How long does a 2 month old baby sleep? What sleep schedule should a two month old baby have?

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 5 minutes


Article last updated: 04/30/2019

The baby is growing by leaps and bounds. Much has already changed in his behavior and appearance. By two months, the baby has grown significantly and gained weight; his parents are pleased with his plump cheeks and good appetite.

The exciting topic of how much sleep a baby should have at 2 months arises before parents when they notice that something is wrong with the baby’s sleep. By this time, his routine had changed significantly, and the child began to sleep a little less. This is normal, because the older the baby gets, the less time he will spend sleeping. The baby has a lot of interesting things to do; his curiosity does not allow him to sleep carefree. However, it is necessary to continue to monitor how much time the baby sleeps during the day. It is important not to miss sleep deprivation or to prevent it in time. The normal functioning of the nervous system, proper development and growth of the child depend on adequate sleep.

In total, a two-month-old baby should sleep about 18 hours a day. Most of this time occurs at night. At night, the child rests from the numerous emotions received during daytime wakefulness.

Features of sleep at the age of two months

At the age of two months, children sleep very lightly. This is explained by the fact that their sleep is in the superficial phase. This is due to the peculiarities of the development of the baby’s nervous system at this age. The superficial phase of sleep prevails over the deep one, because the child is constantly worried about whether his mother has left. He has to constantly wake up to make sure that his mother is nearby and will come to him at the first call.

This phenomenon confirms that when mother and baby sleep together, his sleep is longer.

Also at this age it is already possible to determine the temperament of an infant. If a child is too active during the day, then he sleeps several hours less than calmer children. There is nothing you can do about it - this is how your baby’s nervous system works.

How much should a 2 month old baby sleep during the day?

During the day, two-month-old babies should sleep 5–6 hours. This does not mean that the baby should spend half a day in sound sleep. All moments when the child is sleeping are taken into account.

Typically, during the day, children at this age have two long naps of 1.5–2 hours each and several short ones of 30–40 minutes each.

Periods of wakefulness become longer, but should not exceed 2 hours. If the baby plays for more than two hours in a row, this threatens to overwork the nervous system.

Even short-term sleeps under mother's breast contribute to relaxation and relief from nervous tension. Observe the baby's behavior carefully. If the period of activity is prolonged, and the baby does not show signs of fatigue, you still need to put him to rest. During the day, the child receives a lot of information from the environment; healthy sleep is required to process it.

How long does a 2 month old baby sleep at night?

It’s too early to talk about good nights. A child of this age still wakes up to satisfy his hunger.

In total, the baby sleeps 10–11 hours at night. He can wake up for feedings every 3 hours, although some babies can already sleep for 4-5 hours at a time. But everyone still has morning awakenings.

Breastfeeding between 4 and 6 am is important not only for the baby, but also for the mother. Feeding in the early morning hours promotes the production of large amounts of milk, which allows you to maintain lactation longer.

If the baby receives formula from a bottle, he will wake up as the mixture is digested. It has been noticed that “artificial babies” sleep longer due to the fact that adapted formulas take longer to digest in the infant’s gastrointestinal tract than mother’s milk.

To prevent your baby from waking up too often at night, it is important to establish a sleep-wake schedule as early as possible.

  1. Go to bed at the same time every night.
  2. Before going to bed, bathe the child in warm water with the addition of decoctions of medicinal herbs that help relax and relieve stress (chamomile, sage, mint, lemon balm).
  3. When waking up in the middle of the night, do not play with the child or make noise, otherwise the child will think that it is time to wake up and will not want to sleep.
  4. Make sure that nothing distracts the baby from a restful sleep: uncomfortable clothes, too warm a blanket, bright light, noise, wet diapers, irritation and inflammation of the skin.
  5. Some children cannot fall asleep without their mother's breast. At this age, the connection with mom is still very strong, so you shouldn’t interfere with it. Let your baby fall asleep with the nipple in his mouth. Once his sleep is sound, carefully remove the breast and place him in your crib.

It is important not to fall asleep before the child does. There is a likely risk of his airway being blocked by the soft tissue of his chest, which could cause asphyxia and death from suffocation.

