How to overcome fear of surgery. How to deal with the fear of surgery under general anesthesia

I am undergoing surgery (laparoscopy) to remove a dermoid cyst from the ovary. I am very afraid of anesthesia, panicky. The fact is that I already had a bad experience with anesthesia. I wanted to scream in pain, but I couldn’t even open my eyes. Miraculously, I managed to move my leg - the surgeon noticed and ordered additional anesthesia. I still felt everything, but I couldn’t move anymore. I have never experienced such pain. And what doctors say about patients during surgery is better for no one to know. Just some animals. In the end, nothing was found or cut out from me, but the horror remained and interfered with my life.

Alena, 25 years old

It's a pity that you found yourself in such an unpleasant situation with anesthesia. She seems to have severely damaged your ability to trust doctors. If you are prone to introspection, you can think about why this happened to you and what lesson you learned. What exactly did fate want to convey to you by placing it on the hospital table to the “animal doctors”?

You may find it easier to prepare for surgery if you do three things. First: before the operation, it is best to get to know the operating doctor to whom you will be assigned, and, if possible, the anesthesiologist. Tell him about yourself, your worries, show him your individual human nature. Then, during the operation, the likelihood that you will be treated as an abstract, insignificant body will be significantly reduced. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, but it is worth trying, especially if your operation is planned and not emergency.

Second: treat the memories of the previous operation as nightmare. A nightmare that wakes you up at night. Do this exercise: play it in your head, or better yet, tell it out loud several times everything that happened - voices, sensations in the body. Just instead of what the doctors actually said, imagine that they are telling you compliments, words of approval or support. They stroke you and generally take care of you in every possible way. It's difficult, but you need to use the power of your imagination.

To reduce the risk of recurrence nightmare, spend 2-3 days before surgery indulging your ego and body. Do what you love, what gives you genuine pleasure: both for the soul and for the body. It is desirable that these be a variety of exciting activities.

Third: often helping to overcome fear is having a super idea, the achievement of which requires an upcoming operation. This could be the idea of ​​healing a diseased body, the idea of ​​preserving reproductive function or the ability to bear and give birth to healthy children.

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It’s a pity that you didn’t write your name, it would have been easier to communicate!..

I’ll tell you as a surgeon with 30 years of experience.

In all my work, I have never seen a single patient who was not afraid of surgery. If a person is mentally healthy, then, of course, he is afraid of surgery, afraid of pain, the unknown, afraid of complications, etc., etc. It's completely normal to be afraid of surgery. If someone is not afraid of surgery, then there is clearly something wrong with his head, and he does not need a surgeon, but a psychiatrist...

Here you need to turn on rational thinking. Surgery is the only option you have to get rid of your disease. Surgery is the method by which you will get rid of the disease forever. You have probably been treated with medications and found that they only provide temporary relief. And the operation, especially if done on time, will save you from the enemy who is hiding inside you and waiting to deliver the decisive blow. Believe that your doctor is interested in a favorable outcome of the operation no less, or even more, than you! Since you have known your doctor for a long time, since you trust him, then everything will be fine! When a patient trusts his doctor, everything works out in the best possible way! I have been convinced of this many, many times over all the years of work.

In the meantime, be sure to tell your doctor and anesthesiologist about your fears and worries. All this can be relieved with mild sedatives. Your insomnia and tears in your pillow will only interfere with the normal outcome! This must be eliminated! IN preoperative preparation psychological preparation of the patient is also included. So warn your doctor. And at least drink regular Valocordin, 30 drops at night and 1-2 times during the day, 15-20 drops - this should help you.

Don't worry so much! This will not bring you any benefit, and there will be much more harm.

And you had to prepare for the operation, and for any troubles in life, in advance, strengthening your spirit... But now, apparently, the situation is not the same, and there is no special time...

If you believe in God, then ask Him to protect you from everything bad that may happen, ask your guardian angels to be with you and help you cope with fears, pains and all troubles... To those who believe in God , in this regard it is easier... the feeling of protection always helps, in any situation.

