Sometimes I sweat in my sleep. Causes of female sweating

It's unpleasant to wake up in the middle of the night with wet underwear. Why do severe, frequent night sweats occur? This may be a consequence of certain diseases or conditions of the body. The causes of increased sweating in women are generally similar to those in men, but in some cases they are more specific.

Severe sweating at night in women

Excessive night sweats in women is a problem that disrupts normal sleep. Before you start getting rid of trouble, you need to find out the reasons for its occurrence. If the tendency of increased sweating occurs during sleep, then your body may be signaling the development of pathology. At night, all body functions slow down, including the intensity of sweat production. Understand what problematic unhealthy conditions night sweating is associated with, whether it is normal sweating or hyperhidrosis.

Causes of cold sweats at night in women

Night sweats in women can be provoked by external factors and occur from overheating of the body due to elevated room temperature, excessively warm blankets, pajamas, or airtight bed linen. The norm is considered to be the release of fluid by the body up to 100 mg within 5 minutes. In this case, it is necessary to distinguish between a condition caused by other reasons not related to external influences (temperature factor). It is unrealistic to calculate the volume of sweat produced by yourself.

A woman wakes up literally all wet, as if after a chill, has to change her underwear, and interrupted sleep causes a decrease in daily activity. The problem can plague both adults and young girls. Pathological condition, at which cold sweat At night, women secrete excess fluid and, for reasons related to a number of diseases, it is called hyperhidrosis.

There are many diseases that provoke excessive sweat:

Sweating down the chest at night in women

Local manifestations of hyperhidrosis, when women's neck and chest sweat at night, are a common occurrence. You should not assume that this is typical for overweight women or those with large mammary glands, and diseases do not always serve as its trigger. Among common reasons mentioned above, thoracic hyperhidrosis is caused by:

  • menstrual period;
  • pregnancy;
  • resumption of the removal of excess water after childbirth during feeding;
  • incorrectly selected tight clothing, bra, compressive chest;
  • sagging bust due to muscle weakness.

Causes of sweating in the back of the head at night in women

Noticeable sweating of the back of the head in the summer, when it is hot, with sudden strong excitement is not considered abnormal and goes away on its own. Another situation is if you sweat at night - this is a sign of cranial hyperhidrosis. Constantly waking up from sweat, a woman does not get enough sleep, experiences discomfort, becomes irritable from insomnia, gets into a bad mood, and is overtired.

Causes of night sweats in women

The female body has its own characteristics, and the causes of hyperhidrosis in women are associated with physiological processes. First of all, this characteristic periods (menstrual cycle, pregnancy, menopause) and gynecological diseases(ovarian dysfunction). The disease can be caused by a disease that, according to statistics, occurs 5 times more often in women - hyperthyroidism, when, against the background of hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, hormones are produced above the norm. Hyperhidrosis is also possible as a side effect of long-term medication use.

Sweating before menstruation

Night sweats before menstruation accompany woman's dream in the period before the onset of menstruation, which is associated with changes hormonal levels, and specifically – the growth of estrogen in the blood. Due to changes in hormone levels, irritability, fatigue, headaches appear, and in some women premenstrual syndrome accompanied by sweating.

Night sweats during menopause

The premenopausal period is characterized by hormonal changes that provoke hot flashes - sudden, profuse sweats, often at night. The occurrence of hot flashes indicates the onset of menopause, including early menopause. Sweating in women during menopause causes a lot of inconvenience, physical and aesthetic discomfort. Hyperhidrosis against the background of menopause is accompanied by excitability, loss of strength, and stress predisposition. Only a doctor can tell you what to do during a difficult period for a woman.

Sweating during pregnancy

Lack of estrogen in pregnant women leads to disruption of water-salt balance and body temperature regulation. Increased sweating during pregnancy is mainly observed during the 1st trimester: the body is rebuilt, releasing more heat, which activates the function of the sweat glands. If sweating continues to bother you greatly at night later, you should consult a specialist to find out other causes.

Sweating is a symptom of what disease?

Hyperhidrosis more often manifests itself as a symptom of diseases than independent disease, requiring separate treatment. Options:

  1. Night sweats in women occur due to dysfunctions of the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine and urinary systems.
  2. The symptom may be a sign of tuberculosis, obesity, malignant neoplasms, genetic failures and infectious pathologies.
  3. If night sweats are noted, the reasons for women may not have a specific medical explanation. Then we're talking about about idiopathic hyperhidrosis associated with the psychological circumstances of a woman’s life.

