Cottage cheese, kefir and egg yolk in a child’s diet: when and how? When and how to introduce egg yolk into a baby’s diet.

Up to six months of age ideal food for the baby is breast milk. It is more than enough to satisfy the child's needs for both food and water. It contains a complete set of vitamins and minerals necessary for a growing body. And only from 6 months, according to WHO recommendations, complementary foods are introduced into the baby’s diet: vegetables, cereals, meat, fermented milk products and yolk. And here parents have a lot of questions regarding at what age to add an egg to the menu, which one is better to choose (chicken or quail), how often this should be done, etc. In our article we will talk about how to give a child a yolk and how it is good for the baby. In addition, we will answer all the questions indicated above.

This product is a valuable source of fats and fat-soluble vitamins and it must be present in the diet of children who are already 6 months old. But why exactly egg yolk?

The fact is that protein is a strong allergen, so it can harm the child. At the same time, the yolk of an egg contains much more useful substances, vitamins (A, D, PP, E, group B), minerals (iodine, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron), amino acids. With its regular use, it is possible to establish metabolism, improve vision and stabilize work nervous system.

Egg yolk contains the substance lecithin, which prevents the occurrence of liver diseases, as well as carotenoids, which are responsible for visual acuity. When lecithins are broken down into small intestine is formed organic compound choline, which protects cells from destruction. The absence of this element in the body leads to fat deposition in the liver, kidney damage and bleeding.

Unlike protein, yolk is very rarely allergic. Most often it manifests itself in the form of redness on the skin and digestive disorders. In this case, the product should be excluded from the child’s diet for some time.

At what months can a baby eat yolk?

Today, when introducing complementary foods, pediatricians are guided by the recommendations and standards developed by the World Health Organization. When the baby turns 6 months old, the family doctor should advise the mother at what time to give the baby yolk, and how to do it correctly so as not to cause disruptions in the digestive system.

According to modern standards, egg yolk should be introduced into the diet from 7 months. If the child is completely on breastfeeding and has a tendency to allergic reactions, it is recommended to postpone introduction to this product until 8-9 months.

You should not rush into complementary feeding and introduce yolk into the menu before six months of age. But some grandmothers may insist that the baby try this product as early as 4 months, as was the case 20-30 years ago. In fact, the yolk contains 23% fat, which can further negatively affect liver function in adulthood.

Which eggs are best for complementary feeding?

It is believed that quail eggs have more useful high-quality composition Compared to chicken, they are less likely to cause allergic reactions in a child. This yolk contains more essential amino acids. Otherwise, both chicken and quail eggs are equally useful. They contain equally high amounts of fat, so they should be introduced into the diet with caution.

The important point is that you should give your child yolk, like any other product, in small doses. Their excess may have unpleasant consequences for the baby.

How long to cook chicken and quail eggs?

Product preparation is important stage first feeding. You need to know how long to cook soft-boiled and hard-boiled eggs after boiling and in what form to give them to your child so as not to harm them.

To begin with, both chicken and quail eggs must be thoroughly washed with soda before boiling. Then they should be placed in a saucepan with cold water, add a pinch of salt and place over medium heat. You need to cook the eggs for 10 minutes after boiling. After this they are transferred to cold water. This manipulation will allow you to quickly clear them of the shell in the future.

As for how to boil quail eggs for a child, you can do it even faster. It is enough to cook them for just 5 minutes after boiling, then cool and remove the shells. For complementary feeding should only be used fresh food. You should boil eggs for your baby immediately before feeding.

first time?

The baby's introduction to eggs occurs after he has tried vegetables (a source of fiber) and porridge (a source of carbohydrates). But this does not mean that the baby can be given a whole yolk at once. Complementary foods should be introduced gradually, starting with minimal doses.

The boiled egg is cut in half and then the yolk is removed. It is important to try not to grab even the smallest part of the protein. For the first feeding, it is enough to give the baby a quarter teaspoon of yolk. Most children refuse to try the yolk in its pure form. That is why it is recommended to mix it with breast milk or vegetable puree, which the child is already familiar with. Gradually, the amount of yolk eaten is increased to the norm for age. This product should be given to the child every other day, and if you are prone to constipation, no more than twice a week.

Norms for children of the first year of life

The first complementary feeding always starts with small doses. As for the question of how to give a child yolk, literally one crumb the size of a match head will be enough to get acquainted with a new product. Next, you should offer the child an egg taking into account his age and type of feeding (breastfeeding and bottle-feeding).

