How to quickly leave the house. How to get out of binge drinking on your own? Top recommendations

The difficult problem of binge drinking is faced not only by those who actually go on a binge, but also by members of their families, who in this case suffer no less than the alcoholic himself. Binge drinking can be considered alcoholic drinks for two days in a row. If a person wants to have a hangover in the morning after drinking alcohol the day before, we can assume that he has gone on a binge. At this moment, the second stage of alcoholism begins, causing irresistible desire to drinking. How longer person is in this state, the more difficult it is to solve this problem.

How to get out of binge drinking as soon as possible? To accomplish this task, you need to decide on the most appropriate moment. From a psychological point of view, you need to set aside at least 2 days to break out of binge drinking. The most noticeable effect can be obtained only 3-4 days after stopping drinking alcohol. Already noticeable relief of a person’s condition occurs on the second day.

The question of how to get out of binge drinking is almost impossible to solve without the real desire of the alcoholic himself. A person must decide not to drink. Of course, it is very difficult to get such a decision from a drunk person, but it is still possible.

4. At lunchtime, you should drink 2 capsules of Essentiale Forte and Mezim, and eat broth or liquid soup. If arrhythmia or tachycardia occurs, you should take half a tablet of atenolol. The other half of the tablet should be taken in the evening.

5. At 7-8 pm we have dinner with thin porridge or soup. At this point it is important not to overeat, because by this time acute feeling hunger.

6. After dinner you need to go to bed.

8. On next morning you need to get up at o'clock. This morning you can drink a cup of coffee. We take medications in the same quantities as the day before, with the exception of Valocordin. A good movie or doing something you love can help you overcome depression. During this time, you should drink plenty of fluids. At good appetite you should eat heavily, but without fanaticism.

For those who are looking for advice on how to get out of heavy drinking, traditional medicine and some medications will help. The most important thing to get results in such a situation is the support of loved ones, faith in your strength and the desire to stop drinking. Recommendations that you were able to quit will be an excellent motivation. bad habit went on a binge, returned to normal life.

Here are some of the tricks on how to quit binge drinking at home on your own:

  • First of all, stock up on any drinks that can remove alcohol from the body naturally. Mineral water without gas will do, warm tea with lemon or honey, compotes, fruit drinks, herbal decoctions, jelly, milk, kefir.

  • Take care that home medicine cabinet there were means that could alleviate the condition when withdrawing from binge drinking. These are Analgin, Citramon, Aspirin, Validol, Corvalol. Enterosgel, Polysorb-MP, Polyphepan will not interfere.

  • Keep away alcoholic drinks (even beer), cigarettes, and insomnia pills.

  • Use recipes traditional medicine to get out of .

Many alcoholics believe that they need to stop drinking gradually, getting drunk little by little with beer or 100 grams of vodka in the morning. This statement is incorrect because it leads to continuation. You need to stop binge drinking by completely stopping drinking alcohol.

Tips on how to get out of binge drinking with help folk remedies:

  1. Proven to perform well during removal hangover syndrome drinks and foods such as cucumber pickle, orange and apple juice, whipped with a fork and salted raw egg, tea with lemon juice and honey, bitter coffee.

  2. At severe hangover A recipe with kefir will help. Mix 1 liter of water, 0.5 liters of kefir or kumiss, a teaspoon of granulated sugar, a pinch of salt. Drink the mixture in one gulp to remove toxins.

  3. A decoction of European hoofed grass gives a good effect when recovering from binge drinking. The herb can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of a dried collection. The recipe is simple: pour a teaspoon of chopped hoof with a glass of boiling water, cook over medium heat for 5 minutes. We insist for an hour. The finished broth should be added to vodka or another strong alcohol-containing drink at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 100 grams of alcohol. After several doses, a persistent aversion to alcohol develops. The method can be used even without the knowledge of the alcoholic.

  4. Rosehip decoction helps to sober up and get out of binge drinking. 150 grams of dried or fresh berries are poured into a thermos with boiling water and left overnight. Drink it in the morning, adding it to tea or juices. It is recommended to drink 1 to 2 liters of decoction per day to remove alcohol breakdown products from the body.

  5. The condition after a long drinking session will improve if you sleep off, take a shower, drink mineral water without gas, then have a hearty lunch of meat soup or broth. An interesting movie, a walk, or sound sleep after taking a bath with herbs.

