Intrauterine device: what is good and what is bad about this method of contraception. Intrauterine device - installation - IUD installation The device is placed during menstruation or not

There are more than 50 types of IUDs. Most best option The intrauterine contraceptive device is selected by the doctor after conducting a thorough gynecological examination and the patient undergoing the appropriate examination. The choice of an IUD for each woman is determined individually, taking into account the characteristics and condition of her body.

There are three most common forms of intrauterine devices:

  • In the form of a ring;
  • T-shaped;
  • S-shaped.
The insertion of an IUD (intrauterine device) is a surgical procedure that involves the installation of a contraceptive device into the uterine cavity in order to prevent pregnancy not only in women who have given birth, but also in women who have not given birth. Intrauterine device- one of the most effective means contraception. The undeniable advantages of this contraceptive include a long period of validity (5-10 years) and high performance efficiency (80-95%). The intrauterine device can be removed at any time. Pregnancy after its removal is possible within a year.

Silver, copper or gold are used to make IUDs.

Contraindications for IUD insertion

Installation of an intrauterine contraceptive device is not carried out if the following are present: pathological changes and diseases:

  • Inflammatory and infectious diseases pelvic organs in the acute stage;
  • Venereal diseases;
  • Uterine bleeding of unknown etiology;
  • Exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases pelvic organs;
  • Volumetric processes of the uterine cavity (fibroids), which can lead to uterine deformities;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Malignant neoplasms of the pelvic organs;
  • Allergic reaction to the material from which the spiral is made;
  • Structural anomalies and anatomical and topographical malformations, in the presence of which it is impossible to ensure the correct placement of the IUD in the uterine cavity.

Preparation before insertion of an intrauterine contraceptive device

Before inserting an IUD, the patient must consult a gynecologist and undergo gynecological examination, as well as submit the necessary laboratory tests. This will allow us to determine the patient’s health status and the presence of possible contraindications to the installation of an intrauterine contraceptive. A detailed examination of the uterine cavity makes it possible to study anatomical features organ and determine the depth to which the IUD will be installed.

Among the laboratory and clinical methods diagnostics that the patient must undergo include:

  • Vaginal smear;
  • Biochemical and general examination blood;
  • Analysis for sexually transmitted pathologies;
  • Cervical smear;
  • Blood for HIV, RV, hepatitis, syphilis, blood type;
  • General urine examination;
  • Colposcopy;
  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.

If there are no possible contraindications to the installation of an IUD, pregnancy must be excluded before the procedure. For this, the woman undergoes a special test.

The procedure for inserting a contraceptive IUD

IN modern medicine installation of three types of intrauterine contraceptives is provided:

  • The Lipps loop is one of the less effective means of contraception and is rarely used;
  • IUD with copper content is an improved and modified Lipps loop. This contraceptive device is more effective and easier to insert into the uterine cavity;
  • The hormone-containing IUD is a modern development that increases protection against the onset of unwanted pregnancy and reduces the risk of inflammatory processes.

The introduction of one or another type of intrauterine device will depend not only on the patient’s condition and wishes, but also on his financial capabilities, since hormonal IUDs are more expensive than other, less effective ones contraceptives.

As a rule, the procedure for inserting an intrauterine device is carried out in last days menstrual cycle or after its end, since during this period cervical canal as open as possible. However, an intrauterine contraceptive can be inserted on any day of the cycle. The procedure is performed in the clinic on an outpatient basis and does not require the patient to stay in a hospital. The IUD is installed without the use of anesthetics. The cervix is ​​treated with an anesthetic gel. This will block pain and discomfort during manipulation.

The woman lies down on the gynecological chair, as during a standard examination by a doctor, placing her legs on the holders. Then the doctor inserts a dilator into the vagina and determines the location of the uterus, after which he treats the cervix and vagina antiseptic drugs. Using a holder, the doctor opens the cervix and, holding it in this position, inserts a special instrument that allows you to measure the depth of the organ. This is done in order to confirm the proportionality of the sizes of the IUD and uterus.

The spiral is placed in a special tube, which is inserted into the uterine cavity and pulled back slightly. This allows the spiral to take the appropriate shape inside the organ. The tube and holder are removed, but the “antennae” of the intrauterine contraceptive remains and should protrude slightly from the uterus. At the end of the procedure, the dilator is removed from the uterine cavity. To reduce discomfort and a feeling of discomfort after inserting an intrauterine device, the doctor gives an anesthetic injection. The IUD installation procedure lasts no more than 10 minutes.

