The role of computer games in the life of a student. Educational and research work

Many of us, instead of doing something useful, like to sit for an hour or two with some toy. And almost always spending such time is considered in vain. I will try to evaluate whether this is true using my own example.

A person has been playing since childhood. Games are natural. They promote the elaboration of abstract situations, and on the basis of this elaboration, the formation of skills that are difficult to obtain in any other way. When a small child collects blocks, he develops construction skills; when children play social games, they try on roles; when a person plays chess, he learns to calculate actions.

However, the more complex the game and the more diligently a person plays, the greater the developmental effect. A complex castle made of cubes - and the child understands that it is necessary to build carefully and think through the details. An interesting role that attracts the attention of others - and comes the understanding that you need to take an active position in life. There are many moving combinations in chess - well, I think it’s clear...

So, back to computers. A computer game is not a castle made of cubes and therefore has a slightly different effect on a person.
Computer games have the most active influence on the human psyche. And therefore it would be rational to understand and direct this influence in the right direction. That is, the game is virtual, but our thoughts, efforts, emotions, assessments, habits, all this is REAL and manifests itself in the game.

Next I will use my own examples.
Once upon a time I played the sphere of fate, and after a while I played Travian, these are two online strategy games. In the realm of destiny, I noticed that I was very easy to carry out various trade deals and trade negotiations. That is, before the game I did not have this experience, but I got it in the game. And although I, of course, understood that this was a game, the fact that I was the main merchant of one of the top alliances was reality. And all thoughts and efforts are also real from a mental point of view.
There were far fewer trading opportunities in Travian, so I simply managed the alliance's resources. He assigned and calculated taxes, provided development assistance, made investments, gave loans, took out loans, conducted transactions with other alliances...

In general, these two games showed me that I am much better at managing numbers than others.)) That is, yes, the numbers are virtual, but the experience of management, calculations, analysis, negotiations, this experience is REAL, or rather the efforts and work are real psyche

This is an example of how games helped us better understand our natural inclinations. In other words, strengths.

But games can also help identify weak points.

When I was 18, I was into StarCraft. I played with a friend using a dial-up modem.
I was constantly losing. The reason was that I stayed too long at the base. He was afraid to stick his head out, he was afraid to be the first to attack, he didn’t think about reconnaissance, he was afraid to make expansions, he couldn’t quickly figure out how to spend resources, and so on. One day, a friend pointed out these shortcomings to me and I took a risk and went on the attack first. I don’t remember at what attempt I won, but when I won, something inside me, in my character, changed forever.
When the second old man came out, I had already had a normal Internet for a long time and I had the opportunity to play with equal opponents on the battlenet. I didn’t reach the diamond level, but I was confident in the platinum league. Consequently, we didn’t encounter any opponents, which meant we had to strain our brains, try to cover the entire map with attention, remember everything that was happening, and analyze. Since StarCraft is a game with obviously equal starting conditions, it was obvious that my skill was limited only by personal qualities, which means that while improving the level of the game, I simultaneously worked on my character.

By the way, I carry some of the skills I learned in StarCraft with me throughout my life. For example, the idea that resources (money) should work and not lie dead weight.))

Now I occasionally play HON (it's a Dota clone). It was the thoughts that came during this game that prompted me to write a post.
In general, I didn’t like Dota because I lost and didn’t want to bother. But due to the fact that I had not played for a long time, I immediately agreed to HON when I was offered to be fifth in the team.
So, for a while I was the worst of all ten. Then I began to analyze the reasons, I realized that I was incorrectly assessing the risks, that I was assessing the situation incorrectly, that I was choosing the wrong moment to attack, that I was setting priorities incorrectly, that I was too lazy to use arts, that I was in trouble, that I was not trying to analyze and predict the actions of other players.. In general, a lot mistakes related not to the game, but to my personality. Impatience, greed, passion, inattention, laziness and other qualities are clearly manifested in the game. And although, after realizing my shortcomings, I never became “Pro,” I still began to play better.

Let me now summarize the post.
Many people know the saying: “The only way to become smarter is to play against a smarter opponent.” This saying originally refers to chess. However, this saying can be applied to all games that force you to strain your head. So play games, but only games that help you learn something and don't just waste your time.


