What does High school mean? Education

The American education system offers wide choice degree options for international students. There are so many colleges, programs and locations that even Americans can’t always figure them out. Before looking for a university in the USA, it is worth getting acquainted with the American education system - this will help you narrow down your search and develop an effective educational plan.

Structure of the educational system: primary and secondary schools

American students attend elementary and high school for 12 years before enrolling in college. These years are called grades - from the first to the twelfth.

At about six years old, American children begin to attend primary school - in the USA it is called elementary school. Studying lasts approximately 5-6 years, after which they move on to secondary school.

Secondary school consists of two programs: the “middle school” itself (middle school or junior high school) and the “higher school”, that is, senior high school. After completing secondary education, the student receives a diploma or certificate. After 12th grade, Americans can enroll in colleges and universities. Studying there is called “higher education”.

Rating system

Like Americans, international applicants must submit a transcript when applying to a university or college. The report card is an official copy of your transcript. In the US, this includes grades and grade point average (GPA), which determine a student's success. Items are typically graded using a percentage, which is then converted into a letter grade.

The grading system and GPA can be difficult for international students to understand. The interpretation of ratings can have many variations. For example, two students from different schools submit their transcripts to the same university. Both have a 3.5 GPA, but one student went to a regular high school, and the other to a prestigious one, where the studies are more difficult. The university may evaluate their GPAs differently because the schools they attended have completely different standards.

Here are some important points:

  • You need to find the American equivalent of the level of education you received in your home country.
  • Please pay attention to the requirements for applicants of each university, college, as well as individual educational programs, as they may differ from the general university ones.
  • Meet with your university advisor regularly to monitor your progress.

Your advisor can help you decide whether you need to spend an extra year or two in America to prepare for college. If an international student enrolls in an American college before he or she is eligible to enroll in his home country, his home country may not recognize the student's American degree.

Academic year

The school year usually begins in August or September and lasts until May or June. The start of the academic year is usually a busy time - friendships are formed during this period as young people adapt to their new life together. Many courses begin in the fall and then continue throughout academic year.

In most universities, the academic year consists of two semesters (in some - three trimesters). There are those that divide the year into four periods, including an optional summer term. If you choose not to study in the summer, your year will consist of either two semesters or three trimesters.

Levels of training: level one – basic higher education

A college or university student who has not yet received a bachelor's degree is at the basic higher education level (undergraduate student/undergrad). A bachelor's degree typically takes 4 years to complete. This can be done either at a community college or at a university 4-year college.

The first two years you will have to study general subjects, they are also called basic: literature, natural sciences, social sciences, art, history, and so on. This is for receiving general knowledge, foundation before focusing on a narrow specialization.

Many students start at a community college to complete their first two years of basic courses. They receive an Associate of Arts (AA) degree and then transfer to a 4-year university or college.

The main specialty you are studying is called “major”. For example, a student with a “major” in journalism will receive a bachelor's degree in journalism. In order to receive a diploma in a specific specialty, you need to listen to a certain amount courses for this “major”. The main specialty is chosen at the beginning of the third year of study at the university.

A feature of the American higher education system is the ability of a student to change his “major” several times during his studies. Americans often take advantage of this opportunity. It happens that in the process of obtaining higher education, a student begins to like another specialty, and in this regard, American universities are very flexible. But keep in mind that changing your specialty means taking more courses, which means time and money.

Level two - master's degree

You can only apply for a master's degree with a bachelor's degree. This is a must if you want to work in senior positions in library science, engineering, healthcare, education and other fields.

Some countries only allow their citizens to study abroad for a master's degree. Before applying to the US, check your country's educational requirements.

Master's programs typically operate as departments of universities or colleges. To enroll, you will need to take the GRE (graduate record examination) test. Some master's programs require more specialized tests—for example, the LSAT for law school, the GRE or GMAT for business school, and the MCAT for medical school.

Master's studies usually take a year or two. For example, an MBA, a popular business administration program, requires two years of study. In others, such as journalism, it is enough to study for a year.

Most of the training at the Master's degree is in the classroom. The student must also write a thesis or master's project.

Level three – doctoral studies

At many universities, obtaining a master's degree is the first step towards a doctorate (PhD). But in other universities, students can immediately apply for doctoral studies - without a master's degree it will take about 3 years. Foreign students study longer – from 5 to 6 years.

During the first two years of the program, most students study in classrooms and seminars. You need to spend another year conducting research and writing your dissertation. It must contain ideas, developments, designs or research that have not been published before.

Most American institutions of higher education require that their doctoral applicants speak two additional foreign languages, spend a certain amount of time “on site,” pass a qualifying test for admission to the doctoral program, and pass an oral examination on the same topic as the dissertation.

Characteristics of the US Learning Environment: Classroom Environment

Classes at universities vary from large lectures for several hundred students to small lessons and seminars (discussions) for just a few students. The atmosphere in the classrooms of American universities is very dynamic. You are expected to express your own opinions, defend your points of view, take part in discussions and prepare presentations. These are the aspects of learning that most often surprise international students in the United States.

