What year is 1970 according to the Chinese horoscope? Horoscope zodiac signs by year, eastern animal calendar

The main quality of your character is the desire for honesty, decency and justice. You do not like aggressiveness, you strive to protect all the weak and sick, those who need your help, but you do not forgive those around you for cunning and hypocrisy. It is for this reason that your relationships with others can hardly be called predictable and smooth.

Characteristics of a man born in 1970

You strive for justice, honesty, and try to benefit from everything. Do not tolerate cunning, deception and lies, try to behave calmly and protect those around you, although in some cases they take advantage of this.

Thanks to your mentality, you can achieve success in science and power structures. In family life you have a lot of demands, but no matter what happens, you do not go beyond the bounds of honesty and decency.

Characteristics of a woman born in 1970

Your strongest character trait is hard work and responsibility. You will never act against the wishes of others, you always try to repay debts and solve problems on your own.

Tenacity, perseverance and the pursuit of justice help you achieve success in everything, but sometimes others take advantage of your achievements.

In family life you are demanding but fair. Do not tolerate lies, falsehood, and do not forgive betrayal. Love children and strive to do everything for their benefit, even to the detriment of your interests and desires.

To get to know oneself better, a person can turn to various sources. One of them is the Chinese horoscope, which can tell a lot about a person. This article will be useful for those for whom 1970 is very important in life. What animal does it represent and what can be said about people born in a given year - we’ll tell you about all this now.

The first thing to note is that you need to be able to read Chinese horoscopes correctly. Thus, a fundamental point may be the fact that the year in the Land of the Rising Sun begins not on January 1, as with us, but on the first day of the new lunar month. As for 1970, it began in the east on February 6, but ended only on January 26, 1971 (according to our usual calculations). Therefore, the period from the first of January to the fifth of February 1970 still belongs to the Yellowish Land Rooster, and only from February 6 the Dog comes into its possession. So, 1970 - what animal does it represent? This is a Dog. However, it is never simple. So, in this case it is the Snow White Metal Dog.

About character

How can you characterize a person born under this sign? So, these are people who truly believe in their abilities and always steadfastly move towards their intended goal. On this path, nothing and no one can stop such people; the Dog can also use all the means available to it to achieve its achievement. If something doesn’t work out for the representatives of this sign, they punish themselves for this, as they say, “biting themselves.” What else can the Year of the Dog (1970) tell us? As for the requests, these people have quite small requests; they don’t need much. However, for their loved ones and relatives, they can, if necessary, move mountains and get everything they need, just to satisfy their needs. 1970, what animal it represents - we figured it out. It is worth saying what is missing in the character of such people. So, they have a certain stiffness. To communicate more easily with others, such people lack freedom and sociability. Sometimes it is very difficult for Dogs to find a common language not only with others, but even with close people.

Dog Man

The year 1970, what animal does it represent according to the horoscope? This is the Snow White Metal Dog. What can be said about the representatives of this sign from the strong half of humanity? Such men are often very gifted individuals, but due to their constraint and indecisiveness they rarely achieve special heights in the work field. However, if the Dog is occasionally pushed in the back, he can achieve excellent results and reach certain heights in his favorite activity. It is important to say that such men are amazing friends. They are an excellent support for loved ones, their intercessors. The Dog man will tear apart any enemy for his man. As for relationships with the opposite sex, while the Dog is single, he can have several affairs in parallel, this will not bother him at all. However, family - a spouse and children - is still the most important thing in life for representatives of this sign, and for them such a man is ready for anything. In the event of a break in the relationship, the Dog will not be too stubborn, because he will decide that he specifically needs to retreat, because he will only blame himself for all failures.

Dog Woman

1970, what animal it represents - we figured it out. A few words must be said about Dog women. As for the fair sex, they achieve heights in their careers faster and easier than men. Coupled with a rather fascinating appearance, the Dog’s lively mind helps her a lot in life. It is worth saying that such ladies also have very developed intuition; they are able to quickly and easily make the necessary decisions in difficult situations. As for leadership positions, the Dog does not strive for them, always enjoying what he has. In friendship, the lady of this zodiac sign is very selective and will not allow everyone into her circle of close friends. In society he tries not to stand out, remaining a little behind the rest of the crowd. The most basic meaning of life for a Dog woman is, of course, family. However, if such a lady’s husband is weaker than she is, or does not meet her standard, such a lady will easily commit adultery and even replace her partner.


