Nightgown options for the project. Nightgown

School life begins with a holiday - bouquets of flowers, music, touching congratulations. However, after the holiday comes a very difficult stage for every first-grader: the child gets used to the new school life. The guys who went to kindergarten, on average, this habituation takes about two to three months. For children at home, the adaptation period can last six months to a year. All this time, parents need to be especially attentive to the child and try not to make some very common mistakes.

Turn off the TV

Even if in kindergarten a child is accustomed to a more or less stable daily routine, over the summer this routine manages to completely loosen. And in one day it will be quite difficult for a first grader to adjust to the strict school daily routine. To avoid such problems, try to establish a clear daily routine, similar to the school one, in mid-August. In this case children's body will be able to enter the new rhythm quite painlessly. At the same time, in the last weeks of summer, you need to give your child the opportunity to have a good rest; soon he will face serious stress.

When your child starts school, do not rush to immediately enroll him in all existing clubs. This may lead to increased fatigue and, as a result, to irritability and health problems. And try to avoid extensions, at least during the first half of the year. During the period of adaptation of first-graders to school, staying in an extended day group becomes additional factor physical and emotional overload.

At home, parents need to ensure that their child spends as little time as possible watching TV. “Even a TV running in the background is harmful (and this happens in many families). In this case, an additional load on the visual, auditory analyzers, and the child ultimately cannot fully rest,” said child psychiatrist Olga Potapenkova.

We follow our emotions

The closer September 1st is, the more worried the parents of the future first-grader are. But in this situation it is very important for them to learn to control their emotions and fears. “A child should go to school with joy, and only parents can set this attitude. In practice, it often turns out that adults worry much more than the child himself, and as a result this excitement is passed on to him, he also begins to get nervous,” explained O. Potapenkova. Under no circumstances should you create a stir at the beginning of school, much less panic, cry, or constantly talk about how difficult it is to study at school now - the child may develop fear of school and fear of failure. And one more important point. In our education system, children in the first grade are not graded, and from the point of view of psychologists, this is very correct. At this time, the child just needs to get used to school and understand that he is a student. And it is very important that parents also adhere to this tactic. Of course, you must listen carefully to everything the child says about school, question him, but in no case should you evaluate his actions. Moreover, compare the child with other children, focusing on the fact that they do something better. Such parallels can only disabuse a child of his own abilities.

We don’t force you to rewrite

Be sure to give children the opportunity to relax after school. And not half an hour or an hour, as many mothers do, but at least two hours. A child, like us, needs silence and rest after a working day. Remember that throughout the year there are critical periods When learning is more difficult, fatigue sets in faster and performance is reduced. These are the first 4-6 weeks for first graders, the end of the second quarter, the first week after winter break, the middle of the third quarter.

Often both parents and teachers tend to blame children for laziness. But what an adult does automatically is a huge mental effort for a child. So don’t rush to scold your first-grader; there are very few truly lazy children. According to latest research physiologists, a child just starting to learn to write can do this continuously for no more than three minutes. And then he gets tired, his hand begins to tremble. Therefore, it makes no sense to force children to copy continuously. This will not make the child write better, but instead he will begin to hate writing.

"Occupational diseases" of students

The following ailments lead the list of “occupational” diseases of our schoolchildren:

1. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system - from poor posture to scoliosis.

Prevention methods: selection of rational furniture that matches the child’s growth; developing a comfortable posture when writing and reading; sports, hardening procedures; complete nutrition.

2. Ophthalmic diseases, in particular, myopia - from grades 1 to 4, many children have a significant decrease in visual acuity.

Prevention methods: good lighting of the child’s workplace; the distance between the eyes and the working surface should be at least 30–35 cm, and the distance to the TV should be 5 times greater than the diagonal of the screen; The duration of continuous TV viewing should not exceed 20–40 minutes.

3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Prevention methods: mandatory homemade breakfast before leaving for school; fractional meals (5–6 times a day); complete diet, the obligatory presence of meat or vegetable broths.

How to choose stationery for a schoolchild

As you know, school supplies can harm a child’s health. How to avoid this?

