Why do bruises occur after a massage? Hematomas after massage - is it good or bad?

Flawlessly smooth and even skin is the dream of all women. But unfortunately, many of them are familiar with such an aesthetic problem as cellulite. It can be effectively dealt with. Anti-cellulite massage is often used to eliminate this defect of the skin surface. However, sometimes unsightly bruises appear on the body after the procedure. You need to figure out whether this is the norm.

What is anti-cellulite massage

In order to cope with cellulite, you need to know where it comes from and what causes its development.

It is known that subcutaneous fat is located under the skin. With a uniform layer of fat cells, the skin surface will be smooth. But sometimes fat cells begin to grow. Some of them protrude outward, and tubercles appear on the skin surface.

Such large cells not only squeeze out the skin from the inside, they also impair blood flow and lymphatic drainage, resulting in congestion, metabolic disturbances, and toxins accumulating in the body. All this leads to even greater accumulation of fat and deformation of subcutaneous fat.

If the necessary measures are not taken in time, the process will become irreversible, and cellulite deposits will only increase every year. Therefore, one of the ways to combat orange peel is anti-cellulite massage.

When fat cells grow, they bulge outward and characteristic bumps appear on the skin.

The purpose of this massage is to accelerate blood microcirculation and enhance lymph outflow, which will restore natural metabolism in the subcutaneous fat tissue. It should be noted that anti-cellulite massage also helps restore skin elasticity. Over the years, the production of collagen in the human body decreases, which serves as a kind of framework that supports the skin from the inside. Thanks to collagen, the skin surface retains its firmness and elasticity. When its amount decreases, the skin becomes flabby and thin, it begins to sag, and cellulite tubercles appear even more.

Types of massages against cellulite

Massage can be done manually or using special devices.

The following hardware procedures are known:

  • LPG massage (vacuum roller);
  • pressotherapy;
  • cupping massage;
  • vibration massage.

Each of the hardware massages is aimed at improving lymph flow and blood circulation.

Manual anti-cellulite massage involves the use of stroking, rubbing, pressing and pinching. At the same time, the skin warms up, lymphatic drainage and microcirculation become more intense. In addition, manual massage opens the pores of the skin and removes stagnant fluid through them.

Where do hematomas come from?

Until recently, it was believed that after an anti-cellulite massage bruises were bound to appear, and the darker and wider the bruise, the more effective the procedure was. But in fact, this is a wrong judgment. The presence of a bruise indicates that the vessels were damaged during the massage, and blood from them entered the space between the cells. The more vessels were destroyed, the more pronounced the hematoma will be.

According to professionals, large bruises after a massage from cellulite deposits occur for the following reasons:

  • inexperience of the specialist. During the manual procedure, the master applied too much pressure to the skin, which led to rupture of blood vessels, or the wrong mode parameters were selected for the hardware massage;
  • a physiological feature of the body when blood vessels have weak walls, or they lie almost on the surface of the skin;
  • some types of massages using vacuum technology.

Bruises during manual massage are considered a normal consequence only in the case of the first “acquaintance” with the client’s skin.

Video: what do experts think about bruising after anti-cellulite massage?

In what cases are hematomas acceptable?

You should know that sometimes bruises after a massage are considered a natural phenomenon. First of all, these are procedures in which activation of lymphatic drainage and blood flow occurs under the influence of vacuum.

Vacuum cupping anti-cellulite massage: should there be bruises after

In the vacuum cupping procedure, massage is performed using jars in which a vacuum is created. Under its influence, the skin is drawn into the cups, and the processes of microcirculation and lymphatic drainage are activated in it.

When the skin is pulled into the cup, blood flow and lymphatic fluid movement increases

The appearance of bruises after cupping massage is explained by stagnation of blood and loss of vascular elasticity, as a quote from a specialist colorfully illustrates.

Indeed, bruises after a cupping massage remain, even when the procedure was performed professionally. The reason is stagnation of blood and the fact that individual capillaries have lost their elasticity. Stagnant blood seeps through the thin walls, forming a hematoma. Unlike traumatic hematomas, there will be no crushed tissues or “burst” capillaries, so there is no need to be afraid of bruises after cupping massage - it is harmless and non-hazardous.

Specialist at the SlimBar body correction center in Moscow, Olga Pisenok


According to professionals, after the cupping procedure in the bruise area, blood and lymph circulation increases, congestion in the capillaries is eliminated, and the cells begin to receive more oxygen and nutritional components. As a result, the skin gains elasticity and becomes less lumpy. The resulting hematomas may disappear as early as 2 days after the procedure. However, this period can be as long as 2 weeks, since everything depends on age, the condition of the blood vessels and the degree of congestion.

