Why is a child lost in a dream? Women's book of dreams

Usually, if you have a dream, it means that someone from above wants to say something important. It happens that these signs can help a person not to make serious mistakes. The main thing is to take everything into account. Especially, a dream about a lost child does not at all mean a good future.

What if you dream about losing a child?

As a rule, losing something or someone is always bad. However, it should be taken into account under what circumstances the loss occurred. Of course, if an earring or bag is lost somewhere, then this is a big hassle. But when a person is lost in a dream, especially if it is a child, then you have to prepare yourself for the worst. Wise grandmothers usually say that if a girl loses a child in a dream, it means that he will soon fly to heaven. A terrible and bitter prediction, but it doesn’t always happen as people say. After all, it is important to consider how exactly the child was lost. It is worth noting that if a mother finds her child, then nothing bad will happen. Perhaps there will be some serious problems with the baby's health. Only everything can work out if the child is found in dreams.

It is very important not to think about sleep constantly. As you know, thoughts materialize and it may happen that a dream comes true in a matter of days. Therefore, it is necessary to take a break from last night. It is advisable to go to the cinema to watch a comedy or visit some exhibition so that the brain stops reminding you of a bad dream.

Losing a child in a dream is very, very bad sign. In general, the modern dream book says that if a woman has lost her own child, then in the near future she will be disappointed. Everything will be difficult, perhaps even dismissal from work. There is also a threat that huge problems will arise with finances. For example, Nostradamus’s dream book explains that the loss of a child means the loss of love. Of course, in different sources the interpretation is completely different. However, there is one similarity: such a dream promises troubles and misfortunes. If a pregnant woman dreamed that she gave birth to a child and left it somewhere by accident, then there is a small probability of the baby being born. It also happens that a child simply went home in a dream, and his parents are looking for him. This also suggests that something not entirely good awaits the baby.

What does it portend?

Looking for a child in me means that serious problems will soon arise. It would be nice to find him. However, in most cases this does not happen. It is very important to pay attention to how old the child is real life. If around 5 - 6, then he may get into a stupid situation. Well, if there is no child yet, and in the dream there was precisely the loss of a baby, then in reality he may not exist. Of course, this is just a dream and you should not completely and completely believe in any interpretation. But it is necessary to take it into account. After all, it’s possible to fix something without doing anything stupid. As a rule, some certain dream I dream for a reason. This is such a sign parallel world, which lets you know that problems await a person. And what worse dream, then you need to prepare yourself more for the upcoming problems. It's better to find out sooner than to have a surprised face later.

Many people, when they find out why they dream of losing a child, panic. After all, almost everywhere there is a terrible interpretation of such a dream. Therefore, in this case, it is advisable to go to church and ask the icons so that the dream does not come true. Then light candles for the health of the whole family and distribute gifts to homeless children. Perhaps after this the dream will not come true.

In general, you shouldn’t believe different interpretations seriously. After all, people write them. And people, as a rule, are capable of making mistakes, regardless of whether they are a magician or a psychic. Yes, and dream books are now printed with not quite reliable information. Therefore, all that remains is to take into account all the interpretations and move on with your life, enjoying every day!

Losing a child in a dream is just as terrible as losing him in reality. However, this plot is not always associated with negative interpretations. Dream Interpretations believe that in many cases this plot can portend good things. Do you want to know exactly what it means to dream about experiencing the loss of a child? Turn to dream books for help.

Basic interpretation

If you absolutely cannot remember all the nuances of the plot you saw, then use the brief interpretation offered by dream books. So, if in a dream you happen to lose a child

  • when you gave birth, it means that in reality you are very worried about your child;
  • when he gets lost in the forest, then in reality it is impossible to avoid numerous worries and troubles;
  • and look for it on the city streets, then in everyday life there will be very difficult work;
  • and find your baby, you can count on great joy in life.

Miller's opinion

Miller's dream book believes that if in a dream you did not look after someone else's child and he got lost, then in reality you will lose the trust of others. Why does a woman dream that this happened to her baby? Miller is sure that you are too worried in reality. You should calm down, nothing will happen to your child.

