"Analgin": instructions for use for children, preparation of a lytic mixture at temperature. Analgin: pharmacological group, release forms, composition, indications for use

Analgin tablets 0.5g No. 10


Analgin is a time-tested drug that has a pronounced analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Buy at your nearest pharmacy

Composition of Analgin:

active substance: 1 tablet contains metamizole sodium 0.5 g; potato starch, talc, calcium stearate.

Dosage form. Pills.

Basic physical and chemical properties: tablets are white or white with a yellowish tint, with a flat surface, scored and chamfered.

Pharmacological group. Analgesics and antipyretics. Code ATX N02B B02.

Pharmacological properties. Analgin (metamizole sodium) exhibits analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects. The analgesic effect is due to inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX) and blocking the synthesis of prostaglandins from arachidonic acid involved in the formation of pain reactions (bradykinins, prostaglandins, etc.); slowing down the conduction of extra- and proprioceptive pain impulses in the central nervous system, an increase in the threshold of excitability of the thalamic centers of pain sensitivity and a decrease in the response of brain structures responsible for the perception of pain to external stimuli. The antipyretic effect is due to a decrease in the formation and release of substances from neutrophils that affect heat production. The anti-inflammatory effect is associated with inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis.

Pharmacokinetics. Metamizole sodium is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Therapeutic concentration in blood plasma is achieved approximately half an hour after taking the drug. The maximum plasma concentration of metamizole sodium after oral administration doses of 6 mg/kg body weight are achieved in 1-1.5 hours. In small quantities, it binds to blood plasma proteins and is intensively metabolized in the liver: a significant part of the substance is hydrolyzed to form 4-methylaminoantipyrine, which is demethylated to form the pharmacologically active 4-aminoantipyrine, 50-60% of which binds to blood plasma proteins, and the acetylated derivative of which is excreted with urine. The drug also passes through the placenta and into breast milk.

Clinical characteristics.

Indications Analgin.

Pain syndrome of various origins: headache, toothache, neuralgia, radiculitis, pain in muscles, joints, pain during menstruation. As an aid to reduce pain after surgery and diagnostic interventions. Hyperthermic syndrome in infectious and inflammatory diseases.


Known or suspected hypersensitivity to metamizole sodium and/or to other pyrazolone derivatives, other components of the drug; bronchial asthma; pronounced changes in liver and kidney function (porphyrin metabolism); blood diseases: anemia of any etiology, cytostatic or infectious neutropenia; changes in peripheral blood composition: agranulocytosis, leukopenia; suspicion of acute surgical pathology; deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.

Special security measures. Before starting treatment with analgin, you should consult your doctor. The recommended dosage of the drug should not be exceeded. Do not use to relieve acute abdominal pain (until the cause is determined). Since metamizole sodium has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, it may mask signs of infection, symptoms non-communicable diseases and complications with pain, which can make their diagnosis difficult. When using the drug, you should refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages. Use in children should be carried out under constant medical supervision.

The drug should be used with caution in patients:

■ summer age - can lead to an increase in the frequency of adverse reactions, especially from the digestive tract;

■ existing allergic diseases (including hay fever) or a previous history of these diseases - the risk increases allergic reactions;

■ with impaired renal function, a history of kidney disease (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis);

■ with inflammatory bowel diseases, including nonspecific ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease;

■ with pronounced arterial hypotension, cardiovascular failure;

■ with chronic alcoholism;

■ with the simultaneous use of cytostatic drugs (only under the supervision of a physician).

When used by children, constant medical supervision is required. It is necessary to control the qualitative and quantitative composition peripheral blood.

At long-term use drug (more than 7 days), it is necessary to monitor the composition of peripheral blood (for the myelotoxicity of metamizole), kidney and liver function. Patients should be warned before treatment if they experience unmotivated chills, fever, sore throat, difficulty swallowing, bleeding gums, paleness skin, asthenia, if vaginitis or proctitis develops, the drug should be discontinued immediately. Also, taking the drug should be stopped at the first rash on the skin and mucous membranes. If these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor immediately.

When taking the drug, urine may turn red due to the excretion of metamizole sodium metabolite.

Do not use the drug for longer than the prescribed period without consulting a doctor! If the signs of the disease do not begin to disappear or, on the contrary, the health condition worsens, or adverse events, you must stop taking the drug and consult a doctor regarding further use.