Honey massage

In the fight against cellulite deposits, honey massage is often used. During the procedure, honey is applied in a small amount to the cellulite tubercles. Then the specialist places his hand on the treated area, the palm sticks to the honey layer, and then the hand abruptly breaks away from the skin surface.

A kind of microvacuum is created in the subcutaneous space, under the influence of which the lymph flow increases and blood circulation accelerates. But at the same time, some blood can leak through the weakened walls of the vessels into the extracellular space, and small bruises can form.

Since the nature of the origin of hematomas during a honey massage is fundamentally different from the reasons why bruises appear due to illiterate conduct of other types of massages, namely from rupture and injury of capillaries, the appearance of small bruises is considered normal in this case. Resorption of hematomas occurs without negative effects.

Traditional recipes against bruises

In our century of high technology, traditional medicine still retains its popularity. After all, the proposed remedies really help to quickly get rid of hematomas.

Cold and warm compresses

Immediately after bruising occurs, a cold object (frozen food, ice, etc.) should be applied to the skin. Cold stops injured vessels, which stops the flow of blood into the space between the cells. Applying cold compresses will not remove the hematoma as such, but will prevent its growth, which will facilitate further removal of the bruise.

The next day after subcutaneous bruises appear, warm compresses should be applied to them. Heat enhances microcirculation, which accelerates tissue restoration.

You can use a cloth as a warm compress. It needs to be heated with an iron and covered the bruise.

Attention! If, after an anti-cellulite massage, swelling appears along with hematomas, heat can be used only after the swelling has subsided.

Advice from the author. For warm compresses, you can use regular table salt. It must be heated over low heat, stirring constantly for 3–5 minutes. After this, the salt should be poured into an ordinary cotton sock and applied to the bruise.

Warm compresses are used every 2–3 hours, and the procedure should last 15 minutes.

Cabbage and plantain leaves

White cabbage and plantain are often used in folk medicine. They also effectively eliminate hematomas.

Plantain is widely used in folk medicine

Plants are used as night compresses:

  1. The cabbage or plantain leaf should be washed and lightly beaten with a blunt object. The leaf will soften and release some juice.
  2. Wrap the sheet with gauze.
  3. Apply a compress to the bruise.
  4. Secure the sheet with a bandage or wear tight-fitting clothing.
  5. Leave the bandage on until the morning.

Onion pulp

Onions contain burning substances that warm the skin and accelerate microcirculation, which promotes the resorption of bruises.

To prepare the remedy you should take:

  • medium-sized onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.

Grind the onion in a blender or meat grinder. Add salt to the resulting gruel.

  1. Fold the gauze in 2 layers.
  2. Transfer the resulting onion mixture into cheesecloth.
  3. Apply the product to the bruise.
  4. After half an hour, remove the compress.
  5. The procedure must be done 2 times a day.

Usually on the fourth day the skin lightens.

Potato starch mask

To prepare a remedy for bruises, you need to mix starch (1 tbsp) and water (1 tbsp).

Starch-based mask eliminates bruises

The procedure is done as follows:

  1. Apply the resulting composition to the bruise.
  2. Wash off the mask after 30 minutes.
  3. The mask should be done morning and evening.

Vinegar against bruises

Many consumers claim that recipes containing vinegar can quickly get rid of the darkest and largest bruises.


  • vinegar - 100 ml;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • iodine - 3–5 drops.

The process for dealing with bruises is as follows:

  1. The components need to be mixed.
  2. Dip a cloth into the resulting solution and then squeeze lightly.
  3. Apply a compress to the problem area.
  4. After 30 min. remove the napkin from the skin.
  5. The compress should be done twice a day.

Iodine mesh

A cotton swab should be slightly moistened in an iodine solution (drops of iodine should not fall from it). Carefully, without pressing, draw a grid on the problem area. It's better to do this at night. According to the author’s personal observations, the iodine pattern will practically disappear by morning. This shows that the healing process of injured tissue has begun.

White clay product

White clay contains many minerals that contribute to the disappearance of bruises. In addition, this component whitens the skin.


  • white clay - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix clay and vinegar until a paste forms. Then do the following:

  1. Apply the resulting composition to the skin surface.
  2. Wait until the clay hardens completely.
  3. Wash off the mask with warm water.
  4. Repeat the procedure after 2 hours.

Composition with horseradish root

Horseradish has warming properties, which helps eliminate bruises.

