Mikhail Malyshev is a cannibal. Human cutlets

The city was seething. The city was indignant. It seemed that an evil monster had appeared in the Perm region, feeding on human flesh. Mikhail Malyshev was detained in January last year. He killed people. Any death does not make a person beautiful, but this... A severed head, a torso without arms and legs, ripped open bellies, cut off pieces of the body. Malyshev was charged with two counts. However, investigators believe that there are many more victims.

FEW people imagined that in the house on Marshal Rybalko Street, in apartment 128, a tragedy would unfold, which seasoned policemen still talk about with a shudder.

“A terrible apartment,” recalls Alexey Filippov, senior detective at the Kirov Department of Internal Affairs in Perm. “It all started when the dismembered corpse of a man was discovered in one of the garage cooperatives. The body was dug up by stray dogs. A preliminary examination was carried out at the scene of the incident. Her results were shocking.

From the special medical report:

"Fragments of tissue were identified on the remains, which were cut off with a sharp object, presumably a knife. Part of the right thigh and leg were cut off. No missing tissue was found."

In forensic science, it happens that individual body parts cannot always be found. In such cases, one can assume anything, including cannibalism. It became clear that the butcher had worked thoroughly on the body. The operatives began to search for the suspect, but they could not quickly find the trace of the cannibal.

Misha is a glutton

ACCORDING to the recollections of his neighbors, Misha grew up as an ordinary boy, perhaps a little more vulnerable than other children. Mother and father often came drunk and started scandals. He was terribly worried, and when he was angry with someone, he took out his anger on his pets.

One day in the yard he cut off the tail of a neighbor's cat. When the residents came to the parents to sort things out, the flayer’s mother told them from the doorway: “Well, just think! The bear is angry with his father. So he decided to take it out on this creature.” His mother always stood up for him, dealing harshly with offenders. He finished eight grades with unsatisfactory behavior. In three years, Mikhail changed three schools. I didn't go to work. Yes, they didn’t take him anywhere.

Over time, his behavior did not change. Since 1990, he was registered with the juvenile affairs inspectorate for violent acts against animals. He admitted to the district police officer that he consumed animal meat for food. But the law enforcement officer did not attach any importance to this, considering the flayer’s stories to be boyish fantasies. But in vain.

Misha's favorite places of leisure were attics and basements. He dreamed of working at a meat processing plant, where he believed he could eat his fill. His family did not spoil him with delicacies, although there was alcohol in abundance.

Malyshev’s independent life went awry. He did odd jobs. He had frequent guests: men with traces of an eternal hangover and ladies battered by life. The apartment turned into a den, where one drinking session followed another. And then one day a thought occurred to him: why buy food when the food itself comes to your home for free?

Hatchet work

Six months after the mysterious murder of a man, operatives discovered the dismembered corpse of a woman in the Kama River. When the disfigured fragments fished out of the river by the police began to be examined by experts, trying to restore the whole, to everyone’s amazement, extra parts were revealed that belonged to the previously killed man. The version about a mentally abnormal person who eats human flesh was confirmed.

Based on their sources, investigators received information about an apartment on Rybalko Street. The case was set in motion, and soon the detectives came close to the suspect. It was decided to search Malyshev’s apartment.

Residents of the house, says detective Alexey Filippov, heard heartbreaking screams more than once. However, no one called the police. The owner did not open the metal door. I had to hack it. What they saw shocked everyone.

In the kitchen there were a large number of cutting boards, an ax, knives... There was a pan with the remains of soup on the stove. The freezer was filled with human meat, chopped into small pieces. The sight was terrible. The policemen, who had seen dozens of corpses in their lifetime, swallowed validol by the handful.

The ogre kept a diary

FIRST they questioned Malyshev’s cohabitant Inna Podserdtseva. A mask of horror seemed to be frozen on her face.

From the testimony:

He cut off my ear and ordered me not to leave the house. He said: “If you don’t listen to me, you’ll end up in the refrigerator.” He forced me to spin the meat, turning the fillet into mince. I thought with horror that the same fate awaited me. I was afraid to run.

During interrogation, Malyshev behaved calmly.

How did the murder happen?

Just. They drank, quarreled... I hit him with an axe. I calmed down when the blood washed my hands. Then I did everything in the bathroom.

What did they do with the dead?

I used the soft parts for frying cutlets. The rest was thrown away.

The maniac kept a notebook where he meticulously wrote down the recipes of his culinary art. A note was made in the margins, underlined in red pencil: “There is a king in the world, this king is merciless, hunger is his name.”

