Educational game Seven Wonders of the World. Methodological development of the educational game “Seven Wonders of the World”

Seven Wonders of Russia

(educational and entertaining program for schoolchildren)

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World have been known for a long time. They are spoken of as record achievements. This

1. Temple of Zeus at Olympia– the greatest religious building (built over 15 years)

2. Hanging Gardens of Babylon in Babylon, which resembled a seven-story mountain with a mass of trees, bushes, flowers, there were rivers and waterfalls, ducks swam, frogs croaked.

3. Mausoleum at Halicarnassus(its height is 49 meters - a 16-story building)

4. Statue of Helios in Rhodes(Height 36 meters. One toe of the Colossus was as tall as a man)

5. Lighthouse in Alexandria– this is the first signal tower in the history of navigation, height 130 meters, a freight elevator was built inside the building

6. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, decorated with gold, paintings, sculpture

7. Ancient Egyptian pyramids in Giza. The tallest pyramid of Cheops is 146 meters. It took 20 years to build.

Only the pyramids have survived to this day.

And now humanity is creating the greatest works of art, masterpieces that can be called wonders of the world.

Statue of Liberty in New York

Statue of Christ in Brazil

Eiffel Tower

Ostanski tower in Moscow

Statues on Easter Island

But there are wonders of the world that are made by nature itself, and these 7 wonders are in Russia. Does anyone know anything about them?

Why do you think there are seven miracles in the world?

Let's hold an auction of proverbs, literary works whose titles contain the number "7"


Then, if you agree, you and I will set off on a long voyage. Our ship will periodically land on the shores of the most interesting places in Russia.

The ship's crew is declared in full readiness No. 11 Raise the anchor! Is the team ready? Captain, submit a report (says last name, first name, salutes)

We have an interesting voyage ahead, where we will get acquainted with the wonders of the world of our Motherland. You will have to overcome challenges, complete tasks and learn a lot of new and interesting things.

So, let's go!

And our first stop... Guess for yourself

This is a lake of wonders, the oldest of the earth's lakes, the deepest of the freshwater basins in the world. More than 1.5 thousand species of plants and animals live in its waters.


Baikal is located in the center of Asia, in Russia, on the border of the Irkutsk region and the Republic of Buryatia.

The lake stretches from northeast to southwest for 620 km. in the shape of a giant crescent. The width of Lake Baikal ranges from 24 to 79 km. The depth of the lake is 1637 m. 336 rivers and streams flow into Baikal, and only one river, the Angara, flows out. The water in Baikal is cold +8.9 degrees, but very clear. You can see individual stones at a depth of 40 meters.

There are 270 islands on Lake Baikal, the largest being Olkhon - 71 km long and 12 km wide. The crustacean EPISHURA lives in Baikal - it acts as a filter: it passes water through itself, purifying it.

Lake Baikal has 5 names:

“Golden Lake (in Altai);

"North Sea" (in Chinese);

“Fire Lake” (in Buryat);

“Lama” (in Evenki);

“Rich Lake” (in Yakut)

Tell me, what is Baikal rich in? Of course, first of all, fish.

Can you guess what fish live in Baikal?


There are no faster fish in Baikal

More patient and wiser

On the hunt all day long

Ancient fish... (Taimen)

Among the Baikal fish -

He is a proven giant

He has a river brother -

Lives in the bottom part,

But he doesn't get online

It is included in the list of rare fish.

Saved from extermination…..(Sturgeon)

Walks in the lake

Walks through the bays


With a soft pink tint... (Omul)

The lake is also home to viviparous fish. golomyanka , whose body contains up to 30% fat.

Guys, how many of you know what this is? seal? The miracle of Baikal, but it's not a fish


1. What is the name of a baby seal?

- hubunok

- whitebait

2. What does a newborn baby eat?

- fish


3. Nerpa - who is she?

- fish


4. What does the seal eat?

- omul

- capelin

Guys, if you want to know more about Baikal, then you can read the book “Amazing Travels around Baikal”

Well, friends, we got acquainted with the first wonder of the world of Russia. This is Lake Baikal.

And our journey continues. Guess the name of the hot spring that shoots out jets of water - Fountain? Geyser?

2. Valley of Geysers

And we are already in the valley of geysers - this is the only large valley in Eurasia. It is located in Kamchatka. There are about 20 large geysers in the valley, which emit fountains of boiling water or hot steam.

The Valley of Geysers is a volcanic canyon.

Geysers have interesting names: Sugar, Neighbor, Shilo, Malyutka, Pinocchio, Small Pechka, Beard, Bath.

The filming of the film “Sannikov Land” took place in the Valley of Geysers

Game (fountain, geyser)

The participants stand up in a row, at the command of the leader “fountain”, “geyser”, the players jump like little frogs forward and backward. The one who makes a mistake leaves the game.

Well done guys, you completed the task.

And the third wonder of the world, Elbrus volcano, awaits us

3. Volcano "Elbrus"

The volcano is located in the Caucasus in Russia. The volcano was formed 200 million years ago. The height of the peak is 5,642 meters.
Elbrus is called the highest European mountain peak. Elbrus is the most popular resort in Russia for climbers and tourists. Elbrus is translated as “High Mountain”. During the Great Patriotic War, during the Battle of the Caucasus in 1942, German alpine riflemen managed to install German banners on the top of Elbrus. And in 1943, Soviet climber fighters hoisted their red flags on Elbrus.

Game "Conquest of Elbrus"

The presenter distributes 2 sheets of cardboard to the participants. Participants need to reach the goal, go around the (chair)-top of the mountain and return back, stepping only on the cardboard. The player places a sheet of cardboard in front of him, steps on it and places a second sheet in front of him, steps from the first to the second, and the first sheet is already prepared for the next step, the one who comes first wins

The fourth wonder of the world is located in the Komi Republic region

It's called "Weathering Pillars"

This miracle is located far from inhabited places. About 200 million years ago, there were high mountains in place of the stone pillars. Millennia passed, rain, snow, frost and heat gradually destroyed the mountains with wind and water. The pillars have a bizarre shape: the figure of a huge man, a huge bottle turned upside down, the head of a horse, a ram. In past times, these stone statues were deified and worshiped. Only trained lawyers can reach the pillars.

Artist competition

And now we will try to draw these pillars, according to your ideas. I have already told you what shape they have. And then we will compare your drawings with photographs of the pillars; the most successful drawings win.

5. St. Basil's Cathedral

In a wonderful city, the capital of our Motherland, in Moscow, on Red Square, there is the 5th wonder of the world - St. Basil's Cathedral, the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary on the Moat.

The founder of the cathedral is Ivan the Terrible. There was such a legend: Ivan the Terrible gathered the architects who built the cathedral and asked them: “Could you build exactly the same temple or even better?” The architects answered that they could, and then Ivan the Terrible ordered their eyes to be gouged out. What is this creation? Now you will try to find out for yourself.

Task “Build a wonder of the world - St. Basil’s Cathedral”

Assemble puzzles from 20 pieces of the cathedral.

Currently, the cathedral is a state historical museum. This is the most famous landmark in Russia. And for many inhabitants of planet Earth it is a symbol of Moscow.

Our journey continues to the city of St. Petersburg, where one of the wonders of the world is located - Peterhof (Petrodvorets)

6. Peterhof

Peterhof includes several palace and park ensembles. During the war, all the parks were badly damaged; restoration of the palace is still ongoing. The pride and decoration of Peterhof are hundreds of fountains of various types. Their height is more than 10 meters.

After the death of Peter the Great, the palace turned into a museum dedicated to the emperor.

Game "Explainers"

Try to explain the names of the fountains:

Fountain "Oak"... - in the center there is a lead oak, hence the name


Square Ponds Fountain…-

Fountain “Mezheumny”…- in the center of the pool there is a winged dragon, around him there are 4 dolphins. The name reflects the history of the sculptural design of the fountains

Fountain "Whale" in the center is the fabulous “Whale Fish” . Which of you can name a fairy tale where there is a whale fish and who is the author of this fairy tale?

