Educational opportunities of computer games in the development of preschool children. The use of educational computer games in the educational process of a secondary school







Listener of group 3.2.7.

“Target guidelines for the formation of cognitive and speech activity of children up to school age in accordance with GOS DO"

Ermak Oksana Vladimirovna

teacher senior group

MDOU "Nursery-garden No. 249 of the city of Donetsk"

Graduate work supervisor:

Galkina Elena Vasilievna,

methodologist of the distance learning department




Introduction……………………………………………………….. p.2

    1. The concept and essence of the game. The influence of the game on the formation

and development of the child’s personality……………………………...p. 3

    1. The use of computer games in education

space MDOU……………………………………..…p.4

2.1. Game is the main use of a computer in preschool educational institutions...p. 8

2.2. Methodological techniques for using computer

games in MDOU………………………………………...………p. 18

    1. Conclusions………………………………………………………pp. 23

Appendix 2……………………………………………………..p. 24

Appendix 3……………………………………………………………..p. 32

Appendix 4……………………………………………………………. page 38

List of used literature……………….page. 44


The use of information and communication technologies in the teaching and educational process in a preschool educational institution is one of the newest and most pressing problems in preschool pedagogy. The specificity of the introduction of a personal computer into the process of educating preschoolers in our country is that computers are first used in the family, then in a preschool institution (provided that they exist) - in conditions of collective education. Using a computer as a means of educating and developing a child’s creative abilities, shaping his personality, and enriching the intellectual sphere of a preschooler allows him to expand the teacher’s capabilities and creates the basis for introducing children to computer educational programs.

Cel bcourse work : to study the features of the use of computer games in the development of preschool children.

Object of study : cognitive development of preschool children.

In accordance with the purpose and object of the study, the following were formulated:tasks :

    To study the concept and essence of play in preschool educational institutions, to describe the influence of play on the formation and development of a child.

    Determine the classification of games and their characteristics.

    To study the use of computer games in a preschool institution.

Methods: theoretical analysis of the sources used, study of the material.

Practical significance: develop methodological recommendations for educators and teachers on the use of computers in preschool educational institutions.

    The concept and essence of the game. The influence of play on the formation and development of a child’s personality

What is a game?

One of the founders of Russian psychologyL.S.Vygotsky said that the basis of the game is an imaginary or imaginary situation.

In the game, the child for the first time carries out intellectual systematic work, with the help of images, loud speech, play actions, creates a plot and follows it. But most importantly, in the game the preschooler learns to treat the world he has imagined as the real one, with all seriousness. When playing, a child is always at the junction of the real and game worlds, occupying two positions simultaneously: the real one - the child, and the conditional one - the adult. This is the main achievement of the game. Occupying a certain place in the lives of adults, play has a special meaning for children. It is customary to call her a childhood companion. In preschool children, it constitutes the main content of life and acts as a leading activity. Special significance childhood lies in the fact that, with all his limited capabilities, a small child, without knowing it, solves the main task of his life - he determines his place, his path among people. And it is precisely for its implementation that a plot-role-playing game is needed. Play is of great importance in preparing for future life.

What does play give to children?

    1. Gives freedom, a break from everyday life, a transition from real life to gaming relationships.

      The game teaches the child order, because it is impossible to break the rules and be in the game.

      The game creates harmony and forms the desire for perfection.

      The game provides an element of uncertainty, which excites, activates the mind, and sets us up to search for optimal relationships.

      The game provides compensation, neutralization of shortcomings in reality. It is contrasted with the harsh world of reality - an illusory harmonious world.

      The game develops the imagination, as it is necessary to create plots, situations, and game rules.

      The game develops psychological plasticity, because Without this, it is impossible to build gaming relationships.

      The game gives you the joy of communicating with peers, teaches you to navigate real life situations, replaying them repeatedly “for fun” in your fictional world.

      Gives mental stability, relieves the level of anxiety, which is so high in children now.

Thus,cWith the help of play, a preschooler brings the inaccessible world of adults closer, filling it with his experiences and ideas. No game. Full social development of a child in preschool age is impossible.

II . The use of computer games in the educational space of preschool educational institutions

The computer, being the most modern tool for processing information, can serve as a powerful technical teaching tool and play the role of an indispensable assistant in the education and general mental development of preschool children. Psychologists note: the earlier a child gets acquainted with a computer, the smaller the psychological barrier between him and the machine, since the child has practically no fear of technology. Why? Because a computer is as attractive to children as any new toy, which is how they look at it in most cases.

A separate place in educational educational process MDOU is dedicated to computer games.

Computer games – new look developmental education.

Activities using computer games are very interesting for preschoolers. They take great pleasure in mastering programs, achieving their correct solution. Computerization, which is gradually penetrating almost all spheres of life and activity of a modern person, makes its own adjustments and approaches to the upbringing and education of preschool children.

Domestic and foreign studies on the use of computers in kindergartens convincingly prove not only the possibility and feasibility of this, but also the special role of the computer in the development of intelligence and the child’s personality in general. Indeed, the computer, having enormous potential for gaming and learning opportunities, has a significant impact on the child, but, like any technology, it is not valuable in itself, and only through the interaction of the teacher, the child and the computer can a positive result be achieved.

Sharing the point of view of many researchers, Yarusova E.A. considers the main purpose of using a computer in a preschool institution to be the comprehensive development of the child, his preparation for life and activities in “computer reality,” i.e. developing a positive emotional attitude towards the computer, perceiving it as an assistant in various activities, understanding its purpose and capabilities for achieving goals.

    Content-based and emotional preparation of children for solving gaming and didactic tasks on the computer;

    Educational game on the computer;

    Problematic communication with each child during the game;

    Gymnastics for the eyes, exercises for the fingers to relieve tension after playing on the computer;

    Implementation of newly acquired (after playing on the computer) impressions in children’s independent play.

Using the gaming capabilities of a computer in combination with didactic capabilities (visual presentation of information, providing feedback between curriculum and the child, ample opportunities to encourage correct actions, individual style of work, etc.) allows for a smoother transition to educational activities in the future.

The features of educational electronic publications (EEP) are highlighted for their use in the educational process of a preschool institution:

EI for preschool children should have an intuitive interface, most often it is presented in the form of an animated menu;

OEI must necessarily contain sound;

There must be correct feedback (both effective and advisory), presented both with graphic support and sound;

OEI should contain several different short-term educational games that correspond to age characteristics, as well as ensuring compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.

But there are also EIs that only to some extent possess the identified features. Colorfulness and dynamism of computer programs, musical accompaniment, game form, general atmosphere goodwill and emancipation allows the child to play with enthusiasm, experience the joy of learning, and discover new things. All this contributes to the development of creative thinking and imagination in children, forms cognitive motivation and reveals the individuality of each child.

The use of a computer allows you to bring the activities of preschool educational institutions to a new, high-quality level, update the content of the educational process, and ensure the quality of education of the student, corresponding to modern state education standards.

It has been established that with an appropriate approach, many areas, tasks and content of educational work with children can be provided by educational computer games.Currently, programs based on the use of computers have been developed and are being implemented into the educational process of preschool educational institutions. One of such programs is the “Preschooler and Computer” program for the additional educational cycle “Computer Games”. The program is aimed at the competent use of computers in the educational process of preschool educational institutions. Carrying out work under this program puts the child in a completely new, qualitatively different developmental situation. Initially, it is possible to use computer educational and educational games “KID/Baby” from the Association “Computer and Childhood”.

Main directions of the program are the issues of introducing a child into the world of a computer, the practical use of computer games as a system of didactic means of enriching the intellectual, aesthetic, moral, environmental and physical development of a preschooler.

Main educational goal introducing a computer into a child’s world is the formation of the child’s motivational, intellectual and operational readiness to use computer tools in their activities.

Computer games included in the system of regular games contribute to the improvement of education and the comprehensive development of the child’s creative personality.

In addition to normative educational standards, children show a higher level of “school readiness” and naturally enter the world of adults, into tomorrow.

The child develops:

    perception, hand-eye coordination, imaginative thinking;

    cognitive motivation, voluntary memory and attention;

    “sign function of consciousness”;

    arbitrariness, the ability to build an action plan, accept and complete a task.

He masters a new way, simpler and faster, of obtaining information, changes his attitude towards a new class of technology and, in general, towards a new world of objects.

Today there is no need to discuss whether computerization is needed or not special education. Life itself has confronted specialists with the problem of introducing computer technology into the special education system.

    1. Game is the main use of a computer in preschool educational institutions

Communication between preschool children and computers begins with computer games, carefully selected taking into account age and educational focus. Modern research in the field of preschool pedagogy K.N. Motorina, S.P. Pervina, M.A. Kholodnoy, S.A. Shapkina et al. testify to the possibility of children aged 3-6 years mastering a computer. As is known, this period coincides with the moment of intensive development of the child’s thinking, preparing the transition from visual-figurative to abstract-logical thinking. At this stage, the computer acts as a special intellectual tool for solving problems of various types of activities. The higher the intellectual level of activity, the more fully all aspects of the personality are enriched in it. The development of computer technology has left a certain imprint on the development of the personality of the modern child. The use of computers has a great influence on the upbringing of a child and his perception of the world around him. The advent of computer games makes it possible to significantly complement a child’s world and correct his development.

Many psychologists and teachers have dealt with the problem of the influence of computer games on the development of preschool children. The origins of this work were scientists and specialists from the Preschool Childhood Center named after. A.V.Zaporozhets. Research by psychologists (S. Novoselova, G. Petku, etc.) has shown that the computer plays a special role in the development of intelligence and the child’s personality in general.

S.L. Novoselova noted that the introduction of a computer into the system of didactic means of a preschool institution can become a powerful factor in enriching the intellectual basis of a child’s mental, aesthetic, social and physical development. G.P. Petcu's research notes the possibilities of gaming computer programs for organizing director's games. I.Yu.Pashelite proved that computer tools effectively enrich the system of developmental didactics of a preschool institution, forming general mental abilities in children.

Computer games are the best environment for learning any type of activity. Game is one of the forms of practical thinking. The ability of children to replace a real object in a game with a game object with the transfer of real meaning to it, a real action with a game action that replaces it, underlies the ability to meaningfully operate with symbols on a computer screen. From this it follows that computer games should be inextricably linked with ordinary games. One of the most important lines of mental development of a preschool child consists of a consistent transition from more elementary forms of thinking to more complex ones. Thanks to the multimedia method of presenting information, the following results are achieved:

Children more easily grasp the concepts of shape, color and size;

The concepts of number and set are comprehended more deeply;

The ability to navigate on a plane and

in space;

Attention and memory are trained;

They master reading and writing earlier;

Actively replenished vocabulary;

Fine motor skills develop, the finest coordination of eye movements is formed;

The time of both simple reaction and choice reaction is reduced;

Purposefulness and concentration are fostered;

Imagination and creative abilities develop;

Elements of visual-figurative and theoretical thinking develop

Computer training for preschoolers should begin with the selection of educational and developmental programs and thinking through organizational forms of working with children and their application, developing methods that use the capabilities of the computer in teaching. You cannot consider a computer in isolation from software and organizational forms of use. Currently, there are many programs designed to teach children mathematics, speech development, foreign languages, etc., as well as entertainment programs that can be used for educational purposes, thanks to methodological techniques. There are also educational computer games that are used only for educational purposes.

Experts have developed a variety of educational programs designed for preschool children.

All gaming computer programs can be divided into groups based on:

    Age category;

    Plot theme;

    Level of difficulty of the game task;

    Control complexity level;

    Tasks for the development of mental abilities, etc.

Conventionally, four types of training programs can be distinguished:

    training and control,

    imitation and modeling,


    educational games.

Programs of the first type are designed to consolidate skills and abilities. It is assumed that the proposed objects and concepts are already known to the child. These programs present children with questions and tasks in random order and count the number of correctly and incorrectly solved problems. If the answer is correct, the child may be given a reward (replica, prize object, moving to the next level, etc.). If the answer is incorrect, the child can receive help or a hint.

Programs of the second type are based on graphically illustrated capabilities, on the one hand, and computational ones, on the other, and allow for computer experiments. Such programs provide children with the opportunity to observe a certain process on the display screen and at the same time influence its progress by issuing commands with the mouse or keyboard, setting parameter values.

