Summary of the plot-role-playing game “Merry Journey”. Preparatory group

Target: Expand and enrich children's knowledge about nature.


  1. Expand the range of children's games, develop the ability to play together, discuss the plot, and come up with different roles.
  2. To consolidate children's knowledge about nature and the rules of behavior in nature.
  3. Develop communication skills and the ability to conduct dialogic speech.
  4. Develop first aid skills.
  5. Cultivate goodwill, mutual assistance, and responsibility.

Preliminary work: Conversations “Relaxing with the whole family”; “How to behave in nature”; "Dangers in the Forest"; “What is a hike?” Game “Take care of nature”; "The Journey of Little Red Riding Hood"; "Journey to Treasure Island." Learning songs. Guessing riddles about berries, mushrooms, plants. Reading the fairy tale “The Snowman’s Christmas Journey”; Kataev “Flower - seven flowers”

Material for the game: Obstacle course: ribbed board, rubber mats, bench, modules, hoops. Children's backpacks, dishes, dummies of vegetables and fruits, bedspreads, sheets, the game "Fishing", a map.

Progress of the game:

The teacher calls one of the children.

Educator:— Hello Katya, tomorrow is a day off, what will you do?

Educator:- Maybe we can go on a hike to our favorite clearing?

Educator:- Call our friends, invite them to relax. Agree on what we’ll take, what time we’ll go, where we’ll meet, I’ll call you back, okay?

A minute later the teacher calls again.

Educator:- Katya, have you called all your friends? Do you agree to take a break? Where do we meet?

After some time, everyone gathers at the appointed place.

Educator:- Guys, excuse me, I can’t go with you.

Children: - Why?

Educator:- My mother has an anniversary tomorrow, guests will come, we need to go to festive table fold a lot of napkins, I don’t know when I’ll do this job alone. (Encourages children to help her)

Children offer their help.

Practical work: origami - folding napkins in the shape of a bird.

Educator:- Thank you, you are real friends, now we can go hiking. Discuss the route on the map.

Educator:- How should we behave in the forest?

— What obstacles do we encounter on our way?

— Are you ready to overcome obstacles? Then let's go.

Children walk along a ribbed path - a path, cross a bridge, climb a hill, crawl under fallen trees, cross a swamp and find themselves in a forest clearing.

Educator:- Halt! Finally we are in our favorite clearing. What will we do next? Are you perhaps hungry?

Children distribute responsibilities among themselves: put up tents, build a fire, catch fish, cook fish soup, collect mushrooms, collect brushwood for the fire.

While collecting brushwood, one of the children was injured. First aid is suggested.

The children play out: they put up tents, collect brushwood, make a fire, and cook dinner.

Educator:“The fish soup smells so delicious, it’s time to refresh yourself, sit down closer to the fire.”

The children eat and tell different stories.

Educator:— Guys, didn’t you forget your guitar? It's time to relax with the guitar and remember our favorite songs. (Sing songs at the request of the children)

Educator:— The fire has gone out, it’s getting a little cold, shall we play?

Leapfrog games are held; "Baba Yaga"; games - fun; games - competitions.

"Whose jump is next"

Children are divided into two teams. The first child from the team long jumps, the next player follows in his footsteps and jumps further. The team that jumped further wins.

"Who's faster?"

Children are divided into two teams. Along the intended route, flags are placed according to the number of players in the team. The first player runs, takes the flag and returns to his place. The next player runs, etc. The team that collects all the flags the fastest wins.

"Find the hidden object"

In a limited area, an object is hidden. A driver is selected to guide the players. For example: You need to walk fifteen steps straight, four to the left, five more straight, etc. The one who finds the item first is awarded the title “Best Pathfinder”.
Educator:- Guys, it’s been a long time, it’s time to get ready to go back. Did you forget your trash bags? Check, the fire is not burning, everything is fine, can we go back? Let's sit down in front of the road.

Reflection:— What did you like most about the hike?

— Would you like to return to the clearing again?

- Why?

They return the same way.

We say “game”, we mean “childhood”.

It is known that play is the traditional leading activity of a preschooler. Educational activities (and in pedagogical process it takes up a significant part of the time) it is not, and therefore cannot sufficiently influence the development of neoplasms in this period of the child’s life. But it is difficult to imagine these two types of activity existing separately. Educational activity stems from play, they mutually transform into each other and there is no basis for their opposition.

Including games in the education of visually impaired children increases its effectiveness, since the game:

  • creates positive emotional background which contributes to children’s effective learning of the material;
  • directly affects the child’s intellectual and communicative activity;
  • contributes to the liberation of children, stimulates them to search for creative solutions.

Role-playing play is invaluable for intellectual development preschooler. In it, the child begins to distinguish between reality and fantasy for the first time. By taking on a certain role, a preschooler creates a special reality in which he is a socially significant person. Much in a role-playing game is meant to be presented in terms of presentation. At the same time, the ability to plan in the mind, anticipate one’s own actions and the actions of other people, and coordinate them develops. An imaginary world is built next to visible reality. Role-playing game allows the child to look at the world from the point of view of his future, from the point of view of a social perspective. This facilitates the transition to new level development of not only intelligence, but also personality, imagination, memory. Play is of invaluable importance, first of all, for the social development of a child; it reveals for him the meaning of existence in society, the meaning of communication. Role play in preschool age cannot be replaced by any other activity.

If a child does not play, it means that he does not develop social motivation and social positions are not formed. And this, in turn, leads to a decrease and underdevelopment of cognitive abilities and inability to communicate. And vice versa, having mastered social positions and meanings in play, a preschooler is able to overcome difficulties in learning and communication.

We bring to your attention a synopsis of the plot- role playing game“Time Travel” in the preparatory group kindergarten for children with visual impairments.

Abstract role-playing game“Time Travel” in the preparatory group.


  • Encourage children to more widely and creatively use knowledge about the development of life on earth (from dinosaurs to modern man) in games.
  • Use play to develop children's diverse interests and abilities.
  • Promote a conscious attitude towards compliance with the rules of role interaction, directing attention to the quality of the roles performed and their social significance.
  • Continue to develop independence in creating a gaming environment, in observing the rules and norms of behavior in the game.
  • Continue work to enrich children's social science vocabulary.
  • Cultivate goodwill between children, the ability to take into account the wishes of comrades.
  • Develop initiative, organizational and creativity children.
  • Develop children's eye perception, help relieve visual fatigue from the eyes.