Every week teachers assign reading textbooks and other books. You will be expected to complete these tasks because otherwise you will not be able to participate in discussions or understand lectures. Some programs also require time in laboratories.

Teachers grade each student in their course. Usually the assessment depends on the following factors:

  • Each teacher has his own requirements for attending classes, but students are expected to take part in lectures and seminars. This - important factor final grade for the course.
  • Intermediate The exam usually takes place during class.
  • To be assessed you must also pass one or more abstract or laboratory work.
  • May be carried out short exams or tests. Sometimes teachers give unexpected tests. They are not particularly taken into account when grading, but are used to motivate students to study and attend.
  • Final exam takes place after the last lesson of the course.


Each course is “worth” a certain number of credits or credit hours. It is approximately equal to the number of hours of classes per week for this course. Typically, the course is worth 3 to 5 credits.

At most universities, the semester program consists of 12-15 credits (3-5 subjects per semester). In order to receive a diploma, you need to “earn” a certain number of credits. International students must take a full program each semester.


If a student transfers to a new university before graduating, their earned credits can usually be transferred to the new institution. This means that students can transfer to other universities and graduate almost within the originally planned time frame.

Types of higher education institutions

  1. State college or university

A public university operates with the support and management of the state or local government. Each of the 50 states of America has at least one state university and several state colleges. Many of these public universities, as they are also called, are named after their state: for example, Washington State University or the University of Michigan.

  1. Private college or university

These universities are privately run and typically cost more to attend than public ones. Private schools are often smaller in size than public schools.

Universities and colleges affiliated with religious communities are also private institutions. Students of different religions can enroll in almost all of them. Few restrict themselves to admitting only those applicants who share the faith of the community in which the university was founded.

  1. Community College

Community colleges are 2-year institutions that offer associate degrees and certificates. They are divided according to the type of diploma - with one you can go on to study at another university, with the other you can only work. You can study with an associate's degree (associate of arts) and a diploma of incomplete higher education (associate of science). People can work with an associate of applied science diploma and a certificate of completion.

Community college graduates typically transfer to 4-year colleges or universities to complete their undergraduate education. Because they can transfer their college credits, they only need to attend the university for two more years to earn a bachelor's degree. Many community colleges offer English as a Second Language courses to help international students prepare for college.

  1. Institute of Technology

The Institute of Technology involves 4 years of study in technical and natural sciences. In some you can also get a master's degree, in others you can only take short courses.

Most residents of our country know about the education system in America only from films and books. It’s no secret now that many innovations in our educational system are being borrowed from the USA. In our article we will try to understand what a school in America is, what are its features and differences from our educational institutions.

Differences between American and Russian education

More recently, when Soviet power, education in the Soviet Union was considered one of the best. Nowadays, our education system is increasingly being compared with the American one. There is a significant difference between them; it is impossible to say which one is better and which one is worse. Each has its pros and cons.

The American education system is more democratic. While in our country almost all schools follow the same curriculum, in the USA there is no single plan. Students attend only a few compulsory disciplines, and everyone chooses the remaining subjects at their own discretion, taking into account personal preferences and choice future profession. We can say that the school in America adheres to it much more than the Russian one.

Another difference between American educational institutions is that in them concepts such as “class” or “classmates” have a completely different meaning. Because all the children studying in one class can hardly be called a team. The American school still involves the creation of teams, but most often this happens in special classes, which, moreover, are chosen by the children themselves.

Compared to our schools, sports activities are the most popular in US institutions; there is practically not a single institution for children that does not have a well-equipped gym, swimming pool and stadium.

A school in America is not a single building, like in our country. More like a student town with several buildings. Its territory must be additionally equipped with:

  • Assembly halls for holding various events.
  • Sports hall.
  • Large library.
  • Dining room.
  • Park area.
  • Residences.

It has already been mentioned a little that each state in America can approve its own educational programs. But compulsory secondary education remains the same for everyone. True, it can begin either from 6 years old or from seven. The start time of classes may also vary: in some schools they may start at 7:30, while others prefer to put children at their desks at 8:00.

The academic year, unlike ours, is divided into only two semesters, and not into quarters. The assessment does not provide for a five-point system, but a 100-point criterion is often used.

Education system in American schools

American education is quite diverse, so everyone can choose their own individual path in acquiring knowledge. Every country and every people has its own value systems and traditions that are passed on from generation to generation. There are also attitudes that are ingrained in children’s heads from childhood. For example, from birth, a Jewish child is taught by his parents that he is the smartest and can achieve any achievement. Maybe that is why there are so many outstanding scientists and the latest discoveries in this country.

In American families, a child learns one truth from childhood: in life there is always room for choices that he can make. Not everyone can become a famous physicist or chemist, but you can always find many other exciting activities for yourself. In the USA, your place in society and well-being depend not on your type of activity or profession, but on your success in this area. Being a simple car mechanic is not at all disgraceful if you do your job at the highest level and there is a queue of clients lining up for you.

The American education system is also set up for this. Already within the walls of school, the child can choose for himself the activities that he likes best. The only thing that remains uniform is the requirement to consistently graduate from several types of schools, which will be discussed further.

