How to treat gums while breastfeeding. What to do if a tooth hurts while breastfeeding: what painkillers can be used during lactation?

Carrying a child leads to a weakening of the immune system and the progression of even minor pathologies and diseases, which also applies to oral cavity.

Many nursing mothers complain that the condition of their teeth after the birth of their baby has deteriorated greatly, with bleeding gums, enamel sensitivity and pain.

In this article we will look at why mothers have toothache when breastfeeding and how you can deal with this without harm to the baby.

New mothers have minimal time left for regular and high-quality oral hygiene and good nutrition, which would ensure the supply of sufficient calcium and fluoride. Yes and go to preventive examinations There is no opportunity to go to the dentist with a baby in your arms, so slight discomfort and sensitivity of the enamel over months of neglect turn into dental diseases, accompanied by toothache and other unpleasant symptoms.

One of the main reasons for the development pain syndrome is ignoring medical recommendations

Another reason for the development of pain syndrome is ignoring medical recommendations.. Young mothers panic that any chemicals can harm the child during feeding, so they try to eliminate pathological and inflammatory processes by rinsing with herbs, cool compresses, etc.

Yes, methods traditional medicine to some extent they can promote the healing of the mucous membrane or even temporarily dull the pain, however, this is all just a disguise inflammatory process.

After a while, it is restored with renewed vigor and in a more advanced stage, and then there is no longer any strength to endure the discomfort.

Also, the cause of tooth pain can be inflammation of nearby soft tissues, including gums. If a cavity appears in the area where it connects to the tooth (periodontium), then pathogenic microbes and food enter there, which creates favorable conditions for inflammatory processes. Only a dentist can clean the periodontium and remove formed pockets using special curettes.

Often activated during pregnancy destructive processes in the tooth, worsen initial stages caries. Inflammatory processes in dentin and pulp cause acute, paroxysmal pain that cannot be tolerated. This is due to the fact that the pulp is penetrated nearby nerve fibers and blood vessels, and this makes the tooth overly susceptible to external irritants.

Self-medication for caries and pulpitis is impossible - you will only aggravate the process.

Only possible treatment– nerve removal and canal filling, which is necessarily carried out under local anesthesia. We will consider below what can be injected for toothache in a nursing mother.

Pain in and around the tooth can also be caused by inflammatory processes in the jaw bone caused by bruise, blow, old injuries or a disease such as osteomyelitis. Even malocclusion or defects in the structure of the jaw, as well as wearing dentures, braces and implants can contribute to pain.

During pregnancy, destructive processes in the tooth are activated and the initial stages of caries worsen.

Increased sensitivity of enamel also delivers discomfort to the patient. An acute reaction to temperature and taste stimuli may be associated with the thinning and destruction of enamel as a result of pregnancy, with too diligent brushing of teeth, and dietary habits.

So, the aggravation of pathological processes is caused by the lack of timely medical treatment. Complications include tooth mobility or even tooth loss, the appearance purulent abscesses, abscesses, cysts and fistulas in the periodontal tissues, sepsis and general intoxication of the body, which is much more dangerous during lactation than the use of medications.

Therapy during lactation

All pathological processes and diseases require timely treatment in a dental hospital to avoid serious complications in internal organs and the circulatory system.

Toothache while breastfeeding should not be tolerated, especially when it is not possible to immediately make an appointment with a dentist. Every woman should be able to relieve her condition at home before going to the doctor.

First of all, you should eliminate possible reason soreness. Brush your teeth thoroughly with a fluoridating paste or gel for sensitive enamel. Clean the spaces between teeth using dental floss or a special brush.

The final step is to go over it with an irrigator. filled with an antiseptic solution. It is possible that if you thoroughly clean the carious hole or gum pockets from pathogenic agents and food debris, the pain will subside for a while.

If you have felt a carious cavity with your tongue or finger, then treat it with any antiseptic and put medicine in the bottom, you can even use prescriptions home medicine(propolis pea, tampon soaked in aloe juice, etc.).

Dent drops are effective for mothers, producing an analgesic, calming effect. You can also apply dental gel with analgesic and cooling effect. Such products are absolutely safe for the baby, as they are not absorbed into milk.


