How to quickly increase blood pressure. How to increase blood pressure quickly

Dizziness, headaches, nausea, and general malaise are familiar to many. Sometimes these are signs low blood pressure. Is it possible to quickly raise it and how can I do it myself?

How to increase blood pressure?

What blood pressure is considered normal for a person?

Blood pressure changes all the time throughout our lives. Therefore, it is very important to know at what age, what level is considered normal:

  1. IN childhood up to 12 years of age, blood pressure should not be lower than 100/60.
  2. The norm in adolescence is considered to be 110/70.
  3. In an adult, the normal blood pressure is 120/80.
  4. For people over 50 years old, it is typical - 130/80.
  5. An elderly person is comfortable with readings of at least 140/90.

These indicators are only guidelines. If your readings have been below normal for several years, but you do not feel unwell, then consult a specialist and get examined. If no pathologies are found, then you will not need treatment.

Be careful with low blood pressure adolescence and don't leave it unattended. It is in adolescents and young girls that sharp changes pressure and, as a result, fainting.

Ways to quickly raise blood pressure

Most doctors are of the opinion that the basis low pressure first of all is not correct image life. Most often, this disease affects people who move little, work at a computer, and rarely go for walks. fresh air.

Most main method eliminating a disease is its prevention. Set a rule for yourself to be outside more, replace personal and public transport for walking.

Decreased blood pressure, that is, decreased vascular tone is called hypotension. People suffering from this disease, in other words, hypotension, often feel headache, periodic dizziness, weakness, fatigue, apathy and decreased overall performance of the body. IN extreme cases With hypotension, fainting is possible.

In the article we will describe how to increase blood pressure quickly at home, consider various methods, everyone will be able to choose the most suitable and effective ones for themselves.


If you need to quickly increase your blood pressure, you should:

  1. Make yourself strong green tea, which will invigorate you just as well as coffee, but will not cause harm and increased load heart;
  2. Eat a few pieces of chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa content. After all, along with blood pressure, the blood sugar level usually decreases, which will be replenished by good chocolate. Instead of chocolate, you can also eat a handful of dried fruits (for example, dates, dried apricots or prunes) or a few spoons of honey;
  3. Accept contrast shower using alternately cool and hot water within 5 minutes. This will greatly invigorate you, increase your blood pressure and serve as a good workout for your blood vessels;
  4. Eat something salty, for example, a piece of hard cheese, since salt also increases blood pressure;
  5. Drink a glass of natural pomegranate juice, which increases blood pressure equally, and sometimes even better than tea or coffee;
  6. Quickly rub the muscles of the legs, massaging them from the ankles, rising higher, do light massage lower back and abdominal muscles. It's also a good idea to get a foot massage. This helps to increase the speed of blood circulation and increase blood pressure;
  7. Use a proven acupuncture method: press on a point under your nose and hold for one minute, then relax your fingers. This needs to be done 5-10 times;
  8. Take an ascorbic acid tablet;
  9. Refresh yourself with citrus fruits: especially lemon and oranges;
  10. Sit or lie down so that your legs are higher than your head, stay in this position for at least 10 minutes and the pressure will increase;
  11. Perform a massage of the cervical-collar area, which quickly accelerates the blood and precedes an increase in pressure;
  12. Take 30-35 drops of ginseng root tincture, which perfectly tones and helps increase blood pressure. You can also use tinctures of lure, Manchurian aralia, peony, lemongrass and eleutherococcus. Any of the tinctures can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is better not to use these compounds before bedtime, as in some cases they can lead to insomnia;
  13. Take a citramone tablet if other methods fail at the moment Unavailable to you.

At home

Now let’s move on to regular procedures, after which there is an increase in low blood pressure and its stabilization:

  • a course of 10 electrophoresis procedures with caffeine. Prescribed by a physiotherapist;
  • a hydromassage course designed to strengthen blood vessels and normalize blood pressure;
  • a two-week course of massage of the cervical-collar area, improving blood circulation.