And the last wonder of the world of Russia is Mamayev Kurgan in the city of Volgograd.


Fierce fighting took place in the Mamayev Kurgan area. The name of the mound is translated as “hillock, hill.” Mamayev Kurgan is a monument - an ensemble “To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad.” The main monument of the mound is “The Motherland Calls!” At least 34 thousand soldiers, defenders of Stalingrad, are buried in the mound.

The sculpture “the motherland is calling” is a woman holding a sword in her hand. The height of the statue is 85 meters with the sword and 52 meters without the sword. The sword is 33 meters long and weighs 14 tons, made of steel. The statue stands on a slab that is only 2 meters high, but most of the 16 meter high slab is hidden underground. From the foot of the mound to the statue there are 200 steps, corresponding to the number of days of the Battle of Stalingrad.

Sculpture “The Motherland is Calling!” listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest. Its height is 52 meters, arm length is 20 meters. The total height of the sculpture is 85 meters and its weight is 8 thousand tons.

Our journey is coming to an end and now you have to complete the last task.


In front of you are tables with the listed wonders of the world, there are seven of them everywhere. Assignment: from the listed 7 wonders of the world, exclude those that do not belong to the wonders of Russia

Wonders of Russia

1. Alexandria Lighthouse

2. Mamayev Kurgan and “The Motherland is Calling!”

3. Lake Baikal

4. Zeus statue

5. St. Basil's Cathedral

6. Peterhof

7. Valley of Geysers

Wonders of Russia

1. Colossus of Rhodes

2. Statue of Liberty in New York

3. Weathering pillars

4. Elbrus

5. Lake Baikal

6. Valley of Geysers

7. Mamayev Kurgan and “The Motherland is Calling!”

Wonders of Russia

1. Lake Baikal

2. Eiffel Tower in France

3. Hanging Gardens of Babylon

4. Valley of Geysers

5. Elbrus

6. Weathering pillars

7. St. Basil's Cathedral

Wonders of Russia

1. Lake Baikal in Buryatia

2. Weathering pillars in the Komi Republic

3. Elbrus in the Caucasus

4. St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow

5. Valley of Geysers in Kamchatka

6. Mamayev Kurgan and “The Motherland is Calling!” in Volgograd

7. Peterhof (Petrodvorets) in St. Petersburg


  • Progress of the game program:


Competition "Dating"

  • Seven do not wait for one.
  • Seven troubles - one answer.
  • Seventh water on jelly.
  • Measure seven times, cut once.
  • Kills seven in one fell swoop.
  • On the seven winds.
  • Too many cooks spoil the broth.

Competition "Seven Merry Notes"



Material and technical equipment: emblem, 7 tables, 49 chairs, 14 A4 sheets, 7 pens, stereo system, phonogram of a medley of 7 different genre melodies, microphone, 7 envelopes with tasks, 7 balls of thick thread, 49 balloons, 7 spools of thread.

The game is a team championship. 7 teams of 7 people each play. This could be a competition between schools in the area. The program requires a counting commission. Victory in competitions is assessed by tokens. Before the start of the game, draw lots.

  • Progress of the game program:

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guys! Our program today is called “The Magnificent Seven”. I hope that it will give you the opportunity to have a good rest, show dexterity, resourcefulness, and show off your erudition. And the number seven will be in the spotlight.
Let's go back to the roots. Ancient Greece: 7 heroes fight against Thebes at the dawn of history, 7 cities argue for the honor of being called the birthplace of Homer. On the pages of the Bible, the number 7 appears more than 160 times: 7 pairs of animals, 7 pairs of birds of the air were taken by Noah into the ark, after 7 days the great flood began, 7 demons were cast out by Jesus from Mary Magdalene, 7 words were spoken by Christ on the cross.

Our commitment to this number is amazing. Please note: there are 7 tables in the hall, with seven people each. These are the teams between which the fight for the main prize will unfold. To begin, the participants in the game must come up with a name for their teams that mentions the number 7.

Teams come up with names and participate in competitions.

Competition "Dating"

At the presenter’s signal, one of those sitting at the table writes his full name and surname on a piece of paper, passes the sheet to the next player on his team, and so on until all seven players have written. Once the team has completed the task, one of the players raises the piece of paper at arm's length. The team that completes the task faster (1 token) wins.

Competition "Auction of Proverbs and Sayings"

Teams receive one A4 sheet each. They must remember and write down proverbs and sayings that mention the number 7. Preparation time is 2 minutes. Then, one by one (this is the result of a draw), the teams name proverbs without repeating themselves. The team that remembers them the most wins (1 token).

Sample list of proverbs and sayings.

  • Seven do not wait for one.
  • Seven troubles - one answer.
  • Seventh water on jelly.
  • Measure seven times, cut once.
  • Kills seven in one fell swoop.
  • On the seven winds.
  • Too many cooks spoil the broth.

Competition "Seven Merry Notes"

Each team receives an envelope with one of the notes drawn on the front side. The envelope contains cards with the lyrics of the song. Each song has 7 missing words.
The competition is scored as follows: 1 token if the note on the envelope is correctly identified; 1 token if the words in the lyrics of the song are inserted correctly; 2 tokens if the song is sung together.
Team representatives select envelopes. At the command of the team leader, they open the envelopes and begin work. The team that guessed the note and inserted the lyrics raises their hand. The songs are performed after each team has completed the first two tasks.

Competition "Seven Wonders of the World"

The team representative selects a ball of thread and returns to the team. At the signal from the leader, the teams begin to unwind the ball. It contains 7 different threads. Each team member unwinds one and passes it to another. Inside the ball is text about one of the wonders of the world. We need to find out what wonder of the world we are talking about.

  • From Cairo, a chain of pointed artificial mountains of white and yellowish colors stretches far to the south. Mihail Eminescu said about them: “Majestic as eternity, silent as death.” (Egyptian pyramids)
  • This miracle was located in the largest and richest city of the Ancient East - Babylon. It was created by order of King Nebuchadnezzar II in the 6th century. BC 3. for his wife. Destroyed by floods of the Euphrates River. (The Hanging Gardens of Babylon)
  • This miracle is a rectangular building made of stone and wood, surrounded on all sides by a double colonnade of 127 columns. Everyone who entered this building was under the protection of the goddess, in whose honor the building was built. Even state criminals and fugitive slaves could not be captured here. (Temple of Artemis at Ephesus)
  • This miracle was created by the brilliant sculptor Phidias from gold, ivory, ebony and precious stones. The statue's face was kind. It seemed that the statue was about to rise, straighten its shoulders and walk. Unfortunately, this miracle died during a fire in the palace of Emperor Theodosius II. (Statue of Zeus at Olympia, “Olympian Zeus.”)
  • One of the most grandiose monuments, which stood for nineteen centuries, was built in Asia Minor in the capital of the Carian kingdom (now the city of Bodrum in Turkey) by order of Queen Artemisia in the middle of the 4th century. BC e. This is a three-story brick structure, lined inside and outside with white marble, 60 m high. On the first floor rested an urn with the ashes of the king, the second floor was surrounded by a colonnade, the third was a multi-stage pyramid. The building was crowned by four horses and a chariot. The name of the building came from the name of this king. This ancient monument was destroyed by the crusaders in the 15th century. (Mausoleum at Halicarnassus)
  • This miracle took 12 years to build in honor of the successful defense of the island. The 36-meter bronze statue of a young man is located in the shopping area between the sea and the city gates. The head of the statue was decorated with a crown in the shape of radiating rays of the sun. He covered his eyes with the palm of his right hand, peering into the distance. This miracle collapsed during an earthquake. (Colossus of Rhodes. Statue of Helios - the sun god, patron saint of the island of Rhodes.)
  • On the island of Pharos at the mouth of the Nile River around 280 BC. e. a miracle was built. Its height reached 135 m; at the top of this miracle, a fire was burning in an open stone gazebo. It stood for 1500 years and was destroyed by an earthquake. (Alexandria lighthouse on the island of Faros.)