Rinsing with a solution of Chlorophyllipt, Furacilin (a couple of tablets per 200 ml of warm water), manganese, peroxide (select a 3% solution), soda and salt will help eliminate pain due to inflammation of soft tissues and bleeding gums. Chlorhexidine provides a disinfecting and antimicrobial result, which can also be used for rinsing without the possibility of burning the mucous membrane.

Pain relief during lactation

Addressing the cause of the discomfort really helps dull the pain. But what to do when the reason is hidden in dental disease, which cannot be determined by ordinary symptoms? Or the cause of pain is internal changes and pathological processes? In this case, before going to the dentist, it is necessary to numb the area so as not to endure pain.

We discussed above which local painkillers for toothache will help with breastfeeding. Gels, drops and compresses are not absorbed into milk, however, they are low in effectiveness.

For example, on advanced stages caries and complications (gingivitis, pulpitis), as well as a number of other serious dental diseases, the pain becomes so unbearable that it is impossible to eat and sleep, and ordinary rinses and applications are quite useless.

There are also cases when, in sparsely populated regions, dentists work on certain days or sessions are scheduled a week in advance.

In such situations, only strong anesthetics can save you, most of which should be taken orally.

The most popular and safest remedy for babies is Paracetamol. His active ingredients are absorbed into milk only in 0.1% volume, which does not affect the development and health of the baby.

You can also try Ibuprofen, which also produces a relaxing and calming effect. The course of treatment with these drugs should not exceed 3 days, and the dosage should be strictly calculated according to the instructions.


Stronger oral medications should only be taken with a doctor's permission and, if possible, as a single dose. If you don't have Paracetamol or Ibuprofen at home, take any analgesic but only before bedtime immediately after feeding the baby.

For long break During feeding, most of the drug will be eliminated naturally. Competent treatment in the dentist's office will eliminate pain from the first visit, so there is no need to take pills every evening.

Regarding local anesthesia, then in the dentist’s office before starting procedures they use Lidocaine or Ultracaine in small doses, which are absorbed into the urine and quickly excreted from the body.

Even if these drugs are absorbed into milk, they are safe for infants (except in cases of individual allergic reaction to components). The dentist will definitely explain to the mother about the concentration of the substance in the body, the dose received and the approximate time of elimination.

We looked at how to fix toothache during lactation without harm to the mother and baby. But here are a few more tips that will help you avoid stressful situations and errors.

Mothers should understand that home procedures temporarily stop the process and only work in the early stages.

Don’t put off going to the dentist, even if you find a year’s supply at the pharmacy. medicinal herbs and Paracetamol. Yes, rinses and compresses are harmless for the baby, but they harm the mother because they delay necessary treatment. And anesthetics only save for a few hours, while the infection spreads deeper and can cause irreversible changes.

From this article you will learn:

  • why do gums bleed during pregnancy,
  • why does gingivitis occur during pregnancy,
  • How is gingivitis treated during pregnancy?

The article was written by a dentist with more than 19 years of experience.

Inflammation of the gums during pregnancy is observed in 75% of women from the 2nd to the 8th month. Most frequent form inflammation of the gums in pregnant women is gingivitis, which is primarily manifested by increased bleeding. Gingivitis in pregnant women most often occurs in the area of ​​the front teeth, and mainly affects only the gingival papillae and the marginal gum directly adjacent to the teeth.

Causes and symptoms of gingivitis in pregnant women -

The development of the disease is usually associated with changes in hormonal balance during pregnancy:

  • high concentrations of estrogens, progesterone, prostaglandins,
  • with symptoms of toxicosis in pregnant women.

However, the change hormonal levels is in most cases only a predisposing moment, and true reasons gingivitis are:

  • accumulation of soft plaque due to poor hygiene,
  • exacerbation during pregnancy, indolent chronic gingivitis, which was present before pregnancy.

