Is there a Trinity? Prayer to the Trinity

Question: Please explain what such concepts as “Father”, “Son” and “Holy Spirit” mean in Christianity.

We are talking about concepts that arose in religious beliefs. These concepts were necessary for people at a time when it was difficult and unreasonable to apply concepts about energies and vibrations. At that time, all concepts about God, about the Creator, about the Son of God and about the energy flowing from the Creator, could be said to be adapted to the worldview and worldview of that time. Yes, you have an expression: everything has its time. And this is true, because you live in space and time and each time flow is connected with an information and energy flow. This is where this expression comes from. Time determines the entry and exit from one Stream to another. That scheme of concepts about the Trinity, about the trinity, may have been the only possible one in that time stream. Now is a different time, different concepts dominate people’s minds. Now it is possible to explain everything from the position of the world of Cosmos, from the position of cosmic concepts, from the position of the world of energies. And therefore I am now speaking from these new positions about the old concepts known to you in a slightly different way.

So what is this concept of the Trinity that you know? Father, Son and Holy Spirit - the entire Christian worldview, especially the Orthodox one, is built on this. I want to clarify these concepts.

I spoke a lot about the Father, about the Great Creator of the Universe - about Hosts. And this... It’s very difficult for me to explain in worthy words, so as not to hurt anyone’s feelings. This is not the old man with a beard that you depict in temples and churches, this is the Greatest Energy of enormous power. This is Light, the Source of Light, the Source of pure energies, at the same time it is the Mind, possessing all feelings and emotions. This is the Creator of Worlds, the Creator of the Universe, the Great Creator, the One Who constantly cares about His creations, Who is constantly in the process of work, for the process of creation occurs constantly. This is a process that has no stop, no rest. All of us who are in Space are at work. The Creator creates worlds, gives life to all entities: from luminaries and planets to intelligent beings and those whose life flows through the world of animals, plants and minerals. This is, very generally, the activity of the Father, whom you call God.

Now about the second hypostasis in the Trinity. You say that the Son of God is one and the same as the Father, that They are one. In a way, yes, but in essence, these are two different Essences (I’m using a word that is understandable to you), or two Spirits that have a common energy, but the manifestations and implementation of their lives are different, because there are no two identical Spirits in the Universe, identical in character , a set of emotions, feelings.

All living things have the opportunity to develop and improve themselves. We are not frozen in centuries, petrified in our perfection. We live our lives in another world, a world of energies, no less beautiful and amazing than yours. material world. We have great opportunities, but this does not mean that we are not developing and improving ourselves. We explore and study everything that happens in the worlds, change our views, for we are alive.

So, who is the Son of God, according to you? This is a particle of the Father, His direct energy. But you are all children of God, the energy of the Father flows in you, energy for life. So what's the difference? First of all, the Creator, capable of creating worlds, is capable, and this is His right, of creating something for Himself. There are souls, or Spirits, created by Him as Essences close to Him. The bearer of the basic principle - Love, wanted not only to give this energy to people, but also to realize it on close Entities.

You are created in the image and likeness, I have repeated this many times. You know the saying “as above, so below.” The Father created a family, according to your concepts, or created those close to Himself according to His inner disposition of the soul: a female one, and through her he produced (directly through His energy) the Son. In your opinion, this is the half-blooded Son, created directly through the energy of creation by the Father. The Creator has only one such Son; in him the energy of the Love of God himself, the Creator himself, was realized. The Son is a directly separated part of the Father, a part of His energy. But this is already a different Essence, separate from the Father, existing separately.

The Father gave the Son the opportunity to incarnate once on Earth to fulfill a certain mission and work. Together with him, first of all, He incarnated his Mother – the Father’s Wife. And he embodied it not in a royal mansion, but in a simple village house and made it possible to feel like equal children of God. He did not violate the Law of Free Will introduced by Him in relation to His Wife and Son. He gave them the opportunity to live the life of ordinary earthly people, with their hardships and hardships. The Father made no exceptions for His messengers. He wanted people to recognize them, first of all, through the heart, through intuition.

Having lived the life of an earthly person, I undoubtedly became different, undoubtedly, the Earth and its inhabitants became close and dear to me. I understand earthlings differently, I feel them, your emotions and feelings are close and understandable to me. Your logic, ethics and morals are clear. Your behavior, your actions and actions are understandable to me. I can say that I feel earthlings through my heart, through my soul.

So what is the Holy Spirit? How can this be explained using modern concepts that were previously inaccessible? This is undoubtedly energy - energy emanating from the Creator, energy of Life and Love, energy that supports the life of the Spirit in the body. Without this Flow, life is impossible. Both we and you are in this Stream, and therefore we can say that we are united through the Holy Spirit, through the energy of the Creator’s Love. This unity is felt by many bright Spirits through their open heart, connected to this Divine “prana”, to the Flow from the heart of the Creator.

A pure heart can feel, perceive, let it see, God through His energy, through this Stream, which you call the Holy Spirit.

I accept all names, as long as they do not create a barrier to the perception of something new through new concepts coming to you.

Perhaps everyone knows what the Holy Trinity is. By this concept they mean the triune God - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (it is sometimes referred to as the Holy Trinity). But what does this mean - in other words, how can one God manifest himself in three persons at once?

A detailed answer to this question, a first-hand comment from a church representative - all this can be found in the material.

The Trinity is the basic concept of God in the Christian religion. It means that God has three persons (sometimes they are also called hypostases):

  • God the Father;
  • God the Son (Jesus Christ);
  • God the Holy Spirit.

These persons appear in the history of mankind sequentially, one after another - first the Father created heaven and earth and everything in them. Then the Son came to save sinful humanity. And on the fiftieth day after his physical death, the Holy Spirit descended to earth. This means the arrival of a grace-filled time when every person can receive forgiveness and salvation through sincere repentance in prayer.

Moreover, in reality, all three persons have a single nature and exist without beginning and without end. Interestingly, a certain hint of this can be seen on the very first page of the Bible.

The book of Genesis (chapter 1) describes the process of creation of the world step by step. Everyone knows the phrase “And God said... and it was so.” First light appeared, then land, oceans, vegetation, animals. Finally, the sixth day came - it was the man’s turn.

And at this point the attentive reader will easily notice a peculiar surprise:

And God said: Let us make man in Our image and after Our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that moves on the earth.

How so? Up to this point, God had not spoken to anyone, he simply gave orders and created the heavens and earth, as well as living beings. When we talk about the creation of man, God is clearly addressing someone.

Here it is - the first mention of the Trinity in the Bible: even on the basis of this place, one can understand what it means (both in Orthodoxy and in Christian doctrine in general).

The Holy Trinity is God, who exists without beginning and without end. However, many people still find it difficult to understand what the Trinity is in Orthodoxy and in Christianity in general.

In other words, how can it be that three persons represent one God? This is not the person’s fault - the voice of reason often dominates faith and wants to receive only specific, clear answers: 1 day, 2 kilograms, 3 kilometers, etc.

The idea of ​​the trinity of God does not fit into a logical framework. After all, mathematics is an exact science that says that one is one, and three is three. But the fact of the matter is that faith is not mathematics.

Moreover, the nature of God and his powers in many ways remain a great mystery to man. By the way, science also has its own “big” mysteries - for example, where did humanity come from, for what purpose did it appear on earth. If we look carefully at our life, we will discover one curious fact: there are many more questions in it than answers.