;Mini-marathon competition

7 different melodies sound without pauses, each for 1 minute. All team players are invited to a dance marathon. If any of the players remains at the table, the teams are fined 1 token.

Blitz competition

Each team must answer 3 questions within 30 seconds. For the correct answer, 1 token is given.

1st block

  • A unit of time equal to seven days. (Week)
  • Seven heroes of the Russian folk tale "Turnip". (Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter. Bug, cat, mouse, turnip)
  • In what century did the Seven Years' War take place? (XVII century, 1756-1763)

2nd block

  • Seventh month of the year. (July)
  • What were the names of the 7 dwarves from the cartoon "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"? (Like days of the week)
  • What is the name of a team of seven horses? (Semerik)

3rd block

  • The seventh letter of the alphabet. (E)
  • Wishing you a safe voyage with mention of the seven. (Seven feet under keel)
  • What is the name of Shostakovich's 7th symphony? (Heroic)

4th block

  • What is seven seven? (49)
  • The seventh element of the periodic table. (Nitrogen)
  • An ensemble of seven voices or instruments. (Septet)

5th block

  • What holiday is celebrated on January 7? (Christmas)
  • Name the 7 colors of the rainbow in order, starting with red. (Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.)
  • Author of the fairy tale “The Flower of Seven Flowers.” (Valentin Kataev)

6th block

  • There were 7 academic subjects in the medieval school. They were called the 7 Liberal Arts. These are grammar, rhetoric, dialectics, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy... Name the seventh subject. (Music)
  • What is the name of the seventh day of Maslenitsa week? (Forgiveness Sunday)
  • The seventh letter in the word "stopwatch". (ABOUT)

7th block

  • Seventh note of an octave. (B)
  • The seventh word in the sentence: “Colorful English colored notebooks, pictures, dolls, chests of drawers, small kitchens, porcelain sets denoted the girls’ possessions.” (Chests of drawers)
  • Director of the film "Seven Braves". (Sergey Gerasimov)

Competition "Funny Ball"

Leading. The last competition of today's program will require certain physical strength and dexterity from you. Each team receives seven balloons and a spool of thread. You need to inflate the balloons and tie them into a bunch. The first team to pick up a bunch of balls at arm's length will be the winner of this competition.

Topic: “Seven Ancient Wonders of the World”

Target: get acquainted with the ancient wonders of the world, take a virtual trip using an interactive whiteboard


Educational: contribute to the development of moral and aesthetic sense of students

Educational: development of students' horizons

Educational: expanding the understanding of the culture of the Ancient World

Corrective: develop the cognitive activity of students.

Form: virtual tour.

Equipment: computer, interactive whiteboard, multimedia equipment, audio recording of music, films. Providing classes: reminders about the seven wonders of the world, chips.

Course of extracurricular activities:

    Teacher's opening speech

Good afternoon, today we will go with you on an incredibly exciting journey (reads an excerpt from N. Gumilev’s poem “Invitation to a Journey”)

Let's leave! Don't you need

The hour the sun rose,

Hear terrible ballads

Stories of Abyssinian roses:

About ancient fairy queens,

About lions in a crown of flowers,

About black angels, about birds,

That nests are built among the clouds.

Music is playing.

We all love to travel virtually and in reality. Today we have a unique opportunity to make an incredibly interesting journey to the most mysterious corners of the planet. The goal of our lesson is to get acquainted with the ancient wonders of the world, take a virtual trip to the wonders of the world using an interactive board and appreciate these monuments of the past. How many miracles are there in the world? Where and who first described the seven wonders of the world? You will learn about all this in our lesson. 2. 2. Main part D Once upon a time, in a small country on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, in Ancient Greece, when people gathered together and began to talk about amazing countries and distant cities, one could often hear the words “seven wonders of the world.” This was the name given to the most amazing and beautiful structures built in different countries. Parents told their children about them, teachers told their students, and there was not a person in Greece who did not know all seven wonders of the world. The Seven Wonders of the World is the name given to architectural structures and statues famous in ancient times. These were truly great works of ancient masters; they amazed the imagination of contemporaries with their monumentality and beauty. Screening of film No. 1. “Seven Wonders of the Ancient World” using an interactive whiteboard.

Two and a half thousand years ago, the Greek scribe Herodotus compiled a magnificent list of wonders of the world. To this day, this magical list fascinates the modern world. 1. Statue of the Colossus of Rhodes, which, according to legend, stood on the island of Rhodes in the 3rd century BC). He was a huge male figure, and held a torch in his outstretched hand. When it was lit, it served as a beacon day and night. Was destroyed by an earthquake. 2. Temple of Artemis in Ephesus (Greece, IV century BC) the temple took almost 120 years to build and was completed in 550 BC; the temple has not survived to this day due to a fire. 3. Halicarnassus Mausoleum (Karia, IV century BC), the tomb of King Mausolus, whose height was 46 meters, was destroyed by an earthquake. 4. The Alexandria lighthouse on the island of Pharos (Alexandria, Egypt, 3rd century BC) stood for 1500 years, it helped Mediterranean sailors navigate. Also destroyed by the earthquake. 5. The statue of Zeus in Olympia (Greece, 5th century BC) is the supreme god of the ancient Greeks, created by Phidias from gold and ivory.” Unfortunately the statue burned down. 6. Hanging Gardens of Babylon (Babylon, 6th century BC), the hanging gardens were laid out by hand where day and night hundreds of slaves rotated a lifting wheel with leather buckets, supplying water from the Euphrates to the gardens. The gardens were not preserved due to flooding. 7. Pyramid of Cheops (Egypt, 3rd century BC). The Great Pyramid is the largest of the Egyptian pyramids, the tomb of King Khufu (in Greek - Cheops), built around 2600 BC. The only miracle that has survived to this day. Millennia separate us from those distant times. But the “Seven Wonders of the World” still amaze and amaze with their beauty and grandeur.

Questions for students. – So, let's once again remember the names of the wonders of the world. Which of the miracles remained preserved? Students' answers. The teacher attaches pictures with miracles to the board. Unfortunately, only one of those beautiful creations of the human mind and human hands has reached us - the Egyptian pyramids.

Now we have a unique opportunity to learn about each of the miracles in more detail. So, are you ready to go on a journey? What awaits us ahead first wonder of the world - Egyptian pyramids. Screening of film No. 2. Majestic stone pyramids rise on the western bank of the Nile. These are huge tombs of the pharaohs. They are guarded by a large sphinx carved from a whole rock. The largest of the Egyptian pyramids, the tomb of King Cheops. The pyramid is an ideal structure; it is placed in such a way that the winds have not been able to destroy it for four and a half thousand years. This amazes modern scientists and engineers, who believe that repeating the pyramid is possible only with the modern level of development of mathematics and construction technology. The more than two million stone blocks that make it up weigh on average about two tons each and were pulled by sleds, the largest block weighing 15 tons. Before bringing in the stone, it was necessary to clear and level the site. Limestone was used to build the pyramid; it was cut down right on the spot. Using copper cutters and wedges, workers separated the block from the rock. The builders did not have lifting structures, so the stones had to be dragged along an inclined plane. Inside the pyramid, in the center, a system of burial chambers and corridors was built. Even a massive granite sarcophagus was installed in the burial chamber before its ceiling was covered. When the interior of the tomb was completed, its appearance still resembled a high, flat platform, the sides of which were hidden by sloping mounds. The masons, clinging to the pyramid on all sides, leveled the cladding so that not a single block stood out from the neighboring ones. The inclined plane became lower and lower, and the masons, continuing their work, finally reached the lowest layers of stone, and the pyramid appeared in all its glory, polished and shining. How long did it take to build the pyramid? Herodotus reports that 20 years passed from the start of work to its completion; 100 thousand people worked on construction. This is exactly what the pyramid looked like 4.5 thousand years ago. The building had a height of 150 meters, this is the height of the house of 50 floors. To go around it, you need to walk a whole kilometer. And if the Cheops pyramid had been destroyed, we would have the right to doubt that the 7 wonders of the world even existed.

