Recommendations and contraindications for vegetative-vascular dystonia. Sports and physical activity for vegetative-vascular dystonia

Vegetovascular dystonia is a very unpleasant disease that limits a person in many areas of life. Working with VSD is quite difficult, because it is impossible to predict when the condition may worsen. The situation is aggravated by nervous exhaustion, stress, lack of sleep, poor diet, and fast pace of life.

Symptoms of VSD

Vegetative-vascular dystonia includes a variety of symptoms that characterize the dysfunction of various organs and systems. Most often when VSD syndromes the following symptoms develop:

Enter your pressure

Move the sliders

CardialgicThe appearance of pain and discomfort in the left side of the sternum. Often occur in a calm state.
CardiovascularFrequent pressure surges, either down or up; heart rhythm disorder; pallor.
Hyperventilation syndromeDifficulty breathing, feeling of suffocation.
Irritable bowel syndromeDon’t feel like eating, bloating, nausea, problems with bowel movements.
Impaired sweating syndromeIncreased sweating.
Altered voiding syndromeFrequent and painful urination.
Thermoregulation syndromeCold extremities, chills, fever.
EmotionalHigh anxiety, stress, mental tension.

Is VSD dangerous?

The disease makes a person's daily life quite difficult. Loss of energy, distracted attention, migraines, deterioration in memory quality - this is what people with VSD have to deal with every minute. It becomes especially difficult during periods of spring and summer exacerbations: it is almost impossible to work, there is a fear of fainting, emotional state at the limit. Due to an incorrect lifestyle, untimely consultation with a doctor, in other words, ignoring the problem, you may encounter hypertension, coronary artery disease and, as a consequence, stroke and heart attack.

Is it possible to work with vegetative-vascular dystonia?

Locking yourself within four walls is far from an option. Reclusion, on the contrary, negatively affects the course of the disease, aggravates the situation, and gains momentum panic attacks. Thanks to work, you can take your mind off depressing thoughts and forget about poor health. But only on the condition that the work evokes positive emotions, the schedule is standardized, and there are no unnecessary loads.

What kind of work could there be?!!! How can I work with VSD?!!! I die several times every day! I had to quit my job because it was impossible to work. I often feel bad: tachycardia, headache, weakness - I can barely move my legs. So, with self-pity, the VSD member says.
What is the right thing to do - quit work during VSD or continue to work?

What work is contraindicated for VSD?

There are several restrictions when choosing work for a patient with vegetative-vascular dystonia.
Work with VSD should not be shift work, especially night shifts. The work schedule must be constant and standardized - without overtime. Work should be without severe physical and mental stress. Shift work, when heavy loads alternate with complete relaxation, is contraindicated.

Communication with a large number visitors - the likelihood of conflicts increases;

Daily work on the computer - severe mental fatigue associated with constant eye strain;

Manipulating high-precision and expensive mechanisms is a huge responsibility that increases adrenaline levels;

Driving is a constantly changing and dangerous environment, especially during treatment with psychotropic drugs;

Frequent business trips - increased load on the body, the absence of a familiar environment and relatives who can support at any moment.

This list is approximate and incomplete. It depends on the degree of development panic disorder for every single person.

Is work necessary for VSD?

Any work is an opportunity for the body to “burn” excess adrenaline, which is released in the body of a high-risk person. Work mobilizes and disciplines – you feel to the right people and in action. Therefore, it is definitely necessary to work with VSD. Work will help you forget about VSD and get used to it without noticing it. Work helps to distract the brain from introspection of the internal state and give it a short break from this process. In order not to sit within four walls in search of new symptoms, look at the list of conditions outlined above, find yourself a job that you enjoy and work for your health.

Required condition– work should be a joy and evoke positive emotions. If you work hard, then you can quickly wear out.

Since with VSD there are no organic disorders tests and examinations do not detect anything in the body, then you can apply for any job you choose. Just try, when you choose and go to work, not to whine and become limp - calling an ambulance every day and asking to leave work due to dizziness, etc. Try not to pay attention to the symptoms of VSD that arise. No matter how bad you feel, continue to perform your duties. If you give up, quit your job, and sit at home, you will face a bad prospect. This is an increase in the symptoms of VSD, further development diseases and, as a bonus to everything else, the development of phobias. The first of these to appear is agoraphobia - the fear open spaces. Further, your living space will be limited by the walls of your apartment, and life will flow by.

How do you like this prospect? Therefore, take your head in your hands and work for your health, but without fanaticism!

Read in the article:

VSD can be cured without medication in 70% of cases

Vegeto-vascular dystonia (VSD), or neurocirculatory dysfunction - pathological condition vegetative nervous system, as a result of which there is an insufficient supply of oxygen to organs and tissues.

According to doctors, about 80% of people of all ages experience certain signs of VSD.

Vegeto-vascular dystonia: symptoms and signs ^

The autonomic nervous system, located in the spinal cord and brain, is the most important part human body– it completely coordinates the activity of all internal organs, blood vessels and glands internal secretion and ensures their adaptation to changes external environment.

In particular, the autonomic nervous system regulates blood pressure, heart contractions, body temperature, composition and volume of intercellular fluid, blood flow, metabolic processes, feelings of thirst, hunger and satiety, functions sweat glands, kidney function, muscle tone of internal organs, circadian (daily) rhythms and much more.

