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Teen idol, popular American singer and actress Ariana Grande comes from the US state of Florida, where she was born on June 26, 1993 in the small town of Boca Raton. The girl’s father owned a graphic design company, and her mother served as director of one of the local organizations. Ariana's older brother is Frankie Grande, he is an actor, dancer, and producer of his famous sister.

Nature was generous to the girl, rewarding her with a pretty doll-like appearance and a voice of rare timbre. Having set out to realize Ariana’s talent, her family did everything possible to achieve this. WITH early age She began performing in a local children's musical theater, playing roles in musicals, performed songs accompanied by a symphony orchestra, and made her television debut at the age of eight, singing the US anthem.

To improve Ariana's vocals, she was sent to study by a high-class Hollywood teacher, Eric Vetro, who provided the voice to many famous American singers. After working with the girl, the master predicted a stellar future for her, after which her older brother became her producer and began to work intensively on her career.

Creative path

Ariana's participation in the castings bore fruit - in 2008 she received a role in the Broadway musical "13". The performance of the young debutante was liked by the audience and critics, and was awarded a theater prize. Further development career turned out to be incompatible with schooling, And recent years During her studies, the girl did not attend school, but took private lessons at home.

Ariana Grande at a performance:

The next work of the rising star was a role in the television series “Victorious,” presented to an audience of millions of viewers on the Nickelodeon channel in 2010. Ariana Grande’s pretty, eccentric heroine with purple hair immediately became a teenager’s idol. On the wave of success, 3 seasons of this series were filmed and shown.

Ariana Grande on the set of the Focus video

But the dream of the young actress has always been to become a singer. Since 2010, she has been working on her debut album, which was released in 2013 and immediately soared to the top of the Billboard 200 chart. This record also appeared in the top 10 in many other countries. In the same year, the girl went on a world tour. The success of Ariana Grande's debut album was confirmed by Ariana's American Music Awards award for Artist of the Year.

Nicki Minaj and Ariana Grande in the "Bang Bang" video

In 2014, Ariana's second album, My Everything, was released, surpassing the success of her previous album. Ariana's world tour in support of him lasted almost 10 months. During the break between concerts, the girl took part in the filming of the television series “Scream Queens.”

Mac Miller and Ariana Grande in clip The Way

In May 2016, Ariana Grande delighted her many fans with her new third album, breaking yet another record for conquering the music charts. The girl is planning another concert tour, starring in videos and TV series, and playing in musicals. Now the singer’s discography includes three studio albums and two Christmas mini-albums, 18 video clips, 8 roles in films and television series, 4 in Broadway musicals. The star is no stranger to charity: as part of one of her charity projects, she gives master classes in singing and dancing to poor children in South Africa.

Ariana Grande - Side To Side ft. Nicki Minaj

Personal life

A busy schedule of concerts and filming does not cancel out her personal life - Ariana Grande also finds time for romantic relationships. Since the fall of 2014, the girl dated rapper Big Sean, but this relationship lasted only six months. It is also known about her affair with dancer Ricky Alvarez, which was also short-lived - from the summer of 2015 to July 2016.

Ricky Alvarez and Ariana Grande:

Read biographies of other famous musicians

Ariana Grande was born on June 26, 1993 in the small American town of Boca Roton in Florida.

The girl was born into a family where her father was a graphic designer and her mother was an executive director at large company. From an early age she fell in love with singing and performing in the theater, which helped her break onto the stage of the local theater as a child.

Her first big success was the role of Charlotte, which the 15-year-old girl performed in the Broadway musical “13”, dedicated to the life of teenagers in New York. The successful play bore fruit, and Ariana won the National Youth Theater Association award.

These early roles helped her land the role of Kat on the television show Victorious. ( Victoria the winner, 2010-2013).

This was followed by a spin-off called Sam and Cat, which opened the door for Ariana to musical career. Her first albums became hits, and the song “My everything"made its way to the top of the hit parades. The singer’s popularity is enhanced by her constant activity on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

Two years later, Ariana appeared in the musicalCuba Libre and played a small role in the television showThe Battery's Dow n (“The battery is low”) .

