Heartburn gel. If you often suffer from heartburn

Surely everyone has suffered from heartburn at least once. When after eating you feel a feeling of heaviness, a burning sensation from the stomach to the esophagus, and a bitter-sour taste in the mouth.

Specially selected medications or home treatment can cope with such attacks.

How to get rid of heartburn at home - recipes

Heartburn is caused by increased acidity in the stomach. Many people use simple methods and neutralize the acid with baking soda. However, this is not a cure. Yes, this will help eliminate the attack, but it may happen again.

  1. Helps eliminate high acidity proper nutrition, as well as inclusion in daily diet products such as raisins and dried apricots. They contain large amounts of potassium and if you eat 50 grams of dried fruits per day, you can see the result after a month of treatment.
  2. Ordinary water will also help cope with attacks. white clay, which is sold in any pharmacy. If not large number dilute with water and drink, relief may come immediately.
  3. Fresh fruits help to cope with the burning sensation of the esophagus. dill or caraway seeds. Or eat one green apple, and then put a pinch of salt under your tongue. Salt activates the secretion of acid, and this is the main primary task in the fight against heartburn.
  4. Juice therapy- another method of treatment in the fight against the disease. Preference is given to more vegetable juices, namely potato, carrot and cabbage. Potato juice has always been used in the treatment of diseases gastrointestinal tract. It not only quickly relieves pain, but also restores impaired functions.
  • Buckwheat for heartburn

It should be consumed not in cooked form, but raw. Buckwheat contains a large amount of potassium, which controls the level acid-base balance in the stomach.

To prepare, you need to take a small amount of buckwheat and hold it in a hot frying pan until the grains take on a darker appearance. Next, we grind the grains using a coffee grinder and the resulting powder should be taken every day with a sufficient amount of water.

  • Licorice and oranges

To prepare, you will need licorice root or a ready-made pharmaceutical mixture and oranges. Grind the fruits using a blender and add to the syrup. Mix everything and take 1 teaspoon, 2 times a day.

However, this recipe should be used with caution by people with increased level blood sugar.

Folk remedy for heartburn during pregnancy - recipes

For heartburn, folk remedies during pregnancy are considered the first in treatment. All because to the expectant mother It is not advisable to take medications, but you should also be careful when choosing products for home treatment.

More than 80% of pregnant women suffer from attacks. This usually occurs in the last months of pregnancy.

How to cope with this problem without harming either the mother or the baby’s health?

Basic methods of treatment with folk remedies:

  1. Heat a glass of milk and add a small amount of chopped almonds. Mix everything thoroughly and drink in small sips.
  2. Grated carrots help at the first signs of heartburn. To do this, you need to peel a medium-sized carrot, grate it on a fine grater and eat it.
  3. Kissel has an enveloping effect. With its substance it protects the walls of the stomach. Therefore, if the expectant mother has heartburn, she needs to drink a glass of jelly. Similar action has potato juice And oat milk. But you can only use jelly made from homemade products. Any store-bought product can harm a child due to its chemical composition.
  4. If you drink a teaspoon every morning sunflower oil, then the functioning of all organs of the digestive system will improve. This means heartburn will not bother you as often.
  5. A glass of Borjomi mineral water helps improve the condition during acute attacks.

Folk remedies for heartburn with high acidity

The first task of any treatment initiated is to eliminate the resulting acidity in the stomach.

The following tools can help with this:

  • Mumiyo
    You will need 2 grams of mumiyo, which must be dissolved in warm boiled milk. Take up to three times a day, a glass, an hour before meals.
    The course of treatment is 1 month.
  • Phytotherapy, including herbal collections of calendula, chamomile and yarrow. Pour boiling water over everything and leave for about half an hour. After the broth has cooled, strain it through gauze and take half a glass 3 times a day an hour before meals.
  • Boiled pumpkin helps reduce acidity, as well as cope with attacks of heartburn, nausea, eliminate bitterness in the mouth and relieve constipation. It is also useful to drink pumpkin juice and use the seeds in preparing various dishes.
  • Daily intake carrot juice on an empty stomach will help cope with the problem. For the first 10 days you can drink from carrots, the next from potatoes and end with pumpkin.
  • Sugar consumption should be reduced to a minimum or put away from the diet completely. It is better to use stevia, a honey herb.

How to quickly cure heartburn at home - recipes

In order to assign effective treatment from heartburn, it is necessary to find out the cause of its occurrence, since increased acidity is not always the source of the disease. This could be gastritis, a disorder of the structure of the esophageal canals, etc.

You can cure heartburn at home using available remedies.. For example:

  • activated carbon , which not only removes toxins and waste from the body, but also eliminates heartburn, belching, attacks of nausea, etc.

To do this, you need to dissolve 10 charcoal tablets in a glass of warm milk and drink in small sips. After just 5 minutes you can feel a slight relief of symptoms.

  • viburnum decoction.

The bark of the plant is poured with boiling water, infused and taken a quarter glass. There are no drink restrictions. However, it should be remembered that viburnum is a powerful diuretic.

Treating heartburn with soda - recipes

Treatment of heartburn with folk remedies is the most effective since it has practically no contraindications, unlike medicines.

You can often hear such a treatment recipe as using regular baking soda. Indeed, the product quickly helps eliminate the feeling of burning, acidity, bitterness and heat in the chest.

  • The recipe is very simple:

Dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm boiled water. Drink immediately in small sips.After this, you need to lie down in bed, stretch your legs, raise raise your head up and relax. After 10 minutes, all previously disturbing signs should disappear.

  • You can add lemon juice to the soda.

A foamy solution is formed, otherwise called “soda pop”. This mixture will also help cope with attacks of illness.

Such soda recipes should be taken with extreme caution only if a person is seriously experiencing heartburn. If this phenomenon bothers him more than once a week, then this indicates serious problems in the functioning of the digestive organs and the need to urgently consult a doctor.

Soda contains a large amount of sodium, which, if too much, disrupts kidney function and increases blood pressure and harms the cardiac system.

How to get rid of heartburn with vinegar

It’s impossible to believe, but it’s true - vinegar helps treat heartburn. If the phenomenon is not associated with an increase in acidity, but with disturbances in the structure of the esophagus.
If swallowed, attacks of nausea and burning may occur, but this will pass, including heartburn.

  • Many people cannot stand the taste of vinegar and then mix it with apple cider. The effect with this recipe is much reduced. Therefore, it’s worth thinking about, maybe just adding it to your daily diet. For example, in liquid dishes, soups, etc.

How to treat heartburn with herbs - folk recipes for tinctures

There is no one folk remedy for heartburn at home; only complex herbal medicine helps in treatment.

  • Herbal mixture, which includes St. John's wort, chamomile and mint leaves.

All components are poured with boiling water and infused for about half an hour. After which you can take a quarter cup 2 times a day, preheated and strained.

  • Swamp dry grass

One spoon of dry extract is brewed and allowed to stand. Then strain and drink a quarter glass an hour before meals.

You can also mix this herb with aloe leaves. Preparation and reception are absolutely similar.

  • Raspberry leaf infusion

Raspberries remove existing ones well inflammatory processes, eliminates heartburn and nausea. To do this, you need to pour boiling water over a small amount of raspberry leaves or flowers, let it brew and take it as tea in any quantity, regardless of food intake.

Take a tablespoon of crushed raspberry leaves and pour boiling water over it.
Leave for about 2 hours, strain and take a quarter glass 2 times a day before meals.

  • Mint

The easiest way to cope with attacks of heartburn and nausea is to drink a glass of warm mint tea.

To do this, you need to brew a tablespoon of crushed mint leaves with boiling water and leave.

  • Flax seeds

They can be used by first grinding them using a coffee grinder. The seeds will become a powder, which should be taken daily, in the morning, on an empty stomach.

What to drink for heartburn and nausea?

If folk remedies for heartburn at home do not bring the expected result in treatment, then you need to start taking more strong means, namely medications.

Their choice in pharmacies is very large, but doctors do not advise doing treatment on their own and each drug must be individually selected for the patient.


  • Rennie;
  • Phosphalugel;
  • Almagel;
  • Gaviscon;
  • Maalox and others.

However, these drugs have certain side effects like constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, etc. In addition, they flush calcium from the body, so long-term use in treatment is not recommended.

It is not necessary to take medications specifically aimed at eliminating the feeling of burning and bitterness. Usually these are products that have a single effect. The disease must be treated from the inside.

If you are bothered by attacks of bitterness, then this already indicates problems with the digestive system. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to take medications that help the organs work and reduce concentration. gastric juice etc.

