Why does a pregnant woman sleep on her right side? How to sleep correctly for a pregnant woman? Is it possible to sleep on your stomach, back and which side is better?

Pregnancy affects not only the expectant mother’s body, but also her habits, character, and lifestyle. Women have a hard time with sleep disturbances caused by a rounded tummy. Whether you are sleeping or watching TV, you always need to choose a comfortable position, which must also be safe for the baby.

Mothers should ask what sleeping positions are acceptable during each trimester, the risks of falling asleep on the back or stomach, and what devices should be used to facilitate the process.

Choosing a pose according to the trimester

Every woman should know how much time and how to sleep during pregnancy. Scientists have found that more than 85% of expectant mothers suffer from insomnia and sleep disorders, they often have nightmares or sleep does not reach the deep phase. This process is complicated by the fact that pregnant women often suffer from drowsiness, especially in the first trimester. In recent months, the woman on the other hand has been sleeping much less. All these features should be taken into account when choosing a favorable position for rest. Normally, a girl is given 10 hours a day to sleep at night, then the body will fully rest and fight unpleasant symptoms such as toxicosis and bloating more successfully.

We also ask you to take part in the questionnaire: Did you have problems sleeping during pregnancy?

Comfortable sleeping positions will vary depending on the period.

First trimester

Drowsiness increases significantly, to the point that the woman wants to sleep at any time of the day. This is due to changes in the body, weakened immunity and hormonal imbalances.

During this period, women begin to wonder whether pregnant women can sleep on the right side, left, back, stomach, and what positions are undesirable to take. Since during the first 1-2 months a girl may not even know about pregnancy, the opportunity to sleep out of habit remains and this in no way harms the development of the child. That is, in the first trimester you can sleep in any comfortable position, but gradually accustom yourself to lay down and fall asleep on your left side. Also, due to toxicosis, many women wake up in the middle of the night or in the morning. To reduce the symptom, lie on either side in a slightly elevated position (high pillow). Remember that nausea increases in a strictly horizontal position, as well as when lying on your stomach or back.

Second trimester

The girl notices the rounding of her tummy, the first discomfort appears during sleep, especially when trying to turn over on her stomach. Control the process, because resting on the stomach disrupts blood circulation to the area, which can cause the baby to experience a deficiency of oxygen and nutrients. With a relatively small stomach, you are allowed to fall asleep on your back or right side. Prepare for insomnia and possible seizures.

Third trimester

After 6 months, finding a comfortable sleeping position will be quite difficult. The baby begins to move and even push, since his sleep pattern does not coincide with yours. There is also increased swelling of the body and limbs, which leads to heaviness and cramps in the legs. Before going to bed, it is recommended to massage the area of ​​the stiff muscles and stretch them well. Many mothers are interested in how to sleep better during pregnancy in the third trimester. First, find a comfortable pillow or purchase a pregnancy-specific pillow to place under or between your knees. This position allows you to reduce the load on the limbs, relieve pain and normalize sleep. We also carefully place the tummy on the pillow and fall asleep on its side (preferably on the left).

To successfully fall asleep, you can perform a simple exercise. Lie on your back, close your eyes, relax your shoulders. Gently pull your chin toward your chest and place your palms on your lower abs. Take a deep and slow breath, then exhale normally, using your palms to control the rhythm of your breathing. Then lie on your side, bend your knees and place the necessary pillows (under your head, between your legs and under your stomach). Continue to follow the chosen breathing rhythm, trying to relax your body as much as possible as you inhale and pull your chin towards your chest.

All women are interested in why pregnant women need to sleep on their left side. The fact is that only this position will protect you from pressure on the vena cava, the branches of which lie to the right of the uterus. They return blood from the lower extremities through the pelvis to the heart. Lying on your left side, bend your right leg at the knee and place a pillow under it. At the same time, it can also be placed on the right side, especially if the expectant mother has kidney problems, has undergone surgery or has recently had stones removed.

For convenience, it is recommended to take a long pillow or blanket and place it between (under) your knees. The greatest comfort will be brought to your rest by a pillow for pregnant women, made in exactly the shape that will help you take the safest and most comfortable position.

Why do pregnant women need to sleep on their left side, the main advantages?

So, the most comfortable positions for sleeping during pregnancy are already known. But why does everyone recommend the left side?

  • In this position, blood flows freely to the placenta, feeding the fetus with useful components and oxygen.
  • The functioning of the genitourinary system is normalized, thanks to which you are less likely to get up to go to the toilet at night.
  • Evening swelling of the limbs decreases, heaviness and stiffness in the muscles go away, and the number of cramps decreases.
  • Unfavorable pressure on the liver is eliminated, which is especially important for women who like to eat heavily before bed.
  • The back and pelvic area relaxes as much as possible, due to which daytime fatigue and soreness go away.
  • This position ensures favorable functioning of the heart muscle of the expectant mother.

In addition to information about how to sleep during pregnancy, expectant mothers should also take care of the issue of getting up. Doctors advise not to get out of bed immediately after waking up, especially abruptly and quickly. A woman should carefully turn on the side closest to the door, place her feet on the floor and sit down slowly. Gentle movements will help avoid uterine hypertonicity.

There are some features and pathologies of pregnancy, in which a comfortable and healthy sleeping position is selected individually together with a doctor.

  • Transverse presentation. If the fetal head is located on the right side, then the expectant mother should sleep on this side. This will allow the child to still take the correct head-down position in the future.
  • Pelvic position of the fetus. Here doctors recommend lying on your left side and performing a special exercise. The woman lies down on a hard and even mattress, removes the pillow from under her head and places it under her buttocks, folded in half (the pelvis should rise 25-30 cm above her head). The pregnant woman lies in this position for 5-10 minutes, after which she takes a comfortable position for sleeping. The exercise should be repeated 2 times a day, starting from 32 weeks. Duration of treatment is 14-20 days. After the child takes the required position, the woman is prescribed to wear a bandage.
  • Heartburn and respiratory system disorders. Many patients ask what position is best to sleep in during pregnancy if they suffer from high acidity, runny nose, shortness of breath and nausea. Gynecologists recommend lying on your side, raising your upper body. Special mattresses or high pillows are suitable for this.
  • Swelling, cramps, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis. During daytime and nighttime rest, place an orthopedic pillow under your legs and feet, which will help drain blood from the lower extremities.