1. Symptoms characteristic of the 1st half of pregnancy -

The first symptoms usually appear at 3-4 months of pregnancy, i.e. just when the most intense hormonal changes in the body occur. The symptoms of this period are more characteristic of gingivitis, which is commonly called Catarrhal gingivitis -

  • bleeding gums (Fig. 1),
  • swelling of the gingival papillae and the marginal part of the gums (Fig. 2, 3),
  • pain when brushing teeth,
  • change in gum color from pale pink to red (Fig. 3), and then to bluish (Fig. 2).

At the same time, women’s complaints that their gums hurt during pregnancy can be associated not only with pain during brushing their teeth, i.e. when it happens mechanical irritation gums If severe inflammation develops, pain can be observed even at rest.

Moreover, when gums become painful and bleeding, many women begin to “spare” their gums and therefore brush their teeth less often and/or less intensively. As a result, there is an even greater accumulation of soft microbial plaque, which only increases gum bleeding, as well as other inflammatory phenomena.

2. Symptoms characteristic of the 2nd half of pregnancy -

Mild inflammation, which is manifested by swelling and bleeding gums, worsens in the second half of pregnancy. At this time, many women begin to experience growth of the marginal gums and polypous growth of the gingival papillae. This type of gingivitis is called hypertrophic. This type of gingivitis is especially pronounced in the area of ​​the front teeth, as well as where there are overhanging edges of fillings and crowns that injure the gums.

There are two forms hypertrophic gingivitis

  • Edema form (Fig. 4,5) –
    in which the gingival papillae are enlarged, bluish, soft to the touch, have a loose consistency or polypous growths.
  • Fibrous form (Fig. 6) –
    when the gingival papillae are still enlarged, but become dense to the touch.

The effect of gingivitis in pregnant women on the fetus -

As noted above, hormonal changes and toxicosis contribute to impaired blood supply to the gums and the development of bleeding, as well as a hypertrophic increase in the gingival papillae. But the actual phenomena of inflammation in the gums develop due to the accumulation of soft plaque due to deterioration of hygiene, hard supra- and sub-gingival dental deposits.

The microbial flora, which is part of soft plaque and hard dental deposits, releases so-called toxins and inflammatory mediators, such as interleukin-1, interleukin-6 and TNF-alpha. They are absorbed into the blood and negatively affect the placenta and fetus. In addition, these inflammatory mediators stimulate the synthesis of prostaglandin E2, which increases contractility uterus and increases the risk premature birth.

Clinical studies have shown that the presence of severe inflammation in the gums increases the risk of premature birth by 6-7 times. It has been established that the degree of risk is proportional to the severity of inflammation.

Gum inflammation during pregnancy: treatment

Local treatment gingivitis is carried out almost exactly the same as in the non-pregnant population. The exception is the hypertrophic form, in which there is an overgrowth of the gingival margin (in this case, in addition to conservative treatment may need surgical correction gingival margin).

Treatment is also influenced by the duration of pregnancy, because depending on the current trimester of pregnancy therapeutic measures may be contraindicated. Read about it below.

1. Treatment of catarrhal form of gingivitis in pregnant women -

The catarrhal form of gingivitis develops in pregnant women against the background of insufficient hygiene and an increase in microbial plaque. Changes in hormonal levels are more of a provoking factor here than the root cause of the development of gingivitis. Let us remember that this form is primarily characterized by bleeding and swelling of the gums, and their pain when brushing your teeth.

Treatment will include the following activities:

  • because ultrasonic cleaning teeth cleaning for pregnant women is contraindicated, then dental deposits are removed with hand tools, after which the teeth are polished using polishing brushes and paste.
  • Anti-inflammatory therapy
    Usually a 10-day course is prescribed, consisting of antiseptic rinses, as well as applications with special anti-inflammatory gels. Below we list several tools to choose from.

    Antiseptic rinses:
    1) Chlorhexidine 0.05% aqueous solution ()
    course 10 days (no more), 2 times a day in the morning and evening after oral hygiene. Rinse your mouth for a full minute each time.
    2) Rinse with non-alcoholic herbal infusions: chamomile, sage, eucalyptus.
    3) Fluoride rinses: Fluoride not only strengthens teeth, but also has a caries-static effect on plaque and therefore reduces inflammation in the gums. Choosing rinses make sure that they do not contain antibiotics(eg Triclosan).