Questions for students: So, what wonder of the world were we talking about? Are the pyramids still standing today? The tallest pyramid was built by: a) Tutankhamun b) Cheops c) Thutmose. The pyramid is guarded by: a) a sphinx b) a mummy c) a guard. Students' answers...

What awaits us next second wonder of the world -Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Show illustration. One interesting fact is that in historical science the name of the gardens was erroneously assigned to the Assyrian queen Semiramis, who lived two centuries earlier. In fact, the gardens were built in honor of the wife of King Nebuchadnezzar II, whose name was Amanis. Presumably they were located in the ancient state of Babylon, in ancient Greece, and were built at the beginning of the 7th century BC. We continue our virtual journey, so, the second wonder of the world. Screening of film No. 3.

Questions for students: so, what is the name of the second wonder of the world? Who ordered the construction of the Hanging Gardens? (Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II). Was it difficult to build the gardens? Yes, because Babylon was located on a bare sandy plain where the sun was scorching all day long. What were the gardens used to water? (Irrigation was carried out using baskets on ropes, the so-called water wheels.)

Third wonder of the world-Statue of Zeus at Olympia. Screening of film No. 4. Questions for students. Which sculptor created this great statue? Where was the statue of Zeus? What material is the sculpture of Zeus carved from? Has this statue survived to this day? What is her future fate?

The topless Zeus was made of wood. His body was covered with ivory plates, his clothes were covered with gold sheets, in one hand he held a golden statue of Nike, the goddess of victory, and with the other he leaned on a high staff. In the 5th century BC in Constantinople, in the palace of the Byzantine Emperor Theodosius II, the statue burned down.

The fourth wonder of the world- Temple of Artemis in Ephesus. Screening of film No. 5. In the 6th century BC, the ancient Greek city of Ephesus, founded in the 12th century BC in Kari on the western coast of Asia Minor, reached unprecedented prosperity. According to legend, Artemis was the twin sister of Apollo. According to the beliefs of the ancient Greeks, Artemis took care of everything that lives on earth and grows in the forest and field. She took care of wild animals, caused the growth of herbs, flowers and trees. Artemis did not abandon people with her attention - she gave happiness in marriage and blessed the birth of children. In honor of Artemis, the inhabitants of Ephesus built a huge white marble temple. When it was revealed to the eyes of the townspeople, it aroused surprise and admiration. The best craftsmen of the Greek world took part in the creation of the sculptural decoration of the temple, and the statue of the goddess Artemis was made of gold and ivory and stood in the center of the temple. The supporting structure of the temple consisted of about 120 marble columns. The giant columns reached a height of 20 meters. The huge blocks from which they were made had to be pushed into place using blocks, after which they were fastened with metal pins. When the building was covered with a roof, the artists gave it a finished look, decorating it with sculptures and ornaments. The Temple of Artemis existed until the 3rd century AD. Gradually, the bay in Ephesus was covered with silt, and the city lost its importance. The temple was plundered by the Goths and later flooded. Today, only a few foundation blocks and one restored column remain from the temple at Ephesus. Questions for students: - in honor of which goddess was the temple built in Ephesus? Artemis. This is the goddess of fertility, female chastity. How was this temple destroyed? The temple was not preserved due to a fire.

The fifth wonder of the world is the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus. Screening of film No. 6. The mausoleum was not like any of the known buildings built before. It was a breakthrough in architecture. The mausoleum was built so firmly that, although dilapidated, it stood for almost two thousand years.

Our exciting journey continues. We saw... Students' answers: the famous Egyptian pyramids, gardens in Babylon, the statue of Zeus in Olympia, the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus, the Mausoleum in Halicarnassus and we will definitely go further. Screening of film No. 7. But do you hear the sea roaring? (sound of the sea). How do we get to the island of Rhodes, where the sixth wonder of the world is located? We will fly to a fantastic island.

3. Relaxation “Travel on an airplane carpet.”

Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Take a deep breath, exhale. I invite you to travel on a carpet airplane. We sit on a magic flying carpet, the carpet rises smoothly and slowly, carries us across the sky, gently rocks us, lulls us to sleep; the breeze gently blows across tired bodies, everyone is resting... Houses, fields, forests, rivers, lakes, seas, oceans float far below. You are immersed in fog. Fog... envelops... your body... Fog... envelops... your head... A pleasant fog... envelops... your head... Brain... calms down... Thoughts... slow down... Slower... slower... slower... You breathe easily... and evenly... Breathing is calm... rhythmic... Light inhalation... Light calm exhalation... Light inhalation. ..A light, smooth exhalation...The breathing is even...And calm...Gradually the carpet - the plane begins to descend and lands on the island of Rhodes, where the sixth wonder of the world awaits us. We stretch, take a deep breath and exhale, open our eyes slowly. Now we can dream again and go on our exciting journey.

The sixth wonder of the world is the Colossus of Rhodes. Screening of film No. 8. In the 3rd century BC, the Macedonian king Demetrius attacked the island of Rhodes. However, he failed to defeat the freedom-loving Rhodians. In memory of the successful defense of the island, they decided to erect the largest statue in the world. Questions for students. So what destroyed the great statue? The earthquake that destroyed Rhodes knocked the colossus to the ground; the most vulnerable spot of the statue was its knees. This is where the expression “colossus with feet of clay” comes from. The split colossus lay near Rhodes for a thousand years, until in 977 an Arab governor in need of money sold it to a merchant. The merchant, in order to take the colossus to be melted down, cut it into pieces and loaded 900 camels with bronze.

Alexandria Lighthouse... Screening of film No. 9, part 1

So, the seven wonders of the world were the brightest embodiment of human genius. All of them disappeared from the face of the earth, except for the great Egyptian pyramids, but they were also plundered during the construction of Cairo. And yet these buildings remain in the memory of mankind. These ancient masterpieces embody an important idea: talent, fearlessness and self-confidence can create a truly immortal legend.

4. Reflection. Our journey has come to an end. I suggest you complete the task. On your tables there are cards depicting the seven wonders of the world. I will read out the characteristics of the wonders of the world one by one, and your task is to determine which wonder of the world we are talking about and choose the right card indicating this or that wonder of the world. Well done, you completed this task. Appendix No. 1.

Screening of film No. 9, part 2.

5. Final part

Very often we do not think that miracles are near us. Isn’t it a miracle that you and I can see all the colors of the rainbow, isn’t it a miracle that we can hear the sound of the sea, isn’t it a miracle that you and I just live? Perhaps we just need to learn to appreciate what we have.

Let's guys learn to appreciate what we have without looking at distant horizons. Everything we saw today was created by human hands, invented by man. Therefore, the main miracle is man.

Thank you very much for your work in class. Our unique journey has come to an end.

Appendix 1

1. They are stone, with high peaks, with steep slopes with a huge area. Have more than two million stone blocks. One of them is guarded by a certain creature. The only one that has survived to this day. Giant cliffs were created by the hands of such a small and such a weak man who crawls like a bug at their feet. Egyptian.

Egyptian pyramids

2. They are luxurious, beautiful, lush, alive, rare, fragrant. Babylonian.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

3. He is huge, made of ivory and gold, sitting on a throne, with a wreath on his head, the Thunderer, the main god of the Greeks.

Statue of Zeus at Olympia

4. It is built of stone, surrounded by high columns, built in honor of the one who took care of everything that lives on earth and grows in the forest and field.

Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

5. It is made of white marble, square, very tall, with a lot of sculptures, on top of a luxurious chariot drawn by horses. Tomb for the king...

Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

6. It is of enormous size, made of bronze, stands in the port, with a torch, almost like the Statue of Liberty...

Colossus of Rhodes

7. It is tall, made of white marble, showed someone the way, is located on an island, bears the name of a great commander.

Alexandria Lighthouse

“Game – journey “Seven Wonders of the World””

Target: introduce children to the 7 wonders of the world.

Equipment: visuals depicting the seven wonders of the world, matches, construction sets, skittles.

Progress of the event.

Old Man Hottabych (as the GPD teacher): Fuck - tibidoh - tibidoh! I've finally landed! Where did I end up? At school? This is where I wanted to land! Hello children, oh, the light of my eyes! Do you recognize me? I, old man Hottabych, am the greatest of the great sages! I invite you to travel on a carpet - an airplane to the seven wonders of the world! Did you fly?

The game “Who is faster?” is played.

Old Man Hottabych: The Seven Wonders of the World - this is how in ancient times they called unusual creations of human hands that amazed modern people with their beauty, size, and technique.

Egyptian pyramids. Only one of the 7 wonders of the world has survived to this day, the most ancient being the Egyptian pyramids. They served as the tombs of the pharaohs - the rulers of Ancient Egypt. The pyramids were built on the right bank of the Nile River. The Egyptians considered the West a land of death: it seemed to them that the sun was dying every day, setting behind the horizon. The very first pyramid of Djoser has a length of 129 m, a width of 109 m, and a height of 60 m. It is believed that the ancient Egyptians at that time (almost 5 thousand years ago) did not yet know the wheel. Huge stone blocks were transported on sleds. You can imagine how big these sleds were, and how many people had to carry them, if the construction of the Cheops pyramid required 2,300,000 stone “cubes” weighing from 2 to 30 tons.

"The Hanging Gardens" of Babylon. Two and a half thousand years ago, the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar built a four-story stone building for his beautiful wife Semiramis. Layers of fertile soil were poured on each floor and trees and flowers were planted. From a distance it seemed as if the beautiful gardens were hanging right in the air - that’s why they were called “hanging gardens”. This miracle lasted for about 200 years. The foundation of the columns was destroyed by powerful floods, and the entire structure collapsed.

The game is played “Who can build a well out of matches faster?”

Temple of Artemis of Ephesus. In honor of the goddess of hunting Artemis, the ancient Greeks built a beautiful temple in the trading city of Ephesus. This magnificent temple was supported by 127 columns. In 356 BC. The temple was set on fire.

Olympian Zeus. The favorite spectacle of the ancient Greeks was the Olympic Games. They were held in Olympia and were dedicated to the god Zeus. The height of Zeus sitting on the throne is 12m (not lower than a four-story building). The figure of Zeus was made of wood, their face and hands were made of ivory, their hair, beard, cloak, sandals were made of gold, and their eyes were made of precious stones. The statue of Zeus subsequently burned down in a fire.

Mausoleum at Halicarnassus. This mausoleum served as the tomb of King Movsol. It was built of brick. Height 60m (20-storey building). It contained a funeral urn containing the ashes of the deceased king. The mausoleum existed for almost 2000 years.

The game is played “Who can build a house from a construction set faster?”

Faros lighthouse. A lighthouse was built on the island of Pharos in the Mediterranean Sea, the light of which was visible to sailors at a distance of 60 km. Its height was 135m. A fire was constantly burning at the top. Fuel for the fire was carried along a spiral staircase on donkeys. This lighthouse was also a fortress with a large garrison. In case of a siege, there was even a reservoir with drinking water inside the tower. The lighthouse was destroyed by a strong earthquake in 1100.

Colossus of Rhodes. On the island of Rhodes in the Aegean Sea, the inhabitants of the island, in honor of the victory over the enemy, decided to erect a statue of Helios (the god of the Sun), whom they considered their patron. The sculptor and his assistants worked for 12 years. A giant statue of the Sun God towered in the square at the entrance to the harbor and was about 36 meters high. Not every person could clasp a finger on a giant's hand. 50 years after its creation, an earthquake occurred. From strong shocks, the knees of the statue broke, it collapsed to the ground and broke into many pieces.

The game is played blindfolded.

Old Man Hottabych: Well, are you convinced that I am the greatest of the sages? And now on the way back! Fuck - tibidoh - tibidoh!

Summing up.

Travel game “Seven Wonders of the World”

Compiled by:

Zhidkova Maria Ivanovna,



Municipal budgetary educational institution Lukoyanovskaya secondary school No. 1

Game-trip to the city of masters

Compiled by:

Zhidkova Maria Ivanovna,




"Mysteries of the Egyptian Pyramids"

Target: introduce children to the “wonder of the world”, the Egyptian pyramids.


Equipment: video material.

Progress of the event

Leading: Hello guys! We begin our journey.

Today you will play the role of great travelers and go to distant Egypt. It's always summer in Egypt, green palm trees, endless deserts, one of the largest rivers in the world - the Nile River. Egypt has a wonderful wildlife: crocodiles, hippos, camels, snakes and lizards. There are the famous pyramids (tombs) of the Egyptian kings. Attention to the screen.

Watching video material.

Now you will need to show dexterity, courage, resourcefulness and ingenuity.

Each squad is given a route sheet with which you can get to the treasure. You will need to reach the resting place and complete the tasks offered to you. For each completed task a hint is given.

So, if everyone is ready, then we begin!

1 Alexandria Library station.

If you want to become smart, you need to read a lot of books.

To find all the books of the century, come to... (Library)

Library of Alexandria- one of the largest libraries of antiquity, which existed in the city of Alexandria in Egypt. In the 3rd century BC.


1. What was the name of the ruler in Ancient Egypt?

a) monarch

b) pharaoh +

c) dad

d) king

2. The greatest architectural monuments of Ancient Egypt are...

a) hanging gardens

b) lighthouses

c) pyramids +

d) temples located on the rocks

3. Which river was the source of life in Ancient Egypt?

a) Amazon

b) Neil +

c) Ganges

d) Yellow River

4. What material did the ancient Egyptians use for writing?

a) birch bark

b) papyrus +

c) wooden signs

d) metal signs

5. What mythical monster with the head of a woman, the paws and body of a lion and the wings of a griffin guards the pyramids at Giza?

a) Atlas

b) sphinx +

c) caryatid

d) Medusa

6. What is the name of the science that studies the language, culture and history of Ancient Egypt?

a) Egyptology +

b) Egypt

c) Egyptonics

d) Egyptian

8. What was the name of the beetle, which was revered as a sacred animal of the Sun gods and was a symbol of rebirth, resurrection from the dead?

a) Colorado potato beetle

b) cockchafer

c) scarab +

d) stag beetle

9. Which queen in ancient Egyptian culture became one of the symbols of beauty and sophistication?

a) Meritaton

b) Hatshepsut

c) Maketaton

d) Nefertiti +

2 Desert Oasis Station

Leading: So, imagine you find yourself in a hot, sultry desert. And in order not to die of thirst, you need to stock up on water.

The desert is extremely short of water. But in some places there are reservoirs in which water comes from underground sources. What are these places called? (Oasis)

Each participant must run to the source, fill a glass with water, run along the tracks, walk along the path, jump over the dunes, without spilling the water and pour it into their own bucket.

You successfully completed this competition and managed to stock up on water, which is so necessary in the desert.

3 Station "Magic Labyrinth"

A great wonder of the world that has survived to this day. Standing in the desert. There are many labyrinths in it and whoever gets there will certainly die!

The pyramids are a huge labyrinth, and in order to get inside the pyramid, you need to make your way through it. At the entrance to the maze there is a basket with a ball. Your task: by throwing the ball, get into the basket, then you must jump over the hedgehogs, without stepping on any, and run through the maze. And the last player to ring the bell. As soon as the bell rings, it will mean that the maze is finished.

4 Station "Pahonia"

It happens by running, on cars, on horses, and in our case on camels. They do it when they are chasing someone.

