What documents should an individual entrepreneur maintain? Primary accounting documents of organizations and individual entrepreneurs

Many Russians these days are looking for an acceptable way to earn a reliable income, and the thought of organizing their own business is increasingly capturing the minds of their fellow citizens. Where and in what area can you make money relatively easily? Where to go if you don’t have huge funds to organize a serious business or buy a new business? And what to do if absolutely all the niches have been occupied a long time ago, and inventing something new is still a task?

What's the benefit?

Let's not reinvent the wheel and today we'll talk about one of the classic, well-proven types of business, the opening of which, although it requires quite serious investments, is still a very real task.

We are talking about washing cars. How to open a car wash from scratch? What is needed for this, and how to organize the business correctly in order to guarantee profit and not losses? In this article we will tell you how to open a car wash correctly and explain some important nuances.

How relevant is this?

Why a car wash? The relevance of this business in modern urban conditions has been proven by life itself. Judge for yourself: car washes are in demand absolutely everywhere - from a metropolis to a small town, and people use their services in any season.

In winter, every driver needs to visit a car wash to wash off salt, sand and reagents. In spring and autumn you have to look there at least once every 2-3 days due to the constant dirt and puddles on the domestic roads. In the summer, it is customary for car owners to carefully polish their cars until they shine. And today we will talk about how to open a car wash from scratch.

This business (according to professionals) has a fairly high profitability (30-40%), that is, it is one of the profitable enterprises. We can talk about full payback approximately 12-16 months after the opening of the business, of course, provided that it is successfully established and promoted. If we're talking about about the portal, more expensive option, then this period is extended, and it will be possible to calculate the net profits in a year or two.

How to open a car wash from scratch: business plan

2. Visit the administration of the area where your business will be located for permission, and also obtain opinions from the Fire Service, Moskompriroda, MP Mosvodostok and the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority.

3. The construction plan should be approved by the Moscow Committee for Architecture.

What else will need to be agreed upon?

In addition, the Moscow government will require you to provide agreements for renting a site, cleaning the surrounding area with removal of solid waste, with designated boundaries of your site and a document indicating that your cash register equipment is registered.

Before opening a car wash from scratch, information about the proposed construction of the facility will need to be submitted to the Department of Communications and Transport. To obtain a SEZ and approve the project, you will have to contact Rospotrebnadzor (its territorial department).

We select a location and premises for our car wash

The payback rate and, as a consequence, the profitability of this business project are directly related to the location of the car wash. An almost ideal place for this is the sides of central city avenues; also pay attention to the busiest highways.

Car washes are often organized at the entrance to the city, near the customs or border post. But, being in the area of ​​a large transport hub, drivers most often refuse the idea of ​​using the services of a car wash due to the increased bustle and crowd. It will be more profitable to offer your services near gas stations and service stations.

Rent is cheaper

How to open a car wash from scratch when building your own building for it is an impossible financial task for you? In this case, renting premises at an ATP that is suitable in all respects may be a good option. In addition, you will have to complete much less paperwork. Car enthusiasts, as a rule, are familiar with all such enterprises in their city.

The type and volume of services provided depends on the parameters of the premises. For example, if you're thinking about how to open a truck wash from scratch, there are a number of additional factors to consider, starting with the height of the ceilings.

Don’t forget about the need for an auxiliary area where you will store consumables.

Water purification at a car wash

Due to the increase in serious environmental problems car wash owners have requirements that you will definitely have to take into account when opening. For example, a cleaning system will be required, the filters of which will remove fats, petroleum products and other chemicals waste water

Such equipment is quite compact and belongs to transportable units. The cleaning procedure itself water is coming step by step. The existing circulation tank allows the liquid to be purified using a reverse cycle. Thus, circulating several times in a row along the circuit, the water remains practically free of impurities.

Since the operation of the cleaning equipment is intended at temperatures above +5 ° C, it should be installed in a heated room.

What's next?

A commission of representatives of the administration, firefighters, traffic police and other services should be present at the opening of the car wash. They will be signed by your object.

Advertising on billboards located in close proximity to your location will be very effective if you indicate short form its location, opening hours, discounts, main services and important bonuses.

We select personnel

Having overcome bureaucratic obstacles, start recruiting suitable personnel. What should it be like? The main requirements for applicants for employment are the ability to understand cars of the category that is supposed to be serviced in your case, contact (to form a list of regular customers) and polite treatment.

In order not to lose consumers of services, it is advisable for the car wash to operate around the clock - such a schedule is optimal for it. In this case, you will have to hire 5 or 6 washers and one foreman.

A higher education is not necessary for your employees; students can also work for hire. They should be paid based on the amount of work performed. Employees should be motivated through additional financial incentives, and stylish work overalls with a company logo will help raise the image of a car wash as a reputable enterprise.

Let's calculate the cost of the project

When calculating mandatory expenses, proceed from the rental price. This amount will vary depending on the premises and the area where it is located. Investments in the purchase of equipment should be added to the rental.

Apparatus high pressure with water heating function will cost you from 1800 to 3000 dollars. A device that supplies water to 1 station - 500-1300 c.u. e. Compressor - 200-250 dollars. Washing vacuum cleaner (or vacuum cleaner) - $400-550. - $4800-6600

Most car wash owners prefer to purchase imported equipment. In this market segment, 80% of sales belong to the German company Karcher. In addition, Italian and Danish equipment is valued. Water purification devices are usually purchased from Russian manufacturers.