Malyshev was in solitary confinement before the trial. I stared at one point all day long. The cannibal did not ask for anything and was not interested in anything, remaining completely indifferent.

At the trial, curses were thrown at the maniac, but he seemed not to notice anything.

The court sentenced Malyshev to capital punishment. Presumably he will receive a life sentence. Many people wondered: is Malyshev mentally healthy? The court found the cannibal fully sane. Yes, this is understandable. Law enforcement agencies cannot give a 100% guarantee that the cannibal will not be released after the psychiatric hospital. And who wants to be a maniac's dinner?

Few people imagined that in the house on Marshal Rybalko Street, in apartment 128, a tragedy would unfold, which seasoned policemen still talk about with a shudder.

“A terrible apartment,” recalls Alexey Filippov, senior detective at the Kirov Department of Internal Affairs in Perm. “It all started when the dismembered corpse of a man was discovered in one of the garage cooperatives. The body was dug up by stray dogs. A preliminary examination was carried out at the scene of the incident. Her results were shocking.

From the special medical report:

"Fragments of tissue were identified on the remains, which were cut off with a sharp object, presumably a knife. Part of the right thigh and leg were cut off. No missing tissue was found."

In forensic science, it happens that individual body parts cannot always be found. In such cases, one can assume anything, including cannibalism. It became clear that the butcher had worked thoroughly on the body. The operatives began to search for the suspect, but they could not quickly find the trace of the cannibal.

Misha is a glutton

According to the memories of neighbors, Misha grew up as an ordinary boy, perhaps a little more vulnerable than other children. Mother and father often came drunk and started scandals. He was terribly worried, and when he was angry with someone, he took out his anger on his pets.

One day in the yard he cut off the tail of a neighbor's cat. When the residents came to the parents to sort things out, the flayer’s mother told them from the doorway: “Well, just think! The bear is angry with his father. So he decided to take it out on this creature.” His mother always stood up for him, dealing harshly with offenders. He finished eight grades with unsatisfactory behavior. In three years, Mikhail changed three schools. I didn't go to work. Yes, they didn’t take him anywhere.

Over time, his behavior did not change. Since 1990, he was registered with the juvenile affairs inspectorate for violent acts against animals. He admitted to the district police officer that he consumed animal meat for food. But the law enforcement officer did not attach any importance to this, considering the flayer’s stories to be boyish fantasies. But in vain.

Misha's favorite places of leisure were attics and basements. He dreamed of working at a meat processing plant, where he believed he could eat his fill. His family did not spoil him with delicacies, although there was alcohol in abundance.

Best of the day

Malyshev’s independent life went awry. He did odd jobs. He had frequent guests: men with traces of an eternal hangover and ladies battered by life. The apartment turned into a den, where one drinking session followed another. And then one day a thought occurred to him: why buy food when the food itself comes to your home for free?

Hatchet work

Six months after the mysterious murder of a man, investigators discovered the dismembered corpse of a woman in the Kama River. When the disfigured fragments fished out of the river by the police began to be examined by experts, trying to restore the whole, to everyone’s amazement, extra parts were revealed that belonged to the previously killed man. The version about a mentally abnormal person who eats human flesh was confirmed.

Based on their sources, investigators received information about an apartment on Rybalko Street. The case was set in motion, and soon the detectives came close to the suspect. It was decided to search Malyshev’s apartment.

Residents of the house, says detective Alexey Filippov, heard heartbreaking screams more than once. However, no one called the police. The owner did not open the metal door. I had to hack it. What they saw shocked everyone.

In the kitchen there were a large number of cutting boards, an ax, knives... There was a pan with the remains of soup on the stove. The freezer was filled with human meat, chopped into small pieces. The sight was terrible. The policemen, who had seen dozens of corpses in their lifetime, swallowed validol by the handful.

The ogre kept a diary

The first to be interrogated was Malyshev’s partner, Inna Podsertseva. A mask of horror seemed to be frozen on her face.

From the testimony:

He cut off my ear and ordered me not to leave the house. He said: “If you don’t listen to me, you’ll end up in the refrigerator.” He forced me to spin the meat, turning the fillet into mince. I thought with horror that the same fate awaited me. I was afraid to run.

During interrogation, Malyshev behaved calmly.

How did the murder happen?

Just. They drank, quarreled... I hit him with an axe. I calmed down when the blood washed my hands. Then I did everything in the bathroom.

What did they do with the dead?