Television career

The plot of the sitcom Victorious revolved around art schoolHollywood Arts High School, and Ariana played the role of the stupid but persistent aspiring actress and singer Cat Valentine.

Despite the difficult filming schedule for the TV show, Grande also did not give up trying to build a music career. Her voice was first heard on the soundtrack to a sitcomVictorious,and already in 2001 the singer recorded her first single “Put your hearts up» ( Fromcover your hearts). The song was addressed to a youth audience.

TOWhen the series stopped filming in 2012, Grande managed to retain the role of Cat Valentine. She moved on to a new TV show called Sam and Cat. Unfortunately, the show did not last long and was canceled after 35 episodes. Meanwhile, in 2013, Arinda Grande's album "The way» ( "Path") reached the top ten in the American charts and went platinum three times, which finally convinced the young singer to focus on her musical career.


« The way» became the first single for Grande's debut album "Yours Truly» ( "Forever yours"), which also included the hits "Baby I" And "Right There" The album showed how Ariana was growing (both in terms of age and in terms of musical professionalism), and there were also noticeable similarities with the style of some artists, such as Mariah Carey.

In 2014, the album “My Everything", which sold successfully: 169,000 copies were sold in the first week. The album was preceded by the single "Problem", in the recording of which the Australian rap diva Iggy Azalea took part.

In the summer of 2014, Ariana Grande joined forces with Jessie J and Nicki Minaj and released the single "Bang Bang", the main composition of which took third place in the US music charts.

Charitable activities

When Ariana is not busy with music, she helps charity organizations "Kids who care» collect donations in South Florida.

The singer is constantly active on social media, and even major news publications such as Huffington Post,did not ignore this and put her in third place among the most influential performers. Ariana has over 20 million followers on Twitter, Instagram, over 25 million likes on Facebook and hundreds of millions of views onYoutube.

Ariana Grande's personal life

Today, Ariana is completely dedicated to working on her career, which is rapidly taking off. However, at the same time, the charming Grande does not forget about her personal life. The petite beauty experienced several stormy and short-term romances with famous men. In 2014, the star built a relationship with rapper Big Sean, and in the spring, Ariana’s fans learned that the lovers had broken up.

With musician Big Sean

Ariana Grande is considered one of the most beautiful and talented singers and actresses. Despite her young age, she was able to earn real fame. We present to your attention a selection interesting facts about her.

2. Her parents have Italian roots.

4. The girl’s mother left for sunny Florida when she was already carrying Ariana.

5. Her father and mother separated when she was eight.

6. At the age of ten, she became one of the creators and members of the musical group Kids Who Care in South Florida.

7. At age 15, while still in high school, she earned a Youth Theater Award for her role as Charlotte in the musical 13.

8. The game is “Monopoly”, she claims that she can play it for more than one hour.

9. Is a complete vegetarian. Previously, she tried to eat only organic food and considered herself a pesco-vegetarian, which means she did not eat any food of animal origin except fish, but now she has also given up seafood. According to her, even the transition to pesco-vegetarianism was quite difficult for her; she relapsed several times and returned to her beloved burgers.

10. Film - in leading role.

Photo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/boloround/

11. Ariana is a huge hockey fan. I used to go to every home game"Florida Panthers".

12. Loves the ocean and almost all types of marine life.

13. Because poor eyesight forced to constantly wear contact lenses.

14. Favorite color is lavender.

15. Her favorites (she took part in the voice acting of the twelfth episode of the twelfth season) and “Rugrats.”

17. The parents gave their daughter a name in honor of the heroine of the children's cartoon “Felix the Cat”, Princess Oriana.

18. Ariana’s debut as an actress occurred in the production “13”, after which she played Cat Valentine in the television series “Victorious”, as well as the sitcom “Sam and Cat”, which is its continuation, but she always said that she wanted to act in films wants much less than to be a performer, and therefore did not give up hope.

19. Ariana’s career as a musician started in 2011, when she recorded the soundtrack for the TV series “Victorious.” Thanks to filming in a youth television series, she gained the status of a teenager's favorite, but filming on television did not bring her the satisfaction she deserved. At the same time, she managed to sign a contract with Republic Records, which helped her begin the rapid development of her career.