For vegetative-vascular dystonia, which is a consequence of impaired vascular tone, is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • psychoneurological symptoms of VSD - weakness, lethargy, increased fatigue, low performance, dizziness, headaches, sleep disorders, fainting, decreased sexual activity, panic attacks;
  • thermoregulatory symptoms of VSD associated with impaired sweating and thermoregulation - spontaneous increase in body temperature, excessive sweating, fever, hot flashes, or, conversely, chilliness of the limbs;
  • vascular - instability of arterial and venous pressure;
  • cardiological – interruptions in the functioning of the heart, rapid heartbeats and pain in the heart area;
  • respiratory (respiratory) – shortness of breath, heaviness in the chest and a feeling of lack of air;
  • dyspeptic symptoms of VSD – gastrointestinal disorder – intestinal tract(constipation, diarrhea), urinary disorders and gallbladder dyskinesia.

Vegeto-vascular dystonia: types and causes ^

The best prevention of vegetative - vascular dystonia - healthy image life

Despite the fact that there is no unified classification of VSD, it is customary to distinguish the following types of vegetative-vascular dystonia:

According to the nature of the course of vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is classified into the following forms:

  • permanent form of VSD - occurs without sudden changes in the patient’s condition;
  • paroxysmal, or paroxysmal - manifests itself in the form of attacks (crises or panic attacks), in the intervals between attacks the manifestations of the disease are almost invisible;
  • mixed VSD (permanent-paroxysmal) – combines the signs of permanent and paroxysmal forms;
  • latent, or hidden form- with this type of VSD, the disease may not manifest itself in any way for quite a long time, until the appearance of provoking factors (stress, illness, overwork).

Depending on the cardiac disorders - vascular system:

  • hypertensive type, or vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypertensive type. Accompanied by a significant increase in blood pressure (145/90 - 175/95 mm Hg), sometimes with rapid heartbeat, sudden agitation, chills, and symptoms of a panic attack; moreover, pressure can increase not only during periods of emotional stress, but also in a state of complete rest;
  • hypotensive type, or vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypotonic type. In this case, blood pressure is significantly lower than normal and reaches 100/50 and even 90/45 mm Hg. Art. and is accompanied by lethargy, weakness, shortness of breath, nausea, sweating, rapid fatigue of the patient, and sometimes fainting;
  • normotensive, or cardiac (cardiac) type does not depend on blood pressure, but is determined by heartbeat disorders (slow heart rate or, conversely, rapid, sensations of fading and interruptions in the heart), as well as pain in the chest area;
  • mixed type VSD combines simultaneously several symptoms and signs characteristic of different types.

Depending on the cause of vegetative-vascular dystonia, the following types of VSD are distinguished:

  • hereditary
  • infectious - allergic,
  • post-traumatic,
  • psychogenic (as the body’s reaction to stress or a traumatic situation),
  • and also resulting from excessive emotional or physical stress.

Vegeto-vascular dystonia: treatment and diagnosis ^

From timely and correct diagnosis VSD largely depends on success further treatment. If you have the following symptoms:

  • frequent paroxysmal headaches,
  • weakness,
  • dizziness,
  • increased fatigue,
  • insomnia,
  • causeless anxiety,
  • fear,
  • surges in blood pressure and heart rate,
  • lump in throat
  • dyspnea,
  • pain in the heart and stomach,
  • and limbs become cold or numb.

- all this possible symptoms vegetative vascular dystonia, requiring immediate medical attention.

There is no need to listen to harmful advice from friends and acquaintances like “VSD is not a disease and will go away without treatment.” Doctors assure that untreated dystonia is very dangerous, as it can be complicated by panic attacks and other serious disorders that occur at the wrong command of the autonomic nervous system and deplete the nervous system.

During panic attacks (sympathoadrenal crisis), a person suddenly begins (most often in a crowded place) to tremble, gasp and break out in cold sweat. At the same time, he develops a wild fear of death, his heart beats wildly and his blood pressure rises.

VSD in adolescents

Vegeto-vascular dystonia in children and adolescents requires special attention from parents and doctors. The first symptoms of the disease are noticeable, as a rule, with early childhood– such children often get sick, have conflicts, are capricious, do not tolerate any stress (physical, intellectual, emotional) and are prone to sudden mood swings.

Symptoms of VSD in adolescents also cannot be attributed to awkward age and wait for them to go away on their own.

  • If the teenager is emotionally unstable,
  • sweats profusely
  • turns pale or red easily
  • experiencing hot flashes and pressure surges

- according to doctors, these are nothing more than signs of vegetative dystonia, therefore urgent measures are required to level out its manifestations.

Diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia

To correctly diagnose VSD, it is necessary to exclude somatic (organic) diseases that give similar symptoms.

  • For example, to exclude a disease thyroid gland(hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism) they perform an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and donate blood to test its hormonal activity.
  • Sometimes you need to do an ECG (electrocardiogram), MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), vascular Dopplerography (ultrasound of brain vessels), visit an ophthalmologist and endocrinologist.
  • And only after exclusion somatic diseases and complete confirmation of the diagnosis of VSD, the doctor can prescribe individual treatment.
  • Treatment of VSD should be carried out comprehensively and in close cooperation between the patient and a neurologist, therapist, endocrinologist, ophthalmologist, psychiatrist, and sometimes with a gynecologist.

