Night owl dictation. Lesson topic

Night owls are birds of a very special flight. These are home-loving birds, they do not like light, they seek darkness, mystery, solitude. Therefore, subjects belonging to the venerable society of owls avoid the city center and the places adjacent to it, because these places are primarily distinguished by light and crowds. They, on the contrary, choose city outskirts for their residence, such as near Smolny, remote St. Petersburg, Kolomna beyond the Goat Swamp, Aptekarsky Island, and near some small river Karpovka.

In this latter area, the owl usually settles down in this way.

She chooses as her nest an old dacha - either acquired, or her ancestral inheritance from her fathers and grandfathers - the latter even more often than the former, and settles in this dacha with her children and household members, and with all the household household needs of a semi-landowner; lives there all the time, summer and winter, and is convinced that she lives “like a lord.” “Living like a lord” is the ideal of a bird’s life, to which it all strives; but only this “life like a lord” is understood here very modestly, completely different from how it is understood in some palazzo on Sergievskaya Street and the Promenade des Anglais. The lordly life of a house-loving bird is somewhat closer to the former life of middle-class landowners, that is, three hundred, six hundred souls; and indeed, the everyday details of bird life in their nature resemble something patriarchal, which fits very poorly with the idea that arises in our heads when we hear the word “Petersburg.” What a real dissonance: St. Petersburg and patriarchy! But the seventh vial of anger has not yet completely poured out over this city, and it must be assumed that nothing else but this circumstance can still be attributed to the existence in St. Petersburg of a certain patriarchy in the back streets of the Aptekarsky, sub-Smolny and Goat swamp.

The homely bird usually keeps a wide, roomy droshky on low springs and a red or brown, lean, pot-bellied and short gelding. This gelding is a virtuous and meek horse; he becomes a little coward, at a sedate trot, and doesn’t want to know anything else. It is always ruled by an unsightly-looking little kucherenko, who has already managed to survive in the bird for about twenty years, but is still going to die in the same “place”. He sits on a box like a pretzel, wearing a clumsy old-world poyark hat, examples of which can still be found in some of the outback areas of our vast fatherland, at the house of some mayor who has sat too long in one and the same place, at the house of some assessor, or in the provincial government. city ​​with an old German doctor.

This pot-bellied, lean gelding, which is quite at ease living on Aptekarsky Island, on bird food, has the almost exclusive duty of making excursions “to the city” in a ramshackle droshky on those rare occasions when the need arises for the bird-husband or the bird-wife go either on your own business or to Gostiny Dvor for household and other purchases. This gelding with a ramshackle droshky and this toothless coachman in an old-world jury ride constitute the first and unchangeable attributes of a bird’s life “in a lordly manner.”

But in addition to the two most important attributes, you will always find homemade kvass, homemade papushnik buns, homemade jam, homemade tinctures (sometimes for forty-eight ailments) and mushrooms with homemade pickles from the St. Petersburg bird in its provincial abode. Although all these items are much easier and more convenient, without any hassle, can be obtained at any fruit and grocery store, but the house-loving bird certainly wants all this to be nothing other than homemade: she loves it to be homely, she loves the most the process of jamming, pickling, infusion and saving for the winter, because all these items, along with a pot-bellied gelding, constitute the attributes of a bird’s life “in a lordly manner.” The bird cannot live without this.

Not all birds, of course, live in the backwoods of dachas. Most of them, as already said, are stuck in the outbacks of the city, such as near Smolny, near Nevsky and Kozye swamp, where they live mainly in their own family or acquired houses. And what’s remarkable is this: just as dacha dwellings are predominantly a family, inherited property, city dwellings are also acquired property, mostly bought in the wife’s name, from a modest capital amassed little by little during the husband’s career. Birds have a predilection for houses made of wood or on a stone foundation, with a mezzanine and a garden - certainly with a mezzanine and a garden, adapting to this, according to the patriarchal properties of their nature, both tinctures with cucumbers and short gelding. This means that they think to themselves that they also live “like a lord.” All of them, without exception, love their outbacks and their immediate surroundings very much; they are attached to them spiritually, because over the course of their long lives they have somehow organically grown together with the soil of the surrounding area and always, with some tenderness, they say nothing other than - here near Smolny, here on Aptekarsky, here on Kozye. They are already accustomed to considering all these Goat swamps, under the Nevsky and Aptekarsky as something of their own, innately their own, inseparably fused with their existence.

But don’t think that the nature of the life of homely birds has anything in common with the life of that environment, the representatives of which were the old Povetins in bucolic Koltovskaya. No, the Povetins are so-so people, small fry, very simple, good people, they live modestly, unknown, fearing God, according to the proverb “day and night - a day away - closer to death,” don’t touch, they say, only you, but we won’t touch you in any way. In a word, they live as God sent them, unpretentiously and little by little. Bird society has its own aspirations, its own goals, its own interests, its own struggles, victories and adversities, its own political issues and unrest, even its own propaganda.

Birds almost exclusively belong to the noble class, and not just to the noble class, but to the pillar class, and, on occasion, they really like to declare themselves “pillar class”. They have their own traditions, and each of the birds can boast of some kind of grandfather or uncle, who “at one time was the master of the whole province.” But... from the broad life of these grandfathers and uncles, today’s old nephews and old granddaughters are left with very meager scraps, like a Pskov or Novgorod estate of two hundred souls or, most often, like an old manor’s dacha, or even a house with a mezzanine and a garden. Birds are very fond of boasting about their kinship, which certainly includes some unknown princess Podkhalim-Zakoryukova or Prince Pochechuy-Chukhlominsky. And these will all be very ancient princes and princesses, which are called “Rurikovichs”, so ancient that no one even knows or remembers about them, but nevertheless they exist or were and are related to house birds, and home birds consider them very important people in their time.

But just as much as their relationship with Princess Podkhalim-Zakoryukova and Prince Ivan Pochechuy, homely birds like to boast on occasion about their short acquaintance with various representatives of the now shining noble families. There is no need that these representatives sometimes managed to forget about the very existence of some bird a long time ago and will not even remember its name, if you start to remember and explain to them, homely birds still boast about these quasi acquaintances, and this brings them real pleasure . If someone happens to mention by chance the name of any of these modernly brilliant representatives, the bird cannot resist anointing its face with a smile, shining with contentment, and not saying in a tone in which there will be a hint of even some friendly familiarity mixed , however, with a feeling of appropriate respect: “Ah... Prince Ilya Semenovich!.. - the bird will say. - Of course, of course! Old colleagues!.. We were friends!” or “Eh, my friend, what are you telling me about Count Andrei!.. Shouldn’t I know him! Classmates! They sat on the same bench, fist-fighted together, and flogged us together!” or finally: “When I was brought up in Smolny, Princess Aglaya and I were such friends!.. Now, when she meets me, she remembers everything: do you remember, ma chere, the coffee shops? Do you remember, mon ange, our maman?.. Truly, this princess Aglaya is such a darling!.. She keeps calling me to her, but I just can’t get it together!” And at the same time there must be a complete sigh of tenderness and contentment. And the birds are happy that they managed to hint or weave in, inappropriately and inopportunely, about their aristocratic acquaintance. They, without exception, are extremely interested in knowing what is going on in the circle of these modern brilliant representatives, what they talk about, what they do, who married their daughter or son to whom, which wife separated from her husband and why this happened, and who and with who are in opposition; and at the same time, they reveal complete and most detailed knowledge of the ascending kinship and properties of these celebrities and the most solid knowledge of all their names and patronymics without exception, so that if between them, for example, it is said: “Prince Andreich, or Countess Daria Savelyevna,” then everyone knows very well which Prince Vladimir Andreich and which Countess Daria Savelyevna are being discussed. And everyone takes part in this conversation and both Prince Vladimir Andreevich and Countess Daria Savelyevna turn out to be very close to everyone’s heart; and those, by the way, don’t even suspect that there are complete strangers in the world who are so keenly, com amore, interested in their persons and their affairs. But how can one not be interested if gossip and stories from high society constitute food and one of the favorite topics of home birds at almost every meeting, at every bird meeting!