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Consequences of sleeping on your stomach and back

For those patients who have slept on their stomachs all their lives, it will be most difficult for them to wean themselves from this position, which is dangerous for the child. In the first months (the uterus is located under the pubic bone), you can lie down in your usual position. But as your belly grows, you will have to gradually get out of the habit, since the pressure on the uterus and blood vessels in this area is extremely dangerous for the baby, even if you manage to sleep on your rounded belly.

Often, enlarged and painful mammary glands will force you to give up sleeping on your stomach much earlier. Moreover, they should be provided with normal conditions for development and filling, which is impossible when squeezing and squeezing with a mattress.

Many doctors and articles tell which side is better for pregnant women to sleep on, while completely ignoring the possibility of resting on their back. So is it possible or not to unconsciously take this position during pregnancy?

Of course, resting on your back is more pleasant and comfortable than resting on your stomach, however, unpleasant sensations and consequences are possible.

  • In a supine position, blood flows intensely to the pelvic area and lower extremities, so there is not enough oxygen reaching the lungs and brain. Possible lack of air, dizziness, fainting.
  • The voluminous uterus descends onto the bladder and intestines, which forces you to go to the toilet several times a night.
  • The enlarged uterus actively puts pressure on the vessels, which prevents normal blood circulation to other internal organs, as well as to the placenta, which can lead to fetal hypoxia. This can cause blood stagnation in the pelvic area and extremities, which can lead to increased manifestations of varicose veins and swelling of the legs.
  • Back pain (especially in the lumbar region) and bedsores appear. All day the woman feels broken and weak.
  • Doctors have documented that sleeping on your back increases the incidence of hemorrhoids in pregnancy.
  • The uterus compresses the main vena cava, which forces the heart to pump blood more intensely. This in turn leads to cardiac disorders (arrhythmia, rapid heartbeat, tachycardia), as well as increased blood pressure.

If you unknowingly lie on your back while sleeping, the baby will tell you about the lack of oxygen with strong kicks and movements in the uterus. This means that you should turn on your left side.

Doctors always take into account how comfortable it is for pregnant women to sleep, but still recommend giving up sleeping on your back, starting from the 25th to twenty-seventh week.

Choosing the right place to sleep and bedding

A pregnant woman should not only choose the right sleeping position, but the place where she will sleep also plays a big role in her health. To do this, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • It is advisable to sleep on a spacious bed, thanks to which the expectant mother will be able to take any positions she needs;
  • the mattress must have a flat surface and be non-rigid;
  • when choosing anatomical or orthopedic mattresses, you must buy models either without springs or with independent springs. With their help, you can evenly distribute body weight and relieve stress on the spine;
  • the mattress should be durable, ventilated and hypoallergenic.

How to choose a pillow for a comfortable sleep

Caring manufacturers have invented unique versions of pregnancy pillows that follow the contours of the body and take into account anatomy at different stages. On the one hand, such a pillow supports a rounded and heavy stomach, and on the other, it eliminates blood stagnation in the limbs. It also prevents changes in position during sleep, so the expectant mother can sleep peacefully without worrying about the baby’s health. Of course, at first it’s not very comfortable to sleep on the accessory, but over time you will adapt. Many mothers begin to get used to a soft friend at the beginning of the second trimester.

Unfortunately, the product has several disadvantages:

  • impressive size, thanks to which the pillow takes up additional space and can displace the sleeping husband;
  • specific fillers that retain body heat and do not absorb moisture (in the summer it is hot and “wet” to relax with the product);
  • dry cleaning (most pillows do not fit in a washing machine and are prohibited for hand washing);
  • synthetic materials and fillers can become electrified;
  • Some fillers (for example, polystyrene balls) rustle unpleasantly during sleep.

When purchasing a product, expectant mothers are interested in how to properly sleep on a pillow while pregnant.

How to get good sleep during pregnancy?

While carrying a child, a woman often faces problems with poor sleep. In order to correct them, you should:

  • establish a sleep schedule (go to bed and wake up at the same time of day);
  • in the afternoon, give up activities that contribute to mental and physical fatigue (this could be serious negotiations, watching exciting films, etc.);
  • take regular walks in the fresh air;
  • do gymnastic exercises for pregnant women;
  • Avoid eating foods that stimulate the nervous system (spicy or fatty foods, coffee, energy drinks, tea);
  • take your last meal and drinks no later than an hour and a half before bedtime;
  • ventilate the room, keep it clean, maintain the necessary air humidity;
  • You can take sleeping pills only on the advice of a doctor;
  • to calm down, you can drink a glass of milk with honey or mint decoction, take a warm bath with aromatic oils;
  • if insomnia is caused by fear of future childbirth, then it would be best to attend a prenatal training course. Specialists in these courses will carefully consider all situations that provoke fear in a woman.

All expectant mothers should ask their doctor how to sleep properly during pregnancy, how to choose a pillow, and from what date these rules should be followed. Only compliance with the doctor’s instructions will help improve sleep, make it long and calm, without physical and psychological anxiety.

February 2016

The first three months of expecting a baby mean rapid fatigue and an irresistible craving for rest. The reason for this condition is the actively produced hormone progesterone. If possible, the parent should relax as much as her body requires. For the first 12 weeks, you can go to bed as you please. For the health and development of the baby, this aspect of the mother’s time is not yet critical.

Advice! If there is severe toxicosis, it is better to choose rest on your side. When you lie on your back or stomach, you feel even more nauseous.

