Wedding on Palm Sunday signs. Rite for health

Palm Sunday is an important holiday in the life of every Christian believer. This holiday is always celebrated in the sixth week of Lent, 7 days before the Resurrection of Christ occurs. In 2017. Like on many other important days church calendar, there are many signs and conspiracies on Palm Sunday, since each holiday has its own power and even magic.

Signs for Palm Sunday

The main attribute of the holiday is willow branches, which are blessed in the temple. This ritual can be called the main tradition of the holiday, and therefore it is around the willow that many signs on Palm Sunday are concentrated.

So, for example, it is believed that consecrated willow should be kept in the house, in a vase without water, near the icons. Such a willow protects the house from evil spirits, troubles, and diseases. The willow should last until the next similar holiday; it does not fade or even fall off.

Another sign says that if buds bloom on the willow tree on the eve of the holiday, then the year will be rich in harvest, the land will be fertile, and life will be filled with bright and joyful events.

Also, healing properties are attributed to willow brought from the temple. On Palm Sunday, when people congratulate each other, they apply to their foreheads loved one hope that they will not get sick and stay healthy for a year. Also, various things were made from willow healing infusions, it was believed that if a baby was bathed in such a decoction, he would grow healthy and develop quickly.

Willow buds were worn as a talisman for a young man so that he would always be in good physical shape, and young girls wore such talismans in order to conceive a child.

If we talk about ancient signs, then on Palm Sunday it was forbidden to drive cattle out onto the street, since there was a belief that the cattle would be “attacked” by evil spirits and spoiled.

There are several examples on Palm Sunday that are also related to weather conditions:

In which direction the wind blows on holiday, such will be the coming summer days;
If the holiday Sunday turns out to be warm and sunny, then get ready to harvest a rich harvest of fruits;
If Palm Sunday turned out to be frosty, then “spring bread will be good.”

Interesting! The willow represents the greeting of Christ, since when he entered the gates of Jerusalem on this day, he was greeted with a wave of a palm branch, as was customary to greet kings and victors. Since palm trees do not grow on the lands of the Slavs, palm branches were replaced with willow branches.

Conspiracies and rituals for Palm Sunday

Every church holiday is an opportunity to ask God for something most intimate, but in ancient times people carried out various conspiracies and rituals, which are still used to this day to attract what is missing in life. There are several simple rituals, for which you do not need to have any “superpowers”:

1. You should throw a consecrated willow on the water; if it floats, it means prosperity and prosperity await the person.
2. If you burn a willow, you can protect your home from fire and other disasters that are associated specifically with the element of fire.
3. In order to protect yourself from diseases and find peace of mind, you should stick a willow into the roof of the house.

Also, in addition to the rituals, on Palm Sunday they also “spoke.” In order to get rid of illness and improve health, you should comb your hair on the eve of the holiday, put a few of your hairs in water, then sprinkle the willow with this water. Hair gives off its negative energy to water, and water, absorbed into the ground, takes away all the bad things, illnesses, failures, and so on. It is believed that this is how a person cleanses his energy field and opens up to everything new and good.

Love spell

All young girls who dreamed of meeting their betrothed and starting a family performed a love spell, which could only be carried out on Palm Sunday.

The girl must make herself a belt from willow twigs and put it on on the morning of Palm Sunday. It was believed that this was like a “marriage crown” that would attract the betrothed. At sunrise, you need to go to the forest and tie as many branches there as there are full years. While weaving the belt, the following words must be said:

The belt should not be removed until the sun sets below the horizon. After this, the belt should be removed, put in a secluded place to dry, and when this happens, it should be hung at the head of the bed as a talisman of love.

Palm Sunday is a revered and important holiday, therefore, the most important “ritual” is visiting church and must be performed by every believer. But whether to believe omens or not, to carry out conspiracies or not is everyone’s personal choice.

Since ancient times, on holidays people have done magical actions to attract good luck, health, prosperity, love. Read about all fortune telling.

Prediction for next year

If there is a body of water not far from your house, put a sprig of consecrated willow on the water. Look where she went. If in your direction, it means that the coming year will be prosperous.

In ancient times there were many other fortune tellings.

