Why do you dream about Loss? Losing a child in a dream - why dream of such grief.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about Losing in dream books famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about losing in a dream?

Modern dream book

In a dream, you are grieving because you have lost something - in real life you have to repent of your hasty action. And this repentance will help you save friendly relations for life. If you have lost friends in reality, you can safely get rid of the enemy.

Losing relatives or friends in a dream foreshadows imminent disappointment in plans and very vague prospects for the future.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about Losing, interpretation of the dream:

Losing valuables means loss of spiritual values ​​or warns of possible theft; losing the key means losing the path.

Summer Dream Interpreter

Losing something means financial ruin.

Lost - Looking for something lost in a dream, trying to find something lost means confusion.

If you dream that you have lost someone from your family, and there is no news about his whereabouts, this means a long business trip for one of the family members; or someone will have to work on a rotational basis.

Losing money - To thoughtless spending, you can’t waste money like that.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

Losing something in a dream and never finding it means losing something or someone very dear in life.

Losing a thing - Looking for any lost small thing in a dream - means concern for your children.

Lose your ticket for a business trip.

To poverty.

Spring Dream Interpreter

Lose something for a gift.

Losing something - looking for a lost thing in a dream - means separation from a person you value very much.

Seeing how you suddenly lost someone's respect in a dream means a loss of authority.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Losing a child in a dream is a threat to plans whose success you were confident of. Losing relatives or friends means loss of profit, unprofitable work, bad prospects, this is how a dream is interpreted if you dream of Losing.

Losing money means doing work that is dangerous to your life or health, damage has been caused to you - clashes with ill-wishers, this is how the dream is interpreted if you dream of Losing.

Losing money - the dream warns you not to get involved in any dangerous work. This may endanger your life and health. If you were harmed in a dream, then an unsuccessful encounter with opponents awaits you.

Angelic dream book

Why do you dream about Losing according to the dream book:

If you saw a loss in a dream, it is a very unfavorable sign, which indicates that you will soon have to face disappointments, separations, and losses.

Depending on what exactly you lost in the dream, you can be more specific about what this dream means. However, in any case, such a dream cannot be called favorable.

If you lose jewelry or gold, then in reality you will face great financial losses, the culprit of which will be you yourself. If in a dream you lost someone close to you, then in reality you will face quarrels and scandals in your family, for which you will again be to blame.

If you dreamed that you were losing something in a dream, then such a dream can be interpreted as a warning dream. You should reconsider your views on life, otherwise you will experience a lot of troubles and betrayals, eventually being left alone.

It’s worth talking with your loved ones and trying to understand what doesn’t suit them about you, without getting into a fight, defending your point of view, but try to look at yourself and your behavior from the outside. It is quite possible that changing your behavior will bring good luck and success into your life.

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream and what does Losing mean?

We often perceive life as a journey, and it is not surprising that the roads of our journey are confusing. This could simply be a reflection of the meaninglessness of a dream or a story that went nowhere. However, there are two ways to lose - and both tell a lot about how we see ourselves in reality.

The first way is to lose something in multiple selection. You may dream about driving a car, visiting stores, recreational parks, or other places where you are unable to make a choice.

Another option is to lose your favorite thing alone, feeling that movement does not lead to progress. Which option is right for you? If you are overwhelmed by the variety of choices, you may be in a stage of uncertainty - you don't know what you want from life. This applies to professional, interpersonal and personal values ​​that it is time to sort out; reflects the inability to see where the choice made will lead; for more details on why you dream of Losing, see below.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Why dream about losing for a woman:

If they lose you in a dream - a warning about an encroachment on your personal freedom; your affairs will be done without your participation. To lose someone is to relieve oneself of responsibility

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about Losing according to the dream book?

Abduction - D. Loff wrote: “Losing - loss - is a very powerful symbol, since the concepts of subordination and violence are closely associated with it. Answer the following questions: “What are physical conditions captivity? Who is holding you captive?” If you help your captors, you are allowing them to take control of the problematic side of your life. But at the same time, you feel that your independence has been so shaken that you are no longer able to cope with the situation on your own.

Slavic dream book

I dreamed of losing in a dream, what does it mean:

Loss – bad sign, you will experience a disruption of plans and a painful state of health. Karmic aspects.

Dream book of healer Akulina

I dreamed of losing – what does the dream mean?

What does Loss mean in a dream – Dream is the opposite. Means good news And financial profit. Imagine that your Loss is not alone. You are losing something else.

English dream book

Why do you dream about losing in a dream?

You dreamed of Loss - Dreams about the loss of someone close to you often serve as a warning that you need to be more careful in real life so that the dream does not come true. But the feeling of real loss is very unsettling, both in dreams and in real life. The death of a loved one, be it a person or an animal, can be reflected in dreams through association images - cloudy, dreary weather, a cemetery or an empty food bowl. Loss of any of personal qualities- self-respect, innocence or confidence - can be embodied in the fact that you give away or throw away something personal and valuable, something you made with your own hands, letters you wrote, or your virginity.

Everyday dream book

dream: If you cannot associate the dream with the Loss, then perhaps it involved destructive actions - such as tearing something into pieces, burying, cutting - that you performed with important symbols, such as photographs or letters. This may indicate specific people. Dreams about burning a photograph, for example, may indicate that your respect for a person has burned beyond repair, perhaps due to something he did in a terrible or stupid way.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

I dreamed of losing, why:

Loss - you suffered a loss in a dream - it’s as if you lost a relative or friend - after such a dream you cannot hope for brilliant prospects; something won't go well for you.

You have a terrible Loss in your dream - you have lost a child - do not count on success, all calculations, unfortunately, will deceive you; what you strive for can destroy you; it seems to you that you are going up, but in fact you are approaching a cliff

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

I dreamed of losing, why:

Lose hope - You seemed to have lost hope in a dream - big troubles will jeopardize your business.

Everyday dream book

You see other people who have lost hope - someone close to you will be in distress.

Losing your things in a dream is sometimes just as unpleasant as in reality. Do you want to find out why you dream about something like this? The dream book advises paying attention to exactly what item was lost.

Lose your shoes

Losing shoes in a dream means long road. The modern dream book promises long way. You can go on a business trip or just go on a long trip. In any case, you will not return from your trip soon. The female interpreter explains why you dream about losing your boots. Such a plot promises only all sorts of troubles and worries. Women's dream book recommends not to waste yourself on meaningless worries, but to focus on solving serious problems. If you dreamed that you lost your slippers, get ready to move. You can also lose your slippers in a dream when you change your sexual partner. A new lover will give you many pleasant, unforgettable moments. Losing your shoes in your night dreams means going through a difficult period in your relationship with your best friend. The universal dream book is convinced that a number of disagreements will provoke a cooling of the relationship, or even a completely painful breakup.


Grishina explains why you dream of losing various things in your night dreams. If you couldn’t find a jacket or coat, then in real life you can difficult situation benefit for yourself. Grishina's dream book recommends not to rush things and not make overly impulsive decisions. If you dreamed that you couldn’t find your panties, worry about your reputation. Ill-wishers can pretty much “damage” her. Avoid overly emotional showdowns. Such showdowns will only further worsen your current situation. Losing your fur coat in a dream means in reality losing the protection of an influential person. Without a doubt, now it will be more difficult than before, but, nevertheless, you will be able to cope with all the difficulties on your own.

If you dream that lost item, despite all your efforts you have not found it, get ready to go through a difficult period. Financial difficulties, problems finding a job, misunderstandings with a loved one - all this will have to be experienced in the near future. Did you manage to lose a suitcase with things in a dream? A family dream book promises family quarrels, and even a large financial loss. If you are missing all your clothes in a dream, it means experiencing great disappointment. If you dreamed that your pants or dress were lost somewhere, get ready for a divorce. Divorce will not work for you great tragedy, because you have long been internally ready for a new life. Losing a hat means a lot of trouble and long journey.


You can experience the bitterness of loss in a vision not only because of soulless things, but also because of the loss of a loved one dear to your heart. Losing a son in a dream means experiencing a great loss. The universal dream book warns of strong emotions and melancholy that you will experience.