Programs of the third type offer children theoretical material to study. Tasks and questions serve in these programs to organize “human-machine” dialogue and to manage the progress of learning. So, if the answers given by the child are incorrect, the program can return him to re-teach the theoretical material. A common disadvantage of these programs is the high labor intensity of development, organizational and methodological difficulties when using MDOU in the real educational process.

Programs of the fourth type provide the child with a certain imaginary environment, a world that exists only in a computer, a set of certain possibilities and means of their implementation.

But the most common pedagogical classification in guidelines for the use of computer games in preschool education is the following classification by Yu.M. Horvitsa. In it, game programs are structured according to the “tree of goals” and combined into three groups.

1. Training programs (convergent, closed type) are aimed at teaching and consolidating knowledge in mathematics in a playful and entertaining form, native language, give initial presentations about natural and social phenomena etc.

2. Developmental programs - stimulating children's creative abilities, the ability to independently set game tasks, find means and ways to implement them (divergent, open type). These programs develop imagination, thinking, memory, provide the opportunity for cognitive experimentation, free creativity, and promote the development of independent and conscious creative activity. These include:

A series of plot-director games - aimed at developing imagination, encouraging communication with peers and adults, collective action, promoting the development and correction of speech, providing powerful support for learning a second language;

A series of programs “Combinatorics” - develops logical thinking, forms an understanding of the cause-and-effect relationships of processes and phenomena, teaches decision-making in non-standard situations, incl. in games with hidden rules;

The “Construction” series of programs is intended for the formation of the most important mental functions in a child related to goal setting, sensory development, and the mental creation of new objects from the proposed elements. They promote the development of imagination, fantasy, goal setting, creative activity, the ability to independently achieve goals, and enrich the arsenal of tools for children’s design activities. They also form the ability to mentally orient objects on a plane and in space. These programs fit well with many other children's activities. They are characterized by a high degree of variability in methodological techniques;

A series of programs “Classifiers”, which promotes the development in children of the principles of seriation, association, classification and systematization of objects according to one or several characteristics.

3. Diagnostic programs, they are:

Provide the ability to quickly diagnose and train various types of attention (maintained, selective), memory (operative, long-term), perception and others mental properties with results and recommendations displayed on screen and/or printed;

Allows you to perform a qualitative analysis of the child’s creative abilities;

They provide an opportunity to assess the readiness of children to enter kindergarten and study at school.

In addition, the following categories of computer games can be distinguished:

Educational games;

Educational games;

Experimentation games;

Fun games;

Logic games;

Computer diagnostic games.

A special role in the world of computer games belongs to educational and developmental games.

Educational games .

Developmental programs are designed to develop children's mental abilities, to develop fantasy, imagination, emotional and moral development. They are only a tool for creativity, for self-expression of the child.

Development programs include:

Graphic editors - "drawing books", "coloring books", constructors. Children have the opportunity to freely draw on the screen with lines, geometric shapes, spots, paint over closed areas, and erase images;

Text editors for entering, editing, storing and printing text;

- "Director's" computer games - free movement of characters and other elements against the backdrop of scenery;

- "Music editors" for entering, storing and playing simple melodies;

- "Fairy tale constructors."

Educational games.

These didactic-type programs involve solving one or more didactic problems. Educational programs include games related to the formation of mathematical concepts in children, teaching writing, reading, and foreign languages. Also, these games form children’s ideas about spatial orientation and solve problems of moral and aesthetic education.

The use of educational computer games allows a child to develop the ability to independently master the material. Educational games make it easier to understand information while developing auditory, motor and emotional memory.

Experimentation games.

In such games, the goal of the game and the rules are hidden in the plot of the game and the way it is controlled. In order to succeed in solving a task, the child must come to an awareness of the goal and method of action.

Fun games.

Fun games lack gaming and developmental tasks. These games provide children with entertainment. The child carries out search actions in order to be able to see the result in the form of some kind of “micro-cartoon”. This group includes the “Living Books” series of programs. Fun games also include adventure games (travel, exploits, adventures), graphic toys (Tetris, “live pictures”, etc.), educational simulators (ABC, keyboard simulator, etc.), etc. This category of games includes simulated game sports: football, volleyball, tennis, etc.; war games: sea battles, air battles, star wars, weapons games, etc.; hand-to-hand combat: karate, kung fu, taekwondo; professional games: car rally, airplane piloting, etc.

Logic games.

These games are aimed at developing logical thinking.

This category of games includes:

Chess games: checkers, chess, etc.

Logical educational educational games: labyrinths, guess the number, word, tic-tac-toe, etc.

Computer diagnostic games.

Diagnostic computer games include educational, educational and experimental games. Computer diagnostic techniques are considered to be psychodiagnostic techniques implemented in the form of a computer program. Such a computer program records the specified parameters, stores them in memory, processes the information and displays the result on the display screen or on a printing device. The result of a child’s diagnosis can be displayed in the form of recommendations for teachers and parents.

There are also programs in the form of computer methods for express diagnostics of the child’s body. They make it possible to identify pathology and deviations from the norm, in order to then refer the child for further examination or treatment in specialized medical institutions.

By playing computer games, a child learns to plan, build the logic of elements of specific events and ideas, and develops the ability to predict the outcome of actions. He begins to think before he acts. All this means the beginning of mastering the basics of theoretical thinking, which is an important condition when preparing children for school. Computer games are structured in such a way that the child may not receive a single concept, but will receive a generalized idea of ​​all similar objects or situations. Thus, he develops such important thinking operations as generalization and classification.

Computer games teach children to overcome difficulties, control the execution of actions, and evaluate results. Thanks to the computer, training in planning, control and evaluation of results becomes effective independent activity child, through a combination of play and non-play moments.

Computer games increase the self-esteem of preschoolers. Children's achievements do not go unnoticed by themselves and others. Children feel greater self-confidence and master visual and effective thinking operations.

The use of computer games develops “cognitive flexibility,” that is, the child’s ability to find greatest number fundamentally different solutions to the problem. Anticipation abilities also develop. The formation of elementary mathematical concepts occurs on the basis of the construction and use of visual models by children. During the lesson, children learn to construct object models using one-to-one correspondence of substituents. This model makes it possible to visualize quantitative relationships: the substitution of objects occurs through the imposition or application of substituents, which helps to understand the meaning of substitution.

The novelty of working with a computer, which increases interest in learning and the ability to regulate assigned tasks according to the degree of difficulty, encourages correct decisions, increases the child’s motivation.

Computer games also help eliminate negative attitudes toward a child’s development—failure that is associated with misunderstanding and gaps in knowledge. By playing on a computer, a child gets the opportunity to complete the solution of a given task, relying on the help of adults. One of the sources of a child’s motivation is the entertaining nature of the game.

Computer games allow you to change the ways of managing educational activities, immersing the child in a gaming situation. They also provide an opportunity for the child to request some form of assistance.

Computer games also contribute to the formation of reflection on the child’s activities, which allows them to visualize the result of their actions.

The use of computer technology makes the game attractive and modern. There is individualization of development and training, monitoring and summing up.

Cognitive activity while playing on a computer develops cognitive processes, such as thinking, memory, attention, imagination. S.L. Novoselova notes that during the play activity of a preschooler, enriched with computer tools, mental new formations arise (theoretical thinking, developed imagination, the ability to predict the result of an action, design qualities of thinking), which lead to an increase in the creative abilities of children. The educational significance of computer games for a child’s development is very great. The combination of drawing and computer creativity gives a very great effect. Children try to first depict an object or phenomenon on a piece of paper, and then transfer it to a computer.

The use of computer games creates an emotional mood and has a positive effect on the development of the child. In a child, games arouse interest in new material, increase attention and reinforce previously known material. The use of computer games makes it possible to specifically develop the high learning ability of children, starting from preschool age.

Children who play educational computer games are distinguished by their breadth of outlook: they have a well-developed understanding of the world around them, and it is more in line with the worldview of adults. Such developed children are usually ahead of their peers in mental development, learn educational material more easily, and are confident in their knowledge.

Working on a computer helps a child's development fine motor skills fingers and hand-eye coordination. The child learns to correlate the movements of his hands with the results that he observes on the screen. Hand-eye coordination serves as the foundation for learning to write and draw.

The child's abstract thinking develops. During the game, the child begins to understand that it is useless to try to pick up the objects on the screen - these are images. Most often, things and creatures in games are indicated by simple symbols and icons. Thus, the basis of abstract thinking is the formation of the ability to perceive signs and symbols. Abstract thinking is necessary for a child to understand diagrams, equations, and written words.

Most educational games are traditionally aimed at developing reading and counting skills, which will help in preparation for entering school, thus resolving the issue of continuity between the preschool and junior school levels of the educational system.

Another important issue is the possibility of using computer games as a means of developing the speech of preschool children. The influence of computer technologies on speech development has not received special study, although many authors note the stimulating effect of computer games on the speech (dialogical) communication of preschool children. The prospects of using computer games in the development of children's speech are indicated by the observations of researchers and the generalization of experience in their use.

Computer programs for preschool children with role-playing ways decisions help to attract children's attention to the inner world of another, encourage them to put themselves in their place, and help them overcome obstacles.

    1. Methodological techniques for using a computer in preschool educational institutions.

One of the main issues related to computerization preschool education, is the study of the influence of a computer on the body, mental state and child development. As a result of studying the effects of computers on the well-being, performance and health of children, it was determined safe mode, the duration and methodology for organizing computer games in kindergarten have been standardized, the appropriate conditions for organizing a child’s “workplace”, requirements for room lighting, recommendations for the acquisition, installation and maintenance of equipment have been thought out and developed.

In a preschool institution, only computer programs and games that meet psychological, pedagogical, sanitary and hygienic requirements can be used. To reduce fatigue under the influence of computer activities, hygienic and rational organization of the computer workplace is extremely important: furniture that matches the child’s height, optimal lighting, and compliance with electromagnetic safety. Computer equipment used in a preschool educational institution must have a hygienic certificate (certificate) confirming its safety for children. In addition, it is recommended to be wary of a variety of entertaining computer games based on gambling, aggressive, monotonous actions and characters that have a negative impact on the child’s psyche and character. Computer programs for preschoolers should have a positive moral orientation; they should not contain aggressiveness, cruelty, or violence. The researchers note that modern market is filled with a variety of computer games, the tasks of which do not include the education and development of children. This various kinds action, doom games with aggressive content, arcades, simulators, such games are not recommended for children.

It is now known that the computer has a great influence on the physical and mental health of the child.

Factors of the harmful influence of a computer on a child’s body, which are used as an argument against the use of computer games:

Uncomfortable body position;


Impact on the psyche.

Let's look at each of them in order.

This is one of the most important factors. Working on a computer can lead to decreased visual acuity. But if you approach the organization of a child’s workplace correctly, then nothing threatens his vision.

Uncomfortable body position.

Sitting at the computer, the child takes a certain position and does not change it until the end of the game - he looks at the monitor screen from a certain distance and at the same time keeps his hands on the keyboard. As a result of sitting in a motionless position for a long time, pain appears in the muscles of the neck, back, headaches, and pain in the joints of the hands, which can cause various diseases of the musculoskeletal system.


Modern monitors do not harm a child's eyes. The system unit also does not emit anything dangerous. From the monitor there is a small x-ray radiation, but it is several times lower than the natural radiation background, and therefore does not pose any danger

Impact on the psyche.

The computer requires a lot of concentration from the child, which does not happen in real games. How can you reduce mental stress? It is necessary to remember that you should take breaks during work, you need to monitor the content of the game. It is considered safe for a child to look at pictures or photographs accompanied by sound. Drawing on a computer has a negative impact on the psyche and vision, because... the load is on the eyes. Small images moving at high speed also harm children's psyche and vision. It is very difficult to relieve tension in a child’s body after long games.

Research conducted by medical professionals in Switzerland showed that children who regularly play computer games have the following qualities:

They do not feel distance when communicating with children and do not know how to enter into deep personal relationships.

Computer games should begin to play a certain role in the lives of children only after the volitional and emotional spheres have been formed.

Untimely and improperly organized introduction of a child to computer games can often lead to the development of certain personality traits:

    speech as a method of communication remains primitive;

    the ability to highlight the main meaning of the text read is reduced;

    during oral communication, it is difficult to encourage a child to create his own fantasies; more often he develops standard visual images and associations;

    change in the emotional sphere;

    the appearance of anxiety and emotional instability;

    the development of the will is disrupted, since the child, sitting in front of the screen, cannot act actively and imitatively (as is required at a younger age.)