Handles. Please note that children's hands are still weak. Therefore, the handle should not be too heavy or thick. After all, then the child may develop incorrect handwriting. Experts advise choosing a plastic handle with a rubber rim, which will make your fingers less slippery. When purchasing, it is best to let the future student hold this stationery and decide whether it is convenient.

Rulers. They should be opaque, with clearly marked divisions. A transparent ruler will create additional strain on the eyes and will also distract the child from solving the problem itself, since it will require additional effort to concentrate.

Notebooks. Remove from yellowish “newsprint” paper. Firstly, letters written on one side of the sheet will show through on the other. Secondly, a child’s inept hand can simply tear the paper under strong pressure. But too bright, snow-white paper will have a bad effect on the eyes, literally blinding. Therefore, choose notebooks with high-quality matte sheets.

Backpack. The weight of the backpack itself should not be more than 500–900 g. The total weight of the contents of the briefcase should not exceed 2 kg.

It is better to choose a backpack with an orthopedic back - with soft “pads” made of “breathable” materials. The straps should be no narrower than 4–8 cm, and the bottom should be rigid and hold its shape. And it would be good to choose a firmer backpack itself so that the contents do not wrinkle and there is less strain on your back, since the weight will be distributed more evenly.

We focus on the smell. Eat general rule, which experts recommend following when purchasing any goods for a child, including stationery and a backpack. Try smelling them yourself and let your child do the same. If you felt any bad smell or excessive “aroma” of chemicals, it is better to refuse such a product.

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Happy new beginning academic year those who live near kindergartens often watch the thriller “Mom, I don’t want to go to kindergarten!” in the morning. Mostly, hysterics are thrown by “recruits” - kids 2-3 years old who have just begun their acquaintance with kindergarten life. Our experts know how to make their debut easier: Snezhana Poplavskaya, child psychologist-psychotherapist, candidate of philosophical sciences, director of the Golden Child Democratic Republic of Kazakhstan, and Alena Popova, consultant for mothers on time management, household organization and education according to the Montessori system.

Five common mistakes parents make

1. Negative projection

The first important building block in the foundation of a good relationship between a child and a kindergarten is the parents’ confidence that this step is very necessary.

“If they make this decision under pressure from loved ones, but they themselves doubt its necessity, the child will feel it,” says Snezhana Poplavskaya.

The same thing happens when parents experience fears related to their childhood or the experiences of their older child. The baby, feeling them, will project them onto himself and react negatively to the kindergarten. Especially if he also hears negative reviews about the teacher. In this case, he will have a question: if he is bad, why does my mother take me to him? On the contrary, it is important to demonstrate your good attitude to the teacher.

“Greet his hand. And then let him extend his hand to the child,” advises Alena Popova.

2. Sharp dive

Some parents neglect the adaptation period and immediately send their child to kindergarten full time. The result can be hysterics just at its mention. Start with short hikes - 1-2 hours, gradually increasing the time. The period of adaptation for each child to kindergarten is individual.

3. Rose-colored glasses

Parents often lure their children into the garden with stories that it is full of fun and entertainment. But this is far from the truth. “And when a child understands this, he can feel offended and even project the problem onto himself: if my mother said that the garden is a holiday, but I feel bad here, it means that there is something wrong with me,” explains Snezhana Poplavskaya. Talk to your child honestly, describe his daily routine in detail. Find out the class schedule in advance and tell him the night before what he will do in the garden.

4. No comments

The fact that children do not know how to use a clock is not a reason not to explain to them when you come to pick them up from kindergarten. In this case, the child will spend the whole day in a state of fear: “Will they even take me away?” “When leaving in the garden in the morning, tell your baby at what stage of the daily routine you will come for him. And under no circumstances be late,” recommends Alena Popova.

5. Getting up late

By taking pity on the child and giving him the opportunity to sleep longer in the morning, we are helping him disservice. “Our kindergarten is located next to the house. Therefore, having woken up my daughter at 8:00, I managed to get her ready and bring her on time, by 8:30,” says Elena Litvinenko from Kiev. “But I did not take into account that it would be difficult for her to fall asleep at 12: 30 and that's what it became main problem: my daughter cried and said that she didn’t want to go to the garden because of her nap. Getting up at 6:30 solved the problem: to quiet time My daughter got tired and fell asleep calmly.”