To the experiences

Have you ever dreamed about losing a child during pregnancy or childbirth and worrying about it? If a pregnant woman dreams of the scene she saw, then, as the dream book suggests, it is only a reflection of her subconscious fears regarding her “interesting” situation. For others, sleep is a reflection of internal imbalance.

Have you dreamed of losing a child due to miscarriage? The interpreter is confident in real life you have taken on too many responsibilities.

Did you dream about the disappearance of a child who in reality does not exist? According to forecasts Lunar dream book you must learn to deal with circumstances.

To worries

Did you see that a child was lost in the forest? If it was just a baby, then minor troubles await you. If the child is an adult, then the problems will be significant.

Did you happen to get lost in a dream and look for your son? In reality you will have to look for a way out difficult situation. Did you have to cry because of the loss and search for a long time in the forest? In real life, you will need the support of family and friends. But if you have lost a child, but do not think about looking for him, believing that all problems will resolve on their own, this is a deceptive opinion.

Did you dream that you lost your child and found him right away? According to the Eastern interpreter, numerous troubles await you in everyday life, but they are definitely worth it. But if in a dream dad had to go on a search, then in reality he will provoke all the problems himself.

To routine

Have you dreamed of losing your child on the street? In reality you will be given a task that will require you to special knowledge. If a child is lost on the streets of your city, then, according to the dream book, you will be able to complete the task and receive a decent reward for it. If the baby is lost on the streets of a stranger settlement, then you cannot cope in life without outside help.

We had a dream in which a child got lost in shopping center? According to the prediction of the Modern Dream Book, you should agree to the position that is offered. It will turn out to be promising and interesting.

If a woman who was left without a baby dreams that she has lost a stroller with a child in a crowd, then most likely she is trying to cope with her grief through exhausting work.

To joy

Did you dream that your lost baby was found and you feel joy? This means that in reality you will experience a lot of positive emotions. If you dreamed of finding a child and crying with joy, then, according to Pastor Loff, you can successfully get out of a difficult situation.

But if you found what was lost, but cried because of what you experienced, then in reality you will have a difficult time. However, everything will get better soon.

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Losing a child is terrible, both in reality and in a dream. However, you should not think that all dreams associated with missing children have a purely negative interpretation. There are situations when this plot has a very positive value. Well-known dream books will help us figure out why we dream about the disappearance of a child.

Brief interpretation

For those who cannot remember the details of the dream, dream books offer a simplified version of the interpretation. Remember at least some of what you saw in your dream and you will receive brief interpretations. For example, losing a child.

  • Lost when giving birth - to excitement.
  • Lost in the forest - to troubles and worries.
  • Searching in the urban “jungle” means hard work.
  • Finding the baby is a joy.

Miller's Dream Book

The loss of trust of others is promised by a dream, according to Miller’s dream book, in which you dreamed that you did not look after someone else’s child, and he disappeared.

But if a woman dreams that such a misfortune happened to her own child, then famous psychologist advised mommy to calm down, since this dream only means her unfounded fears for your child.

Loss during childbirth is a sign of grief

Do you dream about experiencing the loss of a child during pregnancy or childbirth? If a pregnant woman dreams of something like this, this is a subconscious worry about the health of the unborn baby. For all other women, the loss of a baby during pregnancy is a reflection of their internal state.

Did you dream about the loss of a fetus due to a miscarriage? You have taken on a lot of responsibilities.

Do you want to know why you dream about your unborn baby going missing? It is necessary to learn how to protect yourself from life’s misfortunes, as the Lunar Dream Book interprets.

Lost in the forest - to troubles

Did you dream that you lost a child in the forest? A small child has minor worries, an older child has bigger problems.

Getting lost and looking for your little son while running through the forest - you have to start looking for a solution on how to get out of difficult situation. Crying because of the loss and looking for it, combing the forest - you cannot do it without outside help. But if you have lost it and are not going to look for it, you are in vain hoping that problems will be solved on their own.