Birds, however, do not like to get along with new personalities. They prefer to move in a close and closed circle of their bird society, the members of which are all connected with each other by the most intimate affection, and there is almost no opportunity for an outsider, what is called the “man from the wind,” to penetrate into their enchanted circle - unless someone of the trusted avian members, with his strict guarantee of the proper goodness of the recommended subject, will undertake to introduce him into avian society, and then the new person remains the responsibility of his guarantor. To do this, one must, so to speak, go through several ordeals and trials.

- Evdokia Petrovna! Savely Nikanorovich! - says some member of the bird society. “Mr. Trizhdyotrechensky would like to be introduced to your house.” Will you allow this?.. He has been looking for this honor for a long time.

Evdokia Petrovna and Savely Nikanorovich make a sour and distrustful face.

– Who is this Trizhdyotrechensky? - they mumble through clenched teeth...

“Three-Resigned?.. Mm... He, it seems to me, is a very worthy and well-intentioned person,” notes the lawyer of the newly inducted member.

-What is his rank?

– Titular adviser, with the rank of captain.

Evdokia Petrovna and Savely Nikanorovich make a second time mine of a somewhat sour nature.

- Where does he serve? - they continue.

- In the Nth department, he is the head of the department.

- Hmm... How does his superiors certify him?

- The authorities are okay... The official is of good quality.

- That's it! Now go look for some good quality ones! All freethinking and irreverence! – the spouses reflect with regret.

- Yes, sir!.. Times!.. What is called tempora et mores, as the philosopher said... all this “progress”! – with a sad, contemptuous, condescending smile, Mr. Trizhdyotrechensky’s lawyer sighs in response to this reflection.

– Is he modest enough? - Meanwhile, the spouses continue.

- Oh, yes! He is very humble and respectful.

“Doesn’t he drink, is he rowdy, and doesn’t he have anything on the side?”

- God save and deliver! How is this possible!

- That's it... What times are these days!.. How old is he?

- Him? Yes, the thirty-ninth went recently.

- Only still thirty-nine? - the spouses exclaim with some disbelief and even with restless apprehension. – Such a young man... Isn’t it dangerous?.. After all, you know what they are like these days, these young people! Apostates, red ones!.. Really, I didn’t even know he was so young... Should I really introduce him to you?.. Why is he so red? After all, such a shame will fall on our whole house then.

- No, I can vouch for it! There is not the slightest redness in it!

Forty years seemed still young to Evdokia Petrovna and Savely Nikanorovich. This, however, is not at all surprising, since both of them, in total, were about one hundred and thirty plus.

– Is he God-fearing? - they continue to interrogate with undiminished concern and concern.

- Oh, yes! God-fearing. He fasts four times a year.

– Are you respectful to your elders?

– I already reported that it is quite satisfactory.

- Well, that’s it! Isn't he a mockingbird? One day, too, one of us showed up, and then ridiculed him in the newspaper.

- Oh, no, no!.. God forbid!.. God forbid and have mercy! - Trizhdyotrechensky’s lawyer waves away both the cross and the pestle.

- Are you familiar with any of the writers, of the current writers, of those wretched ones, God forgive me?

- Oh, what are you talking about!.. For mercy, how is this possible!.. Would I really - would I really have decided then? No, sir, I think he’s one of ours, quite one of ours!

- That's it!.. These are all arsonists... Well, what about his way of thinking? And what is he reading? Reading choice?

“You can judge that his way of thinking is the most excellent, quite well-intentioned, and he reads... On his shelf I saw the works of Derzhavin and other Russian classics, theological works, “Home Conversation,” “The Wanderer,” Ivan Vyzhigin, and other works. No, sir, as for that, the books are all worthy and well-intentioned; I can vouch for this.

- That's it! So that you don’t read these current magazines! Where is he from? From university, perhaps?

- Oh, no! How can you! he is from a theological seminary.

- Yes, nowadays even some people are leaving the seminary - renegades! You can't have faith in anyone. Well, yes, perhaps, bring him and introduce him; just look, let him remain your responsibility. If, God forbid, something happens, you answer - that’s what we’ll tell everyone about us!! - the spouses finally decide, and Mr. Trizhdyotrechensky receives permission to be introduced to the house of Evdokia Petrovna and Savely Nikanorovich.

On the very first Friday, he puts on a pair of tails and, together with his member-guarantor, goes to hell in the middle of nowhere somewhere near Smolny, or beyond the Goat Swamp.

“Today is a particularly interesting evening,” the bird-guarantor will not miss the opportunity to impressively remark to his protege, “today blessed Fomushka will be there to talk about his walks.” All of ours will...

– Which blessed Fomushka is this? - asks the neophyte. - Who is he?

- Ay-ay! How can you do this - you don’t know Fomushka! – the guarantor notes with a reproachful shake of his head. - I think everyone knows Fomushka! This is a wanderer, a blessed one... He even acts like a fool; and you know how few true holy fools happen in our corrupt age. Yes,” he notes with a sigh of contrition, “God’s mercy is becoming scarce, becoming scarce!.. And even special grace rests on Fomushka: he has the gift of foresight; even miracles happened to him.

– Who else will be there? - asks Trizhdyotrechensky, hastening with a new question to smooth out the impression made on the bird by his ignorance regarding Fomushka.

- Yes, there are a lot of things there - all of them are ours: Mayachok Nikifor Stepanovich - an extremely smart person, an excellent disputant; Petelopolnoshchensky, most respected - of course, you know that, have you heard? Well, Prince Balbon-Balbonin is also a wonderful thinker, and even strives to imitate Fomushka’s holy foolish life.

- This is the one! Former hussar? - interrupts the new initiate.

- He's the one. He recognized the vanity of this world and turned to the contemplation of thinking. Well, then, actress Litsedeeva also happens to be there, and now, I think, she probably will. Prince Longtail is a famous skull-speaker and spiritualist. Well, sometimes Princess Dolgovo-Petrovskaya also visits, though rarely quite, but still she visits sometimes, and Count Soldaphon-Unicorns also visits from time to time - he is very sharp in his language, he is not afraid of anyone or anything. Yes, in a word, the society is all quite worthy, and I’ll tell you, they do you a great honor with their invitation. I rely on you, and since you are still a neophyte, it was my responsibility that you were allowed there.

Test work on the Russian language in grade 2 (UMK "PNSh")

1 quarter

Target:test the ability to write a text from dictation using the studied spellings.



The guys lived in a forest schoole .

Boys nO went to the grove. There was a big oak tree there. There was an owl's nest in the hollow. The guys took an owlet from the nest. Owl at nightAnd flew towards the house. She sat on a birch tree under the window and screamed.

Misha and Kolya released the owlet.

Words for reference : released.

    Words with underlined spellings are clearly pronounced

Grammar task

    Write down the sentence, highlight the grammatical basis. Use arrows to show phrases indicating questions.

Option 1:

The prickly hedgehog is preparing to hibernate.

Option 2:

The bright sun went behind the clouds.

    Write down the words-names of objects, indicate their gender, highlight the ending (if there is one).

Option 1:

metro, clear, autumn, tree, walk, slide, Tolya, peacock

Option 2:

Vanya, snail, rhinoceros, cinema, bright, think, notebook, sea

Test on the Russian language in grade 2 (RO)

1 quarter

Purpose of the work: check students’ skills and abilities related to the design of sentences in writing, writing vowels after sibilants, combinations chk, chn, and writing proper names.


In the park

It was a clear day. The children were walking in the park by the river. Here are fluffy Christmas trees and slender pines. Lenya and Yana are looking for bumps. Misha and Yulia sat under a birch tree. They listen to the titmouse's song. Vasya settled down with a fishing rod by the river. He was catching pike.

