Boiled chicken gizzards calorie content per 100 grams. Description of the benefits and calorie content of chicken gizzards with photos; how to choose and cook them correctly; what can be cooked from them

Chicken gizzards have three huge benefits - delicious, cheap and easy to prepare. However, many of us are extremely distrustful of such a product, considering chicken offal to be something inedible. In fact, properly prepared navels are practically a delicacy and very tasty dish. Let's try together and understand the topic in more detail: chicken gizzards, the benefits and harms of the product.

Chicken gizzards or navels are very rich in vitamins and microelements. The by-product includes:

  • vitamins (A, PP, E, C and group B);
  • minerals;
  • poly- and monosaturated acids;
  • saturated fats.

The energy value of the product is 94 Kcal. Ratio useful substances per 100 g of product is:

  • proteins - 71 Kcal;
  • fats - 19 Kcal;
  • carbohydrates - 4 Kcal.

Due to its low calorie content, the product is considered dietary.

The benefits and harms of offal

The benefits of this product in the diet proper nutrition difficult to overestimate. Chicken stomachs are recommended to be eaten by people who are on a diet, as well as by young children.

So, what are the benefits of chicken gizzards? Among special properties the product is distinguished:

  • a large amount of vitamins and microelements helps maintain the structure of hair and skin;
  • fiber helps improve digestion;
  • due to its low calorie content, chicken giblets are very valuable as a dietary food;
  • folic acid, which is part of chicken navels, stimulates tissue regeneration processes;
  • When eaten regularly, chicken gizzards contribute to the natural cleansing of the intestines and the development of normal microflora.

Of course, fresh chicken gizzards are of particular value, but even with minor heat treatment (boiling and stewing) they do not lose their beneficial properties.

Among the shortcomings chicken ventricles the following can be distinguished:

  • too much cholesterol;
  • short shelf life - no more than two days, after which toxic substances that are dangerous to the body begin to be produced;
  • nutritionists do not recommend eating only this type of offal.

How to cook delicious gizzards: recipes with photos

It is worth noting that chicken gizzards have a very specific taste, but to some they resemble mushrooms. Several of our recipes for preparing them will help you determine whether this is so.

Chicken gizzards stewed in sour cream

In the traditions of Russian cuisine, chicken gizzards are cooked only in sour cream sauce. In this form they were served on the table of Tsar Peter I himself. Have you tried to cook this royal dish at home?


  • 700 g offal;
  • 2 medium sized onions;
  • 1 piece carrots;
  • 250 g fat sour cream;
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato sauce;
  • bay leaf IR;
  • pepper;
  • 0.5 liters of broth or warm water;
  • sunflower oil.


Read also:

  • What to cook from chicken stomachs: simple and affordable recipes

Offal popcorn

Chicken gizzards fried in batter great option beer snack. They are easy and quick to prepare, and they turn out incredibly tasty and have the crispy crust that many of us love so much. Be sure to try it and you will be very pleased.


  • 250 g chicken navels;
  • table salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • 1 egg;
  • sunflower oil;
  • 4 tbsp. l. starch;
  • 3 tbsp. l. flour;
  • soda.


  1. First of all, you need to divide the ventricles in half by cutting out the connecting muscle. Also worth removing excess fat and protective film.
  2. Now wash the navels thoroughly under running water, it is convenient to do this in a colander.
  3. Next we start preparing the batter. To do this, mix potato starch, flour, a pinch of soda, salt and pepper in a separate bowl, beat in the egg and beat all the ingredients thoroughly with a fork.
  4. In a roasting pan with high sides and a thick bottom, heat a large amount of sunflower oil.
  5. We roll the ventricles in batter and place each one separately, so that they do not stick together, in a roasting pan.
  6. Fry in boiling oil until golden brown for about 10 minutes.
  7. Place the finished ventricles on a paper towel to remove excess fat.
  8. The gizzards should be served hot; sauce can be prepared as an addition.

From the stomachs of chickens, which many call chicken navels. You can come up with a lot of them delicious dishes. But not only tasty, but also healthy. After all, the main value of this product is great content folic acid and iron. Today we will start talking about “navels” from a slightly different angle. So, what are the benefits and harms of these products - what are they?

Chicken stomach composition

First of all, we need to mention that this product is chemical composition closely resembles most other poultry by-products. You can isolate a small amount of fat, protein, water and very little, only 1%, carbohydrates. Already mentioned is an indispensable element intended for the development of organs and tissue regeneration.