Information part: children coloring dinosaurs, mammoths, “ancient people”; making a dinosaur egg from papier-mâché; reading chapters from the book “Encyclopedia for Preschoolers” dedicated to the era of dinosaurs; viewing a book about dinosaurs “Magic Pictures” through stereo glasses; conversations about Time, about Space, about dinosaurs; designing trees, grass, etc. from paper.

Attributes: badges, control panel, flight map, headphones. To play the role of a cook (“tubes with provisions”), the role of a doctor (a first aid kit, vitamins), for scientists – test tubes, brushes, a magnifying glass; journalists - a camera, video camera, notepads and pens; for the astronaut - a spacesuit, a hose; rescuers - laser pistols; sound recordings of a rocket launch, birdsong; video cassette “Dinosaur” (the moment with the dinosaur egg, with the fall of the meteorite). Pictures drawn by children (dinosaurs, mammoth, ancient people); water, glasses; TV, VCR; visual aids: an egg with a dinosaur in it, dinosaur bones; scissors, paper, rubber bands; sand, water; drawings of dinosaurs in an egg.

Activation of the dictionary: scientists-paleontologists; meteorite; meteor shower; names of dinosaurs; ancient people; mammoths; volcanic eruptions, etc.

Individual work in terms of vision: relieving visual tension in Ilya and Danil.

Creating a problem situation:

“Tay, tai, fly in,
IN interesting game play
We accept everyone and do not offend everyone
And who will be late -
Flies into the sky."

The “heartbeat” signal is heard.

-What do you think this is?

The children are thinking. The teacher plays an excerpt from the video “Dinosaur” when the egg gets into trouble.

- Guys, I think this heartbeat came from the egg. Who could it be?

“The egg is probably in trouble and the unborn dinosaur is sending us distress signals so that we can save it.”

– When did dinosaurs live? (In the distant past.)

-Where are we? (In the present.)

-Where will we be tomorrow? (In the future.)

The past is all that was
No power in the world
It won't come back,
Time just moves forward.

What we see now is
The present for us
The future is what will happen
And people don’t know him.”

- How do we get into the past? (Build a time machine, flying saucer, spaceship, etc.)

– Raise your hands, who wants to fly into the past? For the trip we need to choose a flight director. What should it be like? Who do you suggest? (Election of participants).

– What professions should we take with us? (Navigator - assistant flight director; doctor - suddenly someone gets sick; scientists - What scientists study dinosaurs? (paleontologists); television journalists - they will make a film about the life of dinosaurs in the past, write an article in the newspaper; cook - he will feed the crew during the flight; rescuers - we do not know what dangers await us in the past; during a stop in time, he will leave the ship, because we have only one spacesuit with a supply of air; the rest of the children and I will be tourists) .

– Start building a time machine! (Children are building a time machine, at the same time, having taken on this or that role, preparing for its implementation by stocking up with the necessary material).

Flight. During the flight, the flight director talks with the navigator, gives commands, and the doctor gives everyone vitamins.
The flight director warns that there can only be three stops in the flight, after which the machine will return home to the present.

Flight Director: I announce three-minute readiness!

Navigator: Three minutes ready!

Flight Director: Are the crew ready to fly through time?

Navigator: The crew is ready to fly through time!

Flight Director: Get ready to start! Check oxygen, radio communication, fasten seat belts! Attention! 5-4-3-2-1! Start.

Navigator- There is a start! (Recording of a rocket launch).

Flight Director: Navigator! Welcome! Welcome! How do you hear? Are there any overloads?

Navigator: Thank you! Everything is fine, the flight continues!

Flight Director: I suggest making the first stop in time. The astronaut prepare to exit the spacecraft. The crew remains in place.

Children help the astronaut get out of the ship. The astronaut takes samples of water and air, finds a painting depicting ancient people, and returns to the ship. On the ship there is a discussion about what the astronaut saw in the past, they taste the water, examine the air in the test tube, and conclude that the water is suitable for drinking and the air can be breathed. The flight continues.

Flight Director: The flight continues!

Navigator: There is to continue the flight!

Flight Director: Cook, feed the crew! (The cook distributes tubes of food to the crew.)

Flight Director: Get ready to stop in time!

Navigator: Yes, a stop in time!

Flight Director: Stop the cars!

Navigator: There are cars to stop!

Flight Director: The rescuers go out first, followed by the crew to prepare to disembark!

Rescuers leave the ship, inspect the area, report to the commander that there is no danger, the crew can leave. The children look at the mammoth depicted in the picture, photograph it, and return to the ship. The flight continues. They examine a mammoth, compare it with an elephant, and conclude: elephants are the ancestors of mammoths, and ancient people are our ancestors.

Flight Director: We are approaching the final goal of our flight! The crew should prepare to leave the ship!

Navigator: Get ready to leave the ship!

Flight Director: The crew's task: to explore the planet and report what they saw (Children talk about how this planet is inhabited by dinosaurs, they found dinosaur eggs).

The flight director gives the task to paleontologists to find the remains of dinosaurs in the ground and in the water; help the rest of the crew give birth to baby dinosaurs (cut out of paper), and also prepare grass and plants for the dinosaurs (made from paper). TV journalists film everything with a video camera, take pictures, record everything.
The teacher draws attention to the fact that at the time when dinosaurs lived, volcanic eruptions often occurred, and offers to see how this happened (experience shows).

Flight Director: Where did the dinosaurs disappear to?

Children present their versions. The teacher shows a video of a meteorite falling, meteor shower. He warns that it is becoming dangerous and we need to return to the ship. Children take with them a small dinosaur, their finds and return to the ship.

Flight Director: Prepare to return to the present!

Navigator: Get ready to return to the present!

Flight Director: Fasten your seat belts, start counting down the time: 5-4-3-2-1-0 – start!

Navigator: There is a start!

Educator: Where on earth will we place our findings? (We'll give it to the museum; the dinosaur to the zoo).

Flight Director: Prepare for landing!

Navigator: Yes, prepare for landing!

Flight Director: The crew should prepare to leave the ship!

Navigator: Yes, get ready to leave the ship!

Flight Director: I give everyone permission to leave the ship!

After finishing the game, I suggest building a museum, a zoo..., coloring dinosaurs, etc. The game can be continued further at the request of the children.