Herbal medicine methods are also very helpful in normalizing low blood pressure, the most proven of which are:

  1. Approximately 28-30 grams of thistle should be poured with about two glasses of boiling water; after the broth has cooled, it should be drunk four times a day, two-quarters of a glass;
  2. Pour ten grams of immortelle into 20 ml of boiling water and take a decoction of thirty drops before meals twice a day;
  3. Radiola rosea tincture is taken 15 drops approximately 2-3 times a day in the morning, half an hour before meals. Use better course no more than a month. You can resume taking it after a three-month break;
  4. A composite collection for which you will need approximately forty grams of licorice root, thirty grams of chicory, thirty grams of vodka, fifteen grams of juniper, twenty grams of dandelion roots. Pour two tablespoons (tablespoons) of this collection with five hundred ml of boiling water, leave for 11-12 hours and drink the resulting infusion throughout the day in small portions, starting from the moment of awakening. This infusion is best consumed within a month and a half;
  5. Another very good compound collection, for which you need approximately twenty grams of yarrow, thirty grams of licorice roots, thirty grams of knotweed, thirty grams of rowan and forty grams of hawthorn. Just as in the case with the previous one, steam two tablespoons (tablespoons) with five hundred ml of boiling water, leave to infuse for 10-12 hours and drink the resulting infusion throughout the day in small portions, starting from the moment you wake up. This infusion is recommended to be consumed within a month.

In order to stabilize low blood pressure, you can resort to methods of directing traditional Chinese medicine– acupuncture. By pressing on some long-known points on the body, you can significantly increase low blood pressure:

  1. The first point is located on the outer part of the lower leg. You need to place four fingers up from the ankle bone. If the little finger touches the bone, then the point is above the index finger.
  2. To find our second point, we need to put right hand on the stomach. Index finger should be under the navel. If everything is correct, the point will be under the little finger.
  3. Our next point is on the back of the head. You need to put your hand to the back of your head so that it touches your right ear with your little finger, and put four fingers between the earlobes. The dot will be on the index finger.

But, perhaps, the most important way to normalize blood pressure is to change the lifestyle and habits of a hypotensive person. General recommendations to maintain normal stable blood pressure are as follows:

  • exercise, it is best to do a little exercise every morning, without overloading yourself, but helping the body wake up, improve blood circulation, and train the cardiovascular system. That is motor activity must be regular and constant, must become a habit;

  • take a contrast or circular shower in the morning;

  • sleep at least 8-9 hours a day, observing a sleep schedule, going to bed and waking up at the same time, without disrupting the body’s biorhythms;

  • eat more products containing various vitamins, lean on citrus fruits, pomegranates, berries and dried fruits;

  • take more frequent walks in the fresh air, walk and swim;

  • cook for yourself herbal tea hawthorn, shepherd's purse leaves and mistletoe (all in equal proportions), pour one tablespoon of boiling water per 200 ml of water, leave for about 11-12 hours and drink in the morning before breakfast;

  • you need to try to get out of bed correctly: do not get up quickly, but lie down for a while. It would be a good idea to perform a few slow movements, stretch, move to a sitting position and then stand up;

  • observe not only your sleep schedule, but also your diet, that is, eat at least 6 times a day in small portions and try not to eat about 3 hours before bedtime;
  • it is necessary to have interests or hobbies that create a positive emotional background and bringing pleasure.

As a result of all of the above, we get a wonderful combination healthy body and healthy spirit!

Low blood pressure is a violation of vascular tone. In another way, this disease is called hypotension or hypotension, and people suffering from it are hypotensive.

People with hypotension constantly experience general weakness and may experience... A reading of 100 to 60 can be considered low blood pressure. If the tonometer shows these values ​​several times a week, you should think about increasing them.

You can do this like this: medications, so folk remedies. How to increase blood pressure at home urgently?

The main symptom of the disease is headache localized in the frontal or temple area. The pain can be throbbing and aching, or it can be severe, causing nausea.

Hypotension is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • lethargy, general weakness;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • muscle weakness;
  • “darkening” in the eyes;
  • cold fingers and toes as a result of poor blood supply.

If clinical picture occurs against the background of low blood pressure, we can talk about chronic form hypotension.

Causes of the disease

Before treating low blood pressure at home, you need to understand the causes that cause it:

  • hypotension may occur with changes in atmospheric pressure. Usually when the weather changes, you get a headache;
  • long-term depressive states;
  • high loads;
  • taking antihypertensive medications.