How to make it easier to separate from your mother

Many children cry a lot when their mother leaves. A huge mistake is to run away when the child is somehow distracted. This undermines his trust in you and creates anxiety that his mother could disappear at any moment without explanation. Therefore, it is important, even during a waterfall of tears, to tell your baby where you are going and when you will come for him: “after soup”, “after a walk”, etc.

The following life hacks will hopefully help reduce the intensity of passions during morning partings in the garden.

1. If a child has a very strong emotional contact with his mother, it is better for his father or grandparents to take him to the kindergarten, and for his mother to pick him up.

2. Talk to the teachers and introduce some kind of ritual - before and after kindergarten. “We agreed that my daughter would wave at me through the window,” says Kiev resident Yulia Samoilova. “So, by the time she gets from door to window, there’s no more hysterics. And after kindergarten we go buy her favorite nuts.”

3. Agree with the teacher privately to take you and your child for a couple of walks and pay for the time spent. Ideally, invite him to your home at all - so that the baby understands that this is “his” adult.

4. Children cry because they are afraid that their mother will not pick them up from the kindergarten. Therefore, try this move: for a couple of days during adaptation, take the child only for a second walk - so that he sees that absolutely all the children are coming for their parents and no one stays overnight in the garden. For the same purpose - so that the child does not worry that you will not return - leave an important thing in the locker (not expensive, but important, and the child knows about this importance).

5. Buy a “friend for kindergarten”. “My daughter was two years and two months old when she started kindergarten. The first day she lay on the floor for 15 minutes in hysterics. Then a psychologist friend advised me to buy a “friend.” We went to the store with the idea that we were buying a friend who really wanted to kindergarten - to make friends with the children, learn a lot of new games, etc., - says Irina Svetlova. - My daughter chose a strange little animal, which she named Tosha. We spent the whole evening telling him that tomorrow he would go to kindergarten and Anechka would introduce him to him. teacher, with all the children and showed a lot of new toys. In the morning she woke up, grabbed Tosha and dragged him into the garden. Silently she went into the group - and there was not a single tear."

6. Tie a “string of love” on your child’s wrist as a reminder that you love him very, very much. You can also draw the same one on your hand and your child’s hand. small drawing(cat, sunshine - whatever) and say that if you suddenly feel sad, let him look at the drawing, and you will look at yours.

SOS signals

When a child who can speak well is sent to kindergarten, this makes it possible to quickly identify and resolve any problems. But what if the baby does not speak yet or does not express his thoughts clearly enough? Here is a list of alarm bells by which you can determine that something has gone wrong in the child’s relationship with the kindergarten:

1. Aggression towards relatives, sudden tears and hysterics (unnatural in times of frustration);
sleep disorders: nightmares, frequent disturbing awakenings, periodic enuresis (uncontrollable urination at night);
2. Auto-aggression (pinching, biting, scratching oneself);
3. Persistent illnesses - they can be psychosomatic manifestation stress, a consequence of the fear experienced, which the baby could not cope with;
regression (the child begins to suck his finger and chew toys).
4. Observe how he plays at home, what he draws, what situations he reproduces with toys. Often in such games perceived aggression is manifested or phrases brought from the garden are heard. This may be a signal to discuss the situation with teachers or even change preschool.

Difficulties of school growth

Children adjust to school in different ways. The most difficult are the first 2-3 weeks, but for some adaptation period will last for a month or two. During this period, first-graders are twice as likely to suffer viral diseases than high school students. Most first-timers lose weight by the end of the first quarter; some may experience slower growth and development. Due to overwork in one of the children blood pressure increases, and for some - decreases (but, of course, everything is within normal limits). Don't be surprised if a first-grader starts complaining frequently about headache, fatigue, bad dream, loss of appetite and other ailments - all this happens to first-graders quite often due to stress nervous system, other systems and organs, but passes over time. Studying is, in fact, the first conscious work activity which requires attention, diligence, perseverance, and the ability to complete the work started from the child.