For example, Omeprazole, which contains enzymes involved in digestion. If there is a problem in the system, the organs cannot carry out the work with the same strength, so additional enzymes at this moment take on part of the load.

It is possible to get rid of heartburn forever using folk remedies using the following remedies:

Adjust your diet. The diet for heartburn and gastritis is based on the following principles:

  1. Eating food normal temperature– exclude very hot and cold dishes.
  2. All food is steamed or baked in the oven.
  3. Limiting salt and sugar.
  4. Meals up to 6 times a day in small portions.
  5. Elimination of fatty foods.

Prohibited foods: white cabbage, rye bread, pastries, fatty meats, smoked meats, hot sauces and marinades, mayonnaise, ketchup, salted cheeses, canned food, mushrooms, sorrel, onions, cucumbers, spinach.

Heartburn is a kind of signal about a malfunction internal organs. Therefore, the help of a specialist in treatment is always needed. Homemade folk remedies will only help relieve pain for a short period of time, and then everything can happen again more than once.

Heartburn is the most common symptom of damage to the upper gastrointestinal tract. It is characterized by a burning sensation or pain at the bottom chest behind the sternum and is often accompanied by an unpleasant sour taste in the mouth. The main method of treating this condition is diet correction, lifestyle changes and heartburn pills. There are a large number of similar medications on the pharmaceutical market that help cope with the symptoms of increased gastric acidity. Which heartburn pills are best? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, since each specific patient will need a different medicine. To choose the optimal therapy, you should contact your doctor.

For many, the question of what helps with heartburn is of particular relevance.

Heartburn – nonspecific symptom, characteristic a large number diseases of the digestive system.

Causes of heartburn

The occurrence of heartburn is most often associated with two important factors:

  • Increased acidity of gastric juice.
  • Failure of the cardiac gastric sphincter, which prevents the backflow of stomach contents into the esophagus.

Such conditions can arise as a result of the influence of a number of factors, among which the following are of primary importance:

  • Diseases of the stomach and esophagus, such as peptic ulcers and duodenum, gastroesophageal reflux disease, esophagitis of various causes, etc.
  • Diaphragmatic hiatal hernia.
  • Various diseases of the esophagus associated with impaired motor function.
  • Poor nutrition in the form of eating large portions of food, frequent consumption of spicy, salty, fried or hot foods with a lot of spices or seasonings.
  • Sleep or exercise immediately after eating.
  • Taking certain medications that relax the cardiac sphincter (nitrates, blockers calcium channels etc.).

These factors, as a rule, act together, causing an increase in the acidity of gastric juice and ensuring the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus. Influencing these factors through changes in diet and lifestyle, as well as the use of heartburn pills, allows you to cope with its occurrence.

Medicines to treat heartburn

Medicines to treat GERD

What pills are the best for heartburn? It is impossible to give a definite answer. There are several on sale medicinal groups heartburn tablets that show high effectiveness:

  1. Antacids that neutralize hydrochloric acid in the lumen of the stomach.
  2. Antisecretory drugs that disrupt the formation of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and reduce the acidity of gastric juice.
  3. Prokinetics, or drugs that improve gastric motility and prevent the development of reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus.

The choice of a specific drug and its dosage should be determined by the attending physician after a physical and instrumental examination of the patient. In each specific case rational therapy may vary. It is important to note that using only medications against heartburn will not help you cope with it. All patients need to change their diet, approach to it, and also eliminate risk factors from their lifestyle. In addition to this, if there are concomitant diseases that contribute to the occurrence of heartburn, it is necessary to consult with medical specialist on their possible treatment.


A universal group of medications to combat heartburn are antacids containing magnesium and aluminum salts. The use of these drugs shows good effectiveness in different groups sick.

Using baking soda to neutralize hydrochloric acid is not effective. This chemical reaction releases a large amount carbon dioxide, which stretches the wall of the stomach and reflexively causes an increase in the secretion of hydrochloric acid. Therefore, this method of self-medication should never be used.

Gel and suspension with antacid effect

It is prohibited to use soda to combat heartburn, due to the increase in the acidity of gastric juice and the worsening of the condition.

The action of all antacid drugs is similar - they enter into a chemical reaction with hydrochloric acid and neutralize it, which leads to a decrease in pH levels and reduces irritation of the esophageal mucosa during reflux of stomach contents. Antacids, according to reviews from many doctors and patients, occupy a leading position in the frequency and effectiveness of use for heartburn, allowing you to quickly cope with this unpleasant symptom.

Antacid tablets can be divided into several groups according to their chemical composition:

  • Containing aluminum and magnesium hydroxides - Maalox and Almagel.
  • Containing only aluminum phosphate - Phosphalugel.
  • Tablets with magnesium and aluminum bicarbonates - Rutacid.
  • With magnesium and calcium carbonates - Rennie.
  • Complex preparations with magnesium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate and bismuth subnitrate - Vikalin and Vikair.

Let's take a closer look at some representatives of this group of heartburn remedies.


Gel for oral administration

The drug contains aluminum phosphate and is sold in the form of a special gel for dilution in water before use. It can also be received in its original form. Widely used by various groups of patients with increased acidity stomach. However, it very often leads to the development of constipation, which requires an increase in daily fluid intake.

Almagel and Maalox

Complex medicines containing aluminum and magnesium in the form of hydroxides. They allow you to quickly reduce the acidity level of gastric juice and eliminate heartburn. Available in several dosage forms, including tablets. It is important to remember the existing age restrictions - drugs are allowed to be used only after the age of six. Also, Almagel and Maalox interfere with the absorption of other drugs, and therefore their use must be time-limited.


One of the most popular antacids, available in the form of chewable tablets. Approved for use during pregnancy, subject to the specified dosages. Calcium and magnesium carbonates, which are part of Rennie, can quickly relieve heartburn and reduce the pH of gastric juice.

Chewable tablets Rennie

The use of antacids as a means to combat heartburn has both advantages and certain disadvantages. The first include:

  • Antacids are sold without prescriptions, making them easy to purchase.
  • Long-term use is not required to prevent heartburn. Use only on demand, when a burning sensation occurs in the esophagus.

However, antacids also have a number of disadvantages:

  • The drugs are extremely effective short time– 30-90 minutes.
  • Antacids lead to dyspeptic symptoms such as diarrhea or constipation.
  • Antacids do not affect the immediate cause of increased acidity, but only fight its consequences - high content hydrochloric acid. Therefore, the drugs are not recommended for use as monotherapy.
  • Restrictions on use in children and pregnant women.
  • Long-term use of antacid tablets can lead to disturbances in the metabolism of minerals and trace elements.

Antacids can only be used after prior consultation with your doctor.

Antisecretory agents to combat heartburn

Antisecretory drugs that reduce the formation of hydrochloric acid by stomach cells are recommended for use when prescribed by the attending physician. Attempts at self-medication with such means may lead to ineffective therapy or the appearance of various side effects.

Proton pump inhibitor and histamine H2 receptor blocker

Antisecretory drugs have a number of advantages that set them apart from other heartburn medications:

  • The average duration of effect when taking the drugs is 8-10 hours, which allows them to be used once a day.
  • Over-the-counter sale in pharmacies.
  • High level of efficiency and safety.
  • They allow you to fight the formation of hydrochloric acid at an early stage, and therefore significantly reduce the acidity level.
  • For pediatric patients, special suspensions are available to make them easier to take.

Medical experts also highlight certain disadvantages:

  • The effect of taking the drug occurs after 60-90 minutes.
  • There are serious adverse drug reactions in the form of headache, diarrhea, hepatitis, etc.
  • They have a direct effect on the absorption and activity of other drugs.
  • Pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding cannot take antisecretory drugs.

There are several groups of drugs on the pharmaceutical market that interfere with the formation of hydrochloric acid.

Proton pump inhibitors

Antiulcer agent, proton pump inhibitor

This group of drugs includes Omeprazole, Rabeprazole and Esomeprazole. All drugs disrupt the process of release of protons into the lumen of the stomach, which leads to a decrease in the formation of hydrochloric acid and reduces the overall pH level of gastric juice. The price of drugs varies greatly - from 300 rubles for Omez to 1300 rubles for Nexium. Despite their similar mechanism of action, Rabeprazole and Esomeprazole are associated with greater treatment efficacy and a lower risk of side effects.

Histamine receptor blockers

Ranitidine and Famotidine are the two main drugs in this group. By blocking histamine receptors on stomach cells, they reduce the formation of hydrochloric acid and help eliminate heartburn. According to data clinical trials, Rantidine more often than famotidine leads to the development of adverse drug reactions.

