Chapter II psychic reflection. Mental reflection as a process Properties of reflection in psychology

Individual – a single natural being, a living individual as a representative of its species, as a bearer of individually unique traits, as a subject of its life activity. An individual from birth is any individual animal or human.

Subject- individual as carrier activity. The subject of activity can be both an animal and a person ( see Activity). In some cases, the subject may be a group (for example, a nation, society, etc.).

Human a living being, representing the highest level of development of life, a subject of social relations and activities; has the ability to work, creating tools and products of labor, the ability to establish and develop social relationships mediated by social norms and speech, the ability for logical thinking, imagination and conscious reflection. As an individual, a person is capable of free will, i.e. to the implementation of behavior that is determined only by one’s own conscious decision and volitional efforts aimed at implementing the decision made.

Activity universal characteristic of living beings, expressed in maintaining and transforming vital connections with the outside world, i.e. in interaction. Activity is characterized conditionality performed acts (actions) to a greater extent internal states of the subject immediately at the moment of action than by previous external influences. In this sense, activity is opposed to reactivity. In animals, activity appears in the form adaptive life activity, in humans - in the form activities.

Behavior – interaction with the environment characteristic of living beings, mediated by their external (motor) and internal (mental) activity, a system characterized by purposeful nature of consistent actions, thanks to which the body makes practical contact with nature. Attempts to scientifically explain P. at different times were based on mechanistic determinism (by analogy with the interaction of physical bodies) and biological determinism (C. Darwin, I.P. Pavlov). Behaviorism limited P. to a set of only externally observable motor reactions in response to external stimuli, and thereby contrasted P., accessible to external observation, with consciousness, because According to behaviorists, introspective methods of cognition are unreliable and biased. This position of behaviorism led to the fact that the holistic activity of living beings was separated into external (motor) and internal (mental), which accordingly began to be studied using various methods. Therefore, in modern psychology, behavior is often understood as the activity of living beings (including moments of immobility) that can be observed from the outside, and the terms are used to denote the holistic activity of living beings in the unity of its external and internal components "activity"(in humans) and “life activity” (A.N. Leontiev).

Reflection– a philosophical category denoting the universal property of matter, consisting in the object's ability(reflective) reproduce in its own characteristics and in accordance with its nature the properties of another object(reflected). Reflection occurs only as a result of interaction between objects. Character of reflection depends on the level of organization of matter, therefore it differs qualitatively in inorganic and organic nature. At the level of the organism, reflection can appear in the form irritability (as the ability of living matter to respond to influence with a selective reaction corresponding to the characteristics of the stimulus, arising under the influence of external and internal stimuli) and sensitivity (as the ability to have sensations - primary mental images of the environment that arise in the process of activity that is adequate to the ecological uniqueness of a given organism and its needs and serves the purpose of regulating this activity).

Irritability --(English) irritability) - An elementary prepsychic form of reflection, characteristic of all living systems. It is expressed in the ability of living systems (organisms) to respond to biologically significant external influences with certain functional and structural changes. It manifests itself in different ways, depending on the complexity of the living system. Covers a wide range of phenomena (diffuse reactions of protoplasm in the simplest living beings, phototropisms, chemotropisms, mechanotropisms, complex, highly specialized reactions of the human body). These changes in a living system constitute the essence of the prepsychic reflection - irritability (synonym - excitability).

Comments. In the light of modern scientific data, the psyche in its rudimentary form ( sensitivity,T. e. abilities of sensation) arose from irritability living beings like active reflection them environmental changes that are vital for them regulating them behavior.

Leontiev identified the main stages of development of the psyche (sensitivity) in the process of evolution ( sensory psyche, perceptual psyche, intellect, consciousness) and, based on cultural-historical theory L.WITH.Vygotsky,showed socio-historical specifics development of the human psyche (transition to consciousness).

Sensitivity(English) sensitivity) – the ability for an elementary form of mental reflection - feeling.It is with sensitivity, according to the hypothesis A.N.Leontyev And A.IN.Zaporozhets,begins mental development V phylogeny.Unlike irritability The concept of “Sensitivity” uses the signalness criterion: sensitivity - reflection by the body of influences that are not directly biologically significant (for example, due to one’s energetic weakness), But can signal about availability(change) other environmental conditions that are vital(necessary or dangerous). Sensitivity allows you to direct (guide) the body To vital components of the environment or from unfavorable and dangerous components of the environment. To ensure sensitivity. special bodies are required ( receptors), which react to biologically insignificant effects.