The function of setting game tasks is completely regulated by a computer game and the element of independent activity and creativity of the child is eliminated. And the child in real life turns out to be either unable to independently set game tasks, set goals for himself, or experiences significant difficulties with this.

Computer games, like some fantasy games, on the one hand, allow you to simulate situations that are inaccessible to a preschooler in everyday life. But, on the other hand, these games can acquire a pathological connotation, as a result of which the child seems to acquire another, but virtual life, where he has the opportunity to fight aliens, have several lives, etc., which he will never encounter in reality. By experiencing this or that situation during the day that occurred in a computer game, the child thereby pushes real life events into the background.

The introduction of a computer into the educational process of a preschool institution can become a powerful factor in enriching the intellectual, aesthetic, moral and physical development of a child, and can increase the overall level of educational work in preschool educational institutions. A computer is a complex object of cognition, which places higher demands on the organization of a child’s activities. Computer games should not be isolated from the pedagogical process of kindergarten. They can be offered in combination with traditional games and training, not replacing conventional games and activities, but complementing them, entering into their structure, enriching the pedagogical process with new opportunities. This will reduce the disadvantages of using computer games in the educational process.

Entire educational computer programs have been developed for use in preschool institutions. All of them include computer games containing educational, training and developmental components. There are both separate programs for teaching writing, counting, speech development, creative abilities, etc., as well as general developmental programs. A distinctive feature of such programs is that they do not contain computer games of an entertaining nature. These programs include games to develop thinking, attention, perception; for teaching numeracy and writing; logic games; and many others aimed at the intellectual and personal development of the child.

We selected a set of educational and educational computer games to conduct experimental work. It includes logic games, games for the development of attention, memory, perception, and other educational and developmental games. All games are selected in such a way that they also contain an educational component. During some games, the child needs to help the hero or heroes of the game, which instills in him compassion, kindness, and a sense of responsibility.

All computer games were grouped into blocks. Each block contains three games of different focus, duration and intensity. The child's time at the computer during the game did not exceed 15 minutes. At the end, eye exercises and finger exercises were performed.


Thus, the use of a computer in preschool education is possible and necessary; it helps to increase interest in learning, its effectiveness, and the all-round development of the preschooler. Computer programs involve children in developmental activities and form culturally significant skills and knowledge. Today, computer technology can be considered a new way of transmitting knowledge that allows a child to learn with interest, fosters independence and responsibility in acquiring new knowledge, develops the discipline of intellectual activity, and contributes to the comprehensive development of the child.

Play is a cognitive activity; it represents a unique practical form of a child’s reflection on the natural and social reality around him. Thanks to the peculiarities of gaming means of displaying reality, a child in a game is introduced to abstract thinking for the first time.

Computer games are a new type of developmental education.

What are the benefits of computer games and why can’t they be replaced simply by didactic or story-based games?

Computer technologies relieve both the teacher and the child from hard routine work.

    Select material varying degrees complexity. You can always offer a specific child exactly what is in at the moment corresponds to his capabilities and learning objectives.

    With the help of simple actions during a lesson on a computer, you can change the degree of difficulty and the nature of the task, adequate to the capabilities of the most “difficult” child.

    Making “visible” problems in a child’s development that are difficult to detect in traditional education. Show how to transform identified problems into specific learning objectives.

    To form in the child the process of understanding his own pronunciation skills.

    Complex software is extremely easy to operate.

    Many techniques that were successfully used earlier are now based on a computer basis and have received a kind of second development. From a specialist’s point of view, this is an opportunity to look at his work from a new perspective, rethink methodological techniques, and enrich the knowledge and skills he possesses.

Working out on a computer creates more comfortable conditions for the child to successfully complete the exercises:

    Computer technologies provide a form of experimentation, modeling, and comparison classification that is entertaining for children.

    It becomes possible for children to master models of communication with fictional characters of a computer program, as the main ones for mastering interpersonal communication.

    The child learns to speak correctly, strives to correct the mistake he sees, looks for self-control techniques, focusing on attractive graphics.

    Children get tired less and remain productive longer.

    Looking at the monitor screen, the child himself sees the result of his work.

    Depending on individual voice modulations, each child always has the opportunity to change the sensitivity of the microphone so that the picture on the screen moves only with a certain voice.

    The child’s motivation increases when working on pronunciation, which is difficult for him. He learns from the very beginning to evaluate his achievements in speech, to compare his pronunciation with the standard.

Thus, the use of a computer program increases motivation not only due to the gaming strategy on which the program is based, but also because the child receives approval and praise not only from adults, but also from the computer.

Appendix 1

Types of gymnastics for children when playing on the computer.

Gymnastics for the eyes

1 complex:

Each exercise should be repeated at least 6 times in each direction.

1. Horizontal eye movements: right-left.

2. Movement of the eyeballs vertically up and down.

3. Circular movements of the eyes clockwise and in the opposite direction.

4. Intense squeezing and unclenching of the eyelids at a fast pace.

5. Eye movement diagonally: squint your eyes to the lower left corner, then move your gaze upward in a straight line. Likewise in the opposite direction.

6. Bringing the eyes to the nose. To do this, place your finger on the bridge of your nose and look at it - your eyes will easily “connect”.

7. Frequent blinking of the eyes.

8. Eye work “at a distance.” Go to the window, look carefully at a close, clearly visible detail: a branch of a tree growing outside the window, or a scratch on the glass.

You can stick a tiny circle of paper on the glass. Then look into the distance, trying to see the most distant objects.

2 complex:

To prevent myopia

Starting position - sitting, each exercise is repeated 5-6 times.

1. Leaning back, take a deep breath, then, leaning forward, exhale.

2. Leaning back in the chair, close your eyelids, close your eyes tightly, open your eyelids.

3. Hands on your waist, turn your head to the right, look at your elbow right hand; turn your head to the left, look at the elbow of your left hand, return to the starting position.

4. Raise your eyes upward, make circular movements with them clockwise, then counterclockwise.

5. Hands forward, look at your fingertips, raise your hands up (inhale), follow the movement of your hands with your eyes, without raising your head, lower your hands (exhale). The duration of a single workout is 3–5 minutes.

3 complex

Relieve eye fatigue

1. Look straight ahead for 2-3 seconds. Place your finger at a distance of 25–30 cm from your eyes, look at it for 3–5 seconds. Lower your hand and look into the distance again. Repeat 10–12 times.

2. Move the pencil from arm's length to the tip of your nose and back, watching its movement. Repeat 10–12 times.

3. Attach a round mark with a diameter of 3–5 mm to the window glass at eye level. Shift your gaze from distant objects outside the window to the mark and back. Repeat 10–12 times.

4. With your eyes open, slowly, in time with your breathing, smoothly draw a figure eight in space with your eyes: horizontally, vertically, diagonally. Repeat 5-7 times in each direction.

5. Place your thumb at a distance of 20–30 cm from your eyes, look with both eyes at the end of the finger for 3–5 seconds, close one eye for 3–5 seconds, then look with both eyes again, close the other eye. Repeat 10 - 12 times.

6. Look for 5-6 seconds at the thumb of your right hand extended at eye level. Slowly move your hand to the right, follow your finger with your gaze without turning your head. Do the same with your left hand. Repeat 5-7 times in each direction.

7. Without turning your head, move your gaze to the lower left corner, then to the upper right. Then to the lower right, and then to the upper left. Repeat 5–7 times, then in reverse order.

4 complex:

Gymnastics for tired eyes

1. Take a deep breath, closing your eyes as tightly as possible. Tighten the muscles of your neck, face, and head. Hold your breath for 2-3 seconds, then quickly exhale, opening your eyes wide as you exhale. Repeat 5 times.

2. Close your eyes, massage the brow ridges and the lower parts of the eye sockets in a circular motion - from the nose to the temples.

3. Close your eyes, relax your eyebrows. Rotate your eyeballs from left to right and right to left. Repeat 10 times.

4. Place your fingertips on your temples, squeezing them lightly. Blink quickly and lightly 10 times. Close your eyes and relax, taking 2-3 deep breaths. Repeat 3 times.

5 complex:

The following exercises help improve blood and lymph circulation, eye nutrition and metabolic processes, and increase muscle tone:

1. Closing your eyes, rotate your eyeballs in a circle - first to the left, then up, right, down. Then in the opposite direction 4-5 times in one direction, and then 4-5 times in the other direction. Try not to squint.

2. With your eyelids closed, look first up, then down. Repeat 8 times.

3. "Blinking" Having opened your eyes, you need to stare forward for 30 seconds, then blink quickly, then again look motionless in front of you. Repeat 3 times.

4. "Movement V". Look first to the left, then up, then to the right, then lower your eyes, etc. Repeat 8 times.

5. Look at the tip of your nose and then into the distance. Repeat the exercise 8 times.

6. Eyes open, gaze forward. Close your eyes. Start by alternately pressing the index and middle fingers of both hands on the outer corners of one and then the other eye. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

7. Close your eyes. Try to squint them, while the fingers of both hands exert resistance - the index fingers press on the outer corners of the eyes, the middle fingers on the middle of the eyebrows, the ring fingers on the inner corners of the eyes. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

8. Eyes closed. Try to “frown”, that is, bring your eyebrows to the middle, overcoming the resistance of the pressing fingers, the position of which is the same as in the previous exercise. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

9. Eyes closed. Make a “fork” with your index and middle fingers, fixing the outer corners of your eyes. When moving your eyes all the way to the right, “wink” with your right eye, counteracting this with pressure from your fingers. The same - to the left. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

6 complex:

1.Close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds, then open them. Repeat 6-8 times. Exercise strengthens the eyelid muscles, relaxes the eye muscles and improves their blood supply;

2.Blink quickly for 15 seconds. Repeat 3-4 times. Exercise improves blood supply to the eye muscles;

3.Close your eyes and massage your eyelids with your finger in a circular motion for 1 minute. Exercise relaxes the eye muscles and improves their blood supply.

7 complex:

1.Close your eyes, strongly straining your eye muscles, on a count of 1-4, then open your eyes, relax your eye muscles, look into the distance on a count of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times;

2. Look at the bridge of your nose and hold your gaze for the count of 1-4. Don't let your eyes get tired. Then open your eyes, look into the distance at the score 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times;

3. Without turning your head, look to the right, fix your gaze on the count 1-4, then look straight into the distance at the count 1-6. The exercises are carried out in a similar way, but with the gaze fixed to the left, up and down. Repeat 3-4 times;

4. Turn your gaze quickly diagonally: up to the right - down to the left, then straight into the distance on a count of 1-6; then left up - right down and look into the distance at the score 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.

8 Complex:

We open our eyes - once, and close our eyes - twice,

One, two, three, four, open our eyes wider.

And now we have closed our eyes again, our eyes have rested.

Finger gymnastics

1 complex

We played today

Our fingers are tired. (Active flexion and extension of fingers)

Let them rest a little

And they will start playing again. (Shake your hands, then in front of you)

Let's move our elbows away together,

We'll start playing again. (Energy move your elbows away)

2 complex

Hands raised and shook,

These are trees in the forest. (Smooth swaying with raised arms)

The arms were bent, the hands were shaken. (Shaking hands in front of oneself)

Let's wave our hands to the sides, the birds are flying towards us.

We'll also show you how they sit down.

The wings were folded back. (Horizontal movements with arms).

3 complex

This finger is grandpa

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mom

This finger is me. That's my whole family.

4 complex

This house is for kittens: meow, meow.

This house is for puppies: woof, woof.

This house is for calves: moo-oo

This house is for foals: yoke-go.

This house is for tiger cubs: rrrr

(fold fingers alternately from little finger to thumb)

Appendix 2

A set of computer games for preschool children

Game 1. Find a pair. A game from the “Find a Pair” series. It is necessary to find a correspondence between objects. Each item from one row needs to be matched with a corresponding pair from another row. The game develops logical thinking and attention. The game does not last long, all children cope with it easily.

Game 2. Dasha the traveler on the puzzle bridge. A game to develop logic. The hero of the game is Dasha. It is necessary to help Dasha cross to the other side of the shore; to do this, you need to fix the bridge, consisting of puzzles. It also develops attention. Fosters in the child a desire to help. For most children, completing this game is not particularly difficult.