Prokinetics for heartburn

This group of medications does not affect the formation or level of secretion of hydrochloric acid, however, by improving gastric motility, it prevents the backflow of gastric contents into the esophagus.

Motilium (Domperidone)

Drugs whose active ingredient is Domperidone

The drug improves gastric motility and accelerates its emptying. At the same time, Domperidone increases the tone of the cardiac sphincter, preventing reverse reflux. It also helps to cope with the frequent symptoms associated with heartburn - nausea and vomiting.


Another representative of the group of prokinetics, widely used to combat gastroesophageal reflux, heartburn and nausea. Improves gastric motility and increases the tone of the esophageal sphincter.

Heartburn tablets should only be prescribed by your doctor. Selection of individual and most effective medication should be based on the collection of complaints, history of disease development, information about concomitant diseases, as well as data from laboratory and instrumental examination methods. Incorrectly selected therapy can lead to progression of esophageal damage with the development of esophagitis, Barrett's esophagus and various oncological lesions. In no case should you self-medicate heartburn, since this simple manifestation may hide serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Updated: 07/24/2018 11:41:35

Such a symptom as heartburn is clear to everyone and does not need explanation. Perhaps there is not a single adult who has not experienced this unpleasant sensation in the epigastric region at least once in his life. Symptoms of heartburn, along with belching, pain in the epigastric region (epigastric region, below the sternum), nausea and vomiting, doctors combine into the syndrome of gastric, or upper dyspepsia. There is also intestinal dyspepsia syndrome - this is bloating, or flatulence, abdominal pain and bowel dysfunction.

There are many drugs and folk remedies which help relieve heartburn. It is not at all necessary that they will treat the underlying disease, which caused the burning sensation. Many remedies act symptomatically, that is, they simply eliminate this sensation and have no effect on pathological process. Some of them are useful, protect the gastric mucosa, normalize motility, and are successfully used in complex therapy gastritis and peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Some, despite excellent quick relief from heartburn, are harmful, for example, regular soda, which will be discussed later - it, as the cheapest and most popular remedy, is also included in the rating.

All antacid drugs that are used in modern medicine, can be divided into four groups. The first group includes drugs that not only neutralize the feeling of heartburn, but are also absorbed into the systemic bloodstream and can have an effect that is rarely taken into account by the patient. The second group includes drugs that are not absorbed and are completely eliminated from the body through the intestines. These products are safer and can be used for a long time. There is a large group of antisecretory drugs, the task of which is to reduce the production of hydrochloric acid and influence the level of acidity in the stomach not by binding excess acid, but by reducing its synthesis.

Finally, there is a fourth group of drugs called prokinetics. These drugs do not in any way affect the protection of the mucous membrane or the production of hydrochloric acid; their task is to change motility, or muscle activity of the sphincters of the esophagus and stomach.

Let's look at the most popular and effective drugs, which were included in the rating of modern antacid drugs. And we’ll start, perhaps, with absorbable antacids.

Rating of the best remedies for heartburn

Nomination place product name Rating
The best absorbable antacids for heartburn 1 4.5
2 4.4
3 4.3
The best non-absorbable antacids for heartburn 1 4.9
2 4.8
3 4.7
4 4.6
5 4.5
The best antisecretory drugs for heartburn 1 4.9
2 4.8
3 4.7

The best absorbable antacids for heartburn

All absorbable drugs cope with the task quite quickly, and therefore are very popular, their effect is noticeable in just a few seconds. But they all produce fairly large amounts of carbon dioxide, and this can cause other unpleasant symptoms such as belching, bloating, and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Components that are absorbed into the systemic circulation may cause various electrolyte disturbances, including changes in heart rate, and increased risk the occurrence of kidney stones. But these drugs are successfully used to relieve occasional heartburn in pregnant women, since the systemic effect of carbon dioxide is well known, but the effects of aluminum salts (in non-absorbable antacids) on the body of pregnant women and on the fetus have not yet been sufficiently studied.

Baking soda

To drink or not to drink soda? Is it possible or not? Rhetorical question: yes and no. Baking soda very quickly helps with heartburn, it is found in almost any home in the kitchen, and there is no need to run to the pharmacy, these facts will always overcome the fears of doctors who warn to use such a good remedy too often.

What's the problem? The fact is that baking soda forms a very large amount of carbon dioxide, and, trying to expand, it is able to push apart the muscular sphincters of the esophagus and stomach, and allow the leakage of gastric juice, neutralized by soda, into the duodenum and lower parts of the esophagus. Such regular weakening of the sphincters will soon contribute to the development of their insufficiency. In addition, a patient who takes soda constantly will soon be surprised to discover that he needs to take it more and more often, the dose of soda is regularly increased, and the light period without heartburn becomes shorter. Heartburn gradually becomes more persistent and annoying. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that after neutralization of hydrochloric acid, the stomach begins to produce it in increased quantities.

Advantages and disadvantages

This combination of advantages and disadvantages allows us to draw an important conclusion: baking soda can be used to relieve heartburn, but only in very rare cases, and for those people who do not have a diagnosis of acute or chronic gastritis, and peptic ulcer disease - half a teaspoon per glass of warm water. In other words, soda can be an “ambulance” remedy for an ordinary, healthy person who currently does not have the opportunity to purchase an antacid drug. Indications for use: discomfort and heartburn after a heavy meal or spicy food. In this case, soda, of course, will help, but after relief, you should forget about this type of treatment, and under no circumstances repeat taking soda. Under no circumstances should soda be taken by “stomach” patients who have simply run out of antacid medications prescribed by their doctor. You can easily make the disease worsen.

If soda is sodium bicarbonate, then chewable tablets Rennies are made from a mixture of two salts: calcium and magnesium carbonates. This medicine is indicated not only for healthy people with occasional heartburn, but also for patients who have been diagnosed with esophagitis, increased acidity of gastric juice, in the case of syndromic dyspepsia with pancreatitis, if the patient is taking other medications that cannot be canceled, but they cause heartburn.

This remedy is also indicated for sudden changes in diet, for example, when traveling to Southeast Asian countries with very spicy cuisine, or for patients who abuse alcohol. These tablets have a light cooling taste, and the salts they contain not only quickly neutralize excess hydrochloric acid, but also have a long-lasting effect. As a result of the work of this remedy, soluble calcium and magnesium salts appear in the stomach, which are absorbed into the blood, but do not significantly affect systemic metabolism.

You need to take Rennie by chewing it, or simply holding the tablets in your mouth and dissolving them. If heartburn occurs, you can take two tablets at once, and repeat them no earlier than 2 hours later. Official instructions limits the maximum daily dosage products in 11 tablets. This drug is produced by the German pharmaceutical concern Bayer, and you can purchase one package of 12 tablets for 138 rubles. The manufacturer offers a choice of mint or orange flavor.

Advantages and disadvantages

The most important advantage of the drug Rennie is its safe use in pregnant women without disruption of the gastrointestinal tract in the form symptomatic therapy. Rennie is well tolerated, and overdose is possible only in patients with significant impairment of renal function. Also, in very rare cases, this medicine may cause allergic reactions.

Vikair is an old, cheap, proven drug. Its composition is complex: in addition to sodium bicarbonate, it contains magnesium carbonate, bismuth compounds, calamus rhizome and buckthorn bark. The combined effect of these natural and chemical components is antacidic, astringent, antispasmodic and laxative.

Vikair is indicated for the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers, hyperacid gastritis, or gastritis with high acidity of the stomach. Since heartburn often occurs with hyperacid gastritis, this drug can be recommended for all forms of heartburn. Tablets are taken an hour after meals, three times a day, you can take two tablets at once with a drink. a small amount water. The difference between Vikair and Rennie is that it is recommended to take it in a course for one month, and is not recommended one-time use. Vikair is produced by the domestic Irbit chemical pharmaceutical plant, and you can purchase a minimum package of 10 tablets, designed for 3 days of use, for 18 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of the drug can be considered its availability and low cost. Disadvantages include slow action, mandatory restrictions on use in patients with concomitant inflammatory diseases intestines, gall bladder. Vikair has the peculiarity of turning stool black, but this symptom goes away after stopping taking the drug. Also, some patients do not tolerate bismuth compounds well and may experience heaviness in the stomach.

