Why does the right and left knee itch? Why do my knees itch?

Unbearable itching in the knees leads to the desire to scratch them until they bleed. This should not be done - it can aggravate an already not very pleasant situation. It will be more effective to identify the causes of itching and eliminate them.

Possible causes of itching

The skin on the knees is quite sensitive. This especially applies to the back of the knees, where it is similar in structure and density to the skin of the eyelids. Common cause Severe itching in the knee area may be due to some skin disease. In this case, the itching is accompanied by rashes and redness. Dermatitis is the most common infectious disease, which affects both the legs and other parts of the body.

Causes of dermatitis

Atomic dermatitis is a simple diathesis. This is a severe skin inflammation that is chronic. Dermatitis can also be the result of a severe allergic reaction. There are several factors that can cause the development of this disease. These are various physical irritants, chemical, so-called obligate irritants, which include constant friction of the skin, contact of the bare skin of the knees with certain types of plants. In addition to irritants, big role plays in the development of dermatitis hereditary predisposition and failure to comply with hygiene rules.


Often it is allergies that cause the knee or the skin around it to itch. The causes of allergies on the knees are inappropriate hygiene products and washing powder. Manifests allergic reaction differently. Known Signs allergies - spots, severe itching, peeling, rash. When similar symptoms It is necessary to find out the cause of these manifestations by contacting a specialist.


Many foods cause an allergic reaction. In most cases from food allergies children suffer of different ages. Even infants often have flaky knees. This a clear sign allergies are typical for children on artificial feeding. If there is the slightest rash or peeling on the child’s knees, it is necessary to completely stop using the type of formula. You also need to consult a doctor - maybe a local pediatrician.


Another cause of itching in the knee area is clothing. Materials with synthetic fibers, “scratchy” woolen items, tight items with all kinds of inserts in the knee area, fastened with inside metal rivets - all this can cause itching in the knee area. Synthetic additives included in various types of fabrics can provoke severe allergic reactions. Even quite familiar tights can cause rashes and severe itching in the knee area. Of course, the causes of itching on the knees can be different, but these causes should be identified, diagnosed and treated qualified specialist– dermatologist or allergist.

Why do my knees start to itch? If you didn’t wash the floor on them, didn’t fall on the asphalt and didn’t eat something tasty, but forbidden and allergenic, there are only two options. Or is it an accident, and the event can be thrown out of memory with a light heart. Or a sign. And here we cannot do without the instructions left to us by our wise ancestors. Even if in some ways their judgments seem naive and absurd now, even superstitions have their own benefits.

If the left one itches

The left side of the body has long been considered the bearer of evil prophecies, but in the case of the knee you have nothing to fear. In fact, all his predictions boil down to one thing: nothing will come into your hands by itself, but if you make an effort and are diligent, you will achieve any goal. An excellent motto, even for those whose legs feel great and don’t try to itch. And if we look at the predictions in more detail, then itching in the left knee...

  • ...Symbolizes a difficult and long road. If you are planning a trip, be prepared for any problems. You will have to travel with inconvenient transfers, buses will leave right under your nose, taxi drivers will charge unimaginable prices, tickets will be lost, and the flight attendant on the plane will knock over a glass of juice on you. But when you overcome all this, you will be rewarded handsomely. A business trip will bring enormous profits, and a wonderful vacation will smooth out the unpleasant impressions of the road.
  • ...Predicts hard and tedious work, which will nevertheless be generously paid. Agree, there is nothing to be upset about.
  • ...Is a reaction to sudden change weather. If it is warm and quiet outside, it will rain with strong winds. If it's gray and gloomy, the sun will come out. One caveat: it is believed that the sign is only valid for older people.

Unfulfilled plans come to our knees

Mystics and esotericists put forward the following theory: everything that we wanted to do and failed, all our hidden desires, aspirations and unrealized ambitions, are put aside in our knees. Especially on the left! And as time passes, they remind themselves of themselves first with itching, and then with joint disease. We will not say that this is the case, but you have reason to think about it. Try not to put off plans that are dear to your heart “for later.” And depression will not overtake you, and your knees will be healthier.

The area under the knee is bothering me

This sign has only one thing, and moreover unpleasant interpretation: someone envious will covet your property. Double-check whether your windows close tightly and whether the door lock is secure? Have you lost your keys recently? Isn't it time to put an alarm system on your apartment if it hasn't been done yet? Of course, it's ridiculous to drive yourself to the point of paranoia because of an itchy leg. But if the sign makes you think once again about the safety of your home, it’s not in vain that your knee itched.

What does itching on the right warn about?

