Raw broccoli. Composition of broccoli and vitamins - calorie content

Broccoli is an imported product that appeared on the tables of our compatriots relatively recently. Few people know that this vegetable is a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that preserve human health and youth. Seeing fancy rich green inflorescences on a supermarket shelf, many will think about how to prepare the product? In what form is it best to consume and is it possible to eat broccoli raw? The answers to these and other questions are in this article.

Broccoli. What kind of vegetable?

An annual plant, a member of the cabbage family. Subspecies - cauliflower. The stems and inflorescences of the plant are suitable for consumption. The color of the latter can be green or purple. The species that is most widespread in our region is calabrese, represented by green heads of cabbage resembling an umbrella with many inflorescences tightly adjacent to one another. Less well known is the asparagus variety, where small buds are set on numerous thin stems.

What's under the umbrella? Vitamins and nutrients

Broccoli is the leader among existing species cabbage in terms of protein content. There is a lot of fiber and fat here. Contains calcium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, selenium, sodium, magnesium, iron and copper. The vegetable will boast and high content vitamins A, B, C, PP, K, E, U.

For example, ascorbic acid(vitamin C) here is twice as much as in tangerines or oranges. To get your daily dose, which is responsible for strong immunity, it is enough to consume 100 grams of broccoli.

Regular consumption of the product as food triggers the processes of active restoration of cells and tissues of the body, which is especially important in recovery periods- after illnesses, operations, serious injuries.

The coarse fiber in its composition normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, helps improve digestion, cope with constipation, indigestion, etc. Stimulating the processes of bile outflow facilitates the functioning of the liver.

How to cook broccoli to preserve nutrients in maximum concentration?

In the minds of consumers, the opinion is firmly established that in its unprocessed form it is better absorbed by the body. When cooking, stewing or frying, the vast majority of beneficial components simply evaporate. However, experts have still not agreed on whether raw broccoli can be eaten. Some are sure that heat treatment“steals” more than half of the vitamins from the vegetable, others are not inferior, claiming that with proper cooking or blanching, the amount of useful substances in the product will only increase.

In Europe and America, there are many recipes for dishes with raw broccoli, and raw cabbage salad is especially popular. For those who watch their figure and count calories, best recommendation- blanching.

Due to the lack of a clear answer, each person must decide whether broccoli can be eaten raw, depending on their own taste preferences.

Cabbage in the fight against cancer

Those who have not yet decided what kind of broccoli should be before eating - raw or boiled - need to familiarize themselves with the achievements of scientists from the Netherlands.

The tissues of cruciferous vegetables, which include cabbage, contain large number glucosinocytes. The latter are transformed in the body into isothiocynates - powerful anti-carcinogenic components. Which, in turn, are precursors of sulforaphene.

A team of experts has shown that eating cooked broccoli, as opposed to fresh, reduces the absorption of this active anti-cancer substance.

A group of 8 men took part in the study. Every day the first four had to consume 200 grams of the plant raw, the second - boiled. Participants' sulforaphene levels were systematically measured.

According to the results of a scientific experiment, it was found that eating raw cabbage promotes accelerated absorption and accumulation of sulforaphene in comparison with that which was subject to heat treatment. Concentration active substance in the bodies of raw foodists averaged 38%, while lovers of cooked food were content with only 4%.

The answer to the question of whether you can eat raw broccoli is obvious. This is not only possible, but also necessary.

Is there any benefit in

The sharp low-temperature effect on the vegetable preserves vitamins and microelements in full. Bought in a supermarket or frozen yourself, it will bring no less benefits than one picked from the garden a few hours ago. This property of broccoli is especially important for residents northern regions, where cabbage does not grow at all.

Can I eat thawed broccoli raw? When 8-9% of nutrients are lost. If, after defrosting, the vegetable is subjected to heat treatment, the losses will be twice or even three times greater. Experts strongly recommend eating thawed broccoli raw.

How to properly freeze cabbage?

To avoid wondering whether broccoli can be eaten raw, it is necessary to properly cold process it.

The head of cabbage should be disassembled into small inflorescences and thoroughly cleaned of any remaining soil and dust. Dip into boiling water for 5-10 seconds and immediately place ice cubes for a cocktail in the ice chamber and add water). Dry, put into bags. Processed in a similar way The product can be stored in the freezer for no more than a year.

Is it possible to eat raw broccoli that is stored in the refrigerator? The vegetable retains its useful qualities for 5 days after removal from the garden. It is suitable for consumption if kept at a temperature of 5-10 degrees Celsius for no more than 5-7 days.

Creamy fresh broccoli soup with shrimp

World-class chefs, whose qualifications are confirmed by Michelin stars, offer several recipes with fresh product in response to the question of whether broccoli can be eaten raw. leading role, which claim to become favorites in every family.