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The role of computer games in human development, 7.5 out of 10 based on 4 ratings

Keywords: games, fantasy, virtual world

The article discusses computer games, which have become not only entertainment, but also a carrier of culture. They bear little resemblance to a ballet stage, a gallery wall or a book page, but in the same way they record modern morals, ethics, illusions, hopes and ideas about the past and future of most people.

Computer games are a miracle of the twentieth century. They became part of pop culture in the late 1970s. The history of computer games spans five decades. Nobody expected their appearance. For the vast majority they came as a complete surprise. The atomic bomb or space flights also had no prehistory in the minds of the average person, but at least science fiction writers dreamed about them, although they dated the time of their appearance hundreds of years in advance. Computer games in the mass consciousness do not even have such a background.

In the modern world, computer games have become not only entertainment, but also a carrier of culture. They bear little resemblance to a ballet stage, a gallery wall or a book page, but in the same way they record modern morals, ethics, illusions, hopes and ideas about the past and future of most people.

Computer games give people a new and unique opportunity to be transported into a fantasy world. Previously, there was no way to dive deeply into an unreal world and have freedom of action there. What gives computer games superiority over cinema, theater and books is their interactivity: games involve people in joint activities, the player ceases to be a passive observer, he actively influences current events. The “personal” essence of a computer frees you from the laws of physics, morality and the criminal code.

The study of computer games in modern social sciences and humanities is still a relatively new direction. Rare researchers turn to the history of the development of this category of games. Somewhat more has been done in the field of socio-psychological study of the problems of gaming addiction, deviation and age-related development.

The words “computer game” are usually associated with shooting and monsters. Then sometimes a second thought occurs: “Not all games are like this.” But a stereotype has already emerged - when saying “computer game” or “playing a computer” means only one specific type of game. It is often called “shooter” (“first-person shooter”). For all their visual diversity, they are very similar psychologically. Five years ago it would have been impossible to create glitter, water ripples, multi-point lighting or fog on a personal computer screen, but now they have become standard effects for games. Progress is obvious, but it concerns only the visuals; the player’s subjective experiences remain the same: a lone hero destroys monsters in a tangled labyrinth.

The story about how people play such games consists of two parts: the characteristics of the player’s visual perception and the content of the virtual world. The division is determined by the technological structure of games: they usually consist of two components - the “graphics engine” and the “game world”. “Graphics engine” is a program that creates the effect of presence in the virtual world for the player. "Game world" is the content of this world. Different game worlds can use the same graphics engine.

The task of the graphics engine is to create the effect of presence in the virtual world. Typically, a person receives most of the information about the world through vision, so computer graphics make the main contribution to creating the effect of presence.

It is difficult to explain what the effect of presence in a game is to a person who has never experienced it. Many players say that they become one with the character after half an hour of play. The player remains a person, but around him is not a room, but a completely different world. He feels it in exactly the same way as his entire non-game life - the real world.

Besides the computer, there are other ways to create the effect of presence in the virtual world. There are so many of them that in some countries they have become a national disaster. Today, leaving the real world with the help of synthetic or natural substances is a serious violation of the laws of most developed countries. Perhaps computer games exist only because no one expected the threat of derealization of consciousness from computers. Computer illusion is less destructive to the human body, although the harm from increased eye strain and a sedentary lifestyle is quite obvious. It is more controllable - the player can turn away from the monitor at any time or simply close his eyes.

People love to look at other people's deaths. Interest in murder, in the contemplation of violent death, first influenced public policy in ancient Rome: in 82 the Colosseum was created. The archetype of death forced people to build this complex and expensive stone building. Its size is 190 by 155 meters, the capacity is fifty thousand spectators.

Until the twentieth century, information about death was provided by religion and art. Until recently, science ignored the process of dying. Having become an atheist, a modern person satisfies his interest in death from non-academic sources - books such as “Encyclopedia of Death”, “Life After Life”, or the film “Faces of Death”. Computer games are a new level of implementation of the archetype. “Shooter” gives you the opportunity to experience your own and others’ death as many times as a person needs.