The best non-absorbable antacids for heartburn

These heartburn remedies are new generation drugs. They do not penetrate the systemic bloodstream; after their use, the stomach does not tend to produce enhanced quantity gastric juice, they protect the mucous membrane well, and as a result of neutralization of hydrochloric acid, insoluble salts are obtained, which calmly pass through the entire gastrointestinal tract and are excreted in the feces. Let's look at the most effective products that occupy first place in the sales rankings in the Russian Federation.

The most famous drug for heartburn, which is sold in sachets, is Phosphalugel. It is an aluminum phosphate. After opening the bag, you can see a white gel, a little like sour cream. To make it more pleasant to swallow, manufacturers made it sweet by adding sorbitol, as well as the smell and taste of orange.

Aluminum phosphate envelops, adsorbs the acid and neutralizes it. This drug can reduce the activity of the main gastric enzyme - pepsin. Phosphalugel does not convert the acidity of gastric juice to the alkaline side, and leaves it at a physiological level. It forms a thin protective layer on the gastric mucosa, which after a single use lasts for several hours. In addition, Phosphalugel is able to neutralize toxins, various microbes and gases throughout the intestines, and normalizes the passage of food through it.

Phosphalugel, in addition to heartburn, gastritis, reflux and peptic ulcers, is also indicated in complex therapy for various food poisoning, alcohol intoxication, diarrhea, and reactions of the gastrointestinal tract to medications. Phosphalugel is used internally, it can be used in its pure form, or it can be diluted with water.

Adults and children over 6 years old can be given one or two sachets three times a day. There are different dosage regimens, which depend on the diagnosis.

The manufacturer of Phosphalugel is the pharmaceutical company Astellas Pharma, the Netherlands. Phosphalugel in the amount of 6 sachets will cost 150 rubles, which cannot be considered too cheap.

Advantages and disadvantages

A positive quality of Phosphalugel can be considered its ability to be used even in children under six months of age, the virtual absence side effect, the possibility of using it during pregnancy and lactation. A negative point should be considered the possibility of complications in patients with severe kidney pathology, liver cirrhosis, and chronic constipation.

The drug Gaviscon is available not only in tablets, but also in the form of a suspension for oral administration. This is a combination heartburn medicine that consists of sodium bicarbonate, calcium carbonate, and sodium alginate, a seaweed derivative.

Gaviscon, unlike other drugs, after reacting with hydrochloric acid of gastric juice, forms a gel that has an almost neutral reaction. This gel envelops the gastric mucosa, forming a protective barrier. As a result, the activity of the protective environment is maintained for up to 4 hours. After taking the drug, relief from heartburn is felt within 3 to 5 minutes.

Of the indications, special mention should be made of gastroesophageal reflux, or the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus as a result of sphincter weakness. Even if gastric juice gets back into the esophagus, the gel formed by Gaviscon forestalls the reflux of gastric juice and protects the mucous membrane distal section esophagus.

Gaviscon chewable tablets should be taken by chewing them thoroughly, not exceeding 4 tablets at a time, and the number of doses per day should not exceed 4.

Gaviscon is manufactured by the English company Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare. In domestic pharmacies, chewable tablets in the amount of 12 pieces can be purchased for 125 rubles, and 150 ml of suspension will cost 180 rubles. per bottle.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Gaviscon include its low price, release in 2 forms, and the suspension acts faster, rare development of side effects, as well as the ability to use it during pregnancy and breastfeeding. But at the same time, Gaviscon is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age, in patients with phenylketonuria, in people who are on a salt-free diet with impaired renal function.

Maalox (Gastratcid)

An extremely popular remedy for heartburn in Russia, and throughout the world, is Maalox. It is a gel of inorganic compounds of aluminum and magnesium in the form of hydroxide, with the presence of auxiliary substances. In bags it looks like a white suspension, reminiscent of very liquid sour cream with light odor mint. Maalox, in addition to the suspension, is available in chewable tablets, and for diabetics it is available in the form of sugar-free tablets.

Maalox calmly neutralizes the increased acidity of gastric juice, and does not lead to a secondary increase, or hyperproduction of hydrochloric acid. It envelops the mucous membrane and has an absorbent effect. It works only locally, it is not absorbed from the stomach, and has no systemic effect. Maalox is indicated for heartburn due to various reasons, with a peptic ulcer, with gastritis and gastroduodenitis, with a hiatal hernia, with an error in diet, with a side effect of certain medications (especially often NSAIDs and hormones). Maalox should be used in the form of a suspension, one tablespoon 3-4 times a day, including at night. One sachet contains 15 ml of medicine, one tablespoon. Maximum permissible daily dose 6 tablespoons, which is equal to 6 sachets.

Maalox is produced by the well-known pharmaceutical company Sanofi-Aventis, at factories in France and Italy. A package of 20 chewable tablets can be purchased for 220 rubles, one bottle of suspension with a volume of 250 ml can be purchased for 300 rubles, and a package of 20 tablets for diabetics can be purchased for 200 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

This remedy is perfect as an “ambulance” for acute heartburn, and is available in the form different forms, which makes it easier to receive. One sachet is equal to one tablespoon, which equalizes and simplifies dosage when switching from one form to another. However, Maalox is contraindicated in children and adolescents, including those aged fifteen years, in patients with fructose intolerance and severe renal failure. The product can also cause constipation, especially in elderly patients, due to aluminum hydroxide.

The drug Maalox described above has many synonyms, for example, Almagel. This is the same Maalox, and it contains the same components. But if you add benzocaine, which is a fairly effective local anesthetic, to Maalox, then a well-known medicine for heartburn and gastritis will appear - Almagel A (anesthetic). Its mechanism of action is the same as that of Maalox, it suppresses the secretion of pepsin, weakens the effect of hydrochloric acid, and benzocaine helps very well if, in addition to heartburn, the patient also has stomach pain. And it is this remedy that can be recommended as the most effective when heartburn is combined with epigastric pain. It will eliminate in a matter of minutes pain syndrome and a burning sensation. Of course, benzocaine does not precipitate in the form of insoluble salts and is absorbed, but this amount is so minimal that there is no effect on the body.

Indications for the use of this drug are more extensive: in addition to peptic ulcers, acute and chronic gastritis, it is indicated for enteritis and colitis, intestinal disorders digestion, with postoperative pain when gastric surgery has been performed. Almagel A protects the mucous membrane well and reduces pain in patients with erosive and ulcerative processes associated with long-term use of corticosteroid hormones.

Almagel is used orally, 1 - 2 spoons 3-4 times a day. Considering that the patient often has acute condition inflammation of the mucous membrane, Almagel A is recommended to be taken before meals, 10-15 minutes. After the patient has drunk the required dose of the medicine, it is recommended to lie down for a while and turn from side to side, so that the suspension is distributed as best as possible throughout the gastric mucosa. It is surprising that this recommendation is found only in the instructions for Almagel A, although this advice would be quite natural to give to all products that are produced in the form of a suspension or in the form of sachets. Almagel A is produced by the pharmaceutical company Balkanfarma, and a 170 ml bottle of suspension can be purchased for 190 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The undeniable advantage of Almagel A is the presence local anesthetic, which allows you to significantly expand the indications for use. But at the same time, benzocaine can begin to influence the mucosal receptors oral cavity, a side effect is a change taste sensations and slight numbness of the mucous membrane. There are contraindications for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, in children, and renal failure. In case of long-term therapy, it is necessary to introduce foods rich in phosphorus into the diet, especially in old age, to prevent osteoporosis. Also, many will not like the fact that during treatment with Almagel A it is necessary to completely abstain from alcohol.

Antareit chewable tablets contain 400 mg magaldrate and 20 mg simethicone. This is an antacid drug additional function which is to reduce bloating, or reduce flatulence. Magaldrate is the abbreviated name for hydroxide - magnesium and aluminum sulfate. It has an acid-binding effect, reduces the activity stomach enzymes, envelops and absorbs. Simethicone destroys small gas bubbles that form in the stomach and intestines. In this case, the gas does not accumulate in a free state, but is absorbed by the intestinal cells, or removed outside without accumulation. Simethicone is an inert substance that simply destroys foam, and at the same time acts according to the laws of physics, without entering into any chemical reactions.

Antareit is indicated, except for heartburn, for pain and sour belching, for bloating and others functional states. Take 1 to 2 tablets 10 minutes after meals, chew thoroughly, or dissolve the tablet in your mouth. Antareit is produced by the Indian company Sequel Pharmaceutical, and one package of 24 chewable tablets can be purchased for 240 rubles, so one tablet will cost 10 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the good carminative effect, this remedy is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age, and during treatment it is necessary to ensure the intake of phosphorus from food. It contains sorbitol, which means it is contraindicated in cases of congenital fructose intolerance. At high doses and with prolonged use, symptoms of metabolic alkalosis may appear. This is numbness in the muscles, nervousness, paresthesia. But this remedy can be used during breastfeeding, and if heartburn is combined with bloating, then you should initially pay attention to Antareit.

