Immunity and immune system presentation. Structure and functions of the human immune system

Epidemics of plague, cholera, smallpox, and influenza left a deep mark on the history of mankind. In the 14th century, Europe walked terrible epidemic“Black Death”, which claimed 15 million people. It was a plague that swept through all countries and killed 100 million people. She left an equally terrible mark behind. smallpox, called "black smallpox". The smallpox virus caused the death of 400 million people, and the survivors became permanently blind. 6 cholera epidemics have been registered, the last one in India and Bangladesh. The flu epidemic called “Spanish flu” has claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people over the years; there are known epidemics called “Asian”, “Hong Kong”, and today, “swine” flu.

Morbidity of the child population In the structure of the general morbidity of the child population over a number of years: in first place - diseases of the respiratory system; second place - occupied by diseases of the digestive system; in third place - diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue and diseases nervous system

Morbidity in children Statistical studies recent years put diseases associated with decreased immunity in one of the first places in human pathology. Over the past 5 years, the level of general morbidity in children has increased by 12.9%. the greatest increase was observed in the classes of diseases of the nervous system - by 48.1%, neoplasms - by 46.7%, pathologies of the circulatory system - by 43.7%, diseases musculoskeletal system– by 29.8%, endocrine system– by 26.6%.

Immunity from lat. Immunities - liberation from something The immune system provides the human body with multi-stage protection from foreign invasions. This is a specific defensive reaction organism, which is based on the ability to withstand the action of living bodies and substances that differ from it by hereditarily foreign properties, to maintain its integrity and biological individuality. Main purpose immune system– determine what is in the body and what is foreign. Your own must be left alone, and someone else’s must be destroyed, and as quickly as possible Immunity - ensures the functioning of the body as a single whole, consisting of one hundred trillion cells

Antigen - antibody All substances (microbes, viruses, dust particles, pollen, etc.) that enter the body from outside are usually called antigens. It is the influence of antigens that determines when they enter internal environment the body forms protein structures called antibodies. The main structural and functional unit of the immune system is the lymphocyte

Components of the human immune system 1. Central lymphoid organs: - thymus ( thymus); - bone marrow; 2. Peripheral lymphoid organs: - lymph nodes- spleen - tonsils - lymphoid formations of the colon, vermiform appendix, lungs, 3. Immunocompetent cells: - lymphocytes; - monocytes; - polynuclear leukocytes; - white branched epidermocytes of the skin (Langerhans cells);

Nonspecific factors body defenses First protective barrier Nonspecific mechanisms immunity - these are general factors and protective devices of the body Protective barriers The first protective barrier is impermeability healthy skin and mucous membranes (gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, genitals) impermeability of histohematological barriers the presence of bactericidal substances in biological fluids(saliva, tears, blood, cerebrospinal fluid) and other secrets of sebaceous and sweat glands have bactericidal effect against many infections

Nonspecific factors of the body's defense The second protective barrier The second protective barrier is an inflammatory reaction at the site of introduction of the microorganism. The leading role in this process belongs to phagocytosis (a factor of cellular immunity). Phagocytosis is the absorption and enzymatic digestion of microbes or other particles by macro- and microphages, resulting in the liberation of the body from harmful foreign substances. Phagocytes are the largest cells of the human body, they perform important function nonspecific protection. Protects the body from any penetration into its internal environment. And this is its purpose, the phagocyte. The phagocyte reaction occurs in three stages: 1. Movement towards the target 2. Envelopment of a foreign body 3. Absorption and digestion (intracellular digestion)

Nonspecific body defense factors The third protective barrier operates when the infection spreads further. These are lymph nodes and blood (factors of humoral immunity). Each of these factors of the three barriers and adaptations is directed against all microbes. Nonspecific protective factors neutralize even those substances that the body has not previously encountered

Specific mechanisms of immunity This is antibody formation in the lymph nodes, spleen, liver and bone marrow. Specific antibodies are produced by the body in response to the artificial introduction of an antigen or as a result of a natural encounter with a microorganism (infectious disease) Antigens are substances that carry a sign of foreignness (bacteria, proteins, viruses , toxins, cellular elements) Antigens are the pathogens themselves or their metabolic products (endotoxins) and bacterial breakdown products (exotoxins). Antibodies are proteins that can bind to antigens and neutralize them. They are strictly specific, i.e. act only against those microorganisms or toxins in response to the introduction of which they were developed.