For children who consume formula instead of breast milk, complementary foods are introduced 1-2 months earlier. For example, acquaintance of a baby who is on artificial feeding with the yolk begins at 7 months, and for a baby - at 9 months. For the first month, it will be enough to give ¼ of a portion every other day, gradually increasing the rate to ½ or half a yolk.

Quail eggs can be used for first feeding instead of chicken eggs. To begin with, the child will only need ½ yolk for a month. Gradually, by the child’s year, the norm should be increased to a whole egg. One-year-old children are given both the yolk and the white at the same time.

Is it possible to give raw eggs to a child?

For the baby's first feeding, only fresh, carefully treated with soda and hard-boiled eggs are suitable. The consumption of raw egg yolks is strictly prohibited. They are not only poorly absorbed by a fragile child’s body, but also carry a risk of infection. dangerous disease- salmonellosis. The risk of infection when eating quail eggs is much lower, but they should not be consumed raw for up to a year. If parents want to give their child a raw yolk, then it is better to do this when the baby turns 3 years old. In this case, eggs should be thoroughly washed and processed before use.

Recipes for dishes with egg yolk

Few children like the taste of egg yolk. Therefore, it is better to introduce this product as complementary food as part of other dishes (vegetable, fruit puree, porridge, etc.). The yolks must be well cooked for at least 10 minutes. Therefore, first you need to study the question of how long to cook soft-boiled and hard-boiled eggs after boiling.

So, to prepare carrot puree you will need: 100 g of carrots, breast or cow's milk (25 ml), 3 g of butter, ½ quail egg. First you need to peel the carrots, cut into slices and cook until tender. This will take 10-15 minutes. Place the warm carrots in a glass, add butter, milk, yolk, then thoroughly beat all the ingredients with a blender. This dish can be offered to your baby only after he has become familiar with carrot puree separately.

To prepare vegetable soup with yolk, you need to boil young zucchini (70 g) and 30 g of carrots. Add 75 ml or more of breast milk or formula and ¼ of a chicken egg yolk to the vegetables. Grind the soup to a smooth consistency and offer it to your baby for lunch.


Yolk is a strong allergen. If the introduction of fruit or vegetable purees is complicated by the occurrence of an allergy, then yolk enter very carefully.

Chicken eggs should only be fresh. Before cooking, be sure to wash the egg well and check it for freshness. To do this, lower the egg into cold water: if it floats or stands upright, throw it away without regret. You need to boil the egg for 10-15 minutes. To the child You can only give a hard-boiled egg.

The yolk must be carefully separated from the white, which is contraindicated for up to a year. Rub it yolk with or dairy. Let's give it to the baby yolk in the morning before the main feeding. The first portions of the yolk should be on the tip of a teaspoon. During the day, watch your body's reaction. If everything went well, the next day you can increase the portion slightly. So gradually, by the age of one year, the child can be given half the yolk.

The introduction of yolk into a child’s diet provides the growing body with proteins, fats and vitamin A. The yolk contains almost all the necessary minerals: iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus.

If the child yolk you don’t like it and he tries to spit it out, disguise it yolk into other products. It can be given for lunch, mixed with vegetable puree.

Video on the topic

Please note

The yolk must be carefully separated from the protein, which is not given to children under 1 year of age, as it is difficult to digest and can cause allergic reactions. After the yolk is boiled and separated from the white, it is well ground with a small amount expressed breast milk or adapted formula. Then, over the course of several days, you can increase its amount, first to 1/4, and then to 1/2 yolk per day. The yolk can be given along with vegetable puree or porridge.

Useful advice

How to give yolk to a baby? The most important thing is that the eggs should preferably be homemade; start complementary feeding with 1/4 of a teaspoon, after mixing the yolk with breast milk if you have a baby. If not, add some milk mixture. Infants are given the yolk from 8 months, and artificial ones from 7. Boil the egg for at least 1 minute.


  • yolk for baby

Cottage cheese- This is one of the first dairy products that should be present in a child’s diet. It contains useful milk protein, milk fat, calcium, phosphorus and vitamins. All these components influence the full development of the baby.


On the first day, you need to give the child 5 grams (1/2 teaspoon), then increase this amount by 5 grams daily so that after 4 days it is approximately 15-20 grams. A child who has reached the age should be given about 50 per day.

On initial stage When introducing cottage cheese into a child’s diet, it must be given in the morning to monitor the body’s reaction to new product. And then it is advisable to give it at the beginning, after grinding it with a small amount of milk or adapted milk.

It is better to give children a special one that has a soft structure. In addition, children's cottage cheese is specially produced for the child's body, has the required acidity and does not cause irritation to the intestinal mucosa.