Psyche– a special property of highly organized matter, consisting in active reflection subject of the surrounding world. Based on the subjective pictures of the world are realized self-regulation behavior. The psyche is characteristic of living beings who have sensitivity(unlike irritability, A.N. Leontiev). Higher animals (some of the mammals) are characterized by perfect shape background mental reflection. But only in humans can the psyche appear in its highest form - in the form of consciousness.

Sensory psyche- the simplest form of mental reflection ( elementary sensitivity), described by A.N. Leontyev. Consists of reflection individual properties objective reality. Animals with a sensory psyche are characterized by instinctive forms of behavior - rigidly programmed reactions to individual properties of the environment. Sensory psyche is similar to mental process sensations in humans. However, in humans, sensations have cultural and historical specificity, they have the properties of awareness, arbitrariness, and mediation (see. Higher mental functions).

Perceptual psyche-- the second most complex form of mental reflection (sensitivity), described by A.N. Leontyev. It consists of reflecting objects and phenomena as a whole, in the totality of their properties, i.e. in the form of images. This stage of mental development allows the subject to objective perception. Animals capable of reflecting in the form of images are characterized by skills, i.e. forms of behavior that are acquired through individual experience through exercise (as opposed to instincts). Perceptual psyche is analogous to mental process perception Higher mental functions).

Intelligence (practical) – a form of mental reflection (sensitivity) characteristic of higher mammals, described by A.N. Leontyev. Consists of reflecting objects and phenomena in their connections and relationships (reflection of interdisciplinary connections) Living beings with this form of psyche are characterized by complex forms of behavior that provide greater opportunities for adaptation and transfer of skills to new conditions. This form of psyche is similar to the mental process thinking in humans. However, in humans, perception has cultural and historical specificity, has the properties of awareness, arbitrariness, and mediation (see. Higher mental functions).

Consciousness– the highest form of mental reflection and self-regulation characteristic only of humans. Empirically, consciousness appears as a continuously changing set of sensory and mental images that directly appear before the subject in his internal experience, which anticipate and regulate human activity. Consciousness allows a person to reflect objects and phenomena of reality in their objective and sustainable properties, as well as its subjective attitude towards them (“I” and “not-I”). By its origin, consciousness is social and arises in the joint activities of people. Conscious psychic reflection mediated by language and arbitrarily. The structure of consciousness consists of: sensory tissue of consciousness, system of meanings and system of personal meanings(A.N. Leontyev). Consciousness provides the possibility of objective cognition and arbitrary transformation of the surrounding reality due to the fact that it constitutes the internal plan of human activity.

Psychic reflection not mirror, not passive, it is associated with search, choice, and is a necessary side of human activity.

Mental reflection is characterized by a number of features:

  • it makes it possible to correctly reflect the surrounding reality;
  • occurs in the process of active activity;
  • deepens and improves;
  • refracted through individuality;
  • is anticipatory.

Mental reflection ensures the appropriateness of behavior and activity. At the same time, the mental image itself is formed in the process of objective activity. Mental activity is carried out through many special physiological mechanisms. Some of them ensure the perception of influences, others - their transformation into signals, others - planning and regulation of behavior, etc. All this complex work ensures the active orientation of the organism in the environment.

The most important organ of mental activity is the cerebral cortex, which ensures complex human mental activity.

In human mental life, a special role belongs to the frontal lobes. Numerous clinical data show that damage to the frontal lobes of the brain, along with a decrease in mental abilities, entails a number of disorders in the personal sphere of a person.

Basic functions of the psyche– ensuring adaptation

1. reflection of the surrounding reality

2. ensuring the integrity of the body

3. regulation of behavior (2)

Mental processes:

The basic concepts of general psychology are mental processes(cognitive, volitional, emotional), mental properties (temperament, character, abilities, orientation) and mental states (2).

"mental process"– emphasizes the procedural nature of the mental phenomenon being studied.

"mental state"– characterizes a static moment, the relative constancy of a mental phenomenon.

"mental property"– reflects the stability of the phenomenon under study, its recurrence and consolidation in the structure of the personality.

Mental criteria:

Severtsov: the psyche is a factor of evolution. What environment does the organism live in, what are its vital tasks, and is the psyche needed to solve them?