Interaction with other drugs and other types of interactions. If you are taking any other medications, be sure to tell your doctor!

■ X-ray contrast agents, colloidal blood substitutes, penicillin should not be used during treatment with metamizole sodium.

■ Chlorpromazine or other phenothiazine derivatives - severe hypothermia may develop.

■ Indirect anticoagulants, phenytoin, corticosteroids, indomethacin, ibuprofen - metamizole sodium increases the activity of these drugs by displacing them from protein binding.

■ Phenylbutazone, glutethimide, barbiturates and other inducers of microsomal liver enzymes - the effectiveness of metamizole sodium decreases.

■ Tricyclic antidepressants, hormonal contraceptives and allopurinol, alcohol - may increase the toxicity of metamizole sodium. Metamizole sodium enhances the sedative effect of alcohol.

■ Other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - their analgesic and antipyretic effects are potentiated and the likelihood of additive unwanted side effects increases.

■ Sedatives and tranquilizers (sibazon, trioxazine, valocordin), codeine, histamine H2 receptor blockers, propranolol - enhance the analgesic effect of metamizole sodium.

■ Sarcolysine, Mercazolil, Thiamazole, drugs that suppress activity bone marrow, incl. Gold preparations - increases the likelihood of hematotoxicity, incl. development of leukopenia.

■ Methotrexate - metamizole in high doses may lead to an increase in the concentration of methotrexate in the blood plasma and an increase in its toxic effects (primarily on digestive tract and hematopoietic system).

■ Cyclosporine - the concentration of cyclosporine in the blood plasma decreases.

■ Sulfonamide oral hypoglycemic drugs - their hypoglycemic effect may be enhanced when used with NSAIDs, incl. with metamizole sodium.

■ Diuretics (furosemide) - the diuretic effect may be reduced.

Features of application. When using the drug, it is necessary to monitor the composition of peripheral blood ( leukocyte formula). Use with caution to treat patients with anamnestic indications of kidney disease (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis), allergic diseases and with a long alcohol history. When using analgin, urine may turn red due to the release of a metabolite. Regular use is not recommended long-term use drug for myelotoxicity metamizole sodium salt.

Use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding (stop breastfeeding during treatment).

The ability to influence the reaction rate when driving vehicles or other mechanisms. The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and working with machinery.

Application. Tablets are taken after meals with a glass of water a small amount water. Adults and children over 14 years of age are usually prescribed 4-1 tablets (250-500 mg) 1-2 times a day. The maximum daily dose is 1 g.
Children aged 12 to 14 years - 1A tablets (250 mg) 1-2 times a day.
The duration of treatment is no more than 3 days.

Children. The drug should not be prescribed to children under 12 years of age.

Overdose. Symptoms: hypothermia, palpitations, marked decrease blood pressure, tachycardia, dysphagia, shortness of breath, tinnitus, nausea, vomiting, gastritis / gastralgia, weakness, drowsiness, delirium, disturbances of consciousness, convulsive syndrome; the development of acute agranulocytosis, hemorrhagic syndrome, oliguria, anuria, acute renal and liver failure, paralysis of the respiratory muscles is possible.
Treatment: drug withdrawal, induction of vomiting, gastric lavage, administration of saline laxatives, enterosorbents, forced diuresis, symptomatic therapy aimed at maintaining vital important functions. In severe cases, hemodialysis, hemoperfusion, and peritoneal dialysis are possible.
At the first symptoms of an overdose, you should immediately seek help. medical care! Adverse reactions.

Allergic reactions: manifestations of hypersensitivity reactions, including rashes on the skin and mucous membranes, conjunctivitis, itching, urticaria, angioedema, bronchospastic syndrome, anaphylactic shock, very rarely - Stevens-Johnson syndrome, Lyell's syndrome.

From the blood system and lymphatic system: with long-term use, agranulocytosis, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia, granulocytopenia are possible.

From the urinary system: usually in patients with impaired renal function and / or when using excessive doses - transient oliguria, anuria, proteinuria, interstitial nephritis. Discoloration of urine red.

From the outside digestive system: hepatitis.

Other: decrease in blood pressure.

If any adverse reactions You must stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Best before date 5 years.

Storage conditions. Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Package. 10 tablets in blisters.