Game 3. Who said "Meow?" A colorful game in which funny animals call each other. You need to listen carefully, the voice of which animal will be heard, and you need to click on it with the mouse. Where there is a question mark is a hint. To exit the hint, click on the question mark again. The game develops attention. All children cope with the task very easily.

Game 4. Highlight. A game consisting of several sets of pictures. It is necessary to highlight “all living things”. The game develops attention and logical thinking. For some children this game turned out to be difficult, but most of them easily cope with the game.

Game 5. We study colors in animal school. A very voluminous and rich online game that will help you study colors together with forest dwellers and at the same time students of the animal school. The teacher is a smart goat. She will tell everyone what colors are called and how to distinguish them. The goat will give different tasks, you need to help the students complete them. This children's game will help you learn and reinforce all the colors of the rainbow in an easy playful way. The child watches how the animals learn and participates in the learning himself. After all, the students of the animal school sometimes need hints. It also develops attention and thinking. Not all children cope with this game right away. It contains several tasks of varying degrees of difficulty; some children find them difficult.

Game 6. Forest walk. An online game consisting of 10 levels of varying difficulty. The child needs to collect a basket of mushrooms or berries. On the way, the child will meet various gifts of the forest - strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, lingonberries, hazelnuts, acorn mushrooms. But you can’t put everything in the basket. You can only click on berries, mushrooms or nuts that are drawn on the basket. The game develops attention and logical thinking. Game medium degree difficulties, causes difficulties only for those children who have insufficiently developed attention or experience rapid fatigue.


Game 7.Shapes and Colors. Colorful online game. This game helps the child learn shapes and colors, match shapes by shape and color. A game to develop attention and logical thinking. A very interesting game, although it causes difficulties for some children.

Game 8. Let's study together with Khoma. A voluminous game in which you need to help Khoma cope with tasks. The game develops logical thinking and teaches counting. Makes the child want to help the cute hamster. Contains several levels of varying difficulty, so some children do not cope with it right away.

Game 9. Guessing game with Bunny. This online game contains a block of riddles. You need to help Bunny solve the riddles. The game develops memory, attention and logical thinking, enriches the child’s speech. Most children can easily play this game.

Game 10. Find the odd one out. The online game consists of a set of pictures. You need to select an extra item from the row. The game develops logical thinking, attention and memory. Some children do not always cope with the task.

Game 11. Adventures of the Kangaroo. Volumetric online game. The hero of the game is Kangaroo, who plays hide and seek with his friends. Introduces children to the inhabitants of Australia - Dingo, Wombat, platypus and other funny animals. You need to click on the letters in such a way as to complete different tasks in order to get one step closer to finding your lost son. The tasks can also include addition, subtraction, and pressing letters. Each location implies different tasks. The game begins with the fact that a little kangaroo went on a journey, but lost all his friends along the way. The child will have to help him, getting to know the characters of the game along the way; when you hover the mouse over one of the characters, a window will pop up with its description and main distinguishing features. Develops logic, attention, teaches counting, broadens the child’s horizons. Very educational game, arouses increased interest among children.

Game 12. "Memorize and find." The game consists of a set of various pictures that replace each other. You need to look carefully at the picture for 5-10 seconds and remember it. Then close the picture by clicking on the arrow and find the same one among other images. The game develops visual memory and attention. Children cope with the task easily.

Game 13. Dunno. A game from the “Find the Picture” series. Contains 15 tasks. A fragment of the picture is placed in the circle. You need to find out and indicate its place in the picture itself. The game develops attention and logical thinking. This game is very interesting for children, although it causes difficulties for some children.

Game 14. Find the shadow. A three-dimensional game in which the child will have to look for the correct shadows for five funny animals. You need to carefully look at the game hero located in the center of the screen, and use the mouse to select his shadow from several similar options. Each correct answer will unlock the next exciting task. The game develops attention and logical thinking. For many children, the game turned out to be difficult; not everyone can cope with the passage of this game.

Game 15. Count the ducklings. A colorful game, the heroes of which are a mother duck with little ducklings. The duck warned her children not to swim far from each other while swimming and to always stay together. But the ducklings did not listen and swam away in different directions. Now the mother duck can't count her ducklings, and the child needs to help her with this! You need to count the ducklings in the picture and use the mouse to select the correct answer from three options. The game develops attention, teaches counting, and makes you want to help the mother duck. Most children cope well with the tasks of this game.

Appendix 3

Consultation for parents on the topic

"Educational computer games"

Play is considered the most mastered activity by children. Both regular games and computer games can be used as a means of education and inclusion in educational activities as a means of developing curiosity. Computer games are a relatively new type of creative games that involve the use of computer game programs. The development of television, and then the appearance of electronic toys and entertainment computer programs gradually modified the forms of children's play. At this age, children develop imagination, which in turn develops thinking. However, the thoughtless use of computer games and toys can lead to the fact that people grow up who prefer not to think, but to sort through impressions. Most preschool children who have a computer at home perceive it only as a toy. It is important that the computer becomes an assistant in learning, and not just a toy. It is known that children, and especially toddlers, when something new comes into their hands, do not think about what is inside, but simply press all the existing buttons. The same is true when playing on a computer. Thus, experts believe that a bright picture on a monitor irritates the visual reflex, while musical backgrounds irritate the auditory reflex. And for some, this can become a substitute for life’s emotions.

Existing computer programs can help children develop memory, attention, learn something new about the world around them, introduce letters and much more. However, the modern market is overflowing with a variety of computer games, the objectives of which do not include the education and development of children. These are various kinds of action, doom games with aggressive content, arcades, and simulators. When choosing computer games for a child, parents should consider the age of the child and how such games will affect his development. Research conducted by medical professionals in Switzerland showed that children who regularly play computer games have the following qualities:

They think in quick, ready-made associations;

They pose superficial questions without showing interest in the answers;

Adults' questions are answered superficially and stereotypically;

Speech as a method of communication remains primitive;

The ability to highlight the main meaning of the text read is reduced;

During oral communication, it is difficult to encourage a child to create his own fantasies; more often he develops standard visual images and associations.

At the same time, properly selected computer games contribute to the development of cognitive and creative activity. The use of computer games allows children to engage in cognitive activities and provides the opportunity to reveal their personality. Reasonable use of computer games allows the child to be attentive and active, promotes the adoption of norms of mutual assistance. Cultivating cognitive interest in isolation from nurturing the child’s personality is impossible. In order for a child to begin to develop a cognitive interest, “soil” is needed. Both educational and educational computer games can be considered such a “soil”. It should be borne in mind that computer games should be introduced into a child’s life at the moment when he has already mastered traditional activities - drawing, design, perception. At the same time, it is very important that the child distinguishes computer games from reality.

Games that promote the development of thinking, memory, and attention have a beneficial effect on a child’s development.

Memory development games. Children do not yet know how to remember things and events as needed. The memory of children works spontaneously, remembering only the most vivid and emotionally strong impressions. The game confronts the child with the need to remember something in order to use it during the game, and the colorfulness and unusualness of the impressions facilitate this process and promote memorization. The most popular games in this class are, for example, games where you need to assemble a picture from small pieces, for which the entire picture is shown for some time. Or find and remove all paired pictures from a group, while all pictures are closed, and no more than two can be opened at a time. Or remember the location of a group of objects, and then, when they are mixed, place them in their places or indicate the missing ones.

Very usefulgames that develop thinking child. Games help the child gradually abstract himself from things that actually exist in the world. The child learns to operate not only with real things that he can touch, but also with images. Games for finding logical pairs or distributing objects according to some principle are good here. While playing, the child learns to plan, build the logic of elements of specific events and ideas, and develops the ability to predict the outcome of actions. He begins to think before he acts. Objectively, all this means the beginning of mastering the basics of theoretical thinking, which is an important point and condition in preparing children for school.

There are alsoprograms that promote the formation of sensory standards in a child , which, in turn, ensure the formation of important mental qualities. In such programs, color or size standards are often hidden in some object, and the child’s task is to find the desired standard.

Children's computer activities are of great importance not only for the development of intelligence, but also for the development of motor skills. In any games, children need to control the computer: press certain keys with their fingers, handle the “mouse”. This develops the fine muscles of the hand and fingers, coordination of movements and orientation on a plane, which in the future will facilitate the acquisition of writing.

Also recommendedgames for developing perception . For example, assemble a picture from several parts, arrange figures in their places, for example, assemble a doctor’s bag or resettle animals in their habitats. Games where you need to find a “hidden” figure or object, or compare two drawings are also suitable.

Children’s active acquisition of knowledge, artistic perception and performance skills is a necessary experience in which their creative self-expression will be fully developed, meaningful and rich. Games that require the child to use his creative qualities are useful. For example, create a character (if everything is done correctly, he comes to life), draw a picture of a certain content.

Programs for the development of memory, logic, and thinking may be of interest not only to children, but also to parents. These entertaining games will help to form and strengthen thinking skills, develop the ability to memorize and analyze information. The bright and colorful design of the games and the extraordinary setting of tasks will improve your thinking skills. There are many computer games that help prepare a child for school, teach and consolidate knowledge in school subjects.

Computer games teach children to overcome difficulties, require the ability to concentrate on a learning task, remember the conditions, and fulfill them correctly. The ability to plan, control and evaluate the results of one’s activities develops. This is how arbitrariness develops in the behavior of preschoolers.

Computer games are so fascinating that the child abandons everything and sits at the computer for hours. Indeed, computer games are created in such a way that it will be an interesting, exciting action that can keep you in suspense until the end. Very often in this regard they talk about computer addiction. This is an important reason to limit your child's time. Limitations in working with a computer are associated primarily with the load on vision and the spine. But the child’s body has not yet fully formed and is not ready for heavy loads. Excessive use of computers affects a child’s health in the following ways:

Vision deteriorates;

Fatigue increases;

Headaches appear;

The spine becomes curved and scoliosis develops;

Pain in the back, neck, shoulders and lower back begins to bother you;

Your fingers get tired and start to hurt;

Inactivity can lead to feeling unwell and even obesity;

Nervousness appears and sleep is disturbed.

All this is possible if the child sits at the computer for hours and does not take rest breaks. But, according to research, if a child goes to the computer for fifteen minutes a day, 2-3 times a week, this will not harm his health at all.

When teaching a child to use a computer, parents should explain to him that a computer is not a toy and should be used under the guidance of adults.

Basic rules when working on a computer (for children):

1. The duration of classes using computer gaming programs for children 5 years old should not exceed 7 minutes and for children 6 years old - 10 minutes;

2. If you have poor vision, sit at the computer with glasses;

3. Maintain a distance from the eyes to the screen (50-70 cm);

4. The preschooler’s chair, seat and table footstool should be installed so that the child’s eye level is at the center of the screen;

5. Maintain correct posture;

6. Do not work at the computer in the dark;

7. It is necessary to choose the genre of the game in accordance with the child’s temperament and inclinations. We need games that won't overload it;

8. After classes, you should do eye exercises.

It is important to understand that computer games should be inextricably linked with regular games. If in a regular game a child reflects reality with the help of substitute but real objects, then in a computer game, using a game program, relying on his imagination, he creates a game “video sequence”.

The use of computer games that have a quality guarantee, full technical and methodological support in a rational combination with traditional types of games will contribute to the formation of an original creative personality of a preschooler.

List of used literature

    Gorvits.Yu.M. New information technologies in preschool education / ed. Yu.M. Horwitz. - M.: Linka-Press, 1998.-328 p.

    Gorvits Yu.M. Why do kids need a computer?/ Yu.M. Horwitz // Kindergarten from A to Z. - 2003.- No. 1. - P.126-130.

    Gorvits Yu.M. Educational game programs for preschoolers / Yu.M. Horwitz // Computer science and education. - 1999. - No. 4. - P.100-106.

    State educational standard for preschool education (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the DPR dated April 4, 2018 No. 287)

    Children's games [Electronic resource] // Teremok [site]. URL:Games - For preschoolers [Electronic resource] // Children's joys [site]. URL: ]

    Kozlova S.A., Kulikova T.A. Preschool pedagogy: Textbook for students. avg. ped. textbook establishments. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2000. - 416 p.

