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While working on your unique style, you can not only change clothes or accessories, but also change your eye color. Today this can be done even at home, although no one can cancel surgical intervention. However, all kinds of operations carried out even in modern clinics, pose a danger to the body. Therefore, nowadays lenses are used more and more often, since they can change the color of the eyes without harm to health.

Before we move on to practice, let’s understand a little about what color depends on human eye, or rather, his irises. The presence of one color or another is determined by the melanin pigment and its quantity. With low melanin content, the eyes become blue, with moderate – greenish, with medium – gray-blue, with high – brown.

Method number 1. Can food change eye color?

Let's start with simple and accessible methods. Unfortunately, their effectiveness is extremely low, so before you start using them, you need to understand that it will not be possible to completely change the color (only a slight correction of tone will occur). Some methods may require a lot of time and, oddly enough, a person’s tendency to bright manifestation emotions.

You can start by changing your diet. Certain products, when consumed regularly, can increase melanin content. True, this method is only suitable for those who want to change the color from blue to brown. So how to change your eye color? To do this, you need to eat foods: nuts, fish, ginger (affects saturation), olive oil, chamomile tea, onions and green onions, honey.

Method No. 2. Selection of clothes

Can eyes change color when wearing certain clothes? Of course, the main thing is to choose everything correctly. For example:

  • To make gray eyes appear blue, you need to wear blue, silver and dark gray. In all other cases, you won’t be able to radically influence the color of your eyes, but you can emphasize and saturate their shade.
  • If you have green eyes, then wear brown, purple and dark red clothes.
  • If brown, then yellow, orange or coral.

Method number 3. How to change eye color using drops

Here we will look at more effective method, which is carried out using special eye drops. Why did the drops change the color of my eyes? The fact is that they are made from prostaglandin, a synthesized hormone.

These drugs have some side effects. These include: deterioration of the blood supply to the eye, development of cataracts, heterochrony (the left and right irises have different colors).

Today the most popular drugs are:

  1. Latanoprost.
  2. Xalatamax.
  3. Glauprost.
  4. Travatan.
  5. Bimatoprost.
  6. Unoprostone.
  7. Travoprost.

Is it possible to change eye color with drops without consequences? Unfortunately no. Firstly, their use leads to negative consequences, which we have already mentioned. Secondly, the color of the eye can only change from light to dark. Thirdly, noticeable result will appear in 2-3 months.

Method number 4. Meditation to change eye color

Meditation - specific, but quite interesting way how you can change your eye color. With the help of autosuggestion, some trained people influence chemical processes occurring in the body. Let us immediately note that positive results after using this method there was very little. However, you can see some good reviews on the Internet.

Let's look at a few practical exercises on how to change your eye color.

  • Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Imagine some well-known area. This could be your room workplace or the view from the window. Try to visualize all the small details, think of the weather, time of year, day. Then begin to imagine how the entire space is filled with the color that your eyes have. Imagine the paint slowly dripping onto houses, furniture, trees, people. Once everything is filled with your color, start “painting” the desired color on top of the current one. Do this slowly, observing each change. Repeat the exercise daily for 10–15 minutes. Changing eye color by self-hypnosis can take months.
  • Look at the light bulb for a second until a bright spot flashes before your eyes. Then take a mirror and concentrate on your iris. Imagine how the desired color spreads across it, how it fills your eyes. The exercise does not need to be repeated too often; once every 1–2 days is enough.
  • Start to reassure yourself that your eye color has really changed. Imagine, for example, how you met a friend and he was delighted with your new color, or how you looked in the mirror and were surprised at your transformation.

Change eye color using mood

Our mood can also affect eye color to one degree or another. Melancholy and sadness make the eyes brighter and give them richness. Irritation and anger paint the iris in dark shades. Light shades add a feeling of joy and happiness to the eyes.

Changing eye color using this method works, as they say, 50/50. After all, not all people equally are subject to self-hypnosis, not everyone has a good imagination. The main thing in meditation is to believe in success.