Fortune telling for fate and future. Fortune telling for the bride or groom

I had to pick a willow tree (3 branches) with my own hands. The buds on them should be unblown.

They then had to be dedicated in the temple.

Threads were tied to the branches different colors(red, white and green). This needs to be done at home.

Having placed them in a vase that should contain water, they read the plot:

Fortune telling for the bride or groom:

“Blossom, Willow, blossom, predict the groom (or bride) for me!”

Then the plant was watched, waiting to see which branch would have buds that would bloom first. If this is the branch where the thread is red, you should expect to meet in the near future; if it is green, the fortuneteller himself will have to take the first step to start a relationship. And if a branch with a white thread blooms, the fortuneteller will meet an unusual person.

Love fortune telling on Palm Sunday

With the help of this fortune telling, the girls found out whether happiness awaited them and long love with a guy.

  1. They took new mug and went to the well from which they scooped water.
  2. They dipped 2 willow earrings into it and watched how they behaved.
  3. If the earrings float nearby, then the fortune-telling girl will be inseparable from her beloved, and if apart, then love will end in separation.

Fortune telling for a wedding on Palm Sunday

Should a girl become a wife? the coming year, we found out this way.

  1. 3 willow catkins had to be chewed and the taste of this “delicacy” could be caught.
  2. If it is sweet, the girl will soon become a wife, but if the earrings turn out to be bitter, then no.

Not a single holiday was complete without love spells.

Love spells for love

Early in the morning you need to break off a small willow branch from a young tree.

We read this conspiracy:

« As long as the willow tree lies behind the icon, my husband will not stop loving me and will not forget me. Amen"

Afterwards, you had to bring the willow into your home and hide it behind the icons.

Love spell on Palm Sunday

Another option love plot was like that.

Before the sun rose, it was necessary to break branches from the young willow.

Imagining your loved one and putting all your feelings into these words, say:

“Just as Palm Sunday is a joy to the entire Orthodox world, so I would be a joy to my dear servant of God (name). Just as peasant people wait for the ringing of bells for a festive mass, so the servant of God (name) would wait for me, wait for me, look for me in the crowd of people, look out the window, look everywhere. And he would rush and rush on the oncoming path and stretch his white hands towards me. How it won't Palm holiday forgotten by the church, the servant of God (name) will never forget me. Amen"

Then the girl had to bring the twigs to her bedroom, where they would be stored until her plan was fulfilled.

Gypsy love spell for a loved one

And the following conspiracy was used not only among the Slavs, but also among the Gypsies. This love spell has enormous power.

It is necessary to break several branches of a young willow in the morning on Palm Sunday.

When you come home with them, you need to tie them with a red ribbon.

The following words are said:

“A palm knot will bind my love. As long as the knot is tied, no one will untie my love. As long as the willow tree lies behind the icon, until then the servant of God (the name of the beloved) will not stop loving me, will not forget me. Amen"

Branches need to be stored behind the icon. Under no circumstances should you throw them away, because it will be a disaster for both the fortuneteller and her loved one.

Health conspiracies

If someone was treating people, helping them, they read a conspiracy that protected them from acquiring the diseases they were treating.

You need to eat 3 palm buds and wash them down with blessed water.

At the same time, the following conspiracy is read:

“St. Paul waved the willow and drove away other people’s illnesses from me. Just as it is true that Palm Sunday is celebrated, it is also true that other people’s illnesses do not bother me. Amen"

Conspiracy for headaches and migraines

This ritual helped to cope with headaches.

You need to comb your hair thoroughly.

Then the hairs are removed from the comb and placed in a vessel with water.

The holiday of Palm Sunday dates back to the 10th century. This is the day when the Lord enters Jerusalem. The people of the city greeted him with palm branches in their hands. There are no palm trees in our area, so their branches were replaced with willow and willow branches. On this idle day there are many customs and rituals, and it is also effective to speak. What are the conspiracies for Palm Sunday?

Baba Nina - Spells for Palm Sunday and willow!

Palm Sunday. Rituals and ceremonies in working form. I recommend it to those who work for me!

Palm Sunday. Rituals for money, marriage and health!

