How to use Esmarch's mug? Making an enema with an Esmarch mug How to disinfect a new Esmarch mug.

Esmarch's mug is an irreplaceable thing for every person. And if this name is not known to everyone, then the word “enema” is familiar even to children. But it is important not only to know what this mug is, but also to be able to use it correctly.

Components of the device

Esmarch's mug comes in many different types and shapes. There are glass or metal cups, rubber or silicone containers, which usually have a pear-like flat shape. But, despite the differences in the upper part of this device, they are all united by the presence of a tube with a rounded tip and a clamp or tap.

Tips can also be made from various materials. The volumes and sizes of the mug vary depending on how many liters of liquid they must hold, that is from 1.5 to 4 liters.

One of the main causes of constipation and diarrhea is use of various medications. To improve bowel function after taking medications, you need to do it every day. drink a simple remedy ...

Purpose of the Esmarch Cup

The mug received its purpose in two areas: gynecology (for vaginal douching) and proctology (for intestinal lavage).

Colon cleansing is not used naturally in the following cases:

  1. To prepare the patient before intestinal surgery.
  2. Before or after childbirth.
  3. Before carrying out or other intestinal examinations.
  4. For constipation.
  5. As a method of losing weight and removing toxins from the body (which is a rather dubious indication, since normally the body copes with this on its own).

But remember If the intestines get used to being cleansed only with outside help, then health problems may appear, so it is better not to use such cleansing unnecessarily.

Women perform vaginal douching to:

  1. Get rid of the symptoms of thrush.
  2. Carry out cleansing with herbal remedies for certain diseases.
  3. Administer medications for treatment.

Instructions for use

To properly use Esmarch’s mug at home, you need to read in detail the instructions included in the package, and then act or follow the following steps:

  1. Connect all parts of the device to each other: attach a tube with a tap to the bulb, and if there is none, then clamp the tube. Attach the insertion tip tightly to the tube.
  2. Close the tap tightly and pour in the required amount of liquid.
  3. Release the air from the tube by moving the liquid so that it does not enter the body.
  4. Hang the heating pad at a height of at least 1.5 m on a stable tripod.
  5. The nozzle must be lubricated with special lubricant or Vaseline.
  6. At the end of the procedure, all parts of Esmarch’s mug must be thoroughly disinfected.


How to properly cleanse the intestines?

This procedure can be carried out both at home and in a medical facility. The beauty of Esmarch's mug is that you can do it yourself at home, and without the slightest difficulty.

Important so that the liquid is warm, since cold water will cause cramps in the intestines, and very hot water will begin to be absorbed immediately.

To avoid discomfort, it is better to comply with this requirement. But what to do next?

After the device is assembled and installed on a tripod near the bed, you must:

  • take a lying position or a knee-elbow position, which is more suitable for this;
  • insert the lubricated nozzle into the anus in a circular motion 5-7 cm deep;
  • gradually open the tap;
  • wait until there is a minimum amount of water left in the heating pad and immediately turn it off to prevent air from entering the intestines;
  • lie on your back and allow the liquid to distribute evenly throughout the intestines;
  • after 2 minutes, turn over on your side and lie down some more within 15 minutes;
  • defecate on a vessel;
  • disinfect all parts of the enema.

However, this miraculous remedy cannot be used in the following cases:

  • you experience weakness and headaches;
  • there are inflammatory processes in the rectum or large intestine;
  • stomach hurts;
  • there are problems of the cardiovascular system.

How to do douching?

The introduction of fluid into the vagina should be carried out evenly and carefully. The water temperature should be from 37 to 40.

They use Esmarch mug No. 2, since it is designed for 1.5 liters of liquid.


  1. take a lying position, bend your legs towards you;
  2. insert the tip into the vagina 5 cm;
  3. It’s easy to open the faucet, but not all the way;
  4. irrigation should be carried out for 15 minutes with a small stream of liquid;
  5. close the tap and lie down for another 10 minutes.

The Esmarch mug used for douching should not have been previously used for intestinal lavage. It is best to use a disposable product for this.

Contraindications to douching:

  • menstruation;
  • prenatal and postnatal period;
  • pain or bleeding from the uterus;
  • It is advisable not to use during pregnancy, or only at the insistence of a doctor.

Treatment after use

This process is not difficult at all. Disinfection is carried out with potassium permanganate or acetic acid, then washed with water. Previously, the tips were boiled, but now they are made of silicone, so they are processed like the entire device.

