Types of UFOs and their appearance. A triangular UFO was again spotted over a military base in Ohio Black flying Belgian triangles descriptions of sightings

As a result of analyzing a large amount of information on observed UFOs in the atmosphere, hydrosphere of the Earth, near-planetary space and on the Moon, the author came to the conclusion that UFOs are very diverse phenomena.

Ufologists need to realize that the UFO phenomenon is global and does not have one simple explanation. It is now becoming clear that UFOs are associated not only with terrestrial processes, since a large number of UFOs (massive, not isolated cases) are observed by astronomers and astronauts using optical instruments, as well as visually in near-Earth orbital space.

In addition, UFOs are often observed on and near the Moon, near the Sun, and even in outer space at a great distance from us. That is, it is absolutely obvious, even with our limited vision, that part of the UFOs observed far beyond the Earth are of cosmic origin and have nothing to do with our planet. UFOs can be found everywhere, which confirms my theory - UFOs have a global distribution and cosmic origin.

Today, we can identify at least 10 sources of origin of UFOs, that is, in other words, we distinguish 10 different processes that are accompanied by the appearance and flights of so-called UFOs.

1. Launches and flights of strategic missiles, traditional space launch vehicles and orbital satellites in ballistic and geostationary orbits can be immediately discarded and not considered. They are often easy to recognize by a long trail of burnt fuel at the moment of rocket launch and during flight within the atmosphere, stratosphere and further along a static flight orbit. Sometimes jets of burnt fuel twist in a spiral due to the axial rotation of the rocket itself - a light spiral is observed.

The appearance of a very small number of triangular-shaped UFOs is also caused by human activity. In particular, in the 70s of the last century, the US aerospace services, in great secrecy, tested new near-planetary technology (the Aurora aircraft using Stealth technology, the triangular shuttle TR-3A Black Manta - “Black Manta”), created on the basis alien technology is the result of a secret conspiracy between the intelligence services and gray-skinned dwarfs - Grace. Later in the 90s, larger TR-3B astra appeared. These triangular devices can still loom in the sky and fly above the reach of air defense services.

How are they different from other triangular UFOs of extraterrestrial origin? There are signs of difference. “Black Manta” (TR-3 A) leaves a white trail after flying over (flies like an airplane). Its dimensions are small - length 25 meters, wingspan - 40 meters, length less than width. The color is dark gray metallic.

Unlike "Black Manta", the dimensions of the alien triangles are different: length - 70 meters, width - 60 meters, length greater than the wingspan. The body color can be silver or matte black. Everyone can hover in place, this is their only similarity.

During Black Manta's low flight over the ground, people can hear the sound of its engines running - a low vibrating sound. On the contrary, alien triangular vehicles move completely silently. At very low speeds of movement in the Earth's atmosphere (up to 2,000 km/h), they do not leave any contrails.

American triangular apparatus of the “Black Manta” type (TR-3 A)

The flight path is a characteristic distinguishing feature. Extraterrestrial vehicles can fly along a broken trajectory, characteristic of inertia-free flight with zero mass. Many alien ships fly this way. Any terrestrial devices cannot fly like that, and Black Manta cannot fly like that either.

Another difference is that in the corners of the extraterrestrial triangles you can see white small or white large “lanterns”, and along the side along the perimeter, multi-colored “lanterns” - propulsion systems - can alternately glow, which is not the case with terrestrial vehicles. For visual comparison, a photograph of an extraterrestrial vehicle such as the Belgian triangular UFO is shown.

Flyby of "Black Manta" with a characteristic plume of superheated gas

2. Global processes of energy exchange Earth-space, in the top view it looks like a complex energy network, places of concentration of energies are anomalous zones where energy balls diving into the ground or emerging from the ground, short-term plasma formations, columns of ascending and descending energies are often observed , they connect anomalous zones into a single energy exchange network.

This is approximately what the global energy network of energy exchange between the Earth and space looks like

This phenomenon also includes numerous fixations of inactive transparent plasmoid balls, which are usually found in places of power - near religious natural monuments, near holy places of prayer.

