School daily routine. Student’s daily routine: how to create and follow

Daily routine for a student junior school very important, because now his life has changed dramatically.

To avoid excessive loads, stress and rapid fatigue of a small schoolchild, you need to correctly distribute his time and tasks for the day.

The regime disciplines the child, helps him get used to new living conditions, protecting him from irritability and overexcitability.

Basics of a child's daily routine

First of all, you need to remember about the peaks of working capacity, which occur precisely during school hours (8.00-11.00) and when to do homework(16.00-18.00). Between these peaks there is a decrease in performance, and in the evening there is an intense decline.

Therefore, the child must do his homework until 6:00 p.m. maximum. Distribute the walks for him so that the student can devote an hour of time (and he doesn’t need more) to do his homework when his working capacity is at its peak.

Elena Pikalenko, psychologist:“Try to teach your child to do his homework on his own as early as possible, because in a year or two it will be much more difficult to do. The student will understand that he will have to do this until the end of the 11th grade - and it will simply be impossible to force him to sit down for homework. At first, help him, tell him what to do, and gradually together create a plan that will make his daily task easier. If a child needs help, and it’s not just a whim or laziness, never refuse him, but point him in the right direction.”

Healthy sleep - the key to the health of any person, and even more so for a junior high school student. 10 hours is the required minimum for the child to rest properly after active day and gained strength for new achievements. We go to bed at 9 pm (we understand that this is unrealistic, but experts strongly recommend it) and wake up at 7 am. By the way, there is no need to let your child sleep longer and then rush to stuff him into it. Lack of time is the most severe stress for the body.

Walk after class. At least 40 minutes out of a 24-hour day should be devoted to fresh air. And this is only after school, so to speak, we work up an appetite. You need to walk with your little student for at least 3 hours a day. We had lunch, played, did homework - walked around the park, went to a circle, had dinner - unwinded for an hour and a half before going to bed (by the way, such a little trick will help the child fall asleep earlier and faster).

Lunch on schedule. Teach your fidget to eat at the same time. Breakfast - at 7.30, lunch - 13.00-14.00, dinner - 18.00-19.00. After lunch and exhausting schoolwork, the child needs to rest - he is experiencing a decline in performance. It’s not worth putting him in prison for lessons - nothing good will come of it. Let him play or sleep - the body is tired of new information.

Let's start homework! In the first grades, homework must be completed in an hour. The child has just rested, gained strength and is ready to conquer new heights. The main thing is not to delay starting classes. Optimal time- 16.00-17.00. You shouldn’t do homework after 6:00 p.m.: if you don’t have time for a class in a section, postpone it.

Circles and sections. After homework, it’s time to go to a club or sports section. Changing activities is very beneficial for children. It’s just important not to overdo the child’s loads. If he just started first grade, it's better don't start extracurricular activities - Now it may be difficult for him to combine so many activities. Let him determine the number of clubs and sections that a child can attend. So that his studies and his rest do not suffer. Don't forget to take a walk before and after class!

Mom Anya says: “It all depends on the child: for one, ten circles will not be enough, and for someone, even one will be a burden. If a child has an interest, a desire, a desire to improve, let him study. Moreover, this is a new field of activity, newer dating, which is very useful for schoolchildren".

Mommy Veronica does not agree with this opinion: “Children who are overly active grow into very active adults. A friend of mine, for example, since childhood she went to 5 different clubs, a couple of sports sections, and on weekends there were also scout outings into nature. Now it’s the same: from work to dancing, then to sewing, then to a restaurant with girlfriends, then a disco and karaoke. Weekends are almost always in the mountains. She is 35 years old, not married, no children either. I ask: why are you always running somewhere? She: to be on time. Ehhh... She’s trying to try everything, but she’s completely forgotten about the meaning of life.”

What is the correct daily routine for a schoolchild and why is it so important for maintaining the health of your child? This question interests not only parents of first-graders, but also everyone who wants their child not only to study well, but also to grow up healthy.

Unfortunately, most children school age are not absolutely healthy, having already at this age one or more diseases - statistics show this. This fact worries parents very much. The health of a schoolchild depends on many factors, including how his daily routine is organized.

Why is the correct daily routine so important for a schoolchild?

Thanks to a correct, balanced daily routine, the child develops habits, and certain sequence action sets you up for study, relaxation or physical activity. Thanks to conditioned reflexes, the process of learning and doing other things is greatly simplified. For a schoolchild, a proper daily routine is the basis for good health, good performance and mood, which will help avoid overwork and ensure excellent academic performance.