Grammar tasks

    Indicate the number of letters, sounds, syllables:

I option: lights, hedgehog, anchor

II option: coals, Yasha, July.

    Continue the sentence. Write it down and underline the main parts of the sentence.

I option: At the edge of the forest...

II option: Across the blue sky...

Test work on the Russian language in grade 3 (UMK "PNSh")

1 quarter

Purpose of the work: analyze how the material is being consolidated on previously covered topics (unstressed vowels, soft sign - an indicator of the softness of a consonant, voiced and voiceless consonants at the end and middle of a word, spelling of prepositions and prefixes).


Whose beds are these?

In a forest clearinge piles of loose soil are visibleOuch land. They areO go smalle small beds. Low birch trees and pine trees stick out on the heapse nki. Whose beds are these? Who digs them?

Suddenly the earthO day by hill. From under herO wide paws with claws appeared. A mole came out. That's who loosens the earth! The seeds will fall into the soft ground, and birches, pines and sticky trees will grow. (49 words)

Reference : words with unstudied spellings are pronounced orthographically; warn about commas.

Words for reference: from under it, seeds.

Grammar tasks

    Write down a series of related words. Identify the roots in the words.

Option 1:

Fly, summer, five, summer, piglet, spot, spotted, five, speck.

Option 2:

Lit, mountain, lion, mountain, burner, left, miner, left, hill.

    Underline the stem of the sentence and label the parts of speech you know:

1 option : The autumn grass in the meadow turned yellow and withered.

Option 2 : Song starlings and larks fly south.

    Write down words starting with a consonant:

Option 1: Briefcase, Julia, shark, willow, spruce, sparrow, iodine.

Option 2: Nightingale, bright, teacher, Ilya, pit, glass, yogurt.

Test on the Russian language in grade 3 (RO)

1 quarter

Purpose of the work: check the ability to highlight narrative, interrogative, motivating, exclamatory sentences in the text, and use punctuation marks accordingly; analyze how the material is being consolidated on previously covered topics (unstressed vowels, double consonants, soft separating sign, voiced and voiceless consonants at the end of a word).



Cold autumn day. The weather is rainy. Summer warmth and heat are behind us. We walk through the fields. The birdsong stopped singing. Occasionally there are fallen spikelets. In the distance, autumn leaves turn yellow. It's hard to look at fading nature.

A flock of cranes flies in the sky. He flies to a warm country. In the spring, the birds will return and hatch their chicks. But there is still a frosty winter ahead.

Words for reference: occasionally, behind, will return, ahead.

Grammar tasks

    Identify roots in words:

Option 1: Fluffy, brother, loading, star.

Option 2: Birch, breeze, gait, vase.

2. Write out 3 words from the dictation with an unstressed vowel at the root.

Select and write down test words.

3. Underline the main members:

Option 1: in the 7th sentence.

Option 2: in the 9th sentence.

Test on the Russian language in 4th grade (UMK "PNSh")

1st quarter

Target: check the ability to write unstressed vowels and paired consonants in the root, endings of adjectives and nouns, correctly write prefixes, the level of development of the ability to recognize homogeneous members of a sentence.

Cranes fly away

On the golden autumn days, the cranes were preparing to fly away. They circled over the river, over their native swamp. Here slender shoals have reached distant lands.

Cranes were flying high in the sky above forests, fields, and cities. We made a stop in a deep forest.

It’s still dark, but the cranes have already woken up. An early dawn appeared in the east.

The cheerful sun will soon rise over the river. The cranes will fly high. We will hear their farewell voices from heaven. They have a long road ahead.

Grammar task

    Analyze the sentence by members, indicate the parts of speech.

1 option second sentence

Option 2 seventh sentence

    Find two words in the text with the unstressed vowel being tested, write them down along with the test words. Choose two more words for the same rule and write them down along with the test one.

    Write out words from the text that correspond to the diagram:

1 option prefix, root, ending

Option 2 root, suffix, ending

    Come up with and write down your own word with the same composition.

Test on the Russian language in grade 4 (RO)

1st quarter

Purpose of the work: 1) check the level of mastery of the learned spelling and punctuation rules:

    verifiable and unverifiable unstressed root vowels,

    paired and unpronounceable consonants, double consonants,

    vowels after sibilants, prefixes and prepositions),

    placing a comma in sentences with homogeneous members and complex sentences,

2) to identify the level of mastery of the morphemic composition of words and the quality of mastery of phonetic analysis.


It was time for golden autumn. I walked along the bank of a forest river. A light breeze wandered around the area. He flew up to the reeds and began to bend them. The wind blew a group of leaves towards the shore, and the gold coins slowly floated across the water. Wild ducks swam in the reed thicket. Birds come here every year. This is their homeland. They breed their offspring here. I quickly walked towards the village, and in my basket were saffron milk caps, chanterelles, and honey mushrooms. (66 words)

Grammar task

    A) Write out a simple sentence from the dictation text in which the subject is:

Option 1: personal pronoun 3rd person plural

Option 2: personal pronoun 1st person singular

B) Underline the grammatical basis of the sentence and label the known parts of speech.

2. Identify the indicated sounds and characterize them:

1 option : first and fifth sound in a wordberry

Option 2: first and third sound in a wordcaustic

3. Select all the words that correspond to this scheme:

1 option : ¬ ͡ ^ : roadside, preschooler, crossroads, kind, muzzle.

Option 2: ͡ ^ : sick, top, basket, forester, tears.

I confirm: ______

Head teacher:

2016-2017 academic year

Control dictation in 8th grade No. 1 (Zero cut)


I left the house at night because I expected to reach the duck lake by dawn. He walked along a dusty road, descending into shallow ravines, climbed hills, crossing rare pine forests, with the smell of resin and strawberries lingering in them, and again came out to the field.

No one overtook me and I did not meet anyone. There was rye along the road. She was already maturing and stood motionless, slightly brightening in the darkness. Soon the road went to the left, and I stepped onto a solid path meandering along the bank of a small but deep river. The logs floating along it occasionally collided with each other, and then a faint sound was heard, as if someone was knocking on a tree with an ax.

On the other side of the river, a fire burned as a bright spot, and a narrow intermittent strip of light stretched from it far towards the water.

I quickened my pace, passed the aspen undergrowth, and in a small hollow, surrounded on all sides by dense forest, I saw a fire. A man sat down next to him, resting his head on his hand. He hummed something quietly.

(133 words)

Grammar task

1. Parse the word according to its composition:

stagnant- 1st option; squirming- 2nd option.

2. Perform phonetic analysis of the word:

bright- 1st option; narrow- 2nd option.

3. Parse the sentence:

She had already matured and stood motionless, slightly brightening in the darkness.. -

1st option.

A man sat down next to him, resting his head on his hand.. - 2nd option.

5. Title the text.


Grammar task

I confirm: ______

Head teacher:

2016-2017 academic year

Control dictation in 8th grade No. 2 (1 quarter)

Target: test knowledge, skills and abilities at the end of the 1st quarter on the topic “Two-part sentences. The main and minor members of the sentence."

Writing derivative prepositions;

Punctuation marks:

Phonetic analysis;

Parsing phrases;

Compose a sentence with a given predicate.

Prophetic birds

Come in quietly. The paintings in the gallery are like prophetic birds. While you are away, they are speechless. The hubbub begins with the first visitor.

The artist’s conversation with the viewer is the final act of creativity. The artist leaves us the dream of his life. Receive her as a good guest.

Here she is, this celebrity! You'll pass by and not even notice! In 1871, in St. Petersburg, at the Traveling Exhibition, an extraordinary painting “The Rooks Have Arrived” appeared, inconspicuous, small, which a third-grader could carry under his arm. She charmed everyone, and everyone started talking about her. But nothing special: crooked birch trees, a church, settled snow, and even quote-unquote birds under the birch trees. And behind them, behind the church and birch trees, the sad remoteness lies.

