Known terrorist attacks. Worst terrorist attacks in the world

June 14, 1995 There was an attack by a large detachment of militants led by Shamil Basayev and Abu Movsaev on the city of Budennovsk in the Stavropol Territory of Russia. Terroristsmore than 1,600 residents of Budennovsk were taken hostage , who were herded to a local hospital. The criminals demanded an immediate cessation of hostilities in Chechnya and the withdrawal of federal troops from its territory. On June 17 at 5 a.m., Russian special forces attempted to storm the hospital. The battle lasted about four hours, accompanied by heavy casualties on both sides. After negotiations on June 19, 1995, the Russian authorities agreed to the terrorists’ demands and allowed the group of militants, along with the hostages, to leave the hospital grounds. On the night of June 19-20, 1995, the vehicles reached the village of Zandak on the territory of Chechnya. Having released all the hostages, the terrorists fled.

According to the Russian FSB department for the Stavropol Territory,129 people died as a result of the terrorist attack , among them 18 policemen and 17 military personnel, 415 people received gunshot wounds.

In 2005, the Main Directorate of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District reported that the entire gang that attacked Budennovskthere were 195 people . By June 14, 2005, 30 participants in the attack were killed and 20 were convicted.

Organizer of the terrorist attack in BudennovskShamil Basayev was killed on the night of July 10, 2006 on the outskirts of the village of Ekazhevo, Nazran district of Ingushetia, as a result of a special operation.

December 17, 1996 a detachment of 20 militants from the organization "Revolutionary Movement Tupac Amaru", armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles,infiltrated the Japanese embassy in Lima (Peru). The terrorists took 490 people hostage, among whom were 40 diplomats from 26 states, many Peruvian ministers, as well as the brother of the President of Peru. All of them were at the embassy on the occasion of the birthday celebration Japanese Emperor Akihito. The terrorists demanded the release of the leaders of the organization and 400 imprisoned comrades, and put forward demands of a political and economic nature. The women and children were soon released. On the tenth day, 103 hostages remained at the embassy. April 22, 1997 – 72 hostages. The embassy was liberated through an underground passage. During the operation, a hostage and 2 police officers died,all the terrorists were killed .

September 4, 1999 at 21:45 a GAZ-52 truck, which contained 2,700 kilograms of explosives made from aluminum powder and ammonium nitrate, wasexploded in the Dagestan city of Buinaksk next to a five-story residential building on Levanevsky Street, in which lived families of servicemen of the 136th motorized rifle brigade of the Russian Ministry of Defense. As a result of the explosion, two entrances of a residential building were destroyed, 58 people were killed, 146 were injured varying degrees gravity. Among the dead were 21 children, 18 women and 13 men; six people died from their wounds later.

September 8, 1999 at 23:59 in Moscow on the first floor of a nine-story residential building on Guryanov Streetthere was an explosion . Two entrances of the house were completely destroyed. The blast wave deformed the structures of the neighboring house No. 17. As a result of the terrorist attack, 92 people were killed and 264 people, including 86 children, were injured.

September 13, 1999 at 5 o'clock in the morningthere was an explosion (power - 300 kg of TNT equivalent) in the basement of an 8-story brick residential building on Kashirskoye Highway in Moscow. As a result of the terrorist attack, 124 residents of the house were killed, including 13 children, and another nine people were injured.

September 16, 1999 at 5:50 a.m. in the city of Volgodonsk, Rostov region, there wasa truck filled with explosives was blown up "GAZ-53" parked near a nine-story, six-entrance building on Oktyabrskoye Highway. The power of the explosive device used in the commission of the crime in TNT equivalent was 800-1800 kg. As a result of the explosion, balconies and the facade of two entrances of the building collapsed; a fire broke out on the 4th, 5th and 8th floors of these entrances, which was extinguished after a few hours. A powerful blast wave passed through neighboring houses. 18 people died, including two children, 63 people were hospitalized.The total number of victims was 310 people .

In April 2003, the Russian Prosecutor General's Office completed the investigation into the criminal case of explosions of residential buildings in Moscow and Volgodonsk and transferred it to court. There were two defendants in the dock - Yusuf Krymshamkhalov and Adam Dekkushev, whom the Moscow City Court on January 12, 2004sentenced to life imprisonment in the colony special regime. The investigation also established that the masterminds of the terrorist attacks were the Arabs Khattab and Abu Umar, who were subsequently liquidated by the Russian special services on the territory of Chechnya.

September 11, 2001 nineteen terrorists related to the ultra-radical international terrorist organization Al-Qaeda, divided into four groups,hijacked four regular passenger airliners in the USA.