20. While filming the series, she recorded herself singing songs by Houston and Adele, posting the recordings on the YouTube channel.

Photo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/celebrityabc/

21. Two years later she presented to the public her own debut audio album “Yours Truly”, which for a long time was in the leading positions in the Billboard 200 ranking.

22. 2013 brought Ariana the status of the only artist in a year to have two songs in the Billboard top 10. The third single, “Right There,” recorded by her with Big Sean, was able to take eighty-fourth place in the same ranking.

23. In the same year, she took part in the film “Fraud,” which was shown on her home channel.

24. "The Way" remained in the top ten of the Billboard Hot 100 for a long period of time and was able to garner mostly critical acclaim.

25. The performer’s second audio album, “My Everything,” which was released a year later, also held the leading position on the famous national chart for a long time, and also topped the ratings of twenty-four other countries around the world.

26. After this, the young star staged her first world tour, which was called “The Honeymoon World Tour” in support of the new album. It became so successful that it was extended several times and lasted eight months. The first twenty-five concerts allowed her to receive more than $14,000,000; in total, almost three hundred thousand spectators attended them.

27. In the spring of 2016, her song “Dangerous Woman” entered the top Billboard Hot 100. Thus, the vocalist became the fifty-seventh musician during the existence of the rating, whose singles from three albums one after another were able to reach the top ten. In honor of the release of the new collection, she is holding her next world tour.

28. Won "Best Rising Star" award at the 2014 People Choice Awards.

29. She boasts three AMAs, three MTV EMAs, one MTV VMA and four Grammy nominations.

Ariana Grande's personal life

30. In 2014 she started having love relationship with rapper Big Sean, but six months later the couple announced their separation.

Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/45504296@N06/4177537561/

31. Soon after this, unconfirmed rumors began circulating on the Internet about her love affairs with Niall Horan, but the beauty later said that this was a media fabrication.

32. Ricky Alvarez became her second lover, she dated him for a year.

33. Since the end of 2016, she has been with rap artist Mac Miller.

Other interesting facts

34. Surprisingly she wasn't too calm child. At the age of two, she broke her older brother's nose by hitting him with a telephone. She was called to the director for constantly trying to kiss boys. As the star herself said, because of her love for Halloween masks, which she constantly wore, her mother was afraid that her daughter would grow up to be a serial maniac.

35. In children's and adolescence she just loved watching horror films.

36. She likes to use Twitter to communicate with fans; in total she has about forty million followers. Her Instagram profile has almost twice as many followers as her Twitter account, but she still prefers the latter.

37. Favorite singer - Whitney Houston, she considers her a role model, as before her sixteenth birthday she was extremely upset and made her cry all night.

38. Performed at the personal invitation of then-President Obama at the White House.

39. Ariana Grande's vocal range (4 octaves and a soprano semitone) is close to Whitney Houston, who boasted five octaves.

40. Provides support to the LGBT community and a foundation called “ The Happy Hippie Foundation”, its founder is her colleague Miley Cyrus. And the foundation itself is dedicated to helping people who have nowhere to live and representatives of sexual minorities.

41. In the spring of 2015, the star starred in the new series “Scream Queens” along with Nick Jonas, Lea Michele and Emma Roberts.

42. Soon she announced that she was planning to release her own perfume, which would be called “Ari”, which went on sale within three months. As a result, a floral-fruity sweet perfume for women appeared, which enjoyed considerable popularity.

43. In the summer of 2015, a recording from a surveillance camera in a candy store was published online, in which you can see Ariana several times licking the donuts on display and making unflattering comments about them, America and Americans. After information about the event and public outrage spread, the girl publicly apologized for her act.

44. At the MTV Video Music Awards in 2016, she performed for the first time one of the singles from her third and so far final album, the song “Side to Side” with Nicki Minaj.

45. At one of her last concerts at the Manchester Arena, an explosion occurred, killing 23 people and injuring more than 120 more. She was very upset by the event and took a long time to come to her senses. A few weeks after the event, she, along with Katy Perry and many popular musicians, held a benefit concert in honor of those killed as a result of terrorist attack and to raise funds that were sent to help those injured.