    Applications of anti-inflammatory drugs:
    1) MetrogilDenta gel ()
    contains metronidazole 10 mg and chlorhexidine 0.5 mg. This drug is not recommended for pregnant women in the 1st trimester of pregnancy (in the 2nd-3rd trimesters it is possible). During lactation, the issue of stopping breastfeeding while using the drug should be decided.
    2) CholisalGel ()
    contains choline salicylate and cetalkonium chloride. Use in pregnant women is possible, but with caution (as prescribed by the dentist).

    Such anti-inflammatory gels are applied to the marginal part of the gums, interdental papillae - primarily from the front surface of the teeth. After application, it is advisable not to eat or rinse your mouth for 2-3 hours (you can drink). Apply 2 times a day in the morning and evening after, for example, rinsing with chlorhexidine 0.05%. The course is no more than 10 days.

    Photos Before and After Gingivitis Treatment –

  • Compliance with diet – It is vitally important to avoid frequent snacking and consumption of sugary drinks.
    If you ate a cookie or candy, then you need to go brush your teeth, because... carbohydrates are the main raw material for the proliferation of microbes in the oral cavity.

2. Treatment of the hypertrophic form of gingivitis in pregnant women -

This form of gingivitis is characterized by the growth of the marginal gums and gingival papillae, and high bleeding. Mild forms of hypertrophic gingivitis, as a rule, heal on their own in most pregnant women immediately after childbirth. If the cause of gum growth is the overhanging edges of fillings and crowns, then they need to be corrected. Local treatment during pregnancy should consist of maintaining good hygiene, removing dental plaque, and, if necessary, anti-inflammatory therapy.

Dependence of treatment methods on the timing of pregnancy

Gingivitis in pregnant women: the treatment of this pathology has some features throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

  • First trimester
    The greatest risk to the fetus is from the moment of fertilization until the 55th day. In addition, during this period there are increased symptoms of toxicosis - nausea, gag reflex, fainting, and there is also a high probability of spontaneous abortion. During this period, only the most urgent dental interventions can be carried out: treatment and tooth extraction are carried out only if there is sharp pains or swelling of the gums.

    Conducting a session professional hygiene oral cavity, i.e. removing plaque and polishing teeth is possible. However, if there is such a possibility, then it is advisable to postpone these events to the second trimester of pregnancy. If the procedures are really necessary, then it is advisable to have an appointment with the dentist; the shorter the better.

    It is not recommended to remove dental plaque with ultrasound or laser. It is advisable to use hand tools to remove plaque, as well as a polishing brush and pastes to remove plaque and polish teeth. Despite the fact that the quality of removing dental plaque with hand instruments is lower and slightly more traumatic, according to researchers, the use of ultrasound in this period may contribute to the risk of spontaneous abortion.

  • Second trimester
    begins after 55 days from the moment of conception and until the end of the 6th month of pregnancy. This period is the most favorable for dental procedures, including the treatment of gingivitis in pregnant women. It is even possible to treat teeth, but only those that have high risk exacerbations in the third trimester.

    Just as in the first trimester, it is advisable to use only hand tools and polishing brushes and pastes to remove dental plaque. After removing dental plaque, it is possible to carry out a course of anti-inflammatory therapy - rinsing the interdental spaces with a syringe antiseptic solutions, and applying anti-inflammatory drugs (approved for pregnant women) to the gums.

  • Third trimester -
    during this period it is also possible to carry out preventive measures, however, the use of ultrasound when removing dental plaque is still unacceptable. This is due to the fact that in the third trimester the sensitivity of the uterus to external influences, which can lead to childbirth right in the dentist's chair.

    Visits to the dentist should be as short as possible. This is due to the fact that with the enlargement of the fetus, if the woman is in supine position(on the back) compression of the aorta and inferior vena cava occurs, and this leads to a decrease cardiac output. As a result, dizziness may occur, sharp decline blood pressure, loss of consciousness. In order to prevent all this, it is advisable for the patient to be in the dental chair on her left side.