Correct mode day is important not only for the student, but also for his parents. But, unlike adults, a child’s body grows and develops, and this fact cannot be ignored. Therefore, when drawing up a daily routine for a schoolchild, it is important to correctly distribute the load, alternating work and rest, mental and physical activities, as well as taking into account the habits, character and state of health of the child himself.

What is important when creating the correct daily routine for a schoolchild:

  • alternation of work and rest. Remember: overloading can lead to nervous breakdown and malfunctions of the immune system.
  • timely nutritious meals.
  • wake up on time in the morning and go to bed on time in the evening. This habit is the best guarantee of a pleasant awakening in the morning and falling asleep quickly In the evening.
  • good sleep for 9-10 hours a day (for primary schoolchildren - 10–12 hours). Rest time at night is important for maintaining the health of a growing body. Healthy sleep improves performance and assimilation of new information, but at the same time, lack of sleep is very harmful to a child’s health.

Basic elements of a schoolchild's daily routine:

Study: school lessons and homework;

Additional classes: clubs, sections;

Active recreation;

Free time;

Food and sleep.

Sample daily routine for a schoolchild


Calculate how much time your child needs to calmly and without fuss get ready for school and be on time for the start of classes. This is an important point in the correct daily routine. As a rule, the body wakes up gradually in the morning, and rushing at this time will create unnecessary stress. Morning exercises are at your discretion. Some children are better at waking up gradually, naturally, and some will enjoy morning exercises.

Not all children like to eat breakfast early in the morning, but it is the most important meal of the day, and over time it will become a habit.


Proper organization of the day after school, which can be quite tiring for your child, is very important point. Most children experience extreme fatigue after classes, and they need good rest. A good way out of this situation could be nap. For younger students this is a necessity. For older children, another, no less effective and healthy way to restore strength is a walk on the fresh air.

Do not forget about timely meals: the interval between meals for a child 6–7 years old should not exceed 3–4 hours.

Having rested, the child can start doing homework and attending clubs and sections. When doing homework, you should remember to take 10 minute breaks. The optimal time for assimilation of information is from 16:00 to 18:00. If your child studies in the second shift, then best time to do homework - morning.


Evening is the time for dinner and free time: rest, hobbies, chatting with friends, etc. Parents should ensure that the child goes to bed on time: bedtime depends on the time of awakening in the morning. The optimal time is 21:00.

Remember: for a schoolchild, the right regime is what will help maintain health developing organism, and take an important step towards the ability to organize not only your current day, but your whole life.

Preparing for goes to school in full swing. And it’s not surprising, because August has already passed the middle. Briefcases have been bought, notebooks and pencils too, a brand new uniform is waiting for its day in the closet. At first glance, it seems that everything is ready for school. But this is only at first glance. In fact, one important component has not yet been prepared. Which?

Summer is a wonderful time when there are no lessons, the long day is conducive to walks and games, and parents allow you to walk longer. And it’s not scary if the child goes to bed an hour later; there’s no rush in the morning and you can sleep longer. And now, in last days summer, parents, realizing that soon walks will be very limited, allow children to walk until late and sleep as much as they want.

But school is coming very soon, lessons for which you can’t be late. And the daily routine has not yet been set. Daily routine- this is the very important component that many families are not yet ready for.

Is this daily routine necessary? It turns out that it is needed. A daily routine is simply necessary for any schoolchild both to maintain health and for...

In nature, everything is subject to certain rhythms and our body also works rhythmically. Remember how difficult it is to switch from winter to summer time or vice versa. And children are more sensitive to any change in regime and it takes time to switch the body from one regime to another.

The correct daily routine forms a certain stereotype of behavior in the child, which is carried out automatically. If the regime is followed, the child tunes in to physical and mental activity in the morning, easily and calmly carries out all the necessary tasks and manages to get everything done.

From September 1, a huge burden immediately falls on the student: he must get involved in educational process, there is a lot of work - these are lessons, homework, sports clubs, and extra classes. And immediately change to new mode work children's body very difficult. Therefore, now it is necessary to create a new daily routine, taking into account academic affairs and clubs. Compile and comply.

What should you consider when creating a daily routine?

At each school, lessons begin at different times. This means that it is necessary to calculate morning rise time so that the child has enough time to wash his face, do exercises, have breakfast and calmly go to school.

Very important in the morning physical activity for a child. This can be exercise, or you can simply turn on fun dance music and do a fun warm-up. 5-10 minutes of such a warm-up will wake up the child’s body and set him up for productive work. After such a warm-up, the child, of course, will want to eat and there will be no need to force him to have breakfast.