There are no rigid groups or classes in schools; students are called students and have the right to choose courses that suit their inclinations and the aspirations in life that they have. If in our schools a general schedule is drawn up for each class, then each student can have his own class schedule.

Each course is worth a certain number of points, which is called a credit. There is even a minimum credit that must be earned in order to move on to the next school or enroll in another institution. There are special college preparation classes available, but you must also have a “personal loan” to be eligible to take them. Most children consciously choose the classes they attend, and therefore their path to the future.

A school in America offers scholarships for children, which depend on the size of the “personal loan”. It also happens when a student has such a high credit that it is enough to get two higher educations for free.

We can say that students have two options: to achieve everything with their own work and abilities, or to use their parents’ money for further education.

One more interesting feature has an American school - the child is still studying within the walls of the school, and information about his achievements is transmitted to all higher educational institutions. There are no entrance exams to institutes and universities, each student writes test papers in subjects throughout the year, and the results at the end of the year are sent not only to the academic part of the school, but also to colleges and universities. After graduating from school, each student can only consider invitations from various educational institutions to study or send requests to them himself, waiting for a response. So it turns out that you can achieve high results and enter a prestigious university not only for money, but also by putting in the maximum of your work.

It doesn’t matter how many schools there are in America, but in each of them the only decisive factor To enter a prestigious university is your own great desire and aspiration. Of course, not everyone is blessed with good mental abilities, but if you want to study at a university, the state is more willing to provide a student loan, which is paid after graduation educational institution.

Types of schools in America

There are many educational institutions in the USA, but they can all be divided into the following types:

  1. Public schools.
  2. Boarding school.
  3. Private educational institutions.
  4. Home schools.

Public schools are divided by age: there is an elementary school, a middle school and a high school. It is necessary to clarify how children in America study in such schools. First of all, their distinctive feature is their strict division into separate establishments. They are not only located in separate buildings, but can also be geographically located far from each other.

Boarding schools are located in large fenced areas with well-equipped buildings for classes, residences, gyms and everything necessary to receive a quality education. Such schools are often called “schools of life” and quite rightly so.

Secondary education in the USA

To obtain a certificate of education you must complete three levels of school:

  • Primary school.
  • Average.
  • The older one.

They all have their own requirements and characteristics. Programs and list of subjects can also vary greatly.

Primary education

Getting an education in America starts with primary school. It is necessary to clarify that there are no problems in getting to school. Some students are brought by their parents, those over 16 can drive themselves, and the rest are picked up by school buses. If the child has poor health or is disabled, then the bus can drive directly to his house. They also deliver children home after classes. All school buses have yellow, so it is simply impossible to confuse them with other city transport.

Most often, the elementary school building is located in parks and squares; it has one floor and is quite cozy inside. One teacher teaches the class and teaches all subjects. Children, as a rule, have traditional classes: reading, writing, native language and literature, fine arts, music, mathematics, geography, natural science, hygiene, labor and, of course, physical education.

Classrooms are equipped taking into account the abilities of children. Before this, the babies are tested. But all tests are no longer aimed at identifying the level of preparedness for school, but at revealing the child’s natural inclinations and his IQ.

After testing, students are divided into three classes: “A” - gifted children, “B” - normal, “C” - low-ability. We work more intensively with gifted children from primary school and guide them towards further higher education. The entire process takes five years.

High school in America

After finishing primary school, a child with a certain “ personal loan"Moves to middle management. The question arises: how many classes does a high school in America have? As we found out, training takes three years, respectively, students move to 6th, 7th and 8th grades.

A secondary school, like an elementary school, can have its own curriculum in each district. The school week lasts 5 days, and vacations twice a year - winter and summer.

The secondary school is usually located in a larger building, since it has many more students. Training is also based on a credit system. In addition to the compulsory subjects, which include mathematics, English, literature, each child can choose, depending on his preferences, additional lessons. At the end of the year, exams are required; in order to move to the next class, you need to gain a certain number of credits. In secondary schools, career guidance is mandatory, which helps children decide on their choices in life.

High school

We have looked at what types of schools exist in America; it remains to be seen what a high school is like. It includes 4 years of study, from grades 9 to 12. As a rule, such schools have their own specialization, so careful preparation for admission to higher educational institutions begins from the 9th grade. This type of school is quite important, since during your studies you can not only accumulate enough knowledge for admission, but also gain credits that will allow you to significantly save on your studies.

In high school, the program requires the study of English, mathematics, subjects social sphere and natural disciplines. Considering that a high school must adhere to specialized education, different institutions may have different directions.

There are the following directions in schools:

For example, if a student studied an academic profile, he has the right to enter a higher education institution. But this only applies to well-performing children. If the results are not very good, then the student chooses a suitable practical course for himself.

Any professional profile gives students practical skills. Depending on the chosen direction, a class schedule is drawn up.