Where to buy Esmarch's mug?

This device can be purchased at absolutely any pharmacy, as well as in an online store. It is relatively inexpensive, and the price varies depending on the size of the cup (the number indicates the volume). Esmarch's mug No. 1 stands from 160 to 200 rubles, Esmarch Mug No. 2 – from 180 to 230 rubles, and Esmarch's Mug No. 3 – from 150 to 240 rubles

You can purchase both a disposable product and a reusable one. It’s up to you to decide which one is more convenient.

My dear girls!

It’s no secret to any of you that before welcoming our dear guests, we try our best to bring shine and beauty to our home. We clean, polish, wash... in a word, we prepare.
So let's get down to cleaning our dear body!

First, we need to prepare thoroughly. For this we need:
1. Esmarch mug;
2. Fat cream/vaseline (for the tip of Esmarch's mug and lubricating the anus);
3. Boiled/settled water in an amount of 2-3 l;
4. Natural apple cider vinegar(the result of natural fermentation of apple juice, and not its chemical analogue), or lemon juice, or beet juice, or garlic water (I opted for vinegar);
5. Patience and endurance.
That's probably all.

Next, I would like to draw your attention to the following aspects:
1. How to choose the right Esmarch mug: what should you pay attention to?
2. How to properly prepare a mug before use?
3. How to properly prepare the solution for administration?
4. Correct technique for cleaning the intestines (breathing exercises, exercises, schedule of procedures).

How to choose the right Esmarch mug: what should you pay attention to?

The popularity of Esmarch's mug is explained by its affordability, as well as the fact that this device does not cause allergic or toxic reactions and is reusable. You can buy Esmarch's mug at any pharmacy kiosk or in specialized medical stores. The price varies depending on the manufacturer and modification.

Widely represented on the market two types of rubber heating pads: A, that is ordinary And Bcombined. Besides, mugs vary in size: product No. 1 accommodates 1 liter of water, №2 1.5 liters of water And №3 2 liters of water.

The designs of Esmarch mugs can also be different: on sale you can find devices with and without faucets, with different types of tips (hard and soft), with built-in bushings, plugs, screw closures with through holes.

How to properly prepare a mug before use?

Before use, the mug must be thoroughly rinsed. boiled water with soda, rinse and pour boiling water over it. We process the tips in the same way.

How to properly prepare a solution for administration?

You will need about 2-3 liters of water, which must be prepared in advance. The water temperature corresponds to room temperature (about 18 ° C). It enhances intestinal motility. It is recommended to add 1-2 tbsp to the water. spoons of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice; You can dissolve a pinch of citric acid. You can also add beet juice or garlic water. Garlic contains biologically active components that inhibit the growth of pathogenic microbes.

Garlic water

1 clove of garlic, 1 glass of water.

Chop the garlic, add cold water, leave for 3-4 hours, strain and pour into the prepared solution with apple cider vinegar (2 tablespoons per 3 liters of water). The prepared water is poured into Esmarch's mug.

It is better to use settled or boiled water for enema.
And yet, We will carry out this procedure every day for the first week. Subsequent ones based on the schedule discussed in the next subparagraph.

Correct bowel cleansing technique (breathing exercises, exercises, schedule of procedures).

Cleansing with an Esmarch mug is a very effective way to cleanse the intestines, which allows you to empty it quite deeply and completely. The best time for the procedure is 5-7 am, which corresponds to the natural biological rhythms of the body.
The procedure is carried out in various body positions: lying on the left or right side with legs tucked to the stomach, squatting, kneeling with emphasis on the elbows (knee-elbow position), lying on the back. Before the procedure, the tip of the rubber hose is lubricated with cream, Vaseline or vegetable oil to facilitate insertion. The air must be released from the tube. To do this, raise and lower the tip relative to the mug until water flows and turn off the tap.

Insert the tip very slowly and carefully, especially if there is inflammation or fissure of the rectum, hemorrhoids. After inserting the tip to a depth of 20 cm, open the tap and let the water flow freely. It is very important to breathe correctly so that the abdominal muscles relax. Breathe deeply through your nose and exhale briefly through your mouth. Proper breathing will allow more water to enter the intestines. If you feel severe pain in the intestines, but have not yet poured in all the water, then turn off the tap on the hose and lightly massage your stomach in a clockwise direction so that the liquid is better distributed throughout the intestines. Then continue the procedure, since all the water needs to be introduced.

