Prayer for the health of God's creature. Which saints to turn to when you need life?

Prayer for health to the Mother of God, the Lord and the saints helps to heal from serious illnesses. Believers order a prayer service in church or pray at home on their own.


Which Saint should we pray for the health of ourselves, our loved ones and relatives?

It is better to ask the following saints for recovery:

  • Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • Panteleimon the Healer;
  • Matrona of Moscow;
  • Athanasius of Athos and other Christian saints.

The most powerful Orthodox prayers for the health of the patient

Effective prayers for health - coming from a pure heart, spoken with faith in the omnipotence of the Creator and his Saints. Prayers help you recover faster and can even save you from death.

To higher powers for healing

For help, Orthodox Christians turn to the Higher Powers, the Holy Trinity, like this:

“O Most Merciful God, Father, Son and Holy Soul, worshiped and glorified in the indivisible Trinity, look with compassion on Your servant (name), who is overcome by illness; forgive him all his sins; give him healing from his illness; restore his health and bodily strength; Give him a long and prosperous life, Your peaceful and worldly blessings, so that together with us he brings grateful prayers to You, the All-Bountiful God and my Creator. Most Holy Theotokos, through Your omnipotent intercession, help me to beg Your Son, my God, for the healing of God’s servant (name). All saints and angels of the Lord, pray to God for His sick servant (name). Amen."

To the Lord

People turn to the Savior for help in healing like this:

“Mighty God, by mercy build everything for the salvation of the human race, visit this servant of Thy (name), calling upon the name of Thy Christ, heal him from every ailment of the flesh: and forgive sin and sinful temptations, and make every adversity and every invasion of hostility far from Thy servant. And raise him up from the bed of sin, and build him into Your holy Church, sound in soul and body, and glorifying the name of Your Christ with all people through good deeds, as we send up glory to You, with the Beginning Son and with the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. . Amen".

When a person recovers, a prayer of gratitude is read:

“Glory to Thee, Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of the Father Without Beginning, who alone heals every ailment and every illness among people, for You have had mercy on me as a sinner and delivered me from my illness, not allowing it to develop and kill me according to my sins. Grant me from now on, Master, the strength to firmly do Your will for the salvation of my damned soul and for Your glory with Your Originless Father and Your Consubstantial Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen".

Holy Mother of God

Orthodox Christians turn to the help of the Most Holy Theotokos in case of serious illnesses, pray for their health, for the healing of children and loved ones.

The following prayer is usually read:

My Most Blessed Queen, My Hope, Mother of God. A friend of the orphans and the strange Representatives. Those who mourn with joy, those who are offended by the Patroness, see my misfortune, see my sorrow. Help me, as I am weak, feed me, as I am strange... Weigh my offense, resolve it, as if you were willful. For the Imam has no other help, except You, no other Representative.
Not the good Comforters, only You, O Mother of God... May you preserve and cover me forever and ever. Amen.

Among the icons of the Mother of God for prayers for health, the following are chosen:

  • Joy to all who mourn;
  • Affection;
  • Iverskaya;
  • Mammal ( rare icon), etc.

Icon "Joy of All Who Sorrow" Icon "Tenderness" "Iveron" icon Icon "Mammal"

Matrona of Moscow

They pray to Matrona of Moscow for health, because in the Church she became famous for her healing. Even in adolescence, Matronushka knew how to heal people and protected them from evil forces.

Elder Matrona is prayed for health in the following cases:

  • serious illness;
  • child's illness;
  • long-term infertility.

It is best to venerate the relics of the Blessed Matrona in the Moscow Intercession Monastery. Then prayers will be answered faster.

Prayer to Matronushka for health

You can address Elder Matronushka in your own words, but there are also canonical texts.

You need to pray for a speedy recovery with these words:

O blessed Mother Matrono, with your soul standing in heaven before the Throne of God, with your body resting on earth, and exuding various miracles by the grace given from above. Look now with your merciful eye on us, sinners, in sorrow, illness and sinful temptations, our waiting days, comfort us, desperate ones, heal our fierce ailments, from God we are allowed by our sins, deliver us from many troubles and circumstances, pray to our Lord Jesus Christ forgive us all our sins, iniquities and falls, in whose image we have sinned from our youth even to this day and hour, and through your prayers having received grace and great mercy, we glorify in the Trinity the One God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen.

For the health of the child they pray to Matronushka with the folk prayer:

Blessed Elder Matrona, in this time of sorrow I turn to you. Forgive me all sinful weaknesses and reject all demonic nasty things. Help my child to heal quickly and drink in faith in God. Do not punish your child with pain, illness and bodily ailments. Do not torment his soul with suffering. I hope for your help and again I pray for your health. Thy will be done. Amen.

Watch the Orthodox prayer service in front of the Matronushka icon on channel sss777v.

Prayer words for the health of the child

In the event of a child’s weakness, mothers turn to Matrona of Moscow for help.

Example of a request for healing:

“Oh, blessed Elder Matrona. I turn to you with prayer and hope for the child’s recovery. Ask the Lord our God Jesus Christ for the health of your beloved child. Don't be angry with me for sinful acts and do not refuse me righteous help. Deliver the child from weakness, sorrow, crying and groaning. Reject bodily illness and mental turmoil. Give my child good health and drive away the evils of demons from him. Forgive me all my mother’s sins and intercede for me before the Lord God. So be it. Amen".

Nikolai Ugodnik

Orthodox believe that Nicholas the Pleasant was sent by God to help people in all matters, including healing.

They pray to the Saint for health with these words:

“Oh, Nicholas the All-Holy, saint of the Lord, our eternal intercessor, and our helper everywhere in all troubles. Help me, God’s servant (name), sad and sinful, in this life, ask the Lord to grant me forgiveness of my sins, for I have sinned in deed, in word, in thoughts and with all my feelings. Help me, the accursed one, Holy Wonderworker, ask our Lord for good health, deliver me from torment and ordeal. Amen".

Prayer to Panteleimon the Healer for health

Most often people turn to Saint Panteleimon to pray for health. He was one of the first Christian healers.

They pray to the Healer like this:

Oh, great saint of Christ, passion-bearer and merciful physician Panteleimon! Have mercy on me, the sinful servant of God (name), hear my groaning and cry, propitiate the Heavenly, Supreme Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, may He grant me healing from the cruel illness that oppresses me. Accept the unworthy prayer of the most sinful man above all. Visit me with a gracious visit. Do not disdain my sinful ulcers, anoint them with the oil of your mercy and heal me; May I be healthy in soul and body, the rest of my days, with the help of God’s grace, can be spent in repentance and pleasing to God, and I will be worthy of receiving the good end of my life. Hey, servant of God! Pray to Christ God, that through your intercession he may grant me the health of my body and the salvation of my soul. Amen.

Afanasy Afonsky

Athanasius of Athos is prayed to in cases of hopeless illnesses, and he also helps the mentally ill.

The Reverend is addressed with the following prayer:

Reverend Father Athanasius, a great servant of Christ and a great Athonite miracle worker, during the days of your earthly life you taught many on the right path and guided you wisely into the kingdom of Heaven, comforting the sorrowful, giving a helping hand to those who give you a helping hand, and a kind, merciful and compassionate former father! Even now, dwelling in heavenly lordship, you most especially multiply your love for us who are weak, in the midst of life, we are in need, tempted by the spirit of malice and passions that war against the spirit. For this reason, we humbly pray to you, holy father: according to the grace given to you from God, help us to do the will of the Lord in simplicity of heart and humility: to overcome the temptations of the enemy and the fierce sea of ​​passions, so that we will calmly pass through the abyss of life and through your intercession to the Lord we will be worthy of achieving the Kingdom promised to us Heavenly, glorifying the Beginningless Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer words for health to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Nicholas the Wonderworker is so loved by the people that they compose prayers for his health in their own words.

One example of a poetic request for health:

“The Wonderworker Nicholas, Defender of the Righteous.

Strengthen my faith in Orthodox relics

and cleanse your mortal body from painful thinness.

Charge my soul with your praise

and do not hurt my body with sinful pain.

Let the ulcers and deep wounds heal,

may all cruel sorrows be cast aside forever.

Heal my weakness, save me from death,

and take away my illnesses forever.