WITH early years The child begins a process of socialization that continues throughout his life. The need for communication and interaction with people is helped by a role-playing game. In progress exciting activity kids try on various social roles of adults, modeling real ones in imaginary conditions life situations. This type of game is relevant in our time, when large families and yard groups of different ages, in which older children pass on experience to their younger comrades gaming skills, are rare. It is the teacher who will help replace the preschooler’s older friends, involving him in the game and inventing a plot. In the preparatory group, the role-playing game becomes more complex and moves to a new level in terms of variety of topics and deeper content of the activity.

Specifics of role-playing games in the preparatory group of kindergarten

Preschoolers are very fond of role-playing games. In them, the children gain an inner sense of freedom, since the action takes place in an imaginary situation, everything happens “for make-believe.” Thanks to this, the imagination actively develops, imaginative thinking child. However, the game fulfills its developmental function only when it becomes more complex as the child grows up.

Future schoolchildren already know and can do a lot, their horizons are quite broad, and in this regard, role-playing games become more complicated. Its subject matter is noticeably expanding, but this parameter is not the main one. If in more younger age the game was built as a chain of conditional manipulations with objects, but now it is a sequence of role-playing interactions and events closely related to each other.

In older preschool age, the game becomes more complex and unfolds as a logical sequence of events

Children of the seventh year of life embody their ideas about surrounding life, about a specific event that they are acting out, they show independence (in choosing topics, constructing a storyline, distributing roles, selecting attributes). The teacher takes on a special role - a partner and an unobtrusive assistant. In older preschool age, it is easier for children to come to an agreement with each other: they unite in role-playing games based on their interests and mutual liking. Due to this, they understand each other better, show compliance and goodwill towards partners.

The game has important in the life of a child, has the same meaning as activity, work, service in an adult. What a child is like at play, so in many ways he will be at work when he grows up. Therefore, the education of a future leader occurs primarily in play.

A. S. Makarenko


Thematic role-playing game when working with future schoolchildren is aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • Improve the ability to try on a specific role according to the plot of the game using the appropriate attributes.
  • To develop children's creative imagination to create a game plot, create missing attributes (money, movie tickets, theater, zoo), manipulate with substitute objects, play out ideas about the surrounding reality.
  • Teach children to play together, distribute roles, coordinate their plans with the versions of their peers, and negotiate among themselves.

Children in their seventh year of life are able to unite themselves in a game, agree among themselves and distribute roles

Pedagogical techniques

When organizing a role-playing game with future schoolchildren, the teacher must show maximum pedagogical tact and skill. Among the techniques used by the teacher, indirect and direct ones should be distinguished. In the first case, the teacher does not directly intervene in the children's activities. He only offers preschoolers attributes and creates a play environment, taking the role of an outside observer. The second situation is when the teacher directly participates in the game as an equal partner (temporarily turns into a child). He takes on one of the key roles, helps children agree among themselves, participates in the development of the plot.

In traditional classes, in regime moments The teacher, as a rule, takes the position of a teacher (gives tasks, evaluates, sometimes even punishes). In joint role-playing activities, the teacher is a “playing partner” with whom the children feel free, without being judged. They shouldn't feel like they are being taught.

The teacher takes part in the game along with the children

The role of the teacher is also to maintain preschoolers' interest in the game. If the teacher sees that the children’s activity is weakening, then you can diversify the activity with a new character or an unexpected action (for example, a commission came to the store to check the freshness of products, an urgent patient with a serious injury was delivered to the hospital, the bus needs to stop to refuel).

The teacher does not let the children’s interest in the game fade away and gently guides their actions

If at an earlier preschool age the central point of the game was role-playing behavior, then in the preparatory group the teacher encourages the children to active use speech comments. Their function is to verbally replace certain events that cannot be played out (or there is simply no need to do so). Verbal cues fit organically into the storyline. For example, you can imitate conversations on the phone (mom calls dad on the phone to pick up the child from kindergarten, a store salesperson calls the warehouse and asks to bring a new product, etc.).

When working with seven-year-old children, role-playing games do not have to start with inventing a new storyline. The teacher can use the technique of “losing” scenarios that have long been known to children. Together with the children, he transforms a familiar situation. For example, guests not only come to a family, but a housewarming party is celebrated: accordingly, the owners need to give gifts, and they, in turn, come up with a holiday program (songs, riddles, various games). Another option - the game “Shop”, familiar to children from an early age, can be represented not only as an interaction between a seller and buyers, but also to simulate the situation of the arrival of an advertising agent who persuades sellers to purchase products from his company. Children of the seventh year of life already understand what discounts and promotions are, therefore, when playing store, you can play these topics. If young children, playing hospital, repeat the same actions many times - measuring the temperature, looking at the patient’s throat, giving vaccinations, then future schoolchildren are already transformed into narrow specialists- surgeon, ophthalmologist, radiologist - and perform specific specific actions.

The game of hospital in the preparatory group acquires a special specificity

As for the attributes for role-playing games, in the preparatory group the teacher does not need to offer them to preschoolers in finished form: let the guys actively use substitute items, additional game material. For example, building material can be used as soap, food (bread), mobile phone etc. This will contribute to the development of imagination and imaginative thinking.

When working with children of the seventh year of life, the principle of an individual approach is still very important. Indeed, in the role-playing game, the developmental features of each child are clearly revealed: his horizons, imagination, the nature of relationships with friends. It is advisable for the teacher to give special attention shy children, help them learn new social role provided by the game, engage in communication.

The teacher should help the shy child to open up in the game

Types of role-playing games for children 6–7 years old

In the preschool group, the thematic content of games is expanded by deepening children’s knowledge of the surrounding reality. They draw their stories directly from their life experience, excursions, TV shows watched, stories from adults. Conventionally, games can be divided into the following groups:

  • Household - games that simulate various scenes from family life(family, arrival of guests, housewarming, family at the dacha, if mother is not at home, caring baby). The children like to depict the relationships between family members (husband and wife, mother and daughter, father and son).
  • Professional - games that reflect the work process of adults (cooks in the kitchen, laboratory, grain growers, builders, firefighters, clinics, ambulances).
  • Social - games that reproduce the work of the service and entertainment sector, the interaction of workers and clients (cafe, supermarket, pharmacy, beauty salon, zoo, library, bank, post office, museum, television, photo studio, printing house, gas station, passenger at the station, bus, inspector and driver, teacher, children and parents).
  • Travel games (into the forest, into space, on a pirate ship).
  • Fantasy - games based on popular cartoons, read books (for example, girls like to imagine themselves Disney princesses and come up with various stories related to them, boys love to play Spider-Man, Ghostbusters, children also often play Baba Yaga, Santa Claus, wizards). Such joint fantasy games develop creativity, imagination, and enrich emotional sphere preschooler.