This small canvas is a treasure of the Tretyakov Gallery.

You stand in front of the picture like a tin soldier, and for some reason your heart suddenly sank. The past looks at you with fixed eyes. Come closer. The painting loves private conversation. Face to face, she gives her heart. (134 words).

Grammar task

1. Syntactic analysis of the sentence.

Option I: The artist’s conversation with the viewer is the final act of creativity.

Option II: This small painting is a treasure of the Tretyakov Gallery.

2. Phonetic analysis of the word.

Option I: language Option II: heart

3. Write out phrases from the text, one for each type.

4. Spelling analysis of text.

Criteria for assessing student knowledge


“5” – for work in which there are no errors.

“4” – for work in which 1–2 errors were made.

“3” – for work in which 3–4 errors were made.

“2” – for work in which more than 5 errors were made.

Grammar task

“5” - error-free completion of all tasks;

“4” - if the student completed 4 tasks with minor errors;

“3” - correctly completed at least 3 tasks with minor shortcomings;

“2” - if the student cannot cope with most grammatical tasks.

I confirm: ______

Head teacher:

2016-2017 academic year

Control dictation in 8th grade No. 3 (2nd quarter, 1st half year)

Target: check the knowledge, skills and abilities of students at the end of the 2nd quarter on the topic “One-part and incomplete sentences” and the 1st half of the year.

Tested unstressed vowels;

Unchecked unstressed vowels;

Spelling the endings of nouns;

Writing unpronounceable consonants:

Spelling of roots with alternation;

Writing compound adjectives;

N-nn in participles and adjectives;

Not with adjectives and participles.

Punctuation marks:

Comma for homogeneous members of a sentence;

Comma in a complex sentence;

Commas for participial and participial phrases;

Dash between subject and predicate.

Grammar tasks are aimed at identifying the level of development of practical skills:

Phonetic analysis of the word;

Syntactic parsing of sentences;

Working with phrases;

Analysis by word composition.

Long eared owl

The steppe wind collected fine sowed dust from the field roads beyond the Don and lifted the sky. By midnight, the top of the moon turned red from this dust, and a piece of the sky around us also glowed red. At such moments you always expect something unusual, and it happens. Owls were hunting in the night field.

In the thick wheat or rye you will not see even the most carefree and self-confident mouse. And the owl, fluttering a meter from the ground, will not take a closer look. Hearing at least some mouse sound, the owl falls, stretching its paws outstretched forward, and immediately takes off with its prey.

The owl's ears, like a direction finder, determine the point where the prey is swarming. But she was called long-eared not for her real ears, but for the two tufts of feathers that stick out on her forehead. With those ears, you can't confuse her with anyone.

It’s worth watching an owl hunt sometime at dusk. Like huge moths, owls flutter over the grass, fall into it and take off again. You'll fall in love! (147 words). (According to L. Semago).

Grammar task

1. Find one-part sentences, highlight grammatical basics and determine the type of sentence:

In the first, second paragraphs - 1st option;

in the third, fourth paragraphs - 2nd option.

2. Sort the words according to their composition:

Pinkish, reddish, called- 1st option

piece, wide-winged, melted- 2nd option

3. Make a phonetic analysis of the word:

fluttering- 1st option

take off- 2nd option

4. Parsing the sentence:

The steppe wind collected fine sowed dust from the field roads beyond the Don and lifted it into the sky.- 1st option.

By midnight, the top of the moon turned red from this dust.- 2nd option

Criteria for assessing student knowledge


“5” – for work in which there are no errors.

“4” – for work in which 1–2 errors were made.

“3” – for work in which 3–4 errors were made.

“2” – for work in which more than 5 errors were made.

Grammar task

“5” - error-free completion of all tasks;

“4” - if the student completed 4 tasks with minor errors;

“3” - correctly completed at least 3 tasks with minor shortcomings;

“2” - if the student cannot cope with most grammatical tasks.

I confirm: ______

Head teacher:

2016-2017 academic year

Control dictation in 8th grade No. 4 (3rd quarter)

Target: check the knowledge, skills and abilities of students at the end of the 3rd quarter on the topic “Complicated sentence. Sentence with isolated members of the sentence."

Tested unstressed vowels;

Unchecked unstressed vowels;

Spelling the endings of nouns;

Verb endings;

Vowel in participle suffixes;

N-nn in different parts of speech;

Not with adjectives and participles.

Punctuation marks:

Comma for homogeneous members of a sentence;

Comma in a complex sentence;

Commas for participial and participial phrases;

Homogeneous members of a sentence with a generalizing word.

Grammar tasks are aimed at identifying the level of development of practical skills:

Highlight the grammatical bases of sentences;

Syntactic parsing of sentences;

Draw diagrams for sentences.


March is the first month of spring. It is named after the mythological god of war, Mars, who was first glorified by the ancient Romans as the god of agriculture and cattle breeding. The name has been preserved among many peoples. It came to Rus' from Byzantium.

Since ancient times, March has been distinguished by holidays and rituals. In Rus', for the holiday, cookies were baked in the shape of larks, symbolizing the arrival of spring. They built impregnable snow and ice fortresses. Those meeting the vein were divided into two groups. One defended the fortress, the other stormed it. Laughter and jokes did not stop for a minute throughout the day.

In Russia, March is not always warm. Sometimes frost returns at the beginning of the month. And yet, little by little, the snow is melting. Everywhere: along the ravines, along the slopes of the hills - they sparkle in the sun, merging into small swamps and streams. In the thickets of the forest, on the edges of groves, rustling sounds are heard everywhere. This melted snow falls from the branches, freeing the trees from snow captivity.

(134 words). (Based on materials from “Calendar”).

Grammar task

1. Draw sentence diagrams.

Everywhere: along the ravines, along the slopes of the hills - they sparkle in the sun, merging into small swamps and streams. - 1st option

In the thickets of the forest, on the edges of groves - rustling sounds are heard everywhere. - 2nd option

2. Underline the grammatical principles in the sentences, write how they are expressed.

March is the first month of spring.- 1st option

In Russia, March is not always warm. - 2nd option

3. Parsing the sentence:

This is melted snow falling from the branches, freeing the trees from snow captivity– 1st option

In Rus', for the holiday, cookies were baked in the shape of larks, symbolizing the arrival of spring.- 2nd option

4. Spelling analysis of text.

Criteria for assessing student knowledge


“5” – for work in which there are no errors.

“4” – for work in which 1–2 errors were made.

“3” – for work in which 3–4 errors were made.

“2” – for work in which more than 5 errors were made.

Grammar task

“5” - error-free completion of all tasks;

“4” - if the student completed 4 tasks with minor errors;

“3” - correctly completed at least 3 tasks with minor shortcomings;

“2” - if the student cannot cope with most grammatical tasks.

I confirm: ______

Head teacher:

2016-2017 academic year

Annual control dictation in 8th grade No. 5 (4th quarter, annual)

Target : check the compliance of students’ knowledge, skills and abilities with the requirements of the state standard and program in the Russian language.

Spelling of tested unstressed vowels;

Spelling of unchecked unstressed vowels;

Writing i-s after c;

Spelling endings of adjectives and participles;

Vowels in the prefixes pre- and at;

Writing is not with adverbs and verbs;

Correct spelling of adverbs;

Writing n-nn in participles and adverbs;

Hyphenation of compound adjectives.

Punctuation marks:

Comma for homogeneous members of a sentence;

Comma in a complex sentence;

Separate definitions, circumstances, additions with a preposition;

With introductory words;

In direct speech.

Grammar tasks are aimed at identifying skills:

1. phonetic analysis of the word;

2. analysis by composition;

3. working with sentences with direct speech;

3. syntactic parsing of the sentence.