Single plasmoid near a religious building (temple)

These energy formations are unreasonable, they simply gather in one place, being attracted by energetic similarity to similar ones and belong to the energy accumulator-egregor of this place, that is, they are derivatives of human energy-psychic activity. These places are also classified as anomalous zones.

A large accumulation of plasmoids in the area of ​​​​the village of Okunevo

This is the most widespread phenomenon on our planet and is available for close study by everyone. The famous anomalous zone “Medveditskaya Ridge” (or Zhirnovskaya zone) became famous for ball lightning flying horizontally at low altitude (plasmoids of geoenergetic origin), which burned through trees, dived into the soil and, conversely, emerged from the ground.

By the way, ufologists most often encounter similar anomalous zones, which in practice turn out to be harmful to human health. It is these processes that need to be inextricably linked with our planet, because they are generated by the planet itself, as well as by humanity living in its space.

3. The system of purification of the energies of the Earth and humanity is connected with previous phenomena. This can be compared with public utilities, which are busy providing energy to everyone living on Earth and the problems of recycling waste energy. The process is natural, planet Earth itself regulates these processes, but earthly processes can sometimes be controlled by more highly intelligent forces.

Usually these are visible energy balls flying along deep tectonic faults, balls diving into lakes, dark balls-clumps over hotbeds of conflicts and wars. With the help of these systems, the Higher Minds carry out the redistribution of energies in the space of the Earth, and also regularly carry out local cleansing of the planet’s space from energy contamination and cleansing of the entire noosphere.

An energy-absorbing plasmoid that collects dirty energy is always black in color

4. Injections of exotic energies in our space on Earth are a rather rare phenomenon (according to contactee Yu. Linnik) (Fig. 13, 14). The process obeys only the Higher Minds and is associated with the intergalactic exchange of energies.

One of the types of injections may be the materialization of the so-called “merkabah” - the consciousness of Higher Intelligences materialized in the space of the Earth, who wanted to personally participate in the processes on Earth.

The fact is that they, being multidimensional and high-energy beings, cannot express themselves in any other way in our three-dimensional world. It is clear that this manifestation is partial and limited, since the characteristics of these worlds are very different.

Rotating in the form of a luminous torus or disk, the so-called “Merkaba” (structured intelligent plasma) is remotely controlled and launched for specific purposes. It also comes in the form of rotating balls of light.

“Merkaba” is a tool for influencing the small world by highly intelligent beings who do not have the opportunity to descend to Earth themselves. A peculiar artificial temporary-short-term materialization of the consciousness of the VC in any space.

5. Information probes of extraterrestrial civilizations and information systems of Higher Intelligences are often visually invisible and very moving points or visible balls with a diameter of 5 centimeters to 0.5 meters of white, yellow, orange, which can glow at night.

They fly in places of active work, usually alone, moving very actively and purposefully. They usually monitor a large area, monitoring human activities, nuclear power plants, military testing sites and other ground facilities.

Having done their work, they return back to their owners. The balls can be organized in whole clusters, in long chains, stretching for several kilometers on an invisible rope, and in the end they are returned back from where they were sent. Each such ball had a specific task (purpose).

Similar formations of probes in the form of a garland or a line of multi-colored balls that moved in a very organized manner were observed by ufologists at night in the summer of 1991 in the suburbs of Zagorsk (Moscow region). Balls of the same size glowed in different colors (red, white, green), flickered continuously and moved strictly in place in one direction, keeping a distance, and were clearly controlled by intelligent forces.

The column was headed and trailed by white balls larger than usual. The balls began their flight from a height of 300 meters, flew smoothly and silently along a gentle trajectory up to an altitude of up to 5 kilometers, until they left the visibility zone. The night procession of balloons began over the southeastern suburbs of Zagorsk and continued over the city. At the same time, dumbbell- and cigar-shaped UFO activity was observed in the same area (suburb of Krasnoarmeysk).

6. Space breakthroughs caused artificially when extraterrestrial civilizations visit our world are often accompanied by local fluctuations in time and spatial dimensionality. The formation of short-term transport corridors to other worlds is a very fleeting and energy-consuming process. Highly developed civilizations create corridors for their movements in strictly planned places.