Consequences after installation of an IUD

Often, after the introduction of an intrauterine contraceptive, pain may occur that resembles pain during menstruation. If there is discomfort in the lower abdomen, the patient should rest. This will allow the uterus to get used to the presence of a foreign body. It is normal to experience vaginal discharge after insertion of an IUD, provided it does not last for a very long time. Bloody discharge after insertion of an intrauterine device may occur periodically during the first 4-6 months, but it does not pose a danger to the patient. If the discharge becomes profuse, you should consult a doctor. After insertion of the IUD, discharge may affect the nature and duration of the menstrual cycle; after 2-3 months the cycle should normalize.

Features of care after insertion of an intrauterine device

To provide normal recovery after the introduction of an IUD and to reduce the risk of adverse complications, the patient should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Maintain long rest;
  • Visit a gynecologist a month after installing a contraceptive in order to prevent its displacement;

An intrauterine device is a contraceptive device installed directly into the uterine cavity. The drug mechanically prevents sperm from passing through and meeting the egg, and also prevents implantation ovum, if conception does occur. Today, hormonal intrauterine systems (Mirena) are very popular. This contraceptive, among other effects, partially suppresses ovulation, thereby significantly reducing the likelihood of an unwanted pregnancy.

So, here are the most frequently asked questions about - everything you wanted to know from the doctor, but still did not dare to ask.

Which IUD is better: hormonal or non-hormonal?

Today they are considered a much more effective and reliable remedy. The Pearl index of the Mirena intrauterine system is less than 1, while for copper-containing IUDs it is up to 3. The final choice of the device is made together with the attending physician, taking into account all possible indications and contraindications.

Advantages of hormonal IUDs:

  • Provide reliable protection from unwanted pregnancy (Pearl index is less than 1, while for copper-containing IUDs it is up to 3).
  • Change menstrual cycle: menstruation becomes scanty and less painful. Amenorrhea may develop when menstruation stops completely. It improves general condition women and reduces the risk of anemia.
  • Possess therapeutic effect, are used for some gynecological diseases.

Advantages of non-hormonal IUDs:

  • They do not contain progesterone, which means they are excluded unwanted effects associated with its effect on the body.
  • They are cheaper than hormonal intrauterine systems.

What is Mirena?

Does the intrauterine device have an abortifacient effect?

The main mechanism of protection against unwanted pregnancy is an obstacle to the movement of sperm (and inhibition of ovulation for the Mirena system). If conception does occur, the fertilized egg will most likely not be able to attach to the thinned endometrium, and a miscarriage will occur at very early stages. In this situation, the intrauterine device can be considered an abortifacient system, but in practice such an outcome occurs extremely rarely. The effectiveness of the IUD is quite high, and in most cases, conception of a child does not occur.

Is pregnancy possible with the IUD?

Yes, this happens. IN in rare cases such a pregnancy goes well, and the woman manages to carry the child to due date. Expectant mother should be observed by a gynecologist, monitor the condition of the fetus and monitor your own sensations. Quite often it ends in miscarriage in the first trimester. This statement is true for both Mirena and non-hormonal IUDs.

Can there be an ectopic pregnancy due to an IUD?

The IUD located in the uterine cavity increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy. The following symptoms indicate the location of the fertilized egg outside the uterus:

  • delayed menstruation;
  • pain in the lower abdomen (usually on the side of the affected tube);
  • spotting from the genital tract.

Expose accurate diagnosis Ultrasound will help.

Does your partner feel the coil during sex?

At correct installation intrauterine device, it is not felt at all during intimacy. In rare cases, the partner may notice the tendrils of the IUD. In this case, you need to see a doctor. The doctor will carefully trim the long mustache, and the problem will be solved.

How to check the spiral correctly?

After the end of menstruation, you should carefully insert two fingers into the vagina and try to feel the antennae of the spiral. Thin threads are located deep in the vagina, but usually a woman can find them inside. If the antennae cannot be identified, you should consult a doctor.

What to do if the antennae of the spiral are not palpable or visible in the vagina?

The antennae of the spiral must be accessible to a woman for independent recognition. If the antennae cannot be felt with your fingers, you should immediately consult a doctor. At the appointment, the doctor will find out whether the IUD is in place and, if necessary, correct its location in the uterus.

Who should insert and remove the coil?

Only an obstetrician-gynecologist should insert and remove an intrauterine device. Self-administration or removal of the IUD is prohibited!

The insertion of an intrauterine device is carried out in the first days of the cycle. At this time, the cervix is ​​slightly open, and the contraceptive easily passes into the uterine cavity. The IUD is removed after 5 years or more (depending on the type of IUD). If complications develop, the contraceptive can be removed at any time directly at the doctor's appointment.

Is it possible for nulliparous women to have the IUD?

