Ecological play. Script for the ecological fairy tale “The Journey of a Ray of Sunshine” (for puppet theater)

Svetlana Bobkova

We showed this mini-performance with the children at the Ecological Regional Competition, which the children and I together called “Let’s Cure the Heart of Nature.” The children were passionate about this topic and performed with pleasure. Each child played emotionally and put a piece of their little soul and heart into the game. It was incredibly touching. And I proudly want to boast that our children took FIRST place among the large gardens of our city!


(children's educational performance)

children of senior and preparatory groups participate

Goal: develop creativity children based on emotional and figurative perception of the world around them. Fostering a love of nature through musical images, emotional responsiveness in performing activities.

Equipment: forest scenery, costumes and attributes for characters.



Goddess of Music

Heart of nature

Flowers – 4 people

Progress of the event:

Presenter - Tell me, guys, do you love nature? Those people who love nature, protect and appreciate it have a warm and kind heart!

Do you think nature has a heart? Of course there is.

Flowers are blooming - this is what the Heart of Nature calls a beautiful outfit.

Butterflies and moths flutter - this means that the Heart of nature breathes easily and well, it rejoices, rejoices and gives joy to people.

A heartbeat can be heard.

But sometimes it knocks restlessly and asks for help. Do you hear how pitifully it knocks? Now you will see a fairy tale about how magical sounds saved the Heart of Nature.

(On the stage of the forest scenery, an Ant walks and cries)

Ant - What a big forest! And I'm so small! How can I help the Heart of Nature?

Hedgehog is running...

Hedgehog - Hello, Ant, why are you so sad?

Ant - Don’t you know? The heart of nature ached. The snow has melted, and under the snow there are jars, bottles, pieces of paper... A lot of garbage... And because of this, the birds don’t sing, the flowers don’t grow, the sun doesn’t shine...

(heartbeat can be heard again)

Hedgehog - We need to do something. But where can one find such a medicine to cure him (the soundtrack of the murmur of water sounds)

Ant - Do you hear the stream babbling, let’s ask him.

Brook runs out...

Hedgehog - how beautifully you murmur! My soul feels warm from your pleasant conversation.

Brook - I wanted to come up with a song, but I can’t do anything.

Ant - Do you know why? Because the Heart of Nature was sick, and everyone became sad.

Hedgehog - What should we do?

Brook - Look, the wind is flying, we’ll ask him.

The music of the Wind sounds. The wind flies...

Ant - Answer us, strong Wind,

Is there anyone in the world

The wisest, the kindest?

Brook - The one who is in heat and bad weather

Nature's tender heart

Can it cure pain?

Wind - I know it exists in the world magical power, it heals both the soul and the heart.

Hedgehog - What kind of magical power is this?

Wind - This is the magical power of music and your caring attitude towards nature and the forest!

(The wind flies away)

Brook - Wait, where are you going? I'll run to the big river, maybe it knows where the music lives?

Hedgehog - And I’ll swing to high mountain, maybe music lives there?

(runs away).

Ant - I want to see music

I want to hear music.

What is this music?

Tell me quickly!

(magical music sounds, a little alarming, the Goddess of Music comes out).

Goddess of Music – I am the Goddess of Music. Do you want to know what music is? So listen!

(an excerpt from G. Struve’s song “What is Music” is performed).

Bird trills are music

And drops are music.

You see, the cloud is spinning in the sky,

There will be rain music.

Both the wind and the sun,

And the clouds and the rain,

And the little grain

Its own music too!

The goddess disappears...

Ant (joyfully) - Now I know how to cure the Heart of Nature! But still, where does this music live?

The Wind appears... and the Brook...

Wind - Music lives everywhere,

A trickle - you just need to listen. (sing together)

Music lives everywhere.

Words by V. Semernin

Music by S. Sosnin

1. The wind sings barely audibly,

Lipa sighs near the garden.

Sensitive music lives everywhere -

In the rustle of grass, in the noise of oak forests,

You just need to listen.

The stream flows loudly.

Thunder falls from the sky -

This is its eternal melody

The world is filled with nature!

2. The willow sheds its silent tears at the ford,

Trelew welcomes the nightingale.

The sound of branches, the song of rain

The world is filled with nature!

Birds meet the sunrise

The swallow is glad to see the sun!

Sensitive music lives everywhere,

You just need to listen!