Before choosing conspiracies and rituals for Palm Sunday, first read general rules their implementation:

  • If you want something to be added to your life - health, money, love, then the conspiracy and ritual should be carried out during the waxing moon.
  • If you want to get rid of something, and this is spelled out in the text, then the Palm Sunday conspiracy should be carried out during the waning moon.
  • It is very important to believe in what you are doing, this is the most important rule. The greater your faith, the greater the effect of the conspiracy.
  • Don't tell people about the conspiracy if it doesn't directly apply to them. By wagging your tongue, you divulge the power of the conspiracy. Don’t tell me if good omens happen to you.

Conspiracies for health

On Palm Sunday you can ask Higher Powers health.

  1. If you often have a headache, then you need to take a few hairs from your head, throw them into some water and say the following words:

    “Water, water, it’s good for you in the dark land, so go there with my sick little head, and leave me the healthy one.”

  2. When you return from the temple with a willow twig, be sure to lightly hit it on the back of someone whom you sincerely want to see healthy. It is believed that these customs will add immune strength to a person.
  3. If a woman suffers from infertility, then the traditions of this holiday say that you need to prepare a decoction from the fluffy buds of willow. You need to drink it three to four sips in the morning for three to four days and read the following words:

    “The buds of the holy willow are strong, with their power they will cleanse my body, give me health, and such health that I will soon give birth to a baby. Amen".

    The ritual must be done on the waxing moon. In addition, read prayers dedicated to the Mother of God during the week.

  4. If you want to improve your health, you need to chew three or four willow buds per empty stomach and then drink holy water, then read the following text:

    “St. Paul waves the willow and drives all illnesses away from me. After Palm Sunday, not a single illness will come to me.”

Love spells

Palm Sunday does not ignore the theme of love. Here are some conspiracies that will help you maintain warmth in a couple or attract love into your life in general.

  1. You can cast a love spell on a willow branch. Take a willow twig in your hands and say these words:

    “Darling will love me as long as this willow is kept behind the Holy Face. Don’t stop loving him, don’t forget, he’ll be the only one who’s mine. Amen".

    After this, leave the willow sprig behind the icon. This is how you can return the love of your husband or beloved boyfriend.

  2. On this idle day, unmarried girls need to pick up a large armful of willow branches and say the following words:

    “Holy willow buds, as many of you are here on the branch, let as many suitors be wooed this year. It’s good for me to get married this year.”

    When pronouncing a marriage plot, imagine the face of your future beloved husband.

  3. Here is another love plot for a willow branch. It is suitable for girls who just can’t get attention from the guy they like. Take one palm bud in your hands and say these words:

    “In a year you didn’t become mine, but in a week your eyes will suddenly open, you will see my beauty and my kind heart.”

    This willow bud should be placed under the pillow and let it lie there for three days. The magic will begin to work within a week.

Conspiracies to attract money

Of course, on this holiday there are also rituals that attract people to the house. more money.

  1. When giving alms on this day you can say:

    “For luck for you, for wealth for me.”

  2. To keep money in the house, you can make amulets on Palm Sunday. What objects could these be? These can be ordinary coins on which the text is spoken:

    “Before Easter, Saint Mary went to ask the Saints for prosperity, and the Saint sent that prosperity to everyone and will send it to us.”

    Hide the charmed coin in your wallet and don’t spend it, such amulets will attract money to your home.

  3. A powerful ritual for wealth is to put a willow in water, and when it takes root, plant it in the ground so that a tree grows.
  4. And this conspiracy is aimed at ensuring that all your debts are returned to you. To perform it you will need a box of matches and church candle. Light a candle, take a box of matches in your hands and say these words:

    “So that the sulfur from these matches will settle in your ears, the servant of God, so that you cannot hear anything until you repay the debt to me.”

    Hide the box of matches in a hiding place and wait for the debtor to return the money.

  5. This Sunday you can carry out a money conspiracy, which is proposed by Natalya Stepanova. Take a wax candle and remove the wick from it. The wick is lit on both sides at once, and the words are said:

    “The eternal fire and my eternal spirit will bring me gold, silver, and every good thing.”

    As you say these words, extinguish the wick. This wick should be carried with you as a money talisman.