Women who have not experienced the joy of motherhood are not given an intrauterine device. The exception is Mirena. The hormonal system can only be established with therapeutic purpose and according to strict indications, when other methods are ineffective or unavailable. The fact is that the intrauterine device naturally leads to the development of aseptic inflammation, which is extremely undesirable before the first pregnancy.

Is it possible to use the Mirena hormonal device for diabetes?

Yes, it's possible. Diabetes mellitus is not a contraindication to the installation of a spiral. Before using an IUD, it would be a good idea to consult an endocrinologist and undergo the necessary examination.

Is it possible to install a spiral for uterine fibroids?

An intrauterine system can be installed for subserous tumors or interstitial fibroids located entirely in the muscle layer. In the case of a submucosal node that deforms the uterine cavity, its preliminary removal is indicated. Before installing an IUD, you must undergo an ultrasound and other examinations. The hormonal system Mirena is usually administered.

Is it possible to use Mirena for submucous fibroids?

Submucosal or submucosal fibroids are located close to the endometrium or even extend into the uterine cavity. With this localization of the node, the spiral is not inserted. Installation of Mirena is possible after removal of fibroids.

For how long is the IUD inserted and what happens if it is not removed on time?

The intrauterine device is usually placed for a period of 5 years. After this time, it is necessary to remove the IUD, otherwise complications may develop:

  • inflammation of the uterus and appendages;
  • cervical lesions;
  • infertility.

If the IUD remains in the uterine cavity for a long time, it can grow into the walls of the organ, and the IUD can only be removed surgically.

Long-term use of Mirena is also not recommended. After the expiration date, the hormone levonorgestrel stops being released, and the contraceptive effect ends. An unwanted pregnancy may occur. All other risks associated with long-term use of the IUD also remain.

Can I use an intrauterine device for emergency contraception?

Yes, it's possible. The IUD is inserted within 5 days after unprotected sexual intercourse standard scheme. Since installation of the spiral requires full examination patients, this method has not found widespread use.Used as postcoital drugs .

The IUD is not used as an emergency contraceptive:

  • in nulliparous women;
  • for inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • during unprotected sexual intercourse with high risk STI infection.

Is it possible to put the Mirena spiral on a nursing mother (during lactation)?

Yes, it's possible. The spiral does not affect lactation, the hormone levonorgestrel does not penetrate into breast milk. The chosen method of contraception is not dangerous for the child. Before installing the spiral, you must consult a doctor.

When can an intrauterine device be inserted after childbirth, cesarean section, or abortion?

Time to install the IUD or Mirena hormonal system:

  • After – after 6 weeks.
  • After cesarean section - after 3-6 months.
  • After an abortion - on the day of termination of pregnancy.

On what day of the cycle is the intrauterine device placed?

The IUD is inserted on days 5-7 of the menstrual cycle. At this time, the cervix is ​​slightly open, which makes insertion of the IUD easier. In addition, during this period the risk of unwanted pregnancy is minimal.

Is it painful to have an intrauterine device inserted?

When an IUD is inserted, there may be a slight nagging pain in the lower abdomen that goes away within half an hour. Special treatment not required. If the pain persists or intensifies, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Is it painful to remove an intrauterine device?

Removing an IUD from the uterus is a somewhat unpleasant, but not at all painful process. The procedure takes a few minutes and does not cause discomfort to the woman. No anesthesia is required. After removing the coil, you may feel moderate nagging pain in the lower abdomen, which goes away within 24 hours.

How does the menstrual cycle change after insertion of the IUD?

After insertion of a copper-containing IUD, the volume of discharge during menstruation may increase slightly. Conversely, the use of the Mirena hormonal system reduces the intensity of bleeding. The onset of amenorrhea - the complete absence of menstruation - is possible, and this is a variant of the norm.

Is it possible to use tampons if there is a spiral?

In the first month after insertion of the IUD, it is better to use sanitary pads. In the future, you can safely insert tampons during menstruation. The IUD is in the uterus, the tampon is in the vagina, and these two devices do not touch. Even if the tampon touches the antennae of the contraceptive, this does not threaten the woman with anything dangerous.

What to do if your period does not come despite the spiral (Mirena)?

When using the Mirena system, some women experience amenorrhea - complete absence menstruation for a long time. This is normal, and after removing the device, the menstrual cycle will resume. No treatment required.

In certain cases, the absence of menstruation may indicate pregnancy. It is recommended to do a test or donate blood for hCG.

Is it possible to play sports with an IUD?

Yes, the intrauterine device does not interfere with physical activity, training in the gym, visiting the pool and playing sports. Restrictions are imposed only in the first month after the installation of the IUD. During this period, it is recommended to refrain from physical activity. In the future, you can lead your usual lifestyle without restrictions.

Can intrauterine contraception lead to cancer?