However, even if you don’t believe, then ask God to help you. I have seen more than once how prayer from the bottom of my heart worked miracles... Patients were saved who should not have survived according to any laws of medicine. And my personal faith was strengthened precisely by these examples...:)))

In general, hang in there. Trust your doctor and listen less to your roommates and the stories they tell." good people"In the department - they will tell you something that will make your hair stand on end - the imagination of patients works great! Remember that each person has his own destiny, and the bad things that happen to others do not necessarily have to happen to you.

And let me tell you that the likelihood of complications after surgery is, on average, about the same as the likelihood of getting hit by a car on the street. But do you go out into the street without tears or fears?..

Hold on, don't be afraid, everything will be fine!

Good afternoon. I was interested in your answer “It’s a pity that you didn’t write your name, it would have been easier to communicate!.. I’ll tell you, as a surgeon with 30 years of experience...” to the question http://www.. Can I discuss this answer with you?

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How to get ready for surgery? A routine vaccination or going to the dentist can make a person nervous. Fear of surgery is a normal psychological reaction. The individual does not know what awaits him ahead, what the surgeon’s intervention will be. Before you understand how not to be afraid of surgery, you need to understand what exactly the fear arises from. This could be force majeure, the rehabilitation period, or reluctance to stay in hospital next to other patients. Such a phobia is difficult, but it can be overcome.

Main reasons for fear

The most common reason for fear before surgery is a lack of information. A person cannot imagine what exactly the intervention in his body will be like. Not all doctors want to share details and descriptions of the disease and mechanisms for eliminating it. Doctors do not always have time to talk with a patient, since there is a queue of patients in the corridors. For some medical specialists, it is difficult to tell the average person what the disease is and why it occurs. All this causes misunderstanding and fear.

People often get the impression that doctors are soulless people. They don’t care about the problems of an individual, they do not always strive to help, they can easily cause harm to health in order to finish their work as quickly as possible. In practice, everything looks different. The medical officer has a plan for receiving patients, he took an oath that he would save people's lives and improve their physiological health. Therefore, such fears are far-fetched and unjustified. If necessary, you can have a heart-to-heart talk with a psychologist or psychotherapist. It is not the doctor's responsibility to talk to the patient.

It happens that a person knows too much information about his disease.

Most often, the search comes down to studying information written on the Internet. In practice, to make an accurate diagnosis, the patient needs to undergo a series of tests, which will then be analyzed by several medical specialists. Only after this can you find out what kind of disease the patient has and what treatment methods should be used.

Psychologists also advise you not to watch videos on the public network that show details operational process. There are a number of professions in which the sacrament must be preserved. A person’s consciousness may simply not tolerate what he sees, and phobias instantly develop. Medical specialists did not immediately come to carry out operations; their psyches were prepared (they spend more than 6 years at the university, study the structure of organs in detail, and attend autopsies). All this is not at all necessary for the average person to know.

How to get ready for surgery? Fear of surgery is often associated with anesthesia. This is another kind surgical intervention into the body. It causes panic. Some people think that the anesthesia may not work, there will be painful sensations that are incompatible with life. In practice, the process is monitored experienced anesthesiologist, it has indicators that determine the readiness of the patient’s body for surgery. Additional fears are associated with the consequences of anesthesia. A small percentage of people believe that it is possible not to wake up after a drug-induced sleep (these are very minimal risks compared to driving a car).

How to get rid of the fear of surgery

The patient has the right to choose to accept or refuse the operation. When a surgical intervention on the body is established by a council of doctors to save a life or improve health, the person must refuse the operation in in writing. This way, doctors will not be held responsible in case of an accident or unforeseen circumstances.

How not to be afraid of surgery? Why is there fear before surgery? In most cases, you just need to deal with the causes of fear. A person may be aware that a medical facility high level services, large number satisfied clients, high level of training of medical specialists. Despite the minimal risks, the patient continues to be haunted by internal anxiety.

To get rid of such a phobia, it is enough to tell yourself about the need to improve your health. Sometimes it is impossible to do without surgical intervention. You need to try to cope with your emotions, write down rational arguments on paper, and re-read them several times.

Here's what you can do to minimize fear of surgery:
  • read prayers;
  • being distracted by extraneous matters;
  • weigh risks;
  • think positively;
  • do not escalate the situation;
  • take sedatives.