And this is not only about important tasks, but even about everyday, everyday affairs. Sometimes even the simplest action makes a person a little dumbfounded. What can we say about the mysteries of the Universe, and even more so about the secrets associated with its Creator?

Yes, God is one, but at the same time he manifests himself in three persons. However, even on our planet we can find many examples that at least well illustrate this analogy. For example, water can be steam, ice, or liquid - and this is the only substance that, under terrestrial conditions, can be in 3 states at once. And at the same time, water remains water, its nature is one.

Here is another example - the rainbow with its endless number of tones and halftones. Until now, no one has been able to “take it apart” into parts, but this is not required: only a combination of colors can be recognized as a rainbow. And individually, each of them is nothing more than a shade of one tone or another.

And many more such examples can be given. But their essence is the same: the same nature of things, and at the same time – their different manifestations. This means that the Holy Trinity is one God, manifested in three persons.

Therefore, the question of what the Holy Trinity is in Orthodoxy or in Christianity in general can be answered very briefly: this is God.

What does the Holy Trinity mean in Orthodoxy: the priest’s answer

A detailed video commentary by the priest about who the Holy Trinity is and what the Holy Trinity means in Christianity can be seen here.

History and significance of the Feast of the Holy Trinity

The holiday of the same name is celebrated in honor of the Holy Trinity. It is traditionally celebrated on the 50th day after Easter (i.e. it also always falls on Sunday).

It is interesting that the word “Trinity” itself appeared after the writing of the Bible and even after the earthly life of Christ - it was introduced into circulation by the ancient Greek clergyman Theophilus of Antioch back in the 2nd century AD. And the idea of ​​the trinity of God arose even earlier - it began with a story that happened exactly 50 days after the resurrection of Jesus.

During his lifetime, the Savior promised that after his death the Holy Spirit would definitely descend to earth. Most likely, people did not fully understand his words then. Then quite a lot of events took place - dramatic and festive. First, as you know, the Lord entered Jerusalem (on this day we celebrate Palm Sunday), then died and rose again (Easter), and 40 days later he went to heaven (Ascension).

And on the fiftieth day, several apostles, disciples of Jesus, gather together in one house in Jerusalem. The Bible says this quite beautifully (Acts 1:14):

They were all unanimously together.

These people gathered because they followed Christ. Whether they were waiting for the fulfillment of the prophecy about the Holy Spirit or not, at that moment a real miracle happened.

A very loud noise was heard in the sky, like thunder or, as we would say today, the rumble of a low-flying airplane. However, no one was afraid of this. And suddenly, at some point, a flame lit up above the head of each apostle. At the same time, those gathered began to speak in different languages, which were actually used by many surrounding peoples of that time.

This miracle shocked all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and they even thought that the disciples of Christ were simply drunk. However, in reality, Jesus' followers were filled with the Holy Spirit. They immediately went to preach his word and teach all nations, as, indeed, the Lord commanded.

So it turns out that on the day of Pentecost, a teacher, a patron of people and at the same time an assistant of God, and at the same time his third person, descended to earth. And all this is the Holy Spirit.

That is why Trinity is often called the Day of the Spirits (although in fact it is celebrated not on Pentecost Sunday, but on the next day - Monday). Interestingly, Trinity is celebrated on all three days (Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, with the main celebrations taking place on the first two of them).

Who is the Holy Trinity for us?

What does the descent of the Holy Spirit mean for us? In other words, what is included in the concept of the Holy Trinity?

Of course, this is the triune God himself. It may not be easy for a person to realize this with pure logic, but it is quite possible to believe in this truth if you set your heart correctly. The Trinity is the manifestation of God in all his fullness, as well as a certain image that symbolizes the fulfillment of the divine plan for humanity.

Very briefly it can be described as follows: the Father created heaven and earth, the Son saved all people from sin and granted salvation, and the Holy Spirit began the time of divine grace.

That is why the Holy Trinity is celebrated on the day of the appearance of the Holy Spirit, which means the manifestation of God in all three of his persons. Every believer can now contact him directly and ask in prayer for forgiveness, reassurance and the fulfillment of their needs. It is interesting that until this moment people turned to their gods only through animal sacrifices and special rituals that accompanied this event.

That is why the Holy Trinity personifies the attitude of God, his love and mercy towards every person. Despite our sinful nature, each of us has the right not only to cry for forgiveness, but also for salvation. In the same book of Acts it is written (2:21):

Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

Here it is - the eternal and priceless gift of salvation that comes from heaven. Thanks to the fulfilled mission of each member of the Holy Trinity, any of us can receive this gift today. All you need is desire and at least a little faith.

7 powerful prayers to the Holy Trinity

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Prayer for the Feast of the Holy Trinity

“In the name of the Father God, the Son and the Holy Spirit, we pray for forgiveness and mercy on this bright and festive day. Thrice our One Heavenly Father, we offer words of joy on this holiday, we are in Your house and bow to the images in the hope of instruction and deliverance from illnesses and sins that burden our souls. We proclaim the true faith and convey from mouth to mouth words of gratitude for our lives in Thy goodness and mercy. We pray for everyone living on earth, living under Your gaze. Bless, Lord, a righteous life in mercy and goodness. Grant us, God, to live it in reverence for You and in raising children according to Your indisputable and only righteous covenants.

Prayer to the Holy Trinity for the fulfillment of desires

“To the Most Holy Trinity, the Consubstantial Power, all the good Wines that we will repay You for everything that You have rewarded us sinners and unworthy before, before you came into the world, for everything that You have rewarded us every day, and what You have prepared for us all in the future coming! It is fitting, then, for so much good deeds and generosity, to thank Thee not just in words, but more than in deeds, for keeping and fulfilling Thy commandments: but we, being aware of our passions and evil customs, have cast ourselves into countless sins and iniquities from our youth. For this reason, as unclean and defiled, I do not exactly stand before the Trisagion your face appear without shame, but below the name of Your Most Holy One, speak to us, even if You Yourself had not deigned, for our joy, to proclaim that the pure and righteous are loving, and sinners who repent are merciful and graciously accepted. Look down, O Divine Trinity, from the height of Your Holy Glory upon us, many sinners, and accept our good will, instead of good deeds; and give us the spirit of true repentance, so that, having hated every sin, in purity and truth, we will live until the end of our days, doing Your most holy will and glorifying with pure thoughts and good deeds the sweetest and most magnificent Your name. Amen."

Prayer to the Holy Trinity for health and healing

“O most merciful God, Father, Son and Holy Soul, worshiped and glorified in the indivisible Trinity, look kindly upon Thy servant (name), who is sickly possessed; forgive him all his sins; give him healing from his illness; restore his health and bodily strength; Give him a long and prosperous life, Your peaceful and exemplary blessings, so that together with us he brings grateful prayers to You, the All-Bounteous God and my Creator.

Most Holy Theotokos, through Your omnipotent intercession, help me to beg Your Son, my God, for the healing of God’s servant (name). All saints and angels of the Lord, pray to God for His sick servant (name). Amen."

Prayer to the Holy Trinity against smoking

“O most merciful God, Father, Son and Holy Soul, worshiped and glorified in the Undivided Trinity, look kindly upon Thy servant (name), who is overcome by illness; forgive him all his sins; give him healing from his illness; restore his health and bodily strength; Give him a long and prosperous life, Your peaceful and premium blessings, so that together with us he brings grateful prayers to You, our All-Bountiful God and Creator. Amen."

Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity for help

“Most Holy Trinity of Heaven throughout the ages, have mercy on us sinners. Lord, cleanse our souls from sins and foul language, forgive us the iniquities we commit, and guide us with the light of God on the righteous and sinless path. We pray for Your forgiveness and mercy, Thrice One Ruler and Ruler of our souls. Amen."

Prayer to the Holy Trinity, creation of Mark the monk

“The Almighty and Life-Giving Holy Trinity and the Beginning of Light, all creation, that which is in this world and above the world, by one goodness brought forth from non-existence and provides for it, and preserves it, and, in addition to Your other ineffable benefits to the earthly race, repentance until who gave us death for the sake of the weakness of the flesh! Do not leave us, unfortunate ones, to die in our evil deeds, and let us not be a laughing stock to the leader of evil, and the envious, and the destroyer; for You see, O Merciful One, how strong are his intrigues and enmity against us, and what is our passion, and weakness, and negligence. But perform Your unfailing good deeds on us, we pray, who anger You every day and hour by violating Your sacred and life-giving commandments. So, all our sins, in all our past life and until this hour, in deeds, or words, or thoughts, let go and forgive. Make us worthy to finish the rest of our lives in repentance, contrition, and observance of Your holy commandments. If we, seduced by pleasures, have sinned in many ways, or spent time tempted by vile desires, useless and harmful; if, driven by anger and unreasonable rage, they insulted any of our brothers, or because of our tongue they were entangled in inevitable, wrong and strong nets; if any of our feelings, or all of them, voluntarily or involuntarily, in knowledge or ignorance, in infatuation or deliberately stumbled madly; if the conscience has been defiled by evil and vain thoughts; or if we have sinned in any other way, forced by an inclination and habit of evil, forgive us and forgive us everything, O All-Bounteous, Most-Good and Much-Merciful, and grant us for the future courage and strength to do Your will, good, and pleasing, and perfect, so that we, the unworthy, may appear purified from the nightly and gloomy evil with light-like repentance and, as we act well during the day, appear purified to Your love for mankind, praising You and magnifying You forever. Amen."

Priest Oleg Davydenkov

From lectures on dogmatic theology at the Orthodox St. Tikhon's Theological Institute

The Dogma of the Holy Trinity is the foundation of the Christian religion

God is one in essence, but trinity in persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Trinity is consubstantial and indivisible.

The word “Trinity” itself, of non-biblical origin, was introduced into the Christian lexicon in the second half of the 2nd century by St. Theophilus of Antioch. The doctrine of the Holy Trinity is given in Christian Revelation.

The dogma of the Holy Trinity is incomprehensible, it is a mysterious dogma, incomprehensible at the level of reason. For the human mind, the doctrine of the Holy Trinity is contradictory, because it is a mystery that cannot be expressed rationally.

It is no coincidence that Fr. Pavel Florensky called the dogma of the Holy Trinity “a cross for human thought.” In order to accept the dogma of the Holy Trinity, the sinful human mind must reject its claims to the ability to know everything and rationally explain, i.e., to understand the mystery Holy Trinity it is necessary to reject your understanding.

The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is comprehended, and only partially, in the experience of spiritual life. This comprehension is always associated with ascetic feat. V.N. Lossky says: “The apophatic ascent is an ascent to Golgotha, therefore no speculative philosophy could ever rise to the mystery of the Holy Trinity.”

Belief in the Trinity distinguishes Christianity from all other monotheistic religions: Judaism, Islam. The doctrine of the Trinity is the basis of all Christian faith and moral teaching, for example, the doctrine of God the Savior, God the Sanctifier, etc. V.N. Lossky said that the Doctrine of the Trinity “is not only the basis, but also the highest goal of theology, for ... to know the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity in its fullness means to enter into Divine life, into the very life of the Most Holy Trinity."

The doctrine of the Triune God comes down to three points:

1) God is trinity and trinity consists in the fact that in God there are Three Persons (hypostases): Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
2) Each Person of the Most Holy Trinity is God, but They are not three Gods, but are one Divine being.
3) All three Persons differ in personal or hypostatic properties.

Analogies of the Holy Trinity in the world

The Holy Fathers, in order to somehow bring the doctrine of the Holy Trinity closer to the perception of man, used various kinds of analogies borrowed from the created world.

For example, the sun and the light and heat emanating from it. A source of water, a spring coming from it, and, in fact, a stream or river. Some see an analogy in the arrangement human mind(St. Ignatius Brianchaninov. Ascetic experiences): “Our mind, word and spirit, by the simultaneity of their beginning and by their mutual relationships, serve as the image of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.”

However, all these analogies are very imperfect. If we take the first analogy - the sun, outgoing rays and heat - then this analogy presupposes some temporary process. If we take the second analogy - a source of water, a spring and a stream, then they differ only in our imagination, but in reality they are a single water element. As for the analogy associated with the abilities of the human mind, it can only be an analogy of the image of the Revelation of the Most Holy Trinity in the world, but not of intra-Trinity existence. Moreover, all these analogies place unity above trinity.

Saint Basil the Great considered the rainbow to be the most perfect analogy borrowed from the created world, because “the same light is both continuous in itself and multi-colored.” “And in multicolor, a single face is revealed - there is no middle and no transition between colors. It is not visible where the rays are demarcated. We clearly see the difference, but we cannot measure the distances. And together, the multicolored rays form a single white. A single essence is revealed in a multicolored radiance.”

The disadvantage of this analogy is that the colors of the spectrum are not independent individuals. In general, patristic theology is characterized by a very wary attitude towards analogies.

An example of such an attitude is the 31st Word of St. Gregory the Theologian: “Finally, I concluded that it is best to abandon all images and shadows, as deceptive and far from reaching the truth, and adhere to a more pious way of thinking, focusing on a few sayings.” .

In other words, there are no images to represent this dogma in our minds; all images borrowed from the created world are very imperfect.

A Brief History of the Dogma of the Holy Trinity

Christians have always believed that God is one in essence, but trinity in persons, but the dogmatic teaching about the Holy Trinity itself was created gradually, usually in connection with the emergence of various kinds of heretical errors. The doctrine of the Trinity in Christianity has always been connected with the doctrine of Christ, with the doctrine of the Incarnation. Trinitarian heresies and trinitarian disputes had a Christological basis.

In fact, the doctrine of the Trinity became possible thanks to the Incarnation. As they say in the troparion of Epiphany, in Christ “Trinitarian worship appears.” The teaching about Christ is “a stumbling block to the Jews, and foolishness to the Greeks” (1 Cor. 1:23). Also, the doctrine of the Trinity is a stumbling block for both “strict” Jewish monotheism and Hellenic polytheism. Therefore, all attempts to rationally comprehend the mystery of the Holy Trinity led to errors of either a Jewish or Hellenic nature. The first dissolved the Persons of the Trinity in a single nature, for example, the Sabellians, while others reduced the Trinity to three unequal beings (Arians).

The condemnation of Arianism occurred in 325 on the First Ecumenical Council from Nicaea. The main act of this Council was the compilation of the Nicene Creed, into which non-biblical terms were introduced, among which the term “omousios” - “consubstantial” - played a special role in the Trinitarian disputes of the 4th century.

