Choose a train according to the route. Flights with transfers

Insurance medical organizations working in the compulsory medical insurance system rated the most common problems with the health of vacationers.

Top 10 most common health problems on vacation

Colds, ARVI, bronchitis.

Injuries of varying complexity (from abrasions, bruises to dislocations, fractures).

Emergency conditions: inflammation of the eyes and ears when exposed to water.

Food poisoning, gastrointestinal infections.

Overheating in the sun, sunburn.

Acute toothache and exacerbation of dental diseases.

Allergic reactions and diseases.

Snake bites, tick bites.

Exacerbations of cardiovascular diseases.

Injuries in road accidents.

When compiling a “vacation” first aid kit, you can focus on this list. At the same time important rule for chronic patients: do not forget to take with you your basic medications that you take regularly, so that they are enough for the entire duration of the trip. Firstly, there may not be a pharmacy nearby in your holiday destination, and secondly, even if there is one, your drug may not be on sale. For some diseases, for example, asthma, hypertension, having known, reliably working medications at hand can save you from an unexpected attack and simply save your life.

By the way, hypertensive patients need to think not only about medications that lower blood pressure, but also about a tonometer - in order to keep their condition under control. There are compact (“wristband”) models on sale - they will not weigh down your luggage too much. If you feel unwell, measure your blood pressure in time and take medicine - this means protecting yourself from serious complications.

What else might be useful?

For acclimatization

If your vacation involves a long flight and a change in time zones, it may take two to three days to adapt. If the time difference is 2-3 hours, this is easily tolerated in most cases. If it is more, the person feels weak and weak for several days, he “nodes” at daytime and can't sleep at night. “In order not to waste days on acclimatization, you can gradually shift your sleep time in the right direction a few days before departure,” cardiologist Irina Letinskaya explained to RG. “But for some reason this method is rarely used.” In addition, there are special preparations containing the sleep hormone melatonin. They will help you fall asleep if your circadian rhythms are disrupted. You just need to remember the contraindications, and consult a doctor before using them.

Anti motion sickness

If you have to travel a lot on vacation and you are prone to motion sickness, you need to stock up on suitable medications. Remedies for motion sickness will help both during a long car excursion and during a sea voyage.

For colds and ARVI

High temperature, runny nose, sore throat, cough - often occur even in hot climates, especially due to temperature changes outside and indoors under air conditioning (by the way, you should take care of such a draft). Therefore, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic ( acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen, paracetamol), as well as nasal drops, are also worth having in your suitcase. At the same time, we remember: in case of a viral infection (and under the air conditioning we most often “earn” ARVI) best treatment- plenty of warm drinks, increased doses of vitamin C (orange and lemon juice you can squeeze it yourself) and peace. Antibiotics should not be taken without a doctor's prescription: viral infections They are not only useless, but can also cause harm. It’s also worth taking anti-inflammatory drops for your ears and eyes.

For digestion

Unusual food awaits us on vacation. The water is different too. Nutritionists, notes Dr. Letinskaya, have golden rule: during one meal there should be no more than three foods on the plate. This way, by the way, it’s easier to control yourself when trying to lose weight. Will help digestion enzyme preparations(pancreatin). In case of poisoning, adsorbents are useful (the simplest are activated carbon, enterosgel). A mild laxative (such as fruit cubes with senna) can relieve constipation.

Against allergies

Antihistamines are a must in the first aid kit. Even if you don’t have an allergy, it can be triggered by unfamiliar plants or new food. Such medications will also be needed for insect bites or jellyfish stings. It is better to use new generation medications: they do not cause drowsiness.

Against pain, injuries, burns

Migraine, toothache, bruise - you never know what troubles can happen. Painkillers will help. The simplest ones are the same paracetamol, ibuprofen, aspirin. You can take ointment or gel with you for bruises and sprains. From disinfectants(iodine, hydrogen peroxide, miramistin) the latter is convenient: you can gargle with it and wash the wound. We definitely take sunscreen. But if a burn does occur, the skin should be treated not with sour cream, but with anti-burn creams and foams with vitamin B5. They relieve pain and restore damaged skin. By the way, you can remove redness and relieve pain using shaving foam.