Horseradish root has warming properties and promotes the resorption of bruises

To prepare the medicinal composition you will need:

  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • melted butter - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • grated horseradish root - 1 tsp.

All ingredients are combined and the resulting mixture is applied to the bruise. After half an hour, the product should be washed off with warm water.

Camphor compress

Camphor is known for its warming properties, which helps stimulate blood flow. For compresses, you can use camphor alcohol or oil.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. The camphor remedy must be heated to 38 °C.
  2. Soak a cloth in the mixture.
  3. Apply to the bruise and secure with cling film.
  4. The compress should remain in effect throughout the night.

Ready-made preparations to combat bruises

Those who do not like to bother with preparing anti-hematoma compounds at home can use ready-made products from the pharmacy.

Badyaga is a freshwater sponge, the skeleton of which consists of a looped network of thin silica needles, which have an irritating effect on the skin and activate microcirculation and outflow of lymphatic fluid. Therefore, badyagi powder is considered the No. 1 remedy for bruises and is used in various creams and ointments against bruises.

Treatment of hematomas using badyagi powder is carried out as follows:

  1. Pure badyagi powder is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2.
  2. You need to moisten the cosmetic disc in the solution.
  3. Apply the disc to the hematoma and secure with a bandage or plaster.
  4. The application should be left for 12 hours.

The freshwater sponge badyaga has a skeleton with a needle-like structure

In addition to badyagi powder, products based on it effectively cope with bruises:

  • Badyaga 911 - applied to the problem area with light circular movements up to 3-4 times a day;
  • Badyaga Forte - used 3 times a day. After application, 20–30 minutes. the remaining product should be washed off with warm water;
  • Express Bruise - applied up to 5 times a day. If the cream was applied within the first 2-3 hours after the bruise appears, the hematoma will disappear within 48 hours; if treatment is started after 24 hours, the skin will take on a natural color after 72 hours.

Preparations based on badyagi effectively cope with hematomas

The active ingredients of the medicinal gel are leech extract and pentoxifene, which thin the blood and accelerate its circulation. Treat hematomas with Bruise-Off gel as follows:

  1. Apply the product to clean, dry skin using gentle movements.
  2. After 5–10 minutes. The gel will be completely absorbed, so in case of severe bruising, the product can be applied a second time.
  3. Repeat the procedure up to 5 times a day until the hematoma disappears.

The main effect of the gel is aimed at enhancing blood microcirculation

The active components of Heparin ointment help eliminate blood clots, as well as dilate blood vessels. Thanks to the effect of the product, bruises quickly disappear.

Heparin ointment should be applied 3 times a day.

The active components of Heparin ointment eliminate blood clots

The action of troxevasin is aimed at reducing swelling and pain, improving cellular nutrition processes and eliminating hematomas. In addition, the main ingredient of the gel - troxerutin - easily penetrates the skin, reduces the permeability and fragility of capillaries and strengthens their walls, which prevents the appearance of bruises during subsequent procedures.

Troxevasin should be applied to the bruise 2 times a day.

Troxavasin ointment reduces vascular permeability


Gel Lyoton helps reduce swelling and quickly eliminate bruises. Its components have an anti-exudative effect on blood vessels, that is, they reduce capillary permeability and prevent blood from entering the intercellular space.

The drug not only reduces the permeability of capillaries, but also strengthens their walls

The name of the cream-balm for bruises was not chosen by chance, since the drug contains many ingredients that help thin the blood and accelerate blood flow. The “rescue team” includes camphor, ginkgo biloba extract, badiaga, lavender extract and many others.

The drug has high penetrating ability, so its use helps to quickly get rid of hematomas.

Cream-balm Emergency is applied 2-3 times a day to problem areas until the bruising completely disappears.

The product contains many components that eliminate bruises

How to get rid of bruises after anti-cellulite massage

It is easier to prevent any problem than to get rid of it later. Therefore, before deciding on anti-cellulite procedures, you should take certain measures:

  • choose a competent specialist who has positive reviews of his work;
  • if the vessels are fragile by nature, the massage therapist must be notified about this so that he can initially adjust the force of action on the skin or select the appropriate mode on the hardware massager;
  • with high capillary fragility, it is necessary to enrich your diet with foods with a high content of vitamins C and K, zinc (nuts, apples, berries, fatty fish, pomegranate, grapefruit, flax oil);
  • if you are prone to bruising, it is recommended to avoid massages using vacuum technologies (cupping, LPG, etc.);
  • 5-6 days before the start of the course of procedures, you need to stop taking blood thinning medications. This will prevent blood from leaking through the thin walls of blood vessels during vacuum massages.