Thy will be done. Amen"

Sorokoust prayer for health

The following prayers are read at home for 40 days:

  • akathists;
  • psalms;
  • canons.

One of the types of home magpie - for 40 days the sick person must read the akathist in front of the icon of the Mother of God “Healer”.

The church magpie has higher value: in the altar, pieces are taken out of the prosphora for each person and immersed in a bowl of wine. After this, the Transfiguration of gifts occurs, that is, the magpie is a bloodless sacrifice for the one for whom it was ordered. This is the most powerful prayer in the Orthodox Church.

According to tradition, sorokoust is ordered simultaneously in three churches. Then he acquires the greatest strength.

Such a prayer for health is ordered in the following cases:

  • before surgery;
  • for chronically severe patients;
  • before childbirth;
  • in case of illness of the child.

Sorokoust cannot be ordered for the following patients:

  • unbaptized;
  • excommunicated;
  • Gentiles.

For more information on the meaning and significance of the magpie, see the propovedi channel. su

Prayer to Our Lady of Kazan

Prayers in front of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God are effective in the following cases:

  • for infertility;
  • for vision problems;
  • for a successful birth;
  • when a child is ill.

In church, the Kazan Mother of God is addressed with the following words:

“O Most Holy Lady Lady Theotokos! With fear, faith and love, falling before Thy honorable icon, we pray to Thee: do not turn Thy face away from those who come running to You, beseech, Merciful Mother, Thy Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, that He may preserve our country in peace, and may He establish His holy Church May he preserve the unshakable from unbelief, heresies and schism. There are no imams of any other help, no imams of other hope, except You, Most Pure Virgin: You are the All-Powerful Helper and Intercessor of Christians. Deliver all who pray to You with faith from the falls of sin, from slander. evil people, from all temptations, sorrows, troubles and from vain death; Grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thoughts, correction of sinful lives and the remission of sins, so that we all praise Thy greatness with gratitude, let us be worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom and there with all the saints we will glorify the Most Honorable and Magnificent Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer for living sick parents and their health

The most effective prayers for the health of parents are considered to be prayer requests to Jesus Christ and the Mother of God.

The text of the prayer to the Savior is as follows:

Forgive those who hate and offend us, Lord Lover of Mankind. Do good to those who do good. Grant to our brothers and relatives the same petitions for salvation and eternal life. Visit those who are infirm and grant healing. Manage the sea as well. For travelers, travel. Grant forgiveness of sins to those who serve and forgive us. Have mercy on those who commanded us unworthy to pray for them according to Your great mercy. Remember, Lord, our fathers and brothers who have fallen before us, and give them rest, where the light of Your face shines. Remember, Lord, our captive brothers and deliver me from every situation. Remember, Lord, those who bear fruit and do good in Your holy churches, and give them petitions for salvation and eternal life. Remember, Lord, us, humble and sinful and unworthy Thy servants, and enlighten our minds with the light of Thy mind, and guide us on the path of Thy commandments, through the prayers of our Most Pure Lady Theotokos and the Ever-Virgin Mary and all Thy saints: for blessed art thou unto the ages of ages. . Amen.

For the health of sick parents they pray to the Mother of God with these words:

O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord Most High, Quick to Hear the Intercessor of all who come running to You with faith, I pray to You: Beg Your Son that He may hear my prayer. Look down from heavenly heights and descend to my tearful petition. Forgive me, Lord, all the sins of my parents, voluntary and involuntary. Grant, Lord, to them Your forgiveness, both on earth and in Heaven. Extend their life for longevity and strengthen them in health and mind. Lord, how You love Your Mother and honor Your Father. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You can pray in your own words in front of the icons of St. Nicholas, Matrona of Moscow, and other saints.

It is not necessary to use canonical texts: you can pray in your own words, coming from your heart.

Matronushka is approached with a request to heal her parents, for example, like this:

“Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. It is with heartfelt sorrow that I turn to you. Send me grace and heal my mother (my father) from merciless disease. Ask the Lord God for mercy in remission of sin and do not torment us with severe trials. Let the ulcer heal, the wound heal, and the soul not suffer. Every day I trust in you and pray for blessed health. Thy will be done. Amen".

Nicholas the Wonderworker asks parents for health in these words:

“Oh, Saint Nicholas the Pleasant. Help my beloved mother (my beloved father) recover, and do not be angry with me for sinful sorrow. Amen".

Prayer for the health of your family and yourself

  • "Trisagion";
  • "Our Father";
  • "Theotokos, Virgin";
  • Psalm 50, etc.

You can also turn to Elder Matrona for prayerful intercession with these words:

“Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. Have mercy and deliver me from scabs and ulcers, from scars and exhaustion, and add to me Orthodox patience. Reject sinful diseases and teach me spiritual thoughts. Protect me from the damned damage, from the evil eye and the hunchbacked cramp. Send down faithful intercession from heaven and deliver me from this evil deed. Thy will be done. Amen".

A simple prayer “For health”

“O Lord, our Creator, I ask for Your help, grant full recovery God's servant (name), wash her blood with your rays. Only with your help will healing come to her and bless all her roads to the long-awaited salvation, healing, recovery. Give her body health, her soul - blessed lightness, her heart - Your divine balm. The pain will forever recede and strength will return to it, all wounds will heal and Thy holy help will come. Your rays from the blue Heavens will reach her, give her strong protection, bless her for deliverance from her illnesses, and strengthen her faith. May the Lord hear these words of mine. Glory to You. Amen!"

“Blessed Matrona, cleanse my soul, cleanse my body, so that the first one does not cry, the second one does not get sick. Amen".

How to read prayers for healing correctly

In order for your prayer to be heard by higher powers, you need to set yourself up like this:

  • stand with reverence in front of the icons;
  • ask forgiveness for sins;
  • focus on the request;
  • set yourself in a prayerful mood.

Before praying, the patient should do the following:

  • fast for 3 days (if possible);
  • confess and receive communion.


Watch the canon about the sick person in church on the Orthodoxy Prayer channel.

To achieve what you want, every person first needs good health. However, work, study, various stresses and troubles can undermine even the healthiest person. Prayer for health will help you regain your previous strength, restore health, and alleviate the condition of a sick husband, child, or parents. Most often, prayer words for health are addressed to the Most Holy Theotokos, Nicholas the Wonderworker and Matrona.


Prayer for the health of a sick person has great power. It is allowed to pronounce it both in the temple and at home. You can pray not only for yourself, but also for another person (parents, children, husband, wife, other relatives and loved ones), the main thing is that this person is baptized in the church. This condition applies to all the prayers below.

“O Lord, our Creator, I ask for your help, grant complete recovery to God’s servant (name), wash her blood with your rays. Only with Your help will healing come to her. Touch her with miraculous power and bless all her roads to the long-awaited salvation, healing, recovery. Give her body health, her soul - blessed lightness, her heart - Your divine balm. The pain will forever recede and strength will return to it, all wounds will heal and Thy holy help will come. Your rays from the blue Heavens will reach her, give her strong protection, bless her for deliverance from her illnesses, and strengthen her faith. May the Lord hear these words of mine. Glory to You. Amen".


It is difficult for all parents to see their child sick. A prayer for the child’s recovery and health will help alleviate the baby’s condition and thereby save him from illness.

“Lord Almighty, let Your mercy be on my child (name) (if there are 2 or more children, then we must say “on my children”), preserve and protect him under your cover, cover my child from all evil, give him away from him of all enemies, open his eyes and ears, give humility and tenderness to his little heart. Lord God, we are all Your creatures, have pity on my child (name) and guide him to repentance. Save, O God of the Most High, and have mercy on my child (name) and enlighten his mind with the bright light of the mind of Your Gospel, and direct him on the path of Your commandments, and teach him, Lord, to do Your holy will. Amen".


A prayer for good health to the Most Holy Mother of God is also said at home or in church. To read the prayer words at home, you will need an icon of the Mother of God, but if it is not possible to buy it, then you can read it in front of the image of the Mother of God.