Previously, most Western psychologists and philosophers believed that a normal person represented death and birth as unique events in his life. The popularity of computer games such as “shooter” suggests that modern people easily and comfortably accept the concept of many deaths and births of one person.

Violence exists in real life, and perhaps games only reflect the degree of real violence that exists in society. It follows from this that a person needs to be, to a certain extent, prepared for both the role of a victim and the role of a rapist. Therefore, it is possible that the experience of virtual violence in electronic games will be useful in understanding these complex issues. Especially for men, whose natural aggressiveness can and should become a positive force in the ability to compete, transform the world and cope with their own violent impulses (even if just by discharging them in the game, and not in life). Interestingly, research by psychologists confirms the connection between violence in games and a person’s gender. Boys are much more interested in such aspects of the game as struggle, confrontation, violence and associated heroism (the hero, of course, is a man), as well as the possibility of a catastrophic outcome of the game. But girls are more likely to be attracted by the usefulness and beauty of the game, as well as the opportunity for interesting communication. Nevertheless, a computer game is an excellent alternative to drugs, alcohol and other more harmful forms of entertainment.

In the near future, people's typical ideas about having a good time on a personal computer will change significantly. This will happen mainly due to the mass distribution of Multi-User Interactive Virtual Environments and Erotic computer games.

Attempts to create Multi-User Interactive Virtual Environments have been made before, but have not become widespread. Perhaps this is explained by the fact that the bandwidth of information networks did not allow creating the effect of presence at a level acceptable for the player and the rules of the game were not sufficiently developed.

Game development continues. The more perfect the technology, the less restrictions it imposes - the more accurately popular games will reflect the needs and properties of the human soul. There is no doubt that new games will make it possible to speak more definitely about the relationship between consciousness and the unconscious, about visual perception and archetypes, about unclear and non-obvious phenomena in the psyche, which so far no one is paying attention to. In any case, today computer games are the newest source of psychological information.

Computer games have become one of the largest and most developed areas of practical application of psychology: they intensively use psychological knowledge and methods, and modern people more often play than participate in political elections or consult a psychotherapist.

Cultural research inevitably comes to ethical and philosophical problems. Further systematic interdisciplinary research into a new type of gaming experience is necessary for its socialization and integration into the general context of modern culture as a space for personal and sociocultural development.


Kafai E. Game and technology. Changing realities, new potential // Game from all sides. M.: Foundation “Pragmatics of Culture”, 2003.
Provenzo Yu. Electronically mediated gaming landscapes // Game from all sides. M.: Foundation “Pragmatics of Culture”, 2003.
Burlakov I. Psychology of computer games M.: Independent Firm “Class”, 2000.

Computer games have become an integral part of our lives, becoming one of the most popular leisure activities among young people. Virtual worlds open up enormous opportunities for us; we can play the role of superheroes, race car drivers, generals and many others. At the same time, game developers release hundreds of new games every year. Almost immediately after computer games appeared, there was talk about their dangers for children and adults. Since then, thousands of articles have been written on this topic and hundreds of studies have been conducted, but there is still no clear answer. What is the danger of computer games and can they be beneficial?

The first thing opponents of computer games say is the danger of developing a gaming addiction. Indeed, this is a rather serious mental disorder that requires the help of specialists. People who become addicted to games live longer in the virtual world than in the real one, which becomes “dull” and uninteresting for them. In extreme cases, which are described in detail, the gambler loses his appetite and may die from exhaustion. The most dangerous thing in such situations is that such addiction develops unnoticed by others.

This addiction can develop in both adults and children, but children, for obvious reasons, develop this condition much more often. A fragile child's psyche very quickly succumbs to the negative influence of games. Children are simply unable to control their behavior enough to resist computer addiction.

At the same time, gambling addiction is becoming a serious problem for adults. Addiction to computer games is gradually overtaking alcoholism and adultery in the list of the most common reasons for divorce.

However, gaming addiction is not the only problem. She is accompanied by vision problems, excess weight, neurological problems (especially in the hands), etc.