Myths about massage

How often can you hear from a person who has just left the massage therapist’s office that no one has ever given him such a bad massage? And he motivates his words by the fact that the massage therapist, in his opinion, was simply stroking his back; there was no smell of massage there, because it didn’t hurt at all. And here is the first myth. It’s no secret that many people believe: the more painful the massage is, the better the salts are broken down, which means it’s healthier and better. And if, when performing the second massage procedure, the back has not yet had time to move away from the first, full of bruises, then this is an indicator of the high skill of the massage therapist. And the fact that the body hurts, as if it had been beaten with sticks all night, is nothing, you just need to be patient.

And the second myth: The larger the massage therapist himself, the more strength he has, which means the massage will be at the highest level. And if the massage therapist is a fragile girl, then there is no faith in her. This is a big misconception, because a true professional works not with strength, but with technique and clearly controlled movements. In addition, a person’s strength does not always depend on his weight.

How to choose a massage therapist

  • Massage is, first of all, a medical procedure that should be performed not just by a person who has completed a course somewhere, but by a medical professional who must have completed a specialization or courses in this profile. Only such a specialist knows all the correct execution techniques, knows where to press and where absolutely not. He knows not only the indications for this procedure, but also the contraindications, and, you know, there are quite a few of them. Knows the direction of the lines along which the massage session is carried out. Captures such nuances that a specialist without a medical education will not understand.
  • There is no need to look at the appearance and dimensions of the specialist.
  • Don't pay attention to the floor. The fact that men give massage stronger, and therefore better, is an unfounded opinion.

The truth about massage

The entire massage procedure consists of 4 main techniques: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration. They must proceed in strict sequence; the result and usefulness of the procedure depend on this. Only the kneading technique is accompanied by the use of force. That's why, If a massage therapist obsessively kneads his back without stopping, then this is not a sign of his strength and skill. This rather shows that he does not perform the massage technique , and, therefore, there will be no proper therapeutic effect.

Looking ahead it must be said that There shouldn’t be much pain during and after the massage procedure! Pain is not an indicator of the skill of a massage therapist. It's quite the opposite. But to understand this, you need to understand a little. Well, let's try. When a person lies on a massage table, he must be relaxed. This is very important. Here, the air temperature in the room, the warmth of the massage therapist’s hands, and the skillful, light, sliding movements of the specialist play a role. After all, a massage therapist works with his hands; by touch he determines places of excess tension and tightness on the body or, conversely, feels reduced muscle tone. And he is already working more diligently on these problem areas. And here the question arises: how can a person relax if he is in pain, if the touch of a massage therapist’s hands causes him discomfort? There is only one answer - no way! Of course, his muscles will tense even more, trying to protect himself from pain. And they will become like a stone wall. What kind of deep muscle training are we talking about here? Naturally, nothing. The massage therapist will certainly do his job, but the person will not receive any benefit or pleasure from the procedure, because he will lie and groan the entire session. And it’s not so bad if it’s a free procedure. What if not? The money was paid, but for what?

There are people with a reduced pain threshold; no matter how hard you press, it doesn’t hurt, and that’s all. In such cases, massage therapists usually perform the procedure with medium force. But more often it turns out that during the first procedure a person does not experience pain and asks for a stronger massage. Inexperienced specialists give in to them, and then they themselves become hostages of their own kindness. Because most likely the person will come to the next procedure with bruises or, even worse, with a written complaint. But there is little pleasant here.

You need to change your idea of ​​the massage procedure. It should be understood that pain and bruising will not lead to the desired effect. Only the right specialist will be able to assess a person’s condition and find the right approach to his problem.

Bruises after various types of massage are a fairly common occurrence. Some people are even sure that the more painful the procedure is, and the more hematomas and bruises remain after it, the more significant the therapeutic and preventive effect is achieved. Meanwhile, with some types of exposure, such traces are completely unacceptable, and their appearance indicates exclusively the unprofessionalism of the specialist.

In this article we will tell you why in some cases bruises remain after a massage, and in which types of massage they should never occur.

Is it normal if bruises remain after a back massage?

Most often, patients resort to the services of professional massage therapists for certain diseases of the back and spine. In addition, such an effect on the human body is excellent for relaxing and strengthening muscles and is often used to prevent various ailments.

There is an opinion that during a back massage it is impossible to avoid painful sensations, after which unsightly dark marks appear on certain parts of the body. In reality, this is not the case at all, and bruising in such a situation can only occur if the wrong technique is used.

