Which drug is more effective: Sunmite or Omite? “Sunmite” – reliable protection against ticks

To make the fight against fruit, grape and spider mites effective, you can use the drug Sunmite. This is a contact acaricidal agent that can easily cope with all known types of ticks. But before using it, you need to read the instructions. Sunmite fights not only mites, but also effectively destroys the pest at all stages of its development - from egg to adult insect.

Sunmite will help get rid of ticks in the garden

Composition and release form

The composition includes the active component pyridaben, its proportions are 200 g/kg. Release form - SP (wettable powder) cream or white.

Thanks to pyridabene, the drug effectively fights with all known types of ticks. The results of its effect on pests are visible within 15 minutes after treating the plants, and the effect lasts for approximately 6 weeks.

A characteristic feature of the drug is that it is absolutely harmless to crops, and pests do not develop resistance to it.

Operating principle

The product destroys pests by contact, no matter what stage of development they are at. This means that it is enough to treat the plants with Sunmite just once.

Immediately after contact with a plant treated with Sunmite, the insect dies

To be sure of the subsequent death of pests, You can resort to some tricks:

  1. treat plants with Sanmaita And Fitoverma simultaneously (the principle of action of these drugs is different, but this does not prevent them from complementing each other perfectly);
  2. after 5 days after treatment Sunmite can be applied Fitoverm, Akarin, Kleschevit, Nissoran or Oberon to choose from (the point is that the drug should be different, but its purpose should be the same). The exception is Bordeaux mixture.
  3. It is allowed to use other pesticides and growth regulators together with Sunmite - these may be Elin, Zircon or Ribav-Extra.

In this video you will learn about the Sunmite tool in more detail:

Advantages and features of use

Sunmite insecticide has earned the trust of gardeners for a reason. It has the following advantages:

The drug is practically odorless and non-toxic. After treatment with Sunmite, white stains remain on the leaves of plants, but this is not dangerous.

Instructions for use of the drug

To get the maximum effect from using the insecticide, you need to study the instructions and also pay attention to the recommendations for using Sunmite.

Plants are sprayed under favorable weather conditions (no wind or rain) in the evening or in the morning.

The solution is prepared as follows: 5 g of the substance must be mixed in a small amount of water, and after the powder has completely dissolved, the volume of water must be increased to 5 liters and everything must be mixed again.

Avoid leaving untreated areas on the plants.

Plants must be thoroughly treated, the solution should evenly cover the surface of the leaves.

The best way to use Sunmite is after the plants have flowered, because it is during this period that the number of pests increases several times. It is prohibited to carry out such activities if there are less than 30-35 days left before harvesting.

The consumption of the product depends on which crops need to be treated. Apple trees - from 5 to 9 g per hundred square meters, tomatoes, cucumbers, ornamental crops - 7.5-10 g per hundred square meters.


When treating plants with the drug, you must remember personal protective equipment. It should be sprayed in open areas using respirator. Prohibited during work smoke, drink water, food. Upon completion, be sure to wash your hands, wash your face and rinse your mouth.

The instructions for use of the drug Sunmite indicate that it should be stored in dry, cool rooms, the temperature of which can vary from +15°C to +30°C, away from medications and food products. It is also necessary to restrict access to it by children and animals.

In case of contact:

  • on the skin- wash it off with soapy water;
  • in the eyes- rinse with plenty of running water;
  • into the digestive tract- immediately drink 1-1.5 liters of water, induce vomiting, take activated charcoal and contact a specialized medical facility.

Sunmite is a highly effective and completely safe insecticide. Its use guarantees the cleanliness of the garden from pests, and therefore the safety of the harvest.

Pests of gardens and vegetable gardens, alas, are indispensable companions when trying to grow any crop. With large insects everything is clear: they can even be collected by hand, as is the case with the Colorado potato beetle in its adult form, as well as with its larvae or nymphs. But what about little things that are almost invisible to the eye like thrips or ticks? But there is a remedy for preserving the harvest and treating plants that have already been attacked by a small aggressor - the Sunmite insecticide.

Description of the insecticide

“Sunmite” was developed by Nissan Chemical Industries, Limited (Japan), and is a highly effective, repeatedly tested at different sites and certified in Russia means of combating small pests of cultivated plants.

The action of the drug is based on blocking the passage of electrons through the membranes of mitochondria in cells, which causes a metabolic stop in such representatives of mites as spider mites, grape mites, strawberry mites and the like. The “knockdown effect,” that is, the cessation of any type of life activity, occurs within a quarter of an hour, and by the end of several hours the complete death of the pests is observed. The active substance in the drug is pyridabene.