Terrorists sent two planes into the World Trade Center towers located in the southern part of Manhattan in New York. American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into WTC 1 (north) and United Airlines Flight 175 crashed into WTC 2 (south). As a result, both towers collapsed, causing severe damage to adjacent buildings. The third plane (American Airlines Flight 77) was sent by terrorists to the Pentagon building, located near Washington. Passengers and crew of the fourth airliner (United Airlines Flight 93) attempted to take control of the plane from terrorists, and the plane crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

2998 people became victims of terrorist attacks , including 343 firefighters and 60 police officers, more than 300 people were injured. The exact amount of damage caused by the September 11 terrorist attacks is unknown. In September 2006, US President George W. Bush reported that the cost of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States was, at a low estimate, $500 billion.

October 12, 2002 In Indonesia, a terrorist attack occurred in the tourist area of ​​Kuta (Bali island). The attack was the largest terrorist attack in Indonesian history in terms of the number of casualties and casualties, killing 202 people, 164 of whom were foreigners and 38 Indonesian citizens. 209 people were injured.

The attack consisted of three bomb explosions: near nightclubs in Kuta, and also near the United States Consulate in Denpasar.

Several Jemaah Islamiyah members were found guilty of the action, including three people who were sentenced to death.

October 23, 2002 at 21:15 in the building of the Theater Center on Dubrovka, on Melnikova Street,a group of armed militants burst in led by Movsar Barayev. At that time, the musical “Nord-Ost” was playing at the cultural center; there were more than 900 people in the hall. The terrorists declared all people - spectators and theater workers - hostages and began to mine the building. After attempts by the security services to establish contact with the militants, State Duma deputy Joseph Kobzon, British journalist Mark Franchetti and two Red Cross doctors entered the center. Soon they took a woman and three children out of the building. At 19:00 on October 24, 2002, the Qatari TV channel Al-Jazeera showed an appeal from the militants of Movsar Barayev, recorded a few days before the capture of the Palace of Culture: terroristsdeclared themselves suicide bombers and demanded the withdrawal of Russian troops from Chechnya. On the morning of October 26, 2002, special forces began an assault, during which nerve gas was used; soon the Theater Center was taken by the special services, Movsar Barayev and most of the terrorists were destroyed. The number of neutralized terrorists was 50 people - 18 women and 32 men. Three terrorists were detained.

As a result of the terrorist attack130 people died .

November 15, 2003 With the help of car bombs driven by suicide bombers, explosions were carried out near two synagogues in Istanbul. 25 people were killed and more than 300 wounded. The Islamists explained their actions by saying that “Israeli agents were working in the synagogues.”

In 5 days,November 20, 2003 New explosions occurred in Istanbul. The first explosion occurred near the Istanbul headquarters of the British bank HSBC. A second explosion occurred outside the British Consulate, killing British Consul Roger Short. The third explosion occurred near the Metro City shopping center, two more occurred in the center of Istanbul (one of them was near the building of the Israeli diplomatic mission). 28 people were killed and 450 people were injured.

The international terrorist organization Al-Qaeda and the Turkish radical Islamist group “Front of Islamic Conquerors of the Great East” took responsibility for the incident.English).

A Turkish court convicted 48 people associated with al-Qaeda for organizing the explosion.

A series of terrorist attacks in Iraq in 2004:

February 1 – two suicide attacks on Kurdish headquarters political parties in Erbil. 105 - 109 dead.

March 2 – a series of attacks and bombings targeting pilgrims in Karbala during the Shiite mourning period of Ashura. 115 - 121 dead, more than 200 wounded.

March 2 - a series of suicide bombings in Baghdadevo during the Shiite mourning period of Ashura. About 70 dead.

July 28 - A suicide car bomber detonated a car bomb in a crowd near the Iraqi police recruiting center in Ba'quba. 68 - 70 dead, more than 50 wounded. Several shops and cars were destroyed.

December 19 - A suicide bomber detonated a car bomb near a funeral procession in Najaf. 48 - 54 dead, 90 - 140 wounded.

February 6, 2004 An explosion occurred in a Moscow metro carriage traveling to the center between the Avtozavodskaya and Paveletskaya stations. An explosive device with a capacity of 4 kg of TNT was detonated by a native of Karachay-Cherkessia, Anzor Izhaev. 41 people were killed and more than 250 were injured.

March 11, 2004 at the central station of the Spanish capital Atocha several bombs were detonated .

As a result of the terrorist attack, 191 people were killed and about two thousand were injured. A police special forces soldier who died during the storming of a terrorist safe house in the Madrid suburb of Leganes in April 2004 became the 192nd victim.

The explosions in four Madrid trains were organized by international terrorists - immigrants from North African countries - in order to take revenge on Spain for its participation in the war in Iraq. Seven direct participants in the terrorist attack, who did not want to surrender to the police, committed suicide in Leganes. Two dozen of their accomplices were sentenced in the fall of 2007 to various prison terms. The tragedy in Spain wasrecognized as the largest terrorist attack in Europe since the end of World War II.