Rules in American schools

School rules exist in any school, of course, in American ones they differ significantly from ours. Here are some of them:

  1. It is prohibited to walk in the corridors during lessons.
  2. When going to the toilet, the student is given a pass card, which is marked by the teacher on duty in the toilet.
  3. If a child misses school, the secretary calls on the same day and finds out the reason for the absence.
  4. You can skip only 18 lessons if the subject is taught all year, if the course takes six months, then only 9 absences are allowed.
  5. You cannot leave the school until all the lessons are over; there are video cameras everywhere.
  6. Security guards keep order at the school; they wear civilian uniforms, but have weapons.
  7. In American schools, it is prohibited to eat in the hallways and classrooms; this can only be done in the cafeteria or cafe.
  8. You cannot carry drinks or food with you.
  9. Drugs and alcohol are prohibited, as is the carrying of weapons, although such a warning for our schools looks completely ridiculous. In our country this is a given.
  10. The manifestation of sexual inequality in any form is unacceptable. Even a hand on a friend's shoulder can be considered sexual harassment.
  11. It is prohibited to play cards in class.
  12. School rules even contain a clause prohibiting cheating.
  13. Damage to school property is not permitted.

Some rules relate to school uniforms; for us, some of them seem completely absurd:

You can purchase a school uniform in a specialized store, where a card is issued for each student and a discount is provided on the purchase.

The American teacher also adheres to a strict style of dress; of course, it is not necessary to wear suits, but men do not wear jeans to classes, and female teaching staff often wear skirts rather than trousers.

All rules for students are printed out and pasted into school diaries at the beginning of the school year.

Private schools in America

All private schools in the USA are fee-paying. Not all families can afford to educate their children in such an institution, because the cost of a private school for all years of study will cost on average, if converted into Russian money, from 1.5 to 2 million rubles. But it is necessary to clarify that this amount includes not only training, but also accommodation in a boarding house with full support.

Many private schools are ready to provide their students financial assistance, this applies to both well-performing children and

Since there is often promiscuity in public schools, cases of rape and pregnancy of young girls are not uncommon; for the safety of their children, parents prefer to pay in order to be calm about the health and life of their children.

Private schools have some advantages over public schools:

  • There are about 15 people in the classes, which gives each student the opportunity to receive maximum attention.
  • Living in a dormitory provides constant communication with your peers not only during classes, but also in everyday life.
  • In private schools, the period of study is longer, so the chances of entering a university increase.

Private schools, for a number of reasons, are more prestigious, but among public educational institutions you can also find ones where you can get a good education.

Homeschooling in America

Recently, home schools have become fashionable in America. Once upon a time, such education appeared naturally in families in which parents had a good education to teach their children at home, as well as a decent income to purchase all the necessary textbooks and manuals.

Now many cities in America have training centers for kids from home schools. Teachers are assigned to each center various subjects. They provide lessons for both children and their parents. These are usually orientation sessions during which children receive a curriculum and some necessary materials.

After this, an individual schedule is drawn up for visiting teachers, during classes the student writes tests and receives a new assignment. Webinars and online lessons are practiced.

Children who are educated in home schools also have their own holidays and sports, where they meet people like them. That is, there is a team, only its members meet each other much less often.

It is believed that homeschooling requires much less effort, so children are less tired and are not as susceptible to the bad influence of their peers. Children from such schools are usually friendly, welcoming, and have good manners.

Schools for Russians in America

There is also a school for Russians in America. As a rule, it is chosen by those parents who do not want their children to forget their native language. In such institutions, teaching is conducted in English, but there are subjects such as Russian language and literature.

Most often, Russian schools are opened at Orthodox parishes, then it turns out that they are not daily, but Sunday. But in some American schools there are Russian schools where children are taught. This is also a good opportunity not to forget your native language.

In various centers, clubs and sections are opened, which are taught by Russian teachers and in Russian. For example, figure skating, dancing and drawing, gymnastics and others.

For very young children there are kindergartens, only private ones, where children communicate in Russian. There can only be 8 people in a group, because a teacher who has received a license for such activities can simultaneously raise that many children. Children are accepted from the age of two.

Thus, while living in America, you can not forget the Russian language and at the same time communicate freely in English.

To summarize all that has been said, we can conclude: no matter what schools exist in America, you can choose at your own discretion. Most often, this issue is decided by parents if the child is still small, and at an older age, they choose an educational institution together with their children. You can also get a prestigious education completely free of charge if you have a great desire and make every effort.

The secondary education system in the United States is not at all similar to the Russian one. Not only the duration of training differs (12 versus our 11 years), but also pedagogical methods, curricula and much more. Let's figure out what school education is like in the USA.

Methods and programs

There is no single state education standard in the United States. Formation of the curriculum in the very general view(list of main disciplines, start and end dates of the school year) is handled by the Education Council under the state administration. At the same time, all the specifics, like teaching aids, the volume and nature of the material taught are determined by school employees independently.

This means that each educational institution is free to manage the time of its students as it sees fit. The variety of programs and teaching methods in American schools, on the one hand, makes it possible to choose an educational institution that meets the individual needs of the student. On the other hand, the breadth of choice greatly complicates life for parents and, at times, only complicates the search for a place to study.