Did you dream that you managed to lose your child and immediately find him? The troubles will take a lot of energy from you, but their results will please you, prophesies Eastern dream book. And if you go searching and find dad, he will be the one who will bring you a lot of trouble.

Lost in the city - you have hard work ahead of you

Losing a child on the street - you will be entrusted with a task that will require technical knowledge from you. A child is lost on the street of your city - you will be able to cope with the work yourself, for which you will receive a reward. Lost on the street of a city you don't know? You may need help, but you will have to pay for it.

Did you have a dream that your baby got lost in a shopping center? Modern dream book gives the following interpretation of the dream: do not neglect the position that will be offered to you. Uninteresting at first glance, in the end it will turn out to be very profitable.

A woman who has lost a child in reality dreams that she has forgotten the stroller with infant in a crowd of people - this is a symbol of the fact that in reality she is trying to forget the grief that happened, shielding herself from it with exhausting work.

Finding something missing is a sign of joy and good luck

I have a dream that lost child found and you feel joy? They are waiting for you in reality positive emotions. Find lost child on your own and cry with happiness - to a successful resolution controversial issue, predicts Pastor Loff’s dream book. But finding something missing and crying because of the stress suffered is a sign of a difficult period, but with a successful outcome.



    My family and I (husband and two children) were walking to the shopping center, to the parking lot. I was driving nearby wheelchair man. My daughter was running nearby and jumped onto the step, which was in a wheelchair. This man took her away. We ran after them, but he disappeared into the parking lot. The police were called. An investigator came up to us and said that he was a maniac and he was stealing special girls. Soon we came across glass boxes in this shopping center in which the maniac kept the girls. We saved three girls, but our baby was not among them. What does this dream mean? Very scary.

Losing a child in a dream - what could this mean? Often, a missing child's image in a dream marks an attempt to find meaning in life. And here is how different dream books interpret such a dream.

Miller's Dream Book

According to this dream book, if you lost a child in a dream, it is not a good sign. But this does not mean that something bad will happen to the child in real life. A woman expecting the birth of a baby has such a dream due to uncertainty about own strength. She is afraid of the upcoming birth, she does not feel proper care and support.

For a woman in trouble, such a dream promises problems with finances and the destruction of her plans. Such a dream warns of upcoming difficulties so that in reality the woman can avoid them. If a child is found in a dream, then in reality this will lead to a successful resolution of the problem situation.

Dream Interpretation of Astromeridiana

If in a dream you lost a child, in reality you will experience a shortage of something. If a child is found in a dream, in reality life will gain meaning, and all matters will be brought to an end. logical conclusion with great success.

Pregnant women have such a dream when they have real fears of losing their baby.

Losing a child in a dream means that you are trying to find meaning or hope in life. In a dream, your child was stolen - this means that you are very worried about your authority in front of your own child.

Vanga's Dream Book

If a baby is lost in a dream, and you wander aimlessly everywhere in search of him, but this does not bring desired result, then in reality you do not understand what the meaning of life is. If you have to look for a lost child in a dream, but you have not seen his image, this means that you do not know how to solve the current problems, but deep down you desperately hope that a solution will come.

Any losses according to this dream interpreter mean real concerns person, which are not always associated with specific dreamed images. When losing a child in a dream, it is important to pay more attention to your family and friends in order to always find contact with them and be on good terms.

Autumn dream book

Losing a baby in a dream means suffering, difficulties and great worries about the health and actions of children.

Spring dream book

If you lost a child in a dream, you will be a happy long-liver.

Summer dream book

If you saw in a dream that you lost a child, it means that in reality prosperity awaits you.

There is nothing worse than losing a child. And a dream with similar development events are better only because sooner or later it ends. But we should not forget that the interpretation of dreams is often very confusing, and sometimes bad dream brings happy news. If you are wondering why you dream about losing a child in a dream, then you need to turn to the dream book and decipher such a message.