To reveal the true meaning of the term "omousios" it took enormous efforts of the great Cappadocians: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and Gregory of Nyssa.

The great Cappadocians, primarily Basil the Great, strictly distinguished between the concepts of “essence” and “hypostasis”. Basil the Great defined the difference between “essence” and “hypostasis” as between the general and the particular.

According to the teachings of the Cappadocians, the essence of the Divine and its distinctive properties, i.e., the non-beginning of existence and Divine dignity, belong equally to all three hypostases. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are its manifestations in Persons, each of which possesses the fullness of the divine essence and is in inextricable unity with it. The Hypostases differ from each other only in their personal (hypostatic) properties.

In addition, the Cappadocians actually identified (primarily the two Gregory: Nazianzen and Nyssa) the concept of “hypostasis” and “person”. “Face” in the theology and philosophy of that time was a term that did not belong to the ontological, but to the descriptive plane, that is, a face could be called the mask of an actor or the legal role that a person performed.

Having identified “person” and “hypostasis” in trinitarian theology, the Cappadocians thereby transferred this term from the descriptive plane to the ontological plane. The consequence of this identification was, in essence, the emergence of a new concept that the ancient world did not know: this term is “personality”. The Cappadocians managed to reconcile the abstractness of the Greek philosophical thought with the biblical idea of ​​a personal Godhead.

The main thing in this teaching is that personality is not part of nature and cannot be thought of in the categories of nature. The Cappadocians and their direct disciple St. Amphilochius of Iconium called the Divine hypostases “ways of being” of the Divine nature. According to their teaching, personality is a hypostasis of being, which freely hypostasizes its nature. Thus, the personal being in its specific manifestations is not predetermined by the essence that is given to it from the outside, therefore God is not an essence that would precede Persons. When we call God an absolute Person, we thereby want to express the idea that God is not determined by any external or internal necessity, that He is absolutely free in relation to His own being, always is what He wants to be and always acts as He wants to be. as he wants, that is, he freely hypostasizes His triune nature.

Indications of the trinity (plurality) of Persons in God in the Old and New Testaments

IN Old Testament available sufficient quantity indications of the trinity of Persons, as well as hidden indications of the plurality of persons in God without indicating a specific number.

This plurality is already spoken of in the first verse of the Bible (Gen. 1:1): “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” The verb "bara" (created) is in singular, and the noun "elohim" is plural, which literally means "gods."

Life 1:26: “And God said: Let us make man in our image and after our likeness.” The word “let us create” is plural. Same thing Gen. 3:22: “And God said, Behold, Adam has become as one of Us, knowing good and evil.” “Of Us” is also plural.

Life 11, 6 – 7, where we are talking about the Babylonian pandemonium: “And the Lord said: ... let us go down and confuse their language there,” the word “let us go down” is in the plural. St. Basil the Great in Shestodnevo (Conversation 9) comments on these words as follows: “It is truly strange idle talk to assert that someone sits and gives orders to himself, supervises himself, compels himself powerfully and urgently. The second is an instruction actually into three Persons, but without naming the persons and without distinguishing them."

XVIII chapter of the book of Genesis, the appearance of three Angels to Abraham. At the beginning of the chapter it is said that God appeared to Abraham; in the Hebrew text it is “Jehovah”. Abraham, coming out to meet the three strangers, bows to Them and addresses Them with the word “Adonai,” literally “Lord,” in the singular.

In patristic exegesis there are two interpretations of this passage. First: the Son of God, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, appeared, accompanied by two angels. We find this interpretation in martyr. Justin the Philosopher, St. Hilary of Pictavia, St. John Chrysostom, and Blessed Theodoret of Cyrrhus.

However, the majority of the fathers are Saints Athanasius of Alexandria, Basil the Great, Ambrose of Milan, St. Augustine, - they believe that this is the appearance of the Holy Trinity, the first revelation to man about the Trinity of the Divine.

It was the second opinion that was accepted by the Orthodox Tradition and was embodied, firstly, in hymnography, which speaks of this event precisely as the appearance of the Triune God, and in iconography ( famous icon"The Trinity of the Old Testament").

Blessed Augustine (“On the City of God,” book 26) writes: “Abraham meets three, worships one. Having seen the three, he understood the mystery of the Trinity, and having worshiped as if one, he confessed the One God in Three Persons.”

An indication of the trinity of God in the New Testament is, first of all, the Baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Jordan by John, which received the name Epiphany in Church Tradition. This event was the first clear Revelation to humanity about the Trinity of the Divine.

Further, the commandment about baptism, which the Lord gives to His disciples after the Resurrection (Matthew 28:19): “Go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Here the word “name” is singular, although it refers not only to the Father, but also to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit together. Saint Ambrose of Milan comments on this verse as follows: “The Lord said “in the name,” and not “in names,” because there is one God, not many names, because there are not two Gods and not three Gods.”

2 Cor. 13, 13: “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” With this expression, the Apostle Paul emphasizes the personality of the Son and the Spirit, who bestow gifts on an equal basis with the Father.

1, In. 5, 7: “There are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.” This passage from the letter of the apostle and evangelist John is controversial, since this verse is not found in ancient Greek manuscripts.

Prologue of the Gospel of John (John 1:1): “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” By God here we mean the Father, and the Word is called the Son, that is, the Son was eternally with the Father and was eternally God.

The Transfiguration of the Lord is also the Revelation of the Most Holy Trinity. This is how V.N. Lossky comments on this event in gospel history: “That is why the Epiphany and Transfiguration are celebrated so solemnly. We celebrate the Revelation of the Holy Trinity, for the voice of the Father was heard and the Holy Spirit was present. In the first case, in the guise of a dove, in the second - as a shining cloud that overshadowed the apostles."

Distinction of Divine Persons by Hypostatic Properties

According to church teaching, Hypostases are Persons, and not impersonal forces. Moreover, the Hypostases have a single nature. Naturally the question arises, how to distinguish them?

All divine properties relate to a common nature; they are characteristic of all three Hypostases and therefore cannot express the differences of the Divine Persons by themselves. Impossible to give absolute definition each Hypostasis, using one of the Divine names.

One of the features of personal existence is that personality is unique and inimitable, and therefore, it cannot be defined, it cannot be subsumed under a certain concept, since the concept always generalizes; impossible to bring to a common denominator. Therefore, a person can only be perceived through his relationship to other individuals.

This is exactly what we see in Holy Scripture, where the idea of ​​​​Divine Persons is based on the relationships that exist between them.

Starting approximately from the end of the 4th century, we can talk about generally accepted terminology, according to which hypostatic properties are expressed in the following terms: in the Father - ungeneracy, in the Son - birth (from the Father), and procession (from the Father) in the Holy Spirit. Personal properties are incommunicable properties, eternally remaining unchanged, exclusively belonging to one or another of the Divine Persons. Thanks to these properties, Persons differ from each other, and we recognize them as special Hypostases.

At the same time, distinguishing three Hypostases in God, we confess the Trinity to be consubstantial and indivisible. Consubstantial means that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are three independent Divine Persons, possessing all divine perfections, but these are not three special separate beings, not three Gods, but One God. They have a single and indivisible Divine nature. Each of the Persons of the Trinity possesses the divine nature perfectly and completely.

