How to sleep on your side when pregnant. Which side to sleep on during pregnancy: tips and tricks

In order for a pregnant woman to fully rest and regain her strength, she must sleep at least 8 hours a day. And for a toddler developing in the womb, not only the duration of his mother’s sleep is important, but also the position in which she is located. How to sleep during pregnancy so as not to harm the baby?

Can a pregnant woman sleep on her back?

In the first half of pregnancy, there are no restrictions, even if this is the favorite position in which the expectant mother spends most of the night. But approximately after 22 weeks you should try not to lie like that. Between the uterus and the spinal column passes the inferior vena cava, the largest vessel through which blood from the torso and legs returns to the heart. If a grown fetus, amniotic fluid and a heavy uterus squeeze this vessel, a condition called inferior vena cava syndrome . This is a very dangerous situation in which the volume of circulating blood drops sharply, as in acute massive blood loss. The longer a pregnant woman is in a supine position, the more severe the symptoms: dizziness, weakness, feeling of lack of air, loss of consciousness, drop in blood pressure up to a state of hypovolemic shock. And the fetus in the uterus at the same time experiences increasing oxygen deficiency, its condition also progressively worsens. If during wakefulness a woman can quickly react to the ailment that has arisen and change her body position in time (for example, during an ultrasound), then during sleep the protective mechanisms work slowly. As a result, both the baby and his mother can be seriously injured.

If a multiple pregnancy is diagnosed, or there is polyhydramnios, it is better to stop sleeping on your back at the beginning of the second trimester. It is also useful to follow this recommendation when the fetal head is low and there is a threat of miscarriage.

Can a pregnant woman sleep on her stomach?

On purpose, on the advice of friends or “healers,” you definitely don’t need to lie on your stomach. But if this is your favorite sleeping position, then you can treat yourself. But only up to 12 weeks, while the uterus is deep in the pelvis and protected by the bones of the womb. Later, the pressure of the mother's body on her pregnant belly is undesirable, and after 20 weeks - and dangerous for her baby. In this position, the inferior vena cava is compressed less, but at the same time the vessels of the placenta are compressed. That is, the fetus suffers much more than if the woman was lying on her back.

Already in the first weeks of pregnancy, especially in first-time mothers, many have to give up sleeping on their stomachs due to the sharply increased sensitivity of the swollen mammary glands. If this does not happen, then from 20 weeks, after accidentally turning onto her stomach, the mother will be awakened by the persistent pushes of her child. Well, after 28 weeks, the question “is it possible to sleep on your stomach during pregnancy” is no longer relevant: lying face down on a huge ball is uncomfortable!

How to sleep properly during pregnancy

In all stages of pregnancy, the most physiological position is considered to be one in which the woman lies on her left side, curled up comfortably. So warm and calm for both mother and her baby. The position on the right side is also encouraged by obstetricians. It is believed that in this case the uterus is most relaxed and well supplied with blood.

As the gestational age increases, a woman becomes more and more erect during sleep. This is explained not only by the increase in the size of the uterus, but also by the increasing curvature of the spinal column in the lumbar region. It becomes more and more difficult to bend forward, and from constantly lying strictly on your side your hips begin to hurt. What should I do?

1. You are allowed to lie not only strictly on your side, but also lean back a little. To do this, you need to put a thick blanket from behind.

2. Spread your legs slightly bent at the knees, placing a small sofa cushion between them.

3. Place a soft mattress or thick blanket on the mattress.

To make sleeping on your side during pregnancy even more comfortable, you can place your leg or arm on your husband lying next to you. The future daddy must feel the hardships of bearing an heir. Good night and sweet dreams!

During pregnancy, sleep patterns, its duration, and even the position in which the woman rests change. Now she needs not only to lie down so that she can get enough sleep and recover as much as possible herself. Be sure to take a position that does not harm the fetus. Let's try to figure it out: which side is better to sleep on during pregnancy? Let's also find out what happens if a woman rests on her back. Let's learn about the consequences of sleeping on the stomach for mother and baby. We will also answer the question: is it possible for pregnant women to sleep on their right side?

The first three months of expecting a baby mean rapid fatigue and an irresistible craving for rest. The reason for this condition is the actively produced hormone progesterone. If possible, the parent should relax as much as her body requires. For the first 12 weeks, you can go to bed as you please. For the health and development of the baby, this aspect of the mother’s time is not yet critical.