The list of basic consumable materials consists of car shampoo, polishing agent, products used for dry cleaning, cleaning wheel rims, engines, and bumpers. Monthly expenses for them will be about $300, provided that the car wash services 30-40 cars daily.

In summer, the flow of clients usually dries up. Car wash services are mainly used by those who want to wax their car. What should a businessman do to avoid losing profits? The only way out here is to slightly lower prices while simultaneously expanding the range of services. Secondly, try to offer customers additional reasons to visit your location. For example, set up a small tent with tables next to the establishment, where those who wish can relax and have a snack (for example, barbecue). While on vacation, someone will definitely want to wash their car.

An excellent solution is a mini-market with groceries or a small store selling spare parts within walking distance.

What to do if there are not enough funds

Perhaps you want to spend as little money as possible and are wondering, for example, how to open a self-service car wash. Well, this option is quite possible. Its advantages are that savings are achieved on staff salaries. Of course, this type of service has individual characteristics, which must certainly be taken into account when drawing up a business plan.

If you come up with the idea of ​​​​how to open a car wash in the garage, it is better to abandon it immediately. Apart from the need to sort out issues with management, the problem of water supply, “busy” space and installation of all the expensive equipment mentioned above arises.

The main point due to which this project can be considered unviable is the inability to connect to water supply and sewerage networks. Even if there is one, you will be required to build a wastewater treatment system. In a word, this idea is not very successful.

How to open a self-service car wash from scratch: a few tips

Let's say you want to get this type of sink. You already know how to open a car wash from scratch. Business plan in in this case should only be slightly adjusted to the specifics of such service.

As you know, car washing services can be portal and tunnel, in which washing is carried out in a completely automated way, manual (staff are involved in washing cars) and open - based on the principle of self-service.

IN the latter case Drivers wash their cars themselves with the products provided. Such a sink consists of a set of equipment with a set of necessary materials. All equipment (water guns, vacuum cleaners, dryers) is as simple and understandable as possible. Customers use the services of such a car wash much more willingly because of the opportunity to save money.

The list of services provided includes washing with warm water and powder (removing dirt), rinsing off foam cold water, applying wax to cars, polymerization, eliminating drips.

The main problem when setting up such a car wash is what to do with freezing liquids in winter? There is a solution, and it consists in installing a heated floor under the covering using a pipe system with a circulating flow hot water. Heating of water in the system is ensured by automatic switching on right time gas or diesel boiler. Equipment should also be selected with continuous circulation of liquid, such as guns for supplying water under pressure.

The stronger spring gains momentum, the longer the lines at car washes become. And the more people who want to systematically wash their cars, the more often entrepreneurs begin to think about opening their own own business in this area.

So, how much does it cost to build a car wash? What permits do I need to obtain for this? How much financial resources will you need to invest and how much can you earn from it? Let's talk about all this in more detail.

Worthwhile cause

It should be noted that experts predict that in the near future sharp increase demand for this service. This is due to several factors. Firstly, seasonality, because it is known that in spring and summer, motorists more often try to wash their vehicles. Secondly, with a general increase in the number of cars. Finally, the third factor is the high profitability of such a business.

In general, it’s definitely worth doing. But before you invest your money, understand in detail the types of car washes and decide what exactly suits you. The volume of initial investments and subsequent “exhaust” will depend on the chosen format. There are three types of car washes: capital, collapsible and mobile. Let's consider each of the options.


To start a business you will need 5 million rubles or more. The peculiarity of this type is that the car wash is equipped in a large industrial building, and all kinds of systems and communications are connected to it. The payback of a car wash depends on what part of the city you locate your point in and what the flow of customers will be.


The second type is a little simpler. The car wash is equipped with two stations. Accordingly, the costs will be slightly less. Entrepreneurs who already have experience in this field note that you can get by with two million rubles. This car wash has a slightly lower profitability than the previous type, but does not require industrial hangars. All you need is a flat concrete or asphalt area and thin-walled metal structures, which are then covered with special sandwich panels.


This is the simplest car wash possible. Due to its mobility, it does not require major investments. If the location is unsuccessful, you can always move it to another, more profitable point. True, the return will be less than from the previous two options.

How much does it cost to build this type of car wash? In order to become the owner of this business, you must have at least 1 million rubles. Most of the amount will need to be spent on a trailer, in which, in fact, the vehicle will be washed. The disadvantages of a mobile type car wash are that it is designed for only one car. And the advantages are that it does not require the connection of special communications.

Now it’s time to decide which type to focus on. Compare your financial capabilities and expectations from the business you are starting. If you are still confused, then let me give you little advice. We recommend starting with a prefabricated car wash. It will require average costs from you.

In case of urgent need, you can always move it to a new point. In addition, it is designed for two cars. You can wash only passenger vehicles at one station, and equip the second one for trucks. Due to this, you can quickly recoup your investment. You already know how much it costs to build a car wash of this type, so let’s move on to the next points.

