The meaning of the name Dan: character, destiny and love relationships. The meaning of the name Kirill

Short form named Kirill. Kirilka, Kirya, Kir, Kira, Kiryukha, Kirukha, Kiryusha, Kiro, Tsirek, Sai, Kiryunya, Kirunya, Kirusya, Kiryakha, Kiryasha, Kirka, Pickaxe.
Synonyms for the name Kirill. Cyril, Cyril, Cirillo, Cirillo, Ciril, Kirel.
Origin of the name Kirill. The name Kirill is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Cyril translated from ancient Greek means “lord”, “lord”. In Persian, the name Kirill means "sun". The diminutives Kir and Kira are also independent names.

Since childhood, Kirill has been very inquisitive. He is interested in absolutely everything, you will get tired of answering his questions. To compensate for this, he begins to read early, devouring books with amazing speed, sometimes not fully understanding the content. Kirill knows how to behave well and correctly in society. All the adults praise him and set him up as an example for other children, which can cause the boy to become arrogant.

Kirill is smart, he has a characteristic strong will. In fact, the character of this man is quite difficult to describe. He is inquisitive and ambitious. Kirill is tireless when he acquires new knowledge, and ambition is his main feature and driving force in life. Kirill is often too self-confident and proud. He knows how to show others that all his business is going well and he has no problems. Kirill is very susceptible to praise.

Kirill's fate depends on which side of his character prevails. So, Kirill can become fixated on his positivity, become arrogant and ultimately become selfish.

No one can predict how Kirill will behave in any situation. He may seem timid, but in fact this man is not susceptible to other people’s influence, is unusually objective and self-confident.

A man named Kirill has a very developed intuition, but more often he uses his mind. Kirill's mentality allows him to analyze and pay attention to detail equally well. This man has a good memory.

Kirill's moral principles allow us to compare him with a soldier who always acts according to the regulations, without thinking. You shouldn’t consider Kirill a flighty man. He is reliable and can love deeply. As his wife, Kirill chooses a powerful woman who is capable of becoming the head of the family.

In the company of friends, Kirill, on the contrary, strives to dominate. He argues passionately and incites his friends to take adventures. In his work, Kirill needs a clear goal, then this man is able to present himself correctly. Otherwise, Kirill can be pretentious and lazy. As a rule, men with this name become doctors, industrialists or judges. However, to achieve significant success, Kirill needs to overcome himself, stop striving for spectacular beauty, and not go with the flow.

Kirill strives to be the first everywhere. He has a good chance of achieving success in his career or business. He has such useful qualities, such as independence, the ability to work patiently, the ability to conduct a conversation, communicate and find the right people. He has an enviable ability to work. Sometimes Kirill is too strict and demanding, he lacks softness and plasticity. This man does not like to lose even in a humorous argument; he loves to show off his knowledge and abilities. If you instill in Kirill a light attitude towards life and yourself from childhood, teach him to laugh at himself and make fun of himself, then he will become the life of the party.

Kirill chooses everything in his life with an eye on those around him - how they will look at it, how they will say it, how they will evaluate it. And a wife, and a car, and a vacation spot. His wife should take into account these features of Kirill’s behavior so that the marriage will be a joy and not a burden. Kirill doesn’t really like to mess around with children.

Kirill's name day

Kirill celebrates his name day on January 31, February 17, February 27, March 18, March 22, March 31, April 3, April 11, May 11, May 17, May 23, May 24, June 3, June 22, June 30, July 22 , September 19, October 11, November 11, November 20, December 15, December 21.