Prevention of gingivitis in pregnant women –

Despite the predisposition of pregnant women to gingivitis, adequate self-hygiene significantly reduces this risk. You need to choose the right one toothbrush and teach how to use it correctly. At the same time, if bleeding occurs, it is better to use soft toothbrushes, which can reduce the pain when brushing your teeth.

Periodontal pockets and other hard-to-reach areas of the oral cavity can provide invaluable assistance in maintaining hygiene.

Very often during lactation there is a need for dental treatment, because it is at this time that the entire body is rebuilt. Changes begin during pregnancy, when the fetus is actively growing. For normal development he needs it in large quantities nutrients, micro- and macroelements, vitamins and minerals. And he takes all this from the mother’s body. Calcium is no exception - the main structural component teeth and bones.

During this period, its deficiency occurs, which is manifested by various diseases of the oral cavity. It is through calcium deficiency and reduced immunity that some problems arise, such as loose teeth, caries, bleeding gums, and gingivitis. If you don't take it on time necessary measures, then the disease will worsen and as a result may lead to the woman requiring the services of a prosthetist.

Almost half of pregnant women experience some kind of dental problems. And most of them avoid treating the oral cavity during lactation or pregnancy and justify this harmful influence material from fillings, medications used or x-rays. And this, of course, is in vain: during lactation, dental treatment will not harm the baby and if such a need arises, it must be carried out. After all, a young mother not only faces the risk of losing her teeth, she can infect infectious process your child if he puts his spoons and pacifiers in his mouth, which is absolutely forbidden to do!

When is treatment carried out during lactation?

If you need to treat the teeth of an expectant mother, it is best to plan it from the second trimester of pregnancy. During lactation, teeth can be treated at any time. Under no circumstances should you wait or be afraid that the anesthetic or other medicine gets into the milk and can harm the baby. But if your child is breastfed, it is better to notify your doctor about this before starting treatment. This way it will be calmer for both you and him.

During lactation and pregnancy, you should not use drugs containing adrenaline. But a lot modern clinics have in their arsenal various medications, which are non-toxic and will not harm the baby if they get into milk. The dentist will always help you choose the safest anesthetic.

If, in spite of everything, you are afraid and against the use of any antiseptics When treating teeth during lactation, you can use nitrous oxide. Such anesthesia will reduce the pain a little, but will not completely remove it.

If you decide to treat your teeth while breastfeeding, it is better to ask your dentist about all possible options pain relief, and then consult your pediatrician about a specific drug.

Before planning treatment, it is necessary to feed the child.

It is also advisable to express a portion of milk for the next feeding. Any anesthetic is eliminated from the body within 3 to 6 hours, which is why after a visit to the dentist, express and pour out the milk. And then you can continue breastfeeding and not worry about the drug reaching him and causing harm.

Are x-rays dangerous and what not to do when breastfeeding?

X-ray examination is prohibited before reaching the twentieth week of pregnancy. At this time, it can be replaced by visiography using a computer. During lactation, X-rays are not a contraindication, but the woman wears a special protective lead apron. After the procedure, the milk is expressed and poured out, and then you can safely feed the baby. Sometimes it happens that after an x-ray, the amount of milk may decrease for some period. Do not panic if this happens, this is quite normal and after a while lactation will resume in full.

While breastfeeding, you can treat periodontal disease and have your teeth filled, because modern materials are high quality and absolutely harmless. If a woman needs treatment with antibiotics, then the child should be switched to breastfeeding. All because antibacterial drugs harmful even in minimal doses small child both during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In favor of dental treatment during lactation, I would like to make the following argument: many women, postponing a visit to the dentist, begin to take some painkillers, for example, analgin. But this particular drug is harmful to the child! Without a doubt, pain can be relieved for some time with the help of special dental drops, which include valerian and essential oils with mint or paracetamol. May help for a short time soda solution, used for rinsing the mouth.

Of course, dental treatment during lactation daily life women make changes and adjustments. She needs more rest. It is necessary to plan everything down to the smallest detail: from organizing feeding to who will care for the baby. If you need to have a tooth removed, you need to think about the menu in the near future. After this, you must abstain from eating solid food for several days. But it must be balanced diet, because the baby should receive everything with mother’s milk necessary vitamins and nutrients.