46. ​​She has four pets, all of them dogs: Soso, Toulouse, Ophelia and Fawkes. The girl loves animals very much, and she chose dogs because she is allergic to cats.

47. Participated in the dubbing of the animated series “Winx Club: School of Sorceresses” where she became the voice of Princess Diaspro.

48. Her music is a mixture of pop and R&B with elements of funk and hip-hop.

49. The singer says that Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey inspired her since childhood, perhaps it was thanks to them that the girl began to study music.

50. Since childhood, she was brought up in Catholic family, decided to abandon Christianity after Pope Benedict called homosexuals and women working in the sex industry sinners. Since then, she has been trying to follow the teachings of Kabbalah, believing that good things happen to a person only if he is kind to other people. Her brother Frankie also supported this step.

51. Time named Ariana one of the 100 most influential people in the world.

52. As of June 2017, her music videos on her Youtube channel have received more than eight billion views.

53. She is the second most followed celebrity on Instagram. Only the official channel of Instagram itself has more.

54. Every year, as part of the “Broadway in South Africa» teaches children from Africa to sing and dance.

55. The singer took part in the recording of a collection called “We Love Disney”, which included the most popular soundtracks of famous projects television channel Disney. As a Disney fan, participating in this collection brought her a lot of pleasure.

56. In the run-up to 2014 and 2016, she released small holiday mini-albums.

Ariana Grande's "sexy baby" look includes: a high ponytail, false eyelashes, outfits similar to underwear and an arrogant look. The last one worries me the most. The famous Buzzfeed portal noted: "Have you noticed that Ariana Grande looks like she's listening to a really bad joke?" And you can't argue with that.

However, this was not always the case.

Ariana as a child - 2008

Ariana is only 15 years old in this photo. And she looks like a completely different person here, doesn't she? No smug facial expression, just a sincere happy smile. There is no famous ponytail yet, the hair is naturally curly dark brown to match the eyebrows. Her skin color is natural and goes well with her dark hair. Pay attention to your nose, eyebrows and lips as they will undergo changes over time.


In 2009, Ariana Grande dyed her hair for her role in Sam & Cat. This color suits her perfectly and effectively highlights the skin, giving it a peachy tint. From that moment on, Ariana began straightening her hair. Notice how close her eyebrows and eyes were.


The color is still the same - red, only the hair has become longer. We don’t presume to judge, but it seems that from now on the sparkle in Ariana’s eyes that was there before has disappeared.


Ariana is 18 years old and from that moment her radical transformation begins. She tries to use self-tanner, but its tone does not harmonize with the red shade of her hair. Bright lipstick was also new to her look. And it looks like the eyebrows have become much lighter.

Photo 2012

From now on, we won't see Ariana without her signature high ponytail. I had to have my hair extensions done because 4 years of dyeing for Sam & Cat filming had severely damaged it. Grande spoke about this herself. Ariana looks super cute with light makeup (which is much lighter than she is now) and softly tinted eyebrows. Upper lip seems plumper than in 2010. Whether this is due to makeup or merit is unknown.


It was a pivotal year for Ariana. Her eyebrows began to migrate to the middle of her forehead, giving her face the famous arrogant expression. Red hair has been replaced by medium brown hair, but she still has a self-tanner (and in vain, because Ariana has a good natural skin color).

A clear example of how facial expressions can mischaracterize a person. And this is due to eyebrows that are higher than they should be. Most likely it is "Brow Lift" or. In addition, their ashen color does not harmonize with her skin tone.

Let’s say if she herself raises her eyebrows to make such an expression, then why are there no folds on her forehead? Most likely there were injections or.


This year has become significant for Ariana Grande, elevating her to the status of a full-fledged pop diva! Everything about her look is striking in size: her hair has become lighter and three times thicker, her lips are overly contoured (there may well have been injections), her look is not complete without heavy false eyelashes, and her ashen eyebrows are still upturned. It seems as if the ponytail is pulling them up!


In 2015, her hair color becomes dark, and suits her better than light brown the year before. Eyebrows look more natural (color, but not their location). Ariana looks good with similar eye makeup and delicate pink gloss on her lips. But now it's time to pay attention to the nose. It's hard to pinpoint exactly when this happened, but it looks different than it did in 2011.