At this moment, a bright flash of light is observed in the sky, which quickly expands, and from this bright point, for example, a “flying saucer” flies out. Further its flight is clearly visible. Aliens can often combine spaces for a long time.

The process looks like a large transparent soap bubble, inside this sphere the physical characteristics of that world are preserved - the course of time is different there, the energy of space is different. The aliens, being there, see our world, but at the same time feel more comfortable, since they are isolated from our world by a transparent shell.

Plastic “drop of other matter” in our world, reconstruction

Local curvature of space, invisible and transparent ship, reconstruction

7. Flights of ships of extraterrestrial civilizations of a dense type and different levels of development (type 1 according to my classification) in our space (with full or partial visualization), visits of humanoids - often these are completely different types of matter, if we talk about dense matter. Ships can leave physical marks at landing sites.

UFO - a triangle of 70x60 meters perched behind a Boeing 747. In flight at low speed (up to 2,000 km/h), it does not leave a trail behind it.

Often, in order not to attract attention when flying in the lower layers of the atmosphere and hovering low near the ground, intelligent beings use camouflage for their ships - they cover the ships with a cloud shell, increase the frequencies of energy vibrations of the energy shells around dense ships. They become invisible to radar. This phenomenon has become quite common lately.

Most ufologists study visible, usually physically manifested, dense objects that leave traces in our world. Similar UFOs of a dense physical type are observed by all witnesses; they are perfectly recorded by cameras and video recording. Photographs (especially high-quality ones) are the pride of researchers. Classifications of UFOs based on appearance have been compiled. The shape of aircraft is very diverse.

We do not classify man-made alien aircraft (hereinafter referred to as aircraft) by shape; this is a useless exercise, since the shape of an aircraft can be very diverse, and the same disc-shaped objects can have a variety of design options, differing from each other in details of appearance. You can verify this by studying the mentioned classifier. Among the spaceships of alien civilizations, only four large groups are distinguished according to their purpose (functional application):

  • Giant bases the size of a planet.
  • Large motherships designed for long-distance, intergalactic flights. They come in a wide variety of shapes and carry short-range ships on board.
  • Devices of medium and small size, designed for circumplanetary movements limited in distance (the most diverse in shape). They are often piloted by humanoids or biorobots.
  • Unmanned and remote-controlled miniships, up to 1 meter in size, which are usually produced from group B vehicles. They are designed for detailed reconnaissance.

Most of the man-made alien aircraft belong to low and moderately developed civilizations (NC I, SC I). They have a permanent shape and are the most difficult to camouflage when close to Earth. Typically, man-made ships are camouflaged with artificial “fog”, a cloud cover, or they can be camouflaged using a hologram or an energy shell of arbitrary shape, which hide the real appearance of a real aircraft. This is done only so as not to attract people’s attention, not to irritate military services with your presence, etc.

Many highly developed civilizations have ships that are simpler in shape, with a streamlined configuration. They usually do not land on the ground, since advanced technology allows the aliens to descend to the ground without moving their feet along the ramp. For disembarkation, a beam elevator, individual levitation, etc. can be used.

But this is only a small part of the phenomena associated with extraterrestrial civilizations. A lot of interesting things happen in the invisible spectra of energy vibrations. And here technical devices (the same cameras) will no longer help. The researcher will be able to further study the world around him only by extrasensory methods, developing his energy abilities, that is, he will have to work a lot on himself. Because the subtlest types of energy matter can be discovered, seen and felt only in an extrasensory way, developing one’s sensitivity to subtle energies to such a level.

Some ufological organizations have repeatedly kicked out psychics who wanted to use their abilities in UFO research. It was popularly explained to them that anti-scientific mystical methods cannot be used in real scientific research. Bioenergy and extrasensory perception (parapsychology) were declared outside science. These are the scientific methods of work.

In my opinion, if ufologists continue not to acknowledge the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations that are watching us, research will not advance further. There will be further marking of time in ridiculous attempts to explain all this in another way. If we continue to not recognize the existence of mind energy (bioenergy), then this will lead to a dead end in all further research. It is probably difficult for ufologists to do this without changing something within themselves.