Ant -

A bird began to sing over the green grass.

How many blades of grass there are in the world.

We listened to the grass, standing on tiptoe.

Hear this song.

(background of birds singing)

Ant - The rain washed the grass, the breeze combed it, and the song of the wind, grass and stream sounded loudly. Hear, the Forest Fairy sings it.

The Fairy of the Forest comes out, spins and sings a song...

Song of Wind, Grass and Stream...

Sl. I. Golovacheva

Music T. and S. Zheleznov.

1. A cheerful stream hurries along a forest path.

He rushes over the earth with a ringing blue song.

The stream rushes, rushes to where everyone needs water.

He hurries to where flowers of unprecedented beauty await.

2. And the wonderful forest turns green,

And the grass rustles.

A transparent drop of dew

The green forest has been washed.

And soft green grass

Moths flutter

And the fireflies shine brightly,

It's like lights!

3. And a light summer breeze flew through the forest.

He stayed for an hour and flew away again...

And suddenly everything around fell silent, and the forest began to tremble.

And the morning came suddenly, and a new day came...

(while the Music Fairy is singing - Ant and Hedgehog are removing all the garbage from the clearing)

Upon completion.

Fairy of the Forest - thank you my friends! Well done for collecting all the trash from our clearings! You have a very kind heart!

Fairy - I will help you heal the heart of nature...

(The Heart of Nature comes out and flowers sit around it... To the sound of magical music, flowers slowly rise around the Heart of Nature)

Ant - What do I see? These are flowers blooming...


Ant – When the grass turns green under the sun

And cheerful birds are circling in the sky,

The words themselves are found for the songs,

And I want to share my happiness with everyone.

Hedgehog - I'm happy. Flowers bloomed. This means the Heart of Nature has put on its outfit. It recovered.

(phonogram sounds - heartbeat)

Heart of Nature – It’s been a long time since I met my friends. But where are they? Why was there such silence?

All the heroes come out (Ant, Hedgehog, Stream, Wind approach the Heart of Nature)

Heart - Thank you for your help, my true friends. What is this medicine that you used to cure me?

All heroes - Magic sounds of music!

The flowers speak in turn - Oh, how beautiful it is in the wonderful kingdom of nature!

A person must understand the language of flowers, the language of animals, only then will there be eternal beauty on earth.

Children dance a beautiful waltz with the wind.

The evening star is trembling in the window.

Choir - All this is called nature.

Let's love her always!

All characters perform a dance composition around the Heart of Nature.

When finished, they line up against the central wall...

Presenter - What a wonderful fairy tale! So let's all take care of the Heart of Nature together so that no one can ever disturb it!

Svetlana Grakholskaya
Script for an environmental play

MBUK "City Palace of Culture and Clubs",

club "TsOF"


puppet performance"On the edge of the forest",

dedicated to the year ecology in the Russian Federation

Date: 19.04.2017 Place: club "TsOF"

Time: 15.00 Audience: children

Placed on the theater screen props: house, trees, stump, flowers.

On stage a layout is placed on the platform in front of the screen trash can, tree, stump, flowers.

Characters: presenter (girl-author, cat.

Dolls: mouse, frog, hare

A girl comes out (leading) to the music, takes stage area near the screen.

Girl: Our fairy tale invites you to a clearing in a dense forest, there among tall pines there stands a small house. An old man and an old woman lived in it, but now that house is empty and thick smoke has not flowed over the hut for a long time. It's damp, the sky is crying, it rains day and night. The sun has sunk in the clouds, don’t wait for any warmth or light, oh, let’s have summer soon! And in the forest it’s so damp, the rain pours and pours, but wait, someone seems to be coming. Yes, the steps are getting closer, coughing and shortness of breath, I see someone, but it’s a mouse!

A mouse appears (starts coughing)

Mouse: I'm a mouse, mouse. I've lost my way, I'm cold, scared, where should I go? (sneezes) I'm chilled, I need to get warm. (looks around) Oh! Little house! (exclaims) Good luck, hurray, lucky. Let me in, friends, open the window. Oh. (wary) What if a malicious cat lives here!

Girl: Don’t be afraid, little coward, step on the threshold, they haven’t lived here for a long time, it’s an empty mansion. All the shutters are closed and the door is locked.

Mouse: All my life I dreamed of a house like this!