Forms of hypotension

There are chronic and acute course of the disease. For acute hypotension characterized by a sharp drop in pressure values. This occurs against the background of illness or severe damage to the body - strokes, injuries or blood loss.

Because blood pressure drops rapidly, fainting or shock may occur. In this case, urgent medical care at low pressure.

The chronic form of the disease is divided into primary and secondary. With primary hypotension, weak vascular tone of a congenital (hereditary) nature is diagnosed. The upper value is always below 100 mmHg. st, and the top is less than 70.

People with this disease usually suffer from vegetative-vascular dystonia. It is difficult for them to get up in the morning, they feel “broken” until lunchtime. And only in the evening some cheerfulness appears. People with such symptoms are characterized by constant low performance blood pressure, and they are accustomed to consider them the norm. But even in this case, it is important to monitor your "" and know how to increase blood pressure quickly at home.

Clinical manifestations of secondary hypotension are as follows:

Hypotension secondary type disappears immediately as soon as the underlying disease is cured.

This case does not allow self-medication. The only help here is drug treatment prescribed by a doctor.

If you have low blood pressure, what to do at home?

There are many ways to raise low blood pressure at home:

  • medications prescribed by the attending physician;
  • funds traditional medicine(herbal tinctures);
  • food (diet), including foods that increase blood pressure;
  • wellness massage.

Let's look at all these ways to increase blood pressure at home in more detail, and everyone will choose the most effective method for themselves.

Alpha adrenergic agonists

Treatment of low blood pressure at home involves the use of alpha-agonists. These are drugs that affect a protein (alpha-adrenergic receptor) of the cell membrane like adrenaline and stimulate its work.

As a result of the action of alpha adrenergic agonists, the following occurs:

  • increase in blood pressure as a result of narrowing of the duct blood vessels;
  • heart rate increases;
  • the muscles actively contract.

Alpha-adrenergic agonists that lower blood pressure include: Mezaton, Norepinephrine or Gutron (Midodrine). They constrict blood vessels well and have long lasting effect effects on the body. Appointed when acute form hypotension (with loss of consciousness).

Alpha adrenergic agonists should not be taken if:

  • atrioventricular block;
  • sulfite intolerance;
  • anesthesia

Drug Mezaton

Alpha adrenergic agonists are used with caution when:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • decreased overall blood flow;
  • old age.

Alpha adrenergic agonists due to their great variety vary greatly in their effects. Therefore, their use must be approved by a doctor.


The action of analeptic drugs is to stimulate the functioning of the heart vessels, respiratory systems Yes, they improve your mood.

You need to take your medications in the morning because they evening reception won't let you sleep. So, how to increase heart pressure at home?

Tablets such as caffeine, Sulfocamphocaine, Cordiamine will help increase blood pressure at home.

So the caffeine contained in will quickly raise blood pressure. A morning cup of this invigorating drink with sugar and a sandwich is the easiest way to raise low blood pressure at home before lunch.

And if coffee causes tachycardia, you can drink or. These drinks also contain caffeine. Cordiamine is similar in properties to caffeine, but has a gentler effect on the heart. It improves vascular tone well.


Sulphocamphocaine (solution) is another remedy that can increase blood pressure at home, which is also used for heart failure. Tablets containing caffeine - or Citramon - have also proven themselves well. They not only increase blood pressure, but also relieve headaches.

It is important to remember that you need to take analeptics with caution - only in case of urgent need, since abuse can lead to arrhythmia.

Anticholinergic drugs (anticholinergics)

Anticholinergic medications will provide significant help with low blood pressure at home. Doctors consider these medications to be the most effective for hypotension. These include Bellataminal (suppresses excited nervous and central system) and Bellaspon (similar effects).

Caffeine tablets

How the medicine is used (powder or tablets), which allows it to be dissolved by injection or drunk as a medicine.

Tablets Caffeine Sodium Benzoate

Before increasing your blood pressure at home with caffeine tablets, you need to make sure there are no contraindications:

  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • anxiety states (disorders);
  • organic pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • arrhythmia.

Ginseng tincture

This is an effective natural way to increase low blood pressure at home.

Thanks to its unique mineral-vitamin complex, the tincture increases mental and physical activity and is indicated for overwork.