September 1, 2004 in Beslan (North Ossetia), a detachment of terrorists led by Rasul Khachbarov, numbering more than 30 people, carried outseizure of the building of secondary school No. 1 . 1,128 people were taken hostage, mostly children. On September 2, 2004, terrorists agreed to allow ex-President of the Republic of Ingushetia Ruslan Aushev into the school building. The latter managed to convince the invaders to release only 25 women and small children with him.

On September 3, 2004, a spontaneous operation to free the hostages was carried out. At noon, a car with four employees of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations arrived at the school building, who were supposed to pick up the corpses of people shot by terrorists from the school yard. At that moment, two or three explosions suddenly rang out in the building itself, after which random shooting began on both sides, and children and women began jumping out of the windows and the gap formed in the wall (almost all the men who were in the school were shot by terrorists during the first two days ).

The result of the terrorist attack was335 dead and died from wounds , including 318 hostages, of which 186 were children. 810 hostages and residents of Beslan were injured, as well as FSB special forces officers, police and military personnel.

Responsibility for the terrorist attack in BeslanShamil Basayev took over , who published a statement on the Kavkaz Center website on September 17, 2004.

July 7, 2005 in London (UK)A series of explosions occurred during the morning rush hour : four explosive devices went off one after another at central London Underground stations (King's Cross, Edgware Road and Aldgate) and on a double-decker bus in Tavistock Square. The explosions carried out by four suicide bombers killed 52 passengers and injured another 700 people. The terrorist attacks went down in history under the name "7/7".

The perpetrators of the “7/7 terrorist attacks” were four men aged from 18 to 30 years. All the perpetrators of the terrorist attacks were either trained in al-Qaeda camps in Pakistan or attended meetings of radical Muslims where the ideas of martyrdom were preached in Islam's war against Western civilization.

October 18, 2007 happenedone of the deadliest terrorist attacks in the history of Pakistan . The motorcade of ex-Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, who had returned home, was moving along one of the central streets of Karachi when two explosions occurred. The explosive devices went off just five to seven meters from the armored van in which Benazir and her supporters were traveling. The death toll reached 140 people, more than 500 people were injured. Bhutto herself was not seriously injured.

April 11, 2011 at the Oktyabrskaya station of the Moscow line of the Minsk metro (Belarus)an explosion occurred during rush hour in the evening . The terrorist attack killed 15 people and injured more than 200. The terrorists, citizens of Belarus - Dmitry Konovalov and Vladislav Kovalev, were soon arrested. In the fall of 2011, the court sentenced both to capital punishment - the death penalty. In March 2012, the sentence was carried out.

July 22, 2011 There was a double terrorist attack in Norway. At firstan explosion occurred near a complex of government buildings in the center of the Norwegian capital Oslo, where the office of the country's Prime Minister is located. The power of the explosive device, according to experts, ranged from 400 to 700 kilograms of TNT.

About 250 people were in the government building at the time of the explosion.

A few hours later, a man in a police uniform opened fire at a youth camp The Norwegian Workers' Party on the island of Utøya, located in the Buskerud area on Lake Tyrifjord.

The criminal shot defenseless people for an hour and a half.77 people became victims of the double terrorist attack – 69 were killed on the island of Utøya, eight died in the Oslo explosion, 151 people were injured.

At the site of the second terrorist attack, authorities detained a suspect, 32-year-old ethnic Norwegian Anders Breivik. The terrorist surrendered to the police without offering resistance.

On April 16, 2012, the trial of Anders Breivik, accused of murdering 77 people, began in Oslo District Court. On August 24, 2012, he was declared sane and sentenced to 21 years in prison .

The most famous terrorist attack, which claimed the lives of about 3 thousand people, occurred in New York on September 11, 2001.Organizer: Al-Qaeda. Goal: terrorists hijack planes and attack the World Trade Center buildings

Thus, we can highlight the following features of modern terrorism and terrorism as a socio-political phenomenon.

A terrorist act is a shame for all humanity. History remembers many brutal murders and bloody wars, but no war can compare with the cruelty and mercilessness of the organizers and perpetrators of these incidents.

Apart from the generally accepted statistics of deaths and injuries, no one undertakes to evaluate the social and psychological impact on people who witnessed terrible events. People who have experienced post-traumatic shock experience nightmares throughout their lives with memories of the events they experienced.

The attacks were carried out by fanatics of all stripes: religious radicals, nationalists and crazy revolutionaries. Each villain had their own wild explanations. But all the victims were united by one thing common feature- defenselessness.

The sad statistics of victims of terrorist attacks in the world is growing every year. Data on the number of victims of acts of intimidation from 1994 to 2015.

About the largest terrorist attacks in modern history.