The best antisecretory drugs for heartburn

In addition to mechanical binding of hydrochloric acid or neutralization, there are many drugs that reduce its secretion. They are called antisecretory, and are divided into two large groups. The first group includes proton pump inhibitors, or proton pump, and the second group includes histamine receptor blockers (H2)

Proton pump inhibitors are effective and modern means, which reduce the acidity of gastric juice. The mechanism of action of these drugs is carried out through blocking a special enzyme - hydrogen-potassium ATPase. It produces hydrochloric acid by multiplying hydrogen ions and combining them with chlorine ions.

As for H2 - histamine receptor blockers, these drugs block the receptors of the gastric mucosa, which are located on parietal or parietal cells. As a result, the production of hydrochloric acid is reduced, and, consequently, the ulcer-forming effect. Let's consider the main drugs that are intended both for self-relief of heartburn and for the treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. These drugs are constantly being improved, so there are several generations of such drugs.

Omeprazole (Gastrozole, Omez, Ortanol, Ultop, Helicid)

Omeprazole is one of the main antiulcer drugs, acid-reducing drugs, which are widely used in outpatient practice, is included in the list of vitally important drugs (VED list), and is given to patients in gastroenterology departments in hospitals. This remedy is used for ulcerative lesion gastrointestinal tract, with heartburn, with erosive and ulcerative processes, with stress ulcers, as well as with reflux esophagitis. The drug is used in the form of 20 mg capsules, 2 capsules per day in severe cases, usually one capsule. Omeprazole is produced by a number of domestic and foreign pharmaceutical companies, for example Sandoz, Stada, Akrikhin, Veropharm, Teva, Gedeon Richter. The cost of domestic omeprazole starts from 23 rubles. for 30 capsules of the drug, which makes it truly affordable and popular for the general public.

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the fact that Omeprazole is not a drug of the latest generation, it has its advantages. He rarely experiences overdose symptoms such as agitation, headache, dry mouth. This drug can be used both during meals and between meals, this does not affect the effectiveness of treatment. However, omeprazole is contraindicated for use in children, pregnancy and lactation. One of the most important indications for the use of omeprazole is prophylactic treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. So, if a patient has severe back pain and is prescribed meloxicam, nimesulide, or ibuprofen, and at the same time he has a gastric ulcer, then Omeprazole is prescribed along with anti-inflammatory drugs to prevent the induction of ulcers.

Pariet (Bereta, Noflux, Rabiet, Zulbex)

Pariet is a next generation proton pump inhibitor containing rabeprazole. Available in tablets, 10 or 20 mg, in enteric form. Rabeprazole also suppresses sodium-potassium ATPase, and, unlike the previous drug, does not have anticholinergic properties, and therefore does not cause the side effects characteristic of omeprazole, that is, its safety spectrum is significantly improved. After taking 1 tablet, a significant reduction in heartburn is noted within 1 hour. In addition to symptoms of reflux disease, heartburn and sour belching, this medicine is indicated for complex treatment all forms of gastric and duodenal ulcers, with pathological hypersecretion, with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, with Helicobacter pylori infection. According to the standard treatment regimen, the medicine is used once a day, depending on the indications - either in a dosage of 10 mg or 20.

This drug is one of the most expensive in the rating of heartburn medications. So, for 14 tablets with a dosage of 10 mg you should pay from 1200 rubles. This is an original drug that is produced by the Japanese company Ezai - under license from Janssen - Pharmaceuticals. However, there are also cheaper analogues. Thus, Beret tablets, which are produced by the domestic company Veropharm, are sold at a price of 500 rubles. for 14 tablets containing 20 mg of rabeprazole.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of rabeprazole include the absence of side effects characteristic of omeprazole, the ability to use it in patients with impaired liver and kidney function without any dose adjustment, and the absence of overdose symptoms. This drug can be taken in the same dose as indicated in the instructions for the elderly, and for children from the age of 12 years. The only disadvantage of this remedy is its obvious high cost; it is not recommended to use it as monotherapy simply to relieve heartburn. Unlike Maalox, Almagel, Gaviscon and Rennie, a person will have to wait a whole hour until his heartburn goes away.

But, nevertheless, of all the proton pump inhibitors, Pariet acts the fastest. You just need to remember that these remedies are indicated for the treatment of diseases that cause heartburn, they treat the causes of heartburn, and are not at all intended to instantly relieve an unpleasant symptom without regard to its origin.

Famotidine (Kvamatel, Ulfamid)

Kvamatel, or Famotidine, is available in two forms: both in tablets and in vials for intravenous administration. It is important that famotidine not only makes hydrochloric acid less strong, less concentrated, and thus reduces the unpleasant symptoms of heartburn, but it also reduces the total amount of gastric juice secretion. This is important for those patients who are undergoing surgery on the stomach and need to make it “drier.”

Kvamatel is indicated for all those diseases and conditions that lead to the development of heartburn syndrome: peptic ulcers, reflux, peptic ulcers, gastroduodenitis, and even gastrointestinal bleeding.

For reflux esophagitis, for example, the drug is used one 20 mg tablet twice a day, but if necessary, you can increase the dosage twice. Produces this drug Hungarian company Gedeon Richter, and you can buy 14 tablets with a dosage of 40 mg for 100 rubles. There are numerous varieties of famotidine, and the cheapest domestic famotidine can be purchased at a price of 14 rubles. for 20 tablets with a dosage of 20 mg. It is produced by the domestic company Ozon.


We reviewed the rating of drugs that help relieve such an unpleasant symptom as heartburn. All drugs were ranked according to speed of action, and, sad as it may seem, ordinary and very insidious soda helps most quickly. Its side effects accumulate, and eventually even hardcore soda advocates are forced to give it up because it causes the disease that caused heartburn to worsen.

Of course, agents that are antisecretory cannot be used as “ ambulance" at severe heartburn, they should be prescribed by a doctor, their task is to cure the diseases that led to this unpleasant symptom. In conclusion, we can also list such a group of drugs, but do not separate them into a special section - these are prokinetics, or drugs that affect the motility of smooth muscles. These include domperidone, or Motilium, and Cerucal, or metoclopramide. By themselves, they do not have any effect on heartburn, and there is no point in taking them for heartburn. But if heartburn is accompanied by nausea or vomiting, then these drugs can be used, but only as antinausea and antiemetics.

As for folk recipes for heartburn, warm milk, warm mineral water without carbon, or fresh potato juice can be used. All this can be used as symptomatic remedies only if the symptoms of heartburn arose “legally”, after significant consumption of alcohol and a feast with an abundance of fatty, smoked and spicy foods. Then this heartburn can be eliminated using the remedies listed in the rating, and without resorting to the help of a doctor to diagnose the disease. But if heartburn becomes obsessive, if, despite giving up bad habits and normalizing the diet, it keeps coming back, accompanied by new symptoms, then in this case you will definitely need to contact a gastroenterologist and take a blood test. necessary tests, and be sure to do a fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS). This will avoid many troubles, detect an ulcer and prevent the risk of bleeding at an early stage of the disease, and in some cases, detect a malignant tumor in a timely manner.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Heartburn is an unpleasant sensation that occurs suddenly and worsens a person’s quality of life. If discomfort is taken by surprise, but there is no home necessary medications, it is possible to use methods traditional medicine to alleviate the condition.

At self-treatment the main thing is to do no harm. It is important to monitor the body’s reaction to the drug taken and not to use components that cause an allergic reaction.

Heartburn in the esophagus and stomach cannot be tolerated. The symptom requires elimination in a short time. People who believe that medications are not suitable as a remedy for an unpleasant phenomenon will be helped by traditional medicine, which has created a lot of recipes for combating the disease, in which improvised means are used. Many traditional methods really effective, able to reduce the acidity of gastric juice and protect the gastric mucosa.

Ways to eliminate burning and discomfort in the esophagus:

  • Herbal therapy.
  • Treatment with freshly squeezed juices.
  • Eliminate symptoms using infusions and decoctions.
  • Eliminating symptoms with food.

Some common medications should be taken with great caution. Soda and ash have contraindications and side effects after use. In case of sudden unbearable heartburn, if gentle methods are not available, remedies quickly help eliminate discomfort at home.