Video on the topic

Alcoholism - terrible disease, not habit or promiscuity. Binge drinking is not just alcohol intoxication, but long-term poisoning of the body with ethanol, which turns into the toxic substance acetaldehyde. Taking a dose of alcohol slightly stabilizes your health, but leads to even more serious consequences. The poison in the body accumulates more and more. The human body, working at its maximum capacity, cannot cope with it. The detoxification procedure is aimed at cleansing the body of alcohol breakdown products.

You will need

  • - water or tea with lemon;
  • - rosehip decoction, compote;
  • - sour milk drinks;
  • - activated carbon;
  • - “Corvalol”, “Valoserdin”, “Valocordin”;
  • - aspirin or “No-spa”.


Reduce the dose of alcohol consumption to a minimum, especially if it has been for a very long time, not the first time, and the patient feels very unwell. Many experts believe that a sudden cessation of alcohol entering the bloodstream can provoke cardiac or epileptic seizures, as well as the so-called delirium tremens. If a person is really unwell, it is better to give him 100 ml of alcohol on the first day, but not on subsequent days, otherwise a gradual exit from one binge can smoothly transition into a new one.

Give the patient as much fluid as possible, which will help remove accumulated toxins from the body - this is one of the basic rules of self-detoxification. Simple or mineral water with lemon juice, tea, a weak rosehip decoction, unsweetened fruit drink or compote. Since acids neutralize poison, fermented milk drinks are suitable: low-fat kefir or whey. Better cold. Remember, the more fluid the patient drinks, the better, especially if it begins to be excreted. natural ways. In this way, a person can avoid dehydration, which often accompanies recovery from binge drinking.

What you should give your husband to drink is not alcohol. Forget about a life-giving bottle of beer in the morning, but you will need to stock up on Regidron and Enterodes solutions at the pharmacy. Let him drink them, but not less than 3-4 liters per day.

Organize regular intake of diuretics. Most best option– herbal diuretics, for example, rosehip decoction. But if there is none, then you can give a Furosemide or Hypothiazide tablet. If the urinary system can throw up a surprise, then it is better to take diuretics after waking up.

Be sure to isolate husband from drinking buddies, supervise if necessary telephone conversations.

Don't leave husband one. If he wants to take a walk, then go with him, otherwise all your efforts will go down the drain. Remember that alcohol is a terrible drug!

Don't regret it under any circumstances husband or don't show it to him. Do not indulge him in anything, because there is a high probability that he will persuade you to drink light alcoholic drinks; he supposedly feels better. Remember that this will make the situation worse. Control yourself.

When the patient feels a little better, take him for a walk. Let him spend time in the forest or by the river, this will help improve his condition.

Give the patient a cleansing enema with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Provide consumption large quantity vitamin C, it is sold as effervescent tablets, dissolve in water and give to drink. If severe, inject intravenously the drugs “Reopoliglyukin” (a detoxification agent), “Riboxin” (to maintain the heart muscle) and glucose.


  • how to get an alcoholic out of binge drinking

Tip 5: How to get someone out of a drinking binge without medical help

Alcoholism is a disease that occurs against the background of constant or periodic consumption of alcoholic beverages. It is characterized by intoxication of the entire body, causing addiction and dependence of a person on alcohol physically and mentally. Of course, withdrawal from binge drinking is more effective in the hospital, but there are still many effective ways to remove the human body from an alcoholic state without the help of doctors.

You will need

  • - dropper;
  • - sleeping pills;
  • - antiemetic drugs;
  • - pickle cucumbers or sauerkraut;
  • - natural juices;
  • - still mineral water;
  • - decoction of rose hips;
  • - milk with honey;
  • - effervescent aspirin;
  • - activated carbon;
  • - valocordin;
  • - tincture of valerian;
  • - motherwort;
  • - ammonia;
  • - contrast shower;
  • - vitamins.


Not only alcoholics suffer from binge drinking, but also their families, friends and loved ones. Binge drinking is when a person drinks alcoholic beverages more than three days contract. If a person wants to have a hangover on the second day and gets drunk again, it means that he has overcome his drunken state. The second stage of alcoholism begins to appear, during which you want to drink more and more. Let's take a closer look at how to get out of binge drinking yourself or help a loved one do it.

Conditions for exit

Anyone can quit drinking on their own! For this, a person’s desire to get out of a drunken state is important. It is necessary to set aside a whole day to get out of the binge, and not do anything else during this period. It is also important that there is no uncontrollable vomiting, stomach ulcers, gastric bleeding, psychosis and delirium tremens. If there are such symptoms, the person must be urgently taken to the hospital to receive medical care from specialists.