If you dream that you can’t meet your husband, then get ready for a breakdown in your relationship with him. Losing and then finding a spouse means overcoming a period of crisis and strengthening love ties. The Wanderer's Dream Book believes that losing your beloved wife in your night dreams means harmony in family relationships. If your mother or sister was in your wife’s place, you will have to fight to achieve your desires. But when you make enormous efforts to achieve your goal, do not forget that it is worth it. If you dreamed that you lost a person and were looking for him, but never found him, this promises the loss of dreams and life aspirations. The modern dream book recommends not to become depressed, but to quickly get involved in a new business. Even if it is a little stupid. Losing a granddaughter in a dream means troubles associated with small children. If lost child- boy, then in your life you lack something certain to be happy. Aesop's Dream Book warns of the loss of goals and aspirations for a certain period of time. If you dream that you cannot find your daughter, it means that in reality you are worried and worried about her. Losing a girl means a quarrel with a friend, someone close to you means disagreements with relatives.

Documents and money

Losing your passport in a dream means trouble at work. The meaning of dreams of losing documents is explained in a similar way. The modern dream book believes that losing a wallet with money in a dream means losses. Please note the amount lost. The larger it was, the more significant the losses will be.

Jewelry, accessories

Losing a cross in your night dreams is a sign of imminent troubles that will fall out of the blue. Discovering the disappearance of a gold earring in a dream means loneliness. Eastern dream book also predicts a difficult relationship with a lover or lover. Another option for explaining why you dream of a lost earring is to experience fear of loss and change. Finding an earring after a long search means peace of mind. Did you dream that you were missing gloves? The modern dream book predicts a difficult period associated with separation from a loved one. If you dream that you are lost somewhere gold chain, then you will be lazy. But beware of being too carefree, as you risk losing sight of important problems.

Losing a watch to a representative of the fair sex in a dream means that in real life she will encounter difficulties in the service. Grishina has a description of why glasses are missing in dreams. Grishina's dream book is convinced that such a plot is a warning. Beware of losing your own real estate. If you don’t see handbags in your place instead of glasses, it means that you are facing serious waste on things that are completely unnecessary to you. Losing a stone in a dream is a sign of fragile and short-lived happiness. Unfortunately, you have no control over this. All that remains is to come to terms with it. If you dreamed that your bracelet disappeared, get ready to deal with a number of health problems.


If in a dream you called your dog, but it never responded to the call, you will lose friends after some kind of conflict. Did you dream that you lost a cat? Relationships with your other half will deteriorate. The plot in which the cat was seen should be understood similarly. The loss of a kitten is a sign of inevitable quarrels and conflicts.

Organ, body part

Lost a tooth? The universal dream book warns that one of your relatives may get sick. If blood was visible, it would be very close person. Losing a hand in a dream means serious problems from a friend, a leg - to demotion. Losing your virginity in a vision means in reality becoming a more prudent person than before. You will no longer look at the world through rose-colored glasses. If you dreamed that your hair fell out, you should be more careful in matters of your property. Decreased visual acuity predicts deception on the part of people around you.

If you were unable to maintain your pregnancy, then in real life you will lose the meaning of life. To lose your voice means to suffer from misunderstanding in your own family. Missing a finger means trouble. Shereminskaya believes that losing one or both eyes in a dream means experiencing mortal danger. Feeling that you are losing consciousness in a dream is a sign of mental tossing and worries. Take care of your nerves not in a dream, but in reality. Remember, your health is the primary value.

Various interpretations

Have you left the keys to your apartment somewhere and are at a loss as to where you can find them? The Eastern dream book predicts incredible adventures. Another interpretation option for what the keys are in dreams is gossip and irritation. Lost keys also promise a feeling of inferiority. If you lost your phone in a dream, it means that you are actually tired of communicating. The women's dream book recommends taking a ticket and traveling alone. This will help you organize your thoughts and “come to your senses.” Dreaming of a lost suitcase is a sign of missed opportunities. Most likely you won't be able to find desired job. Also, those people who experience feelings of regret about the past can lose their luggage in their night dreams. Finding out that you have memory problems is an unkind symbol. It is possible that a series of stressful situations will drive you into deep depression, from which it will be impossible to get out without the participation of a specialist. Especially if you dreamed that you remember absolutely nothing. Not finding a car that was previously left there in a parking lot in a dream means a loss of drive and thirst for life. Losing a knife in a dream means finally making peace with a friend. Don't wait for him to make the first move. Make it yourself.

Many people do not attach any importance to dreams. They consider this activity frivolous. They say only one thing: “This is all nonsense!” But no matter how. Dreams are, in a way, the key to the depths of ourselves. Let's just say that this is a signal or a message that not everyone can decipher. Interpret your dreams correctly and take them as seriously as possible. Interpreting dreams with ridicule is a stupid thing to do.

  1. If you had a dream, lost your luggage, or in the chaos of the station, failure in business is expected.
  2. The meaning of the dream is to lose your luggage in the crowd - you will lose your companion.
  3. Dream Interpretation of Fate, you dream of losing jewelry - you will deal with flatterers, they will fool you, namely to such a state that you will simply send them away.
  4. Decipher the dream, lose small money - you are neglecting those who are one step below you, in the end this will lead to losses
  5. According to the interpretation of the Russian dream book, if you lose a needle or pin in a dream, you will suffer minor damage and you will quarrel a little with your friends.
  6. If you dreamed that you lost your oars in a dream, you are heading in the wrong direction.
  7. In an online dream book, you dreamed that losing a powder compact means good luck in your affairs is guaranteed.
  8. Interpretation of sleep, losing lipstick- well-being in future affairs.
  9. Free dream interpreter, in a dream you lost new fur gloves - people who are well disposed towards you will begin to behave unreasonably.
  10. The meaning of a dream in which there was a loss of some part of the toilet, and, quite unexpectedly, minor interference in commercial affairs, also means an obstacle in love.
  11. The meaning of the dream, losing your coat - you have to start anew to arrange your destiny, you will also repent, cursing yourself for your imprudence and short-sightedness.
  12. Dream Interpretation alphabetically, losing documents in a dream will involve you in a business that is doomed to failure ahead of time.
  13. Online dream book of Fate, you dreamed of losing your teeth - keep in mind what awaits you hard time humiliation.
  14. The best dream book, if you dreamed that you lost a leg or an arm, the dream warns of your wealth and prosperity.
  15. The meaning of sleep, you lost something, or tried to lose it - you are mistaken.

Decoding dreams about losses by the big dream book of Fate?

There are such dreams in nature as actual dreams. Have you heard of such visions? These are dreams about our past, experiences we have experienced, as well as a kind of memories. It is very rare, but it is still possible that such dreams will serve as a signal for us to future events.

  1. The exact dream book of Fate, losing an object in a dream that looks like a phallus - for a man, you are afraid of castration.
  2. The meaning of the dream, losing your appetite is a reflection of your desire to control your life. Reflection of lack of self-recognition.
  3. People's dream book, to lose sensitivity in a dream - the dream suggests that you are completely insensitive to someone.
  4. If you had a dream where you lost something and found it, there is something ahead that you cannot forget about.
  5. The biggest dream book of Fate, to lose something in a dream and not find it - you are hoping in vain that the person you are constantly thinking about will not return.
  6. Interpretation of a dream where a sick person has lost something - alas, but this is a foreshadowing of death.
  7. A popular dream book, dreamed of losing gold jewelry (for a woman) - some kind of shame awaits her.
  8. Interpretation of the dream, that you discovered the loss only through certain time– you will face problems that existed in the distant past.
  9. To dream that you have lost something very important to you means serious losses are expected, as well as, perhaps, a quarrel.
  10. If you had a dream, you lost something in a dream that means nothing to you - problems will arise that you can handle with ease.
  11. The meaning of the dream, losing your car - in a sense, you will lose your drive, motivation.
  12. The biggest dream book, losing a person in a dream means that you have lost contact with some person and want to restore it.
  13. Modern dream book of dreams, what does it mean to lose a child in a dream - many events happen in a child’s life that worry him, but you don’t know about these events and because of this you are very excited.
  14. Decoding a dream where you lost someone you love (husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend) - in real life there is very little resolution between you important question, thus there is some kind of reticence, misunderstanding.
  15. The best dream book of Fate, if you dreamed of losing someone you know, your previous connections, contacts, perhaps even relationships will be lost.