If treatment is started on time, at the very first stages of the disease, then the prognosis is very favorable and it is often possible to do without the use of medications. According to doctors, despite the widespread prevalence of VSD, in professional treatment no more than 1/3 of patients need it.

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia should begin with the organization correct mode day and a complex of general strengthening measures, which, when used regularly, provide an excellent therapeutic and healing effect:

  • The duration of continuous night sleep should be at least 8–9 hours; in addition, it is advisable to rest, if possible, for several hours during the day.
  • Physical activity should be regular and moderate, until you feel slightly tired, especially with high blood pressure (above 140/90 mm Hg). Swimming, cycling, light running (excluding jumping), walking, aerobics, and skiing are useful.
  • Massage of the head, collar area and back, in the absence of contraindications and after consultation with a doctor, gives a good therapeutic effect. You can additionally use applicators for massage (Lyapko, Kuznetsova).
  • Very useful daily contrast shower and exposure to sunlight (phototherapy).

Diet for vegetative-vascular dystonia

  • Nutrition for VSD should be balanced and contain the physiologically necessary amount of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and microelements; potassium and magnesium are especially necessary in the diet.
  • Potassium is found in tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, green peas, beets, eggplants, beans, sorrel, dill, rhubarb, apricots, prunes, figs, and raisins.
  • Sources of magnesium can be nuts, beans, soybeans, carrots, rose hips and whole grain porridges (buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat).
  • Salty, spicy, smoked dishes, strong tea, coffee, chocolate should be excluded from the menu as much as possible, and animal fats should be replaced with vegetable fats.

If normalization of the regime and nutrition do not give the desired effect, doctors have many modern effective drugs in their arsenal:

  • antihypertensive drugs (lowering blood pressure),
  • beta blockers (for tachycardia),
  • neuroprotectors (activators of brain metabolism),
  • antioxidants (protect cells from oxidation and destruction),
  • drugs to improve blood circulation,
  • tranquilizers (having a sedative, i.e. calming effect),
  • Antidepressants to help relieve depression and anxiety.

Treatment of VSD at home and prevention ^

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia folk remedies can serve as a good addition to drug therapy, but must be assigned as medications, your attending physician:

  • The sedative effect of hawthorn, motherwort, oregano, valerian, peony, red viburnum, mint, hops, lemon balm, pine needles is widely known - they are good to use for hypertension in the form of teas, decoctions and baths.
  • At hypotonic type and in the absence of insomnia, you can use tonic plants that increase blood pressure and performance - eleutherococcus, ginseng, Chinese magnolia vine.
  • For low blood pressure, pearl and aromatic baths, circular and contrast showers are useful.

In addition, a patient with VSD must learn to relax correctly - doctors recommend mastering the technique diaphragmatic breathing, which relieves internal tension well and improves blood supply to the heart and lungs.

  • You need to breathe shallowly - on the count of “one”, inhale shallowly, sticking out your chest, and on the count of “two - three”, exhale deeply, drawing in your stomach.
  • Special gymnastics also give a good relaxing effect, allowing you to relax first sequentially and then simultaneously the muscles of the face, neck, shoulder girdle and back.

If the causes of dystonia are psychological disorders(stress, depression, chronic fatigue, neurosis, overwork), in addition to medications, it is advisable to visit a professional psychotherapist who, using established techniques such as hypnotherapy or behavioral therapy, will help get rid of fears, panic attacks and phobias and provide the necessary psychological assistance.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia - how to resist?

“Therapy without hydrotherapy is a withered therapy, hiding its impotence under a whole mountain of poisonous or useless drugs.”

A. Zalmanov “The secret wisdom of the human body.”

Vegetative-vascular dystonia- These are disturbances in the functioning of the body’s vascular system, leading to an insufficient supply of tissues and organs with oxygen.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia occurs quite often - both in children (12-25%) and adults (up to 70%). This is a consequence of the fact that the increasing pace modern life requires full dedication of internal resources and strength in the process of study and work.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia can develop as a result of acute and chronic diseases, lack of sleep, overwork at work, wrong mode nutrition, etc. However, its main cause is stress.

The hormonal surge and inconsistency in the rate of development of the muscular and cardiovascular systems in schoolchildren are superimposed on intensive study, especially during exams. A teenager may complain of dizziness, nausea, headaches - fortunately, such ailments are not dangerous and go away on their own with age.

In most adults, vegetative-vascular dystonia proceeds sluggishly, worsening in the off-season, as well as during emotional breakdowns, overload or weakened immune system. Usually we do not take it too seriously - and in vain, since from the first symptoms of VSD there is only one step to initial manifestations insufficient blood supply to the brain, which means a significant increase in the risk of stroke - 2-3 times.

Headaches, weakness, dizziness, ringing in the ears, fainting, insomnia at night and drowsiness during the day - all these alarming signs are symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

With a more accurate diagnosis, three types of vegetative-vascular dystonia are distinguished:

- If at common features fatigue, you sometimes have a feeling of lack of air, you complain of irregular heartbeats, then this is vegetative-vascular dystonia of the cardiac type;

— The hypotensive form is characterized by low blood pressure, general weakness, headaches, cold fingers and toes, and a tendency to faint;

— Periodic surges in blood pressure indicate hypertensive vegetative-vascular dystonia.