Is it only because of this that they are so beneficial? Benefits and harms are determined by other elements, including vitamins A and B, including riboflavin, niacin and thiamine, as well as sodium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, copper and cobalt. How do you like it? Just a few words about the calorie content of the product per 100 grams: boiled gizzards - 105 kcal, stewed - 75 kcal, fried - 120 kcal.

Benefits of chicken stomach

We have become familiar with the characteristics and composition of “navels”. Based on this, we can indicate what the benefits are chicken stomachs for the human body:

  1. They improve the condition of hair and skin, increase appetite, and support the functions of the immune and circulatory systems. All this thanks to iron, folic acid and protein.
  2. Stimulate processes cell division, development and growth of all organs and tissues. For this reason, gizzards should be included in the diet of pregnant women and young children. The reason is the presence of folic acid.
  3. The benefit of chicken stomachs is that they improve intestinal function. Thanks to the film with which they are covered from the inside, a person’s intestinal microflora is normalized and its natural cleansing is improved.
  4. In the last paragraph we mentioned films that have yellow. So, they are not used in cooking, but are actively used traditional healers. If they are dried and crushed into powder, they will help with diarrhea, dysbacteriosis, exacerbation of gastritis, pain in the pancreas and stomach, rickets, dystrophy and a weakened body.

Damage to chicken stomachs and precautions

Although belly buttons are very useful, we must not forget about certain precautions. This product is perishable and should never be stored in the refrigerator for more than two days. After this time, stomachs will not only lose their beneficial properties, but will also represent your health real danger, as they absorb a lot of toxins.

It's theirs distinctive feature. Therefore, always pay attention to the production date and, once you have prepared a delicious dish, do not store it for a long time. Remember when buying chicken gizzards: benefits and harms always come hand in hand. Be aware that they contain a lot of sodium: per 100 grams - 70 mg, and the maximum permissible norm for an adult is 2300 mg per day. And they contain a lot of cholesterol, so control it all.

Cleaning chicken gizzards. General information

So, we have decided on necessary products and bought chicken stomachs. The benefits and harms have also been studied. It remains to study and master one more, not the most pleasant one, preparatory stage- their cleaning. After all, many people, having eaten a ready-made dish of “navels,” then complain about their excessive hardness. Although it seems like it shouldn’t be like that. What is the reason? You need to know how to clean chicken gizzards. We'll tell you several ways to do this.

If you purchased unrefined products because they are cheaper, then get ready for a not-so-pleasant job. You probably understand that the ventricle is muscular organ, which on one side is covered with a layer of fat, and on the other, internal, is precisely this film, which protects it from damage. That's why she's so tough. The most difficult thing in cleaning is the question of how to clean chicken stomachs. There are several ways to do this.

Methods for cleaning chicken stomachs

There are three main ways:

  1. We scald the “navels” with boiling water, after making several cuts on them and turning them inside out. Then use your fingernails to scrape off the yellow skin.
  2. A relatively ancient way of cleaning chicken stomachs. Add 40 grams of salt to two liters of cold water. Soak them in this solution for an hour and a half. After this it is much easier to remove the film. Then soak for a short time in water, also cold. On final stage rinse well under running water to remove remaining sand and debris.
  3. We beat off the stomachs before cleaning back side knife or any other blunt object. Make a cut, then turn it inside out and carefully sharp knife cut off the membrane. The fat layer is also removed. Most often, during the washing process, it goes away on its own. We hope that you have thoroughly learned how to clean chicken stomachs and can do it efficiently and without much effort.

What is made from chicken stomachs after cleaning?

You can store it for quite a long time, but re-frozen ones - no more than four months. Before preparing the main dish, the “navels” in almost all recipes need to be boiled, and the principle applies here: the longer you do this, the better. By the way, it is not recommended to pour out the broth, but can be used to prepare sauces and soups.

Chicken gizzards have many uses and are used in a wide variety of recipes. They are used to prepare soups, salads, stewed, fried, baked, and used as a filling for pies and pies. If the chicken was young, then cook them for about 40 minutes, if old - two hours. If you want to cook them quickly, take a slow cooker or pressure cooker, it will be twice as fast. Keep in mind that when people talk about soup with giblets and homemade noodles, then we're talking about specifically about chicken stomachs.