What else could be important for those born in 1970? The horoscope can also tell you which signs are best to work with and which ones are best avoided. Positive alliances: for friendship - Tiger and Horse, for business - Rooster and Hare, for love - Pig and Dog. The worst option in any relationship will be the Dragon; it is better for the Dog to avoid such people.

Year of birth of the man of the year Dog according to the eastern calendar from: 01/27/1970; 02/25/1982; 02/10/1994; 01/29/2006; 02/16/2018;.

The Dog man has a pessimistic character, which is usually reflected in the sad and sober expression of his face. He is devoted, loving and faithful, but at the same time nervous and cowardly. Sometimes it seems that he is close to paranoia - he reacts to the events of everyday life to such an extent. This Dog growls and whines about the injustices, troubles and tragedies of mankind, but is unlikely to try to influence anything.

The Dog man, as a rule, is diligent and scrupulous in his work and, with persistent encouragement, is able to achieve certain heights in his career, but this rarely happens. A man of this type tends to be satisfied with what he has, and therefore, when his professional growth stops, he calms down and indulges in thinking about global world problems. It may seem that the most important things in his life are human rights, global warming, world peace or the Amazon jungle, but he prefers to eradicate the world's evils from the comfort of his own chair. This person generally tries to avoid risky actions, although in words he will passionately and loudly support any noble undertaking.

The Dog man is an excellent friend, capable of becoming a good and faithful friend. He is very afraid of being abandoned or rejected, and therefore always tries to maintain friendly relations, no matter what. He is extremely friendly, feels enthusiastic gratitude for the slightest manifestations of kindness towards him, and will try to provide all kinds of services to a person who offers him even the slightest help. In personal relationships, this man gives himself entirely and feels comfortable only if he gives more than he receives.

Elemental signs of men Dog

The Dog man of the Wood element is an example of a devoted friend, a faithful ally and a loyal subordinate. He is a reliable colleague and a trustworthy partner. You can count on his faithful service and location, but you should not try to play unfairly, because... this person has an aversion to intrigue. This Dog can achieve leadership positions through conviction and diligence.

The Dog man of the Fire element is courageous and driven by noble intentions. However, he is often characterized by a naive, one might say quixotic, idealism, which makes him an eternal loser. But, despite the resistance and cynicism of those around him, he continues to follow his convictions. This man needs a wise leader friend who can use his passion and energy for more constructive purposes.

The Dog man of the Earth element loves peace and solitude. If his attempts to bring something good to life fail, he may even get sick. An expression was coined about people like him: “put your tail between your legs.”

The Dog man of the Metal element is the smartest of his fellow Dogs, but this is not the only reason why he achieves success much more often than them. This person, unlike others, has the strength, confidence and persistence sufficient to bring his ideas to life. This is an excellent interlocutor, fluent in the art of communication.

The Dog man of the Water element is a devoted and kind friend, but can be a little annoying. He is very attractive in appearance, but lacks self-esteem and courage, so he is often taken advantage of. Despite the fact that a man of this type is very impulsive, his courage is feigned. He really needs a strong partner who can increase his self-esteem and save him from the abyss of his own pessimism; in this case, the Dog man will truly open up and shine.

Dogs are the most loyal pets, along with horses. Eastern astrology has found a relationship between the qualities of a dog and a person, identifying the main traits - devotion, simplicity, protection. Many people are interested: 1970 is the year of which animal according to the eastern calendar?

If your loved one was born in the year of the white metal dog, then you are very lucky. These people are distinguished by devotion, loyalty and concern for your well-being. My sister's husband was born this year, and he always guards the interests of our entire family.

This year begins on February 6, 1970 and ends on January 26, 1971. People who are patronized by the white metal dog are true friends and tireless fighters for justice. They are generous, noble, compassionate, and not self-seeking. The white metal dog endowed its charges with loyalty and devotion to its family, which they defend until the end of their days.

However, the metal dog also has a negative character trait - uncompromisingness. If she saw the truth and truth in something, she will defend it to the end. This is dangerous because the truth may turn out to be a lie, and the truth may be a delusion.

Note! The straightforwardness and self-confidence of dogs often become the reason for a conflict situation.

Love of criticism is another weak side of a dog’s character. They love to stand up for the offended and weak, so they often run into conflicts with others. Moreover, the dogs will stand until the end, no matter what.

To achieve inner comfort and successfully move towards a goal, dogs must moderate their ardor: stop criticizing others, acquire a balanced character, and stop reacting violently to failures. After all, it is metal dogs react noisily to everything that does not go according to their plan and idea.

