Latest terrorist attacks in the world. Major global terrorist attacks: these are not forgotten

Terrorism is a method used by radical groups, based on intimidation and coercion of the authorities to make necessary decisions through hostage-taking in public places. Becoming one of the central problems of the 21st century terrorist activity annually claims the lives of many people on the planet, brings billions of dollars in losses and, despite the measures taken by law enforcement agencies, terrorism statistics are inexorably growing.

The most terrible reflection of this phenomenon is from terrorism. The spread of terrorism in the world involves the recruitment of mercenaries from various countries through social networks, the development of an extensive structure of underground branches in many states.

History of development

Since this phenomenon is usually understood as any acts, including monarchs, all kinds of riots and conspiracies, we can assume that there was terrorism back in ancient world and in the Middle Ages.

Most historians associate its emergence with the activities of the organizations formed in 1820 in Italy - “Commora” and “Brotherhood of the Carbonari”.

The first group was created for the purpose of bribing or intimidating prison guards into releasing them. The second was to protect dispossessed peasants from the lawlessness of landowners. Despite the fact that the tasks of these organizations were strikingly different, they used the same methods to achieve their goals - murder, intimidation, explosions.

This is how terrorism appeared in the world in the 19th century, and soon numerous parties and movements began to use this effective weapon for their own purposes. Further development terrorism in the world occurred very rapidly. For example, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, terror was widely used among various trends Russian revolutionary parties - nationalists, Socialist Revolutionaries, Bolsheviks.

In the USA long time(from 1865 to 1993) the far-right terrorist organization Ku Klux Klan operated against the African-American population of the country.

Over time, terrorism has undergone a transformation. IN modern world In addition to such types as nationalist, religious, ideological and political terrorism, informational terrorism has also appeared in the world. It manifests itself in cyber attacks on information resources (websites) with their hacking, dissemination of misinforming information through the media and promoting the formation of the desired views.

Recruitment is also taking place with the help of new militants, and videos of brutal executions of prisoners and ordinary residents are being disseminated. Information terrorism in the modern world, due to the large volume of Internet traffic and the enormous influence of the media on people’s opinions, becomes, along with traditional types, a serious threat.

Combat power and equipment of militants various types weapons are constantly growing. Therefore, nuclear terrorism in the modern world will soon cease to be a frightening myth. It could become a terrible reality .

Statistics of terrorism in the world

Terrorism in the modern world is technological, cruel and large-scale. In 2016, 1,787 terrorist attacks of various sizes were committed in many countries. Statistics of victims of terrorism in the world recorded 13,759 killed and 16,683 wounded. Most of them died as a result of bomb explosions planted by militants in crowded places.

According to statistics, many victims of terrorism are kidnapped by militants, in particular women in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, for the purpose of selling them on the black market. There were 4034 such cases.

The frightening statistics of terrorism are largely caused by the outbreak of military operations in Syria against ISIS militants. The main causes of terrorism in the world:

  • struggle for power, deposits of valuable minerals;
  • religious strife;
  • conflicts on interethnic grounds.

The bloodiest acts of terrorism in the world were:

  • explosion in Baghdad– 292 people were killed, more than 200 were wounded and maimed;
  • explosions in Istanbul(January 12 and December 10) - the total number of victims was 237 people, of whom 56 were killed, 181 were wounded;
  • gay club shooting“Pulse” in Orlando - 49 people killed, 53 injured;
  • shooting and explosions at Istanbul airport– 45 people were killed, 239 people were injured;
  • terrorist attack in Gaziantep– due to an explosion during a wedding ceremony in a church in a town in southern Turkey, 30 people were killed and over 90 were injured;
  • terrorist attacks in Brussels– 13 people died, more than 35 were injured.

Various Islamist groups claimed responsibility for the attacks. In addition to these explosions, there were other cases of terrorism in the world, although not distinguished by such a number of victims. The largest victims of terrorism in the world were recorded in the following countries:

  1. Iraq.
  2. Syria.
  3. Afghanistan.
  4. Nigeria.
  5. Yemen.
  6. Libya.
  7. Pakistan.

IN lately this phenomenon has grown from a local criminal activity into a well-organized global network . Vivid examples of international terrorism in the world are the Al-Qaeda organization and the radical Islamist group ISIS (Islamic State) that formed after its collapse. Its ranks include up to 40–50 thousand militants of various nationalities and religions. Capital unrecognized state militants - the city of Raqqa.