Prevention of oral diseases

You can prevent problems with gums and teeth during pregnancy and lactation through prophylaxis. No matter how safe the drugs are, during this period it is not only risky, but also expensive. Therefore, it is better to take care of the health of your teeth and gums in advance.

When planning a pregnancy, be sure to visit a dentist who will carefully examine your teeth and oral cavity. It's good if the doctor does professional cleaning. This way you can prevent such a pathology as “pregnancy gingivitis”, which is manifested by bleeding gums, and then loosening and loss of teeth. It is necessary to clean and remove existing carious cavities in the teeth. Check old seals and replace them if necessary. A procedure such as fluoridation and remineralization of teeth will help strengthen your teeth.

If pregnancy has already occurred, wait until the second trimester. Preventive measures During this period, it is necessary to thoroughly brush your teeth after each meal; it is advisable to use fluoride-containing toothpastes. You also need to pay attention to cleaning the tongue, since it also contains bacteria, and massage the gums. The oral cavity can be rinsed with special solutions with anti-caries effect.

Both pregnant and lactating women need to take care increased content in the diet of all vitamins, micro- and macroelements, especially calcium, which strengthens skeletal system and teeth. Must be consumed as food large number fruits, vegetables (spinach, sesame, etc.), dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese). Additionally, you can take vitamins in capsules and tablets, but you must first consult your doctor about this.

The body of newborn children is at greatest risk of developing various diseases. The inflammatory process in the gum area is no exception. An insufficient level of the body's defenses is a provoking factor for the occurrence of gingivitis and periodontal disease in newborns.

This condition can be provoked various factors, including non-compliance with child care rules, as well as getting into infectious agents into the baby's mouth area. If we talk about the consequences of the inflammatory process in the mouth, then untimely treatment gingivitis and periodontal disease leads to a decrease or complete absence of appetite in infant, as well as to the formation of a purulent-inflammatory process in the area of ​​the newborn’s mouth.

Causes of inflammation

If a newborn baby is breastfed, then the following reasons can serve as provoking factors for the development of an inflammatory process in the oral cavity:

  • Difficulty nasal breathing, as a result of which the newborn baby is forced to constantly breathe through the mouth;
  • Pathologies of the development of the hyoid frenulum and lips;
  • Development of an infectious-inflammatory process in the area of ​​the nipple and areola of a nursing mother;
  • Failure to comply with the rules of hygiene of natural feeding.

Regardless of the reason that served as a provoking factor for the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the infant’s oral cavity, the formation of gingivitis or periodontal disease is facilitated by the accumulation of specific plaque on the surface of the child’s gums. This pathological substance is the main cause of the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.


You can recognize the formation of gingivitis or periodontal disease in an infant by a number of characteristic symptoms:

  • Redness of the oral mucosa;
  • Severe swelling and bleeding of the gums;
  • Frequent tearfulness and whims of the child, intensifying during breastfeeding;
  • Increased body temperature. This symptom occurs when the disease is severe;
  • Decrease or complete absence appetite.

For children infancy Breastfed patients are most likely to experience acute gingivitis or periodontal disease. Chronization pathological condition observed if the baby does not receive timely treatment. Depending on pathological changes in the oral mucosa, the following types of inflammatory process are distinguished:

  • Ulcerative;
  • Atrophic;
  • Catarrhal;
  • Hypertrophic;
  • Ulcerative-necrotic.

Each form of the inflammatory process causes a newborn baby a lot of discomfort and pain.


Taking into account the danger of inflammation in the oral cavity of a newborn child, the parents of the baby need to take care of providing timely assistance to the baby. The first aid algorithm for the formation of symptoms of an infectious-inflammatory process due to periodontal disease or gingivitis in a newborn child is as follows:

  1. The primary task of parents is to remove pathogenic plaque from the surface of the gums of a newborn child. If young parents are unable to perform this procedure, then they should seek help from a pediatric orthodontist;
  2. Relief of the inflammatory process. To carry out this procedure, it is necessary to treat the baby’s gums using antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agents. For this purpose, an infusion of chamomile flowers is used, as well as a solution of Chlorhexidine. To sanitize the oral cavity of a baby, it is strictly forbidden to use alcohol-containing antiseptic solutions;
  3. Sanitation of the oral cavity. If a baby under the age of 1 year develops an infectious-inflammatory process in the oral cavity due to breastfeeding, then the child’s parents should seek advice from a pediatric orthodontist.