To date, there is no evidence that the IUD (including Mirena) provokes the development of malignant tumors uterus or appendages. For existing tumors reproductive organs the spiral is not installed.

Is Mirena compatible with other medications?

It is known that some drugs (antibiotics, aspirin) reduce the contraceptive effect of the IUD. Consultation with your attending physician is necessary. If a long course of treatment is required, potentially dangerous drug, it is recommended to additionally use condoms or spermicides during treatment.

Should I take a break from using an intrauterine device?

If it is well tolerated and there are no contraindications, a break is not taken. A new IUD can be inserted on the day the previous one is removed. According to indications, the doctor may recommend taking a break (for example, if inflammatory processes develop in the uterus or vagina).

When can you have sex after having an intrauterine device installed?

In the first seven days, it is recommended to abstain from intimacy or use a condom. Unprotected contact at this time can lead to unwanted pregnancy. There are no restrictions on sexual activity in the future.

How much does it cost to install a spiral?

The cost of an intrauterine device ranges from 500 to 10 thousand rubles (for Mirena).

It is always difficult for women to decide on various manipulations that are associated with the internal genital organs. However huge amount Ladies decide to install an intrauterine device (IUD), which is a common and reliable means of contraception, especially for those who have already given birth to a child.

This option for protection against unwanted pregnancy is very popular, because it is distinguished by the possibility long-term use, high efficiency and ease of use. True, many patients are interested in the question, is it painful to insert a spiral?

What is the IUD?

An intrauterine device is a small device made of medical plastic or with the addition of silver, copper or gold. These precious metals have anti-inflammatory properties, and they also have a positive effect on reproductive system women. True, such contraceptives are more expensive, but they are more effective. There are also devices containing hormones. Below we will consider in more detail, is it painful to install a spiral?

This gynecological device, once installed in the uterus, prevents the conception of a child. It works as follows:

  • the spiral, with metals present in its composition, activates the production of natural mucous spermicides;
  • inhibits sperm movement;
  • reduces the thickness of the endometrium, preventing the embryo from settling in the uterine cavity;
  • reduces the lifespan of a female egg.

Types of devices

It should be noted that only a gynecologist can recommend to a woman suitable type spirals. The doctor compares the possibility of using a particular intrauterine contraceptive with the condition of the uterus. Only after all the examinations is the woman inserted an IUD, the types of which can be:

  • Hormonal. This contraceptive contains hormonal components.
  • Copper. In a spiral of this type there is such chemical element like copper.
  • Inert. Done this device in the shape of the letter S. It belongs to the first type of IUD and has low efficiency.
  • Gold. When making such a spiral, gold is added to extend its service life.
  • Silver. This type of contraceptive is made with the addition of silver ions.

This intrauterine contraceptive device is highly reliable - the guarantee of absence of pregnancy is almost 100%. Any spiral has similar parameters, but only a doctor can advise the most suitable one. He first studies the features in detail anatomical structure uterus and woman's medical history. She should not have any chronic inflammatory or infectious processes in the reproductive organs.

Brief overview of the Mirena intrauterine device

To find out whether it is painful to insert the Mirena spiral, reviews of which are both positive and negative, you need to understand the principle of its action. This contraceptive differs from other similar devices by the presence of levonorgestrel hormone.

Every day, such a device releases a small amount of hormone into the uterus, which is practically not absorbed into the blood and acts only within the reproductive organ. As a result, the functioning of the ovaries is not suppressed, the risk of negative consequences is significantly reduced and even has a therapeutic effect.

Is it painful to insert the Mirena IUD? Installation of this device is not a very pleasant procedure, but many women do not experience pain during insertion. If the pain threshold is low, it is necessary to warn the gynecologist about this. In this case, the doctor will inject an anesthetic into the cervix to reduce sensitivity. Having found out whether it is painful to insert the Mirena spiral, you can not worry and feel free to go to the doctor.

IUD insertion procedure

First of all, before installing an intrauterine contraceptive, you need to be examined to exclude diseases and infections associated with the reproductive organs. A woman will have to undergo several diagnostic procedures:

  • get tested for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis;
  • donate urine to general research and tests to detect sexually transmitted infections;
  • perform colposcopy;
  • do an ultrasound of the reproductive organ;
  • take a vaginal smear, as well as a cervical smear.

TO ultrasound examination are used to confirm that the patient does not have any changes that would prevent the use of an intrauterine device. Also, such an examination helps to ensure that the woman is not pregnant at the time of the introduction of the contraceptive. For this purpose, a test is done to determine the level of hCG.