Proper execution of massage techniques is designed to restore muscle elasticity, improve blood flow and strengthen blood vessels. Bruises, on the contrary, occur when the integrity of the capillaries is disrupted and they rupture. In addition, bruises can form if the massage therapist plucks your skin while working.

Thus, if after a back massage you are left with bruises and other unsightly marks, as well as severe pain and discomfort, you should contact another specialist.

This technique should cause relaxation, as well as minor muscle soreness. Bruises can occur only after using harsh types of influence, such as honey, cupping and anti-cellulite massage.

Should there be bruises after an anti-cellulite massage procedure?

As for anti-cellulite massage, bruising after this procedure is absolutely normal. As you know, cellulite affects not only obese women. In some situations, very slender representatives of the fair sex dream of getting rid of orange peel.

Typically, it is for these girls that body massage causes a lot of unpleasant and painful sensations, and after this procedure, small bruises and even bruises appear in various areas.

In most cases, such marks appear on a woman’s body at the beginning of the session, when the massage therapist has not yet figured out exactly how to work with the skin so as not to leave unsightly bruises. In addition, the dermis itself takes some time to get used to the rather intense effects.

There is absolutely no need to be afraid of bruises formed on your body during an anti-cellulite massage. If the procedure is carried out by a qualified specialist, very soon your skin will get used to it, and not a hint of these unsightly marks will remain on it.

To quickly get rid of this side effect, you can use one of the following methods:

  • apply a warm heating pad to the affected area for a while 2-3 times a day;
  • apply ointment or cream with a high content of bodyagi to bruises;
  • make a compress from mountain arnica or cinquefoil grass;
  • for a lotion, you can also use a mixture of medicinal plants, consisting of sweet clover, clover, lemon balm and knotweed;
  • apply iodine mesh to the painful area of ​​skin;
  • to strengthen blood vessels, you should take Troxerutin tablets once a day;
  • To quickly dissolve blood clots and get rid of hematomas, the damaged area should be constantly smeared with a topical medication containing heparin, for example, Lyoton-gel.

Why do bruises often remain on the body after a cupping massage?

Almost all of us, one way or another, are familiar with cupping massage and other elements of vacuum therapy. After any such procedure, bruises are sure to form on the body, but in appearance they are more likely to resemble rather large red spots. Scientifically, these traces are called extravasates.

The action of vacuum therapy is always based on the ability of liquid to flow from a zone of higher pressure to a zone of lower pressure. Moreover, the lower the pressure, the greater the amount of liquid rushes there.

The well-known cupping massage is one of the main elements of vacuum therapy, during which a low-pressure area is created, where fluids, namely blood and lymph, are immediately sent. Moreover, the stronger the specialist sucks your skin with the help of a can, the brighter and more prominent marks remain on it.

All this explains the nature of extravasation, which necessarily appears on the patient’s body, at least after the first sessions of cupping. In some cases, after 3-4 procedures, the movement of lymph and blood circulation are normalized, after which the person ceases to experience pain, and unsightly marks no longer appear on his skin.

Meanwhile, in most cases, after using cups, hematomas remain in the last sessions, however, they become much less pronounced.

Is it normal for bruises to appear on the body after a honey massage?

Honey rubbing, or massage, is used in various situations, including to get rid of cellulite. The essence of this procedure is that honey is first applied to problem areas, and then kneaded with strong claps, during which the palm seems to be “glued” to the patient’s body, after which it is torn off with a sharp movement.

At the same time, due to exposure to conditions reminiscent of a microvacuum, blood flow increases and blood vessels dilate.

It is quite natural that as a result of one or several sessions of a procedure that vaguely resembles elements of vacuum therapy, small bruises may form on the patient’s skin.

In most cases, they are practically invisible and go away very quickly, however, for some girls such ugly marks can cause a lot of unpleasant sensations. Particularly severe hematomas occur in obese women with advanced cellulite.

To prevent the appearance of such unsightly hematomas, you must use the following recommendations:

Thus, the appearance of hematomas and other unsightly marks on the body after one or several massage sessions can sometimes be absolutely normal, however, in some cases, this state of affairs should alert you and think about changing the massage therapist.

In addition, in a small proportion of people the dermis is so sensitive that any, even the slightest, impact on it leads to the formation of hematomas. In such a situation, you should increase the time between sessions and try in every possible way to soothe your skin after the procedure.

Bruises after anti-cellulite massage are a common phenomenon that patients encounter after the procedures. This condition can only be called a pathology conditionally, since no systemic disorders other than changes in skin color occur. But you need to know the reasons for the appearance of bruises - this will allow you to take preventive measures, carry out symptomatic treatment and significantly reduce the likelihood of new spots appearing.