Only if the alcoholic himself wants to change will it be possible to return him to normal life. His family and friends should tell him how to get out of the binge, and also help him do it.

Exit Methods

How to get out of binge drinking on your own is of interest to all people who want to change and live on without drinking. You can stop drinking yourself at home.

It is important that the alcoholic understands his problem and decides for himself that it is time for him to quit drinking. The drinker must have strong force will and desire to give up alcohol. In order not to further harm your health by abruptly quitting alcohol, you need to stop drinking gradually, reducing the dose of alcoholic beverages.

How to stop binge drinking without putting your body into shock? Long-term binge drinking should be stopped by giving up strong alcohol. Drink beer instead. For three days, any food should be washed down with beer (one glass). After three days, you need to completely give up all alcoholic beverages. Instead of drinking, experts recommend eating a lot. After 21 days, return to the normal portions of food you ate before.

To prevent stomach upset, you can drink a glass of water with five drops before eating. ammonia. You need to drink this remedy for two to three days. It is recommended to quench your thirst when coming out of a binge with sweet tea, kvass, mineral or lemon-acidified water, and brine. You can also drink water with mint tincture (add 20 drops).

Exit from binge drinking is also carried out using medications - activated carbon, Essentiale and vitamins.

It is important to distract yourself from thoughts of drinking. Keep yourself busy, attend interesting events to get bright emotions.

Most often, breaking out of binge drinking on your own at home is successful and better than in the hospital. The main thing is that household members support the person and stock up on hope and patience. You can consult your doctor about how to quickly get out of binge drinking.

Medication method

How to quickly quit binge drinking on your own with the help of medications? It’s very simple, just follow these 7 rules:

To cope with depression, watch your favorite movie or do something you love. If not, start a new hobby.

Restoring the nervous system

How to get out of binge drinking is clear, but how to recover on your own nervous system after suffering binge drinking processes? For these purposes, take a course of multivitamins with microelements. The doctor may recommend taking Complivit. It will be enough to drink vitamins B1, B6 and C.

When leaving long drinking bout Sports vitamins will be useful. Such preparations contain all the necessary enzymes and trace elements in double doses, as well as ginseng.

When to see a doctor

Of course, you can quit binge drinking on your own, but if you experience the symptoms described below, it is important to urgently seek medical help from specialists:

  • if a person feels pressure, tingling and burning pain behind the sternum, which gives under left shoulder blade or you need to run to the doctor for advice;
  • if there is a fear of death;
  • if the heart begins to work intermittently, you need to urgently call an ambulance;
  • if your stomach begins to hurt and there is nausea, vomiting, unstable stools, bitterness in the mouth, and the skin and sclera become jaundiced;
  • if your arms and legs begin to go numb, tingle and suddenly become weak;
  • if swallowing is difficult, drooling a lot, dizziness, weakness, headache, vision decreases;
  • if there is blood in the urine and stool.

If a person exhibits the listed symptoms, he should be hospitalized immediately. Otherwise, everything could end very sadly.

We help you sober up

You know how to get out of binge drinking on your own, but it is also important to remember that all actions must be performed when the person sobers up a little. What needs to be done for this? To speed up the process of breaking out of a drunken state, it is recommended to perform the following steps.

If the alcoholic does not have heart problems, put 5 drops of ammonia into his water and give me a drink. If you have heart disease, immediately proceed to the second point.

Let the drunk a man takes a shower. If he is unable to do this, put him in the bathtub, turn on the water and hose him with cool water for fifteen minutes. It is important to be with the person in the bathroom so that they do not choke on water.

After a shower you need perform a detoxification procedure. It is important to properly remove alcoholic toxic substances from the body. You can do a cleansing enema and give absorbents to drink.

It is necessary to cleanse the body comprehensively. To rinse the stomach, dissolve half a tablespoon of salt and soda in a liter of water. Give the resulting drink to the patient to induce a gag reflex.

For performing an enema You can dissolve a spoonful of honey in two liters of water. Or brew chamomile flowers in a thermos. After 15 minutes, strain the chamomile infusion and add as much water as you did at the beginning. Make an enema from the resulting solution. It will cleanse the body of harmful toxins by removing feces.