That morning, for the first time in my life, I heard a shepherd's horn playing that amazed me.

I looked out the open window, lying in bed, shivering from the chill of the dawn.

The street was flooded with the pink light of the sun rising behind the houses. The gates opened, and the shepherd owner, in a new blue coat, tar-smeared boots and a tall hat like a top hat, went out into the middle of the deserted street, put his hat at his feet and put a long horn to his lips with both hands. The horn began to play so loudly that it even rattled in my ears. But this is just the beginning. Then he began to take it higher, more pitifully. And suddenly he started playing something joyful, and I felt happy. The cows mooed in the distance, getting a little closer. And the shepherd kept playing, seemingly forgetting about everything. He played with his head thrown back, playing as if into the sky. When the shepherd caught his breath, admiring voices were heard: “What a master! And where does he have so much spirit from?” (140 words). (According to I. Shmelev).

Grammar task

1. Make a phonetic analysis of the word:

Sun- 1st option

chill- 2nd option

2. Parse the words according to their composition:

Trembling, getting up, opened- 1st option

Coming up, anointed, heard- 2nd option

3. Draw a diagram of a sentence with direct speech. Rearrange the sentence so that direct speech is broken by the author’s words.

4. Syntactic analysis of the sentence.

I looked out the open window, lying in bed, shivering from the chill of the dawn. - 1st option

And the shepherd kept playing, seemingly forgetting about everything. - 2nd option

5. Spelling analysis of text.

6. Title the text.

Criteria for assessing student knowledge


“5” – for work in which there are no errors.

“4” – for work in which 1–2 errors were made.

“3” – for work in which 3–4 errors were made.

“2” – for work in which more than 5 errors were made.

Grammar task

“5” - error-free completion of all tasks;

“4” - if the student completed 4 tasks with minor errors;

“3” - correctly completed at least 3 tasks with minor shortcomings;

“2” - if the student cannot cope with most grammatical tasks.


5th grade

The sun came out for the last time, illuminated the gloomy side of the horizon and disappeared. The whole neighborhood suddenly changes and takes on a gloomy appearance. The aspen grove began to tremble. The leaves become cloudy in color. The treetops sway and tufts of dry grass fly across the road. Swifts and swallows fly low over the ground. Lightning flashes, blinds our vision and illuminates us. There is a deafening roar overhead that makes us tremble.

But now the lightning illuminates the area wider and paler. The cloud splits into wavy clouds and brightens. Through its large edges a clear azure can be seen. (82 words)

(According to L. NTolstoy)


5th grade


Late at night, grandfather Larion told me a story about a hare.
In August my grandfather went hunting. He came across a hare with a torn left ear. The grandfather shot at him with an old gun, but missed.

Grandfather went further, but became alarmed.

The grandfather realized that a forest fire had started. The wind turned into a hurricane. The fire quickly rushed across the ground. Grandfather ran over the bumps. And at that time a hare with a torn ear jumped out. He ran slowly, dragging his hind legs, because they were burned.
Grandfather knew that animals sense danger better and always escape. He ran after the hare. The grandfather cried with fear and shouted: “Wait, honey, don’t run so fast!”
The hare brought the grandfather out of the fire. When they ran out of the forest, they both fell from fatigue. The grandfather picked up the hare, took it home and cured it.

(According to K. Paustovsky)
(120 words)


6th grade


Snowy winters in Russia are good! Bad weather gives way to clear days. Deep snowdrifts glisten in the sun, large rivers and small rivulets have disappeared under the ice. Winter has dusted the earth with a coat of snow. The earth is resting and gaining strength.

The winter forest is filled with life. A woodpecker knocked on a dry tree. The forest drummer beats the beat throughout the forest. A hazel grouse will fly noisily, a wood grouse will rise from the snow dust. A flock of cheerful crossbills sat on the branches of a spruce tree. You stand and admire how deftly they stick their beaks into the cones and select seeds from them. A nimble squirrel jumps from branch to branch.

So a big owl flew in and gave a voice. Other owls responded to her. A forest mouse squeaked quietly, ran across the snow and disappeared under a stump in a snowdrift. (112 words)

(According to I.Sokolov-Mikitov.)


6th grade


Birds are great masters. Among them there are carpenters, diggers, basket makers, modelers, and potters.

The shore swallow is a wonderful digger. She burrows into the ground no worse than a mole. The warbler builds a house that would not only protect it from bad weather, bad weather, but would also be hidden from the eyes of a predator. She takes a liking to three reeds nearby and begins to weave a basket.

And how many birds build their houses right on the ground: in the grass, in a hole, under a hummock! You walk straight across the field, and a bird flies out from under your feet. It will fly out and use various tricks to lead it away from the nest.

There is no need to disturb her or touch the nests. Where there are useful birds, there are fewer harmful insects, the harvest of our fields, vegetable gardens and orchards is larger and better. (110 words)

(According to I. B a l b y sh e v u.)


7th grade

Continuing to move, a huge cloud, sinking lower and lower to the ground, mixed with the fog. She seemed to push aside other bluish clouds that were trying to position themselves in the wind. The clouds looked like ships lined up for a sea battle.

Soon the last rays of sunshine disappeared behind a blue cloud that spread across the sky at the speed of rising sea water during high tide. Dark gray light seeped through the long cloud, barely illuminating the ground. The leaves on the trees began to tremble and rustle, although even a weak breeze did not move them. Everything around became dark, as it does after sunset.

Suddenly, a flash of blinding lightning tore open the clouds, and, illuminated by it, the sky seemed to split. A thunderclap that reached the forest edge shook the earth. A minute later, large drops of rain began to knock on the leaves of the trees and bushes. It began to rain and did not stop until the morning. (118 words.)


7th grade

At the crossing

It rained for several days, and the river swollen, flooding its banks. Green burdock, caught in the water, stretched out of it, anxiously waving its tops that had not yet sunk. Before my eyes, the landscape seemed to come to life, overflowing with the rustling, splashing and ringing of a wild river.

Playful streams splash, the swell rings, hitting the sides of the old boat. The carrier sits by his hut, head down and somehow completely downcast. The concentrated gloominess of a good-natured but very tired man is visible on his face. His boat, lying on the shore, is rocked by the tide.

- It will take away my boat,” he says, without moving and studying the state of affairs with the gaze of an expert. He looks wearily at the shuddering boat and shakes his head, plunging into deep thought.

A belated cart descends from the mountain, quietly creaking. Pedestrians come up and, after standing on the shore, join us. (120 words.)

(According to V.G. Korolenko)


7th grade

The last night before going underground, Volodya slept in Uncle Gritsenko’s house.

Several times at night, the mother came to his bed, straightened the blanket on the boys, covering her mouth, afraid to moan or cry from the anxiety that tormented her.

The first glimpses of dawn showed through, and Uncle Gritsenko, stamping his bare feet around the hut, raised the curtain, letting the cold turbidity of the early morning into the room. Having pushed the guys who were fast asleep, he said: “Boys, it’s time!”

The boys yawned and got dressed. They washed themselves with cold water, which drove away their drowsiness. Snorting with concentration, they chewed cold flatbreads left over from the evening and washed them down with hot tea.

We said goodbye in the dark. The morning wind rising from the sea carried with it fumes.

At the entrance to the quarry, the sentry did not let them through without checking the password. In front of them was a black well that seemed bottomless. Some kind of smell was coming from the invisible depths, voices were heard. (127 words.)



7th grade

Three bears were walking along the pebble-strewn shore. The big bear began to cross the narrow but fast river. Splashing through the water with her paws, the bear, having reached the middle of the river,suddenly plunged into the water and came ashore. Water trickled from her skin.

A small bear followed her example. There was a small bear cub left on the right side of the river. He wandered through the water, but, having reached a deep place and not daring to go further, he stopped.

