uncomfortable. How to indicate folk beliefs can contribute to the involvement of problems and troubles.

Customs of the holiday.

Special rituals and ceremonies are the basis of the signs that are observed on the Feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The majestic spirit of this holiday has been understood since ancient times as special and unique. This understanding was consolidated among the people by customs that have a direct connection with the holiday of the last days of summer. The chronology of such rituals and customs originates in settlements that considered this holiday to be a patronal holiday. In the afternoon, at the end prayer appeal to the Mother of God, people converged on the center of the settlement. Raising the icon high, organizing themselves in a religious procession, the people went to the field, loudly reading prayers to the Mother of God. Thus, people praised the miracle worker and intercessor.

The morning service was marked by the glow of bread, which was then taken out into the field. On the spot, the consecrated loaf was distributed, bitten and washed down with holy water. The purpose of this ritual was to ensure the harvest of next year. Strict rule to comply, there was no allowing bread crumbs to fall to the ground.

Home holiday rituals.

To attract prosperity and healing from any illness to your chambers, it was necessary special ceremony at home. A good omen for the feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary is to place an icon depicting the Face of the Mother of God in the yard near the house on the day of the feast. The icon should remain in place throughout the day, and the owner should mandatory must pay attention to its location.

The image of the Mother of God, looking at the house from the entrance to the courtyard on a holiday, foreshadows the coming of happiness, good luck and prosperity.

Icon location Mother of God almost in the middle of the yard, it will protect from various diseases who are stalking the family.

Signs for healing.

One of important points On this holiday, which believers do not miss, there are a number of signs and rituals that should be performed in order to get rid of illness and disease.

Families whose members suffer serious illnesses to a greater extent, we should pay attention to such rituals. The sick person himself is obliged to come to the Temple for a prayer service, and also to participate in procession, at the beginning of which there is an icon with the image of the Mother of God. Eager to perform this ritual, the relatives of a seriously ill family member carried him in their arms.

At the end of the turn, the patient had the opportunity to dip his pectoral cross into a reservoir of holy water. the patient was sprinkled with the remnants of holy water flowing from the cross. Areas of the body that were more affected by the disease were also lubricated with holy water.

The main belief of the people was the ability to receive healing from any ailment. In particular, we are talking about joints and the spine. On August 28, people had the opportunity to relieve pain in a stretched muscle or joint, which can be caused by arthrosis. There was an opportunity to heal from post-traumatic illness in the limb.

Signs for personal happiness.

Many girls waited with special thirst for the approach of this day. This is explained by the fact that there are signs that could make a girl happy.

When the Assumption Lent ended, the “meat-eater” period came, in which most young people tried, before the intercession came, to positively end the search for a mate for themselves. Those who did not manage to do this on time were threatened with loneliness before the onset of spring.

To ensure your well-being in next period, and it was not difficult for young people to find each other, beliefs are advised, in the house where the young woman lives unmarried girl, set a generous table, treating every visitor and guest. In such a house you cannot start a quarrel and swear. It is important to maintain the necessary festive and bright atmosphere.

Each family member is supposed to spread goodness and positive spirit. When evening came, the youth were given the opportunity to get together.

The Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary is not one of the most important holidays Orthodox people, but is an important day for those who exist with the Lord

Dormition of the Theotokos (or Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary) – Orthodox holiday, on the day of which the death of the Mother of God is remembered. Among the people, the Assumption is considered one of the twelve main holidays, after Easter. The first mentions of the holiday date back to the 5th century. Then it had a slightly different name - “Memory of the Blessed” and was celebrated only in Syria.

Now the Dormition of the Virgin Mary is also celebrated in Jerusalem, Russia, Georgia and Ukraine. There are many signs and customs associated with this holiday; there are several legends and rituals. At the Assumption, customs and signs were either loving character(everything that concerned girls), or with the fertility of the earth (the Mother of God was considered the personification of fertility and a good harvest).

Signs and superstitions on Assumption Day

There are many signs and superstitions on Assumption Day, some of them remain in national history and on the lips of great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers, and some still have a place among the people. For example, on this day, if the weather is warm, it is considered a great sin to walk barefoot on the ground. This way you can upset Mother Earth and lose respect for her. It is also worth noting such an ancient superstition, which has survived to this day, as “preserving the soul from the evil one.” This superstition says that those who fast before the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos will get rid of the evil one’s attempt on their soul.

In some remote areas, in Russia and Ukraine, folk signs for the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary say that you must go to the saint’s temple and dedicate bread (for a fresh harvest) and yourself (for a fruitful life). There are also signs about a “bad harvest.” One of these superstitions is sticking a knife (or any other sharp object) into the ground. That is, on this day you cannot stick sharp objects into the ground, because you can bring misfortune to your harvest.