Specific immunity It is divided into congenital and acquired. Innate immunity is inherent in a person from birth, inherited from parents. Immune substances from mother to fetus through the placenta. A special case innate immunity can be considered immunity received by a newborn with mother's milk Acquired immunity - occurs (acquired) during life and is divided into natural and artificial Natural acquired - occurs after suffering an infectious disease: after recovery, antibodies to the pathogen remain in the blood of this disease. Artificial - produced after special medical events and it can be active and passive

Artificial immunity Created by administering vaccines and serums Vaccines are preparations from microbial cells or their toxins, the use of which is called vaccination. 1-2 weeks after the introduction of vaccines, antibodies appear in the human body. Serums are often used to treat infectious patients and, less often, for prevention. infectious diseases

Vaccinal prevention This is the main practical purpose of vaccines Modern vaccine preparations are divided into 5 groups: 1. Vaccines from live pathogens 2. Vaccines from killed microbes 3. Chemical vaccines 4. Toxoids 5. Associated, i.e. combined (for example, DTP - associated pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine)

Serums Serums are prepared from the blood of patients who have recovered from the disease. infectious disease people or by artificial infection of animals with microbes The main types of sera: 1. Antitoxic sera neutralize the poisons of microbes (antidiphtheria, antitetanus, etc.) 2. Antimicrobial sera inactivate bacterial cells and viruses, are used against a number of diseases, most often in the form of gamma globulins There are gamma-globulins globulins from human blood– against measles, polio, infectious hepatitis etc.This safe drugs, because they do not contain pathogens. Immune serums contain ready-made antibodies and are effective from the first minutes after administration.

NATIONAL CALENDAR OF PREVENTIVE VACCINATIONS Age Name of vaccination 12 hours First vaccination hepatitis B 3-7 days Tuberculosis vaccination 1 month Second vaccination hepatitis B 3 months First vaccination diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio 4.5 months Second vaccination diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio 6 months Third vaccine diphtheria, whooping cough , tetanus, polio Third vaccination hepatitis B 12 months Vaccination measles, rubella, mumps

Critical periods in the formation of the immune system of children First critical period– neonatal period (up to 28 days of life) Second critical period – 3-6 months of life, caused by the destruction of maternal antibodies in the child’s body Third critical period – 2-3 years of the child’s life Fourth critical period – 6-7 years Fifth critical period – adolescence(12-13 years old for girls; years old for boys)

Factors that reduce protective functions body Main factors: alcoholism and alcoholism narcotization and drug addiction psycho-emotional stress physical inactivity sleep deficiency excess weight A person’s susceptibility to infection depends on: individual characteristics human features of constitution, metabolic state, nutritional status, vitamin supply, climatic factors and season of the year, pollution environment living conditions and human activities lifestyle

Increasing the child’s body’s defenses, general strengthening techniques: hardening, contrast air baths, dress your baby appropriately for the weather, take multivitamins, try to limit contact with other children as much as possible during periods of seasonal outbreaks viral diseases(for example, during a flu epidemic, you should not take your child to Christmas trees and other public events) remedies traditional medicine, for example, garlic and onions When should you contact an immunologist? For frequent colds that occur with complications (ARVI, turning into bronchitis - inflammation of the bronchi, pneumonia - inflammation of the lungs or occurring against the background of ARVI purulent otitis– inflammation of the middle ear, etc.) When recurrent illness infections to which lifelong immunity must be developed ( chicken pox, rubella, measles, etc.). However, in such cases, it is necessary to take into account that if the baby has had these diseases before the age of 1 year, then immunity to them may not be stable and may not provide lifelong protection.