Unlike the left leg, the right leg does not encourage you to roll up your sleeves and fight difficulties. Vice versa! It's time to give yourself a little break.

In the old days they said that those who are worthy to bow before the monarch have an itchy right knee. If you follow the logic of your ancestors, itching is a recognition of your high moral qualities, which is a little funny, but still pleasant.

How to interpret scabies under the right knee

  • In this tender area, those very unfulfilled desires that you never decided to fulfill make themselves felt. But don’t rush to implement them right now! An itch under your right knee warns: under the influence of your ambitions, you may make a hasty decision that you will greatly regret later.
  • Grandiose plans you are in at the moment not building? Therefore, we are talking about an unexpected journey. But there are possible options: some signs say that the owner of an itchy foot will have to hit the road, while others predict a long journey for the owner of the house.

If both are itchy

Two knees itching at the same time Western countries were considered a sign of jealous people. And in Rus', on the contrary, they warned their owner: jealousy will burn your other half! And she (or he) won’t need any special reasons to flare up. If you don’t want a scandal, don’t provoke your pet Othello.

Our ancestors also had this rather vague belief: “If both knees itch, you will bow them in someone else’s church.” It is unlikely that the ancestors meant that from Orthodox church you will move to Catholic or suddenly hit Buddhism. Rather, the sign is again connected with the road, and the “alien” in this case means “located in a distant, foreign city.”

Should you trust signs? It might be worth using some of their advice wisely. For example, don’t give up, even if troubles come from all sides. Or stop taking the safety of your home lightly. Or don’t forget about your family and friends on a regular basis. If an itchy knee prompted you to call your parents or, casting aside doubts, take on the fulfillment of an old dream, then you understood the omen correctly.

The skin on the bends of the knees is often itchy and irritated. These symptoms are common to both children and adults. Most often, the areas under the knee suffer from such phenomena, but the tissue on the outside, above the bend of the kneecap, also suffers from itchy rashes. The itching can be so unbearable that the affected area very soon develops a scratch with a rash and weeping or, on the contrary, with dry flaky crusts.

This situation is not always dangerous, but the rash should not be ignored, since in this way the body can signal problems in its functioning.

Itchy knees, a rash has appeared: causes of discomfort on the bends

There are quite a few factors that provoke the appearance of itchy rashes on the bends of the knees. They can be divided into several large groups:

  • discomfort caused by external irritants;
  • allergic manifestations on the skin;
  • signals about pathologies internal organs.

The first group includes relatively safe prerequisites. These include the following phenomena:

The second group, more extensive, consists of the following pathologies:

  • Psoriasis– inflammatory non-communicable disease skin. The areas of the knee and elbow bends are favorite places for localization of this disease. In addition to itchy rashes, psoriasis is characterized by the formation of dry flaky crusts, which separate, revealing weeping ulcers covered with a thin film; ichor appears at the sites of manifestation of this disease. The reason for this phenomenon is said to be decreased immunity, heredity and nervous disorders;
  • Contact dermatitis- one of the most common skin diseases. It is expressed in the appearance of inflamed itchy lesions. For this pathology, the characteristic localization zones are the folds under the knees. Dermatitis appears due to contact of skin tissue with irritating substances: hard water, household chemicals, cosmetics;
  • Neurodermatitis– pathology caused by prolonged lack of sleep and chronic fatigue, as well as sudden strong anxiety, for example, due to a change of job or moving. On stressful situation the body reacts differently, in particular, itchy spots may appear. In this case, the rash often appears on the outside of the bends of the kneecaps;
  • Atopic dermatitis- a disease that many are familiar with since infancy. With atopy, dry red spots or blisters filled with infiltrate appear on the skin. This rash is periodically weeping and very itchy. The cause of the disease may be a violation of the diet, drying of the skin in the wind or in a room with operating heating devices.

The third group of causes consists of diseases of the internal organs, in which an itchy rash appears in the area of ​​​​the bends of the kneecaps.

This is just one of the symptoms of the following pathologies:

Factors that provoke discomfort in the area of ​​the kneecaps, there are many and not all of them can be dealt with on your own. If the problem persists, it is advisable to consult a doctor - a dermatologist or therapist. The doctor will analyze the situation and prescribe adequate therapy.

Treatment options

In treatment skin itching use various techniques. The use of medications and folk remedies in various combinations gives good results. The main thing is to correctly determine the cause of the problem so as not to make a mistake with the choice of drugs. At the same time, there are universal, practically safe means, which are suitable for everyone who has a problem such as a rash and itchy knees on the bends.