Look, a cobra lies wriggling on the sand under the hot sun. You need to take turns sitting on the camel (balls between the legs) and ride without hitting her.

5 Station “Dance on your heels”

Well, what Egyptian doesn’t like to dance? Everyone has seen the “swan dance” at least once. In ballet, this dance is performed on the toes. Try repeating this dance on your heels.

6 Station "Quicksand"

The teams, having collected all the clues, find the treasure (a map of Egypt)

Leading: I invite the captains to go to our general route map (in the hall) and attach their flags. This will mean that we have found this Wonder of the World!

Well done! Friendship has won! Both teams did not give up, actively participated, and reached the goal.

This concludes our exciting journey.

Thank you all for participating! See you again!


Scenario of educational event

"Miracles at Halicarnassus"

(for minors from 6 to 14 years old)

Goals: Introduce children to the “wonder of the world” Mausoleum in Halicarnassus.


  • to form an intellectually active, developed creative personality, aesthetic tastes, interest in meaningful leisure, development of horizons;
  • develop communication and information competencies, creative tendencies, initiative and independence;
  • involvement in public events;
  • fostering a sense of collectivism;
  • cultivate respect for other peoples and their cultures.

Equipment: video material, items for the competition.

Progress of the event

Greetings from the teams.

Leading: There are different miracles! Which?

Are there miracles in the world? Someone will chuckle sarcastically in response: “I don’t know, I haven’t seen it.” Another will dismiss it: “miracles, miracles, but who needs them?” But there is a special type of people among us who believe that miracles exist. And although the expectation of a miracle is often dashed by the realities of cruel life, we, true romantics, still not only believe, but also expect to meet a miracle. Subconsciously we know that, although rare, absolutely amazing, beautiful and incredible miracles still happen in the world. And miracles also live within us.

To see real miracles, you need to overcome many obstacles. You need to not only show your strength and dexterity, but also show ingenuity and intellectual abilities. But to see them, you need to believe in yourself, you just need to believe in miracles.

Now we’ll see what miracles you possess, athletic and intellectual.

1. station "Guess the melody".(music hall)

Now we have to go to the station where the sounds of instruments are heard and the great muse reigns.

* There is nothing better in the world;

* Bu-ra-ti-no;

* Oh my God, what a man;

* Antoshka;

* Opa-gangnam-stayl;

* From a smile.

2. station "Swamp".(gym)

And now we will go to a secret room filled with vivid impressions, interesting meetings and unforgettable emotions and sporting achievements.
We lay out hoops on the floor at a short distance from each other, which symbolize hummocks in the swamp. At the start and finish the rope is stretched at knee level. The entire detachment lines up in one line and their legs are tied (each right leg to the left leg of its neighbor), after which the detachment must silently and, stepping on bumps, move to the other bank.

3. station "Intellectual".(Cabinet "Paper-plastics")

Bitter brother of onion. (Garlic)
-Why did they call it that – blueberry? (Black)
-What can replace fruit? (Vegetables)
-A herb that even the blind can recognize by touch. (Nettle)
-Which fruit drink reduces the temperature during illness? (Cranberry)
-How long can a person live without water? (Several days)
-What mushrooms are called “friendly guys”? (Honey mushrooms)
-Who brought potatoes to Russia? (Peter 1)
-Which mushroom is named after the forest beast of prey? (Fox)
-What nuts grow in our area? (Cedar)
-Which side of the plate do they place the knife and spoon on? (Right)
-Which side of the plate do you place the fork on? (Left)
-Which vegetable turned into Cinderella's carriage? (Pumpkin)
-How much liquid should you drink per day? (2 liters)
-What is the name of fish soup? (Uha)
-Morning invigorating drink. (Tea, coffee)
-Which cutlery is the most ancient? (Spoon)
-What kind of insects clap their hands? (mosquitoes, moths)
-Which snow melts faster - clean or dirty? (filthy)
-Which wheel does not spin in a car while driving? (spare)
-Who hibernates in winter? (Bear).

4. station "Kvadrat"(Game room 3rd floor)

And now we need to get to the place where the scientist cat walks day and night.

Task: Fold a square of 7 parts.

5. station "Crocodile"(game room 2nd floor)

Crocodile game. The point of the game is to guess the word the player has guessed (it’s called “Crocodile”). The game can be played by 3 or more players. No special equipment is required to play.





Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle


Traffic light

6. Bottle station(Labyrinth)

This mysterious room will not leave anyone indifferent; once you get into it, you forget about everything. From this place you need to find a way out, consisting of many intricate corridors.

There is a pencil with threads tied to it on the floor (as many participants as there are, so many threads are tied to the pencil). There is a bottle nearby. The participants all together, each holding their own thread, must lower the pencil into the bottle.

The guys return to the music room, the results are summed up, and the winner is announced!


Scenario of the summer health session event

"Educational journey"

(for minors 7 -14 years old)

Objectives of the event:

  1. Introduce children to the “wonder of the world”, the Colossus of Rhodes.
  2. Introduce children to the concept of “family values.”

Objectives of the event:

  1. Expanding children's horizons.
  2. Teach children to work in a team.
  3. Develop a desire to spend meaningful leisure time.
  4. Development and consolidation of creative, mental and physical abilities.

Equipment: Whatman paper, paper (colored), pencils, felt-tip pens.

Progress of the event.

  1. Acquaintance with the “wonder of the world” Colossus of Rhodes. The presenter's story.

EAR OF RHODES.A giant statue of the ancient Greek titan of the Sun - Helios, which stood in Rhodes, located on an island in the Aegean Sea, Greece. One of the "Seven Wonders of the World". In 305 BC. e. son Demetrius of Macedon, landed on Rhodes with an army of forty thousand. Having kept the main city of the island under siege for a whole year, despite the construction of many siege weapons, he was forced to retreat. The people of Rhodes decided to sell the abandoned guns and build a statue in Honor of the Sun God Helios to thank him for his intercession.

CONSTRUCTION. The Rhodians commissioned the sculptor Chares to create a statue 20 times taller than a man. He worked for twelve years to create an almost 36-meter bronze giant. When the work on the statue was completed, a tall and slender young god with a radiant crown on his head appeared before the eyes of the amazed Rhodians. He stood on a white marble pedestal, leaning slightly back, and intensely peered into the distance. The statue of the god stood right at the entrance to the harbor of Rhodes and was visible from the nearby islands. The statue was made of clay, had a metal frame at its base, and was covered with bronze sheets on top. The production of the grandiose monument required 13 tons of bronze and 8 tons of iron (about 13 and about 8 tons, respectively).

DEATH OF THE STATUE . The colossus stood for sixty-five years. The statue was destroyed by the Rhodes earthquake.

  1. Introduction to the concept of “family values”. Presenter's story.

Guys, today we would like to introduce you to the concept of “family values”.Raise your hands who have ever heard of this concept?(Children raise their hands).Guys, what do you understand by “family values”?(Children answer).

Family values ​​are not what you keep in your closet or your room: favorite dresses, toys, jewelry. But an album of old photographs, grandmother’s wedding dress, or stories about the family’s past that are passed down from generation to generation - all this refers to family values.

Family values ​​can be material, i.e. the ones you can touch. For example: photographs. And not material, i.e. those that cannot be touched. For example: traditions, holidays (birthdays), norms of behavior (obey your elders, treat the older generation with respect), customs that are observed only in your family.What other family values ​​do you know?? (Children answer).

Family value is what distinguishes one family from another.

For example: Family traditions (walking in the fresh air with the whole family, family dinner, picnic in nature, preparing a certain dish for the holidays)Guys, what family traditions do you have?(Children answer).

Guys, what do you think, what are family values ​​and traditions for?(Children answer)...Absolutely right, family traditions bring the family closer, make it strong and friendly.

  1. Competitions.

1 COMPETITION: “To the store for mom.”Each team is given a shopping list. The participants' task is to move things one by one from the table to the basket. Whoever completes the task faster wins.