Preparing a dish from "navels"

When the conversation comes up about what to cook with chicken stomachs, visions of the most different dishes from this product. I remember my childhood and what my mother cooked in those days. We all tried them for the first time then. We remember how they spent a very long time cleaning them, scraping them, and pulling out some stones. In general, after the stomachs were cooked, I didn’t feel like eating them at all. Especially considering their not very appetizing appearance. But after we tried them, they became one of our favorite dishes. The easiest way to cook them delicious food The way that reminds us of childhood is to put them out. For this we will need the following ingredients: 350 grams of gizzards, a medium-sized onion, vegetable oil and salt.

Recipe for the simplest navel dish

So, we decided that we would put out our “navels”. We assume that they are already cleaned. Despite this, we wash them thoroughly and cut them in half. You can cut it even smaller, but we don’t recommend leaving it whole. Pour some vegetable oil into the frying pan and place the gizzards. Close the lid and simmer for about 20 minutes. Then add finely chopped onion and simmer over low heat for another half an hour. You can have more, but after 40 minutes, take a sample and bring it to readiness. Just before the end of stewing, add salt and you can place it on plates and serve.

If you find yourself faced with the question of what to cook with chicken stomachs after stewing them, you will never regret this decision. It is recommended to serve with boiled rice, seasoned with butter. It can also be done with vermicelli. Bon appetit! If you want to eat gizzards, we recommend boiling them first and then frying them along with potatoes and onions. Delicious dish! And don't be afraid to experiment in the kitchen.

Chicken stomachs (popularly called “navels”) are poultry by-products. They are characterized by a specific taste, but if you follow the correct technology during the cooking process, the result will be a tender and juicy dish that will take center stage on the dinner or holiday table.

The basis of the stomachs is tough muscle tissue, so long-term heat treatment is necessary. It is worth paying attention to the taste and beneficial properties of this product for the body.

Nutritional value

The main component of the product is 22% animal protein. Chicken stomachs contain fiber, which can improve digestion, and ash, as a natural sorbent.

The chemical composition of chicken stomachs is diverse - these are macro- and microelements in the form of potassium with phosphorus and sodium, calcium with zinc, iron and copper. The product contained vitamins - niacin with pantothenic, folic and ascorbic acids, riboflavin.

The calorie content of chicken stomachs is low - in the range of 130–170 Kcal per 100 g of offal, so they belong to the category of dietary products.

This product belongs to the category of offal, so the question arises: are chicken gizzards healthy? Before purchasing this type of offal, find out the benefits of chicken gizzards. Each product has both benefits and harm – chicken gizzards are no exception. Pay attention to the beneficial properties of chicken stomachs:

  • improving appetite, stimulating the processes of juice secretion in the stomach, providing healthy microflora in the intestines;
  • normalization of the functioning of the kidneys and the brain, the heart and the nervous system;
  • supplying the body with energy;
  • content sufficient quantity iron, which prevents the development of anemia;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • ensuring the prolongation of youth due to selenium in record quantities, which is responsible for preventing malignant tumors With general increase immunity;
  • saturating the body with zinc, which is necessary in the process of skeletal formation;
  • general improvement in the condition of the skin and hair due to vitamin B large quantities.

The list shows that the benefits of chicken stomachs are great for the body.

How to store chicken gizzards

Chicken stomachs are included in the category of perishable products (shelf life is only 2 days), so during the purchasing process, pay attention to the packaging, with production and sales dates. Buy peeled chicken gizzards and unpeeled chicken gizzards at the store.

Monitor the correctness and shelf life - if the conditions are violated, the spoiled product can cause harm to the body. After 2 days, chicken stomachs become a source toxic substances. Chilled offal is considered healthier than the frozen version.

You can tell how fresh the stomachs are by looking - they should be clean and shiny.

How to clean and cook them?

Before sending chicken gizzards for cooking, process them properly by washing and trimming off the yellow film.

Culinary processing of chicken stomachs has five main features:

  • It is better to defrost the frozen version of chicken stomachs in the refrigerator - this will take 12 hours;
  • chicken gizzard film is considered beneficial when consumed separately in powder form. Remove it from the product before cooking, cleaning the stomachs and washing away the sand;
  • it is important to know how long to cook chicken gizzards - if the bird is young, it will take about 40 minutes, and if it is old, at least 2 hours;
  • a distinctive feature of stomachs is the absorption of aromas and flavors of spices, so during the cooking process use various herbs with roots;
  • To preserve maximum benefits, cook the dish over low heat - chicken gizzards will take time, but you will be pleased with the result.