Cottage cheese You can cook it yourself. To do this, take 500 milliliters of boiled milk, add 5 milliliters of a 20% calcium chloride solution, stir, bring to a boil, and then remove from heat and cool. Strain the resulting cottage cheese and place it in a clean container.

You can only give your child fresh cottage cheese; it should be stored in the refrigerator in closed.

Before introducing cottage cheese into your child’s diet, be sure to consult a pediatrician.

Video on the topic

Egg yolk is the source of most of the irreplaceable sources necessary for the full development of a child. The composition of egg yolk includes protein, amino acids, fats, phospholipids, choline, iron, copper, colbate, manganese, vitamin A, vitamin D and many other useful components.


Introduce eggs into your child's diet yolk necessary gradually. The initial portion should be? yolk for 3 days. Giving yolk need in the morning in order to observe the body’s reaction to a new product. Pay attention to the condition of the child's skin. The main thing is that redness, rashes, spots and blisters do not appear. If allergies do not appear, can you increase the dose to? yolk At the same time, it is necessary to continue to monitor the condition of the skin. After 2 children, a whole yolk once every 3-4 days.

Remember that boiled eggs contribute to constipation. Therefore, if a child has such a tendency, it is better not to load his body with this product.

You can only give your child a fresh chicken egg; it should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.

Before introducing yolk into your child’s diet, be sure to consult with your pediatrician.

Chicken eggs are a very healthy product. They include phosphorus, potassium, iron, vitamins, calcium, folic acid, copper, etc. Therefore, it is very important to know when and in what quantities it is necessary to introduce yolk into the child’s diet.


Because chicken yolk consists of 23% saturated fat, which creates increased load on children's body, pediatricians do not recommend it for babies under seven months of age. In addition, if you start it too early, you can provoke the occurrence of allergic reactions in a child due to the high level of this product.

Do not give egg whites to a baby under one year old. It is a very strong allergen, is poorly absorbed by the body and contains fewer beneficial components.

If you have the opportunity, start the introduction with the yolk of quail eggs. Do not change the principle, despite the fact that the eggs are very small.

Before introducing chicken yolk into your child’s diet, be sure to consult a specialist. It is very important to consider individual characteristics child: weight, height, appetite, etc.

Cottage cheese - extraordinary useful product. It contains large number nutrients that have a beneficial effect on the child’s health. But, like any other food, it should be introduced into the baby’s diet correctly.


The age at which a child is ready to consume cottage cheese is determined individually. But before 6 it is not recommended, since there will be no benefit from it, but harm is quite possible. Great content protein can have a bad effect on kidney function, disrupt metabolism, or cause allergies. Introduce cottage cheese from 8-9, after consulting with your pediatrician about this.

Use only a special one for children, which is sold in the store, or prepare it yourself, which will be even better. It must be without fillers. You cannot feed your baby regular food, because during its production the special formulas developed for baby food are not followed. In addition, children's cottage cheese has a softer and more uniform consistency, which is very important with a weak chewing apparatus.

When purchasing cottage cheese in a store, carefully read the recommendations for it. After that, add a couple more months to the date indicated on it. Among industrial children's curds, there are two types - creamy and milk. The first one contains more fats and nutrients, so it is recommended to give it to children who are underweight. And milk is for overweight children.

Cook the product yourself. Pour baby or one percent into a clean jar. Place it in a pan of water on the stove. Boil the water for 5 minutes and place the curd obtained from kefir on cheesecloth. Then cool it to room temperature and give it to your child.

Start introducing cottage cheese into your baby’s diet with a quarter teaspoon once a day, gradually increasing it to 20-30 g. By the age of one year, the amount of product should not exceed 50 g per day. After two years, a week’s worth of cottage cheese in a child’s diet should be 350 g.

After a year, start with cottage cheese dishes, such as casseroles, cheesecakes or soufflés. You can also carefully start giving him curds with filling, but only those to which he is not allergic.


  • Introducing cottage cheese into a child’s diet

Many young mothers, as a rule, are interested in questions about at what age certain foods can be introduced into the baby’s diet. Feeding a child eggs causes a lot of controversy.

People are well aware that as a child grows, he or she develops a need for new products. The first things a baby gets to know are vegetables and fruits. With the introduction of complementary foods, the amount of breast milk or formula consumed decreases, and, accordingly, the amount of protein consumed decreases. Therefore, mothers are faced with the following question: how can they compensate for the lack of proteins? Eggs can help with this.

In addition to proteins, eggs contain a lot of microelements that are beneficial for the body, with the only exception being cholesterol.