2 COMPETITION: “Puzzles”. Each team is offered a cut picture. Participants need to collect it. The team that completed the task faster won.

1st picture: tradition - family vacation, family walk.

2nd picture: tradition - family dinner.

3 COMPETITION: “Snake”. Sheets of colored paper are laid out on the floor. The presenter comes up with a route using these sheets. The participants' task is to repeat this route without mistakes.

4 COMPETITION: “Holidays”. Each team writes down the holidays they know about on a sheet of paper. Whose list is longer, that team wins.

5 COMPETITION: "A walk by the numbers."On the floor, in a chaotic order, lie sheets of paper, numbered from 1 to 10. The participants’ task is for the whole team, holding hands, to go through these numbers in order. In this case, it is not allowed to go beyond the boundaries of the sheets.

6 COMPETITION: "Family Portrait".Each team draws a portrait of an ideal family.

7 COMPETITION: "Family Photography"Each team is given a Whatman paper. All team members must stand on the same Whatman paper. The team that lasts the longest wins.

8 COMPETITION: “Riddles”. For each correct answer, the participant receives a sweet prize.

  1. Summing up.


Number of points

1 competition

2 competition

3 competition

4 competition

5 competition

6 competition

7 competition

8 competition


Sports event Pioneerball "On Mount Olympus"

Goal and objectives:

Preliminary work:


  • volleyball,
  • volleyball net,
  • volleyball net stands,
  • field.

Number of people: 24

Progress of the event:

1. Presentation of commands(name, motto, emblem)

Summing up:


Sports event football "On Mount Olympus"

(for children and teenagers 7 – 14 years old)

Goal and objectives: promote unit unity, promote a healthy lifestyle, and instill in children an interest in physical education and sports.

Preliminary work:

Each squad forms a team and chooses a captain, gives the team a name and comes up with an emblem.


  • soccer ball,
  • football field.

Number of people: 24

Progress of the event:

1. Presentation of commands(name, motto, emblem)

2. First game (children age 6-8 years)

3. Second game (children age 9-10 years)

4. Third game (children ages 11-14)

Summing up:


Developer: V.Yu. Otradnov, sports instructor


Scenario for opening a summer health session

"Wonders of the World"

(for minors 7 – 14 years old).

Target: Introduce children to the legend and theme of the shift.


  • Promoting the building of relationships within the team, communication, and unity between children;
  • To instill in children a sense of involvement in the events that took place in the life of the camp;
  • Get the kids interested in events in the life of the camp;
  • Rally children in groups;
  • Identify artistic and aesthetic interests, musical and creative abilities.

Preliminary preparation:Come up with a name and motto for the squad.

Equipment: Musical background, institutional flag.

Progress of the event

The lights in the hall turn off. Music is playing. The scenes open. The Goddess Harmony appears on the stage and walks around, looking at her collection.

Voice behind the scenes:In the ancient city of Parnassus lived a magnificent, wise goddess named Harmony. She loved and appreciated all kinds of art and various priceless creations created by people. Harmony put together a collection where fragments of all the wonders of the world were kept so that humanity would remember them. And she was helped in this by a swallow, which mined and brought priceless fragments in its beak.(The goddess takes the swallow in her hands.)

But one day a hurricane hit the city of Parnassus, its force destroyed the valuable collection into small fragments and scattered them throughout the earth.

(Music sounds. Hurricane flies into the hall, flies across the hall, destroys the entire collection on stage and disappears).

Harmony was very upset, and her faithful swallow promised to help put the entire collection back together.

Goddess Harmony:Guys, help my faithful friend find my collection.

Leading: Guys, let's support the swallow in his search for the wonders of the world in order to return their copies to the collection of the goddess Harmony?

Children: Yes!

Goddess Harmony:Then hit the road soon! I will look forward to our meeting! Goodbye!

(The curtains close)

The lights in the hall turn on. The scenes open. Fanfare sounds.


Step onto this eternal shore,

Where miracles live around,

To you with a heartfelt smile,

Our camp will say: “Hello, friend!”

I welcome you to the grand opening of the session called “Wonders of the World.” ( Fanfare).

Together we set off on an interesting journey through the extraordinary wonders of the world, where amazing adventures, mysterious countries, interesting facts and hidden secrets await you.

And today, on our magnificent liner called “Swallow”, 2 teams set off and will be accompanied by permanent guides throughout the journey.

  • 1st squad_____________________ and their guide Natalya Anatolievna Loskutnikova.(Name and motto)
  • 2nd squad ______________________ and their guide Irina Petrovna Kaplina.(Name and motto)

Leading: Now we will check which squad is ready for any difficulties on a journey to discover the wonders of the world.Which squad has already become friends and trusts each other?

Game "Explorer".

Participants line up in a column one at a time, placing their hands on each other's shoulders. Important rules:

  • you can't talk
  • Everyone except the last one has their eyes closed (to be safe, you can blindfold them)
  • the first and last person is the guide

The conductor’s task is to guide the “train” along the route indicated by the teacher, take the treasured object, turn everyone around in the other direction, pass the object to the second conductor, who will lead the “train” back. The team that arrives at its location first wins.

Leading: Which squad will be able to overcome all the difficulties along the way, go through all the obstacles, narrow passages in rocks and caves. Let's check with the game.

Game "Rope".

All players stand, holding each other’s hands tightly in a “lock”. There is a rope with tied ends hanging between the first and second participants. The second participant, without separating his hands from the first, must thread the rope through himself like a hoop. The rope is now between the second and third participants, then the third repeats the actions of the second, etc. until the end. The main thing: while passing the rope through themselves, participants should not release their hands. Rope length – 1 m.

Leading: Which squad can swim across any body of water, ocean, sea or lake?

Song - game “And fish swim in the sea”(Everyone dances together)

Leading: Attention all squads!To take out the flag of the Looking Glass and the flag of the first change of summer 2015, which is called “Wonders of the World”, stand at attention.(Solemn music sounds, lap of honor)

The first summer health session “Wonders of the World” is declared OPEN!(Fanfare)

Leading: Well, friends, go ahead! Together with your teachers, you begin a shift in which there will be adventures, secrets, riddles, good mood, friendship and kindness! See you again!

(Detachments disperse to detachment places)


Scenario of educational event

"Sea Voyage"

(for minors from 6 to 14 years old)

Target: introduce children to the “wonder of the world” Lighthouse of Alexandria.


  • to form an intellectually active, developed creative personality, aesthetic tastes, interest in meaningful leisure, development of horizons;
  • develop communication and information competencies, creative tendencies, initiative and independence;
  • involvement in public events;
  • fostering a sense of collectivism;
  • cultivate respect for other peoples and their cultures.

Equipment: video material, paper boats, rope, paper snowballs, 2 brooms, background music, whatman paper.

Progress of the event

  1. Acquaintance with the “Wonder of the World” Alexandria Lighthouse. Watching video material.
  2. A competitive game.

The other day a kid asked his neighbor at the trickle pouring from the tap:

Where are you from?

Water responds: “From afar, from the ocean!”

Then the baby walked in the forest, the clearing there sparkled with dew.

Where are you from? – asked dew.-

Believe me, I’m from the ocean too!

What are you fizzing, soda?

And from the seething glass came a whisper:

Know, baby, I came from the ocean too.

A thick fog lay on the field,

The kid also asked the fog:

Where are you from? Who are you?

And I, my friend, am from the ocean!

Amazing, isn't it?

In soup, in tea, in every drop, in a ringing piece of ice,

And in a tear, and in a rain, and in a dewdrop

Ocean water will always respond to us.

Leading: We invite you guys to surf the seas and oceans today. Why, you ask? Because the sea is a symbol of light, space and freedom. But it is interesting for its inhabitants - various marine animals, plants, and even uninhabited islands.