LET'S TALK in more detail about the symptoms. Because this disease is on the border various diseases, it has the features of many ailments.

These include psychological disorders, neurological, cardiac, and vascular.

The first sphere is psychological. VSD manifests itself in the form increased fatigue, psychological vulnerability, may worsen personal characteristics(for example, in a person prone to shyness or anxiety, these character traits become more noticeable).

In second and third place are neurocardiological and vascular disorders. Their most common manifestations are: interruptions in the functioning of the heart (feeling that the heart is “beating”, “freezing”, etc.); cold hands and feet; increased sweating; "jumps" in blood pressure; heaviness or pain in the head and temples; fainting states.

With VSD, changes in skin color are also observed. She becomes pale or bluish color. And if you run a pencil over the skin, red or white marks appear that do not go away for some time. There are so-called nervous redness: after a person has become nervous, red spots appear on the skin of the face, neck, chest; this happens more often in women.

Externally, VSD manifests itself not only on the skin, but also in the degree of dryness or moisture of the mucous membranes. For example, if a person is worried, his mouth becomes dry. Sometimes the temperature rises due to nervousness. Many internal organs are affected tangentially; for example, under stress, the stomach may growl. The urinary system can also react to stress; the urge to urinate becomes more frequent. Metabolism is disrupted and a person may begin to lose weight.

People susceptible to VSD begin to feel weather changes more acutely; they become “meteopaths”.

What happens to blood vessels during VSD? Their adequate response to internal processes in the body is disrupted and external influences. Most a shining example is fainting. In this case, the vessels respond inadequately to fluctuations in the external and internal environment. As soon as a person suddenly stands up or changes the position of his body in some other way, he becomes dizzy and his vision becomes dark, which in turn can lead to fainting. The fact is that normally the heart begins to pump blood faster: through the vessels and healthy person he simply doesn’t notice this, because it’s all fully regulated by the autonomic nervous system. The vessels narrow and expand exactly to the extent that the body needs at the moment.

With VSD, the vessels do not dilate enough or contract more than necessary, which leads to the fact that not enough oxygen and other necessary substances enter the brain with blood. A variety of pains that a person feels during VSD, most often headaches (migraines), back pain are associated with the functions of the LHR. In this zone there is also a center of deep pain sensitivity, which receives impulses from the internal organs. This complex is a kind of filter, and a person does not perceive signals from internal organs. And when this center weakens, the filter seems to break through, and impulses enter the human consciousness, which begins to perceive all kinds of discomfort. For example, harmless impulses from a joint are perceived as foreign sensations - pain. Such a person begins to perceive the internal processes of the body more acutely. He may sometimes feel his blood pressure rise or fall. If it is low, this is expressed in a weakening of vitality, fatigue, lethargy, feeling unwell, weaknesses of the whole organism.

This is due to the fact that the vascular system does not fully supply the brain with blood. And with high blood pressure, a person experiences headaches, dizziness and other ailments. The reason is that there is already an excess of blood flowing into the brain. Protective spasms of blood vessels occur - the body thus protects the brain from the pressure of excess blood.

Those who are primarily at risk of getting sick are genetically predisposed people, as well as those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

In the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, physiotherapeutic methods are mainly used. It could be a hydromassage, physical therapy. Perhaps you should become interested in auto-training techniques and undergo a course of psychotherapy. With serious manifestations of symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia good results acupuncture gives, manual therapy, herbal medicine.

It is necessary to activate with hydrotherapeutic agents energy reserves body using a limited number of medications. Hydrotherapy causes normal distribution of body fluids in various body cavities.

To overcome vascular problems it is necessary to revive peripheral blood circulation and intensify the work of small capillaries. Disruption of the physiology of scattered small capillaries is not a secondary factor, but, on the contrary, one of the main elements of a deep disorder of the body in any disease.

“If a means is found to expand the capillaries when they are compressed by spasm, a means to stop the paralyzing atony when they are dilated, if it is possible to improve their insufficient permeability or curb their violent permeability, then the nutrition of tissues and cells will be improved, the supply of oxygen to the cells will be established, tissue drainage is facilitated, the energy balance of affected tissues is increased; cells in a state of bionecrosis will be brought back to life, and the elimination of cellular waste will be ensured to avoid slow but dangerous protein intoxication.”

“Water is a divinely restorative remedy of a never-failing nature, which is boldly, without hesitation, used internally and externally, and acts more fully and quickly than any other remedy.”

W. Cannon.

In the complex of health-improving measures for vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD) in mandatory includes physiotherapeutic procedures. Hydrotherapy and electrotherapy are especially effective. If you need to receive procedures such as iontophoresis with calcium, galvanic collar, electrosleep in a clinic or sanatorium, then hydrotherapy is available to everyone at home.

Hydrotherapy is extremely effective for treating functional disorders nervous system and rightfully enjoys preference not only among doctors (especially reasonable ones), but also among the patients themselves (the medicine is very pleasant).

Of course, hydrotherapy is not aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease, but at relieving symptoms, but for the patient this is precisely what is IMPORTANT. For him, the most important thing is the disappearance or mitigation of the manifestations of the disease that torment him, and water is the best way to cope with this.