  6. But here is a spell from Natalya Stepanova for water, it can also be carried out on Palm Sunday. If this holiday also coincides with the waxing moon, the power of the conspiracy will increase even more. A glass of water should be placed on the windowsill so that the light of the young moon can fall on it and the following words should be said:

    “My coppers grow with the moon, Palm Sunday itself helps.”

  7. At the end of this day, already lying in bed, say:

    “All the work is behind us, tomorrow’s work is ahead, and profit is in the middle.”

  8. Signs say that if you find small change on this day, it means that big money will soon come to your house.

Spells for good luck

And these rituals and conspiracies are performed for good luck, in all matters at once.

  1. When you walk home from church with a willow, say these words:

    “So that there is such a holy mood every day, so that there is luck like on this day.”

  2. When meeting everyone on the way from church, you can say:

    “Good luck to everyone, good luck to me.”

  3. When will you cook the food? festive table, then put a coin in one of the dishes. You can put it in a dumpling or dumpling. It is advisable that the coin goes to someone from your family, this person will bring wealth to the house.
  4. On the morning of Palm Sunday, use palm branches to sprinkle the entire house with holy water and say the words:

    “May the whole year be easy, so that all the Saints will help.”

  5. Early in the morning on this holiday, stand facing the sun, place your hand on solar plexus, close your eyes, smile and say:

    “So that it always happens the way I want.”

    After this, cross yourself three times and go to church.

  6. And there are rituals for good luck on this Sunday, which are performed before going to bed. Already lying in bed, remember everything that was good this day and say:

    “The love that is in me cannot be taken away from me. So that this love makes my every day successful.”

  7. Signs say that if you meet a man first from church, it is lucky.

Palm Sunday is the day Jesus entered Jerusalem. IN Orthodox Church this holiday is called the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. After Christ raised Lazarus, rumors about him spread through many cities of Israel, people believed that he was the king who would save them from slavery. In those days, it was customary for rulers to enter the city on a donkey. Thus, he declared that he came in peace. So Jesus did just that. And the people of Jerusalem, in turn, also, as befits a ruler, greeted the Messiah with palm branches, and some presented their clothes to Jesus’ feet.

Probably everyone Orthodox Christian at least once in your life the question arose about how the willow is connected with the fact that Christ entered Jerusalem and was greeted as a king with palm branches? This is explained by the fact that not all countries where Christianity is practiced have palm trees. Therefore, in countries they are replaced with tree branches, which are the first to bloom in the spring. Therefore, our palm branches were replaced by willow. In addition, for us this tree symbolizes virtue, renewal, new life.

Traditions and rituals on Palm Sunday

Even in ancient times, this holiday was celebrated on a special scale; festivities were held in many cities - Moscow, Rostov, Novgorod and others. However, over time, this day began to be celebrated more modestly. But some traditions exist in our time.

For example, on the night of Palm Sunday, it is customary to spend time in the church blessing the branches of the Willow, previously plucked near the nearest rivers. In the morning, it was customary to lightly hit your children with willow branches with the words: “I don’t hit, it’s the willow that hits!” Thus, parents cleansed their children from evil eyes, damage, and evil spirits. The same ritual was performed with adults. Many believed that this would help attract health, be stronger and stronger.

It should be noted that the willow branches that were going to be carried to the temple for consecration should be cut only from young trees that do not yet have dried branches or damage. Also, according to folk beliefs, on Palm Sunday you cannot take branches from trees that have hollows, as well as from those that grow next to the cemetery. It was not recommended to take branches from trees that lean over the water, because at night mermaids and mermaids could rest on them.

Also, so that no ailment or illness would take hold, people swallowed the buds of the consecrated willow. This ritual was also used to attract good luck in new endeavors. Many people in those days ate three kidneys before starting any important business.

Girls who wanted to marry a certain guy thought about this guy all day, from morning until evening. And soon they were preparing for a date.

But in order to increase their income, in ancient times people planted a flower or replanted indoor plants. It was believed that such plants bring wealth to the house. If the flower withers, then there will be no profit; on the contrary, they believed that huge financial losses would soon await them. Therefore, they tried to store and care for this flower especially carefully.

The willow branches brought from the temple were kept by the housewives for a whole year and placed in front corner hut near the icon. When spring came into its own, people used this branch to drive out their cattle. According to legends, this can protect livestock from diseases.