Famous people named Kirill

  • Cyril ((827 - 869) in the world - Constantine, nicknamed the Philosopher; brother of Methodius from the city of Thessaloniki (Thessaloniki). Together with his brother - reformers Slavic alphabet, creators Church Slavonic language and preachers of Christianity. Canonized and revered as saints in both the East and the West.)
  • Patriarch Kirill ((born 1946) in the world - Vladimir Gundyaev; Russian religious figure, bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church; since 2009 - Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, ruling bishop of the Moscow diocese.)
  • Cyril of Alexandria ((376 - 444) Father of the Church, Christian Egyptian exegete and polemicist who led the opposition to Nestorianism. Representative of the Alexandrian theological school, interpreter of the Holy Scriptures)
  • Cyril of Radonezh ((d.1337) reverend, father St. Sergius Radonezh)
  • Kirill Kondrashin ((1914 - 1981) Russian conductor, teacher. Laureate of two Stalin Prizes (1948, 1949), People's Artist of the USSR (1972).)
  • Kirill Romanov ((1876 - 1938) second son of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich, third son of Emperor Alexander II, and Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna; cousin Nicholas II. In 1924, while in exile, he self-proclaimed himself Emperor of All Russia Kirill I, with which a significant part of the Imperial family did not agree.)
  • Kirill Moskalenko ((1902 - 1985) Soviet military leader, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal of the Soviet Union)
  • Kirill Eskov ((born 1956) Soviet, Russian paleontologist and writer)
  • Kirill Zabelin ((1763 - 1823) hero of the Battle of Ragusa (aka Dubrovnik), during the Napoleonic Wars on the Adriatic Sea)
  • Kirill Kazachkovsky ((1760 - 1829) Russian military leader, lieutenant general, Hero Patriotic War 1812)
  • Kirill Kondratyev ((1920 - 2006) Russian geophysicist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1984) and the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991), Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, adviser to the Russian Academy of Sciences, honorary doctor of sciences from the universities of Athens, Budapest and Lille. The main works relate to research in the field atmospheric physics, satellite meteorology, atmospheric optics, actinometry, global environmental problems and global changes. state university(1964−1970), head of the department of atmospheric physics of Leningrad State University and Russian State University of Humanities. The area of ​​scientific interests covers all problems sustainable development human society, including the consequences of change global climate and developing strategies for global ecodynamics. Participant of the Great Patriotic War.)
  • Kirill Serebrennikov ((born 1969) Russian theater and film director, laureate National Award in the field of television "TEFI", winner competitive programs Open Russian Film Festival "Kinotavr", Rome International Film Festival)
  • Kirill Pokrovsky ((born 1965) Soviet and Belgian rock musician, best known as the keyboard player of the groups “Aria” and “Master”)
  • Kirill Tolmatsky, better known as Decl, Le Truk ((born 1983) Russian rapper. Gained fame under the pseudonym Decl. Other pseudonyms - Le Truk, Giuseppe Zhestko. Former member of the rap association "Bad B. Alliance". Debut album of the artist " Who? Are You" is one of the best-selling albums in Russia with a circulation of more than 1 million copies. In the early 2000s, he was considered one of the most famous rap artists in the country along with SHEFF, Mikhey, Legalize.)
  • Kirill Lavrov ((1925 - 2007) Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema. Laureate of State Prizes of the RSFSR and USSR. People's Artist of the USSR (1972). Hero of Socialist Labor (1985).)
  • Kirill Pirogov ((born 1973) Russian theater and film actor, Honored Artist of Russia (2005))
  • Kirill Meretskov ((1897 - 1968) Soviet military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union (1944), Hero of the Soviet Union (1940))
  • Kirill Reshetnikov ((born 1975) poetic pseudonym - Shish Bryansky; Russian poet and philologist)
  • Kirill Serikov ((born 1982) Russian athlete, member of the Russian Olympic luge team at the Olympics in Turin)
  • Kirill Bechvaya ((1903 - ?) Soviet statesman and party leader)
  • Kirill Elkin ((born 1987) former Latvian football player, defender)
  • Kirill Shchelkin ((1911 - 1968) first scientific supervisor and chief designer of the nuclear center Chelyabinsk-70 (Snezhinsk, since 1992 RFNC-VNIITF - Russian Federal Nuclear Center- All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Physics). Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (since October 23, 1953, Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences). Specialist in the field of combustion and detonation and the role of turbulence in mentioned processes(it was he who formulated the theory of spin detonation), the term “turbulent flame zone according to Shchelkin” is known in the scientific literature.)
  • Eric (Kirill) Laxman ((1737 - 1796) Russian scientist and traveler of Swedish origin; chemist, botanist, geographer)
  • Kirill Mazurov ((1914 - 1989) Soviet party and statesman)
  • Kirill Sosunov ((born 1975) Russian athlete, Honored Master of Sports in long jump, International Master of Sports in bobsleigh)
  • Kirill Ogorodnikov ((1900 - 1985) Soviet astronomer. Basic scientific works relate to stellar and extragalactic astronomy. In 1923-1926 he carried out a series of works devoted to determining the apex and speed of the Sun from the radial and spatial velocities of stars. In 1932, he proposed a method for determining the characteristics of the differential velocity field in the Galaxy from the radial velocities and proper motions of stars. In 1938-1940 completed theoretical analysis star counts in dark areas of the sky, which made it possible to develop a method for determining physical characteristics dark nebulae of the Galaxy. He formulated the general dynamic properties of stellar systems, examined the equilibrium figures of rotating stellar systems, and showed that some of the theoretical consequences obtained correspond to the observed forms of galaxies. Predicted the possibility of the existence of spindle-shaped galaxies and galaxies with a pear-shaped equilibrium figure. He came to the conclusion about the gravitational instability of solid-state rotating galaxies, thereby explaining some of the structural features of spiral systems. He developed a dynamic classification of galaxies and made a number of assumptions about the possible sequence of their evolution. Author of the monographs “Fundamentals of the dynamics of rotating stellar systems” (1948) and “Dynamics of stellar systems” (1958). He wrote a number of works on the history of astronomy, as well as several popular books (“On what the Earth is supported”, “How many stars are there in the sky”). Since creation abstract journal"Astronomy" in 1953 was its editor-in-chief. Honored Scientist of the RSFSR (1968). Member of the International Academy of Astronautics (1960).)