Before visiting a medical specialist, parents of a newborn child need to resort to first aid options for the baby. In order to cleanse the baby’s gums and relieve the inflammatory process, the mucous membrane is wiped with a weak solution. baking soda or potassium permanganate (manganese).

If a baby experiences an increase in body temperature above 38 degrees, then parents need to give the baby an antipyretic. To the most safe drugs includes Ibuprofen and.


It is important for parents of a newborn baby who is breastfed to become familiar not only with treatment options for an infectious-inflammatory process in the oral cavity, but also with methods of its prevention. Compliance elementary rules will help protect your newborn baby from developing this problem:

  1. Attentive attitude to the oral health of a newborn child. If young parents discover the presence of a specific plaque on the surface of the oral mucosa of the infant, then they need to show the newborn medical specialist;
  2. Compliance with the rules of caring for a newborn. To prevent infectious and inflammatory damage to the baby's oral cavity, every young mother should treat the baby's oral cavity with a cotton swab dipped in boiled water or a decoction of chamomile flowers. This procedure carried out after each application to the breast;
  3. Compliance with breastfeeding hygiene rules. If a newborn baby is breastfed, then every young mother needs to take care of the cleanliness of her mammary glands. Before each application of the baby to the breast, the skin of the mammary glands is wiped with a cotton swab dipped in boiled water. If a woman develops abrasions or bruises, she should consult a medical specialist before continuing breastfeeding.

An infectious-inflammatory process in the oral cavity often leads to the development of more serious complications, up to weight loss in infants. Assessing the condition of the infant's oral cavity should be part of the newborn's daily hygiene routine. If pathological changes are detected, self-medication is strictly prohibited.

During breastfeeding, many women experience dental problems. Most often, caries, inflammation and bleeding of the gums, and mobility of dental elements are observed. The cause of the disease lies in calcium deficiency in the body and decreased immunity, which is often observed during pregnancy and lactation.

But often a nursing woman puts off a visit to the dentist, fearing that the treatment may harm the baby. In fact, a nursing mother should visit the dentist even more often than usual.

What are the dangers of dental problems for a nursing mother?

Caries and sore gums in the mother's mouth - this is a dangerous source of infection for the child. When you try your baby's food, kiss and hug him, bacteria enter the baby's mouth and can cause the development of stomatitis.

A constantly aching tooth often becomes the cause of psycho-emotional stress and bad mood, as well as lack of sleep. The result of chronic toothache is likely to be a decrease in the amount of milk, up to complete disappearance.

First aid for toothache

Acute toothache should be relieved as soon as possible, without waiting for a visit to the dentist. You can take one of the drugs based on paracetamol or ibuprofen without harm to the baby. One of these medications should always be in your medicine cabinet.

Active ingredientName of medicineNote

"Panadol", "Efferalgan" and others.A small amount of paracetamol is observed in breast milk, with the maximum concentration observed after 15-60 minutes.

"Ibufen", "Nurofen" and others.The best option is to take Ibuprofen immediately after feeding. But in breast milk This drug comes in extremely small quantities.

Most effective option– ibuprofen and its derivatives. Compared to paracetamol, it relieves pain better.

Important! Do not take painkillers or antipyretics without reading the composition of the medication and the instructions for its use. And most the best option There will be a consultation with a pediatrician.

  • "Analdim";
  • "Tempalgin";
  • "Sedalgin";
  • "Pentalgin" etc.

All of the above medications through milk have negative impact on the internal organs and systems of the baby.

Pain relief during treatment

At any age of the child, you can easily treat caries and gum disease. But you must tell the dentist at your first visit that you are feeding your baby. Then the doctor will select safe medications.

Most local anesthesia is short-acting. This means that it circulates in the blood for a short time.

  • "Lidocaine";
  • "Ultracaine".