“Oh, Madam Most Holy Lady. Get us, God's servants (names), from the depths of sin and deliver us from sudden death and all dark evil. Give us, our Lady, health and peace and enlighten our eyes and hearts, for bright salvation. Help us, God's servants (names), Great Kingdom of Your Son, Jesus our God: blessed be His power with the Most Holy Spirit and His Father. Amen".


Even in ancient times, with various problems, including health, ancestors always turned to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for help. Even during his lifetime, the great saint became famous for his miraculous healings. His faith helped him do good deeds, the fame of which quickly spread throughout the earth. The prayer for health, said to him, still helps those who suffer in our time. Words should be spoken by people who want to get rid of diseases and gain health.

“Oh, Nicholas the All-Holy, saint of the Lord, our eternal intercessor, and our helper everywhere in all troubles. Help me, God’s servant (name), sad and sinful, in this life, ask the Lord to grant me forgiveness of my sins, for I have sinned in deed, in word, in thoughts and with all my feelings. Help me, the accursed one, Holy Wonderworker, ask our Lord for good health, deliver me from torment and ordeal. Amen".


The prayer for the desired recovery to Saint Matrona is considered the most effective and powerful. During her lifetime, Matrona, revered by many, treated the infirm and sick; the power of her prayer words helped people get rid of even the most serious illnesses.

“Our Mother, Blessed Matrona, with your soul You are in Heaven before God's Throne You stand, your body rests on the earth, and with the grace given you work all sorts of miracles. I pray to You, look at me, God’s servant (name), a sinner, in grief, illness and sinful temptations. Comfort me, heal all my severe illnesses. From the Lord God, forgiving us for our sins, deliver us from all troubles and enemies. Ask the Lord to forgive us all our sins, falls and iniquities. Amen".

You can say this prayer at home or in church, but always in front of the icon of St. Matrona.

Many people read prayers for the health of sick loved ones, relatives, children, for the sake of healing certain ailments. You can listen to prayers for health in God’s temple, read them at home, or say them yourself. Similar prayers can be used for healing after operations, for example, or as a petition for strong health babies, grandchildren, sons, parents in the future. Below we will consider prayers that will help take care of the health of relatives and loved ones, as well as warn against diseases.

If a relative or someone close to you has a deteriorating health, the person begins to consult a doctor. They prescribe some medications and prescribe a treatment regimen. But, unfortunately, medications, even the most expensive ones, cannot always help.

Contrary to the unfounded beliefs of skeptics and atheists, prayers for the health of a loved one addressed to saints work miracles.

If you pray for the health of a person dear to your heart and, in spite of everything, believe in healing, then your prayer will definitely be heard.

Who should I read prayers for health to?

Eat large number saints to whom prayers for health can be addressed. Among them, the most frequently addressed are:

  • Panteleimon Tseletil,
  • Mother of God,
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker,
  • Matrona of Moscow,
  • Lord.

Prayers to the Guardian Angel for health are also often used. And in front of the famous icon, a prayer to the Tikhvin Mother of God for health is read.

When words come from the heart and with the best intentions, they will definitely be heard. You can read prayers for the health of your family and yourself both in church and at home.

There are no mandatory time rules for reading them. Remember that you can read prayers for health both for yourself and for people close to you.

One of the best miracle workers- Panteleimon the Healer. A prayer for health directed to him protects against many diseases. His ability to heal was truly amazing.

One day, while walking along the road, he saw a child who had died from an echidna bite and, without the slightest hesitation, turned to God, starting a prayer.

He asked the Almighty that the child, bitten by a ferocious beast, would return to life, and that the illness would pass on to the echidna itself.

The prayer was heard, and everything happened the way he wanted. Having learned about this miraculous incident, people began to turn to the healer asking for help. Panteleimon became a follower of Jesus.

Prayer to Panteleimon for health

“Oh, great saint of Christ, passion-bearer and much-merciful physician Panteleimon! Have mercy on me, the sinful servant of God (name), hear my groaning and cry, propitiate the Heavenly, Supreme Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, may He grant me healing from the cruel illness that oppresses me. Accept the unworthy prayer of the most sinful man above all. Visit me with a gracious visit. Do not disdain my sinful ulcers, anoint them with the oil of your mercy and heal me; May I be healthy in soul and body, the rest of my days, with the help of God’s grace, can be spent in repentance and pleasing to God, and I will be worthy of receiving the good end of my life. Hey, servant of God! Pray to Christ God, that through your intercession he may grant me the health of my body and the salvation of my soul. Amen!".

This powerful prayer can be applied to both sick babies and adult sons, daughters, beloved husbands/wives, parents and other close relatives.

Prayer to Panteleimon for recovery

“Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon, merciful imitator of God! Look with mercy and hear us, sinners, praying earnestly before your holy icon. Ask us from the Lord God, Who stands with the Angels in heaven, for the forgiveness of our sins and transgressions: heal the mental and physical illnesses of the servants of God, now remembered, those present here and all Orthodox Christians who flow to your intercession: for here we are, through our sins We are fiercely possessed by many ailments and are not imams of help and consolation: we resort to you, for you have given the grace to pray for us and heal every ailment and every disease; Grant therefore to all of us, through your holy prayers, health and well-being of souls and bodies, advancement of faith and piety, and all that is needed for temporary life and salvation, for, having been granted great and rich mercies by you, let us glorify you and the Giver of all good things, wondrous in the saints, God ours, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!".

Prayer to the Mother of God for health

This prayer to the Mother of God for health helps when a person suffers not even from a physical, but from a mental illness.

Prayer to the Mother of God for health helps to get rid of fears. With its help, you can dispel doubts and restore peace of mind.

“The Most Blessed Lady, the Ever-Virgin Mother of God, who gave birth to God the Word more than any word for our salvation, and who showed His grace more abundantly than all others, who appeared as a sea of ​​Divine gifts and miracles, an ever-flowing river, pouring out grace to all who come running to You with faith! To Your miraculous image, we pray to You, the all-generous Mother of the humane-loving Lord: surprise us with Your rich mercies, and our petitions brought to You, Quick to Hear, speed up the fulfillment of everything for the benefit of consolation and salvation, arranging for everyone. Visit, O Blessing, Thy servants with Thy grace, grant to those who are ailing, healing and perfect health, to those overwhelmed by silence, to those captivated by freedom and various images of the suffering to comfort them; Deliver, O All-Merciful Lady, every city and country from famine, plague, cowardice, flood, fire, sword and other temporary and eternal punishments, by Your maternal boldness turning away the wrath of God; and spiritual relaxation, overwhelm by passions and falls, free Thy servant, as if, without stumbling, having lived in all piety in this world, and in the future of eternal blessings, we may be made worthy of the grace and love for mankind of Thy Son and God, to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, with His Beginning Father and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen!".

The words of the prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos for health are read in front of the icon. The prayer of the Mother of God for health is one of the most revered among Orthodox Christians.

Saint Nicholas is called the Wonderworker, and often also the Pleasant. People learn about it even in childhood. After all, on the Saint's Day, which is celebrated before Christmas, children discover various sweet treats under their beds.

According to a well-known belief, Saint Nicholas brings sweets to those children who obey their parents, and he comes to naughty children with a tosser.

Currently, the relics of the saint are located in Bari, in the Catholic basilica named in his honor. Some of the relics are kept in one of the Turkish temples.

A prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for health should be said directly in front of the icon. According to Christian traditions, at least one icon with the image of this saint should be in a residential building along with the faces of Jesus and his mother Mary.

“O all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper, help me, a sinner and saddened one, in this life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, in everything my life, deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me the accursed, beg the Lord God of all creation, the Creator, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment, so that I always glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen!".

Today you can often see unusual icons that are small books. They consist of three parts. In the center is the Image of the Son of God, on the right is the Virgin Mary, and on the left side of Jesus is St. Nicholas the Pleasant.

The icon of St. Nicholas is always one of the most important among the Orthodox. A gift in the form of this icon means that the giver shows deep respect and sincerely wishes all the best.

St. Nicholas Memorial Day is celebrated on December 19. On this day, Christian children in many countries find sweets under their pillows.

The prayer to Saint Matrona for health carries incredible power. It is capable of healing, no matter where a person read it. Prayer to Matronushka for health often helps those who pray before the operation so that it is successful.