Manufacturer. LLC "Ternopharm"

Pharmacological and its address of place of business.

LLC "Ternopharm" Ukraine, 46010, Ternopil, st. Factory, 4.

In the line of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, a special place is given to analgin. Thanks to its pronounced analgesic effect, the medicine successfully copes with pain of various natures, can reduce body temperature, and stop the inflammatory process. The drug administered intramuscularly demonstrates the greatest effectiveness, however, self-medication is dangerous, but it is still necessary to read the information from the instructions before giving injections.

Description of the composition of the drug

A liquid analgesic intended for injection is available in ampoules. Active substance medicinal solution is a synthetic substance metamizole sodium, which gives the injection solution analgesic, antipyretic, and weak anti-inflammatory properties.

A transparent liquid of a yellowish tint is packaged in glass ampoules, which are placed in cells cardboard boxes. One ampoule with a volume of 1 ml or 2 ml contains, respectively, 500 or 1000 mg of the active substance plus 1 ml of water for injection. The packaging is designed for 10 ampoules and includes instructions for using the drug.

Therapeutic effect

  • Features of pharmacodynamics

The mechanism of action of analgin in solution for injection, which is a pyrazolone derivative, is similar to the effect of a number of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The result is a non-selective blocking of cyclooxygenase, as well as a decrease in the synthesis of prostaglandins and arachidonic acid. The process prevents the spread of pain bursts along the nerve endings with an increase in the threshold of pain perception and an increase in heat transfer. Very low anti-inflammatory activity contributes to sodium and water retention and has little effect on the condition of the gastrointestinal mucosa. Due to its antispasmodic effect, it relieves spasms of the smooth muscles of the biliary and urinary tract against the background of an analgesic as well as antipyretic effect.

  • Pharmacokinetic aspects

The solution of the active substance, after rapid absorption, ends up in the liver, where, during the hydrolysis process, it decomposes into active and inactive metabolites. A small amount of the unchanged form of analgin is registered in the blood, where reversible interaction with plasma proteins of an intramuscularly administered substance. For effective action the total concentration of analgin metabolites should not exceed 10 mcg/ml. If the concentration exceeds 20 mcg/ml, there is a risk of intoxication; repeated administration of the drug does not change its pharmacokinetics.

Important: since the excretion of metabolites occurs in the urine, in case of impaired functioning of the kidneys and liver, the recommended dosage should be followed to avoid the fact of drug accumulation. Injection of the drug provides a faster onset of effect than treatment with tablets.

When is the drug prescribed?

The analgesic is used strictly after a doctor’s prescription, and also under his supervision, guided by the information from the instructions. The main goal of treatment is to relieve pain and provide an antipyretic effect. Injections are prescribed to relieve the following painful symptoms:

  • weak or moderate severity pain syndrome associated with headache, toothache, neuralgia, colic (renal, intestinal, biliary);
  • intramuscular injections are necessary for injuries, burns, decompression sickness, and postoperative pain syndrome;
  • injections are effective in relieving fever syndrome caused by insect bites;
  • the drug alleviates the condition and lowers body temperature accompanying infections, inflammatory diseases, and colds;
  • injections are necessary for radiculitis, arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, manifestations of osteochondrosis.

Note: tablets or injections of analgin, which belongs to the line of nonspecific anti-inflammatory drugs, relieve pain only for a short time. Reception daily dose should be carefully calculated so as not to exceed the maximum limit, since the medicine has a considerable number of negative effects.

What doses is the drug used?

Analgin solution in ampoules is prescribed intravenously for pain of extreme severity, when it is necessary to relieve the syndrome as quickly as possible. Under the influence of the drug, the pain center in the brain is blocked with a parallel effect on the lesions inflammatory process. Reducing the influx of prostaglandins leads to the elimination of swelling and redness of the skin.

When choosing an effective injection dose, the instructions indicate that the intensity should be taken into account pain, the level of fever symptoms, the fact of individual sensitivity to the drug. Preference is given to minimal doses that provide relief from pain and signs of fever. According to the instructions, the dosage of a solution that can reduce fever in children is calculated taking into account the child’s weight and age.

Age rangeSingle dose indicators
From three months of age to 11 months with a child weighing 5-8 kgAnalgin – 0.1-0.2 ml.

Metamizole sodium – 50-100 mg.