Cigarette ashes are a dubious method, but it is believed that it helps relieve the burning sensation as quickly as possible.

A burning sensation in the stomach and esophagus occurs with increased acidity. Acid backs up into the esophagus and heartburn begins. They help eliminate an attack medical drug and folk remedies for heartburn. But the symptom will reappear if you neglect elementary rules. Recommendations for preventing burning:

  • It is not recommended to eat before bed. The last dose is taken two hours before bedtime.
  • You need to eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly, do not talk, and do not be distracted while eating.
  • When eating, you need to loosen the tight belt. After eating, avoid squeezing organs with belts and corsets.
  • Medicines that increase acidity are best taken after eating.

The fight against burning in the esophagus and stomach will be successful if you eliminate bad habits and eat right.

Herbal treatment

Healing plants are successfully used for burning in the esophagus, belching and other symptoms. From medicinal herbs prepare decoctions and infusions. Medicinal herbs have contraindications and can cause allergic reactions. It is better to consult a doctor before use.

With the judicious use of plants, the level of acidity is normalized, burning is eliminated, and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is restored.

What herbs help?

There are many herbs and decoction recipes. Effective recipes of traditional medicine from plants:

Freshly squeezed juices

Juice from fresh vegetables relieves discomfort and has a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole. Juices are drunk separately or mixed. Drinks help prevent the phenomenon. There are practically no side effects from the juice. Vegetable juices – the best remedy to prevent the symptom.

Carrot, beet, and cabbage juice should be consumed 3 tablespoons before meals, and the unpleasant symptom will not bother you after the meal.

Potato juice

Potato juice is considered the most effective remedy for heartburn. Improves the condition of a patient with gastritis. The product is safe and available. Pregnant women are allowed to take it.

Prepare healthy drink needed before use. The tubers are thoroughly washed, peeled and rubbed. The mass is squeezed through gauze. The drink is left to stand for 5 minutes and drunk.

If attacks are regular, you need to drink a glass of drink in the morning an hour before breakfast for 10 days.

carrot juice

Carrots cope excellently with high acidity and can alleviate the condition if they are not available. You can eat carrots raw or make juice. Boiled root vegetables help calm the stomach.

To make juice, you need to take the root vegetable and put it through a juicer. It is recommended to add cream for better absorption of the product. The juice is diluted with water if the drink is too concentrated.

If you don’t have a juicer, it’s easy to grate the root vegetable and squeeze through cheesecloth.

Eliminating heartburn with food

Products present in the kitchen of every housewife will help get rid of heartburn in the esophagus.


Drinking a baking soda solution is a common method of combating burning in the esophagus. Baking soda effectively helps relieve severe heartburn and can quickly neutralize acid. But it has contraindications and is not recommended for frequent use.

Baking soda should be diluted in warm water or milk, then drunk in small sips. Severe heartburn goes away after 10-15 minutes.

Potassium bicarbonate is an instant remedy for severe heartburn and helps relieve the burning sensation. Contraindicated for mild attacks.

A burning sensation in the esophagus cannot be treated with soda. Sodium bicarbonate can temporarily relieve sensations, but will not eliminate the cause. It can cause complications in people with gastrointestinal diseases. It is better to fight without soda, but through more effective and safe methods.

Disadvantages of soda

Soda is contraindicated for people with the disorder nervous system. After use, the person becomes irritable. Accompanied by migraines and depression.

With frequent use of soda solutions, stool upset, bloating, flatulence, nausea, and abdominal pain are observed.

Sodium negatively affects the functioning of the kidneys - fluid accumulates and potassium is excreted. A person’s blood pressure increases, which affects the heart and threatens serious diseases of the cardiovascular system. This heartburn remedy should be used correctly, as a last resort.

Activated carbon

Activated carbon can be found in every first aid kit. The product helps not only with poisoning and digestive disorders, but also in the fight against heartburn. It absorbs excess acid, relieving pressure in the esophagus. At the same time, it does not irritate the mucous membranes; pregnant women can use it to combat discomfort.

To eliminate an attack, drink two charcoal tablets, or crush them into powder and stir in milk.

Activated carbon is safe to use. If you do not exceed the permissible dosage, there will be no side effects.


A person must understand that prevention is easier than cure. Proper nutrition will help you avoid heartburn. The first thing you need to do is adjust your diet - eliminate spicy foods, fatty, fried foods. It is recommended to consume dairy products.

Overeating is not allowed - it causes discomfort in the stomach and esophagus, pain and attacks of nausea. You need to eat often and in small portions. If you suffer from heartburn at night, you can eat dry cookies.

To avoid discomfort, you need to eat easily digestible foods.

A home remedy for burning is effective if heartburn is caused by overeating, eating spicy, salty, or fatty foods. First aid is correct use food products. If heartburn is persistent and treatment at home does not help, you need to seek medical help.

There are many methods to extinguish heartburn at home using improvised means. Which method to choose is up to everyone to decide for themselves. But do not forget that heartburn is only a consequence of poor nutrition or a symptom serious illness. If the causes of the sensations are pathologies of the internal organs, it will not be possible to cure heartburn using folk remedies. The symptom will appear again. For heartburn to go away forever, you need to eliminate the source of the discomfort by undergoing examination and treatment. The goal of therapy is not to eliminate the symptom, but to get rid of the cause that caused the sensation.

Heartburn is a burning sensation, pain and discomfort that occurs in the throat, sternum or esophagus. This feeling spreads from bottom to top. Many people suffer from heartburn. For some it appears only for a short time, but for others it becomes a serious problem causing constant suffering. Pharmaceutical companies have developed and continue to create new means to get rid of such an unpleasant symptom. Available medications available in pharmacies. When choosing and prescribing a specific drug, many factors must be taken into account. You can make your own medicine for heartburn at home.

Heartburn remedies

There are many medications for heartburn. How to make the right choice? It's important to remember that this uncomfortable feeling is often a symptom of an advanced disease.

Taking medications for heartburn in this case can only mask the pathology. If the appearance of such an unpleasant feeling is not caused by any disease and occurs rarely, you can use pharmaceutical remedies.

Heartburn can cause discomfort at any age

Video: gastroesophageal reflux disease

To successfully heal heartburn, it is not enough to get rid of unpleasant symptoms. It is very important to identify the source of the problem.

There may be several reasons why heartburn occurs:

  • smoking;
  • drinking carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • use of certain medications;
  • eating fatty, sour and spicy foods;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • violation of the acid-base balance during pregnancy.

Types of medications for heartburn

There are several types of drugs designed to combat this problem. Their mechanism of action and composition differ from each other.


Medicines in this group relieve the burning sensation. They neutralize the acid present in gastric juice. Their effect lasts about 30 minutes. However, antacids can have a bad effect on digestion: it requires acid, which appears again after a short period of time and causes the production of carbon dioxide. This causes bloating and belching.

Antacids are considered one of the best pharmaceutical drugs, helping in case of short-term and rare heartburn. They are absorbable and non-absorbable.

Absorbable antacids include:

  • Tums and Rennie blends;
  • sodium bicarbonate;
  • Bourget's sodium mixture;
  • magnesium carbonate;
  • calcium carbonate.

Non-absorbable antacids include:

  • Gestid;
  • Alfogel;
  • Relzer;
  • Gastal;
  • Gasterin.

Side effects:

  • Magnesium supplements can cause:
    • bradycardia;
    • diarrhea;
    • renal failure.
  • Preparations with aluminum lead to:
    • to hypophosphatemia;
    • to osteomalacia;
    • to encephalopathy;
    • to symptoms of poisoning.
  • Calcium supplements cause:
    • deposition of stones in the bladder;
    • exceeding the maximum permissible level of calcium in the blood;
    • calcium deposition in the kidneys.

Contraindications: renal failure.

Antacids - photo gallery

Phosphalugel is prescribed for many pathologies digestive tract
Maalox helps to quickly get rid of unpleasant sensations There are several varieties of Almagel that help with different types heartburn


Alginates are consumed after meals. They react with gastric juice, forming a barrier that floats on its surface. Drugs in this group act for approximately 4 hours.

Raw materials for the production of alginates - brown algae

Alginates protect the esophagus from the effects of gastric juice. However, its acidity does not change.

Alginates act quickly and effectively. They are practically harmless, help heal erosions, and treat stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Examples of alginates: Gaviscon, Laminal.

Side effects: allergic reactions.

Contraindications: breastfeeding, age under 6 years.