    Criteria for assessing the state of information security of children and adolescents [Electronic resource] // Roskomnadzor [site]. URL: ]

    Novoselova S.L. Computer world of a preschooler. / S.L. Novoselova, G.P. Petka. - M.: New School, 1997. - 128 p.

    Novoselova S.L. New information technology in working with preschoolers. Is it applicable? / S.L. Novoselova, G.P. Petku, I. Pashelite // Preschool education. - 1999. - No. 9. - P.73-76.

    Model educational program for preschool education “From birth to school” / comp. Arutyunyan L.N., Sipacheva E.V., Gubanova N.V., Bridko G.F., Kotova L.N., Nevolnik N.I., Golyaeva T.V., Gorbacheva L.V., Lipanova E. .I./ order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the DPR No. 409 dated August 18, 2015)

    Khodakova N.P. From point to landscape: methodical publication / N.P. Khodakova, Yu. Brevnova. - M.: Obruch, 2012. - 112 p.

The use of educational computer games in the educational process of a secondary school


1.1 Educational computer games, their role and place in the educational process

Currently, many different games of supposedly educational nature are increasingly appearing on the market. But are all of them useful and acceptable for use in school? First, let’s clarify what an “educational game” is.

An educational game is a complex systemic formation that allows for various ways of presentation. It can act as an activity, as a process “woven” into other activities, and as a special form of educational activity. Each of these ideas has its own scope of applicability.

It is known that the game, as a method of education, has existed since ancient times, and was used quite widely to transfer experience from the older generation to the younger. Currently, with a sufficiently large concentration of material, an active and intensive educational process, gaming activities can be used in the following cases:

As independent technologies for mastering a concept, topic or section of an academic subject;

As elements of a larger technology;

As a lesson (lesson) or part of it (introduction, explanation, reinforcement, control);

Depending on how the teacher understands the functions of the game and classifies them, the elements of the game and learning are combined, and the place and role of gaming technology in the educational process also depends.

By type of activity, games can be divided into physical (motor), intellectual (mental), labor, social and psychological. Based on the nature of the pedagogical process, the following groups of games are distinguished:

a) teaching, training, controlling and generalizing;

b) cognitive, educational, developmental;

c) reproductive, productive, creative;

d) communicative, diagnostic, professionally oriented, psychotechnical, etc.

The following components of teaching can be distinguished in the game:

motivational, cognitive, orientational, content-operational; value-volitional, evaluative.

Motivational - is associated with the attitude of students to the content, process of activity, includes the motives, interests and needs of students in the game.

Cognitive - includes the acquisition of new knowledge.

Orientation - includes the goals of educational and cognitive activity accepted by students during the game.

Value-volitional - provides a high degree of purposeful cognitive activity, includes attention and emotional coloring of the game.

Evaluative - compares the results of gaming activities with the purpose of the game. In the process, its self-government occurs.

All of these components of the game are interconnected with each other; they cannot be separated from one another, since they all determine the structure of the game, the elements of which can be:

Game rules;

Game situation;

Game actions and results;

Typology of pedagogical games by nature gaming techniques quite extensive - subject, plot, role-playing, business, simulation and dramatization games.

The gaming environment also largely influences the specifics of gaming technology: there are games with and without objects, tabletop, indoor, outdoor, on-site, computer and with TSO, as well as with various means of transportation.

Range of target orientations:

Didactic: expanding horizons, cognitive activity; application of ZUN in practical activities; formation of certain skills and abilities necessary in practical activities; development of general educational skills; development of labor skills.

Educating: nurturing independence, will; formation of moral, aesthetic and ideological attitudes; fostering cooperation, collectivism, sociability, and communication.

Developmental: development of attention, memory, speech, thinking, imagination, fantasies, creativity, empathy, reflection, the ability to compare, contrast, find analogies, optimal solutions; development of motivation for educational activities.

Socializing: familiarization with the norms and values ​​of society; adaptation to environmental conditions; stress control, self-regulation; communication training; psychotherapy.

Now let's define what a computer game is.

A computer game is a type of gaming activity, possibly using multimedia technologies, as well as virtual or, in other words, alternative reality technology.

An educational computer game is a form of educational activity that simulates certain practical situations, which is one of the means of activating the educational process and promotes mental development. OKI in all respects corresponds to the definition of a didactic game, which it essentially is, only organized at a higher level

OCI is characterized by a two-pronged nature: on the one hand, the player performs a real activity, the implementation of which requires actions related to the solution of very specific, often non-standard tasks, on the other hand, a number of moments of this activity are conditional in nature, allowing one to escape from the real situation with its responsibility and numerous associated circumstances. Through visualization and simultaneous influence on various sensory organs, “getting used to the image” and other methods, it facilitates the assimilation of material and activates cognitive activity.

It is well known that uncontrolled computer gaming activity leads to gaming, computer and Internet addiction. Effective methods There is no treatment for this kind of addiction in the present era. According to experts, these types of addiction are much more difficult to treat than tobacco, alcohol and even drug addiction.

In the case of competent use of sports and educational computer games under the guidance of a teacher, addiction does not occur. There are many reasons for this, let’s highlight the main ones.

Firstly, in the educational process, games are used in a strictly regulated manner, taking into account age and individual characteristics.

Secondly, the scope and role of the game in the lesson is strictly verified.

Thirdly, if computer gaming activity is combined with practical, real activity (duplicated, for example, by the process of additional awareness of gaming activity - analysis of gaming situations, etc.), then computer gaming activity does not lead to addiction.

It follows that if a child is actively involved in sports, for example, football or chess, then using a computer game under the control of a teacher or parents as a means of advanced training does not lead to undesirable consequences.

A child who learns the joy of OKI under the guidance of a teacher will also choose computer games correctly at home and wisely devote time to them.

It should be noted that such wonderful teachers as: V.F. attached great importance to the fruitful influence of gaming activities on the learning process. Shatalov, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, A.S. Makarenko teacher - psychologist V.V. Davydov, and the French scientist physicist Louis de Broglie notes that even the most simple games have many common elements with the work of a scientist.

The computer provides endless opportunities to organize learning in a playful way. So, for example, when studying a rather complex section of computer science - programming, you can give a minimum amount of knowledge on the programming language being studied, provide reference materials and samples, and pose to students the problem of creating a simple computer game or vital program. Another approach when studying the “Programming” section is to present the learning process itself in a game form. For example:

Basic knowledge is updated using automated computer programs that mark and analyze errors;

Use puzzles when creating listings;

Make mosaics when studying reference material;

Apply training and test tasks, programmed in a game form;

Instruct the preparation of questions to test the knowledge of another student with the subsequent exchange of questions;

Create an assignment with plans for documentaries, cartoons, and presentations about programming in the language you are learning;

Create an assignment with making presentations about programming in the language you are learning, etc.

When drawing up creative tasks, it is necessary to take into account the inclinations and capabilities of specific students. It is not always possible to quickly reveal creative inclinations. In such cases, a smooth, gradual transition from reproductive tasks to tasks with elements of creativity is necessary, and only then to full-fledged creative tasks.

An analysis of game programs for educational purposes shows that students show greater interest in the case when the educational program acts not so much as a strict teacher evaluating every step of his student, but rather in the role of a friendly and unobtrusive assistant. Help is considered in the form of:

Hierarchies of subgoals for successful completion of a game task;

Answering student questions in an interactive manner when the need arises;

A traditional help system about the program with the ability to search for information by key terms, by sections, by the most frequently asked questions, etc.;

Emotional assessment of actions performed in the background.

The number of emotional assessments should be sufficient to provide the illusion of a real, “thinking” teacher, together with an arbitrary automatic choice in a certain category according to the game situation. Same type, standard statements made without taking into account age characteristics and the game situation cause despondency, irritation and the effect of an intrusive assistant.

The duration of educational computer games should not exceed the duration of the period efficient work child in class. For children of primary school age, the duration of the game should not be more than 3-5 minutes, for middle school students 10-15 minutes, and for high school students 20-25 minutes.

A significant role is played by the plot, characters and their role, clarity, effectiveness and dynamics of the educational game, which should contribute to the preservation of health, determine the manifestation of abilities and stimulate the desire to perform educational tasks. An important role is played by the influence of positive emotions on the desire to perform exercises effectively and efficiently. When assessing the impact of a computer program on a student, three types of criteria can be used:

Physiological (health);


Emotional (comfort, convenience, acceptability).

Psychologists and doctors have complained about games with an imposed course of play and games in real time, which allocate time specified by the authors for the student to perform actions. In this case, individual characteristics are not taken into account, which leads to unsatisfactory results, nervous breakdowns and refusal to complete tasks.

It is recommended to alternate the game form of learning with other forms. At the end of the year, you can hold a student conference at which students will discuss the best projects and exchange experiences both between students and between students and teachers.

Thus, students’ self-esteem will increase and there will be additional incentives to study computer science not formally, but with an applied bias. In such cases, the game, coupled with research work, becomes a prof. orientation work is an element of health-saving technology, and the learning process is meaningful and presentable.

Of great importance for the organization of scientific research in gaming activities is the creation and implementation of mechanisms for public examination of proposed solutions. Among them, in addition to the student conferences already mentioned above, we can recommend:

Discussion of current and final results of work in class hours, pedagogical and methodological councils, school website, school television, in periodicals;

Organization of interschool scientific and practical conferences with the involvement of students who took an active part in the development of educational games;

Involving scientists and teachers in organizing and conducting research, followed by summing up the results;

Personal exchange of experience with innovative teachers and educational scientists;

Organization of teleconferences, live broadcasts on educational television, radio broadcasts;

Carrying out open lessons with the participation student works etc.

During practical classes in computer science, students spend most of their time at the computer, which has an adverse effect on children’s health. Therefore, a computer science teacher needs to plan a lesson in such a way as to divide the teaching load into absolutely necessary exercises performed directly on the computer and tasks that can be performed without its participation.

It should be noted that an educational and methodological complex has already been created for the course of computer science and ICT, its author L.L. Bosova. A methodological manual “Informatics Lessons in Grades 5-7” has been published; it not only contains various options planning, detailed lesson developments, didactic materials, as well as answers, instructions for assignments in workbooks and textbooks. Its authors are L.L. Bosova and A.Yu. Bosova.

The use of well-designed and adapted educational games for given age groups brings a positive impact to the lesson. emotional coloring. A strictly verified scope of application of educational computer games increases its effectiveness by intensifying the educational process.

Thus, from the listed conditions proposed above, we can judge that gaming technologies are multifaceted, have their own specifics and influence on the teacher’s pedagogical activity. All this will also be typical for computer educational games, as a special case of gaming technology. Therefore, in further research, when considering the problem, one cannot help but rely on the points highlighted in this paragraph.

1.2 The influence of educational computer games on the learning process of schoolchildren

Modern trends make adjustments to the living conditions of society and influence changes in its specifics. Information technologies are being introduced into many structures of human activity, and also have a huge impact on such areas as education. The computer has firmly taken its place in the educational process. It is used for various purposes, influencing the methodology of conducting various disciplines.

Previously, we discussed the fact that gaming technology has a huge impact on children's learning. Taking into account the specifics of the modern impact of information technology on the education system, the structure of gaming technologies is changing. At the same time, various aspects of the influence of gaming computer programs on the development of students, their mental and psychological health, thinking, and memory are considered. In the highlighted aspects, the opinions of scientists and teachers were divided: computer educational games in the educational process - what is it: benefit or harm? Some believe that their use is harmful and has negative aspects, while others suggest using them more often in educational activities, sometimes greatly overestimating their capabilities. But even the best computer educational game must be used in the learning process right time, in the right place (i.e. at the right stage of the lesson) and in the required quantity, observing medical requirements.

A game is understood as a type of activity that is characterized by the interaction of players whose actions are limited by rules and aimed at achieving a goal.

The peculiarity of computer games is that the computer acts as one of the players.

In an educational computer game, you can acquire and consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities through activities according to given rules. They need to highlight two components: educational and gaming. In a lesson, one of the components may predominate, i.e. there can be play while learning and learning while playing.

If the educational component predominates, then the game provides ample opportunities related to the perception of knowledge, its consolidation, and application. If the gaming component predominates, the game can be used as a means of clarity and increasing motivation for learning.