Why do you dream of losing – interpretation of the online dream book of Fate?

Recurring dreams - what do they predict? Many people have dreams that they think they have already seen, namely in a dream. That's right, you were not mistaken, this actually happens, and this is not an exception. Do we have the same dream several times? The dream tells you that your actions are not entirely correct. You should listen and reconsider your actions, and your dreams will again have variety.

  1. Interpretation of the dream, losing your home is a sign that you are joyless about your existence, a certain loss in life.
  2. Free dream book of Fate, losing a book in a dream - the information that is important to you never fell into your hands.
  3. The meaning of the dream, losing your passport in a dream - a situation will arise in life in which you will not be able to confirm your abilities.
  4. Interpretation of the dream according to the free dream book of Fate, losing a bag in a dream - alas, but you will lose your job, earnings, and material wealth.
  5. If you had a dream where you lost your job, you are actually very scared of changes.
  6. If you dreamed of losing a dog, in reality you will lose a friend.
  7. Dream Interpretation, losing your phone in a dream means in some sense you will lose connections, contacts, communication.
  8. Interpretation of a dream, losing hair in a dream means upcoming stress and experiences.
  9. Most best dream book Fate, losing consciousness in a dream - a situation will arise in which you will miss some of the events that are taking place.
  10. If you had a dream, if you lose your vision, you will lose your understanding of what is happening in reality.
  11. A popular dream book, you dreamed of losing your voice in a dream - unfortunately, you won’t be able to, your opinion will not be taken into account.
  12. Interpretation of a dream: you lost your memory in a dream - it means you forgot something that is very important. Remember!
  13. Why did you dream of losing a certain amount of blood - you are tired, you are losing energy, strength and your health. You need rest.
  14. According to the interpretation of the exact dream book, losing your virginity in a dream means perhaps you are acting too frivolously. Because of your frivolity, your reputation will suffer in the future.
  15. See the interpretation of the dream, you lost your shoes - you are on for a long time you will leave your home, and also end relationships with inseparable people.

Decoding the dream of losing something - other free dream books

The Muslim dream book tells us that losing something in a dream means such a dream means a good find. But Miller's dream book says the opposite. Losing something is an unfavorable sign. If the loss of clothing is a possible concern in love and commercial matters. According to Vanga’s dream book, if you lost your gloves in a dream, the dream promises that in real life you will go broke and you will be forced to work hard and hard. You lost something, but at the same time you found it very quickly - you will see again the person you miss madly.


Has your body been damaged in any way during your sleep?

Did you lose some clothes in a dream?

I dreamed that I lost my panties▼

Why do you dream about losing your panties? The inability to find the bottom foreshadows an awkward situation in reality, from which it will not be easy to get out. Possible loss of authority. Found underwear is a good omen; there will be a chance to avoid unpleasant events.

Why do you dream about losing a sock ▼

Dreaming about losing a sock is a negative sign. You risk finding yourself in a very difficult situation, which can only be resolved with the help of your loved ones.

Have you seen jewelry in your dream?

I dreamed that I lost my glasses▼

If you dreamed that you lost your glasses, you are unable to show objectivity in decisions of an important personal nature. Try to abstract yourself, distract yourself from reality, look at the state of things in a new way.

Have you lost a person in a dream?

Why do you dream about losing your wife▼

I get up in the morning and get dressed for work and forget that I didn’t take my phone, I start looking for it, but suddenly I notice that I can’t walk near the TV, it won’t let me in, well, I continue to look, I went into another room, and then something went wrong, I come to the room where the TV is. and there’s a phone under the TV, I didn’t notice it there before

I had a dream in the morning from Thursday to Friday. I dream that I’m driving a car and using the phone to make an appointment with a girl to meet in a cafe, she explains to me which one! As a result, I arrive at this place and it’s closed or doesn’t work at all, we don’t get into the cafe, then we go out and get into the car, it doesn’t start right away, it just rolled, the brakes didn’t work and we bumped in front standing car, then they started up anyway. Then we find ourselves in the hospital, she goes to women's doctor, and sends me to the men's. I go into the office (it looks like a dorm room), the doctor examines me and there is a feeling that either she is doing her job poorly or everything is just fine) then her little child (the doctor) appears in her room, she takes him and sits him on the floor to a cat (black) that was lying on the carpet and there was also a rat there. Before leaving the doctor, I also thought: “but they say a cat and a rat don’t live together,” for some reason, when I left the office I had a referral for an x-ray. And then I couldn’t find my fiancée in the hospital.

I dreamed that I was in an unfamiliar place with my eldest son, he is 7 years old. He walks about 50 meters from me, I don’t see his face, when I start to worry and shout out to him, he runs away somewhere into an alley and I don’t see him anymore. At the same time, I am sure that he is being held by force.

I had a dream that I was in some room that looked like a hospital. for some reason there were children in the rooms, not children but ghosts of children. I tried to find a way out of the building, I found it and ended up on the street. It turns out that no matter where I went, I ended up in the same place... the street was dark, the road was not asphalt, but made of pebbles... and in the distance someone was running after me...

My daughter and I found ourselves near a counter where there were a lot of large pieces of meat. Having asked the saleswoman to give me a piece, turning back my daughter was no longer there, the saleswoman told me where she had seen her, I ran after her, but did not take the meat. My daughter wasn’t there, I drove my car to all the yards and searched. I drove into the yard where several girls were playing, they told me that they saw my daughter according to the description. She gave herself an injection, I asked: Did she have a syringe with her? the girls answered YES and showed the direction where she went. I didn’t find her and woke up.

In a dream I met a girl and went to a masquerade concert (in the style of a Viennese ball)
but then they wanted to leave along the road and constantly took the wrong girl away and came back for her, but the 3rd time I couldn’t find her. woke up

I dreamed that I was going to a wedding, leaving the house and realizing that I had lost my keys and lost my phone. and I can't find it. I’m late for the wedding, I return home and find everything in the places where we were with the help of other loved ones. I didn't go to the wedding.

I saw my mother-in-law, husband, son in a dream, and then I lost them, I was very worried... I ran and looked, and then I remembered that they were at some event and I began to wait for them, standing at the entrance beautiful girl in a beautiful blue dress and another one came up, also in blue, I talked to them about something and waited for mine to come out and woke up.

I dreamed of the father of my child. He was walking towards me with a bundle of tools. At that moment I was talking on the phone near the stroller. When he came up to me, I deliberately walked away from him, and when I returned he was no longer there. I grabbed the stroller and the child turned out to be undressed. I dressed him and ran after him, but he was no longer anywhere. . I ran a few more alleys but couldn’t find him.

The house was in the forest, I was there with my daughter and suddenly she got lost, I looked for her everywhere at home in the forest, I had the feeling that something terrible had happened to her, and I couldn’t help her, that someone had stolen her. I had a terrible feeling that I would never see her again. Then with a man, I don’t remember who exactly, but an acquaintance, I was looking for her in the forest, but for some reason they started picking mushrooms in the place with him. The gibs were edible, beautiful and large. I became interested only in mushrooms, I began looking for them while wandering through the forest. I picked a lot of mushrooms.

I dreamed that I was late for somewhere and got into a minibus and quickly went somewhere with my dog ​​and then forgot it there, and when I came to the minibus driver he told me that some girl had taken my dog ​​and I woke up

I dreamed of an elevator, but without walls and we just rode on it, I accidentally pressed the button, then we went up on a normal elevator and got out. Then they surprised me for my birthday, under the balcony there was my relative and mother with a bouquet of roses, I wanted this I took it on my phone, but I lost it.

Hello. I dreamed that we were celebrating something with someone, about 50 people. I always walked around with a bag the size of a textbook, beige light color. And in the end I lost my bag, and then a guy I didn’t know helped me look for my bag.