The benefits and harms of eggs for a child's body

The answer to the question of at what age to introduce an egg is not clear; the opinions of experts differ greatly. The estimated time frame for introducing eggs into a baby’s diet varies from three months to a year. This is due to the fact that eggs are a strong allergen. And all mothers should remember this. An allergic reaction to eggs most often manifests itself in the form of skin rashes, which usually peel off. And if there is a hereditary allergy in the family, then there is no need to rush into introducing eggs into complementary foods.

In this case, eggs should be given at eight months.

As the first egg supplement, you should use only the yolk, because the white is the main allergen. It can be introduced only from the age of one year, and preferably from one and a half years.

Introducing eggs into baby's complementary foods

It is best to introduce eggs into complementary foods when the child is six months old. For the first time, it is worth giving the baby just a little yolk (to determine whether he is allergic to yolk); it is best to dilute the yolk with breast milk or the formula that you feed the baby.

Subsequently, the child can be given a quarter of an egg yolk daily. Eggs for feeding children must be well-cooked; in no case should children be given soft-boiled eggs, because such eggs are more allergenic and are poorly digested by the child’s stomach. In addition, there is a risk of contracting salmonellosis, which is deadly for children.

It is best to use quail eggs as complementary food, because, firstly, quails do not suffer from salmonellosis, and, secondly, these eggs do not contain allergens.

You can diversify over the years children's menu In addition to the yolk, you can give your child steamed omelettes, mix eggs into pasta, and prepare a variety of casseroles and cheesecakes.

But even if your baby just loves eggs, you should not forget that your child can be given no more than three eggs per week, because the yolk of eggs contains cholesterol.

Chicken, quail, ostrich... Any eggs are not much different from each other in composition. Which of them will be more beneficial for children, in what form and at what age should they be included in the diet? Can this product cause harm?

About the benefits and harms of eggs

The benefits of eggs for a growing child's body are obvious:

  • eggs are a source of complete protein necessary for growth and normal development. In a chicken egg, the protein is about 13%, and in a quail egg - 12%;
  • the yolk contains carotene, provitamin A. The latter promotes the growth of new cells, the formation bone tissue, is responsible for visual acuity and health of mucous membranes. It is thanks to carotene that the yolk is colored yellow;
  • Vitamin D helps in the absorption of carotene and calcium, which is necessary for building bones. This vitamin is very important for children - its deficiency leads to rickets;
  • B vitamins provide positive influence on the formation of the nervous system and mental development;
  • vitamin E is needed for normal carbohydrate metabolism and hormone production;
  • Selenium has a beneficial effect on hormonal development and functioning thyroid gland;
  • choline contained in the yolk is responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses;
  • lecithin supports the health of the liver, nervous system, participates in hematopoiesis and fat metabolism, helps in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E.

Unfortunately, eggs can bring more than just benefits. To use this product in baby food should be treated with great caution for a number of reasons:

  • allergy. The egg is one of the most common food allergens. About 90% of children with allergies cannot tolerate this product;
  • infections. Improper preparation of eggs can cause a serious infectious disease - salmonellosis, which is especially dangerous for children in the first year of life;
  • antibiotics. Unfortunately, today almost no poultry farm can do without antibiotics. Laboratory research showed that even with heat treatment, the latter are destroyed only partially, and the remaining part enters the body with food. The presence of antibiotics in products is fraught with disruption of the intestinal microflora, immunity to many medications and decreased immunity.

Only chicken and quail eggs are suitable for baby food. Goose and duck are not recommended even for adults due to the porous structure of the shell and high risk get infected with severe infectious diseases. Turkey eggs have too much cholesterol, and ostrich eggs are not advisable to include in children's diets due to their gigantic size - from 450 to 1800 g.

One ostrich egg can feed an entire large family.

How to choose the right eggs

In order for eggs to be as safe as possible for a child, when choosing them you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • You should not buy domestic eggs from private individuals if you do not have any guarantee that they were produced by healthy chickens;
  • You need to purchase those eggs on which the production date is stamped by the manufacturer. If the eggs are packaged in a container (as a rule, quail eggs are sold in stores in this form), then the production date is indicated on the packaging. Eggs produced more than a month ago are not suitable for baby food;
  • do not be afraid of small eggs - they are laid by younger chickens;
  • It must be remembered that the composition and quality of the product do not depend on the color of the shell. Eggs in white shells are laid by chickens of white breeds, and eggs in dark shells are laid by chickens with dark plumage.

How to choose the right chicken eggs in the store - video

How to determine the freshness of eggs?