Prepare your child in the summer...

It is necessary to strengthen the health and endurance of children in advance, preferably at least a year before entering school, but even now, in the spring, it is not too late to start. Moreover, the summer that is yet to come - great time for hardening and gymnastics in the fresh air.

To help your child cope with increased mental and physical activity who are waiting for him at school, and, if possible, to facilitate his adaptation, parents of future first-graders need to remember three important points:

The child’s daily routine should be as close as possible to the school routine.

A feature of modern children is fatigue. Therefore, the child must now necessarily follow the same daily routine that he will have when he goes to school. If your son or daughter attends kindergarten, then it will be easier. If the child is at home, then you will have to gradually accustom him to school routine day.

Balanced diet: be sure to have a hot breakfast, fruits, vegetables throughout the day. In a state of stress (and the first months of school will be real stress for yesterday’s kindergartener), the body is more susceptible to infection, so proper nutrition will reduce the risk of getting sick.

Strengthening the immune system. If the parents of a future first-grader have concerns that the child will get sick often, it is better to consult in advance with a local pediatrician or an allergist-immunologist, who will help with qualified medical advice, and, if necessary, recommend medications that strengthen the child’s health. immune system. If a child has any serious chronic disease, then he should start taking anti-relapse medications before he sits down at his desk. All drugs to improve child health with chronic disease It is necessary to start taking it from the first day of school, doctors recommend.


Future schoolchildren must undergo medical examination.

  • An ENT doctor can identify adenoid growths (it is better to remove them), chronic tonsillitis(it will be necessary to carry out thorough treatment), hearing loss (to establish the cause and eliminate it). If hearing is not fully restored, the teacher should be notified about this so that the child can be seated closer.
  • The optometrist will check your visual acuity. If it turns out that your child needs glasses, they should be purchased in advance so that he has time to get used to them before starting school.
  • The dentist will remove and treat diseased teeth that are the source of chronic infection.
  • A neurologist will detect increased nervousness of the child, impaired pronunciation of words, and stuttering.
  • Speech defects, if not corrected in time, subsequently negatively affect the student’s contacts with the teacher and classmates; he may develop complexes, which often leads to the child becoming withdrawn and sometimes preventing him from studying well. Speech defects will have to be corrected together with a speech therapist.
  • The orthopedist will pay attention to initial forms deviations in the development of the musculoskeletal system (curvature of the spine, flat feet, poor posture). They can be corrected using physical therapy, massage and physiotherapy. Without systematic treatment and special exercises It is impossible to eliminate disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

It is very important to pay attention to the prevention of flat feet. To do this, you need spacious shoes that provide freedom of movement of the toes, solid heels that fix back feet, elastic non-hard soles that do not interfere with the flexion of the foot when walking, a ban on the daily wearing of sneakers, Czech shoes (these shoes are intended only for physical education classes). It is useful for children to walk barefoot on uneven surfaces, on grass, sand or small stones, roll a ball with their feet, and pick up pencils scattered on the floor with their toes.

Take all doctor's prescriptions and recommendations very seriously. The health of the first-grader, his performance and, ultimately, academic success will depend on their careful and complete implementation.

Daily routine of a future first-grader

  • 7.00 Wake up, morning exercises, water procedures, preparing for breakfast.
  • 8.00 Breakfast.
  • 9.00 Classes to prepare for school. It is advisable to conduct two classes of 25-30 minutes with a break between them of half an hour.

If a child has weak trunk muscles with signs of stooping, sitting at the desk must be frequently interrupted and straightening the body with stretching and tense arching of the back while sitting 4-6 times. Rest lying on your stomach is beneficial.

  • 10.30 Walk, outdoor games.
  • 12.30 Lunch.
  • 13.30 Daytime nap
  • 15.00 Free time, games, then afternoon tea
  • 17.00 Walk
  • 18.30 Dinner
  • 19.30 Free time, games
  • 20.30 Getting ready for bed
  • 21.00 Sleep

The rise can be arranged half an hour later - at 7.30. The times for all other activities will change accordingly. Keeping a daily routine will help your child become more organized and help develop a sense of time.