I'm riding a tram, talking with my friends. I have a bag with me, but for some reason it is placed either on the floor or on a chair. The guys get off the tram at their stop, before that I asked them if this was my number, which would help me get where I needed to go, the answer was in the affirmative. But after they leave, I get off at the next one when I need to go further. I run to the bus stop to wait for new transport and realize that I forgot my bag. I’m trying to chase him, but I can’t catch up; while I was running, I found two T-shirts. Then for some reason some kind of bag appears in my hands, in which I felt for my phone, but there was no wallet.

I was with my mother’s friends and I was with my beloved kitten. he jumped out and ran away... I looked for him in tears and saw dogs and other cats heading towards the hole. I thought my kitten Tima was there, but in this hole there was a large whitewashed dog, pets were looking after her... I went further to look for Tima, already in big tears. and suddenly there my little one-year-old sister was holding Tima in her arms, I was so happy that I could not contain my emotions and began to cry so hard with very quick breaks in breathing and woke up with this feeling and tears and Tima was lying next to me.

I was pregnant in a dream. She was lying on the bed holding her stomach. She was dressed in white (dress or shirt). I cried from the realization that I had lost my child. I immediately woke up holding my stomach and crying the same way. I also saw a man in a dream. What could this mean?

I lost my granddaughter in the park in a dream, she screamed very loudly, she called her name loudly, but she couldn’t find her, some men were lying on the grass, I started thinking about them, but I woke up, I felt very scared, I’m afraid of losing in reality

Hello! In the dream, I stood in the hall with my daughter (16 years old), she and a group of children walked away, I had to settle some matters, I also went to another floor. As a result, we lost each other, I didn’t find her on the street. I tried to dial her number on the phone, but nothing worked...

I dreamed that I came to the market with my little son, he ran ahead and I followed him. And someone closed it for a moment, and my son disappeared from sight, for the rest of the dream I ran around shouting his name, asking people if they had seen the boy. Feelings of fear and panic were overwhelming.

I dreamed that I asked my mother to put the child on the tram... and I was supposed to meet him, but somehow we didn’t meet, and I lost him, and it seemed to me that the child had been wandering along the street all night, and I was looking for him the whole night, and in the end I found him, but crying and blaming me for losing him, although I calmed him down, but he said that someone had hit him in the ear... and then I looked, hugged him, and that was the end of the dream ...but I cried a lot, and so did he.

I had a dream today, as if we were living in another apartment in a 1-room apartment in a brick building, but in fact we live in a 3-room apartment in wooden house, and So we were leaving the kindergarten and my son ran forward and asked to go for a walk, and in the end, when I went to call him home, he was nowhere to be found, I ran around all the yards of all my friends and couldn’t find him anywhere, the most important thing is all the places I saw in my dreams, all familiar to me. then I came home and didn’t know how to tell my mom, but she told me that my son was home and already asleep

I was walking with a friend to my home, she handed me a bunch of my keys from her purse (in reality there is a bunch of such keys), and I discovered that one key to my apartment was missing. I tell her, wait, there is no key to my apartment. She tells me - look carefully, I say no, she says, let's go see, we just left, and I woke up

I don’t remember my dreams and don’t even know what I do at night. I fell asleep and woke up. It's as if time flies by unnoticed. I didn't even notice how a year passed. Why, I don’t remember much about the year I went to school. Although I am still studying, I still experience memory loss. I don’t know if this could be due to the fact that I just lose consciousness. Sometimes I just relax and I can’t do anything about it. I just fall, closing my eyes, but when I get up, my temples start to hurt terribly. This doesn't happen often, but it does happen. And if this continues, then I will fall in front of people, which is something I don’t want. IN lately this happens often.
It started... I don’t remember exactly, but in my opinion it was 3 years ago. That was the first time I lost consciousness, although I don’t remember everything.
As for sleep... I don’t remember a single dream and I can’t remember.
I just fell asleep and got up as if nothing had happened.

I dreamed that I lost my wallet with credit cards. There were a lot of them there. Someone found them. In my dream I was afraid that I had lost them and that someone would take money from them. I found the wallet (they gave it to me), but there were no cards there.

I dreamed of a beloved girl whom I lost during a dream, but the feeling was as if she had been stolen, why there was some kind of incomprehensible rage at the beginning of the walk, then she disappeared, the feeling of resentment and rage remained after sleep for about 5 minutes

My daughter and I came to the seaside. We stopped in some house and left our things there. Let's go for a walk. A bag with documents and money was left in one place. We moved to another place to swim. When we returned, the things were missing. We went back to find the bag. The bag was also missing. They ran and looked for things. But they never found it. I have already started to think about how to go home without things, because... There was a ticket and documents in the bag. That's how I woke up. The bag was at home. I was glad that it was just a dream.


I was at some cultural event. People around me were friendly, but someone stole my bag. I started looking for her and couldn’t find her. I knew that I was from some noble family, no one knew about it. Nobody helped me look for my bag. I really wanted to tell everyone that I was from a noble family so that they could help me find the bag, but I knew that I couldn’t talk about it. I couldn’t find the bag and began to cry bitterly because I couldn’t find the bag.

I dreamed that I was in a village walking with my sister across a field, then we came to the lake and were playing, then a bear crawled out of the bushes and ticked and my phone fell out of my pocket, I couldn’t pick it up because the bear was beating there, the next day we walked again here and there there was a booth with things that were lost, there was a lot of telephones and there was a similar sound like mine, only the picture was different on the screensaver, the next day I again went and looked at that telephone and it turned out to be my telephone

I dreamed that my daughter was already walking, and it was winter outside, she was wearing overalls, we were walking, I was talking to another mother, and I noticed that my daughter was no longer around, I started calling her, looking for her, but she was nowhere to be found. I couldn’t find it and woke up in a cold sweat.

I don’t remember in which city we are going to buy something or pay for something with our children. suddenly the children left somewhere, leaving me alone, at a leisurely pace I find them, I am offended, we approach some room, there are people there, but I see only men, they pass by me and I suddenly want to call someone, but there is no phone. I’m looking and worrying that no one will be able to call me, and my husband will be offended.

hello, I dreamed that my beloved ex-boyfriend told me that he had already agreed on everything about the wedding, but then since where we were and he told me this, there were a lot of people, he disappeared somewhere and I couldn’t find him

It's like I'm working at my old job. And when I got out to go home, I couldn’t find my car. Everyone looks at me and doesn’t say anything. I'm panicking, like I'm now without a car. I walk around the place where she stood. Then an unfamiliar and at the same time familiar woman comes up and shows me my car; it is parked in a different place. After that, he says that I put it there myself and that I was drunk and don’t remember (to my surprise, I don’t drink at all) and that he has the keys with some Olga, and she holds them with her hand, raising them high above her head. Everyone looks at me disapprovingly and whispers among themselves. Then everyone gets on the service bus and leaves. I go indoors, I already have the keys and don’t worry about the car. Now I’m worried about what happened to me, why I don’t remember what. Indoors stranger guy 20-24 years old jumping on an old mesh metal bed. I start talking to him, he also has some similar problems (I don’t remember). And he jumps and somersaults on the bed. After some time, a woman comes in who seems to be familiar and not at the same time, but the other one is not the one who spoke. She seems to be a boss, but not an official one, she has sort of a people's authority. And he says that we were poisoned and we don’t remember anything. I’m sitting on the bed and trying to get out of it and getting stuck in it, but this one keeps jumping. My jeans are starting to come off. I’m ashamed that I can’t put on my pants in front of a woman, but this one keeps jumping and bothering me. Somehow I got out of bed and got dressed. She continues to tell how it was, I don’t really understand what she’s saying. The only thing that was poisoned with clafilin seems to be because of this, I don’t remember anything. I catch waves of goodwill and positivity from people who left. Well, I think everything is fine. And I wake up.