If you are not sure about the freshness of your eggs, it is worth checking them. This is easy to do at home:

  • First of all, you need to pay attention to the shell - it should be matte. A shiny surface indicates damage to the product;
  • You need to take the egg in your hand and estimate its weight. A stale egg will be light;
  • You can bring the egg to your ear and shake it slightly. If you hear a sound, then the egg is probably old.

Eat the right way Determining the freshness of eggs using water. Place a raw egg in cool water and observe it:

  • a fresh egg (both chicken and quail) will immediately sink to the bottom;
  • a stale egg will tend to the surface - the older the egg, the higher it will float.

You can also evaluate using water approximate period shelf life of relatively fresh eggs:

  • a newly laid egg will lie on the bottom parallel to the surface;
  • a week old egg will be located at the bottom at a slight angle;
  • an egg that is 2-3 weeks old will stand vertically at the bottom of the container;
  • the older egg will float.

Eggs of different freshness will behave differently in cool water

At what age and in what form is it correct to introduce eggs into a child’s diet?

Getting to know an egg should start with the yolk, since the white is more allergenic. The latter should be completely abandoned in the first year of life. Fortunately, it can be easily replaced with meat and dairy products.

  1. You need to start with microscopic doses: with crumbs the size of a match head. It should be kneaded and mixed with a teaspoon of breast milk.
  2. Then the child should be observed for 2-3 days, excluding other unfamiliar foods, since the allergy may not appear immediately.
  3. If everything goes well, then double the dose for the next complementary feeding, gradually increasing it to a quarter of the yolk during the first month, and then to half. For children under one year old, half a yolk per day is enough.

Domestic pediatricians recommend giving yolk from seven months to breastfed children, and in the case of artificial feeding- from six. For artificial babies, the yolk for complementary feeding is added to their usual food. This is done as follows:

  1. In rubbed vegetable soup in chicken broth or vegetable puree add 1/5 of the yolk of a hard-boiled chicken egg, after mashing it with a fork.
  2. Next, observe the child for several days. If everything is good, after a while you can give a little more, but so that the maximum dosage does not exceed half the yolk.

Despite all the usefulness of the product, eggs should be given in doses: two or three times a week will be quite enough.

Complementary feeding: how to give yolk to a baby - video

Table: norm of egg consumption for children of the first year of life

Rules for preparing complementary feeding eggs

To avoid various infections, eggs must be cooked properly.

  • Children under two years old should only be given hard-boiled eggs;
  • to exclude the possibility of salmonellosis infection, wash the shells thoroughly with soap and water several times before cooking;
  • It is unacceptable for the shell to burst during cooking, so you should not put the egg in boiling water. The right thing to do is to take the product out of the refrigerator, let it sit for a while until it warms up, and then put it in cold water and put it on the stove. You can add a few drops of vinegar or a tablespoon of salt to the water;
  • Cook over medium heat: chicken eggs - at least ten minutes after boiling, quail eggs - at least three.

All of the above rules apply to both chicken and quail eggs.

A few words about quail eggs

It is preferable to include quail eggs in children's diets, since they are less allergenic than chicken eggs, they contain one and a half times more beneficial microelements, and it is faster and more convenient for children to prepare them.

Many adults like to eat the product raw, explaining this by the fact that quails have a higher body temperature than chickens, and they do not suffer from salmonellosis; in addition, they are lost during heat treatment useful qualities product. However, salmonella can sometimes be found on the shells of quail eggs if stored improperly. That's why experiment with raw foods under no circumstances is it worth it.

Video: pediatrician E. Komarovsky’s opinion on quail eggs

Eggs in the diet of older children

From 1 year of age, egg whites can be introduced into a child’s diet, but only if the baby tolerates the yolk well. You should also start with very small doses and carefully monitor the child’s body’s reaction to the introduction of a new product.

If an allergy to egg white has manifested itself, then it is completely excluded from the children's menu. In addition, you will have to avoid flour products with a protein glaze and dishes cooked in batter.

Table: consumption rate of chicken and quail eggs for children from 1 year to 6 years

About raw and soft-boiled eggs

From use raw eggs It is better for children to abstain at any age. It is acceptable to include soft-boiled or fried eggs in the diet if:

  • the child is already 7 years old or more;
  • you are confident in the freshness and quality of your eggs;
  • you have carried out the necessary pre-treatment product.

A soft-boiled chicken egg is cooked for 3-4 minutes from the moment the water boils. For quail, one minute will be enough. The soft-boiled egg is served on a special stand. Upper part eggs are carefully peeled.

To eat a soft-boiled egg you need a teaspoon

Healthy egg dishes for children from 2 to 6 years old

From the age of two, you can diversify your children's diet with omelettes. For this purpose, it is better to use not a frying pan, but a slow cooker, double boiler or oven to avoid the formation of a crust.