Don't forget your insurance policy

For many years now compulsory medical insurance policy valid throughout the country, upon presentation of it at a medical institution, any person has every right receive help (within the framework of the basic compulsory medical insurance program) for free. And yet, in clinics and hospitals, nonresidents are often given additional conditions, forcing you to pay.

Andrey Bereznikov, head of the organization of compulsory medical insurance of the All-Russian Union of Insurers

1 Emergency medical care is provided when acute conditions threatening life and health, such as an attack of heart pain or asthma. Such assistance is provided regardless of whether you have a passport or insurance policy in hand. The same applies to emergency hospitalization.

Important! If you have severe chronic illnesses such as diabetes or renal failure In addition to your passport and compulsory medical insurance policy, take copies of medical statements with you on vacation. If the disease worsens, these documents will help the doctor choose treatment.

2 In order to receive emergency assistance, you need to have a passport and a compulsory medical insurance policy. Urgent Care appears in sudden acute conditions or exacerbation of chronic diseases without obvious signs threats to life. It is enough to call an ambulance, or contact emergency department medical institution with passport and insurance policy.

3 Planned medical care is also provided upon presentation of a compulsory medical insurance policy and passport. The reception desk may also ask you to write an application for temporary service. You will then be referred to a GP or doctor general practice, and he will give direction to to a specialist if there are medical indications.

4 If you are denied assistance, contact hotline territorial compulsory medical insurance fund (TFOMS) of the region where you are on vacation. The TFOMS phone number can be found on the Internet. You can also contact your insurance company's insurance representative. Even if insurance company does not have a representative office in the region of your temporary stay, the insurance representative will tell you who to contact to receive medical care according to compulsory medical insurance.

Important! Do not fall for offers to re-register your compulsory medical insurance policy in the region of your temporary stay. The insurance policy changes no more than once a year, and thus for the compulsory medical insurance system you will become a nonresident in your hometown.

“Which medications can you take with you when going on vacation abroad, and which not? I always didn’t bother too much, I took the “standard” set. But after threats to be removed from the Moscow-Feodosia train last year for phenazepam and two thousand rubles to the customs officer, I became concerned about this issue seriously,” writes Muscovite Anna on one of the tourism forums.

Tamara Talashmanova, a 73-year-old resident of Sysert, was even less lucky than Anna, and again because of phenazepam. Returning home from Uzbekistan in April, she did not declare her medicine - at the Bukhara airport, customs officers found 40 tablets of this tranquilizer, which is prohibited for import, on her. To prevent the mother from ending up behind bars, the old woman’s daughter had to urgently get an extract from the medical history and a certificate from the clinic confirming that phenazepam was actually prescribed to Talashmanova by her attending physician.

Foreign Ministry warns

A few days ago, the Russian Foreign Ministry issued recommendations for Russian citizens traveling to Thailand: “The authorities of the Kingdom of Thailand have added ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, as well as drugs made on their basis, to the list of illegal psychotropic substances. The storage and use of these drugs is prohibited in the country chemicals and medicines produced on their basis." And then comes a warning: violators face imprisonment for up to 5 years.

Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine are part of a number of drugs that are allowed to be sold in Russia by prescription.

These medications are: “Bronchitusen”, “Broncholitin”, “Bronchocin”, “Bronchoton”, “Insanovin”.

Drugs are prohibited

Each country has its own rules for importing medicines - some more strict, some less. But almost everywhere it is prohibited to import narcotic and psychotropic drugs and their precursors.

So it’s better not to take risks with these drugs - in best case scenario they may be seized when crossing the border, or at worst, they will be detained and demand an explanation. This also applies to drugs containing codeine - in Russia they were banned from free (over-the-counter) sale only from June 1 of this year, and in Europe they have not been sold without a doctor’s prescription for a long time.