Hello. I dreamed this morning that I came home and my daughter was not at home. her sister took her to the orphanage. After that I look for her everywhere and can’t find her. and the parents reported that she was not ours. Why do I dream about this? maybe because I'm expecting my second child? Help me please. I've been crying since the morning because of this

I dreamed that I arrived home in a car with a child and while I was carrying things, I left him with the driver. Then I got out and his no, but things the rest are standing on the ground. I searched for a long time and then came to a rusty river with my sister and father. My sister began poking the river with a stick and said that he was there, but we needed to dive. I sat down on the ground and began to cry, realizing that he probably wouldn’t alive.Then I woke up

hello1! Please explain why this dream?! I dreamed that I was sitting in a cafe with my old friend, a classmate, and my daughter was with me. Then after a while everyone left, and I understand that there is no carrier with my five-month-old daughter nearby. I start looking for her, for some reason my friend wasn’t around either, as if everyone had already gone home. Then I went into some door, and there turned out to be a strange room. In one room, there were children, I looked at each one, mine wasn’t there, I remember she was still dressed in a dark pink suit in the dream. In the other room there were mothers with small children under one year old, my daughter was not there either. Then the administrator or director of this cafe comes out and says that I don’t have any daughter at all, that I’m not myself, and that I came up with all this, like I’m crazy. Then I wake up

It’s as if I’m walking through an underground passage, buying something, but unexpectedly my wallet disappears. Then my phone disappears and my beloved cat, which was in my arms, jumps into some pipe and I can’t get it, and the woman sitting next to me says that the cat is already gone. never get it. Then I feel like I’m lost, I don’t know where I am and I can’t find my way home. All the people around me say that they can’t tell me this way

I dream that I took the dog in my arms and went to the market, I buy raw meat, I try to cut it with a knife and I understand that there is no dog, I start running and looking for it, calling it by name, there are a lot of dogs around but mine is not there..
A couple of days ago, I also dreamed that my daughter and I went to some kind of complex like a sauna, a water park... I walk around wrapped in a sheet, constantly adjusting it and looking for my clothes for a long time, and then I realize that my daughter is not nearby, but I find her quickly but no clothes.

It was at the school where I studied four years ago! I put it on the table, they called me, I went out, didn’t go further and forgot my phone! I came back two days later, I thought that they had stolen it, but I asked the class where I left it, and they gave it to me and I was very happy! What does this dream mean?

I dream of the morning. I'm getting ready for work, and suddenly my wedding ring. I start looking for it, I found it and said that I won’t need it anymore, because it’s still too big for me and constantly falls off my hand. I put it in a vase and continued getting ready for work. (Although in real life the ring doesn’t fall off me, I’m married and my husband and I often quarrel lately because he works in another city).

I was walking with two children around the city. And so as not to drag around with the stroller, I left it with my sleeping infant son near the store and went about my business with my daughter. When I was free, we quickly ran after our son to the place where I left him. In the end, I found him at the police, everything worked out. While I was signing documents there, my daughter went outside and disappeared. There was a sharp cliff and water nearby. I thought that maybe she fell there and drowned: (and there was a playground across the road. But she went the wrong way, I thought in a dream. And I walked. I screamed DAUGHTER! DAUGHTER! SOFA! But in the dream it was as if she had definitely drowned. But I didn’t I didn't see it.

We were walking along the road with our grandson and he wanted to go to the toilet. He and I went to the store and he went there. There was a paid toilet, while I was paying, my grandson left me (he’s a little boy, 2 years old). When I came out he was nowhere and I started looking for him. I was very worried, but I still found him, only he was no longer in his clothes. He was wearing a dress, jacket and shoes with the soles torn off. Well, I was still glad that I found him.

I was walking in the park with my granddaughters, then I saw that one was lost, she searched for a long time, screamed, called on others to look, but did not find her. The girl was in light yellow and white clothes, although in reality she does not wear such colors.

I often dream about my daughter when she is little. I keep losing it and can't find it. Often in dreams she falls into a well. And today I saw her in a dream as a little girl again. It’s as if she’s outside the window of a high-rise residential building. I don't have time to open the window and she falls down. I look down and scream her name. Pedestrians find it and pick it up. And I wake up. I want to fall asleep, see the continuation of the dream, go downstairs and find out if she is alive. But it doesn't work. My daughter is 24 years old, and in such dreams, when she falls from a height or I lose her and don’t find her, she is about 5 years old. Why do you often have such dreams?

I dreamed that when I was on a train with my classmates, we changed to another one, then to some bridge. I dreamed about the bridge 2 times. Then, during training, I forgot my bag with clothes and a phone. I was already heading home and I saw a maniac with a knife there and we ran

Dear Tatyana! Today I had a dream that while working indoors I discovered that both gold earrings were missing from my ears and I was so scared and upset, they are very dear to me. I felt great grief, but after some time I found a ring in the same dream large size peeling, crumpled gold. I can't calm down all day
under the impression of loss. What does this dream mean?

I came to a literature lesson and then realized that I had lost somewhere sports uniform(for physical education) (for some reason it was important to me). I went to the teacher and ran to look for the uniform throughout the school.
I don't remember further

From Saturday to Sunday. I dreamed that I walked with a man together, then everyone went about their own business, and when the time came to meet, the man did not come, he searched for a long time and could not find... Then the man himself appeared and when asked what happened, he answered “everything is fine.” I was just drowning, but now it’s okay.”

I was with a friend in class. At my old school. She asked me for my phone and for some reason didn’t give it to me. Then she left the office. And when I started looking for the phone, she said that she didn’t know where it was

I walk home in new shoes with small heels and see they are torn, and when I approach the house, my high-rise building is being rebuilt and quite beautifully, large oval balconies with 2 huge windows appear, I can’t recognize the house, they tell me it’s there, but I I don’t see anything except the thunder of this house

All the relatives were going somewhere, my granddaughter and I were a little behind them. I had to go somewhere on the way and I asked my granddaughter to wait for me. I was going down steep brick slopes. I lost her and was worried. I looked everywhere for my granddaughter, called a relative, but my niece, with whom we communicate little, answered the phone. The niece, through me, asked the relative to pass on some message about work. When I found my relatives and found my granddaughter there (I only saw her legs behind something) .

I dreamed about it. that she was at home. and then suddenly I found myself in another unfamiliar city. It felt like I was away from home for about 1 day. I didn’t know how to get home. flew on some small plane. when I got home. I was told that I was gone for 59 days.

he has a dream where supposedly a girl finds out something, they say the mistake is freaking out, I worry in this dream and I’m afraid of losing, I’m starting to make excuses for betrayal or for words that I said to others but didn’t like, that is, I somehow prove to her that I’m wrong and I love her, she calms down, but I I’m still afraid of anxiety in my heart, I’ve already had a dream 2 times, what’s this for?

I had a dream that I couldn’t find pillows for guests, I was looking around the house and there were a lot of caterpillars crawling on my legs and everyone helped me shake them and I went on looking for pillows, I climbed onto a high closet but I couldn’t find anything.

Hello! In the dream, I was riding on a bus, I had several things with me, including my usual women's bag. When I got off the bus, I saw that my bag was not with me. I realized that I forgot it on the bus. I tried to catch up with the bus, but it didn’t work. And then I got terribly upset. On the other hand, I understood that this is not fatal, all material things are decay, etc. But on the other hand, I imagined how much hassle lay ahead with the restoration of all the documents and things in the bag. There was an uneasy feeling. And I was glad that I woke up.

Good afternoon I dreamed that I was resting in a sanatorium. I went somewhere for a walk, I went into the room, and there was complete destruction and drunk young men. I start looking for my things, but they are nowhere to be found. I ask them about things, and one of them says that I crucified an old, old suitcase along with things. I mentally remember that I arrived with a suitcase with metal corners. And I remember that I had all the plastic cards there, a beautiful red wallet... I woke up and what a blessing that this was a dream. But after such a dream, my soul somehow feels heavy...

I dreamed that my girlfriend and I were sitting in her apartment and had a mutual friend. They wanted to go somewhere, I turned away for a moment and she disappeared. I looked for her but in the end I didn’t find her. Woke up. I searched for a very long time. And when I wanted to put on shoes and go outside to look, I couldn’t do it. Either the shoes are not mine or the sneakers I can’t find

Sitting at home, I realized that I had lost my daughter, I was horrified by this thought. And when I went outside and was about to look for her, I saw that she was running towards me and screaming mom, I came myself. She looked shabby, but happy to be at home.