Father son and holy spirit who is it

The "Old Testament" says. - And God said: - Let us create man in Our image and likeness. And God created man in his own image (Old Testament, chapter 1, Genesis 1: 26, 1: 28).

A now look at the drawings of our Universe (below) and you will see for the first time what it really is like !!! In the middle, in green, I drew her arms and legs with a dotted line and you saw Her for the first time! And we were convinced that we (people) were created in Her image! But not only this, we have seven “energy rings” inside us, headed by their “Chakras” (“Chakra” is translated from Sanskrit as “Ring”). And in our Universe there are “Seven Number Rings” with “Teacher Systems” controlling Them.

And above him (the person) is “Bioscreen”, which controls absolutely the entire human body and its DNA! And in the Universe, at the head of Her entire organism, there is a Super Ring, which is located in the “Head of the Universe”. And we have a completely wrong understanding of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And here you will read below for the first time what the most Higher Powers our Universe from the Super Ring is exactly about this. They said that we have very little knowledge about ourselves (less than 0 , 001% ), and even less about the Universe!!! And therefore, people actually know nothing about the main energy of the Universe - the “energy of life”, thanks to which there is life in the Universe and the Universe itself exists!!! What the Higher Powers said about this, you will read below.

The fact is that the Universe is a gigantic living organism. And any element of the Universe is a part of Her Mind! (These are the words of the Higher Powers). And all the “temporary cores” of Her are interconnected!!! - And these are the words of the Higher Powers spoken upon contact. And I repeat once again - You can see for the first time what the real Universe is like below in my drawing.

In fact, our Universe (as a macrocosm) and the human body (as a microcosm) are permeated by a network still unknown to us, the so-called "protomatter" or to put it more correctly, "first radiations", about which our scientists still have zero knowledge!!! This “protomatter” is much smaller in volume than the elementary particles known to us. And these “first radiations” arise at the birth of the Universe, that is, during the opening of the Universe to its space-time system after the “Big Bang”. And they exist in its closed continuum in the form of a “cellular-mesh frame”!!!

And the size of such cells is much smaller sizes elementary particles, which are known to us on at the moment. And it is precisely such “primary radiations” that can be called the potential of “materiality”, or “proto-matter”! And it is precisely such “first radiations” arise at the birth of the Universe ! And it is these “first radiations” that are the basis for the creation of dense matter that we know! And from their combinations and their interaction, everything visible and not visible world and “time snails” and “passage tunnels” and various water and energy channels, which we know nothing about and which are invisible to human eye! A person does not even see his “time axes”, which come out approximately from the area of ​​his navel. But if you form your own “shell double” and fly around the Universe, you will see them clearly!

The forces of the Super Ring, which have been living for more than 800 billion years, long before the “Big Bang” in our Universe (which occurred approximately 15 billion years ago and They live in the “Head” of the model of the Universe), say -

You have the wrong idea about all this. At the very beginning there were no particles whatsoever. Originally there was a field !!! These are fields of "proto-matter" and energies of powerful fields biological nature ! These are the biological fields of all Galaxies, Constellations and individual planets. And this field is more significant than materialized matter! And these are not particles, as you people think! This is your misconception!

That is field - creates a particle, not a particle field !!! A field is a natural concept to which you people cannot even give an analogue! It’s like in your dialectics, what comes first is matter or consciousness! So consciousness is primary, not matter! And they tell you that consciousness is a product of matter! No! Matter is a product of consciousness! Although without matter there can be no consciousness. And the Higher Powers continued, -

It's just like Holy Father and Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a field of Living and Intelligent energy, thanks to which life exists in the Universe and the Universe itself exists!!!

And these were the words of the highest Powers, and not my inventions, “hypotheses”, and phantasies, and in response to my question, - And who is the Son?? And the Higher Powers answered, - Their products , that is all Minds created from this Intelligent Energy!!! And you people are not any servants of God, you are our children! You are our future! The fact is that the Creator is trying to raise souls to His level!!!

And now he monitors the development of people and its evolutionary perfection

"Cosmic Observer Coalition" , you people call By her God!!!

When creating the people of the Fifth Race, the Creators collected and used all the most advanced DNA of humanoids from all over the Universe! People of the Fifth Race were created by various Space systems, more precisely, each System created its own type of person. And these people were settled simultaneously on planet Earth, but in different places!

This is what the Powers of the Super Ring said about this energy, thanks to which absolutely all the Minds of the Universe exist -

This is energy , due to which all living things live and the Universe itself exists, on the presence of which the quality and life expectancy . This is Intelligent Energy!

It is from this Living and Intelligent energy that absolutely all the Minds of the Universe are created! And absolutely all the spirits of our Universe. And it is the Spirits on Earth who monitor and are responsible for their areas of the Earth: forests, streams and rivers, mountains and even the weather in one area or another. But besides this, there are Cosmic spirits that control our planet...

I once asked the Higher Powers a question about “Tornadoes” - Tell me, there are often “tornadoes” over the United States. What How do they create such force that they even lift entire carriages into the air?! And this is what the Forces answered me, - Tornado is a process sys that happen under the influence of external forces . At the same time, they take the initial physical component of your planet and create a “tornado” from it.This is done by the Forces that watch you and supervise you! And this is called purification !!! You have people which make fortunes from the misfortune of others ... here comes the cleansing !!! And in the future they will only get stronger!!!

And now you have tornadoes in Russia. You began to take a bad example from America , and such purifications began to occur to you..., and if you continue to follow the Destructive American path, they will only intensify for you..."

“Life energy” is coming to our Earth, but our scientists don’t know anything about it yet. The fact is that in our Galaxy there are only two such fields with “life energy”. And one of these fields is in our solar system, this is the “Oort cloud”, and the other is in our Galaxy in the Orion Constellation.

The forces of the Universe upon contact said, “Your scientists not only don’t know about this energy, they don’t know much about the influence of various fields and radiation in the open.” Outer space. And as a result of this, your astronauts will suffer severe damage to their health, since your earthly protection is absolutely unresponsive and inappropriate necessary conditions safety of being in such a space!

The Old Testament says: And God said: Let us create man in Our image and in Our likeness. And God created man in his own image (Old Testament, chapter 1, Genesis 1: 26, 1: 28).

For the first time you see a simplified drawing of a model of our Universe. And the drawing of this Model of the Universe is very similar to the model of a person (as in the “Old Testament”) and I asked the Powers of the Super Ring (which are in the drawing in the head of the Universe) a question, - And you, in my opinion, are something like"Bioscreen" or "Brains" our Universe! This is right!? And this is what the Higher Powers of the Super Ring answered me, -

You are thinking correctly!!! But We not only supervise your Universe, We create and build your Universe . And We are watching you all the time, because you are our children!!!

The controlling structure of the Universe is the “Center of the Universe”". And this is what the Higher Powers of the Universe said about man and the Universe, - Between " Above the Universal object - the center of the Universe " ("Head of the Universe") and " Bioscreen" human there is a certain analogy of structure and connection of functional units. What is this relationship and similarity:

1. They have a common external shape (In man and the universe ). In a person, this means his “subtle body”.

2. General schematic diagram of the passage of certain information.

3. The general direction of movement of certain processes.

4. And certain structural components.

That's why " Bioscreen“human is a structure that allows human physical matter to interact with different “temporal” and “energy” formations in the Universe. And besides this, the “bioscreen” is capable of storing a huge amount of different information on its tori and being its carrier. And its capacity is such that if the information of all humanity on Earth is multiplied by four, then it will fit freely in it!!! But in order to carry out such operations, a person simply needs:

1. Learn to fully control the "bioscreen"".

2. Be able to translate your " shell twin"into various other dimensions. You will read about the human “bioscreen” below.