Pharmaceutical preparations: relieve itching, eliminate rashes

The primary goal is to alleviate the patient's condition, so creams and ointments are required that relieve itching, irritation and tightness of the skin. For this purpose, emollient creams are suitable, which are applied to the knees after water procedures when the fabrics are not yet completely dry. These drugs prevent dry skin and work well for various dermatitis, frostbite and chapping. Among the most popular brands are Emolium, Topicrem, Physiogel, Mustela. It is advisable to use products from the line for atopic skin.

In cases where these remedies have not solved the problem, you can use corticosteroid ointments: Hydrocortisone, Lorinden, Sinaflan. These drugs quickly relieve inflammation and soothe itchy skin. However, drugs may have negative impact on immune system, so you shouldn’t get carried away with them.

Taking absorbents is useful for any skin problems. The products remove toxins, waste and allergens from the body, which cause itching and irritation of the epidermis. There are natural, safe absorbent drugs that can be taken even by pregnant and lactating women: Eubicor and Rekitsen RD. In case of severe intoxication, you can take a course of Enterosgel. It is also quite safe and effective.

In some cases, this set of medications is used as first aid, but sometimes they help completely cope with itching in the knees.

Folk remedies

In the treatment of itchy skin on the bends of the knees traditional medicine focuses on plant-based ingredients. This is relevant if we're talking about about short-term discomfort. First of all, to eliminate it, use a decoction of oak bark. This product dries the skin, relieves inflammation and, thanks to tannins, heals scratches.

In addition, to remove harmful substances you should drink herbal teas- decoctions based on yarrow, lingonberry, raspberry or birch leaves. Cleansing teas are taken 1 hour before meals 2-3 times a day. These products show particular effectiveness in combination with pharmaceutical drugs.

Preventive measures

Not all cases of itching on the bends of the knees can be avoided. However, you can reduce the likelihood of this unpleasant situation. To do this, just stick to proper nutrition: the diet should contain a lot of vegetables, fruits, dairy and fermented milk products. At the same time, fatty, fried, spicy foods should be excluded.

The skin of your body needs to be taken care of, just like your face. Regular use of moisturizing and nourishing creams in the area of ​​the kneecaps will improve the condition of the tissues and minimize the likelihood of irritation and peeling with itching.

In addition, it is advisable to use repellents in spring and summer. Today there are similar tools based on essential oils, they are safe for both children and adults, but effectively repel insects. These simple preventive measures will help you avoid problems such as body rashes and improve your health. general condition health.

Itching below the knees not only causes discomfort, forces you to restrain yourself from scratching in crowded places, does not allow you to wear your favorite clothes in the summer, but also indicates a possible ongoing disease of the internal organs. Therefore, when the legs below the knees itch, the causes of this condition must be established in mandatory. In this article we will look at the factors that provoke the occurrence of this symptom, as well as how to treat itching.

Itching below the knees: what could be the cause?

If your legs itch below the knees, then the reasons may be “superficial”, not indicating the need for concern, which can be easily eliminated on your own, or require a competent examination and timely treatment. It is much easier to cope with itching that is caused by external factors.

External reasons

  • Mechanical damage. Itching of the skin on the legs below the knees may appear after improper epilation or as an allergy to shaving products. Movements should be carried out in the direction of hair growth. Otherwise, the cuticle is damaged, new hairs do not break out, but grow into the epidermis, causing severe itching.
  • Dry skin. Skin becomes dry when it loses moisture. This can be caused by frequent showering with soap, going to the pool, or not drinking enough water. The skin begins to peel and itch.
  • Tan. . As a result, the top layers peel off, causing discomfort. This means that sunbathing was not done correctly.
  • Insect bites. Insect bites most often affect the legs from the knee to the foot. Midges lubricate the epidermis with saliva, which is an analgesic, and then bite off part of the skin. As a result, the bite site thickens and appears. Your feet are constantly itching, but you should not scratch them to avoid infection.

Diseases accompanied by itching of the legs below the knees

If your legs itch from the feet to the knees, this may be a signal of an ongoing illness. There are many reasons, and the disease can be identified by its characteristic symptoms.


Vascular pathology

Varicose veins are more common in middle-aged and older people. Veins and nodules are visible from the knees to the ankles, swelling and fatigue of the legs are observed. With light pressure, pain is felt and the skin on the legs itches. Symptoms intensify after long walking or physical fatigue.


Manifests itself in a rash. The skin on the legs rarely reacts to food. Allergies can be caused by the remainder detergents on clothes, synthetic materials.