We choose a place for business and collect documentation

The success of almost the entire business depends on where your point will be located and how many posts you can place on it. Consider this issue carefully. Study and analyze the density of traffic passing by, the number of competing companies, the distance of your business from residential complexes and a number of other factors. Ideally, you should open a point next to road junction, near the residential complex. As for the number of posts, equip them at your discretion.

Now let's talk about documents. The plot for business is either rented or purchased. If the land belongs to the state, we go to the City Property Management Committee and take part in the auction. If the site on which you decide to locate is classified as agricultural land, you will need to transfer it to the industrial category. This procedure also takes the form of an auction and can take about 6 months. A stationary car wash must be approved by the department of architecture and urban planning of your city.

How much does it cost to build a car wash?

Let's say right away - it's not cheap. And considering that you are just starting to work, and you already have a lot of expenses, it is better to abandon this idea. It is much more correct to rent a premises suitable for this business and equip it according to all your needs.

In this case, everything will be much more rational. To approve the location of your enterprise, you must submit to the inspection authorities a document confirming the conclusion of a land or plot lease agreement; a certificate of registration of a legal entity as an LLC or individual entrepreneur, a copy of the sketch of the car wash project and, necessarily, a certificate of the fact of tax registration.

In the case of creating a business from scratch, it will be necessary to attach to this package of documents a permit from the city administration for the construction of a building, its plan, which must be agreed upon with the architecture department, firefighters and SES. You should also have a conclusion from Nature Supervision. In addition, experienced entrepreneurs advise drawing up and registering an agreement for garbage and solid waste removal, a certificate of the number of jobs and quality certificates for your existing equipment.

Car washes - profitable business, which, with proper development, can become truly highly profitable! Agree, the number of cars on our roads is not decreasing, but on the contrary, growing every year, which is why the demand for this type services will only grow. To open a car wash you don’t need certificates - just desire!

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a car wash

When starting any business, the first thing you should think about is: the advantages and disadvantages of this type of activity? Let's look at the pros and cons of car washes.

1. High demand for this type of service
2. This is a highly profitable business
3. There is practically no competition, and if there is, it is insignificant.

1. High initial investment, which not everyone can afford.
2. The likelihood that you will have to take out a loan to open
3. There is constant humidity in the car wash premises, so repairs will need to be done quite often.

Yes, opening a car wash will be much more difficult than closing (the likelihood of this is quite high, since if SES standards are not followed, the administration will not allow your business to exist for long), but, nevertheless, the choice is entirely yours.

Do you need a business plan for a car wash?

Before you open any business that (according to your plans) should make a profit, you simply need to draw up a business plan! And it doesn’t matter at all whether it’s a car wash, the essence is the same: this is a business that requires a lot of dedication!

It is worth understanding that a car wash business plan will help you clearly formulate your idea. If you are your own investor, then this project will put everything into perspective and allow you to better navigate what is happening. But, if you have partners, or you are planning to get a sponsor, then a business plan is the only way you can get investment!

The most interesting example in this case, Japanese businessmen serve. If you divide into percentages all the time they spend preparing for the opening, you can see that 80% of this time is spent on developing a business plan and working out all the details, and only 20% on the actual implementation of the idea! The Japanese are real pros in this matter; their plans take into account any force majeure and work through the opening process every minute!
It is precisely this fact that a well-drafted and high-quality business plan is the key to your future success and its first step!

What you need to open a car wash: documents and permits

Starting your own business is a laudable decision, but quite often it is shattered when it turns out that it is not so easy. To begin with, you should collect a fairly large amount of various documentation!

The first and most important thing will be to obtain a resolution from the city administration. They must confirm that they have nothing against opening a car wash in a certain area. But the paperwork won't end there. Next, you should submit a letter of petition to the administration of this city, in which you make a request for the allocation of the selected plot of land for construction.

OKVED code for car wash:

50.20.3 - Providing other types of vehicle maintenance services (main point).
This grouping includes:
- washing, polishing, applying protective and decorative coatings to the body, interior cleaning, towing and other similar activities.
52.1 - Retail in non-specialized stores.

Before obtaining preliminary consent, you must prepare and submit a sketch of your project to the city administration, and also coordinate it with firefighters, the sanitary and epidemiological station and municipal architects. Once you get the consent of all these government agencies, the matter is not over.

Next, you should write a letter addressed to the mayor, in which you need to enclose all the documents received thanks to the above actions. You should definitely receive a response letter - in which either consent or refusal will be expressed. If the answer is positive, then this will be the ticket to opening your own business.

Only after this letter can you begin to develop a building project. As soon as this process is completed, it should be sent for examination to the SES and agreed with the labor and environmental protection service. Next, meet again with a representative of the fire inspectorate and architects - having received permission for direct construction. And only after all these steps will you be able to submit your project to the state. examination, which must approve the project and issue a certificate allowing construction to begin.

The act can be of two types: for temporary and permanent construction, it depends on many factors. In any case, after this examination, you will be allocated a plot of land and issued a construction warrant.
If you think that all this “walking through torment” is completely not worth it, then you are mistaken. Yes, many procedures seem difficult to complete and absolutely pointless, but once you start collecting documents, you will understand that everything is not so difficult!