Gaviscon is the most popular alginate remedy for heartburn

Antisecretory agents

These medications reduce acid formation. They last longer than antacids (up to 8 hours). Take them once a day. Drugs in this group do not allow heartburn to recur if they are used systematically. Effective within an hour after administration. Antisecretory agents are used for severe forms heartburn when antacids do not work.

There are 2 types of antisecretory drugs:

  1. Proton pump inhibitors. The proton pump is a special protein that helps produce hydrochloric acid in the stomach. This is the most important action so that the digestion process can take place. Often the acid is produced in excessive quantities, which causes problems. Proton pump inhibitors help reduce proton pump secretion.
  2. Histamine H2 receptor blockers (H2 blockers). Help suppress the secretion of hydrochloric acid. But they are not able to neutralize what has already formed.

Examples of antisecretory agents:

  • Rabenprozole;
  • Orthanol;
  • Gistak.

Side effects:

  • headaches;
  • diarrhea;
  • depression;
  • hepatitis.


  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • childhood.

Omeprazole is an inexpensive and effective remedy to combat heartburn

Drugs that stimulate gastrointestinal motility

Prokinetics treat heartburn without affecting stomach acid levels. They relieve attacks of nausea and prevent vomiting.

Examples of digestive tract stimulants:

  • Motilak;
  • Domperidone;

Side effects:

  • headaches;
  • drowsiness;
  • excitability;
  • thirst;
  • lethargy;
  • dry mouth;
  • spasms of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.


  • bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • perforated intestinal or stomach ulcer;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • severe kidney pathologies.

Motilium is one of the representatives of prokinetics, dulling the feeling of nausea, relieving bloating and increased gas formation

Homeopathic medicines

Homeopathy uses highly diluted substances. This minimizes the possibility of side effects. Homeopathic medicines for heartburn are prescribed to maintain ongoing therapeutic actions, accelerate tissue restoration of the esophagus and stomach, and normalize the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract.

Homeopathy is one of the most safe methods heartburn treatment

Examples of homeopathic remedies for heartburn:

  • magnesium phosphate;
  • potassium bichromicum;
  • belladonna.


  • hypotension;
  • bradycardia (in severe form);
  • prenatal period;
  • depression of the respiratory center;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • renal failure (chronic);
  • appendicitis;
  • bleeding in the intestines;
  • dehydration;
  • intestinal obstruction.

Side effects:

  • headaches;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • polyuria;
  • nausea;
  • pronounced sedation;
  • uterine atony;
  • vomit;
  • intestinal pain;
  • thirst;
  • flatulence;
  • diarrhea;
  • convulsions;
  • asthenia;
  • fatigue.

Forms of release of drugs for heartburn

Your doctor may prescribe different heartburn medications depending on the severity and cause of the condition. At the pharmacy you can find a wide range of medications for this problem.

Table: forms in which heartburn medications are produced and their composition

Release form What is it like? Compound Drug groups
Pills Hard dosage form, which is obtained by pressing powders and granules containing one (or more) medicinal substance
  • compounds of calcium, aluminum, magnesium, sodium, rutin;
  • Kellyn.
Suspension Medicinal mixture various substances, in which solids are distributed as small particles in a liquid substance in an unsettled (suspended) state
  • compounds of calcium, aluminum, magnesium, sodium;
  • routine;
  • Kellyn;
  • domperidone;
  • itopride hydrochloride;
  • metoclopramide;
  • cisapride;
  • bromopride;
  • castor oil;
  • bethanechol;
  • plants:
    • buckthorn bark;
    • rhubarb root;
    • joster fruits;
    • mint;
    • aloe leaf
  • antacids;
  • alginates.
Capsules A dosage form that consists of a gelatin shell (soft or hard) containing one or more medicinal substances.
  • purified water;
  • glycerol;
  • gelatin;
  • nipagin;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • nipazole;
  • dye E129;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • mint.
  • alginates;
  • gastrointestinal stimulants;
  • antisecretory agents.
Powder Heavily crushed substance
  • magnesium phosphate;
  • potassium bichromicum;
  • belladonna;
  • domperidone;
  • itopride hydrochloride;
  • metoclopramide;
  • cisapride;
  • bromopride;
  • castor oil;
  • bethanechol.
  • homeopathic medicines;
  • digestive tract stimulants;
  • antisecretory agents;
  • alginates.

A contraindication applies to all products - individual intolerance.

How to take heartburn medications

  • Antacids should be taken 40–60 minutes after a meal or 3 hours before the next meal. If the heartburn is too severe, then it is better to choose a remedy that is absorbed quickly, for example, Rennie. Heartburn can also occur at night. In this case, it is recommended to use other drugs, since antacids provide significant benefit only during the daytime.
  • Alginates are taken with meals. Treatment with these drugs lasts from one to three months.
  • Antisecretory drugs:
    • Proton pump inhibitors should be taken once a day, the dose is indicated by your doctor. It can be divided into two doses: morning and evening. Treatment may last for several months or even years.
    • Histamine H2 receptor blockers (H2 blockers) should be taken 60 minutes before meals.

Indications for the use of medications for heartburn

IN in some cases Heartburn is a short-term unpleasant phenomenon that can be quickly relieved without visiting the hospital. However, often a burning sensation indicates a serious illness, for proper treatment who requires medical attention.

Heartburn may be just the tip of the iceberg: it may be a symptom of a serious illness that requires professional medical attention to treat.

Signs of serious health problems, of which heartburn is one of the symptoms:

  • weight loss for no apparent reason;
  • bouts of vomiting and increased body temperature;
  • weakness;
  • difficulty inhaling and exhaling;
  • absence positive results after taking medications.

If you do not pay attention to the symptoms that deprive a person full life, then irreversible changes may occur. Unfortunately, many patients turn to doctors when the disease reaches a severe stage.