When the water runs out, remove the tip. Place a pad of thick material on the anus, which will retain fluid in the intestines. Now comes the hard part. You should try to hold the water in yourself for at least 7-10 minutes, and it is recommended to perform the following series of exercises: lie on your stomach and start slowly rolling from side to side, then stand in a knee-elbow position and do the “cat crawling under the fence” exercise ", return to the starting position and make retracting movements with your abdominal muscles several times. Repeat this set of exercises 3-4 times.
Girls, I’ll make a reservation right away, it will be very difficult the first time and you won't be able to hold the water for so long, but the game is worth the candle. After the third time everything will go like clockwork

When you run out of time or it becomes completely unbearable, go to the toilet. There you need to massage your stomach to achieve maximum bowel movement. If, when stroking under your fingers, you feel transfusion and gurgling, then not all of the water has come out. Don't do an enema if you don't have enough time. It is very important that exactly the same amount of water comes out as you poured into the intestines. It is unacceptable to leave even a small part of the liquid inside: the remaining part will be absorbed with feces through the intestinal wall and will cause even more harm.

After a correctly performed procedure, you should feel lightness and emptiness in your intestines. However, if you feel that there is still a lot of feces left, then you need to fill the mug with water again and repeat the procedure.


1st week - daily enemas
2nd week - every other day
3rd week - in 2 days
4th week - in 3 days
5th week - in 4 days
6th week - in 5 days
7th week - in 6 days
8th week and subsequent - 1 time per week.

In addition to enemas, you can use a less radical method: drink 1-2 tablets at night. "Bisacodyl" (there are both tablets and suppositories).

An enema using an Esmarch mug has a number of contraindications. These are exacerbations of chronic intestinal diseases (colitis, hemorrhoids, proctitis), infectious diseases with high fever, severe headache, weakness, nausea, and indigestion. You should also refrain from taking an enema if you have hypertension, heart or kidney failure, after a recent heart attack or stroke, or any surgery. Women are not recommended to undergo the procedure during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or menstruation; for gynecological diseases (for example, vaginal prolapse), for acute abdominal pain.

To prevent the feeling of fullness from being so painful, it is recommended to achieve natural bowel movements before starting the enema.
For chronic constipation, before administering such an enema, the rectum is first emptied. To do this, using an Esmarch mug (or a rubber bulb), 0.5 liters of water is injected into the rectum and immediately released. You can repeat the procedure 2-3 times (according to your own feelings). Then add water to Esmarch’s mug and do a full enema.

I wish everyone good luck and patience

PY. SY. In order to prevent the intestinal microflora from being washed out, we replenish it with healthy ones. That is, we take bifido- and lacto-bacteria in the form of capsules "yogurt", "Linex", "Narine" (Lactoflora), "Simbiter", "Bifidum bacteria" and other drugs. Depending on what suits you specifically. For myself, I chose Lysobakt.

Humanity has been using few medical devices for more than 200 years, without changing its essence too much. The enema (called after him) invented by the German surgeon Friedrich Esmarch is one of these devices. Over time, with the introduction of new materials, its appearance has changed, but in general it is the same device as two centuries ago, with the same name.

What is an Esmarch mug?

The most popular device used for sanitary and hygienic procedures at home (gastric lavage, douching) is the Esmarch cup. Initially, it was a glass or earthenware container for liquid with an outlet tube. A modern Esmarch mug is a device made of plastic, rubber, silicone (medical steel is occasionally used). The outlet tube is made of rubber or plastisols. New models are equipped with a faucet; older analogues used a clamp.

This is a reusable device, easy to maintain and assemble. Esmark mugs with a capacity of 1.5 - 2 liters are very popular (the volume can be another 3-4 liters). For the convenience of users, the neck is open, which makes it easy to pour the enema solution into the cup. The pharmacy set includes, in addition to Esmarch's mug, a tube, faucet, nozzles, and instructions. The materials used for manufacturing are not destroyed by solutions of potassium permanganate or acetic acid for disinfection. The service life of an Esmarch cup is 2 years, storage time is 3.5.

How to use Esmarch's mug

You can do enemas or douching using this device in a medical facility or at home. It’s easy to give an enema to an adult yourself; you can choose an enema mug in a catalog, buy it in an online store or in any pharmacy, the price is affordable. The procedure does not take much time, the main thing is to do everything correctly. If the procedure was prescribed by a doctor, you must use the specified composition for it. For prevention, you can douche with water or herbal solutions.