Partially manifested alien aircraft. Visualization phases: 1 - moving light ball (energy focus); 2 — expansion of the ball and opening of the aircraft; 3 - detailing the appearance of matter; 4 - “hardening” of the object, a humanoid is visible.

Visits of representatives of other worlds to Earth are often accompanied by complex (for our understanding) processes of partial or complete visualization of the ship in our space. Ufologists observed phenomena when a small luminous point first appeared in the sky, which actively moved in various directions, then this point gradually turned into a flying saucer or an object of a different shape.

This complex process cannot be called materialization, since the object did not appear out of nowhere; it was already manifested in our space in the form of a point of light. We associate this phenomenon with the discrepancy between the natural cosmic frequencies of the object and the energy frequencies of earthly space. As soon as tuning to the same energy frequencies occurs, the alien apparatus becomes visible in our space.

8. Manifestations of energetic and subdense intermediate civilizations of extraterrestrial origin (types 2 and 3 according to my classification), when temporary compaction and decompression of forms occur (appearance - disappearance), are often of a demonstration nature in order to show people that they (EC ) exist and are nearby. In fact, they themselves do not need it.

For people, intelligent beings are invisible, but they see each other well, since they exist in higher energy spectra. Visualization in our world and, especially, densification to our physical properties requires them to expend unreasonably large amounts of energy. These highly intelligent creatures control the polymorphic transformations of their unusual ships (energy transformers); the objects have the properties of mimicry, that is, they do not look like what they really are.

UFO in the shape of an airplane fuselage without wings (disguised as an airplane), length 30 meters, silent flight, October 24, 1994, Tver region

They adapt to the consciousness of the human observer, acquiring a familiar appearance to humans, so as not to arouse fear and suspicion. For example, polymorphic ships, being in the earth's atmosphere, mimic and take on the appearance of airliners, airships, parachutes, stratospheric balloons (round-conical shape), and when on the ground, they take on the appearance of cars (black Cadillacs without numbers), and often there is simply an incomprehensible arbitrary shape.

Below is a photograph of a real aircraft of a civilization of intelligent beings of an intermediate and energy-depleted form of existence. The photographs were taken in Mexico on June 7, 1992, by contactee Carlos Diaz. These ships do not have hard walls and a constant shape; in essence, they are not spaceships in the traditional sense, but rather soft energy capsules for moving in space.

The picture below shows a matte white cigar-shaped object that has a soft and flexible body that allows matter to flow where it is needed. A small object with the same body properties is separated from it and flies away to complete the task.

The matter of the hull obeys remotely the orders of intelligent beings located at a great distance, for example, at an orbital base station. These are aircraft of very highly developed civilizations that have approached the magical level of development.

9. Holograms and phantoms, images and drawings in the sky are a kind of test for earthlings for the possibility of establishing contact. This is the transmission of some information, for example, Salsky signs in the sky.

10. The activities of parallel civilizations are inconspicuous. Underwater or underground civilizations on Earth, as some ufologists understand, do not exist. There are underwater and underground bases of extraterrestrial civilizations that are constantly on duty on Earth.

Underwater base of extraterrestrial civilizations, reconstruction

The flights of aircraft of these supervising civilizations under water are mistaken for some notorious parallel civilizations. Yes, they live and work here, next to us, hiding in the sea water or shielded by the rocky firmament from unexpected guests, but they are not earthlings, not parallel workers, but shift teams of supervising civilizations, our creators.

In total, we know on Earth 5 more intelligent communities living in our world, as well as in adjacent spaces - in space parallel to ours. In terms of development, they are approximately equal to us. These are the following communities:

Ufologist-researcher Pavel Khailov, especially for the “World of Secrets” website

A UFO flying over the town of Newbury, Berkshire, greatly frightened an eyewitness's dog. The animal was barking and panicking. One of the residents of Newbury wrote about the event on the American ufological site Mufon. According to him, this happened on the night of February 13.