You see arrow number 6, pointing to the Sixth Time Spiral. It is in this time spiral that we are now located and living. The number 6 is a symbol of life and prosperity. According to the Bible, man was created by God in his own image and likeness on the 6th day of creation after the creation of all things!!! And now you will understand this statement for the first time! Look closely at the blue model of the universe from the left edge and on it you see the number 6! It was on the 6th spiral of the “snail of time” that man was created! One revolution of such a Universal spiral is equal to 2.5 billion years! And everything that exists was created on the 4th and 5th spirals!

You look at the drawing of the model of the Universe and see something like a hat on Her head. This is the Super Ring of the Universe, which plays approximately the same role as " Bioscreen" or "Brain" in humans(below you will see a drawing of a human “bioscreen”). For those who don’t know what a human “bioscreen” is, I’ll say that it stores all the information about all human organs, systems and human DNA and all the information about all the knowledge that a person has received in this and his previous lives! And its capacity is such that if the information of all mankind is multiplied by four, they will easily fit in it!

And it is he who controls the functioning of the entire human body and it is he who gives the unquestioning order to eliminate all problems in the human body if they appear!!! Likewise, the “Information Banks” of the Super Ring contain all the information of the Universe, both before the “Big Bang” and after it (and the “Information Bank” of our Universe has existed for more than 800 billion years, and the “Big Bang” occurred approximately 15 billion years ago). And “The information bank of the Universe is immortal!!! This is what the Higher Powers of the Universe said -

The thing is that the Universe is a living organism!!! And the Chronospheres of the Galaxies and the Universe itself are like their skeletons, from which They will never come out, although at the same time they will expand or contract! This is what the Higher Powers said upon contact.

Our Earth scientists have a wrong idea about the expansion of the Universe. And the following happens: the “snail sleeve” of the Universe expands and, as a result, the “time axes” diverge (You can see this under number 2 in my drawing). And this is what the Higher Powers said about this - What appears to you as the expansion of the Universe is just an expansion of matter in the “Time Snail” of the Universe! And this is definitely!!!

"Chronosphere" is one of the most stable structures of the Universe!!! It will not collapse, even if the Universes themselves cease to exist!! And it is precisely this that is the basis of the existence of each Universe!!! This is what the Higher Powers said: Our Universe before the “Big Bang” was like one Big Brain, which after the explosion began to develop its abilities. And the Forces also said, “Don’t mistake the explosion for a catastrophe, because of internal contradictions and the laws of physics, it was a completely deliberate decision.” But for people who have not reached a certain moral development, working with time topology is unacceptable!

All spiral vortex temporary flows are “temporal space”. And when people understand them, they will understand the principles of physical time travel. But for this, a person must initially understand what " temporary element ". From now on we will call this smallest temporary unit of time " Tempor". "Temporas" are of two types: Permanent And Variables . Exactly " Constant Temperas "create "protective frame shell" all surface shells of the “Snails of Time” and various “tunnel passages”. A " Variable Tompors "are in constant motion and precisely they serve as carriers of time .

The forces upon contact said, - Chronospheres - there are the foundations of absolutely everything !!! And for example, our “Noosphere”, in which all earthly souls are located, is the fruit of the activity of the “Chronosphere” and our Noosphere is under the complete control of the “Chronosphere”!

It is the Chronosphere, about which we know almost nothing, supports the development of Civilizations and it is She who stops their degradation!!!

The structure of "Tempor" itself includes 9 "substructural information" components (about which our earthly scientists do not yet know anything) and of which the entire volume of "Tempor" consists. "Temporas" are indestructible and they are always in motion, from the very beginning of their movement (from the Quasar). And for these smallest “substructural” components of the “Tempors” we will introduce the name (at the prompting of the Higher Powers) - “Chronos”. And these “temporary primary elements” exist in time only as part of “Tempors”. The fact is that “Chronos” are the smallest particles that are formed in the Universal “Temporary Core”. They seem to consist of “flagella”, which, intertwining and twisting, form “flagella”. And it is this “harness” that ideally consists of 27 “flagella”, which precisely constitute these same 27 “primary radiations”, or “protomatter” that I wrote about above!

But they are not only formed there, but also having worked until the “Big Bang”, they again disintegrate into these same “primary elements” and at the same time absolutely everything that was previously in them is annulled: previous information, energy... and they - “Chronos”, after this they again become “neutral” and ready for new job. But after all this, new tasks appear before them in the “new time”. And they unite into new “Temporas” and begin to work in a new time. And this always happens after every “Big Bang” in all the Universes of our Ecumenical country, in which there are more than a billion Universes like ours!

“Chronos” are very information-intensive, and one “Chronos” is such a microscopic particle capable of storing colossal information - 3 , 276, 800 gigabyte! And to understand this, we will compare the size of "Chronos" with the smallest atom - the hydrogen atom. It's about 10 to the power of minus 27 from the size of the hydrogen atom. It’s not very easy for people to understand all this yet!

And “Temporas” are created in the core of the Universe and after that they emerge from the Temporary Universal “Quasar”. And then, passing through all the “Snails of Time”, they return back to the Universal “Black Hole”! When entering the “Black Hole” of the “Tempors”, the information from them seems to be turned outward and ejected!!! By the way, this is somewhat reminiscent of the release of “credential information” from a person’s “bioscreen” when his “credential positions” change! New information, which enriches the “Temporas”, does not change their structure and does not form any new structures between the “Temporas”, it only accumulates and accumulates in it!

After "Chronos" gets into the "Quasar" and leaves it for its new temporary work, it does not just leave it, but it receives an accurate address binding at the level of low structures (Galactic, Stellar) and at the same time he collects the necessary information before approaching this specific place, which characterizes the traversed path of information precisely in a specific time period.

“Temporary information”, to be more precise, these are “Tempors” with information that enter through the Universal “Black Hole”, giving information to the permanent storage system (“Information Banks”). And after this, the information is transferred to the “adjustment layers”, in which mandatory it is compared with the “reference information”. Where does its analysis and processing take place? And after this, it is determined in which place in the Universe its “deviation” occurred. And after this, the edited information" is applied to the "Chronos" and, as part of the "Tempors", is transferred to the system. And at the same time, on these "Chronos" there is already an "address binding" - and this will be like a primary impulse, and their " Quality" is already being completed and obtained locally.

But the fact is that “Chronos” and “Temporas” are just “Performers”!!! A the functions of "regulation" and "management" belong to the "Clouds". And any instantaneous adjustment on a Universal scale is carried out by the “Clouds”. It is for this reason that They can be called both “One Mind” and “Different Civilizations”. And it is They who can rearrange both into spatial formations and into “Energetic” ones. So that you can compare them with anything, they can be compared with the “Oort Cloud” in our solar system. But the “Oort Cloud” already has an “energy formation”!!

And if our “Noosphere” is located near the Earth, but in another dimension, then this belt with the “Oort Cloud” is located in a certain space, but also in another dimension. And it has completely different time characteristics!