However, there are benefits from computer games. And here, as in many other areas of human life, everything depends on a sense of proportion, and in the case of children, also on the age for which they are designed. Most of the games that children play in our country are rated “16+” or even “18+”. In this case, responsibility falls solely on the parents.

Many games promote the development of intelligence, attention, reaction, spatial orientation and logical thinking. There are educational games for the little ones, and games that will help them master foreign languages ​​or some scientific disciplines, and you can always play “Super Mario”.

But time dictates its conditions and we must be selective in our games. A modern student must have a strong psyche; in my opinion, computer games are a good way to spend leisure time for young people. I only urge that parents monitor what games their children play in order to prevent harmful consequences.


1. Brevna Yu.A., Khodakova N.P. Computer technologies in the education of preschool children // Moscow Scientific Review, 2011. No. 9 (13) pp. 51-53.

2. Ibatova A.Z., Formation of readiness of students of non-linguistic specialties for professionally oriented communication in a foreign language: dissertation... candidate of pedagogical sciences: 13.00.08 / Ibatova Aigul Zufarovna - Surgut, 2009.- 210 p.

The processes of computerization in our country since the 90s of the last century have occurred very rapidly, which led to the development of various forms of interaction with the computer, in particular, users’ passion for computer games. For some individuals, this interaction has acquired forms similar in content to psychological addiction. Since the computer industry will probably only develop in the future, and computer technologies will become more and more accessible to the general population, we believe that the problem will become more pronounced over time. more and more acute.

A significant number of people who may be characterized by varying degrees of dependence on computer games are schoolchildren. According to the observations of teachers and parents, this causes significant problems associated with the successful socialization of children, physical and even mental health. In the traditional theory of gaming behavior, computer games are not identified as an independent phenomenon, since this phenomenon does not have much history. A computer game is a free activity that a person turns to at his own free will; the game occurs subject to the presence of interest; if this condition is not present, then the person can simply stop playing. In most cases, isolation is typical if the game is not online. A computer game, just like a regular one, is not an independent reality; the player is aware of the unreality of what is happening. Play is limited by place, space and time. At this point, the computer game is somewhat different from the traditional one, because the wide visual capabilities of the game make its space a product of mental activity not of the player, but of the developer who comes up with the rules of the game. The place of the game is gradually losing its significance. Game time has a similar meaning to time in a traditional game. The played computer game is stored in memory as a fact and can be repeated if desired, if the original conditions of the game are restored. In a computer game, it is also necessary to follow the rules, which is included in its algorithm.

Naturally, according to the classification, computer games differ somewhat from real ones, although some common points can be found. Specially created programs can replace role-playing games for children, setting the conditions of the plot and giving them the right to choose any role. Elements of an objective-manipulative game are characteristic of simulation games and training programs, for example for pilots, which simulate flight and, in fact, can also be classified as games. The pilot always reserves the right to make a mistake, because it will only entail a suspended sentence. However, such simulators perform the same function as object-based manipulative games: they help consolidate skills. Computer equivalents of many board and educational games are widespread.

In principle, all computer games are games with rules, and all real objects in computer games are replaced by symbols, which become more and more realistic with the development of technology. I would like to note one important difference between computer games and real ones: in a real game, the participants themselves come up with the conditions of the game, interact with each other, can change their behavior during the game, which allows them to think more flexibly, and develop communication skills. Virtual games reduce these possibilities to a certain extent, since the game usually has a developer who puts into it a certain algorithm, which does not change radically during the game. The different influence of computer games on the individual’s psyche is also explained by the special techniques that computer game developers usually use. So, for example, the view from the eyes of a computer hero provokes identification with the character, and a person may lose touch with real life, in contrast to the view from the outside of his computer hero, which is characterized by a lesser degree of entry into the role. An interesting feature, in our opinion, is the “life-death” paradigm in the gaming space. On the one hand, feelings about the death of the hero with whom the individual identifies himself in the game are quite strong, on the other hand, there is reason to assume that children and adolescents (whose ideas about death are already relatively immature) will partly transfer ideas about the possibility of having several “lives” and, as a last resort, “download” a new game from virtual reality into ordinary life. Comparing the phenomenon under study with traditionally identified forms of addiction, we relied on the definition of addictive behavior as the desire to change one’s mental state by taking certain substances or fixating attention on certain objects or activities. Apparently, the latter occurs when developing an addiction to computer games. Fans of electronic games are mainly teenagers and young people. One of the features of modern computer games is developed sound and video, which can create a sense of reality and temporarily remove the user from the perception of the world around him. Many electronic games involve not only solving logical problems, but also a certain emotional load, which, in fact, underlies most cases of pathological attachment to games. Electronic games differ significantly in genre and content. The least dangerous are the so-called arcade games, with simple graphics and sound. These games, as a rule, “kill time”; they cannot evoke long-term affection.