Children enjoy playing travel games, especially into deep space.

As pedagogical experience shows, the following stories are most popular among children:

  • professional scenes (the kids like to transform into representatives of different professions);
  • paramilitary, often based on popular cartoons (“shooting games”, chasing villains, transforming into superheroes);
  • travel and discovery (space);
  • games related to art (theatrical and circus performances).

As for the “war” games that are popular among boys, the teacher’s task is to fill the fun with patriotic content. Otherwise, such activities instill cruelty and rudeness in children. The teacher should form in preschoolers an idea of ​​a courageous hero-warrior fighting for his homeland. This is facilitated by stories about the Great Patriotic War and reading relevant literature, meeting with veterans and excursions to military monuments.

Some role-playing games are especially relevant for future schoolchildren, since they cultivate the personality qualities necessary for the student. These are "School" and "Library". During this role-playing activity, the children reflect their ideas about school, school behavior, teacher's requirements. Playing library games helps increase interest in books.

Some role-playing games use music. So, girls sing lullabies to dolls. When going on an imaginary journey, you can hum a cheerful melody while accompanying on a tambourine, march with a drum, or simply sing a song about a train, plane, car. Such song accompaniment organizes the action, makes the movements rhythmic, and the game itself more expressive (for example, “Circus Performance”). A musical role-playing game can set itself the goal of consolidating knowledge about musical instruments (for example, “Orchestra”).

Role-playing games can reinforce knowledge about musical instruments

A role-playing game can also have a sports focus. For example, in the paramilitary game “Crossing the Bridge,” children can walk along a bench with an extended step, “Tankmen” will ride a bicycle, practicing turns left and right. Interesting idea- act out a physical education lesson at school. So creative sports games improve motor activity children, develop determination and perseverance.

Photo gallery: everyday role-playing games

In the game, the children learn to greet guests with pies and a samovar. An interesting idea is to depict a primitive family. Everyday scenes can be played out in nature - the family had a picnic. During the game, the whole family gets together for breakfast

Photo gallery: professional role-playing games

Boys love working with cars, they like to transform into car mechanics. The doctor at the appointment will write out a prescription and tell the patient which vitamins to take. Builders have real helmets and quite realistic bricks. The sewing studio has different professions: someone comes up with models, someone cuts them, and someone sews them

Photo gallery: public role-playing games

Photo gallery: travel games

Space - popular route for travel games How exciting it is to go sailing on a ship When going on a trip to the Moon, you can also look at the planets of the solar system

Photo gallery: fantasy role-playing games

A fantasy game can be based on a plot famous fairy tale The action of the New Year's game can take place in the workshop of Santa Claus. Fantasy role-playing games are often organized based on cartoon series

Conducting role-playing games in the preparatory group of kindergarten

The game is a huge bright window through which spiritual world The child receives a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around him. A game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Stages of organizing a role-playing game

Organizing a role-playing game in a preparatory group requires certain preparation on the part of the teacher. In order for the game to be exciting, children must have knowledge and detailed information about the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe activity that they will model. That's why initial stage work is a conversation with preschoolers to identify interest in a specific topic. For example, what should you do if a person gets sick (“Polyclinic”, “Pharmacy”), if the family is waiting for guests to arrive (“Housewarming”), or wants to go on holiday to warm regions(“Travel agency”), where a person goes when his car breaks down (“Car service”), etc.

The next stage of the teacher’s work with children is enriching, expanding knowledge and impressions on the topic of research. Methods used here include excursions, meetings in kindergarten with representatives of certain professions (for example, a fireman), reading relevant fiction, dramatizations based on works using toys, puppet theater, a teacher’s story with the obligatory demonstration of photographs and pictures, individual conversations with the children.

Then the teacher, together with the preschoolers, prepares the attributes. Pupils of the preparatory group can already do a lot with their own hands (for example, masks for the game “Theater”, baked goods for the “Cafe”, draw packages of pills for the “Pharmacy”, etc.). Next, the teacher, together with the children, outlines various storylines that can be used (without imposing his opinion on the children, but only giving advice). For example, during the role-playing game “Family,” a mother and daughter can go on a holiday, sailors can transport not only people, but also cargo, a clinic can retrain as a draft board. If the teacher himself directly participates in the game, then he, of course, will have more opportunities to guide children's imagination.

The key stage is the process of the role-playing game itself.

Playing mother and daughter can be combined with drinking tea in a cafe

A role-playing game is not at all characterized by clear planning and adherence to the intended scheme. At the beginning, a general storyline is only outlined, and then events grow like a snowball.

As for the number of participants in the game, it may vary depending on the chosen topic. However, the fewer children are involved in the activity, the more creative it will be (no more than 4-5 people). Conversely, games with a large number Participants (a space flight, a bus trip) are usually required to adhere to the planned plan (the teacher coordinates the actions).

Card index of themes for role-playing games in the preparatory group

The theme of role-playing games is a variety of episodes from real life that children can imitate. The same topic contains many episodes. The teacher’s task is to choose the most vivid ones from the many life experiences that will serve as a good plot for the game. When working with future students, you can use the following options:

  • "Veterinary hospital." People bring sick pets to an appointment, the veterinarian examines them, listens to the owners, and prescribes treatment. The nurse writes a prescription. In the treatment room, another nurse gives the animal an injection and treats the wound. After this, the nurse cleans the office and changes the towel. At a veterinary pharmacy, the owner of the animal buys medicine prescribed by the doctor.
  • "Excursion to the Zoo." The teacher informs the preschoolers that a zoo has come to their city and invites the children to visit it. Pupils purchase tickets at the box office. The guide takes the children to the cages and talks about each animal (what it eats, how to care for it).
  • "Sewing studio". In the atelier there is a cashier-receiver, a fashion designer, seamstresses, a cutter, an ironer, and a storekeeper. A client comes and chooses a style of dress or suit, the fashion designer helps to choose fashionable style, the seamstress takes measurements. The cutter makes a pattern and cuts the material. The process of sewing, smoothing the product, then it is sent to the warehouse. The client comes again for a fitting and pays for the order at the cash register.
  • "Photo studio". The client comes to the photo studio, takes pictures outerwear, puts his appearance in order, tells the photographer about his wishes (wants to take a photo standing, sitting, with a toy, etc.). The master takes pictures, prints them on a printer and shows them to the client. Payment for work at the cash register.
  • "Library". Children come to the library and are divided into 2 groups: one goes to the reading room, the other to the subscription room. To take a book he likes, the child must say its name or briefly tell what it is about. For those who find it difficult to choose, the librarian helps them decide. IN reading room the guys sit at tables and read books.
  • "Grandma's birthday." A large family is depicted: mom and dad, grandparents, three children. Preparations are underway for grandma's birthday. Dad goes to the store for the missing groceries, mom prepares a holiday dinner, grandpa sets the table, grandma makes her own beautiful hairstyle, and the children prepare congratulatory words.
  • "Gas station." Motorists arrive at the gas station (large toy cars). The gas station attendant starts pouring gasoline, and the driver goes to the cash register to pay for the order. The cashier offers the client to drink coffee and eat cake. The driver thanks the gas station employees and leaves.
  • "School". Several children play the roles of students (sitting at their desks). The teacher comes in and the kids greet him standing. The teacher gives tasks, the students complete them. Then another lesson begins (mathematics, native language, music, physical education) - another teacher comes and gives new tasks.
  • "Mail". The teacher informs the children about the imminent approach of some holiday and invites them to congratulate their loved ones on this date. To do this, the children will have to go to the post office to buy envelopes where they can put postcards (they will draw them later). At the post office, the teacher introduces preschoolers to the employees of this institution - the sorter, telegraph operator, postman, operator who receives parcels and parcels, and the postmaster. Everyone explains what exactly they do. Then each child buys an envelope and a stamp. With their purchases, the children return to the kindergarten and draw beautiful cards for mom and dad.
  • "Border Guards" The commander of the border detachment leads the soldiers to open place near the border (at the preschool site) and reports that a message has been received - several foreign intruders are heading towards the border. Of course, they need to be detained, but the enemy is cunning and will camouflage itself. A patrol walks along the border (red line on the asphalt), looks around and listens. The scouts receive a task - to walk ten steps and return back to report on the situation (everything they saw). At some distance from them, snipers compete in accuracy: they throw fir cones (or chestnuts as an option) at a target shield. The commander orders to shoot in different ways: from a place, standing on one knee, from a run. Spies are trying to cross the border. The shooting begins. Girls nurses pick up wounded soldiers and provide assistance to them. Brave border guards catch the violators and bring them to the headquarters to the commander. At the end of the game, the commander reads out the order: all soldiers who participated in the operation are awarded medals for courage.

The game of hairdresser and his client is popular among girls

Many children's games imitate the serious activities of adults.

J. Korczak

Table: examples of notes on role-playing games in the preparatory group (fragments)

Attributes for role-playing games for preschoolers aged 6–7 years

An important condition for the successful implementation of a role-playing game is its “material base”. This requires appropriate attributes, which are imitation of real things, or substitute objects that are given an imaginary meaning. In the preparatory group, many more substitute items are used than in more early age. These are various scraps of material, ice cream sticks, bottle caps, wooden and plastic bars, etc. Moreover, they should not lie separately from realistic things.

Children should always have materials for a particular game at hand, but at the same time there is no need to keep it in sight as a design element. The most convenient solution is to store attributes for role-playing games in separate containers (boxes). On their front side you need to mark the symbol of the game and the inscription (after all, many pupils of the preparatory group already know how to read).

Examples of attributes for games different topics in the preparatory group:

  • "Supermarket". The set includes scales, a cash register, shopping baskets, wallets, paper money, coins, checks, price tags for goods, badges for employees, and plates with department names.
  • "Polyclinic". Model human body made of cardboard, flat silhouettes of human organs (heart, brain, lungs, liver), toy phonendoscope, thermometer, microscope, vision test table, patient cards.
  • "Bank". Desk, employee chair, telephone, computer, folders with documents, safe. For the security guard there is a table, a chair and a telephone.
  • "Mail". Cardboard computer monitor, real or painted keyboard, empty boxes from under parcels, postman's bag, envelopes, newspapers and magazines.
  • "Theater". Painted paper tickets, a screen, a display case for a buffet, toy dishes and models of cakes, chairs with a designated row and place.
  • "Sailors". Steering wheel (plastic, wood or cardboard), binoculars, flasks, anchor, sailors' uniform (visor caps, vests), globe.

It is advisable that children can perform a role-playing game anywhere in the group. To do this, the teacher should always have a large piece of material on hand to create a corner. The fabric is simply thrown over chairs, tables, and soft modules.

Photo gallery: attributes for role-playing games with children 6–7 years old

The pharmacist should have a lot of types of medicines on sale. It is interesting for future schoolchildren to play shop when the range of goods is very wide. To play sailors, you need to take into account a variety of details, including a globe and water flasks. In the preparatory group, children will need a wide range of items related to medicine To play “Mail” you will need a computer, empty parcel boxes, a postman’s bag, newspapers and magazines

DIY attributes

Hand-made things made by the teacher or parents are always of great interest to preschoolers. For example, from ordinary foam rubber you can make delicious cakes for playing in a candy store or cafe: a rectangular piece is decorated with an applique of thread or fabric. You can also easily make sweets, pancakes, fried eggs, dumplings or dumplings from the material (by filling the products with padding polyester). In the preparatory group, preschoolers themselves can be involved in the process of making dummy products. Children, for example, will be delighted with homemade ice cream: a foam sponge for washing dishes is simply put on a wooden stick.

Many role-playing games with professional and social themes use computers and laptops. They are also easy to make with your own hands from ordinary cardboard or old boxes. A drawing depicting a keyboard and monitor is glued to the surface.

To make a laptop you will need cardboard and printed color pictures.

An old box is a great base for creating a refrigerator, washing machine or microwave oven. You just have to use your imagination and choose the appropriate stickers. During the design lesson, children can make paper wallets, which will be useful to them for many role-playing games.

A regular cardboard box is suitable for making a microwave oven.

Photo gallery: homemade food

You can sew a lot of realistic products from fabric and synthetic padding. From scraps of foam rubber you can make very appetizing cakes. A fake popsicle can be easily made from a foam sponge and a wooden stick.

How to design a corner for role-playing games in a preparatory group

In order for preschoolers to be able to organize a role-playing game at any time, an appropriate corner is set up in the group. There are attributes on various topics, placed in boxes or trays with recognizable markings and inscriptions. In addition to traditional sets (“Hairdresser”, “Hospital”, “Shop”, etc.), the teacher constantly replenishes the zone with new sets, such as “Travel Company”, “ Advertising agency", "Television", "Bank". The contents of the corner are constantly updated by the teacher as the children’s horizons expand and they gain more impressions.