First, you should prepare an omelet with milk, without any other additives. When the child gets used to the new dish, you can diversify the omelet with vegetables or pureed meat. It is healthier for young children to cook without salt. For adults, the dish can be salted, but the amount of salt should be minimal.

It is more convenient for children to prepare quail eggs, since they can be used whole. It is problematic to separate a raw chicken egg, so a child under 6 years old will have to be given only half of the finished portion.

Omelet for a child 2–3 years old


  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 6 tbsp. l. low-fat milk;
  • 1/2 tsp. butter.

Cooking method:

  1. Grease a small frying pan or small saucepan with a thick bottom with butter.
  2. Beat the egg and milk thoroughly with a whisk and pour into the baking dish.
  3. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for at least 10 minutes.

If you use an oven, double boiler or cook in a water bath, it will take twice as long to cook.

Fluffy omelet like in kindergarten - video

Omelette with vegetables for children from 3 to 5 years old


  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 7 tbsp. l. milk;
  • 1 tsp. flour (preferably oatmeal);
  • 1/2 tsp. butter;
  • 1 ring of peeled zucchini;
  • 2–3 florets of broccoli or cauliflower;
  • some greenery.

Cooking method:

  1. Melt butter in a baking dish and grease the bottom.
  2. Rinse vegetables and herbs thoroughly, chop finely and place on the bottom of a baking dish.
  3. Thoroughly beat the egg with milk and flour, pour over the vegetables.
  4. Simmer for 10 minutes over low heat, covered.

Omelette with vegetables - a delicate dietary dish

Steam omelette with meat for children 4–6 years old


  • 40 g of boiled chicken or beef;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 5 tbsp. l. milk;
  • 1 tsp. butter.

Cooking method:

  1. Pass the meat through a meat grinder or chop finely in a blender.
  2. Lightly brush the bottom of a deep metal bowl with melted butter.
  3. Place the chopped meat on the bottom of the bowl.
  4. Beat the egg and milk thoroughly and pour this mixture over the meat.
  5. Place a bowl with all the ingredients on top of a pan of boiling water and cover with a lid.
  6. Simmer in a water bath for 15–20 minutes until cooked.

Egg and lemon jelly for children 3–5 years old


  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 2 g gelatin;
  • 5 tsp. Sahara;
  • 300 ml water.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour gelatin with cold water and leave for 30 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, peel the lemon and squeeze out the juice.
  3. Heat the gelatin over low heat, stirring until completely dissolved.
  4. Peel and 2 tsp. add sugar to the heated gelatin, beat in the egg, mix thoroughly.
  5. While the mixture is not boiling, pour lemon juice into the mixture.
  6. Bring to a boil, but do not boil.
  7. Remove from heat, cool slightly and pour into cups.
  8. Keep in a cool place until the jelly hardens, about two hours.

Egg-lemon jelly - children will surely appreciate this bright and tasty dessert.

Fried eggs and croutons with cheese for children over 7 years old


  • 25 g white bread (1 piece);
  • 2 slices of hard cheese;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1 chicken egg.

Cooking method:

  1. Divide a piece of bread into 2 parts and lightly fry in a preheated frying pan on both sides in vegetable oil.
  2. Place a slice of cheese on top of each piece and do not remove from the pan.
  3. Gently crack the egg between the croutons so that the yolk retains its round shape.
  4. Fry over low heat for 5 minutes until done.

A properly prepared fried egg yolk should remain runny

Eggs for childhood diseases

Eggs can be a great addition to drug therapy for various diseases.

Rotavirus infection (intestinal flu)

Most often, this disease affects young children - from six months to two years. When infected with a virus, acute manifestations in the form of diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain. As a rule, they disappear within a week. Specialized medicines There is no cure for this disease other than adsorbents.

The basis of therapy is a diet aimed at preventing vomiting and normalizing digestion. The child is given food and drink in very small portions at short (30–60 minutes) intervals. At first, the basis of the diet is jelly, low-fat chicken broth and strong tea. When the child’s appetite normalizes, you can introduce into his diet:

  • crackers from white bread without crust;
  • rice and semolina porridge on the water;
  • pureed vegetable soups;
  • cottage cheese;
  • fermented milk products;
  • baked apples;
  • steam omelette without milk (cow's milk is prohibited during this period).

To prepare a steam omelette, beat the egg well with a whisk, adding a small pinch of salt. Salt in in this case needed for recovery water-salt metabolism. Then the bowl with the beaten egg is placed on top of a pan of boiling water and steamed under the lid for 20 minutes.