If taking such medications is vital, you need to stock up on supporting documents - an extract from the medical history (certified by the signature of the chief physician and the seal of the medical institution), copies of prescriptions, receipts confirming their purchase. The volume of imported medicine must correspond to the doctor’s prescription (the dose and number of doses per day, as well as the length of stay abroad - can be checked by visa). The medicine must be declared - and go through customs along the red, not the green, corridor.

Tranquilizers, weight loss drugs, barbiturates are not allowed in most countries (although, for example, phenobarbital is included in the list of vital important medicines in Russia).

Valocordin and Corvalol, which are very popular in our country, also contain phenobarbital, and therefore cannot be imported into the EU. Another banned drug in Europe is biseptol. It has been proven to have a negative effect on the liver and is not used in the EU or US. We still like to prescribe it for colds.

National quirks

Some countries prohibit the import of any medicines.

  • The United States does not allow the import of drugs that are not registered by the Federal Drug Agency.
  • Germany bans some strong painkillers (Ketanov, Nise).
  • Poland requires diabetics to submit a prescription and an extract from medical card, confirming the need for regular insulin consumption.
  • Finland has banned the use of the drug against severe forms flu Tamiflu, which in Russia is sold without a prescription at all.
  • UAE - in addition to narcotic (including codeine) and psychotropic drugs, milder sedatives (sedatives) are also prohibited here.

Information about the prohibitions in force in a particular country should be provided to you by the travel agency. But it is safer to apply for a certificate from the consulate of the country where you are going.


What to take on the road

Irina Letinskaya, cardiologist of the highest category:

It is imperative to take a first aid kit with you when going even on a short trip. Abroad, patients receive even the most basic medications strictly as prescribed by the doctor. In the pharmacy departments of supermarkets and gas station shops, you can only buy mild painkillers and antipyretics (usually aspirin and paracetamol).

If you are a chronic patient and constantly take certain medications, consult your doctor; perhaps they will adjust your treatment regimen for the duration of your trip. Remember that you cannot interrupt the course of treatment. For example, there is a risk of stopping taking it while on vacation antihypertensive drugs for hypertensive patients - can be provoked hypertensive crisis or even more serious troubles.

What medications, besides those you take regularly, should you have in your travel first aid kit?

  • Adsorbents in case of poisoning (activated carbon, energy gel).
  • Antipyretics (aspirin, paracetamol),
  • Light painkillers (in case of a headache or, more likely, a minor injury).
  • Anti-cold medications won't hurt - in the heat, under air conditioning, it's easy to get a runny nose and your throat may hurt. All kinds of “sprinkles” and vasoconstrictor drops in the nose will help.
  • When changing food and water, stomach problems often occur. Festal and mezim will help with digestion. A mild laxative will also come in handy (preferably something like fruit cubes).
  • Plasters, a couple of bandages, something disinfectant.

If you think it necessary to take prescription drugs- take the prescription (it will prove that the medicine is really prescribed to you).

Calculate how much medicine you may need. Don’t take too much - your luggage will be lighter, and customs will have fewer questions.

When planning a long trip abroad, you need to remember to take care of your health and pack a first aid kit, because anything can happen.

Before traveling to Thailand, we read a lot of articles on how to pack a first aid kit for travel, what medications to take with you on long trips, and what medications to take to Thailand. Based on them, we compiled our list of medications for the trip, which we took with us.

All medications can be divided into several groups:


    Drugs that help the stomach and abdomen work

    Antiallergic drugs

    Anti-infective drugs

    Medicines for the nasopharynx, ears and eyes

    Skin protection products

But, first things first

For what: At first, due to frequent changes in temperature (it is very hot outside, and air conditioning is always on in the rooms), you may catch a cold out of habit. Modern antipyretic drugs are designed not only to reduce body temperature, but also to relieve cold symptoms, so we advise you to take several with you on your trip. different mixtures. They contain Paracetamol, which can also be purchased separately at the pharmacy, is cheaper than powder mixtures with different pleasant flavors.


For what: pressure changes, climate change - it is unknown how they can affect your body - you may get a headache, or a long-healed tooth may ache. So it’s better to have proven painkillers in your arsenal.