Much in such a dream depends on the outcome of events: whether the dreamer was able to find his child or lost him forever. If everything is resolved in better side, then soon you should expect the onset of a white streak in life. Perhaps you will finally comprehend the events that are happening in life now.

If a pregnant woman had a dream, then no need to worry. It’s no secret that pregnant women often experience fear and indecision in themselves and their abilities. And then under strong impression she may have a dream about losing a child. IN in this case all you need is the support and understanding of your partner.

If the dreamer sees herself pregnant in a dream and how someone takes away her newborn, then in this case there is no need to worry. All this is a manifestation of fears, fear of not meeting one’s expectations and fear of becoming a bad mother for one’s future child.

If this is not the first time you have dreamed about a missing child, then pay attention to your emotional state. Do you enjoy simple everyday things or do few things make you happy? It is likely that this dream suggests that you should step away a little from everyday activities and routine and switch your attention to what makes you truly happy.

Lose my son

Almost always, a dream of losing a son promises disappointment in real life. Moreover, it's worth pay attention to the age of the missing child- the younger he is, the more likely that disappointment will come from a close relative.

And how does the dream book interpret the dream of losing a son? It often happens that a dream in which a man or woman loses their son lasts a very long time. And if, according to its plot, a person makes all kinds of attempts to find a child, then in reality he cannot find himself, his purpose.

Losing a son during childbirth. When a woman dreams of her own pregnancy or childbirth, during which she loses her baby, then in reality she will experience strong experiences. For a pregnant woman in reality, this dream does not make any sense, since it completely reflects her fears about upcoming motherhood.

For some women, a dream where she loses her son during pregnancy gives an idea of ​​what is going on in her soul. It may indicate that a woman carries an unbearable burden, which is very difficult for her to cope with.

Event location

In such a dream big role has a plot and location of the loss of a son.

Why dream of losing a child in a dream on a city street:

You also need to take into account your experiences and emotions after waking up from such a dream.

Lost in the forest

You see that you are walking with your son in the forest and suddenly he gets lost. This dream suggests that completely Big troubles await you soon. The older the lost child is, the more global the troubles will be.

Lost in the big city

Megacities in dreams often personify everything that is associated with new technologies. If you dreamed about how you lost your son in such a city, it means soon you will get an important job, the execution of which will require you to have a certain type of knowledge and skills.

Lost in your hometown

Means that to achieve results in reality, the dreamer will have to put in large number efforts, but in the end, without anyone else’s interference, he will be able to cope with the work that will be entrusted to him and his work will be rewarded.

However if a child gets lost on the street of a completely foreign city , which you have never been to, and you just can’t find it, then you should not refuse when in the future they offer help in completing important work, it won't be superfluous.

Lost in the mall

Such a dream foreshadows changes in work. But there are also other interpretations of such a dream, depending on events:

Perhaps this will be a new, not very interesting position, but from which shouldn't refuse, because it promises to be extremely profitable.

Miller's Dream Book

This dream book says that losing a child is bad sign . However, everything bad events which this dream promises will in no way affect the real children of this person.

For a pregnant woman such a dream indicates her uncertainty and fear of impending motherhood. Such a dream does not bode well for her.

And if such a dream is dreamed by someone who is not pregnant in reality?, then it is likely that very soon a dark streak will come in her life. Moreover, trouble can come from anywhere - it can be like financial problems, as well as problems in relationships with family or friends, violation of planned plans, etc. It is possible that after all these events the dreamer will have a long recovery process.

However if in a dream a woman quickly and easily finds her child, then the problems can be solved without special problems. If a man dreams that he is asked to look after someone’s child and he loses him, then in reality he will have to lose trust in the eyes of others.

Vanga's Dream Book

Losing a son in a dream, which can happen in a dream according to Vanga’s dream book: a dream in which a woman loses her child, is a warning.

When the dreamer runs for a long time and looks for a child, but you can’t find it, this suggests that the dreamer cannot find the meaning of life, but still hopes to find it.

If a man dreams about losing his child, then he should take a closer look at his family and friends, there is a possibility that problems will arise from them.

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