Entering kindergarten is a very drastic life change. And, of course, thoughtful parents prepare for this in advance.

How to help your child get used to kindergarten.

Perhaps the advice of a psychologist will make it easier for parents and children to get used to kindergarten.

· Although the kindergarten now accepts children and more younger age, the most favorable age is between 3 and 5 years.

· Prepare your child in advance for the idea of ​​kindergarten and the need to attend it. And the first thing to do, about a month before he starts going there, is to be close to him less than usual. Second, tell him in detail about the kindergarten, take him there so that he finds out what it is, and he gets the feeling. own performance about him. Tell your child that you are very proud of him - after all, he is already so big that he can go to kindergarten on his own. But don’t make a problem out of this event, don’t talk every day about the upcoming change in his life.

· Prepare your child to communicate with other children and adults: visit children's parks and playgrounds with him, teach him to play in sandboxes and on swings. Go with him on holidays, to friends’ birthdays, watch how he behaves: he is shy, secluded, conflicts, fights, or easily finds common language, is in contact with peers, eager to communicate, relaxed.

· When you select a kindergarten, the most important thing is not its appearance, the amenities and beauty of the interior, and in the teachers and children. Come to kindergarten and observe the children: are they happy, do they like it there. A good kindergarten is a very noisy place. If within half an hour you do not hear noise and commotion, as well as bursts of laughter, look for another kindergarten for your child.

· Meet the group teacher in advance, tell about individual characteristics your child, what he likes, what he doesn’t, what his skills are, what help he needs, determine what methods of reward and punishment are acceptable for your child.

· Help your child enter kindergarten easily from the very beginning. After all, for the first time in his life he is parting with home, with you, moving away from you, albeit only for a few hours. In the first days of visiting kindergarten, do not leave your child alone right away; it is best for him to let you go. And when parting, do not forget to assure that you will certainly return for him.

· When you leave, part with your child easily and quickly. Of course, you are worried about how your child will be in kindergarten, but long goodbyes with a worried expression on your face will cause anxiety in your child that something might happen to him here, and he will not let you go for a long time.

· If a child has difficulty separating from his mother, then it is advisable to let his father take him to kindergarten for the first few weeks.

· Give your child his favorite toy in kindergarten, try to persuade him to spend the night in kindergarten and meet him again in the morning. If the child does not agree to this, let the toy go with him every day and meet others there, ask what happened to the toy in kindergarten, who was friends with it, who offended it, if it was sad. This way, you will learn a lot about how your baby manages to get used to kindergarten.

· Some children get very tired in the first days of kindergarten from new impressions, new friends, new activity, large quantity people. If a child comes home exhausted and nervous, this does not mean that he is unable to get used to kindergarten. It may be necessary to pick up such a child from kindergarten earlier or leave him at home 1-2 times a week.

· Play with your child with homemade toys in kindergarten, where some of them will be the child himself. Observe what this toy does, what it says, help you and your child find friends for it and solve your child’s problems through it, focusing the game on positive results.

· It happens that a child does not accept the teacher: “I won’t go to her, she screams, she’s angry,” etc. If this repeats every day, then all that remains is to sympathize and try to transfer the child to another group. Don't let him suffer and communicate with unpleasant people. The “second mother” for your child should be similar to you in her educational methods, and have the ability to take into account and understand the uniqueness and individuality of each child.

· Do not rush when choosing a kindergarten for your child, but be observant and prudent. It’s bad if you have to change kindergartens too often. It is better if the child attends the same kindergarten all the time. Changing it once is not a big deal, but six or seven times is already harmful.

· Do not send your child to kindergarten just because you have another child, even if it will make your life easier. Your eldest son or daughter will already feel that an invited guest has appeared in the house, and he will certainly interpret your decision as his expulsion, concluding that you prefer the newborn to him. Therefore, if you, while expecting a child, decide to send your eldest to kindergarten, do it in advance, before the baby arrives.

· The most important purpose of kindergarten is to give the child the opportunity to communicate and play with peers. And no matter how good the kindergarten is, do not make an irreparable mistake - do not consider that it replaces your Mew.