Lecture plan PURPOSE: to teach students an understanding of the structural and functional organization of the immune system,
features of innate and adaptive
1. The concept of immunology as a subject, basic
stages of its development.
2. .
3 Types of immunity: features of innate and
adaptive immunity.
4. Characteristics of cells involved in reactions
innate and adaptive immunity.
5. Structure of central and peripheral organs
immune system functions.
6. Lymphoid tissue: structure, function.
7. GSK.
8. Lymphocyte – structural and functional unit
immune system.

A clone is a group of genetically identical cells.
Cell population – cell types with the most
general properties
Subpopulation of cells - more specialized
homogeneous cells
Cytokines – soluble peptide mediators
immune system, necessary for its development,
functioning and interaction with others
systems of the body.
Immunocompetent cells (ICC) - cells
ensuring the performance of immune functions


- the science of immunity, which
studies structure and function
body immune system
person as under normal conditions,
as well as in pathological

Immunology studies:

The structure of the immune system and mechanisms
development of immune reactions
Diseases of the immune system and its dysfunction
Conditions and patterns of development
immunopathological reactions and methods for them
Possibility of using reserves and
mechanisms of the immune system in the fight against
infectious, oncological, etc.
Immunological problems of transplantation
organs and tissues, reproduction

Main stages in the development of immunology

Pasteur L. (1886) - vaccines (prevention of infectious diseases
Bering E., Ehrlich P. (1890) - laid the foundation for humoral
immunity (discovery of antibodies)
Mechnikov I.I. (1901-1908) - theory of phagocytosis
Bordet J. (1899) – discovery of the complement system
Richet S., Portier P. (1902) - discovery of anaphylaxis
Pirke K. (1906) – the doctrine of allergies
Landsteiner K. (1926) – discovery of blood groups AB0 and Rh factor
Medovar (1940-1945) - the doctrine of immunological tolerance
Dosse J., Snell D. (1948) - laid the foundations of immunogenetics
Miller D., Klaman G., Davis, Royt (1960) - the doctrine of T- and B
immune systems
Dumond (1968-1969) – discovery of lymphokines
Koehler, Milstein (1975) - method for obtaining monoclonal
antibodies (hybridomas)
1980-2010 – development of diagnostic and treatment methods


- a way to protect the body from living bodies and
substances that carry genetic characteristics
foreign information (including
microorganisms, foreign cells,
tissue or genetically altered
own cells, including tumor cells)

Types of immunity

Innate immunity is hereditary
fixed defense system of multicellular organisms
organisms from pathogenic and non-pathogenic
microorganisms, as well as endogenous products
tissue destruction.
Acquired (adaptive) immunity is formed throughout life under the influence of
antigenic stimulation.
Innate and acquired immunity are
two interacting parts of the immune system
systems that ensure the development of the immune system
response to genetically foreign substances.

Systemic immunity – at the level
the whole body
Local immunity -
additional level of protection
barrier fabrics ( skin And
mucous membranes)

Functional organization of the immune system

Innate immunity:
- stereotyping
- non-specificity
(regulated by the pituitary-adrenal system)
anatomical and physiological barriers (skin,
mucous membranes)
humoral components (lysozyme, complement, INFα
and β, proteins acute phase, cytokines)
cellular factors (phagocytes, NK cells, platelets,
red blood cells, mast cells, endothelial cells)

Functional organization of the immune system

Acquired immunity:
formation of immunological
memory during the immune response
humoral factors - immunoglobulins
cellular factors – mature T-, B-lymphocytes

Immune system

- a set of specialized bodies,
tissues and cells located in
different parts of the body, but
functioning as a single whole.
generalized throughout the body
constant recycling of lymphocytes

Physiological significance of the immune system

individuality throughout life
immune recognition account with
involving components of congenital and
acquired immunity.