Before installing a contraceptive, you will have to abstain from sex for about a week. It is administered only in the gynecologist's office under sterile conditions. The patient is placed in a chair with her legs on the holders, then the doctor performs the treatment disinfectants vagina and cervix. Almost every woman thinks before the procedure, does it hurt to insert a spiral? In some cases, to avoid discomfort, it is performed local anesthesia. As a rule, a special gel is used for anesthesia or injections are given.

Only after preparing the patient for the procedure, the gynecologist special tools opens the neck slightly to measure the depth, and then installs the device into the cavity of the reproductive organ. The doctor draws the antennae of the contraceptive, which are about 2 cm long, into outside uterus into the vagina. It is with their help that the device is then removed. When executing hygiene procedures the patient should periodically check that the contraceptive antennae are in place.

Is it painful to have an IUD inserted without menstruation? The introduction of such a device in most cases does not cause severe discomfort. Sometimes ladies during such a procedure feel unpleasant sensations that quickly pass. Some women experience fainting and dizziness, but this is a very rare occurrence and goes away within a few minutes. In the first 30 days, until the immune system gets used to the presence of a foreign device, a woman is not recommended to visit the pool or bathhouse.

How you feel after the procedure

Is it painful to have an intrauterine device inserted? In addition to unpleasant sensations during the procedure, some other changes may occur in the woman’s body. After the introduction of a device without hormones, the following changes may occur:

  • Menstruation becomes more abundant, painful and prolonged.
  • It is possible to experience spotting mixed with blood from the vagina, appearing before or after menstruation, and sometimes during the break between two cycles.

Some ladies because severe pain during menstruation and bleeding, stop using the intrauterine contraceptive and remove it before the expiration date.

What should you not do after installing an IUD?

In the first 7 days after the procedure, it is recommended to avoid sex, avoid excessive physical activity and get more rest. Vaginal tampons should not be used until the body is fully accustomed to the presence of foreign object in the cavity of the reproductive organ. This will prevent the spiral from falling out and moving.

After 10 days, a routine examination is performed. Sometimes an ultrasound is performed to monitor the location of the contraceptive. In the absence of side effects, the patient returns to her rhythm of life. If necessary, the doctor prescribes a re-examination in a month. Then you should visit the doctor every six months.

As for the unpleasant sensations during the insertion of the device, everything is individual. Each woman has her own pain sensitivity threshold. What is not painful for some may be unbearable for others.

Is it painful to have an intrauterine device inserted? Reviews from women who have had the IUD installed are in most cases positive. All ladies agree that the discomfort during the installation of a contraceptive is reminiscent of discomfort, like during menstruation. Many people complain about the appearance nagging pain lower abdomen.

Strong pain syndrome may occur in young patients who have not given birth and have little sexual activity. For girls who do not yet have children, there are some restrictions on the use of this method of contraception.

Before you find out whether it is painful to insert a spiral, reviews of which are contradictory, you need to find out the principle of the procedure. During installation of the IUD, in many cases it is not done general anesthesia or intravenous anesthesia. But when strong fear You can reduce pain by taking it before inserting the device. easy drug for pain relief together with antispasmodics. If you are nervous, you can take a sedative, for example, motherwort or valerian.

Restrictions on the use of intrauterine contraceptives

Before you understand whether it is painful to install a spiral, you must first find out all the contraindications to its insertion. We must take into account the fact that such a contraceptive is not suitable for all women. It is intended primarily for women who have given birth and who have regular sex life.

Such devices against unwanted pregnancy cannot be used if present. inflammatory diseases pelvic organs. Before deciding to introduce the IUD, you must first pass everything necessary tests and eliminate infectious pathologies such as gonorrhea, chlamydia and others. Diseases that appear due to abortion or childbirth are also subject to treatment.

It is prohibited to install such a device in case of cervical cancer. In addition, contraindications to the use of such a contraceptive may include benign formations, for example, fibroids. Naturally, you will have to refuse the IUD if you suspect pregnancy. Such a contraceptive cannot be installed if a woman suffers from severe pathologies of blood vessels and heart, as well as tuberculosis of the pelvic organs.

Possible complications

After the introduction of this device, various negative consequences. In some cases, after such a procedure, women begin to be bothered by pain in the lower abdomen, which has pulling character and long, heavy periods. Chronic processes in the pelvic organs may also worsen.

The most dangerous days are considered to be the first days after the introduction of the IUD. If pain for a long time do not go away or discomfort in the abdomen occurs, accompanied by fever, you need to urgently contact a gynecologist to rule out perforation of the uterus.

Duration of use of the intrauterine contraceptive

The service life of the spiral depends on the type and correctness of its installation. For example, if the intrauterine device moves, it will have to be removed ahead of schedule.