Conditions new image of the "Oort Cloud".

You have probably heard about such a phrase as “ Asteroid belt " This is the region of the solar system located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. It is believed that in ancient times there was an orbit of the planet Phaeton, which broke up into many fragments, which now make up this very “asteroid belt”. It is precisely there, behind this asteroid belt, that the material for the formation of earthly souls from this very “life energy” is located. And just as our Noosphere is located near the Earth, but in a different dimension, so this belt is located in a certain space, but in a different dimension. And it has completely different time characteristics.

But the Creator Fathers, before the death of the “old world,” put into its fabric their dream of the birth of a Living Intelligent Being - Man! This sphere is the only one that remained the same as it was billions of years before the start of the Big Bang. It just started sounding stronger and higher!!! Who is he “the first man”? It appeared very far from the Solar System and at a time when it was not yet in sight, and did not originate from a monkey, as quite famous scientists write!!! To make this clear to ordinary people, I will clarify this based on what people know, on the person. After all, the human model is similar to the model of our Universe! Remember who analyzes everything about a person - “Bioscreen” and the human brain! And above all the organs and organisms that are in their space - the “Chakras” of a person. So the Cosmic Coalition of Observers of the Universe works in exactly the same way!

I will repeat once again what the Higher Powers said about the Holy Spirit - The Holy Spirit is a field of Living and Intelligent Energy , thanks to which Life exists in the Universe and the Universe itself exists !!! And to my question - Who is the Son? Answer, -

Their products ( that is, all Minds created from this Intelligent Energy !!!). And this is not any hypothesis that earthly scientists write everywhere, but the words of the Higher Powers of the Universe. And in our Solar system there is such a powerful “Living Field” of this Intelligent energy.

And just as our Noosphere is located near the Earth, but in a different dimension, so this belt is located in a certain space, but in a different dimension. And it has completely different time characteristics. We call this space the "Oort Cloud". After a certain amount of it is taken from this space to form a new soul, certain programs are immediately invested into it. This is done by special representatives who deal only with these issues. The soul is born in physical body people on Earth to develop. This Intelligent Energy of Life comes to us on Earth and from its core comes to us on the surface and our Noosphere.

But people involved in astronautics might notice. The fact is that when entering this space, earthly spaceships involuntarily increased their speed almost twice as much as if they were flying through normal space. And this cannot go unnoticed! These reserves of matter for souls are used by both representatives of our Noosphere and representatives of our Galaxy.

During a person's life, some color waves from his reserves of "life energy" around a person's chakras can be enhanced, while others can be suppressed! In this case, our bioscreen acts as a regulator!!! Some people think incorrectly that all earthly souls are born in our Noosphere!? This is not right! In the Noosphere there are ready-made souls. But "maternity shower" is very far from it.

And if our “Noosphere” is located near the Earth, but in another dimension, then this belt is in a certain space, but also in another dimension. And it has completely different time characteristics.

Our Earth's core takes part in almost all Noospheric processes. This is, in particular, the feeding of its fields surrounding the incarnation cells. Recharge is carried out from those anomalous places where it is constantly released. As a rule, these places are located in the depths of the seas and oceans. Most sailors know what glowing lights are"Circles in the ocean" It is precisely from these places that such a release occurs.

Our Earth is replenished with this subtle “Life Energy” from "Oort Clouds" . Therefore, you probably guessed that the Earth's core takes part in almost all Noospheric processes. This is, in particular, the feeding of its fields surrounding the incarnation cells. Recharge is carried out from those anomalous places where it is constantly released. As a rule, these places are located in the depths of the seas and oceans. Most sailors know what glowing “circles in the ocean” are. It is precisely from these places that such a release occurs.

Even in ancient times, sailors returning from sea voyages reported miracles of luminous waters. They spoke with awe and admiration about the “giant sparkling wheels” that rotated on the water. These “wheels” sometimes reached the horizon and were several miles in size. Europeans dubbed them “the devil’s carousel.” They rotated at approximately 100 revolutions per minute. And in Asia they were called “
Buddha Wheels " Now think for yourself who is closer to the truth?? But not “enlightened Europeans”. After all, this energy came from the center of Mother Earth to the Divine Noosphere, where our souls are located. Just as a person changes all the time, so over time the original structure of the Earth also changes, filling with a new bioenergetic component.

For those who do not know what a “bioscreen” is, I will say that the fact is that it is in the “bioscreen” that all information is stored both about all human organs and systems of a person, and about his DNA, and about all the knowledge that a person had throughout his entire life, as well as all previous lives! And its capacity is such that if the knowledge of all mankind is multiplied by four, it will easily fit in it! Likewise, the “Information Banks” of the Super Ring contain all the information of the Universe, both before the “Big Bang” and after it. Information banks are immortal !!!

Below you see a drawing of a person’s “Bioscreen”. In fact, it is the “Bioscreen” that is an integral part of the human soul. And after the death of a person, all the person’s information is removed from him.

Below you see a drawing of a person’s “Bioscreen”. On it you see two rings. Bottom (numbered 1) and upper (numbered 2). The lower ring ("Creed Ring") with the Cred position of a person is energetically more saturated and in highly spiritual people, in some cases, it is even perceived visually ordinary people .And when you see a halo on the icons of holy people, it is just a truthful, true image of such a person. A person’s “bioscreen” duplicates and controls absolutely all processes occurring in a person and in his brain. And a person’s “Bioscreen” is always in energetic contact with the people around us. And such people do not necessarily have to be near you, even from the next apartment bad person may negatively affect your child with its obscene words and bad thoughts (see photo of thoughts below).

People know very little about their "Bioscreen", but it can play a role in a person's life " Time machines " And this property in humans it can manifest itself maximally at night. And it is in a dream that such a person can experience " looking into the future " along his creed temporal axes. When I asked the Forces of the Universe a question about man, They answered the following, - You can't even imagine how complex and diverse is the structure whose name is a person ! What you people know about her is not even one percent (approximately 0, 001% ) from what actually exists! You still have to get to know this design, yes, get to know it! Everything is ahead of you!!!

"Bioscreen" of a person.

  • 1. "Creed Ring" of the bioscreen ("Life Position" of a person).
  • 2. "Creative Ring" of the bioscreen.
  • 3. Beam into the incarnation cell.

The most common “life positions” are:

  • 1. All for yourself.
  • 2. Everything for the people.
  • 3. Everything for work.
  • 4. All for fun.
  • 5. All for the sake of science.
  • 6. Purely collective interest.
  • 7. Purely family interest. And so on...

"Creed Ring" is responsible for " life position" of a person. And it develops, in fact, from the very birth of a person, when he still does not understand anything, and the “bioscreen” through this “Creed Ring” already shapes a person’s life position. But at the moment we do not have such a concept as the “education” of a person. But if upbringing does not occur with a good – spiritual position in life of a person, then the person imperceptibly begins to be brought up with a different position in life. The fact is that such concepts as egregor and the development of a person’s life position, whether he wants it or not, still happens! Our bioscreen is impossible to deceive!!! And it is in working mode all the time (whether you are working or sleeping)! And the shell of the “bioscreen” reflects absolutely all the information about the energy of absolutely every organ and all human systems!!! And at the same time, we must not forget that all information about human DNA is stored in the “bioscreen”!!! When a person sleeps, the phantom of his “bioscreen” can go into the future for a period of up to 2.5 years. And after that it will seem to this person that he has already seen this somewhere.