endogenously arising
tumor cells and

Properties of the immune system

Specificity - “one AG – one AT – one clone
High degree sensitivity - recognition
AG by immunocompetent cells (ICC) at the level
individual molecules
Immunological individuality “specificity of the immune response” - for everyone
the organism has its own characteristic, genetically
controlled type of immune response
Clonal principle of organization - ability
all cells within separate clone reply
only for one antigen
Immunological memory– immune ability
systems (memory cells) respond quickly and
intensively for re-entry of antigen

Properties of the immune system

Tolerance is a specific unresponsiveness to
body's own antigens
The ability to regenerate is a property of the immune system
systems to maintain lymphocyte homeostasis due to
replenishment of the pool and control of the population of memory cells
The phenomenon of “double recognition” of antigen by T lymphocytes - the ability to recognize foreign
antigens only in association with MHC molecules
Regulatory effect on other body systems

Structural and functional organization of the immune system

Structure of the immune system

central (thymus, red bone marrow)
peripheral (spleen, lymph nodes, liver,
lymphoid accumulations in different organs)
lymphocytes, leukocytes (mon/mf, nf, ef, bf, dk),
mast cells, vascular endothelium, epithelium
Humoral factors:
antibodies, cytokines
ICC circulation pathways:
peripheral blood, lymph

Immune system organs

Features of the central organs of the immune system

Located in areas of the body
protected from external influences
(bone marrow - in the bone marrow cavities,
thymus in the chest cavity)
The bone marrow and thymus are the site
lymphocyte differentiation
IN central authorities immune system
lymphoid tissue is in a peculiar
microenvironment (in the bone marrow -
myeloid tissue, in the thymus - epithelial)

Features of peripheral organs of the immune system

Located on the paths of the possible
introduction of foreign substances into the body
Consistently increasing their complexity
buildings depending on size and
duration of antigenic

Bone marrow

hematopoiesis of all types of blood cells
differentiation and maturation B
- lymphocytes

Hematopoiesis scheme

Types of stem cells

1. Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) –
located in the bone marrow
2. Mesenchymal (stromal) stems
cells (MSCs) – a population of pluripotent
bone marrow cells capable of
differentiation into osteogenic, chondrogenic,
adipogenic, myogenic and other cell lines.
3. Tissue-specific progenitor cells
(progenitor cells) –
poorly differentiated cells
located in various tissues and organs,
are responsible for updating the cell population.

Hematopoietic stem cell (HSC)

Stages of development of GSK
Multipotent stem cell– proliferates and
differentiates into parent stems
cells for myelo- and lymphopoiesis
Progenitor stem cell - limited in
self-maintenance, intensively proliferates and
differentiates in 2 directions (lymphoid
and myeloid)
Progenitor cell - differentiates
into only one type of cell (lymphocytes,
neutrophils, monocytes, etc.)
Mature cells - T-, B-lymphocytes, monocytes, etc.

Features of GSK

(the main marker of HSC is CD 34)
Poor differentiation
Self-sustaining ability
Moving through the bloodstream
Repopulation of hemo- and immunopoiesis after
radiation exposure or


Consists of lobules
each has a cortical
The parenchyma is represented by epithelial cells,
containing a secretory granule that secretes
“thymic hormonal factors.”
The medulla contains mature thymocytes, which
turn on
peripheral organs immune system.
maturation of thymocytes into mature T cells
secretion of thymic hormones
regulation of T cell function in others
lymphoid organs through
thymic hormones

Lymphoid tissue

- specialized fabric that provides
concentration of antigens, contact of cells with
antigens, transport of humoral substances.
Encapsulated – lymphoid organs
(thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, liver)
Unencapsulated – lymphoid tissue
mucous membranes, associated with the gastrointestinal tract,
respiratory and genitourinary system
Lymphoid subsystem of the skin -
disseminated intraepithelial
lymphocytes, regional lymph nodes, vessels
lymphatic drainage