Many of us love dishes with chicken stomachs (navels). And not in vain - because this by-product contains many different useful components. Which ones exactly - read below. In this article, we will tell you in detail about chicken stomachs, not forgetting to mention who can eat them and who cannot.

About the organs themselves

The chicken stomach has very powerful muscles and is lined from the inside with a dense film - the cuticle. This structure of the organ helps the bird grind and digest food.

By the way, chickens eat gravel and coarse sand, which also contributes to better grinding of the feed that goes inside.

Product composition

Let's look at the specific benefits of chicken stomachs.


This by-product contains many different vitamins: , and , and others.

Important! Folic acid - necessary element for tissues and organs. Products containing it are advised to be included in the menu of women who are carrying or feeding babies.


Navels contain up to 22% animal protein. They are rich in fiber, which is good for digestion, and ash, a natural sorbent.

They also contain many macro- and microelements:, and others.

Nutritional value and calorie content

The calorie content of the offal is small: 100 g contains about 130-170 kcal - which is why it is considered a dietary food.

Nutritional value (100 g is also taken as a basis):

  • proteins - 18.2 g;
  • fats - 4.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0.6 g.

What are the benefits of offal?

Protein, folic acid, iron and various vitamins in the offal have a positive effect on appetite, on the condition of the skin and hair, and are also good for blood and immune systems. Folic acid is also needed for cell division; it takes part in the development of tissues and organs.

But the most important thing is that the offal is good for digestion, because it stimulates this process, helps the intestines cleanse, and promotes healthy microflora.

Is it possible to eat chicken gizzards?

Now let’s look at the consumption of offal by women who are carrying babies or breastfeeding, and we’ll also talk separately about including it in the children’s diet.

During pregnancy

Add to menu expectant mother chicken stomachs are simply necessary, and all because of the high content of folic acid in them, which is extremely necessary for the development of the baby.

But it is still important not to abuse them, in principle, like other products.

When breastfeeding

By-products for nursing mothers are no less useful than meat itself. But due to the extractive substances they contain, you should not consume them more than once or twice a week.

Important! Stomachs must undergo thorough heat treatment. After all, now the health of the unborn babydependsand from your diet, and meat dishes can become a source of dangerous infections.

For children

Selecting a quality product and storage features

Frozen stomachs, unfortunately, lose their useful qualities, and if you store them outside the refrigerator, harmful toxins will form on them. So it is extremely important to buy only fresh, chilled offal.

Please note appearance stomachs: they should be elastic, without mucus, defects and unpleasant odor.

How to clean chicken navels

Now let's look at how to properly separate the gizzards from a chicken carcass and clean them immediately before cooking.

On a chicken

Here's how to properly remove the gizzard from a chicken if you have to take it all apart: trim it where it joins the carcass and carefully remove it.
The main thing to remember is that the navel is usually taken out together with the liver, so be careful not to crush the spleen, because it is sent to waste, but the liver and stomach will definitely come in handy.

Before cooking

Before cleansing, it is better to prepare the navels:

  1. Pour cold water into the container, add a little salt.
  2. Soak the product for about half an hour to get rid of the specific smell.
  3. Place the knife you are going to use to clean belly buttons in the freezer or cold water.
It is better to clean freshly filled stomachs, each one in turn, to avoid an unpleasant odor, which will then be difficult to get rid of:
  1. Wash your navel cold water.
  2. Cut it lengthwise (where the seam is). Unfold and turn inside out.
  3. Remove what's inside.
  4. Rinse thoroughly in cold water.
  5. Cut out the cartilage at the end of the stomach.
  6. If there are yellowish spots on the navel, cut them off as they will add bitterness to the product.
  7. Eliminate fat.
  8. Place the product in cold water.

After processing, be sure to remove the thick inner yellow film from the stomachs - the cuticle. Using your fingers or a knife, pry the edges, pull and carefully remove. Wash your belly buttons.

How to deliciously cook chicken gizzards: step-by-step recipe with photos


  • chicken stomachs- 1 kg;
  • carrot- 200 g;
  • onion- 200 g;
  • water- 1 tbsp.;
  • vegetable (or olive oil)- for frying;
  • salt, black ground pepper, coriander- to taste;
  • bay leaf- 2 pcs.;
  • green- to taste.