Hypothesis about the origin of sensitivity:

2 types of environment

The first form of the psyche is sensitivity, the ability to feel. This is a special case of irritability.

Irritability– the ability to reflect something vital.

Sensitivity– the ability to reflect biologically neutral (abiotic) properties of the environment, which are objectively related to biotic properties and seem to indicate them.

Psyche performs signaling function.

3 parts of action (Halperin):

1. Approximate – here you already need the psyche to prepare the movement

2. Executive

3. Test

The prognostic function of the psyche is necessary for managing one’s behavior.

A higher type of sensitivity is differentiated sensations.

The transition from irritability to feelings is a complication and narrowing of the functions of organs, their specialization as sense organs.

Subject and tasks of psychology.

Psychology is the science of the laws of development and functioning of the psyche. The object of psychology is the psyche. The subject of the study of psychology is, first of all, the psyche of humans and animals, which includes many phenomena. With the help of such phenomena as sensations and perception, attention and memory, imagination, thinking and speech, a person understands the world. Therefore, they are often called cognitive processes.

Other phenomena regulate his communication with people and directly control his actions and actions. They are called mental properties and states of the individual (these include needs, motives, goals, interests, will, feelings and emotions, inclinations and abilities, knowledge and consciousness).

Psychology also studies human communication and behavior

Tasks of psychology:

1. Qualitative study of all mental phenomena.

2. Analysis of all mental phenomena.

3. Study of psychological mechanisms of mental phenomena.

4. Introduction of psychological knowledge into people’s lives and activities.

The connection between psychology and other sciences. Branches of psychology.

It is impossible to understand the psyche and behavior of a person without knowing his natural and social essence. Therefore, the study of psychology is related to human biology, the structure and functioning of the central nervous system.

Psychology is also closely connected with the history of society and its culture, since the main historical achievements - tools and sign systems - played a crucial role in the formation of human mental functions.

Man is a biosocial being; his psyche is formed only within the framework of society. Accordingly, the specifics of the society in which a person lives determines the characteristics of his psyche, behavior, worldview, and social interactions with other people. In this regard, psychology is also connected with sociology.

Consciousness, thinking and many other mental phenomena are not given to a person from birth, but are formed in the process of individual development, in the process of upbringing and education. Therefore, psychology is also related to pedagogy.

The following branches of psychology are distinguished:

1) General psychology - studies cognitive and practical activities.

2) Social psychology - studies the interactions between the individual and society

3) Developmental psychology - studies the development of the psyche from the conception of a person to his death. It has a number of branches: child psychology, psychology of adolescents, youth, adults and gerontology. Pedagogical psychology has as its subject the psyche (student and teacher) in the conditions of the educational process (training and upbringing).

4) Labor psychology - examines the psyche in the conditions of work.

5) Psycholinguistics - deals with the study of speech as a type of psyche.

6) Special psychology: oligophrenopsychology, deaf psychology, typhlopsychology.

7) Differential psychology - studies all kinds of differences in the psyche of people: individual, typological, ethnic, etc. 8) Psychometry - comprehends the issues of mathematical modeling of the psyche, problems of measurement in psychology, methods of quantitative analysis of the results of psychological research.

9) Psychophysiology - studies the relationship between the interaction of biological and mental, the physiology of higher nervous activity and psychology.

Methods of psychology.

The main methods of psychology, like most other sciences, are observation and experiment. Additional ones are introspection, conversation, survey and biographical method. Recently, psychological testing has become increasingly popular.

Self-observation is one of the first psychological methods. This is the choice of a method for studying mental phenomena, the advantage of which is the ability to directly, directly observe a person’s thoughts, experiences, and aspirations. The disadvantage of the method is its subjectivity. It is difficult to verify the data obtained and repeat the result.

The most objective method is experiment. There are laboratory and natural types of experiment. The advantage of the method: high accuracy, the ability to study facts that are not accessible to the eye of the observer using special instruments.

Questionnaires are used in psychology to obtain data from a large group of subjects. There are open and closed types of questionnaires. In open-type questionnaires, the answer to the question is formed by the subject himself; in closed questionnaires, subjects must choose one of the options for the proposed answers.