It should be taken before meals (half an hour before) 40 drops three times a day. Maximum daily dosage can reach 200 drops. The drug is contraindicated in hypertensive patients and people with increased nervous excitability.

You can make your own ginseng root drink. To prepare it you will need plant root powder - 1 tbsp. spoon over a glass of hot water. Brew for 2 hours. Then strain and drink half a glass in the morning and at lunch.

Eleutherococcus tincture

- a herbaceous plant that is not inferior to ginseng in its healing characteristics. No wonder it is called “Siberian ginseng”.

In the composition of the plant high concentration glycosides, essential oils and resins. The tincture provides invaluable help with low blood pressure at home and stress, as it lowers cholesterol levels.

How to increase blood pressure at home using Eleutherococcus? Medicine for low blood pressure at home is prepared in this way: 100 g of crushed plant root, pour 2 tbsp. vodka. Leave for 2 weeks, stirring constantly. Then filter - the infusion is ready. Take according to Art. l. 3 times a day before meals.

Eleutherococcus tea

Eleutherococcus tea – the right way How to quickly increase blood pressure without medications. Pour hot roots boiled water and let it brew for 10 minutes (tbsp. plant roots per 1 glass of water). Drink as tea 3 times a day. The drink perfectly improves tone and has a calming effect on nervous system.

Schisandra tincture

Tincture is the most strong way, how to increase low blood pressure at home, so you need to drink it carefully. Schisandra seeds, from which the infusion is prepared, contain vitamin E, many microelements, as well as titanium and silver. Thanks to this composition, lemongrass is effective in the treatment and prevention of hypotension.

Schisandra tincture

Take it 1 tbsp. l. on an empty stomach with water, or after meals, 3-4 hours later. The effect occurs half an hour after taking the tincture and lasts up to 6 hours. Side effects Schisandra does not, but it is not advisable for people with hypertension or heart problems to drink it.

Means for increasing blood pressure at home should be agreed with your doctor.

How to constantly maintain normal blood pressure at home?

To prevent arterial hypotension from poisoning life, it is necessary to carry out complex therapeutic measures:

  • hypotensive patients with chronic symptoms disease is necessary good sleep. Its duration should be at least 9 hours, and then you are guaranteed vigor in the morning;
  • desirable and nap- 1 hour (no later than lunch);
  • be outdoors more often. Lack of oxygen in the blood and poor circulation disrupt the functioning of all organs. daily walks and airing the room will help improve your mood and tone the body;
  • reasonable physical activity. Hypotensive people usually “don’t have the strength” for active exercises, but they are very important for strengthening the heart muscle;
  • home physiotherapy procedures (aroma baths, contrast showers, acupressure) perfectly raise blood pressure and improve general blood circulation;
  • positive attitude. Attending concerts, holidays, and sporting events helps to stay in good shape;
  • traditional medicine advises following methods How to increase blood pressure without pills - take herbal infusions of eleutherococcus, ginseng, aloe, and lemongrass. They are drunk in a course of 14 days with a break of 1-3 months;
  • proper nutrition. With low blood pressure, it is recommended to include iron-containing foods in the diet, since one of the causes of hypotension is anemia.

How to raise blood pressure at home? Dairy products, boiled potatoes, vegetables (celery, garlic, carrots), dried fruits and herbs. And herring will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Useful video

If you have low blood pressure, what should you do at home? As many as 10 working ways to increase blood pressure at home, in video:

Taking into account the characteristics of the body, lifestyle, taste preferences, everyone will decide and choose for themselves best solution in the treatment of hypotension. It is worth remembering that a healthy lifestyle is the best way to treat low blood pressure at home without medications.

Low blood pressure (BP) can bring considerable discomfort to a person’s life. Hypotonic people often suffer from dizziness, body weakness, increased fatigue. Fortunately, there are many options for raising your blood pressure. You can improve your well-being in different ways:

  1. using pharmaceutical drugs;
  2. folk remedies;
  3. using certain products and drinks;
  4. acupressure.

Low blood pressure is especially dangerous during pregnancy. Expectant mother may suddenly lose consciousness right on the street, fall and hit himself. Therefore, it is important for women to know the first symptoms of an approaching attack and be able to quickly prevent it. There are also many good home methods for this purpose that do not harm the fetus.