I want to rest less in the next trimester. During these months, estrogen is more actively produced - a hormone that adds strength and vitality. But the growing belly does not allow you to take the usual comfortable positions for sleep.

In the last trimester, a woman’s discomfort is added to by unpleasant pregnancy companions:

Often these symptoms occur in those who like to lie on the right side. And even more often on vacationers’ backs. The fetus moves and compresses the internal organs. It is better for a pregnant woman to make a choice in favor of being in the right position. This way she minimizes the risk of harming herself and the baby.

Side sleeping position for pregnant women: which side to choose

Once you have learned about the “interesting position,” it is important to understand which side is better to sleep on. Doctors advise pregnant women to gradually get used to lying this way. If you like to lie on your back, hurry up and change lanes.

While the belly has not grown large, the girl is still allowed to bask on the back. But as its size increases, move to the side. If possible, to the left. This is preferable for several reasons:

  1. No pressure on the liver. A pregnant woman wakes up without lower back pain or heartburn.
  2. Thanks to normal blood circulation, elements important for development reach the fetus in time.

Important to know! There is no absolute prohibition against dozing on the right side. Especially in the early stages. But with the onset of the third trimester, obstetricians and gynecologists advise switching to “left-sided” rest.

Why do gynecologists believe that pregnant women should not sleep on their right side? There are several reasons for this:

  1. With the onset of the last term, the uterus begins to put pressure on the woman’s internal organs. In this position - on the gallbladder and liver. Hence - constipation, heartburn, bloating.
  2. The inferior genital vein is compressed. Blood circulation is impaired.
  3. Due to pressure on the placenta, oxygen supply deteriorates. As a result, the fetus may experience hypoxia and delayed physical development.
  4. Possibility of developmental delay after birth. The reason is disruption of the formation of connections in parts of the brain due to chronic hypoxia.

Advice! Sleeping on the right side, however, is recommended for pregnant women who have a history of pathologies of the urinary system. Some cardiologists believe that in order to avoid heart problems, it is advisable to choose the right side for rest.

Prohibited positions

Lying on the right side is just not recommended. But there are positions in which lying is prohibited. It is clear that turning over on your stomach at this stage of life is not only uncomfortable, but also unsafe. But not everyone knows that by choosing a resting position on her back, a girl risks the baby’s health. There is even an old folk superstition - you cannot sleep on your back while expecting a baby, otherwise the baby will be born dead. It is not unfounded. You need to forget about such positions already from the beginning of the second trimester. Sometimes girls give up these positions only after learning that they are pregnant. Let's see why it is important to adhere to this rule.

Consequences of sleeping on your stomach during pregnancy

Consequences of sleeping on your back during pregnancy

Many pregnant women note that the child himself tries to make the mother understand that he is experiencing discomfort. Movements, active kicking with legs. These are signs that the baby is feeling a lack of oxygen. Then the mother urgently needs to change her position. Ideally, on the left side.

Side resting during pregnancy: features

To choose the right sleeping position, it is important to find out how the unborn baby is positioned in the womb. For example, a transverse presentation of the fetus has been established. Then sleep on the side where his head is. If you are breech, change your position a couple of times a night. Just roll over from one side to the other. This is also the right way to relax for women expecting twins.

Right side

Is it more comfortable on the right side? Try to take this position: straighten your right leg and bend your left. If the fetus's head in transverse presentation is turned in this direction, this position will help him take the correct position in the uterus.

Left side

When settling on your left side, try to bend your right leg, propping it up with a pillow. Straighten your left leg as comfortable as possible.

Which side to choose for sleeping during pregnancy: expert opinion

Doctors are still inclined to believe that it is more beneficial for a woman expecting a child to sleep on her left side. This is better for her and the baby for the following reasons:

But the main thing is to listen to your feelings. If it is easier for a woman to fall asleep lying on her right side, she can rest in this position until a negative reaction from the body occurs. Dizziness, flatulence, shortness of breath, heartburn - all these are signs that the position urgently needs to be changed.

Learning to sleep correctly

The best sleeping position during pregnancy is considered to be on your left side with your knees bent. It is also recommended to spend daytime rest on the same side. Doctors believe that a certain position of the arms and legs affects the quality of relaxation of the whole body: the left arm should be placed at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the body, and the right leg should be bent at the knee and raised, placing a pillow under it. The position on the left side is considered correct and has a positive effect on some processes occurring in the body:

  • the functioning of the urinary system improves, which reduces the risk of edema;
  • the work of internal systems is aligned by relieving the pressure of the uterus and fetus;
  • blood circulation is stabilized, and the child fully receives all the substances and microelements important for development;
  • the liver is not compressed;
  • After sleep, neither my back nor my pelvic area hurts.

In the case of transverse presentation of the fetus, it is necessary to take a position on the same side where the baby’s head is located. This will help the child take the correct position in the future. Of course, you shouldn’t constantly lie on the same side, just because the doctors said so, intimidating you with scary stories about the consequences. This is a recommendation, not a requirement. Change body positions throughout the night, but focus on your left side.

4. Sleeping on the right side during pregnancy

If we talk about whether it is possible for pregnant women to sleep on their side, then the answer is definitely yes. The only thing that experts emphasize is that at the physiological level it is still recommended to sleep on the left side. But still, let's note that sleeping on the right side is not critical.

During the second trimester, sleeping on the right side is not prohibited, but in the third trimester it is recommended to choose the left side for sleeping.

In fact, by taking an uncomfortable position while sleeping, your baby will definitely give a signal that he is uncomfortable. Doctors recommend sleeping on the left side based on the anatomical structure of a person, for example, the right kidney is located slightly higher than the left side, so a grown-up baby, when sleeping on the right side, will put more pressure on it, and when choosing this side, the baby puts pressure on the ureter.