Customs and rituals

In addition to signs and superstitions, Assumption Day has several customs that can be seen in some villages on August 28th. The people gather after lunch in the center of the village with a raised icon of the Mother of God and make a ritual march towards the field, where one of the prayers for the Mother is sung. Among these prayers you can often hear “The Spreader of the Loaves” or “The Queen of All.” In both prayers, the Mother of God is glorified as a miracle worker who preserves good in the family and fruitfulness in the fields. If the wind blows or starts to rain on the field while chanting prayers, autumn will be harsh and windy.

One of the customs that has remained in the past is “Spozhnik”. Once upon a time, according to him, people helped those who needed it in harvesting, ate holy bread right in the field and washed it down with water. At the same time, if there was water left, it had to be poured onto the ground before last straw, and on the contrary, wrap the bread in some kind of cloth so that not a single crumb falls to the ground.

In the past, there were many rituals on Assumption Day, but only the one during which songs about the Mother of God are sung, as well as some rituals with icons, has survived to this day. Good omens for the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos are to place an icon with her appearance, after the hymn, in the courtyard of the house. So, if the icon lies at the gate to the house, this means attracting happiness to the house, and the icon in the very center of the yard means healing the illnesses of the family.

You can also notice that some people, after chanting, take off their crosses and immerse them in sacred water. After washing the cross, drops of water that flow from it should be sprinkled on the places on the body where pain is felt. They say that on Assumption Day you can recover from pain in the joints and muscle strains after harvesting.

Signs for girls on the days of the Assumption

At the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, the signs for girls were of a purely love nature. From this day on, “bride shows” and numerous engagements began. It was believed that a girl who did not get married before the Dormition or on the day of the holiday itself would remain a wench for the whole winter.
Also in these days, rituals among girls were associated with viburnum, especially in Ukraine. It was believed that the first one to pick berries from a viburnum bush would soon get married.


August 28, 2017 Orthodox Church celebrates one of the 12 main holidays of the year - the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. On this day, believers remember the death of the Virgin Mary, and the word “dormition” in this context does not mean death, but ascension to God.

After Jesus Christ ascended into Heaven, the Apostle John began to take care of the Virgin Mary. Due to the outbreak of King Herod's persecution of Christians, the Mother of God and John had to settle in Ephesus. There the holy Virgin knelt in prayer, asking God to take her to him, and then one day the Archangel Gabriel appeared to her and informed her that her earthly life would end in 3 days.

Before her death, the Virgin Mary gathered all the apostles near her bed, where she accepted death. The coffin with the body of the Mother of God was buried in a cave, and the apostles remained at its foot for another 3 days and prayed. The Apostle Thomas was late for the burial, so he was allowed to go into the tomb and worship the saint’s body, but there was nothing inside, which testified to the ascension of the spirit and body of the Mother of God.

The Church especially solemnly celebrates the Day of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This holiday has 1 pre-celebration day and 8 post-celebration days. On the Day of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, representatives of the clergy wear blue clothes.

On the eve of this holiday, the Shroud with the face of the Mother of God is brought to the center of the temple, then all-night vigil, at which stichera and canons are performed, paremias are read, and the troparion to the Dormition of the Mother of God is performed. On the 2nd or 3rd day of the holiday, the Rite of Burial of the Mother of God is held in many cathedral and parish churches. At matins, the clergy go to the Shroud of the Most Holy Theotokos located in the center of the church and burn incense on it, then they carry the shrine around the church, and the priests anoint the parishioners with consecrated oil (oil).

Before the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, believers adhere to the Dormition Fast, and on August 28 they break their fast. Getting ready holiday dishes, which honor families as well as those in need.
According to folk traditions, on this holiday Christians collect vegetables and fruits, make preparations for the winter, and guys today traditionally get married.

There is a belief that on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary it is forbidden to wear new or uncomfortable shoes, otherwise discomfort will be felt all year.

On this day it is also forbidden to swear, offend others, refuse to help those in need, be rude, and be in a bad mood.

People in Rus' identified the Mother of God with Mother Earth; accordingly, on the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary you cannot walk barefoot or stick sharp objects into the soil. It was believed that such actions could offend the Earth and cause crop failure.

According to folk signs, rain on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary indicates that the autumn will be dry. If this day coincides with “Indian summer,” then autumn will be frosty and with little snow.

It was believed that a girl who did not find a boyfriend before the Assumption would remain a wench until spring.
It was considered a good omen to finish things started earlier or help a friend.