Sometimes objects of different themes are placed together so that the children can easily select them and combine them in accordance with their plans. After all, the plot can sometimes unfold in unexpected ways: children are playing at the hospital, and they need dishes to feed the patients in the cafeteria. Or preschoolers play in a family where a child is sick, and a doctor is called to his house (he will measure his temperature, give him an injection, etc.).

There should be building material in the corner for role-playing games. Cubes and blocks are a universal option for substitute items. The same applies to waste material: for example, your imagination can turn empty bottles of dairy products into both a fire extinguisher and a potion.

Role-playing is impossible without the ability to transform. To do this, the teacher places special costumes in the play corner: a kitchen apron for mother and grandmother, white robe for a doctor and a nurse, a cap for a policeman, a traffic police inspector's wand, etc. All these things can be stored in a separate locker or simply on a hanger.

Photo gallery: examples of designing corners for role-playing games

Costumes for role-playing games are in free access for preschoolers All attributes are visible, which makes it easy to combine them in one game
The play area can be decorated thematically according to attributes for girls and boys. The role-playing corner, divided into sections, even has a nice display case for vegetables and fruits. Separate play areas in the corner are interestingly decorated: there is even a window with a gorgeous view of the sea

Diagnostics, analysis and self-analysis of role-playing games in the preparatory group

After finishing each role-playing game in the preparatory group, it is advisable for the teacher to analyze it with the preschoolers. The teacher clarifies the names of the roles that the children performed. The guys tell us whether it was interesting for them to play together, what difficulties arose during the activity. Future schoolchildren express their suggestions (perhaps in the future some useful changes can be made to this topic, for example, adding certain attributes).

After playing on a professional topic, the teacher should definitely ask which of the children is seriously interested in this profession (for example, doctors), and whether the children want to help people in real life. In addition to such a conversation to sum up the results, the teacher must be able to conduct self-analysis of the role-playing game. After all, not every game has a developmental effect. To do this, the teacher evaluates it for himself (written or orally) according to a number of criteria:

  • How is the beginning of the game organized: do preschoolers have an interest in the topic and motivation?
  • What educational tasks does this activity solve?
  • Are the techniques used appropriate for the children's age and developmental level?
  • How were the pupils’ communication skills (speech cues, facial expressions and gestures) manifested in the game?
  • Was there a customized approach?
  • Was the game emotionally intense?
  • Were the guys captivated by the action and ultimately satisfied with the game?
  • How did they interact with each other during gaming activities, did they easily agree with each other, did conflicts arise?
  • Did the teacher contribute to the development of the storyline and the formation of relationships between students?
  • How can we transform and improve this topic?

Adults direct the child’s games so that they become preparation for life, the first “school” of his early childhood, a means of his upbringing and education.

S. L. Rubinstein

"Fundamentals of General Psychology"

When conducting diagnostics, the teacher evaluates the activity of each participant in the game

Like various types children's activities, role-playing play is subject to diagnosis. In the preparatory group it is carried out traditionally at the beginning and at the end academic year. There are 3 levels of mastery necessary techniques and skills: high (3 points), average (2 points), low (1 point). Some educators use a four- or five-point system for assessing the gaming skills of preschoolers.

The teacher, through observations, evaluates the playing skills of each student according to several criteria:

  • Does the child show initiative in creating a game plan, does he discuss it with partners, does he participate in the development of the plot?
  • Does he know how to coordinate his actions with his playing partners?
  • How expressive is the child’s play (facial expressions, gestures, voice intonations)?
  • Does the preschooler show joy from communication during the game, from its results, and does he correlate them with the original plan?

Examples of role-playing games in the preparatory group of a preschool educational institution

In the preparatory group, the theme of role-playing games is significantly expanded, and familiar plots become deeper and more detailed.

Video: role-playing game in a preparatory school group Video can’t be loaded: Role-playing game in a preparatory school group (

Video: role-playing game “Shopping and Entertainment Center”

Video: role-playing game “Library” Video can’t be loaded: The plot-role-playing game “Library” ( Video can’t be loaded: The plot-role-playing game “TV”. Group No. 12 (

Video: role-playing game “Conscription Board” Video can’t be loaded: Plot-role-playing game “Conscription Board” Rykova E.I. Leontyeva O.V. (

Video: role-playing game “Theater for Young Spectators” Video can’t be loaded: Role-playing game “Theater for Young Spectators” (

Role-playing game is one of the most favorite types of children's activities. In the preparatory group, the children still show a keen interest in it, because this is a real social practice for a preschooler. Play activity becomes not just a reflection of the surrounding life, but creative process, in which reality and fiction are organically intertwined. When working with future schoolchildren, the teacher creates a rich developmental environment and takes on the role of an equal partner in the game, unobtrusively prompting the children for the development of the plot and helping to coordinate the sequence of actions.

This summary describes in detail how the children and I can play out the role-playing game “Hospital” in an interesting way. There are also accompanying games - “Mothers and Daughters”, “Pharmacy”. Interesting methods and techniques for development are given storylines and maintaining children's interest in the game.



Summary of the role-playing game "Hospital".

in the preparatory group.

Suggested game:"Hospital"

Related game:“Mothers and Daughters”, “Pharmacy”

Management tasks:

1. Encourage children to more widely and creatively use knowledge about the hospital, the work of doctors, the pharmacy and the work of a salesperson, and family life in games.

2. Develop creative imagination, the ability to develop a game together, and continue to develop the ability to negotiate.

3. Continue to teach how to perform various roles in accordance with the plot of the game, using attributes, encourage children to independently create items and parts (tools, equipment) missing for the game. Cultivate goodwill and willingness to help out a friend.

Preliminary work:looking at illustrations “Hospital”, “Pharmacy”, getting acquainted with the work of a doctor, talking with a nurse from a kindergarten; conversation with children about how they went with their parents to the hospital, pharmacy, children's stories about what new they learned about the profession of a doctor.

Teacher training:production of signs “Hospital”, “Pharmacy”; all attributes and equipment are prepared in advance.


1. Preschool pedagogy. Textbook manual for students of pedagogical schools on special. 2002 “Doshk. education" and 2010 "Education in preschool institutions» / V.I. Yadeshko, F.A. Sokhin, T.A. Ilyina and others; Ed. V.I. Yadeshko, F.A. Sokhina. – 2nd ed., rev. and additional – M.: Education, 1986. – 415 p.