Form of ownership

School education in America is represented by 2 types of educational institutions: public and private schools. Most of the country's population studies in municipal institutions, since education is free for local residents. The government of the country finances such institutions. Private schools, where tuition costs a lot of money, are self-sufficient.

Due to objective reasons, free municipal schools, as a rule, cannot boast of either a particularly high academic level or an advanced material and technical base. Private ones have more opportunities in this sense, and the quality of education in them is usually better.

Students from abroad can study at either a public or private school in the United States. In both cases, you will have to pay for training - for non-citizens of the country, free education does not exist in the States. Of course, the cost of attending a public school in the US is much lower than in a private one. However, it is worth keeping in mind that American universities are more willing to accept graduates of private boarding schools. “A’s” earned at a public school will not make much of an impression on the admissions committee, unlike, say, “B’s” earned at a prestigious private school.


Secondary education in the USA has a 3-level structure. At the age of 5-6 years, the child enters elementary school, where he studies until the 6th grade. The primary school curriculum usually includes several academic subjects (arithmetic, reading, writing, basic science), as well as music, physical education and art.

Middle school begins at the age of 11-12. Students in mandatory They study mathematics, English, history, and natural sciences. In addition, each student is offered 2-3 elective subjects ( foreign languages, art, etc.)

High school provides children with even more freedom in terms of choosing subjects. From grades 9 to 12 (14 - 18 years old), students independently form their own curriculum, and there are even more additional subjects. As a rule, by this time children already have a more or less idea of ​​what they want to do in the future, and choose those disciplines whose knowledge is necessary for entering a university.

During the last 2 years of high school, teenagers prepare for the final SAT test, based on the results of which they are admitted to college, and also, if desired, attend courses in in-depth study of some of the subjects - Advanced Placement (AP). The AP program usually corresponds to the first year of study at the university, so after admission, the university can count this course as already completed.

It is worth noting that the division into elementary, middle and high school is not arbitrary in the States. Unlike Russian schools, where both first-graders and graduates are under one roof, in the USA each age group requires a separate educational institution - with its own building, teaching staff and administration.

Extracurricular activities

The goal of the secondary education system in the United States is to develop a well-rounded personality with an active life position. Therefore, in American schools, a lot of attention is paid to the student’s extracurricular activities.

Children spend a lot of time in school - and it’s not about the number of lessons.

The kids are actively involved in sports: physical education lessons, similar to those taken in Russian schools, are completed for American students in middle school. For high school students, there is no such thing as “physics”. Each high school student chooses the sport that is most interesting to him and engages in it quite professionally. Fortunately, the technical equipment of educational institutions (gyms, courts, football and basketball fields) allows training to be carried out at the highest level.

In addition to sports, an American school usually hosts many interest clubs: someone plays in the theater, another attends a debate club, and a third studies the basics of painting.

But in the States they don’t give much homework. At the same time, often its implementation also requires the child to be present at school - the children prepare reports and work on creative projects sitting in the school library.

Progress control

In America, a letter grading system is used: A, B, C, D, F, where A is the equivalent of the Russian “five”, and F is the “two”. By the way, each of the grades, except F, can be accompanied by a + or - sign. Based on school grades, a GPA (grade point average) is formed. This indicator is usually required upon admission to university.

Another important form of monitoring progress in the US school system is the test. American children become familiar with the annual testing procedure towards the end of elementary school. Test results influence how prestigious the next educational institution in a child's life will be. The better the student studied in middle school, the higher class the high school will be. The higher your high school scores, the higher your GPA, which means you have a better chance of getting into a good college.

In addition, tests (which, by the way, are developed by the city or state board of education) are not only a way to evaluate the performance of schoolchildren, but also test the effectiveness of the staff of the educational institution.

The secondary education system in the United States is mainly aimed at preparing a child for university studies as effectively as possible. That is why studying in American school- this is an excellent start for children from abroad who would like to receive higher education in the States.

It is a well-known fact that the education system in the United States is one of the best in the world. That is why young people from different countries of our planet strive to study at American universities, which occupy leading places in the ranking of the best universities in the world.

Trying to solve the problems that exist in the Russian education system, many specialists are trying to apply the positive experience of other countries. But before introducing any innovation into our kindergartens, schools and universities, you should carefully read it and analyze all its pros and cons.

So, let's look at the features of the US education system and compare it with the one that exists in our country.

Study in America

The modern US education system has developed under the direct influence of many economic, social and historical factors. That is why it is characterized by some features that do not coincide with Western European standards. Thus, in the United States there is no unified state education system. In addition, each of the American states has the right to independently determine its structure.

The entire territory of the United States is divided into 15.5 thousand school districts. As a rule, these are small schools attended by up to 50 thousand students. But some of these school districts are simply huge. An example of this is New York. The school district located on its territory educates about a million children. Each of these entities carries out work on collecting taxes allocated to the needs of educational institutions, developing and adopting programs, recruiting teachers, etc.

The modern American educational system contains the principles of self-financing, self-government and self-determination. At the same time, its effective interaction with federal and local authorities is carried out.