In contrast to all of the above, cardiologists strongly recommend that pregnant women sleep on their right side. Lying on the left side increases the load on the heart and the large vessels emanating from it. There is a rhythm disturbance and interruptions in the functioning of the heart muscle. Sleeping on the right side can be especially dangerous for women suffering from chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system.

2. Why you shouldn’t sleep on your back during pregnancy

Of course, it is not possible to change your favorite sleeping position in an instant, but we are given the entire first trimester to do this. Yes, in the first three months the baby develops slowly and your tummy is not so noticeable; during this period, try to slowly get used to sleeping in a different position. It is better not to sleep on your back during pregnancy, since as your tummy increases in volume and weight, it is already noticeably pressing. The kidneys and liver suffer greatly from this pressure. We also note that the uterus, which has increased in volume, begins to strongly compress the full vein, the task of which is to move blood from the heart to the extremities. This position can also cause oxygen starvation of the fetus, which in the future will negatively affect not only the birth process, but also the health of the baby.

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Sleeping on your back is considered extremely dangerous during the third trimester, when the entire load on the female body is at its most critical. In addition to all of the above, let’s also say that with a long stay in this position, the expectant mother provokes shortness of breath, which most often ends in fainting. Of course, everything we have said concerns only long-term sleep itself.

If you lie down on your back for a few minutes during the day, it will not affect your health in any way.

Features of the second trimester

A woman’s well-being improves after 12 weeks of pregnancy. Mood swings and morning sickness disappear. By this time, the troubles associated with hormonal changes had already ended. And new inconveniences, such as back pain, excess weight, clumsiness, have not yet begun. They appear, as a rule, in the last months. But the question of how to sleep is becoming increasingly pressing. Which pose should you choose?

Sleeping on your stomach is no longer suitable for this time. After all, it increases so much that in this position you can crush the baby with your weight. It is worth considering other options in order to ensure uninterrupted and sound sleep. After all, you yourself will probably be uncomfortable in this position because of your round belly.

The optimal position in the second trimester is on your back.
Since the baby's weight is still small, the expectant mother will feel comfortable - the diaphragm and spine will not be compressed. However, after the baby begins to move, it is advisable to change the position. The most comfortable and beneficial way to sleep at this time is to sleep on your side. The left one is best, but in the middle of pregnancy the right one will do.

Explaining in detail why pregnant women You can’t sleep on your right side; it’s worth talking about what positions are best for them to sleep in. Them It is advisable to lie on your left side. Place your right leg on a pillow, bending at the knee.

This pose is beneficial because:

  • Helps improve blood flow in the tablet, that is, the child receives the necessary amount of oxygen;
  • Also, if a pregnant woman sleeps in this position, her kidneys work better;
  • If you sleep on your left side, your arms and legs will not swell;
  • In addition, there will be no pressure on the liver;
  • Expectant mothers who sleep in this position have less back pain and better heart function.

Use pillows to make your sleeping position more comfortable

Finding a comfortable position is easier with the help of pillows of different sizes. Try experimenting with them: place them under your stomach, between your legs or under your lower back - it all depends on the choice of the pregnant woman.

It is important that a woman gain strength and rest during sleep, because she has to give birth in a few months. You will have to spend a lot of effort on this. After giving birth, the mother will not be able to sleep for a long time, because the baby requires constant care.

How to improve the quality of your rest?

Many factors can disrupt the quality of sleep of a pregnant woman. Some of them can and should be dealt with:

  1. Use a special pillow. This attribute of sleep is now very popular, as it really creates comfortable conditions for resting on your side. The shape of the pillow is long and round in cross-section, somewhat reminiscent of a banana, so it can be placed under the head, under the stomach and between the legs at the same time. If it is not possible to purchase such a pillow, then you can “design” it yourself from ordinary pillows or blankets, and if you know how to sew, then it will not be difficult for you to make it yourself.
  2. Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks (coffee, tea) before bed, and limit your intake of soda.
  3. The last meal and liquid should be 2-3 hours before bedtime. Try to eat right and not overeat, so that in addition to heaviness, heartburn does not occur.
  4. Make it a habit to ventilate your sleeping area before going to bed. If possible, go outside to get some fresh air.
  5. Set a clear sleep and rest schedule for yourself. Try to wake up and go to sleep at the same time.
  6. If the cause of insomnia is fear and anxiety, then you can start attending prenatal training courses, where specialists will teach you how to properly deal with anxiety and help you improve your sleep. Surround yourself with pleasant things and take up your favorite hobby. Positive emotions will help adjust the wave of anxiety in the necessary positive way.

Pregnancy takes a short period of life - only 9 months. It is necessary to understand that in gratitude for all the torments of pregnancy, you receive an invaluable gift from fate, which will be with you for many years, giving joy and happiness.

Question: “How to sleep during pregnancy?” concerns not only the position, size, number and location of pillows, although due attention will be given to this further. But it would be more correct to break it down into four questions:

  • How can you not sleep during pregnancy?
  • How can you not fall asleep during pregnancy?
  • How to fall asleep during pregnancy?
  • How to get enough sleep during pregnancy?

What does sleep mean for a pregnant woman?

Sleep is not only a time for rest. During sleep, the body's cells are restored, toxins are intensively washed away (when do you go to the toilet most often?), and unnecessary neuroconnections in the brain disintegrate. Sleep and simple rest (relaxation) are completely different things. Sleep is a complex psychophysiological process.

During sleep, a pregnant woman’s body has to cleanse and restore itself for two from the first weeks. Therefore, sleep for a pregnant woman is not only sleeping for the future, for the period of breastfeeding. The abilities and personal qualities of the unborn child largely depend on how the expectant mother sleeps.

What interferes with a pregnant woman's sleep?