On June 23, 1985, terrorists blew up a Boeing 747 Air company India over the Atlantic. The terrorist attack killed 329 people and was considered the largest before September 11, 2001.

On October 23, 1983, in Beirut, Hezbollah militants blew up two trucks with explosives near the barracks. Marine Corps US and French paratroopers. 299 people died.

On June 23, 1985, Sikh extremists detonated a bomb on board a Boeing 747. airlines Air India, traveling from Montreal to London. 329 people died.

On December 21, 1988, a Pan American Boeing 747 flying from London to New York crashed over Lockerbie, Scotland. The disaster occurred as a result of an explosion of a Libyan intelligence officer on board. 270 people died.

On December 27, 1988, at the airports of Rome and Vienna, terrorists of the Palestinian organization Abu Nidal shot with machine guns passengers standing at the ticket counters of Israeli airlines. 16 people were killed and more than 120 were injured.

On September 19, 1989, a bomb exploded on board a DC-10 of the French airline UTA, flying from the Congo to Paris. 171 passengers died.

On March 12, 1993, a series of terrorist attacks were carried out in Bombay (now Mumbai). Explosions organized criminal group, headed by Davud Ibrahim. Terrorists detonated 13 cars filled with explosives near the stock exchange, immigration department, post office and several hotels. The explosions killed 257 people.

On March 20, 1995, members of the Aum Shinrikyo sect sprayed sarin gas at 16 Tokyo subway stations. More than 3 thousand people were injured, 12 died.

On April 19, 1995, in Oklahoma (USA), far-right terrorist Timothy McVeigh detonated a bomb in the Alfred Murray Federal Building. 168 people died.

On June 14, 1995, in Budennovsk, a detachment of militants led by Shamil Basayev captured a hospital where about two thousand people were staying. The hostages were kept for six days without food or water. As a result of the terrorist attack, 143 hostages were killed and about 400 were injured.

On August 7, 1998, a truck loaded with explosives was detonated near the US Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya. 213 people died. More than five thousand people were injured. The radical organization “Islamic Army for the Liberation of Islamic Shrines” took responsibility for the attack.

On September 4, 1999, in the city of Buynaksk (Dagestan), a 5-story residential building was blown up, in which the families of officers of the 136th brigade of the Ministry of Defense lived. Two entrances collapsed completely. 64 people died, including 23 children. 146 people were seriously injured. According to the investigation, this terrorist attack was organized and financed by the leaders of the illegal armed group Islamic Institute "Caucasus" Emir al-Khattab and Abu Umar.

On the night of September 8-9, 1999, a residential building on 19 Guryanov Street in Moscow was blown up. As a result of the terrorist attack, more than 90 people were killed and about 200 were injured.

On September 13, 1999, a residential building on Kashirskoe Highway was blown up in Moscow. It was completely destroyed. More than 120 people died.

On September 16, 1999, a residential building was blown up in the city of Volgodonsk, Rostov Region. 18 people died, including two children, and 310 people were injured.

On September 11, 2001, three planes flown by al-Qaeda terrorists crashed into the skyscrapers of the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon building. Another crashed in Pennsylvania. Al-Qaeda, led by Osama Bin Laden, claimed responsibility for the attack. According to his own statement, the attacks were carried out "because we are a free people who do not accept injustice, and we want to return freedom to our nation." The victims of the terrorist attacks were 2,977 people: 246 passengers and crew members of aircraft, 2,606 people in New York, another 125 in the Pentagon building. More than 1,600 bodies were identified, but about 1,100 people could not be identified.

On the night of October 13, 2002 on the island of Bali (Indonesia) near a disco in the city of Kuta, as a result of a series of explosions carried out by suicide bombers, about 190 people were killed and more than 300 were injured. At the same time, explosive devices were detonated near the US consulates in Bali and the Philippine Consulate General in Manado, the capital of North Sulawesi province.

On October 23, 2002, a group of militants led by Chechen separatist Movsar Barayev took over 900 hostages in the building of the Moscow Theater Center on Dubrovka during the musical “Nord-Ost”. During the storming of the building, three days later, gas was released into the hall where the terrorists and hostages were located. According to official data, 130 people were killed and more than 700 people were injured.

On November 20, 2003, five explosions occurred in Istanbul, including at the British Consulate General and at a branch of one of the British banks. As a result of the attack, 28 people were killed and 450 people were injured. Al-Qaeda and the Turkish radical Islamist group “Front of the Islamic Mujahideen of the East” took responsibility for the incident.

On February 6, 2004, on the stretch between the Avtozavodskaya and Paveletskaya stations on a Moscow metro train, a suicide bomber detonated a bomb. As a result of the terrorist attack, 41 people were killed and about 250 were injured.

As a result of a series of explosions on March 11, 2004, several explosions occurred at the Atoche train station in Madrid. 191 people were killed and 1,800 were injured. Al-Qaeda claimed responsibility for the attack. The terrorist attack was the deadliest in Europe since the end of World War II.