The healer herself was sick with an illness - she could not see. However, her gift of healing was truly powerful, and remains so to this day.

After all, any prayer to Matrona of Moscow for health and healing has the power that can heal even the most seemingly incurable diseases.

The main thing, of course, is to firmly believe that prayer to Matrona of Moscow for help and health will definitely help.

Matrona had the gift of healing people already at the age of eight. Even then she did not stop praying to the Almighty. Besides, she could see the future. People constantly came to Matrona, and she treated them during the day, and prayed at night.

Prayer to the Moscow Matrona for health:

“O blessed mother Matrono, with your soul standing in heaven before the Throne of God, but with your body resting on earth, and with the grace given from above, exuding various miracles. Look now with your merciful eye on us, sinners, in sorrow, illness and sinful temptations, our waiting days, comfort us, desperate ones, heal our fierce ailments, from God we are allowed by our sins, deliver us from many troubles and circumstances, pray to our Lord Jesus Christ forgive us all our sins, iniquities and falls, in whose image we have sinned from our youth even to this day and hour, and through your prayers having received grace and great mercy, we glorify in the Trinity the One God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen!".

Everyone can turn to Matrona with prayer, and also ask her to protect her from enemies. She will definitely help. It is important to be in front of her icon during prayer, or even better, put a candle next to it.

Prayer to the Lord for health

He will definitely hear you if your faith is strong and the words are spoken with zeal.

“O Most Merciful God, Father, Son and Holy Soul, worshiped and glorified in the indivisible Trinity, look with compassion on Your servant (name), who is overcome by illness; forgive him all his sins; give him healing from his illness; restore his health and bodily strength; Give him a long and prosperous life, Your peaceful and worldly blessings, so that together with us he brings grateful prayers to You, the All-Bountiful God and my Creator. Amen!".

Remember that after asking the Lord for health, you should then read a prayer with gratitude. For this purpose, you can use special prayers of thanks or simply say everything in your own words, but from the bottom of your heart.

Among the prayers often used by Christians is the prayer for health and healing to St. Alexander of Svirsky. She ascends when there are serious problems with health.

During his life, Alexander Svirsky managed to create more than 20 miracles, the main part of which was the treatment of paralysis. One day he was honored to see God Himself, who appeared to him in three Persons, and to talk with Him about how to create a church, build a monastery and gather the brethren.

When he then prayed about where to put the church, the angel of the Lord showed him the place for it.

The relics of Alexander Svirsky have incredible power. Being close to them, even the blind and disabled receive healing.

“O venerable and God-bearing Father Alexander! Ask us everything that is useful for this temporary life, and even more necessary for our eternal salvation. Be to us, servants of God (names), miracle-working saint, a quick helper in every sorrow and situation. Most of all, at the hour of our death, a merciful intercessor appeared to us, so that we may not betray the power of the evil ruler of the world in the ordeals of the air, but may we be worthy of a stumbling-free ascent into the Kingdom of Heaven. Hey, Father, our dear prayer book! Do not disgrace our hope, do not despise our humble prayers, but always intercede for us before the throne of the Life-Giving Trinity, so that together with you and with all the saints, even if we are unworthy, we may be worthy to glorify in the villages of paradise the greatness, grace and mercy of the One God in the Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen!".

There are many cases where a prayer for help for health, directed to Alexander Svirsky, helped cure infertility.

Christians believe that Saint Luke can help them get rid of their illnesses. A prayer for health addressed to him is truly capable of healing.

A saint named Luke of Crimea lived quite recently. He was born at the end of the century before last in the city of Kerch. Even before God took him to heaven, he was an excellent healer, and a year after the end of World War II he was given the title of Archbishop.

During his life, Luke saw a lot of suffering. Already as an 11-year-old boy, he was in terrible exile and all the time he asked people only that under no circumstances should they deviate from the faith and not betray the Almighty.

“O all-blessed confessor, our holy saint Luke, great servant of Christ! With tenderness, we bow the knee of our hearts, and falling to the race of your honest and multi-healing relics, like the children of our father, we pray to you with all diligence: hear us sinners and bring our prayer to the merciful and philanthropic God, to whom you now stand in the joy of the saints and with the faces of an angel. We believe that you love us with the same love with which you loved all your neighbors while you were on earth.

Ask Christ our God: may he establish the spirit of right faith and piety in his holy Orthodox Church, may he give to her shepherds holy zeal and care for the salvation of the people entrusted to them: to observe the right of believers, to strengthen the weak and infirm in the faith, to instruct the ignorant, to reprove the contrary. Give us all a gift that is useful to everyone, and everything that is useful for temporary life and eternal salvation. Strengthening our cities, fruitful lands, deliverance from famine and destruction. Comfort for those who are grieving, healing for those who are ill, return to the path of truth for those who have lost their way, blessing from a parent, upbringing and teaching to a child in the Passion of the Lord, help and intercession for the orphaned and needy. Grant us all your archpastoral and holy blessing, so that through you we will get rid of the wiles of the evil one and avoid all enmity and disorder, heresies and schisms.

Grant us a godly way to cross the path of temporary life, guide us on the path leading to the villages of the righteous, deliver us from airy ordeals and pray to the omnipotent God for us: yes in eternal life with you we unceasingly glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and to Him belongs all glory, honor and power forever and ever. Amen!".

Being a doctor, Luke had no doubt that prayer addressed to God for the health of oneself and loved ones heals not only spiritually. He could explain miraculous action prayers even with scientific point vision.

Prayer for health and well-being, according to Luke, allows you to calm your thoughts and get rid of panic. And all this certainly contributes to a quick recovery.

The prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky for health has a strong healing effect.

Spyridon of Trimifuntsky is a powerful healer. He did not study anywhere and did not complete any medical educational institutions. However, he knew how to heal people with just one prayer addressed to God.

Those who came to him saw that he was not a sorcerer or a charlatan. God's grace helped eliminate illnesses.

Spiridon did not demand anything from people for his healing. His work as a shepherd brought him money.

“O blessed Saint Spyridon! Beg the mercy of God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us for our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His mercy. Ask us, God's servants (names), from Christ and God for our peaceful, serene life, mental and physical health. Deliver us from all spiritual and physical troubles, from all yearnings and the devil’s slander.

Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and beg the Lord to grant us forgiveness for many of our sins, grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, and grant us a shameless and peaceful death and eternal bliss in the future, so that we may continually send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and the Spirit Holy, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.

The relics of the saint are now located on the island of Corfu. Many Christians come here who want to be healed. However, you can make a request to the Saint from your own home, no matter how far from Greece it may be. Wherever the prayer to Spyridon for health is said, the Saint will hear everyone.

Ksenia of Petersburg is no less popular among believers than Matrona of Moscow.

People know firsthand that in terms of the number of people converted and miracles performed, Saint Xenia of Petersburg cannot be compared with anyone.

When Ksenia was widowed, she gave all her property to the church. They say that she even admitted that she was dead. At the same time, she did not lose her joy of life and began to help all those suffering.

She had the gift of foresight. Many times she gave the last of what she had to those in need. Despite many difficulties, Ksenia did not stray from her chosen path.

“Oh, simple in your way of life, homeless on earth, but heir to the abodes of the Heavenly Father, blessed wanderer Xenia! Just as we previously fell to your tombstone in illness and sorrow and were filled with consolations, now we (names), overwhelmed by pernicious circumstances, resort to you and ask with hope: pray, O good heavenly woman, that our steps may be corrected, according to the word of the Lord, to the doing of His commandments, and may the godless atheism that has captivated your city and your country, plunging us, many sinners, into mortal hatred of our brothers, proud self-indignation and blasphemous despair, be abolished. ABOUT, Most Beatitude of Christ for the sake of, having put to shame the vanity of this age, ask the Creator and Giver of all blessings to grant us humility, meekness and love in the treasure of our hearts, faith in strengthening prayer, hope in repentance, strength in a difficult life, merciful healing of our soul and body, chastity in marriage and concern for our neighbors and our sincere ones, renewal of our entire life in the purifying bath of repentance, as we praise your memory with all praise, let us glorify in you the miracle worker, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity Consubstantial and Indivisible forever and ever. Amen!".