These contraceptives are usually prescribed for 5 years, but there are types of IUDs that have a shelf life of about 10 years. Such devices include products with gold, since this metal is highly resistant to corrosion. When the IUD loses its contraceptive effect, it is removed. The procedure for removing the IUD is painless.

Is it painful to have an IUD inserted after childbirth? The procedure can be performed 1.5 months after the birth of the baby in the absence of complications. If carried out C-section, then it is allowed to install an ectopic device only after six months. This method of contraception does not affect the woman’s lactation or the baby in any way.

In the first 3 months after insertion of the IUD, there is a huge risk of the device falling out, especially during menstruation. To avoid unplanned pregnancy, you should pay attention to your periods. If they become more abundant and are accompanied painful sensations in the stomach - it is better to see a doctor.

A modern intrauterine device is a small device made of plastic and T-shaped. Often, spirals are coated with various metals; such spirals containing hormones are produced. Today, this is one of the most popular means of contraception, as it provides fairly reliable protection, and the price of an intrauterine device is affordable for any woman.

Many women choose the IUD without fully familiarizing themselves with the features of its effect on the body, which leads to problems in the future. Therefore, before choosing any method of contraception, including the IUD, you need to study all the information about it and carefully analyze all the pros and cons.

What is an intrauterine device and how does it work (Video)

The intrauterine device today is one of the most effective methods contraception. After its installation, the likelihood of an unwanted pregnancy is reduced to a few tenths of a percent. Modern spirals are very compact in size and very easy to install, without reducing their effectiveness.

The intrauterine device works in two directions at once. Its presence in the uterus makes implantation of the embryo impossible. Therefore, even if the egg is fertilized, pregnancy, or the actual consolidation of the cell and the formation of an embryo, will not occur. In addition, the spiral is often coated with various metals, for example, copper, silver or gold, which act on sperm, making them incapable of fertilization, this minimizes not only the possibility of implantation of a fertilized cell, but also the possibility of fertilization itself.

The spiral protects against unwanted pregnancy in several ways at once, guaranteeing an almost one hundred percent effect.

In addition, today there are spirals containing hormones, which, in addition to all the properties already mentioned, slowly release a hormonal drug that blocks the growth of the endometrium, reduces the permeability of the cervix for sperm and leads to the disappearance of menstruation. Such spirals are usually designed to last for several years.

What intrauterine devices exist - types and materials

Most modern spirals have the shape of the letter T, since this shape is the most physiological. The most popular are simple plastic coils coated with copper. Such a coil constantly releases trace amounts of copper, which negatively affects the condition of sperm. They are very effective, while the price of the intrauterine device remains very affordable. This is especially noticeable when you consider that such a spiral can remain in a woman’s body for up to 10 years. In addition to T-shaped copper spirals, Multiload spirals are produced, which have a semi-oval shape. They are more securely fixed in the uterine cavity and fall out less often, which makes them more reliable.

Some types of intrauterine devices with precious metals are quite popular these days. Such spirals may have a gold or silver coating, or a core made of precious metal. Such spirals are often chosen because noble metals supposedly protect against pregnancy more effectively, but this has no medical basis. As for the disinfecting effect of noble metals, gold and silver spirals are indeed capable of preventing the development of inflammatory processes. But the price of an intrauterine device with precious metals often scares off patients.

The most popular today are plastic coils with copper, but you can also choose hormonal systems or coils with noble metals.

The most modern look intrauterine devices are hormone-containing devices. Such spirals are very effective, and not only protect against almost one hundred percent, but also help cure endometrial hyperplasia, adenoma initial stage and strong menstrual pain. But you need to understand that such a device also has all the side effects of hormonal drugs.

Installation and removal of the intrauterine device

Many women refuse to use intrauterine devices because they are afraid of the process of inserting and removing them. In fact, everything is very simple and almost painless. Before the procedure for installing an intrauterine device, an examination is required on a gynecological chair. It is necessary to exclude the presence of inflammatory diseases and STDs; a PAP test and colposcopy, as well as an ultrasound, are usually also performed. This helps to exclude the presence of contraindications to the installation of the IUD, as well as pregnancy.

The installation of the intrauterine device itself takes only a few minutes and does not require anesthesia. Some unpleasant sensations are, of course, possible; they usually occur in nulliparous women. But, if the doctor does everything correctly, then such sensations will be minimal. After installation of the intrauterine device, an ultrasound scan is required to monitor its position. Within 4 weeks after the installation procedure, you must visit the gynecologist again to monitor the position of the spiral and analyze possible problems.

You can install the IUD on almost any day of the cycle, but it is best to do this during the first 7 days of the cycle. This will completely eliminate the possibility of pregnancy at the time of installation. In addition, this reduces the possibility of unauthorized expulsion of the IUD from the uterine cavity. The IUD can also be used as an emergency method of contraception. If you install it within 5 days from the moment of sexual intercourse, it will help avoid pregnancy much more effectively than.