How to promote restful sleep for your baby

Many babies suddenly begin to have difficulty sleeping at two months of age. The mother rocks the child for a long time, and the baby’s sleep is short-lived; in his sleep he shudders and cries. If the disease has been ruled out by the doctor, then most likely these are symptoms of overexcitation.

This happens because the two-month-old baby received too many emotions during the day. Moreover, it does not matter what emotions they were: positive or negative. Both of them are a burden on the unformed nervous system. In addition, an infant cannot independently relax and rest his nerve cells. His parents should help him with this. Therefore, it is important to recognize the first signs of overtiredness and help the baby fall asleep on time.

Signs of emotional fatigue:

  1. The child cannot fall asleep during the day for a long time. Normally, a 2-month-old baby falls asleep 10-15 minutes after the start of motion sickness. If falling asleep takes longer, rocking, mother's breasts and lullabies do not help, then the nerve cells are in an overexcited state and it is difficult for them to recover.
  2. Putting your baby to sleep at night also requires a lot of effort and time. And at night the baby sleeps restlessly, often wakes up, and cries for no reason.
  3. At the moment of falling asleep, nervous twitching of the arms or legs is noted.
  4. During the day, such children are often capricious, do not concentrate on toys, and often look at one point.
  5. They constantly rub their eyes with their fists, the look becomes tired, and redness of the sclera may be noted.
  6. The baby began to smile rarely and cry more; it is very difficult to get him to have good emotions.

Sleep occupies one of the main places in the life of a newborn, and is no less important than nutrition, walks, and parental care. Thanks to quality day and night rest, the baby grows and develops normally. How much sleep a 2 month old baby should have is of interest to many young mothers. In the article we will talk about sleep standards (daytime, nighttime), and share recommendations for creating a daily routine for a newborn.

How long do two month old babies sleep?

Babies of two months of age sleep almost as much as in the first month of life. But, the duration of daily rest is slightly reduced. The little man is already interested in the objects around him, reacts to extraneous sounds, and becomes much more active during the day.

At two months, a baby should sleep from 17 to 19 hours a day. The quality of rest is influenced by the behavior and mood of parents. Therefore, parents should get enough sleep, despite difficulties and new worries, and show the baby how much they love him. The mother needs to stay close more often, then the baby at 2 months sleeps during the day for the required number of hours, feels the affection of the mother, feeling happy and calm.

The child sleeps superficially during the day, compared to night rest. The total amount of time spent sleeping during the day is between 6 and 8 hours. During the day, the baby falls asleep after each feeding. There is no need to worry if the baby remains alert for another 40 minutes after eating. It is important not to miss the moment when the child begins to fall asleep.

Night sleep gradually becomes longer. The older the child gets, the less often he wakes up at night. A newborn, having woken up at night and received food, usually immediately falls asleep peacefully.

How should a child sleep?

Babies at the age of 2 months are completely dependent on their parents, but mostly on their mother. Mom is always nearby, feeding, caring, telling fairy tales, singing songs. Therefore, how a child should rest at 2 months is decided by the mother, based on the norms of daily rest for children of this age.

During sleep, a newborn does not yet have a deep phase. Therefore, he can wake up due to any extraneous sound. The child senses the presence of the mother, and when she leaves the room, he begins to worry, then wakes up. Being alone in the room, a 2-month-old baby sleeps for no more than 40 minutes, then begins to cry and call for mommy. The main anxiety in children is associated with the absence of the mother and her smell.

Rest during the day

Young mothers should understand that a 2-month-old baby must sleep during the day. You can use the following recommendations to help create the necessary conditions for quality rest:

  1. Usually, a two-month-old baby sleeps 5 to 6 times during the day. Dreams during the day are divided into long and short. Long daytime sleep (2 naps) can last from 1 to 1.5 hours. There can be from 3 to 4 short dreams, and the duration of each is from half an hour to 40 minutes;
  2. short naps are often accompanied by breastfeeding. But, with such a short rest, the child falls asleep in no more than 20 minutes. Therefore, mothers are advised to leave the baby at the breast after feeding so that sleep lasts longer. If, after feeding, you try to put the baby down alone, he will wake up to find that his mother is not around;
  3. A newborn should definitely sleep several times during the day. If he is anxious in his sleep, then mommy can hold the baby near her chest during short sleeps;
  4. breaks between daytime naps of varying lengths should not be more than 2 hours. If the child is overtired, it will take more than 40 minutes to fall asleep (the norm is 10 minutes). You should not walk for too long, because prolonged exposure to air also excites and disturbs the newborn.
  5. For daytime rest, the following conditions must be created:
  6. It is advisable to determine what time to put your baby to bed at 2 months. Having noticed the baby’s eyes sticking together and the relaxed appearance of the baby, you need to immediately begin preparing for rest;
  7. create twilight during the day by hanging the curtains of the children's room;
  8. You can use light swaddling to give the baby the feeling of being inside the mother’s belly;
  9. take the child in your arms, sing songs, lull him to sleep;
  10. You can offer the breast and thus put the baby to sleep.

The duration of wakefulness in newborns up to one year is constantly changing. When determining how much sleep a two-month-old baby should sleep per day, you will have to adapt to the baby’s biological clock.

Rest at night

As for nighttime sleep, at two months of age there is still no definite rest routine. It is during this period that children become especially strongly attached to their mother. Therefore, night rest, like day rest, completely depends on mommy being nearby.

The little one sleeps peacefully at night if you follow these recommendations:

  • At first, the baby begins to doze (about 40 minutes), but suddenly wakes up and begins to look for the mother’s breast. Therefore, when the baby falls asleep, it is advisable for the mother to stay close while the 2-month-old baby sleeps for these 40 minutes. As soon as you feel the baby's deep breathing, you can put him in the crib. The baby will sleep continuously for 4 to 5 hours. If you do not maintain this interval when falling asleep, the baby will become anxious and wake up. It happens that children do not sleep at night;
  • at night the baby wakes up to feed, usually around 4, 6, 8 o'clock in the morning.

It is clear that a child of 2 months should rest at night. But, as a result of difficult labor and taking certain medications during gestation, sleep disturbances may occur. The child sleeps in fits and starts, for a few minutes at a time, and long night sleep is completely absent. In this case, you will have to stay with the child all night.

Sleep-wake schedule

Many young parents try to organize a sleep-wake schedule for their 2-month-old baby. But, in this age period it is difficult to organize a constant routine, because the child’s behavior depends on how the birth went. The baby's body is not ready for any orderly actions.

But, you can establish an approximate sleep schedule for a 2-month-old baby, which depends on the time of wakefulness, the frequency of feeding, and the individual characteristics of the child’s body. For many babies, the duration of sleep is influenced by how the birth went and whether there were any complications.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the approximate sleep schedule of a 2-month-old baby whose mother feeds breast milk. Please note that the daily routine is structured in such a way that the baby eats 6 times, and daytime rest consists of 5 naps of varying duration:

Time Lesson Description
6:00 Waking up after the night, first feeding. Mandatory washing, changing the night diaper
7:30 - 9:30 Newborn sleeps for the first time in a day
9:30 - 11:00 Breastfeeding after waking up. Preparing for a walk
11:00 - 13:00 The baby rests for the second time, preferably during a walk
13:00 - 14:30 Attaching to the breast for feeding for the third time
14:30 - 16:30 Afternoon nap
16:30 - 17:30 After waking up, feeding again. Activities with your baby: educational games during which you can sing songs and recite poems
17:30 - 19:30 Baby at 2 months sleeps before evening feeding
19:30 - 21:00 Evening feeding. During this period of time you need to prepare the baby for sleep (bathing and air procedures)
21:00 - 23:00 (23:30) Sleep before the last feeding
23:30 - 00:00 Feeding before sleeping
00:00 - 6:00 Night rest. It is believed that this is the best time interval when a newborn at 2 months rests calmly without worrying.

The baby may wake up in the middle of the night from one to several times. During short awakenings, it is necessary to feed the baby so that he can continue to rest calmly.