Main ingredients:

  1. Broccoli - 1 head.
  2. Boiled peeled shrimp - 10-12 pieces.
  3. Onions - 2-3 pieces.
  4. Broth (meat, vegetable or fish) - 1.5-2 liters.
  5. Cream - 300 grams.
  6. Garlic - 3 cloves.
  7. Butter (melted) - 5 tablespoons.
  8. Lemon juice, pepper, salt, nutmeg- to taste.
  9. Parsley - for decoration.

Making a creamy soup

Wash the broccoli thoroughly, separate the inflorescences, and cut into 1-2 centimeter pieces. Peel the onion and garlic, chop. In a high-sided frying pan or heavy-bottomed saucepan, melt the butter and fry the onion and garlic until lightly golden. Pour in the broth, after 10 minutes add the cream. Add broccoli to the mixture and blend with a blender until pureed.

Season the dish with salt, pepper, lemon juice and nutmeg.

Under the stream cold water Rinse the shrimp, dry with a paper towel, and fry with minimal olive oil.

Pour into serving bowls, place 2 shrimp, sprinkle with parsley leaves.

Salad "Freshness"

No less popular vegetable salad from raw broccoli. The presented recipe is a storehouse of vitamins, recommended for consumption at least three times a week. summer time year.

Main ingredients:

  1. Broccoli - 1 bunch.
  2. Sweet red onion - 1-2 pieces.
  3. Tomato - 200 grams.
  4. Sweet pepper - 100-150 grams.
  5. Chicken egg - 2-3 pieces.

For the sauce:

  1. Apple cider vinegar - 2 teaspoons.
  2. Olive oil - 2 tablespoons.
  3. Sesame oil - 1 teaspoon.
  4. Soy sauce - 2 tablespoons.
  5. Brown sugar - 1 teaspoon.
  1. Green onions - 3-4 feathers.
  2. Parsley - 30-40 grams.
  3. Garlic - 2 cloves.
  4. Sesame - to taste.

Cut the broccoli into florets 2-3 centimeters in size. Rinse thoroughly and place on a paper towel. Wash the pepper, tomato and onion and cut into large cubes. Boil the eggs hard and chop into 6 pieces. Combine vegetables and eggs in a deep container.

To prepare the sauce, mix all liquid ingredients, pour into an enamel container, and put on fire for 30-45 seconds. The mixture should be slightly warm to dissolve the brown sugar. Add it to the bowl removed from the heat and mix thoroughly. Cool the sauce and pour over the vegetables.

Finely chop the green onions, separate the parsley leaves from the stems and chop. Squeeze the garlic through a press. Add to the dish, stir. Sprinkle generously with sesame seeds on top.

The rich green vegetable is easy to prepare, easily absorbed by the body and contains a minimum of calories. The product should occupy one of the leading places in the diet modern man, becoming an excellent addition to meat and fish dishes.

Broccoli is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, which the body especially needs in winter.

The main difference is the shade - in broccoli it is dark green. This representative of the cabbage family also contains a large number of microelements.

What's good about broccoli?

These dark green inflorescences and stems contain many nutrients. Moreover, they are very important and valuable for humans. Thus, almost three grams (2.82) out of a hundred contain protein, and the quality is the same as in chicken eggs or beef. Its structure contains quite a lot of amino acids, thanks to which it is possible to prevent problems with the cardiovascular system.

Broccoli also contains potassium, with the help of which excess water and salt are safely removed from the body.

Experts have identified calcium and phosphorus in this cabbage - elements with the participation of which it is built skeletal system. The plant contains iron, copper and cobalt - they are useful because they help cells bone marrow produce new good blood.

Those who eat broccoli regularly receive a dose of vitamin C and zinc, which protect tissues from the effects of free radicals. Nerve support for lovers of this cabbage occurs with the participation of vitamin B.

Among other advantages, it is worth noting that broccoli cleanses intestinal tract from toxins and toxic compounds due to the fact that it contains dietary fiber.

Cabbage from this family can be safely consumed by adherents of various diets. It was found that its calorie content is 33 Kcal per hundred grams. Because of this, it is included in numerous nutrition programs.

Broccoli has an excellent effect on the retina and, in particular, the lens. Therefore she became faithful assistant those who are undergoing direct treatment, as well as the rehabilitation stage after suffering cataracts. Broccoli is important for those who strengthen their strength after an infectious disease.

Finally, we note that this cabbage increases appetite and improves food digestion.

How to eat broccoli?

This is paradoxical, but true - broccoli is not so popular in our modern cuisine, despite the bouquet of advantages described. This is because few people have knowledge of how this vegetable can be deliciously prepared. But cooking alone is not enough; it is important to preserve all the benefits that this fruit brings.