Terrorism in different countries of the world

The main regions susceptible to terrorist attacks were:

  1. Middle East.
  2. Russia.
  3. Western Europe.

Statistics on terrorism over 10 years in these territories total more than 6 thousand major terrorist attacks. The number of victims is more than 15 thousand. The hottest spots subject to militant attacks are Syria, Libya, and Iraq. Today, a joint anti-terrorist operation of Syrian troops and its allies against IS militants has been concentrated here.

The situation in Israel has improved somewhat. Even against the backdrop of the Arab-Israeli confrontation, terrorism statistics in Israel show a decrease in indicators compared to previous years.

After the largest terrorist attack in terms of destruction and number of victims in human history (the explosion of the Twin Towers in New York), terrorism in the United States remains one of the threats. Statistics over the past 10 years include 38 large-scale manifestations of terror, in which more than 600 people died. The table shows statistics of terrorist attacks in the 21st century by country:

Country Date Place Number of victims, people
USA 11.09.2001 New York, Twin Towers 2977
Russia 01.09.2004 Beslan, school №1 333
India 26–29.11.2008 Mumbai 195
Spain 11.03.2004 Madrid commuter train 191
Russia 23.10.2002 Moscow, Dubrovka Theater 130

The statistics of terrorism financing are quite high - the annual budget of the most influential terrorist organization, IS, according to experts, is about 3-5 billion dollars.

The amount of terrorist financing in the world is gradually increasing over the years. . This is facilitated by the seizure and resale by militants of various valuables and gas fields, human trafficking, as well as the flow of funds from states supporting the activities of IS.

Terrorism statistics in Russia

For Russia, this type of criminal activity represents serious threat national security . Terrorism statistics have totaled more than 600 cases since 1994. The most notorious terrorist attacks on the territory of the Russian Federation:

  • school siege in Beslan;
  • hostage taking at the Dubrovka theater in Moscow;
  • explosions of residential buildings in the cities of Buinaksk, Volgodonsk, Moscow;
  • explosions in the Moscow metro;
  • explosion of a train station in Volgograd.

Official statistics of terrorism in Russia for last year thanks to the actions of law enforcement agencies, it decreased. Only 25 acts of violence and intimidation were recorded against the country's citizens, which corresponds to the average for the period 2009–2015. During this time, according to Rosstat, 171 terrorist acts were registered. Statistics of terrorism victims during this period include about 400 people killed and 1,300 wounded.

The seriousness of the threat of terrorism in Russia is made clear by pdf statistics posted annually on the website of the FSB and Rosstat. Increased in recent years and the percentage of terrorist attacks prevented. in the fight against terrorism over 5 years there are more than 300 prevented cases.

Terrorism statistics in the CIS countries

In addition to Russia, this type of criminal activity has managed to manifest itself in countries such as Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Terrorism statistics in Kazakhstan

Recently, this deadly phenomenon has intensified in a previously calm and prosperous country. Terrorism statistics over the past 5 years include over 50 people killed and about 50 wounded. The largest terrorist attack was in Aktobe. 25 people died here and about 20 were injured.

Explosions in the Belarusian metro

Until recently, statistics on terrorism in this country were the lowest in the entire post-Soviet space. This trend was disrupted by an explosion in the Minsk subway. The terrorist attack on the Minsk metro on April 11, 2011 killed 15 people and injured 203 more. Officers detained two suspects, who subsequently gave confessions. Both were sentenced and shot.

The growth of terrorism in the world forces the authorities of many countries to develop a set of measures aimed at combating this negative phenomenon. Most effective methods fight against terrorism in the world:

  • control and suppression of the activities of prohibited organizations extremist orientation;
  • announcement of rewards for information about the location of persons suspects in this species;
  • development and execution of joint military operations to eliminate terrorists in various countries;
  • media control, information resources in global network regarding their involvement in militant organizations;
  • outreach to the public countries in order to inform about methods for recognizing potential terrorists and behavior when detecting suspicious objects.