2. S.A. Kozlova, Kulikova T.A.

Preschool pedagogy: Proc. aid for students avg. ped. textbook establishments. – 4th ed., erased. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2002. – 416 p.

3. From birth before school. Approximate basic general education program preschool education/ ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A.Vasilyeva. – M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2011.

Individual workwas carried out with Valeria and Rita in order to activate the children, to help them not be shy, gave Valeria and Rita the main roles in the role-playing game “Hospital”.

Game setting:tables, chairs in doctors' offices, white coats, medical supplies, syringes, thermometer, table, flashlight, medicines, cash register; household supplies for playing “Mothers and Daughters”; dishes, chairs, tables, etc., bags for mothers; certificates - papers, cards - cardboard, pens, money - papers, dolls.


Educator –

Children's age – 6-7 years

Game duration: 30 minutes.

Game Guide:

Guys, we recently talked about the hospital. And you all talked about how you went to the hospital with your parents. Right?

Children: Yes.

Come on guys, let’s remember once again what kind of doctors work in the hospital. Who knows, raises his hand.

Andrey: Oculist.

That's right, well done! More?

Katya: Surgeon.

Smart girl. What else? Guys, let's be brave!

Snezhana: Pediatrician.

That's right, the pediatrician is the most important pediatrician. The hospital also has a neurologist, a massage therapist, a cardiologist, an endocrinologist, and you can’t list them all.

But well done, you completed the task!

And today, guys, a new hospital will start operating. But there is a problem new hospital There are no doctors at all. Let's correct this error and select the players.

We have a reception area, a pediatrician's office, an ophthalmologist's office, and a treatment room.

Who will work at our reception? Nurse required.

Children: Let there be Anya.

Why Anya?

Children: She is responsive and polite. Anya will cope with this role.

Children: Valeria.

Yes, guys, I agree with your choice. Valeria is very caring and attentive. Valeria will be a pediatrician.

And who will help the pediatrician and take on the role of a nurse?

Lena: Can I be a nurse?

Fine. Who will be our ophthalmologist?

Seryozha, will you be an ophthalmologist?

Serezha: Yes, can Snezhana work as a nurse for me?

Of course you can.

Guys, we still have a treatment room. Who will vaccinate us?

Dasha: Can I work in the treatment room?


Guys, we will also have a pharmacy with you and we need a cashier there.

Azalea, I entrust this responsible role to you. You are our responsible girl. I think you can handle this role.

Azalea: Okay.

Guys, who will play “Mothers and Daughters”? Who will play our mom and dad?

Children: Let Maria be our mother.

Why Maria?

Children: Because she is caring and economical.

OK. And then who will be our dad?

Andrey: Can I be a dad?

Okay, Andrey.

Andrey and Maria go to the play corner. You are dad and mom, and you have a daughter, Katya doll. Prepare everything there.

Doctors and nurses wear gowns.

The remaining children, those who are left without a role, will be patients. You also take dolls for yourself - these will be your children.

You can take your bags.

The head doctor of the hospital will be Roman. Roma, you will monitor the situation in the hospital.

So, all the roles are distributed. Now let's open our hospital, and chief physician will ceremoniously cut the red ribbon.

Children, look at the offices that have opened: the ophthalmologist’s office, the pediatrician’s office, the treatment room.

All doctors have been distributed to their offices and are ready to see patients.

So, I'm Maria's neighbor.

I need to go visit my neighbor.

Hello Maria!

Maria: Hello.

But I decided to look at you, is it possible?

Maria: Yes, yes, of course, come in.

What are you doing now?

Maria: And Andrey and I are preparing breakfast.

Mmm, I see. Maria, have you heard that a new children’s hospital was built nearby?

Maria: Yes, I heard. Today we are just going to go with our daughter to an appointment with an ophthalmologist.

Yes?! My daughter and I also got ready to go to the reception. Okay, I'll go, otherwise I still have to get in line. Goodbye.

Maria: Goodbye.


Guys, let's get in line.

Who's the last one to go to the register?

Katya: “I’m the last one.”

Okay, then I'll follow you.

Guys at the reception, we will receive referrals to see a doctor. And don’t forget to say “thank you” and “please”.

Rita and Rustam: Please give us a referral to a pediatrician.

Anya: Now wait, I’ll write you a direction... Please take it.

Rita and Rustam: Thank you.

Kirill and Masha: Please give us a referral to an ophthalmologist.

Anya: I’ll write now. Please take it.

Hello, could you give us a referral to a pediatrician?

Anya: Yes, of course, I’ll write now.

Who is the last to see the pediatrician?

Rita: I'm the last one.

Okay then we'll be behind you.

Tell me, please, has the reception already started?

Rita: Yes, we’ll go in now (goes to see the doctor)

Guys, don't forget to say hello.

Rita: Is it possible?

Valeria: Yes, come in.

Rita: Hello, doctor!

Valeria: Hello. Sit down, what hurts your daughter? What are you complaining about?

Rita: My daughter needs to get a flu shot. Doctor, please write us a referral.

Valeria, will you listen to the patient through a phonendoscope?

Valeria: Let me listen to your daughter. Please lift up your dress. Breathe. Don't breathe. Breathe. Everything is fine. Write a referral to the patient for a flu shot (gives the card to Lena - nurse).

Lena: Okay. Here, take it.

Rita: Thank you very much. Goodbye.

Valeria: Goodbye.

The teacher enters the doctor's office.

Hello doctor.

Valeria: Hello, sit down, what are you complaining about?

My daughter has a sore throat and is also coughing.

Valeria: Let me examine your daughter. Open your mouth. Say ah! So the throat is very red.

Valeria: Now I’ll listen to you. Breathe. Don't breathe. Breathe. So everything is clear. Take a thermometer and hold it for 5 minutes.

Valeria: Oh, what a high temperature at your daughter's. I’ll write you a prescription now; you can buy this medicine at the pharmacy. Take it 3 times a day. And drink hot milk with honey every evening.

Thank you doctor. Goodbye.

Treatment room.

Rita: Is it possible?

Dasha: Yes, come in.

Rita: Hello, we came for a flu shot.

Dasha: Hello, come in, have a seat. Now we will vaccinate you. While you prepare the sleeve.

Dasha: (makes an injection) That's it. Hold the cotton wool.

Rita: Thank you very much. Goodbye.

Dasha: Goodbye.

Appointment with an ophthalmologist.

Seryozha, accept patients, they are waiting.

Kirill and Masha: Can we? Hello.