The most useful culinary embodiment of this cabbage is in a raw dish. It can be served at the table in a very in an interesting way– torn into separate stems-inflorescences. You can pour pre-melted butter on top, or season with olive oil and then sprinkle with pepper.

A salad made from broccoli will also be very useful. It matches perfectly taste qualities with cucumbers, leeks, tomatoes and finely chopped herbs. All of the listed ingredients are crushed, seasoned with olive oil, and salted. You can add the same pepper to enhance the taste. This salad contains a large amount of fiber.

If broccoli is a novelty for someone, then it makes sense to add it to the menu gradually. If raw cabbage is not to your taste, it is recommended to lightly pour boiling water over it.

Boiled or baked broccoli is a very good option side dish It complements meat and fish perfectly. Sandwiches with its inflorescences go well.

To preserve its beneficial properties as much as possible, this cabbage must be stewed or steamed. The cooking time should not exceed six minutes, otherwise it will lose more than half of all important substances and trace elements.

Experts do not recommend cooking broccoli in the microwave - it will lose 85 percent of its beneficial components.

Among the most affordable dishes made from this plant is cream soup. To make it, you need to boil and grind broccoli and spinach in a blender, add one tablespoon of breadcrumbs to them, then dilute two tablespoons of starch.

After it, it’s good to add three tablespoons of sour cream (or maybe cream) and wait until it boils.

When serving this cream soup, it can be improved with soy sauce or lemon juice.

Despite the fact that this dish will not be very dietary, it contains the necessary number of vitamins, quite sufficient to maintain health.

What are the contraindications for broccoli?

This cabbage is suitable and useful for everyone, with the exception of people suffering from gastritis, pancreatitis, and ulcerative conditions. gastrointestinal tract and bleeding in them.

Good to know

Cancer prevention benefits of broccoli.


Dear readers, do you like broccoli? Do you include it in your diet? If not, I think we should all take a look. I often buy it myself and cook it. And you probably heard that this cabbage has anti-cancer properties, how much people are talking about them now, extracts and extracts from this cabbage have appeared. Today we will talk about the beneficial properties and contraindications for eating broccoli. Perhaps, after reading this article, you will include it in your diet more often.

I hope that the green beauty will decorate your table and delight you and your loved ones with its taste, and we will still receive the necessary microelements and vitamins. What are the benefits of broccoli? Who will it suit best? How to choose, store and prepare it correctly? Let's talk about it in more detail.

Broccoli is the queen of cabbage

Broccoli is often called the queen of cabbage. Even the ancient Romans paid attention to it. And if we look carefully at the cabbage inflorescence, many of you will probably note that its inflorescences are similar in shape to our hand (fingers clenched into a fist). Maybe this is also symbolic? Here it is, our strength and energy.

Broccoli is an annual plant of the cabbage family and belongs to the cauliflower subspecies. We can use both stems and inflorescences of broccoli for food. In this case, the inflorescences can be green or purple. The most common type of vegetable is calabrese - green heads of cabbage in the shape of an umbrella, with a large number inflorescences tightly adjacent to each other at the end of a thick stem. Probably many of you know this particular species.

There is also asparagus broccoli, represented by many thin stems on which there are small inflorescences. What does broccoli look like?

Broccoli. Photo

Broccoli "Calabrese"

Asparagus broccoli

Broccoli. Compound

Broccoli is very rich in nutrients. So, it includes:

  • proteins – there are more of them than in other types of cabbage;
  • fiber;
  • fats;
  • macro- and microelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, copper, manganese, selenium;
  • vitamins: A, PP, C, E, K, U, group B.

For example, vitamin C - ascorbic acid - is contained in broccoli almost 2 times more than in oranges and tangerines. 100 grams of broccoli contains daily dose vitamin C! I think that this fact alone deserves our attention to eating broccoli as often as possible.

Broccoli also contains a lot of provitamin A - beta - carotene, which is considered a vitamin of beauty and good vision. Only carrots and pumpkins can boast the same amount of the element.

Useful properties of broccoli. Health benefits of broccoli

According to nutritionists and doctors, broccoli is one of the most healthy vegetables in nature. Plus, as I said before, it contains a whole pantry useful minerals and vitamins.

Beneficial properties of broccoli in general for the human body . Based on the composition, we can get acquainted with the beneficial properties of the green beauty. Thus, vitamin U, which is abundant in vegetables, effectively fights ulcers.

Potassium helps the body remove excess salts. Magnesium is good for efficient work hearts. Calcium provides normal height and health of nails and hair.