How to get rid of night sweats

First of all, it is necessary to be examined to determine the presence serious problems body. How to treat night sweats depends on the cause and severity of the attacks. During menopause, the doctor recommends medications hormonal drugs. If heavy sweating in women is not associated with diseases, hormonal changes, or the use of medications, then the function of the sweat glands is regulated as follows:

  1. Proper nutrition. Do not overeat at night, refusing at least 3 hours before bedtime from fatty, spicy food, pickles and spices, alcoholic and caffeinated drinks. Replace the latter with herbal soothing teas.
  2. Daytime physical activity. Sports activities must also be completed at least 3 hours before bedtime.
  3. Careful body hygiene. Good to take contrast shower, warm baths with soothing herbs.
  4. Use of antiperspirants. Antimicrobial agents (wiping, powder with talc, zinc) should be used locally.
  5. Room thermoregulation. It is recommended to sleep in a well-ventilated area at a temperature not exceeding 20 degrees.
  6. Comfortable underwear. Use bedding and underwear made from natural cotton materials. Clothing should be loose around the chest area.

Video: Causes of sweating at night in women

Sweating is natural physiological process in the human body. Its main function is to maintain optimal body temperature and protect against overheating. This article provides information on the topic “Heavy sweating: causes in men, treatment.”

Hyperhidrosis - excessive sweating

Sweating causes people a lot of inconvenience, starting with the release of the secretion itself and ending with unpleasant smell. On the other hand, it is impossible to imagine without him normal work body. Sweating is responsible for maintaining the required temperature and preventing overheating of the body.

If the body secretes secretions in excess quantities, doctors talk about the disease hyperhidrosis. The human body sweats constantly, even when we don't notice it. Visible discharge appears if its volume exceeds the level of evaporation by several times. This process is typical for heat and high humidity, during sports or stressful situations.

Hyperhidrosis can be generalized and spread throughout the body, as well as localized, focusing on a specific area. This disease indicates improper functioning of the body, including metabolic disorders, infections, and diabetes. Besides, profuse sweating in men may result from abuse alcoholic drinks, taking certain groups of medications.

What causes the unpleasant odor of sweat?

There should not be a sharp or repulsive odor when sweating. It usually appears when bacteria begin to multiply in a humid environment. Showering twice a day and every time after exercising can help combat this problem. A pronounced odor of sweat can be a sign not only high level testosterone, but also indicate serious illness.

For example, discharge with the smell of urine indicates problems with the kidneys. In people suffering diabetes mellitus, it resembles acetone. A vinegar or chlorine smell may indicate liver problems.

The causes of increased sweating in men can be divided into two: conditional groups: household and medical. Next, let's look at each category in more detail.

Household causes of hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis is closely related to excess body weight. In this case, we are talking not only about a malfunction in the metabolism, but also about regular psychological pressure from society. Society constantly promotes thinness as the modern standard of an ideal figure. To a fat man you have to constantly feel uncomfortable, be in a state of neurosis.

The wrong choice of clothing also contributes to the development of hyperhidrosis. Synthetic fabrics do not allow the skin to breathe, therefore, air exchange and heat regulation occur incorrectly, forcing the body to produce even more sweat. Experts recommend giving preference to natural materials (linen, wool, cotton) when choosing clothes.

The causes of increased sweating in men are often hidden in unbalanced diet. Eating excessively salty or spicy foods puts additional stress on the body. If doctors have diagnosed you with hyperhidrosis, you should exclude onions, coffee, hot peppers, and fast food from your diet.

WITH special attention personal hygiene must be taken into account. You should shower twice a day, as well as every time after intense exercise. The use of antiperspirant is mandatory.

Medical causes of excessive sweating in men

Increased sweating of the feet

One of the most problem areas men's legs count. In addition to the fact that they constantly sweat, this process is usually accompanied by an unpleasant odor, causing discomfort to the owner and those around him. In this case, severe sweating in men is due to the individual characteristics of the body, more precisely, the level of hormones. It is useless to fight the source, but you can reduce the symptoms.

Experts first of all recommend spending more time on foot hygiene. It is also necessary to take care of the quality of socks and shoes themselves. Preference should be given to options made from natural materials. In leather shoes with special “breathable” insoles, your feet sweat much less. It is recommended to dry boots and sneakers thoroughly every evening, and wear socks for no more than a day.