I used the soft parts for frying cutlets. The rest was thrown away.

The maniac kept a notebook where he meticulously wrote down the recipes of his culinary art. A note was made in the margins, underlined in red pencil: “There is a king in the world, this king is merciless, hunger is his name.”

Malyshev was in solitary confinement before the trial. I stared at one point all day long. The cannibal did not ask for anything and was not interested in anything, remaining completely indifferent.

At the trial, curses were thrown at the maniac, but he seemed not to notice anything.

The court sentenced Malyshev to capital punishment. Presumably he will receive a life sentence. Many people wondered: is Malyshev mentally healthy? The court found the cannibal fully sane. Yes, this is understandable. Law enforcement agencies cannot give a 100% guarantee that the cannibal will not be released after the psychiatric hospital. And who wants to be a maniac's dinner?

Volzhsky poster Volzhsky News, Incidents, Volzhsky Pulse

Three friends were sentenced to long prison terms for preparing to kill police officers and the murder of two local residents, said Natalia Kunitskaya, senior assistant to the head of the department.
(for interaction with the media) Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Volgograd region. The court sentenced the 27-year-old Vladimir Bryzgunov, as well as his friends, 24-year-old Dmitry Malyshev and 23 year old Vladimir Morozov. Depending on the role of each, they were found guilty of murder of two persons, preparation for the murder of police officers, theft and illegal trafficking of weapons, as well as ammunition, attempted theft of a vehicle, committed with the use of violence dangerous to life and health.
In December 2013 Bryzgunov, relaxing in the bathhouse with my friends Malyshev And Morozov, invited them to “earn” a living by attacking citizens and organizations. The unemployed friends agreed. The first victims of the newly minted criminals were to be police officers, after shooting whom the attackers planned to take possession of their weapons and ammunition for subsequent attacks.

Ambush on law enforcement officers Bryzgunov, Malyshev and Morozov staged the next day on a highway in the Sredneakhtubinsky district of the Volgograd region, but their plan did not work, since the patrol car passed a little earlier than the convicts expected. Then they decided to attack any other car that would pass by them. Having gotten rid of the driver and possible passengers, they wanted to take possession of the vehicle. Having blocked the route with branches, they began to wait. The victims turned out to be two friends from the Sakharny farm, who were returning home together on that day and at that time. The car with the killed men slid into a ditch, receiving serious mechanical damage and the criminals were unable to get the car. The bodies of the victims were discovered almost two weeks later.
In February 2014 between Malyshev, who worked as a security guard on a farm in the village of Rakhinka, and his friend had a quarrel while drinking alcohol. Deciding to take revenge on his offender, the convict waylaid him on the street at night and began hitting the man’s head with a metal crowbar. After the victim stopped showing signs of life, he cut out his heart, fried it and ate it. Malyshev recorded all his actions on a mobile phone camera, which became the main evidence in the investigation of this case. He filmed the process of preparing a terrible dinner on his mobile phone and explained it loudly. (VIDEO) He was clearly not afraid to wake up his wife and two sons, three-year-old Alexey and two-year-old Artyom.

By court verdict Malyshev punishment was imposed in the form of 25 years old imprisonment, serving the sentence in a maximum security penal colony. He will spend the first 10 years in prison. Bryzgunov was sentenced to 12 years in prison, Morozov - to 7 years in a maximum security penal colony.

05/14/2015 at 13:20

This story was not copied from the script for a Hollywood film, although many journalists, when the details of what happened were leaked to the press, sought to compare it with the famous film “The Silence of the Lambs.” The drama, which once shocked fans of the film talent Anthony Hopkins, took place a year ago very close to us, in the suburbs of Volgograd, and the main character in it was not an aging maniac, but a very young guy named Dmitry Malyshev. Yesterday, the court handed down a harsh sentence to him - 25 years in prison, the first 10 of which will be in a maximum security colony. The story of the Volgograd cannibal is monstrous in its reality.

Got a taste for it

By this day, the investigation had reconstructed almost to detail the picture of the drama that took place on a cold February evening in 2014. Dmitry Malyshev, a resident of the village of Rakhinka, Sredneakhtubinsky district, was drinking with his friend - a man almost twice his age. At first the men “fraternized,” then, as often happens when the dose of alcohol exceeds reasonable limits, they began to quarrel. What was the reason - Malyshev no longer remembers, but he considered the insult inflicted by his friend mortal and decided to wash it away with blood. The comrade, leaving home, did not yet know that his drinking companion had sentenced him. Returning to the house, where there were still glasses of vodka, Malyshev grabbed a metal crowbar and ran to catch up with his friend. He dealt him only two blows, both to the head - the unfortunate man fell, bleeding profusely. He was already dead, but for the heated Dmitry Malyshev, who smelled blood, this was not enough. He already knew what blood was, he felt this strange feeling of excitement when killing - now he wanted to taste blood.