Advice! If there is severe toxicosis, it is better to choose rest on your side. When you lie on your back or stomach, you feel even more nauseous.

I want to rest less in the next trimester. During these months, estrogen is more actively produced - a hormone that adds strength and vitality. But the growing belly does not allow you to take the usual comfortable positions for sleep.

In the last trimester, a woman’s discomfort is added to by unpleasant pregnancy companions:

Often these symptoms occur in those who like to lie on the right side. And even more often on vacationers’ backs. The fetus moves and compresses the internal organs. It is better for a pregnant woman to make a choice in favor of being in the right position. This way she minimizes the risk of harming herself and the baby.

Side sleeping position for pregnant women: which side to choose

Once you have learned about the “interesting position,” it is important to understand which side is better to sleep on. Doctors advise pregnant women to gradually get used to lying this way. If you like to lie on your back, hurry up and change lanes.

While the belly has not grown large, the girl is still allowed to bask on the back. But as its size increases, move to the side. If possible, to the left. This is preferable for several reasons:

  1. No pressure on the liver. A pregnant woman wakes up without lower back pain or heartburn.
  2. Thanks to normal blood circulation, elements important for development reach the fetus in time.

Important to know! There is no absolute prohibition against dozing on the right side. Especially in the early stages. But with the onset of the third trimester, obstetricians and gynecologists advise switching to “left-sided” rest.

Why do gynecologists believe that pregnant women should not sleep on their right side? There are several reasons for this:

  1. With the onset of the last term, the uterus begins to put pressure on the woman’s internal organs. In this position - on the gallbladder and liver. Hence - constipation, heartburn, bloating.
  2. The inferior genital vein is compressed. Blood circulation is impaired.
  3. Due to pressure on the placenta, oxygen supply deteriorates. As a result, the fetus may experience hypoxia and delayed physical development.
  4. Possibility of developmental delay after birth. The reason is disruption of the formation of connections in parts of the brain due to chronic hypoxia.

Advice! Sleeping on the right side, however, is recommended for pregnant women who have a history of pathologies of the urinary system. Some cardiologists believe that in order to avoid heart problems, it is advisable to choose the right side for rest.

Prohibited positions

Lying on the right side is just not recommended. But there are positions in which lying is prohibited. It is clear that turning over on your stomach at this stage of life is not only uncomfortable, but also unsafe. But not everyone knows that by choosing a resting position on her back, a girl risks the baby’s health. There is even an old folk superstition - you cannot sleep on your back while you are expecting a baby, otherwise the baby will be stillborn. It is not unfounded. You need to forget about such positions already from the beginning of the second trimester. Sometimes girls give up these positions only after learning that they are pregnant. Let's see why it is important to adhere to this rule.

Consequences of sleeping on your stomach during pregnancy

Consequences of sleeping on your back during pregnancy

Many pregnant women note that the child himself tries to make the mother understand that he is experiencing discomfort. Movements, active kicking with legs. These are signs that the baby is experiencing a lack of oxygen. Then the mother urgently needs to change her position. Ideally, turn to the left.

Side resting during pregnancy: features

To choose the right sleeping position, it is important to find out how the unborn baby is positioned in the womb. For example, a transverse presentation of the fetus has been established. Then sleep on the side where his head is. If you are breech, change your position a couple of times a night. Just roll over from one side to the other. This is also the right way to rest for women expecting twins.

Right side

Is it more comfortable on the right side? Try to take this position: straighten your right leg and bend your left. If the fetus's head in a transverse presentation is turned in this direction, this position will help him take the correct position in the uterus.

Left side

When settling on your left side, try to bend your right leg, propping it up with a pillow. Straighten your left leg as comfortable as possible.

Which side to choose for sleeping during pregnancy: expert opinion

Doctors are still inclined to believe that it is more beneficial for a woman expecting a child to sleep on her left side. This is better for her and the baby for the following reasons:

But the main thing is to listen to your feelings. If it is easier for a woman to fall asleep lying on her right side, she can rest in this position until a negative reaction from the body occurs. Dizziness, flatulence, shortness of breath, heartburn - all these are signs that the position urgently needs to be changed.

Poor rest at the end of term and ways to improve it

Despite all the measures taken, late rest still causes discomfort to the woman. A pillow or folded blanket placed between your knees will help you sleep and at least relax a little. And the best thing is to buy an accessory designed specifically for pregnant girls.