Girl: The house is abandoned, but don’t be afraid, it’s not difficult to put it in order, if you have the desire. Wash the window, sweep it, and remove the garbage in the yard and you will live and live.

Mouse: No... I don’t like to work, it will suit me anyway, I’d rather sing you a song, let’s have fun!

Sings a song "What a wonderful day" and dances.

A frog appears and croaks loudly. (The mouse hides in the house)

Frog: What a nice hut.

Mouse: Who's there?

Frog: I'm the frog.

Mouse: What do you want, frog?

Frog: Let me go, at least for a day.

Mouse: Girlfriend, I’m terribly glad that you came into my little mansion, stay at least for a month. Well, do you agree?

Frog: Yes, yes, yes!

Mouse: Are you hungry?

Frog: Yes, a little.

Mouse: I’ll take my backpack, there’s a wonderful clearing here, we’ll have a picnic on it. Let's go quickly!

They go to the clearing. Throwed out from behind the screen garbage: tin cans, chip bags, wrappers, etc. (garbage)

Girl: (indignantly) On fresh air in the forest, the friends ate sausage, candy, buns, cookies, jelly, nuts, chocolate, marshmallows, strawberry marmalade, chewing gum, chips and jam.

Frog: Thank you mouse for the treat. (pats himself on the stomach)

The mouse and the frog leave the clearing

Girl: Hey, where are you going? What about garbage? Lemonade bottles, foil, boxes, cellophane, wrappers, candy wrappers, bags? Who will clean it all up?

Mouse: We are not interested in cleaning.

Frog: To tell the truth, I'm just lazy.

Girl: But you will come to this place again to rest for the day.

Mouse: We won’t come back here again, don’t scold us in vain.

Frog: There are a lot of clearings in the forest, choose which one you want.

Girl: Wow, what a friend, whose ears appeared there?

Mouse: Oh, dili-dili-dili, and we are someone saw: big-eyed, eared, furry, toothy.

Frog: He sits under a bush, flicking his tail menacingly. (menacing) What kind of animal, tell me?

Mouse: I didn’t have time to see it. (scared) If the cat is ill.

Frog: Mouse, this is a miracle!

They hide in the house, and at this time a hare appears and drums on the stump.

Hare: There is no mouse, but where is the frog? (surprised)

A frog and a mouse appear from behind the house

Hare: Brothers, brothers, I’m not a miracle Yudo, I’m a bunny, my name is Fluff, (offended) and teasing is not good.

Girl: Shame on you for teasing and offending the little bunny, it’s better to invite the poor coward to visit.

Frog: Dear bunny, come in and look at our little house!

Hare: Wow, the mouse and the frog! You have a wonderful hut. Wouldn't you have a place, I'd just like a corner behind the stove.

Mouse: Well, the three of us will live just as well.

Girl: Yes, you have needed an assistant for a long time. You haven’t even lived a week, and you’ve turned the forest into a trash heap; it won’t take a year to clean everything up!

Hare: What nice weather. (by the way)

Girl: Yes, here, even in a hundred years everything cannot be removed! (scolds)

Hare: Listen, stop lecturing, you’re interfering with our rest! We will, we will dance!

All the animals are dancing. The music stops and a cat appears from a trash container near the screen. And with smooth movements - dancing. goes out into the clearing.

Cat: Hello friends, mur-mur people, my name is Trash Cat. I'm in trash container life has become very crowded. (the cat is dancing).

Cat: I left the trash heap and hurried here. Oh, how wonderful it is here, perhaps the animals will live here forever.

Hare: Listen, you dirty cat, change your mind, wake up, you don’t belong in the forest.

Cat: Is there no place for me? (points to trash) Look around, my friend, there is dirt, waste and incomprehensible rubbish everywhere! There are no butterflies fluttering here and no bees flying, there are only heaps of garbage and dirt all around you.

Mouse: Oh, what have we done?

Hare: But we didn’t want to.

Mouse: We just ate.

Frog: We sang songs.

Hare: We just rested and danced a little.

Cat: And they didn’t clean up after themselves! (kicks a tin can)

Girl: Every corner of the earth is beautiful. City, forest, river, flower meadow, seabed, field, everything around is amazing, wonderful, unique! The world around us needs to be treated with care, my friend.