Another thing is role-playing games, during which the player “reincarnates” into the hero he controls and is immersed in his world. In such games, the sense of reality can be very great and hold the player’s attention for a long time. The greatest danger is posed by “shooters”, which are characterized by a very primitive plot based on violence. Such games can have a negative impact on the child’s psyche and cause excessive aggressiveness. Games are different. For example, the Windows operating system includes a standard set of games - usually solitaire. They can be good for relaxation and switching, if you have to work at the computer for a long time, they train thinking and attention. From the same series there are puzzle games, games for speed of reaction, for example, computer table tennis. Strategy games assume that the player controls the entire computer world - builds houses, conquers territories, extracts, for example, oil and gold. There is a type of computer game called "Quest". The point is that the hero finds himself in some difficult, confusing situation, or receives some kind of task, he has an adventure ahead of him. The player's task is to solve the mysteries and puzzles that accompany the adventure. Such games, as a rule, do not contain scenes of violence. They can be good because they develop spatial thinking and memory. Such games can be based on real historical events - for example, the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, great wars. So, with the right approach, such games can awaken interest in history and give you the opportunity to feel like a participant in events that took place a long time ago. The negative aspect of such games can be called the emerging illusion of omnipotence and the danger of escaping reality into a virtual illusory world. In addition, almost all computer games have this feature: at a certain stage of the game you can save, so that in case of failure (for example, the death of a hero), you can return and start over. In real life there is no such possibility, but children, unfortunately, do not understand this - that we live without a draft, and sometimes what is done cannot be corrected. The situation is worse with various “shooters”. The view on the screen usually corresponds to the view from one’s own eyes, that is, the player not only sees the hero, but turns into him. At the same time, his task is to destroy as many enemies as possible. In such games, scenes of violence can really be destructive to the child’s psyche, provoking children to aggressive behavior in real life. With the modern level of graphics, the blood on the screen after the hero is shot can seem quite real. The task of parents is to definitely prevent the child from developing such games.

Psychologists distinguish the following classification of computer games according to the degree of danger:

  • 1. Role-playing computer games. They provide the most opportunities for realizing the need to accept a role and escape from reality. Their main feature is the greatest influence on the psyche of the player, the greatest depth of “entry” into the game, as well as the motivation of gaming activity, based on the needs of accepting a role and escaping reality. Here, three subtypes are distinguished mainly by the nature of their influence on the player, the strength of “dragment” into the game, and the degree of “depth” of psychological dependence.
  • 1. Games with a view “from the eyes” of a computer hero. This type of games is characterized by the greatest strength of “dragging” or “entering” into the game. The specificity here is that the view “from the eyes” provokes the player to fully identify with the computer character, to fully enter into the role. After a few minutes of play (the time varies depending on the individual psychological characteristics and gaming experience of the player), a person begins to lose touch with real life, completely concentrating on the game, transferring himself to the virtual world. The player can take the virtual world completely seriously and considers the actions of his hero to be his own. A person becomes motivated to be involved in the plot of the game.
  • 2. Games with an outside view of “your” computer hero. Sometimes they are called "quests". This type of games is characterized by less strength in entering the role compared to the previous one. The player sees “himself” from the outside, controlling the actions of this hero. Identifying oneself with a computer character is less pronounced, as a result of which motivational involvement and emotional manifestations are also less pronounced compared to games with a view from the eyes. If in the case of the latter, a person in the critical seconds of the life of his hero can turn pale and fidget in his chair, trying to dodge the blows or shots of computer “enemies”, then in the case of an external view, external manifestations are more moderate, but failures or death of “oneself” in the guise of a computer the hero is experienced no less strongly by the player.
  • 3. Strategy games. They are also “managerial”: The type is so named because in these games the player is given the right to direct the activities of the computer characters subordinate to him. In this case, the player can act as a leader of various specifications: the commander of a special forces detachment, the commander-in-chief of armies, the head of state, even a “god” who leads the historical process. In this case, the person does not see his computer hero on the screen, but invents a role for himself. This is the only class of role-playing games where the role is not given specifically, but is imagined by the player. As a result of this, the “depth of immersion” into the game and one’s role will be significant only for people with a good imagination. However, motivational involvement in the game process and the mechanism for the formation of psychological dependence on the game are no less strong than in the case of other role-playing games. Focusing on the preferences of the player on games of this type can be used in diagnostics, considering them as compensation for the need for dominance and power. The player can act as a special forces commander, commander-in-chief of armies, or even the Creator. The role is not given specifically, but is imagined by the player himself, and there is no actual hero on the screen. People endowed with good imagination have a better chance of immersing themselves in such a game. Many researchers write that such games develop systems thinking, others believe that players who prefer this particular type thus realize their need for dominance and power.