These methods make it possible not only to combat the consequences of terrorist attacks, but also to prevent them. Their implementation of methods is carried out by such organizations in the fight against terrorism in the world as Interpol, the UN, NATO, and the EU.

An important fact is the strengthening of counteraction to terrorism in the world by vigilant citizens, thanks to whom many explosions and other illegal actions were prevented.

Also not the least important in anti-terrorist measures are the following: legal means combating it such as licensing the activities of parties, movements and religious communities, banning sects and organizations that incite ethnic hatred, restricting or banning the issuance of firearms permits.


Terrorism statistics in 2017 have already been replenished with new cases. Despite all the measures taken, the problem remains relevant. There is no answer yet to the question of how to save the world from terrorism.

Numerous socio-economic aspects contribute to the development of this phenomenon, as well as human nature, which contains the desire to own a large number material assets, power and territories, hatred of those who differ in skin color and religion.

The mortality rate and number of injuries caused by terrorism over the entire period of its existence can be compared with dangerous disease. Until a “cure” for this disease is found, the statistics of international terrorism will be replenished with new acts of violence, hostage-taking, and bomb explosions, claiming more and more human lives.

A terrorist act is a shame for all humanity. History remembers many brutal murders and bloody wars, but no war can compare with the cruelty and mercilessness of the organizers and perpetrators of these incidents.

Apart from the generally accepted statistics of deaths and injuries, no one undertakes to evaluate the social and psychological impact on people who witnessed terrible events. People who have experienced post-traumatic shock experience nightmares throughout their lives with memories of the events they experienced.

The attacks were carried out by fanatics of all stripes: religious radicals, nationalists and crazy revolutionaries. Each villain had their own wild explanations. But all the victims were united by one common feature- defenselessness.

The sad statistics of victims of terrorist attacks in the world is growing every year. Data on the number of victims of acts of intimidation from 1994 to 2015.

About the largest terrorist attacks in modern history.

On June 23, 1985, terrorists blew up a Boeing 747 Air company India over the Atlantic. The terrorist attack killed 329 people and was considered the largest before September 11, 2001.

On October 23, 1983, in Beirut, Hezbollah militants blew up two trucks with explosives near the barracks. Marine Corps US and French paratroopers. 299 people died.

On June 23, 1985, Sikh extremists detonated a bomb on board a Boeing 747. airlines Air India, traveling from Montreal to London. 329 people died.

On December 21, 1988, a Pan American Boeing 747 flying from London to New York crashed over Lockerbie, Scotland. The disaster occurred as a result of an explosion of a Libyan intelligence officer on board. 270 people died.

On December 27, 1988, at the airports of Rome and Vienna, terrorists of the Palestinian organization Abu Nidal shot with machine guns passengers standing at the ticket counters of Israeli airlines. 16 people were killed and more than 120 were injured.

On September 19, 1989, a bomb exploded on board a DC-10 of the French airline UTA, flying from the Congo to Paris. 171 passengers died.

On March 12, 1993, a series of terrorist attacks were carried out in Bombay (now Mumbai). The explosions were organized criminal gang, headed by Davud Ibrahim. Terrorists detonated 13 cars filled with explosives near the stock exchange, immigration department, post office and several hotels. The explosions killed 257 people.

On March 20, 1995, members of the Aum Shinrikyo sect sprayed sarin gas at 16 Tokyo subway stations. More than 3 thousand people were injured, 12 died.

On April 19, 1995, in Oklahoma (USA), far-right terrorist Timothy McVeigh detonated a bomb in the Alfred Murray Federal Building. 168 people died.

On June 14, 1995, in Budennovsk, a detachment of militants led by Shamil Basayev captured a hospital where about two thousand people were staying. The hostages were kept for six days without food or water. As a result of the terrorist attack, 143 hostages were killed and about 400 were injured.

On August 7, 1998, a truck loaded with explosives was detonated near the US Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya. 213 people died. More than five thousand people were injured. The radical organization “Islamic Army for the Liberation of Islamic Shrines” took responsibility for the attack.