Seryozha: Yes, come in. Have a seat. Hello! What are we complaining about? Do you have any vision complaints?

Masha: We came to a regular appointment to get examined.

Seryozha: Okay. Then I will now examine your child's eyes.

Masha, help the doctor, make your daughter more comfortable, prepare her for examination.

Seryozha (conducting an examination) So I examined your daughter. She is healthy. Her vision is good.

Seryozha (tells Snezhanna to the nurse) Write her a certificate stating that the child is healthy.

Snezhana: Okay... Take your certificate.

Masha: Thank you. Goodbye.

Seryozha: Goodbye. The next one pass.

Katya and Daniel: Hello, doctor!

Seryozha: Hello, have a seat, what’s bothering you?

Katya: Our son has pain in one eye. You see, the doctor even blushed a little.

Seryozha: Let us examine your child now.

Seryozha, don’t forget to use medical instruments. Shine a flashlight. In order not to make mistakes and make a correct diagnosis.

Seryozha (examines): The eye needs to be treated, for this you need to buy these eye drops. Now I’ll write you a prescription... Take this, you can go to the pharmacy right now and buy these drops.

Katya: Thank you, doctor. Goodbye.

Seryozha: Goodbye.

Children, look how our hospital started working, what kind of good doctors. I'll go to the pharmacy and buy the medicine the doctor prescribed for me.


Guys, don't forget to be polite to each other.

Danil: Please give me some drops according to this recipe.

Azalea: Here you go. From you 12 rubles 50 kopecks.

Danil: Take this.

Azalea: Please take your change, drops, and prescription. Thanks for your purchase. Come visit us again. We will always be glad to see you in our pharmacy. Goodbye.

Danil: Goodbye.

Girl, hello, please, please give me the medicine according to this prescription.

Azalea: Sure, wait a second. Here's your medicine. From you 76 rubles 34 kopecks.

Please take it.

Azalea: Your change. Thanks for your purchase. Come visit us again.

Thank you. Goodbye.

Azalea: Goodbye.

Rita: Hello. Please give me vitamins for the children.

Azalea: Hello, how many packs do you need?

Rita: I need two packs.

Azalea: So yours is 35 rubles.

Rita: Please take it.

Azalea: Thank you for your purchase. Come visit us again. We are always glad to see you in our pharmacy.

Rita: Yes, of course I will definitely come. Goodbye.

Azalea: Goodbye.

Guys, it’s already late today and our hospital is closing, and along with it the pharmacy. But tomorrow the hospital and pharmacy will be glad to see you. And you can come to see the doctor tomorrow. Did you guys like the game? Guys, the game is over. And now everyone is putting the toys back in place and putting things in order in the group room.

Municipal educational institution
kindergarten No. 6 “Topolyok”
Creative group

summary of role-playing games
in preparatory school group No. 4

Nizovtseva Lyudmila Yakovlevna
teacher of kindergarten No. 6 “Topolek”

Role-playing game "Family"

Strengthen children's ideas about the professions of adults;
To form in children a respectful attitude towards the work of adults;
To develop in children a creative attitude to play, the ability to use substitute objects;
Learn collectively, build buildings necessary for the game, and carry out your plans together;
Foster a culture of communication;

Clothes for sellers, hairdressers, doctors, builders, sailors.
Vegetables, fruits, candies, confectionery, clothes, hats. "Polyclinic"
Offices of a pediatrician, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, treatment room, reception desk. "Salon"
Ladies' room, men's room, manicure room.

Preliminary work:
Acting out situations, reading works about professions, talking on the topic “My Family,” examining attributes and equipment for role-playing games, making attributes.

Individual work:
With Lisa and Ksyusha about the need to conduct a dialogue, not to be embarrassed by the presence of strangers.
With Andrey - teach how to perform actions in accordance with your role.

Vocabulary work:
Manicurist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, pediatrician, procedures, receptionist, helm, navigator.

Progress of the game:
Let's guys say hello to the guests.
Hold hands, smile at each other.
- Guys, what does every person need? Why is it bad without a family?
Guys, who could be in the family? When you become adults, you will have your own children. What do you think adults should do to make sure everyone in their family is happy? Everyone in the family has their own responsibilities, their own work. Do you think work can bring joy to a person? Why? Let's play at being adults.
Everyone loves to travel, we will have a sea voyage, but we need to prepare for it. How will we prepare?
- We need to build a steamship; recruit a team of sailors; seafarers must check their health;
Where will seafarers check their health?
- At the clinic.
-So, we are opening a clinic, there will be offices for a pediatrician, an otolaryngologist, an ophthalmologist, a procedure room, and a reception desk.
What will the otolaryngologist check? Ophthalmologist? What will the pediatrician do? Who wants to work in a clinic? You can go to your workplace.
Now you need to choose a team of sailors. Who is the most important person on the ship? Who else should be on the ship?
As you said, the ship needs to be built, for this it is necessary to select very responsible builders and drivers to bring building materials. Being a builder is not easy; you have to calculate everything accurately and build a beautiful and durable ship. Who will be the builder, who will deliver the building materials? Sailors must not be healthy, but also neatly dressed, have their hair cut and shaved, for this we open a hairdresser and shops. Who will work there? What should hairdressers and salespeople be like?
What are the responsibilities of mom and dad?
And now that we've chosen everyone, you can go and do your thing. And I will take the role of administrator, if you have any questions, please contact me. The ship has been built, those who wish can go to trip around the world. Make yourself comfortable, the captain is in command of the departure.

A phonogram of the sound of the sea and the cry of seagulls sounds.
In vain, waves, you jump
Sea path.
On the yards and along the mast
I'm climbing with a cat.
Give up, south wind.
Give up, it's a nasty storm.
I will open the South Pole.
And Northern, probably.

Guys, look, we caught a bottle letter:
“Come, doctor, to Africa quickly and save our babies, doctor!”
This is a letter asking for help, we need to help them, the captain is going to Africa.
Guys, who do you think is waiting for us in Africa?
So that the path does not seem long to you, let's play and try to portray these animals.
To the music they depict an elephant, a turtle, a lion cub..., they sing the song of the Lion Cub and the Turtle.
Stop island Africa. Again a letter, this time attached to a sign. This letter is from Aibolit, he tells us that he arrived safely and has already cured everyone. It also says here that a surprise awaits us here, but we need to find it. Captain, take this letter, here it is written how to find the treasure: 10 steps to the left of the sign, 5 steps to the right and a find awaits you.

Children find a chest with candies.

The result of the game.