Rent or construction of a box

The question of whether it is worth building a box yourself, or whether you should rent it, depends purely on your financial capabilities. Most businessmen limit themselves a certain amount(most often 150-200 thousand rubles), in this case, the best option would be to rent boxes. But, before renting this or that premises, find out why the previous owner’s business did not work out? Why did he leave this territory? It is possible that opening a car wash in the selected area is a disastrous option!

If you are determined to open a serious business and you have sufficient start-up capital, then, without a doubt, it is worth building your own boxes.

Car wash equipment

Selecting the necessary equipment good quality- an important component of success. The main manufacturers in this market are Karcher, Weidner, Wesumat, Kranzle, California Kleindiest, Istobal, Ceccato, Comet, Carebridge.

Among this list, the most popular, and, as is generally accepted, the highest quality is Karcher. This company provides really high-quality products and at the same time pleases with a wide variety of goods! Among its range you can find everything you need to clean a car, moreover, these products are suitable not only for commercial use, but also for internal production.

By the way, there is another one great business idea of ​​opening a waterless car wash. But this is a topic for a separate article, subscribe to updates so you don’t miss out!

The most important production achievement of the Karcher company is portal car washes. They can be installed anywhere, even on the side of the road! Their main advantages: high cross-country ability and productivity. The list of services they provide may be small, but they perform them very reliably!

Is it profitable to open a car wash and what income does it bring?

As mentioned above, the most expensive thing in this matter is the discovery itself. In order for it to take place, you will have to buy necessary equipment, consumables and build or rent premises, as well as hire staff.

Let's look at this in numbers:

1. Purchasing the necessary equipment:
- water supply apparatus
- high pressure apparatus supplying warm water
- used water purification system
- washing vacuum cleaner
- compressor

In total, this equipment will cost you 230-250 thousand rubles.

2. Consumables:
- shampoos, products that allow you to clean wheels, bumpers, interiors, polishing products
This “pleasure” will initially cost (and will continue to cost) about 9,000 rubles per month (assuming that the car wash will serve about 30-40 cars).

3. This is where we see all the advantages of renting boxes. To build a car wash, you need to collect a huge number of permits and certificates from officials. If you don’t believe it, then go back a little higher, to the point where we talked about it. To make it a little clearer, consider the figure: you will have to collect about 160 signatures from officials and authorities... The cost of construction itself will amount to about 3 million rubles. That is why spending about 50-100 thousand a month on rent is much more profitable.

4. Personnel costs.
Car washers' salaries are most often piecework. That is why you can build it in relation to your capabilities. In any case, this is about 20-40% of daily revenue.

Taking into account all these conditions, you can earn monthly (with the deduction of expenses) about 200 thousand rubles. The profitability of a car wash directly depends on its location and the quality of the services provided! Everything is in your hands!

The number of cars in cities and other populated areas is growing steadily. In this regard, the demand for all services related to cars is growing. Entrepreneurs are increasingly turning their attention to business related to cars: car services, car washes, gas stations.

In what cases is this beneficial?

The prospects for a car wash depend on many factors, including, for example, the level of service, the ability to service both domestic and foreign cars, the availability of additional services and their range.

This is a business with little specificity. For those who are wondering whether it is profitable to open a car wash, the main decisive factors there will be liveliness of the chosen area and the absence of nearby competitors.

What do you need to open a car wash?

You should send a written request to the city administration and obtain its consent to open a car wash in the selected area. The period for consideration of such requests is one month.

It is necessary to prepare a preliminary design and coordinate it with municipal architects, as well as obtain approval from the SES, fire inspectorate, and environmental service.

Based on received technical specifications A complete set of design documentation is being developed. After which you will need to approve it, obtain a positive conclusion from the state examination and permission to build the facility.

Appropriate agreements must be concluded with resource supplying organizations.

Types of car washes

It is better to decide on the type of car wash at the planning stage, because both the size of the investment and the profit will depend on this.

Car washes are divided into:

  • mobile;
  • manual;
  • automatic.

Mobile car washes– a popular and rapidly growing direction. They require little initial investment, and modern detergents make it possible to provide very high-quality services.

Manual car washes are divided into:

  • contactless;
  • contact.

In the first type of car wash, water and detergents are supplied through equipment, and the worker only controls the process. In the second case, people wash the car. This is the cheapest and most common type of car wash. However, nowadays it is increasingly losing relevance. The large time costs of washing a car are often not justified. In addition, careless actions can lead to damage to the body.

Automatic car washes can be:

  • portal;
  • tunnel.

Portal washes are designed in such a way that an automated arch structure moves along the car, cleaning the body using high pressure or brushes.

In tunnel washes, the process is organized in exactly the opposite way: here the machine moves on a conveyor belt along the washing units.

Automatic car washes are good because they allow you to save on staff. For normal operation of the sink, only two people will be enough. However, you will have to spend a lot of money on purchasing equipment and building or remodeling the premises, since often the existing premises do not correspond to the equipment for automatic washing.

Requirements for car washes

During operation, the washers discharge wastewater into the sewer system. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with the city water utility. Regarding the composition of wastewater, there are regulatory requirements. The volume of wastewater is specified in the contract, as is the inadmissibility of discharging toxic substances hazardous to the environment into the sewer system.

Water treatment equipment must be installed at the sink. This is usually a compact and inexpensive unit. Similar equipment is designed to purify incoming water.