A breakfast- it's a must. And you shouldn’t believe a child if he says he doesn’t want to eat. This only means that the body has not yet woken up, and it will want to eat when it comes to school. And the feeling of hunger is a bad assistant in learning. How can a child think about a task or write accurately when all his thoughts are about when lunch will be?

Needs to be written down work and rest time, because for a primary school student the alternation of work and rest is very important. The child needs to rest, take a walk in the fresh air, and play.

And, of course, it is very important to comply. For a younger schoolchild, especially a first-grader, it is very good to include a nap during the day so that after school the child can get at least a little sleep. And in the evening, bedtime should be calculated so that the child sleeps at least 10 hours, which means that he should go to bed no later than 9 o’clock.

Sometimes it seems to us, adults, that nothing bad will happen if the child goes to bed at 10 pm or even later. And the child enthusiastically watches horror films all evening or plays computer war games. And then the parents wonder why the child began to study worse, became inattentive, and his mood often changes in a way that is not in his best mood. better side. Lack of sleep can be the cause of many problems! If a child sleeps less than the required time, his attention and memory first deteriorate, and then he develops various diseases. And this is just due to lack of sleep.

“Lack of sleep affects attention, ability to focus, immediate memory, working memory, mood, math skills, and logical thinking...” John Medina, “Brain Rules”

In a dream, a person rests, but the brain continues to work. It just works in a different mode. According to neurologists and neuroscientists, while a person is sleeping, his brain processes the information that came to him before falling asleep. That's why it's so important to pay attention to what your child does before bed. It is very useful in all respects to read a book for at least a few minutes before going to bed.

These were the main points that you should pay attention to when creating a daily routine for your child. Don’t put it off until the last day, create a daily routine right today, write it on a piece of paper and follow it steadily, regardless of the mood, weather or whims of the child. For the regime to become a habit and, like any habit, to work automatically, it takes at least 21 days.

And remember that the child is completely dependent on us, the parents. What we teach is what we receive. And in order to demand good studies from your son or daughter, you must first create conditions for study. And the daily routine is one of the most important conditions. Both the schoolchild’s studies and health greatly depend on the daily routine.

What do you think about the daily routine? Do you follow it or not?

Many people wonder: is it worth creating and following a daily routine? Of course it's worth it! After all, even an adult, if he doesn’t get enough sleep, will be tired and exhausted the whole next day. Now think about what the state of a schoolchild will be like if he is pulled out of a warm bed when he is completely unprepared for this. Therefore, it is very important to help the child create the right regimen that meets all biological norms and standards.

Why is the regime so important?

As is known, human body is a system that obeys different rhythms. Everything in it works harmoniously and rhythmically: heartbeat, work internal organs, breathing rate, brain function, etc. Such regularity and consistency of actions allows a person to feel good. Therefore, for the health and development of the child, a well-thought-out regime of rest, nutrition, physical and mental exercise is of great importance.

Thanks to the correct routine, the student develops responses. Daily repetitions and a certain sequence of actions have a beneficial effect on rest, the desire to study and play sports, and this, in turn, makes it easier to do all other things. As for the habit of going to bed on time, it also has important. A well-rested child will be able to better assimilate the information received, as well as react and complete tasks faster.

Schoolchildren need to develop the habit of going to bed on time

Speaking about the timely intake of food into the body, it should be noted that children who eat at the same time from an early age feel hungry much less often than others, since the former absorb food much better.

How to create the perfect daily routine?

Always remember the following: if a student studies during the first shift, he should have enough time in the morning to slowly pack his things and go to school. In this case, it is recommended to get out of bed an hour and a half before the start of classes. Speaking about second shift students, it is worth noting that it is advisable for them to wake up 3-4 hours before the start of classes, since most of this time will be spent doing homework. Of course, the above hours will need to be adjusted depending on how close you are to the school.

In order to quickly and effectively get rid of a sleepy state and get in the mood for work, you need to do morning exercises, which should not take more than 10–15 minutes to complete. We recommend doing the exercises with your child, because it will be much more energetic and fun. Choose fun and catchy music and start practicing. Afterwards, make sure the room is ventilated.

Quite often, early in the morning, children refuse to have breakfast, especially if they are not used to doing this. Of course, it’s better for the child to have at least something to eat, but don’t be too insistent. It will be ideal if you prepare his favorite food that he simply cannot refuse.