“Hydrotherapy procedures with temperature and mechanical influences have a beneficial effect on the symptoms associated with functional disorders autonomic nervous system: muscle tone improves, muscle strength increases. Hydrotherapy can thus serve as a measure to combat muscle fatigue, which sometimes manifests itself quite sharply in sufferers.” It is also useful for those who want to gain a beautiful figure - after all, fat burning occurs precisely thanks to active movement, great muscle mass. Therefore, it is much easier for men to lose weight.

"Improvement vascular tone after hydrotherapy procedures it has a beneficial effect on blood circulation. Temperature and mechanical irritations influence the metabolic functions of the body, and hence, obviously, the effect of hydrotherapy in the sense of improving metabolic functions in the nervous system, freeing it from harmful products associated with fatigue.”

The following two quotes are from the basic textbook by M. M. Anikin and G. S. Varshaver “Fundamentals of Physiotherapy”, Medgiz 1950.


Russian bath- not quite a home remedy, but a common self-help remedy. It ranks first in terms of its beneficial effects on the body. Each nation has developed its own techniques and methods to restore poor health. Yoga, qi gong, meditation, prayer, steam bath, sauna.

Heat, cold and mechanical effects when staying in a bathhouse (sauna) have a positive effect on the tone of the autonomic nervous system, affect peripheral blood circulation, improve skin trophism and stimulate its functions.

One of the main symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia is impaired thermoregulation of the skin. The process of thermoregulation is carried out under the control of the nervous system. The bathhouse helps to adapt to various environmental conditions and temperature changes, stabilizes and normalizes the activity of blood vessels. Find detailed, interesting and useful information about the bathhouse is easy. It is enough to go to any bookstore or learn from familiar pros, which any person probably has.

However, in case of hypotension or severe symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia, in case of any rejection of this procedure, or other intolerance (for example, I have not tolerated baths since childhood), one has to resort to other hydrotherapy procedures.

Baths. Herbal baths have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, thanks to the vitamins, microelements, and phytoncides contained in plants. In addition, inhaling the aromas of herbs calms the nervous system and normalizes sleep.

To prepare such a bath, you need to take 1.5 cups of a mixture of dry herbs, pour 1 liter of boiling water, boil over low heat for 15-20 minutes, let it brew for 2 hours, strain and pour the broth into the bath.

You can take a bath with the addition of a collection of herbs - valerian, oregano, linden color and calendula. It's better if there is water in the bathroom normal temperature, about 35 degrees, since cold baths are not recommended for very advanced cases - they excite the nervous system too much.

Bath with sea salt added. Natural sea ​​salt is harmless and contains components necessary for the whole body: potassium regulates the nutrition of skin cells; calcium, penetrating into cells, ensures normal blood clotting; magnesium promotes muscle relaxation (if you suffer from muscle cramps at night, conclude that you do not have enough magnesium, add foods rich in magnesium to your diet); bromine calms the nervous system; iodine acts as an antiseptic.

The optimal temperature is 32-34 degrees. The duration of the bath is 10-12 minutes. The course is at least 12 procedures. Then a short break.

Pine bath. Prescribed for fatigue, insomnia, and diseases of the peripheral nervous system. Sold in pharmacies pine extract. Use it according to the instructions. DO NOT make pine baths yourself - do not believe the recipes in various books - think about whether you can scrub your bathtub afterwards!

Iodine-bromine bath. With this procedure you will get rid of obsessive headaches, relieve fatigue, muscle tension. Buy 100 grams at the pharmacy. Sodium iodide and 250 gr. Potassium bromide, dissolve them in 1 liter of water. Pour 100 ml of the resulting concentrate into a warm (35-36 degrees) bath, in which you can first dissolve table salt(2 kg). You need to take such a bath for 10-12 minutes. Store the remaining concentrate in a dark place and use as needed.

Melt water. It has long been believed that melt water helps rejuvenate the body. The structure of melt water is similar to the structure of the cellular fluid of our body - in frozen and then melted water, the diameter of the molecules changes, and they easily pass through cell membranes. That's why chemical reactions In the body, when drinking melt water, they pass faster and the exchange of salts is activated.

Get melt water you can by freezing ordinary tap water passed through a filter. Scrape off cloudy parts of the ice or rinse with water (these are salts and other harmful chemical elements). To remove deuterium, which is hazardous to health, it is necessary to remove the quickly forming ice when the water just begins to freeze.

For VSD, for the prevention and treatment of disorders of the vascular system, use 2-3 glasses of cold water, possibly with pieces of ice or melt water inside. The first glass should be drunk early in the morning an hour before meals, and the rest throughout the day. An hour before the next meal. Quantity required to provide therapeutic effect, calculated as follows: 4-6 g. melt water per 1 kg of weight. For obesity and metabolic disorders, increase the dose.

Melt water cannot be stored for a long time. You should not completely switch to melt water. About 30% melt water will be enough.


For the hypotensive type of VSD, stimulating compresses are used. To do this, you need to take a long (up to 4 m) and wide (at least 30 cm) canvas bandage. Moisten one end of it with water at room temperature. Squeeze it lightly and place it crosswise on your chest and back; bandage the remaining dry part over the wet one. The temperature difference between the skin and water leads to rapid and effective heating. The patient should lie in bed, covered with a warm blanket, for 3 hours.