Method of administration: intramuscular

From one to 3 years with a body weight of 9-15 kgAnalgin – 0.2-0.5 ml.

Metamizole sodium – 100-250 mg

From 4 to 6 years with 16-23 kg weightAnalgin – 0.3-0.8 ml.

Metamizole sodium – 150-400 mg

From 7 to 9 years old with a body weight of 24-30 kg in a childAnalgin – 0.4-1 ml

Metamizole sodium – 200-500 mg

From 10 to 12 years with a weight range of 31-45 kgAnalgin – 0.5-1 ml.

Metamizole sodium – 250-500 mg

13-14 years old with a body weight of 46-53 kgAnalgin – 0.8-1.8 ml.

Metamizole sodium – 400-900 mg

Clarification: children over 15 years of age, as well as adults with a body weight of more than 53 kg, are prescribed an injection method of treatment, 1-2 ml per possible increase a single dose is up to 5 ml, and a daily dose is up to a maximum of 10 ml. For elderly people, the dose of metamizole is reduced due to the slow elimination of metabolites, especially with long-term treatment.

Features of introduction and safety measures

  • Usually, to relieve symptoms of pain and inflammation, taking the drug in tablets is sufficient. With intramuscular or intravenous injections, it is possible to accelerate the effect of relief, but the increased risk of anaphylactic reaction should be taken into account.
  • Before administering the treatment solution, it should be heated so that its temperature matches body temperature. The choice must be carefully considered intravenous injections, after them the likelihood of a sharp drop in blood pressure increases.
  • For breeding injection solution you can use glucose (5% solution), physiological and Ringer's lactate solutions, taking into account immediate use due to their limited stability. Analgin solution is incompatible with other drugs, especially in the same container.
  • When choosing the option of long-term therapy with injections or administration of the maximum permissible dose, regular monitoring of blood composition indicators is required. Injections are given while lying down under close medical supervision.
  • To minimize a sharp drop in blood pressure, as well as to promptly stop the treatment process, intravenous injection of analgin is performed at a very slow pace (speed 1 ml/min). Heart function and respiratory rate should be monitored.

For whom the medicine is contraindicated

Intramuscular injections of metamizole are not prescribed to children under 3 months of age with a body weight of up to 5 kg; intravenous injections are prohibited from 3 to 11 months. For severe renal pathologies, as well as liver problems, increased reaction to the active substance or pyrazolone derivatives, the administration of analgin solution is contraindicated. Instructions for the use of analgin in injections indicate that blood diseases, not excluding hereditary hemolytic anemia, problems with hematopoiesis after therapy with cytostatics, as well as myasthenia gravis, neuritis optic nerve are considered a valid reason for refusing to prescribe the drug.

It is important to note that during pregnancy, especially at the beginning (1st trimester) and before childbirth (6 weeks), taking any form of medication is not recommended. Even the minimum dose of medicine threatens intrauterine fetus or to an infant during breastfeeding various genetic disorders. IN breast milk traces of active metabolites of analgin are detected, therefore, if necessary, even minimum doses, you will have to stop breastfeeding during treatment with the drug.

Threat of side effects

Despite the fact that analgin tablets have a low cost, and the drug administered intramuscularly helps quite quickly, one should take into account the fact of unwanted side effects from treatment. As the instructions warn, in case of an overdose of the drug, tinnitus, drowsiness and confusion, breathing problems, even stopping it, may occur. The human body may react with the following adverse reactions:

  • diseases of the blood and lymphatic system, the development of aplastic anemia with the threat of death;
  • significant disturbances in the functioning of the excretory organs with a change in the color of urine to red;
  • a decrease in blood pressure to critical levels;
  • the development of allergic reactions, bronchospasm, even anaphylactic shock;
  • the appearance of infiltration at the injection site, problems with the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

It is important to know that in case of an overdose of the drug, you should induce vomiting, drink a laxative (saline), rinse the stomach, and take sorbents. In particularly severe cases, convulsive syndrome, treatment is performed with intravenous injections of diazepam, as well as fast-acting barbiturates.