II. Not role-playing computer games. The basis for distinguishing this type is that the player does not take on the role of a computer character, as a result of which the psychological mechanisms of addiction formation and the influence of games on a person’s personality have their own specifics and are generally less strong. The motivation for gaming activity is based on the excitement of “passing” and (or) gaining points. There are several subtypes: addiction computer game dependence

  • 1. Arcade games. This type coincides with the analogous one in the genre classification. Such games are also called “console games”, because, due to their low demands on computer resources, they are widespread on game consoles. The plot is usually weak and linear. All the player needs to do is move quickly, shoot and collect various prizes while driving a computer character or vehicle. In most cases, these games are very harmless in terms of influencing the personality of the player, because Psychological dependence on them is most often short-term.
  • 2. Puzzles. This type of games includes computer versions of various board games (chess, checkers, backgammon, etc.), as well as various kinds of puzzles implemented in the form of computer programs. Motivation based on passion is associated here with the desire to beat the computer, to prove one’s superiority over the machine.
  • 3. Games for speed of reaction. This includes all games in which the player needs to show dexterity and quick reaction. The difference from arcade games is that they have no plot at all and, as a rule, are completely abstract and have no connection with real life. Motivation based on passion, the need to “pass” the game, to score more points, can form a completely stable psychological dependence of a person on this type of game.
  • 4. Traditional gambling. We use the word “traditional” in the name, since the type cannot be called simply “gambling”, because Almost all non-role-playing computer games are gambling in nature. This includes computer versions of card games, roulettes, slot machine simulators, in a word - computer versions of the casino gaming repertoire. The psychological aspects of the formation of addiction to these computer games and their real analogues are very similar and, therefore, we will not focus on this.

So, role-playing computer games to the greatest extent allow a person to “enter” virtuality, detach (at least for the duration of the game) from reality and get into the virtual world. As a result of this, role-playing computer games have a significant impact on a person’s personality: by solving the problems of “saving humanity” in the virtual world, a person acquires problems in real life. The psychological classification of computer games, which is based on the division of the latter into role-playing and non-role-playing games, will help us discard the insignificant influence of non-role-playing games and focus on the most interesting child of computer technology from a psychological point of view - role-playing computer games.


We and our classmates like to play computer games. But at home from our mothers, at school during breaks from Elena Alexandrovna, we hear: “Don’t sit at the computer for a long time, don’t play with phones and game consoles, it’s harmful!” We wondered, are computer games really that harmful?

We believe that the topic we have chosen is important since most of my classmates spend a lot of time playing computer games.

We have put forward two hypotheses :

playing computer games is harmful,

playing computer games is useful.

Purpose of our research - find out the positive and negative aspects of the influence of computer games on primary schoolchildren.

Object research are computer games.

Subject research - the influence of computer games on primary schoolchildren.

Tasks our research:

Find out what games our classmates play and how much time they spend playing.

Find out why computer games are useful and harmful for children.