Now there are many types of such products. For example, a pillow shaped like a horseshoe. It's U-shaped. Allows you to safely rotate from side to side. When using this model, place your head on its base. You can put your tummy on the product in the shape of the letter G, and at the same time squeeze part of it between your knees. Thanks to such soft assistants, the risk of rolling over into a dangerous position is reduced.

What else will help improve your rest at a later date? For example, ask someone close to you to give you a light massage. But don't touch your stomach! Pleasant strokes help you relax. If that doesn't work, you can try drinking special herbal tea or magnesium. But regarding the latest remedies, you must always consult your doctor. It’s also good to go out into the fresh air and take a short walk before going to bed.


In the first trimester, it is not scary if the girl sleeps in a position in which she is comfortable. But if she is used to resting on her stomach or back, it is better to hurry up and accustom herself to the new position. Both positions are extremely dangerous for the child. Already from the second trimester, learn to sleep on your left side. This is the most acceptable holiday option. An exception is if the parent has kidney pathologies, or the fetus is placed with its head to the right.

But the main thing is to look for the most comfortable position. There is no need to try to freeze in one position all night. And, of course, it is important to listen to the reaction of the child himself.

Pregnancy affects not only the body of the expectant mother, but also her habits, character, and lifestyle. Women have a hard time with sleep disturbances caused by a rounded tummy. Whether you are sleeping or watching TV, you always need to choose a comfortable position, which must also be safe for the baby.

Mothers should ask what sleeping positions are acceptable during each trimester, the risks of falling asleep on the back or stomach, and what devices should be used to facilitate the process.

Choosing a pose according to the trimester

Every woman should know how much time and how to sleep during pregnancy. Scientists have found that more than 85% of expectant mothers suffer from insomnia and sleep disorders, they often have nightmares or sleep does not reach the deep phase. This process is complicated by the fact that pregnant women often suffer from drowsiness, especially in the first trimester. In recent months, the woman on the other hand has been sleeping much less. All these features should be taken into account when choosing a favorable position for rest. Normally, a girl is given 10 hours a day to sleep at night, then the body will fully rest and fight unpleasant symptoms such as toxicosis and bloating more successfully.

We also ask you to take part in the questionnaire: Did you have problems sleeping during pregnancy?

Comfortable sleeping positions will vary depending on the period.

First trimester

Drowsiness increases significantly, to the point that the woman wants to sleep at any time of the day. This is due to changes in the body, weakened immunity and hormonal imbalances.

During this period, women begin to wonder whether pregnant women can sleep on the right side, left, back, stomach, and what positions are undesirable to take. Since during the first 1-2 months a girl may not even know about pregnancy, the opportunity to sleep out of habit remains and this in no way harms the development of the child. That is, in the first trimester you can sleep in any comfortable position, but gradually accustom yourself to lay down and fall asleep on your left side. Also, due to toxicosis, many women wake up in the middle of the night or in the morning. To reduce the symptom, lie on either side in a slightly elevated position (high pillow). Remember that nausea increases in a strictly horizontal position, as well as when lying on your stomach or back.

Second trimester

The girl notices the rounding of her tummy, the first discomfort appears during sleep, especially when trying to turn over on her stomach. Monitor the process, because resting on the stomach disrupts blood circulation to the area, which can cause the baby to experience a deficiency of oxygen and nutrients. With a relatively small stomach, you are allowed to fall asleep on your back or right side. Prepare for insomnia and possible seizures.

Third trimester

After 6 months, finding a comfortable sleeping position will be quite difficult. The baby begins to move and even push, since his sleep pattern does not coincide with yours. There is also increased swelling of the body and limbs, which leads to heaviness and cramps in the legs. Before going to bed, it is recommended to massage the area of ​​stiff muscles and stretch them well. Many mothers are interested in how to sleep better during pregnancy in the third trimester. First, find a comfortable pillow or purchase a pregnancy-specific pillow to place under or between your knees. This position allows you to reduce the load on the limbs, relieve pain and normalize sleep. We also carefully place the tummy on the pillow and fall asleep on its side (preferably on the left).