Reveling in his own greatness, Dmitry Malyshev cut out the heart from the body of the 42-year-old victim, brought it home and fried it in a frying pan. By that time, as experts would later establish, he had mastered himself so much that he even filmed the process of preparing dinner from human flesh on a mobile phone camera. In the terrible footage, which will forever remain only in the investigation materials, you can clearly see how a young guy stirs an unappetizing brew in a frying pan, commenting: “Now we will cut the onions, and now – the carrots...”

The killer was detained almost immediately as soon as the dismembered body of his drinking companion was discovered. It was not difficult for experienced investigators to find him - the bloody trail literally led them to the house of Dmitry Malyshev. He did not deny his guilt: in his kitchen, detectives found the remains of a terrible dinner - the service dogs that were in the house at that moment began barking wildly, sensing the smell of a eaten person...

Bloody winter

It took a lot of work for the police and investigators to save the murder suspect until trial - residents of the village of Rakhinka almost lynched Dmitry Malyshev. Realizing that he has nothing to lose, Malyshev suddenly makes another confession during interrogation - he talks about the events of the end of the year 2013, about the case that the detectives have already recorded as a “grouse grouse”. This is how investigators became aware of the atrocities of Dmitry Malyshev’s friends – 27-year-old Vladimir Bryzgunov and 23-year-old Vladimir Morozov, who would later be popularly called “man hunters.”

– In December 2013, Bryzgunov, while relaxing in a bathhouse with Malyshev and Morozov, suggested that they “earn” their living by attacking citizens and organizations. The first victims of the newly minted criminals were to be police officers, after shooting whom the attackers planned to take possession of their weapons and ammunition for subsequent attacks. Bryzgunov, Malyshev and Morozov ambushed law enforcement officers the next day on a highway in the Sredneakhtubinsky district of the Volgograd region, but their plan did not work, since the patrol car passed a little earlier than the bandits expected. Then they decided to attack any other car that would pass by them. Having blocked the route with branches, the bandits began to wait. The random victims were two businessman friends from the Sakharny farm, who were returning home together on that day and at that time. The scoundrels shot the driver and his passenger with a machine gun, which Bryzgunov had acquired in advance, but they again failed to take possession of the car - the car with the already killed men slid into a ditch, receiving serious mechanical damage, says Natalia Kunitskaya, senior assistant to the head of the Investigative Committee of the Region.

The “Black Winter” for the residents of Rakhinka ended when all three ended up in the dock. On May 13, 2015, the court sentenced Dmitry Malyshev to 25 years in a maximum security colony, the first 10 years of which he will spend in prison. Vladimir Bryzgunov will have to spend 12 years in prison; the third accomplice, Vladimir Morozov, was sentenced to 7 years as a “stricker.”

Text by Ekaterina Efitsenko

A draft “law” appeared in news portals to deprive all officially non-working social conditions of life - medicine, pensions, etc. There are 18 million of these indiscriminately slandered “bad” people, unworthy of equality with others.

How many people is deputy Sergei ready to kill due to lack of medicine for his “justice”? They will come at night, in dreams, calling to them...
Vysotsky sang about such werewolves of deputies - “Lies and Evil - look how rude their faces are, and there are always crows and coffins behind...”

A beautiful mask of justice covers the grin of death in the draft law, according to which the benefits from depriving 18 million people of the conditions of survival will supposedly be used for benefits for hard workers, for improving their healthcare and pensions. Everything here is a lie from beginning to end.

The deputy begins his wretched thoughts about the law with direct slander against those who managed to end up on the lists of supposedly “non-working” people. They supposedly feel good, but who can feel good here without salary and stability? Oligarchs or those same deputies?

These people take dangerous risks, losing their official jobs more often involuntarily than voluntarily.

Not a single law is worth even the tears of one person, but here there is a sea of ​​grief and tragic consequences, essentially the deprivation of all civil rights, etc., etc.

Firstly, by creating a social abyss, a trap and a wolf pit for those who fall into the category of unemployed, people themselves can always slide into this pit; as the proverb goes, if you dig a hole for someone else, you will end up there yourself.