On September 1, 2004, terrorists seized school No. 1 in Beslan. Two days later, as a result of the storming of the building, 334 people (186 of whom were children) were killed and more than 800 people were injured.

On July 7, 2005, explosive devices went off on three London Underground trains. Another bomb exploded on the bus. 56 people were killed and more than 700 were injured. The terrorist attack was the largest in London since World War II.

From November 26 to 29, 2008, a series of terrorist attacks known as the “Attack on Mumbai” occurred. Islamic terrorists from the Deccan Mujahideen organization attacked in several places at once. One group opened fire with machine guns in the Victoria Station building, two others took hostages at the Taj Mahal and Oberoi hotels, and the fourth attacked a police station. A total of seven attacks were recorded (including on a hospital and a Jewish center). As a result of the terrorist attack, about 170 people were killed and more than 300 were injured.

On September 23, 2013, as a result of a militant attack on visitors to the Westgate shopping center in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi, 67 people were killed and more than 200 were injured. A group of armed men - believed to be about ten people - seized the fashionable Westgate shopping center. The terrorist group Al-Shabab claimed responsibility for the incident.

On April 2, 2015, at least 147 people were killed in an attack by militants of the radical Islamist group Al-Shabaab on a university in the Kenyan city of Garissa, and about 80 more were injured. The terrorists killed mostly Christians. IN law enforcement agencies Kenya reported that four attackers were killed and another was detained.

On the night of November 13-14, 2015, Paris was subjected to several terrorist attacks. The terrorist attacks in the capital of France literally stunned the whole world with their inhumanity. According to preliminary data, seven members of a terrorist gang carried out a series of explosions and shootings that killed at least 153 people and injured about 200.

On the morning of March 22, 2016, two explosions occurred at Brussels airport, and a little later an explosion occurred at the Malbec metro station near the quarter with EU institutions. According to the latest data, explosions at the airport and metro killed 34 people and injured almost 200 to varying degrees gravity.

The terrible series of terrorist attacks that took place in Paris on November 13, 2015 showed the general unpreparedness and carelessness of the French authorities. Indeed, in the stream of emigrants pouring from the Middle Eastern countries to Europe, there were not only civilians affected by the war, but also well-trained ISIS militants, ready to kill without hesitation, for the sake of their bloodthirsty interests.

And after all, the intelligence services of many countries around the world have stated that there is already a huge amount religious fanatics, ready to unleash a brutal massacre on the quiet streets of European cities, but the authorities did not take any measures, competing with each other in tolerance and loyalty to the “poor and unfortunate” refugees. As a result, thunder struck and 129 people died in a series of terrorist attacks in France...
Terrorism is one of the main threats to modern civilized society, and in this ranking, we will talk about the 10 worst terrorist attacks in history.

1. Explosion of the destroyer Cole. 17 dead, 39 wounded

On October 12, 2000, two young Arab suicide bombers attacked the American destroyer Cole on a small boat filled with 300 kg of explosives. At that time, the destroyer's crew was refueling the ship in the port of Aden, in Yemen, when suddenly a powerful explosion thundered on the port side, making a huge hole 9x12 meters in the ship.

The epicenter of the explosion was located not far from the galley, where, by an unfortunate coincidence, at that time most of the team had gathered for lunch. The terrorist attack claimed the lives of 17 sailors and injured 39 people of varying degrees of severity. By the way, it was in this port that one of the al-Qaeda suicide bombers attempted to blow up the USS The Sullivans (DDG-68), an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer, at the beginning of the year, but was unsuccessful.

Al-Qaeda, as expected, claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack on the USS Cole. And after this incident, the American fleet significantly strengthened security measures while ships were docked in international ports.

2. Terrorist attacks using anthrax letters. 5 dead, 17 wounded

Just a few days after the famous attack on the World Trade Center towers, when the entire American nation was in shock from the realization of its complete powerlessness in the face of global terrorism, a series of bio-terrorist attacks occurred using letters containing anthrax.

On September 18 and October 9, vitriol letters were sent via regular mail to the media, several news outlets, and two US senators. As a result, 5 people died and 17 fell ill. Naturally, the FBI had a version that al-Qaeda was involved in the terrorist attack, but it later fell apart and the investigation had a new suspect.

He turned out to be Dr. Bruce Ivins, who at the time worked in the federal bio-defense laboratory. He became the main accused in the terrorist attacks. On July 27, 2008, after several years of investigation, Dr. Ivins committed suicide. In terms of the number of victims, this terrorist attack is not the worst in history, but the amount of material damage is simply amazing.