The icon of Xenia can often be seen in Christian homes. There are always a lot of people at her grave in St. Petersburg. Orthodox people They leave notes here where they talk in detail about their problems. Many admit that Blessed Xenia’s prayer for health helped them cope with a serious illness.

Since diseases are the main problem of people, the Almighty has given us many healers who can miraculously cure ailments that seem incurable.

People often read prayers for the health of their children, loved ones, and relatives in order to heal any ailments. This or that prayer for the health of relatives is often heard in churches. They are read in their homes and simply mentally spoken to themselves.

Prayers for health are good to use for healing after surgery. They can be used as a petition for the good health of newborns: sons, grandchildren and their parents.

In addition to prayers to the saints, you can also order special prayer services in churches, which are called sorokoustami. It is read for 40 days.

You can order them at any time except during fasting. To do this, you need to submit a piece of paper with the names of whom you should pray for. You can also submit a simple note for a regular prayer for health.

Everything about religion and faith - “a prayer for the health of one or many” with a detailed description and photographs.

From time immemorial people have been crying out to the Lord God for help. The Lord God sent His son Jesus Christ to believers on earth. Jesus Christ taught people and said: “Come to me, you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” He taught us to pray. He told people parables, teaching us to live God-fearing lives. From Holy Scripture we know that God will not abandon a single prayer that is said sincerely, with an open soul. Through the Bible, the Lord conveyed to us the information that we can offer prayers to him for health, and they will all be heard.

The Lord God heals. It happens that doctors refuse to treat their patients, citing the fact that the person is terminally ill, but if you do not lose faith and believe in the One Living God, then you can beg for healing from him, and he will heal the sick person.

As we know, there are so-called “grandmothers”, traditional healers, healers, healers. They all have power given to them by God. They heal through prayer. Many people don't believe in traditional healers and consider all this to be prejudice. But, oddly enough, traditional healers and healers exist, and they have power. There is a lot of conflicting talk on this topic, some believe, others do not believe, but if you look at this issue from the point of view of science, a completely clear picture opens up. Scientists relatively recently discovered the fact that water has memory (water memory theory), but we won’t go into details. So, the fact that water has memory has already been proven, as well as the fact that the word has some influence on everything that happens.

The degree of influence of a word on ongoing events.

Scientists conducted experiments with the word, and discovered the fact that the word affects water. If you observe a water molecule through a microscope at the moment of freezing, you will notice that, hearing good words, the water molecule, freezing, turns into a snowflake of the correct shape, and hearing evil words, the molecule, on the contrary, becomes an ugly snowflake, with disfigured edges and rays . This experience proves the fact that water hears. Many more centuries will pass before humanity comprehensively studies the “memory of water,” but we already know something today. How does it work for traditional healers and healers who heal with prayer. The traditional healer always uses water in healing rituals. He whispers some words into the water - prayers. What happens next, how and why is a person healed by drinking this water? How does this work? Water, hearing the words of the healer, remembers them. Then the water evaporates - “the water cycle in nature.” Next, a molecule with a certain memory with clouds moves across the sky wherever the wind blows. Somewhere it will certainly fall to the ground in the form of precipitation. Streams flow into rivers, rivers flow into seas and underground reservoirs, thus a molecule with some kind of memory one day ends up in a reservoir from which we drink water. Thus, a person about whom the water remembers something will one day drink the water that contains a molecule with a memory of him. It is at that moment in time that a person will be healed. This is how prayer for health works.

“O Lord Almighty, Holy King, punish and do not kill, strengthen those who fall, raise up the overthrown, correcting the bodily afflictions of people and, we pray to You, our God, visit your weak servant (name), with your mercy, forgive him every sin, voluntary and involuntary. Hey, Lord, send down Your healing power from heaven, touch the body, extinguish the fire, tame passion and all lurking weaknesses, be the doctor of Your servant (name), raise him from the sick bed, and from the bed of bitterness, whole and all-perfect, grant him to Your Church pleasing and doing Your will, for it is Yours to have mercy and save us, our God, and we send glory to You. To the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages, Amen.”

“O Lord Almighty, Physician of our souls and bodies, humble and exalt, punish and again heal! Visit Thy servant (name) who is infirm and heal him, raising him from his bed and infirmity. Rebuke the spirit of infirmity, leave from it every ulcer, every disease, and even if there is sin or lawlessness in it, weaken, leave, forgive Your love for mankind. To her, Lord, have mercy on Thy creation in Christ Jesus our Lord, with Him art thou blessed, and with Thy Most Holy, and Good, and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

In honor of the icon Mother of God"Healer"

“Accept, O All-Blessed and All-Powerful Lady Theotokos the Virgin, these prayers, now offered to You with tears from us, Your unworthy servants, who send up the singing of Your whole-bearing image with tenderness, as if You yourself are here and heed our prayer. For every request you fulfill, you alleviate sorrows, you grant health to the weak, you heal the weakened and sick, you drive away demons from demons, you deliver the offended from insults, you cleanse lepers and have mercy on little children; Moreover, O Lady, Lady Theotokos, you free us from bonds and prisons and heal all manifold passions: for all things are possible through Your intercession to Your Son, Christ our God. Oh, All-Singing Mother, Most Holy Theotokos! Do not cease to pray for us, Your unworthy servants, who glorify You and honor You, and who worship Your Most Pure Image with tenderness, and who have irrevocable hope and undoubted faith in You, the Ever-Virgin, Most Glorious and Immaculate, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen".

“O All-merciful, venerable Mother of God, Pantanassa, All-Queen! I am not worthy, but come under my roof! But as a merciful and gracious Mother of God, say the word, may my soul be healed and my weak body strengthened. For you have an invincible power and all your words will not be exhausted, O All-Tsaritsa! You beg for me, You beg for me. May I glorify the glorious Your name always, now and forever. Amen".

“O Most Pure Mother of God, All-Tsarina! Hear our painful sigh before miraculous icon By Yours, brought from the inheritance of Athos to Russia, look upon Your children, those suffering from incurable ailments, who fall to Your holy image with faith! Just as a winged bird covers its chicks, so You, now and ever-living being, have covered us with Your multi-healing omophorion. There, where hope disappears, awaken with undoubted Hope. There, where fierce sorrows prevail, Appear with Patience and Weakness. There, where the darkness of despair has settled in the souls, let the ineffable light of the Divine shine! Comfort the faint-hearted, strengthen the weak, grant softening and enlightenment to hardened hearts. Heal Your sick people, O All-Merciful Queen! Bless the mind and hands of those who heal us, may they serve as an instrument of the Almighty Physician Christ our Savior. As if You are alive with us, we pray before Your icon, O Lady! Extend Your hand, full of healing and healing, Joy to those who mourn, Consolation to those in sorrow, so that we soon receive miraculous help, we glorify the Life-Giving Indivisible Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

“Oh, Holy Archangel Raphael! We earnestly pray to you, be our guide in our lives, save us from all visible and invisible enemies, heal our mental and physical illnesses, guide our lives towards repentance of sins and the creation of good deeds. Oh, holy great Raphael the Archangel! Hear us, sinful servants of God (names), praying to you, and grant us, in this life and in the future, to thank and glorify our common Creator to endless ages of ages. Amen".

“Oh, the great saints of Christ and miracle workers Panteleimon, Cosmas and Damian, Cyrus and John, Ermolai, Diomedes, Photios and Anikitos! Hear us praying to you (names). You know our sorrows and illnesses, you hear the sighs of the many who flow to you. For this reason, we call you as our quick helper and warm prayer book: do not leave us with your intercession with God. We constantly err from the path of salvation, guide us, merciful teachers. We are weak in faith, strengthen us, teachers of Faith. We have done a great deal of good deeds, enrich us, treasures of mercy. We are constantly slandered by enemies visible and invisible and embittered, help us, helpless intercessors. Turn away the righteous anger moving towards us for our iniquities by your intercession at the throne of the Judge of God, to whom you stand in Heaven, holy and righteous. Hear us, great saints of Christ, calling you with faith, and with your prayers ask the Heavenly Father for all of us forgiveness of our sins and deliverance from troubles. You are helpers, intercessors and prayer books, and for you we send glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Hieromartyr Antipas, Bishop of Pergamum in Asia.