Selecting a location

The first thing to start opening a car wash is choosing a location. You should choose a suitable premises in the optimal area of ​​the city, settlement or choose an option on the highway near a gas station.

Next you need to find out the cost of rent. Renting a premises, as a rule, will be more profitable than buying it, especially if you enter into an agreement for a long period of time and with fixed amount payment.

Its profitability will directly depend on the location of the car wash. In residential areas there will be fewer customers than in the city center or on the highway. But then rent it will be more accessible. In addition, municipal authorities often do not like the opening of car washes in the center.

The optimal choice would be an elite area located close to the center. Residents of such areas usually have expensive cars and can afford regular care follow them and often order many additional services.

There is no need to build your own sink. You can find an inexpensive option for a ready-made building. In any case, the main thing is that there is free access to the car wash, which does not depend on road congestion.

How to open a car wash from scratch: choosing equipment

The required set of equipment will look like this:

  • high pressure apparatus for supplying and heating water;
  • compressor;
  • water purification systems;
  • washing vacuum cleaner;
  • detergents.

The equipment, of course, will depend on the specific manufacturer. Deliveries to Russian market This is mainly done by large foreign companies. Their prices are appropriate, so you won’t be able to save much.

Main manufacturers:

  • Karcher;
  • Carebridge;
  • California Kleindiest;
  • Weidner.

It is important to properly zone the car wash and include areas for customers and staff. This will make the work as comfortable as possible, and good service will attract many regular customers.

The optimal minimum is a place for a cash register, an administrator's office, a staff rest room, and perhaps also a place where customers can drink coffee or even have a snack while waiting.

It has long been proven that customers are more willing to choose those places that guarantee them a lot of comfort.

The standard set includes a comfortable sofa and armchairs, magazines, and a TV. No special luxury is required here, the main thing is functionality and a focus on productive work.

In order to offer coffee to the client, you don’t have to invest huge amounts of money in a cafe. You can install a coffee machine or simply place a cooler with hot water and offer customers something like cookies or chocolate for tea and coffee.


Selection and hiring is the last stage before opening a car wash. This is not a difficult task, but it requires an extremely responsible approach. It is quite possible to choose car washers without work experience and special knowledge, but minimum requirements to the candidates should still be. The main qualities of a good car wash employee are:

Some car washes operate 24 hours a day, so the washer must be prepared to work during the night hours.

Types of basic and additional services

The main services include:

  • body wash;
  • interior dry cleaning and drying;
  • polishing

Additional services do not mean selling coffee and hot buns to customers, but services that are directly related to washing.

Additional services will require additional staff training and increased salaries. It is absolutely obvious that the motivation for introducing a number of additional services for the car wash owner will be to increase the number of clients, and for the employee, washing the engine using the anti-sweat and anti-rain technique will be justified only if there is an appropriate financial reward.

Traditionally, a car wash is understood only as a purely external car wash. However, the range of additional services can be incredibly wide. The main thing is to be able to make the right offer to the client.

The most common additional services offered in big cities include:

  • applying a protective wax layer;
  • blackening of bumpers;
  • blackening of wheels;
  • engine washing;
  • radiator washing;
  • abrasive polishing;
  • elimination of holograms;
  • cleaning plastic in the cabin;
  • tinting;
  • reservation.

It is clear that the wider the range of additional services, the more in demand the car wash itself becomes. You can also open a tire workshop, which will attract even more clients to your complex.

For a small business it can be the next step in the development of an entrepreneur.

Possible car wash franchises

If we approach the issue from a purely theoretical position, then to open a car wash, only the premises will be enough detergents, several washers, a minimum set of equipment. However, such a car wash will only be successful in small towns where the choice of the population is very limited.

If the business is planned in big city, then you can purchase a franchise.

The concept of “franchise” is quite multifaceted and covers a whole range of actions and activities. But to put it simply, a franchise is a paid right to use a particular trademark for commercial purposes.

Using an already promoted brand makes it possible to start making money quickly famous name. Here you won’t have to re-establish a good reputation and client base.

Today, there are several companies operating in Russia that offer car wash franchises to entrepreneurs. Their offers differ in conditions and prices. Let's look at the most interesting options.


Thanks to this franchise, you can organize a car wash, which will cost about 8 times less than the usual and standard box.

Fast and Shine

When purchasing this franchise, an entrepreneur will immediately receive ready-made business solutions and a business plan. The company has its branches in 60 Russian cities.

"Mobile car wash"

The uniqueness of this project is that the washers themselves go to a pre-agreed location to provide services to the car owner. No water is used in order to avoid leaving puddles and dirt. Only the latest products are used for washing. chemicals. In the future, the company plans to create stationary car washes near shopping centers, at gas stations and other places.

Option of non-stationary car washes from the ChistoCar company

Self-service car washes “POMOY SAM”

How much does it cost to open a car wash and its estimated profitability

Opening a car wash is not an easy process and involves certain difficulties. But a car wash pays for itself pretty quickly. Car owners are increasingly refusing to wash their cars themselves.

Russia is known for its bad roads and frequent and heavy rainfall. All this does not allow you to enjoy a clean car for longer than a few days, after which the car owner will again have to use the services of a car wash.