“Sunmite” acts by contact, so you need to take care to apply it evenly to the leaves of plants. And producers consider the best time for treatment to be the period of active flowering of garden crops, when both adult individuals and laid eggs and juveniles are present, which simultaneously solves the problem of all generations of mites.

Restrictions on use

If bees visit your site during the flowering period, the drug is almost as toxic to them as it is to ticks. Then it is better to treat the plants 7–10 days after the end of flowering of the plants in the garden, so that the bees’ conditioned reflex to visit this area disappears.

No cross-resistance was recorded during the use of Sunmite; its validity period was extended for up to 40-45 days. During this time, daily temperature fluctuations will not affect it in any way, and after this period, the structure of the drug, included in the specifications during its production, is destroyed. For warm-blooded animals in the doses used during plant treatment, the product is slightly toxic, but the drug is very toxic to birds.

In order to prevent resistance (pests becoming accustomed to the drug), its use should be limited to once a year. However, with careful and careful processing of plants from all sides, no repeated treatments will be required.

If it rains a few hours before treatment and a few hours after it, this will not affect the effect of the pest control agent in any way - it has excellent wetting and absorbing ability.

How to use Sunmite

For a better effect on pests, garden crops should be treated on all sides with 5 grams of the drug diluted in water. First, this amount of Sunmite is diluted in 300-500 ml, and then the resulting concentrated solution is diluted in 5 liters of water. Thus, the resulting volume and weight concentration is 1 to 5000. Treatment is best carried out with a finely sprayed spray in calm weather. The best time for this is the early morning hours, when the air masses have not yet begun to move and there is no wind.

Compatible with all growth regulators, except those with an alkaline reaction (indicated on the product packaging).

The consumption of the drug per unit area may vary. For apple trees this can be 50-80 g per 10 acres. But for nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, etc.) it’s already 75-100 grams per 10 acres.

“Sunmite” works even more effectively on indoor flowers, in conditions where exposure to water is possible only during watering, and precipitation is excluded. The drug has almost no odor, unlike such aggressive agents as “Karbofos” or “Dichlorvos”, which in an apartment is almost of primary importance. The main thing is to treat the top layer of soil in the pots along with the leaves and stems, and then dig it up a little, 2-3 centimeters. And, unlike using the product in the garden or vegetable garden, you will need to thoroughly wash the window sill on which these flowers live, the window glass and the edges of plant pots with detergents, removing all traces of the drug.

Once diluted in water, the drug is no longer stored, so if after spraying residual liquid remains, it is better to dispose of it by digging a hole 40-50 m deep and pouring it there, burying the hole. The solution loses its insect-poisoning abilities after 10-12 days.

It should also be taken into account that “Sunmite” in all forms (in powder and solution, as well as already applied to leaves and stems) quickly disintegrates in the light, especially under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Although this can be attributed to its next advantages: the disintegration of molecules does not occur in a short period of time, but within 2-3 days. Whereas it only takes a few hours to destroy pests. This property is of particular value when used at home, when indoor plants are infested with mites.


Although the drug has hazard class 3 (“Moderately hazardous substance”), plant processing should be done in a suit that covers open areas of the body, a respirator or at least a thick gauze bandage should be put on the respiratory system, and safety glasses should be worn on the eyes. It is better to refrain from smoking, food and water until the end of treatment of the area. Wash clothing and personal protective equipment in a solution of laundry soap - it best neutralizes drug residues.

The original substance, a white or light cream powder, should be stored in a dark, dry and cool place, out of the reach of pets and children and in conditions where there is no food or medicine nearby.

Of the “cons” of the drug, only its high price can be mentioned: a 25-gram package costs about 250-300 rubles. It is not sold in all regions; it is better to purchase it in advance, without waiting for the season, when it may already be too late.


Sunmite is almost safe if it comes into contact with the skin and is moderately dangerous if it gets into the digestive tract. In this case, it is better to drink several glasses or even liters of water, slightly tinted to a pale pink color with potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), and then induce vomiting. Why take activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight.

The drug can be dangerous if aerosols are inhaled, that is, if it affects the lungs, so respiratory protection must be reliable. If you happen to inhale a drug sprayed into the air, it is better to consult a doctor. There may not be an immediate danger to life, except in cases of a special allergic reaction to Sunmite, but the harm to health will be noticeable, nausea and vomiting, difficulty breathing and dizziness may occur.

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Sunmite is a contact acaricidal agent for the control of ticks. It is very effective against the following species: fruit, grape, spider mites. Before you start using this product, you need to learn more about its features.