The metal dog is often thought of as an intolerant and cold person, but underneath the feigned coldness lies a kind and caring nature. If you want to meet a real altruist, look for a white metal dog.

Pay attention! The white metal dog is ready to sacrifice itself for the sake of the interest of another person. These people are distinguished by mercy and compassion.

Dogs can carefully keep other people's secrets, which significantly increases their status among friends. It's rare that anyone can boast of such a skill.

Women born this year are distinguished by their original and extravagant appearance. They can give the impression of strong and extraordinary natures, which is completely untrue. Thanks to developed intuition, women of this year are able to find a way out of any difficult situation.

A man of this year of birth is distinguished by incredible stubbornness, reaching to extremes. Sullenness and a gloomy appearance do not always speak of him as an unpleasant person, just For some reason the dog has low self-esteem: and this is the reason for career failure.

Negative character traits

Stubbornness, reaching the point of absurdity, is a distinctive character trait of the white metal dog. Straightforwardness can be so pronounced that it borders on personal insults. But dogs do not notice that they can offend a person: it is important for them to find the truth, and the rest is a side effect.

Increased anxiety is also one of the unpleasant qualities of representatives of this sign. Dogs have a knack for stressing themselves out and worrying about little things. Pessimism echoes anxiety: these people are accustomed to seeing everything in gloomy tones. This is where self-doubt comes from.

Aloofness is another unsightly characteristic of a white metallic dog. Shut yourself off, go into your own world - because you want to. It is often difficult for a dog to express his own feelings and emotions, so he prefers to remain silent and be alone with himself. Sometimes those born this year think that no one needs them and no one understands them.

Family and relationships

The dog demonstrates loyalty and devotion to its family, which cannot but be noted as the most positive character trait. You can completely rely on the dog in any matter. These are loyal friends and energetic defenders of the interests of their loved ones. Dogs often lack optimism, so they need outside support.

Pay attention! Dogs constantly need approval in order to have the strength to move on. They have severely low self-esteem.

However, the dog man has an ineradicable negative character trait - a tendency to love affairs and betrayal. They make acquaintances easily and can communicate with several partners at the same time.

Finding a true life partner for a dog is not so easy. However, having found its soul mate, the dog will live by its interests. A dog builds its relationship with its partner on mutual trust and respect. But if he is disappointed in his partner, he will quickly find a replacement.

In a family, the dog behaves restlessly, which complicates relationships. However, if the partner shows patience, he will receive devotion and love in return. Having found a soul mate, the dog quickly forgets about his adventures and completely switches to caring for his (his) spouse.

Work and career

Dogs, with their inherent loyalty, try to choose a profession that is most useful for other people. They cannot simply receive money for their work: they need to help others and be as useful to them as possible. They approach their work with all their hearts, which is why they are valuable employees.

The willingness to always come to the rescue distinguishes representatives of this sign from others. This is especially appreciated by work colleagues who feel constant support from the metal dog.

Pay attention! Representatives of the year of the white metal dog do not strive for wealth and power; they have other values ​​- not material ones.

The lack of desire for wealth protects representatives of this sign from stress and anxiety, but dogs need more rest due to increased physical and emotional stress at work.


Rats. With this sign, the dog develops sincere affection and friendship. Partners feel good together, they can realize themselves in this relationship. The rat receives devotion and fidelity from the dog, the dog from the rat receives material support and pleasant communication with an intelligent interlocutor.

Bull. The relationship is problematic, since the bull has a conservative worldview and does not always understand the innovative ideas of the dog. Also, the bull does not like the dog’s fussy and fussy behavior; this can cause him sacred anger. But if partners can make mutual concessions and make concessions to each other, the relationship promises to be harmonious and stable.

Tiger. This could be a tandem of two companions fighting injustice. Astrologers believe that a union can be successful if there is a joint creative idea. This will strengthen relationships and bring variety.

Rabbit. The relationship is quite harmonious and successful. Both signs are distinguished by a sincere and responsible approach to the union. The rabbit is distinguished by its serenity and gentleness, which calms a pessimistic and nervous dog. And the rabbit receives devotion from the dog and enjoys fidelity. Bed relationships in this couple are devoid of passion, but filled with sensuality.