To successfully fall asleep, you can perform a simple exercise. Lie on your back, close your eyes, relax your shoulders. Gently pull your chin toward your chest and place your palms on your lower abs. Take a deep and slow breath, then exhale normally, using your palms to control the rhythm of your breathing. Then lie on your side, bend your knees and place the necessary pillows (under your head, between your legs and under your stomach). Continue to follow the chosen breathing rhythm, trying to relax your body as much as possible as you inhale and pull your chin towards your chest.

All women are interested in why pregnant women need to sleep on their left side. The fact is that only this position will protect you from pressure on the vena cava, the branches of which lie to the right of the uterus. They return blood from the lower extremities through the pelvis to the heart. Lying on your left side, bend your right leg at the knee and place a pillow under it. At the same time, it can also be placed on the right side, especially if the expectant mother has kidney problems, has undergone surgery or has recently had stones removed.

For convenience, it is recommended to take a long pillow or blanket and place it between (under) your knees. The greatest comfort will be brought to your rest by a pillow for pregnant women, made in exactly the shape that will help you take the safest and most comfortable position.

Why do pregnant women need to sleep on their left side, the main advantages?

So, the most comfortable positions for sleeping during pregnancy are already known. But why does everyone recommend the left side?

  • In this position, blood flows freely to the placenta, feeding the fetus with useful components and oxygen.
  • The functioning of the genitourinary system is normalized, thanks to which you are less likely to get up to go to the toilet at night.
  • Evening swelling of the limbs decreases, heaviness and stiffness in the muscles go away, and the number of cramps decreases.
  • Unfavorable pressure on the liver is eliminated, which is especially important for women who like to eat heavily before bed.
  • The back and pelvic area relaxes as much as possible, due to which daytime fatigue and soreness go away.
  • This position ensures favorable functioning of the heart muscle of the expectant mother.

In addition to information about how to sleep during pregnancy, expectant mothers should also take care of the issue of getting up. Doctors advise not to get out of bed immediately after waking up, especially abruptly and quickly. A woman should carefully turn on the side closest to the door, place her feet on the floor and sit down slowly. Gentle movements will help avoid uterine hypertonicity.

There are some features and pathologies of pregnancy, in which a comfortable and healthy sleeping position is selected individually together with a doctor.

  • Transverse presentation. If the fetal head is located on the right side, then the expectant mother should sleep on this side. This will allow the child to still take the correct head-down position in the future.
  • Pelvic position of the fetus. Here doctors recommend lying on your left side and performing a special exercise. The woman lies down on a hard and even mattress, removes the pillow from under her head and places it under her buttocks, folded in half (the pelvis should rise 25-30 cm above her head). The pregnant woman lies in this position for 5-10 minutes, after which she takes a comfortable position for sleeping. The exercise should be repeated 2 times a day, starting from 32 weeks. Duration of treatment is 14-20 days. After the child takes the required position, the woman is prescribed to wear a bandage.
  • Heartburn and respiratory system disorders. Many patients ask what position is best to sleep in during pregnancy if they suffer from high acidity, runny nose, shortness of breath and nausea. Gynecologists recommend lying on your side, raising your upper body. Special mattresses or high pillows are suitable for this.
  • Swelling, cramps, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis. During daytime and nighttime rest, place an orthopedic pillow under your legs and feet, which will help drain blood from the lower extremities.

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Consequences of sleeping on your stomach and back

For those patients who have slept on their stomachs all their lives, it will be most difficult for them to wean themselves from this position, which is dangerous for the child. In the first months (the uterus is located under the pubic bone), you can lie down in your usual position. But as your belly grows, you will have to gradually get out of the habit, since the pressure on the uterus and blood vessels in this area is extremely dangerous for the baby, even if you manage to sleep on your rounded belly.

Often, enlarged and painful mammary glands will force you to give up sleeping on your stomach much earlier. Moreover, they should be provided with normal conditions for development and filling, which is impossible when squeezing and squeezing with a mattress.

Many doctors and articles tell which side is better for pregnant women to sleep on, while completely ignoring the possibility of resting on their back. So is it possible or not to unconsciously take this position during pregnancy?

Of course, resting on your back is more pleasant and comfortable than on your stomach, however, unpleasant sensations and consequences are possible.