Interactions with medications

The instructions warn that the analgin prescribed in injections demonstrates high pharmaceutical incompatibility with many dosage forms. Metamizole sodium is dangerous to combine with the following drugs:

  • other non-narcotic analgesics – mutual enhancement of toxicity;
  • antidepressants (tricyclic), allopurinol, contraceptives;
  • when combined with alcoholic drinks the medicine enhances its effect;
  • taking barbiturates and phenylbutazone harms the action of analgin;
  • metamizole, simultaneously prescribed with cyclosporine, reduces its concentration in the blood;
  • combination with hypoglycemic drugs, anticoagulants, corticosteroids enhances their effect;
  • simultaneous administration with tranquilizers and drugs sedative group, the analgesic response of analgin is enhanced.

If you have pain of any intensity, you should not immediately look for tablets or ampoules of analgin in the medicine cabinet. You should see a specialist to determine the cause of the pain and receive adequate treatment. Despite the wide availability of any form of the drug and its rapid effect, the list of restrictions on therapy with metamizole sodium should be taken into account. In addition, the cause of a headache can be an increase in blood pressure, but in this case analgin is powerless, and a worsening of the situation is inevitable.

Metamizole sodium.

Dosage form:

solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration.
Description: Transparent colorless or slightly colored liquid.

active substance: metamizole sodium - 250 mg or 500 mg;
excipient: water for injection - up to 1 ml.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

non-narcotic analgesic.
ATX Code

Pharmacological properties
It has analgesic, antipyretic and weak anti-inflammatory effects, the mechanism of which is associated with inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis. It is a derivative of pyrazolone.
When administered intravenously: onset of action - after 5-10 minutes, maximum effect- after 5-30 minutes, duration of action - up to 2 hours. Metabolized in the liver, a small concentration of unchanged metamizole sodium is found in plasma and excreted by the kidneys. IN therapeutic doses penetrates into mother's milk.

Indications for use
Pain syndrome (mild to moderate severity): incl. neuralgia, myalgia, arthralgia, biliary colic, intestinal colic, renal colic, trauma, burns, decompression sickness, herpes zoster, orchitis, radiculitis, myositis, postoperative pain syndrome, headache, toothache, algodismenorrhea. Feverish syndrome (infectious inflammatory diseases, insect bites - mosquitoes, bees, gadflies, etc., post-transfusion complications).
The drug is intended for symptomatic therapy, reducing pain and inflammation at the time of use, does not affect the progression of the disease.

Hypersensitivity to pyrazolone derivatives (phenylbutazone, tribuzone), tendency to bronchospasm.
Severe liver and/or kidney dysfunction, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, blood diseases, suppression of hematopoiesis (agranulopitosis, cytostatic or infectious neutropenia), as well as anemia and leukopenia. Bronchoobstruction, rhinitis, urticaria provoked by taking acetylsalicylic acid or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (including in history), active disease liver, condition after coronary artery bypass surgery; confirmed hyperkalemia, erosive and ulcerative changes in the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, active gastrointestinal bleeding, inflammatory bowel diseases. Infancy up to 3 months
Use during pregnancy and lactation.
Do not use during pregnancy (especially in the first 3 months and last 6 weeks) and during lactation.

With caution
Ischemic disease heart, chronic heart failure, cerebrovascular diseases, dyslipidemia/hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, peripheral arterial disease, smoking, creatinine clearance less than 60 ml/min. anamnestic data on development ulcerative lesion gastrointestinal tract, presence of H. pylori infection, old age, long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, severe somatic diseases, simultaneous use of oral glucocorticosteroids (including prednisolone), anticoagulants (including warfarin), antiplatelet agents (including acetylsalicylic acid, clopidogrel), selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (including citalopram, fluoxetine, paroxetip, sertraline).
Particular caution is required when prescribing to patients with systolic blood pressure below 100 mmHg. Art. or in case of circulatory instability (for example, myocardial infarction, multiple trauma, beginning shock), with anamnestic indications of kidney disease (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis) and with a long history of alcoholism.

Directions for use and doses
The drug is administered intravenously (with severe pain) or intramuscularly, 1 - 2 ml of 250 mg/ml or 500 mg/ml solution 2-3 times a day, but not more than 2 g per day.
Children are administered at the rate of 0.1 - 0.2 ml of a 500 mg/ml solution or 0.2 - 0.4 ml of a 250 mg/ml solution for every 10 kg of the child’s body weight 2-3 times a day.
For children under 1 year of age, the drug is administered only intramuscularly, the course is no more than 3 days.