Leaving a person without documents to die and starve in old age is what he proposed, and he deceived working people - no one will receive any benefits from throwing people overboard with medicine and insurance, as has always been the case when such anti-laws are passed against people, think about it - against people, and not for people, who do not help people, but drown them in troubles and problems!

Why do I say anti-laws? In the history of mankind, true laws were created to preserve the well-being of people, to ensure their prosperity and comprehensive protection of everyone equally. And only in tyrannies and despotisms were laws adopted to oppress and enslave, rob people, separate minorities from the masses and destroy them. In fascist Germany, inhumane racial anti-laws were adopted - on the lack of rights of Jews, on the prohibition of interracial marriages, on the euthanasia of crazy people and other laws that were monstrous in essence and covered up by considerations of saving the state budget for the destruction of unnecessary people.

And deputy Sergei Vostretsov does not care about the state - it will live without pitiful extortions from workers - 98 percent of our taxes are paid by Gazproms and other concerns. He habitually lies, counting on ignorant and ignorant workers, presenting those who do not work as a burden to the workers, but in reality the state is robbed by super-rich, unaccountable corrupt officials, the real problem and misfortune of our state that is blind to thieves.

And then we wonder why it is impossible to live in the Russian outback - so, look at the portrait - this is the devastator of Russia, Seryoga Vostretsov, a careerist, well-fed, immaculately dressed, leader of trade unions and State Duma committees and so on, but essentially an uneducated, stupid rat king, asking for the authority to torture poor people, because everyone knows that the rich pay off cruel laws, and only the poor suffer. . our state is already the most cruel on the planet,
Having such wealth, it is greedy and cruel, like Deputy Sergei, who lives in luxury and, for the sake of cheap popularity among indignant workers, deceives and essentially kills defenseless non-workers.

I talked to such “non-working” people, and he complained that if you are not registered, no one will hire you, and no one will give you any papers, the court will not accept an application from a homeless person, and then in a circle everyone will pretend that they are like him. You're not, you're just not. But this is lawlessness and lawlessness.

After all, Seryoga has no idea that the number of these mysterious “non-working people” will grow exponentially, because people are not needed in the country, automation, robotization, optimization, etc. are underway, and the result is the same - people are overboard, behind the fence.

This is how it is here – in one medical unit we carried out three reductions. They fired only hard workers, manual workers; during the three waves of the action, not a single boss or office worker was laid off, but they did it in a cunning way - they began to entrust the same manual work to third-party organizations for money.

As a result, expenses increased many times over, for example, reporting forms were printed by their own hard workers for pennies, they were kicked out, the printing press was sold, they went to a commercial printing house and began to pay five or even ten times more for the forms.
That is, they screwed people up, fired them, and without any material sense or interest, things got worse and more expensive.

But who cares? That the enterprise is essentially going bankrupt, making it idiotically unprofitable, no one is punished for this. There is no Soviet OBKhSS. The bosses can do anything and they get fat. And the hard workers have become those same idle people, they survive, or even become drunkards, rarely, but they also hang themselves.

And deputy Sery covers all this up with his anti-law.

And who does he, shame of Russia, hate so much?
Doesn’t he know that in many enterprises people have no prospects and joining the plant means the loss of both freedom and happiness to do something they love, otherwise it turns out that you are giving yourself to the plant irrevocably, but no one guarantees you anything, like in the USSR?

Does Serenechka know about hidden disabilities, when a person is blatantly not given it, but sells it to his people for money, and he, with a disease that is dangerous to society, until the last moment so that his family does not starve, gets behind the wheel, the helm, ruins himself and people like the burdock Vostretsov, who considers such people to be unemployed and thus drives them to take the mortal risk of working for a sick person?

Why does Deputy Vostretsov deprive such people of the right to choose - to survive safely for those around them or to officially work at risk?

Let what happened to pedestrians at the Slavic Bazaar station happen to him, when a serviceable bus went into the crossing by itself and ran over people, and no one noticed that the driver’s explanation completely coincides with the behavior of a madman and a person with a mental personality disorder, who are in the hundreds today roam the streets and get hired for all sorts of positions so as not to starve? Maybe if it were possible for an unemployed person to survive in the country, such cases could not claim the lives of innocent people?

Those who do not go under the yoke to his factories where people die from the minimum wage?