Breastfed children should be fed only breast milk and given plain water during the period of illness and recovery from illness. Any complementary feeding is excluded at this time.

What can you eat if you have an intestinal infection - video

Eggshells for the prevention and treatment of rickets and dermatitis

Ten years of research by Hungarian doctors have proven the effectiveness of eggshells for the prevention of rickets, diseases of the teeth and spine. Dr. Krompecher and his colleagues proved that the calcium contained in eggshells is well absorbed human body and successfully combats these problems. Crushed eggshells will also help with allergic dermatitis.

The remedy can be prepared at home:

  1. Wash the eggs thoroughly several times in running warm water and soap.
  2. Boil hard-boiled for at least 10 minutes. Such sterilization for eggshells will be quite sufficient.
  3. Peel the egg and remove the film lining the inside of the shell.
  4. Dry the shells for 2–3 hours, avoiding direct sun rays. There is no need to place it in the oven for this purpose.
  5. Then grind the dry shells in a porcelain mortar or coffee grinder to a powder state. This powder should be stored in a glass container under a lid in a dry, dark place.

Before giving the product to a child, you need to squeeze a drop into a single portion. lemon juice- this way calcium will be better absorbed.

The required dose depends on age:

  • for a child from six months to a year it will be enough minimum quantity- literally on the tip of a knife. For infants, you can mix powdered eggs with breast milk in a teaspoon (in this case, you do not need to squeeze the lemon, otherwise the milk will curdle);
  • for children from 1 to 3 years old, the portion is doubled;
  • Children from 5 to 7 years old can already take half a teaspoon of powdered egg per day.

It is necessary to give powdered eggs to a child for quite a long time - several months - once a day, best in the evening, with the last meal.

Doctor Komarovsky about eggshells for allergies - video

When it comes to baby food, eggs in particular, the choice of products must be taken responsibly. If a child develops an allergy from an early age, then the mother must make the decision to include eggs in the child’s diet together with the pediatrician.

Eggs are a necessary and important component of complementary feeding for infants in their first year of life. This dietary product nutrition contains as many microelements and vitamins that are beneficial for the growth and development of the baby as possible. It is a rich source of vitamins A, D, B, E, K, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, copper, folic acid, lecithin, niacin, etc. Eating helps strengthen bones and proper operation thyroid gland. Therefore, young parents need to know how and when to give eggs to their children.

Timing of introduction into the diet

The age of 6-7 months is the time of the first complementary feeding, when you can introduce a hard-boiled yolk into the baby’s menu. About a quarter of it is saturated fat, which can put stress on the liver. If your baby is gaining weight well and does not have digestive problems, you can postpone the introduction of this product for a longer period. late date when the baby is 8-9 months old. Protein should be given to children later - from 8-9 months. Keep in mind that this product is allowed to be given to a child no more than 2 times a week.

Introduction to complementary feeding of chicken eggs

When purchasing, look carefully at the expiration date. Your child should use only fresh ingredients when preparing food. It's good if you have the opportunity to shop at home.

First, wash the egg thoroughly with soap, then hard-boil it. Not everyone knows how long to cook this product. The correct answer is within 8-10 minutes. Separate a few grains of yolk, grind them and mix it with your favorite vegetable puree or porridge. The best option– dilute with breast milk or artificial formula for better digestibility.

If there is no allergic reaction or stool disturbance, you can gradually increase to a quarter over 1-2 weeks, and then to a half. It should be used no more than 2 times a week. By the age of one year, the recommended norm is up to 1 piece every other day or half, but every day.

If regurgitation occurs frequently, it is enough to give the baby a little yolk diluted with mother’s milk or artificial formula before feeding. This will help create sediment in the stomach and thus prevent excessive regurgitation.

Remember that children under 1 year of age are not allowed to give the product soft-cooked and, especially, in its raw form. Harmful microorganisms can easily penetrate the shell, and there is a risk of salmonellosis. Without heat treatment, adivin, a harmful protein that inhibits the action of digestive enzymes, is not destroyed.

From 8-9 months you can offer your baby protein. In the period from 1 to 1.5 years, you can diversify the diet of your baby. Offer your child steamed omelettes, casseroles, and cheesecakes. You can also simply boil and add to soups or pasta. From the age of 3 you can start giving it roasted.

It is important to know that the yolk contains cholesterol, and the white is a strong allergen; its use in early age may cause excessive load on the kidneys. Please note that maximum standards consumption is indicated taking into account what you have already added to the dough for baking, cutlets, meatballs during preparation.