In addition, competition in the market here will not be as high as in other types of business. A newly minted car wash owner will quickly begin to receive a stable profit if he takes into account some of the specifics of the business and the peculiarities of the market situation.

If we talk about the initial investments, then all the equipment will cost approximately 300 thousand rubles. Cleaning supplies would cost approximately $300 per month if 30 machines were serviced daily. Construction of a box for a car wash from scratch costs approximately 2.7 - 3 million rubles.

The average profitability is 40%, which is quite high. The initial investment pays off in a period of one to three years.

The main difficulty in opening a car wash is high threshold basic investments. In order to reduce these costs, you can start a business by opening a portable car wash, and later, after building a customer base and making a profit, build a full-fledged washing complex.

Video - the process of building a stationary car wash for 3 stations:

Good afternoon, dear readers! Probably, each of you has noticed that the number of cars on the roads is increasing from year to year. Despite a significant downturn in the economy, the high cost of gasoline, a catastrophic shortage of parking spaces and regular traffic jams. As you know, any situation can be turned to your advantage. The expansion of the motor transport market entails an increase in demand for related goods and services. Therefore, today we will discuss how to open a car wash!

And indeed, if demand increases, then you need to create supply without wasting time. Many car owners are very careful about their vehicle, so they are always looking for the best for the “iron horse”. They are willing to travel further and pay more for quality service.

Car washes are also a highly profitable business. The average profitability rate fluctuates around 50%. Agree, this is not bad! For those who do not know, let us explain: in every ruble received from clients, half is income, and the other half is overhead expenses. But we'll talk about numbers later. Today we prepared step by step instructions for aspiring entrepreneurs! Thanks to it, you can open a car wash from scratch.

Preparatory activities: a good start is half the battle!

Before opening a business, you need to carefully consider the details. Right now, it is important to collect as much information as possible about what types of car washes there are and to fill gaps in knowledge in the field of basic accounting, because you need to be able to not only earn money, but also count it correctly. There is a lot of information on this subject on the Internet.

If you need to draw up a business plan to find investors, then this article will help you do it quickly and correctly!

Choosing the type of car wash: with all seriousness!

In addition, you need to decide on the following nuances: in which area of ​​the city to open, whether you can afford to buy premises or will have to rent, where to look for staff, people with what level of income you would like to see as your clients, and also what type of car wash to open.

Option 1. Traditional washing.

This is the most popular and widespread species in Russia. We are talking about a standard set: a washer, sponges, mops, shampoo and half an hour of time. The advantages are obvious - relatively low cost of the service, high popularity among the population and, as a result, quick payback.

Option 2. Automatic contactless wash.

There are no brushes, no sponges, no washer. The dirt is washed off with a strong stream of water, then active foam is applied, which is washed away by another stream of water. The process is completed by coating with a protective polish. Advantages: speed of washing, average cost, minimal damage to paintwork. BUT! Opening such a car wash in Russia is not the best idea. The fact is that they are simply not able to efficiently wash away the dirt that accumulates on cars in the autumn-winter period.

Option 3. Automatic contact washing.

This type of car wash is similar to the previous one. First, water is supplied under pressure, then active foam and then water again. The difference is that they are additionally equipped with automatic brushes that remove dirt from the machine. At the end of the wash, wax is applied, after which the car is dried. Advantages: speed of washing, quick payback. The only significant drawback is that opening an automatic car wash is expensive!

Option 4. Self-service dry car wash.

How to open a car wash, thanks to which the car owner can participate in the process, and at the same time be sure that the paintwork will remain in perfect condition. It's worth considering dry washing. The car is treated with a special shampoo-polish, which softens the dirt, after which it is very easy to remove. Advantages: the coating is not damaged, excellent for winter (the seals on the car will not freeze or tear when you try to open the doors). Disadvantages: dry washing will not cope with heavy pollution and washing the bottom, wheel arches, and rims.

Option 5. Self-service car wash (standard).

This type is good because you don’t need to hire car washers and pay them wages. It is enough to hire one person and put him at the cash register (you can do this yourself if you wish). The car owner buys tokens, which he uses to pay for the equipment he uses, and washes the car himself. Advantages: minimal personnel costs, speed. Disadvantages: equipment is expensive.

Option 6. Modular car wash.

A sink that is assembled from special panels is called a modular sink. Its assembly takes about 10 days. Advantages: can be disassembled and reassembled at a new location, quickly pays for itself, and is easy to obtain the necessary permits. Disadvantages: high cost (about 1.5 million rubles).

Option 7. Wash for trucks.

Opening a car wash for trucks from scratch is quite profitable. The key to success is that you need to choose the right place! Since the main clients will be truckers, the car wash should be located in close proximity to their parking lots. Then you will have plenty of customers and the car wash will quickly pay for itself. Naturally, in this case we are talking about traditional washing with water. Advantages: quick payback. Disadvantages: difficult to find a suitable place.

What type of car wash should you choose? There is no clear answer to this question. Some entrepreneurs have experience, capital, connections, knowledge behind them, others have one thing or nothing at all. Initial conditions Everyone is different. We decided to create instructions for beginners, so we will give this advice: start with the simplest thing - open a standard (traditional) car wash!

Market research: always - learn, know everything! The more you learn, the stronger you will become!