Find out what rules you need to follow when playing on the computer.

Find out how to choose games to benefit yourself.

Methods research:

collection of information,

survey of classmates and their parents,

action-experiment “One day without a computer game”,

consultation with specialists: school medical worker, computer science teacher,

analysis of results.

Practical part

Collection of information

To answer the questions posed, we took advantage of the Internet, found the necessary information and analyzed it.

We learned that a game is a type of activity aimed not at obtaining a result, but at enjoying the process of playing itself.

Games can be: outdoor, board, sports, computer, etc.

We found out that computer games can be both harmful and beneficial.

Computer gamesuseful because they:

Develops reaction speed and attention

Logic games develop the brain and memory

They develop the desire to create, teach a non-standard approach and imagination

You can learn to work in different programs

You can have fun in your free time.

We also learned that computer games are not only useful, but also bringharm . If you play violent games, they lead to violence and aggression. If you sit at the computer for a long time, your eyesight will deteriorate, your desire to communicate will decrease, diseases of the joints and spine may appear, computer games are also addictive, and your performance at school will decrease.

We also found out whatrules Children must observe when playing on the computer:

Choose games according to age.

Unfortunately, Russia does not have its own established system for age categorization and labeling of computer games, so below we present the designations that are used to label computer games from foreign manufacturers (see slide).

Take the correct posture when playing: do not lean close to the monitor, do not hunch over.

Consider playing time: no more than an hour a day, take a break every 15 minutes.

Do exercises for the eyes and gymnastics for the musculoskeletal system.

Choose educational computer games.

Questioning of classmates and their parents.

We and our classmates answered the survey questions with interest. 25 students in grades 2-2 and 21 parents took part in the survey.

Purpose The survey was to find out what games students in grades 2–2 like to play, and how much time the children spend playing the game.

We present to your attention some results (see diagram).

Results The study showed that:

To the question “Do you like to play computer games?” 22 students answered YES, 1 found it difficult to answer, 2 answered NO.

To the question “How often/how long do you play computer games?”:

36% answered “all free time”

16% -- several hours a day

12%-- 1 hour per day

12% - several times a week

24% - rarely or only on weekends.

We carefully processed and analyzed all the games that our classmates indicated in the questionnaire to the question “What games do they like?”, and came to interesting conclusions.

We have divided the listed games into 3 categories:

games that are not suitable for younger schoolchildren due to age restrictions,

games are harmless, but not useful either,

educational, educational and intellectual games.

In 2-- 15 games.

In 3-- 7 games (see diagram)

As we see, our classmates often do not know how to choose useful educational games.

At analysis of parents' questionnaires we got the following results:

100% of parents believe that their child loves to play computer games.

When listing the games that the child plays, the parents indicated only 2 games that were not age appropriate (remember that the children indicated 7 similar games). We came to the conclusion that parents often do not know what games their child plays.

67% of parents believe that computer games are harmful. The most common comments included the following: “they spoil their eyesight,” “the child becomes aggressive after playing,” “he spends little time outside,” “his studies suffer.”

33% of parents believe that computer games are beneficial:

The child acquires the skill of working with a PC,

Logic, attention, and reaction develop.

Action-experiment “One day without a computer game”

After processing the results of the survey, we decided to conduct an action-experiment “One day without a computer game” in the class. 25 students from grades 2 to 2 took part in the event.

We got the following results (see diagram)

Those children who were able to endure the experiment (11 students) note that they replaced computer games with other activities: walks in the fresh air, board games, reading, communicating with loved ones, helping around the house, going to visit. The guys noted how much they accomplished that day.

The second part of the guys (4 students) admitted that they struggled with temptation for a long time, “walked around the computer in circles,” “picked up the phone to hold.” Finally we sat down to play. The guys couldn't find an interesting replacement for computer games.

The third group of our classmates (10 students) did not even try to fight gambling addiction. They noted that it was "too difficult."

Thus, we saw that some of our classmates became addicted to gambling.

Consultation with specialists

We consulted the school doctor about this issue. Svetlana Nikolaevna replied that computer games are more harmful:

Decreased visual acuity,

Overload of the joints of the hands,

Influence on the fragile psyche,

The kids spend little time outside.