Why do bruises appear after a massage and is this normal?

A bruise is internal bleeding in the skin layer, called a hematoma. Blood accumulates in the tissue due to damage to the walls of capillaries, arterioles and venules. If in case of external injuries blood flows out of the vessel and thromboses, then in case of internal hemorrhages it permeates the layers of the skin and forms a bruise. Gradually, erythrocytes (red blood cells) disintegrate, their internal elements are absorbed into the surrounding tissue and give the spot a blue color.

There may be several reasons why bruises appear:

  • Harsh behavior technique - hematomas can form if the massage therapist uses his fists during the massage. This method of warming up is very effective, but the presence of bruises after it is absolutely normal. If you do not want to pay such a high price, talk to a specialist in advance or choose another massage method;
  • Cupping massage - vacuum action gives a quick effect, but contributes to the appearance of red dots after the procedure, which can later develop into bruises;
  • The use of special devices - if a living person can change the massage technique depending on a specific area, then this cannot be done when using devices. There are certain settings, but they are set based on average values. Therefore, the presence of bruises after a hardware massage can be considered normal;
  • Hypersensitivity - there is no getting around individual characteristics, and if a person’s blood vessels are located superficially, this can lead to bruises after a massage. This condition can be considered normal - later the specialist adapts, the number of spots on the skin is noticeably reduced;
  • The first sessions - if the patient has never had a massage, his skin is not yet “accustomed” to the warm-up and is easily injured. After several procedures, the body will adapt and the hematomas will disappear;
  • Insufficient qualification of the specialist - sometimes it happens that bruises after a massage are formed due to the fault of the specialist who “overdid it” during the warm-up. In this case, the manifestations of hematomas should not be considered a normal condition; to prevent relapses, you need to talk to a massage therapist or make an appointment with another;
  • Diseases of the blood or blood vessels (varicose veins, venous insufficiency, anemia, etc.) - these complications are very rare, since there is a list of contraindications that includes these pathologies. Before prescribing a massage, the doctor will definitely check with the patient about the presence of restrictions and refer him for tests, but in erroneous cases, if the procedure is still prescribed, bruises may appear after it, which is an alarming sign.


In most cases, bruising after a massage is normal. Minor bruises occur mainly due to microtrauma of blood vessels, which gradually disappear.

Doctors' opinions

Today there is a lot of controversy about whether there should be bruises after an anti-cellulite massage. Many patients are wary of this condition because they consider blue spots to be a sign of various skin diseases. There are two opinions among doctors - the majority consider bruises on the skin to be a “necessary evil” of the therapeutic effect of massage, but in some cases there are also opposite opinions.

The healing effect of massage is to warm up all layers of soft tissue, which leads to improved blood flow and the breakdown of fats. The appearance of bruises after such exposure is an absolutely normal reaction of the body.

Alexander Petrovich, therapist, Kostroma.

A light massage will not get rid of cellulite; to get the desired result, you need to do a deep warm-up. When bruises resolve, blood vessels dilate and fat cells are broken down in the same way.

Maria Gennadievna, physiotherapist, Moscow.

Bruising is a normal reaction to injury. After warming up, capillaries burst, the skin and adipose tissue are injured, and cellulite deposits are absorbed. But a similar effect can be achieved if warming procedures are carried out - in this case, even in patients with sensitive skin, the appearance of hematomas can be avoided, which do not need to be covered in the summer or before taking a photo on the beach.

Olga Yuryevna, nutritionist, Minsk.

What will the experts say?

According to doctors, the manifestations of hematomas in a healthy person are an absolutely normal condition, but the degree of their severity may vary. But this is influenced by several factors:

  • Condition of the skin and blood vessels;
  • Warm-up technique;
  • Presence of concomitant diseases;
  • The massage method is manual or automated.

Since the presence of diseases is a limitation to the purpose of the procedure, we will listen to the opinions of experts on the influence of the massage method:

  • When manually warming up, spots appear only with strong pressure on the skin. Here it is worth paying tribute to the first few sessions, when the patient and the massage therapist “did not adapt to each other.” But if the procedures take a long time, and the hematomas still do not go away after warming up, this condition cannot be considered normal;
  • It is worth considering cupping massage separately - here the likelihood of blue spots increases, since it is much more difficult to control the suction action than when warming up with your hands. It often happens that slight swelling develops after anti-cellulite massage with cupping;
  • The most negative consequences arise from warming up when using special devices - in fact, after each procedure you can notice small blue dots, which is a relatively normal phenomenon.