If VSD is manifested by increased blood pressure, headaches, and rushes of blood to the head (hypertensive type), then “distractions” can be recommended. water treatments: compress on calves, fan shower on legs, foot running baths. You can walk along the seashore at high tide, if possible. All these procedures have a temperature and mechanical impact, as a result of which the legs become red and hot, the blood drains from the head, the face becomes pale, the pain subsides, and the pressure normalizes.

Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract also quite often depress people suffering from VSD. In case of digestive disorders, short (2-3 minutes) and cold (20-15 ° C) sitz baths can be performed during the day. If you need to normalize intestinal tone, then the following stimulating procedures are recommended: a fan shower lasting no more than 1 minute and a water temperature of 20-22 ° C or a half-bath with water at a temperature of 25 ° C with rubbing and pouring over cold water(15-20 °C).

In order to normalize sleep and calm the nervous system, take a bath or shower in the evening, if desired. Without drying yourself, put pajamas or a nightgown on your wet body and immediately go to bed. Cover yourself with a blanket up to your neck. Sleep will come to you very quickly. You can try another way. Soak a small towel in warm water and wring it out well. Get into bed and place a wet towel over your stomach area. Place a dry towel and woolen scarf on top.

For insomnia due to mental fatigue, douse is used.

Get out of bed in the morning. Pour some into a bucket of cold water table vinegar. Pour the bucket over yourself (not on your chest, otherwise you may get bronchitis) and after the procedure go back to bed. After about an hour, when the body is completely warm, you can get up.


This procedure causes increased capillary blood flow and activates gas exchange in the lungs. Fold a large terry towel 2-3 times, so that its width covers your chest from the armpits to the end of the ribs, and select a length such that one end of the folded towel overlaps the other end by 30-40 cm when wrapping your chest. roll like a bandage. Then take a second terry towel, the same length as the first, but slightly wider, so that the second towel, folded 2-3 times, overlaps the width of the first towel. Roll it up too. Fold a thin wool or flannelette blanket in three layers lengthwise so that when folded it covers the width of the second towel, then roll the blanket too.

Undress to the waist. You should have an assistant who lowers the first folded towel into a bowl of hot water (temperature not lower than 60 ° C; control it with a thermometer), wets it well (for 15-20 seconds), wrings it out and quickly wraps it around yours chest. Place a dry towel on top of the wet one, and then a blanket. Lie down in bed on your back, wrap yourself well in a warm (cotton) blanket up to your chin and lie in bed for 1 hour.

If you do not have an assistant, do this procedure yourself. To do this, place a woolen or flannel blanket folded in 4 times across the bed, and a dry terry towel folded in half lengthwise on it. On top of the dry towel, place a well-wrung out terry towel soaked in hot (65-70 °C) water, also folded in half. Lie with your back on all three layers and quickly wrap the ends of the wet towel over your chest, then the ends of the dry towel and then the blanket. Cover the top with a cotton blanket. You should lie down for 20 minutes, and then after the procedure, rest in bed for at least an hour.


From the 19th century to medicinal purposes shower is widely used. Souls are divided into types:

    dust (not drops fall on the body, but sprayed water), rain (heavy drops fall on the body), needle (or Charcot shower, when water falls on the body). large quantity small streams of water), underwater shower-massage.

All types of showers mechanically irritate the skin and are like acupressure. As a result, the body activates metabolic processes, blood circulation in tissues and organs improves, hormonal support for metabolic processes increases. Water washes away from the body all toxins and metabolic products that come out of the pores that have expanded during the shower.

A shower and a cup of morning coffee are good for those who suffer from asthenia and hypotension. Vigorous rubbing and cool shower(20 degrees) lasting 15 minutes invigorates. Efficiency increases, chilliness and lethargy decreases, and a further decrease in water temperature leads to a significant improvement in well-being.

In the evening, before bed, a long, warm shower is used to normalize sleep.

Charcot's shower has been known since the 19th century and until now a shower with a stronger effect has not existed. There had to be a real technological breakthrough for something new to appear. This breakthrough was made by the Russian inventor Ph.D. (for now, soon Doctor of Technical Sciences) A.N. Alekseev. He managed to come up with a way to obtain conoidal water outlets by casting thermoplastic materials. These are special jets of water that have, firstly, high kinetic energy and, secondly, changing behavior. At a distance of 50 cm from the exit holes, they turn into quantum jets - as if bombarding the surface of the skin, thereby providing extraordinary sensations and a rare healing effect.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a complex and not fully understood disease of the nervous system. Nutrition for VSD should be healthy and balanced. Proper treatment requires a responsible attitude towards health and a competent choice of diet. Experts recommend including foods from different groups in the diet, taking into account the characteristics of the body. Only in this case will it be optimal. With this approach, the body will receive a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, and dietary fiber.

List of basic principles of nutrition

When starting treatment for vegetative-vascular dystonia, which is most often found in women, you need to radically change your attitude to nutrition and lifestyle in general.