Hare: If I throw a piece of paper, you throw a bottle

Mouse: I'm a package.

Frog: If I drop a chewing candy wrapper, we can destroy the planet, and we will no longer have life.

Girl: Stop littering guys, keep it clean.

Hare: Who will help us guys overcome the damned garbage?

Frog: We need to remove our beloved forest!

Mouse: Drive away the garbage cat (points to the cat)

Girl: Everything depends on you, friends. Clean up! If you are neat, tidy and clean, everything around you will be beautiful, clean house, the earth, the planet, the world around you, people will become kinder to you if your thoughts are pure.

All the heroes come out from behind the screen and clean up the trash!

The cat sneezes. and does not allow you to remove the garbage.

Cat: People, dear animals, I can’t live here. Cough, runny nose, I’m allergic to cleanliness. I'm going back. (goes into the trash).

Girl: We love the forest at any time of the year,

We hear the rivers speaking slowly...

All this is called nature,

Let's always take care of her!

Mouse: In the meadows there are sunny-colored daisies,

Such that it is brighter to live in the world...

All this is called nature,

Let's be friends with nature!

Hare: They fly, ringing rain from the sky,

Foggy smoke swirls at dawn...

All this is called nature,

Sound design (recording): sound engineer – I. S. Tsygankov

Publications on the topic:

“There was a tower in the forest.” Script for an environmental play Diploma winner of the 2nd degree of the Regional competition for the best script theatrical production“My own playwright”, in the category “Puppet Theater Play”.

The event took place in the classroom after school, the spectators were our dear parents, who came running with great pleasure to watch.

Children's performance based on the fairy tale “Pinocchio” Children: Children-readers 2 Pinocchio Malvina Harlequin Artemon Pierrot Forest animals: Fox, Wolf, Bear,.

Script for the play “Thumbelina”(Based on the fairy tale by H. H. Andersen. Script for children's theater, where the children themselves will play, the script can also be used for puppet play.

Today, the role of environmental education is especially relevant as the basis of a new morality and support for solving numerous issues in the practical life of people.

Environmental education must start from the very beginning early childhood. Children are especially receptive to goodness and inquisitive. It is at this time that moral foundations and the ability to see the beauty of nature should be laid.

An interesting aspect in this direction is the organization of an Ecological Theater in a school/classroom, the purpose of which is not only educational work, but also to appeal to the feelings of the audience.

You and I need such a planet.

Speech by an environmental propaganda team.

(Children perform a dance to the song “Star Country”. Appears The Little Prince and Earth.)

The Little Prince Hey Earth, my planet,

Where is your land?

Earth But not at all.

I revolve around the sun,

I am warmed by the sun.

The Little Prince I'm flying to you, wait,

Tell me what's wrong with you.

Earth Rotating in space, trapped in its orbit

Not a year, not two, but billions of years,

I'm so tired. My flesh is covered

Scars of wounds - there is no living place.

Steel torments my earthly body,

And poisons poison the waters of clean rivers.

Everything that I had and have,

A person considers his good.

The Little Prince Can't be!

Earth Look and make sure

What life is like on Earth.

(A large model of a TV is brought onto the stage. Participants in the TV show “Obvious and Probable” appear)


SPEAKER:- Attention! The program “Obvious and Probable” is on air.

Word to our correspondent.

Poem Z. Alexandrova "White bird cherry"

The bird cherry blossomed
Near the stream
In the April sun
Whispering branches.

Light as a cloud
Clean as snow.
I was happy about the tree
Every person.

The girls came
Sit under it
And she could bloom
Many, many days.

Whose bird cherry is this?
- Yes, it’s a draw,
White Snow Maiden
Near the stream...

The grandmother was driving by.
Looking around
Straight from bird cherry
I broke off the branch.

City schoolchildren
They went on a long journey.
Seeing the bird cherry
The branches began to bend.

The girls came running
But there is no snow maiden.
Only lying in the dust
Withering bouquet.

And there was a bird cherry
Clean as snow.
I was happy about the tree
Every person.

SPEAKER: And now we bring to your attention the section “Did you know?”

1st- Did you know that fresh water- a large deficit, it makes up less than 3% of the entire water shell of the Earth - the hydrosphere.

2nd- Did you know that one passenger car per 1000 kilometers consumes as much oxygen as a person needs to breathe in 1 year, one car emits up to 20 kilograms of harmful exhaust gases into the atmosphere per day.