  • In a supine position, blood flows intensely to the pelvic area and lower extremities, so there is not enough oxygen reaching the lungs and brain. Possible lack of air, dizziness, fainting.
  • The voluminous uterus descends onto the bladder and intestines, which forces you to go to the toilet several times a night.
  • The enlarged uterus actively puts pressure on the vessels, which prevents normal blood circulation to other internal organs, as well as to the placenta, which can lead to fetal hypoxia. This can cause blood stagnation in the pelvic area and extremities, which can lead to increased manifestations of varicose veins and swelling of the legs.
  • Back pain (especially in the lumbar region) and bedsores appear. All day the woman feels broken and weak.
  • Doctors have documented that sleeping on your back increases the incidence of hemorrhoids in pregnancy.
  • The uterus compresses the main vena cava, which forces the heart to pump blood more intensely. This in turn leads to cardiac disorders (arrhythmia, rapid heartbeat, tachycardia), as well as increased blood pressure.

If you unknowingly lie on your back while sleeping, the baby will tell you about the lack of oxygen with strong kicks and movements in the uterus. This means that you should turn on your left side.

Doctors always take into account how comfortable it is for pregnant women to sleep, but still recommend giving up sleeping on your back, starting from the 25th to twenty-seventh week.

Choosing the right place to sleep and bedding

A pregnant woman should not only choose the right sleeping position, but the place where she will sleep also plays a big role in her health. To do this, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • It is advisable to sleep on a spacious bed, thanks to which the expectant mother will be able to take any positions she needs;
  • the mattress must have a flat surface and be non-rigid;
  • when choosing anatomical or orthopedic mattresses, you must buy models either without springs or with independent springs. With their help, you can evenly distribute body weight and relieve stress on the spine;
  • the mattress should be durable, ventilated and hypoallergenic.

How to choose a pillow for a comfortable sleep

Caring manufacturers have invented unique versions of pregnancy pillows that follow the contours of the body and take into account anatomy at different stages. On the one hand, such a pillow supports a rounded and heavy stomach, and on the other, it eliminates blood stagnation in the limbs. It also prevents changes in position during sleep, so the expectant mother can sleep peacefully without worrying about the baby’s health. Of course, sleeping on the accessory is not very comfortable at first, but over time you will adapt. Many mothers begin to get used to a soft friend at the beginning of the second trimester.

Unfortunately, the product has several disadvantages:

  • impressive size, thanks to which the pillow takes up additional space and can displace the sleeping husband;
  • specific fillers that retain body heat and do not absorb moisture (in summer it is hot and “wet” to relax with the product);
  • dry cleaning (most pillows do not fit in a washing machine and are prohibited from hand washing);
  • synthetic materials and fillers can become electrified;
  • Some fillers (for example, polystyrene balls) rustle unpleasantly during sleep.

When purchasing a product, expectant mothers are interested in how to properly sleep on a pillow while pregnant.

How to get good sleep during pregnancy?

While carrying a child, a woman often faces problems with poor sleep. In order to correct them, you should:

  • establish a sleep schedule (go to bed and wake up at the same time of day);
  • in the afternoon, give up activities that contribute to mental and physical fatigue (this could be serious negotiations, watching exciting films, etc.);
  • take regular walks in the fresh air;
  • do gymnastic exercises for pregnant women;
  • Avoid eating foods that stimulate the nervous system (spicy or fatty foods, coffee, energy drinks, tea);
  • take your last meal and drinks no later than an hour and a half before bedtime;
  • ventilate the room, keep it clean, maintain the necessary air humidity;
  • You can take sleeping pills only on the advice of a doctor;
  • to calm down, you can drink a glass of milk with honey or mint decoction, take a warm bath with aromatic oils;
  • if insomnia is caused by fear of future childbirth, then it would be best to attend a prenatal training course. Specialists in these courses will carefully consider all situations that provoke fear in a woman.

All expectant mothers should ask their doctor how to sleep properly during pregnancy, how to choose a pillow, and from what date these rules should be followed. Only compliance with the doctor’s instructions will help improve sleep, make it long and calm, without physical and psychological anxiety.

February 2016

Our pregnancy does not always go smoothly, and not all expectant mothers are lucky enough to spend all nine months at home or in active activities. During my pregnancy, I had to be kept in bed three times, observing bed rest. Many of the expectant mothers also visited the hospital during pregnancy, where they were assigned to strict bed rest, which could vary in duration and severity. The type of regime and the degree of its severity are usually determined by the pathologies that lead to its prescription, but in order to know exactly what is meant by the word “bed rest” and how to organize it correctly, let’s talk about it today.

What awaits a woman?