At the right approach and sufficient skill of the doctor, installation and removal of the spiral is almost painless.

Removal of the intrauterine device is carried out when a woman decides to become pregnant. In addition, the spiral is removed after the time for which it was installed has expired. It is best to remove the intrauterine device during menstruation. During this period, the cervix opens slightly, so removing the IUD will cause minimal discomfort. Removal of the intrauterine device is carried out using special threads attached to it. After removal, the coil must be shown to the patient to ensure that it has been removed accurately. An ultrasound examination is then performed to rule out the possibility that part of the device remains inside the body.

Advantages of the IUD over other methods of contraception

According to reviews, there are many advantages of the intrauterine device. The first thing that attracts most patients is the relatively low price of the intrauterine device when long term service, up to 10 years. This allows you to significantly save money when compared with barrier methods of contraception or taking hormonal contraceptive medications.

The second undeniable advantage of the IUD is the ability to put it on once and forget about protection for several years. This is very important for married women living an active and regular sex life. Thinking about pills every morning or being afraid of getting pregnant every evening is at least inconvenient.

Comfort and low price are the main advantages of intrauterine devices.

Today you can choose an IUD that will not only protect against unwanted pregnancy, but will also have medicinal properties. There are spirals with a bactericidal effect, as well as spirals with hormonal components. Although, according to reviews, intrauterine devices also cause side effects, they never cause obesity, bleeding disorders and headaches, like hormonal drugs. It is also important that IUDs (except hormonal ones) do not negatively affect lactation and are not contraindicated during this period.

Sometimes men complain of discomfort during sexual intercourse from the IUD, but most often this is self-hypnosis, and if they are not warned about it, they do not notice anything.

Side effects of using the IUD

Although most reviews about the intrauterine device are positive and reassuring of their safety and convenience, there is also information about negative side effects from using the device. To be fair, it should be said that all the troubles associated with the use of the IUD most often go away within a few months after installation, but not all women survive this period. If the discomfort does not go away, removal of the intrauterine device is required.

After choosing the best intrauterine device and installing it, pain in the lower abdomen may appear, sometimes spotting in the middle of the cycle appears, and menstruation may become longer and more painful. Sometimes the coils can spontaneously leave the uterus, this is especially common after lifting weights.

Most of the side effects of IUDs go away within a few months.

In addition, when using the IUD, like any other contraceptive, there is a minimal chance of pregnancy. In this case, it is often ectopic. But even normal pregnancy against the background of a spiral, it often requires interruption.

Contraindications to the installation of an intrauterine device

Whatever type of intrauterine device you choose, you must take into account that they are not suitable for all women. Regardless of the quality and price of the intrauterine device, there are conditions in which it cannot be used. These conditions include any disease that deforms the cervical canal or uterine cavity. These include a narrowing of the canal in the cervix, a saddle-shaped or bicornuate uterus, and fibroids. The IUD should not be used by those who have been diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy in the past.

Before installing an intrauterine device, it is very important to study the list of contraindications to them.

Although reviews of intrauterine devices are mostly positive, their use is not recommended:

  • with frequent genital infections and inflammatory genital organs;
  • in the presence of tumors of the genital organs and;
  • in adolescents and nulliparous women;
  • at frequent changes sexual partners.

Determine whether it is worth installing a spiral and select correct view A gynecologist will help you with an intrauterine device. Fortunately, situations where all types of intrauterine device are contraindicated or when they cause unpleasant side effects are rare; today this is one of the simplest and safe methods contraception.

One of the most common and effective means of female contraception is the intrauterine device (IUD), the principle of which is to prevent conception and attachment of the embryo to the uterus.

The IUD is a small device and various forms made of soft flexible plastic with the addition of metals, usually copper. There are also spirals with silver and gold, which, in addition to preventing unwanted pregnancy, also have a therapeutic anti-inflammatory effect.

The effectiveness of intrauterine devices is 99%. The spiral is a means long acting, and women do not need to worry about contraception every day.

The principle of operation of the intrauterine device

The main effect of spirals is to damage sperm entering the uterus due to changes internal environment, which occurs under the influence of metals in the device. The rate of advancement of the released egg also slows down, so it usually enters the uterus no longer capable of fertilization. If fertilization does occur, due to the presence of the spiral in the uterus, the embryo will not be able to attach to the wall of the uterus and begin to develop.

Hormonal IUDs change the composition of cervical mucus, greatly thickening it, which also slows down the progress of sperm. Any type of intrauterine device is a foreign body for the body, and therefore the endometrium lining the uterus usually changes, which can cause complications.