If you don’t know how to use Esmarch’s mug correctly at home, let’s look at the whole process step by step:

  • it is necessary to print and assemble the device;
  • close the tap or clamp the tube;
  • pour the amount of solution required for this procedure;
  • release air from the tube;
  • the tip for Esmarch's mug is lubricated with Vaseline, oil or a special cream with an anesthetic effect;
  • the heating pad is suspended at a height of 1.5 meters from the patient;
  • After the cleaning procedure, the system is disassembled and disinfected, and the mug is washed.

How to assemble Esmarch's enema mug

Before starting the procedure, you need to prepare a solution for administration and take a comfortable position. To assemble Esmarch's enema mug correctly, you need to:

  • open the package;
  • The enema mug must be properly secured: it must be hung on a tripod or any stand at the desired height (from 75 cm), and a tube with the tip attached must be attached. You can make a homemade tripod;
  • the tap is turned off and the solution is poured in;
  • the tip is treated with lubricant.
  • the device is ready for use.

Douching with Esmarch's mug

The Esmarch cup was widely used in gynecology. It is used to introduce fluid into the vagina. This procedure is performed for therapeutic and preventive purposes. Douching with an Esmarch mug should be carried out correctly with a liquid with a temperature of no lower than 37 and no higher than 40 ° C. It is necessary to take a lying position with bent knees. Before starting the procedure, the outer labia are treated with cream or Vaseline.

Douching mug No. 2 is used. Its volume is 1.5 liters, the set includes a special tip for the vagina. The bowl is attached to a height of at least 75 cm from the position of the substituted vessel. The tip must be inserted very carefully, to a depth of up to seven cm. The tap does not open completely at first to avoid vascular spasms, then the stream becomes stronger. The procedure takes 15 minutes.

There are scientifically based contraindications under which douching with the Esmarch device cannot be performed:

  • the presence of acute inflammatory processes of the genital organs;
  • period of the menstrual cycle or pregnancy;
  • the first few weeks after childbirth, surgical interventions, including abortion.

Enema with Esmarch's mug

Colon cleansing is carried out when constipation occurs, before childbirth or surgery. Many girls decide to regularly cleanse their body in the fight against excess weight in order to look attractive. There is one threat here - addiction may occur when the body refuses to cleanse itself without outside help.

An enema with an Esmarch mug is performed in two ways: in the supine position and according to Hegar. The main difference in these methods is the patient's posture. In the second case, the procedure can be carried out directly in the bathroom, which makes it easier to give yourself an enema yourself. The procedure must be carried out as follows:

  • pour the solution and secure the bowl at a height of 1.5 m from the injection point;
  • attach a rubber hose to get rid of excess air in the system;
  • process the tip;
  • take the desired position: stand on all fours, lean securely on your elbow with one hand, and carefully insert the treated tip into the anus with the other;
  • open the tap, place your hands on the support and bend your head;
  • During the procedure, you need to take as deep breaths as possible;
  • after filling the intestine with water, close the tap and lie down for 15 minutes;
  • disinfect the device.

Cleansing the body is useful as a means of healing and as a method of treatment, but here too the main rule of medicine is to do no harm! The cleansing course should not be long. Esmarch enema is prohibited if there are contraindications:

  • general weakness and severe headache;
  • third degree hypertension, problems with the cardiovascular system, hypertension;
  • acute pain in the abdominal cavity;
  • bleeding of the large intestine;
  • oncology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • during the rehabilitation period after a stroke or heart attack;
  • during menstruation and when breastfeeding.

How to choose an Esmarch mug

If you need such a kit for one-time use, it is better to buy a disposable one (sterile or not). It's inexpensive. You can choose the right mug based on its main use, by number. It denotes its size and volume, cost. The best combination of price and quality from the following manufacturers: Alpina, Alfaplastica, Apexmed. They are sold in any pharmacy, in addition, you can order and buy on the Internet. Often a melamine sponge is purchased along with the device.

Price for Esmarch's mug

How much does Esmarch's mug cost in a pharmacy?

No. 1 (price in rub.)

Many modern medical devices that seem so commonplace today were truly revolutionary in their time. A striking example of this is the Esmarch mug. What is it?

Basic enema tool

Esmarch's mug (photo below) is a medical device for carrying out such a well-known procedure as an enema.

As a rule, this instrument is used when large volumes of liquid (1-2 l) need to be introduced into the intestines. In other cases, rubber bulbs of various sizes are used.

What does it consist of?