In our travel first aid kit we took cheap analogues of well-known painkillers: instead of No-shpa - Spasmol, instead of Nurofen - Ibuprofen, and more Tempalgin, Analgin And Upsarin Upsa, which can also be used as an antipyretic.

Everything for the gastrointestinal tract

For what: in Thailand, almost all food is very spicy, to which the stomach can easily react, and you will sit on a “white horse” for several days. In addition, a banal change of water can also provoke unpleasant reactions, so stock up on anti-diarrhea tablets first.

For the trip to the first aid kit we took Pancreatin(analogue of the famous Mezim) and Maalox for stomach pain, Loperamide(analogue of Imodium) for diarrhea, Furazolidone from foodborne infections, Smecta and, of course, dear Activated carbon.

Antiallergic drugs

For what: unusual food, water, local delicacies that you will definitely want to try, yes, it’s trite, hotter and more active sun can cause allergic reactions on the skin or as an irritation of the mucous membranes (it happens to some), so take proven ones with you on your trip pills ( loratadine, zodak, telfast) and ointments ( fenistil or sinaflan, for example).

For what: take it with you to treat wounds and burns Bandage, Plaster, Hydrogen peroxide, Iodine or Iodine marker or Zelenka. We also took with us Potassium permangantsovka and at first, until we found where to get it drinking water, added to tap water so that it could be used for cooking.

Here I want to write about the ointment Rescuer, which can be used to treat wounds, burns and ointments Sinaflan- which is suitable for treating skin with cuts, burns, as well as itching from insect bites.

Anti-infective drugs

For what: Since we initially planned to eat at different street eateries and visit a lot public places(markets, public beaches, shops), then we, firstly, were vaccinated against abdominal infections (typhoid) and, secondly, took with us drugs that could quickly cope with infectious diseasesBiseptol(he has wide range actions from the treatment of typhoid and dysentery to otitis and sinusitis), as well as Tsiprinol And Furadonin- from infections of the urinary system.

Medicines for the nose, throat, ears and eyes

For what: As has already been written, the air conditioners here are siphoning, bless you, it’s hot outside and ice water is sold everywhere, so it’s very easy to develop a cough or runny nose.

We took pills with us in our travel first aid kit. Furacilina(for rinsing), we didn’t take suckers like Strepsils - you can buy them here in any hypermarket. You can take any drops for your nose - from us Sanorin.

Swimming and riding a bike can cause eye irritation or even infection, as well as ear infections, so take drops. For the eyes we took - Levomecithin(another option is Albucid or Oftalmoferon), for the ears we recommend taking Otipax.

Skin protection products

For what: the sun here is very aggressive and hot, so NECESSARILY We take with us a cream with the maximum degree of protection and do not forget to smear yourself with it. For those who want to tan, I will say that even with a thick layer of protective cream on the skin, you will not only tan, but even burn, especially from 12 to 3 pm. After being in the sun, do not forget to lubricate your skin with after-sun cream.

Every person who is about to travel to the sea spends the week before the trip in the pleasant hassle of getting ready. It is important to remember to allocate space in your suitcase for a first aid kit, filling it with clothes and shoes. It is better to prepare medications for the trip in advance, taking into account the dangers that may await you on vacation.

Medicines for the road - remedies for motion sickness

According to statistics, about 15% of the adult population is familiar with such a nuisance as motion sickness. If one of them is a traveler who is packing a first aid kit for a trip to the sea, the list of medications should include the appropriate medications. Tools that will help him endure the flight (boat trips, excursions) calmly: “Aeron”, “Sibazon”, “Torekan”.

In babies the formation vestibular apparatus lasts on average up to 5 years, but older children can also suffer from motion sickness. You should definitely add Dramina to your list of medications for traveling with your child. Tablets are available for children over one year of age. For teenagers it is better to prefer “Torekan”, “Bonin”.

How to protect yourself from burns

The list of medications for travel traditionally includes products that help with burns. To prevent them from being useful, it is enough to take care of reliable protection skin, for which excess ultraviolet radiation is contraindicated. Choice sunscreen for an adult depends on skin type. If dark brunettes can limit themselves to SPF 10, then pale blondes are more suited to a protection level of 30-40.