Prayer is one of the most simple ways get rid of phobia for those who believe in higher powers. For skeptics, this method will not bring much benefit. It is absolutely not necessary to go to church and light candles. It’s enough just to pray, ask for help, health and patience for yourself.

The most unpleasant time is the evening or night before surgery.

How to overcome fear? It is important not to be alone with your own thoughts. It is best to ask your loved ones to come visit, talk about pleasant topics, or go to the cinema or theater. There is no need to withdraw into yourself or dwell on negative thoughts.

A small percentage of the operation is due to force majeure circumstances. It is worth treating this as the structure of the world and nature as a whole. You won't be able to control everything. This fear can only be combated by collecting as much information as possible about the clinic and medical specialists. Please note, due to medical error Only one patient per 250 thousand people dies. That is, the chances of dying for this reason are reduced to almost zero. The patient has a much higher chance of passing into another world due to the lack of therapeutic measures regarding his illness.

Positive thinking can help overcome fear of surgery. You need to try to think only about good things. It is important to force yourself to replay exclusively pleasant memories in your head before going to bed, and not to focus on the upcoming surgical intervention. You can try to visualize how life will change in positive side after the operation.

For example, if a person is about to have his appendicitis removed, then one can imagine going to a restaurant or visiting entertainment venues. At gynecological surgery It is advisable to think about future births and pregnancy.

Under no circumstances should you escalate the situation.

It is advisable not to seek information about force majeure during the operation, how death occurs and for what reasons. You need to tune in to a positive wave.

If none of the above points help, then you can just drink sedative. It will stimulate deep sleep, will improve overall physical and mental health patient.

Suitable means for taking inside the body are:
  • chamomile;
  • St. John's wort;
  • mint;
  • fireweed;
  • linden.

Please note that before taking such herbs, you must consult your doctor. It happens that the patient experiences allergic reaction, or the simultaneous use of several drugs is contraindicated.

How not to be afraid of what will happen during and after the operation? The answer is obvious - just relax, forget about the bad, trust the doctors and yourself.

If a person is in the hospital before an upcoming surgical intervention, then you can walk along the floors of the medical facility and talk with other patients. Information about how other people struggled with their fears may be useful; you can ask how patients feel after surgery, whether the experience was worth it. So much it will pass faster time, and there will be no room for negative thoughts.

Physical preparation for surgery

Before the upcoming surgical intervention, it would also not be superfluous to physical training patient. It is worth adhering to a few simple rules:

  • do not drink alcohol several months before surgery;
  • try to smoke as little as possible;
  • follow the diet prescribed by the doctor;
  • do not use perfumes and decorative cosmetics;
  • use internally only those medications prescribed by the doctor;
  • measure and record your own temperature and pressure every morning.

In order not to be afraid of surgery, you just need to not let fear into your mind. It's important to remember that surgery carried out by a team of doctors and nurses. If there is a reasonable fear that the specialist will not cope with the task, then it is better to seek help from another surgeon. At unreliable analyzes, you can always undergo a re-examination. How not to be afraid of accidents? It is important simply not to focus your attention on this fact. You just need to accept that this happens in the world, but it affects individual lives.

To get rid of fear as soon as possible, experts advise telling your doctor about your phobia. It happens that patients hide facts from their anamnesis. They do not provide information about transferred venereal diseases, injuries. Before setting the day for surgery, the patient can realize what he has given medical specialist false information. In practice, this can lead to negative consequences.

There are fearless people who are ready to go under the knife without any rational explanation as to why surgery is needed. Here we're talking about about those who are obsessed with plastic surgery and adjusting individual parts of the body. Such people are not afraid of anything. It is their fear that is often false, since an unjustified operation (without appropriate medical indications) can significantly worsen your health.

Basic rules for preparing for surgery

How not to be afraid of surgery? First of all you need to purchase psychological health, calm down, try to achieve a state of peace. The patient needs to clearly understand that the operation will have a positive effect on his body and will help him function better. The sooner surgical intervention occurs, the better for the patient.

It is worth preparing not only from a moral point of view, but also from a practical point of view. It is important to choose a clinic where experienced specialists work. This will increase the chances of a favorable outcome of the event. If this is possible, then you need to undergo preoperative preparation.