The main active ingredient of the drug is pyridaben, the product is in powder form. The production is carried out by the Japanese company Nissan Chemical Industries.

One of the most important features of Sunmite is that it kills ticks not at any stage of their life cycle, not only adults, but also eggs, larvae, and nymphs.
The effect of the drug begins within 15 minutes after treatment, and the effect lasts for 5-6 weeks. At the same time, it is absolutely safe for plants, is not susceptible to temperature changes, and does not lose effectiveness after precipitation.
Since Sunmite is a contact agent, it is very important to ensure its uniform distribution over the entire surface of the affected plants.

Sunmite: instructions for use

To get the maximum effect from Sunmite, read the instructions for use and recommendations for using the drug:

  • Plants must be sprayed with the drug solution in the morning or evening in good weather (without rain or wind). To prepare the solution, first mix 5g of the substance with a small amount of water, after complete dissolution, increase the volume of water to 5l.
  • Carefully treat the surface of the plants so that the solution evenly covers the surface of the leaves.
  • Sunmite against ticks is best used after the plants flower, since it is during this period that the number of ticks begins to increase. You should not spray less than a month before harvest.
  • The drug can be used 1-2 times a year.
  • Depending on the crop you are processing, the consumption of the product may vary: for apple trees, you will need 50-90g per 10 acres, for tomatoes, cucumbers, and ornamental crops, 75-100g per 10 acres.
  • It can also be used in conjunction with other pesticides and growth regulators Ribav-Extra, Zircon, Elin. It is not recommended to combine with drugs that have an alkaline reaction.
  • When spraying, do not forget about personal protective equipment. Also, during the spraying process, you should not consume food, water, or smoke. After finishing work, be sure to wash your hands, face, and rinse your mouth.

The drug Sunmite: reviews

I used this product on my flowers. It was possible to get rid of the mites after the first treatment, and I did not notice any negative consequences for the plants. I can say that I am completely satisfied with this product, because it is inexpensive and gives very good results.

I used Sunmite acaricide on indoor flowers. The treatment was carried out twice with an interval of 5 days, since there were a lot of ticks. I was pleased with the result: the mites disappeared, and so far no new ones have appeared, and the plants have returned to normal.

Sunmite is a very high-quality acaricide and is inexpensive. It is quite convenient to use, there is no unpleasant odor, the only thing is that after treatment, white spots remained on the leaves of the plants, but this is not scary. I didn't notice any side effects.

If you are faced with the problem of spider mites, grape mites or spider mites, Sunmite will help you get rid of them quite quickly and safely for your plants.

SUNMIT- a contact highly effective acaricide that fights ticks at any stage of their development. SUNMITE is especially effective in destroying spider mites, grape mites, and fruit mites.

Preparative form: Wettable powder of white or cream color.

Active ingredient: pyridaben (200 g/kg).

Purpose of the drug SUNMITE: used for treating agricultural and fruit and vegetable crops against all types of mites; it is acceptable for spraying all types of plants, as it is not phytotoxic.

Mechanism of action: the damaging effect of the drug SUNMITE is aimed at contact destruction of insects at any stage, including larvae and eggs of the pest, therefore, a high-quality single treatment may be sufficient. To be sure of complete extermination it is possible:
- or use SUNMAYT simultaneously with Fitoverm (they have different operating principles and will complement each other perfectly),
- or a second treatment with an interval of 5 days with such drugs as Fitoverm, Akarin, Kleschevit, Nissoran or Oberon (most importantly with another drug with a similar purpose).

Features and benefits of use:

Pests against which the drug is effective: SUNMITE destroys almost all types of herbivorous mites, regardless of whether they feed or not, such as spider mites (Tetranychus spp., Panonychus spp.), strawberry mite (Tarsonemidae spp.), grape felt mite (Phyllocoptruta oleivora), red citrus mite (Panonychu scitri McGr.), silver citrus mite (Phyllocoptruta oleivorus Ashm.), red fruit mite (Pnonyche ulmi Koch), brown fruit mite (Bryobia redikorzevi Reok), Schlechtendahl mite (Aculus schlechtendali), etc. The drug Sunmite has been shown to be highly effective against greenhouse whiteflies, as well as some species of aphids and leafhoppers (Trialeurodes vaporariorum, Bemisia tabaci).
The fungicidal activity of pyridabene against powdery mildew on a number of greenhouse crops and grapes was revealed.

Duration of protective action: the maximum protective effect lasts for one and a half months.