Selenium helps remove heavy metals from the body. Sodium maintains cell stability and transmits control signals through nerve fibers. Zinc, copper and manganese play important role in hematopoiesis, have a beneficial effect on the development of body cells. 
 The vitamin of youth and beauty - beta - carotene - is presented in large quantities in the vegetable. This means that thanks to regular consumption of broccoli, you can help the body improve vision, skin, and stabilize nervous system.

Regular consumption of broccoli helps the processes of restoration of cells and tissues of the body. This is especially important during periods of recovery after past diseases, operations.

The benefits of broccoli for the gastrointestinal tract . It contains coarse fiber, which helps naturally cleanse the intestines, relieve constipation, normalize digestion processes. The vegetable stimulates bile secretion, thereby facilitating the functioning of the liver.

The benefits of broccoli for the heart and our nervous system . The high-quality protein contained in broccoli is well suited for people suffering from arthritis, cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, and diseases of the nervous system. After all, unlike animal products, vegetables do not contain cholesterol. In addition, it contains substances that prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the body. Regular consumption of broccoli can reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks.

Cancer prevention . In addition, broccoli contains antioxidants, which significantly reduce the risk of heart disease, vascular disease, and cancer. Not long ago it became known that broccoli is a good preventative against cancer diseases. It contains sulforaphane, which has an anti-cancer effect. And also in combination with vitamin C, it removes our inflammatory phenomena in the body.

In addition, broccoli is recommended for consumption by people who have suffered from radiation or are seriously ill. After all, the vegetable is able to remove dead cells, toxins from the body, free radicals, heavy metal ions, as well as excess liquid.

Beneficial properties of broccoli for patients diabetes mellitus . Broccoli is very useful for diabetics. After all, it contains components that help normalize insulin levels and protect the walls of blood vessels from damage. increased content blood sugar.

For our joints . Broccoli is also good for our joints. Sulforaphane prevents the destruction of cartilage in joints. And it also prevents the development of arthritis.

Agree, broccoli contains many beneficial properties. In addition, it is easy to prepare and has a pleasant taste. Isn't it a reason to pamper your family with something tasty and healthy?

Here's what they say about the benefits broccoli vegetable doctors.

Frozen broccoli. Is there any benefit to it?

It should be noted that all frozen products, if they are properly frozen, retain their beneficial properties. And frozen broccoli, which we can buy in the store or freeze ourselves during the season, also retains its beneficial properties. Which broccoli should we prefer? Fresh or frozen?

If the path of a fresh product from the place of cutting to our table takes more than a week, then 50% of its beneficial substances are lost. In frozen products (during shock freezing), only 10% of nutrients are lost, or even less.

And if we compare the prices for fresh cabbage now (right now, in April its price for 1 kg reaches 500 rubles), and frozen broccoli costs incomparably less, so again each of us can make the most optimal choice.

Broccoli. Calorie content

The great thing is that energy value 100 grams of broccoli is only 30-34 kcal. This means that it is perfect for people who watch their figure and adherents proper nutrition. A miracle, not a vegetable!

Harm of broccoli

The vegetable itself is beneficial for the body from all points of view. The only question is how to prepare this wonderful cabbage. Below we will talk about the form in which broccoli is more beneficial for our health.

Here I just want to say that if we subject any vegetables, including heat treatment, then we risk losing most of the nutrients, microelements and vitamins. It is especially not advisable to cook broccoli in the microwave.

And, of course, we should not fry cabbage in a large amount of fat and over high heat. After all, in this way, instead of undeniable benefits, we will receive a serious blow to the liver.

It should also be used with caution raw vegetable people with impaired pancreatic and increased acidity stomach, and after operations, when a diet is prohibited from eating raw vegetables.

Broccoli. Contraindications

As I said earlier, doctors do not advise people to eat raw broccoli:

  • with increased stomach acidity;
  • who, for health reasons, are prohibited from eating foods containing coarse fiber;
  • who has an individual intolerance to vegetables. But this, fortunately, is extremely rare.

In all other cases, doctors unanimously recommend consuming miracle cabbage as often as possible.

Broccoli during pregnancy. Benefits and harms

Since broccoli contains a large amount of folic acid, it is recommended for pregnant women to consume it. The vitamin helps quickly form new healthy cells, as well as maintain their condition. In addition, on early stages pregnancy folic acid necessary for the formation of the baby’s nervous system.

In addition, broccoli provides the body with a source of protein. But he is important building material for the formation of organs and systems of the future baby.

In addition, vitamin C and chlorophyll, which are part of cabbage, have a beneficial effect on immunity and blood composition. But good immunity simply necessary to the expectant mother to avoid diseases.

How to choose broccoli?

It’s not enough just to know about the benefits of a vegetable. You also need to know how to choose it correctly.