When the sowing season began, willow branches were always stuck into the ground in the field. So they believed that this would contribute to a rich harvest and save it from harm.

Many women tried to save the buds of this plant in case of illness. When someone in the house was unwell, the wives baked pies with willow buds, added them to water and tea, and waited for a speedy recovery.

Very often on this day, so-called palm bazaars were held, where lavish festivities were held, a variety of goods were sold and various carousels and games were held. One of the main customs of such fairs is the sale of willow cherubs (willow branches decorated with angels).

Like all the great ones church holidays, and on this day you cannot work or cook hot dishes. Therefore, women cooked for their households in advance. It is worth noting that the festive table should have been moderate, since Lent.

Spells and love spells on Palm Sunday

Like any holiday, Palm Sunday has amazing magical powers.

On Palm Sunday, girls cast a love spell on a willow tree. To do this, early in the morning they found a young willow, broke a small twig on it and said love words: “As long as the willow tree lies behind the icon, until then my husband will not stop loving me, he will not forget me. Amen". Afterwards this willow twig was kept in the house behind the icons.

There is another version of a love plot on Palm Sunday. Before sunrise, the girl must break branches from the willow tree and speak them with all faith and love: “Just as Palm Sunday is a joy to the entire Orthodox world, so I would be a joy to my dear servant of God (name). Just as peasant people wait for the ringing of bells for a festive mass, so the servant of God (name) would wait for me, wait for me, look for me in the crowd of people, look out the window, look everywhere. And he would rush and rush on the oncoming path and stretch his white hands towards me. Just as Palm Feast will not be forgotten by the church, so the servant of God (name) will never forget me. Amen". The girl should keep the charmed twigs in her bedroom until what she wished comes true.

Similar method love spell on the willow exists in gypsy magic, known for its extraordinary power. On Palm Sunday, break a few willow branches, bring them home and tie them with red braid, saying: “The willow knot will tie my love. As long as the knot is tied, no one will untie my love. As long as the willow tree lies behind the icon, until then the servant of God (the name of the beloved) will not stop loving me, will not forget. Amen.”
Place the willow branches behind the icon and never throw it away, otherwise you will ruin the life of both yourself and your loved one.

In folk magic there is a very powerful spell on Palm Sunday that helps people suffering from migraines. To get rid of holiday headaches forever, you need to thoroughly comb your hair, remove the hairs from the comb and put them in water. Then you should go to the willow, pour this water under the roots and say the charming words: “ Water, go to the ground along with the headache.”

Signs for Palm Sunday

Our ancestors believed that willow branches have healing properties. The willow was considered a magical talisman for the whole family - they touched loved ones with a twig, wishing them health and happiness, placed it at the head of the sick, applied it to sore spots, whipped children so that they would not get sick during the year and grow up healthy. On Palm Sunday, healers made various decoctions and powders from willow for a variety of diseases throughout the year. Men wore willow buds as a talisman to give physical strength boys, and girls - to help conceive a child.

According to ancient beliefs, on this day no one drove cattle out into the street, as they believed that evil spirits would definitely spoil them. And the girls on Palm Sunday always combed their hair, saying: “Water, go to the ground along with your headache.” And then they put the comb in water and watered the willow with this water.

In ancient times, they believed that whatever wind blows on Palm Sunday, it will be like that all summer, and if the weather is warm and clear on this day, then the whole village was preparing to harvest a good harvest of fruit. If “it’s frosty on Verbnaya, spring bread will be good.”

April 24, 2016 is the Feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, or the Week of Vai. People call the holiday Palm Sunday.

Palm Sunday is celebrated a week before Easter.

The magical properties of willow.

It was believed that the willow has quite magical properties. She protected people from the machinations of evil spirits, and protected livestock and crops from any disasters. That is why the consecrated willow was kept for the entire year.

There was a custom of hitting each other lightly with willow. At the same time saying:

“The willow whips, beats you to tears. I don’t hit, the willow hits. Be as healthy as a willow."

Often parents touched their children with willow so that they would always be healthy and beautiful.

They believed that the willow and its catkins had healing power. Counting good medicine for fever, they always ate exactly nine pussy willow catkins. Very sick children were bathed in water with willow branches.