The interview (or conversation) is conducted with each subject separately, and therefore does not provide the opportunity to obtain detailed information as quickly as when using questionnaires. But these conversations make it possible to record a person’s emotional state, his attitude, and opinion on certain issues.

There are also various tests. In addition to tests of intellectual development and creativity, there are also tests aimed at studying the individual characteristics of a person and the structure of his personality.

4. The concept of the psyche and its functions.

Psyche is a general concept that denotes the totality of all mental phenomena studied by psychology.

There are 3 main functions of the psyche:

Reflection of the influences of the surrounding world

A person’s awareness of his place in the world around him

This function of the psyche, on the one hand, ensures the correct adaptation of a person in the world. On the other hand, with the help of the psyche, a person recognizes himself as a person endowed with certain characteristics, as a representative of a particular society, social group, different from other people and in relationships with them , Correct awareness by a person of his personal characteristics helps to adapt to other people, correctly build communication and interaction with them, achieve common goals in joint activities, and maintain harmony in society as a whole.

Regulation of behavior and activity

Thanks to this function, a person not only adequately reflects the surrounding objective world, but has the ability to transform it.

5. Structure of the psyche (mental processes, conditions, properties and neoplasms).

Psyche is a general concept denoting the totality of all mental phenomena studied by psychology

Typically, the following main components are distinguished in the psyche: mental processes; mental neoplasms; mental states; mental properties.

Mental processes are a component of the human psyche that arises and develops in the interaction of living beings with the outside world. Mental processes are caused both by external influences of the natural and social environment, and by various desires and various needs.

All mental processes are divided into cognitive ones. which include sensations, ideas, attention, memory; emotional, which can be associated with positive or negative experiences, volitional, which ensures decision-making and execution.

The result of mental processes is the formation of mental formations in the personality structure.

Mental new formations are certain knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by a person throughout life, including during training.

Mental states are phenomena of vigor or depression, efficiency or fatigue. calmness or irritability, etc. Mental conditions arise due to various factors, such as health status, working conditions, relationships with other people.

On the basis of mental processes and mental states, personality properties (qualities) are gradually formed.

Characteristics of mental reflection.

Mental reflection is a correct, true reflection.

Features of mental reflection:

It makes it possible to correctly reflect the surrounding reality;

Mental reflection deepens and improves;

Ensures the appropriateness of behavior and activities;

Has a proactive character

Different for each person

Mental reflection has a number of properties:

– Activity. Mental reflection is an active process.

Subjectivity. This is expressed in the fact that we see one world, but it appears differently for each of us.

Objectivity. Only through correct reflection is it possible for a person to understand the world around him.

Dynamism. That is, the mental reflection has the property of changing.

Anticipatory character. This allows you to make decisions ahead of the future

Psychology as a science

I. Definition of psychology as a science

Psychologyis the science of mental processes, mental states and mental properties of an individual. She studies the patterns of development and functioning of human mental activity.

II. The concept of the psyche. Fundamentals of mental function. Features of mental reflection.

Psyche -this is a property of highly organized living matter, which consists in the subject’s active reflection of the objective world, in the subject’s construction of an inalienable picture of this world and the regulation of behavior and activity on this basis

1) psyche is a property only of living matter; 2) the main feature of the psyche is the ability to reflect the objective world.

2. Psychic reflection– this is: 1) an active reflection of the world; 2) during mental reflection, incoming information is subjected to specific processing, and on its basis psychic is created , i.e. subjective in nature and idealistic (immaterial) in nature image, which, with a certain degree of accuracy, is a copy of material objects of the real world; 3) it's always subjective selective reflection of the objective world , since it always belongs to the subject, does not exist outside the subject, depends on subjective characteristics.

The psyche is a subjective image of the objective world.

Mental reflection is not a mirror, mechanically passive copying of the world (like a mirror or a camera), it is associated with a search, a choice; in mental reflection, incoming information is subjected to specific processing, i.e. mental reflection is an active reflection of the world in connection with some necessity, with needs, it is a subjective selective reflection of the objective world, since it always belongs to the subject, does not exist outside the subject, depends on subjective characteristics. Psyche is a “subjective image of the objective world”.