But when a person begins to change his creeds, then this is, to some extent, a critical situation for the person and his previous “cred program” and its energy are released over the head of such a person. And an energy structure appears in the form " falling waterfall", which protects this person from penetration of foreign programs into his "bioscreen" at this time. But critical situations are different: for example, a person suddenly stopped breathing! In this situation, a " falling waterfall." But in such a situation, it sometimes acts on the “time axes” of a person and it will seem to the person that time has slowed down. And he will see all the events in slow motion! And then, when he talks about it, no one will tell him will believe, although he will speak the truth!

" Falling waterfall”, throwing out a person’s previous “life position”.

Now I will write something that our Earthly scientists do not know about. "Bioscreen" is an energy structure that covers and controls the entire human brain! It begins to open within 5 - 6 months before the birth of a person and completely completes its formation by about 25-30 years. The “bioscreen” reflects all the codes of all human organs and systems. And at the same time, every human organ generates energy in the form of a spectrum of field radiation.

And if the information coming from any organism indicates any deviations, then the “bioscreen” at the same hour produces energy impulses that instantly enter the human brain in the form unquestioning order to work with the relevant authority.

A man with a “bioscreen” and a “field shell”.

The human “field shell” is almost always in different states, it all depends on the mental and physical activity person.And all people have a different outer layer of the “field shell”. Its thickness ranges from 2 - wow 7 - and centimeters. The thinner its thickness, the easier it is for extraneous intelligences to penetrate through it into this shell. Since its main function is protective!!! Also, on the cover of the “field shell” the chakra structures of a person stand out especially strongly. These are the most stable human energy formations, which ensure a constant energy balance of the human body, both with its external and internal environment!

And at the very bottom of a person’s field shell there is a “vertical cone”, which rotates all the time at a speed of one revolution per second, taking away the life energy for everything human body. This “life energy” flows through the spinal canal, and each chakra takes in energy only of its own color. In addition to the first chakra, which, in addition to its own “red energy,” also takes “pink” energy for the legs. And the “fourth chakra,” which, in addition to its own “green energy,” also takes “light green” energy for the hands.

This energy flows as if along an “energy column”, which is our spine, rotating all the time, if viewed from below, clockwise. The rotation speed of this “energy column” is the same all the time, one revolution per second. And only during sleep it slows down a little, by about 25%. This energy coming from external environment, the 1st and 3rd “chakras” are taken away. And it is these energies that influence physical strength person. And the main and main functions of the “chakras” are in the accumulation of “life energy” in the human body and in its subtle structures and the use of accumulated reserves of “life energy” in the future in certain circumstances!

And the higher the filling of a person’s chakra structures, the better the person’s tone, his health, his energy reserves, the composition of his blood and much, much more. Therefore, the path to healing people lies in filling the “chakras” with “life energy” and improving its subtle structures and shells. Therefore, it is precisely well-developed “chakras” that allow long time preserve a person's ability to work and prolong the life of the human body, that is, its biomatter!!!

But not only do “chakras” provide all organs and organisms under their control with their “life energy”, they constantly control the work of all systems under their control. And if necessary, they can strengthen or weaken the flow of “life energy” to any organ!

But their work is constantly monitored and controlled by a human “bioscreen”. And the most interesting thing is that every person is fed every second by this “energy of life” and knows absolutely nothing about this energy (by the way, he - a person - lives precisely thanks to it!!!) and at the same time, a person does not know and does not want to know anything about it !!!Almost all people, including Earthly scientists, believe that a person gets energy from eating food! This is not true! Food serves to some extent a person as " building material"absolutely for the entire human body!!!

And upon contact, the Higher Powers confirmed that a person’s “life energy”, due to his aging, definitely decreases!!!No wonder the ancient Tibetans wrote,

The only difference between sick and healthy, old and young is this is the energy of the rotating rings around the human chakras from the energy of life . Enough to bring the rings (vortexes from “life energy” ) back to normal and the old will become young, and the sick will become healthy!!!

And upon contact, the Higher Powers confirmed that a person’s “life energy”, due to his aging, definitely decreases!!! And the Forces added, “If you, people, know all types of energies of each “energy center” of a person (“Chakras” with its “energy ring”), then you will know how to use these energy resources. And in this case it will be quite easy for you to recognize your illnesses and in general the shortcomings of any human body!

The fact is that a person, with the help of his “Chakras” and the “life energy” that enters them every second, can influence both his health and his longevity!!! And it is the “Chakras” that have direct impact and the impact on human life expectancy, since they are responsible for the bioreserve and biobalance of “life energy” in the human body. That is, they ensure a certain duration of functioning of human biomatter! And when the bio-reserve of “life energy” of a given particular individual runs out, then the matter of this person will cease to be replenished with the energy of the physical plane and begins to gradually collapse, and as a result of this, physical death of this individual!!!

The fact is that Universes, like people, have their own Universal Families and yours Ecumenical Countries. Our Universe has its own " Universal Family"- This 5thHer " Sisters of the Universes " . And we, or rather our Universe, lives in Its Family of Universes, but in these Universes the “Snails of Time” move in the opposite direction along the sleeves of their “Snails of Time”. And our entire Family of Universes are connected to each other by special “tunnel passages”. And in the future, people will have the opportunity to visit the “Sisters of the Universes”, but they will not be able to stay there!!!

Now you will see for the first time what the connection of our Universe with our Sister Universes looks like (I drew only one of the 5 Sisters of our Universe). The “Snails of Time” of the Sisters of our Universe enter the grooves of the “Snails of Time” of our Universe and the kinetic energy of the “Big Bang” of each Universe initially flows through them.

This is the first thing. And second - this is interaction with temporary factors of reverse current Universal flows(you can see for yourself that time in Them moves in different directions. Since in the Universes everything obeys its own laws and time, like electric current, runs from one pole to the other. Besides, great value have magnetic fields, which are in the “Buffer Zones” of the “Snails of Time”, I asked Them a question, Our Universe is included in any Union of Universes, or a Conglomerate of Galactic Universes, or - Country from the Universes ? I don’t know what this Union is called. But I would like to know how many Universes like ours are there?

The answer of the Higher Powers of the Super Ring, - More than a billion such Universes.

I asked the Forces the following question: “This is how a kind of organism from the Universes turns out, or - “ Country from the Universes"? Is that so?

The answer of the Higher Powers is, - Of course, this is a kind of organism, or according to you Country from the Universes ! My next question followed immediately: “And above Them is some kind of Coordinator, or some kind of Control structure?” The answer is: Yes, of course! And He is outside the Universe and coordinates, in your understanding, the state of the General Conglomerate of Universes and maintains the connection between the same objects of other Conglomerates of Universes. I asked in surprise, “So there are still others like this?” Countries from Universes?! The answer of the Higher Powers, -

Exactly the same Countries from Universes , only located in a different space and time from you.

And to my question, - So the Universe, like a person, someday dies?.. Higher Powers, - Of course! And to my question, - What needs to be done to revive Her!? The Higher Powers responded with surprise, “Why revive Her if She, just like a person, dies after living her life.” In fact, She, like a person, begins a different life. She reincarnates, or moves from one life form to another!!!

Everything in the world is subject to the same law!!!