  • When purchasing, choose broccoli with dense heads and firm stems. If there are small yellow buds on the inflorescences, the cabbage is overripe. It is better to choose a vegetable with a dark green head. Yellowishness is a sign of aging cabbage.
  • It is important to smell the cabbage before purchasing. If you hear bad smell, postpone the purchase.
  • To choose a vegetable with the largest number beta carotene, look for heads with a dark top and even a slight purple tint.
  • And, naturally, there should be no rot, lethargy or stale appearance.

How to store broccoli?

Broccoli can be stored in the refrigerator for a short time (several days). To do this, you need to create a bouquet of cabbage by placing its stem in a container of water. The second option is to wrap the cabbage in a lightly dampened paper towel. It is also possible to store broccoli in a regular plastic bag. The main condition is to provide her free movement air. That is, make small holes in the bag.

Also, place the unwashed cabbage in a hermetically sealed container.

How to freeze broccoli?

For longer storage, it is best to deep freeze broccoli. First, disassemble the cabbage into small pieces, then blanch in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, drain hot water, and dip the vegetable into ice cold water. Then dry the broccoli and place it in freezer bags. Frozen cabbage can be stored freely in the freezer for about a year.

It turns out to gain greatest benefit from eating broccoli and not causing harm to health, you just need to cook it correctly and store it - in the freezer or no more than 5-7 days in the refrigerator.

How to eat broccoli for maximum health benefits?

According to experts, it is best to eat broccoli raw. There are such recommendations, but personally I can’t eat broccoli in fresh. Perhaps you can share your secrets on how to season it to remove the slightly bitter taste.

I prefer to steam the broccoli or just simmer it a little a small amount oil and water in a frying pan. But don't fry it! Fortunately, it doesn’t take long to cook: 2-4 minutes, and it’s ready. However, some vitamins and minerals will, of course, be preserved. It is also convenient to cook broccoli in a double boiler - this way there is a chance to retain more nutrients.

It’s very tasty sprinkled with a little herbs or cheese. You can sprinkle a little lemon. You can eat broccoli simply with sour cream; it’s also a good idea to add raisins and a few nuts to it. It is also good to make light salads from broccoli.

I wish you all a great mood, I hope that the information was useful to you.

And for the soul we will listen today romance by Laura Quint Garnet bracelet performed by Maxim Averin . What a talented actor!

See also




    26 Sep 2017 at 13:58



    30 Sep 2016 at 17:11












Broccoli is perhaps the most interesting and healthy vegetable crop in the world. She not only makes the dishes rich, unique taste, but also enriches the body a huge amount nutrients necessary for its normal functioning.

Despite the fact that the beneficial properties of broccoli were known back in the Ancient Rome, in our homeland the vegetable appeared relatively recently.

Broccoli became popular in Russia relatively recently

Fortunately, this did not influence the popularity of this variety of cabbage, which today is available to almost every resident of our country. What are the benefits and harms of broccoli? In what form is it better to eat vegetables? How to cook delicious broccoli? The answers to these and other questions can be found in the article below.

Features of vegetable crops

Broccoli is a subspecies of cauliflower that can grow almost anywhere. The vegetable has excellent yield and does not require special care during growth. It is customary to eat the inflorescences of the plant.

On the shelves of domestic stores you can most often find broccoli cabbage of the Calabrese subspecies, the heads of which can be green or purple.

The main difference between broccoli and cauliflower is not in the appearance of the two vegetables from the cabbage genus, but in their qualitative composition.
Broccoli and cauliflower differ not only in color, but also in composition

If we talk about what is healthier: broccoli or cauliflower, then it should be mentioned that it is the first crop that has a huge amount of essential elements for normal functioning. human body useful substances, including a lot of vitamins, chemical elements, antioxidants, fiber and amino acids.

Unique composition and beneficial properties

The composition of broccoli is truly unique. Vegetables contain many vitamins, including special attention deserve vit. C, A, K, E, as well as B vitamins. For example, the amount of ascorbic acid in a vegetable is more than twice its content in lemons.

In addition, daily consumption of broccoli, even in small quantities, can completely meet the human body’s needs for retinol, which is necessary for normal vision and healthy skin.

Among minerals, included in the composition of broccoli, should be highlighted:

  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • fluorine;
  • selenium;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium and many others.

The vegetable is rich in iodine and sulfur, therefore it is useful for people living in endemic regions. In addition, broccoli is a source of fiber, as well as proteins, vegetable fats and carbohydrates. Vegetables contain essential amino acids, in particular serotonin, and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The vegetable is one of the low calorie foods nutrition, since the calorie content of broccoli is no more than 28-33 kcal per 100 grams of raw materials. This allows it to be used in diets designed for people who want to get rid of extra pounds without harming their health.