A pregnant woman's sleep may be disturbed in the very early stages. It will still come to purely physical obstacles to sleep - the stomach, swollen breasts. But from the very beginning of pregnancy, the following can interfere with sleep:

  • Stress and psychosis of pregnancy: latent fear of childbirth, anxiety about the unborn child, vivid colorful dreams and nightmares, jealousy of the husband.
  • Metabolic disorders: frequent urge to eat too little, heartburn, rapid pulse, difficulty breathing. The reason is again double physiological, and in the second and third trimesters there is also a mechanical load from the already large fetus on the internal organs.
  • Toxicoses of pregnancy: nausea, vomiting, feeling of depression and emptiness. There is nothing you can do, fetal toxins need to be removed through yourself. But the symptoms can be alleviated, or even suppressed, with the same sound sleep.
  • Lack of calcium: is expressed primarily in numbness and cramps of the calf muscles when awake.

How to deal with sleep disturbances

The most important thing: no medications without a doctor’s prescription. The fruit is no joke. After all, there are good remedies that have been proven for centuries and are absolutely safe. Which any doctor would recommend.

Stress and psychosis

For all cases except jealousy, including erotic dreams - proper nutrition, daily routine and non-drug sedatives:

    Follow a diet and do not overeat at night. At least 2-3 hours should pass from the last meal to sleep. There is already something in the stomach, but what if the stomach is also full? But this does not apply to a glass of milk with honey.

    A walk before bed in the evening cool or frost.

    Warm (not boiled) milk with honey; goat is best. If it is possible to get a pair, so much the better.

    Bath with linden leaves (can be dried) or linden blossom. Fill the bath halfway with very hot water, throw in a handful of leaves or flowers, after 5-15 minutes dilute it with cold water to 37-38 degrees (comfortably warm) and lie in it for 15-20 minutes until you feel the water cooling down.

    In the cold season - a heated blanket after a bath.

    Reading (not the computer!) at night. Descriptions of nature and the sublime work best.

Consistently completing paragraphs. 2-6, the most restless expectant mother sleeps like the healthiest baby.

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In this case, the recommendations of experts are unanimous: let everything be natural. But how can you sleep if you feel nauseous? Firstly, the same paragraphs. 2-6. Secondly, go to sleep with the window open. And clearly instruct your faithful one: close it in half an hour, or when you are fast asleep. Thirdly, before going to bed, while reading, chew dry, unleavened, salted cookies or crackers. If the pregnancy is progressing normally, this is enough. If not, you need to go to the doctor.

Calcium deficiency

There is no need to chew chalk or eggshells. You need to follow a diet for pregnant women. And - cottage cheese, cottage cheese and cottage cheese again. Only natural, not a “curd product” in bright packaging and made from who knows what.

How not to sleep during pregnancy

You can't sleep on your back. In the middle and late stages, the uterus with the fetus will put pressure on the internal organs, it can compress the inferior vena cava, and this can harm the baby. You should also not sleep on your right side: the liver is compressed, and it already works under double load.

In the first trimester, a pregnant woman constantly feels sleepy due to nervous disorders and an organism that has not yet adapted to dual physiology. So use this circumstance to immediately begin to get used to the sleeping position in the last months with a big belly.

But there may be a problem here: solid natures with a stable psyche fall asleep on their right side, and, having fallen asleep, roll over onto their back. And they get used to this position with great difficulty. This would not be a problem, but such people may develop heart complications from regularly sleeping on their left side.

Therefore, for back sleepers, the only solution is to buy a special pillow for pregnant women.

How to sleep on a pillow during pregnancy

Maternity pillows come in mainly two varieties: horseshoe-shaped and trough-shaped. The former are used in general and are cheaper. “Troughs” are recommended for back sleepers to get used to sleeping on their left side. With a properly selected and selected special pillow, the question is: “How to sleep on a pillow during pregnancy?” does not arise. These products are designed to meet all the needs of expectant mothers using the most modern computer technologies.

Both pillows are selected according to size and/or according to the recommendation of a gynecologist. A pillow for pregnant women belongs to the category of bed linen and cannot be exchanged if the choice is unsuccessful. To avoid mistakes, see what a special pillow looks like, and experiment for two or three days with several ordinary ones of different sizes, using them to build a similar-looking and comfortable rookery. By the way, this is a great distraction from unnecessary worries.

Then we take the sizes (this will give the husband complicity in his wife’s pregnancy and will also distract him from unnecessary things), and we buy the “real” one. You should not leave a temporary bed in use: any person tosses and turns in his sleep, and it will always creep apart.

First weeks

In the first trimester, the question is: “How to sleep during early pregnancy?” comes down to how to get used to sleeping properly during pregnancy. You often feel sleepy - try to fall asleep on your left side. The upper (right) knee will slide down on its own and bend, as will be needed later. At first, you won’t need a pillow under it, as well as a cushion under your lower back and a pillow under your stomach.

You need to learn to fall asleep easily and sleep well on your right side. If it is possible to purchase an orthopedic mattress that follows the shape of the body of a lying person, great, this will help a lot.

The second task in the first weeks is to learn to fall asleep easily. How to do this has already been described.

And the third task is to get enough sleep, often running to the toilet at night.

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Second and third trimesters

To accurately determine how to sleep during late pregnancy, you must first do an ultrasound. The goal is to find out if the fetus is presenting. Widely accepted sleep position recommendations for pregnant women only apply to uncomplicated pregnancies. The main principle for breech presentation is to sleep on the side where the fetal head is.

If presentation is established, then:

  • If you have a breech presentation, you should never sleep on your back. Otherwise, there is a high risk of giving birth to a defective child. And it is strongly recommended to turn over from side to side 3-4 times during the night.
  • If you have a right presentation, you will have to sleep on your right side. Here, again, the only correct solution is a properly selected pillow for pregnant women. In it, the vena cava will not be pinched, and the liver will not be compressed.
  • With a left presentation, we sleep as we should with a stomach: on the left side, the left leg is extended, the right leg is bent at the knee, and there is a small pillow under the knee. There is also a small pad under the belly. If you feel discomfort in the kidney area in the morning, use a cushion under your lower back.