The data given in the table can be adjusted to suit your baby. Despite the fact that the table indicates how many hours a 2-month-old baby should rest, this does not mean that the baby needs to be fed and put to bed exactly at the indicated hours. Don't panic if your kids sleep less during the day. It is better to focus on the baby’s biological clock and feed him when he asks.

Not every young mother has the opportunity to feed her baby breast milk. If a baby grows up on artificial nutrition, then his daily regimen will differ from the routine of a newborn fed on mother's milk. The child absorbs artificial nutrition more slowly, so the time intervals between feedings increase. The daytime and nighttime sleep schedule will be the same as for breastfed babies.

Any mother needs to know how much sleep a child should sleep at 2 months in order to correctly adjust the sleep and wakefulness regime for her beloved baby.

A two-month-old baby turns his head around with great curiosity, looking closely and listening to the world around him. Excess information, emotions and physical activity quickly tire a small organism. And sleep is a wonderful way to relax muscles, restore strength and protect the nervous system from. Any mother needs to know what the normal duration of a child’s sleep is in order to correctly adjust the rest regime for her beloved baby. After all, oversleeping or lack of sleep does not have the best effect on the health and well-being of the baby.

Some age-related sleep characteristics

How long does a 2 month old baby sleep? According to average standards, two-month-old infants should rest 15–18 hours a day. But this does not mean that the baby will sleep soundly for the allotted time in his crib. The depth and duration of a baby's sleep is influenced by many factors.

  1. The nature of pregnancy and childbirth - their complicated course is the cause of the child's stressful state - he experiences a high level of anxiety and nervous tension, which does not allow him to relax and sleep soundly.
  2. Individual characteristics - at this age, the baby’s temperament already manifests itself. As a rule, active children sleep much less than calm and balanced ones.
  3. State of health - malaise or painful sensations make the baby's sleep restless.
  4. Discomfort - too hot or cold air in the room, various noises, annoying insects and wet diapers can cause restless sleep and frequent awakenings of the baby.

What happens when the baby sleeps? A two-month-old baby's sleep is shallow. The child sleeps very sensitively, controlling everything that happens around him. At these moments you can see a smile on the baby’s face, he can move his arms and legs and even open his eyes for a moment.

The reason lies in active mental activity, which does not stop for a minute. Research shows that brain cells work more actively during light sleep than during wakefulness: information received during the day is analyzed, areas responsible for memory, thinking and perception are stimulated.

The deep sleep phase is short and lasts a maximum of half an hour. At these moments, the body completely relaxes, restoring the expended strength, and begins to actively produce growth hormones.

If the baby sleeps a little less than normal, but at the same time he is cheerful and active, then everything is in order, and the time spent on sleep is quite enough to restore the body’s performance. A caring mother should be alert to lethargy, depression, lethargy, or, conversely, hyperactivity and nervousness of the baby combined with lack of sleep or increased drowsiness.

Features of daytime sleep

Two months is the time to start working with your baby. Educational games, massage and gymnastics will allow the baby to quickly get stronger, get acquainted with the world and master basic skills. But it is strictly forbidden to overload a child - The comfortable period of wakefulness for a two-month-old baby does not exceed 60 minutes. It will definitely be replaced by sleep, otherwise the baby will begin to act up from fatigue.

Remember the basic rules for rest during daylight hours for a 2-month-old baby.

  • The norm is to sleep 4 times a day.
  • Two segments must be long (at least 2 hours).
  • The other two are short (about 30-40 minutes).
  • In total, the length of a day's rest can be 6-8 hours.

Already from 2 months it is worth establishing a sleep and wakefulness schedule, alternating with the time of feeding the baby. To do this, it is better to adapt to the biological rhythms of the baby, and not to adjust them to a schedule convenient for you. Observe your baby's behavior, and the following signs will tell you that it's time to sleep:

Long sleep for two-month-old babies is best organized at 11 and 16 hours. And for short sleepy periods, the best time is 9 and 20 hours.

Sleeping in the fresh air is especially beneficial. This is an excellent way of hardening, it has a beneficial effect on the immune system, calms and relaxes the nerves.