Directions for use (instructions) SUNMITE: The drug is recommended to be used only after the first signs of pests on the plant. Final processing is carried out no later than a month before harvest. The greatest effectiveness is obtained by treating the plant in the period following its flowering. SUNMITE has only a contact effect, so to achieve maximum effect it is necessary to thoroughly spray the plant from all sides. It is best to apply in the morning in calm weather.

Consumption rates for the drug SUNMITE: to treat plants, use a substance concentration of 0.5-1 g per 1 liter. At the same time, the total consumption of the finished mixture should be no more than 1000 liters per hectare of planting area, taking into account that 1 hectare = 10,000 sq.m., the permissible consumption rate per 1 sq.m. is 100 ml. It is acceptable to treat the substrate with a consumption rate of 0.5 g per 1 liter against putrefactive mites. The recommended frequency of treatment is once every six months, because... The pest develops an addiction to this acaricide.

Storage Features: The shelf life is not limited; it is recommended to protect it from excessive dampness, overheating and direct sunlight.
Does not decompose at a temperature of 50°C for up to 3 months, stable in most organic solvents. In water it is stable at pH 4-9. The half-life of the substance in soil is 21 days, in water - 10 days.

Manufacturer Nissan Chemical Industries, Ltd., Japan.

Hazard class: The drug belongs to hazard class 2 for humans and hazard class 3 for bees.

With the onset of spring, nature awakens, revealing all its beauty to us and caressing us with the warm rays of the sun. At this time, you want to take care of the garden and enjoy every moment, but, unfortunately, in addition to trees, flowers and herbs, all kinds of pests awaken in the spring. One of the most dangerous for both plants and humans is the mite.

To get an unwanted guest out of your garden or vegetable garden, you need to try very hard, since the fight against it is complicated by its resistance to conventional insecticides and the development of immunity to many chemicals. One of the effective methods of killing mites is treating infected plants with Sunmite. This product is suitable for disinsection not only of agricultural crops, but also of decorative indoor plants, including gloxinias, violets and fuchsias.

Brief description of the drug

The manufacturer of the acaricide Sunmite is the Japanese company Nissan Chemical Industries, Ltd. The drug is produced in the form of a dry powder of white or light cream color, which is not the final product of processing, since to obtain a disinfectant, the powder is dissolved in water.

The drug is used to destroy the population of various types of mites, such as grape mite, strawberry mite. Active ingredient - pyridaben(conc. – 200g/1 kg). The average cost of a package of the drug (10 grams) is 70 rubles.

The substance pyridaben has an immediate paralyzing effect, after which it does not lose its activity for a long time, blocking the movement of electrons in mitochondria. Pyridabene is relatively unstable in the world. The influence of UV rays has a destructive effect on it.

The half-life of the substance lasts for 21 days in soil and 10 days in water.
The half-life of the substance lasts for 21 days in soil and 10 days in water.

Toxicity class – 3 (moderate toxicity). The substance is of moderate toxicity to birds, mammals and bees. Moderate hazard is manifested by oral and dermal toxicity, and by inhalation toxicity the drug is characterized as hazardous.

Mode of action of the drug

Sunmite affects ticks at any stage of development (egg, larva, nymph, adult). The use of the product does not cause cross-resistance.

The method of exposure to contaminated surfaces is contact.

The effect of using the drug appears within 15 minutes after treatment. Sunmite has a rather long validity period - 5-6 weeks.

The product does not pose any danger to agricultural crops. The only side effect is the effect on. Temperature changes do not affect the effectiveness of the drug in any way.

Technique of use

Treatment with this drug is carried out no more than once a year.

To achieve the maximum effect, Sunmite is recommended to be used in calm, dry weather in the morning or evening, but precipitation that fell a few hours ago will not affect the effectiveness of the drug. Each plant is thoroughly sprayed with a freshly prepared solution. To obtain 1 liter of solution you will need 1 gram of Sunmite powder. First, dilute the powder in a small amount of water, and then, adding clean water, bring the solution to 1 liter.

Precautions and first aid for poisoning

The drug poses a moderate threat to human and animal health. For Sunmite bees It is moderately dangerous, therefore, treatment is not recommended during plant flowering. For your own protection, wear rubber gloves, gowns and safety glasses. When finished, wash your face and hands thoroughly.

If the solution gets on your skin, wash it off immediately with clean water and soap. In case of contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly with cold water. If drops of toxic liquid enter your digestive system, drink 3-4 glasses of water and induce vomiting. After this, take a few tablets of activated carbon and be sure to consult a doctor.