  • Kirill Androsov ((born 1972) Russian statesman, Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC Russian Railways, Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC Aeroflot. Candidate of Economic Sciences.)
  • Kirill Pletnev ((born 1979) Russian theater and film actor)
  • Kirill Zhandarov ((born 1983) Russian theater and film actor)
  • Kirill Klepalov ((born 1985) Russian cinematographer, director)
  • Metropolitan Filaret ((born 1935) in the world - Kirill Vakhromeev; bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church; since 1990, primate of the Belarusian Orthodox Church with the title (1992): Metropolitan of Minsk and Slutsk, Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus, Holy Dormition Zhirovitsky Monastery, Holy Archimandrite.)
  • Kirill Chistov ((1919 - 2007) one of the largest Russian folklorists, an authoritative and internationally famous representative of Russian humanities, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
  • Kirill Demin ((1966 - 2011) Honored Artist of Russia, one of the leading actors of the Maly Theater, acting teacher, associate professor at the Shchepkin School)
  • Kirill Nababkin ((born 1986) Russian football player, defender of the Russian national team)
  • Kirill Lascari ((1936 - 2009) Russian and Soviet ballet dancer, choreographer, writer, Honored Artist of Russia (2002))
  • Kirill Fesenko ((born 1986) Ukrainian professional basketball player, plays as a center)
  • Kirill Taranovsky, Kiril Taranovsky ((1911 - 1993) Yugoslav and American Slavic philologist of Russian-Polish origin, one of the most famous poets of the 20th century. Works on Russian and Slavic metrics, Mandelstam’s poetry, semantics of poetic language.)
  • Kirill Yakimets ((born 1964) Russian science fiction writer, counterculture figure, in 2007-2008 head of the press service of the Union of Journalists of Russia)
  • Kirill Tyufyaev ((1777 - 1845) Perm, Minsk, Tver and Vyatka civil governor, vice-governor of the Caucasus and Penza provinces. Acting state councilor at the courts of Alexander I and Nicholas I.)
  • Kirill Kondratyev ((1920 - 2006) Russian geophysicist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1984) and the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991), Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, adviser to the Russian Academy of Sciences, honorary doctor of sciences from the universities of Athens, Budapest and Lille. The main works relate to research in the field atmospheric physics, satellite meteorology, atmospheric optics, actinometry, problems of global ecology and global changes. Rector of Leningrad State University (1964−1970), head of the department of atmospheric physics of Leningrad State University and Russian State University of Humanities. The area of ​​scientific interests covers all problems of sustainable development of human society, including the consequences of change. global climate and development of strategies for global ecodynamics. Participant of the Great Patriotic War, fought in the ranks of the 1st Guards Airborne Division, was wounded, demobilized. Returned to the University in 1944).
  • Kirill Ramium, Ramium (Russian musician, singer, beatmaker. In his original music he combines musical styles such as rap, house, trance and trip-hop.)
  • Kirill Tolpygo ((1916 - 1994) Soviet physicist. Interesting are the works of K.B. Tolpygo on the development of the multielectron theory of valence crystals: the development of an effective method for taking into account multielectron correlation in band theory, the justification of the quasi-molecular model of valence crystals and a new interpretation of their optical absorption spectra based on the representation about Frenkel's metastable excitons. He proposed a theory of the formation of defects when light is absorbed from the depths of its own band. He developed a microscopic theory of the absorption of a light wave when it is incident on a semi-infinite crystal, and constructed a microscopic theory of Cherenkov radiation as a result of the generation of light excitons by the field of a fast electron. solid, scientific interests K.B. Tolpygo lay in the field of biophysics. In 1979, he proposed an original theory muscle contraction based on the hypothesis that the energy of ATP breakdown is transferred through chains of hydrogen bonds between the polymers actin and myosin, which causes their movement. On this basis (together with S.V. Bespalova) it was possible to explain a number of characteristics of muscle contraction (speed, tension forces, Hill’s law, etc.)
  • Kirill Sidelnikov ((born 1988) Russian professional athlete who competes in combat sambo and mixed martial arts tournaments)
  • Kirill Stolyarov ((1937 - 2012) theater and film actor, TV presenter, Honored Artist of Russia)
  • Cyril Norman Hinshelwood ((1897 - 1967) English physical chemist, laureate Nobel Prize in chemistry 1956)
  • Cyrille Thomas Makanaki ((born 1965) Cameroonian footballer, midfielder)
  • Cyril Rose ((1830 – 1902/1903) French clarinetist and music teacher)
  • Cyril Despres ((born 1974) French motorcycle racer, two-time world champion in rally raids (2003, 2009), four-time winner of the Dakar Rally (2005, 2007, 2010, 2012))
  • Cyril Rafaeli (French actor, stuntman, acrostriter. In 1997, Cyril won the IKFF World Cup in wrestling, and a year later became the French champion in Chinese boxing. The actor’s film career began mainly with minor roles, but knowledge of the martial arts Shotokan, Karate and Wushu helped him achieve fame in the field of cinema - Cyril was invited to play a role in the film of the famous director Luc Besson called “District Thirteen”, and a little later his sequel “District 13: Ultimatum” It is worth noting that he had a chance to work then. with the founder of the parkour style, David Bell, who later became his best friend, Cyril Rafaeli managed to create his own team, which choreographs stunts in films. Thus, the group worked on such films as: “Transporter 2”, “Transporter 3”, "Hitman" The Incredible Hulk", "Die Hard 4.0", etc. He is the winner of the IKKF World Cup in the Art of Combat and the French champion in Chinese boxing.)
  • Cyril Northcote Parkinson ((1909 - 1993) British military historian, writer, playwright, journalist, author of satirical works on business, management and political science. He gained worldwide fame as the author of Parkinson's Laws.)
  • Cyril Lionel Robert James ((1901 - 1989) African-American Trotskyist and Marxist theorist)
  • Cyril Abiteboul ((b.1977) Formula 1 team manager Caterham F1 (2012))
  • Cyril Jackson ((1903 - 1988) South African astronomer. During his life he discovered 72 asteroids and 3 comets. Asteroid (2193) Jackson was named in honor of Cyril Jackson.)
  • Cyril Descourt (French theater and film actor)
  • Cyril Emanuel King ((1921 - 1978) Governor of the US Virgin Islands (1975-1978). In 1984, the Harry Truman Airport on the island of St. Thomas was renamed in his honor.)
  • Cirilo Tadeus Cardoso Filho, better known as simply Cirilo ((born 1980) Russian and Brazilian football player, futsal player, forward. Player of the Russian national futsal team. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2012).)