Over more than a century of its existence, this instrument has not changed much. Except for the materials from which it is made. Today it is rubber, plastic and silicone.

A traditional Esmarch mug consists of the following components.

Combination heating pad

Often, another medical device can act as an Esmarch mug - a rubber heating pad, which would be more correctly called a combined one. It differs from the usual one in the configuration. In addition to the plug itself and the plug, the set includes a hose with a tap and a tip.

Thus, in normal cases, a heating pad can and should be used for its intended purpose (to warm or cool). And in case of urgent need, it will perfectly replace Esmarch's mug.

For one time

The types of this tool described above are intended for repeated use. However, there are also disposable Esmarch mugs on sale.

Unlike ordinary ones, they are sterile and are used in special cases. There are varieties with a ready-made drug inside.

The history of the Esmarch mug

A medical procedure such as an enema was invented by the ancient Egyptians and was actively practiced by other peoples. Initially, its purpose was to combat constipation and cleanse the intestines. However, it was soon discovered that its walls are capable of quite well absorbing various substances administered rectally. This discovery made it possible to use the anus for purposes other than its intended purpose. Medicinal and even nutritional enemas were practiced, as well as alcoholic and opium enemas.

But while some experimented in search of new pleasures and rejuvenation, others continued to work for the benefit of humanity. Among these scientists was the German surgeon F.A. Esmarch. During his long life, he participated as a medic in many wars. He made many important discoveries, without which modern medicine would not have appeared. He was one of the pioneers of asepsis and antisepsis, improved methods of bleeding blood vessels and actually became the founder of future nursing institutions.

It was this outstanding person who came up with the idea of ​​using a suspended vessel. His innovation was a real breakthrough. The fact is that before Esmarch, an enema was done using a piston mechanism, reminiscent of a large metal syringe. It was not only extremely inconvenient, but also small in capacity. So the procedure had to be done several times.

The innovation quickly migrated from military field medicine to conventional medicine. Doctors highly appreciated the convenience of the new device, and it soon replaced its piston predecessor and has not lost its position to this day.

How to do an enema with an Esmarch mug at home

The design of the device in question, as well as the procedure performed with it, are so simple that they can be carried out with equal ease in medical institutions and at home. The algorithm is quite simple.

How to care for your instrument

The above article describes how to use Esmarch's mug. But how to care for her? You need to follow a number of simple rules.

  1. After each use, all parts of the instrument should be washed with soap. Even if just water was used for the enema.
  2. The tip should also be sterilized. However, this procedure is best carried out immediately before use.
  3. After cleaning, all parts of the instrument should be allowed to dry and only then put them in a bag or box.
  4. Like any rubber products, it is better not to store Esmarch's mug in too warm or cold places, as this can lead to premature wear.

Contraindications for use

When should this device not be used?

  1. Allergy to the material from which it is made or components of the enema fluid.
  2. Children under 13 years of age are prohibited from using the Esmarch mug. Only rubber bulbs are acceptable for them.
  3. Kidney diseases.
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

In addition to the above, the attending physician may find other reasons. In any case, even if you yourself cope well with Esmarch’s mug, and there are never any problems or contraindications, you should periodically check with a doctor. The fact is that regularly giving yourself enemas is harmful. Because of this, the intestinal microflora is destroyed, and the intestine itself begins to be “lazy.”

It is known that the great lover of such cleansing, the Marquise Pompadour, at the end of her life brought her body to the point that she herself could no longer go deep. So if you still practice so-called “beauty enemas,” then do them at least no more than once a week.

The modern rhythm of life, stress, unbalanced nutrition, digestive disorders - all these phenomena lead to improper intestinal motility and untimely bowel movements. As a result: unhealthy complexion, pain and bloating, symptoms of general intoxication. The most urgent method of therapy in this case would be to administer an enema using an Esmarch mug. We’ll look at how to use this device yourself in the article.

Esmarch's mug is designed for various solutions and douching. It is a rubber or silicone reservoir with a volume of 1.5–2 liters with a long hose and several types of tips. 150 years ago it actually looked like a ceramic or glass mug; the invention was created by the German surgeon Esmarch. The purpose of creating this device was the preoperative preparation of the patient’s intestines and the treatment of its obstruction. Today it is used as a heating pad, for enemas and douching. This device is easy to find in any pharmacy, purchase and use at home.


Modern manufacturers present a fairly wide range of these products. The choice depends not only on quality and appearance, but also on the purpose and modification of the product.