After the choice in favor of one of the types is made, it is worth collecting as many more information about the market segment in which you are going to work. Simply put, it's time to visit your competitors. Why is this important? Because you can learn a lot, identify strengths and weaknesses“enemy” in order to use both in their activities. So, you should definitely find out:

  • the average cost of the service for the locality, as well as its cost from direct competitors, that is, at those car washes that are located in the same area in which you would like to open yours,
  • what equipment do competitors use?
  • what additional services are provided (tire blackening, engine washing, waxing, etc.),
  • features of service promotion (advertising, loyalty programs, promotions, discounts).

Collect as much information as possible, both about the disadvantages and advantages. Both other information is of great value. Knowing your strengths, you will learn and strive for more, and knowing your weaknesses, you will understand how to create worthy competition!

How to open a car wash: developing a concept or getting out of the gray mass!

At this stage, you need to summarize and draw conclusions from the information collected. Any business does not begin with paperwork, construction and investment. It starts with an idea! And it is desirable that this idea be unique! Of course, you won’t be able to do something completely unique when it comes to a car wash, but creating your own style and standing out from the crowd is quite possible.

You must decide on:

  • number of car wash boxes,
  • price segment,
  • TM equipment,
  • name of the car wash,
  • operating mode,
  • number of employees,
  • promotion of services,
  • basic services,
  • additional services,
  • comfort for car owners,
  • purchase/rent of land,
  • construction/rental of premises,
  • own "trick".

Not an easy task! Although this is only the first step, it is perhaps the most important. A budding entrepreneur must think through everything to the smallest detail! This is the only way to “survive” in conditions of fierce competition.

To make it clear: the “trick” is the very thing that will make your business stand out from the gray mass. For example, why not start actively promoting your services to corporate clients. That is, negotiate with large companies (which usually have their own fleet of vehicles) about cooperation. It turns out that your car wash will serve not only private clients, but also businesses! It's very profitable! Need to find phone numbers large companies, whose office is located nearby, and offer their services. It is important to secure a verbal agreement with a contract!

Step 2. How much does it cost to open a car wash: budget for opening and calculation of profitability!

There are a lot of options on how to open a washing business, so we will do calculations for:

  • traditional car wash with 2 bays,
  • rented premises,
  • 12 hour operating hours, 7 days a week,
  • 8 washers who work in shifts (6 hours a day, 2/2), plus 1 cleaner.
  • Cost of services:
  • Body wash – 300.
  • Interior cleaning – 120.
  • Waxing – 110.
  • Wheel washing – 20.
  • Carpet cleaning – 40.
  • Wheel blackening – 150.

We calculate the initial investment:

  1. Payment of state duties, obtaining permits - 10,000.
  2. Purchase of equipment and consumables – 500 000.
  3. Repair of the premises - 200,000.
  4. Advertising - 100,000.
  5. Connection of communications if necessary – 100,000.

The total is 810,000 rubles.

Naturally, it is impossible to say exactly how much it costs to open a car wash. Since there are too many variables in this equation: rental cost, presence/absence of communications, equipment brand, number of boxes, and others. But the algorithm for calculating the initial investment remains unchanged.

  1. Monthly operating costs (expenses):
  • Purchase of consumables – 15,000,
  • Salary (8 washers + 1 cleaner 15,000 each) – 135,000,
  • Rent + electricity and water – 60,000,
  • Advertising royalties – 20,000.

Total per month: 230,000 rubles.

  1. Planned monthly revenue.

Car wash throughput: 48 cars per day (average 30 minutes per car). The planned load level is 80%, that is, 39 cars per day. Each car owner orders a different set of services. Average bill - 400. Planned revenue - 15,600 per day, 468,000 per month.

  1. Profit before tax is: 468,000 – 230,000 = 238,000.
  2. Net profit (for individual entrepreneurs on the simplified “income” taxation system): 238,000 -6%=210,000.
  3. This means that the payback period will be 810,000 / 210,000 = 4 months! A car wash with these parameters pays for itself faster than anyone another, which is important for beginning entrepreneurs.
  4. Car wash profitability: 210,000 / 468,000*100%=45%. This is a very good indicator, which means that every ruble received from clients contains 45 kopecks of net profit.

Based on these numbers, the entrepreneur must conclude whether it is worth opening a car wash. Before making a final decision, three forecasts can be made: pessimistic, realistic and optimistic. This will prepare you for different options developments of events.

STEP 3. How to open a car wash: paperwork!

After approving the concept, its economic justification and making a decision to open a business, you need to start processing documents. For ease of understanding, we will divide the bureaucratic process into stages.

Stage 1. Visit to the tax office.

The first step is to submit documents to the Federal Tax Service and open an individual entrepreneur or LLC. For beginners, it is best to use an individual entrepreneur, since with him it is much more less problems: fast, simple and easy to understand. And the article will help you understand the nuances.

At the same time, you can submit an application to choose a taxation system; if this is not done within a month from the date of registration, the general taxation system will be automatically applied. It requires knowledge in the field of accounting and tax accounting, as well as filing a fairly large number of reports.