Broccoli can be safely consumed even by those on a diet

What are the benefits of broccoli?

Thanks to the whole complex of vitamins, microelements and nutrients contained in the vegetable, the product has not just beneficial, but healing effect on human health.

The main benefits of broccoli for the body are as follows:

  • improvement of the immune system;
  • normalization of gastrointestinal tract function, prevention peptic ulcer, cleansing the intestines of waste and toxins;
  • regulation of the production of female sex hormones (benefits of broccoli for women);
  • increased libido in males, improved sperm quality (benefits of broccoli for men);
  • beneficial effect on the condition of the pancreas, stimulation of enzyme synthesis processes;
  • the benefits of broccoli for the body as a whole - preventing cell aging;
  • improvement quality composition blood and its rheological properties;
  • enriching the body with vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids;
  • strengthening of the myocardium, regulation coronary circulation, cleansing vascular wall from bad cholesterol;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • strengthening bones and increasing the elasticity of cartilage tissue;
  • prevention of premature destruction of tooth enamel;
  • the benefit of broccoli for children is the ability of the vegetable to strengthen the musculoskeletal system and saturate the growing body with necessary substances;
  • improvement of well-being, general mood, etc.

You will learn more about the benefits of broccoli from the video:

Application and contraindications

Can you eat raw broccoli? How to cook broccoli tasty and healthy? Similar questions can often be found on the Internet and there is nothing strange about this. According to official statistics, the consumption of this vegetable has increased almost fivefold over the past 20 years across the globe, which is an unprecedented figure for a plant food product.

Currently, there are many recipes for cooking broccoli.

So, what can you prepare from broccoli so that the dish looks appetizing, is tasty and retains the necessary beneficial properties:

  • Firstly, broccoli that has not undergone heat treatment is considered the healthiest. It is this that culinary experts recommend adding to salads, serving as a side dish for fish and meat, and drinking as part of multifresh;
  • You can often find frozen vegetables on store shelves. Before you cook frozen broccoli, it is important to remember that this product has already partially lost its quality properties, therefore inferior in usefulness fresh plants. Frozen broccoli, the benefits and harms of which are somewhat different from their fresh counterparts, is recommended to be cooked in extreme cases. However, you should not count on a significant effect from their use;
  • How long should you cook fresh broccoli so that it retains maximum nutrients? Modern chefs are convinced that the best cooked broccoli for human health is al dente, or slightly “undercooked” cabbage. Popular dishes today include broccoli in batter, broccoli and cauliflower cutlets, and soups based on this vegetable.
    Recipe delicious dish with fresh broccoli you will learn from the video:

IN lately The Internet has been torn apart by rumors about the dangers of broccoli broth, which have no basis scientific explanation. When assessing the benefits and harms of broccoli for the body, it is important to note that this vegetable is not capable of causing the appearance of any adverse reactions. Therefore, broccoli has no contraindications for consumption, except in cases where a person has a congenital intolerance to this product.

At the moment there are many scientific works about the beneficial properties and contraindications of broccoli for the body, which confirm its uniqueness and deny the harmful effects on human health.

Based on the facts, we can confidently say that broccoli is the healthiest vegetable crop, which has a huge amount healing properties. Therefore it must be present in diet each of us: from the smallest to the elderly. Daily consumption of cabbage will completely meet the body's needs for useful substances, strengthen the body and normalize its vital functions.

Similar materials

Broccoli is one of the most favorite vegetables among children and adults. But to evaluate it in to the fullest, you need to find out what the benefits and harms of broccoli are and how wide the range of its uses is.

What is broccoli

By appearance asparagus cabbage is very different from white cabbage and even cauliflower, but belongs to the same family. There are many types of broccoli, but the most popular is calabrese - cabbage with dense stems and green inflorescences that resemble umbrellas. They are the ones most often consumed as food; they contain the main supply of nutrients.

Chemical composition and calorie content of broccoli

The product has a low calorie content - 100 g contains about 34 calories, with 7 g of carbohydrates and 3 g of proteins. But the elemental composition of cabbage is very rich. It includes:

  • dietary fiber, occupying 10% of the product volume;
  • manganese and sodium;
  • phosphorus and calcium;
  • magnesium and selenium;
  • iron, zinc and copper;
  • amino acids.

Cabbage also contains rare organic compounds that have anticancer effects.

What vitamins are contained in broccoli?

The product is rich in vitamins:

  • a huge amount of C and K;
  • B9 and B6;
  • B2, B1, B3 and B5 are represented in small volumes, as well as E.

The presence of all these substances makes the product very valuable for the immune system.