It is important to note that poor foot care often results in skin problems or infections that are difficult to treat.

Night sweats in men: causes

During sleep, the process of natural sweating slows down. The person does not move, does not experience psycho-emotional stress, the body is completely calm. If at normal temperature in the room, a man is sweating, it is necessary to find out the reasons for this condition. Often hyperhidrosis at night is a symptom of serious diseases.

The main causes of excessive sweating during sleep include the following: influenza, ARVI, tuberculosis, VSD, thyroid diseases, stroke, pathologies of the cardiac system, fungal infections and others. Nocturnal hyperhidrosis is often caused by mental state. Men tend to hide all their experiences within themselves. That is why they are more likely than women to have nightmares, after which they literally wake up in a “cold sweat.” In this case, it is recommended to undergo a course of treatment sedatives. Along with violations nervous system disappears and increased sweating in men.

How to deal with hyperhidrosis?

If excessive sweating is an independent pathology, and not a symptom of the diseases described above, to mitigate its manifestations modern medicine offers several treatment options:

  1. Use of antiperspirants.
  2. Drug therapy (“Bellaspon”, “Bellataminal”). Medicines based on belladonna alkaloids reduce the secretion of sweat glands and help in the fight against hyperhidrosis, without causing addiction.
  3. Sedatives. Valerian, motherwort, meditation, yoga - all this helps to get rid of such a pathology as increased sweating of the head in men, the causes of which are usually hidden in emotional overload.
  4. Physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis, pine-salt baths).

IN in rare cases Botox injections are prescribed and a laser is used. These are extreme measures that can only be taken after consulting a doctor. These treatment methods are actively promoted and used in practice today, but they have a number of contraindications.

Surgical intervention

When conservative treatment turns out to be ineffective, doctors offer their patients surgery. Currently, two types are used surgical intervention, relieving hyperhidrosis: armpit curettage and endoscopic sympathectomy. The last option turns out to be the most effective. IN in this case main goal surgeon are nerve fibers, along which the impulse passes to sweat glands. They are compressed or completely eliminated, which guarantees a 100% treatment result. The main disadvantage of this method is the appearance of a side effect in the form of “compensatory” hyperhidrosis.

Curettage of the armpit is also very effective method combating excessive sweating. During the operation, the surgeon removes 2/3 of the glands, so secretion is significantly reduced.

Help from traditional medicine

Often the causes of increased sweating in men are hidden in the individual characteristics of the body. If hyperhidrosis is constantly present in your life, you can use folk remedies to resolve this issue. For example, take a weekly bath with birch buds or oak bark. The substances contained in these plants help regulate the functioning of the sweat glands. From strong odor also saves apple cider vinegar, if you periodically wipe your skin with it. Normal baby soap when applied evenly in the armpits, it prevents copious discharge secret.


From the materials in this article, you now know what hyperhidrosis in men can be associated with and how to effectively deal with it. Excessive secretion is not always the norm. You should not start the problem by considering excess sweat to be normal. Hyperhidrosis can and should be fought. It starts with compliance elementary rules personal hygiene, including showering daily and using deodorant. It is equally important to review your diet, get tested for hormones and be more selective in matters of nutrition.

I sweat while sleeping - causes, treatment.

You have two questions. Why do I sweat a lot at night? Should you go to the doctor? Moderate sweating during sleep is quite normal phenomenon, if the room is warm and the blanket is too thick. But if the bedroom is not hot at all, and sweat is literally pouring like a river, and this happens regularly, then it is better not to postpone a visit to the doctor. Profuse night sweats often accompany various diseases: from common cold to deadly diseases. Therefore, if I sweat while sleeping, then you should play it safe and get tested.

Severe sweating during sleep occurs with the flu, ARVI, or taking antipyretic drugs. This condition is familiar to everyone without exception and is the norm.

Sweating at night can be associated with taking medications against hypertension, any antidepressants, heart medications with nitroglycerin.

Infectious diseases are another cause of night sweats. This phenomenon is typical for tuberculosis, but can also occur with osteomyelitis (bone damage), endocarditis (inflammation of the heart valves), hepatitis, and AIDS.

Endocrine diseases are often accompanied by sweating during sleep. This happens when there is a dysfunction thyroid gland, namely, its increase. Patients with diabetes mellitus experience severe sweating. In addition, night sweats are associated with insulin intake and a decrease in blood sugar levels. Hormonal changes in the female body during menopause lead to heavy sweating at night.