Low blood pressure is something whose upper reading usually does not exceed 100 m.p.s., and the lower reading does not exceed 60 m.p.s. However, this does not cause obvious discomfort for every person. For some people, low blood pressure is normal, so not everyone should strive to artificially increase it.

Those who feel severe weakness, hear ringing in the ears and see “floaters” before their eyes should be concerned about the question of how to raise lower blood pressure. In these cases, they help effectively and quickly the following drugs:

  1. . The tablets are available in pharmacies without a prescription. They have practically no contraindications. It is recommended to use only when necessary, for example, when dizziness begins. Abuse may cause arrhythmia.
  2. Ginseng. The tincture can be used as a tonic and immunostimulant. It has a cumulative property, that is, periodic use of the drug can normalize low blood pressure. It is not recommended to take it after five in the evening so as not to cause insomnia.
  3. . The extract acts like ginseng. In addition to its antihypotensive properties, it increases mental performance.
  4. . The tincture is taken in the morning to increase tone and physical endurance. It is not recommended to use if you have problems with heart rhythm, hypertension, or frequent insomnia.
  5. . Since the drug is potent, it must be used once. You can take 30 drops of the medicine diluted in water during pregnancy if a woman feels dizzy and darkened in the eyes.

Tablets that contain caffeine help a lot. For example, askofen or regular citramon, which, in addition to slightly increasing blood pressure, help cope with headaches.

Here is a list of tablets that in one way or another increase blood pressure or help cope with the consequences of low blood pressure (be sure to read the instructions before use):

  • Anticholinergics:
    1. Bellaspon;
    2. Bellataminal.
  • Drugs affecting the central nervous system:
    1. Symptol;
    2. Akrinor;
    3. Securinin.
  • Alpha adrenergic agonists:
    1. Norepinephrine;
    2. Midodrine;
    3. Mephentermine.
  • Plant-based adaptogens:
    1. Saparal;
    2. Eleutherococcus senticosus extract (tablets).

Folk remedies

Not everyone trusts store-bought tinctures or tablets and is looking for options on how to increase blood pressure at home, using proven decoctions from different herbs and berries:

  1. Tea from. Leaves medicinal plant brewed using the usual method. The drink can be drunk every day instead of tea. It perfectly restores strength, supports the body during mental or physical activity(including during pregnancy) and increases resistance to microbes.
  2. Herbal mixture for hypotension. To prepare the decoction you need dry herbs: immortelle, yarrow, tansy, prickly steelhead. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. Before use, one teaspoon of the mixture is steamed with a glass of boiling water. This tea is drunk once a day (preferably in the first half of the day).
  3. Infusion from the roots of Radiola rosea. A powder is made from dry roots (you can use a coffee grinder). One tablespoon is poured into a glass of boiling water and steamed for about four hours. Convenient to brew in a thermos. The strained infusion is taken half a glass in the morning and at lunch, after meals.
  4. Infusion of ginseng root. The preparation recipe is similar to the previous one: the healing drink is prepared from powder obtained from the dry root of the plant. But two hours is enough for steaming.

The listed infusions are good at stabilizing heart pressure. But you cannot use these folk remedies endlessly. The course of treatment with one prescription should not exceed one month. For example, after 30 days of drinking thyme tea, you need to take a break. If the pressure drops significantly again, during the break you can use another recipe, for example, radiola infusion.

In addition, for cooking herbal tea hypotensive patients can use thistle, mistletoe, shepherd's purse and leuzea. Drink effectively herbal infusions with or jam from .