Quail eggs in the diet

Infants like quail eggs because of their small size and unusual shell color. They are considered less allergenic, therefore they are indicated for children who are allergic to chicken protein. In addition, quail eggs cannot be a source of salmonellosis. High temperature quail body temperature (about 42 degrees) is detrimental to salmonella. The shell of these eggs is strong and not as porous as that of chicken eggs, so it does not allow pathogenic bacteria to enter. Does not contain cholesterol.

  1. amino acids
  2. B vitamins
  3. phosphorus
  4. potassium
  5. iron

The period for introducing complementary foods is the same - age 6-7 months. From the age of 8 months you can prepare a steam omelet for your baby using special baby milk.

From 8-9 months you can offer your baby curd pudding. To prepare, mix quail eggs (2-3 pcs.) and cottage cheese homemade, add a little fructose and bake in the oven or slow cooker for 20 minutes.

From 11-12 months you can start pampering your child with delicious baked goods based on this product according to children's recipes. Boiled quail eggs can be added to soups or porridge. They should be cooked for 3-5 minutes.

Up to 1 year of age, offer only the yolk; after a year, you can already boil a whole egg for your baby. Until the age of 3, try to maintain the norm of no more than two or three pieces per day. Remember that quail eggs are also prohibited from being eaten raw or soft-boiled.


Allergies often occur in young children in the first year of life. Adverse reactions include:

  1. frequent stools
  2. constipation
  3. diathesis
  4. hyperemia, swelling, peeling of the skin

Allergies are usually caused by eating chicken protein. Introduce protein into children's menus very carefully, offer first small portion, gradually increasing it, if there was no adverse reaction. Have you developed an allergy or experienced the symptoms described above? It is necessary to stop eating this food for a while. Also, if the parents had an allergic reaction, it is recommended to wait until the age of 10-12 months.

Remember that there is no need to rush into introducing new components into the children's menu. Allergies and intestinal infections very dangerous. If your baby is breastfed after 1 year, then he satisfies his need for essential substances by 75%. This is quite enough for the correct harmonious development and growth of the organism as a whole. Be careful and take care of your kids.

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As you know, egg yolk is approximately 20% saturated fat, which creates a serious burden on the baby’s liver. The question arises: how to give yolk to a child without causing undesirable consequences? Modern pediatricians and nutritionists recommend giving yolk to children no earlier than 9 months. By this age, the child’s body has already become relatively strong and is able to cope with this food. And the egg yolk, in turn, can replenish its reserves of vitamins D, B2, A and B12, folic acid, selenium, lecithin, iron, iodine, as well as essential amino acids.

As complementary foods, children are given egg yolk along with formula or breast milk.

  1. Boil the egg itself directly
  2. Next, we make a paste from the yolk, which we mix with one of the above liquids.

In addition, this product for a child can be added to porridge or vegetable puree (as they appear in the child’s diet).

The product should be given gradually. At first, just one crumb.

Remember: before giving complementary foods the next day, you need to carefully examine the little one. If no allergic reactions occur, the baby can be given about a quarter of a teaspoon of the new treat.

And only after one year can you give a whole egg yolk to children. At the same time, you can give your child egg whites. But remember that it is an allergen, is poorly absorbed, and energy value is quite small.

How much yolk should I give to children?

Of course, you shouldn’t give your little one a new and rather fatty treat every day. Twice a week will be enough. After all, despite the fact that during cooking some of the allergens from egg white and the yolk are removed, the young organism may not be the most in the best possible way react to new food. If this does happen, it is better to completely exclude the “culprit” from the children’s diet and turn to it only at one and a half years.

If you decide to give your child an yolk, it is better to use quail eggs. They will help out even when regular chicken yolk is contraindicated for a child (it provokes an allergy either directly from the protein itself or from the protein).

In addition, quail eggs contain a lot of useful amino acids - glycine, histidine, threonine, lysine and tyrosine. They also contain enough B vitamins, potassium, iron and phosphorus. But there is no cholesterol at all.

Another undoubted advantage of this dish is that quails are not prone to salmonellosis and infectious diseases.

IMPORTANT! Read the large and detailed menu for children and adults.

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You already know how much yolk to give your baby. However, it is impossible existing standards complementary foods for babies without thinking about putting quail eggs “on your shoulders”.

Despite being significantly smaller than that of chicken eggs, sizes, you shouldn’t “overdo it” with them; you need to give the product carefully.

If the child is not yet a year old, the maximum allowed is half a yolk. And only then can you give the little one a whole egg (along with the whites).

At the age of 3 years, their number should not exceed three.

website 2017-06-20