Almost everyone can say to themselves: I sweat when I sleep, when I experience stress, anxiety and insomnia.

Increased sweating during sleep is typical for cancer diseases affecting the lymphatic system.

Often, nocturnal hyperhidrosis occurs due to stroke, abscesses, cardiac, neurological, and intestinal diseases.

Sweating profusely at night can be caused not only by illness, but also by consuming fatty, spicy, salty foods, alcohol, and hot drinks before bedtime. To avoid sweating, you should not engage in intense physical labor or take a hot shower at night.

What can you do to stop sweating at night? If sweat is associated with diseases, then, definitely, be examined and treated at medical institution. If the reason for sweating at night is menopause, then you need to contact a gynecologist for a course of hormone therapy.

There is such a thing as idiopathic hyperhidrosis, that is, during sleep I sweat without visible reasons. In this case, you need to take the following measures: ventilate the bedroom well, do not engage in tiring activities and do not eat immediately before bed, take cool shower, if possible, sleep with the windows open.

Traditional medicine, as always, gives a lot of advice to help get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon. If I sweat while sleeping, I’ll try the following simple recipes.

Good for sweat table vinegar. It is mixed with water (one part vinegar - two parts water) and rubbed over problem areas before going to bed.

People used horsetail for sweating. To do this, a decoction of horsetail was mixed with vodka in a ratio of one to ten and infused for several days, sweating areas were wiped at night.

Peppermint is another remedy for hyperhidrosis. Pour boiling water over the herb, leave for an hour, make lotions or baths.

Recipe with oak bark. Pour the bark (one hundred grams) with water (one liter), boil for about ten minutes, let cool and apply to problem areas.

To avoid sweating and calm your nerves, you need to take a bath with chamomile and sea salt at night.

A proven remedy for sweat is clary sage. Pour boiling water over the sage and leave for an hour and a half (two glasses of water for three tablespoons of sage), filter and make lotions. Sage can be mixed with yarrow in equal parts, pour boiling water over the resulting mixture (half a liter of water per two tablespoons of herb), leave until cool, then use for baths or compresses.

Instead of a washcloth, take two-layer gauze and place it in it. oatmeal and salt (two tablespoons each), take a shower with such a washcloth every day without soap.

Sweating is one of the forms physiological need at the body. Some come out later harmful substances and poisons, increased sweating performs a thermoregulatory function. Sweating is increased during the daytime, during active physical and mental stress. At night, on the contrary, the natural loss of moisture is significantly reduced.

However, all people sooner or later experience a condition in which they begin to sweat profusely at night (), according to for unknown reasons. Let's talk about this in more detail and try to find out the causes of this problem.

Table of contents:

Night sweats: causes

Profuse sweating at night can develop due to physiological and external reasons, as well as on the basis of a number of diseases.

Causes of sweating not related to disease, common to all people:

  • excessively insulated bedding - blanket, feather bed. Synthetic pillowcases, pillows, sheets, duvet covers that do not allow moisture to pass through and do not allow it to evaporate freely. There is an effect of accumulation and overheating of the body, which responds during sleep with even more sweating;
  • nightgowns, pajamas, negligees, especially those made primarily of synthetic fibers, tightly fitting the body;
  • high humidity and ambient temperature. The optimal temperature for night rest is no higher than 20-22°C. Night sweats can occur in high humidity even at low ambient temperatures.
  • late dinner and eating habits at night, especially if this habit is accompanied by drinking alcohol, fatty, fried, salty and smoked foods.

Please note : common factors that cause hyperhidrosis in everyone are highlighted, as well as specific conditions that cause increased sweating in men, women and children.

Pathological conditions and diseases that cause excessive night sweats:

  • specific and nonspecific acute infectious diseases, with severe intoxication and elevated body temperature. In this case sweat glands take an active part in the removal of viral and bacterial toxins;
  • specific infections that tend to long-term course ( , ;
  • chronic infectious pathology, especially in the acute phase (chronic inflammatory diseases respiratory tract, kidney, urinary tract, pancreas, etc.);
  • ailments accompanying the development of pulmonary failure;
  • pathology of the endocrine system (dysfunction of the thyroid gland, ;
  • metabolic diseases (eg);
  • diseases causing allergic manifestations;
  • systemic diseases connective tissue with an autoimmune component (, polyarthritis);
  • neoplasms;
  • diseases of the blood and lymphoid tissue;
  • treatment with cytostatic drugs (antitumor);
  • pathology of the nervous system (neuritis, neuropathy);
  • mental illness (, acute phases);
  • ailments that cause depletion of the body, or vice versa -;
  • chronic, and.