Method No. 5. Lenses

Perhaps the most effective and quick way How to change eye color - these are lenses. Let's say a few words about what types of lenses there are. They are usually classified into the following groups:

  • Disposable. Cheap and uncomfortable lenses that are usually worn for no more than 12 hours.
  • Reusable. The most popular type of lenses that can last up to two years. True, you will have to pay well for a high-quality model.
  • Fully colored. These lenses completely change the color of your eyes. And even from dark brown you can make light brown Blue eyes.
  • Partially colored. They saturate your natural color or add a new shade to it.
  • Carnival. These lenses allow you to change the color of your iris, for example, a cat's eye or a vampire's eye - your choice.
  • Let's look at some features of colored lenses to learn how to change your eye color. The density of each lens is different: for bright models that completely change the color, it is higher, which simply enhances the natural shade - lower. It is not advisable to wear dense lenses for people who have increased sensitivity eyes, so you should consult your doctor before purchasing.

Negative consequences after colored lenses

Colored lenses also have others negative aspects. These include:

  1. If selected incorrectly, the lens may put pressure on the eye, causing vision to deteriorate.
  2. Some models, especially carnival ones, are covered with a special film that transmits light poorly or completely distorts it. As a result, the eyes will become very strained.
  3. Lenses, especially those with high density, often slip off the iris.

But all these problems can be avoided if you choose the right model. When purchasing, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Before purchasing a product, find out what type of eyes it is intended for (light or dark). There are also universal lenses.
  • If you have light eyes and want to change them, for example, to brown, then you should buy tint lenses. Otherwise, it is better to take thick colored lenses.
  • By purchasing bright colored lenses, you make your eyes look unnatural. If possible, it is better to take tint ones.
  • A high-quality product must have good gas conductivity so that the eyes are less tired and watery.

Can lenses change eye color? Yes, the main thing is to choose a manufacturer. There are quite a lot of them on the modern market, but there are several companies that have managed to establish themselves well.

Lens manufacturers

Acuvue Colors. A pack of 6 colored lenses made of silicone hydrogel - a classic material for such products. It is recommended to change lenses every 2-3 weeks. That is, the package will last you about 1.5–2 months.
Multi-Curve. Products of this brand have the unique feature of softly adhering to the eye, which makes wearing them as comfortable as possible. In addition, the lenses allow oxygen to pass freely and even protect against ultraviolet rays. Changing your eye color is easy.

FreshLook ColorBlends. These lenses can both change eye color and slightly correct vision. They also provide comfortable wearing and use. And thanks to new technologies, they can create an interesting gradient of several colors on the lens.
Doll Eye. Due to the fact that the lenses extend beyond the iris, they slightly enlarge the eye, making the look more expressive. And then the eye color changed.
As for the price, it varies from 300 to 1 thousand rubles for a regular pair of lenses; a higher quality and durable product can cost more than two thousand. However, keep in mind that lenses are usually produced in packs of 3-4 pairs.

Method number 6. How to change eye color in Photoshop

Photoshop (or any other graphic editor) can help you if you want to experiment with an image, choose the right color or shade.

To begin, choose a photo in which your eyes are clearly visible; the photograph itself must also have a high resolution. After loading the image into Photoshop, begin processing. There can be many editing methods, it all depends on your skills. Here is the simplest and most understandable method.

  1. Use the zoom tool to enlarge the photo.
  2. Then select the cornea area with the Elliptical Marquee tool (oval area). To get an even circle, you need to set the “shift” key. If part of the eye is covered by eyelids, then it will be more convenient to use a lasso.
  3. Now you need to copy the selected area to a new layer. Press the "Ctrl" and "j" keys simultaneously.
  4. After creating a layer, click the “adjustment layer” or “New Adjustment Layer” button, which is located in the lower right corner. In the menu that opens, select “Color Balance...”
  5. Now add a mask: “Layers” - “Create Clipping Mask”.
  6. Having opened the color balance, in the “Tone” column, select “Mid Tones” and, moving the sliders, select the desired color. You can also change the Opacity of the layer to achieve desired effect. And lo and behold, the change in eye color occurs instantly!