3rd- Did you know that paper abandoned in the forest lies until it completely decomposes for more than 2 years, a tin can - more than 90 years, a plastic bag - more than 200 years, glass - more than 1000 years. A fire pit in the forest does not become overgrown for 5-7 years.

SPEAKER: - This concludes our program. I would really like these numbers and facts not to pass your soul by.

(Music plays. Children come on stage, they argue, prove something to each other. The Little Prince appears.)

The Little Prince- What is the dispute about? What kind of problems are you solving?

1st:- Well, we watched the program “Obvious and Probable” and

2nd: - What can we do for our planet?

3rd:- Let the adults think about it. But we can't do it.

4th:“It’s not true, we can do a lot.”

The Little Prince: - What, for example?

(The guys consult. They take posters.)

1st: - Follow the rules of behavior in nature yourself. And this means:

2nd: - Do not litter the places where you rest!

3rd:- Don’t pick armfuls of flowers!

4th:- When going into the forest to pick mushrooms, take a knife with you to cut the mushroom, not

pull it out by the roots.

1st: - Don’t break trees!

5th: - Don’t light fires anywhere in the forest!

2nd:- You see, we can do all this.

3rd: Let's save the planet -

There is nothing like it in the entire Universe.

There is only one in the entire Universe

All It was given to us for life and friendship.

The Little Prince: Here she is flying...

She’s so little, she’s sad,

Delving into my thoughts.

Here she floats, a quiet coolness blows

Still lives, still believes people!

All Hello planet!

Hello Earth!

From now on we are a big family together -

Let's decorate the whole Earth with gardens and flowers -

You and I need such a planet.

Goals and objectives:

– consolidation of ideas about the sound of musical instruments (flute, whistle, drum);

– formation of basic environmental knowledge and ideas in children;

– nurturing a love of nature, a sense of kind and caring attitude towards all living things.


Presenter, Forest Fairy (educators); Bunny-parent, Squirrel-parent, Chanterelles-2 girls, Wolf-boy, Hedgehog-parent, flowers (girls), fly agarics (boys).

Progress of the performance.

The phonogram sounds. Children enter the hall, moving like a snake, imitating walking along a path. The Bunny appears and sits on a tree stump in the center of the hall. Children form a circle and sing the song “We went to the meadow.” According to the lyrics of the song, the children ask Bunny to dance with them. The hare does not dance, he cries.


Well, Bunny, aren't you happy?

Why did you hang your head?

Why are you sad and not dancing?

Why are you so sad?


The shepherd gave me a pipe,

So that I can play it.

I dropped it somewhere

That's why I'm sad!


We will help you!

Hedgehogs live in the forest.

Dudochka, perhaps

He will find it for us.

Go with Squirrel,

Dear forest - take care!

Memorize the passage “We went to the meadow.” The Hare and Squirrel hold hands and walk around the hall. Music is playing. The girls come out and perform the “Flower Dance”. At the end of the dance, the flowers freeze.


Oh, what beauty!

My head is spinning!

We'll pick flowers now,

Let's put together a beautiful bouquet!


How beautiful is the flower meadow!

Don't pick flowers, my friend!

Let them enjoy it

Bathing in aromas!


The hare is right!

And the way to the Hedgehog is open to you!

The play “We went to the meadow” plays. The flowers are leaving. The Hare and Squirrel move on. Chanterelles come out to meet them.


We are Foxes, we are sisters,

We carry matches with us.

They're fun to play with

Set fire to dry brushwood!

Bunny, Squirrel:

Matches in the forest are not toys!

They can burn your ears!

Better give them to us

And go home quickly!

The play “We went to the meadow” plays. The foxes are leaving. The boys come out and perform the “Fly Agaric” dance.


I know mushrooms are edible

And I'm storing it for the winter.

And fly agarics are harmful,

At least noticeable from a distance.

Let's trample them quickly

To save forest animals!


I won’t let you trample them!

We don't know much.

Fly agaric, as I heard,

Helped many animals

To recover from illness.

Fly agarics:

This is true!

You know: in order for you to get to the Hedgehog -

Take care of the forest on your journey!

The play “We went to the meadow” plays. The fly agarics are leaving. Bunny and Squirrel move on. Little Wolf appears and plays the drum loudly.