In an instant, the she-bear found herself near the middle cub and gave him such a slap on the face that he flew to the sandbank. Grabbing his left ear with both paws, he screamed in a wild voice. Continuing to hold on to the bruised area with his paw, he quickly rushed across the river and grabbed his little brother by the collar and, still screaming, dragged him across the deep place.

The whole group disappeared into the thicket, but for a long time in the silence of the morning we could hear the plaintive cries of the punished bear cub. (136 words.)

(According to E.Spangenberg.)


8th grade

Long eared owl

The steppe wind collected fine sowed dust from the field roads beyond the Don and lifted it into the sky. By midnight, the top of the moon turned red from this dust, and a piece of the sky around us also glowed red. At such moments you always expect something unusual, and it happens. Suddenly, a wide-winged silhouette flashed across the reddish halo and silently melted into the night. Owls were hunting in the night field.

In the thick wheat or rye you will not see even the most carefree and self-confident mouse. And the owl, fluttering a meter from the ground, will not take a closer look. Hearing at least some mouse sound, the owl falls, stretching its paws outstretched forward, and immediately takes off with its prey.

The owl's ears, like a direction finder, determine the point where the prey is swarming. But she was called long-eared not for her real ears, but for the two tufts of feathers that stick out on her forehead. With those ears, you can't confuse her with anyone.

It’s worth watching an owl hunt sometime at dusk. Like huge moths, owls flutter over the grass, fall into it and take off again. You'll fall in love!

(157 words)

(According to L. Semago)

Grammar task:

1. Find 2 one-part sentences, prove that these are one-part sentences, characterize them.

Option I - in the 1st and 2nd paragraphs

Option II - in the 3rd paragraph

2. Perform a syntactic analysis and indicate how the members of the sentence are expressed.

I option - first sentence of the 3rd paragraph

Option II - first sentence of the 4th paragraph

3. Underline the participial phrases, determine what questions they answer, what members of the sentence they are.

4. Sort the words into morphemes:

Option I - pinkish, reddish, called

Option II - piece, wide-winged, melted

8th grade


The old riverbed of the Oka. It is called Prorva. The banks here are completely covered with alder, rose hips, and blackberries. I have never seen such burrs, thorns, or huge puffball mushrooms anywhere.

Dense thickets of grass approach the water like an elastic wall, and it is often impossible to land from a boat.

I love these remote places and spend several weeks here every fall. I'm setting up a tent. It is warm and dry. In the evening, by the light of a lantern, I even read, but not for long. There is too much interference on Prorva. Either some bird will scream behind a bush, then a pound fish will strike with its tail, then a willow twig will shoot deafeningly in the fire. The glow begins to flare up, and the gloomy moon rises over the expanses of the evening earth. I should sleep, but I can't sleep.

The autumn night drags on slowly, there is no end to it. By dawn, a light frost burns your face. In the east the dawn is filled with a quiet light.

The air is thick and cool. It smells of herbaceous freshness and sedge.

(According to K.G. Paustovsky.)


9th grade

The inexhaustible diligence of the artist

In the morning, after breakfast, Repin hurried to the studio and there he literally tortured himself with creativity, because he was an unparalleled worker and was even a little ashamed of the passion for work that forced him, from dawn to dusk, without throwing down his brushes, to devote his strength to the huge canvases that surrounded him in the workshop.

He tortured himself with work until he fainted; he copied each picture up to twelve times. During the creation of one or another composition, he was often attacked by such despair that one day he destroyed the entire picture, which had been created over several years, and the next day he started working on it again.

When his right hand began to dry out in old age, he immediately began to learn to write with his left.

And when, due to senile weakness, Repin could no longer hold the palette in his hands, he hung it like a stone around his neck.

You enter the room that was located under his workshop and hear the patter of his feet. It is he who goes away after each stroke to look at the canvas, because the strokes would be designed for a distant viewer. The artist walked several miles every day and went to rest when he was exhausted to the point of insensibility.

Control dictation for the 1st half of the year

9th grade


For long hours, Andrei remains alone with his teacher Daniil Cherny, who reveals the secrets of painting to the young artist.

Daniel, apparently, was a painter of the first magnitude. However, his greatest merit is that he not only saw Rublev’s talent, but also nurtured in him independent creative thought and manner, without suppressing him with his authority, understanding that everyone must follow their own path. To do this means to show a truly great mind, amazing respect for the individual, and an inexhaustible love for life. After all, it is not easy for a master to come to terms with the fact that his own student starts arguing with you, and not only not to make an attempt to cut him off, but to encourage him in every possible way to continue this dispute.

Rublev was lucky that such a sincere and experienced senior comrade was next to him from the very first steps. Andrei appreciated this and carefully carried his gratitude and respect for his teacher throughout his life.

From that distant time, a miniature has been preserved in which Rublev is depicted with his head held high. The unknown author saw in Rublev not pride, which in Rus' was considered the greatest sin, but dignity worthy of respect. (167 words.)

(According to V.Pribytkov)


10th grade

After recovery

Madly enjoying the life that had returned to her, Aksinya felt a great desire to touch everything with her hands, to look at everything. She wanted to touch the currant bush, blackened by dampness, press her cheek against the branch of an apple tree covered with a bluish velvety coating, she wanted to step over the destroyed spindle and walk through the mud, off-road to where behind a wide ravine the winter field was fabulously green, merging with the foggy distance.

Aksinya spent several days waiting for Grigory to appear. But then she learned from neighbors who came to the owner that the war was not over and that many Cossacks from Novorossiysk had left for Crimea.

By the end of the week, Aksinya firmly decided to go home if she could find a companion. One evening, a small, stooped old man entered the hut without knocking. He bowed silently and began to unbutton the dirty English overcoat that sat baggy on him, which was torn at the seams.

What is it, good man, that you are settling down for a residence? – asked the owner, looking at the uninvited guest in amazement.

And he quickly took off his overcoat, shook it at the threshold, carefully hung it on a hook and, stroking his short-cropped gray beard, smiled.

(According to M. Sholokhov)

Note. Dialogue can be framed as a sentence with direct speech.


10th grade

Sorrowful lot

In 1837, Pushkin was killed in a duel by one of the foreign hired killers who, like the mercenaries of the Middle Ages or the porters of our days, are ready to offer their sword to the services of any despotism. He fell in the prime of his life, not having sung his songs and not saying what he could have said.

With the exception of the courtyard with his entourage, the whole of St. Petersburg mourned Pushkin, only then did it become clear how popular he enjoyed. When he was dying, a dense crowd crowded around his house waiting for news about the poet's health. This took place a stone's throw from the Winter Palace, and the emperor could watch the crowd from his windows; he was imbued with a feeling of jealousy and deprived the people of the right to bury their poet; On a frosty night, Pushkin’s body, surrounded by gendarmes and police, was secretly transported to the church of another parish, where the priest hastily served a memorial service for him, and the sleigh took the poet’s body to the monastery, in the Pskov province, where his estate was located. When the crowd, thus deceived, rushed to the church where the funeral service was being held for the deceased, the snow had already covered up every trace of the funeral procession.

A terrible, sorrowful fate is prepared for us for anyone who dares to raise his head above the level inscribed by the imperial scepter; be it a poet, a citizen, a thinker - all of them are pushed to the grave by an inexorable fate. The history of our literature is a martyrology, or a register of hard labor.


11th grade

The human ear is wonderfully designed.

There's a bug bus hiding around the bend, falling between the ridges of routes; the weakening rumble of the engine appears several times in the distance, when the sandy road climbs up the hills, and finally disappears completely.

This is where IT appears.

The April lake greets the April lake with incessant cries, mutterings, and laughter of herring, black-headed, and little gulls, terns and loons. At first you eagerly listen to the thoroughly forgotten music of spring. Then, little by little, you stop noticing it. A week or two - and now the incessant screaming, the bright flickering of wings over the water have become peace and quiet for you.