I dreamed of a war - burning planes falling to the ground, there was a sea nearby, I couldn’t find my phone, I found my father’s phone and tried to dial on my own and find it, in order to call my mother and tell her to come back from the sea, because there was a war there

I'm walking along shopping center alone, there is no one around, and I want and want, and suddenly I discover that I have lost my new jacket and bag with recently purchased things. I looked for them with tears in my eyes... I was literally sobbing... It was like a nightmare. Why would this be?

I had to fly, I was going to the airport and realized that I couldn’t find my ticket. But I go anyway, even at the airport I don’t give up trying to find him. Then I understand that the ticket is electronic and I can fly out using my passport, but I also can’t find it in my bags for a long time, in the end I found a passport, but not a foreign one, but an internal one, although I am in Germany and I also have to fly inside Germany. But in the end I boarded, almost at the very last moment. At the same time, I couldn’t find the boarding gate at the terminal for a long time.

In the dream, I was walking with friends. At some point, I found myself alone with my best friend, got offended by him for some small thing, and went to join the others. After a short amount of time, he called from him, from which I only understand that we all agreed to go somewhere together and that he is there, but we don’t understand what he means. I start asking and stop hearing him, it’s very intelligible, and in the end the connection disappears. I’m panicking, he’s more than a friend, he’s family and the person closest to me. And I went looking for him, and never found him. Now I’m very worried and don’t understand why I had such a dream.

I dreamed that I came to the cemetery to visit my mother (she had been gone for two years) I looked for a grave for a long time, it was strange, but we buried her very good location. I found a tent made of white fabric standing over the grave, as if protecting it from the sun. I started crying. And then for some reason I went to collect my old things (I gave them away in reality a long time ago) I collected them and saw that I had lost a hundred bags with documents and money and ran to look for it and it’s strange that there’s a canteen in the cemetery and people I know and don’t know are eating there, and one of them says that my things call my last name and name, they lie there to dry, the guard went and brought me out only my comb. I explain that I don’t need a passport anymore, I don’t need anything else, let them keep the money. But he reached into someone’s wallet and began to take out my credit cards from it..... but they never gave me the documents and I woke up with the money too. From the moment I was collecting things in the cemetery, my mother was next to me, she even put them in my bag. Throughout the dream, the sun shone strongly.

I dream that I am with my beloved at his house. then I get into the car and drive away to my place, and he disappears, then my grandmother has some kind of holiday and two people bring him, and they say that if I marry one of them, they will not harm him, I agree, and then I go to Moscow, and the dream ends with me talking to my dad, he’s all in white and says that it’s okay, you’ll survive, and that they would kill him

I dreamed that my loved one came home to take me for a walk, we went out into the entrance, and then I realized that he was not around, I ran along the entrance to look for him, after some I found the time and he walked me home...

A figure skating competition was taking place, others performed first, and then I did.
But another girl lost one of my strong points. I took it very hard, because... these skates are important to me.
I started looking for him, but suddenly they started chasing me and threatening me. Someone didn't want me to find him. My ex-girlfriend in search.

I constantly dream that I lose my banana (a small bag that fits on my belt). It is very important to me, so I always carry it with me, even when I go out to the store, which is located two steps from my house. It is important to me because my most important things are there (I have suffered from minor hoarding syndrome, if you can call it that). For example, a turtle in which there are so many SIM cards, and my VKontakte pages are registered for each of their numbers. On which there is a lot of information that is important to me and correspondence with people who are important to me (I really value the memories). there are also my flash drives, on which there is also information that is no less important to me, which I am very afraid of losing, and I would rather go to prison for 5 years than lose it all, this is for me the worst thing that can happen to me . There are also some things there that are very important to me. It's still in the banana can pipe and some things that I am less afraid of losing. In a dream, I see how I’ve lost everything, how my banana breaks and everything falls out, I’m trying to somehow save it, collect it all, preserve it, not let it get lost or disappear. I save as best I can, it’s like some kind of movie, in my last dream I saw me and some blacks in a cave and we are trying to get it all, find it, then it’s all flushed down the toilet, in my dreams I feel acute fear, horror, I’m very scared for my things. Everything would be fine if I didn’t have this dream almost every night. I don't know what to do.

I dreamed that I was late to pick up the child from kindergarten, and when I came to pick it up they didn’t give it to me, they said it wasn’t there. I called my mother and cried, where is the child:? Mom quietly repeated this. Natalya was calling.. I woke up from my screaming and crying and couldn’t understand where my son was.

My horoscope in the newspaper for 2015 says that I can lose everything. But everything will change by summer.
And my friend dreamed that I was sitting on her lap, alone, and laughingly saying: girls, I’ve lost everything.”
The thing is that I'm thinking about making love for the first time with my loved one. But I’m afraid, not of the process, but of the fact that it is a disgrace for our nation, a girl must be a virgin before marriage. And marry only a guy from your own nation. I think about this a lot...and my friend’s dreams and horoscope...strange coincidences

sister, son, daughter and I were walking down the street through the crowd, when they passed, I realized that my son was not with us. I ran back with tears and screams of his name, having run not so far I heard his crying voice and that he was my testament. When I found him, I sat down on the asphalt and we hugged tightly and cried.

I met my girlfriend from the railway, we went to the tram, there was snow everywhere, it just lay there. We got on the tram and drove off, I fell asleep there and suddenly woke up to find that my girlfriend was gone. I started looking for her on the tram, and running up to the driver, he handed me 50 UAH, just like that. Well, I don’t remember what’s next.
I will be very grateful for your help)

I got off the minibus and for some reason I had a lot of packages, when I got out the packages all fell and scattered. I started collecting them, started asking where I was, it turned out that I was very far away. After some time, I notice that there is no phone and wallet. I'm panicking. The girl gave me 50 rubles, I asked her name, she answered Vika, naturally I thanked her. I remembered that I needed to call my husband, but for some reason there were no more packages, I began to look for my phone again and at the same time my wallet. I found it and the wallet too, but large bills there weren’t any, but there were 100 rubles each and in another section there were large counterfeit bills.

I'm invited to my niece's wedding in a huge restaurant. There are many guests and weddings on several floors. I hesitated at the entrance because... For some reason I needed to change my shoes. I picked out the shoes because... they were different sizes and colors. When I was finally ready, I realized that I had lost my purse, but for some reason I wasn’t very scared. It seems like my purse was returned to me. I walked into the room and realized that I would not find my loved ones in these huge halls. I remember that the thought came to the phone, but it, as if discharged, remained in the wardrobe. Some little girl helped me climb over the staircase

In the dream, it was as if I was in real life, everyday vanity. First, I lost my phone, and I didn’t even notice right away. In the same dream, I went to the store for ball joints for the car, bought them, and by the time I got home, I also miraculously lost them. And when I left the house to go to the store, I got caught in the rain. I woke up and it was raining outside the window. Now I’m thinking, does this all mean something, or can it be ignored?

Good afternoon Well, first of all, I often dream about my late father. At first he comes to me kind and calm, but with each subsequent day I feel more and more scared, I’m just afraid of him. During his lifetime, the relationship was bad and a lot of childhood fears were associated with him. If you can help me how to interpret this.
But the main question for you is different. I dreamed that the whole family (me husband and 6 year old daughter) went to another city to look for housing ( land plot for the construction of a house). I have many friends in this city (this is actually true). I collect information from everyone and for some reason we end up at some kind of holiday - like a parade - everything is very bright and beautiful. And after that the whole crowd went to the bus stop, my friend held my daughter by the hand and shouted that I should not worry about her going to the pharmacy with him. But he had already left the pharmacy alone and said that she saw a grandmother in the crowd. But I never saw my daughter. And in a panic she began to run and look for her in the crowd. Then I found myself on a bus crowded with people and saw my daughter at the bus stop, she was screaming loudly and she saw me and got on the bus. I grew up with a feeling of anxiety. Thank you very much in advance. It’s just that some changes are coming in life with housing and it’s a little scary to take on it.

I've been through a lifetime.