Side effect
In therapeutic doses, the drug is well tolerated. When using the drug, some patients may experience adverse reactions: allergic reactions ( skin rash, Quincke's edema; rarely anaphylactic shock, Stevens-Johnson and Lyell syndromes, bronchospasm); with long-term use, agranulocytosis, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, arterial hypotension, and interstinal nephritis may occur. Renal dysfunction, oliguria, anuria, proteinuria, red urine color.
If you are prone to bronchospasm, it is possible to provoke an attack. With intramuscular administration, infiltrates are possible at the injection site.

Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, gastralgia, oliguria, hypothermia, decreased blood pressure, tachycardia, shortness of breath, tinnitus, drowsiness, delirium, impaired consciousness, acute agranulocytosis, hemorrhagic syndrome, acute renal and/or liver failure, convulsions, paralysis of the respiratory muscles.
Treatment: induction of vomiting, transtube gastric lavage, saline laxatives, activated carbon; carrying out forced diuresis, hemodialysis, with the development convulsive syndrome- intravenous administration of diazepam and fast-acting barbiturates.

Interaction with other drugs
Due to the high probability of pharmaceutical incompatibility, it should not be mixed with other drugs in the same syringe. Enhances the effects of ethanol; simultaneous use with chlorpromazine or other phenothiazine derivatives can lead to the development of severe hyperthermia.
Radiocontrast agents, colloidal blood substitutes and penicillin should not be used during treatment with metamizole sodium. With simultaneous administration of cyclosporine, the concentration of the latter in the blood decreases. Metamizole sodium, displacing oral hypoglycemic drugs from protein binding, indirect anticoagulants, glucocorticosteroids and indomethacin, increases their activity. Phenylbutazone, barbiturates and other hepatoinducers, when administered simultaneously, reduce the effectiveness of metamizole sodium. Concomitant use with other non-narcotic analgesics, tricyclic antidepressants, contraceptives hormonal agents and allopurinol may lead to increased toxicity, Sedatives and tranquilizers enhance the analgesic effect of metamizole sodium. Thiamazole and sarcolysine increase the risk of developing leukopenia. The effect is enhanced by codeine, histamine H2 blockers and propranolol (slows down inactivation). Myelotoxic drugs enhance the hematotoxicity of metamizole sodium.

Special instructions
When treating children under 5 years of age and patients receiving cytostatic drugs, analgin should be taken only under the supervision of a physician. In patients with atopic bronchial asthma and hay fever is present increased risk development of hypersensitivity reactions. With long-term (more than a week) use, it is necessary to monitor the peripheral blood picture and functional state liver. While taking analgin, agranulocytosis may develop, and therefore, if an unmotivated rise in temperature, chills, sore throat, difficulty swallowing, stomatitis is detected, as well as with the development of vaginitis or proctitis, immediate discontinuation of the drug is necessary. Intolerance is very rare, but the risk of developing shock after intravenous administration of the drug is relatively higher than after taking the drug orally. Cannot be used for removal acute pain in the stomach (until the cause is determined). For intramuscular administration, a long needle must be used.

Release form
Solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 250 mg/ml or 500 mg/ml (ampoules) - 1 or 2 ml. 10 ampoules each along with an ampoule knife or scarifier and instructions for use in a cardboard pack.
5 ampoules per blister pack. 2 contour blister packs together with an ampoule knife or scarifier and instructions for use in a cardboard pack. When packaging ampoules with a break point or ring, an ampoule knife or scarifier is not inserted.

Storage conditions
List B. In a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25° C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date
3 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the packaging.

Release from pharmacies
Dispensed by prescription.

Manufacturer / organization accepting claims
FSUE "Armavirskaya" biological factory»
Address: 352212, Krasnodar region, Novokubansky district, village. Progress, st. Mechnikova, 11

Analgesic and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Analgin (Analginum)

Pharmacological action

Analgin has very pronounced analgesic (pain-relieving), anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. As a highly soluble and easily absorbed drug, it is especially convenient for use in cases where it is necessary to quickly create high concentration drug. Good solubility makes it possible to widely use parenteral analgin (bypassing gastrointestinal tract) introduction.

Indications for use

Analgin is used for pain of various origins (headache, neuralgia - pain spreading along the nerve, radiculitis, myositis - muscle inflammation), feverish conditions (sharp increase body temperature), flu, rheumatism.