For beginning entrepreneurs, one of the special tax regimes is best suited. Good option— a simplified taxation system, which comes in two types depending on the tax base: simplified tax system “income” 6% and simplified tax system “income-expenses” 15%. The first option is simpler, 6% is paid from revenue, but the second is beneficial for those whose revenue percentage of expenses exceeds 60%! For example, in wholesale trade. Important! You need to be able to confirm consumption (have primary documentation: checks, invoices, invoices).

The tax registration process will take no more than 10 working days.

Stage 2. Conclusion of a lease agreement.

At this stage, with registration documents in hand, you can safely go to conclude a rental agreement for the premises. You will not be able to do this before official registration. Objects commercial real estate are rented only to individual entrepreneurs or legal entities.

If an entrepreneur decides to buy/rent land and build a car wash from scratch, then the process becomes much more complicated, since it will be necessary to: approve the car wash project in the administration of the locality, obtain permits from the SES, traffic police, environmentalists, firefighters and the State Expertise. This process in best case scenario will take 3 weeks. Not to mention that the initial investment will be increased significantly, and the payback period will reach 2-3 years!

Stage 3. Connection to utility networks.

This item is needed only for those premises that are not electrified and do not have a water supply system, as well as during the construction of a new building.

Step 4. Purchase of equipment and materials: the best advertisement for any product is its quality!

It will be quite difficult for a beginner to do it himself right choice from a variety of car wash equipment. Therefore, it is best to order from organizations that specialize in selling such equipment. There are three reasons for this:

  1. They'll tell you correct set necessary equipment for two posts.
  2. They will introduce you in detail to the features of each brand and provide a wide range.
  3. They will give a discount for wholesale.

The same company will provide a warranty on the equipment, and, if necessary, spare parts. Plus, intermediary firms are always very attentive to their clients, as they are interested in long-term cooperation.

If you decide to purchase equipment yourself from different sources, then the main thing to remember is: quality comes first. Saving on equipment will subsequently lead to additional costs, plus lost profits due to post downtime! We have collected five of the best TM washing equipment for aspiring entrepreneurs:

  1. Portotecnica
  2. Karcher
  3. Kranzle

This brands you can trust.

Naturally, the most expensive device is a water purification system for car washes. You can do without it, because waste water cannot be poured into the sewer. It needs to be cleaned and put back into use. After the water has been processed, it is handed over to special companies that deal with industrial waste disposal. Its cost varies from 50,000 to 300,000 rubles.

In addition, you need to purchase:

  1. High pressure washer. It should have professional status, because such a model is designed for long-term continuous operation. Great option- Karcher HD 10/21. Cost – 40,000 rubles. Our car wash will need two.
  2. Set of nozzles – 2 pcs.
  3. Compressor - 1 pc.
  4. Vacuum cleaner – 2 pcs.
  5. Consumables.

How to open a car wash and attract customers? You need to organize a place to wait comfortably for the car, so at this stage it is worth purchasing additionally:

  • TV
  • Sofa (chairs)
  • Coolers for cold and hot water.

Thanks to this modest set, you can easily organize a waiting area where the client can drink water or coffee.

Step 4. Staff: the profitability of a car wash is directly proportional to the diligence of the washer!

As you know, personnel is everything! This rule also applies to car washes. A good car washer is worth his weight in gold. Since perhaps 80% of the success of a business depends on his skills and diligence. Qualities that any car wash should have:

  • friendliness,
  • learning ability,
  • good physical shape,
  • knowledge of the car (main points),
  • Preferably no bad habits.

Good physical shape is mandatory requirements, because during his shift an employee may not sit down even once. During the washing process, almost all muscle groups are actively involved for a long time. Not every man can cope with such physical activity.

Step 6. Opening a car wash from scratch!

When everything is ready, you can have a grand opening! Yes, exactly solemn! This way you can attract customers. Make a promotion on this day: car wash at half price or a fragrance as a gift, plus a discount coupon for your next visit, or tire blackening for free. Lots of options! The main thing is that it sounds tempting!

A few days before the opening you can order advertising on the radio! Many drivers come to get discounts, get an inexpensive car wash, or just check the level of service and quality at a new car wash. Naturally, on this day the staff must work at five plus levels. After all, there is nothing better than word of mouth. A driver who likes the service he receives will definitely tell his friends, family and acquaintances about it.

In the first month of work, you can reduce the price a little! This is considered unfair competition, but all methods are good on the way to the cherished goal! But don't reduce it too much! First, take a loss. Second, customers may react negatively to subsequent price increases.

Now you know how much it costs to open a car wash, and how to do it! But that's not all! We have collected some useful tips for you from car wash owners.

Tip 1. It is best to rent a space for a car wash, which is initially most suitable for this business. A prerequisite is the presence of all communications! The construction of a new building and the supply of water and light is a complex and expensive process, so novice entrepreneurs should not undertake it. It’s better to study all the nuances of the activity first!

Tip 2. Having a waiting area for clients is a must-have. If a driver has a choice between two identical car washes, but one has a rest area and the other does not, guess where he will end up? Of course, to where he will be comfortable!

Tip 3. If you are not sure own strength. If you are afraid that you won’t be able to market the services of your car wash on your own, then you should consider the option of opening it as a franchise. How much does it cost to open a car wash this way? It all depends on the company you want to become a part of! Well-known networks that operate as franchises: “Mobile Wash”, “Fast and Shine”, “Lux CarWash”.