It consists of the following steps:
  • Providing necessary tests to the attending physician before surgery.
  • Refusal bad habits several weeks or months before surgery, depending on your health condition and the complexity of the procedure.
  • Changing your diet towards dietary foods.
  • We must remember that every day thousands of people undergo surgery. This is how they take care of own health. Those patients who do not know how not to be afraid of surgery should pay attention to the recommendations.

    It is important to be confident that the doctor has the appropriate competence to carry out the procedure. The outcome of treatment will be positive, practically excluded side effects. You need to believe in yourself and not doubt the presence of internal strength in order to recover safely after surgery.

    A few days before surgery, the patient may seek psychological help(such people usually give parting words and set the mood for a positive wave). Additionally, experts advise using an audio player with relaxing music, watching comedies, and reading jokes. The patient will benefit from reading positive feedback about the operations performed, about the clinic itself and the doctors. The most important thing is that there is no need to fantasize and visualize the negative consequences of the operation. Any medical officer First of all, he strives to help the patient, not harm him.

    Even before regular vaccination or before going to the dentist, people sometimes feel nervous. Fear of surgery is a normal human psychological reaction to something unknown that lies ahead. What can we say about surgical intervention? Moreover, it is not always possible to understand what exactly we are afraid of: force majeure, rehabilitation period, reluctance to be in a hospital... Usually this is just an internal fear that constrains the whole body, which is not easy to overcome. What to do and how to calm down before surgery?

    Possible reasons for fear of surgery

    The most common cause of fear is the lack of information about upcoming surgery. After all, not every doctor openly talks with the patient, explaining to him his diagnosis, the need for surgical intervention and warning him about the consequences. And this is not because surgeons are soulless or inhumane. It’s simply their duty to save lives and improve a person’s physiological health. And emotional conversations are the prerogative of psychologists.

    The second reason is the opposite of the first: the patient’s excessive awareness of his diagnosis. What do we do when we want information? 8 out of 10 people go looking for it on the Internet, which may not always be useful. After all, today on the Internet you can watch candid videos showing the progress of the operation, or read horrific stories about how it all happened. Result: fear arises, developing into panic.

    Anesthesia is another aspect of surgery that causes fear in people. Moreover, some are afraid that the anesthesia will not work and it will hurt them. Others fear the negative effects of anesthesia. The fear of the third is not waking up from a drug-induced sleep at all.

    Ways to get rid of fear before surgery

    The patient always has a choice: agree to surgery or refuse it. In the second case, taking into account the fact that the doctor or a council of doctors has clearly established the need for surgical intervention, you will need to write a written refusal. This will relieve doctors of responsibility in case something happens to your health or life.

    It is extremely undesirable to refuse surgery, but sometimes the reason for the reluctance to agree to it is precisely fear. Those. a person understands that the clinic is worthy, operating team experienced, and the risks are minimal, but some kind of internal anxiety does not allow me to give consent.

    The most logical and sound advice to overcome the fear of surgery - try to understand that surgery is the only way to improve your health and, possibly, save your life. But this is precisely the problem. Often, a person understands with his head that surgery is necessary, but cannot cope with his emotions. What to do and how to get ready for the operation?


    Skeptics will probably skim this paragraph now, but it is thanks to prayer that people really manage to relax and overcome their fear of surgery. It is not necessary to go to church, call the priest or search for texts of prayers on the Internet: just turn to God the way you know how. Sincerity and a bright spiritual message will help you overcome fear and gain faith that everything will be fine.

    Get distracted

    The most unpleasant time– this is the evening and night before the operation. A hospital patient is left alone with his thoughts, and fear automatically awakens in him. To prevent this, you need to find something to do. Watch a comedy or your favorite talk show, read a fascinating book, solve a crossword puzzle. Basically, do whatever keeps your mind occupied.

    Weigh the risks

    If the cause of fear is precisely the fear of force majeure situations that may happen during the operation, then you need to think about it with a cool head. After all, only one in 250 thousand people die from anesthesia or a medical error, and almost every first person dies from a ruptured appendix.

    No matter how hard a person tries to distract himself, before going to bed he still involuntarily thinks about the upcoming operation. It’s impossible to force yourself not to think, but switching to something more joyful is quite possible.