"Ultracaine DS"

Important! Both drugs are eliminated from the body within three to six hours, depending on the dose. Therefore, it is recommended to feed your baby immediately before visiting the dentist and stock up on a portion of breast milk in advance for the next feeding. Once you return, you need to express and discard the milk. And the next milk will be completely safe for the baby.

What to do if potent drugs are prescribed?

When taking strong medications that should not get into the child's hands, you can feed the baby one of the milk formulas according to age. And in order not to interrupt the production of your own milk, you need to express at least six times a day.

You absolutely do not want to transfer your child to artificial feeding? Then ask your doctor to postpone treatment for a while. During this time, accumulate the required amount of your own frozen milk.

Please note that in the arsenal of modern pharmacology there are antibiotics that are approved for feeding. But even an approved drug is best taken so that there is a maximum gap in feeding after taking it.

Antibiotic groupNote
PenicillinsPenicillins enter breast milk in low concentrations. But they can call allergic manifestations and loose stools.

Subject to availability allergic dermatitis It is worth switching the child to formula.

CephalosporinsAlmost does not pass into breast milk and does not affect the health and development of the child.
MacrolidesThey get into milk, but do not have a negative effect on the baby.

Prescribed for allergies to penicillin and cephalosporin drugs.

Dental procedures during lactation

To develop a treatment regimen, you may be prescribed x-ray. This procedure is carried out on digital equipment with minimum dose exposure, and you will be wearing a protective apron while the device is operating. The photograph taken will allow you to assess the condition of the roots and canals, so do not refuse to undergo an x-ray.

Instead of an x-ray, you can undergo a visiography procedure. In this procedure, radiation exposure falls only on the diseased tooth, and no dangerous radiation reaches the body. And the radiation dose is much lower than with digital x-rays.

Removal of decayed teeth and roots

In some advanced cases the destroyed element of the dental system cannot be saved and must be removed. Uncomplicated tooth extraction is performed under the influence of local anesthesia, these drugs quickly stop circulating in the bloodstream. It is necessary to follow the same rules as when treating teeth with local anesthetics.

In advanced situations, flux may develop - purulent inflammation bone tissue near the diseased tooth.

Then, after tooth extraction, the doctor will definitely prescribe antibiotic therapy. If drugs that are compatible with lactation are chosen, you can continue to feed the baby. Otherwise, the child is temporarily transferred to formula and milk is expressed while taking antibiotics in order to maintain lactation.

Prosthetics on implants

Dental implantation cannot be performed during lactation. This applies to both one-stage and two-stage implantation methods. The fact is that after implantation, a number of medications are prescribed that are incompatible with breastfeeding. In addition, during lactation, artificial roots may take root poorly. Therefore, implantation should be postponed until the end of breastfeeding; if necessary, temporary crowns can be installed.

Orthodontists do not recommend installing braces or correcting the bite until lactation is completed. This is due to the fact that during lactation it is impossible to put additional stress on bone tissue jaws lacking calcium. It is recommended to carry out treatment with braces no earlier than 6 months after the end of breastfeeding.

Teeth whitening

You will have to refrain from teeth whitening using professional equipment during breastfeeding. For these purposes, a nursing mother can only use pastes, gels or chewing gum.

The fact is that during teeth whitening using professional equipment, the dye is removed from the tooth enamel and after whitening, rehabilitation is necessary with the use of medications that promote the mineralization of tooth enamel. During breastfeeding rehabilitation period takes more long time and may be accompanied by the development of caries due to a lack of calcium ions.

Prevention of caries during lactation

Preventive measures will help you avoid dental problems during breastfeeding. After all, it is always easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.

Disease Prevention dental system and mucous membranes includes a number of simple measures:

  • brush your teeth immediately after each meal;
  • use dental floss and mouthwash;
  • use fluoridated pastes;
  • take vitamin and mineral supplements for nursing mothers.

Be sure to include in your diet curd products, cheese, sesame and other products with high content calcium. And limit your consumption of desserts, sweet foods and excessively hot drinks, which can damage tooth enamel.

Video - Is it possible to treat teeth while breastfeeding?