Many outdoor babies sleep better than usual. At the same time, in the summer you should definitely ensure that the baby does not overheat, sleeps in isolation from direct sunlight, wind and drafts, and is also protected from insects and dust by a mosquito net. In winter, it is worth placing the baby in a room with an open window.

Night sleep

21:00 is the best time to go to bed. Of course, mom won’t be able to get a good night’s sleep yet, because her baby:

  • wakes up for the first time in about an hour;
  • if the mother is nearby, the baby will calm down and, after eating lightly, fall asleep for 3-4 hours;
  • He will arrange such “snacks” several more times, usually from 3 to 7 am.

The quality of sleep at this age largely depends on the type of nutrition received. A breastfed baby will sleep better in close proximity to his mother, who is ready to instantly satisfy his hunger. And these are not just whims, but a psychological and physiological need of a little man who feels one with his mother while in her womb and for some time after birth.

Formula-fed babies also wake up at night to feed. They may have some problems falling asleep, as there is no close emotional contact with their mother. But they sleep longer, since it takes longer to digest formula milk than to absorb mother's milk.

Mode failure

Sometimes a baby, waking up at night, does not want to go to bed again. And the reason is not his poor health or discomfort. The child is active and cheerful. He just wants to stay awake.

“I confused day with night,” say experienced parents. And this is true. How to return temporary landmarks to their place?

  1. During the rest period, do not darken the room or muffle normal daytime sounds.
  2. Let the waking hours be active - exercises, massage, walks in the fresh air will tire the baby during the day and ensure sound sleep.
  3. Try to make sure your baby eats well before going to bed. He will sleep until the feeling of fullness goes away.
  4. If your baby wakes up at night and is fidgeting in the crib, but is not crying, do not approach him. Hide and wait a few minutes - without receiving your reaction, the baby will most likely fall asleep again.

Show by your behavior that night is a time of silence and rest; do not turn on bright lights, do not make sudden movements, speak in a whisper. This information will be recorded at the level of the baby’s subconscious, and he will instinctively fall asleep.

How to improve children's sleep

The imperfect nervous system of infants is easily excitable. Excessive emotions and daytime experiences can cause difficulty falling asleep. The baby is tired, capricious, rubbing his eyes, but cannot relax and fall asleep. The task of parents is to calm the baby and create conditions favorable for relaxation.

If your 2-month-old child does not want to fall asleep, is capricious, cries, and often wakes up, pay attention to his state of health. Your sleep will definitely improve once you fix the problem.

There will never be such a close connection between the child and mother as in infancy. Therefore, enjoy tenderness and warmth, despite all the difficulties of this age.

Baby's sleep at 2 months: how to help your baby sleep sweetly?


Today I received an interesting letter from a reader about a small child’s sleep, and I will try to answer it in detail.

“Good time, Lyudmila! My name is Natalia, I am the mother of a two-month-old baby.

I recently listened to a recording of your seminar on children's sleep. This topic is new and unexplored for me. The thing is, I don't quite understand if I'm doing everything right. We are trying to establish a routine. My baby falls asleep perfectly immediately after a bath, this is somewhere around 20.00-20.30, but his sleep can last about an hour, and then he still wakes up. Should a child wake up and be awake in this interval from 21.00 to 24.00? And what time do you have to get up in the morning? It doesn’t work out early, because I want to sleep, but I don’t have time by 7-8 in the morning. Does the baby suffer from this? If you don’t mind, at least answer these questions briefly. Thanks in advance.”

So, how long does a baby sleep at 2 months? Are there standards?

Of course, as at any age, there are average guidelines that are worth looking at! BUT! at 2 months, the child is still very much influenced by how he is cared for - is everything soft and careful, does the child stay in his mother’s arms enough, does he receive the right amount of warmth and affection, how is breastfeeding organized?

It may be hard to believe, but if the child feels safe, and this is achieved through the actions of the mother, then his sleep becomes more restful.

A two-month-old baby sleeps restlessly and for short periods of time if he sleeps alone! This is due to the peculiarity of the brain - shallow sleep still prevails over deep sleep and the child, during the light phase of sleep, very sensitively monitors whether his mother is next to him or has left?