If the pregnancy is normal, then we sleep on the left side, as described. In any case, a pregnancy pillow will allow you to get a good night's sleep.

Sleep soundly in the first trimester

This time is often characterized by depression of the nervous system. The expectant mother begins to feel drowsy. There is no need to fight it, just allow yourself to get a good night's sleep. Think about the future child, who is still so defenseless. Your sleep is important for him too.

In the early stages, you can sleep in any comfortable position.
It may not be very comfortable on your stomach, as the breasts become painful and very sensitive due to hormonal changes. At this time, it is worth accustoming yourself to the poses that you will use in a few months - on your back and on your side.

3. Is it possible to sleep on your stomach during pregnancy?

As for sleeping on your stomach, it is better to immediately abandon it as soon as you find out that you are pregnant. Even in the very early stages of pregnancy, this is not safe; doctors explain this by the fact that while sleeping on your stomach, the entire weight of your body puts pressure on the pregnant uterus. This pressure increases the tone of the uterus, and as you already know from our previous articles, this is dangerous due to termination of pregnancy (miscarriage). To wean yourself off, you again have the first trimester, in which your tummy is not yet large and the uterus is just beginning to grow, but still sleeping on your stomach is extremely dangerous.

Therefore, try to program your thoughts that such a dream can harm the baby, then on a subconscious level you will avoid this position even in your sleep.

How to get enough sleep in the third trimester

The belly at this time increases significantly, which creates new problems and questions. Getting enough sleep in the third trimester is not as easy as it used to be. Therefore it is worth considering important details
that will help you do this.

  • You should prepare not only yourself, but also the room for bed. You definitely need to ventilate it. It is enough to open the window for 10-15 minutes. In summer, it is recommended to sleep with the window open.
  • Your nightgown and underwear should be made from natural fabric. This will make your sleep more comfortable.
  • The choice of pillow plays a big role. It is important that it is elastic and also high enough so that the curve of the spine and neck is correct. During sleep, you can put it under your back, and not just under your head. This will reduce the load on the spine, and the back muscles will be able to relax as much as possible. There are special pillows for pregnant women that can be used to make a “nest” for the belly. This helps a lot to sleep properly in the third trimester. Experiment with regular pillows of different sizes. You can put them under your leg, under your stomach, under your lower back, between your legs - whatever is more convenient for you.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

1.Why pregnant women shouldn’t sleep

Sleep is no less important for a pregnant woman, and the very state of constant drowsiness does not leave her throughout the entire first trimester. But experts identify a number of forbidden sleeping positions, which at first glance seem absolutely harmless and familiar. There is an unspoken list of prohibited sleeping positions during pregnancy:

  • Sleeping on your back;
  • Sleeping on the right side;
  • Sleeping on your stomach.

Experts identify these positions during sleep as unsafe. This is due to the fact that being in any of these positions poses a high risk of harm to the health of the mother and unborn baby. Each of these positions puts a certain amount of pressure on the uterus, pelvic organs and blood vessels. Due to incorrect and sometimes even uncomfortable sleep, you risk provoking the development of pathologies in the fetus (we will consider each of these positions in more detail).

Why it's better not to lie on your back

In addition to why pregnant women should not sleep on their right side, it is worth saying what other positions you can and cannot sleep in. So, It is not advisable to sleep on your stomach in the last trimesters. It is forbidden during this period sleep on your back.

Many women in a position lying on their back for a long time feel severe pain. This means that you need to change your position, as it is dangerous for the health of the fetus and mother. After all child already weighs a lot. Decent weight and uterus, placenta and amniotic fluid. Together they compress the vena cava located under the uterus. As a result, the movement of venous blood is disrupted, which is fraught with negative consequences for the health of the pregnant woman.

What hurts on the right? To answer the question of what hurts on the right under the ribs, you need to know

Is it possible to treat teeth during pregnancy? Carrying out relevant events is not only prohibited,

The period of bearing a child is accompanied by many restrictions. A woman needs to stop drinking alcohol, a number of foods, and avoid physical activity. In addition, some are prohibited.

While expecting a child, a woman undergoes changes in her body and her belly increases in size; accordingly, the question of how to sleep during pregnancy, whether it is possible to rest on your back and which side is preferable to lie on becomes relevant.

The period of bearing a child is characterized by depression of the nervous system. As a rule, at this time the expectant mother begins to feel more and more sleepy. There is no need to fight this condition. It is better to choose the right sleeping positions during pregnancy. This will allow you to get a good night's sleep and have a positive effect on the body as a whole and on the baby.

Important: If the baby is expecting early, any sleeping position will be suitable for the expectant mother. Sleep on your side, back or stomach, as long as you feel well rested in the morning.

At the beginning of pregnancy, a woman should begin to gradually accustom herself to poses that will be used for proper rest in a few months. Since closer to labor, you will only be able to sleep on your back and side.

Sleeping correctly in the second trimester

The second trimester is characterized by an improvement in the general condition of the expectant mother. During this period, morning toxicosis ceases to bother you, and mood swings disappear, due to the fact that the process of hormonal adjustment ends. Well, new discomfort in the form of pain in the back, hips and weight gain have not yet manifested themselves.

However, despite the relief, the question of which sleeping position to choose in order to be comfortable is becoming increasingly acute. Since the belly gradually increases in size and you cannot sleep on it, otherwise you risk crushing the fetus with your weight.

Important: In the second trimester, the choice of position is individual. Some women feel comfortable on their right side, while others prefer their left side to rest on. However, here you should also take into account that if your baby is pushing, it means that the chosen position is not suitable for him, then it is better to roll over.

In general, the golden mean for the second trimester is to fall asleep on your back. During this period, the baby’s weight is still small, so resting in this position, the woman will feel most comfortable. At the same time, keep in mind that if the baby starts to kick painfully, you need to change the position.