It was considered a bad omen to plant willow. They said the following:

“Whoever plants a willow prepares a spade for himself” (that is, they will die precisely when a shovel can be hewn out of the willow).

A willow twig endowed all people and livestock with strong health and incredible energy, and also cleansed evil spirits and protected from all sorts of diseases.

Signs for Palm Sunday.

Associated with Palm Sunday large number folk sign and also rituals.

- you will whole healthy year, if you tap on the body with a branch of consecrated willow.

— a rather important matter will be resolved if you eat a willow bud.

- if you want your loved one to come to you, just think about him on this day.

- you will be rich enough if you plant absolutely any indoor plant in your home on Palm Sunday.

- if someone is sick or gets sick during the year, then a blessed bouquet should be placed at the head of that person’s bed.

— the bouquet will be a good amulet for children throughout the year. You can make a separate one, consecrate it and hang it at the head of the kids’ bed.

- from willow collected on the day of the holiday described, in Rus' they brewed decoctions and made powders. Then, for a year, the housewives themselves always baked bread and quietly added such powder as ingredients for the health and longevity of each family member;

- willow buds, so fluffy and cute, give strength to young men, and help a girl become a mother (conceive a child).

- if it rains or just bad weather on Palm Sunday, then this is a good omen. The sign suggests that this year you can safely expect rich harvests.

- there is such a sign about the weather on Palm Sunday: there is wind on this day, which means it will be windy all summer. The sun is shining brightly - there will be a very rich harvest of cereals and fruits, and the weather will also be very warm.

— there is a very high chance of recovery for a woman who cannot give birth to a child for a long time.

- it is on the day of Palm Sunday that all housewives bake nuts from dough and give them to all their loved ones and relatives, for health, and in this case, one should absolutely not forget about animals.

Conspiracies for Palm Sunday.

Speak headache.

To cure a headache, when combing your hair on Palm Sunday, remove your hair from the comb and then put it in water. Pour this water over the willow and say the following:

“Water, go to the ground along with your headache.”

A conspiracy for peace in the home.

Scandals and quarrels in the house will stop if you bring a consecrated willow into the house with the following words:

“Just as Palm Sunday was and is, so peace has been restored in this house.”

Love spell on willow.

To cast a love spell on a willow tree on Palm Sunday, you need to break a twig and say:

“As long as the willow lies behind the icon,

Until then, my husband will not stop loving me, he will not forget me.


Afterwards you need to put the willow behind the icon. And always remember: under no circumstances, under any circumstances, should you throw away the enchanted willow twig!

A talisman against damage.

For those who are trying to somehow help their loved ones heal, or remove damage, a talisman against interception will be very useful.

On the day of Palm Sunday, you only need to eat three willow buds on an empty stomach, and wash it down with holy water.

After that say the following:

“St. Paul waved the willow and drove away other people’s illnesses from me.

Just as it is true that Palm Sunday is revered, it is also true that other people’s illnesses do not bother me.


Rituals for Palm Sunday.

Palm Sunday is a fairly important holiday that falls directly on Lent. Another name for this event is the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem or the Jewish Passover. One of the most important customs of the holiday, which, in turn, has been preserved in modern times, this is the lighting of a willow branch in a temple early in the morning. And it is precisely many rituals on Palm Sunday that are carried out thanks to such a consecrated willow branch.

Short rituals for Palm Sunday:

- a fairly simple holiday ritual is associated primarily with willow branches. It is necessary to “put” the consecrated twig on the water, and if it floats away, then goodness and prosperity will definitely come to your home. To protect the house from fire, previously they always burned the consecrated branch of the holiday symbol. An excellent talisman for your health and peace of mind will be a consecrated branch directly stuck into the roof of the house (you can also attach it in the upper corner of the ceiling).

- in order to protect your home from thunderstorms and evil spirits, willow branches are stuck into the walls, under the windows, hung on a tree and thrown into the street. If there is a very strong wind outside, the blessed branches are stuck on the roof or burned in the oven, this ritual is performed in Belarus.