If you put the child in the crib and walked away, then most likely in 30-40 minutes he will definitely wake up and call you. A child's sleep at this age is short.

Most often, a two-month-old baby combines breastfeeding and sleep. So, for example, if you are feeding a baby, and he has his eyes closed, his body is relaxed, his eyelids are closed, his breathing is even and calm - we can say with confidence that the baby is sleeping under the breast. For a small child, such dreams are typical! It doesn't need to be disturbed and it doesn't need to be rebuilt!

Everything has its time! The baby will grow, sleep cycles will become longer, the baby's confidence in you will strengthen and he will be able to sleep some dreams lying alone in the crib.

However, among my clients with two-month-old babies, this situation practically never happens. Most often, children sleep either in a sling, or the mother lies nearby and the child sleeps under the breast.

Mothers often complain that their 2-month-old baby doesn’t sleep well.

This means that the child does not want to sleep alone, or his sleep is very short, 20-40 minutes.

I don't want to upset you, but that's okay! This is how a psychologically healthy breastfed baby sleeps! And you are confused by a hodgepodge of articles by authors who have never interacted with a normal baby and write that at 2 months a child should sleep 15-16 hours, and at the same time in the mind of the reading mother it is postponed that 15-16 hours SEPARATE from the mother, lying in bed.

It doesn't happen like that!

How to help a small child sleep more peacefully?

1. Track your waking hours.

It is different at every age. The older the child is, the longer he can go without sleep.

If a child overdoes it, stress hormones begin to be produced in his body, the child becomes overexcited, may cry for a long time and have difficulty calming down.

Another sign of over-walking is that the baby takes a long time to fall asleep, even while suckling. Usually a baby goes to sleep within 10-15 minutes. If a child suckles at the breast for 30-40-50 minutes and at the same time you see that he is tense, his eyelids are trembling, his arms and legs continue to move or tremble, i.e. the child will not go into deep sleep - know that the child has had too much sleep. You missed the moment when you needed to put him to bed.

At 2 months, the baby should NOT be awake for more than 1.5-2 hours.

2. Help your child relax and fall asleep.

If you see that the waking time is coming to an end and you need to put the baby down soon, take him in your arms, darken the curtains a little, and gently rock the baby in your arms. At 2 months, it is still quite possible to swaddle the baby for sleep - this helps to restore the feeling of life in the mother’s tummy and the baby falls asleep more calmly.

Offer the breast and stay close until the baby releases it.

3. Behave in accordance with the child's age.

Children grow quickly and their rhythms change greatly during the first year of life. As a mother, you should constantly be on guard and change your wake-up and bedtime times. It is also worth creating optimal conditions for the child’s development.

Just recently I took the course “My Beloved Baby: the secrets of the development and upbringing of a child up to one year old that a caring mother should know”; in the first lesson we examined in detail how the rhythms of sleep, feeding and behavior of a child change during the first year of life. I recommend watching this course. This will allow you to better understand your baby!

A baby's sleep at 2 months also has the following features:

During the day there are usually 2 long naps - this means that the baby sleeps from 1.5 to 2 hours, and 3-4 short naps when the baby sleeps for 30-40 minutes, most often without letting the breast out of his mouth! Again, I repeat - this is the norm for a baby! This doesn't need to be fixed! You just have to get over it.

Does a child need a routine at this age?

There is no point in talking about the 2-month regime, since there is none. A more or less pronounced daily routine may appear in a child older than 3 months. and before this age, the consequences of childbirth are still strong, and how you care for your child during the day is of great importance. The more impressions, stress, frustration during the day - the more disturbing the sleep at night!

Baby's night sleep at 2 months

Almost every baby wakes up 40-60 minutes after falling asleep to latch on to the breast. If mom was not around, he may wake up completely and will remain awake. Therefore, we try to be nearby at the time of this awakening, give breastfeeding, and help the child fall asleep further.

Be sure to wake up at 4, 6, 8 o'clock in the morning for feeding. These feedings continue until 2 years of age.

If there is no 4-hour night break, and the baby suckles more often, this may be normal during a difficult birth, or pregnancy with many medications taken. It’s better not to change anything here and let the child solve his internal difficulties and anxieties next to his mother’s breast.