Of course, we will look for the meaning of the name Cyrus in its history, since history and meanings are directly related.

The history of the name Cyrus is very long and ancient. The name Cyrus came to our Russian language from Greece. The name in Greece sounded like Kiros (κύριος) and meant “lord”. According to this The name Cyrus means "lord". But this is only the beginning of a journey into the distance of history.

The name Cyrus came to Greece from Persia. There it sounded like Kurush (کوروش بزرگ) and meant “Like the sun.” The name Cyrus and Kira in Persian are absolutely identical. According to this The meaning of the name Cyrus is “Like the sun”. But even that's not all.

The name Cyrus came into Persian from Sanskrit and sounded like Kiran. In Sanskrit, Kirin means "Ray of Light", so it can be argued that The meaning of the name Cyrus is "Ray of Light".

It’s up to you to choose this value.

The meaning of the name Kir for a child

Little Cyrus is not at all similar in behavior to little boy. He, like many adults, is confident that he is right for absolutely no reason. You can convince Cyrus only with arguments, and this starts from about a year and a half. Kir's parents will have to become true teachers in order to cope with the baby. It won't work to put pressure on the boy. Has remarkable leadership qualities. Already in childhood he knows how to lead quite well big companies people.

Kiru's studies come quite easily. He easily copes with the exact sciences, but he can also teach humanitarian subjects at a tolerable level. Loves sports and active games. It is best to enroll your child in a sports section, where he has great prospects.

Kira's health is good and rarely causes concern to his parents. He is surprisingly not subject to the problems of childhood and adolescence. Cyrus takes his health seriously. Exercising will significantly improve your health. It will be useful for a boy to go swimming.

Short name Cyrus

Kirka, Kirych, Kira (both female and male names are used).

Diminutive pet names

Kirusha, Kirushka, Kirchik, Kirunchik.

Children's middle names

Kirovich and Kirovna. IN popular abbreviation Kirych and Kirychna.

Name Cyrus in English

A English the name Cyrus is written as Cyrus, but read as Cyres.

Name Kir for international passport- KIR.

Translation of the name Cyrus into other languages

in Belarusian - Kir
in Ukrainian - Kir
in Greek - Κύρος (Kiros)
in Spanish - Ciro (Ciro)
in Italian - Ciro (Chiro),
in French - Cyrus
in Portuguese - Ciro (Sir)

Church name Cyrus(V Orthodox faith) remains unchanged. Kir - church name, although quite rare.

Characteristics of the name Kir

If you try to give brief description named Cyrus, he can be called a self-confident, persistent and cold-blooded person. These combinations of character are most noticeable in his everyday life. His self-confidence is noticeable even in childhood, but with age this characteristic of him becomes a little hidden. He understands what this can cause negative reaction and demonstrates this quality only when necessary. His persistent pursuit of his goals is worthy of respect, and his composure in the face of various unforeseen situations amazes those around him.

At work, Cyrus's leadership characteristics are most evident. He is a born leader and carries others along with him with incredible ease. His analytical mind tends to organize processes efficiently and achieve the best results. Cyrus is also not without creativity. His decisions are so unexpected that it surprises everyone. Can find the optimal way out of even the most confusing situation.

In the family, Cyrus becomes softer, but not by much. Family life will be like searching for the optimal algorithm for achieving happiness. He will do everything for this, but don’t expect much warmth in the relationship from him. Cyrus is a wonderful owner of the house and a great breadwinner. You will have the maximum possible from material wealth.

The mystery of the name Cyrus

The secret of Cyrus can be called his penchant for domestic despotism. He can turn the house into a barracks, where everyone will live according to the rules he invented. This gives great efficiency home life and perfect order. If Cyrus’s wife and children accept the “charter” and follow it, they will see that it is not so bad. However, some are absolutely unsuited for this and this will cause serious conflicts in the family.

The second secret of Cyrus can be called his vulnerability. Like many people with strong pride, he has a hard time dealing with reproaches from people important to him. His coldness makes it unnoticeable, but that doesn't mean he doesn't care. That is why he very carefully selects people into his inner circle.