Manifests itself in the form of an allergic reaction to familiar foods and skin care cosmetics. The leg itches below the knee on the front side of the shin. Appear pink spots, the skin feels tight. Exacerbation is caused by stress, lack of sleep, consumption of sweets, spicy food, alcohol.
On early stage peeling and itching are noticeable in the ankle area. Then papules and plaques appear, having a convex shape, and the joints hurt. Itching intensifies with nervous experiences, drinking alcohol and fatty foods.
Severe redness and blisters appear on the legs, which then burst, giving way to suppuration. The legs below the knees are very itchy, the itching bothers me during sleep and rest. The temperature in the affected area rises.


It appears as a small red rash like after a nettle burn. Causes severe itching and burning. Possible allergic reaction to some products, cosmetics, medications.
Itching in the legs below the knee and throughout the body is caused by a microscopic mite, which is transmitted through contact with a sick person. You want to scratch itchy areas more after taking a shower, bath, or while sleeping. Most often, outbreaks of the disease are observed in the second half of the calendar year.

Worm infestations

Everyone is at risk; many people get sick, but don’t even know it. Symptoms include itchy feet, fatigue, irritability, drowsiness, and problems with work gastrointestinal tract. It is not always possible to determine the presence of worms, because it is necessary to take tests at least 10 times in order to confidently make a diagnosis.

Neurological disorders (neuropathy, osteochondrosis, multiple sclerosis, tumors)

Muscle wasting appears, sleep disturbances appear, limbs itch, fatigue quickly sets in, and joints ache.

Pathology of the kidneys and liver

At renal failure legs swell and itch. This is due to a decrease in excretory capacity and the release of salt through the skin.

In addition to itching of the feet, dryness and bitterness in the mouth are felt, spider veins all over the body.

Blood diseases (polycythemia, lymphoma)

At high activity bone marrow there is an increase in red blood cells, leukocytes and platelets. As a result, blood flow, oxygen supply to cells and necessary elements. This is expressed by itching of the legs from the knees to the feet, pain in the calf muscles.

Endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism)

Dry skin appears, a crawling sensation occurs, and wounds take a long time to heal. of different nature. There may be severe itching and pain. Due to thinning and dry skin, it can be easily injured.

Psychosomatic disorders (depression, anorexia)

Itching and heaviness in the limbs, fever, headaches, fever, nausea.

Syndrome restless legs(SBN)

There is an itching sensation and a desire to move the legs at rest. A neurological disease is more often diagnosed in women, but also occurs in men. The cause may be a lack of calcium and magnesium. Pregnant women are a special risk group.

Mild periodic itching throughout the body at this time - normal phenomenon associated with stretching of the skin and hormonal changes. But if the itching becomes severe, it may indicate restless legs syndrome. diabetes mellitus or varicose veins veins

Fungal infections

Most often, the fungus affects the feet, but can spread to the lower leg and calves. The skin becomes pale in the affected areas, an unpleasant putrid smell. If left untreated, large areas may be affected. The fungus gets on the skin when there is a wound, mechanical damage, sharing hygiene items with a sick person.

Itchy feet below the knees in winter

Sometimes the pathology is seasonal, and the legs below the knees itch only in winter. To understand what to do, you need to identify why this is happening.

  • Allergy to the material from which winter clothing is made. Warm clothes that keep you warm in cold weather are mostly synthetic. Your feet may not be cold, but still get irritated from contact. Or there may be a double reaction: itching from hypothermia and friction with synthetics.
  • Cold dermatitis. An inflammatory reaction to cold, which is expressed by red itchy spots and cracks on the skin. It appears in most cases on open areas of the body, as well as on the knees and below.
  • Allergy to cold. In the cold, histamine is released, causing the calves to itch.

How and how to treat itchy legs below the knees

May cause itching of the legs below the knees various reasons, treatment and recovery depend entirely on correct and timely diagnosis. Only the attending physician should be trusted to prescribe a course of therapy.

Course of treatment (medicines, dosage, duration of use)

Dry skin

To get rid of the disease you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Regular or mineral without gases, green or white tea without sugar will do. When taking a shower, you need to choose moisturizing cosmetics (milk, gel). For excessive dryness, nourish the skin with natural oils.
To avoid discomfort before sunbathing, you should apply sunscreen, and then smear the skin with after-sun lotion. At proper care the epidermis will be protected from ultraviolet rays, which dry out and burn it, and will also be well moisturized. Also treat the affected area with drugs: Panthenol, Bepanten 3 times a day.

Insect bites

Treat wounds boric alcohol, brilliant green, furatsilin solution, menthol ointment 2 times a day until the itching goes away and the swelling subsides. Good help alcohol tincture, Menovazin or Menovazan cream. They need to be applied 2-3 times a day until the problem is eliminated.