An eyewitness was walking on the street with his dog at that moment and suddenly saw a black triangle flying at high speed in the sky.

He walked at a speed of approximately 40 miles per hour at an altitude of about a kilometer and at the same time completely silently. At the same time, it glowed brightly and the light looked like “stadium floodlights.”

“Two of its sides were more elongated, and the third was shorter. About 40 to 60 percent. The light was coming from the back and it was so bright that it reminded me of classic science fiction movies with UFOs. It was as bright as stadium floodlights, but it was whiter instead of yellow.”

Red and white lights burned at the ends of the triangle. Moreover, the white light was constantly on, and the red one was blinking. There was no light from below from the “bottom” of the triangle.

At this point, the witness's dog began to act as if it was very scared. She started barking loudly, jumping up and tearing at the leash. According to its owner, the dog had never behaved like this before.

One of the British ufologists, Carl Webb, was notified of this case, but was skeptical about it. According to him, most likely it was just a drone.

This case is not the first time that dogs reacted vividly to the appearance of a UFO.

On July 26, 1990, Albany resident Thomas was walking his dog in the evening in a local park. Suddenly the dog pulled on its leash and began to jerk towards the trees. Thomas looked in that direction and suddenly saw several bright lights floating just above the trees. They floated smoothly in the sky for some time, and then flew away at high speed.

On August 5, 1990, Richard from suburban New York was walking his dog around midnight. He always went for a late walk before bed. Suddenly the dog began to bark loudly and spin around in place, and then began to pull the leash towards the nearest park.

When Richard tried to rein in the dog, he suddenly heard a loud buzzing sound and saw two red balls hovering high in the sky right above them. The dog suddenly fell silent, and two minutes later the balls flew away.

In June 1993, in San Francisco, Deborah was walking in the evening with her parents and the family Dalmatian dog. Suddenly the dog began to behave restlessly and soon everyone saw bright red and green lights nearby from the side of the highway.

At first they thought it was a large truck, but the closer they got, the clearer it became that the lights were much higher than any car should be. When they approached the highway, they saw two bright balls hanging next to the wires of power poles.

As soon as the balls began to move, the dog lay down on the grass and fell silent. The family watched the lights hover for about 10 minutes, and then they suddenly disappeared. The Dalmatian then finally stood up from the grass.

On a cold October day in 1999, Sebastian went for a walk with his bull terrier, Patton. They were walking calmly along the sidewalk when suddenly Sebastian noticed in the sky what he at first thought was a very bright star.

But this star suddenly began to increase in size and changed color, becoming bright orange. And it descended, eventually hovering at tree level. Patton then began to growl loudly and whine at the same time, something that greatly frightened him.

After about five minutes, the orange ball suddenly began to glow even brighter, and then rushed straight up at incredible speed and disappeared. At that moment when the UFO flashed with a bright light, the dog squealed as loudly as if someone had hurt him.

An amateur ufologist from the United States accidentally filmed a luminous triangular-shaped object in the immediate vicinity of the Wright-Patterson military base in Ohio. reported Express. According to the author of the video, the suspicious flying vehicle made three circles over the area before leaving it. It was not possible to examine the mysterious object due to the very bright light it emitted.

“Flight of a UFO” was posted by a certain Michael on the MrMBB333 channel on a popular video hosting site. Apart from bright flashing dots, there really is nothing on the video, but the “sensation” was actively picked up by the media.

However, according to local residents, this happens quite often in these parts and may be a consequence of military experiments.

The device caught in the lens could in fact be an ordinary drone, or some kind of military aircraft of completely earthly origin - this is the opinion of some “experts” in the field of ufology, trying to explain the nature of the event on social networks.

Another mystery has forced conspiracy theorists to start talking again about the mythical strategic reconnaissance aircraft TR-3B (or “Aurora”), which supposedly has supersonic speeds and the ability to make suborbital flights, and was the result of secret US developments back in the late 1980s - early 1990s . This plane has a triangular shape and is often mistaken for a UFO, conspiracy theorists are convinced.