If the school is located 20–25 minutes from home, do not rush to board a cramped minibus. We recommend taking a short morning walk, during which you can help your child collect his thoughts before classes. If possible, choose a route that is far from the roadway.

It would be ideal if the child, instead of riding a minibus, walks to school

Organization after the school half-day is essential to a good routine. It's no secret that after classes a child's only desire is to have a good rest. Moreover, statistics show that about 40 percent of students graduate academic year with signs of fatigue. The conclusion is obvious: study must be alternated with good rest!

However, do not worry and take a child who is tired after school to the doctor. There is nothing strange or terrible about fatigue, since it is just the result of work (both mental and physical). A first-shift student will be able to regain his strength by taking a nap during the day, but do not forget to make sure that the student does not sleep until the evening, otherwise the entire routine will quickly go wrong. As for students on the second shift, they can simply go to bed a little earlier than usual.

Also make sure that your child eats every 4-5 hours, and his sleep duration fluctuates around 8-10 hours. Even a slight lack of sleep can lead to fatigue and overwork, so take this issue extremely seriously.

Sample regimen for a schoolchild

First shift

The correct daily routine should be approximately the following: you need to get out of bed at about 7 am, after which the child is given 30–40 minutes to make the bed, wash and do morning exercises. Before 7.30 you must prepare breakfast, which will take about 15 minutes. Then follows a half-hour drive to the educational institution, and the student will be at school until approximately 12.30.

WITH educational institution your child will return at approximately 13.00. Again, try to have lunch ready by this time. A student's daily meal will take about 30 minutes. From 13.30 to 14.30 he is entitled to rest, and, if necessary, an hour’s sleep. Then, from 14.30 to 15.30, send your child for a walk; outside, the child will be able to meet friends and play various games.

After school, the child should have a good rest

From 15.30 to 17.30 the student will do homework. However, remember that after 35–40 minutes of work, first-graders should be allowed to rest for 15–20 minutes. Then there is an hour and a half to visit sections and clubs. From 19.00 to 20.30 the student can have dinner and go about his business. And by 21.00 he must take a shower and get ready for bed.

The daily routine should be approximately as follows

Second shift

The day of students in the second shift begins at approximately 8 am. Making the bed, exercise and breakfast take about an hour, so at 9.00 the child should be ready to do homework, for which he is given approximately two hours. Thus, from 11.00 to 12.30 the student has free time, which he can spend on attending additional clubs or going out with friends. Then 30 minutes are allotted for lunch and the same amount of time for going to school.

Classes for students of the second shift end at approximately 18.00, after which the child goes home. There is free time from 18.30 to 19.30, followed by dinner. For the next two and a half hours, the student, again, can pursue his hobbies, prepare his uniform and shoes for next day and perform hygiene procedures. At 22.00 - sleep.

While studying in the second shift, you should not force the student to do homework immediately after school, since his body is overloaded at this time and needs rest. Otherwise, the information will be absorbed quite poorly.

A few words about “larks” and “owls”

As you know, every person has certain biorhythms. This is why some children can easily wake up at 7 am and within a few minutes feel cheerful and fresh (they are called “larks”), while others find it quite difficult to open their eyes even at 9–10 o’clock (they are called “night owls”). And then, after waking up at such a late time, having breakfast, they will nod off.

As you probably already understood, the rhythm of going to bed for early risers is shifted to earlier in the evening. As a rule, they are quite comfortable studying both in the first and second shifts, since in both cases the guys have to wake up quite early (at 7 am in the first shift and 8 in the second). The main thing is to prevent early risers from working hard and going to bed late, because otherwise the next day will be extremely unproductive for them.

Night owls prefer to go to bed late and sleep until lunchtime.

With "owls" things are different. The ideal solution for them would be training in the second shift. Guys of this type prefer to go to bed closer to midnight and get up only at lunchtime, so you shouldn’t disturb their biorhythm and force them to bed at 9 pm. You won't be able to make an owl fall asleep at such an early hour. Thus, by finding a school that has the opportunity to study in the second shift, you will definitely improve the performance of little night owls.

As you can see, by organizing a correct and healthy daily routine for the student, you will create all the conditions for positive mood, good performance and strengthening the health of the child!

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When moving from kindergarten to school, a child’s daily routine changes dramatically and additional mental stress appears. To make this transition easy for the child, you need to clearly plan your study and rest hours. The entire day of a primary school student should be scheduled literally by the hour and minute, with mandatory breaks for walks and free activity in the form of games. This will make it easier for the child to get involved in the learning process and adapt to new conditions.