How to get rid of hematomas

If spots appear after the procedure, the patient must receive medical assistance to speed up the healing process. You can quickly remove bruises by applying a cold compress to the skin immediately after the massage. To prepare it, you can use ice wrapped in a rag or plastic bag. It is allowed to apply a heating pad with the listed components. If a day has passed after the warm-up, the affected area must be warmed up. In this case, pharmaceuticals and traditional medicine tricks are suitable for treatment.

Drugs from the pharmacy for bruises after massage

Special ointments, creams and balms will help you get rid of bruises from anti-cellulite massage. The most popular of them:

  • Troxevasin - improves local blood circulation, dilates blood vessels. If after the session the patient is bothered by pain and swelling, the ointment will eliminate these manifestations;
  • Indovazin is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that relieves swelling and pain and accelerates healing;
  • Heparin ointment is an anticoagulant that accelerates the resorption of blood clots. In our situation, internal bleeding ends with the formation of clots, which will dissolve faster with the use of this remedy;
  • Balm “Rescuer” is another good medicine that will eliminate blue spots that have formed under the skin;
  • Creams with leech extracts - if you manage to find these drugs, they will quickly help in resolving hematomas.

In addition to local treatment, you can use blood thinners, vitamins and dietary supplements. The complex effect allows you to get rid of massage complications and stabilize the skin condition.

Folk recipes

Traditional medicine will also help get rid of subcutaneous hematomas. In most cases, recipes are based on herbal ingredients or products that can be easily found at home. In most cases, all products are applied externally, absorbed through the skin and have a therapeutic effect on broken down red blood cells.

Expert opinion!

Traditional methods of eliminating bruises after a massage should be used as an addition to treatment with pharmaceutical drugs - in this case, the therapeutic effect is significantly increased.

Most popular home remedies:

  • If you did not have time to cool the skin in the first day after the hematoma appeared, warming is recommended. For this purpose, you can use hot water bottles, fresh boiled eggs or salt heated in a frying pan;
  • Compresses made from plantain and chamomile have proven themselves to be effective - these herbs accelerate cell division and tissue repair. For the same purpose, you can use parsley, calendula, coltsfoot, and burdock roots;
  • To quickly remove stains, applying beets, honey or onions mixed with salt is suitable;
  • Some traditional healers note the benefits of rubbing with apple cider vinegar or applying an iodine mesh.


To prevent the development of hematomas, it is necessary to follow certain rules that will minimize the appearance of bruises after a massage. To do this, you need to choose a good and qualified specialist, and only go to him for procedures. If you have sensitive skin, you should definitely warn the specialist about this.

Basic prevention includes following the following rules:

  • Follow your diet;
  • Give up bad habits;
  • Don't overeat;
  • Try not to eat at night;
  • Play sports;
  • Lead an active lifestyle;
  • Use firming creams and healing masks for the skin.

If a person complies with all of the above postulates, the rheological properties of the blood in his body improve, the vascular wall is restored and the elasticity of the skin improves.

Massage is one of the most effective ways to treat cellulite. Very often after the procedure, bruises appear, indicating minor internal damage. The degree of their severity depends on the individual characteristics of the body, technique and method of performing the warm-up. After their appearance, pharmacy and folk ointments are effective. It is recommended to prevent hematomas.

The massage procedure is most often associated with the effect of relaxation, rest, something intimate and pleasant. This perception is quite appropriate, but it is important not to forget that massage is also an important medical procedure. The appearance of bruises after a massage is considered acceptable. Now you need to figure out in what cases bruises and pain during a massage are considered normal.

Why do bruises appear?

Massage has long been used not only for relaxation, but also for medicinal purposes. Technology is constantly being improved and developed, and new approaches are emerging. The appearance of bruises after a massage scares many people, and this issue needs to be dealt with in more detail.

Much depends on the professionalism of the massage therapist and the basic technique he uses. Naturally, the individual characteristics of the patient’s body (in cases of a medical procedure) or client are also not left aside.

Bruises after a massage appear due to rupture of the walls of blood vessels, which were subjected to increased pressure during the action. The fragility of blood vessels in a person can negate all the professionalism and accuracy of a massage therapist, but it is better to know about such features and warn in advance.

Experts identify several main reasons:

  • too thin skin.
  • The proximity of blood vessels to the surface of the skin.
  • A certain massage technique, fists can be used.
  • Lack of proper professional training for a massage therapist
  • Increased diseases of the circulatory system.

However, there are types of massage, after which bruises can be considered normal.

What is the purpose of massage?

There are types of massage, the effect of which is aimed at relaxation and relieving excess tension. This approach does not increase pressure on the tissue, so if bruises appear after the massage, it is better to check your own health.