Please note : Almost any medical condition can cause excessive sweating.

Night sweats in men

There are specific conditions and diseases that cause night sweats only in men. In particular, excessive nocturnal hyperhidrosis may be a manifestation of hormonal imbalance. With a decrease in the production of the male sex hormone -, men against this background begin to experience the effects of estrogen (the female sex hormone). This leads to attacks of fever, rushes of blood to certain parts of the body, and severe night sweats. Especially if, against the background of diseases, men begin to produce excessive estrogen. Male dyshormonal hyperhidrosis can be aggravated by taking alcohol, drugs, or any strong substances, including medications).

During the period from maturity to old age and old age, which begins approximately at the age of 45, men begin to experience psychic experiences. They are associated with changing appearance( , body fat, loss muscle tissue, chronic diseases), which is a direct consequence of hormonal changes. Most people have a difficult time adapting to the inevitability of aging. Against this background, men develop fears and deep experiences. Sleep is disturbed, heavy dreams appear, which are accompanied by profuse sweating.

Night sweats in women

Peculiarities female body also often cause excessive sweating at night.

Most often we are talking about the following conditions:

  • pregnancy . In the first months intrauterine development child's female endocrine system undergoes significant change. This dysfunction leads to a physiological imbalance in the peripheral nervous system, which also regulates sweating. As a result, the expectant mother often experiences excessive sweating arms and legs. Starting from the 4th month of pregnancy, a woman’s heart and blood vessels begin to experience special stress. The total volume of circulating blood and lymph increases. Metabolism accelerates sharply. This fact is also reflected in the amount of sweat produced. The whole body begins to sweat. At night this can attract attention. Closer to the onset of labor, the pregnant woman's weight increases, fluid accumulates in the body, and swelling is noted. Excess fluid is excreted intensively through the sweat glands, including at night;
  • PMS () - a condition that develops in a woman a few days before the start of her period. During this period, hormonal imbalance is often observed in the body, accompanied by changes in emotions and mood, pain and nocturnal hyperhidrosis;
  • period of decline of female functions - . The beginning of menopause is characterized by profound hormonal changes in the woman’s body, “switching off” some functions. As a result, there are often discomfort heat, " ", pain. Against the background of these attacks, the vessels behave unbalanced. They can expand and contract in fits and starts. In addition to psychological discomfort, the woman experiences profuse bouts of sweating. They are especially noticeable at night.

Night sweats in children

In young children under five or six years of age, thermoregulation processes are subject to significant fluctuations, therefore, during night sleep, when one of the parts of the autonomic nervous system (sympathetic or parasympathetic) dominates, severe sweating occurs. Particularly pronounced hyperhidrosis during sleep is typical infants. Also, in the process of increased sweating, the special structure of the sweat glands plays a role.

Additional conditions that contribute to the development of night sweats in children:

Principles of treatment for night sweats

Treatment of hyperhidrosis should begin with identifying the causative factor. To do this, you will have to undergo examination by several specialists: a therapist, a pediatrician, a neurologist, a psychiatrist, an endocrinologist, an oncologist, and an infectious disease specialist.

When a problem is detected, efforts are directed toward eliminating and curing it. Along with the healing of the underlying disease, night sweats will also go away.

If after full complex examination, the cause will not be identified, then we can talk about primary hyperhidrosis – a condition with an unknown etiology. In this case, excessive sweating is eliminated with symptomatic treatment.

When rickets is determined, children are prescribed vitamin D therapy and sunbathing. In other cases, children under 6 years of age special treatment nocturnal hyperhidrosis is not required. The exception is children suffering from nutritional obesity, for whom it is indicated special diet, promoting proper metabolism. Good effect provides physical education

Local treatments for nocturnal hyperhidrosis are ineffective.

Lotin Alexander, medical columnist

Getting sweaty while jogging or playing with the dog on a hot summer day, or simply digging up your “six acres” of garden is completely normal and does not raise any questions. But when a person sweats in his sleep, this is alarming - no one likes to wake up like after a bath on a wet pillow or even sheets and change them daily bed sheets. Causes of night sweats may include stress and infectious diseases. In addition, it can act as an independent pathology or be one of the symptoms of another disease.