As a result of mailing letters containing the causative agent, 12 federal buildings were considered potentially dangerous and the disinfection of these buildings was very expensive for taxpayers. For example, a complete cleanup of the Brentwood postal complex cost US$130 million and took 26 months. And the postal complex in New Jersey generally remained closed until 2005 and its disinfection cost 65 million dollars. The total damage amounted to more than $1 billion.

3. Explosion of Pan American flight 103. 270 dead, 12 injured

Airplanes have always been a favorite target for terrorists, because such attacks have always frightened the public, because we all fly periodically and most people are afraid of flying. And if you add to this fear the fear of a bomb explosion, then flying becomes simply a test for your nerves.

On December 21, 1988, a Pan Am plane was flying from London Heathrow Airport to Kennedy Airport when an explosion occurred on board at an altitude of more than 9,000 meters above the town of Lockerbie in Scotland. The plane was completely destroyed in the air, killing all passengers and crew members. In addition, collapsing debris punctured several houses in the city, killing 11 and injuring 12 people.

Several extremist groups claimed responsibility for the attack, and experts quickly determined that the plane's downing was, in fact, caused by a bomb planted on board. As the investigation progressed, investigators also concluded that the attack was authorized by the Libyan government. Libyan Abdul-Basit Al-Megrahi was arrested and accused and found guilty of committing the terrorist attack.

In 2003, the Libyan government officially admitted responsibility for the terrorist attack and paid more than $2.7 billion to the relatives of the victims killed in the crash.

4. Explosions of peacekeepers' barracks in Beirut. 301 dead, 168 injured

For decades, the Middle East has been in flames civil wars and political unrest resulting in thousands of civilian deaths. And in the early 1980s, the UN approved the participation of a peacekeeping contingent to resolve the military conflict in Lebanon. But it didn't work.

On October 23, 1983, a Mercedes-Benz truck entered the territory former airport, where American infantrymen were stationed. The car was allowed into the territory without any problems, since it looked like a water carrier that delivered supplies to the military. drinking water. The car made several circles around the parking lot, then quickly accelerated and crashed straight into the headquarters building, where almost 400 Marines were located at that time.

The monstrous explosion completely destroyed the building. As it turned out later, the force of the explosion was 5 tons of trinitrotoluene. At the same time, the same truck loaded with explosives attacked the positions of French paratroopers. As a result of the terrorist attack, 241 American military personnel (including 220 Marines) and 58 French military personnel were killed.

For American infantrymen, this day became the deadliest in terms of the number of deaths, after famous battle at Iwo Jima during World War II. American intelligence agencies believe that the Israeli intelligence service Mossad knew about the impending terrorist attack, but they did not warn the US and French governments, hoping that they would withdraw their troops from the region after the terrorist attack. In the end, this is what happened.

5. Bombings of US embassies in Africa. 303 dead, 4954 injured

Before September 11, 2001, all terrorist attacks on US citizens occurred on the territories of other countries, but not in America. For example, the embassy bombings in Nairobi (Kenya) and Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania).
On August 7, 1998, two trucks filled with 17 tons of explosives exploded almost simultaneously near the US embassies.

Both embassies were heavily damaged, killing 12 Americans; all other casualties were local civilians. The adjacent houses were severely destroyed by the blast wave, hence the huge number of wounded - several thousand people. The Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ) group claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack.

6. Tragedy in Beslan. 366 dead, 747 injured

On September 1, 2004, armed Ingush and Chechen militants seized school No. 1 in Beslan, in North Ossetia. The terrorists captured 1,128 people, among whom more than 700 were children. The seizure of the school was led by Ruslan Khuchbarov, nicknamed “Rasul,” who reported directly to Shamil Basayev. The militants demanded that everything stop immediately fighting in Chechnya and withdraw Russian troops from the republic.

On September 2, after negotiations with the ex-president of Ingushetia Ruslan Aushev, the bandits released 25 women and children. On September 3, shots were heard in the school building and special forces immediately began an assault.

Most of the hostages were rescued, but the number of casualties was enormous. 334 people died, of which 186 were children and 10 employees of the Vympel and Alpha special forces. The special forces killed 30 terrorists, only one bandit survived - Nurpashi Kulaev, who is currently serving a life sentence.

7. Terrorist attack in Bombay, India. 257 dead, 700 wounded

On March 12, 1993, in crowded areas of Bombay (present-day Mumbai), 13 explosive devices hidden in parked cars went off simultaneously. The attack killed 257 people and injured about 700.
The investigation found that the organizers of the terrorist attack were Islamic fundamentalists; this was their response to the clashes between Muslims and Hindus that occurred shortly before the explosions. One of the organizers of this crime, Yakub Memon, was executed quite recently, on July 30, 2015. His two other accomplices are still wanted.