Lymphocytes are the structural and functional unit of the immune system

continuously generate
diversity of clones (1018 variants in T-
lymphocytes and 1016 variants in B-lymphocytes)
recirculation (between blood and lymph in
on average about 21 hours)
renewal of lymphocytes (at a speed of 106
cells per minute); among peripheral lymphocytes
blood 80% long-lived memory lymphocytes, 20%
naive lymphocytes formed in the bone marrow
and have not had contact with the antigen)


1. Khaitov R.M. Immunology: textbook. For
students of medical universities. - M.: GEOTAR-Media,
2011.- 311 p.
2. Khaitov R.M. Immunology. Norm and
pathology: textbook. for students of medical universities and
Univ.- M.: Medicine, 2010.- 750 p.
3. Immunology: textbook / A.A. Yarilin.- M.:
GEOTAR-Media, 2010.- 752 p.
4. Kovalchuk L.V. Clinical immunology
and allergology with the basics of general
Immunology: textbook. – M.: GEOTARMEDIA, 2011.- 640 p.

Immunity is the body’s ability to protect its own integrity and biological individuality.
Immunity is the body's immunity to infectious diseases.
Every minute they carry the dead, And the groans of the living fearfully ask God to calm their souls! need space, and The graves huddle together like a frightened herd in a close line. A.S. Pushkin "Feast during the Plague"
Smallpox, plague, typhus, cholera and many other diseases deprived huge number people of life.

Antigens are bacteria, viruses or their toxins (poisons), as well as degenerated cells of the body.
Antibodies are protein molecules synthesized in response to the presence of an antigen. Each antibody recognizes its own antigen.
Lymphocytes (T and B) - have receptors on the surface of cells that recognize the “enemy”, form “antigen-antibody” complexes and neutralize antigens.

Immune system - unites organs and tissues that protect the body from genetically foreign cells or substances coming from outside or formed in the body.
Central organs (red bone marrow, thymus)
Peripheral organs (lymph nodes, tonsils, spleen)
Layout of organs of the human immune system
Immune system

Central immune system
Lymphocytes are formed: in the red bone marrow - B-lymphocytes and precursors of T-lymphocytes, and in the thymus - the T-lymphocytes themselves. T- and B-lymphocytes are transported by blood to peripheral organs, where they mature and carry out their functions.

Peripheral immune system
The tonsils are located in a ring in the mucous membrane of the pharynx, surrounding the point of entry into the body of air and food.
Lymph nodes are located on the borders with external environment- in the mucous membranes of the respiratory, digestive, urinary and genital tracts, as well as in the skin.
Lymphocytes located in the spleen recognize foreign objects in the blood, which is “filtered” in this organ.
In the lymph nodes, the lymph flowing from all organs is “filtered”.

Innate (passive)
Acquired (active)
Inherited by the child from the mother.
Appears after infection. diseases.
Appears after vaccination.
Appears under the influence of healing serum.
Types of immunity

Active immunity
Active immunity (natural, artificial) is formed by the body itself in response to the introduction of an antigen.
Natural active immunity occurs after an infectious disease.

Active immunity
Artificial active immunity occurs after the administration of vaccines.

Passive immunity
Passive immunity (natural, artificial) is created by ready-made antibodies obtained from another organism.
Natural passive immunity is created by antibodies passed from mother to child.

Passive immunity
Artificial passive immunity occurs after the administration of therapeutic serums or as a result of volumetric blood transfusion.

The work of the immune system
A feature of the immune system is the ability of its main cells - lymphocytes - to genetically recognize “self” and “foreign”.

Immunity is ensured by the activity of leukocytes - phagocytes and lymphocytes.
Mechanism of immunity
Cellular (phagocytic) immunity (discovered by I.I. Mechnikov in 1863)
Phagocytosis is the capture and digestion of bacteria.