List of foods for low blood pressure

There's another one safe method increasing blood pressure at home is right choice products for a hypotensive diet:

  • Cheese. This dairy product contains sufficient quantity healthy fats that fill you up and keep you strong throughout the day. It is useful for hypotensive patients to eat sandwiches with butter and cheese in the morning, washing them down with sweet, strong tea. Salted cheese and processed cheese raise heart pressure very well.
  • Potato. The vegetable is rich in starches, vitamins C and A. Boiled or baked potatoes, consumed with a little salt and vegetable oil, perfectly tones blood vessels, increases the body's resistance to fatigue.
  • Bananas. They have an effect on the body similar to potatoes. No wonder this exotic fruit sometimes called "African potatoes". They also contain a lot of starch and vitamins. But besides this, bananas contain potassium and magnesium, which have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • Herring. Many hypotensive people note that they feel much better after eating this fish. Especially pickled. This is explained by the fact that in fish oil contained fatty acids Omega-3, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels and stimulates blood circulation.
  • Nuts. Hypotension is often treated with folk remedies, including the use of walnuts. For example, they are added to sweet mixtures of honey and chopped dried fruits. If you take this remedy a teaspoon with your morning tea, physical activity and mental clarity usually lasts all day.
  • Spices and seasonings. It is good to raise low blood pressure with spicy dishes, in the preparation of which cloves, horseradish, mustard are used, bay leaf, red or black pepper. Some hypotensive patients find relief from a piece of pickled cucumber or pickled cucumber. onions.
  • . Hot tea from this berry can not only relieve fever (as we are used to using it), but also raise the tone of the body. It is useful to eat a teaspoon of raspberries, grated with sugar.

Often low blood pressure occurs due to anemia (lack of iron in the blood). Sometimes this phenomenon is observed during pregnancy, since the body has to feed for two. You need to include liver, eggs, apples, buckwheat, pomegranates and corn in your menu.

To prevent loss of strength, sweet dishes are suitable: milk-chocolate mousses, fruit jelly or jelly, cottage cheese casseroles, cream cakes, chocolate bars with nuts, pistachio ice cream, hot chocolate.


On the question of how to increase blood pressure at home, big role drinks and drinks.

Many people know the property of coffee to quickly raise blood pressure. But this does not mean that the drink can be drunk uncontrollably. Firstly, abuse will lead to the opposite effect, that is, to the development of hypertension. And secondly, coffee is a diuretic, it large number removes a lot of fluid from the body, which is very necessary for normal blood circulation.

It is useful to drink fruit and vegetable juices or fruit drinks:

  • banana;
  • grape;
  • apple;
  • carrot;
  • pomegranate;
  • tomato

When the body is overtired or exhausted, milkshakes provide good support:

  • with the addition of banana puree and vanilla;
  • with caramel and ground coffee;
  • with grated chocolate.

Traditionally, people with low blood pressure are advised to drink sweet black tea. But it is better to abstain from green tea. Especially from mint.

Under no circumstances should you drink strong tea, especially with a tonic, after five in the evening. This will cause insomnia. And healthy, full sleep is very important for people with low blood pressure.

There is an opinion that beer or cognac is beneficial for hypotensive people. Beer drink, in small quantities, can really raise the pressure a little. You can also take a teaspoon of cognac with coffee or tea. However, do not forget that alcohol can cause irreparable harm to the body. Having one today wide choice methods of increasing blood pressure, it is better to choose a less dangerous one.

As shown medical statistics, many women suffer from low blood pressure during pregnancy. It’s not surprising, because the body experiences a double load and gets tired quickly.

To ensure that low blood pressure does not bother you too much, the most important thing during pregnancy is to strictly monitor your daily routine and diet:

  • go to bed on time in the evening plus allow yourself a nap during the day;
  • eat well, include all the necessary proteins, fats and vitamins in the menu, avoid the development of anemia, and do not take too long breaks between meals;
  • walk a lot in the fresh air and avoid stuffy rooms, as hypotension can occur against the background of oxygen starvation;
  • take sunbathing, getting enough vitamin D;
  • do morning exercises, including breathing.

Be sure to drink a lot of juices during pregnancy. Natural fructose tones blood vessels well and stimulates stable blood pressure.

Black tea with honey and a slice of lemon is a good tonic. This drink alleviates the toxicosis that expectant mothers suffer in the first months of gestation.

If during pregnancy a woman suffers from dizziness and darkening of the eyes, you can add 25-30 drops of cordiamine or lemongrass to sweet tea. It is advisable to do this infrequently, only when absolutely necessary. For example, you can take a drink in the morning if you feel severe weakness. Or before going to the clinic for your next examination.