Beneficial properties of broccoli

The main benefits of raw broccoli for the body:

  • has a beneficial effect on vision;
  • strengthens the liver;
  • has a positive effect on blood vessels and the heart;
  • cleanses the body due to the content of antioxidant compounds;
  • increases resistance to colds and infectious diseases.

Benefits of broccoli for women

Representatives of the fair sex will be interested in the fact that asparagus cabbage qualitatively cleanses the body of toxins and significantly improves the condition of the skin, nails, and hair. In addition, it evens out hormonal background, which is very valuable during menopause or during menstruation.

Benefits of broccoli for men

The anti-cancer properties of the product are important for men, since prostate tumors after 50 years of age are a very common diagnosis. Cabbage prevents the development of atherosclerosis, allowing you to maintain energy and performance longer.

Benefits of broccoli for infants and older children

Cabbage is priceless for a baby’s body: it rarely causes allergies, but it strengthens the immune system, regulates peristalsis, and serves as an excellent preventative against constipation. The child also gets vegetable protein from broccoli.

Broccoli puree for babies is available from 6 months of age. You should start with small portions - no more than 1 teaspoon. The puree is made from boiled cabbage and no salt is added to it.

Important! Since broccoli does have a number of contraindications, before introducing the product into a child’s diet, you should definitely consult a pediatrician.

Broccoli for pregnant women

Valuable elements in the composition of asparagus cabbage allow you to do without taking additional vitamin complexes pregnant women. In addition, folic acid has a very good effect on the fetus, protecting it from pathologies.

Is it possible to eat broccoli while breastfeeding?

For nursing mothers, the vegetable will provide great benefit, and you can return it to the diet already 5 weeks after birth. Since broccoli is a hypoallergenic products, infants fed on mother's milk usually do not experience any allergies or colic.

Broccoli for weight loss

The calorie content of broccoli per 100 g is only 34 calories, and it contains a lot of fiber. Cabbage is an excellent choice for dietary nutrition. Its use reduces appetite, regulates metabolism - and also improves mood, which is very important during a strict diet.

Medicinal uses of broccoli

The medicinal properties of broccoli are valued in folk medicine. It is recommended to use the product at least in small quantities:

  • with hormonal imbalances;
  • at food poisoning and other intoxications;
  • for cardiovascular diseases;
  • at elevated level cholesterol;
  • with poor metabolism and difficulties with bowel movements;
  • to strengthen nails and hair;
  • for skin care;
  • at wide range diseases of the stomach and intestines.

For pancreatitis

In case of acute inflammation of the pancreas, the diet is very strict - and broccoli is not included in the list of permitted foods. But 2-3 weeks after the exacerbation subsides, cabbage will be beneficial if you eat it boiled, little by little, without salt and spices.

For gastritis

For gastritis and even stomach ulcers, eat boiled, stewed or steamed broccoli. Carotene in its composition helps relieve inflammation and promotes rapid recovery mucous membranes.

For gout

Asparagus cabbage, like many other types of cabbage, contains purine compounds. Unfortunately, this prohibits the use of the product during an exacerbation of gout. Even in small quantities, you can eat vegetables only after consulting a doctor.

For cholecystitis

If there are disturbances in the outflow of bile, you will have to give up fresh broccoli, since it has an irritating effect on gallbladder. But you can still eat cabbage boiled or stewed.

For diabetes

The chromium and sulforaphane in broccoli make it a valuable product for diabetics, since sugar levels stabilize when consumed. It is recommended to eat cabbage regularly, fresh or lightly boiled - this way the benefits from it will be maximum.

Broccoli against cancer

Green cabbage is considered one of the best prophylactic agents against cancer. The fact is that it contains synergin, sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol - these substances strengthen the immune system and prevent the development of tumor cells.

The use of broccoli in cosmetology

The product is actively used in home cosmetology. Vitamin composition Broccoli effectively rejuvenates, softens and tightens the skin, accelerates cell renewal. It will also benefit your hair: cabbage strengthens the roots and stimulates the “dormant” bulbs, encouraging them to grow.

Broccoli face masks

In order to normalize oily skin, you need to do the following mask at least 3 times a week:

  • mix a tablespoon of grated cabbage with the same amount of green clay;
  • distribute the mixture evenly over the skin;
  • After 30 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water.

The product will also help with extremely dry skin. To moisturize and soften your face, you need to:

  • mix a tablespoon of grated cabbage with high-fat sour cream;
  • apply the mixture to your face for 30 minutes;
  • Wash off the mask with warm water without using soap.

Broccoli hair masks

The following mask will give a good effect for brittle and weakened hair:

  • 10 g of cabbage inflorescence puree is mixed with 15 g of liquid honey and 10 g of cinnamon;
  • mix until completely homogeneous;
  • lubricate the hair at the roots and wrap the head with film or a towel.