How to sleep in the third trimester

When the third trimester begins, the left side is suitable for the expectant mother to rest. The fact is that an older child puts pressure on the right kidney and liver, and this in turn leads to compression of the ureter, as a result of which pyeloniphritis often develops.

How to make a pregnant woman's sleep as comfortable as possible? You will need a pillow. Doctors recommend placing such a necessary object between the legs, while the left leg is extended and the right leg is slightly bent at the knee. Look how the expectant mother does this in the photo. In this position, your legs will not become numb and the load on your pelvis will be reduced. In addition, obstetricians advise placing a pillow under the stomach.

Important: If the baby has a right-sided presentation, go to sleep on the right side. This will help the fetus lie down correctly.

Often the seventh month of pregnancy is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • frequent heartburn;
  • nasal congestion;
  • difficulty breathing.

When such signs appear, doctors advise sleeping in such a way that the woman’s upper body is raised, in other words, half-sitting.

Another disease that is often diagnosed in pregnant women is varicose veins of the lower extremities. This pathology appears when the eighth or ninth month of gestation begins.

With varicose veins, it becomes difficult to walk in the evening due to swelling. To alleviate the condition, place a special comfortable cushion or pillow under your feet to drain blood from your feet.

It is worth emphasizing that it is impossible to control the position of the body during sleep. Therefore, the optimal solution to the problem that has arisen would be to purchase one that is convenient to lean on. It will not only alleviate the condition, but will also be useful in the future when feeding the baby.

How to fall asleep quickly

As paradoxical as it sounds, in order to get a good night's sleep, you should start taking care of this right in the morning. And all because our lifestyle and developed habits have a strong impact on the quality of night's rest.

In order to sleep soundly and have a good rest in the evening, you should adhere to the following rules during the day:

  • severe fatigue often leads to insomnia, so try not to overexert yourself during the day;
  • if lack of sleep bothers you, try giving up daytime rest. It may be possible to fix the problem this way;
  • light exercises for pregnant women performed during the day will help you get a good, sound sleep;
  • exclude fatty, fried and heavy foods from the evening menu;
  • do not make serious decisions at night;
  • try not to watch scary movies before bed;
  • Avoid unpleasant conversations in the evening.

A warm bath helps prepare for a night's rest. In addition, in the late afternoon, doctors strongly recommend reducing the amount of fluid you consume so that you don’t have to go frequently to empty your bladder at night. If a pregnant woman feels hungry, you can eat a light sandwich or low-fat yogurt before bed.

Important: Sometimes a woman expecting a child suffers from sleep disorders; the problem can be eliminated with the help of sleeping pills. However, not every medication is approved during pregnancy. Therefore, only a doctor should select such remedies.

While expecting a baby in the last months, women often experience low blood sugar. The following symptoms will help identify this condition:

  • general weakness;
  • lightheadedness;
  • rapid heartbeat.

A slice of sugar or sweet tea will help eliminate such symptoms. However, if alarming symptoms continue to bother you, you should consult a doctor.

What poses should you avoid?

How to sleep during pregnancy and what positions should you avoid? Such questions are increasingly worrying women who are expecting a child. And if the first trimester proceeds without any problems, then each month adds a certain amount of discomfort.

So, what positions and when are contraindicated for expectant mothers:

  • From the middle of the second trimester it is not recommended to sleep on your stomach. Since this position poses a threat to the fetus;
  • From the end of the second trimester, it is advisable to stop sleeping on your back. The fact is that the uterus increases in size, and when a woman lies on her back, the vena cava is compressed. The result is a disruption of normal blood circulation.

As the due date approaches, expectant mothers complain that it becomes very uncomfortable and swelling of the lower extremities appears. In this condition, you need to properly organize your sleeping area. Use special bolsters or pillows for your feet to ensure proper blood circulation. And don’t forget, sleeping on the left is much more convenient and comfortable.

Organizing proper sleep

During pregnancy, the key to the future mother's good condition is a good night's rest. To do this you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • an hour before bedtime, ventilate the bedroom to ensure optimal temperature;
  • if your lower extremities are cold, sleep in socks;
  • It is not recommended to go to bed feeling hungry;
  • buy sleepwear made from natural fabrics that will not restrict movement;
  • An orthopedic mattress will help ensure a good night's rest.

You can learn more about how to organize a good rest in our video.

And lastly, today in specialized stores you can purchase special pillows for pregnant women of different sizes and shapes. Such devices are very convenient because they can be placed under the side, neck or legs. This will allow the pregnant woman to get better sleep and sleep.

Regardless of what week of pregnancy you are in, proper rest is a prerequisite both at the beginning and at the end of the period of bearing a child. Therefore, in order to restore your strength and rest at night, take note of the recommendations from doctors:

  • Avoid taking sedatives and sleeping pills without first consulting your doctor. Remember, every drug has a bad side effect and negatively affects the health of the unborn child;
  • You should not drink drinks that contain caffeine. This applies not only to coffee, but also to green tea;
  • It is not recommended to eat heavy foods two hours before the planned night's rest. In addition, the volume of fluid consumed 3 hours before bedtime is reduced. The exception is light snacks;
  • If you have the opportunity to take evening walks, do not refuse it. But excessive loads are harmful;
  • Maintaining a daily routine will help you fall asleep and wake up according to the clock;
  • Waking up at night is often caused by cramps. If you develop a similar condition, consultation with a doctor is required;
  • before going to bed, do massage movements aimed at relaxation and increase the amount of foods containing calcium in your diet;
  • if problems with proper rest are a consequence of fear of the upcoming labor, doctors recommend enrolling in courses for expectant mothers, where you can communicate with women who have already given birth;
  • a pregnancy pillow will help you position your belly comfortably and get a good night's sleep;
  • good sleep guarantees the correct position.