The following principles should be adhered to:

  1. Regularly eat buckwheat, oatmeal, carrots, and raisins. Be sure to add greens to your dishes fresh. The listed products are useful for people with autonomic dysfunction due to the content of potassium and magnesium salts.
  2. To increase blood pressure, use herbal tinctures, green tea, dairy products.
  3. To reduce the severity of vascular spasm and normalize blood circulation, you need to add it to your dishes. olive oil, use citrus fruits.
  4. Eliminate alcohol from your diet or drink it rarely and in minimal quantities.
  5. The diet for vegetative-vascular dystonia requires the mandatory consumption of freshly squeezed juices, so you need to prepare them from grapes, apples, oranges or cranberries. Eat fresh fruits and include vegetable salads in the menu.
  6. At autonomic dysfunction Drink approximately 2 liters of water daily. Increase the volume of fluid consumed gradually and only in the absence of contraindications. By following this advice, you can strengthen your immune system, restore water-salt balance and improve the functioning of the endocrine system.

What foods are good for VSD?

When thinking about nutrition for vegetative-vascular dystonia, you must include the following products in the menu:

  1. Bread, potatoes, rice, pasta. You cannot do without these products, as they contain vitamin B and iron, and are sources of fiber and carbohydrates. Every day you need to eat 6-11 units. products from the listed list. One unit is a piece of bread or a plate of soup, potatoes (cooked in any form) or porridge.
  2. Vegetables, fresh fruits. They contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals. The daily norm is from 5 to 8 units. Total volume - minimum 400 g. B in this case one unit is taken to be a medium-sized fruit, half a glass of vegetable or fruit juice, a cup of vegetable-based soup, a plate of boiled vegetables.
  3. Low-fat meat and fish products, poultry, different types nuts, legumes, eggs. The benefit of these products lies in the content of minerals, vitamins, and animal proteins. It is enough to eat 2-3 units per day. products from the group in question. One unit is half an egg or chicken breast, small portion meat (about 100 g), nuts in the amount of 2 tbsp. l., a plate of legumes.
  4. Low fat dairy products. With vegetative-vascular dystonia, the body must regularly receive proteins and calcium present in these products. It is enough to eat 2-3 units a day. cheese (slice), yogurt (1 cup), milk (1 cup) or other dairy product.
  5. Vegetable oils and fats. Their benefits for the body are invaluable due to the content of vitamins A, D, K, E. You should not use them too often, but you can use them occasionally vegetable oil(1 glass) and homemade mayonnaise (1 tbsp.).

What should a diet be and why should you stick to it?

If vascular dystonia is detected, then it is imperative to observe dietary food. With the development of this pathology, the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for the normal course of physiological and biochemical processes, which influence:

  • on the state of the immune and cardiovascular systems;
  • on the general condition of the body;
  • on blood pressure indicators;
  • on the peculiarities of the processes of urine formation and digestion of food.

Considering the above information, the diet for VSD should be based on compliance with important rules.

First of all, you should correct your diet by increasing your intake. minerals, such as magnesium and potassium, the presence of which in sufficient quantity required for the conduction of nerve impulses, fluorine and manganese, as well as iron and phosphorus (necessary for transporting oxygen to organs and tissues). Supporting normal level of these substances in the body, the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia can be minimized.

How to create a menu based on symptoms

Before deciding how to eat, you need to consider the features of the diet for different types diseases:

  1. Hypotonic. Vascular tone is reduced, so the diet should include: tea, coffee and dairy products, for example, kefir, milk.
  2. Hypertensive. In this case, vascular tone, on the contrary, is increased, so the menu must include products that can reduce it. These are cottage cheese, beans, spinach, barley porridge, lettuce, carrots. You should not add too much salt to your food, as the seasoning further increases the tone of the blood vessels. For the same reason, you should limit your consumption of pickles. Marinades should also be used to a minimum, but it is better to avoid them completely. You should not drink a lot of tea and coffee, it is advisable not to drink these drinks at all, but if you wish and feel normal, you can occasionally.
  3. Normotonic. Patients with normotonic VSD are recommended to consume foods that have a positive effect on blood flow and reduce the severity of vasospasm. Among possible options- spices, citrus fruits and oils plant origin, however, their amount in the diet should be moderate.

It is worth noting that, regardless of the type of disease, multivitamin complexes can be used. Such drugs will not harm anyone, but they must be selected taking into account the recommendations of a specialist. With additional intake of nutrients, it is possible to strengthen the overall vitality and reduce the risk of exacerbation of pathologies that occur chronically. Usually, by combining the intake of a multivitamin complex with strict adherence to the principles of nutrition, it is possible to successfully get rid of such an insidious disease as VSD.

If you have been diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dysfunction, this does not mean that you necessarily need to completely give up your favorite food. When creating a menu, include mostly healthy products. You can treat yourself occasionally a small amount food that in your case does not benefit the body.

The following nuances need to be taken into account:

  1. Food should be varied. Consistently eat food at the same time.
  2. Never overeat.
  3. Eat fish and dried fruits several times over 7 days.
  4. Every day, include vegetables and fruits in your menu, and be sure to eat a portion of broth or soup.
  5. Eat oatmeal or buckwheat every day. These are the cereals that must be present in the diet.

If, with VSD, disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system have developed, then you need to limit the consumption of fatty foods.

Together with a specialist, you need to create approximate menu options for the day.

To avoid deterioration in health, you must strictly follow the prescribed diet, eat often, but in small portions.

You can feel the visible effect of using a diet only if you implement an integrated approach, therefore, in addition to following healthy eating, you must adhere to other doctor’s recommendations and take the medications prescribed by him.