Usually, hospitalization in a maternity hospital is offered to those expectant mothers for whom the threat of miscarriage is quite real or during pregnancy significant complications develop that can affect the growth and development of the baby and can adversely affect his future health. If the state of health is relatively satisfactory, and deviations during pregnancy are not very pronounced, the doctor can give the woman sick leave and send her to home regime with plenty of rest, without overload with housework.

Many women are very afraid of the word “hospitalization”, believing that they will have to stay in the hospital for the remaining months before giving birth, without leaving home at all. But such situations happen very rarely, when it is necessary to constantly lie down until the end of the entire pregnancy in order to save the child. In the vast majority of cases, only temporary restriction of a woman’s movements and activity is necessary so that the threat of termination of pregnancy passes.

As a rule, those women who have already been in a hospital for conservation say that the main indications for admitting them to the hospital were: threat of miscarriage with high uterine tone and abdominal pain, bleeding or spotting from the genital tract , cervical insufficiency (isthmic-cervical insufficiency) or the threat of placental abruption, placenta previa. With such indications, you can spend quite a long time in the hospital, although the threat, if it has passed, allows the woman to lead a more free regime.

Often women talk about how the regime can vary significantly even in the concept of bedtime - “some women in the ward were allowed to get up and even walk for a short time, while others were not even allowed to get up to go to the toilet.” Of course, the prospect of spending the entire pregnancy in a hospital, bedridden, is not encouraging. But in fact, the regime during pregnancy during hospitalization may be different. There may not be many situations in which strict bed rest is prescribed, and such a regime is prescribed either for a few hours after various operations, or in case of threats of miscarriage, or spotting, or a threat of abruption (can be prescribed for several days or a couple of weeks). Then, as the threat decreases, doctors will allow you to sit up in bed and get up for a short time. Let's talk in more detail about the types of regimes and methods of observing them.

Options for bed rest.

The mode of activity restriction can also be quite different. There may be different mode options:
- strict adherence to bed rest, in which a woman can neither sit in bed nor get out of it;
- extended bed rest, in which you can sit several times a day for five to fifteen minutes;
- ward mode, which means being in bed half the time, and the other half can be semi-sitting or sitting, you can also move at a slow pace of no more than one hundred to two hundred meters per day;
- a free stay in the hospital is acceptable movement on stairs, walking up to one kilometer with periodic rest every two hundred meters;
- a gentle regimen, it can correspond to normal life, but with more frequent periods of rest - this is the most common regimen among pregnant women, even quite healthy ones. It also comes with a free training mode, which also implies average physical activity; it is acceptable for women who played sports before pregnancy and were physically trained.

It immediately becomes clear that a hospital does not always mean strict bed rest for the entire nine months, because as soon as the threat to health has passed, the regime expands and the woman will be allowed to move around and be quite active. This is understandable; long-term strict bed rest is not very useful and is fraught with health complications; they try to prescribe it after operations, after severe interventions, or in cases of really serious conditions in the fetus and the expectant mother. Bed rest, if very strict, leads to a lack of movement in the pregnant woman and a decrease in muscle tone, which leads to muscle atrophy, impaired joint mobility, leaching of calcium from the bones and the development of osteoporosis, and this is fraught with fractures. Therefore, doctors will not keep you motionless for a long time and will allow you to move as soon as possible without endangering the baby.

Techniques for proper lying.

Lying in bed during pregnancy is also a whole science. The entire first trimester up to 12-14 weeks, with a small size of the uterus and a low position of its fundus, any position of the woman in bed can be allowed. The uterus will not disrupt the blood circulation of other organs and will not put pressure on them. In the period from 14 to 28 weeks, when the uterus already occupies a sufficient part of the abdominal cavity, you can allow yourself to be positioned on your back, with the head end raised, or on your side (right or left).

From a pregnancy period of more than 28 weeks, when the uterus reaches its maximum size and occupies a significant part of the abdominal cavity, women should not lie on their backs - a large uterus puts pressure on the blood vessels and can cause inferior vena cava syndrome - a disruption of blood flow to the heart and brain. As a result of the development of this syndrome, blood flow in the uterus itself, kidneys and placenta also suffers, and the blood circulation of the fetus is disrupted. In addition, a decrease in blood pressure may occur, dizziness may develop, and even loss of consciousness. In such cases, you need to lie on your left side or on your right, alternating positions. This way you can normalize blood flow and ensure blood flow to the uterus and the baby receives nutrients and oxygen.