Directions for use

Analgin is prescribed orally, intramuscularly or intravenously.

Taken orally after meals. Dose for adults - 0.25-0.5 g 2-3 times a day; for rheumatism - up to 1 g 3 times a day. Children orally - 5-10 mg/kg 3-4 times a day.

Adults are given 1-2 ml of a 50% or 25% solution 2-3 times a day intramuscularly or intravenously (for severe pain); no more than 2 g per day. Children are administered at the rate of 0.1-0.2 ml of a 50% solution or 0.2-0.4 ml of a 25% solution per 10 kg of body weight.

Do not use subcutaneously, as tissue irritation is possible.

Higher doses for adults orally: single - 1 g, daily - 3 g; intramuscularly and into a vein: single dose - 1 g, daily - 2 g.

Side effects

When using analgin (especially for a long time), inhibition of hematopoiesis is possible (granulocytopenia / decrease in the content of granulocytes in the blood /, agranulocytosis / absence of granulocytes in the blood/), so it is necessary to periodically conduct blood tests.

Cases of allergic reactions after taking analgin and anaphylactic (allergic) shock after intravenous administration of the drug have been described.


The drug is contraindicated in hypersensitivity (skin reactions etc.), bronchospasm (narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi), hematopoietic disorders.

Release form

Powder, tablets 0.5 g; 25% and 50% solutions in ampoules of 1 and 2 ml.

For use in pediatric practice, tablets of 0.05 are also produced; 0.1 and 0.15 g.

Storage conditions

List B. In well-sealed orange glass jars, protected from light.


Metamizole sodium, Metamizole, Dipirone, Ronaldin, Algocalmine, Algopyrine, Metapyrine, Methylmelubrine, Minalgin, Noramidopyrinemethanesulfate sodium, Novaldin, Novamidazofen, Novapirin, Nosan, Nobolon, Devalgin, Ivalgin, Pantalgan, Piretin, Pyridone, Totalgin, Vetalgin, Analgetin, Neomelubrine, Novalgin , Novaminosulfone, Piralgin, Pirizan, Sulpirin, Toralgin.


Sodium 1-Phenyl-2,3-dimethyl-4-methylaminopyrazolone-5-N-methanesulfonate.

White or white with a barely noticeable yellowish tint crystalline powder. Decomposes quickly in the presence of moisture. Easily soluble in water (1:1.5), difficult in alcohol.

The aqueous solution (pH 6.0 - 7.5) is sterilized at + 100 C for 30 minutes.


Analgin is also included in the composition combination drugs akabel, naftalgin liniment, remidon, anapirin tablets.


Before using the drug Analgin you should consult your doctor. This instruction is given in free translation and is intended for informational purposes only. To get more complete information Please refer to the manufacturer's instructions.

Instructions for use of the drug
for medical use

Registration number:


Trade name of the drug:

INN or group name:

metamizole sodium

Chemical rational name:

Sodium 1-Phenyl-2,3-dimethyl-4-methylaminopyrazolone-5-N-methanesulfonate

Dosage form:



active substances: metamizole sodium – 500 mg.
excipients: potato starch, calcium stearate, sucrose (sugar), talc.

Tablets are white or white with a slightly yellowish tint, flat-cylindrical with a chamfer and a score.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

Analgesic non-narcotic drug.

ATX code: N02BB02.

Pharmacological properties

It has analgesic, antipyretic and weak anti-inflammatory effects, and is a derivative of pyrazolone.


Analgin non-selectively blocks cyclooxygenase and reduces the formation of prostaglandins from arachidonic acid, and prevents the conduction of painful extra- and proprioceptive impulses. Analgin has a weak anti-inflammatory effect, causing little effect on water-salt metabolism(sodium and water retention) and gastrointestinal mucosa. Has an antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles urinary and biliary tract. The action develops 20-40 minutes after ingestion.


Well and quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, which ensures rapid development clinical effect. When taken in therapeutic doses, it penetrates into mother's milk. Maximum plasma concentration is achieved 1-1.5 hours after oral administration. In the intestinal wall it is hydrolyzed to form the active metabolite, 4-methyl-aminoantipyrine, which in turn is metabolized to 4-formyl-aminoantipyrine and other metabolites. The level of binding of the active metabolite to proteins is 50-60%. Excretion of metabolites occurs through the kidneys. In addition, metabolites are excreted in breast milk.