It should be taken into account that the reason occurrence of VSD can become stressful. Often the development of the disease is provoked constant feeling anxiety, so you should learn to calmly perceive what is happening. If necessary, take infusions and decoctions prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs. Let's summarize: the diet for autonomic dysfunction is not as scary as it seems. It’s not difficult to follow; the main thing is to make your diet balanced and moderate.


Higher education:


Kabardino-Balkarian state university them. HM. Berbekova, Faculty of Medicine (KBSU)

Level of education – Specialist

Additional education:


State educational institution "Institute for Advanced Medical Studies" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Chuvashia

Contraindications for VSD are an integral part of this disease. If you do not follow them, you can provoke crises and worsen general course illness. Restrictions apply not only to well-known bad habits, but also to other aspects of life.

What should you avoid with vegetative-vascular dystonia?

VSD is a serious diagnosis, accompanied by multiple disturbances in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. The significant problem with this disease is that it manifests itself differently in each person. Some people suffer from high blood pressure, while others constantly experience mood swings. Doctors have developed a number of recommendations that must be followed to reduce the load on the cardiovascular and central nervous system. The following things should be avoided:

  • smoking, excessive alcohol consumption;
  • lack of sleep;
  • overeating;
  • nervous overstrain;
  • excessive caffeine consumption;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • taking various stimulants.

Smoking and alcohol in case of vegetative-vascular dystonia should not be consumed at all. This is due to the fact that both of these substances have a destructive effect on blood vessels. They cause them to contract, which impairs blood flow. As a result, the brain and peripheral nerves receive less useful substances. This can provoke another attack of VSD. Another disadvantage of alcohol and smoking is the toxic substances they contain. Upon contact with them, the body becomes intoxicated. It harms absolutely all organs, including the brain.

Lack of sleep is another enemy of people suffering from VSD. Absolutely all people with insufficient sleep become nervous and absent-minded, but in people with dystonia this is more pronounced. The person may start yelling at colleagues or make a lot of mistakes when writing reports. All this negatively affects not only individual productivity, but also general condition body. Lack of sleep is especially harmful for hypertensive patients. Their blood pressure rises sharply.

The normal amount of sleep for each person is calculated individually, but the average is 7.5 hours. A shorter period of rest can provoke crises. Lack of sleep worsens the course of stress, which is another cause of dystonia. If psycho-emotional sphere If a person’s life is not in order, then attacks of VSD will become more frequent. Most often this is work related. If you experience serious nervous tension in the office, then it is better to change the company or area of ​​your activity.

Overeating and physical inactivity as one of the causes of crises in VSD

Where there is a sedentary lifestyle is always present overweight. At the same time, many people believe that if they weigh their standard 50-60 kg, then they have no fat. Actually this is not true. Excessive accumulation of lipids in the body leads to deterioration of tissue trophism. Under the influence of cholesterol, blood vessels become more fragile, so a person begins to experience attacks of VSD. We should also talk about nutrition. Many people overeat constantly. They do not notice that they consume a lot of junk food that contains few beneficial microelements. People suffering from VSD should absolutely not consume:

  • sauces;
  • pickled products;
  • fatty meat;
  • sausage;
  • fast food products;
  • spices in large quantities.

This does not mean that you should completely eliminate the foods listed above from your diet, but you need to reduce their amount to normal. Your diet should include foods containing calcium, magnesium, and retinol. Nuts and seeds are especially beneficial for the nervous system, but you need to eat them in limited quantities, because... they are very high in calories. Protein can be obtained from lean cooked meats and seafood. Try not to purchase foreign products, because... During long-term storage they lose all their beneficial properties.

You should not perceive a diet as something exhausting and obligatory. Choose foods and dishes that you will like. Separately, it is worth mentioning the amount of food. You need to get up from the table feeling slightly hungry. You should not eat food until your stomach feels full. By doing this you seriously harm your body. It is better to eat small meals 5-6 times a day.

Regarding physical exercise, but they need to be done every day. Especially if you spend 8-9 hours in the office and then get home by car. Physical activity is selected individually. There are no significant restrictions. But before you go to any sports section or gym, you need to consult a neurologist and therapist. This will help avoid complications in the training process.

Bath procedures: harmful or beneficial?

A bathhouse for VSD will not cause harm if you approach the steaming process wisely. People who have various cardiac pathologies in addition to dystonia are prohibited from visiting the sauna. In this case, the heat in the bathhouse can provoke a crisis. The main difference between a bathhouse and a sauna is the atmosphere. The bathhouse is characterized by high humidity, but the sauna is always dry. And when visiting them, how you perceive the specific atmosphere in the room plays a role. When conducting bath procedures Patients with VSD should follow these recommendations:

  • Do not stay in the steam room for more than 7 minutes. If you like a good steam, then make several passes. This way you will reduce the load on the blood vessels.
  • Don't rinse with cold water every time. This is necessary in order to maintain a constant body temperature. You should rinse after your last entry into the steam room.
  • The room temperature should be no more than 60 degrees.

With the right approach, visiting the bathhouse will lead to normalization of blood pressure. The blood vessels will expand, blood flow will improve, and more nutrients will reach the tissues and organs. The pulse also slows down. Visiting baths and saunas is not recommended for people with congenital hypertension. These procedures will lead to an increase in pressure, which will negatively affect the condition of the body.