For oily hair another mask is useful:

  • 10 g of grated cabbage is mixed with 20 g of gray clay;
  • add 15 drops of propolis tincture to the mixture;
  • slightly dilute the mask with mineral water;
  • Apply to hair at the roots and leave for half an hour.

After this, the mask is washed off with warm water and the hair is dried without using a hair dryer.

Broccoli oil for hair and skin

In cosmetology, not only fresh cabbage puree is widely used, but also oil obtained from the seeds by cold pressing. It has unique properties: does not leave an unpleasant greasy feeling, but at the same time perfectly softens the skin. It can be used to care for an overly dry face, lubricate chapped lips, and use for massage.

The oil is also suitable for making hair masks. It can also be used as a conditioner. If you apply a small amount of oil to washed hair, it will give it shine and volume, but your head will not seem dirty.

What are the benefits of broccoli extract?

In pharmacies you can buy broccoli extract - a concentrated dry powder. It is usually sold in capsules, which are taken twice a day with water.

This remedy is prescribed for the treatment of cholelithiasis and gout, for heart diseases, for the prevention of vision diseases or oncology.

Health benefits of broccoli juice

Cabbage can be squeezed and you get a tasty and healthy juice which is effective:

  • for a cold, especially at the very beginning of the disease;
  • with disturbed water-salt balance in the body;
  • for vision problems;
  • for diseases of the thyroid gland.

The juice is used to prevent stomach ulcers, strengthens the nervous system, improves heart function and helps cleanse the body of toxins.

How to cook delicious broccoli

The product can be consumed in any form: fresh, boiled, fried, steamed. Cabbage is baked in the oven and stewed. However, it must be taken into account that during heat treatment, not only the calorie content of the product changes, but also its benefits. Fresh cabbage remains the most useful.

Important! It is not recommended to eat broccoli broth, since harmful compounds remain in the water after cooking.

Cabbage goes well with most foods present in the diet. It is used:

  • in soups and salads;
  • as a side dish for main courses;
  • in casseroles and pies;
  • in vegetable purees.

Advice! When consuming raw broccoli, many are afraid of introducing harmful microorganisms into the body. To avoid this, it is enough to rinse the cabbage thoroughly in running water and leave it in for 15 minutes. saline solution, and then rinse thoroughly again.


Fresh cabbage inflorescences do not cook for long - no more than 3 minutes in salted water. The calorie content of boiled broccoli is only 28 calories, so it is considered dietary.


To stew cabbage, you need to wash it thoroughly and divide it into small inflorescences. Then put in a frying pan with water and a little olive oil and simmer for 15 minutes. The cabbage needs to be salted; if desired, you can add onions, garlic and other spices.


Before baking in the oven, it is customary to boil the cabbage and then fry it in a frying pan for about 2 minutes. After this, the baking sheet with cabbage is placed in the oven and baked for half an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees.


Fried cabbage is considered the least healthy, but it is loved for its juicy taste. Fresh inflorescences are fried on olive oil about 15 minutes. Pre-boiled cabbage will be ready in 4-5 minutes.

Steamed broccoli

Steamed cabbage is even better suited for the diet than boiled cabbage: 100 g of this product contains only 27 calories. The cabbage is prepared like this: the washed inflorescences are placed in a colander and placed on top of a pan of boiling water, covering with a lid. In 7 minutes the dish will be ready.

How much broccoli can you eat per day?

The product does not have a clearly defined daily value - in the absence of contraindications, cabbage can be consumed as much as you want. However, it is recommended to stick to a dosage of 200–300 g - from this amount of product the body will receive all the necessary substances.

How to choose broccoli when buying

It is very easy to purchase quality broccoli in the store.

  • Cabbage inflorescences should be fresh, bright green, without yellowness or signs of wilting.
  • A wet and shiny cut of the stem indicates the freshness of the cabbage, while a dry and yellowed cut indicates that the vegetable has been lying on the counter.

Storing Broccoli

High quality and fresh product Doesn't last long in the refrigerator - only up to 3 weeks. However, if necessary, cabbage can be frozen in plastic containers or plastic bags- the benefits of frozen broccoli will last up to 8 months.

Harm of broccoli and contraindications

The product has few contraindications, but sometimes it can still cause harm. You should not eat broccoli florets if:

  • acute gastritis or stomach ulcer during an exacerbation;
  • chronic gastritis with high acidity;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • allergies to the product;
  • intolerance to coarse fiber.


The benefits and harms of broccoli depend on how wisely you approach cabbage consumption. The product will only be harmful if acute inflammations gastrointestinal tract and individual allergies, and in all other cases will bring undoubted benefits.

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