Increasing blood pressure with acupressure

Among unconventional methods To increase blood pressure, massage is popular, in which the following points are activated (see figure):

  1. In the center of the crown.
  2. Approximately 4 cm up from the hairline at the back.
  3. About 8-10 cm up from the ankle (these points on the shins are activated on both legs at the same time).
  4. On the line of the wrist (on his inside), 15 mm below the fold marking the base of the thumb.
  5. On the line of the wrist (on its reverse side), “parallel” to point No. 4.
  6. Not far from No. 5, in a small depression located in a straight line from the middle finger.
  7. On the line of the wrist (on its inner side), “parallel” to point No. 6.
  8. Near the elbow, at the end of the fold that appears when the arm is bent.
  9. At the base of the foot, in the inner depression above the heel, “with reverse side» from the base of the ankles (activated on both legs in parallel).
  10. 2 cm down from point No. 9 and a couple of fingers forward towards thumb(massaged on both legs at the same time).
  11. Just below the bottom corner of the nail of the middle finger, closer to the index finger.
  12. On the line of the wrist (inside), symmetrically to point No. 4.
  13. Symmetrically to point No. 10 from the upper visual mark of the plantar arch.
  14. On the inner lateral surface, near the base of the thumb.
  15. Below the knee, a couple of fingers below it and close to outer surface a couple of centimeters (the point is pressed on both legs at the same time).
  16. Two points on the upper edge of the pubis that are the same distance from the center (pressed together).
  17. Two lower corners of the subclavian fossa (activated at the same time).

All described points are kneaded with “vibrating” pressure for no more than one minute. Point No. 3 is slightly warmed up for about two minutes with a soothing circular motion.

Activation areas No. 4 and 5 are massaged simultaneously, that is, the arm is covered on both sides. After a minute, hands change. Areas No. 6 and 7 are pressed in the same way.

Tip: It is not necessary to use absolutely all of the points listed. Some people find some of them quite effective, depending on their individual feelings.

Article publication date: 11/10/2016

Article updated date: 12/06/2018

From this article you will learn about best ways How to increase blood pressure at home. Author's rating of methods (in descending order of effectiveness; the rating is based on real reviews hypotensive):

    taking tonic drugs,

    water procedures,

    therapeutic exercises.

To choose the most suitable method for increasing blood pressure for you, consult a cardiologist or therapist.

1. Tonics to quickly increase blood pressure

For low blood pressure (hypotension) at home, many people use tonics plant origin, which can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription. These are eleutherococcus, lemongrass, ginseng. And coffee.


A cup of strong coffee is the most popular method that can quickly increase blood pressure at home and improve the overall tone of the body. Caffeine quickly constricts blood vessels, eliminating weakness and drowsiness, but the effect does not last long and the vessels dilate again, sometimes even more than before.

Frequent consumption of coffee leads to the development of the body's tolerance to its effects and dependence on it. Over time, nerve receptors become less sensitive to caffeine, and more and more servings of coffee are required to raise blood pressure. And the effect of withdrawal from coffee is accompanied by fatigue, headache and dizziness.

Therefore, it is possible to use coffee to increase blood pressure, but in small quantities (no more than two servings per day) and, if necessary, for a quick effect.


This plant has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. Eleutherococcus tones and increases blood pressure. With a single dose, its hypertensive effect is noticeable, but does not last long. In order for it to gain a foothold and achieve stability, the tincture of Eleutherococcus must be taken for two months.


At home, hypotensive patients often use tincture Chinese lemongrass. It normalizes blood pressure, that is, if there is a tendency to increase it (hypertension), the plant can have a completely opposite effect. Therefore, it is advisable to take lemongrass for hypotension after consulting a doctor.


Ginseng – strong remedy to increase blood pressure. When using it, both short-term and cumulative effects are observed. Periodic use of ginseng preparations leads to stable normalization of indicators.

Because of great content active substances in the root of the plant, it should be taken for no more than 1.5 months. Exceeding the dosage specified in the instructions may cause unpleasant side effects: sharp, nosebleeds, vomiting.

The advantages of using herbal tonics for low blood pressure are the rapid achievement of results with a single use and the consolidation of the effect with long-term use. But remember that these plants are medicines which have contraindications. Before using them to increase blood pressure, consult your doctor.