Svetlana Nikolaevna also advised to observehygiene when working on a computer:

Rest every 15 minutes.

Do eye exercises.

Do gymnastics for the whole body.

Ventilate the room.

Do self-massage of the neck to improve blood circulation in the head.

Do not sit at the computer for more than 1 hour a day.

Don't play before bed.

We turned to computer science teacher Olga Vasilyevna with a question that interested us. She believes that computer games are harmful, and she especially highlighted the problem of “gaming addiction.”

Thus, we see that experts note mainly the harm from computer games.

Analysis of results

Our hypotheses were not fully confirmed. It cannot be said that computer games bring only harm or only benefit. The influence of computer games on children is controversial. Some people develop logical thinking and memory, while others forget about the real world around them in the game.

After analyzing all the collected data, we came to the followingconclusions:

There is a place for computer games in modern life.

Reasonable adult supervision must be present.

Games must be age appropriate.

Choose educational, logical, educational, intellectual games.

Don’t forget that there are interesting and exciting activities in life: hobbies, reading, walks, communication, creativity, sports.


We think our work was useful for our class. At the very next class, we will definitely share our achievements with our classmates. We will now carefully select games, pay attention to age restrictions and the genre of the game.

The use of computer games makes it much easier and faster to develop memory, attention, imagination, and the ability to find patterns. At the same time, we also learned about the harmful effects of such games. Recent research by scientists has shown that it is not the computer itself that negatively affects the human body, but its incorrect location, non-compliance with time restrictions and age restrictions.

It is necessary to talk with children about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, physical education and sports. If all these conditions are met, the computer will turn into a friend and faithful assistant.

Thank you for your attention!


How to protect your eyesight when working at a computer: http:// constructorus. ru/ zdorovie/ kak- uberech- zrenie- pri- work- za- compyuterom. html

A set of exercises for people who sit at the computer a lot: http:// otvetkak. ru/ health- beauty/ complexes- uprazhnenij- dlya- lyudej- kotorye- many- sidyat- za- compyuterom. html

Gymnastics when working with a computer: http:// stolikus. ru/ articles/ computer- gymnastics. aspx

Article “What is the harm and what is the benefit of computer games?”: http:// shkolazhizni. ru/ archive/0/ n-7264

Seven Myths of Video Games: http:// www. vitaminov. net/ rus-9234-0-0-2958. html%7 C

Children's computer games under parental control. Age categories of computer games: http:// www. cybermama. ru/ overview_ pc_ games. php

Age restrictions for games: http://4 mmog. ru/ article_ vozrastnie_ limited. htm

Games Educational: http:// multoigri. ru/ play- razvivauushie

Educational games for children: http:// playshake. ru/ play- razvivauushie- dlya- children

Educational and developmental computer games: http:// children's joy. ru/ load/25


Appendix 1.

Questionnaire for children “Computer games and I”

Do you have:

computer (or laptop)


game console

phone with computer games

Do you like to play computer games? Not really

How often/for how long do you play:

all free time

about 1 hour a day

several hours a day

several times a week


What games do you like: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Thanks for your answers.

Appendix 2.

Questionnaire for parents.

Dear parents, we ask you to take part in the survey “Computer games - FOR and CONS”.

1. Does your child play computer games? Not really

2. How often/for how long does he play?________________________________________________

3. What devices does your child play on?

computer (laptop)

 tablet

game console

 phone

multiple devices

4. What games does your child prefer? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Do you think computer games are harmful or beneficial to your child (explain your answer)? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Thank you for participating in the survey.

Appendix 3.

Reminder when working with a computer.

1. Spend no more than one hour a day at the computer.

2. Take breaks and do eye exercises.

3. Eye exercises: Look at your finger for 10 seconds. 10 seconds on the tree outside the window. Repeat 2-3 times. Close your eyes and roll your head left and right, up and down, towards your shoulders. Close your eyes tightly for 10 seconds, open your eyes wide for 10 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.

4. Be sure to engage in some active sport.

Appendix 4.

Gymnastics for the whole body when working on a computer

Appendix 5.

Exercise for the eyes when working on the computer