“Oh, glorious holy martyr Antipos and ambulance to the assistant Christians in illness! I believe with all my soul and thoughts that the Lord has given you the gift of healing the sick, healing the sick, and strengthening the weak. For this reason, to you, as a blessed doctor of diseases, I am weak and, kissing your venerable image with reverence, I pray: through your intercession from the Heavenly King, ask me, who is sick, for healing from the dental disease that depresses me, since I am unworthy of your most gracious father and ever-present intercessor mine, but you, being an imitator of God’s love for mankind, make me worthy of your intercession through my conversion from evil deeds to a good life, heal the ulcers and scabs of my soul and body with the grace abundantly given to you, grant me health and salvation and good haste in everything, yes Having lived such a quiet and silent life in all piety and purity, I am worthy to glorify the All-Holy Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit with all the saints. Amen".

The most powerful and wonderful prayer for the life and health of a sick person

The Lord’s great gift to all of us is life. In contrast to this to the highest Gift Heaven, the devil sends a wide variety of trials on people in order to take more lives - epidemics, wars, various temptations and illnesses. Their goal is to collect a terrible harvest of human deaths, taking human souls to the Underworld. Prayer for health is able to resist the devil’s machinations, protecting the soul and body of a Christian with the power of the Holy Spirit. The healing akathist will overthrow any demonic intrigues.

Indispensable conditions for the struggle for the health of a Christian

The Lord is merciful - by reading the akathist to His glory, everyone who suffers will be able to ask for healing for themselves and their loved ones. There is no reason why the Almighty would not want to help recover from illness, except for one thing - there must be a place for God in the heart of the person asking. An akathist or prayer for the health of a sick person will grant recovery in the case when faith is a sincere inner essence, and not a hypocritical wrapper. Prayer does not help one who has not accepted the Almighty Patron in his heart.

  • Baptism is the act of receiving the Holy Spirit into your soul. To ensure that prayers for health are not in vain, the patient must be baptized. It happens that parents doubt whether to baptize their child, but sometimes the very fact of baptism in the Holy Spirit contributes to healing. Why do Orthodox Christians, unlike Protestants, usually baptize children in early age- a mother’s prayer for the health of her child protects better than any medicine.
  • When reading prayers for health, mention the sick person by the name with which he was baptized. IN modern world It has become very common for the worldly name to be different from what is mentioned in the calendar. You can beg the Lord to grant healing only by designating the sufferer by the name under which he came to God.
  • Confession removes sinful filth and the severity of sorrows from the soul of the sick person, allowing him to return to health by the will of the Lord. For many, illness is given as a test for their sins. Often, having repented, a person immediately takes the path of recovery. This point does not apply to children; their immaculate souls have not yet known sin, therefore, for a child, confession is not a necessity to obtain healing.
  • Communion has the greatest power - it allows the Holy Spirit inside, which helps in the fight against any disease. The Almighty will return the health of the child to every mother if she comes to communion herself and gives communion to her child, for the Lord will enter every cell with His power and grant healing. For any Orthodox person, Communion, like a filter, cleanses the body of illness. For without the power of the Holy Spirit over the human body there is no healing in prayer. Where there is no place for the Lord, there is no desire to accept His power.

The fulfillment of the Lord's Sacraments is a guarantee that the way for a miracle will be open in your heart. When praying for healing, you need to give the creator the opportunity to help you, and your sincere faith will be the key to this. The most powerful akathist and prayer are unable to help without sincere surrender of oneself to God.

Which saint should we pray for the health of the infirm?

Any caring Christian can show his responsiveness and cry out in prayer to the Lord and His Holy Saints in a request to restore health to a sick loved one. Any mother can take care of her children with just one appeal for the mercy of God and the protection of the Mother of God.

The Virgin Mary - patroness of mother and child

They usually pray to the Queen of Heaven for the health of children. The Mother of the Lord understands sadness and parental care, for her heart knew mother's love. An akathist to the glory of the Mother of God, fervently prayed at the bedside of a child, is capable of performing a miracle.

In serious cases, when healing is in doubt among the luminaries traditional medicine, the church recommends an all-night service and the blessing of oil on an unhealthy child. There are a huge number of stories when, praying for their children, kneeling obediently before the holy images in the temple, parents found happiness - the healing of the child. For only by the will of the Creator, prayer for the health of a sick person is capable of destroying all devilish evil and illness.

  • It is not customary to involve children in the sacraments of confession, but to conduct one of the most wonderful sacraments of the Blessing of Anointing means to nourish his weak health with the enormous power of the Holy Spirit, which helps to raise the most hopeless from the bed of illness.
  • Be sure to read an akathist to the Mother of God in the morning and evening, where they ask to heal the child. The mother will have to show perseverance and diligence, showing concern for her blood.
  • An all-night vigil service is also welcomed, where people fervently pray for the child’s health. Usually like this long procedure practiced before important or significant events in the treatment of children - operations, procedures, long-distance vital travel for treatment. The mother is instructed to pray for her children on her knees, thereby showing her zeal and sadness.
  • It is important to understand one point that our actions and sins can affect the health of our children. Therefore, before you pray for the health of your child, confess and take communion yourself - free your soul from sinful burdens, find the way to God. Forgive your enemies, as the Lord forgives, and you will be given Heavenly Intercession.
  • They cry out to the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God for speedy recovery children. Prayer to this icon is considered the most effective for the most serious illnesses.

Prayer for health in front of the Kazan Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Oh, Most Holy Lady and Lady Theotokos! With fear, faith and love, falling before Thy honorable icon, we pray to Thee: do not turn Thy face away from those who come running to You, beg, O merciful Mother, Thy Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, to keep our country peaceful, and His Holy Church unshakable will protect from unbelief, heresies and schism. There are no other imams of help, no other imams of hope, except You, Most Pure Virgin: You are the all-powerful Helper and Intercessor of Christians. Deliver all those who pray to You with faith from the falls of sin, from the slander of evil people, from all temptations, sorrows, troubles and from vain death. Grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thoughts, correction of sinful lives and the remission of sins, so that we all sing gratefully of Your greatness and mercy, let us be worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom and there with all the saints we will glorify the most honorable and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Panteleimon - a saint with great healing powers

Saint Panteleimon is the one to whom prayers are offered for health in any situation. During his lifetime, Panteleimon became famous for his miracles of healing, granting healing of wounds and bodily injuries to every sufferer. Nowadays, prayer to Panteleimon is offered when illness manifests itself visible damage the patient’s body – fractures, wounds, abrasions, bleeding ulcers, burns.

His face is in almost every doctor's office. Panteleimon the Healer is a recognized and revered patron of modern medical workers. Also, Saint Panteleimon is called upon in those difficult cases when it is necessary for doctors to intervene in the human body - operations, reduction of dislocations or fractures.

Especially when the patient himself is not able to take care of prayer, his loved ones are recommended to read an akathist and a prayer to the Healer for the speedy healing of wounds and a safe passage dangerous operations. Panteleimon will see the trouble and show concern for the sufferer.

  • A prayer for healing wounds is read directly over the sick person. St. Panteleimon will help the injury heal quickly. During the operation, they pray to the Saint in absentia from the sufferer, but keep his image in the heart and in prayer.
  • If a serious operation is planned, then they try to serve a liturgy in church about health. This also helps because many believers are present in the church service, whose common prayer multiplies the voice of the one asking. Panteleimon will not remain deaf, because his heart is filled with compassion and love for every Christian believer.
  • The Akathist to the Lord is read every morning, before praying to the Healer at home, and always during Sunday services in church.
  • Place candles in front of the image of the Healer in the church, asking for health for the sufferer. Panteleimon will respond, because he will see your sacrifice and sincere request. It is important that shadows of doubt do not visit your soul, but that you fully believe and surrender your destiny to the caring hands of God.