2. Increasing blood pressure with water procedures

How you can increase your blood pressure at home using water procedures:

  • Take two containers. Pour warm, slightly hot water into one, and cool water into the other. Alternately lower your feet into one basin, then into the other, holding them in the water for 7-15 seconds. It is enough to do 6-8 repetitions. Finish in cold water.
  • Do contrast showers daily. The contrast should not be too sharp. As in the previous case, the water should be a little hot and not very cold. The duration of one dousing is 3–7 seconds. Finish with cool water.
  • Rinse your head with cool water. If such a procedure immediately seems aggressive, then you can first use a warm one, and then gradually add cold. Reflex narrowing of blood vessels will lead to increased pressure.
  • Wrap a dampened towel cold water, around the head so that it touches the forehead, ears, area under the ears and the back of the neck. The crown can be left open. This method also narrows the lumen of blood vessels. You can lie down like this for a little bit (15 minutes), but you don’t have to lie down.

Contrast water procedures to increase blood pressure

Comparison of these methods:

3. Sleep as a way to normalize blood pressure

Hypotensive people have an increased need for sleep. This is due to their physiological characteristics, and these people require more long period recovery. To feel good, you should sleep at least 9 hours. It is necessary to plan your day in such a way that this condition is strictly observed.

Dream - perfect way normalization of pressure, which can either increase it (with low pressure) or lower it (with high pressure).

Sleep is one of the ways to normalize blood pressure

Of course, daytime sleep is not available to those who are at work at this time, and this is a serious drawback of this method. Otherwise, this method will calm the nervous system, relieve headaches, and eliminate lethargy and dizziness.

Let us also note the peculiarities of awakening hypotensive patients. Jumping up and immediately “taking the bull by the horns” is unacceptable even if you are woken up phone call or a knock on the door. Any active movements at this moment can cause severe dizziness, even fainting.

When you wake up, you need to make several measured movements with your feet, hands, and head. You can get a massage ears, palms and feet. Having moved to a sitting position, you need to stretch, bend forward, to the sides, and massage your neck. Then you can finally get up. Such actions will not take much time, but will help redistribute blood in the body, normalize blood pressure and prepare the body for more active activity.

4. Therapeutic exercises for low blood pressure

Performing a specially selected set of exercises will not only increase blood pressure, but also restore the activity of the circulatory, endocrine and respiratory systems. The result of regular exercise is the elimination of headaches, dizziness and increased performance.

The complex consists of 5 exercises. They should be performed every day, slowly, without sudden movements, while lying on your back (gymnastics in a standing position can lead to dizziness). Breathing should be even, measured and deep. Each exercise needs to be done 5-6 times, subsequently increasing to 10-12.

    Stretching out in a line, simultaneously pull your feet towards you and lift your head off the floor. Hold this position for 4-6 seconds and then return to the starting position.

    Pull your extended legs towards you, bending your knees, without lifting your feet from the surface. When your knees are fully bent, lift them up and straighten them. Hold your legs in this position for a while (5-7 seconds), and then do the exercise in reverse order, also without lifting them off the floor.

    Legs are extended straight, arms to the sides. At the same time, lift your head off the floor and lift one leg so that you can clap underneath it. Returning to the starting position, perform the exercise with the second leg.

    Do the “bicycle” exercise, moving your legs first away from you and then towards you.

    Place your hands under your head. First bend your legs, without lifting your feet from the floor, then straighten them up. Cross your straightened legs several times, bend them again, placing your feet on the floor, and return to the starting position.

Therapeutic gymnastics to increase pressure

Pros and cons of lowering blood pressure with the help of such gymnastics:

For hypotension, any physical activity. The more you move, and the more varied the movements, the better you will feel. Bed rest with low blood pressure is not the best solution, since the vessels suffer greatly from such “treatment”: without stress, their tone decreases even more. Therefore, hypotensive people need to do measured swings of their legs and arms, bends, squats, turns of the neck and body 3-6 times a day.

The considered ways to increase blood pressure have helped many “inveterate” hypotensive patients. After all, it’s better to spend 15 minutes doing gymnastics or a shower than to suffer from a headache or fall somewhere in the store. Temper yourself, strengthen your body with herbs, move more, get proper rest and be healthy!