Today our teams will set off on a difficult voyage across the seas of our planet. For thatIn order for ships to successfully sail, they need to be staffed with experienced sailors: the most fearless sailors who will lead the ships on this voyage, experienced, knowledgeable, dexterous, skillful. (Dividing participants into two teams).

1 competition. Come up with a name for your ship.

2 competition. Well done. Now we will check if you are ready to sail.

  • What is the name of the place where the captain stands? (captain's bridge)
  • What is the name of a window on a ship? (porthole)
  • Which bird often watches the ship? (gull)
  • What is the name of the thick rope on a ship? (rope)
  • Name the room where the sailors sleep. (cabin)
  • What is the name of the ship's crew room? (cockpit)
  • Boat on a ship? (boat)
  • A device lowered into the water to stop a ship. (anchor)
  • The biggest wave. (tsunami)
  • Kitchen on a ship. (galley)
  • Staircase on a ship. (ladder)
  • The biggest fish in the ocean. (shark)
  • The lower part of the ship where cargo is usually located. (hold)
  • Tower with signal lights on the seashore. (lighthouse)
  • What does the command sound like when a person is drowning? (Man overboard!)
  • Often sailors shout: “Palundra!” What does it mean? (danger)
  • What does the command mean: “Raise anchors.” (let's hit the road)

Leading: "Raise the anchors."

3 competition. Sailors from each crew are participating. The anchors are tied to strings, whoever is faster.

Leading: A pirate ship has appeared on the horizon, you need to fight off the enemy.

4 competition. "Battleship"

Leading: The formidable boatswain will not miss anything, he will notice everything and will not allow debris on the ship.

5 competition. "Scrub the deck"

Host: And From the open porthole of the galley, an appetizing smell spreads across the deck, it’s the cook preparing dinner. But is he not happy with something? He just didn't have enough fish. We'll have to go fishing.

Each crew member has a paper fish tied to his leg. The players' task is to pick as many of their opponents' fish as possible with their feet without using their hands.

6 competition. Leading:Attention! Attention! Urgent radio message - competition for radio operators.You need to convey a message to your crew through facial expressions and gestures.

7 competition. Leading:Storm! Storm! But our fearless captain does not leave his post on the captain's bridge.

The main thing is to keep your cap!

The captain holds on to the chair with one hand, like a steering wheel, and with the other must tie a scarf on his head.

8 competition. Leading:Attention! Attention! Due to the storm, a leak formed in the hold and water rushed in. Elimination of the impending threat depends on how correctly the crew organizes the operation of the pumps.The guys stand with their backs to each other, clasping their hands at the elbows. Without separating their hands, they sit together on the deck, stretch their legs, after which they need to stand up. Who can do it more times in a minute?

9 competition. Leading:Finally the sea calmed down. The sun is shining brightly, the leak in the hold has been fixed and everyone is having fun. There is nothing better than a sailor's dance and song. Dance "Apple".

Leading: The crews have chosen what they need! Let's see who won after all. ( counting stars ). Our journey has ended, but we do not say goodbye to you, but say until we meet again!

We got caught in a storm and lost the mast, but we move on.

We found ourselves in a calm, lost our anchor, and were delayed for two days.


Scenario of educational event

"The Hanging Gardens of Babylon"

(for minors from 6 to 14 years old)

Target: introduce children to the “wonder of the world” the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.


  • to form an intellectually active, developed creative personality, aesthetic tastes, interest in meaningful leisure, development of horizons;
  • develop communication and information competencies, creative tendencies, initiative and independence;
  • involvement in public events;
  • fostering a sense of collectivism;
  • cultivate respect for other peoples and their cultures.

Equipment: video material, plastic cups, soil, sage and rosemary seeds, decorative indoor flowers.

Progress of the event

Leading: Hello guys! Today we will get acquainted with the amazing wonder of the world “The Hanging Gardens of Babylon”.

According to legend, the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II (605-562 BC) erected artificial terraces on which all imaginable and inconceivable plants and trees grew in that area. The Hanging Gardens were erected to entertain the wife of Nebuchadnezzar II, daughter of the Median king, Amytis. Since Amytis was from Media, the climate of Babylon seemed stuffy and dusty to her, which is why they were erected hanging gardens , in which the young queen spent a lot of time.

According to scientists' calculations, the erected terraces of the hanging gardens rose above the ground to a height of 40 meters. For irrigation, water was taken from the nearby Euphrates; for this purpose, special devices were built, which were driven by slaves. Without high-quality watering, the hanging gardens would not have lasted even a couple of months in the hot climate of Assyria. In the 4th century BC. the great commander Alexander the Great conquered Assyria and took Babylon by storm. The luxurious city so impressed him with its luxury and grandeur that he stayed here forever, making Babylon his residence. It was in Babylon, in the shade and coolness of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, that Alexander the Great died.Hanging Gardens of Babylondisappeared without a trace, but they can be imagined quite clearly if you look at similar images of Assyrian bas-reliefs that have survived to this day.

  • develop communication and information competencies, creative tendencies, initiative and independence;
  • involvement in public events;
  • fostering a sense of collectivism;
  • cultivate respect for other peoples and their cultures.
  • Equipment: video material, items for the competition.

    Progress of the event.

    1. The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, was located in the Greek city of Ephesus on the coast of Asia Minor. According to legend, Artemis was the twin sister of Apollo. According to the beliefs of the ancient Greeks, Artemis took care of everything that lives on earth and grows in the forest and field. She took care of wild animals, herds of livestock, she caused the growth of herbs, flowers and trees. Artemis did not leave people unattended - she gave happiness in marriage and blessed the birth of children. Greek women traditionally made sacrifices to Artemis, the patroness of childbirth. In honor of Artemis, the inhabitants of Ephesus built a huge temple near the city, which became one of the seven wonders of the Ancient World. When the huge completed white marble temple opened to the eyes of the townspeople, it aroused surprise and admiration. However, it is not known exactly how it was decorated. It is only known that the best craftsmen of the Greek world took part in the creation of the sculptural decoration of the temple, and the statue of the goddess Artemis was made of gold and ivory. The Temple of Artemis was used not only for religious ceremonies. It was both the financial and business center of Ephesus. The temple was completely independent of the city authorities and was governed by a college of priests.

    Watching video material.

    2 girls from each squad participate in the competition.

    1 competition "Defile".

    The girls walk through the hall, showing off their costumes.

    2 competition "Quiz".(raise cards)

    1. What should you do before you start cooking?
    2. Is it possible to wash white items with colored ones?
    3. What do you use to sweep the floor?
    4. What do you use to wipe off dust?
    5. How do you iron clothes?
    6. What means do we use to make our clothes clean?
    7. What is the name of house cleaning when everything is washed and put away thoroughly, even under the sofa?
    8. What is the name of the device that helps clean and collects all the dust?

    3rd competition “Sing it up”(game with the audience)

    The groups are invited to take turns singing songs on selected topics.

    1. Snow
    2. Sun
    3. Clouds
    4. Rain
    5. Step
    6. Friends

    4th competition “Dance”(musical cut)

    Participants of the competition dance dances of the peoples of the world.

    5th competition “Bouquet for a friend”(game with the audience)

    The teams make bouquets for the competition participants from pre-prepared materials.

    6th competition “Cook it”

    Contestants are asked to “cook” some dishes. Cards with the necessary products are placed in the “pan”.

    1. Borsch
    2. Olivier
    3. Pilaf
    4. Fried eggs

    7th competition “Paper balls”(game with the audience)

    The guys from the squad join hands two at a time and with their free hands crush balls from the newspaper into the basket. Whoever has more wins.

    8th competition “Braid your hair”

    The participants are holding ribbons, three guys from the squad are braiding a pigtail from ribbons.

    9th competition “Collect the word”(game with the audience)

    The squad is given cards with letters. You need to make up words to see who can make up the most words.

    10th competition “Dress it up”

    Participants must put their squad on a rope. (via T-shirt, sneakers, cap, leg, hand)

    The jury sums up the results and selects the winner.