All educational games can be divided into three types:

1. Trainers: reinforcing and controlling, practicing the child’s skills.

2. Educational games are games that can help a student acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities.

3. Educational games - games that help identify and develop various abilities and skills in students.

4. Combined games - games in which all the types described above are intertwined.

Before using a game during a lesson, it is necessary to determine what type it belongs to, because this can determine where it fits into the lesson where it will be more appropriate and more effective.

In a traditional lesson for learning new material, there are four main stages:

1. Updating knowledge.

2. Familiarization with new material.

3. Consolidation educational material.

4. Control and recording of knowledge.

Knowing the structure and levels of a computer game, you can to the fullest realize its potential in the classroom.

Any computer game used by a teacher in a lesson must first of all be analyzed based on the following questions:

1. At what stage of the lesson is this game used?

2. What are the learning objectives behind the game?

3. Which of the classical teaching methods can games support?

4. Does the material contained in the game meet the requirements of content and adequacy of the material, previously acquired knowledge, skills and abilities?

5. Does the game provide feedback from the student to the computer and the ability to adapt the acquired knowledge?

6. Are the psychophysiological characteristics of the student taken into account?

7. Are the game controls appropriate for the individualization of learning?

Such an analysis will allow the teacher to effectively and reasonably use computer educational games in the classroom, and not only as a computer science teacher, but also as a teacher of any other subject.

However, we should not forget about the psychological and pedagogical problems of computer training, including computer games for educational purposes. There are three groups of psychological and pedagogical problems of computer training.

The first group includes problems of a theoretical and methodological nature, the second - those related to the development of educational technology, the third - those related to the design of training programs.

The formulation and solution of problems of each of the identified groups in relation to computer games has its own characteristics.

Thus, in addition to revising and clarifying many traditional concepts of educational psychology and didactics of problem solving, classified as the first group, it is also expected to clarify ideas about the nature of the game and its psychological and pedagogical features.

The main requirement that should be taken into account when using a game in the educational process is that the achievement of game goals (win, prize, record, etc.) also implies the achievement of certain educational goals.

The second group of psychological and pedagogical problems is associated with the development of computer learning technology, that is, a system of tools and methods of their application that would allow the effective use of conceptual concepts in solving specific pedagogical problems. Two problems are of particular importance here. This is the management of educational activities and clarification of the place and functions of the game in the educational process.

Management of educational activities should be indirect and delayed. The emphasis is on general comments, wishes, metaphorical statements, etc. The amount of assistance provided to the student should be less than when solving non-game educational problems. However, after completing a complete fragment, direct indications of mistakes made, the optimal course of action, and the implemented strategy are also possible.

It is worth paying attention to the following two points:

1. Identification of a variety of educational goals for achieving which the use of a computer game is most effective. The advantage of a computer game is usually associated with increased motivation, stimulation of initiative and creative thinking, involvement of almost all students in educational activities, their acquisition of experience in cooperation and systemic concepts, “structuring of knowledge” that can be applied in various fields, their integration into a complex and balanced picture peace.

2. This is the establishment of an optimal balance between gaming and non-gaming forms of computer training. With frequent use of the game, it becomes “saturated”, and it becomes more and more difficult to maintain motivation.

Optimization of the ratio of gaming and non-gaming forms of computer training is associated with the use of a computer gaming environment. It does not limit actions to a strict set of rules, but gives the child a large “field of independence” and the opportunity to choose between playing and not playing.

Designing training programs is a complex, multi-level process with a systematic structure, acting as a link between the theory and practice of computer training. The resulting product “at the output” of this process is a program written in a programming language or in machine code that implements certain ideas about the theoretical model and technology of training and, consequently, contains in filmed form all the previous stages of the development of educational computer programs.

Available approaches to the analysis and development of gaming computer games take, as a rule, as a starting point the game characteristics or features of the educational material on which the educational game is based and the effective assimilation of which it should contribute. At the same time, the specifics of educational games as a special form of educational activity are not taken into account enough. Moreover, it cannot be taken into account fully enough, since this requires reliance on a developed psychological and pedagogical theory of learning educational games. Design is a creative process that requires special training. This concerns not only the acquisition of special knowledge and skills, but also the organization of collective activities with other developers of computer game programs. It is advisable to organize special training for design, designed for various professional groups of developers-programmers, teachers, psychologists, professors, as well as students and students, which can be built in the form of creative training.

The study of a set of problems associated with the development and use of games using a computer for educational purposes is one of the most important areas of research in computer education. Therefore, an important prerequisite for the effective use of games for educational purposes is to ensure - while maintaining the emotional appeal of the activity - the transition from indirect products of activity to direct ones, that is, perceived by students as the goal of their activity. The computer provides more options to meet these requirements. Using a computer, you can successfully implement educational games, the subject of which is the students’ actions themselves, the way they reason, the process of forming strategies for solving a particular class of problems, and here there is the possibility of a quick comparative assessment of various strategies, and the implementation of the principle of free decision-making.

Thus, we can say that computer games do not yet have a clear answer to the question of their place in children’s education; there are many open questions that have been little studied to date and require careful study. However, as with any other type of activity in the lesson, when organizing games it is necessary to determine the type of game, purpose and place in the lesson.

For the interdisciplinary study of modern computer games, their insufficiently researched and assessed innovative and educational resource, identification of productive applied opportunities for using modern computer games in the educational process. Now this is one of the current trends in the Western world, since the use of new information technologies can significantly intensify the educational process.

The most well-known manifestation of this process in an applied context is the use of flight simulators to obtain basic piloting skills and car simulators for car driving training. In addition, car simulators and flight simulators are used today for training and in high-tech, high-budget areas - in Formula 1 sports competitions and in the preparation of space flights. An example is a racing simulator rFactor, whose realism has been praised by Formula 1 world champions, and seven-time Formula 1 world champion Michael Schumacher “uses it as a trainer in his karting center in hometown Kerpen"(1) . Russian Formula 1 pilot Vitaly Petrov, withknew that he “studied unfamiliar tracks on this simulator” (2 ) , and a series of flight simulatorsMicrosoft Flight Simulatorused in flying schools.

However, in this regard, the question arises: given the connection of modern computer games with adjacent social and cultural spheres and the resulting genre diversity of electronic games, what other genres actualize the innovative and educational resource of computer games?

Previously In general, this includes the so-called genre. “strategies” - turn-based and RTS (“real-time strategies”), primarily complex economic strategies, for example Capitalizm (whichcovers almost all aspects of business: marketing, production, import purchasing and retail), the simpler Industry Giant, or the legendary Sim City series (which can also beattributed to a more complex and multifaceted subtype of simulators - a city simulator). The Sim City game is of particular interest because... it is already used in urban studies classes, since it gives not only a general idea of ​​the structure of the city (budget, taxes, energy system, sewerage system, health care, safety, ecology, etc.), but also, using specific examples, teaches how to make important decisions regarding all residents of the city.
These decisions must take into account many factors, such as whether to raise taxes (and thereby trigger taxpayer strikes) to build a new hospital or water treatment plant; or is it better to build a toxic waste processing plant, which will bring income to the budget, but will cause long-term environmental problems etc. Reliable virtual simulation of the city (for example in
Sim City 4) allowssafely plan, implement possible scenarios for the development of the city and also safely see the results of possible mistakes of city management (in order to avoid them in reality).

In an educational context, all kinds of so-called “Tycoons” (translated from English, “tycoons” of a particular sphere - dozens, if not hundreds, of them have been created), not only realistically recreating almost all aspects of human life, but also teaching in detail the features and management of the relevant social spheres, for example: relevant social spheres - School Tycoon (construction and management of schools and education), Transport Tycoon (transport company management), Railroad series Tycoon (teaching railway construction and management, including in a historical and cultural context), Hospital Tycoon (realistic hospital management), RollerCoaster Tycoon series (amusement park management), Zoo Tycoon (construction and multi-aspect management of a zoo), Airport Tycoon (management airport), Mail Tycoon (mail management), and quite specific areas - Luxury Liner Tycoon (design and management of a luxury passenger ocean liner), Mafia Tycoon (criminal management), Animal Paradise Tycoon (building a paradise for animals) or Ultimate Skate Park Tycoon (construction and management of a platform for skateboarders), etc.

Among the step-by-step image strategiesThe material resource is updated, for example, a series Civilization (similar to Sim City giving the opportunity to manage not just a separate city, but an entire country, nation; the game gives not only an idea of ​​the main stages in the development of world history, but also the opportunity to calculate possible scenarios for the development of mankind), Alpha Centauri, HOMM series (Heroes of Might and Magic training, including the basics of crisis management, management abilities in conditions of limited resources and a hostile environment), as well as the Panzer General series (in a game form, providing detailed information about the features of weapons and combat operations of the countries participating in the Second World War).

Powerful innovative and educationalresource is also discovered by historical (usually strategic, for example a series Total War ) games with their meticulous, careful attention to the historical heritage (which is expressed, for example, in creating the most reliable virtual copies of all branches of the military, modeling a historical map with all the states that actually existed at that time, etc.). It is interesting that such games not only provide the opportunity for training (for example, command and control of the corresponding branch of troops), but also a full-fledged historical education in the relevant field. In the West, such game products are actively used in world history classes (in an interactive game form, “boring” history becomes especially attractive), and are also analyzed in aesthetics classes as current phenomena of modern media art. At the same time, having mastered the initial control skills, the player can realize his own interactive alternative temporality, which in the case of the same Total War series ( both in original editions and official and unofficial modifications (mods) is expressed in the ability, for example, to replay the entire history of the Middle Ages, stop the Mongol invasion, or conquer Western Europe Principality of Kyiv. In turn, such historical games with their meticulous, careful attention to the historical heritage (which is expressed, for example, in the creation of the most reliable virtual copies of all medieval military branches, modeling of a historical map with all the states that actually existed at that time such as the Ghurid Sultanate, the Roman Empire or the powers of the Khorezmshahs, etc.) simultaneously discover a powerful innovative and educational resource.

Among the popular MMORPG genre (massmulti-user online sales role-playing games) educational resource actualize not only “historical” products (how it suddenly gained global popularity World of Tanks with a detailed representation of all tankov of the Second World War), but also fantasticgame worlds type World of Warcraft, not only giving an idea of ​​the archetypes of fantasy literature, but also developing communication, trading, and management skills in a virtual social environment.

The widest range of educational applications of computer games even covers such a sphere as medicine, which at first glance seems far from virtual entertainment. A recent study, the results of which were published in the Archives of Surgery, shows that playing computer games has an impact on positive influence on the professional skills of surgeons. 33 practicing surgeons took part in the experiment. Some doctors spent some time playing electronic games, at least three hours a week. As a result, “nine doctors who played computer games made 37 percent fewer errors, completed work 27 percent faster, and demonstrated 47 percent greater mastery of professional skills in follow-up testing than 15 surgeons who had never played computer games.” (3). The passion for video games was especially useful for doctors performing operations on the patient’s abdominal cavity through a puncture of the abdominal wall using an optical device (laparoscope), since similar procedures require high precision and accuracy. It is these qualities that often develop when playing computer games. One of the authors of the experiment, Douglas Gentil, a professor of psychology at the University of Iowa, notes that the results of the study came as a big surprise to him, and Dr. James Rosser, who works at Beth Israel Medical Center in New York, whose staff took part in the study, believes that computer games should be included in surgical training. It should be noted that there are already various surgical simulators in the world.

In an applied context, computer games can find application in the educational process, for example, as special gaming educational programs used both during lectures and during tests and examination tests. Another productive option is the use of game-based learning programs by students during career guidance practice.

At the institutional level in the Russian Federation, computer games are now included even in school curricula.u. More recently The Ministry of Education and Science ordered the development and creation of educational online games to teach schoolchildren and students the basics of safety life activity (life activity). “The competition was announced within the framework of the Federal Target Program “Reducing risks and mitigating the consequences of emergency situations (emergency situations) of a natural and man-made nature in the Russian Federation until 2015.” The Ministry of Education and Science estimated the cost of creating the sample at 44 million rubles. With the help of three-dimensional virtual games, schoolchildren and students of higher educational institutions will practice emergency behavior skills. The project involves the creation of an experimental online resource with tests in 2-3 schools.The terms of reference say that the work must be carried out at a high scientific, technical and research level: the choice of solutions must be justified in detail; for each age (from 12 to 18 years) it is required to create its own program” (4). Another institutional example isThe Republican Multimedia Center of the Ministry of Education and Science is developing electronic educational resources - multimedia applications for lessons, virtual laboratory work and interactive homework. Using electronic educational resources. “The teacher can now work not like a tape recorder, but move from broadcasting to discussion. Discuss, explore - together with students. Information technology should help the teacher conduct an effective lesson. The work of a teacher becomes more complex, but also as creative as possible” (5). At the same time, many electronic educational resources in the form of online games not only provide information and practical tasks, but also involve assessment and certification of the student (even in such specific subjects as cooking soup).