On September 4, 1999, in the city of Buynaksk (Dagestan), a 5-story residential building was blown up, in which the families of officers of the 136th brigade of the Ministry of Defense lived. Two entrances collapsed completely. 64 people died, including 23 children. 146 people were seriously injured. According to the investigation, this terrorist attack was organized and financed by the leaders of the illegal armed group Islamic Institute "Caucasus" Emir al-Khattab and Abu Umar.

On the night of September 8–9, 1999, a residential building on 19 Guryanova Street in Moscow was blown up. As a result of the terrorist attack, more than 90 people were killed and about 200 were injured.

On September 13, 1999, a residential building on Kashirskoe Highway was blown up in Moscow. It was completely destroyed. More than 120 people died.

On September 16, 1999, a residential building was blown up in the city of Volgodonsk, Rostov Region. 18 people died, including two children, and 310 people were injured.

On September 11, 2001, three planes flown by al-Qaeda terrorists crashed into the skyscrapers of the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon building. Another crashed in Pennsylvania. Al-Qaeda, led by Osama Bin Laden, claimed responsibility for the attack. According to his own statement, the attacks were carried out "because we are a free people who do not accept injustice, and we want to return freedom to our nation." The victims of the terrorist attacks were 2,977 people: 246 passengers and crew members of aircraft, 2,606 people in New York, another 125 in the Pentagon building. More than 1,600 bodies were identified, but about 1,100 people could not be identified.

On the night of October 13, 2002 on the island of Bali (Indonesia) near a disco in the city of Kuta, as a result of a series of explosions carried out by suicide bombers, about 190 people were killed and more than 300 were injured. At the same time, explosive devices were detonated near the US consulates in Bali and the Philippine Consulate General in Manado, the capital of North Sulawesi province.

On October 23, 2002, a group of militants led by Chechen separatist Movsar Barayev took over 900 hostages in the building of the Moscow Theater Center on Dubrovka during the musical “Nord-Ost”. During the storming of the building, three days later, gas was released into the hall where the terrorists and hostages were located. According to official data, 130 people were killed and more than 700 people were injured.

On November 20, 2003, five explosions occurred in Istanbul, including at the British Consulate General and at a branch of one of the British banks. As a result of the attack, 28 people were killed and 450 people were injured. Al-Qaeda and the Turkish radical Islamist group “Front of the Islamic Mujahideen of the East” took responsibility for the incident.

On February 6, 2004, on the stretch between the Avtozavodskaya and Paveletskaya stations on a Moscow metro train, a suicide bomber detonated a bomb. As a result of the terrorist attack, 41 people were killed and about 250 were injured.

As a result of a series of explosions on March 11, 2004, several explosions occurred at the Atoche train station in Madrid. 191 people were killed and 1,800 were injured. Al-Qaeda claimed responsibility for the attack. The terrorist attack was the deadliest in Europe since the end of World War II.

On September 1, 2004, terrorists seized school No. 1 in Beslan. Two days later, as a result of the storming of the building, 334 people (186 of whom were children) were killed and more than 800 people were injured.

On July 7, 2005, explosive devices went off on three London Underground trains. Another bomb exploded on the bus. 56 people were killed and more than 700 were injured. The terrorist attack was the largest in London since World War II.

From November 26 to 29, 2008, a series of terrorist attacks known as the “Attack on Mumbai” occurred. Islamic terrorists from the Deccan Mujahideen organization attacked in several places at once. One group opened fire with machine guns in the Victoria Station building, two others took hostages at the Taj Mahal and Oberoi hotels, and the fourth attacked a police station. A total of seven attacks were recorded (including on a hospital and a Jewish center). As a result of the terrorist attack, about 170 people were killed and more than 300 were injured.

On September 23, 2013, as a result of a militant attack on visitors to the Westgate shopping center in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi, 67 people were killed and more than 200 were injured. A group of armed men - believed to be about ten people - seized the fashionable Westgate shopping center. The terrorist group Al-Shabab claimed responsibility for the incident.