Table: brief characteristics of drugs for heartburn

Name Release form Active ingredient Indications Contraindications Permitted patient age Price
Activated carbon
  • pills;
  • powder.
Carbon-containing materials of organic origin
  • feeling of heat and burning in the chest area;
  • excessive stomach acidity.
  • intestinal atony;
  • colitis;
  • bleeding in the digestive tract.
From 14 years oldFrom 3 rubles
  • animal bile;
  • garlic extract;
  • nettle extract;
  • activated carbon.
A feeling of bitter taste in the mouth for a long time, caused by pathologies of the digestive system
  • cholelithiasis (stones larger than 10 mm);
  • hepatitis and pancreatitis in the acute stage;
  • enterocolitis;
  • ulcers of the duodenum and stomach;
  • liver dystrophy (in subacute and acute stages);
  • allergic reaction to substances contained in the medicine.
From 3 years40 rubles
  • suspension;
  • pills.
Aluminum and magnesium compoundsFeeling of discomfort and burning sensation in the stomach
  • pregnancy;
  • renal failure;
  • dementia (Alzheimer's disease);
  • lack of phosphorus;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • brain diseases;
  • epilepsy.
Depends on the type of drug. Green and yellow - from the first month of life, Almagel Neo - from 10 years, tablets - from 12 years.74–145 rubles
GastalTablets that need to be swallowedMagnesium and aluminum compoundsHeartburn caused by medications alcoholic drinks, coffee, foods with a lot of fat, smoking
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • advanced age;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • low body weight (less than 50 kg).
From 12 years old75–293 rubles
  • chewable tablets;
  • suspension.
  • lemon;
  • mint;
  • sodium compounds.
  • heartburn;
  • sour taste in the mouth after belching;
  • heaviness in the epigastric region after eating.
  • phenylketonuria;
  • diseases of the heart and circulatory system;
  • kidney diseases.
From 6 years old97–510 rubles
Calcium gluconate
  • pills;
  • injection solution.
Calcium compoundBurning sensation caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • hypercalcemia;
  • hypercalciuria;
  • nephrourolithiasis;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • diarrhea;
  • electrolyte disturbances;
  • malabsorption syndrome;
  • heart and kidney failure;
  • simultaneous use with heart medications.
From 3 years
  • tablets - from 10 rubles;
  • ampoules - from 110 rubles.
De-NolPillsBismuth tripotassium dicitrate
  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • dyspepsia;
  • irritable bowel syndrome.
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • kidney diseases.
From 4 years old742 rubles
IberogastDropsalcohol extracts:
  • angelica rhizomes;
  • licorice root;
  • lemon balm leaf;
  • mint leaf;
  • celandine leaf;
  • chamomile leaf;
  • milk thistle fruit;
  • caraway fruits.
  • problems in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcers;
  • spasms.
  • alcohol addiction;
  • calculous cholecystitis;
  • traumatic lesions and diseases of the brain;
  • liver diseases.
No age restrictions332 rubles
  • suspension;
  • pills.
  • aluminum hydroxide;
  • Magnesium hydroxide.
  • burning pain;
  • inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines;
  • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • gastritis.
  • serious kidney problems;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • reduced phosphorus content;
  • Alzheimer's disease.
From 15 years old
  • tablets - 250–270 rubles;
  • suspension - 270–400 rubles.
MabennyChewable tablets
  • magnesium carbonate;
  • calcium carbonate.
Gastritis with increased secretion
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • the presence of kidney stones;
  • decreased level of gastric acidity.
From 18 years old109 rubles
  • dyspepsia;
  • heartburn after eating fatty and unusual foods;
  • functional disorders of the intestine;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis.
  • pancreatitis in the acute phase of development;
  • hypersensitivity to pancreatin;
  • obstructive intestinal obstruction;
  • galactose aversion;
  • impaired glucose absorption.
No age restrictions79–200 rubles
  • coated tablets;
  • lozenges.
Domperidone (dopamine receptor blocker)
  • heaviness and pain in the stomach;
  • flatulence;
  • heartburn.
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • tumor in the anterior pituitary gland;
  • stomach bleeding;
  • pregnancy;
  • prolactinoma.
From 5 years
  • coated tablets - from 170 rubles;
  • lozenges - 180 rubles.
  • suspension;
  • lozenges;
  • coated tablets.
  • vomit;
  • flatulence;
  • heartburn;
  • belching;
  • nausea.
  • perforation and obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pituitary tumors;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding.
No age restrictionsFrom 410 rubles
Hard capsules
  • increased production of hydrochloric acid;
  • stomach ulcer.
  • breastfeeding;
  • pregnancy;
  • excessive sensitivity to the components of the drug.
From 5 years11–60 rubles
  • lyophilisate for injection;
  • capsules.
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice.
  • excessive sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • breastfeeding;
  • osteoporosis;
  • bloody vomiting;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • severe loss of body weight;
  • lack of vitamin B12.
From 18 years oldFrom 29 rubles
  • pancreatic enzyme insufficiency;
  • gastritis;
  • flatulence.
From 2 yearsFrom 20 rubles
  • increased level of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice;
  • heartburn;
  • sour belching;
  • sour taste in the mouth;
  • reflux.
  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • renal failure in a severe stage.
  • 10 mg tablets - from 18 years of age;
  • tablets 20 mg - from 12 years.
779–3621 rubles
Pechaevsky tabletsPills
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • refined sugar;
  • peppermint oil.
  • burning sensation in the chest;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • kidney diseases.
No age restrictions20–50 rubles
PolysorbSilicon dioxide (colloidal)Heartburn associated with increased acidity levels
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute stage;
  • stomach and intestinal bleeding;
  • intestinal atony.
No age restrictions25–349 rubles
RanitidinePillsRanitidine (as hydrochloride)
  • heartburn;
  • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum in the acute stage;
  • erosive esophagitis;
  • Zollinger-Ellison syndrome;
  • erosive esophagitis and reflux esophagitis.
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • hypersensitivity to ramitidine;
  • liver cirrhosis accompanied by portosystemic encephalopathy;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • porphyria in the acute stage.
From 12 years old15–56 rubles
RenniePillsCalcium and magnesium compoundsHeartburn associated with:
  • with smoking;
  • with an addiction to alcohol;
  • with stomach and duodenal ulcers.
  • renal failure;
  • increased levels of calcium in the blood;
  • sensitivity to the components of the drug.
From 12 years old99–316 rubles
SmectaPowder for preparing suspensionDioctahedral smectiteHeartburn against the background of gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the esophagus, stomach and intestines
  • allergy;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome,
  • excessive sensitivity to components.
No age restrictions190–447 rubles
  • increased level of hydrochloric acid;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • reflux esophagitis;
  • Zallinger-Ellison syndrome.
  • intolerance to individual components of the drug;
  • breastfeeding;
  • pregnancy;
  • cirrhosis;
  • portosystemic encephalopathy;
  • kidney and liver diseases.
From 12 years old32–55 rubles
  • pancreatin;
  • ox bile extract.
  • burning sensation behind the sternum;
  • abdominal pain that occurs after eating or drinking alcohol.
  • pancreatitis;
  • liver failure;
  • hepatitis;
  • jaundice;
  • gallstones;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • cystic fibrosis (with extreme caution).
From 3 years135–262 rubles
GelAluminum phosphateHeartburn due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract associated with:
  • with an increased level of acidity;
  • With peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum;
  • with gastrointestinal reflux.
  • low levels of phosphorus in the blood;
  • renal failure;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • allergy;
  • sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • heart failure;
  • old age (over 60 years).
No age restrictions14–17 rubles
Hilak forteOral dropsSubstrate for metabolic products of microorganismsSevere heartburn associated with disturbances in the level of acidity of gastric juice and the activity of intestinal microflora
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • diarrhea in the acute stage with blood, accompanied elevated temperature bodies.
From 2 years old. In rare cases, a doctor may prescribe the drug to infants.272–512 rubles
  • pills;
  • syrup;
  • suspension;
  • injection solution.
Field artichoke leaf extractLarge volume of stomach acid
  • gallstones;
  • diseases of the gallbladder, kidneys, ureter and liver in the acute stage;
No age restrictions223–744 rubles
  • gel;
  • paste.
Methyl silicic acidBurning sensation caused by the action of radionuclides, toxins and pathogens
  • duodenal or stomach ulcer;
  • problems in the functioning of the digestive tract of a morphophysiological nature:
    • intestinal atony;
    • acute gastric dilatation syndrome and others;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
No age restrictions371–410 rubles

Is it possible to use No-shpa for heartburn?

As part of No-shpa as active substance Drotaverine is found. The medicine is used to relieve pain caused by cramps. It lowers pressure and expands blood vessels. Some patients believe that No-shpa also helps with heartburn.

No-spa is a popular remedy for relieving cramps, but its use for heartburn can aggravate the course of the disease.

One of the main causes of heartburn is too much relaxation of the smooth muscles, which disrupts the functioning of the sphincter between the esophagus and stomach. In this case, using No-shpa will not help the patient in any way. Moreover, it can harm him. Experts advise not to use drotaverine and other antispasmodics to get rid of heartburn.

Treating heartburn can be a lengthy process that requires the use of medications. With periodic burning sensations and other unpleasant symptoms It is very important to see a doctor as soon as possible. Only he will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and choose the right treatment that will help speedy recovery and relapse prevention.

Traditional medicine

Traditional medicine has accumulated many methods for getting rid of heartburn. These products are easy to prepare with your own hands.

A popular remedy is baking soda. It works quickly. Relief comes within 1-2 minutes after administration. Soda is available to everyone and this is its advantage. However, its application has its own negative aspects. It only works for a short time. The reason for this is that sodium bicarbonate, when combined with hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, neutralizes it. Chemical reaction leads to the formation of sodium chloride, carbon dioxide and water.

Carbon dioxide goes up and again injures the walls of the esophagus, which were already irritated before. For this reason, soda cannot be used as a remedy for heartburn for a long time.

You should boil half a glass of water and cool to 36–37 o C. Then you need to slowly pour a third of a teaspoon of soda into it and mix well. You should always drink at fresh in small sips. After 5-10 minutes, heartburn should disappear. In just one day, you can take only 1 glass of solution.

Potatoes contain starch, which relieves a burning sensation in the esophagus

Video: what you can and cannot eat if you have heartburn

Herbs for heartburn

Herbal remedies for heartburn deserve serious attention. These are quite effective remedies that help if they are used for a long time.

Recipe one

To prepare a wonderful remedy for heartburn you will need:

  • dill seeds - 10 grams;
  • chamomile flowers - 10 grams;
  • water (boiling water) - 1 liter;
  • honey - 12 grams.

Add herbs to boiling water and boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Leave for an hour. Strain and add honey. Store in the refrigerator for three days. You should take half a glass of the product on an empty stomach. This drink should be prepared and used within 30 days.

Recipe two

This remedy will also help eliminate discomfort. To prepare it you will need:

  • marsh cudweed - 10 grams;
  • water (boiling water) - a glass and a quarter.

You need to pour boiling water over the cucumber herb, transfer it to a glass or porcelain jar, close and wrap for 3 hours. Then strain and drink a quarter glass 4 times a day. Treatment lasts 14 days.

An infusion of dried marsh grass will gently relieve the discomfort of heartburn.

Video: how to cope with heartburn