In order for a child to achieve maximum performance at school, he needs to be provided with adequate rest and sleep. For a primary school child, it should be at least 11 hours a day. This is useful for maintaining the child's immunity, so he is recommended to take a nap after school.

Morning preparations

It would be easier for the child to get used to the new daily routine if all actions were clearly planned in time, and the parents adhered to approximately the same daily routine every day. Stress at school greatly affects the nervous system of a primary school student. In order not to overload her even more and not to start unnecessary arguments at home, try to make getting ready for school as convenient and comfortable as possible for your son or daughter.

  • Get ready school uniform in the evening and always hang it in the same place.
  • Collecting the necessary books and notebooks for classes should also be done in the evening.
  • Be sure to do morning exercises with your child, this will help him wake up faster and recharge with strength and energy for the whole day.
  • Have breakfast right. Because it's the most important technique food for a primary school student, and it should be very nutritious and, most importantly, healthy. For example, porridge with fruit, cheesecakes with cottage cheese or a sandwich with hard cheese will be the key to a successful day at school.

Rest and free time

Each school day of a student must necessarily contain time for rest, from 1 to 1.5 hours. It is better to spend this period in a calm environment. If the child agrees to nap during the day, then this is an ideal option. Because the whole body must rest. If your daughter or son considers themselves old enough and does not want to sleep during the day, then it is still better to ensure a quiet pastime without gadgets, books and TV. So that you can rest your eyes and nervous system young schoolboy.

Ditto for junior schoolchildren It is very important to spend your free time outdoors. Moreover, they are useful as active sports games, as well as quiet walks in the park. At this moment, the brain is saturated with oxygen and the young student is again ready to solve complex tasks and mental stress.

Doing lessons

When switching to a new daily routine, at first it is difficult for a child to readjust and get used to accurately completing homework every day. Great idea There will be a schedule drawn with your own hands or a special ready-made table filled out by hand. You need to hang it in a visible place so that your child can easily navigate it himself. Also a lot important role plays homemade workplace young student. After all, the table and chair should be comfortable for the student and correspond to his height. Only in this case will he be comfortable doing his homework and will not get tired.

Preparing homework usually takes schoolchildren primary classes from 1 to 3 hours a day. During this period of time they must have time to complete math problems, written assignments in the Russian language and learn oral subjects. But before starting them, children need to take a good break from school. Allow at least 2.5 hours for this.

To illustrate the usual daily routine of a primary school student, let’s present a table:

For 1st shift students

rise 7.00
We wash ourselves and do exercises 7-7.30
Breakfast 7.30-7.50
Road to school 7.50-8.20
Lessons at school 8.30-12.30
The road home 12.30-13.00
Dinner 13-13.30
Daytime nap or rest 13.30-15.00
Walk in the fresh air 15.00-16.00
Afternoon snack 16.00-16.15
Doing homework 16.15-18.30
Dinner 18.30-19.00
Free time (games, reading, sections) 19.00- 20.30
Preparing for tomorrow's school day and bedtime 20.30-21.00
Dream from 21.00

For students 2 shifts

rise 7.00
Charging, hygiene procedures 7.00-7.20
Breakfast 7.20-7.35
Doing homework 8.00-10.00
Free time (games or walk) 10.00-11.00
Lunch 11.00-11.30
Preparing for school 11.30-12.00
Dinner 12.00-12.30
Road to school 12.30 -13.00
School 13.00-18.00
The road home 18.00-18.30
Dinner 18.30-19.00
Interest classes (section, reading or preparing homework for tomorrow) 19.30-20.00
Walk or quiet games 20.00-21.00
Getting ready for bed 21.00-21.15
Dream from 21.15

Second shift: getting used to the new routine

For some parents and their children, going to school during the second shift becomes a real challenge. Since, according to all the rules of the correct daily routine, homework in this case should be completed in the morning. But as practice shows, it is at this time that young students want to sleep longer, especially if their parents have already left for work and no one is monitoring the completion of their lessons.

In this case, you also need to adhere to a regime of alternating work and rest, so that when the child returns from school, he has time to distract himself from classes. But still in evening time You will also have to work a little on your homework and complete at least part of it. And which one is decided by the parents. Because it is most convenient for working mothers and fathers to decide more in the evening complex examples, and in the morning leave the easiest ones, which the child can handle on his own. And for those who, for example, work on a flexible schedule and are at home in the first half of the day, it is easier to teach all the lessons with their children at this time.

By teaching a schoolchild to manage their time and be smart about their daily routine, you instill in your child a sense of responsibility and punctuality, which will be very useful to him in the future.