What's that noise? What's all the fuss?

The wolf cub has a drum!


The forest should be quiet

You can't make noise in the forest!

Little Wolf:

Why is this?

I'm the strongest here!


You'll scare away all the birds!

Little Wolf:

I want to make noise, and I will!


Oh, what will the Hedgehog say!


Wolf, shut up and listen...

(flute sounds)

Cuckoo in silence "Kuk-ku, kuk-ku!" - quietly.

Sings to you and me.

A trill sounds on the whistle.


And who is this titmouse?

Or maybe a nightingale?

Listen, what kind of bird is this?

Music sounds like birdsong.


And this is a woodpecker, do you hear?

He knocks and never gets tired!

The woodpecker heals the trees,

Gives them health!

The Hedgehog appears.


We walked with you through the forest

And now - the end of the road,

There's a Hedgehog in the clearing,

What a great guy he is!

Bunny, Squirrel:

Hello, Uncle Hedgehog!


Hello kids!

Wow, what tough guys!

Here I am guarding the forest,

I keep order.


We didn't break it!


They didn't break flowers in the forest!


The flowers were not crushed!

The mushrooms were not trampled!

There was no shouting in the forest!

And they helped everyone!


Take care of the forest and all living things in it:

And little animals and chicks,

Spiders and moths!

Scenario of the environmental play "Kolobok" for children of primary school age

Author: Kondratieva Alla Alekseevna
Place of work: teacher primary classes highest category MBOU "Zolotukhinskaya Secondary School" Zolotukhino village, Kursk region

Script for the environmental play "Kolobok"

Description of material: I offer you a script for an environmental fairy tale, the production of which can be used for participation in a school theater festival, in an environmental holiday by primary school teachers with children aged 6-10 years.
Target: Revealing children's talents and creative abilities.
Learn to distinguish between good and evil using the example of a fairy tale plot
Development positive emotions, acting abilities
Cultivate an interest in fairy tales, a love of reading, and respect for nature
Progress of the performance

1 buffoon
Get ready, good people!
The show will be here!
2 buffoon
Hello, dear guests,
And you, dear owners!
1 buffoon
Good health and good luck to you,
Patience and joy to boot!
Would you like to listen to a fairy tale?
And where to listen and watch.
But our fairy tale is not simple.
At least everyone knows this.
2 buffoon
Guess the riddle:
Rolled without looking back
Through the field and forest
Our rosy... (Kolobok)
Do you see smoke coming from the chimney?
That old woman is a bun.
She'll bake it for me today.
I scratched the plots,
Broomed around the barns -
Right on the bun
I found some torments there.
And then I kept singing in the morning:
“Grandfather, she’s dumb, dumb...”
Well, what a smell!
An old woman appears.
Old woman
All. Ready. I baked it.
Need to cool now.

But it’s good, but it’s beautiful!
I would have eaten it!
Old woman. No, don't touch it!
I won’t touch you, don’t be afraid.
And poor, but ruddy...
Here is an armless, unlucky one!
Stop! Where are you going? Wait!

Old woman
Well, hold it, hold it!
Oh, catch him, catch him!
It's no use, we won't catch up!
The mother’s strength is no longer the same...
Old woman
What, did you jump, you devil?!
I told you, don’t touch it!
What to do? Can he come back?
He'll take a walk and come back.
Old woman
No, old man, he won't come back...
Look how good he is!
Okay, grandma, don't worry!
Don't cry, for God's sake.
Oh-ho-ho... Let's go home.
Buffoons run onto the stage

1 buffoon
Grandma is crying, grandfather is crying,
There is no trace of the bun.
2 buffoon
Rolled along the path
The frisky legs won't catch up.
1 buffoon
Rolled without looking back -
Only the heels sparkled -
Through the field and forest
Our rosy bun.
2 buffoon
It doesn’t take long for the fairy tale to tell itself, but soon the most important thing happens.
Hare(His paws and head are bandaged).
Oh-oh-oh... God forbid...
What is that delicious smell?

Kolobok? So let's eat!
Stop! Not moving!
Oh-oh-oh... (Moans.)
What are you doing, oblique?
And beaten and lame...