Ariana in 2016

Ariana is 24 years old, she still wears a high ponytail and uses self-tanning. It looked like some of the baby swelling had gone off her face, making it look a little different. But the eyebrows are still set very high, which gives her facial expression an artificial look. And definitely, some manipulations were carried out on the nose, it looks like a slight narrowing.

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Ariana Grande (Ariana Grande, June 26, 1993) is an American singer and actress. She received statuettes several times for “Best Song” and “Best Performer.”


Ariana Grande was born on June 26 in Boca Raton, Florida. Her mother was a successful woman who for a long time ran one of the construction companies cities. Ariana's father was also a famous and respected man, since he was engaged in graphic design and even opened his own studio, where he accepted orders and taught everyone.

Since childhood, Grande has suffered from hypoglycemia. At moments when her illness worsened and became unbearable, her older brother Frankie, who was a born actor, tried in every possible way to support her. He often starred in commercials and even appeared several times in local theatrical productions. However, Frankie's career was not going well, so a few years after Ariana was born, he was forced to leave his family and leave the city in search of work as a producer.

At the age of 8, Ariana experiences her first shock - her parents are getting divorced. Not understanding what caused such a serious step, the girl completely withdraws into herself and does not speak to her mother for about six months. However, she does everything possible to ensure that young Grande does not feel a lack of attention. After some time, the relationship between daughter and mother improves again.

Youth and early career as an actress

In 2008, Ariana Grande was invited to star in the Broadway musical “13.” The offer comes from a fairly well-known production director, who up to this point has already seen the girl play in several performances. Having decided that one of the roles in his play would be ideal for Grande, he invites the girl, and she immediately accepts such an interesting and tempting offer. However, there is also “the other side of the coin” - productions most often take place in New York, and to participate in them the girl must also move. The mother, realizing that her daughter really wants to get into the musical, but is afraid to leave her alone, invites her to go together, and the problem is immediately solved.

After the success of the musical, Ariana experiences all the delights of celebrity life, one of the advantages of which is several invitations to filming. This is how the girl confirms her participation in the youth series “Victorious,” where she is invited by representatives of the Nickelodeon channel. A year after the release of the series, Ariana Grande becomes everyone’s favorite and the idol of millions of teenagers around the world. By the way, it is this series that becomes parallel to her business card, which subsequently allows her to receive interesting offers and sign multimillion-dollar contracts with famous directors.

Singer career

After filming the TV series “Victorious,” Ariana Grande realizes that her acting career is still in second place for her, significantly inferior to her passion for music. As the singer herself admits, she would never want to become a professional actress and completely forget about her singing career:

“I in no way deny that being an actress is great and fun, especially when you’re on set. But music is what is my passion, hobby, meaning of life...”

In 2011, Ariana Grande starred in the second season of the series and at the same time wrote soundtracks for it, which a few months later were combined into the album “Victorious” and distributed throughout the world. Covers and tracks of Grande's own compositions become public knowledge and quickly gain popularity. A year later, the singer, inspired by success in the musical field, records an album for the third season of the series, which is also bought up by a crowd of fans in a matter of days. However, this is where the singing career ends. In November of the same year, it became known that the fourth season of “Victorious” was no longer out of the question, since the actors were too busy filming in other films. And, accordingly, Ariana partially loses her earnings.

However, this is by no means the end of her career as a singer. Despite the fact that the actress has not recorded any songs for a year, her next album will be released in 2013. It is spreading relatively quickly throughout the country. Ariana's singles are starting to be heard on most radio stations, and some compositions become absolute hits. At the same time, Grande was nominated for several prestigious awards, but all the honor goes to the number one pop singer - Kesha. And Ariana receives the coveted statuettes only a couple of years after the first “failure.”

Personal life

In October 2014, on the set of one of the videos, Ariana Grande met rapper Big Sean. It would seem that they were made for each other: equally popular and famous, they love fame and money, they even have similar personalities. However, by 2015, Grande's official representative announced in the press that the romance between the singer and rapper had broken off.

And in July 2015, the young girl met the equally talented dancer Rikk Alvarez, with whom she is still dating and, according to rumors, plans to get engaged soon.