On April 2, 2015, at least 147 people became victims of an attack by militants of the radical Islamist group Al-Shabaab on a university in the Kenyan city of Garissa, and about 80 more were injured. The terrorists killed mostly Christians. IN law enforcement agencies Kenya reported that four attackers were killed and another was detained.

On the night of November 13-14, 2015, Paris was subjected to several terrorist attacks. The terrorist attacks in the capital of France literally stunned the whole world with their inhumanity. According to preliminary data, seven members of a terrorist gang carried out a series of explosions and shootings that killed at least 153 people and injured about 200.

On the morning of March 22, 2016, two explosions occurred at Brussels airport, and a little later an explosion occurred at the Malbec metro station near the quarter with EU institutions. According to the latest data, explosions at the airport and metro killed 34 people and injured almost 200 varying degrees gravity.

Terrorist acts committed by lone terrorists, terrorist organizations and illegal armed groups occurred both during the USSR and in modern Russia. We recall the most notorious incidents in this article.

Known-unknown terrorist attacks in the USSR

Terrorist attacks occurred not only in modern Russia, but also in the USSR. True, then they tried to keep silent about them.

Plane hijacking by the Ovechkin family

In 1988, the Ovechkin family hijacked a passenger plane flying from Irkutsk to Leningrad via Kurgan. Their demand is landing in London. The plane landed near Vyborg, after which the assault began, which resulted in death three people and injuries to several passengers. The plane burned down.

Explosions in Moscow

The year 1977 began in the USSR with a terrible terrorist attack - three explosions occurred almost simultaneously in Moscow. One of them was carried out by terrorists identifying themselves as members of the Armenian nationalist party in a subway car. The second thundered in grocery store, and the third was the result of an explosive device going off in a cast-iron trash can next to one of the stores.

The explosions killed twenty-nine people. The terrorists were convicted and shot.

Explosion in the Tu-104 plane

In 1973, a plane flying from Irkutsk to Chita was hijacked by a terrorist who brought an improvised explosive device on board. Threatening an explosion, he demanded that the plane land in China.

The policeman accompanying the flight shot the hijacker, but the explosive device went off and the plane was destroyed. Thus, all passengers and crew on the plane died - that’s eighty-two people.

Residential bombings

In residential building explosions, it is impossible to avoid casualties. Terrorists often blow up high-rise buildings or high-density buildings.

Explosion in Buinaksk

In 1999, in Buinaksk, Dagestan, a powerful explosion occurred in a residential building. The result of this terrorist attack was the death of sixty-four people. Almost one hundred and fifty people were wounded.

Explosions in Moscow

In 1999, two residential buildings were blown up by terrorists in the Russian capital, four days apart. One house was located on Kashirskoe Highway, the second was on Guryanov Street. The explosions claimed the lives of two hundred and twenty-four people.

Explosion in Volgodonsk

Also in 1999, a residential building was blown up in Volgodonsk. More than a thousand people were wounded and injured, nineteen residents of the house died.

Other tragedies of modern Russia

The history of modern Russia has many sad pages associated with the mass death of citizens as a result of terrorist attacks. Among them are explosions in buses, trains, planes, seizures of buildings, schools, and hospitals.

"Nord-Ost", terrorist attack on Dubrovka

In two thousand and two, in the capital of Russia, spectators in the theater on Dubrovka were captured by terrorists. Chechen fighters held nine hundred people in the Theater Center.

During the assault, all the militants were destroyed, one hundred and twenty hostages were killed. The reason for this number of deaths was the sleeping gas used during the assault.

Explosion in Domodedovo

In 2011, a suicide bomber detonated an explosive device at Domodedovo Airport in Moscow. Thirty-seven people died this way. The terrorist himself was among the dead.

Seizure of a hospital in Budyonnovsk

In 1995, in Budyonnovsk, one hundred and ninety-five terrorists seized the city hospital, driving people there. About one thousand six hundred people were taken hostage.

Trying to free them, the special forces fought for four hours. As a result, many died among both hostages and terrorists.

Five days later, the authorities had to fulfill the conditions of the invaders, who, together with the hostages, went to populated area Zandac. There the terrorists released everyone and disappeared.

The result of this terrible terrorist attack was the death of one hundred and twenty-nine people, and more than four hundred were injured.