First prayer to the great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon! Pray to God for us (names) and do not allow the illnesses that hurt us in soul and body to remain in us any longer! Heal those ulcers and scabs that were caused to us by our passions. We suffer from laziness and relaxation - we are healed. We are sick with attraction and addiction to earthly objects - we are healed. We are sick, O Saint Panteleimon! We suffer from forgetfulness: about the matter of salvation, about our sins and weaknesses, about our responsibilities - heal us. We are sick with resentment, anger, hatred - heal, O healer of St. Athos and the world. We suffer from dependence, pride, arrogance, exaltation, despite all the poverty and obscenity - we are healed. We suffer from many different attacks of carnality: gluttony, intemperance, gluttony, lust - we are healed. We are sick with drowsiness, verbosity, idle talk, judgmentalism - heal us, O Saint Panteleimon! Our eyes hurt from sinful views, our ears hurt from listening to idle talk, slander, slander - heal us. Our hands hurt because we are disinclined to pray and give alms - heal us. Our legs hurt from the reluctance to hastily go to the temple of the Lord and the desire to walk through the haystacks and visit the houses of the world - heal us. Our tongue hurts, our lips hurt greatly: through idle talk, idle talk, slander, turning away from prayers and praises, or pronouncing them carelessly, absent-mindedly, without attention, without understanding - heal us, oh mercy! We hurt from head to toe: our minds hurt with lack of understanding, unreasonableness and madness; Our will hurts, turning away from holy pursuits and striving for deeds that are harmful and ungodly; Our memory hurts, having forgotten our sins and containing within itself the sins and insults of our neighbors; Our imagination hurts, unable and unwilling to vividly imagine to us our death, the eternal torment of sinners, the blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven, God's wrath, Christ's suffering on the cross, His crucifixion - heal us, O Saint Panteleimon! Everything in us hurts. Our entire soul, with all its strengths and abilities, is also weak. Our whole body with all its members is also weak. Heal us, O Saint Panteleimon, Healer, free and loving Healer, servant Holy Mother of God, and do not leave our repentance in the great ailments and in the great weakness: that having been healed by your grace, I will glorify Holy Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Spirit and Holy Mother of God, sending you to serve the sick, and I will thank your, O Saint Panteleimon, celibate shrine forever. Amen.

Saint Nicholas heals soul and body

Many prayers are dedicated to the Holy Pleasant, for his great power to work miracles is known throughout all the boundaries of the earth. He helps heal in spiritual anguish, the machinations of the devil and the tempter, and has also proven himself as a healer of the human body.

They resort to him in different cases, sometimes when hope has completely left family and friends. However, the Holy Wonderworker is able to bring back to life even those who, through the will of misfortune, part with this world. He returns children to their mothers, parents to inconsolable children, and gives husband and wife for many years a future together - you just need to sincerely pray with all your heart.

  • The all-praise akathist to St. Nicholas is read over those who require help, as well as during services in the church.
  • For the entire period until the patient receives healing, a lamp must be kept burning near the icon of the Saint. This will call the Miracle Worker and the Holy Spirit to the sick person.
  • The name of the sick person is given to three temples so that the strength common prayer parishioners raised him from his deathbed and protected him from the machinations of demons.
  • The most powerful prayer cannot help if it is not read with full dedication in the heart. Believe in the help of the Saint, for according to your faith you will be rewarded a hundredfold. Without holding the Lord in your soul, it is impossible to heal human diseases.

Prayer for the healing of the sick to Saint Nicholas.

O my Lord, my Creator, I ask for Your help, grant healing to the servant of God (name), wash his blood with Your rays. Only with Your help will he be healed. Touch him with miraculous power, bless all his paths to salvation, recovery, healing. Give his body health, his soul - blessed lightness, his heart - divine balm. The pain will subside, and strength will return, and his physical and mental wounds will heal, and Your help will come. Your rays from Heaven will reach him, give him protection, bless him for healing from his ailments, strengthen his faith. May the Lord hear this prayer. Glory and thanks to the power of the Lord. Amen.

Offer a prayer to Athanasius of Athos for the health of the mentally ill

Mentally ill people are considered a separate category for prayer for the return of health. Their condition constantly worries their loved ones, and the illness can drag on for many years. It is important not to lose hope, to pray, and you will definitely be rewarded for your efforts.

  • Mental problems include many disorders - from violent insanity to soul-consuming melancholy. The latter is most dangerous, because under the weight of mental anguish a person can reach the sin of suicide and take his own life.
  • Mental disorders can be the result of witchcraft, love spells, and the devilish machinations of sorcerers. It is these diseases that most need to be healed by the word of God.
  • Before you cry for the recovery of a sorrowful mind, pray to God to remove the witchcraft from him.
  • Every week, take someone in need of help to Communion.
  • Confession is obligatory for those who have not completely lost their minds. If a person is completely not the master of his mind, then the Lord will justify his actions without repentance - for the sick person does not know what he is doing.
  • Keep the image of St. Athanasius of Athos at the head of the bed; his prayers will provide relief from the suffering of the patient.

Prayer to St. Athanasius of Athos.

Reverend Father Athanasius, great servant of Christ and great wonderworker of Athos! In the days of your earthly life, you taught many on the right path and wisely guided you into the Kingdom of Heaven, comforted the sorrowful, gave a helping hand to those who fell and was a kind, merciful and compassionate father to everyone, you now, residing in Heavenly lordship, especially multiplying your love for us, the weak , in the sea of ​​life we ​​distinguish between those in need, tempted by the spirit of malice and their passions, warring against the spirit. For this reason, we humbly pray to you, holy father: according to the grace given to you from God, help us to do the will of the Lord in simplicity of heart and humility, to defeat the temptations of the enemy and dry up the fierce sea of ​​passions, so that we will calmly pass through the abyss of life and through your intercession to the Lord we will be worthy of achieving the promised us of the Kingdom of Heaven, glorifying the Beginningless Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Call upon the Holy Spirit to relieve suffering

It is better to perform an akathist for a terminally ill person or ask a priest to serve the liturgy. Turning in prayer to Jesus Christ, ask to accept the soul into His bosom, saving you from torment and granting speedy salvation in the Kingdom of Heaven. You need to understand that sometimes earthly path man comes to completion, having fulfilled his purpose by the will of the Almighty. Only the Holy Spirit is free to dispose of life and death, and pray to Him.

  • Try to help the patient confess and receive Holy Communion at the end. To do this, they call the priest to him - it is the duty of every priest to send the grace of the sacraments to everyone in need.
  • Prayers are performed over the sick in order to quench his suffering in illness.
  • Don't give up hope for complete healing. A huge number of cases confirm that the Lord has his own plans. Often He rewards the diligence of those who pray, and the sick person is freed from terrible illnesses.

Don't give up hope, call on everything Heavenly Powers to help yourself, and it will be given to you to heal the suffering person with your love and prayer. Having seen that a person is dear to his relatives and many people ask for him, the Lord will prolong his earthly days, restoring health and the opportunity to redeem the Great Gift with his faith. Remember that with diligent prayer and love, with the support of the Almighty, you can emerge victorious in the fight against all illnesses and misfortunes.

The prayer to Saint Luke for health is revered for its unprecedented power of healing and... For the prayer to the Healer Luke is one of the most famous and powerful. There are no rules of service for sick people - any posture is acceptable in communication with.

An unusually powerful prayer for health will heal your child. . You need to understand that the most helpful prayer should come from the depths of your heart. . During her lifetime, people flocked to Matronushka of Moscow for help and resolution of any troubles, and they did not know how to refuse her, because... It is imperative to submit a request to the temple to mention the name of the patient in health when a general service takes place.

After all, the basis for a successful recovery is fervent prayer and strong faith in Heavenly Father. . Order a prayer for health with your name. . Give the name of the sick person to three churches for prayer for health.

Prayers to God for the health of sick parents, children, loved ones

The only speedy one in intercession, Christ, show speedy visitation from above to Thy suffering servant, and deliver from ailments and bitter illnesses; and raise thee to praise and praise thee unceasingly, with the prayers of the Mother of God, the One Lover of Mankind.

O my Lord, my Creator, I ask for Your help, grant healing to the servant of God (name), wash her blood with Your rays. Only with Your help will healing come to her /him/. Touch her /him/ with miraculous power, bless all her /him/ paths to salvation, recovery, healing.
You will give her /him/ health to her body, her /him/ soul - blessed lightness, her /him/ heart - divine balm. The pain will subside, and strength will return, and her/his/ physical and mental wounds will heal, and Your help will come. Your rays from Heaven will reach her /him/, give her /him/ protection, bless her /him/ for healing from her illnesses, strengthen her /him/ faith. May the Lord hear this prayer. Glory and thanks to the power of the Lord. Amen.