In the morning you bend over a sheet of paper—the tabletop is made of four dark boards that have been scraped many times—and soon a vague feeling of discomfort comes. Sound! Yes, yes, the sound interferes. Behind the partition, an old alarm clock ticks faintly, suffering from chronic tremors and nervous tics. It is this last mechanical voice (the walkers on the wall have long since stopped) that now seems like an annoying nuisance. You will take the inexorable time to the far corner, cover it with a quilt, press it down with pillows for good measure, come back, listen - and again you will catch the muffled, but still distinct ticking...

Meanwhile, outside the window there is bird noise. The wave is caused four meters from my tabletop. The barn swallow sings for a long time, and the scarlet spot on its throat trembles and trembles in time with the happy gurgling.

Jan Goltsman. From the book “It seems

glows, flickers."

Control dictation in 8th grade on the topic

"Simple two-part sentences"

Spring in the forest

I did not follow the path through the boring green forest, but made a detour of about two miles to admire the birch grove and the spruce pine forest.

Carefully moving along the abandoned road, I walk, carefully examining the grove.

The cuckoo is sad. Her sad voice spreads far, far across the bright grove and fades awayin the ship's forest.

The road, as if into an ancient cathedral, dives under the arches of a marvelous forest. Centuries-old spruce trees froze in the calm. From a distance, a solemn and strict song floats in, like the music of an old organ, the song of a gloomy, eternally twilight spruce forest.

Lilies of the valley began to bloom everywhere. Lilies of the valley are the eternal companions of the spruce forest. Between two lanceolate leaves, graceful snowflakes flaunt on the brush - glasses with six teeth. From them a delicate aroma floats throughout the forest, which cannot be confused withand with what smell. Near the road there is a good-quality bench built into the ground, painted white. I sit down to think for a while and listen to the voice of the spruce forest.

But then the alarming music of the forest fades away, and silence reigns again. (According to E.Maksimov)

Grammar task:

1. Write down and analyze: I var.: Ch. with direct object; II var.: noun. with inconsistent definition.

2. Write down three phrases with different ways of connecting words (coordination, control, adjacency). Please indicate your contact method.

    Perform a syntactic analysis of the sentence: I var.: From them all over the forest...;II var.: But then the alarming music stops...

    Find a sentence with a compound nominal predicate, justify the presence or absence of a dash between the subject and the predicate.

    Sort the words according to their composition: 1st var.:examining, freezes, from afar;

II version: abandoned. satellites, think .

Control dictation on the topic

“Complex sentences with different types of connections”

9th grade

Old musician

The old violinist loved to play at the foot of the Pushkin monument, which stands at the beginning of Tverskoy Boulevard. Having climbed the steps to the pedestal itself, the musician touched the strings of the violin with his bow. Children and passers-by immediately gathered at the monument, and they all fell silent in anticipation of the music, because it consoles people, promises them happiness and a glorious life. The musician placed the violin case on the ground; it was closed, and there was a piece of black bread and an apple in it so that you could eat whenever you wanted.

Usually the old man came out to play in the evening: for his music it was necessary for the world to become quieter. The old man suffered from the thought that he was not bringing any good to people, and therefore he voluntarily went to play on the boulevard. The sounds of the violin were heard in the air and reached the depths of human hearts, touching them with gentle and courageous power. Some listeners took out money to give it to the old man, but did not know where to put it: the violin case was closed, and the musician himself was high at the foot of the monument, almost next to Pushkin. (162 words.)

(According to A. Platonov.)

6th grade

I option

Chord –



3. .

Pre-planned route -

Mentally imagine something -

Very big -

Yellow with a reddish tint -

Turn up your nose -


PetyaBadly worked. He's at home toodidn't do anything sadly went home. It was necessarydiligently get to work.

The gardens, decorated with dry gold, hardly dropped it onto the paths and burned in all its beauty.



8. Replace outdated words with synonyms: eyes, forehead, cheeks, mouth.


I option

        1. Using a school dictionary, give an interpretation of the word :

Scales –

2. Write one word from the dictionary, indicate the corresponding word mark:



3. Define a word by its lexical meaning .

Signs to indicate sounds -

Words used by residents of only one locality -

Very big -

Part of a word without ending -

4. Replace phraseological units with synonyms.

Lead by the nose -

Rolling up my sleeves–

With one of them, come up with a sentence and write it down.

5. Rewrite, replacing the highlighted words with phraseological units .

PetyaBadly worked. He's at home toodidn't do anything . I took lessons reluctantly. Having received bad grades, Petyasadly went home. It was necessarydiligently get to work.

6.Write down the words used figuratively .

There is a fire of red rowan burning in the garden.

The waves are moving along the river, yellow and leaden.

7. Compose two sentences with the word so that in one it is used in its literal meaning, in the other - in a figurative one.


8. Replace outdated words with synonyms: voice, barber, finger, eyes.


Who sows in the forest

5th grade

The moles worked at night in the forest in the clearing and dug it all up. They piled up mounds of earth and plowed furrows. It became difficult for a person to move around this arable land.

The rain wetted the mole field, the sun heated it. Who will start the sowing?

Spruce trees settled around the clearing and opened their cones. The wind blew, and light seeds flew silently down on yellow parachutes. Some were carried away by the wind from the clearing, others became entangled in the grass. But many ended up on loose arable land, and then fir trees grew here. They stick out with green candles. Now you will enter the forest and will not see any free space on the furrows.

So in the spring moles plow, fir trees are sowed by the wind, and forest glades are overgrown with trees. (According to E. Shim).

Note: say about the spelling of a wordseeds.



We will talk about an amazing animal. This is a chameleon. He looks forward with one eye and back with the other. And everyone sees what is happening around.

Here is a beautiful butterfly sitting comfortably on a flower. He turned his head and looked at her indifferently. It seems that the chameleon is not going to touch her. But suddenly the tongue flashed, and the butterfly was no longer there.

The chameleon doesn't miss. There is no escape from him. It brings death to the fast fly, the beautiful dragonfly and the small mosquito.

At the end of the chameleon's sticky tongue there is a thin tube. When it touches the tip of the insect's tongue, it draws in air through a tube and holds its prey tightly. And you won't escape! (100 words) (According to Yunatov).




Bobka had beautiful trousers of a dark khaki color. Bobka was very proud of his unusual trousers; in them he imagined himself to be a real soldier.

One day he climbed a wooden fence, got caught on a nail and tore his trousers. He ran home and asked his mother to sew them up. And mom got angry and said that nothing would be stitched up for Bobka.

Bobka asked for a needle, thread and a piece of green fabric. I cut out a patch the size of a small cucumber from the material, straightened it out, traced an ink pencil around the patch and began sewing it to the trousers.

He fiddled with it for a long time and puffed in a funny way, but it was nice to look at the patch. It was sewn evenly, smoothly and so tightly that it could not be torn off even with teeth.

On the street, Bobka turned around in all directions so that the guys could see how he sewed up his trousers. (ByN. Nosov.)



Tuk Tukych

Sasha found a woodpecker chick in the park and brought it home.

The chick did not eat or drink anything. He hid in a corner under a wooden bench and flinched at every rustle.

In the evening, the woodpecker restlessly jumped under the bench and could not choose a place to sleep in someone else's house. Mom thought of giving him his grandmother’s dark brown felt boots. The chick touched it with its beak, thought, mistook it for a hollow, climbed into the felt boot and fell asleep.

The next day he looked unhappy, sometimes moving with clumsy jumps. The right wing still did not obey and was hanging down. But the chick drank from the cup, pecked off several oat grains, and swallowed a large fly.

After about a week, the woodpecker became bolder and began to peck at everything with its long nose. For this he was nicknamed Tuk Tukych. (ByV. Arkhangelsky.)

Note. Write the title of the text on the board.