Mental phenomena are correlated not with a separate neurophysiological process, but with organized sets of such processes, i.e. psyche is a systemic quality of the brain, implemented through multi-level functional systems of the brain, which are formed in a person in the process of life and his mastery of historically established forms of activity and experience of mankind through his own active activity. Thus, specifically human qualities (consciousness, speech, work, etc.), the human psyche are formed in a person only during his lifetime, in the process of assimilating the culture created by previous generations. Thus, the human psyche includes at least three components: outside world, nature, its reflection - full-fledged brain activity - interaction with people, active transmission to new generations of human culture, human abilities.

Psychic reflection- this is a universal property of matter, which consists in reproducing the signs, properties and relationships of the reflected object.

Mental reflection is characterized by a number of features:

· it makes it possible to correctly reflect the surrounding reality, and the correctness of the reflection is confirmed by practice;

· the mental image itself is formed in the process of active human activity;

· mental reflection deepens and improves;

· ensures the appropriateness of behavior and activity;

· refracted through a person’s individuality;

· is anticipatory in nature.

The most important function of the psyche is regulation of behavior and activity, thanks to which a person not only adequately reflects the surrounding objective world, but has the ability to transform it in the process of purposeful activity. The adequacy of human movements and actions to the conditions, tools and subject of activity is possible only if they are correctly reflected by the subject.

III. Properties of the psyche (mental reflection).

1. Activity. Mental reflection is not mirror-like, not passive, it is associated with the search and choice of methods of action adequate to the conditions, it is active process.

2. Subjectivity.Other a feature of mental reflection is its subjectivity: it is mediated by a person's past experiences and personality. This is expressed primarily in the fact that we see one world, but it appears differently for each of us.

3. Objectivity. At the same time, mental reflection makes it possible to build an “internal picture of the world” that is adequate to objective reality, and here it is necessary to note one more property of the mental - its objectivity. Only through correct reflection is it possible for a person to understand the world around him. The criterion of correctness is practical activity in which mental reflection is constantly deepened, improved and developed.

4. Dynamism. The process called mental reflection tends to undergo significant changes over time. The conditions in which an individual operates change, and the approaches to transformation themselves change. We should not forget that each person has distinct individual characteristics, his own desires, needs and desire for development.

5. Continuity. Mental reflection is a continuous process.

6. Anticipatory character. Another important feature of mental reflection is its anticipatory character it makes possible anticipation in human activity and behavior, which allows decisions to be made with a certain time-spatial advance regarding the future.

IV. Structure of the human psyche (forms of mental reflection).

Usually there are three large groups of mental phenomena, namely: 1) mental processes, 2) mental states, 3) mental properties.

1. Mental processes – dynamic reflection of reality in various forms of mental phenomena. A mental process is the course of a mental phenomenon that has a beginning, development and end, manifesting itself in the form of a reaction.

1) Cognitive mental processes: sensation and perception, representation and memory, thinking and imagination;

2) Emotional mental processes: active and passive experiences;

3) Strong-willed mental processes: decision, execution, volitional effort, etc.

2. Mental state – a relatively stable level of mental activity, which manifests itself in increased or decreased activity of the individual.

Mental states are of a reflex nature: they arise under the influence of the situation, physiological factors, progress of work, time and verbal influences (praise, blame, etc.).

The most studied are:

1) general mental state, for example attention, manifested at the level of active concentration or absent-mindedness,

2) emotional states, or moods (cheerful, enthusiastic, sad, sad, angry, irritable, etc.).

3) a creative state of personality, which is called inspiration.

3. Mental properties of a person are stable formations that provide a certain qualitative and quantitative level of activity and behavior typical for a given person.

The highest and most stable regulators of mental activity are personality traits.

Each mental property is formed gradually in the process of reflection and is consolidated in practice. It is therefore the result of reflective and practical activity.

V. Psyche and features of the brain structure.

The left hemisphere has a huge supply of energy and love of life. This is a happy gift, but in itself it is unproductive. The alarming fears of the right obviously have a sobering effect, returning to the brain not only creative abilities, but also the very ability to work normally, and not soar in the empyrean.

Each hemisphere makes its contribution: the right one sculpts an image, and the left one looks for a verbal expression for it, what is lost in this case (remember Tyutchev’s: “A thought expressed is a lie”) and what is gained, as the interaction of the hemispheres occurs when processing the “truth of nature” into “truth” art" (Balzac).

This concept is philosophical, because this reflection is not in the literal sense. It represents a certain phenomenon that manifests itself with the help of images and states of the individual passed through consciousness.