Today the US education system includes:

- general education “all-encompassing” 12-year schools providing complete secondary education;
- professional and higher educational institutions.

Typically, American children begin their education in preschool and then continue through school for twelve years.

Primary education

In the USA, a child receives primary education at the age of five, while in senior group kindergarten. This is the time when a smooth transition from playing to reading and writing begins.

The primary education system in the United States is focused on the child's experience of his own social experience. In English this is called this ambiguous word like experience. This means that the child acquires the skill of independence, instilling in him a respectful attitude towards his peers, as well as an adequate understanding of the world around him, which is achieved without a lot of knowledge and excessive theorizing.

The education system in the USA provides that at this stage a teacher and an assistant work with a group of twenty children. Big role Volunteers also play a role in educational work. They help organize leisure activities, excursions and activities.

Who are volunteers? These are, as a rule, men and women of mature age who work for free for the public good. In schools and kindergartens, they help teachers and educators, working with children and giving them the warmth of their souls.

But this is not the only reason why the education system in the USA differs from the Russian one. While still in kindergarten, every child can visit the library and work on the computer. And those children who have certain problems with communication are separated into separate small groups. In each of them, only one teacher works with three students. This allows you to pay more attention to each child and develop individual creative abilities in the little person.

What else is the system preschool education Is it different in the USA from Russia? Surprisingly, you won't find cribs in American kindergartens. Children who decide to relax simply spread a towel on the carpet and sleep while the teacher reads them a fairy tale. Such principles exist in public kindergartens, which are attended by more than fifty percent of five-year-old Americans. But in the USA there are also private preschool institutions. They satisfy more wide range parental requirements.

Staffing classes

The secondary education system in the United States includes schools, which, unlike Russian ones, house each of their units (primary, middle and high school) in separate buildings. This has its pros and cons. On the one hand, age groups do not overlap, which eliminates the possibility of conflicts. But at the same time, children from the same family studying in different levels do not have the opportunity to go to the same educational institution.

The school education system in the United States, represented by the elementary level, includes education from 1st to 5th grade. In this level, all classes are conducted by one teacher. Classes are formed purposefully. Children are sent to each of them based on the results of preliminary testing. In this case, three main groups are distinguished. The most capable students fall into the first of them. Classes with them are conducted at the most serious level. This is a group of gifted children who are subject to the most serious demands. Every year in such a class the teacher and composition of students changes.

Reformation of groups is carried out with the aim of instilling individualism in the child, as well as equal and friendly relationships with different people. In this case, American schoolchildren simply do not have time to establish personal bonds with teachers and classmates. Of course, relationships in such a team are rather cool, but this allows children not to focus on any one person. An annual change of teachers and classmates allows the American child to remain calm in situations of uncertainty, as well as reduce general anxiety about his future.

The primary education system of Russia and the United States also differs in that in our schools the teacher teaches the same students from first to fourth grade. In addition, in America less time is devoted to arithmetic. The set of other subjects is practically no different from that which exists in Russian schools. The length of the school week is five days.

High school

In this unit, children study from sixth to eighth grade. Moreover, there are no uniform textbooks and programs for high school in the United States. Each district develops its own recommendations, and teachers are allowed to create subject syllabuses themselves. It is worth noting that school teachers in America are people who graduated from the relevant departments at colleges and universities. In other words, their level of qualification in the relevant subject is beyond doubt. But even after receiving a diploma, they can only work with children if they have confirmation of their pedagogical qualifications.

Basic school subjects

In America there is a certain list of lessons that should be included in school curriculum. The US education system operates in English. That is why its study is considered a compulsory subject. In addition, the school curriculum includes mathematics and science, physical education with hygiene, labor, fine arts and home economics. All lessons last from 40 to 50 minutes.

Changes in the USA are short. Children are given 3 to 5 minutes just to get notebooks and textbooks from the locker for the next lesson. That is why, unlike Russian schools, in the USA it is impossible to find children who do not know what to do with themselves between bells.

In America, students take no more than six lessons a day. In secondary school, just like in primary school, the school week consists of five days.

If we compare the education systems of Russia and the United States, then in America children play sports and sing with great pleasure. In this country, schools are proud of such teams. Our children also have the opportunity to develop their athletic and musical abilities. However, all this is included in the system additional education. And the most talented children attend specialized sports and music schools. In the United States, gifted students have the opportunity to develop without leaving the walls of their educational institution. In this country, it is believed that a child should receive intellectual, spiritual and physical development at the same time. That is why there are no divisions into cultural and sports events and directly educational activities. This is a big plus of the American school, as it happens harmonious development children without “distortions” either into the area of ​​excessive muscle development, or into the area of ​​artistic separation from existing reality.

High school

At this level of education, children are taught from ninth to twelfth grade. At this level, training programs are developed that provide for continuous training English language. Other subjects include social sciences, the study of which takes at least three years. Mathematics and science subjects are taught to children over two years.

Among the features of the American senior school, one can highlight the existence of three directions - academic, professional and multidisciplinary. The student has the right to make his choice only after conducting independent computer testing.