If you are planning to travel with a child, he will need a cream with SPF 50. It is desirable that the product has water-repellent properties and does not contain components that can become a source of allergies in the baby. In this case, travel medications for children from burns will not be useful.

How to treat burns

Sunburn is a nuisance that you often encounter in the first days of your stay at sea. When packing your medications for travel, you should definitely take into account possible consequences long stay on the beach. The drug "Dexpanthenol" will help soothe the affected area of ​​the skin, produce a healing effect, and accelerate regeneration.

The sun's rays pose a threat to children's skin; exposure to ultraviolet radiation can lead to severe burns. When choosing medications for a trip to the sea with a child, one should not forget about ointments such as Sulfargin and Panthenol. Paracetamol is also needed, which will be useful in a situation of sunstroke.

Help with acclimatization

Acclimatization is another possible source of sickness at sea. The problem may be caused by rapid climate change, testing of local food and water. What medications should parents take when traveling with small children? Vitamin complex, facilitating the adaptation process, a pediatrician will help you choose, who will take into account the child’s condition immune system, will give the necessary recommendations.

What medications should adults, who may also become victims of acclimatization, take on the road? These should be immunomodulatory drugs that have vegetable origin. If a person has previously encountered illness caused by climate change, it is advisable to take such remedies before the start of the trip.

Injuries and cuts - remedies

Neither children nor adults are protected from various cuts, injuries, and dislocations during the trip. This threat is especially relevant for inquisitive children who fall while running, grab onto sharp objects. Parents traveling with children, collecting medicines for the trip to the sea, should certainly supplement the list with the following first aid items:

  • brilliant green;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • cotton wool;
  • bandages;
  • plasters.

The universal ointment “Sulfargin” will help speed up the healing of cuts and scratches. Its use is not accompanied by a burning sensation, which is inevitable when using brilliant green. The product activates the healing process and provides antibacterial protection. When buying medicine for a trip to the sea with a child, you should definitely buy this drug; it is also suitable for treating burns in children.

How to protect yourself from colds

Acute respiratory infections, flu, colds - all these troubles are not excluded during a holiday in warm countries. The contrast that occurs when daytime and evening air temperatures change is dangerous for child's body, can become a source of disease in an adult. Changes in the weather and exposure to rain cannot be ruled out. What medications to take on the road to protect against such danger?

Eliminate sore throat, which often becomes a companion to viral infections, colds, Strepfen lollipops and Hexoral aerosol will help. The drugs are suitable not only for children, but also for adults. With a cold, a runny nose is likely to appear, which can be dealt with by any nasal drops - “Rinostop”, “Otrivin” and others. For the little ones, Nazivin is the ideal choice.

A first aid kit for travel should also contain cough remedies; the list of medications should be supplemented with familiar medications that help with illness at home.

List of medications for travel - antipyretics

List of diseases that can become a source elevated temperature, is long enough. A first aid kit for a trip to the sea should correspond to this; the list of medications must be supplied with effective antipyretic drugs. It is advisable to choose medications that not only help to quickly reduce the temperature, but also cope with pain in the joints and muscles. Among them, the most popular are products such as Nurofen, Panadol, and Paracetamol.

An effective antipyretic drug for children is Rapidol, which acts much faster than Panadol. Its use leads to an instant decrease in temperature, the product also eliminates pain associated with its increase. It is important that the medications that are added to the first aid kit as children's antipyretics are appropriate for the child's age. Reading the instructions will help you verify this.

Medicines for intestinal infections

On vacation, every person has a desire to meet national cuisine the country where he is vacationing. Unfamiliar food can cause problems such as intestinal infections. “No-spa” helps well for pain and colic; for diarrhea, drugs such as “Imodium” and “Loperamide” are indicated. When choosing medications for a trip to the sea, the list should be supplemented with drugs indicated for poisoning. It could be “Smecta”, “Ersefuril”.

When treating intestinal infections in a child, caution should be exercised. For example, drugs such as No-shpa and Panaverin are not suitable for children. “Smecta” will help calm a child’s stomach; you can also take “Mezim-Forte” and “Regidron” with you.