Explosion at a train station in Volgograd

The cynical terrorist attack occurred on December 29, 2013. The explosion occurred in the inspection area when law enforcement officers tried to stop a suspicious person.

On June 11, 1996, the first terrorist attack occurred in Moscow since the collapse of the USSR - an explosion in the Moscow metro. On this day we remember all the major Moscow tragedies and dream that this nightmare will never happen again!

(Total 15 photos)

1. June 11, 1996: explosion of an improvised explosive device on the stretch between the Tulskaya and Nagatinskaya stations of the Moscow metro. 4 people died, 12 were hospitalized.

3. August 31, 1999: explosion in a shopping complex " Okhotny Ryad"on Manezhnaya Square. One woman died and 40 people were injured.

4. September 9 and 13, 1999: explosions of residential buildings on Guryanov Street and on Kashirskoye Highway. 100 and 124 people died, respectively.

5. August 8, 2000: explosion in the underground passage on Pushkinskaya Square. 13 people were killed, 61 people were injured. The homemade explosive device with a capacity of 800 grams of TNT was filled with screws and screws. The bomb was left in a shopping bag next to the shopping pavilion.

6. February 5, 2001: at 18:50 an explosion occurred at the Belorusskaya-Koltsevaya metro station. The explosive device was placed on the platform next to the first carriage of the train under a heavy marble bench. The explosion knocked out powerful lampshades at the station, and cladding fell from the ceiling. As a result of the explosion, 20 people were injured, including two children, but no one died.

7. October 23-26, 2002: Terrorist attack on Dubrovka - a group of Chechen militants led by Chechen separatist Movsar Barayev took over 900 hostages in the building of the Theater Center on Dubrovka. All the terrorists were destroyed during the storming of the building, the hostages were freed, but more than 120 people died from the effects of the sleeping gas used by special forces during the assault, combined with the difficult conditions in which the hostages were held (three days in a sitting position with virtually no food or water).

8. July 5, 2003: Chechen terrorists carried out an explosion at the Tushinsky airfield during the Wings rock festival. 16 people were killed, about 50 were injured. (Photo: Moskovsky Komsomolets)

9. December 9, 2003: a suicide bomber detonated an explosive device near the National Hotel. 6 people were killed, 14 people were injured.

10. February 6, 2004: an explosion with a capacity of 4 kg of TNT, carried out by a suicide bomber on a train on the stretch between the Avtozavodskaya and Paveletskaya metro stations. 42 people were killed and about 250 were injured.

11. August 31, 2004: a female suicide bomber detonated an explosive device near the Rizhskaya metro station. More than 10 people were killed, and another 50 were injured and hospitalized. Shamil Basayev took responsibility for the terrorist attack. (Photo: RIA Novosti)

12. August 21, 2006: explosion at the Cherkizovsky market. The explosion killed 14 people and injured 61 people.

13. August 13, 2007: as a result of the explosion of the railway track ( official version) there was an accident on the Nevsky Express train between Moscow and St. Petersburg. The power of the explosive device was up to 2 kg in TNT equivalent. As a result of the accident, 60 people were injured, of whom 25 were taken to hospitals, no one died.

14. March 29, 2010: at 7:56 there was an explosion at the Lubyanka metro station. Another explosion at 8:37 occurred at the Park Kultury station. As a result of the terrorist attacks, 41 people were killed and 85 were injured. The leader of the Caucasus Emirate, Doku Umarov, took responsibility for this terrorist attack.

15. January 24, 2011: a suicide bomber detonated a bomb at Domodedovo airport at 16:32. According to the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, 37 people died, 130 people were injured of varying degrees of severity.

On October 10, the most major terrorist attack throughout the history of the country. Two explosions with an interval of three seconds occurred in the morning in the Turkish capital Ankara in the area railway station before the start of a protest rally organized by trade unions and public organizations, against the surge in violence due to the Turkish-Kurdish conflict in the southeast of the country. The attack, carried out by two suicide bombers, caused the death of 95 people and injured 246.

On September 8, PKK militants blew up a minibus carrying police officers. The incident occurred in Igdir province in southeastern Turkey. The explosion killed 13 people.