Step by step recipe:
  1. We lower the navels into the container. Salt, pepper, add coriander, mix.
  2. Heat the oil in a frying pan. We put the belly buttons there. Fry, stirring occasionally, over high heat until golden brown (about half an hour).
  3. Finely chop the peeled onion and grate the carrots. Fry in a frying pan with oil.
  4. Add vegetables, bay leaves, and water to the fried navels. Stir lightly, cover with a lid and cook over medium heat for 15 minutes.
  5. Put chopped greens there, mix and turn off the heat. The dish is ready!

Did you know? English ornithologist Joe Edgar discovered the ability to empathize in chickens. He did an experiment: he exposed a chicken to stress, and its mother behaved as if she had personally experienced the trouble. In addition, it has been proven that chickens can feel sad - for example, when they are far from their fellows or in the event of the death of a chicken.

Features of using the product for medicinal and dietary purposes

We mentioned earlier that stomachs improve appetite and have a beneficial effect on the digestion process as a whole. A special role in this is played by the yellow films that cover them from the inside.

Films are not used in cooking, but they can be dried and kneaded. In dry form, this is an excellent remedy for diarrhea: 1 teaspoon is enough (half is enough for a child), washed down with water.

The powder is used in the fight against dysbiosis. Half a teaspoon is used for pain in the pancreas and stomach, and also at the time of exacerbation of gastritis. It is also good for the prevention and treatment of dystrophy and rickets, and if the body is weakened.

Remember about the dietary value of navels, because they have very few calories and a lot of protein. If you want to lose weight, then it is important to consider that you should use this product only with minimal addition of butter and heavy cream, otherwise you will not get the desired effect. Adding onions and carrots to the navels also increases the calorie content.

The most suitable option for losing weight is to simply cook or stew the offal for a long time.

Harm and contraindications

Chicken stomachs contain a lot of cholesterol, so do not abuse them so that you do not have problems with the heart and blood vessels.

And large amounts of protein in belly buttons can be harmful to those who have certain liver and kidney diseases. So, if you have such problems, it is better to consult your doctor.

The benefits of chicken giblets

There are other chicken offal that are actively used by humans.


The liver helps strengthen human immunity and development circulatory system. And folic acid, which is part of it, is good for women planning to conceive a child. It also helps tidy up the skin and protects vision.


Hearts help regulate blood pressure, calm the nervous system and help normalize sleep. They are useful for patients with anemia and also have antiviral properties.

Did you know? Scientists have identified at least 30 different meanings“speeches” of chickens: from “it’s time to lay an egg” or “come to me, there are a lot of worms here!” until the rooster crows. These birds react to stress with special sounds, and hens even quietly “communicate” with the chicks in their eggs.

As we can see, chicken stomachs are extremely beneficial for our body. In addition, you can prepare many different delicious dishes from them. If you have previously refused this product, be sure to try to reconsider your attitude towards it.

Since we have such an interesting product with great potential for beneficial use, then you need to understand it carefully and in order.

Quick navigation through the article:

Composition and calorie content

Understanding the benefits and harms of a product begins with studying the calorie content and composition. In chicken gizzards we immediately see favorable figures for diet menu: per 100 grams there are from 110 to 130 kcal.

By removing fat from the navels and choosing recipes that do not a large number oils for frying and stewing, we will get a very appetizing source of protein - without a distortion in daily calorie content. Sauces for it can be prepared using low-fat sour cream, if you would like to lighten your daily calorie intake.

Let's summarize the important data about nutritional value chicken stomachs into a convenient infographic:

So, what do we see per 100 grams of product:

  • at least 20 grams of protein;
  • some fat - 4.6 grams;
  • traces of carbohydrates.

As with any meat, stomachs contain a very valuable element - iron: up to 2.5 mg. And this is the same heme iron from meat that is best absorbed in the body.

Other obvious advantages of chicken navels are the absence of sugar, high content zinc, phosphorus and selenium, vitamins B2, B3 and B12. Frequently found information about vitamin B 9 (folic acid) is erroneous: 1-1.3% of the average daily requirement cannot be called an impressive figure.

On the opposite side of the scale is the amount of cholesterol. This is where the figure is impressive: up to 80% of the average daily requirement in just one hundred gram serving.

What are the benefits of chicken gizzards?