Getting rid of intestinal infection, it is important to take care of restoring the damaged microflora. Solve the problem loose stool, nausea will be helped by drugs such as Hilak Forte and Linex.

What to take for allergies

The occurrence of an allergic reaction is typical for an organism suffering from stress such as an unexpected change in climate or eating habits. Get rid of skin itching and other manifestations of allergies, medications “Claritin”, “Telfast”, “Suprastin” will help. You should not forget about the drug “Vizin” when compiling a list of medications for the road. The remedy will be useful if allergies affect the eyes, causing tearing and inflammation.

If a baby under one year of age suffers from an allergy, doctors do not advise fighting its manifestations with medications. For the little ones it is better to provide a supply activated carbon. For older children, antihistamines are suitable because they have minimal side effects.

Do you need sedatives?

A trip to the sea is a lot of experiences that can unsettle both adults and children. On psychological state change also affects climate zone. Consequences such as irritability and problems falling asleep are possible. In order not to ruin your entire vacation, you need to choose the right sedatives for your trip to the sea. The list may contain drugs such as Novopassit, Persen. Helps and traditional treatment using motherwort tincture.

It is advisable to avoid taking medications if we're talking about about the child. IN as a last resort You can take with you special children's products, the main component of which is valerian. Even if the medicine is of herbal origin, it is not recommended to use it without obtaining permission from the pediatrician.

Insect bites

Repellents are products that should definitely be included in your first aid kit. They will help if you have to deal with such a nuisance as insect bites while on vacation. To avoid allergies, it is advisable to use drugs that have already been used by a person before. You can also test your skin's reaction by applying the product before your trip.

A repellent, no matter how high-quality it is, does not guarantee 100% protection against insects; a first aid kit for travel should be designed for this. The list of medications is being updated with medications that can help in case of a bite. From itching and others unpleasant consequences The drugs Soventol and Fenistil help effectively. They are equally relevant for the treatment of adults and for the restoration of children's skin.

If you have chronic diseases

If a person with a chronic illness goes on a trip, he will need a special first aid kit for the trip. The list of medications contains all the components listed above. Plus, you need to take all the medications that the patient uses for treatment at home. You should definitely make sure you have the necessary supplies.

It is important to ensure that among the medications prescribed to a patient with chronic disease, No potent drugs. There is a possibility that they are not allowed to be transported across the border. The presence of a prescription issued by a doctor to the patient (necessarily in his name) will help solve the problem. Medicines prohibited for transportation must remain in their original packaging. You cannot get rid of the receipt, which serves as proof of the legality of their acquisition.

We must not forget about such a banal means of protection against insects as a fumigator. The device will make your stay in a hotel room more comfortable and will save you from mosquitoes.

How to do without medications

  • It is worth limiting your sunbathing time, especially in the first days of being on the beach. Parents with children are not recommended to be outside from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Sunscreen must be constantly updated. It is advisable to apply it to children's skin every two hours. We must not forget about the headdress, which should be comfortable and not fall off.
  • The communal pool is not a suitable place for small children to swim. It is better to take with you an inflatable device in which the baby can splash around alone.
  • Food should be as familiar to the body as possible. It is advisable to refrain from testing exotic dishes.
  • If for beach holiday exotic countries have been chosen, it is worth taking care of the necessary vaccinations.

How much medication to take

It is difficult to take with you on a trip all the medications listed above. If luggage space is limited, you should choose universal means, helping to solve several problems at once. However, you should not give up such important devices as a thermometer and tonometer. This is especially true for those who do not plan to stay at the hotel.

To avoid having to spend extra money on medications while on vacation, it is best to choose proven means with which the family is treated at home. This will help avoid allergic reactions and others negative manifestations associated with the use of inappropriate tablets, ointments, gels. When compiling a list, it is important to make sure that it does not include drugs that cannot be imported into a particular country.

Whether to take medications with you is up to everyone to decide for themselves. However, purchase necessary medications at home you can do it much faster and cheaper.