On August 17, a powerful explosion occurred at the Ratchaprasong intersection in the business and tourist area of ​​Bangkok, Thailand. A homemade radio-controlled bomb using trinitrotoluene as an explosive was planted near the fence of the Hindu shrine of the Erawan (three-headed sacred elephant) deity near shopping center Amarin Plaza and the Grand Hayatt Erawan Hotel at a time when the sanctuary was especially busy with visitors, most of whom were tourists. According to official data, 20 people died as a result of the terrorist attack, 12 of them on the spot, another 8 people died in hospitals from their injuries. The number of wounded was 123 people.

July 22 22 Iraqi Army soldiers and participants people's militia died as a result of two explosions carried out by militants of the terrorist group "Islamic State" (IS) in the east of the city of Fallujah. The militants blew up two cars filled with explosives. At least 24 people were injured.

On July 22, in Faryab province in northwestern Afghanistan, an explosive device was detonated by a suicide bomber at a busy market in the Alamar district. The explosion killed 19 people.

On July 21, at least 19 people were killed in two explosions in predominantly Shiite areas of the Iraqi capital Baghdad (Iraq). The first car went airborne on a crowded street in the eastern Baghdad neighborhood of Al-Jadida. The explosion killed 17 people and injured 43 more, most of them civilians. Another attack occurred in the Zafaraniya area in southern Baghdad, killing at least two people and injuring nine others.

On July 20, a terrorist attack occurred in a tea cafe in front of a cultural center in Suruç (Turkey), located on the border with Syria, killing 30 people and injuring more than 100. A bomb exploded in front of a cultural center where Turkish Kurds had gathered as they prepared to travel to Syria to help rebuild the city of Kobani, which was hit by an attack by IS militants.

On July 17, a car bomb containing three tons of explosives exploded in a market in the city of Bani Saad in eastern Iraq. The explosion occurred as people gathered in the market to celebrate the end of the month of Ramadan. The number of victims of the explosion was 120 people. The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack.

On July 12, a car filled with explosives exploded near military base in the Afghan province of Khost in the east of the country, where Afghan and foreign military personnel are located. 33 people were killed and 23 were injured.

On July 12, several cars filled with explosives were blown up in various areas of Baghdad. In addition, two suicide bombers detonated explosive devices, one of them exploded near the market. As a result of the incidents, 35 people were killed and more than 100 were injured.

On June 17, a series of explosions occurred in Sanaa (Yemen), resulting in the death of 31 people. IN different parts In the city, five explosive devices were detonated near mosques and buildings associated with rebels from the Shiite Ansar Allah movement (Houthis). The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attacks.

On June 2, a series of explosions in Salah al-Din province in northern Iraq killed at least 32 members of pro-government Shiite militias. Four car bombs exploded near the city of Baiji. It was also reported that 34 people were injured as a result of the terrorist attack.

On June 1, a car bomb exploded near a military base in Iraq's western Anbar province, killing 38 security forces. More than 30 security forces were injured as a result of the explosion. The radical group Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack.

On April 18, two explosions occurred in the city of Jalalabad in the Afghan province of Nangarhar. One of them occurred near a bank branch. Another explosion occurred near the building of the Department of Information and Culture. The attacks killed 33 people and injured more than 100.

On April 2, Al-Shabab militants attacked a university dormitory in the Kenyan city of Garissa. As a result of the terrorist attack, 147 people were killed and another 79 people were injured.

On March 20, militants with suicide vests entered the Badr and Al-Hashush mosque in the Yemeni capital Sanaa, followed by four explosions. Subsequently, Houthi checkpoints around mosques were attacked. As a result of the explosions, 150 people were killed and at least 345 were injured. Among the dead is one of the spiritual leaders of the Ansar Allah movement (Houthis), Murtada al-Makhturi, as well as two high-ranking members of the group. On the same day, two explosions also occurred in the northern city of Saada, killing at least 33 people.

On January 7, at least 50 people were killed and dozens injured in an explosion that occurred near a police school in the Yemeni capital Sanaa. A suicide bomber blew up a minibus filled with explosives. The explosion occurred as dozens of applicants gathered in front of the college building.