T lymphocytes
T-lymphocytes (formed in the bone marrow, mature in the thymus).
T-killers (killers)
T-suppressors (oppressors)
T-helpers (helpers)
Cellular immunity
Blocks B-lymphocyte reactions
Help B lymphocytes transform into plasma cells

Mechanism of immunity
Humoral immunity

B lymphocytes
B lymphocytes (formed in the bone marrow, mature in lymphoid tissue).
Antigen exposure
Plasma cells
Memory cells
Humoral immunity
Acquired immunity

Types of immune responses

Vaccination (from the Latin “vassa” - cow) was introduced into practice in 1796 English doctor Edward Jenner, who gave the first cowpox vaccine to an 8-year-old boy, James Phipps.

Vaccination calendar
12 hours first vaccination hepatitis B 3-7th day tuberculosis vaccination 1st month second vaccination hepatitis B 3 months first vaccination diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio, hemophilus influenzae 4.5 months second vaccination diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio, hemophilus influenzae infection 6 months third vaccination diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio, hemophilus influenzae infection, third vaccination hepatitis B 12 months vaccination measles, mumps, rubella
Calendar preventive vaccinations Russia (came into force on January 1, 2002)

Immunity (lat . immunitas‘liberation, getting rid of something’) is the ability of the immune system to rid the body of genetically foreign objects.

Provides homeostasis of the body at the cellular and molecular level of organization.

Purpose of immunity:

resisting the invasion of genetically alien objects

  • Ensuring the genetic integrity of individuals of a species throughout their individual lives

  • The ability to distinguish “one’s own” from “someone else’s”;
  • Memory formation after initial contact with foreign antigenic material;
  • Clonal organization immunocompetent cells, in which an individual cell clone is capable, as a rule, of responding to only one of many antigenic determinants.

Classifications Classification

Congenital (non-specific)

Adaptive (acquired, specific)

There are also several other classifications of immunity:

  • Acquired active immunity occurs after an illness or after the administration of a vaccine.
  • Acquired passive immunity develops when ready-made antibodies are introduced into the body in the form of serum or transferred to a newborn with mother’s colostrum or in utero.
  • Natural immunity includes innate immunity and acquired active (after an illness), as well as passive immunity when antibodies are transferred to the child from the mother.
  • Artificial immunity includes acquired active after vaccination (vaccine administration) and acquired passive (serum administration).

  • Immunity is divided into species (inherited to us due to the characteristics of our – human – body) And acquired as a result of “training” of the immune system.
  • Yes, exactly innate properties protect us from canine distemper, and “vaccination training” protects us from tetanus.

Sterile and non-sterile immunity .

  • After illness, in some cases, immunity remains for life. For example, measles, chicken pox. This is sterile immunity. And in some cases, immunity lasts only as long as there is a pathogen in the body (tuberculosis, syphilis) - non-sterile immunity.

The main organs responsible for immunity are: red bone marrow, thymus, lymph nodes and spleen . Each of them does their important work and complement each other.

Mechanisms of immune system defense

There are two main mechanisms through which immune reactions. These are humoral and cellular immunity. As the name suggests, humoral immunity is realized through the formation certain substances, and cellular - due to the work of certain cells of the body.

  • This mechanism of immunity manifests itself in the formation of antibodies to antigens - foreign chemicals, as well as microbial cells. Fundamental role in humoral immunity taken over by B lymphocytes. They are the ones who recognize foreign structures in the body, and then produce antibodies against them - specific protein substances, which are also called immunoglobulins.
  • The antibodies that are produced are extremely specific, that is, they can only interact with those foreign particles that caused the formation of these antibodies.
  • Immunoglobulins (Ig) are found in the blood (serum), on the surface of immunocompetent cells (surface), and also in secretions gastrointestinal tract, tear fluid, breast milk(secretory immunoglobulins).

  • In addition to the fact that antigens are highly specific, they also have other biological characteristics. They have one or more active centers that interact with antigens. More often there are two or more. The strength of the connection between the active center of an antibody and an antigen depends on the spatial structure of the substances involved in the connection (i.e., antibody and antigen), as well as the number of active centers in one immunoglobulin. Several antibodies can bind to one antigen at once.
  • Immunoglobulins have their own classification using Latin letters. In accordance with it, immunoglobulins are divided into Ig G, Ig M, Ig A, Ig D and Ig E. They differ in structure and function. Some antibodies appear immediately after infection, while others appear later.