More details about the sleep of a child under 1 year old and the reasons for waking up at night can be seen in the video “A child does not sleep well at night: how to help him?”

I hope that I was able to help you understand the question of how much a baby sleeps at 2 months, why he may sleep poorly and how to help him sleep better!

Lyudmila Sharova, lactation consultant, child psychologist.

In this article:

The first month after birth, the baby spends most of its time sleeping. As the child develops, the needs of the baby change, as well as his regime. The baby’s health, as well as the nervous system, depends on sleep, so young mothers need to familiarize themselves with how much sleep a baby should sleep at 2 months.

Knowing the approximate norms, you can adjust the regime of wakefulness and rest. Of course, each baby is individual and if he sleeps less or more hours, this should not be regarded as a violation.

Features of sleep of a two-month-old baby

At 2 months old, the baby still sleeps restlessly. During this period of life, superficial sleep predominates, that is, the baby does not sleep, but dozes. He listens to everything that is happening and, if he does not feel his mother next to him, he can immediately wake up and cry a lot.

The main task of the mother is to make the baby feel safe, then he will sleep more soundly and longer. You shouldn't expect long sleep from a two-month-old baby. On average, sleep during the day takes 30-40 minutes, in rare cases 1.5-2 hours. Night rest is longer; sometimes a newborn can sleep for 6-8 hours without waking up. He stays awake for less time than he sleeps.

A baby's sleep at 2 months is peculiar. The baby can combine feeding with rest. He suckles the breast, closes his eyes and falls asleep. And this is the norm, there is no need to try to rebuild his regime. As you grow and develop, everything will change.

Also, the sleep characteristics of a two-month-old baby are as follows:

  • During the day there are 2 long sleeps of 1.5-2 hours each, as well as 3-4 short ones of 30-40 minutes each.
  • At night, the baby sleeps longer - 2-4 hours, wakes up to eat, and falls asleep while feeding with the breast in his mouth. He should not be awake at night.

A 2 month old baby's rest time per day is 16-18 hours. He sleeps less than a month-old baby, but sleep duration increases. Moms should be prepared that the baby hardly sleeps for more than 3-4 hours at a time, even at night, so they won’t be able to get enough sleep either.

In rare cases, babies as young as 2 months sleep through the night without waking up to feed. Usually they sleep 8-9 hours straight from the age of five months.

When deviations from the norm are not pathology

If it seems to you that your baby is sleeping too little at 2 months, observe his behavior.

Signs of sleep deprivation in a newborn:

  • moodiness and irritability;
  • drowsiness;
  • poor concentration, reluctance to play;
  • poor appetite, poor weight gain.

If such symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. If a child sleeps little during the day, but remains active and cheerful, then there is no need to sound the alarm. It happens that a child is 2 months old, but he sleeps like an adult, only 9-10 hours a day. This means that this amount of time is enough for the baby to gain strength.

A similar situation arises if a child sleeps a lot at 2 months. There is no reason to worry if your baby is active and cheerful during play, he normally gains weight and height.

The duration of sleep depends on the nature of the baby. If the baby has a calm character, then, accordingly, he likes to sleep.

A child who constantly sleeps, does not gain weight well, does not grow, looks sick, and is lethargic should be seen by a pediatrician. Lethargy may indicate serious health problems.

Let's find out how much a 2 month old baby sleeps separately during the day and at night.

Night rest

A two-month-old baby's sleep at night is relatively good. If the baby falls asleep near his mother's breast, then within an hour he will wake up to have a snack. Try to calm the newborn as quickly as possible at this moment, otherwise he may finally wake up and stay awake half the night.

Normally, the duration of night's rest is 8-9 hours. The mode looks like this:

  • after the last feeding, the baby can sleep for 4-5 hours, but may wake up after 2-3 hours (if he didn’t eat well, because he was too tired);
  • The child wakes up to three times a night for snacks: at 4, 6 and 8 am.

If your baby wakes up too often to nurse, don't deny him this. This is vital for him to survive the stress after childbirth. Put him to sleep next to you.