Dragon. Relationships are not easy. The dragon does not like the dog’s straightforwardness and critical mind, and the dog does not like the dragon’s shockingness and his “work for the public.” Also, the dragon does not like the dog’s pessimistic attitude and too down-to-earth realism, because he vitally needs admiration for his personal qualities. And without approval and admiration, the dragon will not be able to fully reveal himself even in bed, which, in turn, will greatly disappoint the dog.

Snake. It will be very difficult for the couple to come to an understanding. At the very beginning, it will develop rapidly, because the partners will find in each other what they themselves lack. The snake will be attracted to the dog's simple-minded sincerity, and the latter will be fascinated by the magnetism of the snake. The fate of the relationship will completely depend on the snake if it manages to hide its hobbies in secret. Marriages between these marriages are concluded by convenience, since there is no spark of inspiration between them. People are simply united by a common cause or interest.

Horse. The union will be successful if the partners are able to agree in bed and satisfy each other. Otherwise, they will inevitably find more suitable partners on their side. And so the union is very favorable: the dog is not jealous or picky about the horse’s shortcomings.

Goat. The union of two pessimists is doomed to break. The goat is distinguished by such properties as fantasy and daydreaming. The dog's realism will not allow it to expand in its aspirations, which will inevitably lead to tension and conflict in relationships. Also, their individual life rhythms do not completely coincide: the slow goat does not understand where the dog is constantly rushing.

Monkey. This is one of the most unfortunate unions that is possible. An altruistic dog does not understand the monkey’s rabid selfishness and reluctance to help others. This worldview causes fits of laughter in the monkey, and the monkey's thirst for profit causes fits of indignation in the dog.

Rooster. The dog will not be able to give the rooster the most important thing - admiration for his person. It is vital for the rooster to show off and notice the delight in the eyes of the public, but the dog does not like this very much. The dog's caustic remarks towards the rooster will infuriate the rooster. This couple is not destined to be together.

Dog. Relationships with your own sign are unpromising. Both partners are pessimistic, so they will not be able to support each other in difficult life moments. Also, both partners will fuss and constantly rush somewhere. Even excellent mutual understanding in bed will not save the union from breaking up.

Pig. The union is harmonious, but the dog will lack activity in the partner: the pig is very lazy and slow. But the pig will always provide the dog with the necessary moral support at the right time. In bed with a pig, the dog will also lack romance and activity.

According to the Chinese horoscope, 1970 is the year of the white Dog, the element of the year is Metal.

The beginning of the Year of the Dog according to the Chinese calendar is February 6, 1970, the end of the year is January 26, 1971. A person born before February 6, 1970 belongs to the sign of the Rooster (the previous sign in the horoscope).

Character of the year 1970 according to the Chinese calendar

According to the Chinese horoscope, the element of 1970 is Metal, and the element of the Dog (patron of the year) is Earth. The interaction of these two elements, Metal and Earth, largely determines the character of the year, as well as the character of people born in 1970.

Earth, according to ancient Chinese philosophy, gives rise to Metal. In the Eastern horoscope, the Earth-Metal combination is considered very prosperous. Metal makes the Earth more fertile and richer, and the Earth provides Metal with reliability and stability. Earth and Metal are friendly elements that interact well with each other and create a favorable background in 1970.

Together, Earth and Metal, according to the Chinese horoscope, endow a person born in 1970 with such a wonderful set of qualities as responsibility, practicality, determination, honesty, and hard work. He is decisive in his actions and clearly knows what he wants to achieve! Thanks to his “metallic” character, he has a strong inner core and is ready to take risks to achieve his goals, and the element of Earth makes him realistic and sociable.

Character of a person born in the year of the Dog

People born in the year of the Dog according to the Chinese horoscope are honest and uncompromising: the injustices happening around cannot leave them indifferent. They are always ready to defend the weak, which brings them in life not only a lot of conflicts and inconveniences, but also well-deserved respect and love from others. The positive qualities of a Dog can be listed endlessly. She is smart, honest, loyal and brave. This is a devoted friend you can always rely on. In addition, the Dog is responsible, noble and will never leave you in trouble.

Years of the White Metal Dog:

(People born in these years, according to the Chinese horoscope, are “heavenly twins,” that is, they have many similar character traits and outlooks on life).

Celebrities born in 1970:

– Margarita Mitrofanova, Russian radio and television presenter, music journalist, winner of the Ovation, Radiomania and Popov Prizes (January 30, 1970).

– Naomi Campbell, British supermodel, actress and singer of Afro-Jamaican descent (22 May 1970).