However, the American authorities have always categorically denied the presence of such equipment in service. Confirmation of the existence of Aurora from reliable sources was also never received.

The publication that reported on the incident cites in favor of the version of the discovery of the Aurora a selection of objects of an ideal triangular shape with bright lanterns around the perimeter. As follows from the explanation, it is not difficult for “UFO hunters” to capture images of such an aircraft in different parts of the United States, since “large, quiet and black illuminated triangular objects are remarkably visible at night.”

And in mid-December, “proof of the existence of a UFO” was called a video in which a mysterious disk-shaped object was “caught” flying over New York at supersonic speed. When playing back the footage in slow motion, it is noticeable that the device is painted black and has no wings - this rejected the assumption of a passenger plane.

According to ufologist Scott Waring, the fact of flying behind the cloud excludes the possibility that it is an insect, bird or drone.

In addition, earlier this month, a US resident filmed “UFO-like” lights in the sky over the coast of North Carolina. In the comments to the video, users put forward different versions of what happened, including airplane lights, as well as ball lightning.

The incident that excited the American media occurred at the beginning of the year. Pilots from two airlines then became “UFO witnesses.” The pilot of Phoenix Air Group's Learjet 36 first contacted air traffic control after noticing a strange object flying overhead. A few minutes later, the dispatcher called the pilot of another aircraft - an American Airlines A321 - so that the crew searched the sky for an object that was 20 kilometers away. The corresponding confirmation has been received.

The radio exchange, which lasted about six minutes, remained the only evidence of the incident that occurred in the skies over Arizona, despite the fact that the unusual object was observed by two pilots at once in an area of ​​​​heavy air traffic.

In December 2017, the Pentagon spent money on studying UFOs in recent years - according to journalists, up to $22 million was allocated for these purposes with the involvement of a third-party company.

The confession was made after publication in, which revealed the amounts and details of the secret program. In response to a request from journalists, they acknowledged the existence of this program in the past, but indicated that it had already been closed.

In addition, in January last year, a large number of documents that were once classified as “secret” were revealed. Among them were records of “aliens,” including a report of a UFO sighting by two Lithuanian border guards on June 26, 1996.

According to statistics, the planet Venus, low-flying airplanes, clouds of strange shapes, space debris, weather balloons and balloons are most often mistaken for UFOs.

By observing, tracking and analyzing the movements of UFOs in Belarus or those objects that are identified with UFOs, we came to interesting conclusions. Today we will introduce them to the Belarusian public for the first time.

Among the variety of forms of incomprehensible moving objects in the sky, in recent years we have increasingly come across such a geometric figure as a triangle. It is easier to separate them from other configurations described by eyewitnesses; moreover, to date, triangular aircraft have not been officially declared in our republic.

However, having traced observations of triangular objects over the past 26 years, we come to the conclusion that most of the flights are grouped relative to a certain line that runs from Brest through Minsk and Vitebsk, most likely continuing on the territory of neighboring states.

Let's turn to the observations.

1) Brest. December 31, 1980. Brest, Yuzhny microdistrict. At about 23.00, Anatoly B., who came out of his house onto the street, saw a dark triangular silhouette with bright green and blue lights in the corners silently flying over him from west to east. A bright beam shone from the center of the object onto the ground. The eyewitness compared the dimensions of the UFO with a large house, determined the speed to be approximately 30 km/h, and the flight altitude to be about one kilometer. Despite the upcoming New Year's Eve, Anatoly B. assured that that evening and night he did not drink alcohol at all due to his upcoming work duties in the morning. (Information provided by Dmitry Borodachenkov).

August 2001. On the 18th or 19th a triangular UFO was observed in Brest. Let's give the floor to the eyewitness himself, Andrei Ivanov: “I was returning home at about 23.45 and looked at the sky in search of familiar constellations... When there were 100 meters left from the house (I live in a high-rise building), I noticed some movement in the sky above the house. It was a very dark object of a triangular (as it seemed to me) shape. It was very dim, barely visible, with several lights shining on it: one on the bow and 4-5 in the rear. If this object did not move, it would not be visible in the night sky (there was no moon then).