Babies who are bottle-fed wake up less often for feedings because breast milk is digested faster.

Day rest

A two-month-old baby will sleep longer during the day if his mother is always nearby and rocks him to sleep when he wakes up.

The duration of daytime sleep depends on the silence in the room, the feeling of safety, coziness and comfort. An approximate mode looks like this:

  • rise at 6:00;
  • from 7:30 to 9:30 – morning sleep;
  • 11:00-12:00 – lunch break;
  • 14:30-16:30 – third sleep;
  • 18:00-19:00 – evening rest;
  • from 21:00 – night sleep.

During the day, the baby never falls into deep sleep, so he sleeps little. The duration can be either 20 minutes or 2 hours. The main thing is to maintain a balance of long and short daytime dreams.

There are cases when a child needs to be woken up during the day, namely:

  • the total day rest is longer than the night rest;
  • The baby sleeps for more than three hours.

What to do if your child doesn't sleep well?

There is no need to track how long your baby slept and what is the daily duration of his sleep. You shouldn’t measure your child by other kids, because he has his own daily routine.

A daily deviation of sleep duration from the norm by 2-3 hours in one direction or another is not a violation.

The only exceptions are if the baby actually stays awake or cries all day. It happens that the baby falls asleep and immediately wakes up, sleeps only in his arms or is very restless.

The reasons for this phenomenon are as follows:

  • The newborn is worried about something, for example, he is being tormented or is hungry.
  • The baby is scared of something and is afraid to be alone without his mother.
  • Nervous system disorders, including hyperactivity.

It is necessary to provide the baby with healthy rest and instill in him the skills of long-term sleep. Then he will become calmer, and mothers will rest more.

If your child does not sleep well at night, the following recommendations will help:

  • At night, a newborn should only wake up to feed, but he may wake up more often than necessary. In a dream, the baby does not control its movements. He may hit himself with his hand, get scared and wake up. To prevent this from happening, swaddle your baby. Before putting the baby to bed, wrap him in a swaddle; you can wrap only the upper part of the body and leave the legs free (if the baby does not like restricted movements).
  • Do not teach your child to fall asleep while being rocked, fed, or held. If he feels that he is not being rocked, he will immediately wake up. Try to get him to fall asleep without your physical intervention, for example, turn on a music mobile above the bed or sing a lullaby. If the baby cannot sleep without the breast, feed him. Usually, newborns go to sleep within 5-10 minutes.
  • Do not let your child stay awake for more than the prescribed amount of time during the day. The more tired he is during the day, he has experienced a lot of impressions and stress, the worse he will sleep at night.

Try to put your baby to bed at the same time every night. Don't let him cry for a long time before going to bed.

Comfort is important for a baby to have a good rest. Provide your baby with soft bedding and pajamas. A warm bath before bed will help you relax.

If a 2-month-old child does not sleep well during the day, then the reasons may be the mother’s failure to comply with the regime. Constantly monitor your baby's behavior; if you see that he is tired, but cannot fall asleep on his own, help him with this. Take the baby in your arms and swaddle him. Rock the baby a little or offer the breast, he will definitely fall asleep.

Some children sleep during the day only in the fresh air. To help your child sleep, take him for a walk outside. It is very good for health.

Remember, if a baby stays awake longer than expected, stress hormones are produced in the body. It is already difficult for him to fall asleep, despite his extreme fatigue. Overexcitation affects the nervous system, so this condition should not be allowed to occur.

Symptoms of overexcitation:

  • it is difficult for the child to fall asleep;
  • he suckles for more than 40 minutes, but is not relaxed, but tense;
  • the baby actively moves his arms and legs, his eyelids tremble during sleep;
  • the sleep is very sensitive, the child shudders at every sound.

How long can you play with your baby? The period of wakefulness should not exceed 1.5-2 hours. If a child at 2 months does not sleep at all during the day, you need to show him to the pediatrician. This indicates problems with the nervous system or serious illnesses.

A child at 2 months may not yet have developed a routine. He is under the influence of stress that he suffered during childbirth. Only the mother, with her care and attention, will help the baby during this difficult period.

Useful video about baby's sleep at 2 months