Those students who choose an academic profile can receive good scientific training. You will need it for further education. A professional profile will allow you to gain the skills needed for direct practical work. At the same time, children are given less general education knowledge.

Consultants help students make an informed choice of one or another senior school profile. At the same time, each child receives the education of which he is capable.

Russian high school students, as a rule, imagine themselves in the future only as students of prestigious universities. Almost all parents strive for their child to receive a higher education. As for the American education system, it, unlike ours, orients students to the fact that, despite any abilities, they will always find their place in life. This allows children not to be afraid of their future and to be more relaxed.

IN different countries training around the world can differ quite significantly. Thus, the education systems of Great Britain and the USA also differ. At senior school level in England, children do not have any compulsory subjects in which they have to sit exams. Everything here is connected with the requirements put forward by the universities to which current high school students will enroll. That is, English children make the choice of their future profession in advance in order to pay special attention to this or that subject.

But in Japan, senior management does not give children the opportunity to choose. There exists here large number compulsory subjects that everyone without exception should know.

School ratings

Assessment of knowledge in an American school provides for the existence of a five-point scale with letter designations. In it, A means excellent, B means good, C means satisfactory, D means bad, and F means unsatisfactory. Teachers often add a plus or a minus to the grades of American children.

In-class control consists of tests and tests. It is carried out at the discretion of the teacher. In American schools there is also internal control. It is carried out by the school administration. All this is very similar to the Russian system.

Vocational education

This type of training is carried out in secondary schools. It is also carried out by regional vocational centers and vocational skills centres. Here, students are offered the opportunity to master a variety of specialties until they reach the level of a skilled worker.

The US vocational education system has a very impressive scale. As a rule, students take at least two or three courses of study. In some schools, almost two-thirds of children are enrolled in such a program.

The vocational education system prepares not only workers, but also personnel who will be employed in the service sector, office workers, etc.

In order for students to master such skills, specialized streams and departments are being formed in American high schools. Many educational institutions have workshops, and the study of subjects in professional specialization is organized directly in the classroom.

Higher education

Surprisingly, in America there is simply no such thing as a university. The higher education system in the United States is considered post-secondary. At the same time, it includes a variety of institutions whose work is based on:

Flexibility of curricula, as well as their mobile adaptation to various social needs;
- variety of forms of training;
- highly democratic educational processes;
- freedom of choice by the student himself of the program and form of study.

The higher education system in the United States includes public and private universities, which play a significant role in student education. These are numerous colleges and universities that represent final stage educational process.

US applicants have the opportunity to submit documents to several universities simultaneously. This significantly increases the chance of admission.

Colleges offer a four-year course of study to their students. Upon completion and passing the relevant exam, a bachelor's degree is awarded. You can also get a master's degree in colleges. To do this, you need to study for another one or two years and defend an analytical report in a scientific field.

The highest stage of university education is doctoral programs. They are self-oriented scientific work those students who have a master's degree.


Based on the above, we can conclude that the education system in the United States is fundamentally different from the one that exists in Russia. It is adapted to the needs existing in society. In addition, the American system is distinguished by flexibility and the ability to change for the further development of scientific and technological progress. Of course, it deprives children of the ability to create solutions by offering ready-made answers to tests. But, on the other hand, such a system trains excellent specialists in their field, even if it is a very narrow one. At the same time, the country's economy receives exactly the personnel it needs.

The US education system is characterized by flexibility and democracy: with a high variety of programs, students - both schoolchildren and students - have the opportunity to independently choose the disciplines they study, as well as change their specialization. Even at a university, you can move from one faculty to another, study additional subjects and create your own educational program.

Preschool education in the USA

Preschool education in the United States begins almost from the cradle. IN nursery or kindergarten The child can be given away as early as 6 months. He can be there from six in the morning until six in the evening. Unlike Russian kindergartens, a child can be brought to kindergarten after school, since by law he cannot be at home alone until he is 12 years old. All kindergartens in America are paid, the average monthly fee is about $1,200.

For children from three to five years old, schools have "preparatory groups". At this stage, much attention will be paid to general development, socialization, as well as literature, since before school system education sets itself the task, first of all, to teach the child reading skills.

However, kindergarten and preschool classes are still an optional level. Compulsory education in America begins at school and lasts 12 years.

US school system

Unlike many countries, there is no single educational plan in America: in general terms, the plan is formed by the board of education under the state administration; a more precise plan is determined by the board of a particular school.

School education in the United States is divided into three stages:

  • initial(grades 1-5) - children study basic compulsory subjects, engage in sports and creativity.
  • average: Middle School (grades 6-8) or Junior High School (grades 7-9) - in addition to compulsory subjects, elective disciplines appear.
  • senior classes: High School (9-12) or Senior High School (11-12) - reduction in the number of compulsory subjects, maximum freedom in choosing the disciplines studied. For the last 2 years, gifted students can study Advanced Placement programs. At the end of High School, an American student will have to take SAT exam(Scholastic Aptitude Test).

Depending on the state, children begin school between the ages of five and eight. As a rule, each level of an American school has its own building and is a completely separate educational institution.