Important: The closer you get to labor, the more dangerous it becomes to rest at night on your stomach and back. It is advisable that the woman rest on her side during the last trimester. Moreover, regardless of whether you sleep on the left or right. The main thing is that it is comfortable for you and your baby.

And finally, above we found out why some sleeping positions are prohibited, and which position is most comfortable for rest. It remains to be added that in order for pregnancy to proceed easily and not painfully, you need to learn to constantly sleep on your side, and it is better to develop this habit from the first trimester. If you get used to it, you will have complete rest throughout your pregnancy.

And lastly, if possible, purchase a special pillow on which it will be a pleasure to lie.

Sleep brings us complete rest; waking up in the morning cheerful and cheerful, we want to move mountains. All people need to replenish the amount of energy they expended during the day, but pregnant women work harder, they just need daily rest. In this article you will find answers to the question: how to get enough sleep during pregnancy and which side is better to sleep on?

Sleeping during pregnancy

Pregnant women have to endure enormous loads: in the first trimester you already clearly feel tired, you want to sleep longer in the morning and feel sleepy during the day, doing household chores you feel tired after five minutes of cleaning. This body is being rebuilt and sleep is just right for you.

Sleep during pregnancy at different stages

Already from the 28th week, doctors do not recommend sleeping lying on your back - this prevents the supply of oxygen to the cells and tissues of the fetus, because the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the lower back and intestines, blocking the passage of oxygen. For this reason, pregnant women experience dizziness, rapid heartbeat and decreased blood pressure, the baby will begin to actively move due to lack of oxygen, and your limbs may go numb.

The most correct position, according to doctors, is lying on your left side. It is in this position that nothing bothers the baby, he receives adequate oxygen and there is no pressure on the liver.

Important! If your baby is in transverse presentation, then doctors recommend sleeping on the right side so that in the future the baby will take the correct position.

Still, you still won’t be able to sleep on one side all the time; moving from side to side is considered quite safe.

  1. Go to bed after a walk in the fresh air, because not only you, but also the baby needs it. The walk can take about 30 minutes, walking with your husband and chatting about various little things. The baby receives oxygen and hears pleasant conversations between mom and dad.
  2. Create a conducive atmosphere in the room. The curtains should be thick, the lights dim, and then you turn them off completely. Try not to lie on your bed all day - you should associate it with sleep. You can just lie down and relax on the sofa throughout the day.
  3. Go to bed at approximately the same time, so to speak, develop a routine. It is most productive to start sleeping at 22-23 hours. Sleeping after midnight does not allow you to get as much sleep as you want. The average adult needs 8 hours of sleep.
  4. Relax and completely immerse yourself in relaxation. Often, pregnant women cannot sleep due to thinking about various situations and moments. This prevents you from falling asleep and fully resting for a long time. When going to bed, take a comfortable position, relax and fall asleep.

Special pillows for the comfort of pregnant women

Special pillows

Now, special horseshoe-shaped pillows have been developed for pregnant women. It’s more comfortable to sleep with them, you line it up as you like and sleep comfortably, getting only complete rest. It is convenient to place such a pillow under your stomach, fold your knee on the edge and hug the pillow.

If you don’t have a special pillow, take several pillows with you to bed and place them as convenient for you.

The side position is one of the favorite positions for pregnant women. In this position, nothing puts pressure on the growing tummy and does not interfere with the normal blood supply to the placenta. Can expectant mothers sleep on the right side or should they prefer the left side?


Experts from the University of New Zealand conducted a study in which 155 pregnant women took part. Based on the testing data, the following conclusion was drawn: Expectant mothers should not sleep on their right side in the later stages. Is this tactic justified?

Obstetricians believe that sleeping on the right side causes compression of the inferior vena cava. In this position, the vein is compressed less than in the position on the back, but there is still a possibility of compression of the vessels and disruption of blood flow in the pelvic organs. At the same time, the placenta, the organ that provides the baby with all the necessary nutrients and oxygen, also suffers. Prolonged oxygen starvation provokes the development of hypoxia and leads to a delay in the physical development of the fetus.

Chronic hypoxia also affects the formation of the baby’s nervous system. Brain neurons are extremely sensitive to lack of oxygen. In case of hypoxia, they are damaged and the formation of connections between parts of the brain is disrupted. All this leads to a delay in the development of the child soon after his birth.

Sleeping on the right side also negatively affects the functioning of the digestive tract. In this position, in the later stages, there is strong pressure on the liver and gall bladder. The outflow of bile is disrupted and stagnation occurs. Heartburn, belching, bloating, and constipation appear. Pain occurs in the epigastrium and right hypochondrium, indicating problems in the digestive tract.


In contrast to all of the above, cardiologists strongly recommend that pregnant women sleep on their right side. Lying on the left side increases the load on the heart and the large vessels emanating from it. There is a rhythm disturbance and interruptions in the functioning of the heart muscle. Sleeping on the right side can be especially dangerous for women suffering from chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system.

How to sleep better?

In the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman can sleep as convenient as possible. As long as the uterus does not extend beyond the womb, the baby is not in danger. In the position on the right side, the expectant mother can sleep and spend the night comfortably.
In the second trimester, you should focus on the well-being and condition of the fetus. If there is no discomfort in the position on the right side, you can continue to sleep in this position. If any unpleasant symptoms appear, you need to roll over to your left side.

  • dizziness;
  • difficulty breathing or shortness of breath;
  • tachycardia;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • heartburn;
  • flatulence and bloating.

If any of the undesirable symptoms are detected, you need to urgently change your position. You should turn over gradually, without sudden movements. In the position on the left side, all unpleasant sensations go away on their own.

To sleep comfortably on the side, the expectant mother should use special arched pillows. These pillows are designed specifically for pregnant women. They allow you to relieve muscles, relieve stress from the lower back, and reduce swelling due to varicose veins. During sleep, a pillow can be placed between your legs so that the knee of one leg is completely elevated. In this position, sleep will be as comfortable and safe as possible.