To block the release of histamine, Ketotifen is prescribed 1 tablet 2 times a day. It is also recommended to treat the affected area antihistamines. Good help antihistamine tablets Cetrin, Fenistil gel.

The correct course can only be prescribed by the attending physician after full examination. For psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, eczema, use Skin-cap aerosol. For complex diseases, they may be prescribed hormonal drugs: Prednisolone, Dexamethasone. You cannot take them for longer than 10 days.

Psychosomatic disorders

To eliminate itching, you need to correctly determine the cause. For disorders of this nature, only a psychotherapist can make a correct diagnosis. Self-medication can cause the problem to get worse.

In the complex they prescribe sedatives, physiotherapy, electrosleep.

The doctor prescribes Essentiale 3 times a day for a month, Lipoic acid the same course.

Varicose veins

Troxevasin, Detralex. Doctors also recommend using ointments and gels: Venoruton, Venitan, Ginkor Gel, Lyoton.

Clotrimazole cream is applied to the affected areas of the skin in a thin layer 2-3 times a day for 2 to 4 weeks.

In addition to taking medications, they can help relieve symptoms and reduce itching. simple rules:

  • Apply cold compress to the area of ​​skin that itches.
  • Don't be nervous, get a good night's sleep. If it doesn't work, you have to accept sedatives, drink tea with mint and lemon balm.
  • Take vitamins, especially groups B and C. You can prepare a rosehip decoction and drink it instead of tea. Eat lemons or squeeze juice into drinks.
  • Use natural cosmetics. Until the itching goes away completely, you can buy a children's care series.
  • Wear comfortable clothes made from natural fabrics.
  • Drink more water.
  • Stick to a simple diet, excluding spicy seasonings, preserves, sweets, and alcohol.

How to get rid of itching below the knees using traditional methods

In addition to the main treatment, you can make home remedies using traditional recipes.

  • Mix St. John's wort, chamomile and mint in equal quantities, steam with boiling water and add to the bath. Carry out the procedure daily.
  • Lubricate the affected area with castor or sea buckthorn oil
  • Make apple cider vinegar lotions 3 times a day.
  • Boil the dill seeds. After cooling, take the decoction 3 times a day, half a glass.

It is important to first establish why your legs below the knees itch, and then decide how to cure the disease. You cannot prescribe medications on your own.

There are many folk signs and superstitions associated with itching in various parts of the body. If your left knee itches, most interpretations indicate increased wages. If itching appears in the right knee, you should wait for guests. Itchy under the knees before a long trip: a business trip or a trip that will delight you with adventure. The interpretation of superstition also depends on what day of the week the knee itched.

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    Why is my left knee itching?

    According to existing superstitions, all sensations in the left knee promise favorable events in the future. The two main interpretations are:

    • A long road full of adventure awaits a person. It is this trip that will help him reveal a new side to himself, demonstrate his qualities and skills, and take a fresh look at himself and his life.
    • Suddenly falls on a person large number money. Financial assistance will be provided by an old friend who decided to thank him for some help in the past, or distant relatives will share their inheritance.

      The interpretation of signs also depends on the day of the week:

      • On Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday- a transfer to a new position awaits. At first, a person may feel that he will not be able to cope with so many new responsibilities. But gradually he will learn new skills, gain necessary knowledge, and this will serve as a reason for increasing wages.
      • Thursday an itchy knee promises disappointment in people who were considered close friends. The possibility of promotion will immediately show who was a true friend and who was just a flattering envious person. You should trust your intuition more and be more careful when communicating with new people.
      • On Friday- in the near future, a sudden business trip awaits, which will bring success and allow you to move up the career ladder.
      • On Saturday or Sunday - a quick change in the weather, contrary to forecasts.

      What does itching in the right knee portend?

      Itchy sensation in right leg under the knee means that the problems that have arisen will soon be able to resolve themselves. It’s enough just to trust the flow of life and take a little break from depressive thoughts.

      If your right knee itches on a certain day of the week, it means:

      • On Monday- to good news from a relative or loved one who is far away.
      • On Tuesday- a guest from afar will soon make himself known again, and close person very sad and wants to meet.
      • On Wednesday- a change in the social situation is expected in the near future, however, it is not known in what direction.
      • Thursday- possible work-related conflicts with colleagues. It is necessary to learn to look at emerging situations from the perspective of other people and learn to accept other people's opinions.
      • On Friday- soon there will be an opportunity to change the type of activity: they will offer new job or they will give you a promotion.
      • On Saturday- you should prepare for additional expenses not related to everyday activities.
      • On Sunday- there may be a very envious person nearby. It is worth being more restrained in expressing emotions and telling others less about personal affairs and successes.