Method No. 7. Operation

No matter how good the lenses are, they still cannot permanently change the color of your eyes. But modern medical technologies can cope with this task. Foreign ophthalmologists have long been practicing operations to change the color of the iris.

The essence of this method is that a special implant is implanted into the cornea, which is a color-painted silicone plate of very small thickness. Usually the operation lasts no more than 20 minutes under local anesthesia. However, it is carried out only if the patient is absolutely healthy.

Among possible complications can be called: inflammation of the cornea, cataracts, glaucoma. IN in rare cases partial loss of vision was observed. The cost of the procedure is huge - from 8 thousand dollars. Therefore, such procedures are extremely low in popularity.

There is, however, another method of surgical intervention - laser correction. However, it can only change the color from brown to blue, since the special laser can only remove melanin.

The change in eye color occurs within 1 minute, and the patient does not even feel pain. This method also has fewer complications. Sometimes they manifested themselves: photophobia, short-term pain in the eyes, glaucoma. The cost is about 5 thousand dollars, but the price drops every year.

How to change your eye color is up to you. However, doctors strongly advise against resorting to surgical intervention. It’s better to try simple and safe methods first: change your diet or do yoga.

Most people, even those endowed with an extraordinary appearance that corresponds to the recognized canons of beauty, are dissatisfied with their face. Some people don't like the shape of their mouth, others are confused by the size of their nose. There are many who would like to change their eye color. Hidden or obvious complexes, the desire for changes in life, banal curiosity - there are many reasons. If doctors correct the shape of the nose, eye shape and lip contour, transplant hair, remove excess fat and wrinkles, there must be ways to change the color of the iris. Modern man, accustomed to reshaping everything around him in his own way, is convinced of this.

Can brown eyes actually make it blue, and how? Is it possible to change eye color without lenses or surgery? The answer will be yes. Moreover, experts found as many as six in various ways changes in eye color, and today you will also learn about them.

What is the iris and what determines its color?

To solve the problem - in in this case, change the shade of the eyes or make the eye color brighter - you should understand what factors it is determined by, what it depends on and what the iris itself is.

The iris is the outer part of the cornea of ​​the eye; it is a convex disk with a hole in the center - the pupil. The iris consists of the following elements:

  • muscle fibers;
  • vessels;
  • pigment cells.

It is the latter that determine the color of the iris. The more melanin pigment, the brighter and more saturated it will be. Also, the shade and its intensity depend on which layer of the iris has accumulated more pigment and how it is located.

The shade of the iris depends on the amount and location of the melanin pigment. It can be changed by adjusting the level of pigmentation

The most common eye shades and the factors that shape them:

  • Blue - the fibers of the outer layer of the iris are loose, a small amount of melanin accumulates in them.
  • Blue - the fibers are denser and have a whitish tint.
  • Gray - the fibers also have a high density and a grayish tint. The denser they are, the lighter the eyes.
  • Green - formed when the loose outer layer contains a small amount of yellow or yellow-brown pigment, and the inner layer is saturated with blue pigment.
  • Brown - there is a lot of melanin pigment in the outer shell, and it is quite dense. The more it is, the darker the eyes will be.

Eye color can change throughout life. Obviously, this is directly related to the formation of the melanin pigment. All newborns have blue or blue eyes, and only by the age of one year, as they are fully formed visual apparatus and its functions, the iris acquires its final shade. With age, it may become only slightly darker or lighter. But in old age, when everything metabolic processes slow down, including the production of melanin, the iris brightens again and becomes as if faded. That is, the color of the iris can be influenced. Let us now consider in detail how you can change it.

Contact lenses

Today it is the fastest, safest and affordable way turn blue eyes brown or green, and vice versa. At the same time, even non-standard, exotic shades are available - light green, lilac, even red, if, for example, you want to turn into a vampire for a Halloween party.

With the help of contact lenses you can radically change the color of your eyes, up to the most unusual shades

Lenses can be tinted or full-color; they are selected depending on the initial shade of the iris and the desired result. If you want to make your blue eyes darker and brighter, then tinted lenses are enough. If you want to turn brown eyes into green, blue or gray, you need real colored lenses that can cover the natural shade of the iris.