Indications for use

Feverish syndrome against the background of infectious and inflammatory diseases, headache of various origins, pain syndrome of mild and moderate severity: neuralgia, myalgia, arthralgia, biliary colic, intestinal colic, renal colic, trauma, radiculitis, myositis, postoperative pain syndrome, algodismenorrhea.


Hypersensitivity, suppression of hematopoiesis (agranulocytosis, neutropenia), hepatic and/or renal failure, hereditary hemolytic anemia associated with deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and other types of anemia, asthma induced by taking acetylsalicylic acid, salicylates and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, leukopenia, pregnancy (especially in the first trimester and the last 6 weeks), lactation period, childhood up to 8 years old.

With caution you should take the drug for kidney diseases (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis - including a history), with moderate pronounced violations liver and kidneys, bronchial asthma, predisposition to the development of arterial hypotension, long-term alcohol abuse.

Directions for use and doses

Orally, after meals, adults are prescribed 250-500 mg 2-3 times a day, the maximum single dose is 1000 mg, the daily dose is 3000 mg. Single doses for children 8-14 years old – 250-300 mg, frequency of administration 2-3 times a day. The duration of use without consulting a doctor is no more than 5 days.

Side effect

From the urinary system: impaired renal function, oliguria, anuria, proteinuria, interstitial nephritis, red staining of urine. Allergic reactions: urticaria (including on the conjunctiva and mucous membranes of the nasopharynx), angioedema, V in rare cases– malignant exudative erythema(Stevens-Johnson syndrome), toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell's syndrome), bronchospastic syndrome, anaphylactic shock. From the hematopoietic organs: agranulocytosis, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia. Other: lowering blood pressure.


Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, gastralgia, oliguria, hypothermia, decreased blood pressure, tachycardia, shortness of breath, tinnitus, drowsiness, delirium, impaired consciousness, acute agranulocytosis, hemorrhagic syndrome, acute renal and/or liver failure, convulsions, respiratory muscle paralysis.
Treatment: gastric lavage, saline laxatives, activated carbon, forced diuresis, hemodialysis, with the development of convulsive syndrome - intravenous administration diazepam and fast-acting barbiturates.

Interaction with others medicines Concomitant use with other non-narcotic analgesics, tricyclic antidepressants, contraceptive hormonal drugs and allopurinol may lead to increased toxicity; sedative and anxiolytic drugs enhance the analgesic effect of metamizole sodium. Metamizole sodium enhances the effects of alcohol; simultaneous use with chlorpromazine or phenothiazine can lead to the development of severe hyperthermia. Radiocontrast drugs, colloidal blood substitutes and penicillin should not be used during treatment with metamizole sodium. With simultaneous administration of cyclosporine, the concentration of the latter in the blood decreases. Metamizole sodium, displacing oral hypoglycemic drugs, indirect anticoagulants, corticosteroids and indomethacin from protein binding, increases their activity. Phenylbutazone, barbiturates and other inducers of microsomal liver oxidation, when administered simultaneously, reduce the effectiveness of metamizole sodium.

Special instructions

When treating children under 8 years of age and patients receiving cytotoxic drugs, ANALGIN should be taken only under the supervision of a physician. Patients with atopic bronchial asthma and hay fever have an increased risk of developing allergic reactions. While taking ANALGIN, agranulocytosis may develop, and therefore, if an unmotivated rise in temperature, chills, sore throat, difficulty swallowing, stomatitis is detected, as well as with the development of vaginitis or proctitis, immediate discontinuation of the drug is necessary. With long-term use, it is necessary to monitor the peripheral blood picture. It is not permissible to use it to relieve acute abdominal pain (until the cause is determined).

Release form

Tablets 500 mg.
10 tablets in a contour, cell-free package.
10 tablets in a blister pack.
1 or 2 blister packs along with instructions for use in a cardboard pack.
Contour cell or cell-free packaging along with an equal number of instructions for use in group packaging.

Storage conditions

In a dry place, protected from light and out of reach of children.

Best before date

5 years.
Do not use after the date indicated on the package.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Over the counter.

Manufacturer/organization accepting claims
LLC Anzhero-Sudzhensky Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant
652473, Russia, Kemerovo region, Anzhero-Sudzhensk, st. Herzen, 7