Planet- Jupiter.

Zodiac sign- Sagittarius.

Totem animal- Deer.

Name color- Raspberry.

Tree- Oak.

Plant- Basil.

Stone- Sapphire and beryl.


The name Cyril is ancient Greek in origin and came to us along with paganism straight from Ancient Greece. Moreover, it survived centuries and was eventually even accepted Orthodox Church. The literal interpretation of this name means “lord” or “lord.” The root word is "Κύριλλος" in Greek.

The male name Cyril is contained in the name book according to the Saints. It is popular and represents the Christian Saint, the missionary who created the first version of the Slavic alphabet. It also promises happiness, harmony, success and everything that every self-respecting parent wants to give a child.

Conversational options: Kirilka, Kirya, Kir, Kira, Kiryukha, Kirukha

Modern English analogues : Cirilo, Cirillo, Ciril, Kirel

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Kirill usually endows its bearers with a whole bunch of interesting characteristics. Traditionally, the character depends on the season of the year in which the boy named in this way was born, but there are also common features, characteristic of all Kirills without exception. Among them are zeal for the better, sensitivity, sentimentality, compassion and love for the smooth flow of the river of fate, sensuality, enormous willpower, excellent imagination, fantasy, the ability to achieve goals by any possible means.

Although all Kirills, without exception, have one common drawback. It lies in the fact that for the time being they are easy to control and manipulate. Kirill is easy to convince of something with which he does not agree, and he is easy to control, manipulate, he is easy to use, and people will take advantage of this if his parents do not teach him from childhood to have his own opinion on everything.

Advantages and positive features: determination, excellent imagination and good imagination, fairness and communication skills, complaisance and accuracy, responsibility and punctuality. Kirill is always a kind, generous, and very correct person.

Kirill has a bad attitude towards people who are secretive and withdrawn, those who never take the initiative to communicate, although in fact they are the ones with whom he should communicate. He also hates people who are weak in a moral and psychological sense.

The name Kirill belongs a huge number Saints, and no less important, according to the main version it has a very strong energy.

Character of the name Kirill

The character of the name Kirill - this parameter is one of the most important, and this is an absolute fact, but it is quite difficult to unravel it. However, even this parameter is subject to research, thanks to which the researchers themselves were able to come to several interesting versions, one of which indicates that the character of the boy named so should promise predictability, callousness, restraint, obedience, self-criticism, exactingness, integrity and planning. This is the guy next own plan, never trying to stand out from the crowd, living by his own rules and in accordance with his own principles - his character should be complex, in theory...

On the other hand, character is an unpredictable thing - there are enormous chances that under the influence additional factors, such as zodiac sign or sign Chinese horoscope, the character may look completely different from what is described above. And in general, the character of an adult guy, called the Kirill variation, may not be at all similar to what appears to be the theory of researchers, and upbringing will be to blame.

Early childhood

The early childhood of a boy named Kirill is crowded good impressions everyone around, and all only thanks to the influence that the meaning of the name Cyril has on the bearer, on the child. In childhood, traits such as obedience, calmness, and kindness are bestowed. Kindness, energy, impetuosity, arrogance, prudence, good manners, caring. True, all these traits manifest themselves in each carrier of the Cyril variation in different ways, in different intensities, because many of them depend on additional influencing factors, such as the patron planet and the talisman stone, for example.

Usually, in childhood, this boy’s parents practically do not swear at him, because he is calm and does not bring trouble, and he does not force his parents to be disappointed - he always listens to them, supports them in everything, and even in moments of weakness, when he wants to have fun and be a child, he does not will do this, but on the contrary, will demonstrate the incredible power of restraint. The only problem is lack of self-confidence and too harsh an attitude towards criticism of his behavior from strangers. Mother and father deserve attention special attention nurturing these qualities in him, because otherwise his life in the future will be filled with problems, headed by self-doubt - such is the meaning of the name Kirill...


Kirill is a teenager; he is a complex and quite unpredictable person. His main problem is that he is afraid to trust people - because of this, he has practically no real friends, those whom he can call such, but at the same time he has many comrades, and most of them want to communicate with him and be friends. Adolescence and the meaning of such a variation as Kirill can already at this stage endow him with purposefulness, self-criticism, love, justice, honesty, hard work and planning.

The only disadvantage of a boy named Kirill at this stage is his boringness - many may find his planfulness boring, his reluctance to be unpredictable and take risks, but such is the meaning, and such is the nature it promises to the bearer of this name. But at school and in his studies as such, he has a huge chance of success - any business he undertakes risks being completed in the shortest possible time, the only thing that can interfere with this moment. This is the lack of interest in the boy Kirill himself. If he doesn’t like something, then no matter how hard he tries, he simply won’t be able to finish such a thing.

But he has excellent relationships in the team, he has a good understanding of people, he is discreet, he is never rude to anyone, he tries to equalize everyone for himself, without highlighting anyone’s advantages or disadvantages.