    Think about how your life will change after surgery. If this is the case, you can think about the fact that you will soon be able to bite the seeds again. If you have to gynecological intervention, the patient can dream about a full life and conceiving a child.

    Don't push

    Particularly impressionable people should never enter queries like “death during surgery” or “the surgeon left a scalpel in the patient” into the browser search engine. The Internet can be used in other ways: watch a good movie, listen to music, play an online game. For the same reason, there is no need to organize an evening of horror stories with your colleagues in the hospital ward on the topic “ dire consequences surgical interventions."

    Drink a sedative

    Chamomile, St. John's wort, mint, linden, fireweed - decoctions of these herbs have a beneficial effect on nervous system, allowing you to relax and not think about problems. If the fear is very strong, you can take a sedative.

    Attention! Taking any sedative or herbal medications before surgery should be discussed with your doctor.

    If you know how to overcome your fear of upcoming surgery, help your roommates. Perhaps they are very scared, but they are afraid to show it and worry alone with themselves. They need your support.

    Physical preparation for surgery

    Besides psychological mood actual readiness for the upcoming surgical intervention is also important. You can ask your doctor about this. Usually this means following simple rules:

    • do not smoke or drink alcohol;
    • follow the prescribed diet;
    • do not use decorative cosmetics and perfumes;
    • observe drug treatment only those medications prescribed by the doctor;
    • keep a diary of morning body temperature, blood pressure etc.

    There is essentially nothing to be afraid of. After all, nothing depends on you during the operation itself. Everything is done by a team of doctors and nurses. Although, there is such a thing as reasonable fear, i.e. not internal emotional, but having specific explanations. In this case, you need to change the circumstances. For example, if you know for sure that your doctor is bad specialist(the facts prove this), then you can contact another surgeon. If you receive invalid ones, you need to retake them. Feeling unwell may also cause the surgery to be postponed, so do not be afraid to tell your doctor about it.

    Complete frankness with your doctor will help you avoid fear of surgery. What does it mean? Sometimes patients hide some intimate information (transferred venereal diseases, for example), do not consider it necessary to say something or simply forget to report some fact from their anamnesis. And then, when the day of the operation has already been set, the person begins to realize that the doctor made a diagnosis and prescribed treatment without having complete information. This is a completely reasonable and understandable fear that can turn into real unpleasant consequences. Therefore, before it’s too late, you should definitely talk to the doctor again.

    Perhaps the most fearless people can be called those who deliberately go under the surgeon's knife for no apparent reason. We're talking about people who do plastic surgery, adjusting body parts. Can we say that they are not afraid of anything? Hardly. Simply the desire to change, to be transformed dulls the feeling of fear. It’s the same with conventional operations: you need to understand that this is a necessity that will make you healthier, relieve you of illness, and you will be able to heal full life. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of surgery. You need to be afraid of what could happen to you if surgery is not performed on time.

    Fear accompanies throughout life: it is expressed in simple phenomena or in fear of a crucial event. Anxiety determines behavior and habits.

    Fear of surgery is an irrational fear, but not as groundless as most phobias. The person does not understand what is happening and has no control over the situation, so to cope obsessive thoughts before surgery it is very difficult for him.


    It is normal to feel anxious before a major operation. It's natural defensive reaction psyche facing the unknown.

    Reasons for fear:

    • fear of the unknown;
    • fear of pain;
    • fear of medical negligence;
    • fear of consequences.

    Uncertainty about medical workers- these are beliefs obtained as a result negative experience. He forces you to avoid in any way medical institutions, refuse the necessary examination. The frightened man postpones the operation. Such fear is harmful and allows the disease to progress.

    Effect of anesthesia

    The operation is performed under general anesthesia while the patient is unconscious. Losing control is frightening, and it forms the basis of intense fear.

    Under anesthesia, a person does not evaluate behavior medical personnel. He is unable to influence the course of surgery. It is difficult for people who do not trust anyone but themselves to undergo surgery with anesthesia. They are closed and demanding.

    Fear and mysticism

    Another reason for fear is the belief that the soul is not attached to the body in unconscious. The patient is afraid of losing this connection and delays surgical intervention. Some believe that under anesthesia a person gets closer to fine line between life and death.

    They need a consultation with a psychologist who will help them cope with the cause of their fear.