Others no less interesting example The innovative and educational capabilities of modern computer games are supported by their use in business schools as new ways of training managers and IT specialists. IBM Company presented a three-dimensional business game designed to manage business processes. The character, controlled using a joystick, can freely move around the building and communicate with colleagues in style Second games Life. The player “receives tasks from the head of the company, at first quite simple, sufficient for understanding a single business process. Gradually, the complexity increases and the gamer must work on optimizing the work himself and report progress to his superiors. At the end of the game, the student can see the number of points scored” (6). And in the online version of the game, users can not only compare the success of completing tasks, but also interact with each otherin order to intensify the business process.

In general, modern computer games reveal a wide range of research opportunities that can be relevant not only in the light of their innovative and educational capabilities, but also in the context of promising interdisciplinary social and humanitarian research.

(Text quoted from: Sukhov A.A. Innovative and educational resource of modern computer games // Materials of the tenth international scientific and methodological conference “New educational technologies at universities” (NOTV-2013) (February 06-08, 2013). Collection of abstracts of conference participants' reports. - Yekaterinburg, 2013. [Electronic resource]. - access mode:

Educational opportunities of computer games in the development of preschool children

Likhacheva Valeria Dmitrievna, senior teacher of the preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 20”, Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk.

Description of material: I bring to your attention an article on pedagogical topics in the section “Information and communication technologies in preschool education” on the topic “Educational opportunities of computer games in the development of preschool children.” The presented material will be relevant for deputies for VMR and senior teachers of preschool educational institutions, and can also be useful to parents, as self-education and educators, in order to use materials at parent-teacher meetings and in their own professional activity.

Information and communication technologies (ICT) in preschool education

Information and communication technologies today represent an integral part of modern preschool education. The teacher has access to a fairly diverse selection of ICT for the educational process. This is a computer, the use of the Internet, TV, video, DVD, various types of multimedia and audiovisual equipment. Using a computer as a means of personality formation, for the development and implementation of a child’s creative abilities, diagnostics, enrichment and correction of the intellectual sphere of a preschooler allows one to expand the boundaries of pedagogical possibilities in preschool education, creates the foundation for the education of an information culture and the interaction of children with computer educational programs.
The process of informatization in preschool educational institutions is determined by the requirements of a modern developing society. Computers, including tablets, used in the educational process are not a gaming or separate educational device, but a universal information system that integrates and actively interacts with all areas of the educational process, capable of enriching and improving the educational environment of the kindergarten as a whole.

Information and educational technologies in the logic of the Federal State Educational Standard

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for the requirements for a developing subject-spatial environment, the use of computer educational games in the work of preschool institutions:
Provides the opportunity for joint activities of children (including children of different ages), as well as the opportunity for privacy.
Educational computer games are available for pupils, including children with disabilities and children with disabilities. What is relevant from the point of view of inclusive education.
PC games allow you to set the level of difficulty for performing game exercises in accordance with the age characteristics of the child.
Interaction with gaming simulators involves children in cognitive and playful activities and provides an opportunity for self-expression.
Computer programs evoke positive emotions in children, successful completion of a game level, and in case of an error the opportunity to replay, provide emotional well-being in interaction with PC games.

The use of computer games in the educational process of preschool educational institutions

It is advisable to use computer games in group activities due to their undeniable advantages:
Stimulating interest and motivation to active work, the opportunity to attract passive children.
Activation of cognitive interest and intellectual processes (analysis, synthesis, etc.)
Implementation of diagnostic, developmental and training functions.
Systematization, deepening and generalization of preschoolers’ knowledge.
Encouragement for independent creative play.
Effective form work is the use of one or more computers in individual work with children. The teacher has the opportunity to offer the child an individual series of lessons aimed at correcting his typical mistakes. In addition, it is possible to offer tasks of a higher level of complexity to the most successful preschoolers.
In preschool institutions implementing an adapted educational program for children with speech impairments, speech therapists can use specialized computer technologies in their practice in the process of correctional work. The main directions that allow the use of computer games in correctional work with children with speech disorders:
Individualization of education for children with speech impairments.
Development of articulatory motor skills.
Formation of lexico-grammatical means of the language.
Development of phonemic awareness, mastery of literacy elements
Formation of pronunciation.
Overcoming the difficulties of systemic speech development is, as a rule, a long process characterized by complex dynamics. Therefore, the use of specialized computer technologies in the correctional educational process, which take into account the patterns and characteristics of the development of children with general speech underdevelopment, makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of correctional education, intensify the process of preparation for learning to read and write, and avoid the occurrence of secondary disorders in mastering writing.


Playful activity occupies a leading place in the life of a preschooler. Computer games of an educational nature, where the educational task is hidden from the children playing behind interactivity and solving game problems, are today a current trend in the preschool education system. If initially the child is attracted by the process of the game itself, then already in the senior preschool age the achievement of the goal set in the game and obtaining high results comes to the fore. Thus, computer games, from a scientific and methodological point of view, act as a means of developing abilities (creative, intellectual, etc.), as a form of organizing children's activities (game, educational) and as a type of activity (cognitive, artistic, aesthetic, etc.). d.). The teacher needs to plan and use computer games in a timely manner in the educational process of the preschool educational institution, paying special attention to compliance with the requirements of SaNpiN and the appropriateness of using games of this type.

1. Order No. 1155 of October 17, 2013 “On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education” //: Federal Institute for Educational Development (section: Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education - regulatory documents)
2. Gubanova N.F. Play activities in kindergarten. Program and methodological recommendations. – M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2006. – 128 p.
3. Karabanova O.A. Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment in accordance with the federal state educational standard for preschool education. Methodological recommendations for teaching staff of preschool educational organizations and parents of preschool children / O.A. Karabanova, E.F. Alieva, O.R. Radionova, P.D. Rabinovich, E.M. Marich. – M.: Federal Institute for Educational Development, 2014. – 96 p.

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of adherents to using games in learning. Is this always justified? Educational games have their own characteristics. When choosing this teaching method, it is important to correctly develop a strategy and methodology for assessing the desired results. One of the most popular learning tools are computer games. Many specialists are working to study their role and potential, and are also developing a pedagogical model for the use of games.

In the modern world, games are used not only in formal education, but also in informal education, commerce, healthcare and the army. Since 2003, the Serious Games Summit has been operating, and the Games for Health conference is also held several times. A lot of literature is published on the practical use of games in education. Despite the presence of a fairly rich learning potential, the use of games requires the presence of a clear strategy that will bring practical benefits. Games have been used for many decades to develop a person's psychological, physical and social potential. Role-playing games have been widely used in formal and informal learning. Scientific work Futurlab has been researching the role of games in formal education. Experts were able to come to the following conclusion: “Not every child shows interest in games.” In the system modern education More and more teachers appreciate the educational potential of games and are increasingly using them in the teaching process.

Games belong to active method learning, since the learning process takes place not only in the form of passive listening or reading. Games can be tailored to the individual needs of the user and open up opportunities for independent discovery. Games help you remember the material you have learned well and for a long time. Games used in informal learning generate increased motivation and engagement. Games are an important part of the learning process, but they should only be used in conjunction with other teaching methods. Modern games are constantly developing and improving. Graphics capabilities, information processing speed, and data storage capacity are increasing. Interaction during games will soon improve with the use of speech, neurological and haptic interface technologies. These capabilities will be widely used in the field of education. About ten years ago, computer games began to be used in education, and in modern education, games are an integral part of it.

"Serious games" are educational games that were developed for use in education. They have their own clear structure, goals, and their results are practical application in life. It is these characteristics that distinguish them from entertainment games. Serious games are often used for out-of-school learning and adult education, but they are not very popular in formal education. Why did this situation arise? Maybe games don't meet the goals of formal learning? Is it possible to use them on a regular basis or on a schedule? Maybe teachers lack the knowledge and skills to successfully use games in teaching? It is necessary to analyze the essence, meaning and distinctive features serious games to make the situation clearer. When using this term, one must always remember the pedagogical basis of serious games and the principles of their use. Aldrich (2009) refers to virtual worlds, simulations, and serious games as points on a continuum. These concepts are very similar, but they also contain significant differences that you need to keep in mind. Educational stimulations are clearly structured scenarios that contain a carefully developed system of rules, strategies and tasks. They are created with a specific goal - to develop specific competencies that can be directly transferred to the real world. Games, in turn, can be classified as entertainment activities. They are mainly used for leisure activities. Games carry specific information; they help to master certain skills and develop a person’s potential.

Games take place in a synthetic, virtual world, which is subject to certain rules and laws, has a feedback mechanism and interaction tools. The virtual world is a multi-user environment that does not focus on any specific goal and is subject to a specific scenario. Aldrich argues that the virtual world does not solve the problems that require the use of educational simulations. An educational simulation can exist in the virtual sphere, but only if there is a rigid structure. Games cannot be educational simulations. A person playing SimCity is unlikely to become a good measurer. World of Warcraft helps many players develop impressive leadership skills that will help them in real life. But this, unfortunately, does not happen to all players.

The game cannot guarantee learning. Simulations aren't always fun. Brilliant graphics with stunning animations can be completely uninteresting. Games for learning should be created by competent professionals who can make them fun, interesting and informative. Alke Martens and his colleagues call “serious games” “training.” They believe that training is based on play. It contains equal parts game, training and simulation elements. If games do not contain educational objectives, then they are simulations. Without simulation, the game is a mixed form of education and entertainment. But if you neglect the game mechanisms, you can get a training simulation.

Mike Zida argues that serious games are born from the combination of pedagogy with the three main elements of computer games - story, image and software. He believes, unlike Martens, that in this system pedagogy must be subordinate to the plot and cannot play the main role. The Serious Games Institute considers TriageTrainer, a training session in which medical attention is prioritized, to be a training simulation, although it does involve the possibility of losing or winning. However, Zida, Martens and Aldrich argue that games and simulations are different concepts.

The term "serious games" was first used more than forty years ago to describe military simulations and games used in education. “They have carefully thought out and explicit learning objectives. The main purpose is not entertainment, although this does not mean that games should not entertain” - this statement is the subject of discussions that continue to this day.

In the modern world, “serious games” have different definitions. Zida believes that “a serious game is a competition between the human mind and a computer, which occurs according to certain rules. The entertainment aspect of games is used for management, education, corporate training, public policy, healthcare, strategic communications and so on.” Serious games can also be defined as computer games that contain a number of educational objectives and are of high priority. Some researchers refer to the term as video games that are created, used, and sold for specific, non-entertainment purposes. This list includes educational, political, health and many other games. Almost any video game can be considered serious. It depends on the relevance of the use of the game and the perception of the player. The main objective of serious games is the use of new gaming technologies for training or educational purposes.

Scientists spend a lot of time studying the impact of games in educational, social and therapeutic aspects. Experts still find it difficult to give a single definition of the term “serious games,” but they are unanimous in their opinion that these are games that have a specific goal. With the help of games, learning is carried out within an interactive environment. The held exhibition of serious games gave its definition: “the product will be presented as a serious game only if it has game attributes, a challenge and a given goal, as well as a set of positive rewards and negative influences.” Despite the fact that experts have different opinions, they are still unanimous in some aspects: serious games should have an explicit or implicit educational goal, game elements and an interactive environment. "Fun" may or may not be an element of serious games, but for recreational games it is the reason people play them.

Experts also cannot agree on how open learning should be. Should the learner have learning goals, or is it enough that the game already has goals? The issue of classification also causes a lot of controversy. What games can be considered serious? Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen and his colleagues distinguish 3 categories of educational computer games:

1. Games that combine entertainment and educational purposes.

2. Commercial games that can be used in education.

3. Science-based games used in education.

Ben Sawyer, one of the founders of the Serious Games Conference, in collaboration with Peter Smith, who works at the University of Central Florida, believes that all games can be called “serious” and propose terms that they can be designated:

1. Educational games.

2. Virtual reality.

3. Simulations.

4. Social influence games.

5. Games with alternative goals.

6. Motivational games.

7. Games for social change.

8. Charity games.

9. Games for educational and entertainment purposes.

10. Learning through video games.

11. Artificial learning environment.

12. Multi-directional learning.

13. Game learning.

14. Training.

Some experts use the term "educational games" to mean "computer games that are created for educational or training purposes." Egenfeldt-Nielsen includes political and edutainment games among serious games.