If you rub or injure your leg on this holiday, it means that life’s difficulties lie ahead.

"ABOUT, great maiden Mary, we pray to you, please hear us, deliver us from fears and horrors, from all evil spirits and evil. Save our house, our city and our country. All the righteous call on your name and pray to you. Save us from troubles, from illness, from floods, from the invasion of our enemies, from fires and misfortunes. Have mercy on us and forgive all our sins. Let us glorify your name and your Son Jesus Christ. Deliver us from torment, O Holy Virgin Mary. Let us rejoice in Your reunion with Your Son in Heaven! May there be peace on earth and may Your name famous! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. From now on and forever. Amen!"

You won’t have to wonder for long what date the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary comes into the world. The bright Orthodox event is included in the twelve celebrations, and is always celebrated on the same day - August 15 according to the old style or August 28 according to the new style. When a significant date is celebrated in cities and villages, bells ring in churches, and priests dress in ceremonial clothes and conduct a liturgy in honor of the Mother of God and her ascension into heaven. Signs say that on this warm summer day you need to do only good, godly deeds, namely, help weak neighbors harvest crops, pick and can vegetables from the beds, bless fresh grain crops in church and gather in a friendly company at a generous, plentiful and rich table .

What date is the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary and where did the holiday come from?

The church dedicates the Feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary to the Mother of God and her righteous death. This event carries with it a tinge of sadness due to the fact that earthly path The representative ended. But the joy from the thought of the unification of the Most Pure Mother with her son brightens up the sadness and inspires humanity with hope for better life waiting for the righteous in heaven.

The final decision regarding what date Christian believers should celebrate the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary was made by Emperor Mauritius. It was he who, at the end of 500 AD, issued an edict indicating August 15 (28) as the exact official date of the significant celebration.

Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary - what can be done and what cannot be done

In order to conduct the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary correctly and in accordance with ancient customs, you need to know exactly what can be done on this day and what cannot be done.

  • On the Assumption you can work both around the house and on the land. Completing something you started before promises success and peace of mind.
  • Freshly baked or purchased bread can and should be blessed in churches. After such exposure he acquires medicinal properties, and the taste characteristics are noticeably improved.
  • You can’t walk on the ground barefoot, otherwise you’ll bring all the illnesses upon yourself. According to church texts, the soil on this day is covered with dew, which symbolizes the tears of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who grieves because of the inability to be close to people and help them in everything.
  • You should not wear narrow, uncomfortable shoes. Calluses and corns acquired on the Assumption promise a lot of anxiety and life problems.

Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary - weather signs and ritual for love

  1. Clear weather on the 28th indicates that autumn will be rainy, chilly and dirty.
  2. A bright, beautiful rainbow foreshadows a warm autumn next year.
  3. Morning clouds on Assumption predict heavy evening rain.
  4. Fogs for the holiday signal that warm days will continue for a long time, and the forest will delight you with a large harvest of mushrooms.

Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary - signs for girls

Knowing exactly what date the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos occurred, the girls prepared for this day in advance. On this wonderful holiday, unmarried young ladies read love spells and asked higher powers assistance in finding a betrothed. According to the signs, it was believed that before the Assumption it was necessary to find a mate. Otherwise, it will be impossible to start a family in the next six months.

But what to do if there is no suitable groom yet and it is unknown when exactly he will appear? For such a case, a separate ritual was invented, which the girls performed on the day of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

  • Wake up early in the morning. Without speaking to anyone, go to the tap, turn on the water, scoop a little in your palm and wash, saying to yourself: “Most Holy Mother of God, as you marry everyone, as you unite families, help me too, find a groom quickly. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". Repeat the spell three times, and then gently pat your face with a dry and clean linen towel.

Church holiday August 31st Church holiday August 1st Church holiday August 6

According to church calendar The holiday bears the full name “The Dormition of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary” and is celebrated by believers on August 28 (according to the Gregorian calendar). On this day, Christians remember the burial of the Mother of God in the presence of all the apostles. Miraculously, they were gathered by the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem to receive the blessing of the Most Pure Virgin and bid farewell to her.

How did the holiday come about?

As a church celebration, the Dormition of the Virgin Mary first began to be celebrated only in the 5th century in Syria under the name “Memory of the Blessed”. Later it was renamed the “Feast of the Death of the Mother of God.”

Before her death, the Mother of God lived in Jerusalem, and it was there, during prayer on Golgotha, that the Archangel Gabriel appeared to Her and informed her of her imminent death, which occurred just three days later. However, the Virgin Mary managed to prepare for the transition to another world, in prayer asking God to fulfill Her last wish and allow her to say goodbye to the apostles preaching in different parts of the earth before her death.