And how to most correctly include by-products in the diet are two main questions. It is not difficult to answer them, given the data modern science. Let's start from the main nutrients.

The benefits of iron, zinc, phosphorus and selenium

Iron is hemoglobin, and that's it. The most important protein ensures the transport of oxygen to the cells of all tissues of our body. Without iron, the pathological fate of the body is iron deficiency anemia, in which the most dramatic deviations can cost a person serious problems and even life.

Phosphorus is essential for healthy bones, teeth, brain, DNA and RNA production, and acid-base balance. Calcium + phosphorus - basis bone tissue. It is necessary to ensure a harmonious ratio of phosphorus and calcium in the diet so that the elements do not interfere with the absorption of each other. The most favorable calcium-phosphorus ratio (2:1) in dairy products. From these positions, any meat is inferior to milk, and it is beneficial to take note of recipes made from chicken stomachs, which contain milk sauces.

Zinc is men's health and fertility, antioxidant protection, production digestive enzymes, insulin and growth hormone, healthy skin and effective detoxification after alcohol abuse.

Selenium is a harmonious immune system, sufficient activity of antioxidant vitamins, proper absorption of iodine and thyroid health.

Zinc and selenium in combination with vitamins A, E and C are the basis antioxidant protection. This is why it is beneficial to accompany recipes made from chicken gizzards fresh vegetables without heat treatment.

For example, a simple and always available salad from raw cabbage and carrots, which is seasoned lemon juice And olive oil. We also achieve high-quality iron metabolism, which is best absorbed in the presence of vitamin C.

The benefits of B vitamins

Vitamin B 2 (or riboflavin) is a donor for 2 key flavin enzymes that are involved in a large number of reactions. Vitamin B6 synthesis for proper methylation, maintenance normal level glutathione and hemoglobin, inactivation of aldehydes, oxidation of succinic and other acids - derivatives of vitamin B2 are active everywhere.

Vitamin B 3 (or niacin, nicotinic acid) - no less ubiquitous substance. Harmonious lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, anti-atherogenic effect, good microcirculation and blood fluidity, normal detoxification - this is the main list of processes that are disrupted when there is insufficient supply of niacin.

Vitamin B 12 is an interesting substance and most important participant methylation. The only vitamin that is synthesized exclusively by microorganisms (bacteria, actinomycetes). Its deficiency leads to several types of anemia and big problems in the nervous system, including destruction of the nerve sheath and irreversible death of nerve cells.

All B vitamins are called “neuroprotectors” due to their powerful role in health nervous system, including the brain. By the way, the offal also contains some vitamin B 6- a key worker of methylation - up to 6% of the daily requirement.

From the above it is obvious that the periodic inclusion of chicken gizzards in the diet can bring great benefit our health.

Possible harm to the product

Sodium and cholesterol are two substances that are alarming in this offal.

If you have problems with blood pressure or kidneys, sodium balance is easily achieved.

There is no need to salt food at the beginning of cooking. Only at the end, deliberately not adding more salt in comparison with the usual tastes. Previously you took 1 generous pinch, today you take half a pinch. One or two months of consciousness and new habit to gain a foothold in place of the old one.

Although there is not a lot of sodium in navels (3%) and it is balanced by potassium (up to 7%). But cholesterol is off the charts - up to 80% of the average daily norm. Let's figure out how dangerous this is and what to do to prevent this interesting meat ingredient from harming your health.

Is cholesterol really that bad?

“Cholesterol is harmful - reduce it to a minimum!” - an irrelevant horror story of yesteryear. Today it has been scientifically proven that the most dangerous enemies for human blood vessels are inflammatory processes and oxidation, a bias in the consumption of omega-6 fatty acids to the detriment of omega-3 and sugar in all types.

Moreover, it makes no sense to completely exclude cholesterol from the diet. Most problems with atherosclerotic plaques are inner surface vessels rely on the endogenous production of cholesterol, and not on its supply from the outside.

There is no point in constantly worrying about meat. It is much more profitable to eat a variety of meat proteins with moderate fat content, significantly reduce sugars and enrich your diet with omega-3 fatty acids(fish, fresh flaxseed oil).

How many chicken gizzards can you eat?

By consuming navels up to 2 times a week, no more than 100 grams at a time, we get a lot of protein, iron, selenium, zinc, B vitamins and do not harm the health of the cardiovascular system.