I dreamed that my wife (I think) Yana and I lived very poorly... somewhere in Mexico... either there was no apartment, then there was no food... in general it was poor... Then I was transported to where we already live normally, like on the seashore, there are two children us, already an adult alone. Then I’m transported to where we are trying to perform some process on the computer, and the web camera needs to see her, Yana... otherwise something bad will happen... green caustic acid is everywhere... and a girl, a brunette, who is trying to stop us. Yana died there... But we completed the task. And then I talked to the children... I remembered Yana, stepped aside and cried... I missed her so much in a dream that I woke up in tears...

I dreamed that I work in a store, and the girl is not my family, I don’t even know whose, but she’s nearby for some reason, she asked to go to the toilet, that she herself went down the escalator, I saw her enter the toilet and then, after some moment, she was gone and I I anxiously start looking for her and don’t find her. I’m crying, running around the booths and she’s nowhere to be found.

I got together with my son and friends for some holiday (maybe New Year), for some reason without a wife. Everyone arrived at the airport, everyone drank there and began to be late for the plane. When landing, I give the child to strangers, move on and realize what I have done. I come back, and the child is no longer there. I start looking for him, I wake up

My phone was stolen, I searched for it for a long time. I cried a lot, but I never found it... then I felt bad in a dream and I started looking for a toilet, I found a public one, but everywhere it wasn’t very clean, I also got stuck in some kind of mucus that I couldn’t clear.

So I dreamed that the police were chasing me, but I was able to hide in the house where a woman lives who rents a room from me (this is a dormitory) and I hid on the balcony. This balcony is for my neighbors who live in the block in mine, but there were strangers there people on the balcony, although there are no new neighbors. And I hid there and realized that I had lost a brown jacket, but I don’t have such a jacket, it was autumn. And the janitor found it and gave it to me intact. Then some unknown adults wanted to do something to my friend, I wanted to leave the house and go to my place, but they were on the stairs and wanted to beat something from my friend. I got scared and hid in the toilet, there were 2 locks. And then I woke up.

All the colors in the dream were gray, so the time of day was not clear, I discovered that my wallet was missing (there was no money in it), my bank card (I think I need to go to the bank and block the code) and my phone was missing (which had a lot of contacts) and I’m wondering how they’ll find me now...

Good afternoon, I had a dream yesterday that I lost a girl, she is like family to me and I am very worried about this, the girl is 4 years old, I left her to play with the boy, and I went to the store, I came back, but she was not there.

I dreamed that my girlfriends and I went somewhere to an unfamiliar city for a walk, and my colleague went with us. I don’t remember exactly what happened at the beginning, and what exactly this beginning consisted of. I remember that we were walking around the city, it was cold, winter, and for some reason we were wearing light blouses. And now we are already sitting together as colleagues on some perch, either in a train station, or in another huge building, and the girls are somewhere nearby. It’s already dark outside and in the nook in which we are sitting there is a warm yellow light from the lanterns. He is to my right and we look at each other. Someone starts a dialogue on the topic: go to the hotel for warm clothes, everyone looks at my colleague, since he is a man. And I understand that, in fact, anyone can go, and I say, again looking at him: I can! And my colleague looks at me with tenderness and says: we can go together!
We get up, for some reason I subconsciously understand that he really wants to take my hand, I pull my sleeve over my hand and take his hand. The girls are ahead, we are a little behind by the hand, confidently moving somewhere. With all my senses I am in the hand that feels it light warm touch even through the sleeve, I feel excited. Suddenly we come across some kind of metal ladder with rungs pointing upward, it is surrounded by a plastic transparent pipe. It looks like there is no other road, the girls have apparently already overcome it and moved forward. I let go of his hand and, resolutely climbing into the plastic pipe, begin to climb up. The pipe becomes narrower, but I squeeze through, continuing to climb up the stairs... and suddenly I see that the hatch above me is locked.
And my colleague from below says: “You can walk through here,” and squeezes through the gap between the fence and the ladder I’m climbing. I think, why didn’t I notice this passage?
I go down, squeeze through the gap... but he’s not there! I walk forward, the rooms become wider, the ceilings are higher, there are more people, whole crowds, but he’s not there, I start running, I run through very luxurious rooms, I meet a lot of people, I look into their faces, but I don’t find him. How I need him!
And suddenly I meet my friends, who casually say to me: “Tanya, we see that you want to be together with him, let’s go home, and you go for a walk!” In response, I pretend that I don’t care about him and answer something like: “Are we with him? Come on, why do I need this?
And I myself begin to run further, my heart is pounding, “where did he go?” I ran for quite a long time, I remember, for some reason I ran across the tracks somewhere in the backyard, they are not lit, only trains go by, I crossed the tracks, I realized that there was a fence on the other side and I couldn’t get out here, I ran back across the tracks, from somewhere in the place where I had just run a lot of dogs appeared, I was very scared, I somehow got out of there, the dogs didn’t touch me, but I never found him.
Everything would be fine, but I’m his boss and he’s 7 years younger than me (I’m 29). Lately, I have been very pleased with his work, I am constantly talking with his superiors about increasing his salary, but so far I have only received bonuses, last week We generally worked in the same team. I don’t consider him as a partner due to his age and working relationship. But I dreamed about him before, we kissed, walked hand in hand. Perhaps I like him and I internally deny it or am ashamed of my feelings?
And last night I dreamed that my colleague unexpectedly came to my house, I was having dinner, and he asked: “What should I eat?” - as if my husband had come home from work. I cook very well, but as luck would have it, I only have sauerkraut and potatoes, and I just ate a piece of pork rib. He is angry, growls at me, I am in a panic and with the deepest feeling of guilt, I offer cabbage and potatoes, asking: “how is it?” He says it’s delicious, and I start heating something up. The next thing I remember is that we are having sex, lying on the floor, hugging, kissing, but for some reason I am doing most of the moving. But in my mind I feel guilty about dinner and I’m trying to please him, I guess. I quickly reach the peak, scream joyfully, he is right behind me and we freeze. This is where I woke up.

If we go back to the first dream, I’m worried that I’ll lose him as a specialist, that we’ll go down different paths... please decipher
Thank you.

I was with a friend from my youth at some concert. There were a lot of people, you couldn’t even see where they ended. We went out as if to walk along some kind of deck. When we returned, we could not find the place where we were sitting. Then I looked for him alone, walked through some corridors, gates, there were people everywhere who seemed friendly, they even wanted to help, but I lost my place and this upset me very much. I woke up with a heavy feeling. The dream was vivid and very clear. For some reason there is a feeling of irreversibility. Help me figure it out, thank you Natalya.

I dreamed that we were walking with the children and I left them either on the road or on the path and went to look for something. And I told them to stand and wait for me and I left and they didn’t come. And I started looking for them and climbed huge big fences. But then I found them near the river, they rested their feet there and it was full of people

I dreamed of a bus stop at which my wife was standing in a beautiful short white dress with black polka dots, white shoes and my son in a light T-shirt and denim shorts, in light socks and wearing light sandals and waiting for me, and I was on the other side of the road, because the traffic is busy, I can cross it, I see an underground passage and I go into it, there are a lot of people all jostling, I make my way through the crowd, go to the surface, but I don’t see how I remember the stops and them near it, I see another place, like some place, Then in a dream I see a man with a purebred dog (colored black and brown with stripes) which he holds on a leash, I am kneeling or squatting, I myself am afraid of her, and she caresses me and sniffs me and then I woke up, Why I had such a dream, I don’t even know.

It’s as if I’m going somewhere on business, either to an event, or for something necessary with my children and I lose them. Then I rush around in fear and start looking for them. I don’t find them. But my close and familiar people reassure me and say that everything is fine with them I’m fine, no need to worry. I don’t see them and I’m very worried. Then I wake up and the anxiety doesn’t leave me

I have two daughters and a son, the eldest daughter is already big adult girl, and the kids are a daughter of 3 years old and a son of 4 years old. I saw a dream today that I was looking for my little daughter, but I don’t remember the face, which daughter I dreamed of, I don’t know, the eldest or the youngest, I know that in the dream the daughter was small and she was in a circle other children and teachers, as if they were going somewhere and I had to pick up my little daughter, I couldn’t find her, I looked for her for a long time, but where all the children were walking, there was a river and I found only my daughter’s boots, but hers I didn’t find it, I decided that she had drowned and I was in terrible panic, screaming, crying, I was in such despair, and because I screamed so much I woke up, the feeling after the dream is still exciting and shocking.