Grown man

Adult Kirill is a completely different person. At first glance, this is a callous, firm, unemotional, insensitive leader with good organizational talents, but in fact his essence is bursting with emotions - he just does an excellent job of retaining emotions, knows how to keep them in his own power and never shows them to anyone. He has excellent leadership abilities, he can build an excellent career in the field of personnel management, for example, and in general, as a leader, he will be respected in society.

But there is one “but” - the meaning of the name at this age already has a minimum influence, and features begin to appear that promise not the meaning, but additional, in particular, astrological factors. This situation can lead to the fact that Kirill, having reached maturity, can begin to change right before his eyes, absorbing the energy of his environment and being re-educated. Although, again, this is just a theory, and whatever impact it had on a newborn child, the same can eventually have on an adult guy.

Interaction of Kirill’s character with the seasons

Winter - born under the auspices of the meaning of Winter, boys named Kirill also have a heightened sense of hard work. They are diligent, attentive, and always help. They are happy to protect their loved ones from harm, and always go to the end in their intentions.

It’s summer – and these have a charm to look for, but also a difficult character. Charm and sociability, a desire for philosophizing and fun - these qualities contribute to the growth of popularity among people around him. There will be no shortage of communication, but there will always be a bias in the choice of interlocutors.

Autumn - these guys are prone to analytics and reasoning. Leaders at heart, partly show the desire to lead too clearly. The desire to achieve the highest levels of prosperity, the desire to find surprises of fate and a sense of eternal balance - everything plays into your hands.

Spring - here secretive and reserved children are born by origin, who in the future become romantics and noble gentlemen. Kirill lives in his own fantasy world, and for this he receives respect and honor. A boy named in this way will become a good soul mate for his chosen one, an excellent family man and an exemplary father.

The fate of the name Kirill

The fate of the name Kirill in marriage, love, and relationships with representatives of the weaker half of humanity is another parameter, a factor that was studied quite a bit in its time a large number researchers. It is believed that the fate of a man so named in relationships with ladies will be very difficult, and all for the sole reason that a man named so usually grows up to be too secretive, for a man, unemotional, the kind that women usually avoid.

On the other hand, again, fate is unpredictable and may have many surprises in store in the future. Kirill is a callous and reserved, predictable and systematic guy, in most cases, but it may also happen that fate turns his world upside down with some difficult life situation, which will affect everything, including relationships with women.

But there is one precise point - fate assumes that if Kirill finds a soul mate, he will do everything possible for her happiness, and this, whatever one may say, is the key to happiness, a strong family, and really good relations- such is the life of a man named by such a variation as Kirill.

Love and marriage

Kirill can easily win the heart and trust of the lady he likes, but he himself rarely falls in love quickly. Important for him appearance companion, and he falls in love with her attitude towards him. His chosen one should show maximum attention, affection and care in order to awaken deep feelings in him.

An attractive, intelligent, calm, caring and at the same time strong-willed woman is the ideal of his wife. With his wife, Kirill should feel not only comfortable and cozy, but also interesting. Also, the peace-loving Kirill will never get involved with a brawler, because he is not a supporter of conflicts. And for him, the opinions of others about his soul mate are not important.

His chosen one can have no doubt about his marital fidelity, because betrayal for him is meanness not worthy of a true man.

Kirill is quite lazy and lacks initiative in family relationships Therefore, he does not fight for the role of leader in the family and readily obeys his wise and active wife. In return, he requires only a manifestation of love and admiration from his wife. Under her strict guidance, he tries to make the life of his family as comfortable as possible. It is extremely important for him that an atmosphere of kindness, love and tranquility reigns in the house.

Kirill as Father

Each person is so individual that it is simply impossible to say exactly what kind of parent he will become, having acquired this or that name, but it is quite possible to guess. Complaisant and responsible Kirill has every chance of becoming a caring father. Children for him are the greatest happiness. He will do everything to ensure that they grow up in an atmosphere of love and harmony.

He is not only able to help his beloved with the housework, but he can also easily cope with children. Kirill will love to travel with his children, and different types transport. Even by hometown he will ride with them on the bus, on the tram, on the trolleybus, and, if available, on the metro. The only place he will never offer to go himself is to their grandmother, his mother-in-law, whom he wants to see as rarely as possible.

Kirill takes an active part in educational process their children. He teaches them mutual understanding, responsibility and mutual assistance. True, sometimes he lacks self-confidence and some kind of masculine core. This is especially important for the son, because he copies the model of behavior of his father, who in some situations could do with becoming a little firmer.

Compatible with female names

The name Kirill has the best compatibility in terms of feelings and love with such variations of female names as Ulyana, Yana, Regina, Vera, Nora, Eleanor...

With the likes of Praskovya, Lolita, Lada, Carolina and Daria, Kiri has every chance of building a strong and truly happy marriage, in which each of the halves will be completely satisfied with the behavior and traits of the chosen one.

And with Ninel, Elsa, Agnia, Marianna and Dora, unfortunately, there is no connection in terms of the inner world; here only negativity and complete disagreements can be promised.

This vulnerable and sensitive guy Kirill needs a protector. a woman with a strong spirit and excellent determination, impetuous and strong...