Slave owners, do you want to drive them to your enterprises, where in the provinces you work full time for the minimum wage, the conditions are wild, and if trouble happens, no one will give you disability? Tell the truth about enterprises? How do they hide harm, do not provide the required benefits and underpay, but use a person to the fullest? It was under the communists that you could sleep at work. Today there is a conveyor belt there, they squeeze it like a lemon and throw it away into a poor old age..

Does the boring people's deputy hate your wives, Muslim housewife wives, Russian housewives, and poor fellows' day laborers who grab random hacks in depressed areas?
There are millions of them, is it time to poison them? Or maybe it’s time for them to persecute such deputies as murderers of their own people?

And the very fascist formulation of the question - to offer workers to receive a few rubles in social payments for the death and abandonment in danger and painful illness of their comrades, who lost their jobs for various reasons, who were expelled and created by the very same bosses? Where did Sergei learn social fascism, where did this sadistic way of thinking come from? Not in the torture chambers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

Divide and conquer? Play off the fired against the employed?

Everyone needs to unite and drive out such deputies and such bosses, well-fed ones who do not understand the hungry.

Come to this Sergei Vostretsov, who knows how to do nothing for you according to the law, and ask, and you will be left with nothing.

There is only work in Moscow, so why should everyone go there?

How this will be implemented in the province is very simple, try to get the free healthcare required by law - you will beat the thresholds, running after yours. And if only our unfortunate doctors have a reason not to treat you, to deprive you of the latter, they will happily use it and now you are already dying on the street - only those who have paid for the policy can lie in the hospital.

Let’s say you or the doctors themselves lost, forgot, did not fill out the paperwork and it takes your life, depriving you of urgent care in the hospital.

And this will happen to your friends, distant relatives - simply everyone who, due to the fault of the bureaucrats, does not have a piece of paper, because you are a bug without a piece of paper.

Are you ready to participate in such cleverly hidden murders? Seryoga wants to rise to them and go higher, as an economical keeper of the budget of a depopulated country, where the remaining deputies will live and cut the budget. A deputy cannot gain reliable glory until blood has been shed...

To deprive a person of medicine means to kill him. To deprive ANY people of pitiful social pensions means creating hunger and poverty in Russia. Tear off the well-fed, sugary mask from the cannibal deputy, who himself has never looked for work for years and has not wandered around the lower Mymry in search of hack work.

He did not dig potatoes and did not feed chickens and piglets in order for his household to survive in the Russian outback.

He lacks the intelligence to organize the people's happiness, but he has the cunning and rat cunning to deceive narrow-minded workers, to dig a trap from inhuman laws invented by inhuman people to advance their careers in Moscow.
I remember Vysotsky - “Lies and Evil, look how rude their faces are and there are always crows and coffins behind them...”

In the Soviet way, we wish Serenechka to live on one salary of an ordinary hard worker, whom he encourages to take the last from his idle, surviving brother.
The ideals of May 1, Labor Day, Peace and Spring have historically always won in Rus' and will win again, no matter how much misanthropes in power harm Russia.

But no measures can be taken to eradicate the unemployed, they are much more socially active, the experience of survival forces them to learn quickly and effectively fight for their rights, soon they will become the majority and they will create a new country, Russia for everyone, and not a country of the soviet Factory, where instead of the KGBists there are already capitalists appropriate the labor of those who got there so as not to wander around the streets, a factory without a choice and people who are actually free.

Those who don’t work walk like zombies, they have nothing to lose, they will come for you, werewolf Serenya!

Having decided to clarify the image of Seryozha, I looked at his pearl - a speech about rallies, in which he called them indiscriminate riots and praised the National Guard, who drove out the rallies, as the saviors of the country.

And I understood a simple thing. In our Ministry of Internal Affairs, a party of National Guardsmen is being formed, who are sliding into the simple psychology of corrupt “cops” - dividing the country into policemen and the guilty, into guards and prisoners, and the law on “non-working people”, invented by two convolutions of Seryozha, precisely divides the country into those who work with rights and those who do not work without rights. , recognize the method of thinking?

Divide and crush the guilty one, or I am always right in uniform - he without shoulder straps is always guilty.

This is exactly what the Orthodox Cossacks and Ulans became in 1905 and 1917, “holy, impeccable warriors,” who for some reason chopped down living people, student demonstrators, with combat sabers, and then wondered why these people, instead of gratitude, armed themselves and fought back. By the way, student and scientist Bauman was killed, after whom the Baumanskaya metro station in Moscow was even named.

Apparently the National Guard, as the highest stage of decomposition of the police, turning them into gorillas with clubs and weapons, is hungry and needs to eat someone, so they are already looking for someone.