7th grade

Threshold Padun

We stood on a high cliff. From here, vast twilight gray expanses opened up. The Angara closed all visible space from us, and we did not notice the mighty red rocks on the right bank, drownedV dull blue haze, nor the yellow houses scattered below us.

From a hundred-meter height, the Padun rapids seem neither formidable nor powerful. From coast to coastVflakes of white foam swirl around in disorder, like thrown snow caps. There is an incessant dull noise, drowning out all the noise that comes here.

Up close, Padun is ominously scary. Water bursts out from the bottomless depths and, rolling over giant stones, quickly rushes upward. Having seen Padun, you leave in the confidence that no pilot will dare to guide the ship through this rapids! Only a short distance from Padun to the red rocks the river flows relatively calmly, but, having encountered an insurmountable obstacle, it furiously boils with white-maned breakers.

(According to V. Ivanov).

Note: a threshold is a stone elevation across the river bottom, accelerating the current and impeding navigation;

pilot - a ship guide who knows the place wellcy days o may pass.


7th grade

Native earth's breath

The fragrant bird cherry blossoms fade, the bird cherry blossom falls off and covers the grass with a white cloak. A light, warm summer breeze caresses the earth. Flower lovers head out of town. Some go straight to familiar places, while others leisurely explore the transparent old forests, the warmed slopes of the black forest, looking for plantations of the most beautiful spring flowers that have not been planted by anyone.

Here they are. Two or three wide lanceolate leaves, a peduncle proudly rises from the axil, crowned with small snow-white and unusually fragrant bells, languidly hanging to one side.

May lily of the valley! Who doesn’t recognize it as the pearl of the spring forest? A modest, dim flower, but what amazing power it contains! Wherever a person is, if he sees a lily of the valley, he will definitely remember the spring forest, its shady corners, the blue sky above and suddenly feel the breath of his native land.

(According to B. Timofeev).


7th grade

Green noise

I was returning from hunting, hurrying to the ship... Having passed the thickets of aspen trees, I went out again into bright, sunny meadows and young birch forests. But what a miracle! At the beginning of the journey, when I just entered this forest, the branches of the birches were dotted with swollen buds, even signs of leaves were nowhere to be seen. I tilted one of the branches. The buds on it have already burst, and delicate green tongues poke out from under the brown scales...

As if in a fairy tale, right before my eyes the forest blossomed and turned green. A breeze came, shook the shaggy soft green branches of the birch trees, and I suddenly heard a subtle noise, like a restrained whisper, the first noise of young foliage.

Hearing him, I boyishly shouted somewhere into the forest: “Hello, spring! Hello, green spring noise!

(According to G. Skrebitsky).


8th grade

Pushkin's grave

A few kilometers from Mikhailovsky, on a high hillock, stands the Svyatogorsk Monastery. Pushkin is buried under the wall of the monastery.

To get to Pushkin’s grave you have to walk through the deserted monastery courtyards and climb a weathered stone staircase. The stairs lead to the top of the hill, to the dilapidated walls of the cathedral. Under these walls, over a steep cliff, in the shade of linden trees; on the ground, covered with yellowed petals, Pushkin’s grave lies white. A short inscription “Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin”, solitude, the sound of carts below under the slope and clouds, thoughtful in the low sky - that’s all. Here is the end of a brilliant, excited and brilliant life. Here is a grave known to all mankind. It smells like weeds, bark, settled summer.

And here, on this simple grave, it becomes especially clear that Pushkin was there. our first national poet. He is buried in rough sandy soil where flax and nettles grow, in a remote folk area. From his burial hill one can see the dark forests of Mikhailovsky and distant thunderstorms that dance in a circle over the bright Sorotya, over Savkin, over Trigorsky, over the modest and vast fields that bring peace and wealth to his renewed land.

(According to K. Paustovsky).


8th grade


To the east of the forest lakes there are huge Meshchera swamps - “mshars”. These are lakes that have been overgrown for thousands of years, covering an area of ​​three hundred thousand hectares. Here and there on the moss you can see sandy mounds overgrown with pine and ferns.

Somehow at the end of September we approached the Poganoye Lake. Its banks were floating - not the usual solid ones, but a dense tangle of grasses, roots and mosses. The banks swayed underfoot like a hammock. Under the skinny grass there was bottomless water.

By evening, a thunderstorm gathered over the lake and grew before our eyes. The small thundercloud turned into an ominous cloud that looked like an anvil. Lightning lashed into the mshars next to us, and our souls didn’t feel good. It was getting dark quickly, like autumn. We walked in the direction of the “mainland” - the wooded shoreswamps. Walking through the rubble in the dark was unbearably difficult, every ten minutes we checked the direction on the phosphorus compass, and only towards midnight we came across an abandoned road and walked along it to Lake Segden, where our mutual friend Kuzma Zotov, a meek, sick man, fisherman and hunter, lived .


9th grade


Is it possible to imagine a modern world without a printed sign without a sense of tragic loss?

This loss would be more irreparable than the disappearance of electric light in our lives: the most important mechanism in the transmission of both scientific knowledge and accumulated knowledge would be lost.all eras of feelings, and the human mind would plunge into the abyss of darkness and moral stagnation.

In fact, what does a book mean in a person’s life? Like a spoken language, a book is not only a means of communication between people, not only a source of information, but most importantly, it is a tool for penetrating into the surrounding reality, a person’s view of himself as a reasonable particle of nature.

What would we know about the way of life, morals, mentality, and characters of people if this past had not been preserved in a printed sign? Without the opportunity to walk with our minds and emotions along the distant and near roads of history, say, along the tragic path of Spartacus, along the smoky plain of the Borodino field, across the blood-soaked fields of the year 1941, we would look back, as if into fog and emptiness, having lost the beginning, and therefore, the ends, for there is nothing and nothing can be without great points of reference.

(According to Yu. Bondarev).

Final dictation for the year

9th grade

Mother's happiness

Many times in my life I have had to eat the first bread of a new harvest, and every time I bring the first piece to my mouth, it seems to me that I am performing a holy rite. Although this bread is dark in color and a little sticky, as if baked from liquid kneaded dough, its sweetish taste and extraordinary spirit are incomparable to anything in the world; it smells of the sun, young straw and smoke... .

I blessed the bread and, when I took a bite of a slice, I felt a seemingly unfamiliar taste and smell in my mouth. It was the smell of combine operators' hands, fresh grain, heated iron and kerosene. I took new slices, and they all smelled of kerosene, but I had never eaten such delicious bread. Because it was my son’s bread, my son held it in his combine operator’s hands. It was the people's bread - those who raised it, those who worked inthat hour next to my sonmine onfield camp. Holy bread! My heart swelled with pride for my son. And at that moment I thought that mother’s happiness comes from the people’s happiness, like a stem from the roots.

(According to Ch. Aitmatov)


9th grade

Visiting the pilot

The last cars were landing. The plane of the commander of the third squadron arrived. Someone told me that this is the best pilot in the regiment. In order not to waste the evening, I decided to talk to him right away. I really liked this open, cheerful person!

We moved along the path trodden by the pilots straight through the forest. The new acquaintance walked quickly, sometimes bending down to pick blueberries as he walked or catch a handful of white and pink lingonberries, which he immediately threw into his mouth.

He must have been very tired today, as he walked heavily. We came to a ravine, along both slopes of which, in the wilds of raspberry, lungwort, and fireweed smelling of rotten leaves and mushroom dampness, dugouts had been dug.

When a strip of soot flame flared up Va homemade lamp illuminated the dugout, the room turned out to be quite spacious and comfortably lived-in.

Young birch trees with foliage that had not yet withered stood in the corners. From them, the spruce branches that covered the floor, came a cheerful, thick smell. A damp coolness reigned in the dugout, and the grasshoppers rang so soothingly in the ravine that, immediately feeling tired throughout our bodies, we decided to put off talking until the morning. And the raspberries we had started to eat.