In an extraordinary way, all the disciples of Jesus and their companions were able to be transported to the bed of the dying woman. The Savior Himself, surrounded by a host of angels, descended to the Mother of God to convey Her bright soul to Heaven. After this meeting, the Mother of God joyfully appeared before the Lord.

In the church interpretation, the death of the Blessed Virgin was not death in the usual sense of the word, when the body decays in the earth and the soul rises to God. It is believed that the Blessed One only fell asleep, only to wake up a moment later from oblivion for eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven. That is why the end of Her earthly life is called the Dormition.

Rituals and customs for the Dormition of the Virgin Mary

In Slavic folk tradition church holiday is timed to coincide with the end of grain harvesting and that is why it often has another name: “Ozhinki”, “Additional sowing” or “Dozhinki”. Therefore, most rituals associated with the end of the harvest include actions related to grain, sheaves or fresh baked goods.

  • On this day, believers certainly visit church service and pray for family well-being, finding love, and peace for the souls of deceased relatives in the Kingdom of Heaven. In addition, it is customary to bring freshly baked loaves, grain or whole sheaves for consecration.
  • One of the main traditions on Obzhinki has long been a family meal, where the main “hero” is bread baked from freshly harvested flour and rye or wheat ears. Before starting the treat, it is customary to consecrate the loaf and grain, reading a prayer over them and turning to the Mother of God for a blessing. Our ancestors believed that such a ritual guaranteed a future rich grain harvest and the safety of the harvest.
  • Among pagan customs, the most popular was the so-called “beard curling.” To do this, a few spikelets were left on the already harvested field, which were tied with a bright ribbon with special sentences. In some areas, a salt shaker was also placed inside the bundle. Our ancestors were sure that in this way it was possible to appease the spirit of the field, which, according to legend, always hides in the last sheaf.
  • The last sheaf removed from the field was called the “birthday boy”. He was treated especially solemnly, decorated with colorful chintz and even dressed in a sundress. Songs and dances were started around the “birthday boy”, and then they were disassembled into spikelets, from which the most beautiful girls wove wreaths for themselves.
  • Another popular tradition called for sending matchmakers to the Assumption. It was believed that weddings played after the Additional Resurrection would be the most fun, and marriages concluded at this time would be the happiest.

"Assumption" prohibitions

  • For this holiday there was a special ban on contact with sharp objects. One should not use sickles, scythes, or even ordinary knives, otherwise the life of the disobedient person threatened to turn into a series of failures. Therefore, in order not to break the taboo, during the feast, freshly baked bread was broken directly with their hands.
  • The Dormition also imposed another veto - it was impossible to go barefoot on this holiday. It was believed that bare feet could collect many diseases and misfortunes. However, uncomfortable shoes also led to troubles that were not limited to unpleasant sensations. According to legends, a heel rubbed on this day guaranteed the unlucky person a life full of difficulties and hardships.
  • Girls in Obzhinki were subject to a special taboo regarding hair. On this day they could not cut their braids or even throw their hair out of their combs. I expected disobedient girls family life, full of tears and misfortunes.
  • A festive day and plentiful refreshments encourage complacency and forgiveness. However, those who intend to start a quarrel with their relatives should not forget about the ban on scandals. Otherwise, the whole family will face hardships and losses.

Additional seedings. Signs from the people

  • Our ancestors believed that the so-called Young Indian Summer began on the Dormition of the Virgin, while the real (“old”) starts only on September 11. If the days have been fine and warm since August 28, then the Indian summer in September will be cold and rainy.
  • The Assumption was always looked at in the sky. If it was raining that day, and the peasants noticed a rainbow among the clouds, then they hoped for a quiet and clear autumn, full of sunny days. But the cloudless skies warned that Indian summer should not be expected this season. Autumn will be cold and rainy.
  • You could also tell about the coming weather by looking at the weather after the Obzhinki. If frosts suddenly occur, then autumn is expected to be stormy and protracted.
  • If there was a body of water nearby, then on the Assumption they always tried to observe its surface. If the surface of a river or lake was agitated by waves, then autumn and winter would be stormy. Strong winds and prolonged downpours will in turn give way to blizzards and frequent snowstorms.
  • Even spiders served our ancestors for predictions. If they managed to weave a lot of webs by Dosevki, then a frosty but little snow winter was to be expected.
  • But it was a foggy morning on holiday good sign. After all, it promised a rich harvest autumn mushrooms: milk mushrooms, honey mushrooms, russula and others.
  • Among the abundance of weather predictions, there was one wedding sign. If a girl did not want to remain unmarried for another year, she must certainly choose a groom for herself at the Assumption.