The academic year in an American school is divided into two semesters. The duration of training sessions is 5-6 hours a day with a lunch break. The afternoon is most often devoted to sports, interest clubs and other socially useful work, which are an obligatory component of the American school education. Grades are given in letter form: A, B, C, D, F will be equivalent to Russian grades from five to two.

In contrast to the US higher education system, which is a world leader, the school sector is rated controversially. On the one hand, a set compulsory subjects small: among them are mathematics, English, science, history, art, physical education.

On the other hand, students have a huge choice specialized studies: from theater to ecology. This list also includes foreign languages. Many schools offer high school students advanced programs(Advanced Placement): the most motivated and capable students can additionally study a particular subject at the university level. Thus, the school education system in the USA is good for those who want to learn, but are not aimed at general increase education in the country.

Public and private schools in the USA

By type of funding, schools in the United States are divided into state(public schools) and private(private schools). The level of teaching in public schools varies greatly not only from state to state, but even within the same city. The fact is that funding for public schools comes from the district budget (most often from property taxes). As a result, schools in “expensive” areas have good support, and as a result - material equipment, strong teaching staff and general high performance academic performance. Since, according to US law, a child can only attend the school to which he belongs in his place of residence, this system leads to an increase in the value of real estate in areas with “strong” schools. Taxes increase, the school receives even more funding. The situation is the opposite in “cheap” areas: lack of funding leads to the fact that schools remain weak.

Private schools are financially independent organizations that receive subsidies from sponsors and also charge tuition fees. Availability of a high level of funding allows us to maintain high level academic performance: excellent material and technical equipment, strong teaching staff and small class sizes make these institutions the “cradles” of future diplomats, politicians and top managers. The education received here opens the door to most top universities in the world. It is worth saying that the number of US citizens in private schools is often less than 50%: they are of greater interest to foreign students. This is partly due to the country's immigration laws: a foreigner can study in a public school only if the family moves to America and has a residence permit or if the student participates in a year-long exchange program.

Significant differences between elite private schools and “average” public schools also add to the overall heterogeneity in American secondary education.

Higher education in the USA

The US higher education system includes colleges and universities - private and public. According to international rankings, most of them are among the best educational institutions in the world. It is worth replacing that, unlike the European education system, in America there is no qualitative difference between college and university. For example, even Harvard, number one in the 2016 rankings, is actually divided into schools, colleges and institutes. The only difference is that colleges offer only undergraduate programs, while universities and institutes provide the opportunity to study scientific research and continue an academic career in master's (1-2 years), postgraduate (3 to 6 years) and research after defending a doctoral dissertation. If the student's specialization is related to medicine, legal or theological education, the training scheme is slightly different: upon completion of the bachelor's program, the student can enter a higher vocational school. Similar educational institutions exist at large universities; the duration of study there is 3 years.

Technical institutes and community colleges are classified as vocational education(analogous to Russian vocational schools), however, they can serve as the first stage of higher education if, after studying there, the student is transferred to a university for a bachelor’s degree program. As a rule, transfer is carried out to the 2nd or 3rd year.

The US higher education system is characterized by even greater freedom compared to schools. Most universities do not admit students to a specific faculty, but simply to the university. However, applicants most often choose the university that is strongest in the field they plan to study. For example, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is famous for its developments in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence, but if plans have changed, you can study history, theater, and literature there. This is due to the fact that during the first two years the student can take almost any course offered within the educational institution. The only requirement is a sufficient number of earned “credits” ( credits), which the student receives for successfully mastered disciplines. In the 3rd year you need to decide on your specialization and choose major- main area of ​​professional interests. It is on this basis that the diploma will be obtained. However, due to the fact that the student is free to formulate his own curriculum, in the USA it is possible to obtain the rarest specialties at the intersection of various professions.

Democracy in the formation of the curriculum, however, presupposes a fairly disciplined attitude to learning: this includes attending classes and completing all tests and research papers on time. The latter is given special attention in the US higher education system: in addition to the lectures and seminars familiar to Russians, students at American universities have to spend a lot of time on research or projects. Often they are carried out not individually, but by a group of students: in the USA they are confident that training can be built not only according to the “teacher to student” scheme, but also “from student to student”. Also, such work develops the ability to work in a team, which is highly valued not only in the educational environment, but also subsequently by employers.

Finally, not the least factor that has made the American higher education system so revered throughout the world is financial and material support. It allows not only to maintain excellent equipment at universities, but also to maintain a staff of truly strong teachers, who often come to the United States from other countries.

All together - strong academic preparation, the ability to choose disciplines based on one’s own professional plans, the focus of education on real sectors of the economy - allows the higher education system in the United States to remain the strongest in the world.

The education system in America is heterogeneous. Primary and secondary public schools The US does not always inspire confidence. They offer a set of basic subjects that a gifted student will most likely find insufficient. Parents making promises to their children successful career, prefer to send them to private schools. However, American universities and colleges, both private and public, top the world rankings year after year. They combine democracy educational process and a high level of education, so a motivated student can be sure that he will get exactly what he needs from his studies.