But here you need to take into account several not the most pleasant factors:

  • Contact lenses are not suitable for everyone;
  • they demand regular care;
  • high-quality lenses cost a lot, in addition, they need to be changed at least once a month;
  • will be needed special means and devices for the care of contact lenses, which will also cost a decent amount;
  • The lenses will take some getting used to.

Otherwise, this is a quick and painless way to change your eye color from a minor change to a radical one in no time.

Special drops

Using drops containing synthetic analogue prostaglandin hormone, you can make your eye shade darker. This confirms the existing theory that certain hormones actually affect the color of the iris. But for this purpose hormonal eye drops needs to be used regularly long time, which is not always safe for health.

Before you decide to use special drops to change the color of the iris, it is recommended to consult your doctor and carefully read the list of side effects

Medicines that will help change eye color:

  • Travoprost,
  • Latanoprost,
  • Unoprostone,
  • Bimatoprost.

The last drops can additionally stimulate the growth of eyelashes; they are sometimes used in cosmetology.

Pitfalls when using eye drops:

  • All prostaglandin analogue eye drops are designed to reduce intraocular pressure for glaucoma and other ophthalmological pathologies. That is, they have a certain effect on the pupils and blood vessels, which is contraindicated healthy person.
  • If you use these drugs for a long time, tissue nutrition eyeball is seriously impaired, which is also undesirable and can lead to complications.
  • Bimatoprost and similar drops are sold in pharmacies only with a doctor's prescription.
  • The color of the iris can only change from light to darker; the first results will be noticeable only after 1–2 months of regular use.

It is not safe to use anti-glaucoma eye drops to change the color of the iris, so this method is the most undesirable and requires constant medical control.

Laser surgery

For about five thousand dollars and twenty minutes, doctors will change your eye color permanently, for example, from brown to blue. The technique was developed in ophthalmological research centers California. Everything is extremely simple. A specially tuned directed laser beam will destroy the pigment of the iris, which is responsible for the intense and dark coloring. The less of it remains, the more the eye shade changes - from greenish to light blue.

Laser technology for changing the shade of the iris is one of the safest and most effective manipulations. Disadvantages of this method – high cost and irreversibility of the resulting effect

Advantages this method:

  • almost instant result;
  • there is no harm to vision;
  • you can even change the color from dark brown to light blue;
  • the result remains for life.

Cons laser exposure:

  • high cost;
  • the method is experimental, research has not yet been completed, which means that there are no guarantees of long-term results and the absence of the risk of side effects;
  • This is an irreversible procedure; if you want to restore the natural color of your eyes over time, you will hardly be able to do this;
  • There is an opinion that such an effect on the eyes can cause increased photoreceptivity of the eyes and double vision.

Despite the obvious risks, this method is in demand among wealthy people and has already earned positive reviews.


This method was originally developed to eliminate congenital anomalies in the development of the eyeball, in particular the iris. It consists of implanting an implant in place of the damaged iris. It may be bluish, greenish or brown, depending on the patient's natural eye color. But over time, the operation began to be performed without medical indications for everyone who wanted to change the shade of the iris.

Doctors do not recommend surgery to implant the iris without acute indications

Main advantage surgery– the implant can be removed if the patient changes his decision after a while. There are many more disadvantages, these include:

  • long list side effects and possible complications (cataracts, glaucoma, deterioration of visual acuity up to blindness, corneal detachment, chronic inflammation);
  • high cost - from 8 thousand dollars;
  • The operation is performed only abroad.

It is noteworthy that the developer of the method does not recommend putting your health at great risk and performing surgery unless absolutely necessary. Often due to serious complications the implant has to be removed, after which the patient needs to undergo a long course of treatment. Despite this, there are enough people willing to take risks.

Makeup, clothing, lighting

To change the color of light-colored eyes, it is often enough to change your makeup or wear clothes of a suitable color. This method is the least effective; global changes will not be achieved. But it does not threaten health in any way, has no side effects and costs almost nothing.