Many people complain of increased night sweats. Some people sweat all over their body at night, and then it is called general hyperhidrosis. The armpits, groin folds, back, head, and in women - the area under the mammary glands - these are the parts of the body that suffer most from sweat. Some people only complain about increased sweating in the scalp area (the scalp). Then we are talking about local hyperhidrosis.

Why a person sweats at night needs to be clarified on a case-by-case basis. Sometimes it is enough to simply change a blanket that is too warm or ventilate the room, but there are cases when serious complex treatment is required.

Factors that can cause night sweats:

  • warm blanket or blanket, with which a person hides at night. This is especially true for models with artificial filler. For example, synthetic padding has the property of not allowing air to pass through, and a person wrapped in a blanket with such a “filling” ends up in a kind of greenhouse, as a result of which he begins to sweat heavily during sleep;
  • synthetic nightgowns, pajamas and other nightwear. Even silk, satin and satin can cause heavy sweating. It is better to replace them with cotton, calico or other natural fabrics and monitor the body’s reaction;
  • room temperature where a person sleeps. It’s worth thinking about in two cases: if it is above +20 °C, or if the room is rarely ventilated. Stale air can provoke not only sweating, but also other skin problems;
  • poor nutrition. Strong alcoholic drinks, a cup of Americano or espresso, sparkling water and spicy dishes taken in the evening can make the body sweat. full program. After all, they all expand the walls of blood vessels, blood moves faster, and night sweats are a completely logical conclusion to the process.

Except the listed factors, hyperhidrosis during sleep may indicate diseases such as:

  • infectious (influenza, endocarditis, malaria, mononucleosis, lung abscess). In these cases, night sweats mean defensive reaction body in the fight against infection. Body temperature rises, sweat glands work harder;
  • fungal infections (histoplasmosis and others) can manifest themselves both in the form of profuse sweating at night, and in combination with other symptoms: enlarged lymph nodes, high temperature, fever, muscle pain, weakness, nausea, vomiting and dizziness;
  • chronic infectious. These include: tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis or HIV in the AIDS stage;
  • sleep disturbance, apnea syndrome;
  • heart failure or other heart diseases;
  • hormonal imbalances (hyperthyroidism, menopause/menopause in women). During menopause, the production of estrogen (the female hormone) decreases, and this causes a malfunction of the hypothalamus. It is responsible for thermoregulation of the body, which is why its causeless increase occurs;
  • lack of androgen in men also leads to severe sweating during sleep;
  • metabolic pathologies (diabetes, Cushing's syndrome);
  • autoimmune ( rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic arthritis);
  • allergic pathologies;
  • oncology (including lymphoma, leukemia);
  • cytostatic therapy accompanied by medications (antipyretics, phenothiazines);
  • pathologies of the nervous system;
  • mental illnesses also provoke cold sweats at night;
  • stress - both acute and chronic;
  • nutrition problems - exhaustion (bulimia, anorexia), obesity;
  • alcoholism and drug addiction.

Pregnant women also report frequent night sweats.


If you complain of sweating at night while sleeping, you should contact your doctor. And if necessary, he will refer you to specialists:

  • cardiologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • somnologist (specializes in sleep disorders);
  • a psychiatrist who can subsequently recommend a psychotherapist;
  • neurologist;
  • oncologist;
  • allergist.

They, in turn, will determine why a person sweats in his sleep.


Before prescribing tests, the doctor will ask a series of questions for medical history about complaints, existing diseases - both chronic and past and cured, allergies to any foods.

When you first contact a doctor with complaints of sweating at night, the following examinations will be prescribed for further medical history collection:

  • general and biochemical blood tests;
  • general urine test;
  • X-ray of the lungs (fluorography);
  • general therapeutic examination: ultrasound of the thyroid gland and internal organs, electrocardiogram, blood for HIV, hormones, tumor markers, examination by a gynecologist for women and a urologist for men, examination by a neurologist, endocrinologist.

Other studies may be carried out if necessary, for example, cardiac screening.

Upon receipt of the examination results, the following will be excluded or confirmed: tuberculosis, HIV, oncology, hyperthyroidism, heart disease, neurological pathologies. After this, the attending physician can refer the patient for a consultation with a psychiatrist to rule out mental illnesses.


Depending on the diagnosis, the patient is prescribed treatment. It is aimed at eliminating the root cause of the disease, not sweating. That is, if it is detected fungal infection, you need to treat it first. After passing full course After treatment, an observation period begins to see whether the attacks of night sweats continue. If the diagnosis is correct, all symptoms accompanying the disease, including hyperhidrosis, should go away along with the identified disease.