Doctors will recommend that pregnant women take a special position in bed if the baby’s position is incorrect. For example, if the fetus is in a transverse position in the uterus, in order to influence the change in its position, it is necessary to lie on its side, where the baby’s head is turned. If the presentation is breech, you need to toss and turn from side to side at least three to four times every ten minutes at least three times a day. If a woman is indicated for bed rest with limited movements, it is necessary to perform special gymnastics in bed to keep the muscles toned. In addition, you should consult your doctor about how long you should lie down.

Indications for prescribing bed rest.

There are many reasons that force a woman to sharply limit physical activity. They can be divided into two groups:
- reasons that are associated with difficulties during pregnancy itself;
- reasons associated with the exacerbation of general or chronic diseases of the woman herself, provoked by pregnancy.

And even then, not in all cases it is necessary to strictly stay in bed all the time; in many cases, you just need to rest more and be under the supervision of doctors, while you can either lie down or recline and sit in bed. If the fetal position is abnormal, doctors will put you in special positions and send you to special training.

Bed rest will be indicated if there is a threat of miscarriage, especially if there is bloody discharge from the uterine cavity. Any movements, walking, or housework change intra-abdominal pressure and can contribute to abruption. Over long periods of time, these same actions can provoke premature birth. When lying in bed, the muscles are relaxed and the fetus is not affected by contractions of neighboring organs and vibration from movements.

It is indicated to lie down during presentation and placental abruption. Then it is necessary to create complete rest so as not to provoke placental abruption - this will lead to the death of the child and bleeding, and quite possible death of the mother. You will also need bed rest in case of severe toxicosis and gestosis, in case of leakage of amniotic fluid and the threat of infection of the fetus, in case of pathology of the pubic symphysis.

In any case, doctors will monitor the woman’s condition and decide how long the woman will lie, whether it is already possible to decide on the issue of delivery, or what drugs should be used to treat her condition. But as the woman’s condition improves, the regimen will be expanded so that she does not linger, because without movement the fetus receives less oxygen and nutrition.

Expectant mothers should not only spend full time during the day, but also properly organize their sleep. A night's rest helps restore resources spent during the day, relax muscles and normalize the functioning of the nervous system. All this is important for the full development of the fetus. The article covers the issues of how to choose the correct sleeping position for pregnant women, which side is better to sleep on, and how to organize the most comfortable sleeping place.

How to choose a sleeping position?

Expectant mothers should know that body position during sleep affects a number of functions and conditions of the body. Postures influence:

  • relaxation of the spinal column and proper blood circulation;
  • blood supply to the brain;
  • hormone production;
  • strength of ligaments and joints;
  • supplying the body with oxygen and proper breathing;
  • proper functioning of muscle tissue;
  • cardiac activity and blood pressure;
  • full digestive activity.

Reference! It is important to understand that a woman’s morning well-being indicates how her sleep went. If she feels cheerfulness and a surge of strength, then the sleep was complete, but if the state is more like a “squeezed lemon,” then the body position was completely unsuccessful for maintaining and restoring strength.

Some women sleep quite comfortably on their backs, although this position is not the most suitable, as it leads to stagnation of some organs due to constant pressure on the epicenter of the spinal column. Experts do not recommend expectant mothers to sleep on their stomachs, especially in the later stages of their pregnancy. With such sleep, the spine is deformed and leads to constant lack of sleep and more serious consequences.

Doctors consider sleeping on your side to be the most suitable position. This body position helps you relax and fall asleep faster. In addition, this pose helps eliminate snoring and ease breathing, eliminate unpleasant symptoms such as belching and heartburn, and also prevent other digestive problems.

The only disadvantage of the lateral position during sleep is numbness in the fingers or even the entire hand, as sometimes pinched nerve endings and poor circulation occur. But this problem can be easily dealt with with the correct position of the hand due to a comfortable pillow and the organization of a comfortable place to sleep.

Which side to choose for sleeping during pregnancy:

- right side

In the early stages of pregnancy, young mothers can sleep quite comfortably and get enough sleep on their right side. In later trimesters, according to the physiological characteristics of the body, the left side is more suitable. Many women worry about the fact that the heart is located on the left and, supposedly, this is dangerous. But posture during sleep does not have any effect on cardiac activity. The beating of the heart and the flow of blood to it are in no way disrupted.