- It is considered a special sin to throw away a willow twig, just like that. The most the best way will dry the twig and then place it under the window in any vase. And thus, year after year, you will receive an incredible protective bouquet. He will directly protect not only the house from witchcraft, but also all residents. If you want to purchase new willow branches, then last year’s ones need to be burned, since they, in turn, “pulled off” all your troubles and misfortunes throughout the year. At the moment when they are burning, it is necessary to say the following: “Willow - camel, take away the poor things!”

- in order for a sick person to regain health, it is necessary to take off his clothes at midnight and then burn them. The remaining ashes must be brought directly to the hollow old willow. The disease will take the merman and drown her in the deepest pool. After performing this ritual, it was believed that the patient would definitely recover.

short ritual on Palm Sunday from cowardice. If any person wants to get rid of this deficiency, then he, in turn, must, on the holiday, upon arrival from Matins, drive a peg of a consecrated willow into the wall of his house. Carrying out such a ritual should turn a person into a hero or drive away incredible timidity.

- in the event that a girl could not get pregnant, she was always advised to eat consecrated willow cones. After all, such bumps were considered the most the right remedy from infertility.

- in order to improve your health and get rid of constant headaches, you need to perform the following ritual: the day before Palm Sunday, comb your hair, dip just a couple of your hairs in water and then pour this water on the willow. All diseases along with this water will go into the ground.

Ritual against drunkenness on Palm Sunday.

For this ritual, you need to collect a broom from exactly twelve willow branches and sweep it around absolutely all the corners in the house at noon. IN at the moment the following words must be said:

“Just as it is true that you will no longer enjoy the sun, just as dewdrops will no longer roll down your leaves, so it is true that you will rot in the damp earth, and the man of God will no longer drink wine and potion. So be it! Truly!

After the sun sets, dig a hole behind the house exactly the size so that your broom will fit there. It is when the broom rots that the sick person will be cured of drunkenness. That is why it is best to take only thin branches of the holiday symbol for this ritual.

Fortune telling on Palm Sunday.

Palm Sunday or the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem is celebrated in the Christian calendar as one of the brightest holidays.

IN Christian tradition on this day it is customary to remember how Jesus Christ on the eve of his last Easter rode into the city of Jerusalem on a donkey. The people greeted him joyfully: they sang songs of praise, waved palm branches and strewed the path with flowers. In Judea conquered by Rome, the palm tree was one of the symbols of virtue and closeness to God. But this tree does not grow here. But the willow is the first to come to life after winter and bloom, so since ancient times its branches have been used instead of palm branches. Hence the name of the holiday - Palm Sunday.

Fortune telling on Palm Sunday

To find out your future fate (regarding changes in personal life) unmarried girls the guys performed such a ritual.

On the holiday, it was necessary to pick three branches of willow with unblown buds with one’s own hands and dedicate them to the church.

At home, you need to tie multi-colored threads to the branches (a red thread on one branch, a white thread on another, a green thread on the third). Place the branches in a vase with water and read the following spell: “Blossom, Willow, blossom, predict the bridegroom (bride) for me!”

If a willow with a red thread blooms, it will soon meet you interesting guy(young woman). If with a green thread, then you yourself will become the initiator of meeting your betrothed or betrothed. If a willow branch with a white thread blooms first, then you will meet some unique person.

This fortune telling can be used by both girls and boys.

Fortune telling on Palm Sunday: for the future, for love.

The troublesome day ended with fortune telling. Girls with new mugs and cups hurried to the well. They scoop up water from a bucket, put two willow catkins into the vessel and look at them, afraid to exhale. If “fluffs” float side by side, it means that they are destined to be together with their loved ones. Otherwise, love will turn into separation.

To find out fate, a willow twig that caught one’s heart was placed in water. They talked with her, shared dreams and secrets, and complained about adversity. The willow will take root, the girl will receive fulfillment of her desires and wealth. But not before the branch planted at the edge of the garden begins to grow. Withered branch - sure sign, that some kind of misfortune threatened the girl. Only the willow “pulled it back” and neutralized it. Therefore, it was supposed to be burned as quickly as possible.

They used charms for earrings and weddings. To do this, three “fluffs” were chewed and savored. If the earrings taste sweet, the girl will soon be married. And if the flowers are bitter, live in parental home one more year. Gain beauty and health from willow.