If medical reasons for night sweats has not been identified, the doctor will recommend remedies to eliminate hyperhidrosis, such as a medical antiperspirant, Botox injections in armpits or electrophoresis.

If sweating at night bothers the patient and is really severe, it is possible to perform an operation such as thoracoscopic or percutaneous sympathectomy. As a result, the activity of the nerves innervating the sweat glands is suspended. Sympathectomy is highly effective, but has contraindications and side effects.


You can try to help yourself and, along with treatment, restore night sleep. This is facilitated by factors such as:

  • regular ventilation of the bedroom, the temperature in it should not be lower than +18 °C and not higher than +21 °C;
  • normal indoor humidity;
  • the use of breathable natural fabrics for both bed linen and nightwear;
  • do not eat later than 2–3 hours before bedtime;
  • take a relaxing bath at night with the addition of oils or extracts of medicinal plants - lavender, sage, conifers. The bath should not be hot; after it, it is recommended to rinse with lukewarm water to tighten the pores;
  • Avoid doing things in bed that are not related to sleep: reading, working on a laptop or tablet, playing on the phone. An exception can be made for quiet literature;
  • Do not watch TV shows and movies at night that contribute to overstimulation. Instead, it is better to listen to relaxation music or sounds of nature - rain, noise sea ​​waves or forests;
  • an hour and a half before bedtime, switch the lighting from bright to dim;
  • study physical culture, take long walks regularly;
  • do not work after 21:00. Learn to “switch” from work mode to rest mode, don’t spin a to-do list for tomorrow in your head;
  • learn to relax - with the help of yoga, meditative practices or other methods that help clear the mind and inner peace. Art therapy helps well - coloring books for adults (mandalas) are now fashionable.


When writing the article, the therapist used the following materials:
  • Adhikari S. General medical practice according to John Nobel / [S. Adhikari et al.] ; edited by J. Nobel, with the participation of G. Green [et al.]; lane from English edited by E. R. Timofeeva, N. A. Fedorova; ed. trans.: N. G. Ivanova [and others]. - M.: Praktika, 2005
  • Mikhailova L. I. Encyclopedia of Traditional Medicine [Text] / [ed.-comp. Mikhailova L.I.]. - M: Tsentrpoligraf, 2009. - 366 p. ISBN 978-5-9524-4417-1
  • Palchun, Vladimir Timofeevich ENT diseases: learning from other people's mistakes: a guide with a reference book medicines: dozens of case histories, medical errors, pharmaceutical reference book, diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses, diseases of the ear, diseases of the pharynx, diseases of the larynx and trachea, medical documentation, anamnesis of mordi and vitae / V. T. Palchun, L. A. Luchikhin. - M: Eksmo, 2009. - 416 p. ISBN 978-5-699-32828-4
  • Savko Lilia Universal medical reference book. All diseases from A to Z / [L. Savko]. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. - 280 p. ISBN 978-5-49807-121-3
  • Eliseev Yu. Yu. Complete home medical reference for treating diseases: [ clinical manifestations diseases, methods traditional therapy, unconventional methods treatments: herbal medicine, apitherapy, acupuncture, homeopathy] / [Yu. Yu. Eliseev and others]. - M: Eksmo, 2007 ISBN 978-5-699-24021-0
  • Rakovskaya, Lyudmila Alexandrovna Symptoms and diagnosis of diseases [Text]: [ detailed description the most common diseases, causes of occurrence and stages of development of diseases, necessary examinations and treatment methods] / L. A. Rakovskaya. - Belgorod; Kharkov: Family Leisure Club, 2011. - 237 p. ISBN 978-5-9910-1414-4

Ecology of Health: Have you ever wondered if it is normal to sweat while sleeping? In our article we will tell you why this happens and how to deal with it.

If it's hot outside or you've just left the gym, you won't be surprised to find yourself sweating more than usual. But have you ever wondered if it's normal to sweat while sleeping? In our article we will tell you why this happens and how to deal with it.

Sweating is a natural mechanism of our body, the function of which is to timely cool the body, for example, during extreme heat or exercise.

Of course, on a stuffy summer day or after a workout at the gym, no one will be surprised by increased sweating, but sweating while sleeping is a completely different matter, because it can not only cause a lot of inconvenience, but also cause restlessness and anxiety.