The right side is also comfortable due to the location of all vital organs away from it. On the left side there is the liver and bile ducts, which function freely and do not cause discomfort. The spine assumes a free and comfortable position, swelling does not form, pressure on the bladder does not occur, and blood circulation in neither the mother nor the child is impaired.

In addition, the right side allows the engorged breast to be positioned freely without squeezing it. The development of mastopathy and other breast diseases is excluded.

Attention! In order to unload the right shoulder, you need to try not to focus on it. To do this, the shoulder is pushed forward a little, preventing poor circulation in the muscles of the forearm and wrist. For a sore back, this pose is the most comfortable. For greater comfort, you can place a small soft pillow between your knees. This measure stabilizes the position of the spine and normalizes pressure from the hips and buttocks.

- left side

Many experts are inclined to believe that the best position for sleeping is on the left side. The left side affects the following processes in the body:

  • blood, oxygen and all nutrients flow freely to the placenta;
  • the pressure on the urinary canal decreases and the woman sleeps more peacefully and does not experience a premature urge to urinate;
  • The back muscles relax to the maximum and the spine takes the most comfortable position;
  • there is no excessive stress on the liver area;
  • swelling of the extremities is reduced, convulsions are almost completely eliminated.

The left side for sleeping should be used by women from the 27th week of pregnancy. It is during this period that the blood supply to the uterus is ensured most fully with the left-sided position of the body. The fetus in this sleep position develops as comfortably and fully as possible. All organs relax and work in full mode without the slightest glitch.

Important! If a transverse or pelvic presentation is diagnosed, you should fall asleep on the side where the baby’s head is located. This choice is due to the gradual transition of his body to a normal position before childbirth.

Why is baby's position important when choosing a sleeping position?

Pregnant women should be observed by a gynecologist throughout the pregnancy. The examinations he conducts help maintain the health of the mother and the unborn baby from the earliest stages of fetal development. It is the specialist who will be able to accurately select the appropriate sleeping position that will be comfortable for the mother and not cause discomfort to the child.

Determining your sleeping position on your own can sometimes be very difficult. This is due to the fact that the expectant mother’s sensations are dulled due to unusual new reactions of the body. It is sometimes simply impossible for a woman to determine in what position a child is comfortable. It is in this case that she needs a doctor’s advice.

How to organize a sleeping place?

The comfortable state of the woman and the health of the baby depend on the organization of the sleeping space and place to sleep. In order to sleep fully and get enough sleep, you need to follow simple recommendations for arranging a sleeping place:

  • Selecting a mattress. It should be quite tough, but also soft at the same time. The spine on such a mattress should take an even position.
  • Pillow. For a comfortable position of the head, it should be quite soft and small in size. It is best to choose a pillow with a synthetic filler to avoid allergic reactions from the body. She should not raise her head too much above the level of the bed, but only slightly support her neck without affecting the position of the spine.

For your information! For pregnant women, specialized pillows are produced that are U-shaped and about 150 cm long. These models are very comfortable for sleeping. In addition, they can be placed between the knees for the most suitable side-lying position. For such pillows, it is better to choose hypoallergenic fillings and cotton pillowcases.

  • Bed sheets. It is better to purchase cotton products that need to be washed at least once a week.
  • Blanket. The choice of covering material should be approached especially carefully. If the blanket is too thin, the woman will experience discomfort due to hypothermia. On the contrary, a blanket that is too warm contributes to an increase in body temperature and malfunction of many organs. It is best to choose breathable natural fillers that have a thermoregulation function. Such blankets are not cheap, but they are simply necessary for the health of the mother and unborn child.

The room should be completely dark during sleep. To do this, thick curtains or blinds are hung on the windows. The air in the sleeping area must be constantly updated. For these purposes, it is best to open the window to micro mode in the summer, and the door to the room in the winter.

To ensure good sleep, bedding must be clean and fresh. You should also regularly do a general cleaning of the room with a damp cloth, be sure to wipe the dust on the cabinets and keep the windows clean. You should not get carried away with aroma candles or other air fresheners; it is best to ensure a natural flow of air into the apartment.

Choosing a sleeping position is an exciting moment for any pregnant woman. She needs to know that the position on the back and stomach is the most suitable for the full development of the fetus. It is best to choose the left or right side for sleeping. You should also carefully approach the arrangement of your sleeping place.

Especially for- Elena Kichak