Moreover, when we accompany navel dishes with a large number of fiber vegetables - soups with white cabbage, salads with raw carrots, beets, broccoli, etc.

Nutrition for pregnant women, the elderly and children

Separately, it is worth mentioning the use of stomachs in the menu of pregnant women and the elderly. Effective tips are simple:

  • Grind, preferring dishes with finely chopped navels;
  • Do not use more than 2 times a week;
  • Monitor the serving size (1 serving is equal to 2/3 of a person’s fist);
  • Prepare dishes from stomachs with a minimum content of heartburn provocateurs ( tomato paste, tomatoes, onions).

So in to the fullest The described benefits of chicken stomachs will occur, but there will be no harm in the form of slow digestion, heaviness in the stomach or heartburn.

It is better not to use stomachs in the diet of children under 3 years of age, offering children easier-to-digest meat, small fish (1 r/week) and quail and chicken eggs.

How to choose the right one when buying

Chicken gizzards have a short shelf life. Only 48 hours is the time during which navels can be eaten. Therefore, we always pay attention to the date.

Unscrupulous retail chains and producers restore the illusion of freshness to meat by soaking it in spices and garlic water. We smell the product carefully: at the slightest garlic smell- we don’t buy.

Organoleptic properties of fresh chicken gizzards pink color, slightly moist, with a slightly sweet aroma.

How to clean chicken gizzards - video

We won’t advise you how to clean chicken gizzards from the very beginning. In our age of conveniences of civilization, the surest thing is to buy already cleaned navels. But you can see how to remove random unnecessary residues from them in the first half of the video below:

How to marinate chicken gizzards

It is curious that in France, chicken stomachs are firmly established on the menus of elite restaurants - the famous confit of marinated navels.

The French marinade is universal: it allows the meat to soften well and be saturated with the smell of citrus fruits. After marinating, proper stewing will make the offal meat especially soft and juicy.

For 600-800 grams of navels we will need:

  • Onions - 1 pc. large size
  • Black peppercorns - 10 pcs.
  • Ground black pepper - ½ teaspoon
  • Bay leaf - 2-3 leaves
  • Orange zest - grate from ½-1 large fruit

How we cook:

  • We wash the navels and remove any remaining fat and greenish inclusions around the edges (if any).
  • Soak the stomachs for 1-2 hours in clean cold water. You can do without this step, although it additionally prepares the meat for the marinade.
  • Prepare the marinade in a blender, blending all the ingredients at high speed until small pieces are formed.
  • Roll the navels in the marinade and put them in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

As a result of marinating, the navels turn pale, which indicates high-quality impregnation. Without getting the marinade wet, we send it to stew!

How to properly cook chicken gizzards

Most dietary recipe- cold salads with boiled gizzards.

Another good option is a stew with long-stewed navels and an abundance of vegetables.

Or simple stewed navels with a small amount onions and carrots - in the company of light vegetable salad with low-fat dressing.

When stewing, remember the main rules on how to cook chicken gizzards so that they are soft:

1 - Fry for the first 10 minutes over high heat in an open frying pan until golden brown.

3 - Combine the ingredients of the stew and simmer together until done. In general, the navels should spend at least 60 minutes on the stove.

Culinary traditions of the world

In addition to the French, this unusual offal is popular all over the world. It is not found except in desserts, but soups, appetizers and main courses are prepared everywhere and for every taste:

  • Minced chicken stomachs are one of the classic fillings for Russian pancakes;
  • Whole gizzards are easily found as kebabs in fast food in Haiti and many Southeast Asian countries;
  • Among the Hungarians, navel goulash is almost as popular as beef goulash;
  • Portugal: Stewed gizzards are a favorite appetizer for alcoholic drinks;
  • Japan, China, Korea: gizzards are a frequent guest of barbecues and soups, and perhaps the most famous offal in cold salads;
  • Chicago and Midlands: Deep-fried gizzards served with fries or mashed potatoes;
  • In Uganda, Cameroon and Nigeria, boiled chicken gizzards are traditionally given to the oldest diner or the most respected man at the table.

Chicken stomachs in folk medicine

The recipe of our grandmothers never ceases to circulate across the Internet. Powder made from the dried film of chicken stomachs, which has long helped with diarrhea and indigestion. Is it worth using it in modern world- more of a rhetorical question. For digestive disorders, we focus on more convenient and effective dosage forms.