Please don't call me names!
Do you know who the scythe is?
Isn't it me?
No, not you!
Well, yes, we have these,
Who rested here yesterday?
And then empty bottles
He took aim at the bushes and shot.
And I was just lying under a bush -
Well, I had a cultural holiday.
What a disaster! What then?
Hare What? You won't even believe it!
Garbage, dirt, fragments, cans,
Cellophane, paper, bottles,
This is something you have to think about!
Were these people?!
After all, the animals will get hurt,
Dumb guys.
Roll on, my friend.
Warn everyone around you.
1 buffoon
Rolled without looking back
Our ruddy little bun,
And towards him is the Wolf.

Hello, gray! Al not happy?
You can barely drag your feet.
Are you worried?
That's right, Kolobok,
Round and ruddy side.
I was frisky and cheerful,
I was never hungry.
I got food myself
He quickly ran through the forests.
And then I contacted him.
Kolobok. With whom?
Yes, I stole the sheep...
And that lamb was walking
Through meadows and fields.
And the grass in those fields
Watered from an airplane
Herbicides, pesticides
They are processing something.
In general, the chemistry is the same!
Well, then what?
All you say is “what, what?”!
I ate the lamb
I gnawed everything - and now...
The stomach is swelling, the paws are curling,
It grinds your teeth and tears your skull.
That's it - I need to get treatment.
In the clearing further there is
Weed that I need to eat
Get well soon, Wolf!
From now on you will be smarter.
Be careful in the clearing:
There are bottles, jars, flasks.
Don't cut your paws!
Thank you, round side.
Well, go ahead and be healthy!
Kolobok. And health to you too!
What's going on! Oh my God!
2 buffoon
The bun rolled.
He has already helped the wolf -
There's no shame in helping.
Look, here comes... A bear.
Hello, General Misha!
Are you also sick?
Hello, hello, Kolobok,
Round and rosy side!
I, my friend, am not sick.
I'm in my native forest
Almost got burned alive, brother.
How did this happen, Misha?
You need to know the rule
What bears shouldn't do in the forest
After all, play with matches.
Not me! Am I stupid?
To play around with matches?
A mushroom picker walked by, threw a cigarette butt -
I have no mind to put it out!
The forest caught fire, the dead wood crackled -
I barely carried my legs away.
And I wanted to build a den...
Yes, you can’t argue with trouble.
I feel sorry for the birds, I feel sorry for the squirrels, and the hedgehogs...
What a disaster!
Oh-oh-oh! What a disaster!
How can I help such grief?
And in the next okolok
Under a big branchy tree
Can't you find a place?
What are you talking about, rosy side?
No splinter: chopped up!
There are no Christmas trees either: they cut them down!
What kind of people are I, I don’t understand?
They sow only one misfortune.
Well, happy, Kolobok!
Don't be bored and be healthy!

Oh-oh-oh! Yes, what can I say?
1 buffoon
What are you doing?
2 buffoon
Do you feel sorry for the animals?
1 buffoon
We must not, brother, lose heart!
Let's continue the fairy tale.
2 buffoon
Kolobok rolled.
The breeze is blowing at your back.
Well, roll if you can’t sit.
Look, a fox is running here.

Bah! Fox! What a miracle!
Where are you going in a hurry?
Don't even look at me!
Didn't you recognize me?
I'm a bun - look here!
And scraped along the box,
I'm sweeping the barn,
I'm mixed with sour cream,
Cooled in the window.
And he left his grandmother,
And he left his grandfather.
What a cheat! It gives!
Koloboka doesn't recognize

I don’t eat koloboks anymore:
I'm on a diet now.
I would have eaten you long ago
Yes, I’m afraid of gaining too much weight.
You have never been to the village,
Did you see any chickens there?
There are no birds in the forest at all,
And I was a little hungry.
I haven’t been to the village itself,
I heard it from my grandmother
Her conversation with her neighbor
Why have they been lying in a shop for a year?
"Bush Legs" on the counter.
Are you kidding me?! How is this possible?
It's not even possible to eat them!
There is no smell, no taste -
Don't destroy my soul!
Every day the forest is getting worse,
Even the puddles were poisoned.
It's scary to drink water in the river -
There is no life for animals anywhere!
No, it was not in vain that I took this walk!
A fox without birds, and land without water.
Less and less surrounding nature,
More and more environment!
All the participants in the performance come out

How scary it is - the extinction of a species,
All of them, every single one,
When nature is devastated
I can no longer do anything!