There is no precise definition of the term "serious games" yet. Experts agree that games have content and a learning model, and assessment of learning occurs within or outside of the game process. The disagreement between experts leaves coaches, teachers and government officials somewhat confused as they try to determine which games should be used for effective learning. In this review, the authors refer to the term “serious games” as computer games that include games with educational and entertainment purposes and simulations that are aimed at mastering in advance certain knowledge and skills. Simulations, computer games and virtual worlds always teach something, for example, how to choose and press buttons correctly. When creating serious games, there must be a balance between teaching and learning about the game itself. Gunther points out that simply using a game in an educational setting won't necessarily be fun, effective or commercially successful. Experts worry that game designers may think that learning a game's rules, processes or mechanics is enough of a learning element. Great gameplay doesn't equate to educational content. Research shows that there are three generations of educational games. The first generation was based on the principles of behaviorism. The learning process was reinforced by rewards for correct actions and answers. These were educational and entertaining games. Such games were test-based or arcade games that trained motor skills and memory. Cognitive theory was the basis of the second generation of games. Here the focus was on the player, who could receive information from sounds, text and images. The player analyzed and evaluated game objectives and problems by connecting symbols into memorable and meaningful sequences. These games provided learning through action. During the game you could interact with characters or other players. The game enabled emotionally charged social interaction, and also acquired new knowledge and skills. The third generation is represented by heterogeneous learning models. When the need to explain learning arose, constructivism became constructionism.

Some use experiential learning theory, which includes basic concepts such as reflection and observation, direct learning, inferring abstract connections and concepts (gaining experience that builds on the theory), and the experimental method for solving various problems and making important decisions. Such learning, which is based on experience, can be transferred to life without problems. The model is also valuable for the military. From the point of view of socio-cultural learning theory, games are tools for acquiring knowledge through the process of analysis, discussion and reflection. The learning process begins in parallel with the emergence of understanding, after which knowledge is retested and reinforced by feedback. Third-generation games combine conditions (etiquette, rules, educational goals, software restrictions) with direct experience (improvisation, play sense, learning and feedback). The goal of the game is known or, if desired, can be found out, but the player can achieve it, depending on personal preferences, in various ways and ways, making mistakes in the process, but, nevertheless, trying again and again. Successful games combine factors that are very important for learning, such as timely provision of information and adaptive structure of conditions.

The need to evaluate effectiveness in achieving set goals is a very important point in using computer games in the learning process. It is not so easy to find an answer to the question: “How can we collect information about the progress of a player’s learning in a game or simulation?” The assessment of a particular player directly depends on the overall performance assessment, which was carried out in focus groups. It is believed that the teacher needs to understand whether his students have made some progress in mastering procedures or facts. In addition, he needs to be sure that the skills and knowledge acquired in the game are transferable to reality. And in turn, students must understand how they can achieve this. Some of the games have explicit mechanisms for evaluating results: the time spent on completing a task, the number of correct answers, etc. Assessment in simulations is made by comparing the results, as well as student responses, with a given standard. The more abstract the educational content of the games, the more complex these procedures will be. Pedagogical solutions, largely depend on the context and content. David Schafter and James Gee proposed the idea that computer games themselves are assessment tools. That’s why games are a good teaching method, they say.

With the help of the game, the so-called “skill of the 21st century” is created, namely the ability to think critically and systematically, create interesting ideas, interact and collaborate. Measuring the development of these skills is complex task, in relation to which the use of tests is unacceptable. Therefore, the assessment process needs to be rethought, moving from establishing facts to assessing processes. The basis for such an assessment may be the attitude of others towards the player. According to James Gee, success in such games can significantly increase the player's group status. Returning to evaluation through explicit testing is not comparable to modern game design. Most entertainment games are able to automatically adapt to the player's abilities, collecting information about which choice he is inclined to make, giving necessary information and feedback. Indicators of a player's success in entertainment games are often leaderboards, level completion, victory or defeat in a scenario, etc.

However, in formal training, summary tables are practically not used; in it, a player may be awarded, for example, an asterisk for an excellent game. Drawing up comparative tables is often the desire of the players themselves. Overall, in educational games, the complexity of assessment is a generally accepted fact. For some games, rating systems can be developed to order. For example, software construction of evaluation charts and comparison of results, acting as feedback. However, such a method can only be applied to a certain number of tasks. Game developers need to create mechanisms that meet the needs of the scientific education community. But at the moment, teachers themselves are involved in assessing the success of their students’ gaming experience.

The basis for many games is the theme of war and battles. Even the military recognized the educational potential of such games thirty years ago. A flight simulator prototype was created for the US Army in 1981. And with the advent of a variation of the game Doom in 1996, the benefits of games were appreciated even more. The main task in it was to study ammunition, a certain sequence attacks, effective communication tactics, and gaining experience giving and following orders while working as a team. All this could be learned without leaving the game, and without creating danger for inexperienced beginners. That is why many military simulators are so popular. For example, the British Army has a license to use Virtual BattleSpace 2, which is a fully interactive, three-dimensional training system with the ability to modify and adapt it. The game simulates real landscapes, as well as various weapons for experiments and military training.

From the point of view of the Government of the United Kingdom, the use of artificial environments and military simulations has a number of advantages, including the ability to conduct training in the required time, fairly low costs, the ability to plan and play out military operations without involving human and technical resources, repetition, and script recordings. Those games that were created for army needs are now actively used by ordinary players. A large number of games have also been created for healthcare needs. The Games for Health conference has been held for 6 years. In 2010, it presented a variety of games that have educational purposes in the field of healthcare. They contain various information - from training in first aid to practicing professional medical skills. Increasingly, games are being created that run on mobile platforms; they use very diverse interfaces. Games that are intended for medical professionals are often simulations and are used mainly for training.

With the help of games, aspiring doctors have the opportunity to practice a variety of medical scenarios on computerized mannequins. The learning process occurs through experience as well as analysis of sessions. It has been highly appreciated by doctors themselves, who are increasingly willing to use such a learning process. Also, its advantages include low costs and the fact that it makes it possible to avoid dangerous medical errors, both at the training stage and in subsequent practice. In addition, computer games are widely used in trade. With their help, it is possible to train the hiring of new employees, improve communications between employees and managers, as well as staff training. IBM conducted a study whose main purpose was to identify the relationship between leadership in online multiplayer games (MMORPGs) and leadership in reality. As it turns out, “the strategic and organizational challenges facing team leaders in games are very familiar: assessing and selecting personnel, motivating, rewarding, identifying and developing talented employees, creating a favorable atmosphere in the team; analysis of flows of changeable and often incomplete information requiring quick and correct decisions with varied and long-term consequences.

However, games express these management tasks even more powerfully because they are played by their volunteers in a built environment” (Reeves et al. 2008). In addition, it was found that the success of leaders depends more on the structure of the game than on the personal qualities of the individual. IBM uses its games not only for its own internal training, but also for sales. It is difficult to say whether these games are entertaining or serious, one thing is clear - they are widely popular and are used by many universities and schools in the process of teaching business administration. According to Richard Berg, business needs to use a combination of games and simulations with facilitation and coaching. When using a game in training, it is possible to achieve significant cost savings - on equipment, rental of premises, fees for education and training specialists, and scheduling is not so difficult challenging task for such a process. In modern realistic games, various practices, specific conditions, processes, and environments can be simulated. They are extremely popular and provide an opportunity to practice business scenarios. Games are often used in informal education, because young people willingly play them and gain new knowledge. Many different educational game programs have been created at the request of public organizations. For example, in the USA they teach children the basics physical culture and healthy eating.

Games used in the social sphere, as a rule, do not have an explicit evaluation mechanism, since their effectiveness is assessed based on popularity. Not in education, employment or training - abbr. NEETs is a term used to designate categories of youth not engaged in educational and labor activities. Their number in the UK is 10%. The usual ways of socialization, employment and education are extremely difficult for such youth. Over the past years, educational reforms have been carried out in order to reduce the number of these young people. Experts who work on this issue note that electronic means training are a powerful tool with which you can effectively involve young people in socialization and learning. In the process of training this category of people, computer games are used on various platforms. Since entertaining games are very popular among them, this means that in such a process they can be most effectively involved in learning. Serious games will help such people learn about existing specialties, as well as master the necessary skills, such as communication skills, cooperation, solving a wide range of problems, etc. As for formal education, games are used extremely rarely. The reason for this is certain costs for technical support, equipment, licenses, as well as the lack of a holistic understanding of their use in the educational process and conducting a correct assessment. But games are not an effective learning tool for everyone.

Components of conventional game-based learning, such as repetition, mistakes, and exploration, are not similar to regular learning, and therefore are fraught with rejection on the part of students. Another possibility is also possible - they will not want to play just because this is a learning process. And the education system usually has examination procedures and criteria, which is not the case in games. It was noted that those games that are tied to a schedule and have familiar standards and training procedures are more popular than others. Teachers' expectations that games will make their work much easier are not justified, because in the end they end up with even more workload. Those games that are specifically used in formal education very often become one of the favorite activities of adults or are used in informal education rather than for their intended purpose. In other words, although games have great learning potential, the situation with their use in formal education leaves much to be desired. Several models have been developed that describe it. The Games for Learning Institute (GFLI) version has three main criteria: relevance to learning goals, usability and technical applicability, and full integration of learning and gaming goals. According to the Relevance, Transfer, Adaption, Immersion, Naturalization (RETAIN) model, 6 aspects are distinguished: Coherence - the need to present academic content in accordance with and in connection with the player's style, game plot, etc. Relevance represents the responsibility of materials, the basis of which is existing knowledge and skills - the needs of students. Portability - reliance on the player’s experience in other areas, as well as the applicability of the acquired knowledge in real life. Adaptation is a change in behavior due to transfer. Immersion is intellectual involvement in the game process. Implementation is the naturalness of the skills acquired in the game and their spontaneous application in life. The 4-dimensional model proposed in 2004 (Sara de Freitas, Martin Oliver) includes a structure of elements that are interconnected. This model describes the process of correctly selecting software implementation and content in accordance with the learning context.

The 4 aspects of this model are: The characteristics of students - both individual and group, their learning style, as well as the knowledge acquired determine the choice of teaching methods in accordance with certain needs. Context is where learning occurs, from global economic and political factors to teacher qualifications and licensing costs. Pedagogical principles are models of teaching that are needed to create learning plans. Method of presentation – level of immersion, interactivity, frequency and reflection of the game process. In addition, an equally important issue is the relationship between gaming, pedagogical, and realistic components in serious games. Harteveld argues that the attributes of a serious game are: pedagogy, low resource density, turn-based, harmonious, experience, uncertainty, exploration, game elements, attributes, interactivity, flow, involvement, learning goals, clients, target groups, organization, reality and challenge. Such a science as pedagogy proclaims the need for reflection, but the game, ideally, encourages it. The best results come from learning by doing, which means that students should not just read a text, but experience the learning process. Low level resource saturation proclaims that students receive exactly the amount of information that they need to make their own conclusions. Finally, the learning process should be step-by-step and consistent.

Regarding the structure of the game, its world should be integral, consistent and harmonious. There should be an element of chance and uncertainty in it, which makes it even more exciting and exciting. The game should be an interactive process, and its decisions should have consequences. Actions in the game must hold the player’s attention and have feedback. The game process itself must be continuous and coherent, all tasks must be fundamentally feasible. As for the elements of reality, they depend on the context. The point is so precise definition learning goals so that they are understandable to the player. The game challenge implies that without absolutely studying all the tasks, the game process will stop. The player is most likely interested in this, and the game truthfully reflects his living conditions. Finally, it should be noted that all serious games have great educational potential. They can be widely used within training. However, the effectiveness of their use directly depends on both the players and the teachers. Today there is every reason to assume that in the future there will be an effective methodology for using games in the learning process. And they will be developed in accordance with the new requirements imposed by the educational community.

  • Training, Development, Talent Management