Our article will help you answer many questions on this topic: you will find out the causes and symptoms of sweating during sleep and understand whether it is harmful to your body or not. So, is it normal to sweat while sleeping?

Why do I sweat while sleeping?

Sweating during sleep is a very unpleasant property. Indeed, who among us would like to wake up in the middle of the night in a puddle of sweat! To figure out why you sweat while sleeping, you need to take into account all the possible causes.

The first and most important aspect that you should pay attention to is the conditions in which you sleep, in particular the temperature of the room. However, the heat is not the only external factor, causing sweating during sleep: air humidity can also play extremely important role. In addition, night sweats can be caused by an overly warm blanket or pajamas, an uncomfortable or old mattress, or extraneous noise in the room where you sleep.

If you often sweat at night, then in addition to paying attention to the conditions and comfort of your body while sleeping, you should also pay attention to your overall health. Have you recently switched to new diet? Do you often feel tired and overwhelmed?

Night fever may be one of the symptoms of flu: in this case, sweating is a normal reaction of the body to infection. This means that excessive sweating during sleep can be caused by a fever, which in turn is a symptom of a cold or flu. However, if sweating continues for more than two or three nights, then you should seriously think about your health: perhaps this is a sign of some more dangerous disease.

One of the most common reasons sweating during sleep is the onset of menopause, which is associated with significant hormonal changes in a woman's body. A sharp reduction in the production of estrogens (“female” hormones) can cause disruption of the hypothalamus, which is responsible for temperature control human body, as a result of which women often experience an unreasonable increase in temperature.

However, it cannot be said that hormonal imbalance can cause sweating during sleep only in the case of women, because the man’s body is also not protected from hormonal disorders.

Some of them suffer from a lack of testosterone or take medications that block the production of " male hormone”, may be subject to exactly the same problem. This may be difficult for many men to accept, but a lack of androgens can actually lead to excessive sweating during sleep.

What else could make me sweat?

Many medicines can increase heart rate promote the dilation of blood vessels, and this can cause increased sweating. Most often, these medications are antipyretics or fever medications. As soon as we notice flu-like symptoms, we immediately take aspirin, etc., without thinking at all that it can trigger a fever. Antidepressants are also classified as medications that can cause excessive sweating.

Infectious diseases such as tuberculosis or AIDS can also cause sweating during sleep. Fever, which usually goes hand in hand with sweating, usually occurs frequently in HIV patients. Hodgkin's disease, lesion lymph nodes, also referred to infectious diseases, which sometimes manifest as fever and night sweats.

Drinking alcohol before bed is another reason why a person may sweat while sleeping. Of course, a glass of wine at night will help promote sleep, but recent medical research has shown that those who drink alcohol before bed are more likely to experience night sweats and headaches.

Besides, Sweating during sleep can be caused by eating spicy foods. Although you may not notice any changes while eating, your body may experience an increase in body temperature as your body digests spicy foods. According to doctors, caffeine can also cause aggravation in those people who already suffer from excessive sweating.

Patients with hyperhidrosis also most often suffer from frequent and profuse sweating both during the day and at night. If none of the above causes of sweating apply to you, get tested for hyperhidrosis. To do this, you will need to come for a consultation with a doctor and take the necessary tests.

Natural Remedies for Night Sweats

First of all, you should buy a thermostat - a device for maintaining a constant body temperature. Although doctors recommend maintaining a certain body temperature, remember that everyone is different and try to find a temperature that is ideal for your body. If you sleep with your partner who prefers a taller or low temperature, try using bedding made from different materials.

Try to remove everything from yourself that could cause stress and anxiety, because disorders of the nervous system can provoke active sweating both during the day and at night. If you have a wedding tomorrow or a job interview, don't be surprised if you're sweating more than usual. But if sweating during sleep continues for several weeks, you should start worrying about your health.

Men who suffer from the so-called andropause, or male menopause, can drink black cohosh tea. Black cohosh- This medicinal plant from South America, which is used in folk medicine to treat many diseases. meadow clover is another medicinal plant that helps reduce sweating during sleep, although according to medical research, in its effectiveness, clover is much inferior to black cohosh.

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Both men and women who experience the problem of excessive sweating can take medications based on sage And motherwort root, because they have properties that can help fight night sweats. Tea with sage is used to relax, relieve tension and stress, and motherwort, a plant similar to mint, is considered the best remedy for the nervous system and blood circulation, and also helps reduce sweating during sleep. published