Ehrlich Paul discovered humoral immunity.

Cellular immunity

Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov discovered cellular immunity.

  • Phagocytosis (Phago - devour and cytos - cell) is a process in which special cells of the blood and body tissues (phagocytes) capture and digest pathogens of infectious diseases and dead cells. It is carried out by two types of cells: granular leukocytes (granulocytes) circulating in the blood and tissue macrophages. The discovery of phagocytosis belongs to I. I. Mechnikov, who identified this process by conducting experiments with sea stars and daphnia, introducing into their bodies foreign bodies. For example, when Mechnikov placed a fungal spore into the body of daphnia, he noticed that it was attacked by special mobile cells. When he introduced too many spores, the cells did not have time to digest them all, and the animal died. Mechnikov called cells that protect the body from bacteria, viruses, fungal spores, etc. phagocytes.

  • Immunity – the most important process our body, helping to maintain its integrity, protecting it from harmful microorganisms and foreign agents.

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Human immune system

The immune system is a collection of organs, tissues and cells, the work of which is aimed directly at protecting the body from various diseases and to destroy foreign substances that have already entered the body. This system is an obstacle to infections (bacterial, viral, fungal). When the immune system malfunctions, the likelihood of developing infections increases, which also leads to the development autoimmune diseases. Organs included in the human immune system: lymph glands (nodes), tonsils, thymus gland (thymus), bone marrow, spleen and lymphoid formations of the intestine (Peyer's patches). Main role plays complex system circulation, which consists of lymphatic ducts connecting the lymph nodes. 1. WHAT IS THE IMMUNE SYSTEM

2. INDICATORS OF WEAK IMMUNITY The main sign of a weak immune system is constant colds. For example, the appearance of herpes on the lips can be safely considered a signal of a violation of the body's defenses. Other symptoms of a weakened immune system include fatigue, increased drowsiness, constant feeling fatigue, aching joints and muscles, insomnia, and allergies. Moreover, the presence chronic diseases also speaks of weak immunity.

3. INDICATORS OF STRONG IMMUNITY A person does not get sick and is resistant to the effects of germs and viruses even during viral infections.

4. WHAT HELP STRENGTHEN THE IMMUNE SYSTEM diet. physical activity. a correct understanding of life, which means you need to learn not to envy, not to get angry, not to get upset, especially over trifles. observe sanitary and hygienic standards, do not overcool, do not overheat. harden the body both through cold procedures and through thermal ones (bath, sauna). saturate the body with vitamins.

5. CAN A PERSON LIVE WITHOUT AN IMMUNE SYSTEM? Any disorder of the immune system has a destructive effect on the body. For example, allergies. The body of an allergy sufferer reacts painfully to external irritants. It could be an eaten strawberry or an orange swirling in the air. poplar fluff or pollen from alder catkins. The person begins to sneeze, his eyes water, and a rash appears on his skin. Such increased sensitivity- an obvious malfunction of the immune system. Today, doctors are increasingly talking about weak immunity, and that 60% of our country’s population suffers from immune deficiency. Weakened by stress and poor ecology, the body is not able to effectively fight infection - too few antibodies are produced in it. Man with weak immunity gets tired quickly, it is he who first gets sick during a flu epidemic and gets sick longer and more severely. They call it the “plague of the 20th century” terrible disease, affecting the body's immune system - AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). If there is a virus in the blood - the causative agent of AIDS, then there are almost no lymphocytes in it. Such an organism loses the ability to fight for itself, and the person may die from common cold. The worst thing is that this disease is infectious, and it is transmitted through blood.

SOURCES OF INFORMATION https://ru.wikipedia /99/de01_02 2015

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