Proper makeup and wardrobe can visually change the shade of your eyes, although you shouldn’t expect drastic changes

For example, to gray-green eyes become brighter, you should do eye makeup in brown tones and wear lilac-colored clothes. Brown eyes will become darker when surrounded by blue or green eye shadow, and will appear amber if you use rose-gold shades of makeup. Remember that a lot also depends on your skin tone and hair color.

Hypnosis and self-hypnosis

This method is the most entertaining and controversial. If you believe in the power of self-hypnosis, hypnosis, and have meditation skills, you can try it - great harm in any case it won't. What is this method:

  1. You need to retire to a quiet place, take a comfortable position and relax.
  2. Close your eyes and try to clearly imagine the desired color.
  3. Continue to mentally visualize the picture until it becomes as real as possible.

If you believe in the power of self-hypnosis, you can try meditating regularly. Some claim that in this way they were able to get the desired eye color and even get rid of vision problems

Experienced people say that the session should last at least 20 minutes for the process to begin. You need to repeat sessions until you receive desired result.

Thus, you can change your eye color at home without surgery or contact lenses. But before you decide to take such a step, think about why you need it. Is it worth arguing with nature? Are you sure that if you turn your eyes green, your life will take a sharp turn, you will become more successful, happier and more loved?

Changing eye color - is it possible?

Let's look at the methods of changing eye color that are known and possible today.

A person always strives for something new and perfect. I want to change my life for the better, and not only my financial situation or moral state, but also my appearance.

Nowadays, many operations are performed to change one's body and face. Eye color is no exception. Some people have a complex, others have curiosity.

A few words about what an iris is.

Outer part choroid The eye is the iris or iris. It is shaped like a disk with a hole (pupil) in the center.

The iris is made up of pigment cells that determine the color of the eyes. connective tissue with vessels and muscle fibers. It is the pigment cells that interest us.

The color of the eyes depends on how the melanin pigment is located in the outer and inner layers of the iris.

Let's look at the most common ones.

Due to the low density of the fibers of the outer layer of the iris, containing a small proportion of melanin, the color blue is obtained.

If the fibers of the outer layer of the iris are denser and have a whitish or grayish color, the result will be blue. The denser the fiber, the lighter the shade.

The gray color is similar to blue, only the density of the fibers is slightly higher and they have a grayish tint.

Green occurs when the outer layer of the iris contains a small amount of yellow or light brown melanin, and the back layer is blue.

At brown color The outer shell of the iris is rich in melanin, and the more of it, the darker the color, even black.

On at the moment There are 6 known ways to change eye color.

Let's look at them in more detail.

First way.

Colored lenses are selected according to the color of your eyes.

If you have light color, then tinted lenses are also suitable, but if your eyes are dark, then you need colored lenses.

What your eye color will be is up to you. Modern market offers wide choice lenses

Let's take a closer look at the first method of changing eye color:

How to change eye color using tinted lenses (video):

Second way.

If your eyes are light in color and change depending on your mood and lighting, then this method is right for you.

You can shade green eyes with brown mascara. Clothes should be chosen in lilac tones.

A significant disadvantage of this method is that when choosing cosmetics and clothes, do not forget that a particular shade can have a different effect on the color of your eyes.

Third way.

Eye drops containing analogues of the hormone prostaglandin F2a (travoprost, latanoprost, bimatoprost, unoprostone).

The eyes will become darker with prolonged use of eye drops. This means that eye color depends on certain types of hormones.

I would also like to note that the substance bimatoprost is also used in for cosmetic purposes. Apply the drug to eyelashes and eyelids, eyelash growth will noticeably improve.

Let's consider some points:

Fourth way.

The technique of changing eye color using a laser came to us from California.

She does possible change iris color from brown to blue.

Laser beam a certain frequency will remove excess pigmentation. In this regard, two to three weeks after the operation, the eyes become bright blue color.

In this case, there is no harm to vision.