    Getting rid of fears

    To overcome the fear of complex operation, you need to understand what it is. Fear is a reaction to possible threat. Fear does not appear without a reason. It requires a foundation that creates internal tension.

    You can get rid of the fear of surgery by:

    • work on thinking;
    • consultation with a psychologist;
    • informative conversation with medical staff;
    • physical and psychological preparation.

    It is important for the patient to tune in to positive results and reassure loved ones.

    Working on your thinking will help you not only survive surgery, but also prepare for rehabilitation.

    The right attitude

    The preoperative period includes a long, step-by-step examination of the body. All this time the person is preparing for the operation. If serious concerns arise, the patient should consult a psychologist.

    It is a common practice for cancer patients or people with serious illnesses to mandatory are under the supervision of a psychologist.

    For such patients, illness is a physical and moral test.

    Therapy and auto-training

    To overcome fear, you need to trust the surgeon. Cognitive therapy is used to combat persistent phobias or suppressed fears. behavioral therapy and auto-training.

    Behavioral therapy is based on replacement incorrect settings. The fear caused by the thought will go away if the person reanalyzes it. Behavioral therapy is carried out by a psychologist who conducts a frank dialogue with the patient, but does not force the correct conclusions.

    Studying the details of the future operation

    It’s scary for a patient who doesn’t understand what’s happening to him. He can seek help from a surgeon and allay possible concerns. If he's afraid of anesthesia, he should find out everything possible risks and complications after surgery. Such information destroys fear based on the fear of the unknown.

    For the operation, anesthesia is used in an individual dosage. It is administered using a simple injection and is painless for the patient. Advantages of the procedure with the introduction of anesthesia:

    • lack of sensitivity during surgery;
    • immobility;
    • relaxation of the whole body.

    Along with such advantages, it stands out psychological factor: While a person is unconscious, he cannot experience fear or strong excitement.

    The doctor controls the progress of the operation, so before performing it you should find out about his qualifications and experience. Do not be afraid to show curiosity: the fewer questions the patient has, the easier it is for him to cope with the fear of surgery.

    Disadvantages of anesthesia

    A conversation with an anesthesiologist will help you learn about the risks. The main danger anesthesia is an attention disorder. Patient in postoperative period be sick. Dizziness and confusion occur periodically.

    Headaches are accompanied by dry mouth and a feeling of confusion. These side effects of anesthesia are not life-threatening and are temporary. About possible negative consequences The patient will be warned to avoid unnecessary stress and fear during the postoperative period.

    Proper preparation

    Overcome the fear of complex surgery general anesthesia will help the right approach to the operation. This is a forced manipulation to get rid of the disease.

    The patient undergoes a body examination. The results of such diagnostics are a prognosis, like will undergo surgery and what to expect from it. On the eve of the operation, a conversation is held with the surgeon. He talks about all the details of the intervention and answers all the patient’s questions. At this stage of preparation, the authority of the surgeon is crucial.

    Psychological attitudes

    Preparing for surgery is a necessity. The less stable the patient is, the more time he needs to psychological preparation. How to reduce the level of fear before surgery:

    • get distracted, do a monotonous task that requires attention;
    • talk with loved ones and relatives;
    • draw up a rehabilitation plan;
    • come up with a small ritual that will serve as a signal to calm down.

    The patient begins to delve into his own anxious thoughts if he has nothing to do. Boredom is a favorable environment for the development of fear. On the eve of the operation, the patient needs to take free time reading, playing games or watching interesting films. If he doesn't have time to think about possible consequences, the internal tension will go away.

    Conversations with loved ones have a beneficial effect. These are people who know how to calm and support a patient. Planning for the near future, after surgery, will allow you to get used to the idea that anesthesia and surgery are only one of the stages of recovery. The inner attitude in such situations is very important.

    Prayers and rituals

    It is not so important what a person believes in, what is more important is what this faith gives him. If it is easier for him to place the outcome of the operation on God, then prayer will help eliminate fear. It is useful to associate certain phenomena with favorable signs.

    The patient’s immediate environment may participate in unique rituals. You shouldn’t allow fanaticism in this matter, but an additional incentive won’t hurt. It shifts some of the assigned responsibility onto someone else, and thereby reduces fear.