Mugs Esmarch are different according to the following parameters:

  • Volume - the product is presented in three types and corresponds to 1l, 1.5l and 2l;
  • With or without a tap (creates additional ease of use, there is no need to pinch the hose);
  • Types of tips (depending on the purpose of the mug and the age of the patient, they are presented for adults and children, soft and hard);
  • Material – rubber, silicone, plastic;
  • Frequency of use - reusable and disposable.

Indications for use

An enema can be administered both in a hospital setting and at home. Main indications for manipulation according to the instructions for use:

  • Emptying the intestines with special solutions administered using an enema before surgery or diagnostic colonoscopy;
  • Cleansing the lower intestines before self-cleansing delivery;
  • Included in the therapeutic complex for the treatment of constipation;
  • Treatment of enterocolitis (after preliminary cleansing of the intestines, medicinal solutions are administered rectally for local effects);
  • Used as detoxification therapy for poisoning;
  • Vaginal douching with medicinal solutions for inflammatory and fungal lesions of the pelvic organs.

An easy-to-use device will help you perform an enema or cleansing procedure at home.


There are a number of contraindications and restrictions to the use of such a harmless, at first glance, device. The main ones are:

  • Acute inflammatory process of the rectum and anus;
  • Rectal tumors;
  • Diarrhea of ​​unknown origin;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • Symptoms of acute abdomen, intussusception (strictly as prescribed by the surgeon);
  • Ulcers and bleeding in the intestines.

Douching with non-sterile solutions is prohibited during: menstruation, after curettage of the uterine cavity, operations, pregnancy.

Enema solutions

Depending on the purpose, enemas are classified:

  • Medicinal - the peculiarity of this enema is the administration of drugs that will enter the blood through the walls of the intestinal vessels, bypassing the effects on the liver or acting only locally on the mucous membrane. The intestines are first cleaned, and then a medicinal micro enema can be given (since the volume of administered drugs does not exceed 50-100 ml).
  • Hypertensive - the enema has a mild laxative effect, without increasing intestinal motility. Prepare a warm solution of 5-10% sodium chloride or 20-30% magnesium sulfate.
  • Oil enema - this enema is used for long-term constipation. The treatment is based on warm administration (sunflower, hemp, Vaseline).
  • Starch - used for acute colitis, significantly reduces intestinal motility, envelops and softens the mucous membrane. A warm solution is introduced with the addition of a small amount of starch (potato, rice, corn, wheat).

There are standards and dosages for preparing these types of enemas. It is recommended to do this after consulting a doctor.

Self-administering an enema

Carrying out an enema will not be difficult or require any special skills - you just need an Esmarch mug and a solution. You need to prepare the necessary liquid from warm water, medicinal decoction, saline solution or manganese in advance. The mug is filled with the necessary solution, after closing the tap on the hose or, if it is missing, squeezing it. Lubricate the tip with oil or Vaseline and take knee-elbow position, insert it into the anus to the required depth. Open the tap or clamp and fill the intestines with the solution.

After this, you need to lie on your back or on your right side (for better flow of the solution into the ascending and transverse sections of the large intestine). Additionally, to better stimulate intestinal motility, you can retract and relax the abdomen. You need to lie in this position for more than 5 minutes. When you feel the urge to defecate, you can go to the toilet.

Unreasonable and frequent use of enemas can be harmful to your health. All solutions are capable of washing out the natural microflora and bacteria beneficial to the body, as a result of which the intestinal mucosa is irritated, followed by the formation of erosions and ulcers, and mechanically injuring the rectum.


It is very convenient to irrigate the vagina with specially prepared medicinal solutions or herbal tinctures using an Esmarch mug. Having previously washed the external genitalia, the woman takes a lying position with her knees bent in the bathroom or placing a bedpan under her. The mug filled with the necessary solution is placed at a height of 0.5–1 m above the level of the pelvis. A sterile vaginal tip is inserted and the hose tap is opened. Start douching with low pressure, then gradually increase it. Upon completion, remove the tip and process the product.

Proper enema treatment

Esmarch's mug is a reusable product; in order to avoid infection and make its service life longer, it must be properly disinfected and processed. After use, the container and hose are washed with soapy water several times, rinsed in clean water and washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The disposable tip must be recycled. If the tip is reusable, then it is pre-soaked in a soap solution, rinsed with running water and then boiled for 3-5 minutes. The device is ready for further use and should be stored in a clean place.


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