However, there are disadvantages:

1. Considering that the method is very “young”, no one knows the long-term consequences.
2. The experiment is not yet completed. It requires a million dollars to complete.
3. If the experiments are successful, the operation will be available to Americans in a year and a half, and for the whole world in three (the countdown should begin in November 2011).
4. The surgery will cost you approximately $5,000.
5. Laser color correction is an irreversible operation. It will be impossible to return the brown color.
6. Scientists believe that such an experiment can lead to photophobia and double vision.

Despite all this, reviews of this operation are very positive.

Fifth way.

The operation was originally intended to treat birth defects eye.

During the operation, an implant is implanted into the iris shell - a blue, brown or green disc.

If he changes his mind, the patient will be able to remove the implant.

Flaws surgical intervention:

The scientist himself who invented similar procedure, does not recommend surgery. However, the patients are satisfied.

Sixth method.

This method quite extraordinary and controversial - a visualization method based on self-hypnosis and meditation.

To do this, sit in a calm environment, relax all your muscles, let go of your thoughts and imagine the eye color you would like to have.

The duration of the exercise is 20-40 minutes. Classes should be held every day for at least a month.

What's happening in the world...

This method cannot be called barbaric, and harmful consequences for health and pockets is not expected.


Eye color largely depends on your surroundings, from your clothes, jewelry to the decor of the room. So, for example, gray eyes will look blue if you wear clothes blue flowers. Green and lilac clothing will give dull green eyes the color of bright emerald. But this method can only slightly change the shade, and turning brown eyes into green will not work.

Light intensity can change the color of light eyes, changing their color range from light gray to rich sea blue. This largely depends on the color of the lighting, the walls and the size of the room. So this method can only be used in limited or suitable weather conditions.

A fairly simple way to change the shade of your eyes is through makeup. To do this, you need to use certain shadows and eyeliner to highlight the color. For example, if you are gray, you need to apply makeup in gray shades to make your eyes bluer. If you want to make them gray, you need to use blue cosmetics. Using a brown or green eyeliner pencil, green eyes take on a darker shade.

Eye color changes naturally as a person grows, so you can just wait. Babies are born with dark and rich eye color, and the older a person gets, the lighter the shade becomes. People's eyes become very light, as if fading. If in youth the color was dark brown, in old age the eyes become honey-colored.

Strong emotions change eye color, but this is unlikely to be used on an ongoing basis. However, it is worth remembering that any emotional upheaval is reflected in the shade; it is enough to experience fear, anger, love, pain, joy. The eyes react differently to each emotion - they can lighten or darken.

Some diseases can cause changes in the eye, albeit minor. The iris becomes slightly lighter or darker, blue eyes turn gray or take on a green tint. Although the disease has practically no effect on brown eyes - they remain in their color range.

There are inflammatory diseases, which affect only one eye. Such diseases include Fuchs and Posner-Schlossman syndrome. In recovered people, the iris becomes greenish tint. Although it is unlikely that a person will purposefully look for these diseases in order to change eye color.

For glaucoma, special eye drops are prescribed to reduce intraocular pressure. If you use them for a long time, the eye color becomes darker. Although if a person has brown eyes, it will be invisible. But it is not recommended to use such drops without a doctor’s prescription, and they will not prescribe them just to change eye color. After all, if you use them on healthy eyes, may appear side effects and your vision will begin to deteriorate. The desire to make your eyes a little darker is not worth the risk.

Sometimes it is enough to really want to change the color, and the body obediently adapts to the desires. Visualization helps with this - imagining yourself with the desired shade of eyes. To do this, you need to find a quiet place so that no one will disturb you, and turn on calm music. If you realize that you will not be able to concentrate under musical accompaniment, then you can visualize in complete silence.
When everything is ready, you need to take a comfortable position, completely relax and close your eyes. Imagine your face in detail, just replace the eye color with the desired one. Look carefully at yourself, enjoy the view and send a request to the universe to send you what you want.
To make the method more effective, you can change the eye color in your photo in Photoshop to make it easier to visualize.
Some visualization options recommend closing your eyes and, instead of darkness before your eyes, imagining the natural color of your eyes, and then gradually changing it to the desired color.