What is prohibited to do

You know how to stop binge drinking on your own, but you also need to know what not to do in such situations. When coming out of a binge, it is strictly forbidden to visit a bathhouse for the first 24 hours after drinking alcohol, as overheating can cause an increase in blood pressure. Also, you should not relieve tension or be distracted from unpleasant symptoms sudden movements and large physical activity. Otherwise, heart failure may occur. You cannot put moral pressure on an alcoholic. Since it usually occurs after a period of heavy drinking depressive state. If relatives begin to put pressure and reproach, a person may begin to suffer mental disorders. It is also not recommended to suddenly stop drinking after long periods binge drinking If you abruptly stop the supply of alcoholic beverages to the body, disruptions in the functioning of the heart and other organs may occur.

Now you know how to get out of a drunken state on your own at home. And also what needs to be done to figure out how to quickly get out of binge drinking without harming your health even more.

Alcoholism affects 3% of the Russian population. If we consider only adults, the figure will be even worse.

In an alcoholic stupor, it is difficult for a person to adequately assess the situation, his condition, and the amount of drink. The more difficult it is to find a way out of this situation.

Even after waking up and realizing that he should stop drinking, a person subject to libations is not able to do this. He promises himself that he will take only one dose on his chest, and the day goes down the drain again. This can continue not for one day, but for several, depending on the person’s health, the quantity and quality of what he drinks.

If the patient is determined, it is possible to get him out of continuous drunkenness. It will only take one day.

Drink a lot

Emergency withdrawal from binge drinking should begin with replenishing household supplies with all kinds of drinks. The liquid removes toxins and harmful substances from the body poisoned by alcohol. The choice of drinks when recovering from binge drinking is varied: fruit drinks, compotes, mineral water.

To get back to normal in one day, doctors recommend using fermented milk products: fermented baked milk or kefir. They contain lactic acid, it is rich in proteins and amino acids, which ensure the removal of toxins accumulated in the liver and intestines.

As a result, they normalize metabolic processes, intoxication decreases, well-being improves. Fermented milk products can give a laxative effect, which makes breaking out of binge drinking less painful. For better absorption, it is good to add carbonated mineral water to kefir or fermented baked milk.

If you ask drinking man how to quickly get out of a binge, he will most likely answer: you need to drink pickle juice. And he will be right. This liquid is life-giving moisture for a person suffering from heavy drinking, because it contains potassium and magnesium salts, which are washed out of the body by alcohol.

The absence of these substances has a detrimental effect on cardiovascular system, causing tachycardia, arrhythmia and other unpleasant symptoms.

Use medications and medications

Remove the patient from serious condition Activated carbon will help in one day. This effective remedy belongs to the type of sorbents.

Activated carbon provides removal harmful substances entered the body with alcohol. It does not allow poisons to be absorbed into the intestinal walls, preventing toxins from entering the blood, and provides a softer way out of a serious condition.

The number of tablets must be sufficient, otherwise they will not give the required effect. 8-10 tablets.

But you should not take other medications with activated charcoal; they can be neutralized by it. It's better to wait two hours.

Sometimes a person suffering from a hangover feels sick, vomits all day long, and his stomach turns inside out and spews out only water and bile. In this case, take a tablet of metoclopromide, using minimum quantity water. If it helps, repeat the procedure after 15-20 minutes.

After prolonged drinking, a person may feel increased heart rate, rapid pulse. At similar symptoms take an atenolol tablet.

Take hot broth

A popular remedy that can relieve intoxication in a day is the consumption of hot stews. With prolonged drinking, the body loses a lot useful substances necessary for normal operation.

A person’s condition is further aggravated by the fact that while drinking he neglects to eat a snack.

As a result, instead of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, toxins enter the body. In such a situation, hot stew is a real godsend. It will cheer up the patient and make the way out of a difficult condition less painful.

Better to use chicken broth. The advantages of this dish are obvious: it does not cause disgust even with severe poisoning, not greasy and easily digestible. The broth will saturate the body essential minerals, will stimulate the stomach, make the intestines work, and help remove harmful substances.

Do not take cold showers, avoid unnecessary exertion

There is an opinion that a contrast shower will soften the emergency withdrawal from binge drinking. Allegedly abrupt change temperature increases tone blood vessels, normalizes heart function, stimulates other organs and systems.

The danger of this approach is that a person suffering from heavy drinking is in no way perfect condition. His heart is already working hard.

Additional stress can lead to heart attack and death. The vessels of the brain are also not in good shape. It is unknown how they will react to an unexpected shock. The possibility of a stroke has not been ruled out.

Walking or running is not the solution. Excessive loads for a person who abuses alcohol are very dangerous.