Prayer for illnesses before the image of the Mother of God “Healer”

Accept, O All-Blessed and All-Powerful Lady Theotokos the Virgin, these prayers, brought to You with tears from us, Your unworthy servants, who send up the singing of Your celibate image with tenderness, as if You yourself are here and heed our prayer. For every request you fulfill, you alleviate sorrows, you grant health to the weak, you heal the weakened and sick, you drive away demons from demons, you deliver the offended from troubles, you cleanse lepers and have mercy on little children: also, to the Lady Lady Theotokos, you free from bonds and prisons and all kinds of You heal manifold passions: for all things are possible through Your intercession to Your Son, Christ our God. O All-Singing Mother, Most Holy Theotokos! Do not cease to pray for us, Your unworthy servants, who glorify You and honor You, and who worship Your Most Pure Image with tenderness, and who have irrevocable hope and undoubted faith in You, the Ever-Virgin, Most Glorious and Immaculate, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for the health of children to Saint Panteleimon

Oh, great saint of Christ, passion-bearer and merciful physician Panteleimon!

Have mercy on me, a sinful slave, hear my groaning and cry, propitiate the heavenly, supreme Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, may He grant me healing from the illness that oppresses me.

Accept the unworthy prayer of the most sinful man above all. Visit me with a gracious visit.

Do not disdain my sinful sores, anoint them with the oil of your mercy and heal me; May I, healthy in soul and body, be able to spend the rest of my days, by the grace of God, in repentance and pleasing to God and be worthy of receiving a good end to my life.

Hey, servant of God! Pray to Christ God, that through your intercession he may grant health to my body and salvation to my soul. Amen.

Prayer for illnesses to the great martyr and healer Panteleimon

Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon! Pray to God for us and do not allow those illnesses that hurt us in soul and body to remain in us any longer! Heal those ulcers and scabs that have been caused to us by our passions. We suffer from laziness and relaxation - we are healed. We are sick with attraction and addiction to earthly objects - we are healed. We are sick, O Saint Panteleimon! We suffer from forgetfulness: about the work of salvation, about our sins and weaknesses, about our responsibilities - heal us. We are sick with resentment, anger, hatred - heal, O healer of St. Athos and the world. We are sick with envy, pride, arrogance, exaltation, despite all the poverty and lewdness - we are healed. We suffer from many different attacks of carnality: gluttony, intemperance, gluttony, lust - we are healed. We are sick with drowsiness, verbosity, idle talk, judgmentalism - heal us, O Saint Panteleimon! Our eyes hurt from sinful views, our ears hurt from listening to idle talk, slander, slander - heal us. Our hands hurt because we are disinclined to pray and give alms - heal us. Our legs hurt from the reluctance to hastily go to the temple of the Lord and the desire to walk through the haystacks and visit the houses of the world - we are healed. It hurts, our tongue hurts, our lips hurt: with idle talk, idle talk, slander, turning away from prayers and praises, or pronouncing them carelessly, absent-mindedly, without attention, without a concept - heal us, oh mercy! We hurt from head to toe: our minds hurt with lack of understanding, unreasonableness and madness; Our will hurts, turning away from holy pursuits and striving for deeds that are harmful and ungodly; Our memory hurts, forgetting our sins and containing within itself the sins and insults of our neighbors; Our imagination hurts, unable and unwilling to vividly imagine to us our death, the eternal torment of sinners, the blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven, God's wrath, Christ's suffering on the cross, His crucifixion - heal us, O Saint Panteleimon! Everything in us hurts. Our entire soul, with all its strengths and abilities, is also weak. Our whole body with all its members is also weak. Heal us, O Saint Panteleimon, merciless and loving Healer, servant of the Most Holy Theotokos, and do not leave our damnation in the face of pain and in the capital of weakness: may you be healed by your grace, I will glorify the Most Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and the Most Holy Theotokos, sending you to serve the sick, and I will thank your, O Saint Panteleimon, celibate shrine forever. Amen.

Prayer for health
Saint and Wonderworker Spyridon of Trimifuntsky
about the healing of the terminally ill, the recovery of the sick, deliverance from suffering, pain, sorrow

O great and wonderful saint of Christ and miracle worker Spyridon, Kerkyra praise, bright luminary of the whole universe, warm prayer book to God and quick intercessor to all who come running to you and pray with faith!

You gloriously expounded the Orthodox faith at the Nicene Council among the Fathers, you showed the Unity of the Holy Trinity with miraculous power, and you completely put the heretics to shame.

Hear us sinners, the saint of Christ, praying to you and through your strong intercession with the Lord, deliver us from every evil situation: from famine, flood, fire and deadly plagues.

Prayer for living parents

O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord Most High, Quick to Hear the Intercessor of all, to
Those who come running to You with faith, I pray to You: pray to Your Son to hear
He is my prayer. Look down from the heights of heaven and descend to the tearful
my request. Forgive, Lord, all the sins of my parent, freely and
involuntary. Grant, Lord, your forgiveness to them, both on earth and in Heaven.
Extend their life for longevity and strengthen them in health and mind. Lord, how
You love Your Mother and honor Your Father. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To ensure that nothing bad ever happens to your loved ones, read the following protective plot on them:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Available in God's Church Royal Doors.
Who will come to those gates,
He will find the mercy of the Heavenly King,
And whoever reads from this place to the end,
He will never die in his youth.
I'll go closer to those gates,
I will bow to the Mother of God lower.
Mother of God, take Your letters,
Write our names on them.
Whom the Lord will find on Your list,
He will live that long century in joy and health.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for deceased parents

Pray for your parents. Remember them, give alms. For it is better not to decorate the graves of the dead with flowers, but to give alms for deceased parents and do good deeds in their memory. Then their souls will be saved.

Lord Jesus Christ our God! You are the keeper of the orphans, the mourners
refuge and comforter for those who mourn. I come running to you, orphan, groaning and
crying, and I pray to You: hear my prayer and do not turn Your face away from
the sighs of my heart and the tears of my eyes. I pray to You, Merciful One
Lord, satisfy my grief over separation from the one who gave birth and raised
(who gave birth and raised) me as my parent (my mother) (name)
(or with my parents who gave birth to and raised me, names of parents),
his (her) soul, as if it had gone to You, with true faith in You and with firm
With hope in Your philanthropy and mercy, accept me into Your Heavenly Kingdom.
I bow before Your holy will, which was taken away from me, and I ask
You, do not take away Your mercy and mercy from him. We know, Lord, that You are
Judge of this world, the sins and wickedness of the fathers are punished in children, grandchildren and
great-grandchildren, even up to the third and fourth generation; but also dear to the fathers for
prayers and virtues of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. With contrition and
With the tenderness of my heart I pray to You, Merciful Judge, do not punish me with eternal punishment
the departed Thy servant, my parent, who is unforgettable to me, but let him go
to him all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, in word and deed, knowledge and
created by ignorance in his life here on earth, and by mercy and
Your love for mankind, prayers for the sake of the Most Pure Mother of God and all the saints,
have mercy on him and spare him eternal torment. You, Merciful of fathers and children! Grant me
all the days of my life, until my last breath, do not cease
remember my deceased parent in your prayers, and beg Thee,
righteous Judge, may he be appointed in a bright place, in a cool place and in
a place of peace, with all the saints, from where all illness and sorrow have escaped
and sighing. Merciful Lord, accept today for Your servant warm
this prayer of mine and reward him with Your reward for his labors and cares
my upbringing in faith and Christian piety, as he taught me
First of all, lead You, your Lord, to pray to You in reverence,
I trust in You alone in troubles, sorrows and illnesses, and keep Your commandments;
for Your care for my spiritual prosperity, for the warmth brought
my prayers for me before You and for all the gifts they asked me from You,
reward him with Your mercy, Your heavenly blessings and joys in the eternal
Your kingdom. You, for you are the God of mercies and generosity and love for mankind, You
peace and joy to Your faithful servants, and to You we send glory with the Father and
Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.