Another cheap one safe method- self-hypnosis. It is very similar to the previous one, but in this version you need to turn not to the universe, but to your body. To do this, you need to constantly repeat certain phrases that instruct your eyes to change color. They can sound differently: “my eyes are (insert desired) color”, “my eyes are (this color)”. Such phrases should be spoken out loud in the morning and evening before bed, when the subconscious is most active.

It is not possible to radically change eye color using these methods, so sometimes it is much more effective to turn to medicine. For these purposes, you can use laser correction, which removes excess pigments in the iris and can turn brown eyes into blue. Although this method has significant disadvantages: high price about $5,000 and irreversible. The technique is fairly new, so little is known about the long-term effects.

Besides laser correction you can use another medical service. Dr. Kahn has developed a surgical procedure in which a special implant of the desired color is implanted into the iris of the eye. The big plus is that after a while you can remove it to return to the original color or try something new. However, after such an operation there may appear undesirable consequences, including glaucoma, cataracts, blindness and corneal detachment.

Please note

If you have not yet used these methods, and your eye color has changed color on its own in a short period of time, you should consult a doctor. For some eye diseases, change in eye color is one of the main symptoms. So you shouldn’t risk your health; it’s better to get checked by an ophthalmologist.

But the second type of lenses are opaque colored contact lenses for those who want a radical eye color. Such lenses will completely hide your color, and you will be able to enjoy your chosen color without any restrictions. Lenses of the second type are suitable for everyone - both light-eyed and dark-eyed.

So, you are armed with the necessary information, and the next step is to go to the office where the contact lenses are. An ophthalmologist will check the condition of your eyes and advise which lenses may be most comfortable for you.
There you will be offered all kinds of products for lenses. Don't give up on them. After all, a lens is foreign body in your own eye, and you need everything to make your eyes comfortable and comfortable.

Video on the topic

Please note

If you drive a car, then before you get behind the wheel, spend some time wearing new colored lenses, feel how comfortable and comfortable you are in them, especially when moving, for example, from a light room to a dark room, and vice versa.



Black eyes are expressive by their very nature, and do not require heavy makeup. But if yours are of a different color, and you want to have the magnetic gaze of the black-eyed Scheherazade? It is not at all necessary to purchase black lenses for this. There are some "war paint" secrets that will make your eyes darker.

You will need

  • Face tone
  • Eyebrow pencil
  • Liquid eyeliner or soft contour with applicator
  • Mascara.



Eye color is determined by genes. The final color of the eyes is formed only in the 2-3rd year of life, when the body begins to produce the enzyme melanin. The gene for brown eyes is the “strongest”, so the genes responsible for eye color “win”. Nature has endowed you with blue or eye color, but you really want to have brown ones? Of course, you cannot change your eye color forever. You can use color ones, which have both diopters (for those who see poorly) and without them. If eyes light brown, and you really want to make their color close to chocolate, use tinted lenses - they will enhance the natural color of the eyes. Without the need for such lenses, it is better not to walk for a long time, because they dry out very much. eyes and may cause discomfort.

If you have eyes hazel-colored, it’s worth trying to change your eye color with makeup. The colors of eye shadow, eyeliner and mascara, in harmony with the original eye color, will help create the desired effect. Golden and brown shades will emphasize the warm tone in such eyes x, rich dark eyeliner (not black!) will enhance the effect. Also nutty eyes you can shade the shadows. It’s better to do it on smooth transition from light to dark shadow colors to make the look softer and brown appeared deeper.

If for exceptional cases If you decide to change your eye color to brown using colored lenses, use our tips to make the wearing process comfortable.1. Always shoot in color before going to bed.
2. Do not use colored lenses beyond their expiration date.
3. Use cosmetics for sensitive eyes when wearing such lenses.
4. Use special drops to moisturize the mucous membranes of the eyes.
5. Before purchasing colored lenses, consult your ophthalmologist.

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  • how to change eye color at home in 2018

If earlier color eye was considered something unchangeable and given by nature, today you can at any time not only change color eye, but also to make it absolutely fantasy and unnatural. Change color eye You can either for a long time or for a specific holiday, party or carnival. A simple and affordable way to change color eye- This color contact lenses, a large assortment of which is presented in various optical stores.