The name Cyrus is of ancient Greek origin. Comes from the Greek word “κύριος”, which translated into Russian sounds like “lord”. But there is a second version, according to which the name Cyrus could come from the male Persian name Kurush, the interpretation of which sounds like “like the sun.”

The male name Cyrus is not very popular today, but is still found throughout the former Soviet Union. Has good value and quite strong energy, and can give a guy named so good compatibility with many female names...

Popularity: The name Cyrus is just beginning to gain popularity, but is not yet in the top hundred. According to statistics, it occurs in 5-6 boys out of 5 thousand newborns.

Conversational options: Kirya, Kiryusha, Kira

Modern English analogues: Kurush, Sires, Sirius, Siro

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Cyrus can endow the named child with such characteristics as activity, masculinity, resourcefulness, sincerity, resistance to stress, ambition, self-confidence, self-sufficiency, sociability, and many others. True, they will appear in a boy named Cyrus only gradually, as he grows up and develops his personality.

And all bearers of this name have such a trait as risk-taking, which in turn can be very useful in life.

Advantages and positive features: The most important positive feature of people named Cyrus is their willingness to conquer new heights all the time, even despite the risks and past achievements. These men are always eager for everything new, and never stop...

Kir treats him badly people who put their opinions above others and try to force them on other people. Also, bearers of this name avoid communicating with women who are too liberated.

The name Cyrus has many related names. One of the most famous is female uniform name that sounds like Kira.

Fate of the name Cyrus

The fate of the name Cyrus in love and future marriage is such that it suggests the presence of undeniable problems, and guilt in in this case lies specifically on the qualities promised by the name itself. So, for example, we're talking about about the despotism of an adult man who calls it that way - in a relationship he tries to be a leader, someone whom his other half listens to, whose opinion the woman respects, and to whom he obeys in everything without exception. But such is fate, in theory, only in adult life, and only theory testifies to this (the accuracy is too low) ...

As for relationships with ladies in the premarital period, everything is simple - fate implies an eternal race for leadership. Cyrus loves to be showered with attention, loves flattery and compliments, and usually does everything in order to initially gain leadership in a relationship. In a couple, he is the clear leader - he imposes his opinion on the woman/girl he loves, never admits guilt, and believes that everything should be done as he sees fit. In this he is similar to men called Maxims and born during the period of the power of Aries.

But fate predicts ideal fatherhood - Cyrus is an ideal father in all respects, he will never leave his children, and will do everything for their happiness. He is even capable of sacrificing himself for their good. Such a dad is a role model. Again though. Fate is unpredictable, and it is simply impossible to predict it with one hundred percent accuracy.

Love and marriage

Cyrus is a rather extraordinary man who not every woman will like. There are notes of despotism in his character, but at the same time he can be a very charming, gallant and courteous gentleman. Cyrus, despite his tough character, values ​​femininity, beauty and sexuality in a woman.

In family relationships, Cyrus manifests himself as an absolute leader, because he does not accept equality in relations with women in principle. Only an accommodating, calm and very soft woman, ready to obey her husband in everything, can come to terms with his character. IN family life he manifests himself as a real breadwinner; the material well-being of his family plays an important role for him. His loved ones will always be provided for at a high level.

Over time, a woman can get used to clear rules and routines, realizing that it is not so difficult. And Cyrus, who is not devoid of such feelings as care, responsibility and tenderness, will certainly appreciate the efforts of his wife, will cherish and be proud of such a sensitive and patient beloved woman. Cyrus is a rather reserved person with a small circle of acquaintances who have accepted his difficult character, because he loves to be praised, but he will not listen to reproaches addressed to him.

Cyrus as Father

Cyrus is a strict but truly caring father. He is sincerely devoted to his children and always does everything possible to make them happy. For the good of his children, he is ready to sacrifice a lot, even himself. Even in the event of a family breakdown, Cyrus will never allow himself to be rude to children. He will continue to diligently take care of them, will never refuse to communicate with them and will not leave them in trouble.

Cyrus is actively involved in raising his children. He pays due attention to the health of children, especially their physical development. He understands the importance of sports. He certainly invites children to try themselves in swimming, since this is universal look sports. Cyrus tries to broaden his children's horizons through travel and trips. His children can try flying on an airplane early and visit other countries.

He usually entrusts his wife to take care of the children’s education. However, he always keeps everything under his own control and is demanding of his children in educational process. He instills in them a thirst for knowledge, responsibility, determination and independence. His strict character also instills complaisance in children, a quality that Kira himself lacks.

Compatibility with female names

The name Kir has the best compatibility with such female name forms as Marina, Sofia, Karina, Natalya and Kira - such a union has a great chance of building really strong and lasting relationships.

With Varvara, Taisiya, Valeria, Maria and Veronica, it will be a little more difficult to arrange strong relationships, but it’s also possible. But you shouldn’t hope for “ eternal love“, because there is a high probability of a sharp and quick separation, in particular due to jealousy, for example.

But it is not at all recommended to build love with Olga, Anna, Alexandra and Camilla, because there is initially one hundred percent incompatibility of both characters and worldly values.