I saw my daughter, as if she was at the little age of 5-6 years old, we had to go visit my deceased parents, in We entered the entrance, she was the first to run up the stairs and disappeared, I can’t find the way, I’m confused, I ask, they tell me something wrong, then she got into the elevator, got off in the wrong place, was looking

in a dream I woke up and at no time could I determine exact time, all the clocks showed different things, when I tried to find out the time from others, no one could give me an exact answer or refused to answer, I had a wild panic that I had missed everything planned for the day

Hello, I dreamed that I lost my memory, then in the dream they told me that this happened because my back tooth was knocked out (it was pulled out while I was alive; the tooth was not in the same place as in the dream) in the dream there was severe pain I felt it well. Then in the dream there was a guy who secretly loved me and my memory loss played into his hands. He carried me in his arms, hugged me, and felt sorry for me, and at that moment I felt very warm and warm in my soul.

How many of us are happy to lose our things in reality? Even in a dream, such an incident can deprive you of peace of mind. Do you want to know exactly why you dream of losing something in a dream? Try to remember what exactly you lost and turn to the dream book for an interpretation of the dream.

Left without shoes

Have you ever lost your shoes in a dream? You can prepare for a long journey and start packing your things. According to prediction Modern dream book you have a very long way to go. Most likely, you will be on a business trip or a very long trip. In both cases, you will be away for a very long time.

The women's dream book explains what dreams of losing boots can mean. In accordance with his prediction in reality, you will not be able to avoid troubles and worries. The dream book advises, first of all, to calm down and not waste your remaining energy on hysterics. Now the main thing is to solve all the difficulties that have arisen.

Did you feel like you lost your slippers? You will be moving soon. According to another version of the interpretation, the loss of slippers may foreshadow a change of sexual partner. At the same time, according to the dream book, new man will bring much more pleasant experiences than the old partner.

Did you have to lose your shoes in the world of night dreams? In reality, you will have to go through a very difficult period in communicating with friends. According to Universal dream book Because of quarrels and conflicts, you risk losing your best friend.

Lose your clothes

Grishina's dream book explains in detail why one dreams of losing certain things in a dream. So, if in a dream you cannot find your outerwear- a jacket or coat, which means that in everyday life you can benefit from even difficult situation. However, Grishina advises not to make rash decisions and treat everything as calmly as possible.

Did you dream that you couldn’t find your own panties in a dream? In reality, according to the dream book, you should better protect your reputation. Your enemies will do everything possible to ruin it. Try to avoid arguments and quarrels. They will only play into the hands of ill-wishers.

Did you happen to lose your fur coat in a dream? You will soon lose the support of your patron. However, according to the dream book, you will be able to take care of yourself on your own.

Did you dream that the lost thing was never found? In reality you will have to go through a very difficult period. Did you happen to lose an entire suitcase with things in a dream? According to prediction Family dream book you are destined for conflicts with family and friends, as well as a chance to win big in the lottery.

If in a dream you are short of clothes, it means that in reality you will experience bitter disappointment. Couldn't find your pants or dress? There is a high chance that you will get divorced. At the same time, according to the dream book, you are already internally prepared for this event, and the news will not be a shock to you. Did you dream of losing your hat? Get ready for a lot of worries and a long journey.

Lose a person

What could be worse than experiencing the bitterness of losing someone you love? So, if you happen to lose your son in a dream, it means that in reality you will also have to endure a significant loss. According to the Universal Dream Book, you cannot avoid strong experiences in reality.

Why does a woman dream that she can’t meet her husband? In everyday life, discord will arise in your relationship. Have you ever lost and then found your spouse? In fact, you will be able to overcome the cooling in relationships and strengthen your spiritual connection.

According to the Wanderer’s dream book, if you dreamed of losing your wife, it means that in reality everything in your family is just fine. If in a dream you lost your mother or sister, then in everyday life you will have to overcome many difficulties to achieve your plans.

Do you dream that you lost a loved one, but could not find them? Most likely, in reality you will lose your dream. The modern interpreter insists that now is not the time to become depressed. Take on new projects, even if they are not promising at first glance.

Have you ever lost your granddaughter in a dream? In reality, there will be numerous troubles and worries associated with small children. If a boy was lost in a dream, then you should reconsider your attitude towards life. You lack happiness. Aesop's Dream Book believes that you may completely lose life goals and landmarks.

Did you imagine that you were unable to find your own daughter? This dream is a reflection of your worries about your child. Did you dream about losing your girlfriend? In fact, quarrel with your lover. Have you lost someone close? In everyday life you cannot avoid quarrels and disagreements with them.

Lose money and documents

Why do you dream of losing your passport? More often this dream portends numerous troubles and difficulties. There is a similar interpretation to the question of why you dream about losing all your documents.

According to the prediction of the Modern Interpreter, if in a dream you happen to lose a wallet with money, then in reality you should prepare for significant losses. Try to remember exactly how much money you lost. The greater the loss in a dream, the more difficult it will be in life.

Be left without jewelry and accessories

Were you able to lose a cross in a dream? Such a plot, as a rule, foreshadows troubles that will befall you unexpectedly. If in a dream you happen to discover a gold earring missing, then in reality you will experience loneliness. According to the Eastern Dream Book, the interpretation of a dream about a lost earring indicates that in reality you are overcome by a strong fear of loss and change. If you managed to find your lost earring in a dream, you will be able to curb your own fears and find peace of mind.

Did you see that you lost your gloves in a dream? According to the prediction of the Modern Dream Interpreter, you will face a long separation from your loved one. If a gold chain is lost in a dream, then in reality your excessive carelessness will provoke numerous problems.

If a woman happened to lose her watch in a dream, then she will soon begin to have difficulties in the business sphere. Did you dream about missing glasses? Grishina's dream book explains that you may soon lose your property. If in a dream you could not find your handbag, it means that waste awaits you in everyday life.

Have you ever lost a stone in a dream? In reality, your happiness will be very short-lived. Try to come to terms with it, because there is nothing you can do about it.

Noticed the disappearance of the bracelet? Soon your health will deteriorate significantly.

Lose a pet

If in a dream your dog did not come when called, then, most likely, in life after a quarrel you will lose true friend. Did you see a cat or cat that looked like it was lost? In reality, problems will begin in your relationship with your soul mate. And the loss of a kitten foreshadows numerous quarrels and conflicts.

Lose an organ

Did you dream that your tooth fell out in a dream? According to the prediction of the Universal Dream Book, one of your loved ones will soon fall ill. If a tooth falls out with blood, the disease will affect a close relative.

Have you ever lost your hand in a dream? Soon your friend will be in serious trouble. If you lost your leg in a dream, then you will face a demotion. Lost your virginity in a dream? In real life, learn to be prudent.

Did you dream that your hair fell out? You should exercise extreme caution in matters involving property. Has your vision decreased? Someone from your environment wants to deceive you.

Lost your unborn child? Soon you will lose the meaning of life. Lost your voice? In reality, you cannot find understanding among loved ones. Left without a finger? Troubles and worries await you. According to Shereminskaya, if you lose your eyes in a dream, then in reality you are in danger. Lost consciousness? In reality, there are many experiences ahead.

Other interpretations of sleep

Lost your apartment keys? Incredible adventures await you. According to another version of the interpretation, there will be a lot of gossip and rumors around your person. If you lost your phone in a dream, then you are probably very tired of reality. You need an unplanned vacation.

Lost your suitcase? In everyday life you will not be able to take advantage of the chance that comes your way. Have you discovered that you have memory problems? The interpreter believes that you will drive yourself into severe depression. Didn't find your car? In reality you will lose your taste for life. Have you ever lost a knife? In reality, you should make peace with your friend. Moreover, the initiative should come from you.

Sleep from Friday to Saturday 02/23/2019

Sleeping from Friday to Saturday can also find application in reality. An abundance of happy events and pleasant impressions, given by Morpheus, says...