8. Train bombings in Madrid, Spain. 191 dead, more than 2,000 injured

On the morning of March 11, 2004, several explosive devices hidden on trains exploded at several suburban stations and the Atocha station in Madrid. The deadliest terrorist attack in Spanish history left 191 people dead and more than 2,000 injured to varying degrees.
Al-Qaeda claimed responsibility for the attack. Three years later, on October 31, 2007, a trial took place in which 21 people were accused. They all got different terms imprisonment, up to life.

9. Explosions in Bali, Indonesia. 202 dead, 209 wounded.

On October 12, 2002, a suicide bomber and a car bomb parked near a nightclub in Kuta, Bali, killed 202 people and injured more than 200. Among the dead, 164 were foreign tourists. During the investigation, 30 people were arrested who were involved in the terrorist attack and who at that time were active members of the extremist group Jamaah Islamiyah. In 2008 three years old the accused were shot, the rest received various prison sentences.

10. Terrorist attack in the United States on September 11, 2001. Killed 2093 people, injured 8,900

By far the largest and bloodiest terrorist attack occurred in America on September 11, 2001. The attack was carried out by al-Qaeda suicide bombers on the orders of their leader, Osama Bin Laden. 19 al-Qaeda members, threatening the crew with bladed weapons, were able to hijack 4 airliners.

As a result of the attack, two planes crashed into the World Trade Center towers in New York, one crashed near the Pentagon building in Washington, and another plane crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, after passengers tried to neutralize the hijackers.

This tragedy was the worst in US history. Both towers, symbols of New York, were completely destroyed, the Pentagon building was severely damaged, and in terms of the number of dead and wounded, this terrorist attack has no equal. Subsequently, this attack became the reason for the US military operation in Afghanistan.

On October 10, the largest terrorist attack in the country's history occurred in Turkey. Two explosions with an interval of three seconds occurred in the morning in the Turkish capital Ankara in the area railway station before the start of a protest rally organized by trade unions and public organizations, against the surge in violence due to the Turkish-Kurdish conflict in the southeast of the country. The attack, carried out by two suicide bombers, caused the death of 95 people and injured 246.

On September 8, PKK militants blew up a minibus carrying police officers. The incident occurred in Igdir province in southeastern Turkey. The explosion killed 13 people.

On August 17, a powerful explosion occurred at the Ratchaprasong intersection in the business and tourist area of ​​Bangkok, Thailand. A homemade radio-controlled bomb using trinitrotoluene as an explosive was planted near the fence of the Hindu shrine of the Erawan (three-headed sacred elephant) deity near shopping center Amarin Plaza and the Grand Hayatt Erawan Hotel at a time when the sanctuary was especially busy with visitors, most of whom were tourists. According to official data, 20 people died as a result of the terrorist attack, 12 of them on the spot, another 8 people died in hospitals from their injuries. The number of wounded was 123 people.

July 22 22 Iraqi Army soldiers and participants people's militia died as a result of two explosions carried out by militants of the terrorist group "Islamic State" (IS) in the east of the city of Fallujah. The militants blew up two cars filled with explosives. At least 24 people were injured.

On July 22, in Faryab province in northwestern Afghanistan, an explosive device was detonated by a suicide bomber at a busy market in the Alamar district. The explosion killed 19 people.

On July 21, at least 19 people were killed in two explosions in predominantly Shiite areas of the Iraqi capital Baghdad (Iraq). The first car went airborne on a crowded street in the eastern Baghdad neighborhood of Al-Jadida. The explosion killed 17 people and injured 43 more, most of them civilians. Another attack occurred in the Zafaraniya area in southern Baghdad, killing at least two people and injuring nine others.

On July 20, a terrorist attack occurred in a tea cafe in front of a cultural center in Suruç (Turkey), located on the border with Syria, killing 30 people and injuring more than 100. A bomb exploded in front of a cultural center where Turkish Kurds had gathered as they prepared to travel to Syria to help rebuild the city of Kobani, which was hit by an attack by IS militants.

On July 17, a car bomb containing three tons of explosives exploded in a market in the city of Bani Saad in eastern Iraq. The explosion occurred as people gathered in the market to celebrate the end of the month of Ramadan. The number of victims of the explosion was 120 people. The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack.

On July 12, a car filled with explosives exploded near military base in the Afghan province of Khost in the east of the country, where Afghan and foreign military personnel are located. 33 people were killed and 23 were injured.

On July 12, several cars filled with explosives went up in various parts of Baghdad. In addition, two suicide bombers detonated explosive devices, one of them exploded near the market. As a result of the incidents, 35 people were killed and more than 100 were injured.

On June 17, a series of explosions occurred in Sanaa (Yemen), which killed 31 people. IN different parts In the city, five explosive devices were detonated near mosques and buildings associated with rebels from the Shiite Ansar Allah movement (Houthis). The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attacks.

On June 2, a series of explosions in Salah al-Din province in northern Iraq killed at least 32 members of pro-government Shiite militias. Four car bombs exploded near the city of Baiji. It was also reported that 34 people were injured as a result of the terrorist attack.