Choose a name - Aurora Agnes Agnes Ada Ada Adelaide Akulina Alevtina Alexandra Alena Alina Alisa Alla Alsou Albina Amalia Anastasia Angelina Angelica Anna Antonina Anfisa Ariadna Arina Bozena Bronislava Valentina Valeria Vanda Varvara Vasilisa Venus Vera Veronica Victoria Violetta Vita Vladislava Galina Gella Henrietta Gertrude Gla Fira Greta Darina Daria Diana Dina Dinara Dora Evgenia Evdokia Ekaterina Elena Elizaveta Yesenia Efrosinya Zhanna Zinaida Zlata Zoryana Zoya Ivetta Izolda Ilona Inga Inessa Inna Iraida Irina Kaleria Camilla Capitolina Karina Karolina Kira Claudia Clara Christina Ksenia Lada Larisa Lesya Lydia Lika Lilia Lina Lolita Louise Lyubov Dmila Maya Margarita Marianna Marina Maria Martha Marfa Melania Milana Milena Miroslava Mirra Nadezhda Natalya Nelli Nika Nina Ninel Nonna Nora Oksana Olesya Olga Polina Praskovya Rada Raisa Rayana Regina Renata Rimma Rita Rosa Roxana Svetlana Serafima Snezhana Sofia Stella Stefania Taisiya Tamara Tamila Tatyana Ulyana Faina Frida Edita Eleonora Elvira Elsa Emma Erika Yuliana Yulia Yana Yanina

Relationships with women, of which a man named Cyrus will have a fairly large number, are simple and unobtrusive; he is a seducer, and even with charm and charm. There is only one problem - he does not want constancy; on the contrary, before marriage he will change women one after another, and all only for the purpose of gaining new impressions and emotions. A boring one will not suit him - not only the significance of the name form is to blame for this, but also the influence of the patron planet and the talisman stone.

Number of the name Cyrus

The number of the name Cyrus according to numerology is 4. The main qualities of fours are considered to be reliability and practicality. Number 4 wards are people who are sincerely trustworthy both in work and in personal relationships. They are not only purposeful, responsible and diligent performers, but also excellent organizers. They are real hard workers and are always busy with something. As a rule, fours are peace-loving and conflict-free people with good upbringing and moral principles.

The wards of the four are friendly, sociable and cheerful people. They usually have many friends and a well-established personal life. They are supporters of simple entertainment and family vacation. Fours are usually very attached to their loved ones. They are accustomed to appreciating their loved ones and friends, enjoying every moment spent next to them.

Wards of number 4 are terribly afraid of changes and disruptions in their organized and clearly planned lives. They avoid risk and the unknown at all costs. This approach to life makes them narrow-minded and petty people to others. They completely lack imagination and their overly conservative attitude towards life is too pronounced. It is important for Fours to be able to open up to the world, learn to dream, and let changes into their lives.

Formula for calculating the number of the name Cyrus: K (3) + I (1) + P (9) = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4

Astrological symbolism

  • Talisman stone – Sapphire and Beryl.
  • Patron planet - Jupiter.
  • Patronizing element – ​​Air.
  • The animal symbol of the bearer of the name Cyrus is Deer.
  • Plant symbol: Lavender.
  • The best zodiac is Sagittarius and Pisces.
  • Cyrus number is 4.
  • Happy day - Thursday.
  • Ideal season – Winter.

Famous people

Kir Konoplev (Soviet physicist)

Kir Bulychev (Soviet science fiction writer)

Kir Stefan Serb (Serbian composer)

Keir Thomas (American entomologist)

Kier Dulley, Kiir Dulley (American actor)

Cyrus II the Great, Kurush (Persian king)

Cyrus of Alexandria (Christian saint)

Birthday days and patron saints of Kira

Greek and Hebrew

The meaning of the name Kir

Mister, Greek Sun, sunny, heb.

Numerology of the name Kir

Soul Number: 4.
Those with name number 4 are prone to exact sciences and scientific approach to everything in the world. “Fours” are excellent scientists, engineers, and designers. They are stable, reliable and conscientious. They are respected by friends and colleagues. “Fours” rarely quarrel and are not prone to hostility. However, one should not expect any unexpected actions, improvisations, or creative manifestations of character from the “fours”. Their whole life is calculated in minutes and there is little that can displace them from a pre-planned plan. They are stingy with emotions, often cold. However, the “fours” are reliable and you can rely on them in any situation. life situation. They are strict and even harsh parents and very obedient children.

Hidden Spirit Number: 1

Body number: 3


Planet: Jupiter.
Element: Air, warmth-dryness.
Zodiac: Sagittarius, Pisces.
Color: Raspberry, blue.
Day: Thursday.
Metal: Tin, electrum.
Mineral: Sapphire, beryl, hyacinth.
Plants: Basil, lavender, violet, oak, pear, apple, mint, chestnut, cinnamon, jasmine, apple of paradise, apricot, eucalyptus.
Animals: Deer, elephant, sheep, swallow, pelican, partridge, peacock, dolphin.

The name Cyrus as a phrase

To Kako
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Cyrus

K - endurance, which comes from fortitude, the ability to keep secrets, insight, life credo"all or nothing".
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.