You can use lenses as usual eye at color ov, and unusual ones - violet, lilac, bright blue, and even yellow and red. There are also designer lenses that imitate cat eye, rainbow, and fluorescent in the dark. If you have eye oh, pick it up color new lenses, and if eye and light ones - only tint ones will be used.

Buy only high-quality contact lenses from trusted manufacturers, and wear them for no longer than three months, removing them at night.

Original races color Lens ki can give you a unique trait that changes your entire appearance, so choose your races wisely color ki most carefully, study the palette of races color ok every lens manufacturer.

If you have never worn contact lenses, visit an ophthalmologist so that he can give you advice on the rules for selecting and wearing contact lenses. The lens material should not be felt eye and also cause discomfort.

Buy color You can buy new lenses in any optical store in your city and in the future change your appearance whenever you want.

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  • how to change eye color in Photoshop online in 2018

Women always want to be different and surprise others with experiments with their appearance. For experiments to be successful, there is no need to use heavy artillery. In eye makeup, one or two strokes are enough and your eyes will appear lighter.


If your eyes dark green, blue or gray colors, you can make them lighter using eye shadow. Choose cool colors - light green, pale pink. You can even add a little mother of pearl. It is better to take mascara not black, but brown or blue. This will give the look an alluring depth.

Also do eyes You can get lighter with tanned skin. If your face is chocolate color, yours eyes will look radiant and transparent. You can achieve the desired skin tone in winter by using or visiting. Just don’t get carried away, as artificial sun really ages the skin.

A radical option for changing eye color is contact lenses. Choose them very carefully. Remember that brown eyes never will. Natural color it will still be visible from under the lenses, and it will look very unnatural. Choose a shade 2-3 shades lighter than your eye color. See how it looks in street light. If the lenses are on your eyes x do not look painted - feel free to make a purchase.

Using modern cosmetics, you can change to . But don't overdo it with experiments. After all, your loved ones value you for your spiritual qualities, and not for the color of your iris.

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From how beautiful and expressive your eyes depends on how other people perceive your appearance. Exactly eyes enliven the face of any man and any woman and therefore it is important to properly care for them in order eyes did not lose their brightness and shine. You can use simple tips, thanks to which your eyes will always be bright and beautiful, attracting the attention of others.


Learn to use eye makeup correctly to highlight them favorably on your face - tint the inner contour of the eyes with a cosmetic pencil, and lightly shade the inner corners of the eyes with a red pencil to eyes seemed brighter and larger.

The perception of the eyes largely depends on the shape and well-groomed eyebrows. Don't forget to take care of them regularly - comb them and trim too long hairs, and also adjust the shape of your eyebrows using tweezers, removing excess. You can apply a special gel to your eyebrows, as well as to your eyelashes - this will give them shine.

Don't put too much eyeshadow on your eyelids - the shadows should be applied in small quantity so that their excess does not accumulate in the folds upper eyelid and don't make your makeup sloppy. As you apply eyeshadow to the brush, shake it lightly to release any excess.

If the transitions between eye shadow and eyeliner are too harsh, smooth them out cotton swab. Try to shadow those flowers that harmonize with your eye and skin color - for example, if you have a cold type, use shades of cool shades.

If you have fair skin, do not use too bright cosmetics - it will make your look unnatural. Use pastel colors for your eyes, don't make your eyeliner too bright. Shade the center of the eyelids with pearlescent shadows to create eyes visually brighter and larger.

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To change your eye color in real life, you would need colored contact lenses. It's much easier to change eye color in a photo. To do this, you just need the Photoshop graphics editor and a little patience.

You will need

  • - Photoshop program;
  • - photo for processing.


Load the photo you want to work with into Photoshop using the Open command from the File menu. The same result will be obtained if you press the hot keys Ctrl+O.

Duplicate the photo layer. To do this, right-click on the layer with the image being processed in the layers palette and select context menu Duplicate Layer option.