On June 1, a car bomb exploded near a military base in Iraq's western Anbar province, killing 38 security forces. More than 30 security forces were injured as a result of the explosion. The radical group Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack.

On April 18, two explosions occurred in the city of Jalalabad in the Afghan province of Nangarhar. One of them occurred near a bank branch. Another explosion occurred near the building of the Department of Information and Culture. The attacks killed 33 people and injured more than 100.

On April 2, Al-Shabab militants attacked a university dormitory in the Kenyan city of Garissa. As a result of the terrorist attack, 147 people were killed and another 79 people were injured.

On March 20, militants with suicide vests entered the Badr and Al-Hashush mosque in the Yemeni capital Sanaa, followed by four explosions. Subsequently, Houthi checkpoints around mosques were attacked. As a result of the explosions, 150 people were killed and at least 345 were injured. Among the dead are one of the spiritual leaders of the Ansar Allah movement (Houthis), Murtada al-Makhturi, as well as two high-ranking members of the group. On the same day, two explosions also occurred in the northern city of Saada, killing at least 33 people.

On January 7, at least 50 people were killed and dozens injured in an explosion that occurred near a police school in the Yemeni capital Sanaa. A suicide bomber blew up a minibus filled with explosives. The explosion occurred as dozens of applicants gathered in front of the college building.

On June 11, 1996, the first terrorist attack occurred in Moscow since the collapse of the USSR - an explosion in the Moscow metro. On this day we remember all the major Moscow tragedies and dream that this nightmare will never happen again!

(Total 15 photos)

1. June 11, 1996: explosion of an improvised explosive device on the stretch between the Tulskaya and Nagatinskaya stations of the Moscow metro. 4 people died, 12 were hospitalized.

3. August 31, 1999: explosion in a shopping complex " Okhotny Ryad"on Manezhnaya Square. One woman died and 40 people were injured.

4. September 9 and 13, 1999: explosions of residential buildings on Guryanov Street and on Kashirskoye Highway. 100 and 124 people died, respectively.

5. August 8, 2000: explosion in the underground passage on Pushkinskaya Square. 13 people were killed, 61 people were injured. The improvised explosive device with a capacity of 800 grams of TNT was stuffed with screws and screws. The bomb was left in a shopping bag next to the shopping pavilion.

6. February 5, 2001: at 18:50 an explosion occurred at the Belorusskaya-Koltsevaya metro station. The explosive device was placed on the platform next to the first carriage of the train under a heavy marble bench. The explosion knocked out powerful lampshades at the station, and cladding fell from the ceiling. The explosion injured 20 people, including two children, but no one died.

7. October 23-26, 2002: Terrorist attack on Dubrovka - a group of Chechen militants led by Chechen separatist Movsar Barayev took over 900 hostages in the building of the Theater Center on Dubrovka. All the terrorists were destroyed during the storming of the building, the hostages were freed, but more than 120 people died from the effects of the sleeping gas used by special forces during the assault, combined with the difficult conditions in which the hostages were held (three days in a sitting position with virtually no food or water).

8. July 5, 2003: Chechen terrorists carried out an explosion at the Tushinsky airfield during the Wings rock festival. 16 people were killed, about 50 were injured. (Photo: Moskovsky Komsomolets)

9. December 9, 2003: a suicide bomber detonated an explosive device near the National Hotel. 6 people were killed, 14 people were injured.

10. February 6, 2004: an explosion with a capacity of 4 kg of TNT, carried out by a suicide bomber on a train on the stretch between the Avtozavodskaya and Paveletskaya metro stations. 42 people were killed and about 250 were injured.

11. August 31, 2004: a female suicide bomber detonated an explosive device near the Rizhskaya metro station. More than 10 people were killed, and another 50 were injured and hospitalized. Shamil Basayev took responsibility for the terrorist attack. (Photo: RIA Novosti)

12. August 21, 2006: explosion at the Cherkizovsky market. The explosion killed 14 people and injured 61 people.

13. August 13, 2007: as a result of the explosion of the railway track ( official version) there was an accident on the Nevsky Express train between Moscow and St. Petersburg. The power of the explosive device was up to 2 kg in TNT equivalent. As a result of the accident, 60 people were injured, of whom 25 were taken to hospitals, no one died.

14. March 29, 2010: at 7:56 there was an explosion at the Lubyanka metro station. Another explosion at 8:37 occurred at the Park Kultury station. As a result of the terrorist attacks, 41 people were killed and 85 were injured. The leader of the “Caucasian Emirate” Doku Umarov took responsibility for this terrorist attack.

15. January 24, 2011: a suicide bomber detonated a bomb at Domodedovo airport at 16:32. According to the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, 37 people died, 130 people were injured of varying degrees of severity.