For medicinal purposes, massage is performed to achieve the following effects:

  1. Improved blood circulation.
  2. Stimulation of metabolism and lymph outflow.
  3. Elimination of edema, removal of toxins from the body.
  4. Stimulation of the sebaceous glands.

Despite the important tasks, massage does not necessarily have to bring consequences in the form of bruises; to achieve the effect, it is not necessary to apply strong pressure to the tissue; it is enough to know the necessary pressure points.

Anti-cellulite massage

Bruises after an anti-cellulite massage are considered normal, this is explained by the reasons why cellulite forms under the skin. Unpleasant deposits are a consequence of metabolic disorders and lymph stagnation, and may also be accompanied by additional trauma to the subcutaneous vessels.

The anti-cellulite massage procedure involves a fairly strong effect on tissue and subcutaneous deposits. As a result, the metabolism is stabilized and blood flow in the treated area is improved, and bruises often appear after the massage.

The main causes of hematomas:

  1. The vessels are heavily clogged with waste, their walls are thin and brittle.
  2. The massage therapist uses increased force, which allows him to reach deeper tissues.
  3. During the massage, adhesions are destroyed, which causes minor bruising.

It is important to understand that a one-time procedure of such a massage will not bring results. It is necessary to undergo a whole course of combating cellulite, which for many will become a painful struggle for beauty. Hematomas after the first sessions are completely normal; gradually the skin will get used to the effects and stop reacting in this way.

Honey massage

Honey massage is considered a type of anti-cellulite procedure. The idea is that a certain amount of honey is poured onto the back or other surface, after which it is allowed to harden.

The massage therapist applies patting actions, the skin sticks to the hands, and a certain vacuum effect is created. For this reason, the appearance of bruises after a back massage is considered absolutely normal; you should not be afraid of it. It is more important to be sure that there is no allergic reaction to honey, which is more dangerous to health than small hematomas.

Vacuum massage

The use of vacuum in massage techniques is a fairly popular practice. For this procedure, special jars are used that stick to areas of the skin, creating negative pressure inside themselves.

Bruises should appear after a vacuum massage; their absence can be considered a deviation from the norm, or you can begin to doubt the professional training of the massage therapist. Thanks to the effect of cupping, blood flow to the treated areas is stimulated, droplets of blood can escape through the capillaries, but the walls of the vessels remain intact and are not injured.

This procedure can significantly improve metabolism at the cellular level and stabilize blood flow. In the fight against cellulite, vacuum cups can become indispensable when manual massage techniques fail.

How to eliminate unwanted bruises?

Naturally, bruises are not only painful, but also aesthetically unsightly. Women will first of all wonder how to get rid of them without interrupting the course of therapeutic massage itself.

There are several basic tips that will help quickly eliminate bruises after a massage:

  1. For several hours after the procedure, be sure to apply dry ice to the hematoma. This will stop the bruise from spreading and speed up its healing.
  2. The next day after the procedure, it is permissible to use special heating of injured areas.
  3. It is recommended to take Ascorutin regularly if you have problems with vascular fragility.
  4. Medicinal ointments are considered popular in the fight against hematomas, the action of which is aimed at improving blood flow in the area of ​​injury. Today, such products can be purchased at any pharmacy at an affordable price.

Traditional recipes against bruises

Traditional medicine is also ready to offer several ways to combat unwanted bruising. Despite the fact that bruises after a massage are normal, it is necessary to help the body cope with them.

There are many folk remedies, only a few of them are listed below:

  1. Apply a leaf of cabbage, plantain or banana peel to the hematoma several times a day.
  2. The use of medical iodine is widely popular; in current cases, it is recommended to draw a “mesh”.
  3. The gruel (finely ground mass) of onions helps to cope with bruises, despite the pungent odor.
  4. Compresses made from potato starch diluted with water are considered effective.

Which way to deal with unexpected and unwanted bruises to choose is an individual decision. If in doubt, it is best to consult a massage therapist or doctor who will help you choose the best means.

How to avoid bruising?

It is almost impossible to completely avoid the appearance of hematomas, but it is possible to reduce their intensity and number. To do this, you must follow the recommendations of specialists.

Measures to prevent bruises:

  1. The skin and muscles must be properly prepared for the procedure. It is necessary to warm up properly with special rubbing, or take a hot shower immediately before the massage.
  2. Use massage oils that contain lemon or orange oils. Such agents have a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels.
  3. It is mandatory to inform the massage therapist about the peculiarities of your own health. In such situations, a professional will select a more gentle procedure technique.