The object moved to the southwest (in Brest the direction to the west is easy to determine - towards the border) at high speed (in 3-4 seconds the object flew a long distance), absolutely silently and disappeared behind the trees to my left. I quickly came out from behind the trees to trace the further route of the object, but did not see it where it should (according to my calculations) be. I stood for a few more minutes, peering into the sky, but saw nothing more and headed home. At home, I told my mother and brother about what I had seen.” (“Analytical newspaper “Secret Research.” – 2001. – No. 14).

2) Lyakhovichi. 1985. On the night of September 5-6, an unusual object was observed over the village of Konyukhi, Lyakhovichi district. It was a “constellation” of multi-colored dots collected in the shape of a triangle. During its movement, the UFO either disappeared from view or reappeared. (Data from D. Novikov).

A message was received on the forum of our website from a former serviceman who served in the radio engineering troops near the city of Lyakhovichi in 1988-1990. He writes: “The entire army observed a UFO near the village of Lyakhovichi in the Brest region. In the summer, at approximately 22:00, three triangles appeared high in the sky, also arranged like a triangle, each triangle consisted of three luminous multi-colored dots. The objects hung motionless in the sky and, as dawn approached, one of the triangles moved beyond the horizon beyond the forest and disappeared, the other two remained hanging until lunchtime.

After this incident, the next day in this place a helicopter was hanging high in the sky [for a long time], and a few hours later it was replaced by another. I would like to note that our unit was a radio unit and produced radio waves on which the air defense operated.”

4) Minsk. On June 19, 2001, a triangular UFO was observed by Mikhail Goldenkov together with student Olga Korotkina (in the area of ​​Zakharova Street near the Lithuanian Embassy).

June 18, 2002. In the evening at 22.20-22.30; Frunzensky district, Minsk, Belarus. Journalist Vadim Deruzhinsky reported that an unidentified star-shaped object was observed in the sky in the southeast over Minsk, which changed color approximately in the following sequence: white-red-green. The sky at that moment was clear and starless. At 60x magnification, an observer using an optical instrument saw 3 lights (the right one was blue or greenish, the left one was red, the bottom one was white). The lights were not on the tops of the object, but on its edges, the contours of a gray triangular body with three lights were blurred. Soon the object stopped and flew to the left, then the object instantly went out. All this time, the object was observed significantly south of the Minsk airport, moreover, it was motionless for several minutes, which means that it was not an airplane (V. Chernobrov, “Chronicles of UFO Visits”).

At the same time, according to the reports of the AG “Secret Research” (for the summer-autumn 2002), other eyewitnesses also reported sightings of a triangular UFO...

5) Senno. Tatyana Verbitskaya reports in her letter about a triangular UFO; she saw it on August 21, 2001 at 22.10. The object's flight was silent, with red lights burning at each corner of the triangle, and another bright light in the middle. When the lights flashed, the outline of a triangle was displayed (the letter was sent to the AG “Secret Research”).

6) Vitebsk. On July 19, 2001, S. Grigoriev from Vitebsk reported the observation of a similar object. On the evening of July 19, S. Grigoriev was in the village of Ulyanovichi, Vitebsk region, on the occasion of an archaeological internship. At 00.35, a triangular-shaped object appeared in the sky in a south-westerly direction, with yellow and white lights on the sides and one red light in the middle, and the red light was constantly flashing.

7) Near the village of Tishkovo (northeast of Vitebsk). During a survey of eyewitnesses conducted by Ufocom, data were obtained on the observation of triangular objects of burgundy color.

Triangular objects were also observed in other areas of Belarus, but the “UFO route” cannot be compared with them in terms of their number. About 90% of all triangular UFOs were seen precisely within this “route”.

Moreover, it can be assumed that an increased number of reports of triangular objects can be received at the conditionally extended ends of this segment in Poland and Russia. Or this route is only Belarusian and can be used by our armed forces to test new weapons.

But if we are right and there is an unknown technique flying around us, invisible to locators, going about its business, then it becomes very uncomfortable, and this fact should be taken into account and appropriate measures taken to identify these objects.