In other words, mental reflection is a special form of a person’s dynamic connection with the world, during which new desires appear, worldviews and positions are formed, and specific solutions to certain problems are developed. Any individual is capable of managing his personal reality, presenting it in artistic or some other images.

Features and Properties

Mental reflection has a number of specific moments that are its individual manifestations. There are some features of mental reflection:

  • Mental images appear during a person’s active pastime.
  • Mental reflection makes it possible to carry out some kind of activity.
  • It has a proactive character.
  • Allows you to reliably represent the world around you.
  • Progresses and improves.
  • Changes through individuality.

Characteristics of this process

A person is able to perceive the real world, find his purpose, and develop his inner world only thanks to this process. Unfortunately, not every individual correctly reflects these phenomena - this problem arises in people with mental disorders.

As for a healthy person, he has the following criteria for mental reflection:

1. Dynamism. Throughout life, every person's thoughts, attitudes and feelings change. That is why the mental reflection can also change, because various circumstances influence it very significantly.

2. Activity. This process cannot coexist with passive behavior or regression. Thanks to this quality of the psyche, the individual, without even realizing it, is constantly looking for the best and most comfortable conditions.

3. Objectivity. The personality gradually develops, therefore the psyche also makes constant progress. Since we study the environment through activity, mental reflection is objective and natural.

4. Subjectivity. Despite the fact that this process is objective, it is also influenced by the individual’s past, his environment and his own character. That is why characterization includes subjectivity. Each of us looks at the same world and events in our own way.

5. Speed. Our ability to solve some problems with lightning speed exists thanks to the psyche. It has the right to be called superior to reality.

Stages and levels

Even if this process seems like something integral to us, it is still divided into several stages. The main stages and levels of mental reflection include:

1. Presentation. This level is characterized by the dynamic activity of the individual’s subconscious. Past memories that were partially forgotten reappear in the imagination. This situation is not always influenced by the senses.

The degree of importance and significance of incidents or phenomena has a great influence. Some of these incidents disappear, leaving only the most necessary episodes.

An individual, thanks to thinking, creates his ideals, makes plans, controls consciousness as best he can. This is how personal experience comes about.

2. Sensory criterion. This level is also called sensory. It is where mental images are built based on what we perceive through our senses. This influences the transformation of information in the required direction.

Due to the fact that taste, smell, sensation are excited, personality data is enriched and has a stronger influence on the subject. If something similar happens to an individual, the brain stimulates the repetition of some moments from the past, and they influence the future. This skill helps a person to create clear pictures in his own mind at any time.

3. Logical thinking. At this level, actual events have no meaning. A person uses only those skills and abilities that are present in his consciousness. The universal human experience that the individual knows about is also important.

All stages of psychic reflection naturally intersect and interact. This process occurs due to the complex work of the individual’s sensory and rational activities.


Reflection is not alien to all living organisms when they come into contact with other objects. Three forms of mental reflection can be distinguished:

1. Physical. This is a direct relationship. This process has a time limit. Such properties are insignificant for any of the objects (invariance of traces of connection), since destruction occurs.

2. Biological. This form is characteristic only of living beings, and this is its peculiarity. Thanks to it, such organisms can “mirror” both living and alternative nature.

The biological form of mental reflection is divided into several types:

  • Irritability (the response of living beings to the realities and processes of this world).
  • Sensitivity (the ability to reflect other objects in the form of sensations).
  • Mental reflection (the ability to change one’s character depending on the situation).

3. Mental. The most difficult and progressive form of reflection. She is not considered an inactive mirror duplicate of this world. It is clearly related to scanning,decisions.

First of all, it is the surrounding world that is actively reflected in connection with a specific problem, danger or need. This form is characterized by:

  • Reflection as stages of an individual overcoming himself, his own life and habits.
  • Reflection as self-control and development.
  • Reflection as a stage of studying the personality of others.
  • Reflection as a stage of an individual’s study of social life and relationships.

Understanding the psyche as part of a certain type of reflection allows us to assert that it does not arise suddenly or accidentally, like something incomprehensible in nature. Mental reflection can be studied as a transformation of derivative imprints into subjective experience and on this basis a spatial image can be built.

Thus, the foundation of mental reflection is the primary interaction with the environment, but this process requires auxiliary activity to create images of objects in the field of the subject’s behavior. Author: Lena Melissa