Period of use

The lifespan of the spiral directly depends on its type and correct installation. So, if the intrauterine device has moved, it will have to be removed ahead of schedule, because in this case there will be no guarantee of a contraceptive effect.

Most spirals are installed for 5 years, but there are types whose validity period is 10 and even 15 years, these include spirals with gold, since this metal is not subject to corrosion. When to remove the intrauterine device depends on the woman's health and the correct location of the device inside the uterus.

Insertion and removal of the intrauterine device

Before placing an intrauterine device, it is necessary to consult with a doctor who will determine the woman’s health status and the possibility of using this type of contraception. It is the doctor who will choose the appropriate one.

Many women are tormented by the question of whether it is painful to insert an intrauterine device - there is no definite answer to it, since it depends on the characteristics internal structure reproductive system, and for each woman it is individual. In general, the procedure for installing a spiral is quite unpleasant, but quite tolerable.

Before choosing the type of intrauterine device, the specialist will prescribe tests for the patient. The decision on the possibility of installing an IUD and its type will depend on the results of the examination.

Analyzes and research:

  • full examination of the genital organs;
  • gynecological examination with mandatory collection of smears for oncocytology and vaginal flora;
  • expansion colposcopy;
  • all blood tests;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Spirals are usually installed on women who have children. For nulliparous women, the intrauterine device is usually not used as a means of contraception, with the exception of special models. For nulliparous women, it is dangerous to install an IUD, as it can cause further infertility.

Preparing for the insertion of an IUD involves abstaining from sexual activity a few days before the procedure. Also you can't use vaginal suppositories, special sprays, douching and taking pills without a doctor’s permission.

The IUD insertion is carried out only by a specialist. The procedure is carried out 3-4 days before the start of the next menstruation, since during this period the cervix opens slightly, which greatly facilitates the process of installing the device. In addition, during this period it is already possible to completely exclude possible pregnancy. The length of time an intrauterine device is placed in a particular woman is also determined by the doctor, based on the available indications and examination results.

If the specialist has correctly installed the intrauterine device, intimate life can be restored after 10 days, during which menstruation should occur. During sexual intercourse, the device is not felt by partners. Discharge after installation of an intrauterine device is possible in the first months, which is due to changes in the uterine mucosa and its attempts to adapt to the inserted foreign body. The discharge is usually spotty and irregular.

After installing an IUD, you must not:

  • take medications based on acetylsalicylic acid;
  • during the first 10 days, use tampons and be sexually active;
  • stay in the open sun for a long time;
  • visit baths, saunas, take hot baths;
  • lift weights and engage in strenuous physical labor.

Only a doctor should remove the IUD. The removal is carried out in the first two days after the start of menstruation and, if there are no inflammatory processes, the removal causes virtually no pain. If the thread is in the vagina and the device itself is not damaged, removing the spiral will not be difficult. If the IUD ruptures, a hysteroscopy procedure is required to remove it.

Complications and side effects of IUD installation

Side effects, complications and consequences with an intrauterine device are quite rare, but one way or another they are possible and you should be aware of them. The following symptoms require urgent appeal to the doctor:

  • The IUD has fallen out of the uterus or has become dislodged. Sometimes it comes out during menstruation, so it is necessary to check the length of the thread in the vagina every month (after menstruation).
  • A part of the IUD was found in the vagina.
  • There is no IUD thread in the vagina.
  • Heavy bleeding began.
  • Menstruation becomes irregular or disappears completely.
  • During sexual intercourse, a woman experiences severe or cramping pain. This may be caused for various reasons, For example, ectopic pregnancy, ingrowth of the spiral into the wall of the uterus or breakthrough of the uterine wall by any part of the installed spiral.
  • The temperature has risen, a fever has begun, and abdominal pain and vaginal discharge have appeared - this can be a symptom of various sexually transmitted infections.


Contraindications to the installation of an intrauterine device can be not only absolute, but also relative.

Absolute contraindications:

  • suspected or confirmed pregnancy;
  • any inflammation, chronic or acute processes in the external or internal genitalia;
  • uterine bleeding of unknown cause;
  • malignant tumor in the reproductive system, confirmed or suspected;
  • any pathology of the cervix;
  • pathological changes in the uterus.

Relative contraindications:

  • previous intrauterine pregnancy;
  • heart defects;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • high risk of having any sexually transmitted infection;
  • irregular or very painful periods.

The intrauterine device is considered one of the most reliable and convenient means of contraception. But in order for its use to be accompanied only by the “advantages” of this type of contraception, it is necessary to correctly select and install the device, and also carefully monitor your condition during the entire period of using the IUD.

Consultation with a specialist about the IUD

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